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SW - Kayia's Story

Gyu and Kiya take ship to meeting?

Small or Large?

Guy takes her to Batuu to meeting between the Criminal Orgs. Black Sun, Crimson
Dawn, Pike and Hutts

Gangster unknown is hoasting

Kayia feels somwthinfg draw her to lost Jedi temple.


Batuu Jedi temple

Orra'a Pyke

Lost in the Jungle

Even - Blue

Ochi was a humanoid alien male Jedi hunter and a Master assassin of the Sith known
as Ochi of Bestoon,

Enric Pryde - Richard E. Grant

AI Art
star wars very muscular human, an ugly Tough guy with tattoos and long dark hair
and wearing a Krayt Dragon cloak,
with jabba the hutt's throne room in the background
star wars Imperial officer, late 20's, evil smirk, Commander rank, black uniform.
animated style

star wars a young attractive male human smuggler with pink skin and blue tinted

Dax (DAX)

Cedric (SED-rik)

Lance (LANSS)

Cole (KOHL)

Milo (MY-lo)

Griffin (GRIFF-in)

Gage (GAYJ)

Finn (FIN)

Merrick (MER-ik)

Gavin (GAY-vin

Rynu Vadryn (rye-noo vah-drin)

Lachlan Wenthor (LAK-lan WEN-thor)

Aurelius Skypiercer (aw-REH-lee-us SKY-pier-ser)

Inigo Darkarrow (ih-NEE-goh DARK-ar-oh)

Meridian Valorn (muh-RID-ee-uhn VAL-orn)

Yaron Thorne (YAH-ron THORN)

Wrynthalor Firestorm (RIN-tha-lor FIGHR-storm)

Kyris Vandor (KY-ris VAN-dor)

Jaren Fireheart (Jair-en Fire-hart)

Syler Moonlight (sy-ler moon-lyte)

Wylan Ebonheart (WY-lan EE-bon-hart)

Korvus Orin (KOR-vus OR-in)

Torin Emberlight (Tore-in Em-ber-light)

Yaron Thorne (YAH-ron THORN)

Ezran Calithorn (EZ-ran KAL-ih-thorn)

Caelum Nightingale (kay-lum ny-ting-gayl)

Silvennstar Brightblade (Sil-venn-star Bryte-blade)

Adonis Silverstorm (uh-DON-is SIL-ver-storm)

Icarus Daelan (ICK-ar-us DAY-len)

Zephyrus Dawnstar (ZEF

Joslyns Game

Noble 1 / Force Prodigy 2

S 8
D 14
C 10
I 10
W 16
C 15

Defense Bonuses
At 1st level, you gain a +1 class bonus to your Reflex Defense, and a +2 class
bonus to your Will Defense.

(Starting) 1 Force Sensetive
(Human) 1
(No Linguist) 1

(Human) 1

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