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SPE Certification - 1

 Petroleum Engineering Certification

 B.S. Degree in Petroleum Engineering or related science
 4 years of experience and training in engineering
 Good standing with SPE membership
 Application fee ($250)
 Computer based testing (can be waived if you have a PE)
 Annual renewals ($40) [Lifetime Certification: $800]

 Testing is waived if you have a PE license with exams

administered in Canada (Alberta) and U.S.

PNGE 400
SPE Certification - 2

 According to the study guide, these are exam topics:

 Reservoir Engineering
 Drilling engineering
 Formation Evaluation
 Production Engineering
 Facilities
 Petroleum Economics

PNGE 400
SPE Certification - 3

 Reservoir Engineering topics:

 Volume Calculations
 Drive Mechanism
 Stages of Production
 Well Performance
 Secondary Recovery Processes
 Tertiary Recovery Processes
 Reserves Estimation
 Unconventional Reservoirs

PNGE 400
SPE Certification - 4

 Drilling Engineering topics:

 General Information
 Geomechanics
 Drilling Fluids
 Fluid Mechanics
 Well Control
 Drilling Mechanics
 Tubular Mechanics
 Casing Design
 Cementing
 Well Planning

PNGE 400
SPE Certification - 5

 Formation Evaluation topics:

 Archie’s Water Saturation
 Formation Resistivity Factor
 Flushed-Zone Water Saturation
 Porosity Calculations From Sonic Data
 Young’s Modulus
 Bulk Modulus
 Shear Modulus
 Poisson’s Ratio
 D-Exponent
 Porosity/Bulk Density
 Saturation
 Skin Calculations
 Horizontal Flow Influx Equation
PNGE 400
SPE Certification - 6

 Production Engineering topics:

 Inflow/Outflow Performance
 Treating and Processing Units
 Pumps
 Compressors
 Pipelines
 Flow Measurement Units
 Storage Facilities

PNGE 400
SPE Certification - 7

 Facilities topics:
 Separation Units
 Impact of Length and Force Changes to the Tubing String
 Tubing Design
 Perforating
 Acidizing
 Fracturing
 Well Production Problems
 Artificial Lift

PNGE 400
SPE Certification - 8

 Petroleum Economics topics:

 Valuation of Oil and Gas Reserves
 Reservoir Management
 Investment Decision Analysis
 Risk Analysis

PNGE 400
SPE Certification - 9

 Year around testing:

 Test Fee: $250
 One test center is located at Bridgeport (Citynet LLC)

PNGE 400
SPE Technical Knowledge Matrix
for Graduating Engineers

Ranking of Areas of Knowledge (by companies)

 Required (indispensable)
 Valued (desired but not necessary)
 Not required (not necessary or not applicable)

PNGE 400
SPE Competency Matrices - 1

 General Engineering
 Drilling Engineering
 Formation Evaluation
 Production Engineering
 Reservoir Engineering

PNGE 400
SPE Competency Matrices - 2

 Four new areas were added with September 2021

 Completion Engineering
 Health, Safety, Environment and Sustainability
 Project, Facilities and Construction
 Data Science and Engineering Analytics

PNGE 400
SPE Competency Matrices - 3

“Min im u m Co m p e t e n cy Bre a d t h - Wh a t a re ce n t gra d u a te

fro m a Pe tro le u m En gin e e rin g Cu rricu lu m sh o u ld kn ow. No n -
p e tro le u m e n gin e e rin g gra d u a te s sh o u ld b e co m p e te n t in th e se
a re a s to b e ca lle d a p e tro le u m e n gin e e r.”*

“Min im u m Co m p e t e n cy De p t h - Wh a t a n e n gin e e r with five (5)

ye a rs o r m o re o f exp e rie n ce a n d kn owle d ge sh o u ld kn ow with in
th e ir ch o se n d iscip lin e . At th is co m p e te n cy leve l a n e n gin e e r
sh o u ld b e ca p a b le o f o b ta in in g th e SPE Ce rtifica tio n o r a n
e q u iva le n t e n gin e e rin g ce rtifica tio n in a n o th e r ju risd ictio n . ”*

* : SPE

PNGE 400
SPE Competency Matrix
Drilling Engineering (Tasks)

1. Maintain well control.

2. Develop casing program (sizes, setting depths).
3. Design casing.
4. Maintain regulatory compliance.
5. Select the mud program.
6. Design a directional well path (including horizontal/ multilaterals).
7. Specify equipment.
8. Develop procedure to implement formation evaluation program.
9. Develop hydraulics program.
10. Develop solids control program.
11. Design cementing program.

PNGE 400
SPE Competency Matrix
Formation Evaluation (Tasks)

1. Determine formation properties (porosity, saturation, net pay) from well log
2. Determine lithology from well logs.
3. Specify objectives of well test program.
4. Design well testing program to meet guidelines.
5. Determine formation properties (drainage area pressure, permeability, skin,
distance to boundaries) from well test analysis.
6. Specify objectives of wireline testing program.
7. Determine fluid densities, fluid contacts, and productivity from wireline
formation and test analysis.
8. Design bottomhole and surface sampling procedures to obtain representative
reservoir fluids.
9. Determine objectives of coring programs and laboratory requirements.

PNGE 400
SPE Competency Matrix
Formation Evaluation (Tasks)

1. Determine formation properties (porosity, saturation, net pay) from well log
2. Determine lithology from well logs.
3. Specify objectives of well test program.
4. Design well testing program to meet guidelines.
5. Determine formation properties (drainage area pressure, permeability, skin,
distance to boundaries) from well test analysis.
6. Specify objectives of wireline testing program.
7. Determine fluid densities, fluid contacts, and productivity from wireline
formation and test analysis.
8. Design bottomhole and surface sampling procedures to obtain representative
reservoir fluids.
9. Determine objectives of coring programs and laboratory requirements.

PNGE 400
SPE Competency Matrix
Production Engineering (Tasks)

1. Tubing design for dynamic/production stimulation conditions.

2. P&A procedure.
3. Fracture/acidizing treatments.
4. Workover procedure involving squeeze cementing and
5. Nodal analysis.
6. Surface equipment.
7. Artificial lift.
8. Production logging.
9. Production surveillance.

PNGE 400
SPE Competency Matrix
Reservoir Engineering (Tasks)

1. Understand and apply basic and special core analysis.

2. Perform reservoir characterization.
3. Conduct log analysis and interpretation.
4. Perform PVT analysis.
5. Understand and determine oil and gas phase behavior.
6. Determine initial reservoir conditions and fluid contacts.
7. Analyze single/multi-phase flow under reservoir conditions.
8. Determine initial oil or gas in place.
9. Use conventional well test analysis to understand and perform reservoir analysis.
10. Apply relevant oil and gas reserves definitions.
11. Perform oil and gas recovery estimates.
12. Understand fluid flow characteristics of oil reservoirs and determine reservoir performance.
13. Understand fluid flow characteristics of gas reservoirs and determine reservoir performance.
14. Analyze reservoir/fluid recovery under secondary or improved recovery mechanisms.
15. Understand and apply recovery process from non-conventional gas reservoirs.
16. Evaluate reservoir performance using reservoir simulation.
17. Understand and apply decision & risk analysis to estimate recovery factor and reservoir performance prediction.
18. Reservoir surveillance.

PNGE 400

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