Cardiovascular Management - Nursing Considerations

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Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care –

Cardiovascular Management: Nursing


Patricia Lincoln, Dorothy Beke, Nancy Braudis,

Elizabeth Leonard, Sherry Pye, and Elisabeth Smith

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Postoperative Admission to the Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
“Fast-Track” Pediatric Cardiac Surgery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Cardiac Postoperative Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Delayed Sternal Closure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Use of Venoarterial Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (VA-ECMO) . . . . . . . 11
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16


P. Lincoln (*) · D. Beke Cardiac care of the patient in the PCICU is a

Clinical Nurse Specialist, Cardiac Intensive Care Unit, complex process. This chapter describes
Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA, USA salient aspects of nursing care associated spe-
e-mail:; Dorothy. cifically with cardiovascular management,
delayed sternal closure, and the use of extra-
N. Braudis
Advanced Practice RN II, Cardiac Intensive Care Unit, corporeal membrane oxygenation. Also
Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA, USA included is the discussion regarding implica-
e-mail: tions of fast-track pathway of care. Addition-
E. Leonard ally, this chapter will incorporate examples of
Critical and Cardiorespiratory Unit, Great Ormond Street communication tools utilized during patient
Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK handoffs to foster improved care and safety,
in specific centers.
S. Pye
Cardiac Transplant Coordinator, Department of Pediatric,
Cardiology, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Keywords
Arkansas Children’s Hospital, Little Rock, AR, USA
Admission process · Arrhythmias · Cardiac
output · Delayed sternal closure · ECMO ·
E. Smith
Fast-track protocols · Hemodynamic
Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS
Foundation Trust, London, UK monitoring · Low cardiac output syndrome

© Springer-Verlag London Ltd., part of Springer Nature 2020 1

E. M. Da Cruz et al. (eds.), Pediatric and Congenital Cardiology, Cardiac Surgery and Intensive Care,
2 P. Lincoln et al.

(LCOS) · Patient handoffs · Pulmonary visit and introduce themselves to the child and
hypertension family. Research has shown that this may signif-
icantly reduce stress for parents, as well as for the
child [1].
Introduction The preadmission visit has high importance for
the SDA patient, allowing the parents to discuss
Cardiac care of the patient in the PCICU is a any worries and permitting observation of the
complex process. This chapter describes salient child for age-appropriate behavior and level of
aspects of nursing care associated specifically activity, presence of cyanosis or respiratory dis-
with cardiovascular management, delayed sternal tress, or any other concerns. Expected dates of
closure, and the use of extracorporeal membrane discharge from PCICU, intermediate care area,
oxygenation. Also included is the discussion and the ward to home are discussed [2]. Planning
regarding the implications of a fast-track pathway. the estimated days of intensive care admission
Additionally, this chapter will incorporate exam- allows the family to ensure they have local
ples of communication tools utilized during arrangements and when they should anticipate
patient handoffs to foster improved care and discharge.
safety. Admission to the PCICU requires focused
planning and preparation. The bed space, equip-
ment, and needed supplies are obtained in antici-
Postoperative Admission pation of an emergency situation as well as
to the Pediatric Cardiac Intensive ensuring the availability of the tools required to
Care Unit deliver effective and timely care. Oxygen, suc-
tion, and other safety equipment are checked and
Much work has led to the development of a sys- available in the bed space. Standardized fluids and
tem for admissions to the PCICU in which the medications are prepared, and early entry into the
nurse is supported, the patient safe, the family is computerized electronic charting is established.
informed, and all members of the multi- The mechanical ventilator is set up with settings
disciplinary team receive the handover informa- from the operating room, allowing the system to
tion needed to optimize the patient’s stay in be prechecked.
intensive care. It is important to explain how this Safety underlines all the care in the PCICU –
has been achieved, so this information may be from the most junior member of staff to the unit
transferred to multiple units and situations. lead. This is illustrated in the unit handover policy,
One of the most important factors is the knowl- developed from the pit stop process of Formula
edge base and preparation of the family and 1 motor racing where handover, safety, and team-
patient that is to be admitted. The fetal care team work were observed and those transferable skills
will work with families during pregnancy and to the healthcare setting were noted. Each individ-
ensure seamless communication between time of ual has a defined role, reducing variability and,
delivery and admission to the PCICU, preparing therefore, potential error within the system [3].
the family and ensuring the clinical team is
Phases of clinical handover
updated on the baby’s condition. For the same
day admission (SDA) patient, the nursing team Phase Event Action
endeavors to meet the parents and child before- 0 Patient transfer Checklist of ventilator
from the settings and monitoring
hand. Often, there will be a visit to the PCICU on a operating room lines recorded for set
preadmission visit for all families. This allows for up/update for unit team
the assessment of individual needs and to ensure and needed equipment
that the family is familiar with their potential 1 Equipment and Handover of all
pathway of care. For the SDA patient, on the technical equipment and
handover monitoring
morning of the operation, the PCICU nurse may
Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care – Cardiovascular Management: Nursing Considerations 3

Phase Event Action Mindful of the anxiety of the waiting parents,

2 Information phase Defined role for each they are permitted to be with their child at the
team member. bedside. Families may stay for as long as they
Anesthetist reviews wish [5]. Recent research [6] highlighted the
events of intubation,
ventilation, and bypass immediate postoperative period as one of the
and any observations most stressful times for parents. The management
during the operation. The of pain is of great concern to families, and contin-
surgeon comments on the ual assessment using an appropriate comfort/pain
surgical procedure and
any intraoperative scale [7] ensures adequate pain relief and the
problems administration of prescribed medications. Distress
3 Discussion phase The anticipated recovery may be minimized using comfort measures suit-
plan is verbalized by the able to the patient’s age and condition, and there is
intensive care physician. also access to the hospital pain control team and
A decision on the
appropriate pathway or ongoing anesthesia staff support.
other care/intervention is After the initial admission and handover, all
discussed. Two nurses communication is standardized using a uniform
assist – one concentrates communication tool, SBAR [8, 9]:
on the verbal report from
the operating room team
and the other performs Situation
the initial patient Background
assessment and Assessment
admission of the patient
to the PCICU (obtaining Recommendation
vital signs and laboratory
blood specimens and After the patient has been admitted and stabi-
connects and records
drainage from chest
lized, it is the role of all team members to ensure
drains) the child and family progress through to recovery
Once the handover is completed, the bedside
nurse’s main concern is the status of the patient. A
full physical examination is completed – assess- “Fast-Track” Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
ment of equal breath sounds, bilateral chest move-
ment, presence of air leak around the endotracheal Fast-track cardiac surgery has been defined as a
tube, and amount and characteristics of chest reduction in the patient journey time from admis-
drainage. Hemodynamic assessment includes sion to discharge [13, 14]. This encompasses a
heart rate, blood pressure, heart-filling pressures, reduction in ventilation time, possible same day
peripheral pulses, and color/temperature of discharge to an intermediate care unit from the
peripheral limbs. Pupils are checked for size and PCICU, and early de-intensifying. This pathway,
the reaction time. Assessment of capillary refill is however, is dictated by the clinical condition of
performed both peripherally and centrally. Pro- the child, safety being of paramount importance.
longed capillary refill and cool extremities may Working in emerging economies has provided
indicate a low cardiac output state [4]. A chest insights and an “informal” evidence base for fast-
radiograph (CXR), 12-lead electrocardiogram track-type service delivery, within a health provi-
(ECG), and sometimes an additional echocardio- sion system where resources and time may be
gram (ECHO) are required within the first hour constrained. In addition, exposure to the success
postoperatively to help support the direction of these programs by the multiprofessional team
of care. has been a positive influence on the development
of this service within pediatric cardiac services in
4 P. Lincoln et al.

the National Health Service (NHS) in England. Candidates for fast track will be done as first
Other factors for support are: cases in the operating room (OR) and transitioned
by a specific time to an intermediate care unit. The
Cardiac Nurse Practitioner (CNP) role preadmission assessment is obtained within
development 1 month of the planned surgery. Patient and family
Joint cardiac conferencing and agreed multi- teaching done preoperatively is essential in reduc-
professional criteria ing postoperative anxiety and enabling the chil-
Anticipated recovery pathways to standardize dren to more easily accept their subsequent
care delivery medical care [2]. On the day of surgery, a pre-
Preadmission assessment surgery, clinical assessment is performed by the
Timing of surgery CNP and anesthesiologist. This meeting also
Use of modern anesthesia agents ensures that the anesthetist and clinical team are
Improvements in surgical techniques aware of the plans for fast-track surgery, including
Improvements in cardiopulmonary bypass tech- mode of operative sedation and analgesia.
niques, including ultrafiltration at the end of Although a large component of fast-track sur-
cardiopulmonary bypass [15] gery is the reduction of mechanical ventilation
Parental presence during recovery time and early extubation, it is important to rec-
Intensive care developments, including short act- ognize that fast track and early extubation are not
ing opiates and advanced pain management synonymous [17]. Extubations performed in the
skills recovery room before return to the PCICU do not
necessarily decrease recovery time in that unit.
Collectively, these factors have led to a reduc- The majority of the postoperative care for the
tion in pediatric mortality and morbidity with fast track patient does not differ from our stan-
subsequent cost reduction implications. The dardized cardiac postoperative care. Excellent
delivery of cost-efficient care is now an additional clinical assessment skills and knowledge of the
variable when measuring and comparing surgical individual child are important for continued pro-
outcomes [16–18]. Below is one example of a gress through the care pathway. This supports the
“fast-track model”: provision of a dedicated team to lead this care
Eligibility for the fast-track pathway requires: pathway, staff that is familiar with the differences
in parameters and timing of events.
Low-complexity cardiac surgery, for example, Prior to leaving the operating room, the sur-
repair of atrial septal defect (ASD), ventricular geon or the anesthetist infiltrates the sternal
septal defect (VSD), and subaortic stenosis wound with local anesthetic. This provides addi-
No major comorbidities that may involve a higher tional pain relief with reduced use of opiates and
postoperative risk may be effective for up to 8 h, potentially contrib-
Patient otherwise in good general health and uting to early extubation. A continuous incisional
asymptomatic infusion of local anesthetic has been reported by
Patient over 6 months of age the Congenital Heart Institute of Miami Chil-
dren’s Hospital and Arnold Palmer Hospital for
Limiting criteria for the fast-track pathway Children, Miami, Florida, to reduce the length of
include: stay, amount of sedation, and antiemetics
[19]. The child will also receive intravenous
Small infant with increased potential to fail early non-opioid pain medication until tolerating oral
extubation intake, then oral pain medication and nonsteroidal
Complex surgery or staged palliation surgery anti-inflammatory [20, 21].
The presence of other noncardiac issues If the child is not extubated prior to leaving the
operating room, experience demonstrates that
extubation occurs within 4 h postoperatively.
Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care – Cardiovascular Management: Nursing Considerations 5

These patient decisions utilize advanced nursing and agreement from the multiprofessional team,
education and assessment skills, increased auton- as well as the child and family, regarding dis-
omy of nursing practice, and caseload manage- charge suitability and any ongoing medical
ment combined with communication briefings concerns.
with relevant nursing and medical teams. At 4 h As a safety net to a rapid process of care, a
postoperatively, the child is assessed for same day follow-up phone call will be placed to the family
discharge to an intermediate care unit. within 48 h of discharge. This early communica-
Events that may prevent discharge to interme- tion and update with the child and family is a
diate care unit: critical safety step in a rapid discharge process.
Assessment is made of family management of
Postextubation stridor/respiratory compromise care, and any questions regarding medications,
Bleeding from chest drains analgesia, surgical wounds, feeding, or general
Arrhythmia concerns that may have arisen since discharge
Bed availability are addressed. Any acute issues will continue to
be monitored until the next clinic appointment.
A Children’s Early Warning System (CEWS)
[22] and a standardized communication tool such
as SBARD (situation, background, assessment, Cardiac Postoperative Care
recommendation, and decision) should be used
to alert teams to early changes in a child’s clinical The nursing considerations involved in providing
condition and ensure accurate, consistent, and exceptional postoperative care of the pediatric
safe communication between teams. These tools cardiac surgery patient necessitate a full under-
clarify what and how information is communi- standing of the patient’s cardiac defect, the impact
cated between members of the team and also of the defect on other body systems, and the
help develop teamwork and foster a culture of patient’s treatment, repair, or palliation. Nursing
patient safety. focus is on vigilant patient monitoring, anticipat-
On postoperative day 2, the child is rapidly ing potential problems, and providing care with a
assessed for de-intensification from the interme- proactive preventative approach.
diate care unit. Strong clinical assessment skills, Cardiac output is defined as the amount of
knowledge of the process, and decision-making blood ejected from the heart in 1 min. It is a
are key to the safety of this process. An arterial function of heart rate multiplied by stroke volume.
blood gas review with no concerns allows the Stroke volume consists of preload, afterload, and
arterial line to be removed. Transthoracic pacing contractility. Cardiac index, often used in pediat-
wires are removed without an additional ECG if rics, is calculated as cardiac output divided by
there is no evidence of arrhythmia or need for body surface area and expressed as liters/minute/
external cardiac pacing. Peripheral IV access is meter2 [24]. Assessment of cardiac output
assured. Chest drain removal is assessed on pre- includes evaluating heart rate and rhythm, blood
defined criteria from the anticipated care pathway pressure, intracardiac filling pressures, core tem-
and local guidelines. No routine pre- or post-chest perature, peripheral perfusion, urine output, acid–
drain removal CXR is performed unless there is base balance, lactic acid excretion, and oxygen
clinical reason [23]. consumption [25].
It is the responsibility of the advanced practice Preload is the volume of blood in the left ven-
nurse to assess the child’s suitability for discharge tricle prior to ejection and may be indirectly
home and to ensure they have all relevant dis- assessed by monitoring atrial filling pressures.
charge information, education, and emergency Preload may be decreased with excessive fluid
contact information. Prior to the child’s discharge, loss or inadequate volume replacement. This
usually on postoperative day 3, there is a review may occur during rewarming and subsequent
vasodilation, postoperative bleeding, diuresis, or
6 P. Lincoln et al.

capillary leak syndrome following cardiopulmo- elevations in preload [25]. Tachycardia may limit
nary bypass (CPB) [26]. Bleeding and abnormal ventricular filling and decrease cardiac output
coagulation factors may be corrected by giving when heart rate exceeds 220 beats per minute in
fresh frozen plasma, cryoprecipitate, or other the neonate or 180 beats per minute in the pediat-
blood products. Packed red blood cells may be ric patient [27].
given to correct a low hematocrit and stabilize Cardiac contractility refers to the ability of the
intravascular volume. Hypovolemia resulting myocardium to produce force based on preload
from rewarming, capillary leak, or diuresis may and alterations in sympathetic stimulation of the
be managed with colloid or crystalloid replace- ventricles [27]. Postoperative factors leading to
ment. Fluid boluses are administered cautiously impaired myocardial contractility include medica-
while assessing atrial filling pressure, arterial tions and anesthetic agents, hypoxemia, acidosis,
blood pressure, peripheral edema, liver distention, ischemic insult, cardiac tamponade,
and fontanel fullness. Preload may be increased ventriculotomy incision, and residual anatomic
from myocardial dysfunction, intravascular over- cardiac lesions [28]. Inotropic support and afterl-
load, tamponade physiology, tachyarrhythmia, or oad reduction should be optimized to support
increased pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) impaired cardiac contractility and low cardiac
and systemic vascular resistance (SVR). output. Decreased contractility from cardiac
Afterload is resistance to ejection of blood tamponade requires prompt intervention includ-
from either or both ventricles predisposing the ing maintaining patency of chest tubes and possi-
myocardium to elevations in PVR and/or SVR. ble emergent mediastinal exploration.
Common causes of increased PVR and SVR in the Low cardiac output syndrome (LCOS) has
postoperative cardiac surgical patient are multi- been reported in approximately 24% of neonates
factorial and may include hypoxemia, acidosis, following congenital heart surgery [29]. The low-
hypothermia, pain, or obstruction to blood flow est cardiac index occurred 6–12 h after CPB. The
from the ventricles. Systemic vascular resistance decrease in cardiac index was associated with a
may increase in response to a low cardiac output significant rise in SVR and PVR over baseline
state or as a result of high-dose inotropic medica- values. Signs of LCOS include tachycardia, hypo-
tions. Increased PVR may result from both acute tension, decreased urine output, poor systemic
and chronic states. Neonates in particular often perfusion, increased core temperature, elevated
have a highly reactive pulmonary vascular bed lactate, and decreased mixed venous oxygen sat-
resulting in elevations in PVR. Treatment strate- uration [25, 30]. Potential sources of low cardiac
gies to decrease afterload resistance include output include (1) residual cardiac defect, (2) myo-
avoidance of common triggers and manipulation cardial ischemia, (3) inadequate myocardial pro-
of mechanical ventilation to reduce PVR, admin- tection during CPB, (4) inflammatory response,
istration of sedatives and analgesics to blunt the (5) increased SVR and PVR, (6) arrhythmias,
stress response, and use of vasodilating agents. (7) cardiac tamponade, and (8) ventriculotomy
In addition to preload and afterload, other [28, 31, 32]. Early recognition and management
determinants of cardiac output include heart rate, of a low-output state are essential to minimize
conduction, and contractility. Ventricular rate morbidity and mortality.
varies according to size, age, and patient condition Measures to improve cardiac output include
and may be influenced by autonomic, humeral, volume management to maintain adequate pre-
and environmental stimuli [27]. Cardiac output is load, vasoactive infusions to improve cardiac con-
more dependent on heart rate due to limited stroke tractility, and afterload reduction to minimize the
volumes in smaller, pediatric patients as compared stress on the myocardium. Dopamine or low-dose
with adults. Though a neonate may tolerate an epinephrine may be used for inotropic support to
elevated heart rate, decreased myocardial compli- improve myocardial contractility and reverse
ance predisposes the neonatal heart to increased hypotension related to LCOS. However, catechol-
sensitivity to SVR and limited response to amine infusions are not without risk and may
Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care – Cardiovascular Management: Nursing Considerations 7

cause a tachyarrhythmia, increased myocardial diagnosis and prompt management are essential
oxygen consumption, and increased to reduce the effects of low cardiac output related
end-diastolic pressure and afterload to an arrhythmia.
[31]. Milrinone is a phosphodiesterase inhibitor Common arrhythmias identified in the postop-
that has both inotropic effects and afterload- erative period following pediatric heart surgery
reducing properties and may prevent or improve are supraventricular tachycardia, ventricular
the management of LCOS. In a multicenter study, tachycardia, junctional ectopic tachycardia, and
infants receiving a high-dose infusion of complete heart block [40]. Supraventricular
Milrinone (0.75 mcg/kg/min) were found to have tachycardia (SVT) is a reentry tachycardia with
a 64% relative risk reduction in the development an abrupt onset and regular rate. It is often poorly
of LCOS in the postoperative period following tolerated in infants but may resolve with vagal
congenital heart surgery [32]. maneuvers or overdrive pacing. Adenosine is a
Efforts to manipulate SVR and PVR are crucial first-line drug for SVT in a stable patient
to maintaining hemodynamic stability in the post- [41]. However, synchronized cardioversion may
operative period. Factors that may contribute to an be necessary in hemodynamically unstable
increase in SVR and PVR such as inadequate pain patients. Ventricular arrhythmias are less common
control, hypoxia, acidosis, and hypothermia in young children but increase in frequency in
should be effectively treated to further reduce the teenagers and young adults. The risk for develop-
risk of developing LCOS. Adjunct therapies ing ventricular arrhythmias increases with acido-
include mechanical ventilation, neuromuscular sis, low cardiac output, electrolyte imbalance, and
blockade, adequate sedation, and arrhythmia myocardial ischemia [42]. Sustained ventricular
management. Atrioventricular (AV) synchrony is tachycardia (VT) is emergently treated with lido-
critical to maintaining adequate cardiac output in caine as a first-line drug in a hemodynamically
the postoperative period. Treatment includes pac- stable patient. Synchronized cardioversion is the
ing strategies and the use of antiarrhythmic med- treatment of choice for compromised patients.
ications to optimize cardiac function. Torsades de pointes, another form of VT, typically
The use of extracorporeal membrane oxygen- occur in the setting of QT prolongation. Initial
ation (ECMO) is indicated for progressive myo- treatment is with magnesium sulfate. Junctional
cardial dysfunction refractory to conventional ectopic tachycardia (JET) usually occurs in the
therapies, failure to wean from CPB, or cardiac first 24–48 h after surgery and is the most com-
arrest [33, 34]. ECMO may be used to provide mon postoperative arrhythmia in infants and chil-
short-term support for the myocardium or as a dren less than 2 years of age [18]. The ventricular
bridge to transplant. rate is generally greater than 160 with a slower
Pediatric patients with congenital heart disease atrial rate that may cause hypotension and
are prone to developing arrhythmias from under- increased filling pressures. Complete heart block
lying cardiac disease, surgical techniques, medi- (CHB) results from the complete dissociation of
cal management, and electrolyte imbalance the atria and ventricles leading to a low-output
[35]. The incidence of arrhythmias in pediatric state. It is usually transient in the postoperative
patients ranges from 8% to 29% in the postoper- period and is treated with external AV sequential
ative period [35–37]. The loss of atrioventricular pacing.
(AV) synchrony associated with many arrhyth- Although normothermia is the general goal of
mias may result in a 20–30% reduction in cardiac temperature regulation, a mild degree of hypo-
output [28]. Poor heart rate variability or cannon thermia may be beneficial in the immediate post-
waves on a left atrial (LA) tracing may be impor- operative period. There may be a brief period of
tant indicators of an abnormal rhythm. Temporary temperature instability following congenital heart
epicardial pacing wires are often placed following surgery, and efforts should be aimed at limiting
congenital heart surgery for the diagnosis and wide fluctuations in body temperature. Induced
management of arrhythmias [38, 39]. Accurate hypothermia may reduce oxygen consumption,
8 P. Lincoln et al.

limit the effects of tachyarrhythmias, and improve of these catheters are hemorrhage, entrapment, or
neurological outcomes [43, 44]. However, a fragmentation [45, 46]. Following guidelines in
decrease in body temperature may cause an ele- regard to evaluation of hematological status,
vation in SVR and PVR, decrease cardiac output, patient hemodynamics, use of chest drains, and
and potentially increase the risk of bleeding [26, availability of blood products for removal of intra-
42]. Infants are especially vulnerable to cold stress cardiac catheters will decrease the occurrence of
because of the high body surface area to weight complications and associated risks.
ratio and a limited ability to regulate body tem- Right atrial (RA) or central venous monitoring
perature. Rewarming should occur gradually with catheters provide information about systemic
close monitoring. venous return, vascular volume, and right ventri-
Increased body temperature may result from cle function. These catheters are placed directly
activation of the inflammatory response after into the right atrium or internal jugular vein or
CPB or from low cardiac output. Hyperthermia superior vena cava. Right atrial pressure (RAp) or
increases oxygen consumption and may increase central venous pressure (CVP) is recorded as
the risk of arrhythmias and neurological injury. mean pressure, and the value reflects patient pre-
Active cooling strategies may be implemented to load or right ventricle end-diastolic pressure
limit the deleterious effects of hyperthermia in the (RVEDP) if the tricuspid valve is competent
immediate postoperative period. [42]. The average range of RAp or CVP is 1–
The use of intracardiac monitoring catheters 5 mmHg, though these may have a slight normal
provides quantitative data for hemodynamic elevation in the cardiac postoperative patient of 6–
assessment in the postoperative patient. Knowl- 8 mmHg. Elevated RAp or CVP may indicate
edge of the patient’s specific cardiac anatomy and fluid overload, right ventricle (RV) dysfunction
details pertaining to the surgical repair or inter- or hypertrophy, problems with the tricuspid
vention are necessary to correctly interpret any valve, left to right intracardiac shunting, increased
information obtained. The catheters are placed pulmonary vascular resistance, cardiac
transthoracically into the right atrium (RA), left tamponade, or a pericardial effusion. Decreased
atrium (LA), and/or pulmonary artery (PA). These RAp or CVP usually indicates hypovolemia [24,
intracardiac catheters provide information on 42]. Measurement of blood oxygen saturation
heart chamber, great vessel pressures, and satura- from these catheters will estimate systemic
tions. This hemodynamic information also assists venous or mixed venous oxygen saturation and
in evaluating responses to pharmacological thera- assist in evaluation of cardiac output [1].
pies, mechanical ventilation changes, and fluid Left atrial (LA) monitoring catheters provide
administration. Chest radiograph confirmation of information about pulmonary venous pressure,
catheter location is required, with waveform left heart preload, and left ventricle function.
assessment and the presence of blood return, to These catheters are usually threaded through a
assure functionality. Precise interpretation of pres- superior pulmonary vein across into the left
sures or oxygen saturation depends on catheter atrium. The average left atrial pressure (LAp) is
location and specific patient anatomy. usually 1–2 mmHg greater than RAp. Of note,
Reported risks of intracardiac catheter use LAp measuring less than 12–14 mmHg is fre-
include malposition, thrombus formation, and quently tolerated in the postoperative patient [24,
infection [45]. The LA and PA catheters are usu- 42]. LAp is recorded as mean pressure and the
ally removed 24–48 h postoperatively, unless con- value reflects left ventricle end-diastolic pressure
tinued monitoring for LA or PA hypertension is if the mitral valve is competent. Elevated LAp
required. The RA catheter may remain in place for may indicate left ventricle (LV) dysfunction or
an extended period to provide access for non- hypertrophy, problems with the mitral valve,
traumatic blood sampling and administration of increased systemic vascular resistance, right to
vasoactive infusions, parental nutrition, or vol- left intracardiac shunting, volume overload, or
ume. Complications associated with the removal cardiac tamponade [24]. Persistently elevated
Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care – Cardiovascular Management: Nursing Considerations 9

LAp may indicate the development of LA hyper- significant left to right intracardiac shunt, possibly
tension. Decreased LAp may indicate hypo- a ventricular septal defect [26].
volemia. Normal oxygen saturation of the blood Mean PAp greater than 25 mmHg at rest con-
in the LA is 100% [26]. Blood shunting from the stitutes pulmonary hypertension (PHTN)
RA to the LA or the presence of pulmonary vein [48]. After surgery, the effect of PAp on patient
desaturation will decrease this value [24]. outcome depends upon many factors, especially
Cannon waves occurring in RA or LA record- the preoperative RV pressure and the postopera-
ings usually indicate the loss of normal sinus tive circulation physiology. For example, a patient
rhythm, as these waves occur when the atria con- with systemic level PAp preoperatively may tol-
tracts against a closed valve [47]. erate ½ to ¾ systemic RV pressure well after
Pulmonary artery (PA) monitoring catheters operation; however, a patient with Fontan physi-
provide information about mixed venous oxygen ology will be seriously compromised by PAp
saturations, RV function, right ventricular outflow greater than 15–17 mmHg. Patients with
tract patency, pulmonary vascular reactivity, and increased PVR preoperatively are more likely to
mean filling pressures on the left side of the heart present with postoperative pulmonary hyperten-
[1]. These catheters are threaded through the mus- sion than those with normal PVR [49].
cular wall of the RV, across the RV outflow tract, The cause(s) of postoperative PHTN are not
and into the main pulmonary artery. From there, it well understood. Pulmonary vascular endothe-
may migrate into a branch pulmonary artery. The lium dysfunction may be important in some
pulmonary artery pressure (PAp) is recorded as cases, and abnormality of vascular smooth muscle
mean, systolic, and diastolic, with the systolic and circulating vasoactive substances may all be
value equal to the RV systolic pressure and the relevant. Injury related to the effects of cardiopul-
diastolic value equal to the LAp if pulmonary monary bypass (CPB) and activation of pulmo-
hypertension or mitral valve problems are not nary endothelial vasoconstricting mediators,
present. The PAp usually measures 1/4 to 1/3 of pulmonary leukosequestration, microemboli,
systemic blood pressure. The average mean PAp hypothermia, lung disease, blood product admin-
is 15 mmHg, with a range of 10–20 mmHg. Dur- istration, and certain medications such as prot-
ing the postoperative period, PAp as high as amine may all play a role [50]. During an acute
25 mmHg may be tolerated [24, 26, 46]. Elevated pulmonary hypertensive crisis, PAp exceeds sys-
PAp may indicate an obstruction in the pulmonary temic blood pressure resulting in progressive right
arteries such as an embolus, pulmonary hyperten- ventricular dysfunction, reduced cardiac output,
sion, pulmonary vascular obstructive disease, and sometimes hypoxemia. In the patient with
reactive airway, lung disease, the presence of aci- Fontan physiology, increased PAp causes
dosis, a large left to right intracardiac shunt, decreased cardiac output and high central venous
increased LAp, or mechanical obstruction of the pressure. During an acute crisis, patients with
airway. Decreased PAp may indicate hypo- existing intracardiac shunts may present with an
volemia, decreased cardiac output, or obstruction initial decrease in oxygen saturation [51]. Other
to pulmonary blood flow [24]. Continuous record- signs include tachycardia, hypotension, and ele-
ings done as the PA catheter is pulled back from vated end-tidal carbon dioxide (EtCO2) levels
the pulmonary artery into the right ventricle may associated with a lack of sufficient pulmonary
indicate the pressure of a residual right ventricle blood flow. Early intervention is required to
outflow tract obstruction in patients post- avoid bradycardia and impending cardiac col-
Tetralogy of Fallot repair [47]. Oxygen saturation lapse. Acute interventions include mechanical
values obtained from the pulmonary arteries are hyperventilation with 100% oxygen, administra-
true mixed venous saturations, with a normal tion of sedation and analgesia that may be com-
value of slightly less than 80%. High PA oxygen bined with pharmacologic paralysis, the use of
saturation values may indicate the presence of a inhaled nitric oxide (iNO), and promoting a situ-
ation of respiratory alkalosis [48].
10 P. Lincoln et al.

Postoperative PHTN from increased pulmo- After an extensive cardiac surgical procedure,
nary vascular resistance may be transient, but in the myocardium may undergo a process of inflam-
some case persist. Treatment strategies should mation and swelling. Due to the limited anatomi-
focus on proactive measures to prevent an acute cal space in the pericardiomediastinal area in
pulmonary hypertensive crisis and avoiding pre- infants and children, cardiac compression may
cipitatory factors including hypoxia, hypo- occur in this closed sternum environment. This
ventilation, acidosis, alpha-adrenergic inotropes, compression leads to a low cardiac output state
sympathetic stimulation, and environmental due to decreased ventricular compliance, filling,
stress. Administration of analgesics and sedation and preload [56]. This phenomenon has been
prior to stressful procedures such as endotracheal described by different terms in the literature such
tube suctioning may be helpful in decreasing a as tight mediastinal syndrome, cardiac compres-
pulmonary vasoreactive response. Measures to sion, and typical and atypical tamponade [55, 57–
decrease pulmonary reactivity include 59].
maintaining an alkalotic pH (which promotes pul- The cardiovascular (CV) surgeon will either
monary vasodilation), providing sufficient right electively or emergently leave the sternum open
atrial preload and cardiac output, managing RV to allow the patient to undergo recovery and
failure, ensuring patient comfort and analgesia, achieve an adequate state of cardiac output and
and providing optimal mechanical ventilation hemodynamic stability. Additionally, some
and oxygenation [51]. Adequate positive patients with an open sternum may require the
end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) will assist in pre- use of a rib spreader or a splinting device to lift
venting atelectasis and pulmonary vasoconstric- the sternal edges off the heart to further decrease
tion, though excessive PEEP may be detrimental any remaining cardiac compression. A sterile
by causing hyperinflation and elevated PVR [49, occlusive dressing is placed over the open ster-
51, 52]. Pulmonary vasodilator therapy with phar- num by the CV surgeon to prevent mediastinal
macologic agents may assist in decreasing pulmo- contamination and infection.
nary vasoreactivity. Inhaled nitric oxide, a quick- After the patient has achieved hemodynamic
acting, selective pulmonary vasodilator, is cur- stability and recovery, DSC will be surgically
rently the agent of choice, although it is not performed either at the bedside or in the operating
always effective [53, 54]. Rebound PHTN associ- room (OR). The time frame for the use of an open
ated with abrupt discontinuation of iNO may be sternum is patient dependent; however, a range of
avoided by very slowly weaning iNO (especially 18–40 h with a median time of 21 h has been
below 5 ppm) and a single dose of oral sildenafil reported [60]. Clinical issues that may prevent
citrate. DSC include, but are not limited to, implantation
of a mechanical support device through the open
sternum or mediastinitis. In these situations, the
Delayed Sternal Closure sternum will remain open with a sterile occlusive
dressing in place until the device is surgically
Clinical and surgical management strategies that removed, or ongoing mediastinitis management
maximize and promote cardiac output after pedi- may include the use of a vacuum-assisted device
atric cardiac palliative or corrective surgery are for DSC.
essential in decreasing morbidity and promoting Experienced and technically advanced nurses
positive outcomes in the ongoing struggle with are required to provide minute-to-minute bedside
congenital heart disease. One such strategy is the care for these critically ill pediatric patients. There
surgical use of an open sternotomy followed by are two specific periods of recovery that require
delayed sternal closure (DSC) during the postop- special attention and focus. The patient recovery
erative period in the PCICU. This technique was periods are initially after returning from the OR
first described in 1978 in a pediatric case report with an open sternum and immediately after
and has continued to be utilized [55]. undergoing DSC.
Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care – Cardiovascular Management: Nursing Considerations 11

After returning from the OR, the nurse’s ongo- cardiac performance during this transition period.
ing bedside assessments and interventions are From a respiratory standpoint, the patient will
very system focused. Achieving and maintaining experience decreased chest wall compliance at
optimal cardiac output is the key goal in this the time of sternal closure, and this will in turn
recovery phase. The different indicators of cardiac impact patient oxygenation and ventilation. Mon-
function, which may include heart rate, blood itoring of breath sounds, chest wall excursion
pressure, filling pressures such as RAp, LAp, or during the phases of inspiration and expiration,
CVP, pulse oximetry, urine output, near-infrared pulse oximetry trends, and follow-up chest radio-
spectroscopy readings (NIRS), capillary refill, and graph after closure will provide the nurse with
central and peripheral perfusion, are monitored important information about the patient’s oxygen-
closely. The CV surgeon or intensive care medical ation and ventilation status. Ventilator changes
team will order interventions that are aimed at may have to be utilized to compensate for this
improving any deficit in cardiac performance. acute change in chest wall compliance and
The nurse is responsible for administering the improve overall patient oxygenation and ventila-
intravenous fluid, medications, or ventilator tion. Below is a summary of the hemodynamic
changes as ordered and providing the important changes associated with chest closure (see
follow-up patient clinical assessments. Monitor- Table 2) [61].
ing for complications such as postoperative bleed- The bedside nurse is the key individual in
ing is especially important. Patients who have providing ongoing clinical assessments and inter-
undergone cardiopulmonary bypass may return ventions for the patient undergoing open
from the OR with a potential for a coagulopathy sternotomy and DSC. Open and clear communi-
problem and may require monitoring of clotting cation strategies utilized by the nurse and the
factors and the administration of blood products. managing intensive care team and/or cardiovas-
This recovery period is very busy and stressful. cular surgeon are critical. The postoperative use of
The nurse demonstrates effective time manage- open sternotomy and delayed sternal closure has
ment and multitasking skills to meet the ongoing become a proven strategy in the surgical palliation
clinical needs of these patients. The guidelines for and/or repair for infants and children with con-
the care of the pediatric postoperative cardiac genital heart disease.
surgery patient (see Table 1) provide a summary
of different specialized nursing interventions and
considerations for the initial recovery period [61]. Use of Venoarterial Extracorporeal
Immediately after DSC, the nurse must be Membrane Oxygenation (VA-ECMO)
aware of the physiological cardiopulmonary
changes that occur at the time of sternotomy clo- In patients with cardiogenic shock that are failing
sure and monitor for the corresponding hemody- conventional medical therapies, mechanical circu-
namic clinical indicators. With sternal closure, the latory support should ideally be initiated early to
intrathoracic pressure increases which in turn improve survival and prevent end-organ dysfunc-
causes increased pressure and compression on tion. Common indications for VA-ECMO in the
the heart and lungs. Multiple hemodynamic cardiac patient include failure to wean from CPB,
changes have been demonstrated to occur at the progressive low cardiac output, cardiopulmonary
time of sternal closure [62, 63]. The cardiac arrest, profound cyanosis from intracardiac
changes will be reflected in the patient’s blood shunting, pulmonary hypertension, intractable
pressure, mean arterial pressure, and filling pres- arrhythmias, and respiratory failure [64,
sures. Depending on the clinical indicators and 65]. VA-ECMO may be used for short-term sup-
assessed markers of cardiac output, the patient port of the heart until the return of intrinsic myo-
may require additional fluid administration and cardial function, as a bridge to transplant or as a
initiation and/or titration of inotropic medication bridge for longer-term support with a ventricular
infusions to assist and manipulate the patient’s assist device when myocardial recovery duration
12 P. Lincoln et al.

Table 1 Guidelines for care of the pediatric postoperative cardiac surgery patient
Patient identification
Bag/mask at bedside with fractional inspired oxygen (FiO2) set appropriately for patient diagnosis
Suction available
Monitor alarm limits on and set appropriately for age and diagnosis
Paced setting on/off as appropriate
NBP cuff of appropriate size
Emergency medications and vasoactive infusions dose information
Vital signs monitored – heart rate, arterial blood pressure (ABP)/noninvasive blood pressure (NBP), RAp, LAp, PAp,
and CVP are recorded
Review heart rate and rhythm – note regularity and assess for bradycardia/tachycardia, arrhythmias
Temperature recorded every 2–4 h (consider continuous temperature monitoring for labile neonates or patients actively
being cooled)
Review invasive line waveforms and placement on CXR – interpret values
Four extremity NBP on admission of newborn, and then every shift and prn for patients with obstruction to systemic
blood flow lesions
Obtain and document PR interval (every shift and prn)
12-lead ECG on admission and with arrhythmias; consider need for atrial wire tracing prn
Pacemaker setting checked every hour and prn – knowledge of underlying rhythm
Assessment of heart sounds for presence of murmurs (continuous murmur with patient on prostaglandin E 1 (PGE 1)
infusion and patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) or patient with Blalock-Taussig shunt (BTS))
Assessment of perfusion – warmth of extremities, capillary refill time, presence of differential between core and
peripheral temperature
Assessment of central and peripheral pulses (0 absent, 1+ barely palpable, 2+ normal, 3+ full volume, 4+ bounding)
Record amount and characteristics of all chest tube drainage hourly as needed
Assess respiratory rate and depth, evidence of distress, and quality of breath sounds every 2 h and with change in clinical
Check endotracheal tube (ETT) placement on CXR
Identify patients at high risk for decompensation with ETT suctioning (patients with sensitive PVR)
Suction ETT once a shift and when clinically indicated: document breath sounds before and after intervention
Assess and document ventilator settings and monitored parameters every 2 h and when arterial blood gas (ABG) drawn
or ventilator changes made
Assess and document EtCO 2 hourly and with ABG analysis
Ventilator FiO 2 set no lower than.30 to.40 for all patients except:
patient with a BTS or ductal-dependent lesion
Ambu bag set at 100% for all patients except:
patient with BTS or ductal-dependent lesion – room air or 10% greater than vent
Assess level of consciousness (LOC), orientation, and baseline behavior on admission and hourly as indicated
Assess movement and strength off all extremities
For patients <2 years of age – Head circumference on admission
Auscultate bowel sounds
Assess and document abdominal girth on patient <1 year of age on admission, once a shift, and every 4 hours while
advancing feeds
Assess stool for color, consistency, and presence of blood
Daily calorie calculation for patients <1 year of age, NPO patients, and patients receiving IV nutrition or tube feeding
Monitor serum laboratory results
Hourly documentation of all intake and output
Assess response to diuretic therapy
Skin assessment (including back and gluteal fold) on admission and with each turn
Turn/reposition patient every 2 h
Assess skin under medical devices prn as needed
Assess all surgical sites and need for dressings
Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care – Cardiovascular Management: Nursing Considerations 13

Table 2 Hemodynamic changes associated with chest closure

Blood pressure No change or Administration of fluids
decrease Initiation or titration of infusion(s) of inotropic medications
Monitor for signs and symptoms or markers of decreased cardiac
Obtain echocardiogram to assess for function and tamponade
Mean systemic arterial No change or Administration of fluids
pressure decrease Initiation or titration of infusion(s) of inotropic medications
Monitor for signs and symptoms or markers of decreased cardiac
Filling pressures Increases Monitoring for changes in preload
Central venous pressure Administration of fluids
Right atrial pressure Administration of diuretic
Left atrial pressure Monitor for signs and symptoms of tamponade
Decreased chest wall Changes in Manipulate minute ventilation by changing rate or title volume
compliance ventilation Obtain follow-up arterial blood gas analysis to assess patient
Changes in Manipulate with change in positive end-expiratory pressure or
oxygenation oxygen percentage
Obtain follow-up arterial blood gas analysis to assess patient
Based on data from Main et al. [62] and McElhinney et al. [63]

is greater than expected or not anticipated. A venous saturation, renal and hepatic function
system for rapid deployment of ECMO during tests, and hematological studies as well as evalu-
resuscitation, or extracorporeal cardiopulmonary ation of urine output [65]. Patients may benefit
resuscitation (ECPR), necessitates the appropriate from a mild degree of hypothermia in the first 24 h
resources and personnel for full time in hospital to prevent the progression of further neurologic
coverage. This requires a skilled team including injury [66]. Temperature is adjusted accordingly
nurses, cardiac surgeons, ECMO therapists, car- via the heat exchanger from the ECMO circuit,
diac intensivists, respiratory therapists, and con- and a continuous temperature monitoring may be
sultation with specialty services that include initiated. The patient should be evaluated for
hematology, neurology, cardiac transplantation, increased LV wall stress and left atrial hyperten-
social services, child life, and pastoral care. The sion from aortic cannula position and poor LV
ECMO specialist works directly with the bedside function predisposing the patient to excessive
nurse and members of the interdisciplinary team LV dilation, pulmonary edema or hemorrhage,
and is responsible for maintaining the circuit, and prolonged myocardial recovery [67,
minimizing circuit-related complications, and 68]. Echocardiography and clinical analysis are
managing circuit emergencies. indicated to diagnose this problem. Left atrial
Once the patient is stabilized on ECMO and decompression may be accomplished with a vent
adequate flow is established, it is necessary to placed from the LA to the venous side of the
identify any possible causes for patient decom- circuit in the patient with an open sternotomy
pensation. A chest radiograph is obtained to eval- incision or by transcatheter approach to create an
uate cannula placement, and blood tests are intra-atrial communication [68]. While supported
performed to assess tissue perfusion and with ECMO, patients are at risk for significant
end-organ function. Laboratory tests include eval- complications including bleeding, thromboem-
uation of acid–base balance, serum lactate, mixed bolic injury, neurological insult, infection, renal
14 P. Lincoln et al.

dysfunction, and multisystem organ failure [69– oxygenation [72]. Physical exam, lung compli-
71]. ance, arterial blood gas analysis, and chest radio-
Monitoring of cardiac output and hemody- graph results are used to manipulate ventilatory
namic parameters is accomplished with the con- support. If increased PVR is present, vasodilator
tinuous assessment of heart rate, rhythm, arterial therapy or iNO may be helpful as indicated. Gen-
and venous blood pressures, and tissue perfusion. eralized opacification of the lungs often develops
Despite adequate tissue perfusion in the presence within 24 h following cannulation as a result of
of unstable arrhythmias while on ECMO, mea- capillary leak and inflammation from blood con-
sures to restore atrioventricular synchrony should tact with ECMO surfaces. This can also be a
be taken since myocardial distension and poor consequence of left atrial hypertension and
recovery of ventricular function may otherwise requires urgent decompression of the left atrium.
ensue. This may be achieved with the stabilization The airway should be maintained as needed with
of electrolytes, antiarrhythmic therapies, cardiac routine pulmonary toilette with gentle endotra-
pacing, and defibrillation or cardioversion cheal tube suctioning. Caution is required to pre-
[72]. Typically, mean arterial and venous pres- vent pulmonary hemorrhage.
sures are monitored since ECMO flow is rela- Hemorrhage and thromboembolic events are
tively nonpulsatile causing pressure waves to common complications while on mechanical cir-
dampen. Venous and intracardiac pressures are culatory support [73]. Blood contact with the for-
generally low. Elevated filling pressures are sug- eign surfaces of the ECMO circuit stimulates
gestive of cardiac tamponade or decreased myo- complement and clotting cascades causing the
cardial function [72]. Mean arterial pressure activation of multiple blood components. This
(MAP) varies according to the size and age of predisposes the patient to a chronic inflammatory
the patient and is generally adequate if 35– state and thromboembolic events [72]. An imma-
45 mmHg is attained in neonates or greater than ture hematologic system may complicate the anti-
60–70 mmHg in larger pediatric and adult patients coagulation course in the pediatric patient on
[72]. ECMO circulation is dependent on adequate mechanical circulatory support. Routine monitor-
preload and avoidance of increased afterload. ing includes assessment of activated partial
Fluid should be readily available to manage hypo- thromboplastin time (aPTT), prothrombin time
volemia along with blood products to treat abnor- (PT), fibrinogen, unfractionated heparin level,
mal hematologic parameters (see Table 3). hematocrit, platelet count, activated clotting time
Providing a level of inotropic support may assist (ACT), and antithrombin III levels (AT III) (see
with assisting intrinsic cardiac ejection and Table 1). Heparin is the anticoagulant that is com-
maintaining adequate blood pressure if needed monly used to avoid complications related to
[73]. Increased SVR may inhibit the forward coagulopathy. Heparin binds to AT III to suppress
flow of ECMO and inhibit tissue perfusion. the coagulation effects of factor X and fibrin. If AT
Excessive use of inotropes, hypothermia, III levels are inadequate, heparin response may be
tamponade, or mechanical problems may all con- suboptimal. Treatment with AT III or fresh frozen
tribute to increased afterload and should be plasma (FFP) assists in maintaining therapeutic
avoided. Pharmacologic measures for afterload AT III levels. In addition, thromboelastograph
reduction may be accomplished with phosphodi- (TEG) analysis is used to assess time to clot for-
esterase inhibitors such as milrinone, vasodilators, mation as well as specific properties of thrombus
and beta-adrenergic blockers [65]. Analgesics and and may be helpful in monitoring and diagnosis of
sedatives are often used to manage patient pain coagulation issues during ECMO support
and agitation as well as to minimize the effects of [72]. An anticoagulation monitoring protocol
pulmonary and systemic vascular resistance. may be helpful to provide a standardized approach
Once on full ECMO support, mechanical ven- to managing hematological parameters, decrease
tilation should be adjusted to maintain adequate circuit interventions, and minimize complications
pulmonary venous saturation and coronary of bleeding and clotting.
Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care – Cardiovascular Management: Nursing Considerations 15

Table 3 Therapeutic hematologic values for the patient on include tachycardia and elevated intracardiac and
VA-ECMO central venous filling pressures and convex
PT <17 s appearance of open sternotomy dressing with sub-
aPTT 60–80 s sequent hypotension. These signs may present
ACT 180–210 s with increased chest tube output or sudden cessa-
Fibrinogen >100 mg/dl tion of drainage. Immediate surgical exploration
Unfractionated heparin 0.3–0.7 IUnits/ml of the chest is required.
Antithrombin III >70% Neurologic injury, including brain death,
Platelet count >100,000
infarction, or intracranial hemorrhage, is a com-
Hematocrit 35%
mon complication of ECMO support [74–
76]. Careful assessment of the patient’s neuro-
Patients are at significant risk for hemorrhage logic status including hourly pupil response in
related to coagulopathy and anticoagulation the sedated and anesthetized patient, level of con-
requirement. Those who are cannulated in the sciousness, and assessment for seizure activity is
perioperative phase are especially at risk due to warranted. Infants with an open fontanel should
fresh suture lines, dilution of clotting factors, have a routine head ultrasound performed every
hypothermia, low oxygenation, and acidosis 2 days or more frequently as needed to assess for
[72]. Unfractionated heparin levels, aPTT, ACT, intracranial hemorrhage [65]. Routine neurology
and other anticoagulation tests may need to be consult following ECMO cannulation is indicated
adjusted accordingly if significant bleeding is pre- for both short- and long-term assessment of neu-
sent. Bleeding may occur from surgical incisions rological status.
and drains as well as within major organ systems While analgesics and sedatives are used to
including the cranium, abdomen, and lungs. provide patient comfort, it is necessary to avoid
Hypertension should be avoided to minimize pharmacologic muscle relaxants as possible to
bleeding. Venipuncture and arterial punctures as promote optimal neurological exams and sponta-
well as invasive or potentially traumatic proce- neous respiratory effort as appropriate. Analgesics
dures should be avoided whenever possible. In such as morphine and benzodiazepines are often
order to avoid bleeding, caution should be taken used to promote comfort and decrease pain and
with endotracheal tube suctioning and when anxiety while on ECMO support. Inhaled anes-
inserting nasogastric (NG) or nasojejunal thetic agents, such as isoflurane, may also be used
(NJ) tubes. The appropriate blood products, [77]. Once the patient is weaned from muscle
including platelets, packed red blood cells, FFP, relaxants and anesthetic agents, developmentally
and cryoprecipitate, are used to treat non- and physiologically appropriate pain scales are
therapeutic levels and coagulopathy (see helpful in pain management.
Table 3). Exposure to blood products should be Cardiac patients on ECMO support are at high
limited in order to avoid sensitization of the risk for infection from multiple central and periph-
patients and the formation of associated anti- eral venous and arterial access sites, surgical inci-
bodies that may compromise future organ trans- sions, prolonged mechanical ventilation, invasive
plantation compatibility. catheters and tubes, and immune-compromised
Postcardiotomy patients are at greater risk for state [70]. Antibiotic and fungal prophylaxis is
cardiac tamponade, inhibiting venous return to the indicated to prevent infection while receiving
ECMO circuit and compromising systemic circu- mechanical circulatory support. Typical signs of
lation. Chest tubes must remain patent to allow for infection may be unreliable while on ECMO sup-
drainage of blood from the chest cavity, and port since temperature is regulated by the heat
patients with open sternotomy incisions require exchanger, and thrombocytopenia may occur as
continuous assessment of the site to ensure a a result of platelet destruction by the ECMO cir-
concave appearance. Signs of cardiac tamponade cuit. Routine complete blood count and cultures
16 P. Lincoln et al.

while on support may be indicated to rule out damage to the lower extremities. In these patients,
infection [65]. distal perfusion may be compromised enough to
Once on ECMO, aggressive fluid management consider a jump graft to provide adequate distal
is warranted for most patients due to fluid over- limb circulation.
load from resuscitation, low cardiac output, renal Parents with critically ill children requiring
dysfunction, or capillary leak from CPB prior to invasive life support are predisposed to feelings
cannulation [72, 77]. Fluid overload is managed of helplessness and anxiety related to fear of their
with pharmacologic therapies including furose- child’s suffering, neurologic injury, or death
mide, fenoldopam, renal range dopamine, and [84]. The bedside nurse is in a critical position to
other diuretic agents. Renal dysfunction is a com- provide information and organize communication
mon complication of mechanical circulatory sup- with the interdisciplinary team especially during a
port and a predictor of mortality for patients on time of uncertainty regarding patient prognosis
ECMO [70, 78, 79]. Accurate assessment of urine and survival. Honest and open dialogue with fam-
output, correction of electrolyte imbalance, and ilies is crucial for building trust and to assist in
monitoring renal function tests are indicated. guiding decisions. Support from social work,
Efforts should be directed at promoting intrinsic child life, and pastoral care services play a valu-
urine output. Ultrafiltration, continuous able role in assisting families in crisis.
venovenous hemofiltration, or dialysis may other- Time on ECMO is variable and dependent on
wise be indicated. myocardial recovery or decision to transplant,
Children with complex congenital heart dis- transition to a longer-term mechanical support
ease are at high risk for growth failure [80]. Tradi- with a ventricular assist device, or withdrawal of
tionally, parental nutrition has been the preferred support for severe, irreversible, and end-organ
method of optimizing nutrition in pediatric car- dysfunction. Decannulation from ECMO support
diac patients supported on VA-ECMO because of is attempted after signs of myocardial recovery are
the risks associated with inadequate gut perfusion. apparent with trials on decreased ECMO flow
The effects of high-dose vasopressors on the gas- rates. Echocardiography, evaluation of pulsatile
trointestinal system prior to initiating ECMO [81] blood pressure, hemodynamic status, acid–base
and the alteration in gut function secondary to balance, serum lactate, and mixed venous satura-
CBP [82] may increase the risk of developing tion are used to determine readiness for
necrotizing enterocolitis. Use of enteral nutrition decannulation [72]. Mechanical ventilatory sup-
in neonates on VA-ECMO was found to be well port should be adjusted to provide optimal oxy-
tolerated with few complications [81]. genation and ventilation, and vasoactive infusions
Patients on ECMO support are at risk for pres- are in line and administered as needed to support
sure ulcers (PU) and decreased circulation from cardiac output. The patient should receive ade-
immobilization, potential compromised tissue quate analgesia, sedation, and muscle relaxants
perfusion, and poor nutrition. Patient position to decrease stress. If the patient tolerates low
should be changed every 2 h, and skin and pres- flow of less than 15% prior to clamping and ade-
sure points are assessed routinely. Due to the size quate tissue oxygenation and perfusion for at least
and distribution of mass, infants and smaller 60 min with the circuit clamped, decannulation
patients are at risk for developing pressure ulcers may be attempted [72].
on the occipital area, while older patients are at
greater risk for pressure-related wounds on sacral
areas [83]. Despite site of cannulation, the patients References
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