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Measurement: Sensors 32 (2024) 101035

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Measurement: Sensors
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Intruder identification using feed forward encasement-based parameters for

cybersecurity along with IoT devices
R. Sudharsanan a, *, M. Rekha b, N. Pritha c, G. Ganapathy d, G. Arokia Nerling Rasoni e,
G.S. Uthayakumar f
Department of Information Technology, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram, India
Department of Information Technology, R. M. K. Engineering College, India
Department of ECE, Panimalar Engineering College, India
Department of Mathematics, R.M.D Engineering College, India
Department of ECE, Saveetha Engineering College, India
Department of ECE, St.Joseph’s Institute of Technology, India


Keywords: Using IoT and cloud-based resources that have high-speed storage and processors with maximum bandwidth is
Cybersecurity obligatory. Live interaction between heterogeneous resources is supported physically and virtually through a
Feed forward variety of modes, which allows heterogeneous resources to interact in real time. These connected devices are
Encasement-based parameters
often mentioned as pervasive connectivity that can be accessed public often. There are several interactions such
Internet of things
Pervasive connectivity
as sensors, billing operations and much more services that are highlighted for Internet of Things (IoT) based
communication. Existing IoT environments are application oriented data that are mostly sensitive which are
ubiquitous collective from various IoT devices. Data classifications are implemented in the surrounding area to
facilitate various decisions. The Internet is one of the primary needs in everyone’s workplace where multiple
advanced handheld devices or laptops are mostly accessed along with the internet for all aspects. Machine
learning does the data sharing based on the growth of information collected where some of the intrusion and
cyber attacks from IoT devices were not comparatively good in error detection or accurate classifications. Using
the proposed algorithm Xception based Feedforward Encasement (XBFE) based Parameters for Cybersecurity
along with IoT Devices where cyclic communication among hidden layers that can focus on unsupervised
monitoring such that the feature mapping and scaling can filter along with maximum or minimum usage. The
main research idea is to use the UNSW-NB15 dataset to analyze cyber attacks from 49 features to enhance the

1. Introduction systems could not possibly identify the detection of attacks. Moreover
performance was not effective as well as cost was highly increasing for
Sectors which are not technically improved are deployed with IoT the number of parameters for false rate alarm. In the traditional methods
devices and most of them are included in areas of agriculture [1]. The the scalable and reliable results were tested for large internet protocols
cost of these devices are lesser and the capability of computing is also that are gathered from a huge network.
limited. These devices have several constraints which makes the man­
ufacturers to perform the design process in such a way to handle them.
Features providing appropriate security is necessary for making these 1.1. Applications of IoT
devices to function effectively. While Cyber attacks and intrusion
detection were technically handled by a number of classification algo­ The devices are supported even when the resources are limited and
rithms using machine learning [2], single perception from existing they provide huge support to other technologies. Communication
among devices is done in an automatic way here and their applications

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: rvinothrs@gmail.com (R. Sudharsanan), mra.it@rmkec.ac.in (M. Rekha), prithabe28@gmail.com (N. Pritha), barathganagandhi@gmail.com
(G. Ganapathy), anrashoni2@gmail.com (G. Arokia Nerling Rasoni), uthayakumargs@stjosephstechnology.ac.in (G.S. Uthayakumar).

Received 2 March 2023; Received in revised form 3 July 2023; Accepted 15 January 2024
Available online 8 February 2024
2665-9174/© 2024 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
R. Sudharsanan et al. Measurement: Sensors 32 (2024) 101035

for collection of data related to temperature [5]. More resources are

present in case of gateway ones and they connect the devices of other
networks and the Internet thereby playing a major role in data collection
as well as aggregation. As data flows among these devices, it is necessary
to provide security to protect its transmission [6]. Several problems
related to security are present in IoT networks and there are various
reasons for such issues. These networks have various characteristics and
the significant ones are as follows. Communication in such networks
employ devices with various capacities as well as characteristics. They
also use different protocols for the purpose of communication. Hence all
these devices are heterogeneous in nature. As they are deployed in a
huge scale, architecture for their storage along with the networking
needs to be paid attention [7]. The infrastructure available for
communication is also connected with these devices and are accessible
from any place irrespective of the time. Service type as well as its
applicability are the factors used to characterize the connectivity in IoT.
This may either be local or global. As several devices get connected for a
moment, their management is important as IoT networks are dynamic in
The issues discussed are addressed with the help of Deep learning
techniques. Existing systems take care of various aspects in IoT such as
services as well their allocation with aggregation processes [8]. Despite
Fig. 1. Applications of IoT devices. the advantages, there are several pitfalls in the existing ones. It is
necessary for an advanced technique such as those in deep learning to
are in various domains [3]. Few of them are discussed here. Transport address these issues in the IoT network. Huge amounts of data generated
systems are also changed and while compared with the traditional sys­ as a result of IoT networks can be handled by deep learning in order to
tems provide facilities such as unlocking the cars using remote and in­ make decisions in an intelligent way.
formation related to traffic are also accessed. Messages can be sent in the
form of alarms by usage of the Internet while there is a theft. Power is 1.2. IoT based cyber security
managed in a proper way while considering smart buildings where air
conditioners are used and sensors are employed for controlling them. In recent development, the Internet of Things (IoT) is growing faster
Several other appliances used in home include television as well as re­ by involving social apps, email access, and many portable ubiquitous
frigerators that provide facilities with the help of the Internet. Impro­ devices that can improve communication better. Trillions of people are
visation in the healthcare field is done by usage of communication accessing IoT based devices for advancement such that cyber attacks can
without wires and signals are also utilized for analysis [4]. Various occur sometimes. IoT devices increase the network protocol leakages
diagnosis processes are carried out in the human body for measurement and vulnerable activities such as email can receive attacks, cameras or
of their pressure or temperature or level of sugar. Signals received from even DDos attacks might be there in chats as phishing threats [9]. In this
sensors are analyzed and involved in evaluation to identify the status of process data is becoming more important for vulnerability by theft of
the patient and this helps the physicians in turn. Fig. 1 displays the credentials, personal details etc., from the internet users. Biometric ac­
various other applications of IoT networks (see Fig. 2). cess in many offices and schools can also be one of IoT based access such
The devices present in the IoT domain are categorized as edge as well that spoofing and other security thefts are highlighted. With few attacks
as gateway ones. Devices with both resources and power being less like ransomware, trojans are making breaches in the data that can bring
consists of sensors and they constitute the edge ones. They have the cyber issues in banks and commercial places also. The main benefits of
capability of doing a single task for a moment such as devices employed IoT along with 4G networks and new enabled services like 5G technol­
ogies are advancement in device usages. There are several security

Fig. 2. Attack identification in Cloud Based Network using Xception model.

R. Sudharsanan et al. Measurement: Sensors 32 (2024) 101035

problems by connecting multiple devices like computers, mobile Table 1

phones, smart watches, tabs, laptops and much more. In these multiple Case processing Summary for Feed Forward Encasement.
usages the regular storage of information may create a failure in secu­ Case Processing Summary
rity, system crashes which are network protocol problems and leakage of
N Present
data from IoT sensor cameras and others are sensitive information
explicitly security issues. Number of Sample used (S) Trained Element 57768 80.4%
Tested Element 13733 19.6 %
Multiple gadgets are now-a-days in use by all generations which are Validating 71501 100%
in operational type that can be uniquely necessary for many people. IoT Not used 10831
consumers data are collected somewhere and supplied as data to another Total used S 82332
place who can handle sensitive information. One of the manufacturers is
always updating the devices which are associated with some applica­
Feed-forward encasement-based parameters present several chal­
tions included as multi networking along with protocols.
lenges in the realm of cybersecurity. Firstly, ensuring the confidentiality
The objectives of the proposed system is as follows.
of these parameters is crucial, as any unauthorized access or interception
can compromise the security of the system. Secondly, the integrity of the
(i) Xception based Feedforward Encasement (XBFE) algorithm is
parameters must be maintained to prevent any unauthorized modifica­
proposed for providing security to IoT devices transferred data.
tions that can lead to malicious activities. Additionally, the availability
(ii) Usage of feature mapping and scaling for filtration of usage as
of these parameters is vital, as any disruption or denial of service can
either maximum one or the minimum one.
impact the system’s functioning. Furthermore, the scalability of the
(iii) Utilization of UNSW-NB15 dataset for analysis of cyber attacks
system becomes a challenge, as the size and complexity of the
from the 49 features for enhancement of results.
encasement-based parameters increase, requiring efficient management
and processing. Lastly, continuous monitoring and updating of the pa­
The paper organization is as follows, Section 2 presents the existing
rameters are essential to stay ahead of emerging cybersecurity threats.
work, Section 3 elaborates the proposed work, Section 4 discusses the
results obtained and Conclusion is presented in Section 5.
3. Proposed work
2. Literature review
Using a wide usage of many IoT devices leads to many inter­
connectivity between various networks. Also there are interoperable
The existing works are discussed to analyze the pitfalls and the
actions that are computed from the IoT devices that can bring required
proposed system is aimed at overcoming the issues arising due to the
usage for all people on a daily basis. Networks and its protocols are
former ones.
rapidly developed with Iotsensors, cameras with 5G network that can
Communities such as industries as well as academics are focusing
involve many arduino and electronic devices. With the rapid movement
towards the security in fields of IoT. These devices are attacked by DoS
of data including internet leakage leads to cyber threats which make
type of attack resulting in leakage of data. The proposed work aims in
many users and commercial places suffer. There are some security
utilizing the algorithm from machine learning for a framework
threats like confidential data of the particular protocols connected to the
providing security using IoT devices [10]. The threats are handled by
network are easily leaked. Thus the integrity of the domain or internets
SDN called Software Defined Networking as well as NFV termed as
get easily transferred through the devices paired.
Network Function Virtualization. The proposed framework in combi­
Some of the network leakages were tampered which are associated
nation with the agents plays a major role in detection of intrusion here.
with cloud infrastructure and services as well. So the vulnerable acts
The performance is better and the cost is also lower when the experi­
increase where cyber attacks are performed frequently, to reduce the
mental results are analyzed. Support Vector Machine is employed for
frequency security must be increased using deep learning algorithms.
smart buildings with 99% accuracy.
Security threats can be adaptively monitored using a proposed Feed
The devices consisting of sensors as well as actuators are grouped and
Forward Encasement-based Parameters for decreasing Cybersecurity.
function together using either wired medium or else with wireless
This research identifies the usage of xception-Feed Forward Encasement
communication from the IoT. As the number of devices keeps on
which can classify the networks and its resilient features based on the
increasing every day, development in the field of IoT has been
attacks. Table .1 represents the details of case processing summary for
increasing. Among the various issues in IoT, more importance needs to
feed forward encasement.
be given to security. While addressing this security issue, various other
Intrusion Detection System (IDS) can be fixed by deep learning
factors to be considered are systems that are heterogeneous in nature
proposed model xception-feed forward encasement which can analyze
[11], number of appliances involved and so on. The system provides
the features that can learn the pattern and its capability that can find the
security based on a proposed algorithm from machine learning. ANN
matched attack. The behavioral parameters continuously eject the
stands for Artificial Neural Networks employed for detection of anom­
network improvement that emphasizes the proposed model to improve
alies and the system security remains improved from the results
the system to detect the number of attacks.
Human life is being influenced by usage of IoT devices as it improves
them both in economic ways as well as in social ways. Nodes in such a 3.1. Xception-feed forward encasement
network are not present with sufficient resources and hence they can be
attached easily [12]. Techniques from cryptography are employed to From the learning model of inception it adapts the Xception modules
overcome the issues that may occur due to security of IoT devices. But which can easily change the depthwise removable convolutions. Similar
due to several pitfalls that arise due to usage of cryptography have to the inception parameters remains the same where training helps to
minimized their usage and recent research incorporated machine avoid pre-training and time can be consumed. There are certain attack
learning as well as deep learning domains to handle the issues related to classification which can integrate the level of process and leads to less
security. The requirements of security are analyzed along with the so­ training duration. When the time is considered error that occurs as
lutions available in the present systems. The research gap is elaborated generalization can be avoided by initializing the weights to the proposed
with the solutions from deep learning to handle each issue separately. model. The approaches behind feed forward NN are unique that can
The review discusses the issues with related solutions to help the future avoid the cycle formation during communication.Recurrent Neural
work. Network (RNN) does the opposite steps which can form cyclic

R. Sudharsanan et al. Measurement: Sensors 32 (2024) 101035

Table 2
Proposed model summary for training and testing.
Proposed Model Summary

Training Total sum of error 52985.068

Overall Relative Error 0.917
Scale-dependent sload 0.839
relative error
sloss 0.996
Used as a stopping rule No decrease in error for one
consecutive step - errora
Training Time 0:05:51.75
Testing sum of error square 12490.198
Overall Relative Error 0.940
Scale-dependent sload 0.931
relative error
sloss 0.994
Error computations are based on the testing sample.

Fig. 4. Accuracy of Intruder Identification using Feed Forward Encasement in


Fig. 5. Feature extraction and its comparison from dataset.

Fig. 3. Proposed Architecture diagram using Xception-Feed For­

ward Encasement. 4. Results and discussion

The proposed work incorporates Xception based Feedforward

connections, to overcome the perceptron limitations RNN is avoided.
Encasement (XBFE) algorithm for monitoring of IoT devices. The UNSW-
To implement the proposed model and show its effective results as
NB15 dataset is utilized for analyzing the cyber attacks. As a result of
shown in Table 2 we have applied the parameters selected from the
implementation, the proposed work provides better results compared to
description of UNSW- NB15 dataset. So the communication failure, data
the existing ones. Fig. 4 represents the accuracy parameter generated for
load and loss via behavioral variations that display the attacks according
the identification of intruders while feed forward encasement is
to the activities are analyzed clearly. The Internet has device based
employed for the purpose of cybersecurity. Accuracy obtained as a result
updates like protocol updates, time stamp variation based on sensor
of training as well as testing is denoted in Fig. 3 (see Fig. 5).
movement, destination of road maps via hypertext protocols and many
Fig. 4 represents the extraction of features for performing the anal­
ysis process while identifying the intruders in the system utilizing feed
forward encasement. Additionally its comparison with the dataset is also
3.2. Dataset description
denoted in the given figure below.
In the archive collected from various cyber security based data or
enabled IoT devices are collected as a dataset. One of the feature ana­ 5. Conclusion
lyses is a type of data that can be of datatype like binary storage or float,
integer, nominal, integer values or timestamp that is updated on a reg­ Various devices are connected together to communicate for transfer
ular basis. of data in the IoT network despite their heterogeneous properties and
dynamic nature of the network. The collection of data remains as a
sensitive process among the existing works and classification process is
carried out for facilitating appropriate decisions. These devices of IoT

R. Sudharsanan et al. Measurement: Sensors 32 (2024) 101035

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