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#Abuse #Incest #PreTeen

My daughter the model?

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By Uncle Jim

When the offer seems too good to be true… its a dream and a nightmare come
true for this dad and his gorgeous 12 year old daughter

My daughter was growing up and she was a carbon copy of her mom, beautiful. She
was, whether I liked it or not, turning into a piece of ass. I was a single dad after the
accident took my wife from me and I never remarried – no one was as beautiful as my
wife was, that is except my daughter. To make things worse I knew I was attracted to
younger girls my whole life but I swore off acting on it. I would just know what turned me
on for fantasy and that was that.

I wasn’t very successful working, I mean my career was going great until I lost my wife.
Once I had to take over all the parenting duties there was just not enough time to push
my career forward. This lead to me feeling like a failure. I mean we weren’t “broke” we
had a small home and my daughter got to wear decent clothes and we ate well but
saving a lot for her college was just not going to happen. So here I was with a twleve
year old beautiful daughter that I knew would have a ton of debt coming to her in the
future. It killed me.

But that brings us to today where, on a trip into NYC (we lived nearby in PA – a short
hour and half drive to NY) to see the Christmas tree and treat my girl to a little fun
shopping, we were approached by a man. He walked over to me stuck out his hand.

“Your daughter?” he asked. I nodded.

“She is stunning – does she have representation yet?” He asked.

“Representation? For what?” I asked him.

“Modeling of course!” He replied.

“He thinks I can be a model??”Emmy asked me excitedly. “Can I? Can I?”

“Well, we don’t know him or anything about this Em…” I said.

“Of course, of course” the man said. And handed me a professional looking business
card. “We are a very reputable company and everything is strictly above board. The
money is good – and NO investment from you upfront. I look forward to hearing from
you.” He smiled at Emmy and said “You may very well be famous one day young lady!”
And then turned and walked away.

That night on the way back in the car, Emmy wouldn’t shut up about it. I told her I would
research it and would tell her if we can move forward. But at least we could look into it.
That SORT OF satisfied her for the moment.

The next day when I was alone I called the man and we chatted. He explained they
specialize in up and coming models. They actually provide a service to other ad
agencies and models alike by taking portfolio shots and listing them for ad seekers to
choose models from. They do this free of charge all they do is own the photos, and take
10% from any ad they book for us. I asked to see the website or portfolios and he told
me that ad agencies pay to view them. But to help me decide he would grant me
introductory access to the first level photos. He emailed me a secure email with ID and

After Emmy went to bed that night I settled in and decided to look through the boring
site and see…what the hell. All these girls were 10-14 in age and fucking beautiful. All
the photos were in skimpy but non-nude photo sets. I was hard as a rock instantly. I
looked at the intro photo for a few girls. There had to be 30 in total. After a minute or two
I found one that was a knock out. Blue eyes, brown straight hair a gymnasts body –
maybe 11 or 12. My hand instantly went to my cock as I pulled up the index of the
different series of her photos. It wasn’t lost on me that she was the one that looked the
most like my own knockout of a daughter. All of her sets were similar – bikinis, shorts
and t shirts, leotards all a little too tight. All of the images provocative but not illegal. No
nudity but plenty of skin, camel toe shots, the little slut bent over, ass up looking back at
the camera, with the too small bottoms pulled to show as much of her ass as possible
without showing the holes…

I came pretty quickly. I kept paging thru the photos and noticed that at least a few
models seemed as if they may have been “used” for anal and/or regular sex this turned
me on and off I went again with some lube and jerking off. These girls were hot, but my
baby girl in the next room was even hotter. I quietly snuck in her room. She was asleep,
covers half off of her with her ass in her little pink panties mostly exposed. I couldn’t
help myself and started to jerk myself while staring at her. It felt so wrong to do this, but
felt so good to finally admit to myself I was totally obsessed with her. I was going at and
she stirred and opened her eyes – “Daddy what are you doing?”

This triggered me and I came with a bit landing on her perfect legs. “What is that? Why
do you have your thing out?”

“Go back to sleep and we can talk tomorrow” I said almost breathlessly. I couldn’t
believe what had just happened.

The next day she was in my face first thing in the morning. Asking me to tell her what
happened. I explained I missed her mommy a lot and she reminded me of her and
sometimes I get excited. She asked if I wanted to do sex stuff with her. I was shocked
and yelled NO before I even thought about it. I said what I did was a mistake and she
was too young for any sex stuff and we could never do that as I was her daddy. She
looked upset like she did something wrong. I told her not to worry about it, she was a
good girl. She climbed into the bed with me and snuggled against me and said she was
sorry mommy was gone. I said I was too, as my cock stiffened from feeling her against
me. I was in trouble going forward.

Nothing else happened that day or that week, aside from me visiting the model site and
jerking a lot. I got an email from my friend at the modeling agency asking if I had any
more questions or had made a decision. He also mentioned the money this time –
$1000 per photo shoot of 30+ pictures each and they would contract her for a minimum
of 20 shoots over the next 2 months. All cash, all tax free for the shoots and then if she
was picked up by a ad or whatever that would be regular income and taxable. I was
looking at a minimum of $20000 for a few weekends of photo shoots. I told him I would
need to be there and make sure it was all ok. He said, well the photo directors don’t like
them to be distracted by parents but we would make some arrangements. I agreed and
he told me he had arrangements for a hotel for us in NYC fully paid with all meals and
comps included. We should go this Friday to the address he gave me. No need to pack
more than usual clothes etc as the modeling gig included clothing she would get to

We showed up to a very nice hotel room. Two king beds and nice views of the city. We
had a note to relax enjoy dinner that we could order from the hotel room service or order
in and have it charged to the room. We would start shooting Sat morning at 8 am.

I spoke to my angel and told her about being careful during photo shoots and that men
would want to have sex time with her as she was too beautiful. She didn’t believe me. I
told her no flirting and no showing her butt or spreading her legs out. I told her I would
be there to make sure it was all ok.
The next day we arrived and she was handed 3 bikinis, a set of underwear and t shirt, a
short skirt and leggings and a leotard. I took the underwear and said – not this one. She
chose a pink bikini as pink was her favorite. It was also one size too small. She went to
get changed and when she came back to me, I was instantly hard and conflicted on
what to do. She said she was ready and I almost couldn’t fathom what she meant and
then I realized she meant for the photographer. We went into the other room and the
photographer was there with a lighting guy and the guy who I was speaking with from
the start. He asked me again if I was staying and I explained I was, the photo shoot was
ok – a little bit provactive but nothing insane – tame compared to the others I had seen.
I heard the 1k cah-ching in my head as we finished. She went and got changed into a
black bikini and we repeated the process. I was getting more comfortable that this was
legit. After that it was time for lunch. The guy literally handed me 2k in 100s.. “Yours,
come back after lunch for the rest of the pay for today”

We went to the room and had lunch, I got an email with a link to the photo shoots we
just did. I excused myself for minute to the rest room and jacked off like crazy to my little
daughters hot bod. We went back to the studio and the next set was a blue bikini. A few
shots into the photo shoot I stepped out to grab a coffee, about 10 minutes later I came
back and I saw the camera man posing her on all fours ass up looking back at the
camera. I saw my little girl flirting with the camera man. His hand lingering on her legs. I
was pissed. When she saw me she looked nervous. I didn’t leave the rest of the day.
In the hotel I yelled at her for being irresponsible. She apologized profusely. When I saw
the photo shoots of when I was out of the room her legs were spread and ass up for all
over them. I jerked off again and knew I was even in more trouble.

We had dinner and walked around the city a little and back to the room. I watched her
strip down to panties and a t-shirt and climb into her bed. Again I was hard. A few
minutes later she told me she was a little scared as this wasn’t her room and could she
sleep in my bed with me? After she climbed into the bed she fell asleep quickly. I pulled
back the covers and jerked off thinking about how good it would feel to just fuck her
already. After I came and cleaned up I could swear I saw her smile for a second, but
convinced myself that I was not seeing it straight.

The next day back to the photo studio and a couple of more shots. I excused myself but
actually stayed out of sight. Immediately the photographer was back next to her and
posing her around lingering touches and flirting with her. She flirted right back. And then
I heard her ask if she made his thing hard. I stepped back in and she saw me and
turned bright red. I stopped the shoot and said we needed a few minutes, I took her
hand threw a jacket over the pink one piece bathing suit and practically dragged her
back to the hotel room. Her eyes were red with tears.

“You like being flirty? You like acting like a slut? Asking if you made him hard? What did
we talk about last night and the night before?”

“Daddy I’m sorry…” *SLAP* I hit her across the face not hard but hard enough to make
her take even more attention.

“You want to see what you do to men? Well I OWN you- you will see what you do to me
and I will show you what men want to do with you… but ONLY I will. Do you

“I think… I guess…”

I pulled the jacket off her. I pulled down my pants and my erection bobbed in her face.

“Suck me” I said as I put the head in her little mouth. She had no idea what to do with
the invading cock. Her eyes were wide and she looked panicked. “Don’t act like you had
no idea you were having this effect on me. Now swirl your tongue around the part in
your mouth and try and move your mouth back and forth a bit as you suck – and try to
avoid hitting it with your teeth!”

I was gone now. I had broken all of my own rules and was abusing my child. I was
disgusted by my actions and so fucking turned on by it all. I reached down and rubbed
my hands all over her. I was soon holding her head in place as I fucked her face. It
didn’t take long until I was cumming – she started to choke and I didn’t want to hurt her
too badly so I released her. She pulled back and the next shots hit her in the face and
her hair. I looked down at my cum covered princess. She was crying and looked
miserable. I mumbled an apology and explained that men can lose control when
someone as hot and beautiful as her tease them. She explained she didn’t mean to
tease me. I told her we can never tell anyone what happened and I told her I would
never let it happen again it was just that I was lonely with her mom gone.

She said maybe she can help me feel better by letting me look at her while I touched
myself. I told her I would think about her but she should go shower and clean up. She
said ok and went into the bathroom.
I slumped down int eh chair head in my hands. What the fuck did I just do? Just then my
phone rang. It was the main guy from the agency. I answered.

“Hello.” He said. “Hmm. Good shoots today. I trust the $7k you have now is good

“yeah thanks” I mumbled. I was in a haze still.

“Well that’s level 1 one money and you have level 1 full access now on your account.
We can talk more tomorrow but I think you are ready for more. Maybe level 2 or 3 even

“Huh? Whats level 2 or 3? How many levels are there?” I asked.

“Level 2 pays 2k per shoot and lets you access more of the photo shoots yourself. Level
3 is a whole new ballgame – it goes up to level 5.”

“Whoah! Is level 5 5k a shoot?”

“No level 3 is 5k a shoot. Level 4 is 10k and level 5 – well lets just say you get other
access but the pay doesn’t increase – not monetarily at least. Do me a favor check your
emails, and do it now before your daughter gets out of the shower… see you tomorrow!”

How the fuck did he know she was in the shower? My blood ran cold. I open my email
and a video was loading. I had an idea what it was. After decrypting with the same
username and password provided I was treated to a multi-angle video of my oral raping
of my own daughter. I was filled with dread and also turned on.

I received another email after watching it. It explained I was not in trouble and the video
would NOT be distributed to anyone else, but there were offers to discuss.

I called him back immediately. My daughter was coming out of the shower so I spoke in
coded terms.
He explained level 2 was nude modeling for my daughter, and it would pay 2k a shoot.
And allow me to see the nude model shoots for their entire portfolio of models. Level 3
would be photo shoots of me molesting her, my face obscured. And allow me access to
similar photos and videos. Level 4 would allow other male and female models to molest
her and film video – and allow me access to all videos and photos that they had. When I
asked what level 5 was – he said – well since you are not aggressive and not
threatening me on the call back – which happens often – he would extend me a benefit
of level 5 tonight without any payment on my behalf. When I asked what he meant – He
explained they would move us to a two bedroom suite and I needed to get my girl
asleep fully – but not to worry nothing else would be touching or happening to her but I
would receive a delivery for my personal overnight use.
I was too far gone into this to say no.

I got us moved to the new room, ordered dinner and an envelope to me was delivered
with it, in it was a small capsule and a note to put that in my daughters drink – just so
that she wouldn’t wake- again she was not to be touched and wouldn’t be harmed or
used in any way. I followed the directions and 20 minutes later she was out cold. I mean
dead to the world. I carried her into her bedroom and sat in a chain in the main room. A
few minutes later there was a knock at the door looking out the peephole I saw nothing.
I opened the door and a small Asian girl maybe 10 or 11 was there with an envelope.
She was wearing a tight pink top and tight pink booty shorts. I pulled her in the room
The note explained that she was mine for the night. She was not a virgin and I could do
whatever I wanted to her, save injure her. I looked around quickly in the hallway to make
no one else was around and pulled her into the room and shut the door and locked it
behind me.

What the fuck was I supposed to do. This girl was tiny and so young (and probably still
so tight). But she was too little for me, I couldn’t possibly do anything with her without
feeling enormous guilt. But… she wasn’t a virgin, what would me being “one more” to
use her do really… not much. I was staring at her, fighting with my own morality when
she looked at me and said.

“Hello sir. What do you want to do first? Do you want to fuck me or do you want me to
suck on you? Or do you want to fuck my little ass? I hope you are not TOO big… can I

She started to pull down my sweats and put a hand on my hard cock.

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By Uncle Jim #Abuse #Incest #PreTeen

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