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First EO

Make your own package

Create default View Object and new package for VO
Do same for all Eos

After Creating all Eos and Vos , Create an AM and Define all VOs in AM.
Put Links of Lines or Details under the Header Umbrella … don’t put Vos in AM except Headers VO
Now we will start creating our Pages
Now to put Views from Components Palette in adfc-config.xml

We made 2 pages and define their names

Now define ‘Control Flow Case‘ of the pages from Components Palette and name the control Flow.
Now double click the page to design it. And select blank page.

As we are designing Search page we will first go to ‘Data Control’ Panel.

Now we will select ‘Named Criteria’ of that Block Like Header or Lines or Details whatever You want to
have as your search criteria.
By Default ADF provide us functionality to have All Column as our search criteria , if we want to search
on specific fields we Need to Define your own named criteria. For that

First we will go to our VO

Then open it
Now we will define Binds for those fields on which we want to have our Search Criteria.

Define the name and data type and remove check from required
Now we will create our new View Criteria
You can change the criteria name after that add an item

Now select the field on which you want to have search criteria
Now select operator

Now Operand
Now Parameter name these are the name od bind variable that you have already created
Now Refresh Data Control and go to Headers Named Criteria you will find Your Customized Named
Now Drag and Drop your View Criteria on your Search page

Select Single Row , Enable Sorting and Filtering and Delete the Undesired Columns.
Change the Header Text or etc.

Now Select Table and make width 100%

Now Set the size of fields in Header VO

Do that for all the header fields

After that we will surround the table with a Panel to add buttons or may be for giving titles or etc.

Right Click on table and select surround with

Select Panel Collection
Now as you see a Red Cross on Right Top of the page which indicates that the search panel does not
have the reference of newly created panel, so we will define the reference
Add the ID of Collection Panel in Result Component Id
Now Add a Toolbar inside Panel
Now we will add Create Record , Edit and Delete Record Button.

Create Record Button

In Data Control we will go to header

Then Operations of Header

And Drag and Drop the CreateInsert Button in ToolBar

You can Change the Name of the Button from Button’s Text Property

Now we will define the Action that this button will perform on clicking
Here You will find the action name that you have defined in the beginning of Defining these Pages

Now Delete Button

We don’t need to do anything with this Button

This button will remove header record if and only if when there is no Lines data exists.
Edit Button

For Edit Button we will select setCurrentRowWithKey Button because this button will navigate to create
page taking the selected Record with it.
Change the Name of the Button and define the Action of the Button
Now Run Page
Now we Will Start Create Page

First we need Header Panel We drag and drop Header

Header is Form Style so we select Form

Remove the Fields which you don’t want to display

Now select how many Rows and Columns you wantz

Now we Design Structure

Surround Panel with Panel Header

Now We want Lines for that we drag and drop Lines from Data control
First Surround with Pannel Collection
Now we wants to add a tab

Select af:form and insert inside ‘ Panel Tabbed ‘

Now put your Panel Collection inside Panel Tabed – Show Detail Item
Add Another Tab
Now we darg and drop Transfer / recveive table in new tab
Surround New Table with Panel With Panel Collection

Do Same for All other Tabs

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