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Achieving Personal Goals with SMART Objectives

John Odhiambo

University of the People

BUS 1101


Achieving Personal Goals with SMART Objectives

Setting personal goals is an important part in personal development and growth. In our

earlier discourse in the unit, we evaluated the concept of SMART goals and ways of setting up

personal goals. Based on my past knowledge, when setting up personal goals, I need to ensure

they are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time bound. In this essay, my focus will be

on evaluating the two personal goals that I developed earlier in the course and transform them

into SMART goals. In addition, I will select one of the SMART goals and describe how to

achieve them by utilizing the Plan-Do-Act-Dare (PDAD) cycle.

Developing SMART Goals

My first goal is to enhance my health and fitness. Thus, to transform it into a SMART

goal, I will follow the following steps:

- Specific: my goal is to improve my overall health and physical fitness

- Measurable: I will measure my progress by tracking my weight, endurance, and overall

fitness levels

- Attainable: I will gradually increase the intensity and duration of my workouts, making

sure they are within my physical capabilities.

- Realistic: Given my current lifestyle and schedule, I can allocate 3-4 hours per week for


- Time-bound: I aim to reach my desired level of fitness within six months.

The second goal entails enhancing my career advancement. I intend to achieve this by

transforming it into SMART goal as follows:

- Specific: I want to advance in my career by obtaining a professional certification in my


- Measurable: I will measure my progress by completing specific courses and passing

certification exams.

- Attainable: I have access to online courses and resources to help me prepare for the


- Realistic: I have the necessary educational background and experience to pursue this


- Time-bound: I plan to obtain the certification within 12 months

Utilizing PDAD Cycle for Goal Achievement

In this section, I will focus on the second goal that entails advancing in my career by

obtaining a professional certification. The PDAD cycle is a practical framework for achieving

goals. This framework can be applied in the following way to achieve a specific goal.

a. Plan

- Formulate a detailed plan: I will research the certification requirements, including the

necessary courses, study materials, and exam details.

- Identify priorities: I will create a study schedule that fits my current work commitments

and personal life.

- Seek support: I will inform my supervisor and colleagues about my goal, seeking their

support and understanding as I might need some flexibility in my work schedule.

- Set milestones: I will break down the certification process into manageable milestones,

such as completing specific courses and passing practice exams.

- Personal Balanced Scorecard: I will create a personal Balanced Scorecard, aligning my

goal with my mission, vision, and values

b. Do

- Start with a simple objective: My first step will be enrolling in the introductory course

required for the certification.

- Focus on a selected improvement activity: I will dedicate a certain amount of time each

day to study and coursework.

- Share my intentions: I will share my progress with a trusted friend or mentor, asking for

feedback and support.

- Act with purpose: I will approach my coursework with dedication, self-confidence, and

willpower, concentrating on the material and exercises.

- Identify habits to change: I will also identify any habits or behaviors that might hinder

my progress, such as procrastination, and actively work on changing them.

c. Act

- Review my progress: After completing each course, I will assess my performance and

compare it to the set milestones.

- Check whether the improvement activity is working: If I encounter difficulties or fall

behind, I will adjust my plan and seek additional resources or support.

- Measure my progress: I will use specific metrics such as course grades and practice exam

scores to measure my advancement.

- Adapt to the results: If necessary, I will make changes to my study techniques and time

management based on my results.

- Seek feedback: Regularly consulting with my trusted friend or mentor to ensure I'm on

the right track.

d. Dare

- Accept larger challenges: Once I complete the foundational courses, I will dare to tackle

more advanced courses and practice exams.

- Document my experiences: I will keep a journal to record my challenges, achievements,

and lessons learned throughout the certification process.

- Refine and review: After each major milestone, I will review my overall progress and

refine my strategy for the next phase.

- Personal growth and development: The journey toward certification will not only lead to

professional advancement but also personal growth. As my skills and knowledge expand,

my personal Balanced Scorecard will evolve accordingly.


Based on the above evaluation, setting a SMART goal and utilizing the PDAD cycle is a

structured way of achieving a specific personal objective. Applying the concepts outlined in

SMART cycle makes it easy to define personal goals, make them achievable, measure the

progress and ensure that they are completed in a timely manner. On the other hand, the PDAD

cycle helps one to stay organized, maintain focus, and adapt to changes during our journey to

success. By using the example of pursuing a professional certification, I have demonstrated how

these concepts can be applied in a real-world scenario to achieve personal and professional



Carpenter, M., Bauer, T., & Erdogan, B. (2010). Management principles, v. 1.1.

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