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...... i
ARTICLE 1: NAME OF ASSOCIATION ............................................................................................................. iv
1.1 Name .................................................................................................................................................. iv
1.2 Vision.................................................................................................................................................. iv
1.3 Mission ............................................................................................................................................... iv
ARTICLE 2: SUPREMACY OF THIS CONSTITUTION ......................................................................................... v
ARTICLE 3: .................................................................................................................................................... vi
SECTION 1: AIMS AND OBJECTIVES .............................................................................................................. vi
SECTION 2: ACTIVITIES OF THE SOCIETY ...................................................................................................... vi
ARTICLE 4: MEMBERSHIP ............................................................................................................................ vii
4.1 Eligibility ............................................................................................................................................ vii
4.2 Registration ....................................................................................................................................... vii
4.3 RIGHTS OF MEMBERS ....................................................................................................................... vii
4.4 DUTIES AND OBLIGATIONS OF MEMBERS OF THE SOCIETY ............................................................. vii
4.5 TERMINATION OF MEMBERSHIP ..................................................................................................... viii
ARTICLE 5: EXECUTIVE COUNCIL .................................................................................................................. ix
5.2 Responsibilities of ASSK Leaders ........................................................................................................ ix
5.2.1 Campus Representatives (Ex-officio member) .............................................................................. xii
5.2.2 Duties of Ex-officio members .........................................................................................................xiii
ARTICLE 6: EXECUTIVE APPOINTMENTS .....................................................................................................xiv
6.1 Appointments to the ASSK Executive ...............................................................................................xiv
6.2 Vacancy of Office .............................................................................................................................. xv
6.3 Vote of no Confidence ...................................................................................................................... xv
6.4 CODE OF CONDUCT........................................................................................................................... xv
6.5 Patrons ..............................................................................................................................................xvi
6.6 Editorial Board ..................................................................................................................................xvi
ARTICLE 7: FINANCES ................................................................................................................................. xvii
ARTICLE 8: EXECUTIVE MEETINGS............................................................................................................. xviii
8.1 Order of Meetings ........................................................................................................................... xviii
8.2 Extra-Ordinary Meetings ................................................................................................................. xviii
ARTICLE 9: CONSTITUTIONAL REVIEW ........................................................................................................ xix
ARTICLE 10: DISSOLUTION ...........................................................................................................................xx
1.1 Name
The official name of the society is: Actuarial Students’ Society of Kenya herein abbreviated as ASSK.
The association is registered under the office of the Attorney General of Kenya.

1.2 Vision
To be recognized as a world class student society in modelling prospective actuaries.

1.3 Mission
To prepare actuarial students in Kenya for the international market through: coordinating academic
and co-curricular events; exposing them to the industry; equipping them with the relevant skills; and
creating more awareness about the profession.
2.1 This is supreme law of the Actuarial Students Society of Kenya (ASSK)
2.2 The supremacy of this constitution is vested in the Actuarial Students Society of Kenya (ASSK)
and shall be exercised in the manner that reflects their vision, mission and objectives.
2.3 The general rules and code of conduct of The Actuarial Society of Kenya (TASK) shall form part
of the laws of the Actuarial Students Society of Kenya (ASSK).
2.4 Any external treaty or convention signed by the members of the executive in which the Actuarial
Students Society of Kenya (ASSK) is a member pertaining the professionalism and code of
conduct of actuaries shall be adopted in this constitution.
2.5 Any law including customary law, which is not consistent with this constitution, is invalid to its
degree of consistency and any act or omission which contravenes this constitution is void.


The functions of ASSK will be informed by the following objectives:

3.1.1 To sensitize the public on the importance of actuaries and actuarial profession to the economy.
3.1.2 To develop and uphold professional standards and guidance for its members in relation to the
Practice of actuarial profession standing as may assist them in the discharge of their duties.

3.1.3 To cultivate good relation between actuarial science students and their prospective employers.

3.1.4 To establish, encourage and maintain worthy academic, cultural and social trends within the
Student body.

3.1.5 To enhance co-operation with other actuarial science students in other institutions of higher

3.1.6 To keep actuarial students aware of the developments in the actuarial industry.

3.1.7 To act as a link between actuarial students and the corporate world.

3.1.8 To act as a link between ASSK and the external bodies dealing with the actuarial profession e.g.

TASK, SOA, CAS, IFoA and other relevant Actuarial science bodies including corporate companies.


The society is involved in a number of activities that include:

3.2.1 Organizing talks with professionals in the actuarial field, insurance and financial securities

3.2.2 Organizing seminars and workshops on issues concerning actuarial profession.

3.2.3 Organizing Product Design Competitions that enhances innovation, creativity and research
among the member association

3.2.4 Organizing social and academic fora with other actuarial students from other universities.

3.2.5 Any activities towards achievement of goals of the association.

4.1 Eligibility
All actuarial science students in Kenyan universities and individuals pursuing actuarial qualification
locally qualify to enroll as members of ASSK.

4.2 Registration
4.2.1 All students registered with actuarial science associations in their respective campuses shall
automatically be registered as ASSK members.

4.2.2 Students pursuant of the actuarial profession who aren’t members of any of the constituent
associations will be required to pay Kshs. 1,000 for membership for a term to be determined by the

4.2.3 Every member association of ASSK will be required to pay a fee of Kshs. 2000 annually to be
recognized by the National forum and participate in the society’s activities. This will facilitate smooth
running of the society.


Upon successful registration as a member association of ASSK, the Executives of the member association
headed by the President assisted by the ASSK campus representative shall qualify for the following

4.3.1 Rights to access and examine books of accounts, at least fourteen days before the annual general
meeting or as need may arise.

4.3.2 Right to participate in any activity organized by the association.

4.3.3 Right to express any opinion in any matters pertaining to the interest of members, which fall
within the objectives of the association.

4.3.4 Right to access facilities of the association, and use them for the welfare and branding of the
4.3.5 Right to institute a vote of no confidence, if need arises, in the executive committee member(s).


Registered and fully paid member association of the society shall be assumed to have the following
duties and obligations:
4.4.1 Duty to attend any meeting called by the council.

4.4.2 Duty to honor their financial obligations in time.

4.4.3 Duty to participate in the implementation of the decision arrived at during the council meeting,

AGMs and SGMs.

4.4.4 Duty to take care of the association’s property and facilities.

4.4.5 Duty to pay for damages of the association’s property and brand due to personal negligence and

4.4.7 Duty to participate in workshops, symposiums, competitions and any other official activity
organized by the association.


A person shall forfeit right of membership upon;

4.5.1 Failure to pay renewal fee before the set dateline.

4.5.2 Voluntary surrender by member(s) in writing.

4.5.3 On dissolution of the member association.

4.5.4 Conviction of unethical behavior e.g. fraud and theft of the society’s property or any other kind.
The executive council shall:

5.1 Be a supreme organ of the ASSK

5.2 Constitute of the 12 positions:

 President
 Vice President
 Secretary General
 Finance Secretary
 Organizing Secretary
 Corporate Affairs Secretary
 Deputy Corporate Affairs Secretary
 Deputy Secretary General
 Deputy Finance Secretary
 Deputy Organizing Secretary
 Student Liaison officer
 Editor

The above shall be nominated and as stated in article 6 of the constitution.

5.2 Responsibilities of ASSK Leaders

a) President
 Chairing meetings of the society.

 Overseeing the activities of the association

 Delegating roles to members of the executive

 Custodian of the ASSK constitution

 Signatory to the ASSK bank account

 Chief link between the ASSK and TASK

b) Vice President
 Deputizing of the President in their absence
 Maintaining records on ASSK membership

c) Secretary General
 Taking minutes during all ASSK meetings

 Source of official correspondence from ASSK

 Signatory to the ASSK bank account

 Shall give notice to the council on the next meeting

 Shall receive all letters addressed to the council.

d) Deputy Secretary General

 Assisting the secretary general in all functions

 Drawing the agenda of the meeting conjunction with other council members.

e) Finance Secretary
 Sourcing, safe-guarding and disbursing funds

 Budgeting

 Collecting membership fees annually from all member associations

 Signatory to the ASSK bank account

 Give financial report on the financial status of the association at any given time when asked.

f) Deputy Finance Secretary

 Assisting the finance secretary in all functions

g) Corporate Affairs Secretary

 Maintaining corporate links for the society
 Branding ASSK before corporate

 Overseeing the editorial team

 Assisting the secretary general to control communication and establish rich academic networks.

h) Deputy Corporate Affairs Secretary

 Assisting the corporate affairs secretary in all the functions

h) Editor
 Coordinating activities of the editorial committee

 Enhancing the image of the society

 In charge of all publications from the society

 Establishing and defining policies on conflict of interest for all involved in the

Publication process

 Establish a system for effective and rapid peer review

 Establishing a procedure for considering any editorial decision

 Providing a clear statement of journal policies on authorship criteria

 Responsible for editorial decisions with reasonable speed and communicating

i) Organizing Secretary
 Organizing and coordinating ASSK events
 Drafting a calendar of events

 Shall notify members on the meeting decided by the council.

 Ensuring availability of resources during events.

 Organizing various activities including social activities

j) Deputy Organizing Secretary

 Assisting the organizing secretary in all function

k) Students Liaison Officer

 Serves as a resource person for students seeking information about ASSK ,Actuarial profession and
related opportunities

Maintaining regular communication with Actuarial Science campus representatives across Kenya

 Facilitates collaboration and coordination between different campuses within ASSK

5.2.1 Campus Representatives (Ex-officio member)

a. A campus representative shall be appointed by the chairperson of each of the member associations,
to serve under the office of the Student Liaison . These appointments shall be acknowledged and
recorded by the Vice-President of ASSK.

b. In case the chairperson of a member society does not serve in the ASSK executive, he/she will serve as
the representative for that specific association.

c. Campus representatives will be relied upon to provide accurate information about the needs and
activities of the member associations they represent.
5.2.2 Duties of Ex-officio members
-Shall be the special envoy to member association from each university.

-Shall communicate the position of the member association on various matters concerning the society.

-Co-ordinate and arrange the meeting between the council and the executives of the member

-Shall represent the member association on the decisions agreed upon by the executive council and
communicate back to the executives of the member association.

5.3 Ex-officio members. The ex-officio members comprise of the Campus representative from each
member association.

5.4 The above shall have the following general responsibilities aside their given duties;
5.4.1 Decide on matters concerning ASSK subject to provision of the constitution.
5.4.2 Formulate rules and regulations concerning the association.
5.4.3 Shall monitor the use of organization’s funds and books of accounts.

5.4.4 Shall take disciplinary action against any member who breaks the law in accordance to
the provision of the constitution.

5.4.5 To ensure proper implementation of ASSK objectives

6.1 Appointments to the ASSK Executive
6.1.1 Appointments to the ASSK executive shall be done annually by the outgoing executive, under the
leadership of the patron and the deputy patrons.

6.1.2 Office bearers in the ASSK executive will hold office for a term of one year.

6.1.3 A notice on the availability of ASSK positions shall be circulated to all member campuses at least
one month to the appointment date.

6.1.4 Application for consideration for these appointments from interested students shall be channeled
to the Secretary General, via the member association.

6.1.5 Only current or past leaders of the member associations shall be allowed to apply for appointment
to the ASSK executive.

6.1.6 Applicants must provide a profile on themselves, detailing the position they hold/held at campus
level and what they managed to achieve during their term.

6.1.7 None of the member campuses will front more than 2 candidates for appointment to the ASSK

6.1.8 As a show of commitment, all applicants will submit a nomination fee of ksh.500 with their

6.1.9 No individual will be allowed to run for two different posts.

6.1.10 There shall be a two-week window for application, after which the Secretary General will convene
a meeting to specifically introduce the candidates to the executive.

6.1.11 The ASSK executive, with the guidance of the patrons, will then make fair appointments to the
next executive. This will be done in a way to ensure gender, regional as well as performance balance, as
dictated by the constitution of Kenya, so that all member campuses feel duly represented.

6.1.12 At least one of the appointees must not be in their final year of study, so as to assist the
proceeding committee in settling in.

6.1.13 In case of disagreement within the executive regarding any position, a vote will be cast by secret
ballot, to be determined by secret ballot.

6.1.14 Such a vote will be overseen by the patron or their deputy, and any tie will be broken by the ASSK

6.1.15 Decisions made by the ASSK executive regarding appointments will be final.

6.1.16 The new leadership team will then be introduced to ASSK members during the next national
6.2 Vacancy of Office
6.2.1 Whenever a seat falls vacant for reasons of cessation of membership, death, physical or mental
incapacitation, vote of no confidence or resignation, the position will be advertised to all member

6.2.2 The same procedure for executive appointments as provided under section 5.2 will be followed.

6.3 Vote of no Confidence

6.3.1 A notice of a censure motion against any of the office bearers shall be circulated to all leaders by
any of the current leaders. A meeting shall then be held within 10 days to discuss the motion.

6.3.2 In case the motion receives support from more than two thirds of those in the meeting, the office
shall be considered vacant.

6.3.3 The remaining leaders will then appoint a replacement as provided under section 5.2.


6.4.1 Vote of no confidence shall be passed on any member of the executive by a 2/3 majority vote
signature of the members.
6.4.2 A motion of such a vote shall be circulated to all members of ASSK within 10 days of the
decision. A meeting of the student’s council will be held within 7 days after receiving a notice.
6.4.3 For the vote of no confidence in the chair-person or the vice chair-person to be carried a 2/3
majority of the membership shall be needed. If such a motion is passed by the student council
and gain approval of the association, the chair-person shall resign from the office.
6.4.4 The executives shall nominate its chair-person through close supervision by the
6.4.5 The chief returning officer will call by election within 2 weeks with an electioneering period of 2
6.5 Patrons
Advising the ASSK executive council will be patron/matron with his/her deputy patron, all appointed by
the Executive to serve for a maximum of three consecutive years.

6.5.1 Qualification Should be a respectable figure in the actuarial profession. The role of the patrons will be to provide non-partisan guidance to the current leaders and
intervene in times of crisis. The patrons will also be charged with the responsibility of selling the society
to the corporates as well as The Actuarial Society of Kenya (TASK). The patron, or any of the deputies, will be free to resign from their position without reason. In case of resignation, the President will convene an extra-ordinary meeting to find a suitable

6.6 Editorial Board

6.6.1 The ASSK editorial board shall be constituted annually by the editor. This shall comprise at least
one member from all willing associations.

6.6.2 The committee, under supervision of the Editor, shall take full charge of all ASSK publications, the
website and social media accounts
ASSK will obtain its funds from the annual fees paid by every member association as well as donations
from corporate and individual sponsors. For purposed of transparency, the finances of ASSK will be
governed by the following rules:

7.1 The Finance Secretary will be charged with the responsibility of collecting, safeguarding and
disbursing all funds for the society. He/she will be directly assisted by a deputy.

7.2 The Finance Secretary will be required to accurately record all incomes and expenses as well as keep
a record of cheques and receipts.

7.3 Periodically, the Finance Secretary will be required to furnish the executive with a statement of
financial position to facilitate planning.

7.4 All ASSK funds will be kept at a local bank, with the President, Secretary General and Finance
Secretary serving as the signatories.

7.5 All ASSK expenses have to be approved by the ASSK executive.

8.1 Order of Meetings
8.1.1 The ASSK executive shall meet at least once every month to deliberate on matters affecting the

8.1.2 The Secretary General will communicate the date, time, venue and agenda of the meeting to the
rest of the executive at least 10 days before the meeting.

8.1.3 The quorum for any meeting of the ASSK executive will be 7 people.

8.1.4 All members of the ASSK executive will be required to attend all meetings, except with the
permission of the chairperson.

8.1.5 Missing three consecutive meetings for whatever reason will be deemed gross misconduct,
bringing the position into consideration.

8.1.6 All executive meetings will be chaired by the President. In their absence, the Vice-President will
chair the meeting.

8.1.7 The Secretary General will put down minutes for every meeting held. These will be circulated to all
members of the executive as well as campus representatives within 7 days. They will only be filed once
confirmed during the next meeting.

8.1.8 Every member of the executive shall bear responsibility for all decisions made by the executive,
whether or not they voted in support of the motion.

8.1.9 There will be quarterly meetings with the all the campus representatives ,the patrons and the
deputy patron

8.2 Extra-Ordinary Meetings

8.2.1 The President of the ASSK is allowed to call for extra-ordinary meetings aside from the scheduled
monthly meetings.

8.2.2 This will be done in case of emergencies or matters of urgency that demand attention of the

8.2.3 The procedure for such meetings remains as in section 6.1.

If due to changes of reason and season need arises for review of this constitution, the following
procedure shall be followed:

9.1 Any member of the ASSK executive or campus representative will communicate in writing to the
chairperson, detailing the proposed amendment.

9.2 Through the Secretary General, the President will convene an executive meeting to discuss this
proposed amendment.

9.3 The quorum for such a meeting will be 10 people.

9.4 After debating through the proposal, a vote shall be cast by secret ballot.

9.5 If the proposal is supported by at least two thirds of the members present, it will be drafted into the
constitution. Otherwise, it will be discarded.
The Actuarial Students’ Society of Kenya (ASSK), and by extension this constitution, shall cease to exist
once the following procedure has been followed:

10.1 Any member wishing to dissolve the association will write to the current President detailing their
intention as well as motive.

10.2 They shall then be required to collect not less than 800 signatures from fully registered ASSK
members drawn from not less than half of the member associations.

10.3 The petition will then be forwarded to the patron, who will convene a members meeting within
one month to discuss the developments.

10.4 The quorum for such a meeting will be two thirds of the members.

10.5 After discussions from all concerned parties, the members will cast a vote on the petition.

10.6 Only if the petition is supported by at least two thirds of the present members will it be adopted
and the society dissolved.

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