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Name: ________________________

Mechanics and Materials Class: ________________________

Date: ________________________


Marks: PDUNV


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(a) State what is meant by a vector quantity.



(b) Give RQH example of a vector quantity.



Which of the following is a scalar quantity?

$ velocity

% kinetic energy

& force

' momentum


(a) What is meant by a scalar quantity?


(b) The figure below shows two forces acting on an object at 2. The forces have been drawn
to scale.

(i) State the scale used in the figure above


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(ii) Complete the scale drawing, the figure above, to determine the magnitude of the
resultant force.

magnitude of resultant force ______________________ N


The figure below shows a river which flows from West to East at a constant velocity of

0.50 m s–1. A small motor boat leaves the south bank heading due North at 1.80 m s–1.
Find, by scale drawing or otherwise, the resultant velocity of the boat.

speed ____________________

direction ____________________

Coplanar forces of 5 N, 4 N and 3 N act on an object. Which force, in N, FRXOGQRWSRVVLEO\ be

 the resultant of these forces?

$ 0

% 4

& 12

' 16


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A pivoted metre rule is supported in equilibrium horizontally by a thread inclined at 30° to the

The three forces acting on the rule are:

its weight :;
the tension 7 in the thread;
the reaction force 5 at the pivot.

Which one of these diagrams, drawn to scale, represents the magnitudes and directions of these
three forces?


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The diagram below shows a long-distance swimmer swimming due north at 1.3 m s–1 in a tide

that flows at 1.0 m s–1 due east.

(a) Calculate the magnitude of the resultant velocity of the swimmer.





magnitude of resultant velocity ____________________ m s–1

(b) Calculate the angle the resultant velocity of the swimmer makes with due north.





angle ____________________ degrees


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The figure below shows a uniform steel girder being held horizontally by a crane. Two cables are
 attached to the ends of the girder and the tension in each of these cables is 7.

(a) If the tension, 7, in each cable is 850 N, calculate

(i) the horizontal component of the tension in each cable,



(ii) the vertical component of the tension in each cable,



(iii) the weight of the girder.



(b) On the figure draw an arrow to show the line of action of the weight of the girder.


In an experiment an unknown load, of weight, :, was supported by two strings kept in tension by

equal masses, P, hung from their free ends, with each string passing over a frictionless pulley.
The arrangement was symmetrical and is shown in )LJXUH.

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The distance [ was kept constant throughout the experiment. The length \ was measured for
different values of P.

The distance between the strings at the pulleys, [ = 0.500m

(a) )LJXUH shows the three forces acting through the point at which the strings are attached
to the load. The weight of the load is : and the tension in each string is PJ, where J is
gravitational field strength.


(i) By resolving the forces vertically show that

where ij is the angle between each string and the vertical.



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(ii) Draw the line of best fit through the points plotted on the graph.

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(b) (i) Determine the gradient of your graph.







(ii) The equation for the straight line is

Given that J = 9.81Nkg–1, determine a value for :.





(c) When P was 0.300 kg, \ was 0.400 m.

Calculate the percentage uncertainty in for P = 0.300 kg.









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(d) (i) Explain the term V\VWHPDWLFHUURU.





(ii) In practice, there may be a systematic error in this experiment because of friction in
the pulleys.
When the measurements were taken, increasing values of P were used. State and
explain how friction in the pulleys would have affected the measured values of \.







(a) (i) State WZR vector quantities.

vector quantity 1 ________________________________________________

vector quantity 2 ________________________________________________

(ii) State WZR scalar quantities.

scalar quantity 1 ________________________________________________

scalar quantity 2 ________________________________________________

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(b) The helicopter shown in )LJXUHD is moving horizontally through still air. The lift force from
the helicopter’s blades is labelled $.

(i) Name the two forces % and & that also act on the helicopter.

% ___________________________________________________________

& ___________________________________________________________

(ii) The force vectors are also shown arranged as a triangle in )LJXUHE.

State and explain how )LJXUHE shows that the helicopter is moving at a constant






(c) The lift force, $, is 9.5 kN and acts at an angle of 74° to the horizontal.

Calculate the weight of the helicopter. Give your answer to an appropriate number of
significant figures.

answer = ____________________ N

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The diagram shows the forces acting on a stationary kite. The force ) is the force that the air

exerts on the kite.

(a) Show on the diagram how force ) can be resolved into horizontal and vertical components.

(b) The magnitude of the tension, 7, is 25 N.


(i) the horizontal component of the tension,


(ii) the vertical component of the tension.


(c) (i) Calculate the magnitude of the vertical component of ) when the weight of the kite is
2.5 N.


(ii) State the magnitude of the horizontal component of ).


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(iii) Hence calculate the magnitude of ).




A canoeist can paddle at a speed of 3.8 ms–1 in still water.

She encounters a current which opposes her motion. The current has a velocity of 1.5 ms–1 at
30° to her original direction of travel as shown in the figure below.

By drawing a scale diagram determine the magnitude of the canoeist’s resultant velocity.

magnitude of velocity ____________________ ms–1


Which one of the following pairs contains one vector and one scalar quantity?

$ Displacement Acceleration

% Force Kinetic energy

& Power Speed

' Work Potential energy


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The rectangular objects, $, %, & and ' are each 2 cm long and 1 cm high. Which one of the
 bodies is in equilibrium?


Two forces of 6 N and 10 N act at a point. Which of the following could QRW be the magnitude of
 the result?

$ 16 N

% 8N

& 5N

' 3N


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Mark schemes
(a) (quantity that has both) magnitude and direction


(b) any vector quantity eg velocity, force, acceleration





(a) (has magnitude but) no direction/has only magnitude


(b) (i) 1N: 3.9 or 4 cm/1 cm: 0.25 or 0.26 N


(ii) completes parallelogram correctly/or ‘nose to tail’


measures/draw correct diagonal


2.1 ± 0.1 N



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scale clearly stated


correct triangle drawn


all arrows shown


1.8 m s-1 < speed 2.0 m s-1


direction = N (16 +– 2)° E



or XVHRI c2 = a2 + b2 or XVHRI tanș = a/b


v2 = 1.802 + 0.502




speed = 1.87 ms-1


direction N 15.5° E






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D ¥ 2 + 1.02)


1.6/1.64 (m s–1)


(b) angle = tan–1 (1.0/1.3)





(a) (i) horizontal component = 850 × cos 42 

 = 630 N  (632 N)

(ii) vertical component = 850 × sin 42 = 570 N  (569 N)

(if mixed up sin and cos then CE in (ii))

(iii) weight of girder = 2 × 570 = 1100 N  (1142 N)

(use of 569 N gives weight = 1138 N)
(allow C.E. for value of vertical component in (ii))

(b) arrow drawn vertically downwards at centre of girder 


(a) (i) : = 2PJ cosij ଴ P = :/(2JFRVij ‫ط‬


(ii) Well drawn straight line of best fit.‫ط‬


(b) (i) Triangle drawn with smallest side at least 8 cm in length. ‫ط‬
Correct readings taken from the line for the triangle ‫ط‬
Gradient in the range 0.45 to 0.49 (0.445 to 0.494) quoted to 2 or 3 significant figures

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(ii) Candidate’s answer for gradient in (b)(i) correctly multiplied by J (expected answer

(c) į[% = 0.2 and į\% = 0.5‫ط‬

į [\ % = į[% + į\% = 0.2 + 0.5 = 0.7 ‫ط‬
Use of į [\)2% = 2 × į [\ (%) ‫ط‬

(d) (i) Systematic errors in measurements are errors which show a pattern or a bias or a
trend ‫ط‬

(ii) \ would be larger‫ط‬

because angle ș would be smaller
because friction would be opposing the increasing weight of P‫ط‬


(a) (i) two from: velocity, acceleration, force etc


(ii) two from: speed, distance, mass etc

(b) (i) B: drag / air resistance

C: weight

(ii) closed triangle (of vectors)


(so moving at constant velocity)

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(c) : = 9500 sin 74

= 9100 (9132)




components at right angles 

vertical component in line with the weight 
vertical components to start from the •)


(± 0.5N if scale drawing)


(± 0.5 N if scale drawing)

(c) (i) vertical component of ) = 21.7 + 2.5 = 24 N (24.2)

[or 25 (24.5)]  (allow C.E. from (b))

(ii) horizontal component of ).= 12 (or 13) N  (12.5) (allow C.E. from (b))

LLL ) ¥ 2+ 24.22)  (allow C.E. from parts (i) and (ii))
= 27 N (27.2) [or 28 (28.2) ] (1) (26 N to 29 N if scale drawing)



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scale <1cm to 1 m sí stated or obvious from calculation (allow × 3, 7 etc. here)


correct resultant direction by eye (needs arrow if not clear from parallelogram
or triangle)


2.6±0.2 (m sí)









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Examiner reports
The majority of students achieved both marks in this question.

Part (a) was correctly done by most candidates. In part (b), a large number of candidates could
 make no progress towards a correct parallelogram or triangle of forces.

This question was answered well by the majority of candidates; most chose to calculate the
 resultant velocity rather than to use a scale drawing but then often had difficulty in clearly defining
the direction for the final mark.

Part (a) was done well by the overwhelming majority.

About half the candidates completed part (b) successfully. Errors here usually centred around
non-clarity in the direction of the velocity. It was often unclear whether the angle was to the east
or west of north.

This question was answered well and it was clear that candidates were skilled in resolving
 vectors. Full marks were common in part (a). A minority of candidates confused the vertical and
horizontal components and consequently lost the first two marks. The arrow showing the line of
action proved a very accessible mark, although some candidates spoilt their answers by a lack of
care in their drawing. It was not clear from these drawings that the arrow pointed vertically

(a) (i) Answered well by most candidates. The explanation had to demonstrate that
 candidates understood the resolving process.

(ii) Correctly answered by most candidates, with only a small proportion of inappropriate
lines of best fit.

(b) (i) This question features on all ISA’s but many candidates still fail to achieve the full 3
marks. The most common error was again misreading of one of the data points, and
this then usually gives a gradient value out of tolerance, hence losing another mark.
Triangles were generally large enough to meet the 8 cm criteria, with fewer lost
marks on this point than in previous years.

(ii) Answered reasonably well by most candidates – by multiplying their gradient by ‘g’.

A significant proportion of candidates lost the mark awarded for the unit. (Some
candidates using ‘n’ instead of ‘N’ !).

(c) This question discriminated well, with only the most able candidates scoring all three
marks. Significant figure errors and failing to double the combined uncertainty in [ and \
were the most common mistakes.

(d) (i) A surprising number of candidates failed to give an adequate description of a

systematic error.

(ii) A large proportion of candidates scored the first mark, explaining that \ would be
larger. Only the most able candidates were able to give an adequate explanation,
usually relating to friction opposing the increasing weight of P.

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Parts (a)(i) and (ii) in general were well answered. Typical mistakes included: weight being given
 as a scalar and speed as a vector.

Part (b)(i) was answered very well apart from some students accidentally writing the forces the
wrong way round. In part (b)(ii) many students didn’t realise the significance of the closed triangle
though most realised the forces were in equilibrium. This was surprising because the idea of a
closed triangle of vectors is mentioned in the specification.

Many wrongly chose to use cos74 rather than sin74 in part (c) but most did correctly round to 2
significant figures.

In general this question was answered well and many candidates secured full marks. The only
 difficulty with part (a) was that the horizontal and vertical components of the force were not
shown as originating from the point on the kite through which the force ) acted. Although weaker
candidates were unable to deduce correct values for the vertical and horizontal components of )
in part (b), they were able to make a reasonable attempt in part (c) at combining the two
components to obtain the magnitude of ).

Most candidates were able to draw a reasonable vector diagram. Scales could often have been
 larger and a minority of candidates failed to state the scale factor. Few showed the direction of
the resultant – for which they were penalised unless it was clear from the directions of the two
velocities being added. Those correctly calculating the resultant were penalised by a mark,
however most attempted calculations were incorrect.

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