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No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a rere jn OF transmitted, in any form or by any means-electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recorént® otherwise, without the prior permission of the author and the publishers. * The publishers have taken utmost precaution in publishing the book, yet if any misile Inadvertently crept in, the publishers shall not be responsible for the same, Neetu < gyi Indispensable for- All Competitive Exams ~ oN PREFACE To the First Edition Here comes my VOCAB book that you have been Waiting J for since 2021! Great things take time and when it comes to my books, my students always set the bar high, To me your expectations, I had to strain every nerve to give YOU the impeccable quality that you have always expected from ime. Jn this vocab book, Ihave tried my level best to include alj you need. For all updates, please jain our Telegram C] "Neetu Singh Vocab" (t tme/neetu_singh_ vocab) We have made every effort to keep this book error fre case you find any, please send it to 8860330003, ¥ been and will always be my guiding light. Neetu Singh February, 2023 DEDICATED To MY BELOVED BROTHER MR. RABINDRA KR SINGH You were wild, happy and free, And had almost, nothing to worry. Suddenly one day, helt broke loose. And life for you, grew cruel like a noose. When our father left you at eighteen, ‘And you had almost nothing to lean. Then like a rock, you stood firm and strong, Left your dreams, lived for us alone. Life taught you harder, books taugist you less. Your beloved guitar, became forever speechless. Life was tough, but you laughed away your paint. And taught us to be tough, however hard sorrow rains. Today when I think, of that agonizing time, ‘he pain that you bore, sends shivers down my spine. Brother like you deserves a million salutes, Today Lam what I am, just because of you. CHAPTER-O1 CHAPTER-02 CHAPTER-03 CHAPTER-04 CHAPTER-05, CHAPTER-06 CHAPTER-O7 CHAPTER-08 CHAPTER-09 CHAPTER-10 CHAPTER-11 CHAPTER-12 CHAPTER-13 CHAPTER-14 CHAPTER-15 CHAPTER-16 CHAPTER-17 CHAPTER-18 CHAPTER-19 aa Visual Vocab Vocabularies From Reot Words from Root ‘Logy’ Words from Root ‘Graphy' Words from Root 'Philia’ Words from Root ‘Phobia’ Words from Root ‘Mania’ Words from Root 'Cracy & Archy’ Words from Root 'Cide’ Words from Root ‘Culture’ Words from Root ‘Latry’ Words from Root ‘Theo’ One Word Substitution 1. Idioms on Human Being 2. Idioms on Body Parts Idioms on Animals and Birds Idioms on Objects & Weapons Idioms on Colours Idioms on Food Items Idioms on Love Jdioms on Man & Related Terms 9. Pair Idioms 10 Common Idioms Vocabularies and Idioms in Articles PAs Simile Commonly Used Foreign Words Words Related to Worship Food Habit 1-16 17-45 46 - 52 53 - 54 55 - 57 58 - 60 61-64 65 - 67 68 - 69 70-70 71-72 73-73 74-141 142 - 143 144 - 156 157 - 162 163 - 164 165 - 170 171-172 173 - 176 177 - 183 184 - 185 186 - 240 241 - 268 269 - 269 270 - 273 274 - 276 277 - 277 . Group 278 spring & Age “h CHAPTER-20 OFFSPrAE 280.53 R21 Instrumet 8) (CHAPTE! (Places 282. R22 Name 28 CHAPTE aigure of Speech 285 _ ER-23. Figure of Sp ; Speech and W. 25 a 24 Words Related to Literature, Speech and Works 9, = 25 aa Words Related to Life & Death 289.9 a Words Related to Geography 290. 2 ae PTER-27 Words Related to History 295 | 29, CHAPTER-28 Words Related to Biology 297 - a94 CHAPTER-29 Words Related to Physics 300 - 95 CHAPTER-30 Words Related to Chemistry 301 = 399 CHAPTER-31 Animal Traits 303 - 393 CHAPTER-32 Personality Traits | CHAPTER-33 Words Related to Professions 307-345 CHAPTER-34 Habitat & Birth Wise 311234 CHAPTER-35 He, She, Baby, Abode, & Groups 312-2339) CHAPTER-36 Can Be & Cannot Be 313 - 313) CHAPTER-37 Hyphenated Phrases 314-3] CHAPTER-38 Tone of the Passage 316-3 CHAPTER-39 Synonyms and Antonyms 3 y" vy 318-3 CHAPTER-40 Homonyms 400 - 405 CHAPTER-41 One Word Substitution 406 - 402 (Previous Years :- 2020 - 2022) CHAPTER-42 Idioms (Previous Years +. 2020 - 2022) 423 - 452 CAPR Synonyms (Previous Years :- 2020 - 2022) 453 - 466 HAPTER-44 Antonyms (Previous Years :- 2020 - 2022) 467 - 481 CHAPTER45 Spelling (Previous am Channel Earl tate 2018, 2019 an CDS, Ete.) Previous Visual Vocab It is rightly said, 'A picture is worth a thousand words. Let us learn this section 4 8 of vocabularies through pictures but what if these pictures turn into GIF! Scan the QR Code and. ‘alow: me to teach you this chapter through funny GIF and interesting examples. Learning vocabularies is fun if innovatively done, ee iii eid ee re FLAMBOYANT feapn #4 ae Showy, Noticeable in such ay OSTENTATIOUS ,,,, a way that attracts a lot of POMPOUS 4, attention. PRETENTIOUS ,,4, Eg. * He is famous for his flamboyant lifestyle. + He has turned ostentatious and wants to show off his newly acquired wealth, OBLIGED y,., 7 ‘Thankful GRATEFUL ,.,, Eg» * [arn obliged to you for your kindness. » She is grateful for what you have done. BOOZE (N/V) wa, 7a ta liquor, to drink, one who DRUNKARD (N) drinks too much fg: * He is booding with his friends. + They dine and booze on Saturday night. COLLABORATION (N) Beer, ats COLLUSION (N) - Collaboration for dishonest purpose Bq + This collaboration will surely help you in expanding your business. + Some officers worked in collusion with the terrorists. MOROSE (Adj.) wae sad, dejected, glum GLOOMY (Adj. GLOOM (N) fg: + She turned morose when she’ Idioms that are si saw the result. in meaning: + After his death, gloom fell over | In the doldrums the family. In the blues to pull a long face aa eH extremely happy, 5 glad, joyful exuberant ECSTATIC yj) Jubilant, cheerful, fi EUPHORIC yy) yy, GLEEFUL wy) LISSFUL say . The newly elected MP was greeted by an ecstatic crowd, Fa™ * The gleeful public npplauded the team 1) fates eae weird oF strange IDIOSYNCRASY (N) behaviour, eccentrig f asy of biting the pillow looks weird, kg + Your idiosynerasy of othe Bile lode : © ver habit of laughing all the time is just one f her idiosyncras, AT HOME (Phrase) arm comfortable, at ease TO LET ONE'S HAIR DOWN (Phrase) Eg: + Lfeel at home in Mumbai. + We have a week to relax. Let your hair down now. SLOTHFUL (Adj) ort lazy, indolent, idle, | Idioms that are similar in meaning suaaih. Languid, d + to let the grass grow under one’s fect inactive "Kick one's heels. ENERVATED water Egi- + If | skip breakfast, I feel slothful + He is laborious and won't let the grass grow under his feet. with little or no energy AMIABLE (Adj) a friendly, amicable, cordial, AFFABLE (Adj) genial, cordial iq AMITY (Noun) ot friendship £9: + She has an amiable personality, * She looks affable but is green-eyed. * We must live in amity with our neighbours. CUDDLE (V)/(N) aie fara tohhold someone/ s aT closely in your arm, embrace, snuggle £4: + The girl cuddled her favourite doll. * He gave her daughter a cuddle and kissed her goodnight. DEBONAIR (Adj) armin cafe having isticated .z a sophisticat ore charm, suave, sophisticated urbane, cultured "9° * He looks debonair in his stylish suit, * This debonair gentleman charms every one FURIOUS (Adj) agg aa a very angry WRATHFUL (Adj) Fa- + What happened ? you lack furious, IRATE (Adj) The heteos rims usr! oy oom Ae eate (Acty + We received some irate phane calls GUTRAGED (Ad). from the customers. INDIGNANT (Adj) BASK (V) frei era we to lie or sit ina place reg m emt where you can enjoy the wrore sar arty warmth, Ar Eg: + The girls basked in the sunshine + The team is still basking in the glory of winning the cup: + He is basking in the attention of his admires. DROWSY nay aa sleepy SOMNOLENT yay Forty winks, Cat nap, nap, siesta DOZE OFF ippaatven) | F781 OT ‘Take short sleep Bg * Lcouldn't sleep last night, | am feeling drowsy now. + It was a somnolent summer day. + Don't doze off during workking hours. APPLAUD (V) rites FT to praise, exalt, acclaim, appreciate EXTOL (V) Eg: + They applauded my performance. + Actors eventually learn to deal with the TAuD {8} adulation of their fans. ADULATION (N) + Twas relaxed when he indicated his APPROBATION (N) approbation of my plans OVATION (N) HATS OFF (Phrase) CHILDISH (Adj) ze foolish, immature, puerile, LUDICROUS {Adj} nitwit, asinine, silly, nincompoop Eg: « I don't like his childish tantrums. * When you jump and clap, you look ludicrous FASTIDIOUS (Adj) srarearat hard to please, Snobbish Fg.- + My pets are quite fastidious + Fcan't please your fastidious guests. GLUTTON (N) % one who eats too my, GOURMAND (N) voracious eater “Hh, + Bheem was a glutton 2 ie is a glutton for work. He is a real workaholic. THRILLED (Adj) twin sit wT cxcited and happy EXHILARATED (Adj) enthusiastic 3 ELATED (Adj) fg: * The sight of his father elated him. Dyas thrilled when my name was announced in the ceremony. + We felt exhilarated when the YouTube golden bution arrived WINK (V) ate aH to close and ape quickly “a Eg: + Don't wink. + He winked and this irked me; ] IRKED (Adj) faa ta A little angry or upset, MIFFED (Adj) piqued ANNOYED (Adj) Bg:- © He looked irked when the train got delayed « His stupidity miffed me, AGHAST (Adj) sitarenT Filled with extreme FLABBERGAST (Adj) surprise DUMBFOUNDED (Adj) Eg:-* 1was aghast when Iwas detected Covid positive. + She was dumbfounded when she saw her jewellery missing. HILARIOUS (Adj) WER, aEF extremely funny, comic Tae Eg:- © His jokes are absolutely hilarious. + What a hilarious performance! j SUPERB (Adj) arER, THe very impressive and attractive Eg:- + His performance was super? OUTSTANDING (Adj) * ft was a magnificent monument MAGNIFICENT (Adj) STUPENDOUS (Adj) SPLENDID (Adj) SPECTACULAR (Adj) BID ADIEU (Phrase) atafel wr Say good bye Eg.- + He bid nll his fans adieu after his swan song. GUFFAW (V) aera HTT to laugh loudly en Fg: * He guffawed when he saw my dance LANGUID (Adj) sent slow, lazy, indolent Eg:- + Wwas a hot languid summer day, + He turned towards me at a slew and languid pace. ASTONISHED (Adj) arratafea extremely surprised STARTLED (Adj) Eg:- + He sight of a leopard startled us. STUNNED (Adj) ASTOUNDED (Adj) YEARN (¥) fret @ fey ‘to desire eagerly along with ari dae restless or painful feeling, Jong for, crave, desire Eg:- + The soldiers yearn to meet their family, REBUT (V) fect ama —_—to state that something is REFUTE (Vj syenf@ wey not true, deny, repudiate a Eg;- + The refuted the allegations. + The boy denied the charges of theft. APOLOGETIC (Adj) aap, stadt feeling or showing that “GRE L i] you are sorry, contrite, RRGRETEUL AAS remorseful, repentant, rueful Eg:- * He felt regretful for his misconduct. + Lam highly apologetic for my mistake ‘TRYST (N) fre ata | A secret meeting between are overs. * Their tryst soon came to the limelight Ea Ne Spey | arefa a sett To lift your shoulder suey sy awet © Itis too hot to stand in the sun. I am feeling giddy now. NOD (V) fe fron To move your head up ant down as a way of saying ‘yes’. Eg: + When I asked him if Hooked good, he just nodded. PHILANDERER (N) fee sy A man who is involved it casual love ats CASANOVA (N) Egi- + Most of the boys COQUETTE feasts uf class are © WITCHCRAFT (N) 5-2 the use of magic SORCERY (¥) Bag:- + Witcheraft is'a mystery NECROMANCY (N) SORTILEGE (N} BACCHANAL (N) wa éay —Awild and drunken SATURNALIA (N) siege sf og eelebration DEBAUCH (N} Eg:- + 1 don't like bacchanals on social occasions, SPREE (N) + Some boys look upon festivals as an opportunity for a saturnalia, RUN OVER pmsatven, | TT ‘To hit someone with a vehicle and drive over him + ‘The dog was run over by a bus, + The child was run over by 9 speeding bus. TODDLER (N) ia zs} A-young child who is soit qa ata learning to walk me Eg: © The toddler was walking along with his mother. + The taddler pointed te the toy he wanted, DEJECT (¥) eT To hate or dislike DESPISE (V) Eg: + Nothing dejects a trader more than inflation LOATHE (¥) « Lloathe doing household chares. ABOMINATE (V) DETEST (Vy ABHOR (V) JITTERY (Adj) ‘wa EST Nervous ‘ery before going te the examination centre. [ACROBAT (N)} bilo i who pe ficult move, body ment af Bq: + Tsar an acrobat at the circus, 'UNAMBULIST (N) wai ma ‘One who does ti 4 ® carey arc walking ht top— : Bg * We were surprised at the performance of the funambulist, DESPOT (N) wr Dictator, Autocrat, Eg:- + Kim Jong-un is a despot FROWN (¥} a to make a face in ange disapproval bes Eg: + He frowned when he saw my assignment. AURA (N) ama The distinct quality seems to surround or come from someone! something Eg: = He has a positive aura that pleases every one. e BAIT (N) ara, en A piece of food on ah or ina trap in order: attract and cateh fish a1 animals Bg: + We need some bait before we go far fishing. BALMY (Adj) oa ame warm, calm and pleasant, comfortable Eg:- + [still remember the balmy sunny days of winter when | could ret without any tension, “a BLINDFOLDED (Adj) aiiail wi whey with the cyes covered by a piece of cloth Fg + He was taken away blindfolded to an unknown destination. PETRIFIED (Adj) mT Very afraid or frightened TERRIFIED (Adj) Eg:- + He was petrified when he saw the terrorist. BAFFLED (Adj) aa Extremely confused or puzzled Eg: + This puzzle has left us baffled. BRAWNY (Adj) say awiva = Having large and strong muscles. Eg:- * She liked his brawny looks. BARBARIC (Adj) a Very eruel SAVAGE (Adj) Eg:- + The barbaric kidnappers killed hi ROTUND (Adj) ‘wer Fat and round Eg + He is a sotund little man, TIPTOE (V) 4a et dnferdi e Walk quietly and carefully Se with one's heels raised Eg + He tiptoed into the house, : airs, fiery = good-natured teas 1. BANTER (N)/ (Vp