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ResearchSession: Recent Advances and the Road Ahead

Monday Afternoon, September 24th

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Identifying,Quantifying,and Suppressing
SeismicNoise RE1.1
Carl .J Regone and Gerald L. Rethford, Amoco Petroleum ResearchCenter


Poor seismicdata quality is often due to the presenceof backscatteredsels

mic energythat travelson or near the surfaceand encountersthe recording
spreadat levelshigherthan the desiredsignal. Becausethis unwantedseis.
mic energy arrivesfrom all directions,it is often poorly attenuated by thr
inline processes comprisingnormal 2D seismicmethods. Adding an area
dimensionto the acquisitionprocedureis often effectiveat improving thf
data quality, but it is difficult to determinewhen theseareal schemesmusl
be usedand what form they must take to ensurethat the desiredsigna
level is adequatefor the exploration objective. A successfulseismicfielc
program requiresnot only that we identify this backscatterednoise, bui
that we quantify its strength relative to the desiredsignal. An economical
test procedureis describedthat utilizesa 3D grid of independentlyrecorded
receiversto facilitate both the identificationof backscatteredseismicnoise
and the formation of a nestedseriesof synthesized,high performance,areal
arrays through which we can quantify the levelof this noiserelative to the
Fig. 1. An array imposesa usablebandwidthon seismicdata.

Multi-fold 2-D seismiclines with inline sourceand receiver arrays have

proven to be adequatefor mapping subsurfacestructure in the majority
of areaswhere they have been acquired. However,in areas wheresource- If the attenuation levelsachievedby a given array far exceedthoa
generatedsurfaceand/or headwavesare reflectedby off-linescatterersback .ttained by a unit-weightedarray, we will refer to that array as a high
into the recordingspreadat high amplitudesrelative to the desiredsignal, berformancearray. We may constructa high-performancearray by corn
this method usually yields poor results. Most field tests usedto messure lining weightedelementsin the field beforerecording,or we may recorc
source-generatedcoherentnoise are designedprimarily for direct-arrival ach elementindividually and synthesizethe array in processing.A prob
eventsand thereforeusea recordingspreadthat haslittle, or no, crossline srncommonto all high-performancearrays is the sensitivityof thesearray:
extent. Backscatteredseismicnoiseeventsthat encountersucha recording o variations in element spacing and weighting. Becauseearth-coupliq
spreadfrom the crosslinedirection are not easily recognizedbecausethey ffects may causegeophone-to-geophone amplitude variationswithin tb
have hyperbolicmoveoutand often create a complexinterferencepattern .rray, and physicalobjectssuch as trees or large bushesoften get in tht
that appearsas a coneof seeminglyrandom noise. Often, this noisecone ray, the desiredweightsand elementspacing,and therefore,the desire<
preventsus from observingeventhe inline backscatteredevents,which nor- .ttenuation levels, are usually not achievedfor field-implementedarray!
mally would be easily recognizedby their linear moveout. In many areas Newman and Mahoney, 1973).
of poor signal quality, the desiredreflectioneventsare buried somewhere If subarraysof unit-weightedgeophones are placedcloselyenoughin the
in thii noise. However,with standard field testswe usually can’t tell just .eld so that the recordedoutput of each subarray can be treated as on,
how deeplythey are buried. Therefore,a test is neededthat will allow us lement of a larger synthesizedarray, and the numberof geophonesin tht
to identify any backscatterednoiseeventsthat might be presentand to ubarray is large enough,variationsin the locationof individual geophonel
measuretheir strength relative to desiredsignal. n the subarraywill averagestatisticallysothat the centroidof the subarrq
Jill be very closeto the desiredlocation. Becausethe subarrayoutput ii
DISCUSSION recordedseismictrace, amplitude variations due to earth couplingma]
e eliminatedduring data processing.Synthesizedhigh-performancearrayi
In many problemareas,test recordsexhibit only noiseevents and without hushavea muchbetter chanceof succeedingthan their field-implementer
discerniblesignalwe can not measurethe signal-to-noiseratio directly. The ounterparts;and, therefore,we havechosensynthesizedarraysfor our tesl
approachwe havetaken to solvethis problemis to infer the strengthof the rocedure.
noise,relative to the desiredsignal,by forming a seriesof areal arrays with Although high-performancearrays may be constructedin a numbero:
graduated attenuation levels. By passingthe data through this seriesof rays,we find the useof Chebychevweightsparticularly attractive for ow
arraysand observingthe attenuation levelat which we begin to seesignal, urposes.Becausethe width of the rejectzoneand the levelof attenuatior
we obtain an indication of the signal-to-noiselevel. We have found that re easily controlledby changingthe elementweights,Chebychevarrays
the processes of identifying and quantifying the backscatterednoisewaves How great designflexibility (Holzman, 1963; Parr and Mayne, 1955). Ar
we often coupled, in that it is not until someof these noiseevents are hownby Holzman(1963), the minimumattenuationattained in the rejecl
attenuatedthat the presenceof othersis revealed.Let us considernow the 3ne of a Chebychevarray is a function of the numberof elementsin the
designof our arrays. rray and the effectivewidth of the reject zone. If we hold the width of the
As indicated in Figure 1, an array with elementspacing d attenuates ejectzoneconstant,the usablefrequencybandwidthfor the array remains
wavelengthsfrom somemaximum Lmaz to someminimum Lmin and im- anstant;and changesin the numberof elementsin the array merely raise
wsea a usablefrequencybandwidth on the data. For frequenciesabove r lowerthe attenuationlevel achieved.
fmoz, signal is lost and noiseis passed,while for frequenciesbelow&in, DesigningR high-performancearray for our test procedurerequiresa
IO& is passed. We may remove the noise below fmin and abovefmoa :lectionof the range of noisevelocitiesto be analyzed, the desiredfre-
,y applying a bandpassfilter to the recordeddata. To removethe noise lency band over which to view the data, and the maximum attenuation
setweenfiin and fmnz, we must rely on the attenuation providedby the vel to be attained during the analysis.Thesechoicesdeterminethe width
vray. the reject zone, the maximum numberof elementsR to usein the array

2 Suppressing Backscattered Seismic Noise

synthesis,and the elementspacingd. Once I and dare determined,we can

make an area1array by placing an n x n grid on the ground. We find it
convenientto orient the grid as indicated in Figure 2. The elementspac- The grid geometry shown in Figure 2 was used in an actual field exper-
ing d in this exampleis 75 feet in both the inline and crosslinedirections. iment. The surfacegeologyconsistedlargely of a massivelimestone unit
Each of the 169 elementsin this 13 x 13 grid is an individually recorded, that was eroded in placesinto a complexsystemof mesasand canyons.
areal subarraywith an effectivearray lengthin both the inline and crossline The dominantnoisewavewasa non-dispersive surfacewavepropagatingat
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directionsequal to the elementspacingof the grid. approximately6750 ft/s.

A choicefor fmin of 15 Hz, set the effectivearray length Lmaz at
6750/15 = 450 feet. All of the arrays shownin the followingfigureshave
that effectivearray length, and all ofthe seismicrecordshavebeenbandpass
filteredfrom 15 to 30 Hz.
In addition to the 169 elementsof the grid, we recordeda fairly large
numberof trial field arrays. Somewere quite large. One of those field
arrayswas a unit-weightedareal array comprisingfour parallel arms. This
array had an effectivelength of 450 feet in both the inline and crossline
directions.By extracting the trace correspondingto that array from each
sourcerecord, we get the seismicrecord shown in Figure 3. Numerous
Inline backscatteredsurface wavesare readily apparent becauseof their
linear moveout;however,the two hyperboliceventsclearly visiblebetween
1.5 and 1.8 secondsneedfurther investigationbeforewe can identify them.

k 0000000000000
14 I5 IS 17 111 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Fig. 2. Typical grid geometry. Each elementof the grid is individ-

ually recordedfor eachsourcepoint.

Fig. 3. The seismicrecordobtainedby extractingfrom eachsource

In addition to the n2 channelsrequiredto record the grid, we usually recordthe trace correspondingto an areal, field-implemented,unit-
devotesomeextra recordingchannelsto a seriesof additional arrays all weightedarray with effectivelength of 450 feet in both the inline
:enteredwithin the grid. Theseextra arrays might be varioustrial field ar- and crosslinedirections.
raysfor a production-linescheme,or arrays of three-componentgeophones
roarparticle-motionanalysisor polarizationfiltering tests.
Sincethe meansby which we hope to measurethe strengthof the noise
relative to desiredsignal yields, for each sourcepoint, one output trace One way of distinguishingbetweeninline and crosslinetravelingevents
per array type, it is important that the sourceinterval be small enough s to synthesizea high-performancearray in just the inline direction,and
ro that the slowestsignal event is not spatially aliased in the common- .ben in just the crosslinedirection. The seismicrecordsshownin Figures
receiverdomain. Then, if thesesourcepoints are spacedalong a line that 4and 5 representthis procedure. In eachrecord,only one row or column
extendsa normal production spread length or so away from the grid, a )f the grid was usedin forming the Chebychev-weighted array. Thus, the
wiea of common-receiverrecordsmay be constructedand comparedfor ,ecordin Figure 4 is the resultof strongsuppression
of the surfacewavesin
signalquality. ,he inline direction and almostnonein the crosslinedirection. It is readily
For any singlesourcelocation, the traceswithin the grid form a small apparentthat the noiseeventshaving linear moveoutare mostly absent
3-D data volume that may be studied to identify the direction of travel ‘mm this record, and that hyperboliceventsare more numerousherethan
and true propagationvelocityof any noisewave. The tracesmay be loaded n Figure3 The recordshownin Figure 5 is the resultof strongsuppression
mto a work station for viewingtime-slicemovies,or simplyplotted in both )f the surfacewavesin the crosslinedirectionand almostnonein the inline
the inline and crosslinedirectionsso that the true propagationvelocityof lirection. Although we now see many events with linear moveout, the
Pnoiseevent can be calculatedfrom measurements of its apparentvelocity lyperboliceventsseenin Figures3 and 4 have beenremoved.Becausethe
n orthogonaldirections. ynthesizedarrays used here had effectivearray lengths that were much
Once we know the identity, propagationvelocity,and strength (relative mailer than any signal wavelengthin the 15 to 30 Hz bandwidth, we can
.o desiredsignal) of our problemnoiseevents,we can selectan appropriate eel certain that those hyperbolic events were merely crossline-traveling
requisitionschemefor our productiondata. urface wares

Suppressing Backscattered Seismic Noise 3
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15Hz 30Hz

Fig. 4. The seismicrecord obtained by a Chebychev-weighted Fig. 5. The seismicrecord obtained by a Chebychev-weighted
stack of the shadedelementsof the grid. Each trace in this record stackof the shadedelementsof the grid. Each trace in this record
comesfrom a different sourcerecord. There is approximately50 comesfrom a differentsowce record. There is approximately50
dB of inline attenuation, but there is no crosslineattenuation. dB of crosslineattenuation,but there is no inline attenuation.

4 Suppressing Backscattered Seismic Noise

From the presenceof so muchbackscatterednoiseon the seismicrecord

of Figure 3, it is apparent that the amplitudeof this noiseis morethan 13
to 20 dB above the desiredsignal. If we form an area1Chebychevarray
by using all the elementsof the grid, we get the seismicrecordshown in
Figure 6. The attenuation of the surfacewave is approximately56 dB in
both the inline and crosslinedirections.Most of the surfacenoisehasbeen
removed,and primary reflectionscan now be seen. If we wish to find the
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minimum level of attenuation neededin order to reveal desiredsignal, we

can form a seriesof nestedarrays with graduatedattenuationlevelsas was
discussedearlier. For our choiceof d = 75 feet and fmin = 15 As, the
grid of Figure2 allowsus to form areal arrays with the followinginliue and
crosslineattenuation levels.
1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 I10 1 11 I 12 I13
A ;dB) I 13 I 18 123 127 132 I 37 142 I 47 151
For this example,we found that attenuation levelsgreater than 32 dEl
were requiredto make the signal visible. We alsofound that no noticeable
improvementsin data quality were achievedfor attenuation levelshigher
than 42 dB. To achieveon the order of 40 dB attenuationin all directions
with a productionschemeis not easy. However,by usinghigh-performance
arrays of the synthesisedtype, we believethat it is possible.
In the majority of the areaswherepoor data quality has compelledus
to run thesetests, we have found that areal arrays of the appropriatesize
have allowedus to achieveadequatesignal levels. Fortunately,in most of
thesearess,the required attenuation level has not been ss high ss in the
aboveexample,and heroicmeasureswerenot needed.
In some areas, usually where our desiredsignal is being maskedby
backscatteredheadwaves,the necessaryarrays are very large;and in order
to preservesignal, we have implementedproductionschemesthat record
thesearrays in segments.A form of wideline profile, which allows us to
synthesizethe largearrays in processingwithout sacrificingsignal,hasoften
been usedto accomplishthis.
In other aress,we havefoundno evidenceof a backscattered-noise prob-
lem; and we have had to look elsewherefor the causeof our poor data.
In general,we havefoundthat the test describedin this paper is a useful
addition to our diagnostictool kit, and that it helpsus determine,during
the earlieststagesof acquisition,the level of effort that will be necessary
for success.


We have cometo believethat backscattered seismic noiseis a problem to

somedegreenearly everywhere. To have a successfulfield technique,we
must be able to identify this noiseand measureits strengthrelative to the
desiredsignal. Standard field tests, designedto analyzedirect-arrival noia
events, are inadequatefor backscatterednoise. An economical3-D test
procedurehas been describedthat has proveneffectivein the analysisoi
thii type of noisein many area9 around the world.


Holzman, M. ,1963, Chebyshevoptimized geophonearrays: Geophysics,


Newman,P. and Mahoney,J. T., 1973, Patterns with a pinchof salt: Geo-
physicalProspecting,Vol.21, 197-219.

Parr, J. 0. and Mayne, W. H., 1955, A new method of pattern shooting:


Fig. 6. The seismicrecordobtainedby a Chebychev-weighted stack

of all elementsof the grid. Each trace in this recordcomesfrom a
differentsourcerecord. There is approximately50 dB attenuation
in both the inline and crosslinedirections.
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