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Foundation 1
Iwasaki Yataro lived in the
island of Shikoku. He managed
Osaka’s trading operations and
founded the first Mitsubishi
company which was a shipping
2 Expansion

Yataro’s company gained the
gratitude of the government.
The government awarded him
with 30 vessels and the name
Growth, then trouble 3 of the company was changed
to Mitsubishi Mail Steamship.
They Got employees and a mail
1880 service from the goverment

Mitsubishi Mail Steamship,

with its service to China and
Russia had a monopoly on

oversea routes. The
government shifted against More than shipping
them and sponsored a
competitor. Both companies
got nearly bankrupt, and the
government set a temporary
truce. After Yataro died in 1885, his
brother Yanosuke took over and
the competition resumed.

Restructuring 5 Mitsubishi Expanded to coal

mining and also produced
Japan's first domestically
1893 produced Steamship. They later
removed Steamship from the
Yataro’s son Hisaya took over name...
the company in 1893 and
reorganized it into divisions

like banking, real estate, and
marketing. These changes First Vehicle
Mitsubishi expand its reach
across different industries.
In 1917 the company produced
their first passenger vehicle, the
Mitsubishi Model A. It was
designed as a luxury vehicle,
Splitting 7 mostly for government officials.
It was Japan's first mass
produced car, but only 22 units
1946 were built between 1917 and 1921
because of high production
After World War II the allies
costs. They didn't build any more
ordered Mitsubishi to split
vehicles until World War II
up. They split up into West,

Central, and East Japan
Heavy-Industries. Each of Major Milestones
these still designed and
developed automotive parts
and Mitsubishi developed 1970
the Mizushima, a small
three-wheeled cargo vehicle Before 1970 the automotive
and a scooter. division was part of the larger

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. On
100th Anniversary April 22, 1970 Mitsubishi Motor
Company was established as a

2017 separate independent

company. They took over
production of vehicles from
2017 marked the 100th
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries.
anniversary from the model A
vehicle. Because of this they

launched the 100th
anniversary Outlander and Hybrid Vehicles
Mirage with unique badges
and designs. They also
recreated the Model A and
organized a tour through the In 2023, Mitsubishi showcased a
U.K displaying the Model A few new hybrid cars. They
and other historic models showcased the Outlander Hybrid.
It was also available to test drive
Sources: in New York, San Francisco and
brief-history more cities. They also showcased
an electrified crossover MPV
concept car and a pickup truck.

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