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ORIENTAÇÕES: Entregar esta atividade JUNTO com a prova de Inglês;
Copiar TODAS as perguntas e suas respostas;
1. Change the sentences to the interrogative form:
a) You should use the computer. __________________________________
b) She should send me an e-mail. _________________________________
c) They should buy him a present. ________________________________
d) He should wear smart clothes. _____________________
e) The bus should be on time. ____________________________

2) Classifique os usos dos modais nas frases abaixo:

EX: He may be in the office. : Possibilidade
1. You mustn’t smoke in the hospital. :__________________
2. You can take a taxi on the corner. :___________________
3. I can give you a ride to school.: _____________________
4. It’s late, she must be at home. _________________________
5. Would you lend me some money? ______________________________
6. You may use pen or pencil in the test. _____________________
7. She would go, if she had a boyfriend. ________________________
8. You must pay your bills. ___________________________
9. If I had time, I would visit you. ________________________
10. They may go to the movies tonight. ________________________
3. Circle the right modal verb to complete the sentences.
a) It's a hospital. You (MUSTN'T / MUST) smoke.
b) Take an umbrella. It (MIGHT / SHOULD) rain later.
c) You (SHOULDN'T / MUST) leave small objects lying around. Children (MAY /
HAVE TO) swallow such objects.
d) Drivers (MUST / SHOULD) stop when the traffic lights are red.
e) I think you (SHOULD / CAN’T) go out more and meet new people.
4. Unscramble the words in order to make sentences using the modal verbs.
(Organize as palavras para formar sentenças usando os verbos modais.)
c) BY – COME – CAR – MAY – THEY.

5. Ligue as orações com um pronome relativo. Siga o exemplo.

EX: a) I thanked the woman. She helped me. : I thanked the woman who helped
b) I saw a film last night. It was very good.
c) My cousin works for a company. It sells farm machinery.
d) The man lives next door. He is a good friend of ours.
e) The faucet was dripping. It was repaired by a plumber.
6. . Choose the correct Relative Pronoun for the sentence below:
He didn’t tell us _____________ was going on over there.
(A) what (B) when (C) who (D) why
7. Complete with the most appropriate Relative Pronoun:
a) The man ______________ robbed the bank has been arrested by the police.
b) Is this the book ______________ you need?
c) The letter ______________ I received is from my uncle ______________ lives in
d) The little box in ______________ I had put all my jewels was stolen.
e) The lions and tigers ______________ you saw in the zoo came from Africa.
8. Choose the best relative pronoun to complete the sentences:
1) I live in a busy street _____________ many people go shopping.
(a) where (b) which (c) who (d) when
2) The person _____________ phone number you gave me wasn’t polite.
(a) who (b) that (c) XXX (d) whose
3) Miranda doesn’t have any friends _____________ are nice to her. (
a) who (b) XXX (c) which (d) whose
4) The reason _____________ you gave was not good enough.
(a) who (b) XXX (c) where (d) whose
9. . Choose from the boxes and write sentences with WHO. Pay attention to the

10. Circule o modo de uso correto para cada Relative Pronoun:

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