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Report Writing

Course: Functional English

Title: Factors Influencing Career Selection Among Students

Submitted by: Washam Waseem, Tressa Jamshed, Saira Jabbar

Major: Digital Communication and Media Technology

Semester: II

Submitted to: Ma’am Farah Hameed


Choosing a career path is one of the most significant decisions that individuals make in their

lives. For students, this decision can be both exciting and challenging, as they navigate through

various factors that influence their choice of field for higher education. This report explores the

factors that play a vital role in shaping the career selections of students. From personal interests

and passions to external pressures and societal expectations, students encounter influences that

guide their decisions. By delving into these factors, we aim to gain a deeper understanding of

how students navigate the complex landscape of career selection and the implications of these

choices on their academic and professional journeys. Through a comprehensive analysis of

survey responses, this report sheds light on the multifaceted nature of career decision-making

among students.

Main Body:

The data collected from the survey provides valuable insights into the factors influencing career

selection among students. Among the respondents, a significant majority, comprising 90% of the

participants, indicated that they chose their field of study by their own choice. This finding

highlights the autonomy and agency that students often exercise in making tough decisions about

their academic and professional fields.

When asked about the reasons behind their choice of field, it was revealed that various factors

come into play. While 9% of the respondents cited the appeal of a field requiring less hard work

as a motivating factor, a considerable portion, accounting for 36.5% of the participants,

expressed a genuine passion for their chosen field. This underscores the importance of personal

interests and natural motivation in guiding career decisions.

Furthermore, the survey results indicate that 18.5% of the respondents opted for their current

field because they were unable to secure admission in their desired field. For these individuals,

their chosen field served as a secondary option, suggesting that external constraints such as

academic competitiveness or limited opportunities may influence career choices.

Interestingly, 9% of the respondents reported being forced to choose their field by external

influences, highlighting the presence of societal or familial pressures that can impact decision-

making processes. This finding underscores the need for greater awareness and support for

students to pursue paths aligned with their interests and aspirations.

Additionally, a notable proportion of the respondents, comprising 27% of the participants, cited

the potential for financial gain as a significant factor in their career selection. This reflects the

realistic considerations that students often weigh when making decisions about their future

prospects, underscoring the intersection of personal interests and practical considerations in

career decision-making.

Overall, the data explains the complex interplay of personal, societal, and realistic factors that

shape career selection among students. By understanding these influences, educators,

policymakers, and stakeholders can better support students in navigating their career pathways

and creating fulfillment and success in their chosen fields.


Understanding the factors that influence students' career choices is crucial for educators,

policymakers, and families alike. From the data gathered, it's clear that while many students

choose their fields based on personal interests and passions, others are influenced by practical

considerations, societal pressures, or limited options.

The significant number of students who express genuine passion for their chosen fields

highlights the importance of creating environments where individuals can pursue their interests

freely. Additionally, the prevalence of external pressures and realistic considerations underscores

the need for greater support systems to ensure that students make informed and fulfilling career


Moving forward, it's essential to recognize the diverse motivations and challenges that students

face when selecting their career paths. By providing resources, guidance, and opportunities for

exploration, we can empower students to make choices that align with their interests, values, and

aspirations, ultimately fostering success and fulfillment in their chosen fields.

Reference of the Survey:


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