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Keyra has made great progress with her English this year.

She has memorized lots of new

words and, with some encouragement, she pronounces them well and with a good accent. Her
understanding of English keeps getting better, too. Lately, she’s been interested in math, and
we’ve started learning addition with the decimal system. Her enthusiasm for learning is
wonderful to see!
ane has been making good progress with her English this year. She’s been learning lots of
new vocabulary, and her excellent memory helps her remember the words well. When
encouraged, she speaks with a nice accent and understands very well. Ariane has also started
putting letters together to read short words like "cat" and "dog." In math, she’s been working
on operations using the decimal system and is making good progress. She’s a pleasure to
work with as she understands very quickly.

Aron loves English and eagerly asks for new lessons almost every day. His excellent memory
helps him learn the names of everything quickly. With encouragement, he enjoys speaking
and making little sentences. He understands almost everything asked of him. Aron has also
made good progress in math and has started using the stamp game to do additions. His
enthusiasm for learning is wonderful to see!

Cassiopée is very interested in English presentations. She especially enjoys the sound box
with its miniature objects and has memorized most of them. She likes watching older
children’s presentations and often reminds them of English words and names. Cassiopée
loves to sing and listen to stories. She has also started counting in English using the red and
blue number rods. Her enthusiasm for learning is delightful!

Emma enjoys English presentations. She particularly loves the sound box with its miniature
objects and has memorized most of them. She enjoys watching other children’s presentations
and often helps by reminding them of English words and names. Emma also loves singing
and listening to stories. In math, she is doing well and can count to ten in English using the
red and blue number rods. Her enthusiasm for learning is wonderful to see!
Lucille had some initial hesitation about working in English, but recently, she’s been
enthusiastically asking to do math every day. We’ve been working on dynamic addition and
subtraction, as well as multiplication, and division, and she comprehends these concepts very
well. Additionally, she’s willingly practicing vocabulary and demonstrates excellent memory
skills. When prompted, she confidently repeats words and her accent is good. Lucille’s
progress and eagerness to learn is encouraging.
Baptiste has shown great motivation to learn English in the latter part of this year. He’s proud
to have memorized all the miniature objects in the sound box. He confidently knows most
color names and can count beyond 10. . His accent is lovely, and he asks questions using
short sentences like ‘Mary, paper please’ or ‘Mary, apple please’. We’ve been practicing the
phrase ‘May I have...’ and soon he’ll be able to construct full sentences with it. His
enthusiasm is very encouraging for his future language learning.
Vincent has shown a strong interest in learning English, even though he keeps busy with
various classroom activities, which sometimes makes it hard to find moments to work with
him. Despite this, he eagerly participates in presentations and enjoys in acquiring new
vocabulary. He’s unafraid to practice speaking English and frequently requests the names of
things in English. His memory is exceptional, and he has significantly widened his English
vocabulary. Vincent understands nearly everything asked of him and has developed a good
accent when he speaks.

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