A Childhood Experience

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A Childhood Experience

Assignment Type: Short Story

Course Title: Functional English

Major: Digital Communication and Media Technology

Submitted by: Washam Waseem

Semester: II

Batch: I

Submitted to: Ma’am Farha

It was a day in my school when I was in 3rd grade, about 10 years old. There was a tradition in

my school where the birthday girl or boy would distribute candies in their respective class,

celebrating their special day with everyone. It was my classmate's birthday, and as she prepared

to distribute candies, I couldn't contain my excitement for my turn.

As she went from desk to desk, handing out candies to each student, I eagerly awaited my turn.

But when she reached me, she purposefully skipped over me, continuing to distribute candies to

the rest of the class. I felt a wave of sadness wash over me, wishing the earth would swallow me

whole. It seemed as though the world was spinning around me, leaving me feeling alone and


I watched as she moved through the class, ensuring it wasn't just me she skipped. To my dismay,

I realized I was the only one left out. With tears welling up in my eyes, I rested my head on my

desk and cried silently. The rest of the day dragged on, my mind consumed by hurt and

disappointment. I couldn't focus on the lessons, my tears blurring the whiteboard, yet none of the

teachers seemed to notice my distress.

Once home, I poured my heart out to my mother, recounting the painful incident. Her sadness

mirrored my own, but her response caught me off guard. Instead of fueling my desire for

revenge, she gently reminded me that responding with cruelty wouldn't make things right.

Though I initially resisted her advice, I couldn't shake the wisdom of her words as my own

birthday approached. Despite my anger and hurt, I couldn't bring myself to stoop to the same

level of exclusion. As I looked around at the eager faces of my classmates, including hers, I

realized that kindness was the better path.

When the moment came to distribute candies, I approached my classmate with a heart filled with

forgiveness. With a warm smile, I offered her extra candies, surprising her with unexpected

kindness. In that simple gesture, I found redemption. My revenge was not taken through spiteful

actions, but through the transformative power of compassion.

As I looked into her eyes, I saw a glimmer of understanding dawn upon her face. True victory, I

realized, lies not in retaliation, but in the ability to rise above hurt and extend a hand of empathy

and forgiveness.


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