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CCC Relay #2

1. The average of the 3 integers x , y , and A is __. The average of the 2 integers x and y is __.
Write the value of A on the answer sheet and pass it on.

2. Let A be the number you will receive.

Will and Mary are racing toy cars down a track of length A metres. Will’s car travels at a
constant speed of __ m/s and Mary’s car travels at a constant speed of B m/s. If Mary’s car
finishes the track 5 seconds before Will’s car, record the value of B on the answer sheet and
pass it down.

3. Let C be the number you will receive.

In the diagram, two 8 by 10 rectangles overlap
to form a D by D square. The ratio of the
shaded area to the non-shaded area is C :1.
Write the value of D on the answer sheet and
pass it down.

4. Let C be the number you will receive.

The line ℓ passes through the points (0 , C) and (D , D) for some positive integer D . The
area of the triangle formed by the line ℓ and the x -axis and the y -axis is __. Write the value
of D on the answer sheet and pass it on.
CCC Relay #2 Backside

Relay #2 – Question #1

Relay #2 – Question #2

Relay #2 – Question #3

Relay #2 – Question #4

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