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Name: ______________________

Class ____________ Section _____

Roll No. _______

Holiday Home work (2024-225)

English-Class X
1. Solve and submit it on the reopening of school in the 1st week of July, 2024.
2. Staple all the sheets together properly before submitting it.

A Long Walk to Freedom- (Nelson Mandela)

Q1- When was the inauguration day?
A) 10 May C) 20 May
B) 10 March D) 20 March
Q2- It was a celebration of South Africa's first ______ government.
A) autocratic, racial C) democratic, racial
B) democratic, non-racial D) monarch, non-racial
Q3- How many deputy presidents were elected?
A) two C) one
B) three D) none
Q4- Why did other countries break off diplomatic relations with South Africa?
A) White rulers C) It is a poor country
B) Other countries are racial D) Apartheid policy
Q5- What change brought international leaders to South Africa?
A) End of Apartheid C) peace
B) humanity D) trade negotiations
Q6- "We thank all of our distinguished international guests for having come to
take possession with the people of our country of what is, after all, a common
victory for ______."
A) justice C) human dignity
B) peace D) all of the above
Q7- What was it that the nation needed to be liberated from?
A) poverty C) deprivation
B) gender discrimination D) all of the above
Q8- "We have achieved our political emancipation." What is the meaning of
A) freedom from restriction C) slavery
B) enslavement D) both 2 and 3
Q9- The spectacular array of South African jets was a display of -
A) military's precision C) both 1 and 2
B) military's loyalty to democracy D) none of the above
Q10- What colours does the new South African flag possess?
A) black, red, green, blue and gold C) orange, black, yellow, blue and silver
B) black, red, yellow, blue and gold D) black, blue, violet, saffron and green
Q11- "The structure they created formed the basis of one of the harshest, most
inhumane, societies the world has ever known." What structure is Mandela
talking about?

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A) Racial domination against the black C) Discrimination against the poor
skinned D) oppression of women
B) Poverty and suffering
Q12- Whom did Mandela want to thank but couldn't?
A) his family C) African patriots who no longer existed
B) white rulers D) Military
Q13- What unintended effect did the decades of oppression and brutality had?
A) created men of extraordinary courage, C) boycott from foreign nations
wisdom and generosity D) both 2 and 3
B) Poverty and suffering
Q14- According to Mandela, what is the greatest wealth of a nation?
A) minerals C) diamonds
B) gems D) people
Q15- What did Mandela learn about courage?
A) it is absence of fear C) both 1 and 2
B) it is the triumph over fear D) none of the above
Q16- What are a man's obligations in life?
A) Obligation to people C) Obligation to God
B) Obligation to family D) Both 1 and 2
Q17- Why were two National Anthems sung?
A) to imply unity C) to mark the end of gender
B) to mark the end of racial discrimination discrimination
D) Both 1 and 2
Q18- What comes more naturally to heart according to Mandela?
A) hatred C) love
B) unity D) racial discrimination
Q19- What realisations did Mandela have of his boyhood freedom?
A) it is just an illusion C) freedom was meant for kids
B) he was born free D) he had no realisations
Q20- What began Mandela's hunger for freedom?
A) the fact that it had already been taken C) his obligation towards family
away from him D) he was born to fight
B) his obligation towards people
Q21- Which party did Mandela join?
A) Indian National Congress C) National African Party
B) African National Congress D) he did not join any party
Q22- A man who takes away another man's freedom is _____
A) White C) criminal
B) a prisoner of hatred D) rude
Q23- Who, according to Mandela is not free?
A) oppressor C) both 1 and 2
B) oppressed D) none of the above
Q24- How did Mandela's hunger for freedom change his life?
A) turned from frightened to bold C) turned a life-loving man to live like a
B) turned from law-abiding attorney to a monk
criminal D) all of the above
Q25- What does depths of oppression create?
A) oppressed C) poverty
B) heights of character D) lack of freedom

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Two Stories About Flying
Q1- Who is the author of "His First Flight"?
A) Liam O' Flaherty C) Roal Dahl
B) Frederick Forsyth D) Paulo Coehlo
Q2- Who is the author of "Black Aeroplane"?
A) Liam O' Flaherty C) Roal Dahl
B) Frederick Forsyth D) Paulo Coehlo
Q3- The lesson "His First Flight" is about a ______
A) pilot C) parrot
B) seagull D) pigeon
Q4- Why was he afraid to fly?
A) he was a coward C) he was afraid that everyone would judge
B) he was afraid his wings will not support him
him D) both 1 and 2
Q5- What did his parents threaten him with if he didn't fly away?
A) to never talk to him C) to starve him
B) to punish him D) to abandon him
Q6- What were his parents teaching his brothers and sisters?
A) to perfect the art of flying C) to dive for fish
B) to skim the waves D) all of the above
Q7- The sight of ________ maddened him.
A) his brothers flying C) food
B) his siblings enjoying without him D) all of the above
Q8- What urged him to make his first flight?
A) hunger C) courage
B) sight of fish D) both 1 and 2
Q9- Why did his mother stop midway while giving him the fish?
A) she was mad at him C) she didn't want to give him the fish
B) to push him to fly out of hunger D) she got tired
Q10- The title "Black Aeroplane" is based on?
A) the aeroplane that helped the pilot C) aeroplane in the stormy sky
B) the pilot's aeroplane D) none of the above
Q11- The pilot was flying from _____ to _____.
A) England, France C) France, England
B) England, India D) France, India
Q12- What was the pilot looking forward to?
A) to reach his destination C) his holiday
B) to meet his family D) both 2 and 3
Q13- Which control station did he contact on his way?
A) Paris C) England
B) India D) he didn't contact any
Q14- "They looked like black mountains standing in front of me across the sky".
What looked like black mountains?
A) Black mountains C) tall buildings
B) Storm clouds D) black plateau
Q15- What risk did the pilot take?
A) flying back to Paris D) flying his old Dakota straight into the
B) missing the breakfast, he desired storm
C) he took no risk
Q16- What instruments had stopped working during the storm?
A) compass C) both of them
B) radio D) none of them
Q17- What was the pilot not sorry about?

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A) missing his holiday C) risking the lives of fellow passengers
B) driving the plane into the storm D) both 2 and 3
Q18- What did the seagull pretend was happening to him so that he could take his
first flight?
A) he was unconscious C) he was falling asleep
B) he was falling down the cliff D) He lost his balance
Q19- What food did the seagull's mother get for it?
A) earthworms C) insects
B) fish D) rodents
Q20- How far was the narrator from Paris when he saw dark clouds in the sky?
A) 200 km C) 50 km
B) 100 km D) 150 km
Q21- Which of the pilot's instruments stopped working first?
A) compass C) both stopped together
B) radio D) both were working
Q22- When the pilot of the black aeroplane asked the narrator to follow him, in
which direction did he turn the aeroplane?
A) south C) east
B) north D) west
Q23- Why didn't the pilot turn the aeroplane back towards Paris?
A) He wanted to meet his family C) He did not want to miss the breakfast
B) He wanted to go on a holiday D) He did not like Paris
Q24- What was the name of the aeroplane that the pilot was flying?
A) Airbus C) Dakota
B) Boeing D) Minesotta
Q25- The pilot was not able to ___ anything
A) see C) speak
B) hear D) all of them

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A Tiger in the Zoo
Q1- The poem draws a contrast between _____ and _____ .
A) animals, human beings C) tiger in a zoo, humans
B) tiger in a zoo, tiger in a forest D) humans, tiger in forest
Q2- What has been personified in the poem?
A) tiger C) zoo
B) forest D) all of the above
Q3- Name the poetic device used in the line "In his quiet rage".
A) metaphor C) Oxymoron
B) assonance D) Consonance
Q4- Name the poetic device used in the line "He stalks in his vivid stripes".
A) metaphor C) Oxymoron
B) assonance D) Consonance
Q5- Name the poetic device used in the line "On pads of velvet quiet".
A) metaphor C) Oxymoron
B) assonance D) Consonance
Q6- Name the poetic device used in the line "Baring his white fangs, his claws".
A) metaphor C) Oxymoron
B) assonance D) Consonance
Q7- Why should he be lurking in shadow?
A) out of fear C) to catch the deer
B) out of anger D) both 1 and 2
Q8- By "ignoring visitors", what is the poet trying to say?
A) tiger knows his power is restricted C) he is less terrorising because of the cage
B) there is no use of showing rage D) all of the above
Q9- What describes "tiger in a cell"?
A) Locked in concrete cell C) shadow, long grass
B) snarling around houses D) baring his white fangs
Q10- What described "tiger in a jungle"?
A) Locked in concrete cell C) ignoring visitors
B) his strength behind bars D) baring his white fangs
Q11-What does the tiger look at in night?
A) Patrolling cars C) Stars
B) His House D) All of the Above
Q12. How do the eyes of the tiger look?
A) Sad C) dark
B) brilliant D) Light
Q13- How does the caged tiger react to the visitors?
A) He ignores them C) With a sad face
B) With a happy face D) Proudly
Q15-Where should the tiger hide himself?
A) behind the tree C) in the house
B) in the shadow D) in the jungle
Q16-A tiger is happy when
A) he is in a cage C) he is able to frighten the visitors
B) he is near the cage D) he is free in the forest
Q17- How are the eves of a tiger?
A) dull C) sad
B) brilliant D) sleepy
Q18- How are the pads of a tiger?
A) Velvet C) rough
B) Hard D) all of the above

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The Thief’s Story
Q1- Who is the author of the story "The Thief’s story"?
A) James Herriot C) Robert Arthur
B) Ruskin Bond D) Victor Canning
Q2- What is he a "fairly successful hand" at?
A) wrestling C) deceiving
B) stealing D) working hard
Q3- What was his name?
A) Hari C) Amol
B) Anil D) Harry
Q4- What was the boy’s age?
A) 15 C) 20
B) 25 D) none of the above
Q5- What was Anil’s age?
A) 15 C) 20
B) 25 D) none of the above
Q6- How has the narrator described Anil?
A) simple C) easy-going
B) kind D) all of the above
Q7- What was Anil doing when the boy met him?
A) cooking C) playing
B) watching a match D) writing an article
Q8- How did the narrator attempt at being friends with Anil?
A) flattering him C) introducing himself
B) teasing him D) none of the above
Q9- What did the boy ask Anil for?
A) to give him food C) to give him money
B) to employ him D) to teach him
Q10- How often did he change his name?
A) every day C) every month
B) every week D) every year
Q11- He changed his name in order to stay ahead of _____
A) police C) none of them
B) employers D) both of them
Q12- What name did he tell Anil?
A) Anil Singh C) Hari Singh
B) Hari Lal D) Anil Lal
Q13- What do you mean by the word "grunting"?
A) make a low inarticulate sound C) shouting
B) say something which is clearly audible D) none of the above
Q14- How was the meal he cooked first night?
A) delicious C) finger-licking good
B) mouth-watering D) terrible
Q15- How did he infer about his food?
A) Anil said he liked it C) Anil was licking his fingers
B) Anil couldn’t have enough of it D) Anil gave it to a stray dog
Q16- What did Anil promise him to teach?
A) write his name C) write full sentences
B) cook D) all of the above
Q17- Did Anil really mind his petty ways of earning money?
A) yes C) maybe
B) no D) he didn’t earn through petty ways

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Q18- "a queer way to earn money” ... What is the meaning of the word "queer"?
A) strange C) rare
B) famous D) illegal
Q19- Who was the most trusting person narrator had ever met?
A) Anil C) Anil’s friends
B) publisher D) none of the above
Q20- Who is easier to rob?
A) a careless man C) a trusting man
B) a greedy man D) Anil
Q21- What takes all the pleasure out of work?
A) robbing a careless man C) when someone doesn’t notice they’ve
B) robbing a greedy man been robbed
D) both a and c
Q22- How much money did he steal?
A) 500 C) 700
B) 600 D) 800
Q23- Did he get away on the Lucknow Express?
A) yes C) maybe
B) no D) none of the above
Q24- How, according to the narrator, would Anil feel upon finding out?
A) angry C) acceptance
B) fear D) sad
Q25- What did he do with the money?
A) ran away with it C) bought a cycle with it
B) threw it D) returned it
Q26- Did Anil say anything about the robbery?
A) yes C) maybe
B) no D) none of the above
Q27- Why does Hari return the money?
A) he wanted to learn to write C) he felt bad
B) he was worried about how Anil would D) none of the above
Q28- What do you mean by the word "unlined"?
A) in a line C) none of the above
B) showing no sign of worry or anxiety
Q29- Who does "I" refer to in the story?
A) Hari C) a greedy man
B) Anil D) none of the above
Q30- What was the name of the shop above which Anil lived?
A) Laddu Sweet Shop C) Jamun Sweet Shop
B) Rasgulla Sweet Shop D) Jumna Sweet Shop

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Subject-verb Agreement

Q1. The teacher ____________ completed this chapter.

A. have C. is
B. has D. are
Q2. Ram and Shyam __________ business partners.
A. have C. are
B. has D. had
Q3. She ___________ her office by 9 a.m. daily.
A. reach C. reached
B. reaches D. reaching
Q4. Rahul and his friends ___________ also invited to the party.
A. is C. had
B. was D. were
Q5. Neither you nor your sister should ___________ to them.
A. talk C. talked
B. talks D. talking
Q6. Twenty years _________ the minimum age to fill this form.
A. are C. has
B. is D. have
Q7. A bouquet of flowers ___________ required for the event.
A. are C. has
B. have D. is
Q8. A pair of socks ___________ been missing from my wardrobe.
A. have C. were
B. has D. is
Q9. Much ____________ been said in the news reports.
A. were C. has
B. have D. was
Q10. The information provided to you ___________ wrong.
A. were C. are
B. was D. have been
Q11. The company ____________ of its stakeholders.
A. think C. thinks
B. thought D. thinking
Q12. Either of the two dresses shall ____________ good.
A. looking C. looks
B. look D. looked
Q13. Each and every member __________ to vote.
A. has C. having
B. have D. are
Q14. A large number of soldiers ___________ died for the country.
A. has C. are
B. is D. have
Q15. Half of the class ___________ empty.
A. were C. has
B. was D. have
Q16. Physics ____________ difficult to understand.
A. were C. is
B. are D. have been
Q17. The quality of food here ___________ gone down.
A. have B. has

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C. is D. are
Q18. My mother, along with others, ___________ worried.
A. were C. have
B. are D. was
Q19. She ___________ not take a lot of stress.
A. need C. needing
B. needs D. has need
Q20. None of the candidates ___________ responded.
A. were C. has
B. have D. is
Q21. He ____________ cooking in his leisure time.
A. enjoy C. enjoys
B. enjoying D. enjoyed
Q22. The book ‘Management Principles’ _____________ quite insightful.
A. are C. have
B. is D. has
Q23. Two dollars __________ a small amount.
A. are C. have
B. has D. is
Q24. A lot of startups ____________ started in the past few years.
A. is C. have
B. are D. has
Q25. Politics ___________ been one of the debatable topics.
A. is C. have
B. are D. has
Q26. Neither Rishi nor Rhea ___________ helpful.
A. were C. are
B. was D. have been
Q27. A series of seminars ___________ conducted.
A. was C. are
B. were D. have
Q28. All means of communication ____________ shut down.
A. was C. have
B. has D. is
Q29. My glasses ____________ nowhere to be found.
A. is C. have
B. are D. has
Q30. That woman ____________vegetables.
A. sell C. sells
B. selling D. have sold
Q31. It ____________ these papers that I have been looking for.
A are C. were
B. is D. had
Q32. The United States of America ________ going to conduct elections soon.
A. are C. have
B. is D. has
Q33. South Africa ____________ all out before we knew it!
A. was C. have
B. has D. were
Q34. There ___________ plenty of space for guests at the venue.
A. was C. are
B. were D. have been
Q35. Either you or I should ___________ the lead.

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A. takes C. taking
B. take D. took
Q36. The jury ___________ been unable to decide yet
A. were C. is
B. are D. has
Q37. A lot of students ___________ to clear this exam.
A. failing C. fail
B. fails D. has failed
Q38. My applications ____________ not been approved.
A. were C. are
B. have D. has
Q39. The crowd ____________ dispersed by the police.
A. was C. are
B. were D. have
Q40. The ruler and the minister ____________ killed.
A. was C. has been
B. have been D. is
Q41. The government will ___________ the order soon.
A. passed C. pass
B. passes C. has passed
Q42. The poor ___________ suffered a lot due to the pandemic.
A. have C. is
B. are D. has
Q43. The teacher and the students __________ arrived.
A. has C. will
B. have D. are
Q44. The event __________ earlier than it is schedule.
A. begin D. began
B. begins D. begun
Q45. Many people __________ registered for the course.
A. have C. having
B. has D. is
Q46. Two-thirds of the pantry __________ full.
A. are C. have
B. were D. is
Q47. The timing __________ inappropriate.
A. were C. has
B. was D. have been
Q48. The package __________ to be carried carefully.
A. is C. have
B. are D. were
Q49. Joshua, with his members, __________ really well.
A. sing C. have sung
B. singing D. sings
Q50. We should definitely __________ that lake.
A. visit C. visiting
B. visits D. visited

X-English/H/HW/Page 10 of 10

1 Tiling or tessellation of a flat surface is the covering of a plane using one or more geometric shapes,
called tiles, with no overlaps and no gaps.

This work is of practical importance in waste management and other fields where region development
is important.

Task: Students are required to use A4 sheet and make design in the form of Tessellation by any medium
of colours or paper pieces etc. Examples of Tessellation are shown below.

2. Draw Mind map of Polynomials on A4 sheet.

3. Write contribution of any Mathematician in 100 words.

Show all important milestones with the help of a timeline.

4. Solve the following assignment in Assignment copy.


CASE STUDY-1: A test consists of ‘True’ or ‘False’ questions. One mark is awarded for every correct
answer while ¼ mark is deducted for every wrong answer. A student knew answers to some of the
questions. Rest of the questions he attempted by guessing. He answered 120 questions and got 90

Type of Question Marks given for correct answer Marks deducted for wrong answer
True/False 1 0.25

1. If answer to all questions he attempted by guessing were wrong, then how many questions did he
answer correctly?

2. How many questions did he guess?

3. If answer to all questions he attempted by guessing were wrong and answered 80 correctly, then
how many marks he got?

4. If answer to all questions he attempted by guessing were wrong, then how many questions answered
correctly to score 95 marks?
CASE STUDY-2: Amit is planning to buy a house and the layout is given below. The design and the
measurement has been made such that areas of two bedrooms and kitchen together is 95 sq.m

Based on the above information, answer the following questions:

1. Form the pair of linear equations in two variables from this situation.

2. Find the length of the outer boundary of the layout.

3. Find the area of each bedroom and kitchen in the layout.

4. Find the area of living room in the layout.

5. Find the cost of laying tiles in kitchen at the rate of Rs. 50 per sq.m
xzh’ekodk”k dk;Z ¼l= 2024&25½
d{kk nloha fo’k; fganh
1- vius ?kj vFkok iM+ksl ds fdlh ofj’B O;fDr ds le; dh f”k{kk iz.kkyh ij
tkudkjh izkIr dhft, rFkk viuh vk/kqfud f”k{kk iz.kkyh ls rqyuk vFkok leh{kk

2- oxZ igsyh
fuEufyf[kr oxZ igsyh esa fn, x, eqgkojs Nk¡fV, vkSj muds vFkZ fy[kdj okD; esa iz;ksx
ukS ?kk Ok Hk j Ukk Ykks d vk
nks v Pkw Ykk g d gs g M+s
X L d bZ xq esa ds j gk
;k r gks d Tk+ n p c Fkksa
j gks Ukk j j e us j ys
g tk Pk Ukk j [k p lk uk
gks Ukk dksa p Uks p ck uk d
tk u Ik j [ks y uk V u
uk d HkkSa fl dks M+ uk d d

3- vyx vyx fo’k;ksa ls lacf/kr ik¡p fganh foKkiu lekpkj i= vFkok if=dk ls
dkVdj fpidkb,A

4- nh xbZ¼layaXu½ dk;Zif=dk iwjk dhft,A

uksV % lkjk dk;Z vkarfjd ewY;kadu ds varxZr tk¡pk tk,xkA

dk;Z vkd’kZd] l`tukRed]ekSfyd vkSj izLrqfr ;ksX; gksuk pkfg,A
blds vad ijh{kk esa tksM+s tk,¡xsA

dk;Zif=dk 1
fuEufyf[kr lkekfld inks ads foxzg vkSj uke dk lgh fodYi pqudj fyf[k, &
1- vkKkkuqlkj
d- vkKk ds vuqlkj& rRiq:’k
[k- vkKk ds vuqlkj&vO;;hHkko
x- vkKk vkSj vuqlkj& }a} lekl
?k- tks vkKk dks u ekus &cgqozhfg lekl
2- f=Hkqou
d- rhu gSa tks Hkqou & cgqozhfg lekl
[k- rhljk Hkqou & deZ/kkj; lekl
x- rhu vkSj Hkou & }a} lekl
?k- rhu Hkqouksa dk lewg & f}xq lekl
3- vdkyihfM+r
d- vdky ls ihfM+r & rRiq:’k lekl
[k- vdky ls ihfM+r &cgqozhfg lekl
x- vdky vkSj ihfM+r& }a} lekl
?k- vdky ls ihfM+r & vO;;hHkko lekl

js[kkafdr inksa esa lekl crkb, &

4- pkSjkgs ij xkM+h [kjkc gks xbZA
d- f}xq [k- deZ/kkj;
x- rRiq:’k ?k- cgqozhfg
5- lHkh fo}ku “osrkacjh dh iwtk djrs gSa
d- cgqozhfg [k- deZ/kkj;
x- rRiq:’k ?k- }a}
6- Hkh’e vkthou vfookfgr jgs&
d- vO;;h Hkko [k- rRiq:’k
x- deZ/kkj; ?k- cgqozhfg
7- vk¡xu esa dqN uhydaB nkuk pqx jgs jgs FksA
d- deZ/kkj; [k- cgqozhfg
x- vO;;hHkko ?k- rRiq:’k
8- ;Fkk:fp Hkkstu djks&
d- deZ/kkj; [k- vO;;hHkko
x- cgqozhfg ?k- f}xq
9- v/kidk Hkkstu [kkus ls isV [kjkc gks x;kA
d- vO;;h Hkko [k- rRiq:’k
x- deZ/kkj; ?k- cgqozhfg

10- eSaus ,d fof”k’V tho ns[kk tks n”kkuu FkkA
d- vO;;h Hkko [k-f}xq
x- rRiq:’k ?k- cgqozhfg

- fuEu lkekfld inksa dk foxzg dj lekl ds Hksn dk uke fy[ksaA

1- v’Vk/;k;h
2- fopkjeXu
3- d`ikik=
4- ca/kueqDr
5- vui<+
6- gfjdhrZu
7- nsoyksd
8- nq[k&nnZ
9- egkRek

fuEufyf[kr foxzgksa ds fy, leLrin fyf[k, rFkk lekl dk uke Hkh crkb,A
1- f”ko dk mikld
2- fu;e ds vuqlkj
3- rhu Qyksa dk lewg
4- ijyksd dks xeu
5- jksx ls eqDr
6- iz/kku gS tks v/;kid
7- egku gS tks ohj


dk;Zif=dk 2

1- ^tqV tkuk* eqgkojs dk vFkZ gS

d- tqM+ tkuk [k- fey tkuk
x- fdlh dke esa eqLrSnh ls yxuk ?k- fdlh dke dks nwljs ls tksM+ nsuk

2- ^Ikk¡o rys tehu f[klduk* eqgkojs dk vFkZ gS&

d- feV~Vh dk iksyh gksuk [k- cM+h foifRr esa iM+uk
x- gks”k [kks cSBuk ?k- fdadrZO; foew<+ gksuk

3- ^yqfV;k Mqcksuk* eqgkojs dk vFkZ gksxk&

d- mYVs lh/ks dke djuk [k- fnuHkj [kkyh jguk
x- yksVs dks ikuh esa Mwcks nsuk ?k- loZuk”k djuk

4- ^Ekq¡g ls Qwy >M+uk* eqgkojs dk vFkZ gksxk&

d- cgqr ehBk cksyuk [k- eq¡g esa lqxaf/kr oLrq j[kuk
x- cgqr izlUu gksuk ?k- eq¡g ls Qwy fudkyus dk tknw fn[kkuk

5- ^Nkrh ij ew¡x nyuk* eqgkojs dk vFkZ gksxk&

d- vlaHko dk;Z djuk [k- dfBu dk;Z djuk
x- ew¡x dh nky ihluk ?k- nq[k nsuk

6- ^^ikiM+ csyuk* eqgkojs dk vFkZ gksxk&

d- ikiM+ cukuk [k- csdkj dk dke djuk
x- d’VHkjk thou fcrkuk ?k- lQyrk izkIr djuk

7- ^fnekx pkVuk* eqgkojs dk vFkZ gksxk&

d- O;FkZ dh ckrsa djuk [k- rst+ Hkw[k yxuk
x- vPNh rjg i<+uk ?k- Hkk’k.k nsuk

8- ^nhokj [kM+h djuk eqgkojs dk vFkZ gksxk&

d- ck/kk mRiUu djuk [k- nhokj mBkuk
x- fc[kj tkuk ?k- ifj.kke Hkqxruk

fjDr LFkku dh iwfrZ mfpr eqgkojs }kjk dhft,A

9- lisjs lk¡Ik dks &&&&&& vPNh rjg tkurs gSaA
d- ekSr ds ?kkV mrkjuk [k- o”k esa djuk
x- dQ+u cka¡/kuk ?k- vk¡[kksa esa clkuk

10- Hkkjrh; lSfud izk.k jgrs Hkkjr ij &&&&& nasxsA

d- d’V ugha gksus nsx
a sA [k- fdlh dks ihfM+r ugha gksus nsaxsA
x- vk¡p ugh vkus nsx
a s ?k- ijkLr ugha gksus nsax
s s

11- eSaus mls “kjhQ le>k Fkk og rks &&&&
d- vkLrhu dk lk¡Ik fudyk [k- xn~nkj fudyk
x- /kks[ksckt fudyk ?k- csoQk fudyk

12- iqfyl dks ns[krs gh pksj &&&&& gks x,A

d- vkB rhu X;kjg [k- Mj x,
x- Hkkx [kM+s gq, ?k- ukS nks X;kjg

13- iqLrd <w¡<us ds fy, eSaus &&&&&

d- lkjh vyekjh Nku ekjh [k- ?kj dk dksuk dksuk <w¡<k
x- vkdk”k &ikrky ,d dj fn;k ?k- cgqr ifjJe fd;k

14- Pkksj iqfyl dh &&&&& dke;kc jgkA

d- fxjQr ls Hkkxus esa [k- vk¡[kksa esa /kwy >ksd
a us esa
x- ekj lgus esa ?k- pksjh djus esa

15- vkids Lokxr ds fy, ge &&&&& [kM+s gSa&

d- njh fcNk, [k- Qwy fcNk,
x- vk¡[ksa fcNk, ?k- dkyhu fcNk,

16- vius iq= dks >wB cksyrs ns[kdj firk dk [kwu &&&&
d- BaMk iM+ x;k [k- [kkSy mBk
x- tyus yxk ?k- teus yxk

17- mlus lQy gksus ds fy, cgqr &&&&& ] ysfdu mls lQyrk ugha feyhA
d- vkleku ds rkjs rksM+s [k- gkFk&ik¡o ekjs
x- ued&fepZ yxk;k ?k- gsdM+h tekbZ

18- vkbZ , ,l cuuk &&&&&& tSlk gS

d- lwjt dks fn;k fn[kkus tSlk [k- uD”ks cukus tSlk
x- yksgs ds pus pckus ?k- iUus jaxus tSlk

19- ijh{kk esa izFke vkus ds fy, mlus &&&&& dj fn;kA

d- vkdk”k&ikrky ,d dj fn;k [k- jkr&fnu ,d dj fn;k
x- t+ehu & vkleku ,d dj fn;k ?k- [kwu&ilhuk ,d dj fn;ka

20- okehjks dk e/kqj xhr lqudj r¡rkjk viuh &&&&& [kks cSBkA
d- cqf) [kks cSBk [k- ;knnk”r [kks cSBk
x- lq/k &cq/k [kks cSBk ?k irk&fBdkuk



Students are instructed to take a print out and complete the following case study questions and reason-

assertion questions on the same print out.

The assignment to be kept in science portfolio

Case study-based questions

Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4

Question 5

Following questions consist of two statements – Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Answer these questions selecting
the appropriate option given below:
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true.

Q.1. Assertion (A): The centre of curvature is not a part of the mirror. It lies outside its reflecting surface.
Reason (R): The reflecting surface of a spherical mirror forms a part of a sphere. This sphere has a centre.
Q.2. Assertion (A): A ray passing through the centre of curvature of a concave mirror after reflection is reflected back along the
same path.
Reason (R): The incident rays fall on the mirror along the normal to the reflecting surface.
Q.3. Assertion (A): Light does not travel in the same direction in all the media.
Reason (R): The speed of light does not change as it enters from one transparent medium to another.
Q.4. Assertion (A): The emergent ray is parallel to the direction of the incident ray.
Reason (R): The extent of bending of the ray of light at the opposite parallel faces (air- glass interface and glass-air interface)
of the rectangular glass slab is equal and opposite.
Q.5. Assertion (A): A ray of light travelling from a rarer medium to a denser medium slows down and bends away from the
normal. When it travels from a denser medium to a rarer medium, it speeds up and bends towards the normal.
Reason (R) : The speed of light is higher in a rarer medium than a denser medium.
Q.6. Assertion (A): The mirrors used in search lights are concave spherical.
Reason (R): In concave spherical mirror the image formed is always virtual.
Q.7. Assertion (A): Light travels faster in glass than in air.
Reason (R): Glass is denser than air.
Q.8. Assertion (A): For observing traffic at back, the driver mirror is convex mirror.
Reason (R): A convex mirror has much larger field of view than a plane mirror.
Q.9. Assertion (A): Mirror formula can be applied to a plane mirror.
Reason (R): A plane mirror is a spherical mirror of infinite focal length.
Q.10. Assertion (A) : It is not possible to see a virtual image by eye.
Reason (R): The rays that seem to emanate from a virtual image do not in fact emanates from the image.
Q.11. Assertion(A) : When the object moves with a velocity 2 m/s, its image in the plane mirror moves with a velocity of 4 m/s.
Reason (R) : The image formed by a plane mirror is as far behind the mirror as the object is in front of it.
Q.12. Assertion (A): The height of an object is always considered positive.
Reason (R): An object is always placed above the principal axis in this upward direction.
Q.13. Assertion (A) : Concave mirrors are used as make-up mirrors.
Reason (R): When the face is held within the focus of a concave mirror, then a diminished image of the face is seen in the
concave mirror.
Q.14. Assertion (A): Refractive index has no units.
Reason (R): The refractive index is a ratio of two similar quantities.
Q.15. Assertion (A): The formula connecting u, v and f for a spherical mirror is valid in all situations for all spherical mirrors for
all positions of the object.
Reason (R): Laws of reflection are strictly valid for plane surfaces.
Students are instructed to take a print out and complete the following case study
questions and reason- assertion questions on the same print out.
The assignment to be kept in science portfolio


(a) Is heating iron to red hot a physical or a chemical change? Explain your answer.

(c) Why isn't The Iron Pillar in Delhi rusting even though it's kept in the open without a
coating of paint on it ?
ANS: _____________________________________________________________

(i) At what time is the reaction rate the fastest in the _lask?
A. At 1 minute
C. At 4 minutes
B. At 3 minutes
D. At 6 minutes
(ii) The reaction is repeated with magnesium powder in place of magnesium
ribbon under the sameconditions. Will the reaction rate increase or
decrease?Explain your answer with reference to the volume of hydrogen formed
in the flask at 2 minutes.
(iii) Which of these is an example of decomposition reaction?
A. Melting of glaciers
B. Rusting of old bridges
C. Rotting of fruits and vegetables
D. Absorption of carbon dioxide by oceans
(iv) Methane gas released from waste water treatment plants can be used as a
source of fuel. Whichchemical equation represents combustion of methane to
produce heat energy

The reaction between MnO2with HCl is depicted in the following diagram. It was
observed that a gas with bleaching abilities was released .

(i) The chemical reaction between MnO2 and HCl is an example of:
decomposition reaction.
a) displacement reaction
b) combination reaction
c) redox reaction
d) decomposition reaction.
(ii) Chlorine gas reacts with _______ to form bleaching powder.
a) dry Ca(OH)2
b) dil. solution of Ca(OH)
c) conc. solution of Ca(OH)
d) dry CaO

(iii) Identify the correct statement from the following:

a) MnO2 is getting reduced whereas HCl is getting oxidized
b) MnO2 is getting oxidized whereas HCl is getting reduced.
c) MnO2 and HCl both are getting reduced.
d) MnO2 and HCl both are getting oxidized.
(iv) In the above discussed reaction, what is the nature of MnO2 ?
a) Acidic oxide
b) Basic oxide
c) Neutral oxide
d) Amphoteric oxide
(v) What will happen if we take dry HCl gas instead of aqueous solution of HCl?
a) Reaction will occur faster.
b) Reaction will not occur.
c) Reaction rate will be slow
d) Reaction rate will remain the same
Q4 Directions: In the following questions, two statements are given-one
labelled Assertion (A) and the other labelled Reason (R). Select the
correct answer to these questions from the codes (a), (b), (c) and (d)
as given below:
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is correct explanation of the
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of
the assertion.
(c) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(d) (A) is false but (R) is true.
(i) Assertion (A): Stoichiometric coefficient are the numbers which
are put before compounds or elements to balance the chemical
Reason (R): Chemical equation is balanced to justify the law of
conservation of mass.
(ii) Assertion (A): When zinc rod is dipped into aqueous solution of
copper sulphate, the colour of the solution changes.
Reason (R): Zinc being more reactive displaces less reactive.
Copper from its aqueous solution resulting in the formation of zinc
sulphate which is colourless.
(iii)Assertion (A): Heat is required for the decomposition of lead
Reason (R): Decomposition reactions are endothermic.
(iv) Assertion (A): During double displacement reactions,
precipitates are usually formed.
Reason (R): Precipitation reactions produce insoluble salt.
(v) Assertion (A): Reactions also involve the gain or loss of oxygen
or hydrogen by substances.
Reason (R): Oxidation is the gain of oxygen or loss of hydrogen
while reduction is the loss of oxygen or gain of hydrogen.
(vi) Assertion (A): Photosynthesis is an endothermic reaction.
Reason (R): Energy from sunlight is absorbed in photosynthesis.
(vii) Assertion (A): All decomposition reactions are
generally endothermic reactions.
Reason (R): All decomposition reactions generally occur with the
adsorption of heat or light energy.

Q5. Make a mind map of Chapter 1 (Chemical reactions and equations) in an A4

size sheet.
Q6. What will be the action of the following substances on litmus paper?
Dry HCl gas, Moistened NH3 gas, Lemon juice, Carbonated soft drink, Curd, Soap solution.

Q7. A Student prepared solution of (i) an acid and (ii) a base in two separate beakers. She
forgot to label the solutions and litmus paper is not available in the laboratory. Since both the
solutions are colourless, how will she distinguish between the two?


Q9. Read the below question and answer the questions:

Q10. (a)Write any five differences between acids and bases.

(b) What happens when nitric acid is added to the eggshells?






1. What advantage over an aquatic organism does a terrestrial organism have

with regard to obtaining oxygen for respiration?


2. Differentiate between single and double circulation found in vertebrates.


3. Name the substrates for the following enzymes

a. trypsin
b. amylase
c. pepsin
d. lipase

4. What are the three events in photosynthesis?


5. What is the difference between arteries & veins?


6. What is villi? What are its functions?

Ans. _______________________________________________________________
7. What type of respiration takes place in human muscles during vigorous
exercise and why?

Ans. _______________________________________________________________

8. How is opening and closing of stomata regulated?

Ans. _______________________________________________________________

10. Meat is easier to digest as compared to grass. Why?

Ans. _____________________________________________________________



1. Observe the diagram given below carefully and write names of

the endocrine glands A, B, C, D and E in the given boxes. Mention,
name of one hormone produced each of these glands, in the table
provided One example (F) has been done for you.
1 A
2 B
3 C
4 D
5 E

2.What is reflex arc? Draw a labelled diagram to show reflex arc on touching a
very hot object.
Holidays Homework

Dear Students

1.Learn all the chapters which are done so far in the class.

Each student must undertake any one project on the following topics:
Refer ANNEXURE III on the CBSE website (curriculum) (page 56)

Consumer Awareness
Social Issues
Sustainable Development

a) In Consumer Awareness Project. (Refer to Economics ch-5 Consumer Awareness)

• Highlight how the consumers are exploited in the market place.
• International Consumer Movement
• Write about rights and duties as a consumer and legal measures available to protect from being exploited in the
• Role of Govt. in consumer awareness program
• Supply newspaper clippings, drawing, pictures to make the project relevant
• Prepare the project in a colored scrap book, if possible, different forms of art may be integrated in the project

b) In the Social Issues Project

• Highlight any two social issues like child labour, Domestic violence, Corruption, poverty, illiteracy etc,
• Problems related to the social issues and its impact on society.
• Role of Govt. in dealing with social issue.
• Supply newspaper cutting, drawing, pictures to make the project relevant
• Prepare the project t in a colored scrap book. If possible, different forms of art may be integrated in the
project work.


c)In the project Sustainable Development (Refer to Geography ch-1 Resource and Development)

• Write the meaning of Sustainable Development with example

• Need for sustainable development in global scenario.
• Steps taken by different countries on global level (ex-International Earth Summit, Agenda 21)
• Role of Indian govt. to promote or create awareness for sustainable development
Page 1 of 4
democracy or where democracy evolved through popular struggle.
• Role of people in struggle for democracy and its impact.
• Supply newspaper cutting , pictures to make the project relevant
• Prepare the project in a colored scrap book

PROJECT Instructions:
o It should have minimum 15 pages (including pictures and written content)
o It should be handwritten by the students themselves.
o It should have a cover page, Index, Acknowledgement and Bibliography.
o Add relevant pictures, newspaper clippings.
o Write your name, class and section at the bottom of the index page.

3. Interdisciplinary Project

• Under the inter disciplinary project, each section of std.X is divided into five groups.
• Each group will have 10 Roll numbers.approx.
• Every student needs to take up a topic allotted roll number wise.
• Each roll no. will make a power point presentation of 2/3 page.
• Each group will have a group leader who will combine all the PPTs.
• Finally, each group will have a power point presentation with 25/30 slides each.
• Each roll no. will also take print out of their 2/3 individual work and keep it in their respective
• Refer ANNEXURE IV and ANNEXURE V (PAGE 58 TO 65) of Social_Science_Sec_2024-25.pdf
• Each roll no needs to write content pertaining to their allotted topic in their POWER POINT
PRESENTATION, also paste relevant pictures related to the topics in their slides. Take their print as


1 11 21 31 41 The impact of World War II on the global economy
2 12 22 32 42 Consequences of the Great Depression on the global economy.
3 13 23 33 43 India’s economic condition during the Great Depression and
relate it to the present economic condition of India and US.
4 14 24 34 44 Post-war recovery efforts and their impact on the global
The role of the Bretton Woods Institutions in rebuilding the
5 15 25 35 45 world economy
6 16 26 36 46 The efforts made towards decolonization and independence of
Page 2 of 4
7 17 27 37 47 The impact of Bretton Woods institutions in the post war
8 18 28 38 48 World Trade Organization in building new nations and
promoting fair trade practices.
9 19 29 39 49 The reasons for the end of the Bretton Woods system
10 20 30 40 50 The impact of globalization on the Indian economy and the
challenges faced by India in the process of globalization
51 Group leader (need to combine all the slides together and add
page no ANNEXURE-V (Page no 64 at the end of all the
slides and fill the same.

In case the group has 10 members, the roll no.10 will do the work of group leader as well or the teacher
may use his/her own discretion in making any of the roll no. as group leader.
• Apart from the above Power Point Presentation, each student needs to do page no 62,63 of Annexure IV.
• (Handout 1 for Day 4 of Inter Disciplinary Project of Class X) Refer CBSE Curriculum (2024-25)
Write the answers of the questions given in a separate sheet based on the title: The Role of Waterways and
Airways in Post-World War II- World and India. Keep the same in the Portfolio.

Do the following maps on India political map and keep it in the portfolio.
CH 1. Resources and Development Identify: Major soil types.
CH-3Water Resource: - Locating and labeling
• Salal
• Bhakra Nangal
• Tehri
• Rana Pratap Sagar
• Sardar Sarovar
• Hirakund
• Nagurjuna Sagar
• Tungbhadra

CH.4 Agriculture: Identify:

• Major areas of Rice and Wheat
• Largest/ Major producer states of Sugarcane, Tea, Coffee, Rubber, Cotton and Jute

5.On an A4 size sheet, draw and the following Agricultural tools and implements. (ch- Agriculture)

Page 3 of 4
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