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Piaget mentions that language

is the product of
intelligence. In
the preoperative stage, children
are already capable of using
symbolic thinking. This includes
the ability to speak, where they
develop native and non-native
language. In the stage of
concrete operations and formal
operations, children acquire
absolute command of the
language, having the capacity for
thought beyond concrete reality.
Jerome Bruner maintains that it
is essential to mention
that motivation as well as
adequate teaching strategies
are important for the learning of
boys and girls.

The instruction must be carried

out through the interaction of
all the participants in the
process, leaving rote and
mechanical teaching aside.

Bruner's approach is
constructivist, since it refers to
the individual's ability to
achieve flexibility in their mind
and the ability to think, in such
a way that each lived experience
provides them with new

Language is a tool of cognitive
development that expresses
social speech, egocentric
speech, and internal speech.
Culture is important to the
process of child development. It
influences their speech
There are fundamental concepts
for Vygotsky in the process of
child development which has
been mentioned.
o Level
o Name of the activity
o Learning Objectives
o Content(s)
o Beginning, Development, and Closing of the activity or class
o Inclusion of the 3 theories explicitly or implicitly
o Didactic or technological resource
o Evaluation instrument

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