The Five Sense - Matter

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SCIENCE MID-YEAR EXAM 2 The five senses

Name: _________________________ Date: ______________

Teacher: Mr Ceaser Ruiz de Azúa Mark: ______________

Exercise 1: : For each question, choose the correct answer.

1- Inside the eye we can find __________
a) Aqueous humor
b) Vitreous humor
c) Blood veseles
d) Choroid
e) Sclera

2- To protect the eye we can find __________

a) Wear glases ander the water
b) Open tem and look the sun
c) Wear glasses under the water
d) Sunglasses
e) Drink water

3- When we blin ____

a) We shape the eye
b) We keep the eye often for a long time
c) We keep the ete
d) We protect the eye from the light
e) Doesn’t happen anythink

4- What are the ciliary muscles?

a) The ciliary muscles change the shape of the eye
b) They change the shape of the lens
c) They change the shape of the iris
d) The change the shape of the cornea to can protect more.
e) Anythink
Ears and nose
5- What have the easr and eye in comon?
a) The lacrimal duct
b) The ear drum
c) The sclera
d) The Eustachian tuve
e) Nothink

6- What have the ear and the nose in comon?

a) The nasal cavity
b) The lacrimal duct
c) The Eustachian Tuve
d) The scelra
e) The pinna


7- Which part of the inner ear transform sound vibrations into electircal signals?
a) The circular canals
b) The cilia
c) The liquid inside the cochlea
d) The eustachian tuve
e) The Optic nerve

8- What can demage or hurts the ears?

a) Very low music
b) Wearing ear plus
c) Very loud music
d) Pusing the blood veseles
e) Anythink

9- What are the 3 jobs of the nasal casvity?

a) To filter, warm and shape
b) To filer., warm and moisten the air
c) To clean, dry and warm the air
d) To filter warm and dry
e) To filter and warm

10- What do we call the holes in our eyes?

a) The nose holes
b) The eye holes
c) The nasal cavity
d) The nostrils
e) The oral cavity

11- What does the nose need to smel?

a) It needs water
b) It needs oxigen
c) Its needs air
d) It need the nasal cavity
e) It needs nose

12- What is the correct order of the ear bones?

a) 1- Malleus 2- Incus 3- Oral cavity
b) 1- Malleus 2- Osicles 3- Incus
c) 1- Incus 2- Malleus 3- Stapes
d) 1) Stape 2- Malleus 2- Incus
e) 1- Malleus 2- Incus 3- Stapes

13- What is the funtion of the olfactory mucosa (chemo receptors)

a) The upper region of the nasal cavity
b) The nerve that sends informartion to the brain
c) A membrane that ha chemoreceptors
d) The surface region of the nasal cavity
e) A part of the ear drum

14- Where is the Coclea?
a) In the outer ear
b) In the middle ear
c) In the inner ear
d) In the nose
e) In the ear bones


15- What does not protect in the skin?

a) Melanin
b) The sebecuos gland
c) The epidermis
d) The dermis
e) The free nerve endings

16- Whiich corpuscles detect presure?

a) Pacinian and Meissner’s
b) Krauses and Ruffinis’s
c) Free nerve endings
d) Pacinian and Ruffini’s
e) Paccinian anf free nerve endings

17- What do the free nerve endings detect?

a) Cold temperature
b) Hote temperature
c) Change of presure
d) Pain
e) Anithik because is for protect.

18- Where can we find blood veseles?

a) Only in the hypodermis
b) Only in the dermis
c) In both the dermis and hypodermis
d) In dermis and epidermis
e) In free nerve endings

19- Which kind of receptor does the toungues have?

a) Painreceptors
b) Chemoreceptors
c) Themoreceptors
d) Nocioreceptors
e) Anithink

20- What are the parts of the free nerve endings?

a) Free nerve endings, taste buds, sensory cells
b) Melain, Nerve endings, taste buds, sensory nerve
c) Free nerve endings, taste receptors, olfactory nerve
d) Taste buds, cilia, saliva
e) Anithink

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