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Rotaract Royal Institute of Colombo ANNUAL REPORT : Orr TOGETHER 1S: rie , = aah TOGETHER -IS-A- PROGRESS, aa TOGETHER ibs aa he i y 4 aT = y e) S 1.President’s Message 2.Club Administration 3.Strategic Plan and Progressive DN ey dat as 4.Club Membership 5. Project Overview 6.Public Relations Effort 7.Rotary Family Coordination 8.Club Finances MESSAGE FROM THE CLUB PRESIDENT There is really no ending for anything. It is when you stop the story and the dawn of something new. Rotaract is something that you can never find your way out of once you step into it. Thus | stumbled upon it back in 2020 by going to RCL as a commoner. Since that day | wanted to join Rotaract and luckily our institute was chartering one. Being a girl with extremely overprotective parents, my intention behind joining Rotaract was very innocent. The infinite gateway to attend many events and spend quality times with my friends was my initial interest. But after exploring Rotaract and the endless opportunities it provides to make a difference in people’. And here | am one year later standing as the 2nd President of the Rotaract Club of Royal Institute of Colombo. Life is unpredictable and | guess my experience in Rotaract sums this up. MESSAGE FROM THE CLUB PRESIDENT Being a part of the club since it’s charter year, | have experienced the growth and transcendence from a charter club to where it is now. | am extremely proud of how far we have come and no doubt that we will keep reaching greater heights in the future. Being awarded the ‘Most Outstanding Charter Club’ at the 3lst Rotaract District Assembly shows that none of this would have been possible without my hardworking board of directors, enthusiastic general members, rotaractors and well wishers. When I look back after my tenure , | will be filled with pride with all what our club has achieved. The great bonds | have made and strengthened throughout this rotaract journey. The friends that turned into family. The memories that | have made which | never would have if not for rotaract. The immeasurable service we have rendered as a club to the community and our country. The growth | have achieved as an individual and how rotaract has moulded me into a responsible and empathetic human being. This is an unforgettable chapter in my book of life. A piece of my heart will always remain with my club and this prestigious movement. | am eternally grateful for this Presidency and all the opportunities and experiences it has bestowed upon me. CLUB ADMINISTRATION a he - INTRODUCTION TO THE CLUB Our club under the theme ‘Together We Strive’ do our best to bring members together The Rotaract Club of Royal Institute of Colombo, chartered on the Ist of July, 2020 is a prominent institute based club since its inception. It is one of the significant clubs in the institute with a membership of 200 undergraduates in order to complete amazing initiatives to serve our community. Under the Presidency of Rtr. Himaza Hilmy the club has completed commendable projects and increased our participation and visibility in the Rotaract movement. We were also awarded ‘Most Outstanding Charter Club’ at the 3lst Rotaract District Assembly and ‘Most Outstanding Club for the Year’ at the Royal Institute of Colombo Advantage Awards 2021 where our continuous efforts to improve the club were valued and appreciated. We hope to reach greater heights in the future by expanding the scope of our projects and increasing networking among members for professional development. CLUB OVERVIEW This year, the Rotaract Club of Royal Institute of Colombo was led by President Rtr. Himaza Hilmy with a membership of students from various fields of study. The Rotaract Club of Royal Institute of Colombo was able to reach a significant level of achievement during the year. Despite being adversely affected by the Covid- 19 pandemic and the economical crisis, the club managed to initiate a considerable number of projects. The Rotaract Club of Royal Institute of Colombo was able to complete a total of 23 projects in the year 2021-2022. The membership of the club increased from 120 members, to approximately 200 members by the end of the year. The club was able to conduct several projects from different avenues, such as the ‘I2 Days of Christmas’ project, which is one of the club’s biggest projects along with Trip to Colombo, Germ busters, Book for Thought, Wanajeeviyo and Seoul to Tokyo. CLUB HISTORY The Rotaract Club of Royal Institute of Colombo was chartered on the Ist of July 2020 under the guidance of IPP. Rtr. Akeel Ismail further, it is an established club of the Rotaract International District 3220, Sri Lanka and Maldives. The Rotaract club of the Royal Institute of Colombo is under the patronage of the Rotaract Club of Colombo South. Currently, the club has over 200 members, each of who's individual effort and dedication will contribute towards achieving the goals of the Rotary. The Rotaract movement is dedicated towards developing leadership and professional skills of the youth as well as engaging in community service that aims to support the betterment of society. The Rotary and its members collectively work towards finding solutions and initiating programs and activities that help in reducing the burden of the world’s issues. The members of the Rotary work under six key avenues; Club service, Community Service, International Service, Professional Service, Public Relations as well as Sports and Recreational Activities. Through these avenues we are actively enabled and devoted to finding sustainab solutions to current issues in the world. Rotaract $3) ae NY --1-1o UNA Cole] ols aaa aaa eRe) Ce) : CHARTER CLUB FOR THE YEAR 2020/2021: ~ Our sincere gratitude to everyone who helped RAC RIC to achieve the impossible! In the year 2020/21, regardless of the significant barrier Covid - 19 pandemic posed towards the clubs’ activities, The Rotaract Club of the Royal Institute of Colombo successfully completed a total of 16 projects during the year 2020/21, some such projects include 7 days of Christmas, PanVantage and Little Sunshines. Further, the club was privileged to be awarded the title of “Most Outstanding Charter Club for the year 2020/21" at the Rotaract District Assembly 2021 and Rtr. Akeel Sufi Ismail was recognized as the ‘President of the Month of June’ at the Distirct Council Meeting of June 2021. Although the Club is still at the dawn of its journey, there is no doubt that each of our members will continue to strive together in carrying out sustainable service that impacts all those around us. le LIST OF PAST PRESIDENTS Rotaract has provided me with immense experiences and memories that | would cherish for a lifetime. Rotaract taught me, that with a great bunch of individuals who | now call friends and a tad bit of optimism, the sky is the limit. -Rtr. Akeel Sufi Ismail MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT “Rotaract has given me the most memorable year in my life along with this presidency being one of the biggest blessings. The experiences, the lessons and the service | have rendered towards the < community is what makes this journey the ost unforgettable. I’m forever grateful for ery, individual | have met through feast for being the most helpful to me. | ave grown into a responsible, confident and empathetic individual due to this RTR. HIMAZA HILMY é en in PRESIDENT 2021-22 experience of a lifetime. MESSAGE FROM THE SECRETARY Rotaract has been a roller coaster ride that taught me many life lessons over the course of 2 years. It provided me the platform to grow as a person and acquire many skills for which |! grateful for. The best part Rotaract is the bunch of lifelong I've made who | consider a part/of family RTR. IMAAD ISHAR SECRETARY 2021-22 MESSAGE FROM THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY I joined our Rotaract club in my Ist year at the university without any knowledge about Rotaract whatsoever. The past board members were very kind and friendly, and gave me so many opportunities to grow, s through this journey. All in all it was a tide with my fellow members, and | am RTR.AMAYA WUJESINGHE Proud that we were able to serve our ASSISTANT SECRETARY 202-22, community in our year. MESSAGE FROM THE VICE PRESIDENT RAC RIC is very special to me! | am so thankful to have been the Vice President this year. The depth of planning and reporting required gave me so much to learn during my tenure, much Working with many different types of ps indeed been a challenge, but | enjoyed of it! RTR. KHADEEJA PASHA VICE PRESIDENT 2021-22 MESSAGE FROM THE TREASURER Through Rotaract Club | have learnt to adapt and overcome obstacles. The lessons learnt through the step of each project we organized was valuable in every part of my university life. The role for me involved myself undertaking and performing finance related tasks,as we Baar ed | learnt more in detail of each Practes. The individuals i have come laced s due to Rotaract will always have a E place in sculpting the better version of me. RTR. VAISHNAVIE LOGESWARAN TREASURER 2021-22 MESSAGE FROM THE ASSISTANT TREASURER RAC RIC is very special to me! | am so thankful to have been the Vice President this year. The depth of planning and reporting required gave me so much to learn during my tenure, much more than | expected when | took up this position Working with many different types of p indeed been a challenge, but | enjoyed. of it! RTR. KAVINDYA RATNADASA. ASSISTANT TREASURER 2021-22 MESSAGE FROM THE SERGEANT-AT-ARMS Te) |e) fey Tlie aes £ UR SILENT Alii VV RV SVS 5i|c\ne oX § 30 set = 8) Siu Bae) See as 9 Sino 8S) Tee a 2258 zo Seley oe ©) SIS Sf By Silene $2 = = (R58 ee g2t3 a” 3) Pelle Le OF go 88 5 9 elie 8 e888 o S| Ol] as 5 Wee UE) SZEeE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Bo , f yy a - ] Teamwork makes dream work. This is what | experienced throughout my year as a co director, working with a team makes us understand & leam things in various perspectives which brings out the best positive outcome. -Rtr. Abdullah Shanawaz- My experience in rotaract was opportunistic & eventful. | have leamt alot of things, that have uplifted my skills for the future. -Rtr. Nabeelah Marjan- One of the many inspiring things that I've noticed among my fellow rotaractors was their capability to manage club's volunteer work with other life commitments. Furthermore, | gained an understanding of how much of an impact we can make in the society for the betterment of the humankind -Rtr. Nadeshda Watagala- My year at Rotaract was one with ups and a little bit of downs but | will always cherish the overall experiences, friendships | made and the fun along the way! -Rtr. Manisha Weragala- CTOR OF COMMUNITY SER em ren es f This year came with equal amounts of challenges and opportunities to grow. The best part was making lifelong memories and friends. -Rtr. Purrvaja Jayakumar- Rotaract has been full of great opportunities, which led us to making friends for life. -Rtr. Aneika Abdul- ary ease a arakl a Wi CPeuLae (Geez aS | had a great time working as the director of professional development. | got the chance to take part in several projects and to chair some as well. It was pretty challenging to work under a pandemic but it was a great experience _ overall. There were a lot of happy moments when seeing the hard worked projects cominh i to life. Also it was a big pleasure to work with a lot of people. -Rtr Yashoba Galagoda- "This rotaract year has been the most exciting one yet being able to work with exceptional individuals from my fellow board of directors, general members — and members. of other rotaract clubs. The memories and experiences gained during this rotaract year, | will cherish for many years to come." - Rtr Khazaan Nazeem- NRA hola ee Rotaract year has been a great rollercoaster , it has been fairly challenging due to the pandemic and the way how we handled things was different. However, Rotaract gave me the most amazing friends who made my life so much richer and it's wonderful to see how projects RECTOR OF PUBLIC RELATIQ have placed a smile on many Lie Casco lives. -Rtr Neshali Samarasena- Looking back at my Rotaract year, there are key main takeaways and experiences | have been exposed to. As the co director for public relationg It was important to always' improve, innovate and be ; creative in our strategies as RECTOR OF PUBLIC RELATIQ well as our teamwork Ce a) cae -Rir. Abhishek Dharmawardane- | had an exciting rotaract year filled with interesting events and projects but most importantly, the friendships and memories made along the way were definitely the biggest DIRECTOR OF FINANCE highlight of my year! Cae Ch eens) -Rtr. Nileka De Silva- My year at rotaract is one experience Id never forget and something | would always cherish. The —_ friendships, experiences and everything we did is something fll always be grateful for. : -Rir. Shemali Wijayadasa- DIRECTOR OF SPORTS ue The experiences, the memories and the friendships that rotaract has given me is immeasurable. This experience taught me so much that will last me a lifetime. Im so grateful for everyone who gave me this opportunity to experience this amazing joumey. DIRECTOR OF SPORTS ae -Rtr. Aslam Jamaldeen- DETAILS OF THE CLUB MEMBERSHIP NAME POSITION DATE OF BIRTH JOINED IN keel Sufi Ismail Immediate Past 03.097 July 2020, President Daniel Danford General Member 10Feb-98 July 2020, Stefan Somanader General Member 2eFeb-98 July 2020, Aeef Sufi smail General Member 18-Nov-99 uly 2020 Haritha Walgempaya General Member ur-93 ‘Aug 2020 NethmiFernando General Member 26-Feb-99 ‘Aug 2020 Dulith Fernando General Member 40-Apr-96 Sep 2020 Hashen Waas General Member oLMar-ae ‘Aug 2021, Shenade Michael General Member 20-97 ‘Aug 2021 Mohamed Zaafir General Member 29-Nov-97 Mar 2022 mdaad 3RD YEAR NAME POSITION DATE OF BIRTH JOINED IN Himaza Hilmy President (02-Mar-00 uly 2020, Amaya Wijesinghe Secretary 05-Apr-98 ‘Aug 2020 Xlig Nizamdeen Sergeant at Arms 03sep-99 ‘Aug 2020 Yashoba Galagoda Professional 27-Jun-93 ‘Aug 2020 Development Khazaan Nazeem Professional 05Jan-00 ‘Aug 2020 Development Manisha Weragala Community Service o1-Aug-00 ‘Aug 2020 Abdullah Shahnawaz Club Service 04-Jan-01 ‘Aug 2020 Shemali Wijedasa Club Service 09-May-01 ‘Aug 2020 Aslam Jamaldeen Club Service 17-Nov-93 ‘Aug 2020 Neshali Samarasena Public Relations 1a-0ct-98 ‘Aug 2020 Nileka de Silva Finance 07-Dec-99 ‘Aug 2020 Thachitri Finance 15-Feb-02 ‘Aug 2020 ‘Arunagirinathan Sudesh Santhosh Community Service 2a-Dec 01 ‘Aug 2020 Ashalya Samarajeewa General Member 29-Dec-00 ‘Aug 2020 Dulithi Jagoda General Member 12-0ct-00 ‘Aug 2020 Joanne Peter General Member 30-Mar-00 ‘Aug 2020 Senath Elvitigala General Member 27-Apr-00 ‘Aug 2020 Yudhistren General Member 03-Nov-97 ‘Aug 2020 Nandasekaran Senudhi de Silva General Member 25Jur-00 Feb 2021 ‘Arundathi Peiris General Member 05-Nov-01 ‘Aug 2021, Rashel Wijetunga __ General Member 2sur99 ‘Aug 2021, Naseeha Hisham General Member oejurot ‘Aug 2021 Shashyaka Jayasuriya __ General Member 19-Mar-00 ‘Aug 2021, Raveen Weeraratne General Member 23-Feb-03, ‘Aug 2021, Rajindra Fonseka General Member 12-Mar-01 ‘Aug 2021, Supunika Perera General Member 31-May-00 ‘Aug 2021, Raninghi Usara General Member 15-Sep-03, ‘Aug 2021 Shashini Dayawansha General Member 28-Nov-01 Dec 2021 DETAILS OF THE CLUB MEMBERSHIP a a QNDYEAR —_ NAME POSITION DATEOF BIRTH JOINED IN teed her sccctay 19ce00 sep 2020 Whales Pasta LI Vee reso aa dec2 sep 2020 Vaitnae Treaster 3hlarot sep 2020 Logeswaren Ree 3siov00 sep 2000 Nateelh Marian. Ch Sevice osuh00 sep 2020 Nadeshda Watagaa | Community Senice 06-0c¢-00 sep 2020 Oentha Bandara Genera Member 2-H. 23 Sep 2020 Leroy Motha Genera Member tun-0 sep 2020 Artdee Vinalargih— Geteral Member 107eb-03 sep 2020 KarnodhiPatirena —/ Geerel Member 24-Ave00 Sep 2020 Ttevin Thaperaretnan | Geteral Member 20-Avg00 sep 2020 ana Abe yaluci lero Mee 1700.00 sep 2020 Zafer shim GenereiMember seteyat sep 2020 lyase feel Mee 03epa3 sep 2020 Abtisheh Public Featons o8so¥-0 Nov 2020 Onarmaverdena Ra Te o2-Aue4 Nov 2020 Sena Atanayake | General Menber 28-Apr-01 bec 2020 ‘tian Mascara Meet recat Feb2021 ‘Ane Abdultshan International Service 2esep-01 ar2021 jane or a oral eter 100ct00 July 2023, Bhesitha GeneraiMember 2709-01 ‘ug 2021 Karyewesom Sajal awleana | SLES 285ep-01 ug 2034 Chaveendra Dunuwile |General Member 8-01-00 ‘ug 2021 atin en Sere 2eht2 vg 2023 Tistan Gunawrdena | Geteral Member orto 98 ug 2021 (esaht Giarahaa Tl eeeral Mente or-Ap-02 ‘ug 202% bineri winateratne —Geteral enter 18509-02 ug 2021 (al igus etara aaa Tun ‘ug 2023 Dinan’ Welegima General Member 03-49-01 ‘Ag 2021 Tavehi Gamage General Menter 2Bor-01 ‘Ag 2021 Acheeb Arwer_ Geteral Member 120ct01 ug 2023 AnileetaDeSiva Geteral Member isuuno1 ‘Avg 2022 IsunChandrsii General Member 9er-03 ug 2021 rari Uist focal Meme? Ae ‘Avg 2023 Mohamed Riaz Sandunirinéage General Member 23uh00 ug 2021 Thai Perera Generai ember ioworo, ug 2021 SheraanDaveratne General Member 2506-00 ug 2001 YashiniDe ita General Member Tr-kug 04 ‘ug 2021 Cristiana Petera— Geteral Member 20-49-01 ‘ug 2021 Zikra ats Earaal darbat 20-Mar-00 ‘ug 2023 isumiDesiva General Member Tdec2 ‘ug 2021 Sisal Weer aS eaeral Mentor 2eNov-02 ‘Ag 2021 Fartath Ameer Generel Member 30 Jn 02 ‘ug 2022 Reem Hennan General Member 22-Nov-01 ‘Aug 2021 DETAILS OF THE CLUB MEMBERSHIP Imaska Rarasinghe | General Nember 25-Mar-01 Aug 2021 Anursdhika Uduwana General ember i-Maea7 ‘Aug 1021 Wenvja Kuruppu General Nember 1-Deco2 Aug 2021 Sabeshah Ramiexe General Nember -Mayo2 ‘Aug 2021 Sanindu Merawatta General Nember 16-Jan-03 ‘Aug 2021 Duna Premathiiske General Nember 05.De<00 ‘Aug 2021 ‘Azeem Muthalioh General Nember a0-Sep 02 ‘Aug 2021 Sevmini Uda General Member 03-Novor ‘aug 2021 Hayshan Kenkanemge General Member O3-Aprot ‘Aug 2021 Dineth Kannangers General Nember 04 Dec00 ‘ug 2021 Navindu Perera General Nember 25-Mar-00 ‘Aug 2021 Shesfs Sameer General Member 15-0603 Sep 2021 Tianna Bollegal_ General Nember 2-Mar02 Sep 2021 Sshayen Waas General Member 01-0c+00, Nov2021 ‘Amari Numan General Nember asepo2 Nov 2021 ‘Malintna Rexawa General Member 2osepot Jan 2022 NAME POSITION DATEOFSIRTH JOINED IN Tinaralayatlake __ Gereral Nember 0=-May02 Aug 2021 Jaindee layarathre General Nember OL-Novo3 Aug 2021 Senaya Ariathilace General Member 204un03 Aug 2021 TharukiKalansooviya General Nember 2i-Mar 05 ‘Aug 2021 Thimalshi Navaratne General Nember 26May29 Aug 2021 Pehan Kumarasinghe General Nember 05-Apr-03 ‘Aug 2021 Abishek Kalupanenage _Gereral Nember 11-Nov-03 ‘Aug 2021 Vohara Jayathilake General Nember 30-Mar-01 ‘Aug 2021 BinuriWeerasinene General Member 07-Sep-00, ‘Aug 2023 Manesha Sriwardena General Nember Ci-Jen-03 ‘Aug 2021 Sajanilayatinghe General ember 22-Novo1 ‘Aug 1021 Yadusha Ravindran General Nember 05-Deco2 ‘Aug 2021 SavarthiKetalawala General ember Oriana ‘Aug 1021 imadh Imran General Nember o1-Sepot ‘Aug 2021, Achcharya Mudabath General ember 27-Mayot ‘Aug 1021 Gavindu Atauda General Nember a7-4un03 Aug 2021 MinaliSiswardeno General Member 26-1102 ‘Aug 2021 SenuriFemando General Nember 24-Febo1 Aug 2021 Dinushi Welwatte Generel Member asrebor ‘ug 2021 Kinonne General Nember 25-00-02 ‘Aug 2021 Abeywickrema sureri General Member 18May02 ‘Aug 2021, Meegamuaracnent Avinide Siva General Nember 2NovOl ‘Aug 2021 Nethanya Cooray General Member as-Mar 01 ‘aug 2021 Thisa Pamodya General Nember 23-Jan-03 ug 2021 FaaiqKamalgeen General Member ar-beco2 ‘aug 2021 Buwanajee Coralage General Nember i2-Nov99 ‘Aug 2021 Onel Einsingne General Nember 2eMay02 ‘Aug 2021 Michell Ross General Nember 35-Aug-03 ‘Aug 2021 ‘Manabaauge NaikaGooneratne General Member 22MayO1 ‘Aug 2021 DETAILS OF THE CLUB MEMBERSHIP Safe Suby General Member 2Jun01 ‘Aug 2021 Hasna Farouk General Member 03-Sepo1 ‘Aug 2021 Liyana Wanasinghe General Member 30-Apr-04 ‘Aug 2021 Kaviehke Wevite General Member 05-Oct-02 ‘Aug 2021 Dinul Senznayake General Member 04-Sep-02 ‘Aug 2021 ‘Amanani Bangara General Member or-waro4 ‘Aug 2021 Dhehara General Member -Oce01 ‘Aug 2021 Waidyasetera Nihinsa Afyaratne General Member 06-Apr-04 ‘Aug 2021 KishaliJayatilake General Member 2#Novoz ‘Aug 2021 Pethara Mendis General Member 20-Mar-03 ‘Aug 2021 Sehanya Munasinghe General Member 08-Oct-04 ‘Aug 2021 Akitva Wiayasinghe General Member o1-0ce-97 ‘Aug 2021 Neha Trikawala General Member 03-Jan-03 ‘Aug 2021 Sinai layaitake General Member 08-Nov-02 ‘Aug 2021 Nehara Fernando General Member ‘duno1 ‘Aug 2021 Adele DeSilva General Member 08-Oct-02 ‘Aug 2021 Janithri Penditharatne General Member 05-Oct-01 Sep 2021 Mitindi Dedemwale Generel Member Osen-01 Sep 2021 Senuri Premaraia_ General Member DDecoL Sep 2021 imanale General Member o1-FeD04 Sep 2021 Mutucumarana CChathuka induwara General Member BAugos Sep 2024 Khadija Mufeel General Member 30-Sep-01 Sep 2021 YenuliRanaweera General Member A-Jan-02 Sep 2021 Tarik Perera General Member 26-Sep-02 Sep 2021 Liyan Perera General Member 35-Jan-03 Sep 2021 RanuliHaWwathura General Member 19-Feb02 Sep 2021 Ravindu Kennangara General Member 07-00-02 Sep 2021 Devina Silva General Member 15-May.02 Sep 2021 ‘Akitnya Rejapakshe General Member 05-Sep-04 Sep 2021 Pathmavarman General Member 1D-Novo1 Sep 2021 Mugunthen Shaheera samad General Member as-Novo2 Sep 2021 Mup Zee General Member S0-Nov8 Sep 2021 Haafila Osman General Member 19-Mar-01 Sep 2021 ThahaaniThassim General Member 29-00-01 Sep 2021 Gotikeshaan General Member 05-Jan-03 Sep 2021 Girtharan Bihansa Liyanage General Member 25-Mar-03 Sep 2021 Dulaniee layanandana General Member 15-Nov02 Sep 2021 Aritha Vitkanage General Member 30-0ct03, Sep 2021 ‘MethiiniHewage General Member 2-Novo1 Sep 2021 Shania Ameresexere General Member 05-Deco2 Sep 2021 Afrah Hilmey General Meméer on Feb 02 Sep 2021 Manishka Rajapaksha General Member 23Jun01 Sep 2021 Senli Wasoge General Member (08-May-02 Sep 2021 Thavindu Pallewela General Member 2-003 Sep 2021 ‘Anmea Hamer General Member 12suH03 Sep 2021 Patrick deKretser General Member 1-Feb 98 Sep 2021 DETAILS OF THE CLUB MEMBERSHIP Rifadh Hussain General Member 21-Sep-02 Sep 2021 Divij Jekesekar General Member 03-Oct-02 Sep 2021 Heshan Abeywickrama General Member 11-Aug-03 Sep 2021 Nashaat Marian General Member 21-Dec-02 Sep 2021 Siluni Nawaratne General Member 12.Sep-02 Sep 2021 Thepulma Jayatissa _General Member 25-Dec-04 ‘Sep 2021, Malitha Perera General Member 12-May-00 Sep 2021, ‘Thameenah deSiiva General Member 31-Aug-02 Sep 2021 Sandali Piyapema General Member 19-Aug OL Sep 2021, Pahani Fernando General Member 16-Feb-01 Sep 2021 Navara Maddumage General Member 10-Jan-03 Sep 2021 Aksha Parathalingam General Member 23-Aug-01 Nov2021 Rabiya Sharfaz General Member 23-Mar-03 Dec 2021, Sachini Wijenayake General Member 12Jan-O1 Jan 2022 Arunan Akeshan General Member 28-0ct.03 Jan 2022 Virun Ratnayake General Member 04-Oct-08 Jan 2022 Akshith Thiyagaranjith General Member 23-May.01 Mar 2022 Sajani Pathiranage General Member 30-Oct-00 ‘Apr 2022 Feroz Faiz General Member 30-Jul-03 ‘Apr 2022 Thrishe Fajapathy General Member 23-Feb-03 ‘Apr 2022 Abdullah Rifhan General Member 01-May-02 ‘Apr 2022 SenujaJayamanne General Member 25-Dec02 May 2022 CLUB MEETINGS The General meetings of the Rotaract club of the Royal Institute of Colombo would generally be held close to the end of each month. Meetings were held online via zoom due to the Covid 19 situation in the country and the inability of our university to host meetings with over 40 participants. We managed to conduct one physical meeting so far. Meetings were generally well attended with members showing their interests in participating and being involved. CLUB MEETINGS STRUCTURE OF THE MEETING * The meeting is called to order by the President Followed by the official rotaract salutations by a general member and rotaract song along with the Sri Lankan National Anthem. © The excuses for the meeting are read out by the secretary. ¢ Avenue directors would go on to give a brief summary of the projects they completed in the past, projects which are currently ongoing and projects which are planned for the future and encourage general members to get involved by giving them opportunities in the meetings to address their opinions. * The achievements of the club would be announced followed by the board member of the month and rotaractor of the month. It would then be followed by a brief conversation between the board and any members that wished to voice their opinions. Then the meeting will be terminated by the president. CLUB MEETINGS General Meetings Date ‘Attendance Pat duly 106 27h August 134 2éth September 135 20th October 118 2ath November 105 2aih December 89 ‘ith January 20 26th February 36 25th March 47 25th Apri 37 Board Meetings Date Attendance 2oth July 23 oth August 2 25th September 2 2ath October 2 20th Nevemiber 19 ath December 18 20th January 16 26th February 8 25th March 7 26th Apri 4 28th May 22. STRATEGIC PLAN & PROGRESSIVE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIC PLAN Club As A Brand The Rotaract Club of the Royal Institute of Colombo is recognized as a club that focuses on uplifting our community within a diverse environment. Being one of the prominent clubs in the institute we focus on community service to serve different aspects of the community during these troubled times and __ professional development to enhance our members who are undergraduates to face their future careers with ease. ‘12 days of Christmas’, which is a sustainable project for the years to come. We hope to expand the project focusing on more marginalized societies in the community. This project initially started as ‘7 Days of Christmas’. Strategic formation: RACRIC intends to be recognized as a distinguished club in Sri Lanka which conducts a lot of sustainable projects. From a novice charter club we hope to improve to a club that addresses the needs/ issues of the community by the year 2023. We strive to maintain an active and hardworking membership base and collect membership dues to face the change of Elevate Rotaract effectively rather than it being a barrier to our club’s rotaract journey. We also plan to increase our visibility and publicity by conducting successful PR campaigns. STRATEGIC PLAN We also plan to partner with other organizations for different initiatives and increase public awareness through newspaper articles. We definitely hope to expand projects to other regions as we are currently focused within the area of Colombo mainly. Finance Considering our present status we are doing well as a club and not facing any financial difficulties at the moment. All the projects we have done so far, we were able to generate a surplus of funds. As an institute-based club in our second year of rotaract within a few months of operation, we currently have around 100 members on board. Regardless of the pandemic and economic crisis we were still able to carry out projects online as well as physical. We were able to build a proper social media platform in which we had shared our previous projects and updates of club activities. After completion of each project, more and more members were interested in joining the club so we were targeting a maximum of 200 members. Partnering with another Rotaract club, will help us generate funds and since we would pool in our resources, we will be able to get better exposure to attract more sponsors. We also had a stable income of membership fees, which helped us manage our administration and related expenses. Our main sources of finances were from sponsorships and donations. The members were able to bring in sponsors, both monetary and non-monetary. We were also able to generate additional funds through the sale of Rotaract T- shirt to our members. STRATEGIC PLAN Strategic formation: As mentioned previously we wish to partner up with other clubs and do joint projects. Since we already have schools under our institute's management, we plan on involving the Interact clubs from all the school branches. We also plan on partnering with other non-profit organizations to carry out meaningful projects. We believe that over time we will be able to gain more knowledge and experience, which will help us develop a good reputation and recognition for our club.We plan on approaching Companies for project financing in the form of sponsorships and building relationships that can mutually benefit both parties. We have a well-established finance team for proper maintenance of club accounts. Presenting accounts for audit annually on a timely basis. Maintaining a stable current account balance, along with a steady liquidity level. Setting up proper budgets in place for each project and the club as a whole so that expenses are under control. We have a database to crosscheck if membership dues have been paid on time and the finance team sends reminders to encourage members to pay their dues. If the membership dues are not paid during the stipulated deadline, it leads to termination of the membership. STRATEGIC PLAN Membership Criteria to be an active member: The member should have attended more than 6 General Meetings OR taken part in more than 2 of our club projects OR attended more than 2 external club projects. Provide incentives to motivate active participation in club projects (Eg, Posts of appreciation such as “Rotaractor of the month”). We aim to conduct more club service projects that aim towards members connecting and networking. We also approach inactive members and find out the reason to be inactive. acc eCd Dig Criteria for Active Member Status Paid membership fees for duration of being in the club Project Participation OR >2 Attendance for GMs OR >6 Attendance for external Rotaract projects >2 STRATEGIC PLAN Strategic formation: The membership goal is to increase the member base while ensuring members are active throughout the year. The goal is to ensure that members be a part of the club throughout their years. We aim to do that through the use of social media to recognize hard working and active members. We also plan to conduct more networking events (Eg, movie night, game nights, an annual awards ceremony). Communicating with inactive members to convert them to be active. We also send out a membership survey at the end of the rotaract year to gain honest feedback from members so the quality of the club can be improved next year. Elevate Rotaract Policy Change As a club we are able to absorb the changes of the Elevate Rotaract Policies. Despite the increase in the fees, we plan to maintain the same level of members. The membership fee of the club has been increased to a $5 fee. We plan to have a retention program in terms of a club service project. We also have implemented a system where alumni of the institute can be a part of the rotaract club for a period of 2 years after graduation. YEAR PLAN project focuses on July to August ‘educating the Public on the Express Pearl disaster and volunteering fo cleanup the coastal line polluted with nurdles. This is a series of Webinars September 3rd focusing on week the marginalized communtties. By ‘educating our youth on the issues faced by the LGBTQ community more awareness and action can be taken to protect their rights. This is a project in September calaboretoe wih Concrete Angels to bring ‘The education of our Youth November to has been February adversely impacted by the pandemic and this project focuses on our fellow. members volunteering their time to ‘educate students so that they can face their exams with confidence. ‘Our key sustainable project. December 11th to With the December 24th spirit of Christmas we intond ‘on ‘completing 12 sub projects primarily focusing on giving back to society — Professional Development YEAR PLAN ‘An opportunity for our fellow TBD fotaraciors to embrace the spirit of Vesak by hosting a Dansal This project focuses on August fellowship. This project focuses on March: teambuilding within the Rotaract Board. Board members will go an adventure with many activities to tighten their bonds and create memories. This project focuses on April understanding This project focuses on October improving the physical and mental health of all Rotaractors by conducting a series of fitness programs by fitness experts. This project focuses on January bringing out the talent of our Youth by hosting an open An re March ie opening eral Nets from the foastmasters and oraanisations International Service Sports Public Relations YEAR PLAN will assist inexperienced public speakers overcome their fear in Public Speaking This is an International August to Service proiect September focusing on women’s hygiene and ‘protective action against the spread of : Covid-19. The plan is to coll with an International club to aise finance and donate Face masks, sanitary pads and sanitizers to communities that need them the most. Organizing a futsal November tournament where participants are charged a Tegistration fee. The winning team will walk away with a trophy and prize money. This initiative is to attract August to attention - ‘September towards the newly launched RX a Rotaract tiktok account. Tiktokers all across Srilanka will be given Sah eee tee moves like jagger to win a lucrative prize. AMENDED YEAR PLAN CLUB SERVICE eran Os Pysteaae An escape room project that will create a fun. 4 week of environment which would tighten the bonds between August, 2021. fellow members. Pees tr A photoshoot which will be an opportunity for the 4" week of ee) board members to get to know each other. ‘August, 2023 ery The project will focus on dividing members into teams 3" week of quizzical and conducting a quiz via zoom that is fun and October, 2021 interactive. It will be a brain teasing game which will act as anice 1 week of breaker for members to meet other members. November, 2021 ‘The 2nd installation ceremony of the Rotaract Club of 1% week of Royal Institute of Colombo will be the official ceremony February, 2022 where the incoming board will be officiated. Sip) | Seoul2tokyo will be a collaboration with the Rotaract 3% week of club of University of Colombo, Faculty of Arts. Theaim April, 2022. of the project will be to gather a crowd of like-minded teams of people and have a fun and an exciting competition. The theme of the competition will be Koop. kdrama, anime and manea. Posen Ts cd Veet Corer Perr fonecaces AMENDED YEAR PLAN COMMUNITY SERVICE Pee) Toxic Masculinity is an online webinar to discuss about. the toxic nature of holding men and women to social standards and how that could affect the mental health ‘of men and women, and how society expects men and ‘women to behave a certain way, which may necessarily ‘not be the best for that particular person or everyone around him/her. Choose to Mend Not to End will be a workshop on. suicide prevention in collaboration with Capsaicinaz LM Foundation and the Rotaract Clubs of Royal institute of Colombo, Central Campus, Cinnamon Gardens, Colombo Uptown, Colombo West and |CBT. 5 mental hhealth workshops vill be conducted which will vary from different forms of therapy (such as art therapy), ‘yoga and mecitation, mindfulness, panel discussions ‘and own life experiences of mental health issues spoken about by experts in the field. Perils of the Pear! will ensure that the beaches are nurdle free and create awareness amongst our members and general public on marine life, Germ Busters will be a project carried out in order to help the less fortunate with sanitary items. Save the smiles is an initiative to raise awareness on Child Abuse which grew exponentially since the beginning of the pandemic. This is a virtual multi- phased project targeted at Rotaractors and teenagers to educate them on what Online Child Abuse end ‘exploitation is and how Children can be protected. 12 Days of Christmas will showcase the spirit of ‘Christmas by carrying out projects that help the less fortunate and the voiceless in our community. 12 Unique sub projects will be carried out on 12 consecutive days which symbolizes the biblical ‘reference. This is the Rotaract Club of Royal institute of Colombo's signature project which expanded from 7, days of Christmas in 2020. The projects will include a visit and donation to an orphanage, an elders home visit which also included carolling with the elders, Dry Ration donations to the elders home, Feeding the say = November, 2021 24 week of December, 2021, August- December, 2021, December, 2021. BU eli) AMENDED YEAR PLAN COMMUNITY SERVICE strays that are often neglected, Raising awareness on sustainability during Christmas, A feast meal and token of appreciation for the RIC minor staff who work tirelessly for the students, A meal for the homeless in our community, A christmas party for underprivileged kids, Distribution of dry ration hampers for the ‘economically deprived, Christmas Tiktok challenge, ‘Showing our gratitude to the frontline heroes and Secret Santa on Christmas day to conclude the project Trip to Colombo will be organized in collaboration a® week of collaboration with the Interact Club of Royal Institute to April, 2022 pravide an opportunity to a group of rural school children to visit some fascinating and educationally valuable places in the Colombo City. The clubs will pay visits to the planetarium, museum, Viharamahadevi park and zoo. ‘Wanajiviyo' will be a joint initiative with the March-May, Rotaract club of University of Colombo Faculty of | 2022 Management and Finance with. The project will be of 4 phases, where the clubs will focus on fishing cats, birds, turtles and homeless dogs. AMENDED YEAR PLAN FINANCE Pe aa Peay nM Cer Rug The club will design anew September-December, 2021 board t-shirt and a general member t-shirt in order to ee es for future Dr ariel cy Wie aah ay will design a notebook and sell it amongst general members to raise funds. INTERNATIONAL SERVICE PROJECT NAME DESCRIPTION masa h SESE TESS) “Tellus about your 2021" isa 4" week of December, 2021 the world to share about the year 2021 from their perspective. The project willbe acultural 4'" week of January, 2022 exchange, where both clubs exchanged their cultures and later was followed by a letter head exchange. Temi In lieu of international at week of February, 2022 Mother Language Day, the - project “Unity in Diversity” is organized to celebrate the diversity of languages around the world, AMENDED YEAR PLAN PROFFESIONAL DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION aa iaet Ts “She Saves” willbe ajoint 3° week of September, 2021 business webinar for professional development ‘and community economic development which is 2 guide to learn facts for financial ‘management exclusively for women. The project will be a collaboration between Rotaract clubs of Centennial United, Excellence, Ja-Ela Kandana, etuggstste region, Negombo, NI Pamunugama, RIC, UOCFME, wattala along with Leo club of wattala which will feature ‘Mrs. Menik Fernando, the CEO of Vanguard Survey PVT Ltd. Project talk the talk will be 2 3" week of September, 2021 collaboration between Rotaract Clubs of ACBT, University of Jaffna faculty of engineering, Royal Institute ‘of Colombo and Colombo Fort. The project will focus on teaching the participants the art of Public Speaking and. ‘overcoming their fear of speaking to large audiences. Smee Project Defining success was 2"! week of September, 2021 a professional development ‘project that had 2 phases which will include a questionnaire and a webinar ‘that focused on what success ‘means to people and how we as individuals are able to develop ourselves to be successful individuals. The webinar session will be AMENDED YEAR PLAN PROFFESIONAL DEVELOPMENT Beyer PET mses “she Saves” will be a joint 3 week of September, 2021 business webinar for professional development and community economic development which is a guide to learn facts for financial collaboration between Rotaract clubs of Centennial United, Excellence, Ja-Ela Kandana, Katugastota region, Negombo, NIBM, Pamunugama, RIC, UOCFMF, wattala along with Leo club of wattala which will feature Mrs. Menik Fernando, the CEO of Vanguard Survey PVT Ltd. iersocael 4 Project talk the talk willbea 3° week of September, 2021 collaboration between Rotaract Clubs of ACBT, University of Jaffna faculty of engineering, Royal Institute of Colombo and Colombo Fort. The project will focus on teaching the participants the art of Public Speaking and overcoming their fear of speaking to large audiences. AMENDED YEAR PLAN PROFFESIONAL DEVELOPMENT Pec Project Defining success was a professional development. project that had 2 phases which will include a questionnaire and a webinar that focused on what success means to people and how we as individuals are able to develop ourselves to be successful individuals. The webinar session will be conducted by Mr. Amar is the CEO of minc This project is an ‘escape room’ themed project, hence the name. Teams of 6 individuals each are locked in a room for an hour and tasked with clues to find their way out. Those who manage to solve the clues and leave the room before an hour win the game. This year the Rotaract clubs of Colombo Mid-Town and Royal Institute of Colombo will partner up to organize the project. 2" week of September, 2021 4" week of November, 2022 AMENDED YEAR PLAN SPORTS AND RECREATION PROJECT NAME DESCRIPTION meses Project Picture Itis an online 4** week of September, 2021 project that is organized to - bring the competitive side of | the members and to give them an opportunity to have fun with their groups of friends. : ‘The project Shuttlemastersis _4** week of January, 2022 an open badminton tournament organized for rotaractors and non- rotaractors of all age categories, that will be held in order to create bonds and socialize with all participants and the organizing committee. AMENDED YEAR PLAN PUBLIC RELATIONS eam US RTS Project 360 Rotaract 360° aims to spread August-November, 2021 its message “despite the current situation that has impacted our word, Rotaract stands forever adapting and forever evolving”. This project will be an initiative organized by the Rotaract Clubs of Colombo Heritage partnered with Rotaract Club ‘of Colombo Uptown, Rotaract Club of Colombo ‘West, Rotaract Club of General Sir John Kotelawala Defense University, Rotaract Club of Informatics Institute “of Technology and Rotaract Club of Royal Institute of Colombo. It will educate Rotaract members on 1) how important the movement is to Sti Lanka and how it has affected the community and us as individuals. 2) Establishing the importance ‘of increasing more ‘sustainable projects in the Movement and how practical it would be in the long term for a Rotaract club. 3) Focusing more on the of a project than the number of projects that are conducted in one’s club. 4) “Understanding why we as individuals join the Rotaract movement and what it truly “means to be in Rotaract. 5)

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