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Practice sheet

1.Why are red tides caused and why are they harmful
2.Name any two amino acid and fatty acid
Carbohydrate and
3.which bond link two amino acid and two monomer of glucose
4.State the function of pct and dct in nephron.
5.What is the advantage associated with Five-kingdom Classification over Two-kingdom
6.Electrocardiogram (ECG) is a graphical representation of the electrical activity of the heart
during a cardiac cycle. Mention the principle behind this process . Also ,describe it with the help
of a well-labelled diagram.
7.Define the following
a) Tidal volume
b) Residual volume
c) Inspiratory reserve volume
d) Expiratory capacity
7.Define RQ. What is its value for carbohydrate, protein and fat?
8.Describe Hatch and Slack pathway.
9.Brieflt describe light and darkbreaction.
10.Briefly explain the factors that affect the rate of photosynthesis
explain the various steps of glycolysis.
11.What is blood? Give the composition of plasma and give function of its component?
12.Describe the major role of platelets in blood coagulation
13Write short note on
E. R
Thyroid gland
Pitutary gland
Secondary messenger
Double circulation
14.Describe the function of following
1.S. A node
2.A. Vnode

15Write down difference between

a.Cyclic and noncyclic phasphorylation
b.Mitosis and meiosis ( with diagrambof every phase)
P. SI and P. S II system
16.List any two differences between gymnosperms and angiosperms?
17.What is the difference between syngamy and triple fusion?
18.Why are Bryophytes regarded as “the amphibians of the plant kingdom”?
19.Distinguish between poikilotherms and homeotherms organisms.
20.List any four identifying features of Arthropoda & give examples.

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