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The Power of Effective Feedback in Employee Development

John Odhiambo



BUS 1101 - Principles of Business Management

The Power of Effective Feedback in Employee Development 2

The Power of Effective Feedback in Employee Development


Feedback is an essential element in fostering employee growth and satisfaction within an

organization. Carpenter, Bauer, and Erdogan (2010) emphasize the significance of regular

feedback in contributing to employee happiness. In this essay, I will reflect on my personal

experiences with both effective and ineffective feedback, discussing the qualities that made

feedback helpful or unhelpful. Additionally, I will explore how these lessons can be applied in

my role as an aspiring manager to improve the feedback I provide to my future employees.

Instance of Effective Feedback

One instance where I received effective feedback that significantly improved my

performance was during my previous job as a customer service representative. My supervisor,

Sarah, took the time to provide detailed feedback on a particularly challenging customer

interaction. Her feedback was specific, meaningful, relevant, and timely. Firstly, Sarah's

feedback was specific. She didn't just tell me that I needed to improve my communication skills;

instead, she pointed out the specific instances where I had faltered. She highlighted moments in

the conversation where I could have been more empathetic and provided clearer explanations to

the customer's concerns. This specificity allowed me to pinpoint my weaknesses and work on


Secondly, the feedback was meaningful. Sarah explained how improving my

communication skills could benefit not only the company but also my own professional

development. She made it clear that effective communication was a valuable skill in any job and

that developing it would open up more career opportunities for me. This insight gave me a clear

sense of purpose in working on my communication skills. Furthermore, the feedback was

The Power of Effective Feedback in Employee Development 3

relevant. It addressed a specific issue that was directly related to my role as a customer service

representative. It didn't veer off into unrelated matters, which made it easier for me to focus on

the task at hand. Lastly, the feedback was timely. Sarah provided it immediately after the

customer interaction, so the details were fresh in my mind. This allowed me to reflect on my

performance while it was still relevant, making it easier to implement the suggested


Several factors contributed to my positive reaction towards this feedback. Firstly, Sarah

had a reputation for being a fair and supportive supervisor. Her feedback was not perceived as

punitive but as a genuine effort to help me grow. Secondly, the feedback aligned with my

personal values of continuous improvement and professionalism, making me more receptive to

it. The supportive atmosphere and the relevance of the feedback played a crucial role in my

positive attitude towards the process.

Instance when I received Ineffective Feedback

In contrast to the above feedback given by Sarah, I will highlight of an instance when I

received feedback that was not helpful at all. It was during a team meeting where my manager,

James, briefly mentioned that I needed to "do better" without any specific details. This feedback

lacked specificity, meaningfulness, relevance, and timeliness. The lack of specificity in James’

feedback left me confused and frustrated. I had no clear understanding of what aspects of my

performance needed improvement, making it impossible for me to take any meaningful action.

Without specific examples or guidance, I felt lost. Moreover, the feedback lacked

meaningfulness. James did not explain how my performance related to the overall goals of the

team or the organization. It felt like a generic comment rather than a constructive evaluation.

Consequently, I didn't see any value in trying to address the vague issues he had raised.
The Power of Effective Feedback in Employee Development 4

The feedback also lacked relevance. It was given in a group setting where it seemed out

of place, as it did not pertain to the tasks we were currently discussing. This made me question

its importance and relevance to my role. Lastly, the feedback was untimely. It was brought up

weeks after the alleged issues had occurred, making it difficult for me to recall the specific

incidents and take corrective actions. Factors beyond the content of the feedback also influenced

my reaction. James had a reputation for being disengaged and rarely providing constructive

feedback. This perception of his personality as disinterested in employee development further

undermined the effectiveness of the feedback. His feedback did not align with my values of clear

communication and mutual respect, contributing to my negative attitude towards the process.

Applying Lessons Learnt

As an aspiring manager, I recognize the importance of providing effective feedback to

my future employees. Learning from my experiences, I can apply several lessons to ensure that

the feedback I give is specific, meaningful, relevant, and timely. Firstly, I will prioritize

specificity. I will avoid vague statements like "do better" and instead provide concrete examples

of both positive and negative aspects of an employee's performance. This will enable them to

understand precisely what they are doing well and where they need improvement.

Secondly, I will strive for meaningfulness by connecting feedback to an employee's

personal growth and career development. I will emphasize how their performance aligns with

organizational goals and how improvement can benefit them in the long run. Furthermore, I will

ensure that my feedback remains relevant to an employee's role and current tasks. It should not

feel disconnected or out of place, as this can lead to confusion and frustration. Lastly, I will

prioritize timely feedback. Whenever possible, I will provide feedback shortly after an event or

task to ensure that it is still fresh in the employee's mind. This will make it easier for them to
The Power of Effective Feedback in Employee Development 5

reflect on their performance and make necessary adjustments. In addition to these lessons, I will

strive to create a supportive and open feedback culture within my team. I will make sure that

employees perceive feedback as a tool for growth rather than as criticism. Building trust and

rapport with my team members will be essential in this regard.


Effective feedback is a powerful tool for employee development and satisfaction.

Reflecting on my experiences, I have learned that feedback must be specific, meaningful,

relevant, and timely to be truly helpful. As an aspiring manager, I will apply these lessons to

ensure that the feedback I provide to my future employees contributes to their growth and

success within the organization. By doing so, I aim to foster a culture of continuous

improvement and engagement within my team.

The Power of Effective Feedback in Employee Development 6


Carpenter, M., Bauer, T., & Erdogan, B. (2010). Management principles, v. 1.1.

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