Building A Personal Brand Strategy Checklist - Worksheet - Affordable, Professional Photography

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2/26/24, 9:43 PM Building a Personal Brand Strategy Checklist/Worksheet — Affordable, Professional Photography

Don’t miss special pricing on photography shoots in Eugene. Get your Easter pictures early! As low as $55 at Eugene ×

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People and Pets In Focus • People and Pet Portraits

Building A Personal Brand Strategy Checklist/Worksheet 1/5
2/26/24, 9:43 PM Building a Personal Brand Strategy Checklist/Worksheet — Affordable, Professional Photography
A scene featuring a young man and two young women in a modern, well-lit office setting. They are gathered around a large table,
deeplyDon’t miss in
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personal shoots inAI-generated
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latest thing, real photos are authentic and impact your audience emotionally.

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Age Group: 25-45 Years | Year: 2024

This checklist provides valuable insights from marketing and brand masters. I've cited the resources used for your further
learning and research. For help with brand imagery, see Enhancing Your Personal Brand: Three Impactful and Essential

1. Self-Assessment
• Identify your unique strengths and skills. (Inspired by Tom Peters, “The Brand Called You”)
• Define your passions and interests. (Echoing Jeff Bezos' advice on personal brand reflecting your choices)
• Consider your long-term career and personal goals. (Aligned with Simon Sinek's concept of 'Start With Why')
2. Market Research
• Research your industry trends in 2024. (Gary Vaynerchuk emphasizes staying ahead of market trends)
• Identify key influencers in your field. (As suggested by Neil Patel, influencer marketing expert)
• Understand the needs and preferences of your target audience. (Based on Seth Godin's principles of
understanding your audience)
3. Defining Your Brand
• Craft a personal brand statement. Express who you are, what you offer, and your unique value proposition.
(Inspired by Dorie Clark, author of “Reinventing You”)
• Ensure your brand reflects your professional ethos and personal style. (In line with Philip Kotler’s ideas of brand
4. Online Presence
• Update your LinkedIn profile with current skills and achievements. (As LinkedIn influencer Melonie Dodaro
• Create or revamp your personal website or blog to showcase your expertise. (Following advice from Amy
Porterfield, online marketing expert)
• Engage on professional social media platforms relevant to your field. (Aligned with Gary Vaynerchuk's strategy on
social media presence)
5. Content Strategy
• Share insightful content related to your field. (Echoing Joe Pulizzi, founder of Content Marketing Institute)
• Use storytelling to make your content relatable and engaging. (Based on Donald Miller's StoryBrand framework)
• Update your platforms with fresh content to maintain engagement. (Following Ann Handley’s advice on content
6. Networking
• Attend industry events to build connections. (As recommended by Keith Ferrazzi, author of “Never Eat Alone”)
• Join online forums and groups related to your field. (In line with advice from Vanessa Van Edwards, social skills
• Collaborate with peers for mutual brand enhancement. (Based on principles from Jay Baer, marketing consultant)
• Hire a professional photographer. Choose someone whose artistry lies in the ability to spotlight the real you. It’s
not only about a well-lit face against a backdrop. It's about capturing the essence of you in a way that is authentic.
Headshots and other imagery to reflect your story, your ambitions, and your character. (Echoing advice of Paula
Owen Photography in Eugene, OR)
7. Personal Development
• Invest in continuous learning relevant to your field. (Following Brian Tracy's principles of continuous self-
• Seek feedback from mentors and peers to refine your brand strategy. (Aligned with Sheryl Sandberg's advice on
8. Consistency Across Channels
• Ensure a consistent message and visual theme across all online platforms. (As Martin Lindstrom, branding expert,
advises) 2/5
2/26/24, 9:43 PM Building a Personal Brand Strategy Checklist/Worksheet — Affordable, Professional Photography
• Audit your online presence often for alignment with your brand. (Echoing advice from David Aaker, brand
Don’t miss special pricing on photography shoots in Eugene. Get your Easter pictures early! As low as $55 at Eugene
strategist) ×
Measuring Success
Affordable, Professional
• Set specific, Photography
measurable Search
goals for your Contact
personal Me (InGallery
brand. line withBranding You Objectives
John Doerr's Info Bookand
Session / Shop Login
Key Results 0
• Review and adjust your strategy based on feedback and results. (As recommended by Eric Ries in 'The Lean Startup')

This checklist incorporates guidance from some of the most well-known and respected figures. Figures in the realms of branding,
marketing, and personal development. I hope it helps you navigate to further learning and advice.

For help with personal branding and photography, see Enhancing Your Personal Brand: Three Impactful and Essential Steps.

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2/26/24, 9:43 PM Building a Personal Brand Strategy Checklist/Worksheet — Affordable, Professional Photography

Don’t miss special pricing on photography shoots in Eugene. Get your Easter pictures early! As low as $55 at Eugene ×

Affordable, Professional Photography Search Contact Me Gallery Branding You Info Book Session / Shop Login 0 4/5
2/26/24, 9:43 PM Building a Personal Brand Strategy Checklist/Worksheet — Affordable, Professional Photography

Don’t miss special pricing on photography shoots in Eugene. Get your Easter pictures early! As low as $55 at Eugene ×

Affordable, Professional Photography Search Contact Me Gallery Branding You Info Book Session / Shop Login 0 5/5

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