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Mechanisms in Microbial Evolution


Department of Microbiology, Biozentrum, University of Basel, Klingelbergstrasse 70, CH-4056 Basel, Switzerland

Received October 10, 1990

cesses which lead to genetic variation represent im-

Molecular genetic studies with prokaryotic microor- portant biological functions.
ganisms reveal that many different molecular processes
contribute to the formation of spontaneous mutations. MOLECULARMECHANISMSOF
Besides infidelities in DNA replication and the conse- SPONTANEOUSMUTAGENESIS
quences of environmental mutagens, enzyme-mediated Molecular genetic analysis has revealed a multi-
DNA rearrangements bring about important, evolution- tude of mechanisms contributing to the formation of
arily relevant alterations in the genetic information. Par- spontaneous mutations (Table I). Infidelity of the
ticular attention is given in this article to site-specific DNA replication process can be at the origin of nu-
recombination at secondary crossover sites and to the cleotide substitution and other local alterations of
transposition of mobile genetic elements with relaxed DNA sequences. Many environmental mutagens are
target specificity. Besides these diverse processes of ge-
natural, others are man-made, and they affect DNA
nomic mutation the acquisition of genetic information
sequences in various, often quite specific ways. Since
from other organisms plays an uncontested role in micro-
we consider here a mutation to be any alteration in
bial evolution. Enzymes and organelles mediating any of
these mutational processes can be looked at as biological the DNA sequences of a genome, we also count re-
functions acting at the level of populations for the needs combinational DNA rearrangements among the
of biological evolution, rather than to fulfill the needs of spontaneous mutations. To a large extent, DNA re-
individual living organisms. ‘Q Iwo Academic PRSS, IN. arrangements depend on the presence of specific en-
zymes, in particular enzymes for general recombi-
nation, for site-specific recombination, and for trans-
INTRODUCTION position. Finally, the acquisition of genetic
information from other organisms also represents
Biological evolution results from the steady inter- an alteration of the DNA sequences of a genome; it
play between spontaneous mutation and selection, can therefore be counted among the processes of
whereby reproductive and geographical isolation spontaneous mutagenesis. All of these mechanisms
can be counted among the limiting parameters. Se- have been quite well studied with haploid microor-
lection is a function of the living conditions in eco- ganisms, bacteria and their viruses, in which muta-
systems. The living conditions depend both on the tions are rapidly revealed by their phenotypic man-
physicochemical characteristics and on the biologi- ifestation.
cal activities exerted by the organisms present in an The possible consequences of a mutation, i.e., of an
ecosystem. Since these parameters are variable, se- alteration of the nucleotide sequence of the genome,
lection is also variable. A high genetic diversity in- are as follows: (1) A mutation is often lethal, i.e., it
creases the chance that in large populations of or- inhibits further reproduction. (2) A mutation is of-
ganisms some members are able to readily adapt to ten without immediate influence on processes of life.
altered living conditions. While selection tends to Such silent mutations may become relevant for phe-
reduce the genetic diversity, spontaneous mutation notypic manifestation at a later time in combination
counteracts this tendency and it thus represents an with additional mutational changes. (3) Sometimes
important factor for the long-term maintenance of a mutation inhibits life processes only partially, i.e.,
life on the planet under steadily changing living it represents a selective disadvantage. (4) Rather
conditions. rarely, a mutation gives a selective advantage to the
In this contribution, we will focus our attention on organism. These mutations contribute most impor-
the multitude of mechanisms of spontaneous mu- tantly to the evolutionary process in populations.
tagenesis. This will lead us to consider whether pro- We assume that each of the molecular processes

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TABLE I sequence alteration that the defective A genome had

Diversity of Mechanisms in Spontaneous Mutagenesis suffered. But this has since become possible with the
techniques of molecular genetic analysis. Molecular
Infidelity of DNA replication
Nucleotide substitution studies have, for example, revealed that a majority
Small insertions and deletions of spontaneous mutations carried in populations of
Partial duplications the Pl prophage and affecting the vegetative cycle of
Environmental mutagens (radiation, chemicals, etc.) reproduction of phage Pl were due to transposition
of IS elements (Arber et al., 1978; Sengstag and Ar-
Recombinational DNA rearrangements
By general recombination at homologous DNA segments ber, 1983).
By site-specific recombination, particularly at secondary In the summer of 1956, Jean Weigle brought to
crossover sites my attention two publications by Morse, Lederberg,
Transpositional recombination and Lederberg (1956a,b) who had just discovered the
Others (gyrase-mediated and other “illegitimate” processes) phenomenon of specialized transduction with phage
Acquisition of genetic information from other organisms
A. When we observed in the electron microscope in-
duced lysates from bacteria singly lysogenic for the
h gal transducing phage, no phage-like structures
listed in Table I contributes to the production of
spontaneous mutants for each species with a char- whatsoever could be detected. By genetic comple-
acteristic efficiency. Thereby, DNA rearrangements mentation analysis, it was then found that h gal
may probably quite often produce lethal mutants, isolates had long deletions removing a number of
while nucleotide substitutions may less frequently late phage genes essential for tail and head morpho-
lead to lethality. Studies on the cause of spontane- genesis (Arber, 1958; Arber et al., 1957). Obviously,
these mutants could be considered as substitutions
ous lethal mutations at the molecular level could
clarify the validity of these presumptions. As we will in which some of the phage genes were left behind
show below, this is possible with a particular exper- upon excision of the prophage from the host chromo-
imental approach. If a relatively high proportion of some. Instead, some host genes located adjacent to
spontaneous mutations results in lethality, one has the A prophage in the bacterical chromosome had
to postulate that the overall efficiency of spontane- substituted for the lost A genes (Campbell, 1962).
ous mutagenesis should be significantly lower than This exciting finding clearly pointed to the mecha-
to produce one mutation per genome and generation, nism by which phage A can serve under natural con-
otherwise the survival of the concerned strain might ditions as gene vector in the transfer of host genes
not be assured. from one bacterial strain to another.
PROPAGATED AND INVESTIGATED IN THE Besides bacteriophage-mediated transduction,
PROPHAGE CONDITION other mechanisms of gene transfer among bacteria
In my graduate work done at the University of include transformation, conjugation and, at least to
Geneva in the 1950s I explored the functional de- some extent, also cell fusion. It is well-known that in
fects resulting from mutations that the bacterio- conjugation, a conjugative plasmid serves as natural
phage lambda [Al genome had suffered in its pro- gene vector. In contrast, in the transformation pro-
phage state. The genomes of such mutants prop- cess, DNA fragments of the donor organism are
agate perfectly well in the prophage condition. taken up by the recipient cell without the interme-
However, upon induction of the lytic cycle of repro- diate of a gene vector. In order to become relevant
duction, any mutation in one of the genes essential for evolution, the DNA taken up by the recipient cell
for vegetative growth inhibits the production of in- in any of the transfer processes mentioned must be-
fective viral particles. This type of experiment al- come part of the genome. Depending on the system,
lows one therefore to study lethal mutations. In the this can be brought about by a recombinational pro-
1950s it was already possible to identify functional cess with the chromosome or by the establishment of
defects by analyzing in the electron microscope the an independent replicon.
kind of structural products still resulting from the NATURAL BARRIERS TO GENE ACQUISITION
induction of a defective lysogen. For example, some
of the mutants studied produced only phage heads When the natural gene transfer processes were
but no tails. Other mutants produced both heads and studied in bacteria, it soon became evident that
tails, but still could not assemble infective phage other factors than the one just mentioned, i.e., the
particles (Arber and Kellenberger, 1958). At the need to ensure propagation, also represent limiting
time when these experiments were done, it was of factors to gene acquisition and thus contribute to
course not yet possible to investigate the kind of genetic isolation. Surface incompatibility seriously
inhibits the range of genetic exchange in conjuga- cerned tail fiber gene has thus a constant part lo-
tion as well as in phage-mediated transduction. The cated outside of the invertible DNA segment and a
surface composition of recipient cells plays also a variable part encoded on the invertible DNA. De-
role in the efficiency of DNA uptake in transforma- pending on the orientation of the invertible DNA
tion. segment, Pl phage particles have one or the other
Restriction-modification systems, which are found type of tail fibers. Since the biological function of tail
in a wide range of bacterial strains, play in my mind fibers resides in the recognition of host surface ele-
a double role in DNA acquisition under natural con- ments, DNA inversion influences the host range of
ditions. Restriction reduces to a large extent the ef- the phage.
ficiency of gene acquisition by any of the gene trans- The Cin DNA inversion enzyme occasionally acts
fer processes (Arber, 1965). Invading foreign DNA is at secondary crossover sites, whereby the inversion
recognized as such by restriction enzymes and is process can bring about novel DNA arrangements
fragmented into relatively small pieces. Although (Iida et al., 1984; Iida and Hiestand-Nauer, 1986).
the resulting DNA fragments become quite rapidly This is exemplified in Fig. 1. In this experiment car-
exonucleolytically degraded, the genetic informa- ried out by Iida and Hiestand-Nauer (1987) a plas-
tion on a DNA fragment may become integrated mid which carried only one efficiently used crossover
with some low probability into the genome by any of site was constructed. Selection was made for rare
the recombination pathways exerted in the recipient mutational events in which an open reading frame
cell. Thus restriction-modification systems repre- coding for kanamycin resistance had spontaneously
sent on the one hand a serious limitation to the ac- been provided with a promoter of transcription.
quisition strategy, but they favor on the other hand Most often, the expression of kanamycin resistance
acquisition to occur in small steps. The acquisition could be attributed to DNA inversion occurring be-
of only one or a few genes--or even the information tween the consensus-like crossover site gwC* and one
for one functional domain-can ensure that the re- of many different secondary crossover sites. Interest-
cipient cell can better cope with the acquired genetic ingly, sequence analysis of these secondary cross-
information than if a large DNA segment of a donor over sites revealed a very wide divergence from the
genome were acquired. In the latter case, the func- consensus sequence. Considering the preserved nu-
tional harmony of the recipient organism might of- cleotides still reflecting the consensus, no general
ten be disturbed. Functional compatibility indeed rule could be extrapolated for the criteria to serve as
belongs also to the factors limiting gene acquisition. secondary crossover site. We can thus conclude that



It is well known that in the lysogenization process

the phage A genome becomes integrated most fre-
quently into a specific chromosomal integration site. ‘$I\’ ‘;7.8_; :. J?‘TLG.,‘ ;: (- -: &(: dA&
With lower frequencies, however, secondary inte- ;i1 <t\*cJ391 “a! c?.cct :t gq !S :&.I‘El :c f;gaqr i .)
tc yu*Q3’x ciZajzr g&t t.g; s. -‘. :l.:ccm;:r ,?aggc~ c.1
gration sites can be used (Weisberg and Landy, ii :-lx*Q1x’) i‘g~ct,Jst~ .cag & c:c;dil:~I.t~gc: i. I
1983). Upon the already discussed excision of the A d, gl\*Q3R7 TTggcTy: cli‘q:: yi (-:;‘!‘i~!.c~t :gyg~ ( >)
c/ !2lu*@Xh Tmdt gmgq TVt ‘&gc~:bcl,jg&t. ( I
prophage from the chromosome, the cutting out pro- f, glu*~3xs :3qCctTCtBtq a a~gTl’c~~c;c’lJtc (.‘I
cess is again most often highly site-specific. The pro- 61 git*Q3X3 .bJ :x~a3’:r!~igct: ( .! j
duction of A gal transducing phage due to excision at !I , i!iY”Q3XXB ,:~~macJqtq&3 7 !*A.’ ~.‘--T.~J”l::.i~~i i ‘I
I/ gl\‘cJ30.? ! d 5 ~r 5 I a.vLx~-
-C~ 1 !&? _~I ‘I1 1 1<I i t :: I’i: (P!
other sites occurs about 10 000 times less frequently h, y,‘()“‘1 ^ <-i-JyL;‘- -~._.&
- 2, I. ? *~_~~ ~r;-: ,’ ..-. -. 411“_:. I i !
than the excision at the junctions between chromo- FIG. 1. Secondary crossover sites occasionally used by the
some and prophage. The illegitimate recombination DNA inversion enzyme Cin. Their locations on plasmid pSHI383
leading to the formation of A gal is likely due to the are shown above and their nucleotide sequences below. The data
interaction of site-specific recombinases at second- are taken from Iida and Hiestand-Nauer (1987). On plasmid
pSHI383 the tin. gene is under the control of the lacUV5 pro-
ary crossover sites.
moter. The intact km reading frame does not provide resistance
This phenomenon is also seen in site-specific DNA to kanamycin, since this gene has no promoter. However, either
inversion. The Gin recombinase is encoded by a gene the lacUV5 or the PI promoter can control the expression of km
of the bacteriophage Pl (Iida, 1984). This site- after spontaneous DNA inversion has occurred between the gir*
specific recombinase usually brings about the inver- crossover site and one of the secondary crossover sites labeled a to
f and g to k, respectively. In the DNA sequences the underlined
sion of the nucleotide sequences carried between two capital letters correspond to the consensus sequence for crossover
crossover sites, one of which is located in the reading sites used with high efficiency by Cin recombinase and its rela-
frame for a Pl tail fiber protein. This inversion pro- tives. Numbers in parentheses indicate how many times each
cess is repeated every few generations. The con- particular sequence was independently used in DNA inversion.

DNA inversion systems can bring about a wide va- that living organisms express specific biological
riety of DNA rearrangements. Those studied in Fig. functions which promote evolutionary changes. I
1 represent operon fusions. The already discussed personally favor the latter interpretation. Indeed, I
DNA inversion occurring in wild type Pl DNA consider biological evolution an absolutely impor-
brings about a gene fusion. In analogy, gene fusions tant process for the long-term maintenance of life on
are also expected to result from recombination at this planet. I therefore conclude that some of the
secondary crossover sites. It is thus clear that site- enzymes that promote a wide variety of DNA rear-
specific inversion represents a potent means for mi- rangements may indeed perform biological func-
crobial populations to produce a large number of dif- tions that promote evolution and that these enzymes
ferent DNA arrangements without any loss of nu- had been selected for by these functions carried out
cleotides. Under natural selective pressure any such at the population level. One may also consider
new DNA sequence will be tried out for its func- whether promoters of lateral gene transfer, such as
tional relevance. Since the production of a novel viruses and plasmids, might have their main func-
DNA sequence by this process is quite a rare event, tional role in the evolutionary process.
it does not matter to the cell population that newly This conceptional point of view leads to the follow-
arranged genomes might often lead to lethality. The ing conclusion: One can subdivide biological func-
possibility that a small number of rearranged ge- tions into two categories. On the one hand, many
nomes might represent a selective advantage leads biological functions meet the needs of individual
me to postulate that DNA inversion systems might lives. They must act at the right time and with the
primarily have the function to provide a wide vari- right efficiency in each single member of a popula-
ety of new DNA arrangements in large microbial tion. On the other hand, factors promoting genetic
populations. In this sense, the DNA inversion sys- diversity exert their action only at the population
tem can be considered to function according to the level. Of course, each individual member of a popu-
principle of a variety generator by its action on a lation will carry the genes for the evolutionarily rel-
very large number of secondary crossover sites. evant processes. But only a small proportion of in-
dividuals should experience their activities. Recom-
SEVERAL ENZYMES ACT ON DNA AS bination enzymes bringing about novel DNA
VARIETY GENERATORS rearrangements in only a small proportion of a pop-
ulation are good examples for such biological func-
Interestingly, other enzymes interacting with the tions. Of course, the proposed classification is some-
DNA also function according to the variety genera-
what arbitrary, and it is clear that some gene prod-
tor principle. Among these are type I restriction en-
ucts may serve both purposes and fulfill the needs of
zymes. These cut long DNA molecules almost ran-
individual lives as well as those of biological evolu-
domly, although the distinction between foreign and
tion in large populations. DNA ligase might be a
own DNA is made at specific nucleotide sequences
good example for such biological functions. Still one
(Arber, 1974). DNA rearrangement by transposition
may wonder at what level the selective value might
also follows the variety generator principle. Indeed,
be. In the case of DNA inversion systems, I person-
different transposition systems show a more or less
ally consider the selective value of activities gener-
relaxed target specificity, so that a wide variety of
ating sequence varieties as more important than
different DNA arrangements can result upon trans-
that of the more readily seen turning back and forth
position. The mobile genetic element IS2, for exam-
of a particular DNA segment located between two
ple, displays a regional target specificity, but within
consensus crossover sites.
the so-called hot target regions many different inte-
gration sites are used, and IS2 can also transpose to
various sequences outside of hot target regions The author expresses his deep gratitude to Eduard Kellen-
berger for originally stimulating research on defective prophages
(Sengstag and Arber, 1983, 1987). Other IS ele- and for his continued interest and appreciated encouragement
ments, such as IS30, insert with high preference into throughout the decades of research on the many facets of micro-
a particular site on the target DNA molecule. How- bial evolution.
ever, with lower efficiency IS30 can also transpose
elsewhere and at a variety of different sites (Caspers REFERENCES
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