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(a) A double-bladed paddle

(i) A floating boat
(ii) Effective method

- Lakes
- Rivers

- They add another layer of challenge
- They allow access to the remote beauty of a region

(ii) These Kayaks do not protect the lower body of paddlers, making them feel cold and
increasing the chances of them getting wet. Also, these Kayaks are made for children

(e) Kayaking does not contribute to noise pollution. It ensures the protection of marine and
aquatic life as no fuels are burned. Further, the slow speed of Kayaks keeps marine life safe.

(f) Kayaking enables us to loosen up and improves our living conditions. Further, it ensures
total body development and teaches Kayakers to embrace nature. Most Kayakers have a low
resting breathing and heart rate – two clear signs of improving physical fitness. After a hectic
day, this not only provides instant relief but also gives us a sense of self-belief. This self-
belief is a key to personal development as it broadens our mindset and allows a change in
perspective. Additionally, Kayakers are able to socialize and learn new skills which is an
effective mood upliftment. Kayakers also obtain Vitamin D which allows the formation of
healthy bones.

(i) enormous muzzle
(ii) dotted far apart
(iii) could squeeze in a vacation
(iv) seaworthy

(i) Reiterated
(ii) Had been delivered
(iii) Weird

(c) The writer compares the Kayak to an “impertinent toy” using a metaphor to suggest that it
was not actually useful for sailing the sea. The adjective “impertinent” suggests that it was
temporary and would not last. This further showcases that the Kayaker was not really serious
about her safety as she plays with her life.

In paragraph four, the writer’s overall effect of language portrays the adventurous nature of
the narrator as she chooses the most challenging route. Firstly, “gunkholing” involves the use
of jargon thereby suggesting the narrator’s in-depth knowledge of the route. This suggests
that she is well-informed and has close relations with boaters too. Secondly, the verb
“meandering” showcases following a continuous and winding course. This could further
suggest getting older, as “meandering” is usually associated with rivers that keep flowing.
Lastly, “Communicate with such endearing animals” suggests that the narrator would like to
connect with nature. The adjective “endearing” portrays the childish nature of the narrator as
she is attracted to the rather cuter and less dangerous animals.

In paragraph eight, the writer’s overall effect of language creates an amusing image and
description of the boat. The verb “sneered” suggests that the man mockingly smiled seeing
the condition of the narrator’s boat. This further shows that the kayak was in no shape to sail
the sea. This reaction from the man is not only rude but also unsupportive of the narrator’s
goal.” Gradually assumed a wonky banana shape”, suggests that the kayak inflated slowly to
form a rather curved and crooked shape. The description of the shape as a “wonky banana”
suggests a comical image of the kayak. Additionally, “Ridiculously optimistic red-white
stripes” involved the use of contrast as this is just by appearance that the kayak may appear as
a race car however in reality the kayak has no chance to go as fast as any other boat. The
narrator goes to ridicule herself as she tries to keep a positive mindset, ignoring the reality of
the situation.

Kayaking through Alaska?

The very thought of adventure endears us all. Does it not? Well, a few years back, Audrey
Sutherland completed her trip is Alaska using just a kayak! Truly unbelievable. Despite
receiving criticism from several people, she prepared well and accomplished her goal. It was
beyond belief how a high school carrier adviser accomplished one of the greatest feats of this

Audrey received criticism and support from several people and by taking this criticism in an
optimistic manner, she accomplished the impossible. Sometimes life just becomes so hectic
you need a break. Audrey was already a quite profitable author, and she received the right
support from her publisher. Perhaps, it was felt that the trip could give her new ideas to sell.
Unfortunately, being sacked by her company and de-moralization by a local man on the
beach did not help her case. Her request for the leaves was denied, perhaps the company not
understanding the importance of this break for her. Nowadays life runs so fast, it is as if we
are turning into machines! The man mocking the kayak's state with a contemptuous smile
created doubts in Audrey’s mind. However, she had a purpose and she had support – her
family and friends. The family remained supportive by keeping track of Audrey’s movements
using copies of her passage while her friends waited keenly for her at the route beginning,
giving her a sense of purpose.

Going unprepared into Alaska is a suicide mission. Luckily, Audrey made several
preparations before the trip. Audrey has ensured to use a map while planning her route. This
was very essential as well otherwise she would have easily gotten lost in the unknown
territory. Furthermore, she had ordered gear in order to protect herself from rain and
thunderstorms. She had understood that the weather was capricious and there was a need for
her to keep herself warm. Along with this, she has tested her boat to ensure it remains sturdy
and is light enough to withstand her weight. Additionally, she had also envisioned her
nutritional needs by placing resupply boxes en route as a quick source of energy so she can
famish herself. Moreover, she also booked hotels where she could stay if she required to rest
during the journey.

Why did she go to Alaska? There were several reasons. Firstly, she wanted to improve her
self-confidence and mental health as Alaska was part of her morale-building list. This would
also enable her to stay confident as an author. Not all books are successful. Additionally, she
wanted to connect with nature and the heritage of the world. By enjoying delicacies, spending
time with animals, and tracing historical maps, she aimed to broaden her perspective of
looking at the world. Along with this, It could be believed that she wanted to gain fame by
breaking the record of the smallest boat to cross Alaska. Perhaps this was an attempt by her to
gain publicity for her new books. Moreover, she felt that she had wasted her life. She wanted
to enjoy and truly discover herself as time kept passing and her skin kept growing fragile.

If Audrey’s trip gives us a lesson, It’s to never give up. It is just the beginning for most of you
all and there are a lot of problems that will be faced. Staying optimistic in the face of
adversity and backing yourself – What more could you need?

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