Enhanced Military Target Discrimination Using Active and Passive Polarimetric Imagery

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Daniel A. Lavigne1, Mélanie Breton2, Mario Pichette1, Vincent Larochelle1, Jean-Robert Simard1
Defence Research and Development Canada – Valcartier
2459 Pie-XI Blvd. North, Quebec, Qc, Canada G3J 1X5
Phone: (418) 844-4000 ext. 4157, Fax: (418) 844-4511, Email: daniel.lavigne@drdc-rddc.gc.ca
AEREX Avionics Inc.
36 du Ruisseau, suite 102, Breakeyville, Qc, Canada G0S 1E2

ABSTRACT property that man made objects depolarize less the incident
radiation than natural objects do. However, while the
Surveillance operations often make use of electro-optic polarization of light has been used and studied in the past
(EO) imaging systems to detect civilian and military targets. for numerous applications, the understanding of the
To increase the overall target detection performance, such polarization phenomenology taking place with targets used
active/passive EO sensors could exploit the polarization of in cluttered backgrounds requires additional
light as additional information to discriminate man made experimentations. Specifically, the target contrast
objects against different backgrounds. The target contrast enhancement obtained by analyzing the polarization of the
enhancement obtained by analyzing the polarization of the reflected light from either a direct polarized laser source as
reflected light from either a direct polarized laser source as encountered in active imagers, or from natural ambient
encountered in active imagers, or from natural ambient illumination, needs further investigation. Considering that
illumination, can be used for such target discrimination infrared polarization contrast can still exist even when the
scheme. This paper reports results from field experiments temperature difference between the target and its
exploiting polarization-based imaging sensors to enhance background is negligible, it might be useful to process the
the detection of man made objects. Active and passive state of the polarization of the emitted and collected
polarimetric signatures of objects have been acquired at radiation in the near and long-wave infrared (NIR and
wavelengths in the near and long-wave infrared bands. LWIR) bands [1]. The contrast associated with man made
Results demonstrate to what extent and under which objects should therefore be enhanced and thus, target
illumination and environmental conditions the exploitation discrimination performance increased.
of active/passive polarimetric images is suitable to enable
target discrimination. 2. POLARIMETRIC IMAGING SENSORS

Index Terms— Polarimetric imaging, contrast Two polarimetric imaging systems have been used for the
enhancement, target discrimination experiments: the VIZIR (Visible Infrared) system operating
in the near infrared and LWIR (Long Wave InfraRed), a
1. INTRODUCTION CO2 laser-based system operating in the long-wave infrared
spectral band.
Electro-optic (EO) imaging sensors are commonly used to
gather information about a scene, in order to detect different 2.1 VIZIR imaging sensor
targets for applications like surveillance operations and
rescue missions. Active and passive polarimetric imaging The VIZIR imaging sensor is made up of a range-gated
devices have the potential to enhance the target detection intensified CCD camera with a 10X zoom lens, a laser diode
performance of traditional EO sensors, by exploiting the array illuminator, and the requisite electronics required for
polarization of light to provide additional information about system synchronization and control. The operating
given targets of interest. Active polarimetric imagers, for wavelength is a laser source at 860 nm and offered the
instance, proved particularly efficient at night and in possibility to select its laser divergence between two
degraded weather conditions, building on the well known discrete values of 2-15 degrees, while the camera FOV was

978-1-4244-2808-3/08/$25.00 ©2008 IEEE V - 354 IGARSS 2008

continuously variable between 4 and 33 degrees. The enhancement is obtained by illuminating the scene with a
camera intensifier is a Gen III Omnibus IV tube with a polarized laser source and then by analyzing the
spectral response peaked between 650 and 850 nm. Figure 1 polarization of the reflected light from the targets. Such
illustrates the VIZIR system combined with the LWIR one. active imagers have been efficient at night and in degraded
weather conditions. Furthermore, these active devices have
demonstrated that range gating provided extent immunity to
blooming effects specific to highly sensitive sensors, and
eliminate most of the light backscattered by aerosols.
During the experiments, images were acquired in winter and
summer time, at daytime and nighttime. Targets were static
during the measurement sessions and orthogonally polarized
images at various ranges were captured for each of them.

3.1 The experiments

The foundation of our experiments is based on the

Figure 1. VIZIR and LWIR imaging sensors (front view) hypothesis that the exploitation of the polarization of
reflected light from targets of interest has the potential to
2.2 LWIR imaging sensor provide additional information than typical EO sensors, and
thus enhance significantly the resulting target detection
The Long Wave InfraRed (LWIR) system is made up of a performance. Indeed, knowing that the incident light from
bolometer infrared camera and a Synrad CO2 laser the illuminator will be less depolarized by man made objects
illuminator operating in the far-infrared portion of the than by natural ones, an image encoded by the degree of
spectrum at 10.6 μm, with a divergence of 5 degrees while polarization shall allow the distinction between man made
the camera FOV was fixed at 20 degrees. The camera is an objects and natural background, even in the case of same
uncooled microbolometer E6000 from Nytech with a reflectivity [2].
spectral response between 8 and 12 μm but peaked at 11 The image acquisitions were conducted according to
μm. A filter peaked at 10.6 μm with a bandwidth of 600 nm two experiments: one held at the Canadian Forces Base
can be flipped in the system receiver. Figure 2 shows a Valcartier (Quebec, Canada) and the second held in
close-up view of the LWIR sensor. Baldersheim (France). The first experiment was held during
winter time: Data were captured according to scenarios that
include vehicles, camouflage textiles (such as nets and
clothing), and compacted and disturbed snow. The second
experiment was conducted during summer time: Data
captured were from measurements on urban environments,
civilian and military vehicles, nets and clothing.

3.2 Stokes parameters

The representation of the radiation backscattered by the

targets – unpolarized, partially polarized, completely
polarized, circularly or elliptically polarized – is achieved
through the use of the Stokes parameters. The quantification
Figure 2. LWIR sensor (close-up view) of the polarization can be achieved by the Stoke parameters
(I, Q, U, V) to define the degree of polarization:
I Ax2  Ay2 A2 S 0 (1)
The main objective of the experiments was to acquire Q Ax2  Ay2 S1 (2)
polarimetric signatures of a large set of civilian and military
targets, using two different imaging systems, and investigate U 2 Ax Ay cos J S2 (3)
the use of these signatures to discriminate targets against
different backgrounds. The target contrast enhancement is V 2 Ax Ay sin J S3 (4)
obtained by analyzing the polarization of the reflected light where Ax, Ay are the amplitudes of the electromagnetic
from a direct polarized laser source and from natural waves in mutually perpendicular directions, A2 is the
ambient illumination. For active imagers, the target contrast intensity, Ȗ is the phase angle between Ax and Ay, < >

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indicates time averaging, and I2 = Q2 + U2 + V2. I is the where ĭ is the coherency matrix, and det(ĭ) and tr(ĭ) are
intensity of radiation and is the result of photometric respectively the determinant and the trace of ĭ. For natural
measurements. Q is the difference between the intensities of textures, diattenuation and retardance effects are negligible.
radiation in the mutually perpendicular directions used to Since materials correspond to the most common situation in
specify Ax and Ay. U indicates the excess of radiation in the natural outdoor scenes and that they can be considered
+45o direction over that in the +135o direction relative to the purely depolarizing and isotropic, the coherency matrix ĭ is
plane of vision. V is the amount of circular polarized diagonal and thus, the channel s1 and s2 are considered
radiation. During the experiments, polarimetric data were statistically independent. The OSCI is an estimate of the
recorded assuming that the laser light is polarized in order image degree of linear polarization (DOLP) if the observed
to rotate a linear polarizer, which enable the measurement of material is purely depolarizing, which is a natural
the first three Stokes components. assumption for natural materials observed in monostatic
configuration [2]. Under these conditions, speckle noise and
3.3 Orthogonal state contrast image non uniformity effects of the laser are removed in order to
improve the contrast of the target from its background [4].
Polarimetric imaging can be used for characterizing material The DOLP, and thus the OSCI, shall be able to reveal
and observing contrast that are not detectable in targets against natural backgrounds that do not appear with
conventional intensity images. Analyzing the backscattered good contrast in intensity images.
light in the polarization states parallel and orthogonal to the
incident one may reveal important features that may not be 4. RESULTS
discernible in intensity images. It has been reported that
such polarimetric images are independent of the spatial non- Active and passive polarimetric images of civilian and
uniformity of the illumination, since they are normalized by military assets have been produced at wavelengths in the
the local total intensity [3]. In order to improve the contrast NIR and LWIR bands with the two imaging sensors
level of the targets from its background, two images of the presented in section 2.
scene are acquired, one for each laser-camera polarization
configuration. With such configuration, each image is 4.1 VIZIR
formed from an average of a train of three images acquired
successively to reduce the resulting noise. Measurements with the VIZIR imaging system were
conducted in both active and passive modes since the
The first image s1(i,j) corresponds to reflected light
polarization filter in front of the sensor could be rotated.
with the same polarization state as the incident light: this is
Figure 3 shows active polarimetric images of a vehicle
obtained by fixing horizontally both the laser polarization
acquired after sunset, in winter conditions. Some contrast
and the camera polarizer. The second image s2(i,j)
enhancement was observed with the OSCI image (fig.3c).
corresponds to the reflected light with orthogonal
polarization and is obtained by orienting the polarizer in
front of the camera vertically and leaving the laser
polarization horizontal. For the LWIR imaging device, the
polarization of the laser is horizontally linearly polarized
and therefore, only the grid-wire facing the camera is
rotated. The difference of these two images provides the
orthogonal state contrast image (OSCI) and is the total
(a) (b)
intensity backscattered by the scene, calculated as follows:
s1 i, j  s2 i, j
U i, j (5)
s1 i, j  s2 i, j
where (i,j) is the coordinates of a given pixel, such that
s1(i,j)[s2(i,j)] is the intensity at pixel (i,j) in s1(s2). The OSCI
is invariant to illumination nonhomogeneity as it is
normalized by the total intensity s1(i,j) + s2(i,j). The joint (c)
observation of both images allows the estimation of how the Figure 3. Active polarimetric images (a) s1, (b) s2, and (c)
materials in the scene depolarize the incident light. The OSCI of a vehicle acquired at 50 meters with VIZIR.
degree of polarization can be defined by:
Figure 4 illustrates active polarimetric images acquired from
4 det ) a site containing natural and disturbed snow. Both the tracks
P 1 2 (6) and the edges of disturbed snow are polarized. The laser
tr ) light is reflected in particular polarization at 860 nm.

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Using the VIZIR system in active mode, results have
demonstrated that polarization does enhance man made
object contrast for some targets of interest. Measurements
with the LWIR system showed that far-infrared active
polarimetry does improve the target contrast from various
natural backgrounds, although the results were not as
conclusive as in the near-infrared band. For some targets,
only specific parts of the object will effectively show some
(a) (b) contrast enhancement. Also, like in the near-infrared band,
some targets maintain the polarization of the incident laser
beam. In the case of IR targets, they were effective in the
passive mode (being non-emissive) but they exhibit high
reflectivity and consequently are very easy to detect with a
far-infrared polarimetric active imager.
The experiments conducted showed that passive
polarimetric imagery has the capability to discriminate
(c) disturbed snow edges in the LWIR band. However, no real
Figure 4. Active polarimetric images (a) s1, (b) s2, and (c) contrast enhancement was observed with the VIZIR 860 nm
OSCI of tracks and disturbed snow acquired at 100 meters system for that specific scenario. As for the clothing, they
with VIZIR. showed a low degree of polarization in passive imagery.
Nonetheless, a contrast enhancement was obtained in some
4.2 LWIR active polarimetric images, due essentially to the reflectivity
(or low emissivity) of the objects of interest to be detected.
Figure 5 shows passive polarimetric images of a military Results have also demonstrated that polarimetric
vehicle acquired at nighttime. The snow surrounding the thermal imaging target discrimination capability is strongly
military vehicles shows a certain degree of polarization. The dependent on the external conditions (i.e. presence of the
edges of the mountain at the top of the images also show a sun, the time of day the measurements were carried out, the
higher polarization level than the sky. general weather conditions, etc.). In addition, active
polarimetric images offer a slight advantage compared to
classical passive images in the LWIR spectral band in
winter conditions.


[1] F. Cremer, W. de Jong, K. Schutte, “Infrared polarization

measurements of surface and buried antipersonnel landmines”,
(a) (b) Proceedings SPIE Detection and Remediation Technologies for
Mines and Minelike Targets VI, Vol. 4394, pp.164-175, 2001.

[2] S. Breugnot, P. Clémenceau, “Modeling and performances of a

polarization active imager at Ȝ=806 nm”, Optical Engineering, 39,
pp.2681-2688, 2000.

[3] D.A. Lavigne, M. Breton, M. Pichette, V. Larochelle, J-R

Simard, “Evaluation of active and passive polarimetric electro-
optic imagery for civilian and military targets discrimination”,
Proceedings SPIE Polarization: Measurement, Analysis, and
Figure 5. Passive polarimetric images (a) s1, (b) s2, and (c) Remote Sensing VIII, Orlando (FL), 2008.
OSCI of a vehicle acquired at 50 meters with LWIR system.
[4] P. Réfrégier, F. Goudail, N. Roux, “Estimation of the degree of
5. CONCLUSIONS polarization in active coherent imagery by using representation”,
Journal of the Optical Society of America, 21, pp.2292-2300,
Active and passive polarimetric signatures of civilian and 2004.
military assets have been produced at wavelengths in the
NIR and LWIR bands with two imaging sensors. The
orthogonal state contrast image has been used as an estimate
of the total intensity backscattered by the scene.

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