Draft Law 1 The Body Positivity and Mental Health Education

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Draft Law 1: The Body Positivity and Mental Health Education Act

• Purpose: This act aims to promote body positivity and mental health awareness
among youth in India, thereby mitigating the harmful effects of unrealistic body and
beauty standards prevalent in society.
• Curriculum Integration: a. The Ministry of Education shall collaborate with mental
health professionals, educators, and relevant stakeholders to develop age-
appropriate curriculum modules on body positivity and mental health. b. These
modules shall be integrated into the school curriculum at various levels, including
primary, secondary, and higher secondary education.
• Teacher Training: a. The government shall conduct comprehensive training
programs for teachers to equip them with the knowledge and skills necessary to
effectively deliver the curriculum on body positivity and mental health. b. Training
sessions shall include topics such as identifying signs of body image issues,
promoting positive body image, and providing support to students struggling with
mental health issues.
• Awareness Campaigns: a. The government shall initiate nationwide awareness
campaigns to educate parents, caregivers, and communities about the importance of
fostering positive body image and mental well-being in youth. b. These campaigns
shall utilize various mediums such as television, radio, social media, and community
events to reach a wide audience.
• Counseling and Support Services: a. Educational institutions shall establish
counseling centers staffed with trained professionals to provide support and
guidance to students facing body image concerns or mental health issues. b. These
centers shall offer confidential counseling sessions, workshops, and referrals to
specialized services as needed.
• Monitoring and Evaluation: a. The Ministry of Education shall monitor the
implementation of this act and conduct periodic evaluations to assess its
effectiveness. b. Feedback from students, teachers, parents, and mental health
experts shall be gathered to inform adjustments and improvements to the program.
• Penalties: Non-compliance with the provisions of this act shall result in penalties as
prescribed by the government, including but not limited to fines and suspension of
accreditation for educational institutions.

Draft Law 2: The Advertising Standards and Regulation Act

• Purpose: This act aims to regulate advertisements that promote unrealistic body
and beauty standards, which can contribute to negative body image and mental
health issues among youth in India.
• Advertising Standards Authority: a. A regulatory body, namely the Advertising
Standards Authority of India (ASAI), shall be established to oversee the content of
advertisements and ensure compliance with ethical standards. b. The ASAI shall
consist of representatives from relevant government agencies, advertising industry
professionals, mental health experts, and consumer advocates.
• Guidelines for Advertisements: a. The ASAI shall develop and enforce guidelines for
advertisements, particularly those related to beauty, fashion, and weight loss
products. b. Advertisements shall be required to depict diverse body types, refrain
from digitally altering images to an extent that promotes unrealistic beauty
standards, and include disclaimers about the potential health risks associated with
extreme dieting or cosmetic procedures.
• Monitoring and Enforcement: a. The ASAI shall monitor advertisements across
various media platforms, including television, print, online, and outdoor advertising.
b. Advertisements found to violate the established guidelines shall be subject to
penalties, including fines, suspension of advertising privileges, and mandatory
corrective measures.
• Consumer Complaint Mechanism: a. The ASAI shall establish a mechanism for
consumers to lodge complaints against advertisements that they believe promote
harmful body ideals or contribute to mental health issues. b. Complaints shall be
investigated promptly, and appropriate action shall be taken against advertisers
found to be in violation of the guidelines.
• Public Awareness Campaigns: a. The government shall initiate public awareness
campaigns to educate consumers about the impact of media portrayals on body
image and mental well-being. b. These campaigns shall encourage critical thinking
regarding media messages and empower individuals to challenge unrealistic beauty
• Collaboration with Industry Stakeholders: a. The ASAI shall collaborate with
advertisers, media outlets, and industry associations to foster a culture of
responsible advertising that prioritizes the promotion of positive body image and
mental health. b. Industry stakeholders shall be encouraged to voluntarily adopt
measures to uphold ethical advertising standards and support initiatives aimed at
improving the well-being of consumers, especially youth.
• Reporting and Transparency: a. The ASAI shall publish regular reports detailing its
activities, enforcement actions, and outcomes. b. Transparency in the regulatory
process shall be maintained to ensure accountability and public trust in the
advertising standards framework.
Draft Law 3: The Body Image Diversity and Representation Act

1. Purpose:

This act seeks to promote body image diversity and representation in media,
entertainment, and fashion industries in India, aiming to mitigate the negative impact of
unrealistic body ideals on youth mental health.

2. Mandatory Diversity Quotas:

a. Media outlets, production houses, and fashion agencies shall be required to adhere to
mandatory diversity quotas in their casting and hiring practices.

b. These quotas shall ensure representation of individuals from diverse body types, sizes,
ethnicities, genders, and abilities in advertisements, films, television shows, fashion
campaigns, and other media content.

3. Sensitivity Training for Industry Professionals:

a. The government shall mandate sensitivity training programs for professionals working
in media, entertainment, and fashion industries.

b. Training sessions shall focus on promoting awareness of body image issues,

understanding the impact of media representations on mental health, and fostering
inclusive practices in content creation and marketing strategies.

4. Industry Oversight Committee:

a. An Industry Oversight Committee (IOC) shall be established to monitor compliance

with diversity quotas and ethical standards in media and fashion industries.
b. The IOC shall comprise representatives from relevant government bodies, industry
associations, advocacy groups, and mental health experts.

5. Incentives and Recognition:

a. The government shall offer incentives such as tax breaks, subsidies, or awards to media
and fashion entities that demonstrate exemplary efforts in promoting body image diversity
and representation.

b. Recognition programs shall highlight positive portrayals of diverse body types and
efforts to combat harmful beauty standards in popular culture.

6. Public Awareness Campaigns:

a. The government shall launch public awareness campaigns to educate consumers about
the importance of diverse representation in media and fashion.

b. These campaigns shall highlight the psychological impact of narrow beauty standards
and celebrate body positivity and inclusivity.

7. Partnership with Educational Institutions:

a. Collaboration between industry stakeholders and educational institutions shall be

encouraged to integrate discussions on media literacy, body image, and diversity into
school and college curricula.

b. Guest lectures, workshops, and educational resources shall be provided to empower

students with critical thinking skills and promote positive self-image.

8. Reporting and Accountability:

a. Media and fashion companies shall be required to submit periodic reports to the IOC
detailing their efforts to promote body image diversity and representation.
b. Non-compliance with diversity quotas or ethical standards may result in penalties,
including fines, suspension of licenses, or public censure.

(Note: This draft is fictional and provided for illustrative purposes only.)

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