Dunamancy v3

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Arcane School: Graviturgy v3

nderstanding and mastering the forces that Focus 4
draw bodies of matter together or drive them
apart, the students of the graviturgy arcane
school learn to further bend and manipulate VIOLENT ATTRACTION ↻
the violent energy of gravity to their benefit, UNCOMMON GRAVITURGY TRANSMUTATION VISUAL
and the terrible detriment of their enemies.
If you choose this school as a 1st level WIZARD
wizard, you add one 1st-level spell with the graviturgy trait Cast: verbal
(such as magnify gravity) to your spellbook. You learn the Range: 30 feet; Targets 1 creature
adjust density school spell. Trigger: You or a creature within range hits with a strike or is
Graviturgy Trait You increase velocity for a more punishing blow or fall. If the
Effects and magic items with this trait are associated with trigger is a creature hitting a strike, then their strike deals
the magical study of graviturgy, typically involving additional damage equal to one extra weapon damage die. If
manipulation of gravity. the trigger is a creature falling, then the damage they take
from falling is doubled.
Focus Spells New Feat
As a graviturgy wizard, you can learn the following school
spells. Wizards get a new feat option at 6th level.

Focus 1 Feat 6

Cast: somatic You bend space around your spells. If your next action is to
Range: 30 feet; Targets 1 willing creature or unattended Cast a Spell, choose one creature or unattended object
object targeted by the spell. If the target is willing, your spell attack
Duration: until the end of the target's next turn roll hits the target, or the target fails the spell's saving throw,
You magically alter the weight of one object or a large or then you move the creature 5 feet. This follows the rules for
smaller creature. The target’s weight is halved or doubled for forced movement. If your spell attack roll was a critical
the duration, but doesn't affect the bulk the target is carrying. success or the target critically failed the spell's saving throw,
While the weight of the target is halved by this effect, the then you can move the target 10 feet.
target’s speed gains a +5-foot status bonus to their Speed and
a +1 status bonus to Reflex saves, but they are Enfeebled 1.
While the weight of the target is doubled by this effect, the
target suffers a -5-foot status penalty to their Speed, but gains
a +1 status bonus to Strength-based rolls and DCs, including
Strength-based melee attack rolls, Strength-based damage
rolls, and Athletics checks.
Heightened (5th): Your target can be a huge or smaller
Heightened (10th): Your target can be a gargantuan or
smaller creature.

All Art From Wizards of the Coast

Dunamancy: Graviturgy Wizard 1
Graviturgy Spells Arcane 4th-Level Spell
Unlike a traditional arcane school, graviturgy is a
specialization of esoteric magic called Dunamancy. PULSE WAVE
Dunamancy spells, and by extension, graviturgy spells are
broad enough in application that they span across several UNCOMMON EVOCATION GRAVITURGY WIZARD
traditional schools of magic. Traditions: arcane
If you are using this homebrew, the following spells gain Cast: somatic, verbal
the graviturgy trait: Area: 30-foot cone
telekinetic projectile Saving Throw: Reflex
feather fall You create intense pressure in a wave, and you decide
gravity well whether the pressure pulls creatures and objects towards
fly you, or away from you. The wave deals 8d6 force damage.
reverse gravity Each creature in the area must attempt a basic Reflex save;
meteor swarm unattended objects automatically fail. Creatures and objects
There are also a number of new graviturgy spells: that fail the save are also moved 5 feet (10 feet on a critical
failure) in the direction you chose. This follows the rules for
Arcane 1st-Level Spell forced movement.
Heightened (+1): The damage increases by 2d6.
Arcane 6th-Level Spell

Traditions: arcane, occult GRAVITY FISSURE

Cast: somatic, verbal
Range: 30 feet; Area 5-foot-radius burst UNCOMMON EVOCATION GRAVITURGY WIZARD

Saving Throw: Reflex Traditions: arcane

Cast: somatic, verbal
You create a small sphere of magnified gravity. You deal 2d4 Area: 120-foot line
force damage to creatures in the area; they must each
attempt a Reflex save. You manifest a ravine of gravitational energy originating from
Critical Success: The creature is unaffected. you. Each creature in the line takes 12d6 force damage (basic
Success: The creature takes half damage. Reflex save).
Failure: The creature takes full damage and a -5-feet status Each creature and unattended object within 10 feet of the
penalty to their Speed for 2 rounds. line, but not in it, takes 6d6 force damage (basic Reflex save).
Critical Failure: The creature takes double damage and Creatures and objects that fail the save are also moved 5 feet
takes a –10-foot status penalty to its Speeds for 2 rounds. towards the line (10 feet on a critical failure). This follows the
Heightened (+1): The damage increases by 2d4. rules for forced movement.
Heightened (+1): The damage for creatures in the line
Arcane 2nd-Level Spell increases by 2d6, and the damage to creatures or objects
outside the line increases by 1d6.
Arcane 8th-Level Spell

Traditions: arcane, occult DARK STAR

Cast: somatic, verbal
Range: Touch; Targets 1 unattended object UNCOMMON EVOCATION GRAVITURGY WIZARD

Duration: 1 hour Traditions: arcane, occult

Cast: material, somatic, verbal
You touch an object that weighs no more than 10 pounds and Range: 500 feet
cause it to become magically Immobilized in place. You and Duration: 1 minute
the creatures you designate when you cast this spell can
move the object normally. You can also set a password that, You create a sphere filled with magical darkness and
when spoken within 5 feet of the object, suppresses this spell crushing gravitational force for the spell's duration. The
for 1 minute. sphere can have a radius of up to 40 feet.
If the object is fixed in the air, it can hold up to 10 bulk of
weight. More weight causes the object to fall.
Heightened (+1): The amount of weight the object can
hold increases by 10 bulk and the duration increased by 1

Dunamancy: Graviturgy Wizard

Light does not enter the sphere and any non-magical light You tear into space, creating a void whose gravity drags
sources, such as a torch or lantern, do not emanate any light everything towards annihilation for the spell's duration. The
while inside the area, even if their light radius would extend area is difficult terrain. Any non-magical object within 20 feet
beyond the dark star. This also suppresses magical light of of the center is automatically destroyed if they aren’t being
your dark star spell's level or lower. Light can't pass through, worn or carried.
so creatures in the area can't see outside. From outside, it When the spell appears, all creatures and unsecured
appears as a star of pure darkness. objects within the area move towards the center, depending
Area inside the sphere is difficult terrain, and all sound is on their Reflex saving throws. This follows the rules for
silenced in or passing the sphere that prevents any auditory forced movement. If there’s not enough space near the center
and sonic effects. Any creature inside the sphere is Deafened. of the area, creatures and objects nearer to the center move
Any creature that enters the sphere or is occupying the first, and others move as far as they can without being
sphere's area at the start of its turn takes 4d10 force damage blocked, up to the amount set by their saving throw
(basic Fortitude save). A creature reduced to 0 HP is reduced outcomes. Any creature that starts their turn within the area
to fine powder; its gear remains. must make a Reflex saving throw.
Heightened (+2): The damage increases by 1d10. Critical Success: The creature is unaffected.
Success: The creature moves 20 feet towards the center.
Arcane 10th-Level Spell Failure: The creature moves 60 feet towards the center.
Critical Failure: The creature moves 120 feet towards the
Any creature that enters within 20 feet of the center or is
UNCOMMON EVOCATION GRAVITURGY WIZARD occupying space within 20 feet of the center at the start of its
Traditions: arcane, occult turn takes 8d8 force damage with no saving throw, and is
Cast: material, somatic, verbal Immobilized until it is no longer within 20 feet of the center.
Range: 1,000 feet; Area 120-foot-radius burst A creature reduced to 0 HP is reduced to fine powder; its
Duration: 1 minute gear remains.
Saving Throw: Reflex

Dunamancy: Graviturgy Wizard 3

Arcane School: Chronurgy v2

ocusing on the manipulation of time, those who A creature holding the bead can use an action to release
follow the Chronurgy tradition learn to alter the the spell within, whereupon the bead disappears. The spell
pace of reality to their liking. Using the ramping uses your spell attack bonus and spell DC, and the spell
of anticipatory dunamis energy, these mages can treats the creature who released it as the caster for all other
bend the flow of time as adroitly as a skilled purposes.
musician plays an instrument, lending
themselves and their allies an advantage in the New Feat
blink of an eye.
If you choose this school as a 1st level wizard, you add one Wizards get a new feat option at 6th level.
1st-level spell with the graviturgy trait (such as gift of alacrity)
to your spellbook. You learn the chronal shift school spell. Feat 6
Chronurgy Trait ALACRITY SPELL
Effects and magic items with this trait are associated with UNCOMMON CONCENTRATE METAMAGIC WIZARD
the magical study of chronurgy, typically involving
manipulation of time. You shift time around your spells. If your next action is to
Cast a Spell, choose one creature targeted by the spell. The
Focus Spells creature gains the quickened condition for 1 round and can
use the extra action only for Strike and Stride actions. You
As a chronurgy wizard, you can learn the following school cannot affect the same creature with this metamagic more
spells. than once per hour.

Focus 1


Cast: verbal
Range: 30 feet; Targets 1 creature
Trigger: After you see a creature make an attack roll,
Perception check, saving throw, or skill check.
You can magically exert limited control over the flow of time
around a creature. The creature can add a +2 status bonus to
the rolled result.
Focus 4
Cast: somatic
Duration: 1 hour
You condense a spell’s magic into a time bubble. If your next
action is to cast a spell that is at least 2 levels lower than the
highest level spell slot you have, the spell is frozen in time at
the moment of casting and held within a gray bead. This bead
is a tiny object with an AC equal to your spell save and has 1
hit point, and it is immune to poison and mental damage.
When the spell's duration ends, or if the bead is destroyed, it
vanishes in a flash of light, and the spell is lost.

Dunamancy: Chronurgy Wizard

Chronurgy Spells Arcane 5th-Level Spell
Unlike a traditional arcane school, chronurgy is a
specialization of esoteric magic called Dunamancy.
Dunamancy spells, and by extension, chronurgy spells are
broad enough in application that they span across several UNCOMMON CHRONURGY TRANSMUTATION WIZARD
traditional schools of magic. Traditions: arcane, occult
If you are using this homebrew, the following spells gain Cast: verbal
the chronurgy trait: Range: 60 feet; Targets 1 creature
anticipate peril Save: Will
true strike Trigger: When a creature you can see makes an attack roll or
curse of lost time starts to cast a spell
haste You attempt to throw the triggering creature to another point
slow in time and cause the attack to miss or the spell to be
time beacon disrupted. The creature makes a Will save.
true target Critical Success: The creature is unaffected and you are
time stop slowed 1 for 1 round.
There are also a number of new chronurgy spells: Success: The creature must attempt a DC 5 flat check. On
a failure, their attack misses or their spell is disrupted.
Cantrip Failure: The attack misses or the spell is disrupted.
Critical Failure: Same as a failure, and the creature
vanishes. The creature reappears after 1 round where it was
SAPPING STING or in the closest unoccupied space. The creature doesn’t
remember you casting the spell or being affected by it.

Traditions: arcane, occult Arcane 7th-Level Spell

Cast: somatic, verbal
Range: 60 feet; Targets 1 creature TETHER ESSENCE
Saving Throw: Fortitude
You twist time around a creature, sapping their vitality Traditions: arcane, occult
enough to bring them to their knees. The sting deals negative Cast: somatic, verbal
damage equal to your spellcasting ability modifier; the target Range: 60 feet; Targets 2 creatures within 60 feet of each
must attempt a basic Fortitude save. If the target critically other
fails the save, it is also knocked prone. Save: Fortitude
Heightened (+2): The damage increases by 1d6.
You merge together the realities of two creatures. Each
Arcane 2nd-Level Spell creature makes a Fortitude save. If they are within 30 feet of
each other, then they take a -2 status penalty to the save.
FORTUNE'S FAVOR Either creature can willingly fail the save. Treat the result of
the spell based off the highest save result.
UNCOMMON CHRONURGY DIVINATION WIZARD Critical Success: Both creatures are unaffected.
Traditions: arcane, occult Success: Both creatures are magically linked together for
Cast: somatic, verbal 1 round. When damage is dealt to one of them, the same
Range: 30 feet; Targets 1 willing creature damage is dealt to the other one. If Hit Points are restored to
Duration: 1 hour one of them, the same number of Hit Points are restored to
the other one. If either of the tethered creatures is reduced to
You impart latent luck to yourself or one willing creature. 0 Hit Points, the spell ends on both. If the spell ends on one
When the chosen creature makes an attack roll, a skill check, creature, it ends on both.
or a saving throw before the spell ends, it can choose to end Failure: Same as a success, but the duration increases to 1
the spell on itself to roll an additional d20 and choose which minute.
of the d20s to use. Alternatively, when an attack roll is made Critical Failure: Same as a failure, but the duration
against the chosen creature, it can choose to end the spell on increases to 1 hour.
itself to roll a d20 and choose which of the d20s to use, the Heightened (10th): You can target up to 5 creatures to be
one it rolled or the one the attacker rolled. linked together.
Heightened (+1): You can target an additional creature.

Dunamancy: Chronurgy Wizard

Failure: The same as a success, but the duration increases to
Arcane 8th-Level Spell 1 minute.
Critical Failure: Same as a failure, but for each turn, the
REALITY BREAK creature rolls twice on the Reality Break Effects table,
rerolling on a duplicate effect.
UNCOMMON CHRONURGY CONJURATION WIZARD Heightened (+1): The damage for each effect increases by
Traditions: arcane, occult two die.
Cast: somatic, verbal
Range: 60 feet; Targets 1 creature Arcane 9th-Level Spell
Save: Will
You shatter the barriers between realities and timelines,
thrusting a creature into turmoil and madness. The creature UNCOMMON CHRONURGY NECROMANCY WIZARD
makes a Will save. Traditions: arcane, occult
Critical Success: The creature is unaffected. Cast: somatic, verbal
Success: The creature's reality is shattered for 1 round. Range: 60 feet; Targets 1 creature
While the creature is affected, they can't take reactions and at Save: Fortitude
the start of the creature's turn, it rolls a d10; the number
rolled determines what happens to the target, as shown on You warp time to put a creature's physical form through the
the Reality Break Effects table. devastation of rapid aging. The creature takes 12d10
negative damage and makes a Fortitude save.
Reality Break Effects Critical Success: The creature is unaffected.
d10 Effect Success: The creature takes half damage and for 1 round,
1-2 Visions of the Dark Tapestry. The creature takes 8d6 also temporarily ages to the point where it has only 30 days
mental damage (basic Will save) and is stunned 1 on left before it dies of old age. While aged, the creature is
failure (stunned 2 on a critical failure). clumsy 2, drained 2, enfeebled 2, and stupefied 2.
3-5 Rending Rift. The creature takes 10d10 force damage
Failure: The creature takes full damage and for 1 minute,
(basic Reflex save). also temporarily ages to the point where it has only 30 days
left before it dies of old age. While aged, the creature is
6-8 Wormhole. The creature takes 8d6 force damage clumsy 2, drained 2, enfeebled 2, and stupefied 2.
(basic Will save). On a failure, the creature is also
teleported up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space of
Critical Failure: Same as a failure, but the creature takes
your choice, and knocked prone. double damage and is permanently aged.
Heightened (+1): The damage increases to 14d8.
9- Chill of the Dark Void. The creature takes 8d6 cold
10 damage (basic Fortitude save) and is blinded for 1
round on a failure (blinded for 1 minute on a critical

Dunamancy: Chronurgy Wizard

Echo Knight Archetype v2

ysterious and fearsome warriors, Echo I AM EVERYWHERE
Knights have mastered the esoteric art
of using dunamancy to summon the
fading shades of unrealized timelines UNCOMMON ARCHETYPE

to aid them in battle. Surrounded by Prerequisites: echo knight dedication

echoes of their own might, they charge
into the fray as a cycling swarm of You can react quickly through your echo, denying foes any
shadows and strikes. advantage. Your echo counts as you for the purpose of your
reactions. If your reaction is triggered from your echo's
location, then you can use your reaction, and the effect
Feat 8 originates from your echo instead of you.
Feat 12
Prerequisites: Expert in Arcane; Expert in one type of

You dabble into the time warping magic of dunamancy to aid Prerequisites: echo knight dedication
yourself in battle. You gain the manifest echo echo knight Requirement: Your echo is manifested
focus spell. If you don't already have one, you gain a focus
pool of 1 Focus Point, which you can Refocus by pondering You magically swap places with your echo.
on future possibilities.
Echo knight focus spells are arcane spells. You become INFINITE POSSIBILITIES
trained in arcane spell attack rolls and spell DCs, and your
spellcasting ability for these spells is Intelligence. You use UNCOMMON ARCHETYPE
your Intelligence modifier as your spellcasting ability
modifier for any innate spells you gain from this archetype. Prerequisites: echo knight dedication
Special: You can't select another dedication feat until you You briefly glimpse through possible timelines to help guide
have gained two other feats from the echo knight archetype. your action. You gain the infinite possibilities focus spell.
Increase the number of Focus Points in your pool by 1. You
Feat 10 become an expert in arcane spell attack rolls and DCs.
Feat 14
Prerequisites: echo knight dedication
Your control over your echo becomes more substantial. When

you Sustain your echo, instead of Striking with it, your echo Prerequisites: echo knight dedication
can use the Grapple, Shove, Trip, or Disarm action. If you do Frequency: Once per day
not meet the requirements for the action, such as not having Requirement: Your echo is manifested
at least one hand free, then your echo also does not meet the You can temporarily transfer your consciousness to your
requirements. echo, making it more substantial and long lasting. The
duration of your echo increases to 10 minutes.
CHRONURGY MAGIC Your echo gains an AC equal to your AC and is immune to
mental effects. If it has to make a saving throw, it uses your
UNCOMMON ARCHETYPE saving throw bonus for the roll. You and your echo share your
Prerequisites: echo knight dedication Hit Points. Damage taken by either you or the echo reduces
your Hit Points, while healing either of you restores your Hit
You can manipulate time in more powerful ways. You become Points. Your echo now occupies its space, and can flank as a
an expert in arcane spell attack rolls and DCs. You gain one creature.
of the following spells as an innate arcane spell once per day: You can see through your echo’s eyes and hear through its
curse of lost time, haste, or slow. The spell's level is always 1 ears. During this time, you are Deafened and Blinded. The
level lower than the level of your echo knight focus spells. length of your magical link extends, and your echo can be up
to 1,000 feet away from you without being destroyed.
If you choose to end your manifest echo spell, you also end
the consciousness transfer, and regain your hearing and

Dunamancy: Echo Knight

Prerequisites: echo knight dedication UNCOMMON ARCHETYPE

You absorb the fleeting magic of your timelines synchronizing Prerequisites: echo knight dedication
from the mirroring actions of you and your echo. When you Frequency: once per day
and your echo damage the same creature with Strikes in the If your next action is to cast manifest echo, then you create
same turn, you gain a number of temporary Hit Points equal two echoes. When you Sustain the Spell, you can move and
to half your level, or your level if one of the Strikes was a attack with both echoes.
critical hit. These temporary Hit Points last until the start of
your next turn.

UNREALIZED POTENTIAL Prerequisites: chronurgy magic or infinite possibilities

UNCOMMON ARCHETYPE You can rewind time to save yourself from a present danger.
Prerequisites: echo knight dedication You gain the time beacon spell as an innate arcane spell. You
Frequency: once per hour become a master in arcane spell attack rolls and DCs. The
Trigger: You begin your turn, you do not have an echo spell's level is always 1 level lower than the level of your echo
manifested, and have no Focus Points in your pool. knight focus spells.
You can quickly capture fleeting shadows of other timelines.
You instantly recover 1 Focus Point that can only be used to
cast manifest echo.

Dunamancy: Echo Knight

Feat 20 Focus 6


Prerequisites: chronurgy magic or infinite possibilities Cast: verbal

Duration: until the end of your turn
You make one foe the nexus of violent chronurgy energy as
you shatter unrealized timelines. You gain the reality break You briefly search all timelines to ensure your success. The
spell as an innate arcane spell. You become a master in next time you make a skill check or attack roll before the end
arcane spell attack rolls and DCs. The spell's level is always 1 of your turn, roll the skill check or attack twice and use the
level lower than the level of your echo knight focus spells. better result. The skill check or attack ignores circumstance
penalties to the roll and if it is an attack, it also ignores any
flat check required due to the target being concealed or
Echo Knight Focus Spells hidden.

Focus 4

Cast: somatic, verbal

Range: 30 feet
Duration: sustained up to 1 minute
You magically manifest an echo of yourself in an open space
within the spell's range. This echo is a magical, translucent,
gray image of you. The echo must remain within 30 feet of
you at all times and can’t willingly go beyond that limit. If
forced beyond this distance, or if you’re reduced to 0 Hit
Points, your echo dissolves. You can also destroy your echo
by choosing to end the spell or manifesting another echo.
When you manifest your echo, your echo can make a Strike
against a foe within range. Each time you Sustain the Spell,
you can move your Echo within range and Strike with it if a
creature is within range. Your echo uses and contributes to
your multiple attack penalty. Your echo uses your weapon
attack bonus and damage for the weapon you are holding, or
unarmed attack if you have no weapon in hand.
Your echo doesn't take up space, grant flanking, or have any
other attributes a creature would. The echo can't make any
attack other than its Strike.

Dunamancy: Echo Knight

Graviturgy v2 => v3
A minor update
Gravity Well: Since the name is already taken by a spell, I
renamed the feat
Adjust Density: I updated the wording again to make the
sizing more consistent with other spells.
Occult Spells: Some spells got added to the occult spell
list. I avoided adding the more AOE damage focused ones
like gravity fissure or pulse wave, since AOE damag is
mostly an arcane feature.
Chronurgy v1 => v2
Some small adjustments
Gift of Alacrity: I removed this spell as it was just a much
better Anticipated Peril and the Chronurgy school already
has more spells than Graviturgy.
Fortune's Favor: Updated the wording so it doesn't take
an action to dismiss the spell
Reality Break: Updated the wording to be more concise.
Spell Traditions: I added the spell traditions for the new
spells so they are also on the occult spell list. Arcane and
occult both share the official tiime themed spells so it
seemed fitting.
Echo Knight v1 => v2
Updated wording in the dedication feat that any innate spell
gained from the archetype uses Intelligence (not Charisma)
for spellcasting

10 Dunamancy

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