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Behavioural Processes 83 (2010) 315–323

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Does perceived trainability of dog (Canis lupus familiaris) breeds reflect

differences in learning or differences in physical ability?
William S. Helton ∗
Department of Psychology, University of Canterbury, Private Bag 4800, Christchurch 8020, New Zealand

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Researchers have reported perceived differences in trainability between different dog breeds. These
Received 20 August 2009 reports could either be the result of underlying differences in learning or differences in physical capabil-
Received in revised form ities. Four studies were conducted to investigate this issue. In Study 1 the level of agility metal-winners
24 November 2009
amongst those breeds perceived to be high and low in trainability did not deviate significantly from their
Accepted 22 January 2010
respective levels of participation in the sport. In Study 2 the level of precision amongst those dogs per-
ceived to be high and low in trainability did not deviate significantly in a real agility competition (P > 0.05),
but these dogs did differ in speed (P < 0.05). In Study 3 the amount of training time necessary to achieve
agility precision mastery did not significantly differ amongst dogs from breeds perceived to be high and
Dog low in trainability (P > 0.05), but there was a significant difference in speed. Finally, in Study 4 breeds
Intelligence considered to be high in trainability were found to be relatively physically homogenous in respects to
Skill development height, in comparison to breeds considered to be low in trainability. Overall, the results of these studies
Trainability are more supportive of a physical capability interpretation of perceived breed differences in trainability,
than a more cognitive interpretation.
© 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction approximately half of all of the obedience judges in North Amer-

ica at the time of the survey, ranked breeds for their trainability
An issue for the working dog community is the possibility of in the context of their experience in obedience judging and train-
there being differences in trainability amongst breeds or breed ing. Obedience is a canine sport in which a dog must perform a
groups (Helton, 2009a). Breeds are “intraspecies groups that have predefined set of tasks. These tasks are basic commands for con-
relatively uniform physical characteristics developed under con- trolling the dog, such as “stay,” “down,” “sit,” “heel,” and “come.”
trolled conditions by man [humans]” (Iron et al., 2003, p. 81). Dogs In higher levels of obedience competition the tasks also include
are the most phenotypically diverse species currently existing (Iron retrieving objects and discriminating objects by their scent. Obedi-
et al., 2003). Although many breeds have a relatively recent histor- ence competition consists of tasks most dog owners would expect
ical origin, breed advocates often suggest breeds were developed from a well-trained dog and is open, unlike some canine sports,
as a result of artificial selection directed at improving occupational to all breeds. In Coren’s survey, the judges rated each breed for
performance over time. Greyhounds and other sight-hounds were trainability on a 7 point scale from very good to very poor and the
selected to be quick pursuit hunters in open fields, and terriers, for final ranking that appears in Coren’s book are based on a simple
example, were selected to excel at subterranean combat. rank sum of these ratings. The inter-rater reliability of these ratings,
Breeds of dog are perceived to differ in working intelligence or Cohen’s kappa,  = 0.71 (Coren, personal communication).  is very
trainability (Coren, 1994; Ley et al., 2009; Rooney and Bradshaw, sensitive to the total number of items rated. Smaller sets of items
2004; Serprell and Hsu, 2005). The ranking of breeds across stud- having higher  and larger set having lower . Coren’s resulting  is
ies for their relative perceived trainability is consistent. The same very high, considering the large number of breeds rated, which is
breeds are consistently ranked relatively high and low even though suggestive of substantial agreement among judges in their relative
the exact order may deviate across studies. Coren (1994) is the breed rankings (Landis and Koch, 1977).
most comprehensive and complete breed ranking for trainabil- Breed rankings, like Coren’s, have been criticized by canine
ity by experts published. In Coren’s survey, 208 obedience judges, researchers and behaviourists (see Miklosi, 2007). In particular
Coren has been criticized for referring to his ranking as a metric of
breed intelligence. This criticism is, however, only partially legit-
imate. Coren clearly presents a multi-faceted perspective of dog
∗ Tel.: +64 03 364 2902; fax: +64 03 364 2181. intelligence in his book. Coren regards his breed ranking as only
E-mail addresses: Deak, reflecting one facet of dog intelligence: working/obedience intel-

0376-6357/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
316 W.S. Helton / Behavioural Processes 83 (2010) 315–323

ligence. Furthermore, considering trainability and performance and more importantly, can be examined independently. In agility,
in obedience tasks as a measure of dog intelligence has histori- moreover, different fault types can be linked to different cognitive
cal precedence in comparative psychology (Warden and Warner, features, such as self-control, motor-control, and signal process-
1928). This criticism of Coren is, however, legitimate if intelligence ing (Helton, 2007b). In agility, the precision metrics demonstrate a
turns out to be unrelated to trainability. Some comparative psychol- dog’s ability to follow its handler’s commands. This matches what
ogists would make this argument. For example, Frank and Frank Coren refers to as obedience or working intelligence, or trainability.
(1985) demonstrated that trainability is different from problem- Because speed is subject to physical differences in height (Helton,
solving capability by showing that while dogs are more obedient 2007a) agility enables the dissociation of physical skill, perhaps,
and trainable than wolves, in unguided problem-solving tasks due to breed morphology (shape), from an examination of preci-
wolves demonstrate superior ability. Hence, trainability is not the sion, or faults, which more likely reflects differences in trainability.
same as unguided problem-solving ability. This distinction may Expert judges rating breeds of dogs for trainability, or even for
also reflect folk views that some dogs ranking relatively low on their talents for particular activities, most likely mix assessments
Coren’s trainability scale, for example terriers and many hounds, of physical attributes with cognitive attributes. While behavioural
may be less trainable for contrived tasks because they are sim- scientists may be careful in separating the impact of physical
ply more independent. These dogs are often projected in popular attributes on tests of cognition (see Scott and Fuller, 1965), in the
presentations as independent but clever dogs; examples would be “real” world, people cannot separate physical qualities from cogni-
“Eddy,” the Jack Russell Terrier of the TV show Frasier, or “Snoopy,” tive qualities when picking potential candidates. In the case of dog
the comic character Charlie Brown’s Beagle. trainability, the ability to learn to accurately follow commands, the
Whether Coren’s ranking is really a measure of breed intelli- cognitive aspect of the skill, is likely to be confounded with the
gence, a facet of intelligence, or actual trainability, the ranking speed of dog’s response or the ability of the dog to traverse space
does appear to be a reliable measure of perceived trainability quickly. Speed and movement depend on physical attributes of the
of breeds amongst experts. The primary issue is why breeds are dog, such as leg length, bone density, relative distal and proximal
perceived to differ in their trainability. The perception of breed dif- limb mass, and musculature. These physical qualities vary amongst
ferences in trainability is truly remarkable because there is little breeds. Furthermore, because physical qualities are perceptually
behavioural evidence suggestive of breed differences in underlying obvious, it is likely they weigh even higher in experts’ judgments
cognitive abilities (Gagnon and Dore, 1992; Pongracz et al., 2004; of the suitability of dog breeds for various tasks. In the sport of
Scott and Fuller, 1965). Breed differences in physical characteristics agility metrics of speed, covering ground quickly, are separated
are beyond dispute and these physical differences are undoubt- from accuracy (precision) in following handler commands. Agility
edly related to physical skill performance, such as running speed, may, therefore, provide an excellent medium to test the hypothe-
jumping height, and physical strength (Coppinger and Coppinger, sis that experts judge dog breeds for their trainability by assessing
2001). Dogs, for example, with longer legs and lighter distal limb physical qualities, which they can readily see (e.g. are perceptually
weight tend to run quicker than dogs with shorter legs and heav- obvious), not necessarily cognitive qualities or behavioural dispo-
ier distal limb weight (Alpak et al., 2004; Helton, 2007a; Kemp et sitions, which are hidden from view.
al., 2005). These differences in structure are influenced by genetics This paper reports on four studies conducted on breed group
and selection. Whether this selection process also altered dispo- differences in agility performance. In the initial study, public breed
sitions for trainability remains disputable and this may be critical statistics from a national agility group are examined to determine
for debates about the suitability of certain breeds, breed groups, or whether breeds perceived in Coren’s ranking to be highly trainable
even mongrels for various working tasks. are disproportionably represented as agility metal medal winners
While Coren did do an excellent job assessing experts’ judg- (high performers) given their representation in the sport overall. In
ments of trainability, he did not actually assess breed differences the second study, actual precision metrics and speed are compared
in actual performance or actual trainability (e.g. the ability to learn across breed groups in a real agility competition. In the third study,
tasks). The reason offered for not doing this was a realistic appraisal the relationship between amount of training, precision, speed, and
of how immensely challenging this task would be. The best method breed group is examined to determine whether there are any breed
to determine breed differences in trainability would be to select a group differences in the amount of training necessary to achieve
large number of breeds. Then from within each breed select, at ran- agility mastery, both precision and speed. In the fourth and final
dom if possible, a large number of puppies from these breeds and study, Coren’s breed groups are examined for an obvious physio-
assign these puppies randomly to differing training conditions over logical difference that may influence performance: height. If judges
prolonged periods of time. Conducting such an experiment would rate dogs for their trainability primarily by noting physical differ-
be outrageously expensive, time consuming, and raise a serious eth- ences between breeds then the difference between breed groups
ical/animal welfare issue (e.g. what would happen to all the dogs should be primarily for speed, not precision. If, however, judges
at the end of the experiment?). Nevertheless, to explore if experts’ are assessing cognitive capabilities, then the primary difference
rankings of perceived breed trainability match actual differences in between breeds should be for precision, not speed.
breed trainability does not require the perfect experimental study,
but perhaps the accumulation of evidence and logic. This paper is 2. Study 1: National agility statistics
a first step in this direction.
Trainability in the sport of agility was chosen for the present Certain agility organizations, such as the United States Dog
investigation. Agility, like obedience and unlike some other canine Agility Association (USDAA), make breed statistics publicly avail-
activities, is open to all breeds. Similar to obedience, agility requires able. This enables researchers to investigate both whether dogs of
the dog to learn to execute actions the dog would not normally certain breeds are disproportionately likely to do extremely well
perform and, moreover, to execute those actions under human in the sport than would be expected given the rate of the breed’s
command. Agility involves a dog being directed by a human han- participation in the sport. In this study this was investigated using
dler through a series of obstacles consisting of inclined walls Coren’s (1994) best and worst ranked breeds for trainability. If some
(A-frames), hurdles, tunnels, chutes (collapsed cloth tunnels), ele- breeds, as Coren (1994) suggests are really more trainable than
vated dog walks, weave-poles, and see-saws. Agility provides an other breeds then it would be expected that they would be dis-
excellent medium for examining canine performance and train- proportionably represented among agility champions, due to their
ability because in agility both speed and precision are required ease of training by handlers.
W.S. Helton / Behavioural Processes 83 (2010) 315–323 317

2.1. Methods allowed, then the dog fails to qualify. Only dogs who qualify are
rated for placement, which is then determined by quickest time.
Breed statistics and agility dog titles were gathered from the Thus in agility competitions the emphasis is both on precision, not
web-site of the United States Dog Agility Association (USDAA; faulting, and on speed; overall performance is a mixture of the for dog breeds ranked by Coren as the best two. The top rated dogs need to be both precise and quick. Speed,
and worst in trainability. The best breeds according to Coren in however, is partially determined by non-trainable qualities, such
terms of trainability are the Border Collie, Poodle, German Shep- as height and physical build (see Helton, 2007a). Therefore breeds
herd, Golden Retriever, Doberman Pinscher, Shetland Sheepdog, may differ in overall agility because of morphological differences
Labrador Retriever, Papillon, Rottweiler, and Australian Cattle Dog. not differences in trainability per se. Precision (faults) is, however,
The worst breeds according to Coren in regards to trainability are scored independently in agility from speed and precision has not
the Basset Hound, Mastiff, Beagle, Pekingese, Bloodhound, Borzoi, been found to be correlated with height (Helton, 2007a). Thus dogs
Chow Chow, Bulldog, Basenji, and Afghan Hound. From the USDAA of Coren’s different trainability groups can be compared in actual
web-site the following statistics were gathered for each breed: (1) competitions separately for their precision, which is presumably a
the number of dogs registered (e.g. in the sport), having partici- much better indicator or metric of trainability, and for their speed,
pated at a USDAA event and (2) the number of dogs awarded metal which is more likely to reflect morphological differences.
medals: gold, silver, or bronze. In Study 2 the agility precision performance of different train-
ability breed groups was investigated using results collected from
2.2. Results an actual agility competition held at an American Kennel Club
event. If some breeds are really more trainable than other breeds
According to the USDAA web-site there are 13,312 registered then it would be expected that they would differ in their actual
dogs from Coren’s highly trainable breeds, whereas there are only levels of achieved agility precision. On the other hand, if breeds are
354 registered dogs from Coren’s low trainability breeds. Amongst not really more trainable than others then you would expect breed
these two categories, there were 103 metal medal winners, and groups to be approximately the same in their levels of precision. If
all of these were from the highly trainable breeds. The number some breeds are perceived to be more trainable than other breeds
of Coren’s low trainability dogs who reached medal-winner ranks because their morphology enables them to be physically quick, then
created cells counts less than 5 (e.g. 0), hence, a 2 tests was inap- it would be expected that they would differ in their agility speed,
propriate. Instead, a Fisher exact test was conducted to determine not precision.
whether the number of Coren’s low and high trainability dogs
reaching medal-winner status were disproportionate given their 3.1. Methods
relative frequency in agility (i.e. the number of registered dogs)
(Agresti, 1992). In this case the low and high trainability dogs are Participants were 143 dogs performing in an agility competition
being compared as two groups. For champion status the Fisher at the Queen City Dog Training Club (QCDTC) in Cincinnati, OH,
exact test (one-tailed) was not statistically significant, P = 0.068. USA, an American Kennel Club (AKC) affiliated center. The QCTDC is
Given their low representation in agility competitions overall, it recognized as a premiere American agility training facility and has
is expected that very few, if any, of Coren’s low trainability breeds produced a number of agility champions. The numbers of dogs of
would be represented amongst medal winners. different breeds are presented in Table 1. The dogs competed at the
training club in an agility competition held over 3 days. The QCTDC
2.3. Discussion is a 9600 ft.2 climate controlled building with anti-slip matting built
especially for the sport of agility. The dogs competed in full agility
Given that Coren’s highly trainable breeds are much more likely courses consisting of all obstacle types. All dogs completed at least
to be registered for agility than Coren’s hard to train breeds in the two runs on two separate days. An experienced AKC course-setter
USDAA, the highly trainable breeds, unsurprisingly, make up all of arranged the obstacles for each session.
the agility metal-winners in comparison to Coren’s low trainability In this study, performance measures were assessed from the
breeds. Coren’s highly trainable breeds’ odds of being a medal- dogs’ runs for precision (faults) and speed. In agility, faults are given
winner are not very disproportionate with their relative base-line for a number of inappropriate actions by the dog. Four different
frequency in comparison to the low trainability breed group. If lots types of faults can be distinguished:
of Border Collies, Poodles, and Shetland Sheep dogs are competing,
odds are they will be the winners. These results, of course, do not 1. Refusals/runouts (R) – a refusal is when a dog starts towards an
enable one to determine whether the breeds are chosen for agility obstacle and ceases forward movement. A runout is when the
to begin with for their inherent trainability. Breeds may objectively dog passes the plane of the next correct obstacle.
differ in agility competitions in their actual performance, which 2. Wrong course (W) – a wrong course is when a dog engages any
may lead people to pre-screen potential agility dogs by breed. Peo- obstacle that is not the next one in the correct sequence, or enters
ple may choose to compete with those breeds most successful at the correct obstacle the wrong way.
agility and easiest to train. It also is not clear at this point if the 3. Table (T) – a table fault is when a dog leaves the table zone
difference could be due to morphological induced differences in prematurely.
physical performance or differences in the cognitive components 4. Obstacle failure (O) – an obstacle failure is given when the dog
of trainability. fails to perform on an obstacle, for example, not touching contact
zones or knocking bars on jumps.
3. Study 2: Performance differences
These faults were determined by AKC-qualified agility judges
Coren’s highly trainable breeds are much more represented in who were blind to the purpose of the study. As is typical in the
agility competitions, but it remains to be determined whether this sport of agility, a primary ring judge determined the faults. Other
is because these dogs are really more trainable or for some other judges were present and could be queried about unclear cases;
reason. In agility faults are given for a number of inappropriate none, however, occurred. The faults were summed for each dog
actions by the dog and for the dog failing to meet the maximum and divided by the total number of runs the dog ran. A constant
time set for the course. If the dog exceeds the number of faults (1) was added to these values and they were inverted (1/(x + 1)) to
318 W.S. Helton / Behavioural Processes 83 (2010) 315–323

Table 1
Breed numbers.

Breed N Breed N Breed N

Elite dogs
Australian Cattle Dog 2 German Shepherd 2 Shetland Sheepdog 18
Belgian Malinois 1 Min. Schnauzer 5 Spaniel (Cocker) 3
Border Collie 14 Papillon 6 Spaniel (English Springer) 1
Collie 2 Poodle 9 Standard Schnauzer 2
Doberman Pinscher 2 Retriever (Flat Coated) 2 Vizsla 1
English Cocker 1 Retriever (Golden) 8 Welsh Corgi 6
English Springer 1 Retriever (Labrador) 8

Other dogs
Australian Shepherd 8 Dalmatian 4 Retriever (Curly Coated) 1
Basset Hound 1 Fox Terrier 1 Rhodesian 2
Bearded Collie 1 Havanese 2 Scottish Terrier 2
Boxer 2 Maltese 1 Setter (Gordon) 2
Cairn Terrier 2 Min. Pinscher 1 Shih Tzu 4
Cavalier King 3 Norwegian Buhund 1 Spaniel (Welsh) 1
Chihuahua 1 Parson Russell 2 West Highland White 2
Dachshund 1 Retriever (Chesapeake) 1 Yorkshire Terrier 3

ensure normality (Kirk, 1995). A higher value reflects more preci-

sion. Speed was the average time for a run, regardless of number
of faults made during the course. The speed of each run was calcu-
lated by dividing the distance of the course measured in meters
by the time of the run measured in seconds (m/s). Course time
was measured using Signature Gear©electronic timers. These elec-
tronic timers are specifically designed for agility competitions and
are accurate to 1 ms. The data were analyzed using SPSS v 17.0 (SPSS
Inc., SPSS Inc., Headquarters, Chicago, IL).

3.2. Results

The breeds were combined into two groups based on their

respective representation in the sample and Coren’s (1994) rec- Fig. 1. The mean precision levels for the two trainability groups for the four types
ommendations. As Coren points out the actual ranks may not of faults (error bars are standard errors).
be particularly useful for deciding which dogs are more train-
able than others, instead he groups breeds. Border Collies while
ranked higher than Poodles in trainability in his sample may not that in some cases dog breeds regarded as being lower in trainabil-
in fact differ much, but together they may differ markedly from ity are actually slightly more precise than dogs regarded as being
Afghan and Basset Hounds. Coren’s 31-top ranked breeds, which higher in trainability. Dogs from the Coren trainability groups do,
he refers to as the “brightest” and “excellent working dogs” were however, significantly differ in regards to speed. As is displayed
grouped into an Elite Dog or high trainability group (N = 94), and in Fig. 2, those dogs from breeds ranked as elite in trainability are
all other dogs were grouped into a Other Dog or lower trainability faster than those dogs from breeds ranking lower in trainability.
group (N = 49). This approach was used because the lower ranked There is a relationship between breed group and speed. While far
breeds in Coren’s ranking are not as well represented at agility from definitive, this provides some evidence that Coren’s rank-
competitions as the higher ranked breeds. A repeated-measures ing of perceived breed trainability is plausibly contaminated by
analysis of variance was conducted to compare the Coren train- the actual physical characteristics of the breeds (e.g. differences
ability ranks for the four precision metrics as they are all measured
on the same relative metric. The mean results are presented in
Fig. 1 (error bars are standard errors of the mean). There was a
statistically significant effect for precision type, F(3, 423) = 81.70,
P < 0.001, 2p = 0.37. Neither trainability ranks, F (1, 141) = 1.36,
P = 0.246, nor the trainability rank by precision type interaction, F
(3, 423) = 0.87, P = 0.459, however, were statistically significant. An
analysis of variance was conducted to compare the Coren trainabil-
ity ranks for speed (m/s). The mean results are presented in Fig. 2
(error bars are standard errors of the mean). There was a statisti-
cally significant effect for breed groups, F(1, 141) = 3.94, P = 0.049,
2p = 0.03.

3.3. Discussion

Dogs from Coren’s elite breeds did not significantly differ in

regards to agility precision from the other breeds. In all cases, the
two groups appear to be very close in observed performance, as Fig. 2. The mean speed levels (m/s) for the two trainability groups (error bars are
is displayed in Fig. 1. A visual inspection of Fig. 1 actually reveals standard errors).
W.S. Helton / Behavioural Processes 83 (2010) 315–323 319

in physical morphology). These data do not, however, address the From this detailed 4-page questionnaire total accumulated hours
question of whether dogs in Coren’s rankings differ in their ease of agility specific practice could be calculated, which ranged from
of learning. Perhaps, with substantial effort, dogs from breeds con- 7.3 to 1396.9 h (M = 375.9, SD = 306.5).
sidered to be lower in trainability can be made to perform as well The dogs were assessed in an actual competitive event held at
as high trainable dogs. In order to determine whether this is the the QCDTC over 3 days. The dogs competed in at least 2 runs. In this
case, an estimate of the amount of training effort would need to be study, both precision and speed was accessed. To calculate preci-
collected. sion, all faults, aside from time faults, were summed for each dog
and divided by the total number of runs the dog ran. A constant
(1) was added to these values and they were inverted (1/(x + 1))
4. Study 3: Time to mastery
to ensure normality. A higher value reflects more precision. Speed
was the average time for a run, regardless of number of faults made
The results of Study 2 were not decisive in determining whether
during the course. The speed of each run was calculated by dividing
Coren’s (1994) highly trainable or elite breeds are easier to train
the distance of the course measured in meters by the time of the
than Coren’s low trainability breeds. In an actual agility com-
run measured in seconds (m/s). The data were analyzed using SPSS
petition, there does not seem to be any difference in Coren’s
v 17.0 (SPSS Inc., SPSS Inc. Headquarters, Chicago, IL).
differently ranked breeds in terms of precision or making faults;
these groups do differ in their speed. It remains to be determined,
however, whether handlers of low trainability breeds compensate 4.2. Results
by expending more training effort towards their dogs in regards
to precision. As Coren (1994, p. 180) states, “Good trainers can do As was done in Study 2, the dogs were grouped by breed into two
a lot with any breed of dog; they just find the job much easier if trainability groups: Elite (N = 25), and Other (N = 12). A hierarchical
they start with one that has high working and obedience intelli- regression analysis was performed to test the relative role of each
gence.” of the individual differences on precision. Prior to the regression
In Study 3 the agility precision performance of different train- analysis the dogs’ accumulated practice hours were square root
ability breed groups was investigated using results collected from a transformed as recommended to ensure normality (Kirk, 1995);
sample of dogs competing at an agility event. In addition, the han- a square root transformation of accumulated practice hours was
dlers/trainers of these dogs were asked to fill out a questionnaire also performed because of previous findings in the skill litera-
on the amount of training their dogs have received (accumulated ture suggesting a learning power law (Anderson, 1982; Ericsson
hours of agility practice). If some breeds are really more trainable et al., 1993; Helton, 2007a). In this case the sex variable was
than other breeds then it would be expected that there would be an dummy coded 1 = female and 0 = male. The dogs were separated
interaction between the trainability of the breed and the amount into two breed groups, using Coren’s rankings, the elite working
of practice accumulated. Dogs of highly trainable breeds should breeds (Coren, dummy coded = 0) and other working breeds (Coren,
need less practice to achieve the precision of less trainable dogs. dummy coded = 1). In the first step of the regression the dogs’ ages,
On the other hand, if breeds are not really more trainable than heights, sexes, and accumulated hours of practice were entered into
others then you would expect this interaction to be insignificant. the equation to determine the effect of these characteristics on pre-
This analysis was also conducted for agility speed for comparative cision. In the second step of the regression the dogs’ Coren group
purposes. membership were entered into the equation to determine the
impact of this variable on precision. In a third step, the interaction
terms between Coren group membership and accumulated hours of
4.1. Methods practice were entered into the equation. The results of these models
are displayed in Table 2. For precision, the inclusion of breed group
Participants were 37 dogs (23 females and 14 males) and their and a breed group by practice time interaction did not lead to statis-
handlers. The dogs and handlers were recruited at an event held at tically significant changes in the amount of variance accounted for
the Queen City Dog Training Club in Cincinnati, OH, as in Study 2. by the model, R2 , for step 1 to step 2, Fchange (1, 31) = 0.34, P = 0.565,
The dogs consisted of an Australian Cattle Dog, an Australian Shep-
herd, a Basset Hound, a Bearded Collie, a Belgian Tervuren, 2 Border
Collies, 2 Dalmatians, a Doberman Pinscher, a Flatcoated Retriever, Table 2
a Golden Retriever, a Gordon Setter, a Greyhound, a Havanese, 2 Hierarchical regression analyses (N = 37).

Labrador Retrievers, 2 Miniature Poodles, a Norwegian Buhund, a Precision Speed

Papillon, 4 Shetland Sheepdogs, a Shih Tzu, a Springer Spaniel, a
ˇ P R2 ˇ P
Standard Poodle, 3 Schnauzers, a Vizzla, 3 Welsh Corgis, and 2 York-
shire Terriers, raging in age from 1.5 years to 9 years (M = 4.7 years, Step1 0.49 0.45
Age 0.17 0.36 −0.06 0.76
SD = 2.1 years). The dogs varied in height measured at the shoul-
Sex 0.17 0.20 −0.06 0.65
der between 22.7 cm and 73.7 cm (M = 45.2 cm, SD = 13.2 cm). The Height −0.12 0.39 0.53 0.00
dogs ranged in competitive abilities and experience from novices Practice 0.47 0.01 0.44 0.02
to national-level competitors. The handlers were, however, regard- Step 2 0.49 0.46
less of their dog’s current level, all experienced handlers who had Age 0.18 0.34 −0.04 0.85
competed previously at the excellent level in agility. Sex 0.16 0.25 −0.08 0.57
The dog’s handlers were asked to complete a questionnaire Height −0.13 0.38 0.52 0.00
Practice 0.49 0.01 0.48 0.02
adapted from Hodges et al. (2004) and used previously in agility
Coren −0.08 0.57 −0.13 0.38
(Helton, 2007a). The questionnaire had three sections. The first sec-
tion obtained biographical information pertaining to the dog’s age Step 3 0.50 0.54
Age 0.16 0.40 0.03 0.88
and pervious successes in the sport. The second section obtained Sex 0.20 0.19 −0.22 0.14
training information, on the number of hours spent a week in var- Height −0.13 0.36 0.55 0.00
ious training activities. The third section obtained training-history Practice 0.43 0.04 0.68 0.00
information. The handlers were asked to give retrospective prac- Coren −0.34 0.41 −0.71 0.08
PracticexCoren 0.31 0.50 −1.00 0.03
tice estimates from the most resent to the oldest period of time.
320 W.S. Helton / Behavioural Processes 83 (2010) 315–323

and step 2 to step 3, Fchange (1, 30) = 0.46, P = 0.504. Practice time was
statistically significant in the precision model in step 1. Fig. 3 dis-
plays the linear relationships between practice time (square root)
and precision for the three breed groups. For speed, the inclusion
of breed group did not result in a statistically significant change in
the amount of variance accounted for by the model, R2 , for step 1
to step 2, Fchange (1, 31) = 0.80, P = 0.377. The inclusion of the breed
group by practice time interaction did lead to statistically signifi-
cant change in the amount of variance accounted for by the model,
step 2 to step 3, Fchange (1, 30) = 5.05, P = 0.032. Practice time and
height were statistically significant in the speed model in step 1.
The interaction between practice time and breed group was signif-
icant in Model 3 (see Table 2). Fig. 4 displays the linear relationships
between practice time (square root) and speed for the two breed

4.3. Discussion

As in Study 2, dogs from the Coren trainability groups (elite and

other) did not significantly differ in regards to agility precision.
Furthermore, the interaction between breed group and amount of
training time was insignificant, P > 0.05. The findings are sugges-
tive of there not being a strong relationship between breed group
and trainability. While the study could be criticized for low power,
as the sample size may have been low, the analysis was sensitive
Fig. 4. The linear relationships between speed (m/s) and accumulated practice hours
enough to detect a sizeable relationship between training time and (square root) for the two trainability groups.
precision in model 1 (see Table 2). Indeed, the same analysis con-
ducted for agility speed, demonstrated that the interaction step,
step 3, was statistically significant, P = 0.03, and within that model, 5. Study 4: Breed physical differences
the interaction terms between group and training were signifi-
cant, even when dog height (which was significant) was statistically Although the preceding results of Studies 2 and 3 are far from
controlled. This suggests that a limiting factor for performance for definitive, the evidence from these reported studies is unsupportive
the non-elite breeds is speed. The significant correlation between overall of there being substantial trainability differences amongst
height and speed already detected in this analysis suggests the Coren’s (1994) breed groups, at least in regards to the sport of
plausibility of physical, morphological, explanations of these speed agility. When actual agility precision is compared between elite
breed differences. and other breeds there are no significant differences, as in Study
2. When trainers are asked to report exactly how much time they
train their dogs for agility, as in Study 3, these two breed groups do
not significantly differ in the amount of training time necessary to
achieve mastery in regards to precision. The results of Studies 2 and
3 are more suggestive of differences in breed agility performance
being due to differences in speed than differences in precision.
Speed is important not only in agility, but in any assessment of
canine performance. When training dogs undoubtedly those who
can quickly execute commands will be noticed as “good” learners,
even if the quickness of their actions has little to do with their actual
learning abilities.
Breed differences in physical characteristics are indisputable
and these relate to differences in speed (Helton, 2007a). Coren’s
breed groups do, moreover, differ in regards to performance rel-
evant morphological characteristics. In a recent study, Helton
(2009b) found a relationship between dog skull shape and Coren’s
breed ranking. Dogs can be roughly classified by their cephalic
index (the ratio of skull length to width). Those dog breeds ranked
high in trainability have moderate cephalic indices relative to other
dogs; they tend to be at neither extreme of a very wide, short skull,
like a bulldog, or a very long, narrow skull, like a greyhound. The
unspecialized physical shapes of these dog breeds perceived to be
highly trainable may give them a physical advantage for many tasks.
Skull geometry correlates with other skeletal features (Alpak et al.,
2004). In order to further probe the relationship between perceived
trainability and morphology, an obvious characteristic, height, was
compared for the 2 groups of breeds used in Studies 2 and 3. While
Fig. 3. The linear relationships between precision and accumulated practice hours height is partially controlled for in agility by differentially setting
(square root) for the two trainability groups. the heights of the obstacles for different height classes (as in human
W.S. Helton / Behavioural Processes 83 (2010) 315–323 321

ings. The very elite breeds in terms of trainability in Coren’s ranking

are the Border Collie, Poodle, German Shepherd, Golden Retriever,
Doberman Pinscher, Shetland Sheepdog, Labrador Retriever, Papil-
lon, Rottweiler, and Australian Cattle Dog. Other than the Papillon
and, perhaps, the Shetland Sheepdog, these are all moderately large
dogs, although none of them are giants. Even the Papillon and Shet-
land Sheepdog are taller for small sized dogs. In terms of all the
possible shapes of breeds of dogs, they look similar. The very worst
breeds according to Coren in regards to trainability are the Bas-
set Hound, Mastiff, Beagle, Pekingese, Bloodhound, Borzoi, Chow
Chow, Bulldog, Basenji, and Afghan Hound. These dogs are a com-
pletely heterogeneous mixture of shapes and heights, with the
Pekingese on one end and the Mastiff or Afghan Hound on the other.
Height may matter for perceived trainability. First, training dogs
requires a degree of handler–dog interaction and dog height may
facilitate or impair this interaction. Smaller dogs are further from
the human handler’s reach and reaching them requires more effort.
Extremely large dogs, the giants, however, are harder for a human
handler to physically manipulate. Second, height reflects a biome-
chanical compromise between highest speed attainable (stride
Fig. 5. The relative distributions of elite and other dog breeds’ standard heights length) and maneuverability (Biewener, 2003). Dogs that can carry
out commands quickly, while still being maneuverable, could be
noted as trainable dogs.
sports like boxing and wrestling with different weight classes),
the dogs still need to cover ground and need to be maneuverable.
Other researchers have found functional trade-offs in maneuver- 6. Overall discussion
ability and top attainable speeds for terrestrial and aerial animals
(Biewener, 2003). Relatively smaller animals are more maneuver- Although this initial series of studies is far from definitive, the
able, but also sacrifice the top-speeds of larger animals. As in the evidence from these reported studies is unsupportive overall of
case of Helton (2009b) for skull shape, Coren’s more highly rated there being substantial trainability differences amongst Coren’s
dogs are predicted to be generic dogs with average characteristics, (1994) breed groups, at least in regards to the sport of agility. First,
not morphological specialists. breeds perceived to be highly trainable are not disproportionably
represented as agility champions when the raw numbers of par-
5.1. Materials and methods ticipants from those breeds in the activity are actually considered.
The breeds considered lowest in trainability are undoubtedly rare in
Breed standards for height were gathered from the web-site of agility competitions, but this may be due to physical limitations, not
the United States American Kennel Club (AKC; for learning ability limitations. Second, when actual agility precision is
dog breeds ranked by Coren. The elite trainability group consisted compared between perceived elite and other breed groups there
of 31 breeds. The other, non-elite, trainability group consisted of are no significant differences. Third, when trainers are asked to
101 breeds. These heights are breed standards, not empirically report exactly how much time they train their dogs for agility, elite
generated averages. The heights represent the ideal height of a breeds do not significantly differ in the amount of training time nec-
representative of the breed as determined by the AKCs breeders. essary to achieve mastery in regards to precision as other breeds.
There were very similar relationships between practice time and
5.2. Results precision for the two breed groups (see Fig. 3).
These results are generally in agreement with the conclusions
The hypothesis that breeds perceived to be more highly train- of Scott and Fuller (1965, p. 258) who after a long series cognitive
able are more homogenous around the average of breed heights, tests conducted on Basenjis, Beagles, Cocker Spaniels, Fox Terriers,
whereas breeds perceived to be less trainable dogs are a het- and Shetland Sheepdogs stated, “. . .we can conclude that all breeds
erogeneous mixture of heights, was tested with Levene’s Median show about the same average level of performance in problem solv-
test for equality of variance for the ideal breed heights and was ing, provided they can be adequately motivated, provided physical
confirmed, F(1, 130) = 3.98, P = 0.048. The mean of breed standard differences and handicaps do not affect the tests, and provided inter-
heights was 47.07 cm. Breeds perceived to be highly trainable, or fering emotional reactions such as fear can be eliminated.” These
elite, deviated less from the overall mean (Mean Absolute Differ- results also support the findings of Pongracz et al. (2004) who failed
ence = 11.89 cm, SD = 6.47) than dogs of breeds perceived to be less to find breed differences in the ability to learn a detour task from
trainable (MAD = 14.93 cm, SD = 8.37). See Fig. 5 for the relative dis- human demonstrators. This does not mean breeds do not differ in
tribution of height for the two groups. occupational skill aptitudes, as physical qualities, like height and
body build are well accepted genetically influenced parameters in
5.3. Discussion skills (Coppinger and Coppinger, 2001). Dogs with longer, lighter
legs, for example, tend to run faster than dogs with shorter legs and
Breeds perceived as highly trainable, or elite, conform to a more leg length is under significant genetic influence (Helton, 2007a).
uniform height ideal, closer to the mean of all breed standards This is presumably why in canine racing sports long-legged breeds,
sampled, than other, non-elite breeds. Elite breeds are, however, such as Greyhounds, dominate. Even within a breed genetics influ-
typically slightly taller than average amongst breeds. Non-elite ences physical characteristics, for example, Mosher et al. (2007)
breeds, those lower in perceived trainability, are much more het- have demonstrated that faster whippets are more likely to carry one
erogeneous, consisting of very tall and very short dog breeds (see copy of a mutation in the myostatin gene which results in greater
Fig. 5). These findings confirm a general inspection of Coren’s rank- muscularity than slower racing whippets or whippets that do not
322 W.S. Helton / Behavioural Processes 83 (2010) 315–323

race. Coppinger and Coppinger (2001) also demonstrated how in namely their lesser likelihood of detonating a land mine due to
the sport of sled racing there is a limited range of dog body sizes their decreased weight. No studies have confirmed that the tradi-
that are efficient given the thermal constraints of the task, too large tional military-law enforcement breeds are actually better at the
a body retains too much heat and too small a body retains too little task or quicker to train for the task. Both Beagles and Jack Russell
heat. Terriers are used in other search tasks, namely the search for inva-
In a recent study, Helton (2009b) found a relationship between sive species and agricultural products (see Helton, 2009a), which
dog skull shape and Coren’s breed ranking. Dog breeds ranked high should lead one to question the current preference for larger “work-
in trainability have moderate cephalic indices relative to other dogs. ing” breeds for mine detection. The preference of dogs for landmine
In Study 4 of the present paper, dog breeds ranked high in train- detection and, perhaps, many other working tasks may be based on
ability also appear to be of moderate height. These elite dogs are physical search features employed in the handler community and
typically tall, but not overly tall; they are definitely not giant breeds, passed on by tradition. “When looking for X-type of dog, look for
which tend to rank low in perceived trainability. In conjunction these physical qualities.” Perhaps handlers in these fields do not see
with Helton’s (2009b) finding regarding head shape and perceived certain dog breeds as fit for these duties because they traditionally
trainability, the present findings suggest that dogs perceived to be searched for particular physical qualities, for example, the ability to
high in trainability are the Goldilocks’ dogs: standing tall, but not protect the handler (which in a humanitarian context is no longer
too tall, neither too wide nor too narrow, but just right. The unspe- necessary). This is at least worth investigating, as it may be that
cialized physical shapes of these dog breeds perceived to be highly these traditional search features are no longer appropriate in some
trainable may give them physical advantages for many tasks, as settings.
they reflect biomechanical compromises. While moderately shaped On the other hand, we should also realize that when assess-
dogs may not be the best runners or the best fighters, they are ing dogs for duties in the real world, separating cognition from
reliable all-around dogs: fast and agile, while still being robust. physical abilities is not easy. Experts may not be misguided when
The present findings in regards to agility speed differences stating that some breeds are more trainable than others for a task or
amongst Coren’s breed groups suggests that differences in phys- even more trainable overall (as in more morphologically generic),
ical characteristics may be a more plausible explanation for the regardless of whether breeds differ or not on more physically neu-
perceived differences in trainability than differences in breed’s tral tests of cognitive abilities. Handlers may simply be using a
respective cognitive capabilities. If speed matters, then a reason- quick, intuitive heuristic for picking the dogs best suited for par-
able question may be why some dog breeds rank low on Coren’s ticular tasks due to their breed dependent physical qualities. The
relative scale, even though they are extremely fast, in particular the handlers may simply label this as trainability (as in suitability).
sight-hounds, one of which, the Afghan hound, is ranked the low- Physical qualities and dog morphology do matter for real world
est breed overall in trainability. The problem is the sight-hounds performance (Coppinger and Coppinger, 2001).
are extreme specialists, built for flat-out running in relatively open Greater sensitivity to obvious physical differences may also
terrain. They are likely to have compromised maneuverability for improve behavioural research on animals, and particularly,
speed and they are not ruggedly built (see Kemp et al., 2005). research on dogs. A case in point is a recent paper by Wobber et al.
Because they have relatively low distal limb bone mass com- (2009) investigating breed differences in the ability of dogs to use
pared to other dogs, they would be more likely to sustain injuries, human communicative visual signals to locate hidden food. In their
for example, when being kicked, stepping into a depression, or study, they compared four breeds: Siberian Huskies, Shepherds
falling off an obstacle. Extreme dog height (relative leg length) may (Belgian and German), Basenjis, and Toy Poodles. Their first objec-
become disadvantageous when negotiating obstacles, as it may tive was to test whether being genetically closer to wolves, which
limit maneuverability. recent genetic research indicates Siberian Huskies and Basenjis are
The studies presented here do suffer, however, from limitations. in comparison to Shepherds and Poodles, influences dog perfor-
First, because dogs from breeds of relatively low perceived train- mance in their communication paradigm. Their second objective
ability are rarer in agility than dogs from breeds considered high was to test whether being bred to work with people, which
in trainability, those low trainability dogs in agility may be atyp- they argued based on breed organizations’ classifications Siberi-
ical for their breeds. This issue needs to be addressed in future ans Huskies and Shepherds are in comparison to Toy Poodles and
studies. Nevertheless, even if this is the case, it would not elimi- Basenjis, influences dog performance in their paradigm. They did
nate the clear speed and physical differences between the breed find that Siberian Huskies and Shepherds had better performance
groups presented here. Second, the results of this study cannot, than Toy Poodles or Basenjis and argued that being bred to work
of course, rule out differences in cognitive trainability or working with people may have selected for improved communication abil-
intelligence amongst dog breeds, as breed was not experimentally ities in some dog breeds. Of course, an obvious issue in this study
tested in these studies. The results of this study do, however, sug- and its interpretation is the complete confound of physical size
gest that when experts or other people rate dogs for a quality like with their being bred-to-work-with-people factor. Shepherds and
trainability, they are likely to include differences in physical quali- huskies are obviously physically larger than Basenjis or Toy Poo-
ties in these judgments. There clearly are differences in dog breeds’ dles. Larger dogs are likely to have greater inter-ocular distances
perceived trainability. These perceptions are, furthermore, highly and may have altered degrees of ocular overlap as their skulls are
reliable. The present results at least present a plausible perspec- larger and, perhaps, differently shaped. Greater inter-ocular dis-
tive that when people rate dogs for their perceived trainability they tances should increase depth perception and may thereby, improve
use physical qualities, which are perceptually obvious. Dogs may the dog’s ability to detect visual cues. The difference Wobber et
serve as a less controversial, but still useful, means to study bias, al. found may be entirely due to differences in skull morphology
discrimination, and social cognition in humans (Kwan et al., 2008). and size, not to breed differences in supposed cognitive abilities.
Understanding how dogs are perceived by people and classified This is not a particular criticism of Wobber et al., but a trap many
may have practical implications for the working dog community. cognitive-oriented researchers may fall into. Presumably in the real
The preponderance of dogs used in humanitarian land mine detec- world, there are no tasks where physical differences and handicaps
tion, for example, come from traditional military-law enforcement do not affect the task, and we should be very sensitive to this pos-
working breeds, such as German Shepherds, Belgian Shepherds, sibility. Whenever differences within animal species or between
and Labrador Retrievers, despite the advantages smaller dogs, such species are found, our first goal should be to look for an obvious
as Jack Russell Terriers or Beagles, would have for that assignment: (or even non-obvious) physical explanation. Only after all these
W.S. Helton / Behavioural Processes 83 (2010) 315–323 323

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