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6 lessons with Casper

Lessons_with_great_films @marysakalosh
List of Characters





Lessons_with_great_films @marysakalosh
Lesson 1

• to take the picture /ˈpɪk.tʃər/ - фотографувати
• a ghost /ɡəʊst/ - привид
• a manor /ˈmæn.ər/ - маєток
• treasure /ˈtreʒ.ər/ - скарб
• a burglar /ˈbɜː.ɡlər/ - грабіжник
• to haunt /hɔːnt/ - переслідувати
• a spirit /ˈspɪr.ɪt/ - дух
• to show yourself /ʃəʊ/ - показатись
• to calm down /kɑːm/ - заспокоїтись
• piece of cake /piːs/ – легка справа
• to rip down /rɪp/ - знищити
• for Christ’s sake /kraɪst/ /seɪk/ – заради Бога
• to knock yourself out /nɒk/ – не забудьте вийти (вимітайтесь)
• to fill up with /fɪl/ - заповнити
• condemned /kənˈdemd/ - приречений

Before Watching
1. Label the pictures

Lessons_with_great_films @marysakalosh
2. Fill in the missing letters
1) sp___t 6) h _ _ _ t
2) tr__s_r_ 7) p _ _ c _ of c_k_
3) gh__t 8) t _ k _ th_ p_ct___
4) b_rgl__ 9) c _ _ m d _ _ n
5) f _ r C h r _ _ t ‘s s_k_ 10) r _ p d _ _ n

While Watching
3. Match characters’ quotes to their characters

“Shut up and take the picture”

“There’s treasure in that house and

Dr. Harvey finally, I’m going to get what I deserve”

“This is condemned seafront property”


“Carrigan wonders what he has left her to

fill it up with”

Carrigan “They can’t haunt a pile of rubble, for

Christ’s sake”

“Ghosts are simply spirits without resolution

with unfinished business”

Lessons_with_great_films @marysakalosh
4. Who said these phrases? Match





Dibs Boys



Man Lawyer

After Watching
5. Choose TRUE or FALSE
1) Two boys came into a manor. True/False
2) Whipstaff Manor was given to Casper. True/False
3) Casper is a burglar. True/False
4) Casper wants a friend. True/False
5) Casper saw Kathy in the picture. True/False
6) Casper is a boy. True/False
7) Carrigan wanted to rip the manor down. True/False
8) Carrigan thinks that there’s treasure hidden in a manor. True/False
9) Casper is the only ghost in the manor. True/False
10) Carrigan loved her father. True/False

Lessons_with_great_films @marysakalosh
Lesson 2
• to make friends /frend/ - зав’язати дружбу
• to hurt /hɜːt/ - ранити
• kidding /kɪd/ - жартую
• a closet /ˈklɒz.ɪt/ - комірка, шафа
• to blow sth /bloʊ/ - зіпсувати
• extraordinary /ɪkˈstrɔːr.də - надзвичайний
• stuff /stʌf/ - речі
• to mine /maɪn/ - вилучати
• to spray /spreɪ/ - розпилювати
• a jerk /dʒɝːk/ - придурок
• a loser /ˈluː.zɚ/ - невдаха
• harvest moon /ˈhɑːr.vəst/ /muːn/ - повня
• to starve /stɑːrv/ - голодати

Before Watching
1. Label the pictures

2. Unscramble the words

1) r e j k – ____________________________________
2) r e s o l – __________________________________
3) o a r t x e r i d a n r y – ___________________________________
4) r u h t – __________________________________________________
5) e n i m – ___________________________________________
6) l o b w – _______________________________________
7) g d i k d i n - ___________________________________
Lessons_with_great_films @marysakalosh
While Watching
3. Circle the right word in characters’ quotes
1) Dr. Harvey: “You’re a picture for/of mental health”
2) Dr. Harvey: “But you and I, we’re doing something extraordinary/ordinary with
our lives”
3) Kat: “You’re the one who’s been packing my things/stuff and moving me around
the country”
4) Dr. Harvey: “No more moving/driving, no more ghost mining”
5) Carrigan: “Please, tell me you’ll just go in the house and spray/pray and that’s it”
6) Casper: “Perfect first impression. What a fool/jerk”
7) Kat: “For not believing you. For thinking you were a total winner/loser”
8) Casper: “I thought we’d have fun just eating under the harvest sun/moon”

4. Match phrase to its right scene

1 4 7

2 5

3 6

Lessons_with_great_films @marysakalosh
After Watching
5. Answer the questions

1) Who doesn’t want to move to Friendship? _______________________________________________

2) How many schools has Kat already been to? ____________________________________________
3) How long did Kat and her dad travel around the country? _____________________________
4) Who wants to make friends? _____________________________________________________________
5) Does Kat believe in ghosts? _______________________________________________________________
6) Did Kat and her dad like the manor? ___________________________________________________
7) Whom did Kat and Dr. Harvey meet in the manor? _____________________________________
8) Was Dr. Harvey glad to see a ghost? _______________________________________________________
9) Who was starving? Choose

10) Tell about your first impressions on the manor

Lessons_with_great_films @marysakalosh
Lesson 3

• to pop out /pɒp/ – з’явитися, виникнути
• to spook /spuːk/ - лякати
• cranky /ˈkræŋ.ki/ - дратівливий
• funky /ˈfʌŋ.ki/ - прикольний
• to cross over /krɒs/ – перейти (далі)
• Рiss off /pɪs/ - Зникни
• Shut up /ʃʌt/ - Замовкни
• Watch it! /wɒtʃ/ - Обережно
• Take a hike /haɪk/ – Іди геть
• Wait up /weɪt/ - Зачекай
• Drop dead (informal) /ded/ - Забирайся
• Obnoxious /əbˈnɑːk.ʃəs/ - огидний
• creeps /krips/ - поганці
• a glow-worm /ˈɡloʊ.wɝːm/ – світлячок (тут «хробак», образливо)
• invisible /ɪnˈvɪz.ə.bəl/ - невидимий
• disgusting /dɪsˈɡʌs.tɪŋ/ - огидний
• bulbhead /ˈbʌlb.hed/ – голова цибулини
• to get off on the wrong foot /rɑːŋ/ – невдало починати

Before Watching
1. Find 11 words and phrases in the Word Puzzle and write them down

d o b n o x i o u s
e i p x c r e e p s
c n s z s x w o i m
r v h g f z o p s r
a i u d u k l e s o
n s t w n s d z o w
k i u k k x t p f w
y b p d y w e i f o
x l w e l z k d n r
p e p o p o u t e g

Lessons_with_great_films @marysakalosh
2. Match two parts of a phrase from Vocabulary and write them down
1) pop a) up _____________________________________
2) cross b) up _____________________________________
3) piss c) the wrong foot _____________________________________
4) shut d) it _____________________________________
5) get off on e) out _____________________________________
6) take a f) off _____________________________________
7) wait g) dead _____________________________________
8) watch h) over _____________________________________
9) drop i) hike _____________________________________

While Watching
3. Put characters’ phrases in the right column. Who is it said about?

funky, invisible, a friendly ghost, cranky,

awfully, glow-worm, disgusting, bulbhead,
fellas, cool, obnoxious creeps, creepy



Lessons_with_great_films @marysakalosh
4. Fill in the missing words from the vocabulary box while watching

spooking foot fleshies closet sunny

cranky pop funky cool

1) Don’t ____________________ out from under a rug or through a keyhole. No

2) Boys, we got a ______________________ case here.
3) If you scream, you’ll wake up my uncles and they get awfully __________________.
4) _________- side up kind of makes me yak.
5) I love the smell of _____________________ in the morning.
6) All right, guys, we’ve obviously gotten off on the wrong ________________ here.
7) I know it looks kind of ____________________ and stuff from outside and everything but, I
mean…. I don’t know, inside it’s kind of __________________.

After Watching

5. Choose TRUE or FALSE

1) Casper is a friendly ghost. True / False

2) Dr. Harvey drove to another town after seeing three ghosts. True / False
3) The ghosts melt and crossed over. True / False
4) Casper made breakfast for Kat and Dr. Harvey. True / False
5) Vic is the name of the boy from new school. True / False
6) Children at school weren’t impressed when True / False
Kat told them about Whipstaff.
7) Three ghosts wanted Dr. Harvey’s help. True / False

Lessons_with_great_films @marysakalosh
Lesson 4
• deceased /dɪˈsiːst/ - покійний
• focus of /ˈfoʊ.kəs/ - фокус
• to work sth out /wɝːk/ – вирішувати щось
• a deal /diːl/ - угода
• to hit the ceiling /ˈsiː.lɪŋ/ - дуже розлючений
• to hang out /hæŋ/ - тусуватись
• to hook up with /hʊk/ – зустрічатись з
• a date /deɪt/ - людина, з якою хтось має побачення
• to come up with /kʌm/ – придумати щось
• to forget /fɚˈɡet/ - забувати

Before Watching
1. Unscramble the words
1) e d a l - __________________________
2) r o f e g t - ________________________
3) a d t e - _________________________
4) e c e d a d s e - _______________________
5) scuof f o ________________________

2. Match the word with its definition

1) to work sth out – to spend a lot of time in a place or with someone

2) to hit the ceiling –

to arrange for someone to meet or work with
another person
3) to hang out -

to understand something or to find the

4) to hook up with - answer to something by thinking about it

5) to come up with -
to suggest or think of an idea or plan

to become extremely angry

Lessons_with_great_films @marysakalosh
While Watching
3. Match two halves of characters’ phrases
1) “She’s my wife, Amelia. a) we could work something out”
2) “That’s not really the focus b) I’m starting to forget”
3) “But for you, I don’t know , maybe c) of our sessions here, is it?”
4) “He kind of hit the ceiling, d) but I think, it’s gonna be okay”
5) “If you’re not hooked up with anybody e) She’s deceased”
else, you wanna…I don’t know
6) “Sometimes I worry that f) up with something pretty good”
7) “I think I could come g) you wanna hang out with me
at the party”
4. Choose and circle the right variant
1) Who came to visit Kat? Vic/ Casper/ a teacher
2) Who made a deal with Dr. Harvey? Casper/ Kat/ three ghosts
3) Did Dr. Harvey really meet his wife? Yes/ No
4) Who has a date? Kat/ Casper/ Dr. Harvey
5) Who wants to look nice at the ball? Vic/ Kat/ Casper
6) Does Dr. Harvey have money to buy a costume for Kat? Yes/ No/ A lot
7) Who really wanted to go to а Halloween dance with Kat? Vic/ Casper/ Dad

After Watching
5. Describe the picture and answer the questions

1. Name the characters

2. What were they talking
3. What do you think of Casper?
4. What do you think of Kat?

Lessons_with_great_films @marysakalosh
Lesson 5
• to sled /sled/ – кататися на санях
• waste /weɪst/ - втрата
• a favor /ˈfeɪ.vɚ/ - послуга
• misery /ˈmɪz.ɚ.i/ - нещастя
• an inventor /ɪnˈven.t̬ɚ/ - винахідник
• to croak (slang) /kroʊk/ – грохнути, вбити
• miserable /ˈmɪz.ɚ.ə.bəl/ - жалюгідний
• a sweetheart /ˈswiːt.hɑːrt/ - милий
• be back on feet /fiːt/ - оговтатися
• instant primordial soup mix /praɪˈmɔːr.di.əl/ - спеціальна суміш

Before Watching
1. Find 12 words in the Word Puzzle ( + names of some characters) and write
s l e d f w p d y m
z w a s t e o k i i
v y e o h k c d n s
m i s e r y a z v e
f z c h t w s t e r
a w c f v h p k n a
t k i r o d e z t b
s d p h o y r a o l
o y f v f a v o r e
p z w i d o k f k t

2. Label the pictures

Lessons_with_great_films @marysakalosh
While Watching
3. Put characters’ quotes in the right order
“I remember, I didn’t go where I was supposed to go”
“It’s what brings ghosts back to life”
“One minute you’re a ghost next you’re back on your feet, free to come and go
as you please”
“I didn’t think so at first but you guys are great”
“What a tragic waste”
“I can’t croak him now”
“I took it out and went sledding all day”
“So we could do him a favor and put him out of his misery”
4. Match phrases to the right characters. Who is it said about?






After Watching
5. Answer the questions
1) Who wanted a sled? ________________________________________________________________________
2) Why didn’t Casper go where he was supposed to after death? _________________________
3) What is “The Lazarus”? _____________________________________________________________________
4) Who was an inventor? ______________________________________________________________________
5) What makes inventor’s machine work? ___________________________________________________
6) What brings ghosts back to life? ___________________________________________________________
7) What did Dibs and Carrigan steal? ________________________________________________________
8) Who became a ghost? ______________________________________________________________________
Lessons_with_great_films @marysakalosh
Lesson 6

• spiteful /ˈspaɪt.fəl/ - злісний
• to drop in /drɑːp/ - зайти
• to fulfill /fʊlˈfɪl/ - виконувати
• be proud of /praʊd/ - пишатися
• a dream /driːm/ - сон
• to keep smb’s word /wɝːd/ – тримати слово
• a teenager /ˈtiːnˌeɪ.dʒɚ/ - підліток
• to disappear /ˌdɪs.əˈpɪr/ - зникати
• to scare /sker/ - лякати
• to watch over /wɑːtʃ/ - охороняти

Before Watching
1. Complete the words


2. Match two halves of a phrase and find its definition

1) drop a) word feeling pleasurable satisfaction

2) be proud b) over
3) keep smb’s c) of to come for a visit, esp. without having
received an invitation for a specific time
4) watch d) in

to do what you promised to do to protect someone and make certain

that they are safe

Lessons_with_great_films @marysakalosh
While Watching
3.Find and correct 1 mistake in each of characters’ quotes

“She wants a Christmas party. She’s gonna get a Halloween


“Don’t go near me, you spiteful spook”

“Carrigan, how kind of you to drop out”

“All ghosts have finished business”

“That’s why they don’t cross about”

“I think you got a boy out there”

“You’ve fulfilled his greatest dream, Casper and I know he isn’t

very proud of you”

“Let’s just say you know three crazy ghosts who kept their

“Where I can watch above both of you until we’re together


Lessons_with_great_films @marysakalosh
4. Answer the questions
1) Why did Carrigan disappear? ______________________________________________________________

2) Who’s free and can fly? _____________________________________________________________________

3) Was Amber a good girl? _____________________________________________________________________

4) Who wanted to scare children at the party? ______________________________________________

5) Whom did Casper see in his playroom? _________________________________________________

6) What was Casper’s biggest dream? ______________________________________________________

7) Who’s a teenager? __________________________________________________________________________

8) How much time did Casper have to be a boy? ____________________________________________

After Watching

5.Describe the pictures 1. Who do you see in the picture?

2. How did Dr. Harvey become a
3. Describe this scene
4. What can you tell about James

1. Who do you see in the picture?

2. How did Casper become a boy?
3. Describe this scene
4. What can you tell about Casper
Lessons_with_great_films @marysakalosh

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