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How does the NIV compare to the KJV?

Hundreds of texts showing the true quality of the NIV translation!

This is a sampling of texts from a broad spectrum of doctrines, concepts, and

magnitude of importance, comparing the King James Version with that of the New
International Version. Each text can be seen side-by-side for easy comparison, and
those who wish to may also view these texts from by clicking on
the link at the left in each row.

Please note: These texts are just a sampling and do not represent a complete list, nor
are these necessarily representative of the most important differences in the
translations presented. Additionally, this list is arranged in a chronological order, and
not, as might be better, by topic. In order to understand the magnitude of the
individual changes, one must look at the sum of all similar changes of the same
subject matter throughout the entire Bible.

Bible King James New Notes:

Passage Version (KJV) International
Version (NIV)

Genesis 1:1 In the beginning In the beginning The NIV changes just one
God created the God created the word here in English from
Read online heaven and the heavens and the KJV, with minimal
at earth. earth. justification. Notice that in
BibleGateway verse 8 the word is clearly
singular. This is the
"heaven" referred to here.
Some, looking at the
expanse of the "skies" do
plural it, but the "heavens"
should not be
misunderstood to apply to
other than that belonging
to this earth. (This word in
Hebrew, like the Hebrew
word for "face," has no
singular form--but that
doesn't mean everyone is
two-faced, nor that there is
no single "heaven" to
address. It is akin to the
word "physics" in English,
which lacks a singular

Genesis 1:2 And the earth Now the earth The footnote is added to
was without was [fn1] this verse to support those
Read online form, and void; formless and who believe life may have
at and darkness empty, darkness existed on earth prior to
BibleGateway was upon the was over the creation week. It is
face of the deep. surface of the uncalled for. The actual
And the Spirit deep, and the translation of the rest of
of God moved Spirit of God the verse is fine.
upon the face of was hovering
the waters. over the waters.

Or possibly

Genesis 1:5 And God called God called the NIV lowercases the names
the light Day, light "day," and God assigned, appropriate
Read online and the darkness the darkness he for modern common
at he called Night. called "night." English usage, but lacking
BibleGateway And the evening And there was in the significance of
and the morning evening, and God's nomenclature.
were the first there was These words are symbols
day. morning—the of other spiritual truths
first day. throughout the Bible.

Genesis 1:6 And God said, And God said, Here again the NIV
Read online Let there be a "Let there be an meddles with the plurals,
at firmament in the expanse making "waters" singular
BibleGateway midst of the between the in two of its three
waters, and let it waters to occurrences. This
KJV NIV divide the separate water distances it from its
waters from the from water." prophetic significance in
waters. which "waters" represent
people (see Revelation
17:15). Like "heavens,"
there is no singular form
of "waters" in Hebrew, so
it is a matter of
interpretation; but the KJV
rendering is more
consistent here.

Genesis 1:8 And God called God called the The use of "sky" in place
the firmament expanse "sky." of "Heaven" here in the
Read online Heaven. And And there was NIV significantly erodes
at the evening and evening, and its correlation with other
BibleGateway the morning there was Bible passages, such as the
were the second morning—the fourth commandment,
day. second day. where the NIV reverts to
the correct form of
"heavens." This muddles
the controversy
surrounding Creation vs.
Evolution by
disconnecting the link as
to which "heavens" are
referred to in the Sabbath

Genesis 1:9 And God said, And God said, The use of "dry ground" in
Let the waters "Let the water place of "the dry land" is
Read online under the under the sky be very significant to the next
at heaven be gathered to one three verses, again
BibleGateway gathered place, and let destroying the link
together unto dry ground between Genesis 1 and the
KJV NIV one place, and appear." And it Sabbath commandment in
let the dry land was so. Exodus 20, not to mention
appear: and it multiple other passages in
was so. the Bible.

Genesis 1:10 And God called God called the Calling the "dry ground"
the dry land dry ground "land" in place of "earth"
Read online Earth; and the "land," and the directly removes the link
at gathering gathered waters to the Sabbath
BibleGateway together of the he called "seas." commandment and other
waters called he And God saw passages of the Bible. It
Seas: and God that it was good. essentially removes the
saw that it was Biblical definition of the
good. term "earth" from the
Bible. Of course, in other
passages, the NIV is happy
to use the now-undefined
term "earth."

Genesis 1:11 And God said, Then God said, Again, the NIV attempts to
Let the earth "Let the land remove a Bible definition.
Read online bring forth produce The word "grass"
at grass, the herb vegetation: symbolizes people in
BibleGateway yielding seed, seed-bearing prophecy, as further
and the fruit tree plants and trees defined in Isaiah 40:7 and
yielding fruit on the land that other passages. The NIV is
after his kind, bear fruit with happy to use "grass" in
whose seed is in seed in it, those--why avoid the term
itself, upon the according to here? Again, the Bible's
earth: and it was their various own congruity and
so. kinds." And it integrity is lessened by
was so. this change.

Genesis 1:12 And the earth The land Here the use of the word
brought forth produced "grass," significant
Read online grass, and herb vegetation: throughout the Bible, is
at yielding seed plants bearing again omitted in the NIV.
BibleGateway after his kind, seed according
and the tree to their kinds
KJV NIV yielding fruit, and trees
whose seed was bearing fruit
in itself, after with seed in it
his kind: and according to
God saw that it their kinds. And
was good. God saw that it
was good.

Genesis 1:14 And God said, And God said, Apart from the
Let there be "Let there be substitution of "skies" for
Read online lights in the lights in the "heaven," one other
at firmament of expanse of the change here is significant:
BibleGateway the heaven to sky to separate the NIV translation
divide the day the day from the removes the fact that the
from the night; night, and let lights will be for "signs."
and let them be them serve as The NIV rendering leaves
for signs, and signs to mark the lights only as markings
for seasons, and seasons and for seasons, days and
for days, and days and years, years--but not for signs.
years: This removes some
important prophetic

Genesis 1:24 And God said, And God said, The addition of the word
Let the earth "Let the land "wild" here in NIV is
Read online bring forth the produce living subtle. It is, however,
at living creature creatures contrary to the truth about
BibleGateway after his kind, according to how God made the
cattle, and their kinds: animals. Animals had no
creeping thing, livestock, reason to fear mankind
and beast of the creatures that before sin, and were not,
earth after his move along the therefore, "wild."
kind: and it was ground, and
so. wild animals,
each according
to its kind." And
it was so.

Genesis 1:25 And God made God made the NIV again adds the word
the beast of the wild animals "wild," which is incorrect.
Read online earth after his according to While the animals are
at kind, and cattle their kinds, the indeed wild in today's
BibleGateway after their kind, livestock world, they were not wild
and every thing according to in the beginning when
that creepeth their kinds, and God created them.
upon the earth all the creatures
after his kind: that move along
and God saw the ground
that it was good. according to
their kinds. And
God saw that it
was good.

Genesis 2:1 Thus the Thus the The word "host" (Heb.
heavens and the heavens and the ‫ ) ָצבָא‬here is changed to
Read online earth were earth were "vast array" in the NIV. In
at finished, and all completed in all other places, the NIV
BibleGateway the host of their vast array. changes "host" to such
them. terms as "heavenly array,"
"starry skies," and "starry
hosts." However, the NIV
cannot make the change
away from "host"
consistently, as observed
in texts like 1 Kings 22:19
and 2 Chronicles 18:18.
The proliferation of terms
confuses, rather than
simplifies, and makes
things more difficult to
understand in the end.

Genesis 6:3 And the LORD Then the Lord The KJV "flesh" (Heb.
said, My spirit said, "My Spirit ‫ ) ָבּשָׂר‬becomes "mortal" in
Read online shall not always will not contend the NIV...but these words
at strive with man, with man are hardly synonymous.
BibleGateway for that he also forever, for he is
is flesh: yet his mortal; his days
days shall be an will be a
hundred and hundred and
twenty years. twenty years."

Genesis 49:10 The sceptre The scepter will NIV here reduces the
shall not depart not depart from promise of the Messiah to
Read online from Judah, nor Judah, nor the a nameless pronoun and
at a lawgiver from ruler's staff from muddles the meaning with
BibleGateway between his between his that of Judah.
feet, until feet, until he
Shiloh come; comes to whom
and unto him it belongs and
shall the the obedience of
gathering of the the nations is
people be. his.

Exodus 20:4 Thou shalt not "You shall not NIV has altered the
make unto thee make for grammar which now
Read online any graven yourself an idol reduces the scope of the
at image, or any in the form of commandment. A "graven
BibleGateway likeness of any anything in image" is more like a
thing that is in heaven above or "sculpture" than an "idol."
heaven above, on the earth Removing the "OR" is
or that is in the beneath or in key.
earth beneath, the waters
or that is in the below.
water under the
Exodus 20:5 Thou shalt not You shall not "Visiting" and "punishing"
bow down bow down to are not the same. While
Read online thyself to them, them or worship "visiting" may mean
at nor serve them: them; for I, the "punishing", "punishing"
BibleGateway for I the LORD LORD your could never mean
thy God am a God, am a "visiting." So the NIV
jealous God, jealous God, translators have chosen
visiting the punishing the our interpretation for us.
iniquity of the children for the
fathers upon the sin of the
children unto fathers to the
the third and third and fourth
fourth generation of
generation of those who hate
them that hate me,

Exodus 20:6 And shewing but showing Mercy and love may be
mercy unto love to a similar, but they are not
Read online thousands of thousand the same. Neither are
at them that love {generations} of "thousands" and "a
BibleGateway me, and keep those who love thousand {generations}"
my me and keep my the same. The NIV has
commandments. commandments. added its own perspective
here, regardless of the
original intent. Does not
God love everyone?

Exodus 20:7 Thou shalt not "You shall not Again, the NIV has
take the name of misuse the narrowed the scope of the
Read online the LORD thy name of the command. To "take the
at God in vain; for LORD your name of the LORD thy
BibleGateway the LORD will God, for the God in vain" is NOT the
not hold him LORD will not same as to "misuse the
guiltless that hold anyone name of the LORD your
taketh his name guiltless who God." The Hebrew word
in vain. misuses his "ṯiś·śā" translated as
name. "take" might also be
rendered as "bear" or
"carry" or "sustain" or
even "lift up": it is the
commandment, telling
God's followers not to be
called "Christians" without
actually being Christians.

Exodus 20:10 But the seventh but the seventh Subtle: "the Sabbath" is
day is the day is a Sabbath changed to "a Sabbath".
Read online sabbath of the to the LORD This would broaden the
at LORD thy God: your God. On it scope of the command to
BibleGateway in it thou shalt you shall not do cover ALL sabbaths, and
not do any any work, effectively create
work, thou, nor neither you, nor confusion within the Bible
thy son, nor thy your son or itself, for God did not
daughter, thy daughter, nor create the world in seven
manservant, nor your days prior to each of the
thy maidservant, manservant or ceremonial sabbaths. In
nor thy cattle, maidservant, Hebrew, there is no
nor thy stranger nor your indefinite article.
that is within animals, nor the
thy gates: alien within
your gates.

Exodus 34:6 And the LORD And he passed NIV rearranges and
passed by in front of rewords the attributes of
Read online before him, and Moses, God, seemingly at will.
at proclaimed, The proclaiming, The first changes to this
BibleGateway LORD, The "The LORD, the text occur in the names
LORD God, LORD, the and pronouns. Later,
merciful and compassionate goodness becomes love,
gracious, and gracious truth becomes faithfulness.
longsuffering, God, slow to
and abundant in anger,
goodness and abounding in
truth, love and

Exodus 34:7 Keeping mercy maintaining Mercy becomes love, such

for thousands, love to that now we have love
Read online forgiving thousands, and repeated twice in the list
at iniquity and forgiving even though these are two
BibleGateway transgression wickedness, different words in Hebrew.
and sin, and that rebellion and Visiting becomes
will by no sin. Yet he does punishing (the Hebrew
means clear the not leave the word in this case is more
guilty; visiting guilty often translated in the
the iniquity of unpunished; he positive, such as when
the fathers upon punishes the God visits the earth and
the children, children and waters it, Ps. 65:9).
and upon the their children
children's for the sin of the
children, unto fathers to the
the third and to third and fourth
the fourth generation."

Leviticus It shall be a " 'This is a NIV swaps the KJV

3:17 perpetual statute lasting "perpetual," with its sense
for your ordinance for of permanence, as is
Read online generations the generations present in the Hebrew,
at throughout all to come, with "lasting." Lasting
BibleGateway your dwellings, wherever you until when?
that ye eat live: You must
neither fat nor not eat any fat
blood. or any blood.' "

Leviticus And if a woman " 'When a The original text, as per

15:19 have an issue, woman has her the KJV, says nothing
Read online and her issue in regular flow of about how long the issue
at her flesh be blood, the (or discharge) will last,
BibleGateway blood, she shall impurity of her only that the woman is to
be put apart monthly period be put apart for a week for
KJV NIV seven days: and will last seven it. The NIV, in addition to
whosoever days, and adding the concept of
toucheth her anyone who "monthly," dares to predict
shall be unclean touches her will how long the flow will
until the even. be unclean till last!

Leviticus None of you " 'No one is to NIV again narrows the
18:6 shall approach approach any scope. Did the translators
to any that is close relative to feel it is alright to "look
Read online near of kin to have sexual but don't touch?"
at him, to uncover relations. I am
BibleGateway their nakedness: the LORD.
I am the LORD.

Leviticus The nakedness " 'Do not NIV has added the concept
18:7 of thy father, or dishonor your of honor in this verse,
the nakedness of father by having converting it from a
Read online thy mother, sexual relations straight "thus saith the
at shalt thou not with your Lord" type of a command
BibleGateway uncover: she is mother. She is to one of private
thy mother; thou your mother; do interpretation.
shalt not not have
uncover her relations with
nakedness. her.

Leviticus Thou shalt not " 'Do not seek Subtle: NIV has removed
19:18 avenge, nor bear revenge or bear the familiar wording "you
any grudge a grudge against shall" which would
Read online against the one of your identify it as the command
at children of thy people, but love reiterated by Jesus in the
KJV NIV people, but thou your neighbor New Testament, and
shalt love thy as yourself. I which parallels the words
neighbour as am the LORD. used in the Ten
thyself: I am the Commandments. This
LORD. amounts to a subtle attack
upon the "Old Covenant."

Leviticus It shall be unto It is a sabbath of By rearrangement of the

23:32 you a sabbath of rest for you, and sentence structure, the
rest, and ye you must deny NIV attempts to define the
Read online shall afflict your yourselves. sabbath hours for a single
at souls: in the From the day per year only, whereas
BibleGateway ninth day of the evening of the the KJV renders it more
month at even, ninth day of the broadly applicable.
from even unto month until the
even, shall ye following
celebrate your evening you are
sabbath. to observe your

Numbers God is not a God is not a Perhaps this is but a small

23:19 man, that he man, that he difference, but I like the
should lie; should lie, nor a KJV "the son of man"
Read online neither the son son of man, that better than the NIV "a son
at of man, that he he should of man," simply for the
BibleGateway should repent: change his parallel to the New
hath he said, mind. Does he Testament it invokes.
and shall he not speak and then Jesus, born to Mary, is
do it? or hath he not act? Does he called "the son of man."
spoken, and promise and not
shall he not fulfill?
make it good?

Deuteronomy And Moses Moses Notice the "easier" English

5:1 called all Israel, summoned all of the NIV? Called ->
and said unto Israel and said: summoned; speak ->
Read online them, Hear, O Hear, O Israel, declare; do -> follow. The
at Israel, the the decrees and NIV also omits the
BibleGateway statutes and laws I declare in concept of "keeping"
judgments your hearing God's law.
KJV NIV which I speak in today. Learn
your ears this them and be
day, that ye may sure to follow
learn them, and them.
keep, and do

Deuteronomy But the seventh but the seventh After both versions have
5:14 day is the day is a Sabbath translated "remember the
sabbath of the to the LORD sabbath day" in verse 12,
Read online LORD thy God: your God. On it NIV splits away with "a
at in it thou shalt you shall not do sabbath." It would be more
BibleGateway not do any any work, consistent to drop the
work, thou, nor neither you, nor indefinite article, and say
thy son, nor thy your son or "Sabbath" in place of "a
daughter, nor daughter, nor Sabbath," following the
thy manservant, your original Hebrew.
nor thy manservant or
maidservant, maidservant,
nor thine ox, nor nor your ox,
thine ass, nor your donkey or
any of thy any of your
cattle, nor thy animals, nor the
stranger that is alien within
within thy gates; your gates, so
that thy that your
manservant and manservant and
thy maidservant maidservant
may rest as well may rest, as you
as thou. do.

Deuteronomy Hear, O Israel: Hear, O Israel: Small difference.

6:4 The LORD our The LORD our
Read online God is one God, the LORD The Hebrew might be
at LORD: is one. rendered as "Listen, Israel!
BibleGateway Jehovah our God, Jehovah
is one" OR "Listen, Israel!
KJV NIV Jehovah, our God
Jehovah, is one." (The
original Hebrew lacked

Deuteronomy And thou shalt Love the LORD KJV clearly preserves the
6:5 love the LORD your God with command in Decalogue
thy God with all all your heart style with "thou shalt."
Read online thine heart, and and with all The NIV throws these
at with all thy your soul and words away.
BibleGateway soul, and with with all your
all thy might. strength.

Deuteronomy See, I have set See, I set before NIV changes "good" to
30:15 before thee this you today life "prosperity" and "evil" to
day life and and prosperity, "destruction", though these
Read online good, and death death and are hardly synonyms.
at and evil; destruction.


Joshua 1:6 Be strong and of "Be strong and The NIV "lead" takes
a good courage: courageous, considerable liberty with
Read online for unto this because you this translation. The
at people shalt will lead these Hebrew word aligns better
BibleGateway thou divide for people to inherit with "divide" or
an inheritance the land I swore "apportion."
the land, which to their
I sware unto forefathers to
their fathers to give them.
give them.

1 Samuel And the king The king said to Poor translation: The
28:13 said unto her, her, "Don't be Hebrew word translated as
Be not afraid: afraid. What do "gods" in the KJV is the
Read online for what sawest you see?" The word "Elohim" (Heb.
at thou? And the woman said, "I ‫ה֥ים‬1ֱ
ִ ‫)א‬. We know this word
BibleGateway woman said see a spirit [fn1] is plural in this text
unto Saul, I saw coming up out because its verb
gods ascending of the ground." "ascending" is in plural
out of the earth. form in Hebrew. While it
FOOTNOTE: can mean one of several
Or see spirits; or things, in the KJV this
see gods word is never translated as

2 Samuel And what one And who is like Notice the clear distinction
7:23 nation in the your people in the KJV between God
earth is like thy Israel—the one (thy) and the people (you).
Read online people, even nation on earth The NIV loses this clarity
at like Israel, that God went and also omits the concept
BibleGateway whom God went out to redeem as of the land, which the KJV
to redeem for a a people for additionally makes clear is
people to himself, and to belonging to God.
himself, and to make a name
make him a for himself, and
name, and to do to perform great
for you great and awesome
things and wonders by
terrible, for thy driving out
land, before thy nations and
people, which their gods from
thou redeemedst before your
to thee from people, whom
Egypt, from the you redeemed
nations and their from Egypt?
1 Chronicles Then David Then David The NIV never uses
28:11 gave to gave his son "mercy seat" (apart from
Solomon his Solomon the two footnotes). In this text,
Read online son the pattern plans for the it has replaced it with "the
at of the porch, portico of the place of atonement"; in
BibleGateway and of the temple, its other passages it may be
houses thereof, buildings, its "the atonement cover" or
and of the storerooms, its simply "the cover." But
treasuries upper parts, its none of these is an
thereof, and of inner rooms and accurate translation. See
the upper the place of more of its failures to
chambers atonement. mention "mercy seat" in
thereof, and of Exodus 25:17-22; 26:34;
the inner parlors 30:6; 31:7; 35:12; 37:6-9;
thereof, and of 39:35; 40:20; Leviticus
the place of the 16:2, 13-15; Numbers
mercy seat, 7:89; and Hebrews 9:5.

Job 20:21 There shall none Nothing is left Completely changed --

of his meat be for him to "left", "his", and "for" are
Read online left; therefore devour; his the only words of the NIV
at shall no man prosperity will version which can be
BibleGateway look for his not endure. found in the KJV.

Job 21:13 They spend They spend NIV changes the time, and
their days in their years in falsely adds the concept of
Read online wealth, and in a prosperity and "peace" (this word is not
at moment go go down to the in the Hebrew text). Verse
BibleGateway down to the grave in peace. 7 clearly names the
grave. wicked as the subject here,
and Isaiah 57:21 is
emphatic about the wicked
not having peace.
Job 23:12 Neither have I I have not The NIV has carried over
gone back from departed from from the New Testament
Read online the the commands its hate for the idea of
at commandment of his lips; I fasting, by changing this
BibleGateway of his lips; I have treasured verse to erase the concept
have esteemed the words of his of self denial.
the words of his mouth more
mouth more than my daily
than my bread.
necessary food.

Psalms 1:6 For the LORD For the LORD The Hebrew word "yada"
knoweth the watches over means "to know,
Read online way of the the way of the recognize, understand; to
at righteous: but righteous, but have sexual relations; to
BibleGateway the way of the the way of the be respected; to be known,
ungodly shall wicked will make oneself known" etc.
perish. perish. It is never equivalent to
"watch over" as the NIV
has rendered it.

Psalms 2:12 Kiss the Son, Kiss the Son, The NIV incorrectly
lest he be angry, lest he be angry portrays the Son as
Read online and ye perish and you be impatient or fickle with
at from the way, destroyed in the added words "can flare
BibleGateway when his wrath your way, for up in a moment."
is kindled but a his wrath can
little. Blessed flare up in a
are all they that moment.
put their trust in Blessed are all
him. who take refuge
in him.

Ecclesiastes For the living For the living [No problem] This verse is
9:5 know that they know that they included solely to provide
shall die: but the will die, but the appropriate context to the
Read online dead know not dead know next two verses (see
at any thing, nothing; they below).
BibleGateway neither have have no further
they any more a reward, and
KJV NIV reward; for the even the
memory of them memory of
is forgotten. them is

Ecclesiastes Also their love, Their love, their Notice NIV "have long
9:6 and their hatred, hate and their since" versus KJV "is
and their envy, jealousy have now."
Read online is now perished; long since
at neither have vanished; never
BibleGateway they any more a again will they
portion for ever have a part in
in any thing that anything that
is done under happens under
the sun. the sun.

Ecclesiastes Go thy way, eat Go, eat your The same Hebrew word is
9:7 thy bread with food with used for "now" in this
joy, and drink gladness, and verse as in the previous
Read online thy wine with a drink your wine verse--should this also be
at merry heart; for with a joyful "long since?" The NIV
BibleGateway God now heart, for it is translation is less
accepteth thy now that God consistent than the KJV.
works. favors what you

Isaiah 14:12 How art thou How you have Here the NIV is
fallen from fallen from blasphemous. "Morning
Read online heaven, O heaven, O star" is a term reserved for
at Lucifer, son of morning star, Jesus elsewhere (see Rev.
BibleGateway the morning! son of the 22:16), yet the NIV has
how art thou cut dawn! You have granted to Lucifer this title
down to the been cast down here. You will notice that
ground, which to the earth, you it is an addition to the text,
didst weaken who once laid though Lucifer is left out.
the nations! low the nations! Does this imply Christ has

Isaiah 40:13 Who hath Who has There's a bit of a

directed the understood the difference between
Read online spirit of the mind of the "directed the spirit" and
at LORD, or being LORD, or "understood the mind."
BibleGateway his counselor instructed him NIV relegates the word
hath taught as his "spirit" to a footnote.
him? counselor?

Or Spirit; or

Isaiah 48:22 There is no "There is no KJV is less ambiguous

peace, saith the peace," says the here. "For" can also mean
Read online LORD, unto the LORD, "for the "on account of" or
at wicked. wicked." "because of" in English.


Lamentations It is good that a it is good to NIV leaves out the

3:26 man should both wait quietly for concept of hope (Heb.
hope and quietly the salvation of ֙‫) ְויָחִיל‬, failing to translate
Read online wait for the the LORD. one of the Hebrew words.
at salvation of the
BibleGateway LORD.

Ezekiel 4:14 Then said I, Ah Then I said, NIV removes God from
Read online Lord GOD! "Not so, the verse, and has Ezekiel
at behold, my soul Sovereign as talking back rather
BibleGateway hath not been LORD! I have forcefully with "Not so,
polluted: for never defiled Sovereign LORD!" Does
KJV NIV from my youth myself. From this give us all an example
up even till now my youth until of how to speak to the
have I not eaten now I have King?
of that which never eaten
dieth of itself, or anything found
is torn in pieces; dead or torn by
neither came wild animals.
there No unclean
abominable meat has ever
flesh into my entered my
mouth. mouth."

Daniel 2:4 Then spake the Then the Chaldeans may include
Chaldeans to the astrologers astrologers, but the reverse
Read online king in Syriack, answered the may not be true.
at O king, live for king in Syrian/Syriack and
BibleGateway ever: tell thy Aramaic, "O Aramaic are synonomous,
servants the king, live but the KJV is to be
dream, and we forever! Tell commended for using the
will shew the your servants same word each time to
interpretation. the dream, and translate the Hebrew,
we will interpret whereas NIV uses both
it." Aramaic and Syrian so
that it is more difficult to
follow the equivalence.

Daniel 5:11 There is a man There is a man NIV converts "light" to

in thy kingdom, in your "insight" and
Read online in whom is the kingdom who "understanding" to
at spirit of the holy has the spirit of "intelligence";
BibleGateway gods; and in the the holy gods in "Chaldeans" (Heb. ‫) ַכּשְׂדָּ אִי ֙ן‬
days of thy him. In the time is dropped out of the text,
father light and of your father and "astrologers" (Heb.
understanding he was found to ‫שׁ ִ֗פין‬
ְ ֽ ָ‫ )א‬gets translated as
and wisdom, have insight and both "enchanters" and
like the wisdom intelligence and "astrologers." But watch
of the gods, was wisdom like what happens to "the spirit
found in him; that of the gods. of the holy gods" in the
whom the king King next verse.
Nebuchadnezzar Nebuchadnezzar
thy father, the your father—
king, I say, thy your father the
father, made king, I say—
master of the appointed him
magicians, chief of the
astrologers, magicians,
Chaldeans, and enchanters,
soothsayers; astrologers and

Daniel 5:12 Forasmuch as This man The "excellent spirit"

an excellent Daniel, whom spoken of here harks back
Read online spirit, and the king called to "the spirit of the holy
at knowledge, and Belteshazzar, gods" from the previous
BibleGateway understanding, was found to verse--but the NIV
interpreting of have a keen downgrades this lofty
dreams, and mind and concept to "a keen mind,"
shewing of hard knowledge and ascribing to Daniel
sentences, and understanding, himself the abilities for
dissolving of and also the which only God deserves
doubts, were ability to credit, including the
found in the interpret interpretation of dreams.
same Daniel, dreams, explain
whom the king riddles and
named solve difficult
Belteshazzar: problems. Call
now let Daniel for Daniel, and
be called, and he will tell you
he will shew the what the writing
interpretation. means."
Daniel 6:3 Then this Daniel Now Daniel so Whereas in chapter 5, the
was preferred distinguished NIV rendered "an
Read online above the himself among excellent spirit" (Heb. ‫֤רוּ ַח‬
at presidents and the ‫יר ֙א‬
ָ ִ‫ )י ַתּ‬as "a keen mind,"
BibleGateway princes, because administrators here it becomes "his
an excellent and the satraps exceptional qualities,"
spirit was in by his again crediting the man in
him; and the exceptional place of God. This is far
king thought to qualities that the from a translation of
set him over the king planned to exceptional quality.
whole realm. set him over the
whole kingdom.

Daniel 8:14 And he said He said to me, No issue with the evening-
unto me, Unto "It will take mornings: both
Read online two thousand 2,300 evenings translations are essentially
at and three and mornings; correct. But there is a
BibleGateway hundred days; then the significant difference
then shall the sanctuary will between the concepts of
sanctuary be be "consecration" and of
cleansed. reconsecrated." "cleansing."

Micah 5:2 But thou, "But you, There's a tremendous

Bethlehem Bethlehem difference between
Read online Ephratah, Ephrathah, "ancient times" and
at though thou be though you are "everlasting." This is a
BibleGateway little among the small among the subtle blow to Christ's
thousands of clans [fn2] of divine eternal pre-
Judah, yet out of Judah, out of existence.
thee shall he you will come
come forth unto for me one who
me that is to be will be ruler
ruler in Israel; over Israel,
whose goings whose origins
forth have been [fn3] are from
from of old, of old, from
from ancient times.
everlasting. [fn4] "

Or rulers;
Hebrew goings
out; Or from
days of eternity

Matthew 1:25 And knew her But he had no Born to a virgin, Jesus
not till she had union with her must have been a
Read online brought forth until she gave firstborn. NIV leaves it
at her firstborn birth to a son. open as to whether or not
BibleGateway son: and he And he gave she had had other children
called his name him the name previously, perhaps by
JESUS. Jesus. another man, thus a subtle
blow to Christ's
legitimacy. The original
Greek has the word
πρωτότοκον (prototokon),
"proto" meaning "first"
(think "prototype") and
"tokon" meaning begotten.

Matthew 5:44 But I say unto But I tell you: NIV slices out most of the
you, Love your Love your verse! Perhaps the
Read online enemies, bless enemies and translators thought Jesus'
at them that curse pray for those words too boring, or his
BibleGateway you, do good to who persecute teachings unnecessary.
them that hate you,
you, and pray
for them which
despitefully use
you, and
persecute you;
Matthew 6:13 And lead us not And lead us not NIV here removes to a
into temptation, into temptation, footnote the identification
Read online but deliver us but deliver us of God's authority.
at from evil: For from the evil
BibleGateway thine is the one.' NOTE: The Greek does
kingdom, and not contain the word "one"
the power, and FOOTNOTE: nor any similar pronoun in
the glory, for Or from evil; the translation "the evil
ever. Amen. some late one"; however, because
manuscripts the word for "evil" (an
one, / for yours adjective in Greek) is
is the kingdom preceded by the Greek
and the power definite article, this
and the glory translation may be
forever. Amen. justified.

Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first But seek first Whose kingdom?
the kingdom of his kingdom
Read online God, and his and his The Greek "τοῦ θεοῦ" (of
at righteousness; righteousness, God) is omitted in the NIV
BibleGateway and all these and all these rendition.
things shall be things will be
added unto you. given to you as

Matthew 8:29 And, behold, "What do you Who is the Son of God?
they cried out, want with us, Does the NIV wish not to
Read online saying, What Son of God?" answer this question?
at have we to do they shouted.
BibleGateway with thee, Jesus, "Have you
thou Son of come here to
God? art thou torture us before
come hither to the appointed
torment us time?"
before the time?
Matthew 9:13 But go ye and But go and learn NIV does not recognize
learn what that what this the need for repentance.
Read online meaneth, I will means: 'I desire
at have mercy, and mercy, not
BibleGateway not sacrifice: for sacrifice.' For I
I am not come have not come
to call the to call the
righteous, but righteous, but
sinners to sinners."

Matthew 9:18 While he spake While he was The NIV has changed
these things saying this, a "worship" to "knelt
Read online unto them, ruler came and before." These do not have
at behold, there knelt before him the same significance. Are
BibleGateway came a certain and said, "My children worshiping their
ruler, and daughter has teacher when kneeling in a
worshipped just died. But circle around her to hear
him, saying, My come and put the story?
daughter is even your hand on
now dead: but her, and she will
come and lay live."
thy hand upon
her, and she
shall live.

Matthew And from the From the days NIV big fail: There is a
11:12 days of John the of John the huge difference between
Baptist until Baptist until suffering violence and
Read online now the now, the "forcefully advancing."
at kingdom of kingdom of The violence is done
BibleGateway heaven suffereth heaven has been against the kingdom of
violence, and forcefully heaven, not by it.
the violent take advancing, and
it by force. forceful men lay
hold of it.
Matthew Then one said Someone told Why include this
12:47 unto him, him, "Your statement in the footnote,
Behold, thy mother and which undermines the
Read online mother and thy brothers are text? The NIV translators
at brethren stand standing were not even forthright
BibleGateway without, outside, wanting enough to identify upon
desiring to to speak to which manuscripts they
speak with thee. you." based their statement.

manuscripts do
not have verse

Matthew And he Pointing to his NIV omits the "hand" (Gr.

12:49 stretched forth disciples, he χεῖρα) of Jesus.
his hand toward said, "Here are
Read online his disciples, my mother and
at and said, my brothers.
BibleGateway Behold my
mother and my

Matthew Another parable He told them NIV omits the number

13:33 spake he unto still another "three" (Gr. τρία).
them; The parable: "The
Read online kingdom of kingdom of
at heaven is like heaven is like
BibleGateway unto leaven, yeast that a
which a woman woman took
took, and hid in and mixed into
three measures a large amount
of meal, till the of flour until it
whole was worked all
leavened. through the

Matthew Jesus saith unto "Have you The NIV excludes the fact
13:51 them, Have ye understood all that Jesus' disciples called
understood all these things?" Him "Lord." It also
Read online these things? Jesus asked. replaces a simple word
at They say unto “"Yes," they with a more difficult one:
BibleGateway him, Yea, Lord. replied. say vs. replied--yet
another example of the
NIV actually increasing
the reading level.

Matthew Then charged he Then he warned NIV does not like to

16:20 his disciples that his disciples not equate "Jesus" with
they should tell to tell anyone "Christ," so Jesus' name is
Read online no man that he that he was the omitted. The KJV properly
at was Jesus the Christ. retains the word from the
BibleGateway Christ. Greek text.

Matthew Howbeit this OMITTED Perhaps the NIV

17:21 kind goeth not translators do not wish to
out but by promote prayer and
Read online prayer and fasting. They align
at fasting. themselves with Pharaoh,
BibleGateway who seemed to think that
Israel's worship was too
difficult (see Exodus 10:8-

Matthew 18:3 And said, Verily And he said: "I The NIV translators have
I say unto you, tell you the watered down the need for
Read online Except ye be truth, unless you conversion, which implies
at converted, and change and repentance and a turning
BibleGateway become as little become like point in life.
children, ye little children,
KJV NIV shall not enter you will never
into the enter the
kingdom of kingdom of
heaven. heaven.

Matthew For the Son of OMITTED Yet another salvation text

18:11 man is come to removed in the NIV.
save that which
Read online was lost.


Matthew Jesus saith unto Jesus answered, What excuse is there for
18:22 him, I say not "I tell you, not mistranslation of a
unto thee, Until seven times, but number? The "seventy
Read online seven times: seventy-seven times seven" figure is well
at but, Until times. [fn6] supported by prophecy
BibleGateway seventy times (see Daniel 9:24). Jesus'
seven. FOOTNOTE: words here have dual
Or seventy meaning, including being
times seven prophetic of the probation
granted to the Jewish
nation--but you would not
be able to catch this from
the NIV reading.

Matthew 19:9 And I say unto I tell you that The NIV slices out half of
you, Whosoever anyone who the commandment--
Read online shall put away divorces his perhaps the translators had
at his wife, except wife, except for guilty consciences! Shame
BibleGateway it be for marital on those who would
fornication, and unfaithfulness, silence conscience by
shall marry and marries changing God's Word!
another, another woman
committeth commits
adultery: and adultery."
whoso marrieth
her which is put
away doth

Matthew So the last shall "So the last will Again, the NIV leaves out
20:16 be first, and the be first, and the half of Jesus' statement.
first last: for first will be
Read online many be called, last."
at but few chosen.


Matthew Then came to Then the mother The NIV again changes
20:20 him the mother of Zebedee's the concept of "worship"
of Zebedees sons came to to that of "kneeling."
Read online children with Jesus with her
at her sons, sons and,
BibleGateway worshipping kneeling down,
him, and asked a favor of
desiring a him.
certain thing of

Matthew But Jesus "You don't If the NIV translators

20:22 answered and know what you understood the
said, Ye know are asking," significance of the term
Read online not what ye ask. Jesus said to "baptism" in this passage,
at Are ye able to them. "Can you it would make their sin in
BibleGateway drink of the cup drink the cup I leaving this out much
KJV NIV that I shall drink am going to greater. I would guess they
of, and to be drink?" "We did not understand it, so
baptized with can," they they just skipped it.
the baptism that answered. However, not
I am baptized understanding something
with? They say is no excuse for
unto him, We mistranslation by
are able. omission!

Matthew And whosoever He who falls on Why does the NIV wish to
21:44 shall fall on this this stone will tell us that some
stone shall be be broken to manuscripts don't have
Read online broken: but on pieces, but he this verse? Obviously the
at whomsoever it on whom it falls NIV has it . . . so are they
BibleGateway shall fall, it will will be undermining their own
grind him to crushed." credibility?
manuscripts do
not have verse

Matthew 23:8 But be not ye "But you are not The NIV leaves Christ out
called Rabbi: to be called again.
Read online for one is your 'Rabbi,' for you
at Master, even have only one
BibleGateway Christ; and all Master and you
ye are brethren. are all brothers.

Matthew Woe unto you, OMITTED Here we have yet more of

23:14 scribes and Jesus' words rejected by
Pharisees, the NIV translators.
Read online hypocrites! for
at ye devour
KJV NIV widows' houses,
and for a
pretence make
long prayer:
therefore ye
shall receive the

Matthew 24:3 And as he sat As Jesus was The NIV leaves it open as
upon the mount sitting on the to when Jesus' words
Read online of Olives, the Mount of might be fulfilled. At "the
at disciples came Olives, the end of the age" could be
BibleGateway unto him disciples came any period in history, and
privately, to him privately. not the final moments of
saying, Tell us, "Tell us," they the earth itself.
when shall these said, "when will
things be? and this happen, and
what shall be what will be the
the sign of thy sign of your
coming, and of coming and of
the end of the the end of the
world? age?"

Matthew Watch therefore, "Therefore keep Perhaps the NIV

25:13 for ye know watch, because translators did not want
neither the day you do not you to think about Jesus'
Read online nor the hour know the day or coming.
at wherein the Son the hour.
BibleGateway of man cometh.

Matthew Jesus saith unto "Yes, it is as KJV "thou" refers to the

26:64 him, Thou hast you say," Jesus high priest, "you" and "ye"
said: replied. "But I to a wider (plural)
Read online
at nevertheless I say to all of audience. NIV "you" in
BibleGateway say unto you, you: In the each place has reduced the
Hereafter shall future you will clarity of Jesus' words.
KJV NIV ye see the Son see the Son of The wholesale
of man sitting Man sitting at replacement of
on the right the right hand of thee/thou/ye/you with the
hand of power, the Mighty One single word "you" does
and coming in and coming on not preserve the original.
the clouds of the clouds of
heaven. heaven."

Matthew Then saith Jesus Then Jesus told NIV error: Jesus' disciples
26:31 unto them, All them, "This did not "fall away." To fall
ye shall be very night you away is to apostatize.
Read online offended will all fall They did become afraid,
at because of me away on and most of them left
BibleGateway this night: for it account of me, Jesus during his trial and
is written, I will for it is written: agony--but they were still
smite the " 'I will strike faithful following the
shepherd, and the shepherd, resurrection, with the sole
the sheep of the and the sheep of exception of Judas,
flock shall be the flock will be Christ's betrayer.
scattered scattered.'

Matthew And they When they had NIV separates out the fact
27:35 crucified him, crucified him, of fulfilled prophecy
and parted his they divided up regarding Jesus Christ's
Read online garments, his clothes by death. This is another
at casting lots: that casting lots. direct attack on His
BibleGateway it might be Messiahship.
fulfilled which
was spoken by
the prophet,
They parted my
garments among
them, and upon
my vesture did
they cast lots.

Matthew Now when the "A son" and "the Son" are
27:54 centurion, and NIV NOTE: Or not equal. This is a direct
they that were a son attack on the divinity of
Read online with him, Christ. A better translation
at watching Jesus, for that last phrase might
BibleGateway saw the have been "Truly this was
earthquake, and God's Son"; however, the
those things that formal grammar of the
were done, they time of the KJV preferred
feared greatly, the use of "of" over that of
saying, Truly an apostrophe.
this was the Son
of God.

Matthew 28:9 And as they Suddenly Jesus The NIV leaves out parts
went to tell his met them. of the story here.
Read online disciples, "Greetings," he
at behold, Jesus said. They came
BibleGateway met them, to him, clasped
saying, All hail. his feet and
And they came worshiped him.
and held him by
the feet, and

Mark 1:2 As it is written It is written in NIV omits an

in the prophets, Isaiah the "unimportant" part of
Read online Behold, I send prophet: "I will one's anatomy--"face" (Gr.
at my messenger send my προσώπου).
BibleGateway before thy face, messenger
which shall ahead of you,
prepare thy way who will
before thee. prepare your

Mark 1:14 Now after that After John was The NIV removed "the
John was put in put in prison, gospel of the kingdom"!
Read online prison, Jesus Jesus went into
at came into Galilee,
BibleGateway Galilee, proclaiming the
preaching the good news of
gospel of the God.
kingdom of

Mark 1:31 And he came So he went to When did the fever leave
and took her by her, took her her?
Read online the hand, and hand and helped
at lifted her up; her up. The
BibleGateway and fever left her
immediately the and she began
fever left her, to wait on them.
and she
ministered unto

Mark 2:17 When Jesus On hearing this, The NIV blatantly omits
heard it, he saith Jesus said to the concept of repentance,
Read online unto them, They them, "It is not daring once again to
at that are whole the healthy who change Jesus' own words.
BibleGateway have no need of need a doctor,
the physician, but the sick. I
but they that are have not come
sick: I came not to call the
to call the righteous, but
righteous, but sinners."
sinners to
Mark 3:14 And he ordained He appointed The NIV even admits in
twelve, that they twelve– the footnote that "some"
Read online should be with designating (it should read "most")
at him, and that he them apostles manuscripts do not have
BibleGateway might send them [fn2] –that they the part that they added.
forth to preach, might be with (See also next verse
him and that he below.)
might send
them out to

manuscripts do
not have
them apostles.

Mark 3:15 And to have and to have No footnote here explains

power to heal authority to why the NIV omits half of
Read online sicknesses, and drive out Jesus' commission. (See
at to cast out demons. also vs. 14 above.)
BibleGateway devils:

Mark 5:6 But when he When he saw The NIV converts

saw Jesus afar Jesus from a "worshipped" (Gr.
Read online off, he ran and distance, he ran προσεκύνησεν) to a mere
at worshipped and fell on his physical aspect: "fell on
BibleGateway him, knees in front of his knees in front of." This
him. is interpretation, not

Mark 6:11 And whosoever And if any place The NIV omits half of this
shall not receive will not verse!
Read online you, nor hear welcome you or
at you, when ye listen to you,
BibleGateway depart thence, shake the dust
shake off the off your feet
KJV NIV dust under your when you leave,
feet for a as a testimony
testimony against them."
against them.
Verily I say unto
you, It shall be
more tolerable
for Sodom and
Gomorrha in the
day of
judgment, than
for that city.

Mark 7:8 For laying aside You have let go The NIV omits Jesus'
the of the examples of what types of
Read online commandment commands of traditions He is speaking
at of God, ye hold God and are of.
BibleGateway the tradition of holding on to
men, as the the traditions of
KJV NIV washing of pots men."
and cups: and
many other such
like things ye

Mark 7:16 If any man have OMITTED Apparently the NIV

ears to hear, let translators didn't have ears
Read online him hear. to hear.

Mark 7:19 Because it For it doesn't go Ridiculous addition:
entereth not into into his heart Passing through one's
Read online his heart, but but into his body does nothing to make
at into the belly, stomach, and foods clean! There's not
BibleGateway and goeth out then out of his even a footnote to indicate
into the draught, body." (In that the NIV has added to
purging all saying this, the text here. The entire
meats? Jesus declared parenthetical statement
all foods does not belong.

Mark 9:24 And straightway Immediately the The NIV again strips Jesus
the father of the boy's father of his title as "Lord."
Read online child cried out, exclaimed, "I do There is simply no excuse
at and said with believe; help me for this omission of the
BibleGateway tears, Lord, I overcome my Greek word (κύριε).
believe; help unbelief!"
thou mine

Mark 9:29 And he said He replied, Here the NIV

unto them, This "This kind can demonstrates its anti-
Read online kind can come come out only fasting philosophy,
at forth by by prayer." omitting the "and fasting"
BibleGateway nothing, but by (Gr. καὶ νηστείᾳ).
prayer and

Mark 9:44 Where their COMPLETELY Apparently the NIV

worm dieth not, OMITTED translators didn't
Read online and the fire is understand this verse, so
at not quenched. deemed it useless.

Mark 9:46 Where their OMITTED but Here, at least, they thought
worm dieth not, noted in a it worthy of a footnote
Read online and the fire is footnote mention.
at not quenched.


Mark 9:49 For every one Everyone will The significance of Jesus'
shall be salted be salted with words can never be
Read online with fire, and fire. understood if they are
at every sacrifice never read! Yet the NIV
BibleGateway shall be salted translators dare to leave
with salt. out, once again, something
they must have seen as
unimportant. Do they truly
think Jesus had no reason
for speaking?

Mark 10:21 Then Jesus Jesus looked at The NIV leaves out the
beholding him him and loved concept of "taking up the
Read online loved him, and him. "One thing cross." Why?
at said unto him, you lack," he
BibleGateway One thing thou said. "Go, sell
lackest: go thy everything you
way, sell have and give to
whatsoever thou the poor, and
hast, and give to you will have
the poor, and treasure in
thou shalt have heaven. Then
treasure in come, follow
heaven: and me."
come, take up
the cross, and
follow me.
Mark 10:24 And the The disciples NIV has broadened the
disciples were were amazed at concept to all people,
Read online astonished at his his words. But instead of placing upon
at words. But Jesus said again, this the focus which Jesus
BibleGateway Jesus answereth "Children, how did.
again, and saith hard it is to
unto them, enter the
Children, how kingdom of
hard is it for God!
them that trust
in riches to
enter into the
kingdom of

Mark 11:10 Blessed be the "Blessed is the Removing "the name of

kingdom of our coming the Lord," the NIV also
Read online father David, kingdom of our changes the kingdom from
at that cometh in father David!" present to future, thereby
BibleGateway the name of the "Hosanna in the denying Jesus' present
Lord: Hosanna highest!" Lordship.
in the highest.

Mark 11:26 But if ye do not OMITTED NIV completely omits this

forgive, neither critical issue relative to
Read online will your Father our salvation. These were
at which is in Jesus' own words. Was
BibleGateway heaven forgive Jesus not important
your trespasses. enough to be heard?

Mark 12:30 And thou shalt Love the Lord The NIV reduces this
love the Lord your God with commandment to a mere
Read online thy God with all all your heart proverb. Not only have
at thy heart, and and with all they blatantly removed
BibleGateway with all thy your soul and "this is the first
soul, and with with all your commandment," but also
KJV NIV all thy mind, mind and with the familiar "thou shalt"
and with all thy all your which introduces God's
strength: this is strength.' most important
the first commands.

Mark 13:14 But when ye When you see The NIV omits Jesus'
shall see the 'the abomination reference to Daniel the
Read online abomination of that causes prophet.
at desolation, desolation'
BibleGateway spoken of by standing where
Daniel the it does not
KJV NIV prophet, belong—let the
standing where reader
it ought not, (let understand—
him that readeth then let those
understand,) who are in
then let them Judea flee to the
that be in mountains.
Judaea flee to
the mountains:

Mark 13:33 Take ye heed, Be on guard! Be The concepts of

watch and pray: alert! You do obedience, spiritual
Read online for ye know not not know when wakefulness, and prayer
at when the time that time will are all removed in the
BibleGateway is. come. NIV.


Mark 14:61 But he held his But Jesus Subtle: In the NIV, the
peace, and remained silent term "Blessed One"
Read online answered and gave no appears to deify the title.
at nothing. Again answer. Again "Blessed" most probably
BibleGateway the high priest the high priest refers to the mother of the
asked him, and asked him, "Are Messiah (Mary), who is
KJV NIV said unto him, you the Christ, called "blessed" in other
Art thou the the Son of the passages (see Luke 1:28,
Christ, the Son Blessed One?" 42) using the same root
of the Blessed? word in Greek (εὐλογέω).
Is Mary deity?

Mark 15:28 And the OMITTED NIV omits the fulfillment

scripture was of prophecy.
Read online fulfilled, which
at saith, And he
BibleGateway was numbered
with the
KJV NIV transgressors.

Mark 15:32 Let Christ the Let this Christ, Subtle: Which Christ? Is
King of Israel this King of this just one of many? The
Read online descend now Israel, come NIV implies such here.
at from the cross, down now from (The word "this" is not
BibleGateway that we may see the cross, that present in the Greek text.)
and believe. we may see and
And they that believe." Those
were crucified crucified with
with him reviled him also heaped
him. insults on him.

Mark 16:9-20 Which two MSS do they

IN-TEXT mean? If we look at the
Read online NOTE: (The Note in the NKJV beside
at most reliable this same passage we see:
BibleGateway early "They are lacking in
manuscripts and Codex Siniaticus and
KJV NIV other ancient Codex Vaticanus, although
witnesses do not nearly all other
have Mark manuscripts of Mark
16:9-20.) contain them."

Luke 1:15 For he shall be for he will be NIV omits "his mother's
great in the great in the womb" (Gr. κοιλίας
Read online sight of the sight of the µητρὸς αὐτοῦ); however,
at Lord, and shall Lord. He is the KJV "from" comes
BibleGateway drink neither never to take short of the full meaning
wine nor strong wine or other of the Greek preposition
drink; and he fermented (ἐκ) which means "out of,"
shall be filled drink, and he clearly implying from
with the Holy will be filled birth.
Ghost, even with the Holy
from his Spirit even from
mother's womb. birth.

Luke 2:14 Glory to God in "Glory to God In the NIV, God's peace is
the highest, and in the highest, only offered to His
Read online on earth peace, and on earth favored few, thus ignoring
at good will peace to men on the fact that Jesus came
BibleGateway toward men. whom his favor for all.

Luke 2:33 And Joseph and The child's Was Joseph Jesus' father?
his mother father and NIV again obscures the
Read online marvelled at mother virgin birth, another attack
at those things marveled at on the divinity of Christ.
BibleGateway which were what was said Additionally, the Greek
spoken of him. about him. contains the word "Ioseph"
(Gr. ἰωσὴφ).

Luke 2:43 And when they After the Feast Again, the NIV would
had fulfilled the was over, while have you believe that
Read online days, as they his parents were Joseph was Jesus' father,
at returned, the returning home, instead of preserving the
BibleGateway child Jesus the boy Jesus truth of Jesus' birth to
tarried behind in stayed behind in Mary the virgin. The
KJV NIV Jerusalem; and Jerusalem, but Greek "ἰωσὴφ καὶ ἡ µήτηρ
Joseph and his they were αὐτοῦ" (Joseph and his
mother knew unaware of it. mother) was omitted.
not of it.

Luke 3:17 Whose fan is in His winnowing Winnowing fork? This is

his hand, and he fork is in his just another example of
Read online will thoroughly hand to clear his the KJV being more
at purge his floor, threshing floor readable than the
BibleGateway and will gather and to gather "modern" NIV.
the wheat into the wheat into
KJV NIV his garner; but his barn, but he
the chaff he will will burn up the
burn with fire chaff with
unquenchable. unquenchable

Luke 4:4 And Jesus Jesus answered, The NIV misquotes Jesus
answered him, "It is written: during His temptation. The
Read online saying, It is 'Man does not part omitted is crucial to
at written, That live on bread His reason for making the
BibleGateway man shall not alone.'" statement as our example
live by bread for how to face trials.
KJV NIV alone, but by
every word of

Luke 4:8 And Jesus Jesus answered, The NIV excludes the
answered and "It is written: command forms of "thou
Read online said unto him, 'Worship the shalt" (see Deut. 6:13;
at Get thee behind Lord your God 10:20) of Jesus' quote
BibleGateway me, Satan: for it and serve him which show Jesus was
is written, Thou only.'" being obedient to God's
KJV NIV shalt worship command instead of
the Lord thy falling prey to temptation.
God, and him It also omits Jesus'
only shalt thou command to Satan.

Luke 4:18 The Spirit of the "The Spirit of The NIV neglects to
Lord is upon the Lord is on mention the
Read online me, because he me, because he brokenhearted. Are they
at hath anointed has anointed me not to be included?
BibleGateway me to preach the to preach good
gospel to the news to the
poor; he hath poor. He has
sent me to heal sent me to
the proclaim
brokenhearted, freedom for the
to preach prisoners and
deliverance to recovery of
the captives, sight for the
and recovering blind, to release
of sight to the the oppressed,
blind, to set at
liberty them that
are bruised,

Luke 4:34 Saying, Let us "Ha! What do The NIV leaves out an
alone; what you want with entire phrase.
Read online have we to do us, Jesus of
at with thee, thou Nazareth? Have
BibleGateway Jesus of you come to
Nazareth? art destroy us? I
thou come to know who you
destroy us? I are—the Holy
know thee who One of God!"
thou art; the
Holy One of
Luke 4:41 And devils also Moreover, The NIV omits the
came out of demons came supernatural admission of
Read online many, crying out of many Christ's identity, leaving
at out, and saying, people, the word "Christ" out of it.
BibleGateway Thou art Christ shouting, "You
the Son of God. are the Son of
And he God!" But he
rebuking them rebuked them
suffered them and would not
not to speak: for allow them to
they knew that speak, because
he was Christ. they knew he
was the Christ.

Luke 4:44 And he And he kept on Where did he preach?

preached in the preaching in the What the NIV's footnote
Read online synagogues of synagogues of shouldread is "most
at Galilee. Judea. [fn9] manuscripts," for it is only
BibleGateway in the corrupted minority
FOOTNOTE: texts that this variance is
Or the land of found.
the Jews; some

Luke 7:31 And the Lord "To what, then, The NIV strips "the Lord"
said, Whereunto can I compare (Gr. ὁ κύριος) out of the
Read online then shall I the people of text.
at liken the men of this generation?
BibleGateway this generation? What are they
and to what are like?
they like?

Luke 8:42 And a woman And a woman NIV relegates a most

having an issue was there who important detail to a
Read online of blood twelve had been footnote. That "small
at years, which subject to detail" is even in the
BibleGateway had spent all her bleeding for minority texts which the
living upon twelve years, translators usually
KJV NIV physicians, [fn4] but no one favored, so why would
neither could be could heal her. they leave this out?
healed of any,
years, and she
had spent all she
had on doctors

Luke 8:48 And he said Then he said to The NIV is literally

unto her, her, "Daughter, comfortless here.
Read online Daughter, be of your faith has
at good comfort: healed you. Go
BibleGateway thy faith hath in peace."
made thee
KJV NIV whole; go in

Luke 9:54 And when his When the The NIV commits an error
disciples James disciples James here through omission to
Read online and John saw and John saw show James and John to
at this, they said, this, they asked, be merely vengeful
BibleGateway Lord, wilt thou "Lord, do you without the basis of their
that we want us to call (mis-)application of the
KJV NIV command fire to fire down from experience of prophet
come down heaven to Elijah.
from heaven, destroy them?"
and consume
them, even as
Elias did?

Luke 9:55 But he turned, But Jesus turned Here, again, the reason of
Read online and rebuked and rebuked the rebuke is omitted in
at them, and said, them, the NIV, leaving us to
BibleGateway Ye know not question Jesus' response.
what manner of
KJV NIV spirit ye are of.

Luke 9:56 For the Son of and they went to Do you see what is
man is not come another village. missing? A beautiful
Read online to destroy men's promise is omitted as an
at lives, but to attack on Jesus'
BibleGateway save them. And Messiahship.
they went to
another village.

Luke 10:1 After these After this the The NIV's source text has
things the Lord appointed been altered to say
Read online LORD seventy-two "seventy-two" in place of
at appointed other [fn1] others and "seventy"--as they admit
BibleGateway seventy also, sent them two in a footnote. What they
and sent them by two ahead of don't say is that the
KJV NIV two and two him to every majority of Greek
before his face town and place manuscripts have
into every city where he was "seventy," not merely
and place, about to go. "some manuscripts."
whither he
himself would FOOTNOTE:
come. Some
seventy; also in
verse 17

Luke 10:17 And the seventy The The NIV's source text has
returned again seventy-two been altered to say
Read online with joy, saying, returned with "seventy-two" in place of
at Lord, even the joy and said, "seventy"--as they admit
BibleGateway devils are "Lord, even the in the footnote to verse 1
subject unto us demons submit (above). What they don't
KJV NIV through thy to us in your say is that the majority of
name. name." Greek manuscripts have it
the other way, not merely

Luke 10:19 Behold, I give I have given NIV tames down the force
unto you power you authority to of Jesus' words, omitting
Read online to tread on trample on the expression "by any
at serpents and snakes and means."
BibleGateway scorpions, and scorpions and to
over all the overcome all
KJV NIV power of the the power of the
enemy: and enemy; nothing
nothing shall by will harm you.
any means hurt

Luke 11:2 And he said He said to them, The NIV has a specific
unto them, "When you reason for leaving out the
Read online When ye pray, pray, say: " "in heaven" (Gr. ἐν τοῖς
at say, Our Father 'Father, οὐρανοις) part here.
BibleGateway which art in hallowed be Catholics pray to the pope
heaven, your name, your as "Father" . . . .but he is
KJV NIV Hallowed be thy kingdom come. not in heaven! This would
name. Thy be too clearly a reference
kingdom come. to God Himself if they did
Thy will be not change this verse!
done, as in
heaven, so in

Luke 11:4 And forgive us Forgive us our The NIV leaves out
our sins; for we sins, for we also "deliver us from evil."
Read online also forgive forgive This is likely because the
at every one that is everyone who Catholic priests claim to
BibleGateway indebted to us. sins against us. forgive, but do little to
And lead us not And lead us not prevent people from
KJV NIV into temptation; into temptation.' sinning further. After all,
but deliver us " the church makes money
from evil. from people who are
"buying back" their
righeousness! (See also vs.

Luke 17:36 Two men shall OMITTED NIV leaves out more of
be in the field; Jesus' words.
Read online the one shall be
at taken, and the
BibleGateway other left.


Luke 22:31 And the Lord Simon, Simon, NIV edits out the source of
said, Simon, Satan has asked this quote. "The Lord" (Gr.
Read online Simon, behold, to sift you as ὁ κύριος) is missing. Here
at Satan hath wheat. the NIV rightly explains in
BibleGateway desired to have a footnote that the term
you, that he may "you" as used in this verse
sift you as is plural.

Luke 22:32 But I have But I have Here the NIV adds
prayed for thee, prayed for you, "Simon." But now in this
Read online that thy faith Simon, that verse, NIV does not say
at fail not: and your faith may the word "you" is singular
BibleGateway when thou art not fail. And in Greek. Those who use
converted, when you have the KJV, naturally, have no
strengthen thy turned back, difficulty discerning that
brethren. strengthen your even without footnotes.
Luke 22:43 And there An angel from The NIV would like
appeared an heaven people to think that this
Read online angel unto him appeared to him supernatural event is just
at from heaven, and speculation. Why? This is
BibleGateway strengthening strengthened another attack on the
him. him. divinity of Christ.
Some early
manuscripts do
not have verses
43 and 44.

Luke 22:44 And being in an And being in Again, this verse is just
agony he prayed anguish, he too heavy for the NIV
Read online more earnestly: prayed more translators. They took out
at and his sweat earnestly, and the adjective "great" to
BibleGateway was as it were his sweat was tame it down (Gr. θρόµβοι
great drops of like drops of = great/large drops), and
blood falling blood falling to added the footnote to
down to the the ground. make you think this didn't
ground. really happen.
Some early
manuscripts do
not have verses
43 and 44.

Luke 23:17 (For of OMITTED The NIV does not even

necessity he bother to admit in a
Read online must release one footnote that it has omitted
at unto them at the this verse!
BibleGateway feast.)
Luke 23:39 And one of the One of the The NIV omits the word
malefactors criminals who "if" (present in the Greek)
Read online which were hung there which harks back to the
at hanged railed on hurled insults at three temptations Jesus
BibleGateway him, saying, If him: "Aren't endured in the wilderness,
thou be Christ, you the Christ? thus obscuring the parallel.
save thyself and Save yourself
us. and us!"

Luke 23:42 And he said Then he said, The NIV again leaves out
unto Jesus, "Jesus, the concept of Jesus'
Read online Lord, remember remember me Lordship.
at me when thou when you come
BibleGateway comest into thy into your
kingdom. kingdom."

Luke 23:46 And said unto He told them, The original Greek text
them, Thus it is "This is what is implies a reason for
Read online written, and written: The Christ's sufferings. While
at thus it behoved Christ will the KJV properly carries
BibleGateway Christ to suffer, suffer and rise this, that meaning is
and to rise from from the dead entirely lost in the NIV
the dead the on the third day, rendition.
third day:

Luke 24:42 And they gave They gave him NIV makes more changes
him a piece of a a piece of a here through the omission
Read online broiled fish, and broiled fish, of the honeycomb (Gr. καὶ
at of an ἀπὸ µελισσίου κηρίου)--is
BibleGateway honeycomb. this merely to have
sufficient change to be
able to legally copyright
their "new" version?
John 3:7 Marvel not that You should not KJV "thee" (s.) and "ye"
I said unto thee, be surprised at (pl.) distinguishes between
Read online Ye must be born my saying, 'You singular and plural forms
at again. must be born of "you" which are present
BibleGateway again.' in the Greek. The NIV
lacks this clarity. (There
are many other verses
muddled by this same

John 3:11 Verily, verily, I I tell you the KJV "thee" versus "ye"
say unto thee, truth, we speak again provide better clarity
Read online We speak that of what we to Jesus' words, whereas
at we do know, know, and we the NIV has reduced the
BibleGateway and testify that testify to what clarity by the loss of such
we have seen; we have seen, distinguishment. Notice
and ye receive but still you also that the NIV provides
not our witness. people do not no footnote to tell us
accept our which "you" is which.

John 3:16 For God so For God so The term "only begotten"
loved the world, loved the world has great significance. It
Read online that he gave his that he gave his means that Christ is the
at only begotten one and only only one literally begotten
BibleGateway Son, that Son, that by God (we are adopted,
whosoever whoever per Gal. 4:5). To say He is
believeth in him believes in him God's only Son contradicts
should not shall not perish other verses which say we
perish, but have but have eternal can be the sons of God
everlasting life. life. (see John 1:12).

Or his only
begotten Son
John 4:25 The woman The woman The NIV here clearly tries
saith unto him, I said, "I know to say that the woman did
Read online know that that Messiah" not use the word "Christ."
at Messias cometh, (called Christ) Are the translators
BibleGateway which is called "is coming. implying it was wrongly
Christ: when he When he comes, added by the writer (John)
is come, he will he will explain or by later copyists?
tell us all things. everything to Notice, however, verse 29
us." (below).

John 4:29 Come, see a Come, see a Here, the NIV can hardly
man, which told man who told escape using the word
Read online me all things me everything I Christ. But they put a
at that ever I did: ever did. Could greater degree of
BibleGateway is not this the this be the insecurity into the
Christ? Christ? woman's question.

John 4:42 And said unto They said to the It just makes me sick to
the woman, woman, "We no think that translators of
Read online Now we longer believe God's Holy Word would
at believe, not just because of really work this hard to
BibleGateway because of thy what you said; remove references to His
saying: for we now we have Son from the book! (Yes,
have heard him heard for "the Christ" [ὁ χριστός]
ourselves, and ourselves, and appears here in the
know that this is we know that original Greek text.)
indeed the this man really
Christ, the is the Savior of
Saviour of the the world."

John 5:2 Now there is at Now there is in NIV uses "Aramaic" in

Jerusalem by Jerusalem near place of "Hebrew" (these
Read online the sheep the Sheep Gate are two different
at market a pool, a pool, which in languages) for every
BibleGateway which is called Aramaic is occurrence of this in the
in the Hebrew called Bethesda Greek (NT) except in
KJV NIV tongue and which is Philippians and
Bethesda, surrounded by Revelation. Why, then, is
having five five covered it not the same language
porches. colonnades. used by the Jews in the
Old Testament? And is
"colonnades" more
readable than "porches?"

John 5:4 For an angel OMITTED The NIV again omits this
went down at a without any mention. Is
Read online certain season this to reduce the belief in
at into the pool, the supernatural? Might
BibleGateway and troubled the that also be the reason
water: behind the footnote for
KJV NIV whosoever then Luke 22:43?
first after the
troubling of the
water stepped in
was made whole
of whatsoever
disease he had.

John 6:47 Verily, verily, I I tell you the KJV is clear regarding the
say unto you, truth, he who object of belief. The NIV
Read online He that believes has obscures this to say
at believeth on me everlasting life. anyone who believes.
BibleGateway hath everlasting Does it matter what one
life. believes?

John 6:69 And we believe We believe and NIV chooses to leave out
and are sure that know that you the full identification of
Read online thou art that are the Holy Christ.
at Christ, the Son One of God."
BibleGateway of the living

John 7:25 Then said some [ Is Jesus the Why should this question
of them of Christ? ] At that need to appear in the text?
Read online Jerusalem, Is point some of And the placement of the
at not this he, the people of question, right before
BibleGateway whom they seek Jerusalem began some are questioning his
to kill? to ask, "Isn't this identity in the verses
the man they are following (see below), is
trying to kill? unconscionable.

John 7:26 But, lo, he Here he is, Subtle: The NIV has
speaketh boldly, speaking framed the question in
Read online and they say publicly, and such a manner as to put
at nothing unto they are not incredulity into the voice
BibleGateway him. Do the saying a word to of the questioner that the
rulers know him. Have the rulers would think Jesus
indeed that this authorities were Christ. The KJV
is the very really concluded shows far more confidence
Christ? that he is the on the part of the
Christ ? questioner that Jesus IS

John 7:31 And many of Still, many in Subtle: The introduction

the people the crowd put of "still" here, and "put
Read online believed on their faith in their faith in him" add up
at him, and said, him. They said, to mild insinuation on the
BibleGateway When Christ "When the part of the NIV translators
cometh, will he Christ comes, that those who believed
do more will he do more were not making the right
miracles than miraculous choice. This is followed
these which this signs than this by changing the focus
man hath done? man?" from the quantity of
miracles, to the magnitude
of "signs."

John 7:41 Others said, Others said, "He See a difference?

This is the is the Christ."
Read online Christ. But
at some said, Shall
BibleGateway Christ come out
of Galilee?

John 7:53- How do people feel about

8:11 IN-TEXT the trustworthiness of
NOTE: (The translators who say the
Read online earliest and "most reliable" sources
at most reliable don't have something
BibleGateway manuscripts and which they have chosen to
other ancient include?
KJV NIV witnesses do not
have John 7:53-

John 9:35 Jesus heard that Jesus heard that Was the man asked to
they had cast they had thrown believe on "the Son of
Read online him out; and him out, and God" or in "the Son of
at when he had when he found Man"? The NIV
BibleGateway found him, he him, he said, downgrades Christ's
said unto him, "Do you believe identity.
Dost thou in the Son of
believe on the Man?"
Son of God?

John 9:36 He answered "Who is he, Subtle: Did the man say
and said, Who is sir?" the man "sir" or "Lord"? The NIV
Read online he, Lord, that I asked. "Tell me again undermines Christ.
at might believe so that I may
BibleGateway on him? believe in him."


John 9:35 And Jesus said Jesus said, "You The NIV adds the glosses
unto him, Thou have now seen "now" and "in fact" which
Read online hast both seen him; in fact, he are not in the Greek text.
at him, and it is he is the one
BibleGateway that talketh with speaking with
thee. you."

John 10:30 I and my Father I and the Father Whose Father?

are one. are one."
Read online


John 10:32 Jesus answered but Jesus said to The NIV narrows the
them, Many them, "I have scope of Jesus' works to
Read online good works shown you just the "miracles."
at have I shewed many great
BibleGateway you from my miracles from
Father; for the Father. For
which of those which of these
works do ye do you stone
stone me? me?"

John 11:41 Then they took So they took From where? The NIV
away the stone away the stone. neglects to mention the
Read online from the place Then Jesus dead man laid there.
at where the dead looked up and
BibleGateway was laid. And said, "Father, I
KJV NIV Jesus lifted up thank you that
his eyes, and you have heard
said, Father, I me.
thank thee that
thou hast heard

John 14:14 If ye shall ask You may ask me The NIV here is
any thing in my for anything in ridiculous! It makes no
Read online name, I will do my name, and I sense to ask Jesus for
at it. will do it. something in Jesus' name.
BibleGateway The context here is clearly
referring to asking the
Father--but the NIV has
tried to change that.

John 16:23 And in that day In that day you In John 14:14 (above), the
ye shall ask me will no longer NIV said we are to ask
Read online nothing. Verily, ask me Jesus. Here it now admits
at verily, I say anything. I tell we must ask the Father . . .
BibleGateway unto you, you the truth, but implies that heretofore
Whatsoever ye my Father will we have asked Jesus (in
shall ask the give you Jesus' name). As is clear in
Father in my whatever you the KJV, the NIV's
name, he will ask in my name. position is incorrect.
give it you.

Acts 2:30 Therefore being But he was a NIV again leaves out the
a prophet, and prophet and mention of Christ. Why?
Read online knowing that knew that God
at God had sworn had promised
BibleGateway with an oath to him on oath that
him, that of the he would place
fruit of his loins, one of his
according to the descendants on
flesh, he would his throne.
raise up Christ
to sit on his

Acts 3:18 But those But this is how Subtle: Note that "his
things, which God fulfilled Christ" is not the same as
Read online God before had what he had "Christ."
at showed by the foretold through
BibleGateway mouth of all his all the prophets,
prophets, that saying that his
Christ should Christ would
suffer, he hath suffer.
so fulfilled.

Acts 3:20 And he shall and that he may "Appointed for" and
send Jesus send the Christ, "preached unto" are hardly
Read online Christ, which who has been similar. The Greek word
at before was appointed for here means "preached
BibleGateway preached unto you—even beforehand." And why
you: Jesus. would the NIV choose to
split up the words "Jesus"
and "Christ?" (These are
together in the Greek.)

Acts 4:10 Be it known then know this, In the Greek text,

unto you all, you and all the emphasis is placed on the
Read online and to all the people of Israel: fact that it was by Jesus,
at people of Israel, It is by the the very one the Jews had
BibleGateway that by the name name of Jesus crucified, that the healing
of Jesus Christ Christ of took place. The NIV de-
of Nazareth, Nazareth, whom empasizes this by
whom ye you crucified removing the "even by
crucified, whom but whom God him" emphasis for Jesus.
God raised from raised from the
the dead, even dead, that this
by him doth this man stands
man stand here before you
before you healed.

Acts 4:26 The kings of the The kings of the The NIV moves the name
earth stood up, earth take their of Christ to a footnote.
Read online and the rulers stand and the Folks, there are some
at were gathered rulers gather things that can be
BibleGateway together against together against translated in more than
the Lord, and the Lord and one way--names and titles
against his against his generally do not fall into
Christ. Anointed One. that category!

Acts 5:20 Go, stand and "Go, stand in The word "new" here is
speak in the the temple introduced by the NIV
Read online temple to the courts," he said, translators. It is not found
at people all the "and tell the in any of the Greek
BibleGateway words of this people the full manuscripts.
life. message of this
new life."

Acts 8:37 And Philip said, OMITTED Why omit a confession of

If thou believest Christ? Trying to hide his
Read online with all thine true identity?
at heart, thou
BibleGateway mayest. And he
answered and
said, I believe
that Jesus Christ
is the Son of

Acts 9:20 And straightway At once he Once again, there is little

he preached began to preach excuse for mistranslating a
Read online Christ in the in the name. In Greek, it is
at synagogues, that synagogues that "Christon" (Gr. χριστὸν).
BibleGateway he is the Son of Jesus is the Son The NIV translators'
KJV NIV God. of God. carelessness in a simple
detail like this should alert
us as to their diligence in
correctly translating
anything else. As Jesus
Himself counseled us: "He
that is faithful in that
which is least is faithful
also in much: and he that
is unjust in the least is
unjust also in much"
(Luke 16:10).

Acts 10:30 And Cornelius Cornelius The NIV removes the

said, Four days answered: "Four word "fasting" again!
Read online ago I was days ago I was They have removed the
at fasting until this in my house self-abnegation along with
BibleGateway hour; and at the praying at this the deeper significance of
ninth hour I hour, at three in the vision thereby.
prayed in my the afternoon.
house, and, Suddenly a man
behold, a man in shining
stood before me clothes stood
in bright before me

Acts 12:4 And when he After arresting While the KJV errs
had him, he put him (embarrassingly) in using
Read online apprehended in prison, the word "Easter," the NIV
at him, he put him handing him has added much more
BibleGateway in prison, and over to be gloss to this verse when
delivered him to guarded by four compared to the Greek.
four quaternions squads of four For example, "Herod" is
of soldiers to soldiers each. nowhere in the Greek for
keep him; Herod intended this verse, nor is "public
intending after to bring him out trial."
Easter to bring for public trial
him forth to the after the
people. Passover.

Acts 12:5 Peter therefore So Peter was NIV exchanges "without

was kept in kept in prison, ceasing" with "earnestly."
Read online prison: but but the church (It comes from a Greek
at prayer was was earnestly root word meaning
BibleGateway made without praying to God "stretched out.")
ceasing of the for him.
church unto
God for him.

Acts 15:11 But we believe No! We believe NIV again removes

that through the it is through the "Christ" from the text.
Read online grace of the grace of our
at Lord Jesus Lord Jesus that
BibleGateway Christ we shall we are saved,
be saved, even just as they are."
as they.

Acts 15:34 Notwithstanding OMITTED Apparently, the NIV

it pleased Silas translators felt you didn't
Read online to abide there need to read this text.
at still.


Acts 16:31 And they said, They replied, NIV omits Christ again.
Believe on the "Believe in the
Read online Lord Jesus Lord Jesus, and
at Christ, and thou you will be
BibleGateway shalt be saved, saved—you and
and thy house. your
Acts 17:26 And hath made From one man NIV: "...and the exact
of one blood all he made every places where they should
Read online nations of men nation of men, live"! Wow. But that's not
at for to dwell on that they should how the text reads in
BibleGateway all the face of inhabit the Greek at all. NOTE: The
the earth, and whole earth; NIV constantly changes.
hath determined and he This text has been updated
the times before determined the in the NIV, but the version
appointed, and times set for used for this comparison
the bounds of them and the reads as quoted above.
their habitation; exact places
where they
should live.

Acts 19:4 Then said Paul, Paul said, NIV omits Christ yet
John verily "John's baptism again.
Read online baptized with was a baptism
at the baptism of of repentance.
BibleGateway repentance, He told the
saying unto the people to
people, that they believe in the
should believe one coming
on him which after him, that
should come is, in Jesus."
after him, that
is, on Christ

Acts 20:21 Testifying both I have declared NIV omits Christ yet
to the Jews, and to both Jews again.
Read online also to the and Greeks that
at Greeks, they must turn
BibleGateway repentance to God in
toward God, repentance and
and faith toward have faith in our
our Lord Jesus Lord Jesus.

Acts 24:7 But the chief OMITTED The NIV translators must
captain Lysias not have valued this text.
Read online came upon us,
at and with great
BibleGateway violence took
him away out of
our hands,

Acts 28:29 And when he OMITTED Once again, the NIV

had said these removes scripture without
Read online words, the Jews so much as a mention of it.
at departed, and
BibleGateway had great

Romans 1:3 Concerning his regarding his NIV removes "Jesus

Son Jesus Christ Son, who as to Christ our Lord" and
Read online our Lord, which his human "according to the flesh."
at was made of the nature was a The latter is apparently
BibleGateway seed of David descendant of converted to "human
according to the David, nature."

Romans 1:16 For I am not I am not The NIV is apparently

ashamed of the ashamed of the ashamed of Christ.
Read online gospel of Christ: gospel, because
at for it is the it is the power
BibleGateway power of God of God for the
unto salvation to salvation of
every one that everyone who
believeth; to the believes: first
Jew first, and for the Jew, then
also to the for the Gentile.

Romans 1:24 Wherefore God Therefore God Notice how the NIV has
also gave them gave them over interpreted the intended
Read online up to in the sinful meaning for us here. The
at uncleanness desires of their Greek word used does
BibleGateway through the lusts hearts to sexual include "sexual impurity"
of their own impurity for the as a possible meaning, but
hearts, to degrading of it is broader in scope,
dishonour their their bodies encompassing other forms
own bodies with one of sin as well.
between another. Additionally, while this
themselves: Greek word is translated
consistently in the KJV,
the NIV uses multiple
English forms, thus
obscuring any parallels
among the passages which
may have existed.

Romans 3:23 For all have for all have The KJV compound verb
sinned, and sinned and fall becomes a compound
Read online come short of short of the sentence in NIV, with
at the glory of glory of God, marked change in meaning
BibleGateway God; with the new grammar.
Changing the verb from
past participle to present
simple, NIV implies all
must sin, an excuse for
sinners, ignoring Jesus'
goal of perfection (Mt.
5:48). Additionally, "fall
short" implies sin, whereas
"come short" implies

Romans 4:1 What shall we What then shall NIV again removes "the
say then that we say that flesh" concept, which is a
Read online Abraham our Abraham, our key concept throughout
at father, as forefather, the Bible, beginning in
BibleGateway pertaining to the discovered in Genesis, and which plays
flesh, hath this matter? a major role in Paul's
found? writings.

Romans 6:11 Likewise reckon In the same Perhaps the NIV

ye also way, count translators did not feel
Read online yourselves to be yourselves dead Jesus Christ was their
at dead indeed to sin but alive Lord.
BibleGateway unto sin, but to God in Christ
alive unto God Jesus.
through Jesus
Christ our Lord.

Romans 8:1 There is Therefore, there The NIV lops off half of
therefore now is now no this verse. Is it to avoid
Read online no condemnation mention of "the flesh"? It
at condemnation for those who is worthy of note that the
BibleGateway to them which are in Christ word "flesh" is entirely
are in Christ Jesus, removed from 261 verses
Jesus, who walk of the Bible as compared
not after the to the KJV.
flesh, but after
the Spirit.

Romans For the scripture As the Scripture Never? Or at some future

10:11 saith, says, "Anyone point in time?
Whosoever who trusts in
Read online believeth on him will never
at him shall not be be put to
BibleGateway ashamed. shame."


Romans And how shall And how can The NIV removes the
10:15 they preach, they preach "gospel of peace" along
except they be unless they are with the "glad tidings of
Read online sent? as it is sent? As it is good things!"
at written, How written, "How
BibleGateway beautiful are the beautiful are the
feet of them that feet of those
preach the who bring good
gospel of peace, news!"
and bring glad
tidings of good

Romans 11:6 And if by grace, And if by grace, The NIV does not include
then is it no then it is no the second half of the
Read online more of works: longer by verse which is intended to
at otherwise grace works; if it balance and give
BibleGateway is no more were, grace perspective to the first
grace. But if it would no longer half.
be of works, be grace.
then it is no
more grace:
otherwise work
is no more

Romans But why dost You, then, why The NIV truly meddles
14:10 thou judge thy do you judge here. It changes the
brother? or why your brother? meaning of the statement,
Read online dost thou set at Or why do you and gives ownership of the
BibleGateway nought thy look down on judgment seat to "God" in
brother? for we your brother? place of "Christ."
KJV NIV shall all stand For we will all
before the stand before
judgment seat of God's judgment
Christ. seat.

Romans And I am sure I know that Again, the NIV despises

15:29 that, when I when I come to the gospel. Why?
come unto you, you, I will come
Read online I shall come in in the full
at the fulness of measure of the
BibleGateway the blessing of blessing of
the gospel of Christ.

Romans The grace of our OMITTED Apparently, another case

16:24 Lord Jesus of the NIV stripping out
Christ be with the name of Christ. This
Read online you all. Amen. time, there wouldn't have
at been much left of the
BibleGateway verse, so the entire verse is
thrown out.

1 Corinthians Purge out Get rid of the Was Christ's sacrifice not
5:7 therefore the old old yeast that for us?
leaven, that ye you may be a
Read online may be a new new batch
at lump, as ye are without yeast—
BibleGateway unleavened. For as you really
even Christ our are. For Christ,
KJV NIV passover is our Passover
sacrificed for lamb, has been
us: sacrificed.
1 Corinthians Defraud ye not Do not deprive The NIV, predictably by
7:5 one the other, each other now, removes "fasting"
except it be with except by here. However, if one is
Read online consent for a mutual consent not fasting during this
at time, that ye and for a time, period of abstinence, the
BibleGateway may give so that you may very temptation of which
yourselves to devote the text speaks is more
fasting and yourselves to likely.
prayer; and prayer. Then
come together come together
again, that Satan again so that
tempt you not Satan will not
for your tempt you
incontinency. because of your
lack of self-

1 Corinthians And when he and when he The NIV leaves out "take
11:24 had given had given eat" and "broken", both
thanks, he brake thanks, he broke central to communion.
Read online it, and said, it and said,
at Take, eat: this is "This is my
BibleGateway my body, which body, which is
is broken for for you; do this
you: this do in in remembrance
remembrance of of me."

1 Corinthians Be not Do not be Is it whom we are with, or

15:33 deceived: evil misled: "Bad what we say that corrupts
communications company our character? Despite all
Read online corrupt good corrupts good the sinners in Jesus'
at manners. character." company, they did not
BibleGateway corrupt him!

2 Corinthians In stripes, in in beatings, There is a vast difference
6:5 imprisonments, imprisonments between the involuntary
in tumults, in and riots; in "hunger" and the voluntary
Read online labours, in hard work, "fastings." Likewise
at watchings, in sleepless nights "sleepless nights" and
BibleGateway fastings; and hunger; "watchings" are much

Galatians 3:1 O foolish You foolish See any difference here?

Galatians, who Galatians! Who
Read online hath bewitched has bewitched
at you, that ye you? Before
BibleGateway should not obey your very eyes
the truth, before Jesus Christ was
whose eyes clearly
Jesus Christ portrayed as
hath been crucified.
evidently set
forth, crucified
among you?

Galatians And this I say, What I mean is The NIV has the covenant
3:17 that the this: The law, (NIV "law") being
covenant, that introduced 430 "introduced" in place of
Read online was confirmed years later, does "confirmed"--virtually
at before of God in not set aside the opposite meanings!
BibleGateway Christ, the law, covenant Furthermore, it has left
which was four previously Christ out of this crucial
hundred and established by verse about the covenant.
thirty years God and thus do There can be, however, no
after, cannot away with the covenant without Christ,
disannul, that it promise. whose death sealed it!
should make the
promise of none

Galatians 4:7 Wherefore thou So you are no Acts 4:10-12 makes it

art no more a longer a slave, clear that there can be no
Read online servant, but a but a son; and salvation in any other
at son; and if a since you are a name than that of Jesus
BibleGateway son, then an heir son, God has Christ. But the NIV leaves
of God through made you also Christ out here.
KJV NIV Christ. an heir.

Galatians For in Christ Neither The NIV again leaves out

6:15 Jesus neither circumcision Christ Jesus.
circumcision nor
Read online availeth any uncircumcision
at thing, nor means anything;
BibleGateway uncircumcision, what counts is a
but a new new creation.

Galatians From Finally, let no The NIV speaks of Jesus

6:17 henceforth let one cause me here without His title of
no man trouble trouble, for I "Lord."
Read online me: for I bear in bear on my
at my body the body the marks
BibleGateway marks of the of Jesus.
Lord Jesus.

Ephesians Having by abolishing in KJV is clearly referring to

2:15 abolished in his his flesh the law the commandments of the
flesh the enmity, with its ordinances themselves,
Read online even the law of commandments whereas NIV implies the
at commandments and regulations. entire law of
BibleGateway contained in His purpose was commandments and
ordinances; for to create in ordinances were
KJV NIV to make in himself one new abolished.
himself of twain man out of the
one new man, two, thus
so making making peace,

Ephesians 3:9 And to make all and to make By whom? NIV is leaving
men see what is plain to Christ out again.
Read online the fellowship everyone the
at of the mystery, administration
BibleGateway which from the of this mystery,
beginning of the which for ages
world hath been past was kept
hid in God, who hidden in God,
created all who created all
things by Jesus things.

Ephesians For this cause I For this reason I NIV is leaving Christ out
3:14 bow my knees kneel before the yet again.
unto the Father Father,
Read online of our Lord
at Jesus Christ,


Ephesians 5:3 But fornication, But among you The NIV has added the
and all there must not concept of "hint" which is
Read online uncleanness, or be even a hint nowhere in the Greek text
at covetousness, of sexual for this verse. The KJV is
BibleGateway let it not be once immorality, or correct in saying "let it not
named among of any kind of be once named among
you, as impurity, or of you."
becometh greed, because
saints; these are
improper for
God's holy

Ephesians 5:9 (For the fruit of (for the fruit of Is it "Spirit" or is it

the Spirit is in the light "light"?
Read online all goodness and consists in all
at righteousness goodness,
BibleGateway and truth;) righteousness
and truth)

Ephesians For the husband For the husband Note the NIV gloss "his
5:23 is the head of is the head of body" which is not part of
the wife, even the wife as the original Greek text.
Read online as Christ is the Christ is the
at head of the head of the
BibleGateway church: and he church, his
is the saviour of body, of which
the body. he is the Savior.

Ephesians For we are for we are See any difference here?

5:30 members of his members of his
body, of his body.
Read online flesh, and of his
at bones.


Philippians Nevertheless, Only let us live The meaning has changed

3:16 whereto we up to what we much here. The NIV has
have already have already again removed words and
Read online attained, let us attained. concepts from the original.
BibleGateway walk by the
same rule, let us
KJV NIV mind the same

Colossians To the saints To the holy and The NIV strips the phrase
1:2 and faithful faithful brothers "Lord Jesus Christ" once
brethren in in Christ at again.
Read online Christ which are Colosse: Grace
at at Colosse: and peace to
BibleGateway Grace be unto you from God
you, and peace, our Father.
from God our
Father and the
Lord Jesus

Colossians In whom we in whom we Where is the blood?

1:14 have have Without the shedding of
redemption redemption, the blood there is no remission
Read online through his forgiveness of (forgiveness) of sins
at blood, even the sins. according to Hebrews
BibleGateway forgiveness of 9:22. Since the NIV
sins: includes this verse, it
contradicts itself.

Colossians In whom also ye In him you were By leaving out "of the
2:11 are circumcised also sins," the NIV has
with the circumcised, in changed the whole
Read online circumcision the putting off meaning of this verse. The
at made without of the sinful concept of repentance is
BibleGateway hands, in nature, not with weakened by its rendition
putting off the a circumcision here.
KJV NIV body of the sins done by the
of the flesh by hands of men
the circumcision but with the
of Christ: circumcision
done by Christ,

Colossians Blotting out the having canceled NIV changes the word
2:14 handwriting of the written "ordinances" to "written
ordinances that code, with its code with its regulations."
Read online was against us, regulations, that The NIV only uses the
at which was was against us phrase "written code" in
BibleGateway contrary to us, and that stood three other verses, all in
and took it out opposed to us; the New Testament--so
of the way, he took it away, this effectively obscures
nailing it to his nailing it to the the true object of
cross; cross. reference.

Colossians For which Because of Upon whom will the wrath

3:6 things' sake the these, the wrath of God come?
wrath of God of God is
Read online cometh on the coming.
at children of
BibleGateway disobedience:

1 Furthermore Finally, NIV adds the entire phrase

Thessalonians then we beseech brothers, we "as in fact you are living"
4:1 you, brethren, instructed you and subtracts some
and exhort you how to live in concepts in exchange.
Read online by the Lord order to please
at Jesus, that as ye God, as in fact
BibleGateway have received of you are living.
us how ye ought Now we ask
to walk and to you and urge
please God, so you in the Lord
ye would Jesus to do this
abound more more and more.
and more.
1 That no man go and that in this NIV here eliminates the
Thessalonians beyond and matter no one connection to the Old
4:6 defraud his should wrong Testament concept of the
brother in any his brother or avenger of blood, thus
Read online matter: because take advantage reducing the inter-biblical
at that the Lord is of him. The harmony and setting this
BibleGateway the avenger of Lord will verse in isolation from its
all such, as we punish men for counterparts.
also have all such sins, as
forewarned you we have already
and testified. told you and
warned you.

1 But as touching Now about NIV converts the first-

Thessalonians brotherly love brotherly love person singular to plural.
4:9 ye need not that we do not need Exactly who is "we" here?
I write unto to write to you,
Read online you: for ye for you
at yourselves are yourselves have
BibleGateway taught of God to been taught by
love one God to love
another. each other.

1 But I would not Brothers, we do Who is writing this?

Thessalonians have you to be not want you to Throughout the chapter,
4:13 ignorant, be ignorant the NIV identifies the
brethren, about those who author as "we" in place of
Read online concerning fall asleep, or to the use of "I" in the KJV.
at them which are grieve like the Are the NIV "translators"
BibleGateway asleep, that ye rest of men, thinking of themselves as
sorrow not, who have no part authors with Paul?
KJV NIV even as others hope.
which have no
1 Timothy 2:7 Whereunto I am And for this "The true faith"? Paul is
ordained a purpose I was saying he teaches faith and
Read online preacher, and an appointed a truth, not the "true faith!"
at apostle, (I speak herald and an Besides, seeing as the NIV
BibleGateway the truth in apostle—I am has left out the key phrase
Christ, and lie telling the truth, "in Christ," what kind of
not;) a teacher I am not lying— "true faith" or religion
of the Gentiles and a teacher of would its translators be
in faith and the true faith to trying to support here? A
verity. the Gentiles. Christless one?

1 Timothy And without Beyond all NIV changes "God was

3:16 controversy question, the manifest in the flesh" to
great is the mystery of "He appeared in a body."
Read online mystery of godliness is This converts "God" to an
at godliness: God great: He ambiguous pronoun, and
BibleGateway was manifest in appeared in a muddles up the concept of
the flesh, body, was how he "appeared." Do
justified in the vindicated by spirits have bodies? (See
Spirit, seen of the Spirit, was John 4:24.)
angels, preached seen by angels,
unto the was preached
Gentiles, among the
believed on in nations, was
the world, believed on in
received up into the world, was
glory. taken up in

1 Timothy Let no man Don't let anyone The NIV leaves out "in
4:12 despise thy look down on spirit."
youth; but be you because
Read online thou an example you are young,
at of the believers, but set an
BibleGateway in word, in example for the
conversation, in believers in
charity, in spirit, speech, in life,
in faith, in in love, in faith
purity. and in purity.

1 Timothy 6:5 Perverse and constant The NIV omits the

disputings of friction between command here: "from
Read online men of corrupt men of corrupt such withdraw thyself!"
at minds, and mind, who have
BibleGateway destitute of the been robbed of
truth, supposing the truth and
that gain is who think that
godliness: from godliness is a
such withdraw means to
thyself. financial gain.

2 Timothy Study to shew Do your best to Notice the difference? To

2:15 thyself present yourself "study" is to be diligent.
approved unto to God as one To "do your best" is rather
Read online God, a approved, a less defined.
at workman that workman who
BibleGateway needeth not to does not need to
be ashamed, be ashamed and
rightly dividing who correctly
the word of handles the
truth. word of truth.

2 Timothy The Lord Jesus The Lord be The NIV refuses to name
4:22 Christ be with with your spirit. Jesus Christ as Lord here.
thy spirit. Grace Grace be with
Read online be with you. you.
at Amen.


Titus 1:4 To Titus, mine To Titus, my As with many other

Read online own son after true son in our verses, NIV silently drops
at the common common faith: the "Lord" (Gr. κυρίου)
BibleGateway faith: Grace, Grace and peace out of its connection with
mercy, and from God the "Jesus Christ."
KJV NIV peace, from Father and
God the Father Christ Jesus our
and the Lord Savior.
Jesus Christ our

Titus 2:8 Sound speech, and soundness Notice the differences in

that cannot be of speech that pronouns? Greek pronouns
Read online condemned; that cannot be are not so ambiguous.
at he that is of the condemned, so
BibleGateway contrary part that those who
may be oppose you may
ashamed, be ashamed
having no evil because they
thing to say of have nothing
you. bad to say about

Titus 3:4 But after that But when the NIV has but partially
the kindness and kindness and translated the
Read online love of God our love of God our "philanthropia" (Gr.
at Saviour toward Savior φιλανθρωπία) of this text.
BibleGateway man appeared, appeared, It means "love of

Titus 3:10 A man that is an Warn a divisive Notice the glosses the NIV
heretick after person once, inserts here? Nor is a
Read online the first and and then warn warning quite the same as
at second him a second an admonition.
BibleGateway admonition time. After that,
reject; have nothing to
do with him.

Philemon 1:2 And to our to Apphia our The word "beloved" (Gr.
beloved Apphia, sister, to ἀγαπητῇ) becomes "sister"
Read online and Archippus Archippus our in the NIV. While the
at our fellow soldier Greek word does appear in
BibleGateway fellowsoldier, and to the its feminine form, there is
and to the church that little similarity between
church in thy meets in your the two translations for
house: home: this word.

Philemon 1:6 That the I pray that you The two translations here
communication may be active in seem to have entirely
Read online of thy faith may sharing your different foci. The NIV
at become faith, so that adds "I pray," loses the
BibleGateway effectual by the you will have a concept of a having an
acknowledging full "effectual" witness, and
of every good understanding exchanges
thing which is of every good "acknowledging" for
in you in Christ thing we have in "understanding."
Jesus. Christ.

Philemon Not now as a no longer as a NIV changes "in the flesh"

1:16 servant, but slave, but better to "as a man"--two
above a servant, than a slave, as different concepts, and
Read online a brother a dear brother. adds the final "brother" to
at beloved, He is very dear the text.
BibleGateway specially to me, to me but even
but how much dearer to you,
more unto thee, both as a man
both in the and as a brother
flesh, and in the in the Lord.

Hebrews 1:2 Hath in these but in these last The universe? Interesting
Read online last days spoken days he has stretch.
at unto us by his spoken to us by
BibleGateway Son, whom he his Son, whom
hath appointed he appointed
KJV NIV heir of all heir of all
things, by things, and
whom also he through whom
made the he made the
worlds; universe.

Hebrews 1:3 Who being the The Son is the The NIV removes "by
brightness of his radiance of himself" so that it will not
Read online glory, and the God's glory and appear as though Jesus is
at express image the exact solely responsible for
BibleGateway of his person, representation purging our sins. This
and upholding of his being, reflects the fact that
all things by the sustaining all Catholics don't want us to
word of his things by his know that salvation
power, when he powerful word. depends on Jesus alone.
had by himself After he had
purged our sins, provided
sat down on the purification for
right hand of the sins, he sat
Majesty on down at the
high: right hand of the
Majesty in

Hebrews 2:7 Thou madest You made him a The NIV again removes an
him a little little lower than important part of the
Read online lower than the the angels; you verse.
at angels; thou crowned him
BibleGateway crownedst him with glory and
with glory and honor
honour, and
didst set him
over the works
of thy hands:

Hebrews 2:16 For verily he For surely it is Whoa! There is a huge

took not on him not angels he difference between these
Read online the nature of helps, but two renditions.
at angels; but he Abraham's
BibleGateway took on him the descendants.
seed of

Hebrews For ye had You The NIV removes the

10:34 compassion of sympathized references to Paul and to
me in my bonds, with those in heaven.
Read online and took prison and
at joyfully the joyfully
BibleGateway spoiling of your accepted the
goods, knowing confiscation of
in yourselves your property,
that ye have in because you
heaven a better knew that you
and an enduring yourselves had
substance. better and

James 5:16 Confess your Therefore James uses the Greek

faults one to confess your word "paraptoma",
Read online another, and sins to each rendered as "faults" in the
at pray one for other and pray KJV, but as "sins" in the
BibleGateway another, that ye for each other NIV. It means trespasses,
may be healed. so that you may or sins which are
The effectual be healed. The committed against others.
fervent prayer prayer of a The NIV broadens it to
of a righteous righteous man is every class of sin,
man availeth powerful and supporting the Catholic
much. effective. notion of confession.
1 Peter 1:13 Wherefore gird Therefore, While the meaning may be
up the loins of prepare your similar, "prepare your
Read online your mind, be minds for minds for action" does not
at sober, and hope action; be self- harmonize with the Old
BibleGateway to the end for controlled; set Testament concept and
the grace that is your hope fully imagery present in "gird
to be brought on the grace to up the loins." This
unto you at the be given you effectively isolates this
revelation of when Jesus scripture from its
Jesus Christ; Christ is companion texts.

1 Peter 4:1 Forasmuch then Therefore, since The NIV leaves out the
as Christ hath Christ suffered fact that Christ suffered
Read online suffered for us in his body, arm "for us," and implies
at in the flesh, arm yourselves also instead that he suffered for
BibleGateway yourselves with the same his own sins. We know
likewise with attitude, this is erroneous!
the same mind: because he who
for he that hath has suffered in
suffered in the his body is done
flesh hath with sin.
ceased from sin;

1 Peter 4:14 If ye be If you are NIV omits the last half,

reproached for insulted because the part which explains the
Read online the name of of the name of first. However, note that
at Christ, happy Christ, you are the explanation does not
BibleGateway are ye; for the blessed, for the match the NIV's
spirit of glory spirit of glory interpretation for the first
and of God and of God rests half, thus the NIV
resteth upon on you.“ translators needed to get
you: on their rid of it.
part he is evil
spoken of, but
on your part he
is glorified.

1 Peter 5:8 Be sober, be Be self- NIV downplays the

vigilant; controlled and urgency of the situation,
Read online because your alert. Your changing "vigilant" to
at adversary the enemy the devil "alert." "Sober" becomes
BibleGateway devil, as a prowls around "self-controlled."
roaring lion, like a roaring
walketh about, lion looking for
seeking whom someone to
he may devour: devour.

2 Peter 2:9 The Lord if this is so, then "Continuing their

knoweth how to the Lord knows punishment?" What sort of
Read online deliver the how to rescue purgatorial or eternal hell
at godly out of godly men from addition is this? At least
BibleGateway temptations, and trials and to the NIV admits in the
to reserve the hold the footnote that it should be
unjust unto the unrighteous for rendered more like what
day of judgment the day of the KJV has.
to be punished: judgment, while
continuing their

Or unrighteous
for punishment
until the day of

2 Peter 2:17 These are wells These men are The NIV leaves out "for
without water, springs without ever." This is likely
Read online clouds that are water and mists because the Catholics
at carried with a driven by a choose to believe in a
BibleGateway tempest; to storm. Blackest second-chance theory
whom the mist darkness is called "Purgatory".
of darkness is reserved for
reserved for them.

1 John 4:3 And every spirit but every spirit NIV leaves out the fact
that confesseth that does not that Jesus Christ is come
Read online not that Jesus acknowledge in the flesh--yet another
at Christ is come Jesus is not swipe at the divinity of
BibleGateway in the flesh is from God. This Christ.
not of God: and is the spirit of
this is that spirit the antichrist,
of antichrist, which you have
whereof ye have heard is coming
heard that it and even now is
should come; already in the
and even now world.
already is it in
the world.

1 John 5:7 For there are OMITTED The "Johannine Comma"

three that bear is a gloss known to be
Read online record in added to this text in about
at heaven, the the 16th century, but there
BibleGateway Father, the is still a part of this verse
Word, and the which should remain after
Holy Ghost: and its removal. The KJV
these three are erroneously includes the
one. gloss, whereas the NIV
throws it out. In this
particular case, the NIV
seems justified. See its
parenthetical note in the
footnote for the following
verse (vs. 8).

1 John 5:8 And there are For there are Here, the KJV includes the
Read online three that bear three that remainder of the
at witness in earth, testify: the Johannine Comma, but the
BibleGateway the spirit, and Spirit, the water NIV, while correctly
the water, and and the blood; removing that, incorrectly
KJV NIV the blood: and and the three are removes the concept of
these three in agreement. "one."
agree in one.
manuscripts of
the Vulgate
testify in
heaven: the
Father, the
Word and the
Holy Spirit, and
these three are
one. 8 And
there are three
that testify on
earth: the (not
found in any
before the

1 John 5:13 These things I write these Admittedly, the Greek text
have I written things to you appears redundant here,
Read online unto you that who believe in containing "the name of
at believe on the the name of the the Son of God" (Gr. τὸ
BibleGateway name of the Son Son of God so ὄνοµα τοῦ υἱοῦ τοῦ θεοῦ)
of God; that ye that you may twice. However, does this
may know that know that you justify the NIV's failure to
ye have eternal have eternal translate a phrase which
life, and that ye life. may be there for
may believe on emphasis--and which
the name of the focuses on salvation
Son of God. through "the name of the
Son of God"?

Revelation And from Jesus and from Jesus Subtle: NIV subtly
1:5 Christ, who is Christ, who is undermines the royalty of
the faithful the faithful Christ by converting
Read online witness, and the witness, the "prince" (the son of a
at first begotten of firstborn from king) to "ruler." "Wash"
BibleGateway the dead, and the dead, and and "free" are also not
the prince of the the ruler of the equal.
kings of the kings of the
earth. Unto him earth. To him
that loved us, who loves us
and washed us and has freed us
from our sins in from our sins by
his own blood, his blood,

Revelation Saying, I am which said: NIV leaves out God's self-

1:11 Alpha and "Write on a identification here as
Omega, the first scroll what you John's authority for
Read online and the last: see and send it writing.
at and, What thou to the seven
BibleGateway seest, write in a churches: . . .
book, and send [Seven
it unto the seven Churches]"
churches which
are in Asia; . . .

Revelation I am he that I am the Living The NIV has both added to

1:18 liveth, and was One; I was and subtracted from this
dead; and, dead, and verse. Also, note the
Read online behold, I am behold I am change of the word "hell"
at alive for alive for ever to "Hades"--so much for
BibleGateway evermore, and ever! And I simpler, or more "modern"
Amen; and have hold the keys of English!
KJV NIV the keys of hell death and
and of death. Hades.

Revelation And the four The four living The NIV translators leave
5:14 beasts said, creatures said, out the number of elders (a
Amen. And the "Amen," and Greek grammatical carry-
Read online four and twenty the elders fell over from verse 8), and,
at elders fell down down and most importantly, "him
BibleGateway and worshipped worshiped. that liveth for ever and
him that liveth ever" is removed. By so
KJV NIV for ever and doing, the NIV has
ever. removed another reference
to Christ, who is the
"Lamb that was slain"
worshiped by the elders
(see vs. 13).

Revelation And I beheld, As I watched, I The angel (Gr. ἀγγέλου)

8:13 and heard an heard an eagle morphs into "an eagle" in
angel flying that was flying the NIV.
Read online through the in midair call
at midst of heaven, out in a loud
BibleGateway saying with a voice: "Woe!
loud voice, Woe! Woe to
KJV NIV Woe, woe, woe, the inhabitants
to the inhabiters of the earth,
of the earth by because of the
reason of the trumpet blasts
other voices of about to be
the trumpet of sounded by the
the three angels, other three
which are yet to angels!"
Revelation And I stood And the dragon Who stood on the shore?
13:1 upon the sand of [fn1] stood on
the sea, and saw the shore of the
Read online a beast rise up sea. And I saw a
at out of the sea, beast coming
BibleGateway having seven out of the sea.
heads and ten He had ten
horns, and upon horns and seven
his horns ten heads, with ten
crowns, and crowns on his
upon his heads horns, and on
the name of each head a
blasphemy. blasphemous

Some late

Revelation Here is wisdom. This calls for The terms "number of a

13:18 Let him that wisdom. If man" and "man's number"
hath anyone has are hardly equal. Saying it
Read online understanding insight, let him is "man's number" is to
at count the calculate the spread the number over all
BibleGateway number of the number of the of humankind, as opposed
beast: for it is beast, for it is to applying it to just one
the number of a man's number. entity, as the Greek would
man; and his His number is also allow. Essentially, the
number is Six 666. translators have chosen
hundred our interpretation for us, to
threescore and the exclusion of other
six. legitimate possibilities.

Revelation And in their No lie was It is one thing to be

14:5 mouth was found in their blameless, and another
found no guile: mouths; they thing to be "without fault
Read online for they are are blameless. before the throne of God!"
at without fault
BibleGateway before the
throne of God.

Revelation And the seventh The seventh Is there any point to the
16:17 angel poured angel poured NIV leaving out the words
out his vial into out his bowl "in heaven"? Where is the
Read online the air; and into the air, and throne and temple spoken
at there came a out of the of here?
BibleGateway great voice out temple came a
of the temple of loud voice from
heaven, from the throne,
the throne, saying, "It is
saying, It is done!"

Revelation And I saw the And I saw the The NIV changes "God"
20:12 dead, small and dead, great and to "the throne." Whose
great, stand small, standing throne is it?
Read online before God; and before the
at the books were throne, and
BibleGateway opened: and books were
another book opened.
was opened, Another book
which is the was opened,
book of life: and which is the
the dead were book of life.
judged out of The dead were
those things judged
which were according to
written in the what they had
books, done as
according to recorded in the
their works. books.
Revelation And the nations The nations will The NIV omits "of them
21:24 of them which walk by its which are saved." Will
are saved shall light, and the everyone be saved? This
Read online walk in the light kings of the appears to be another relic
at of it: and the earth will bring of Catholic belief in
BibleGateway kings of the their splendor "purgatory," a second-
earth do bring into it. chance theory in which
their glory and people are believed to get
honour into it. to heaven after thousands
of years in limbo.

Revelation Blessed are they "Blessed are The NIV translates here
22:14 that do his those who wash from a corrupted
commandments, their robes, that manuscript, resulting in an
Read online that they may they may have entirely different meaning.
at have right to the the right to the The washing of the robes
BibleGateway tree of life, and tree of life and is addressed in Revelation
may enter in may go through 7:14; but here the focus is
through the the gates into on the keeping of the
gates into the the city. commandments--a vital
city. part of washing one's
robes. Notice the emphasis
just two verses prior:
"And, behold, I come
quickly; and my reward is
with me, to give every
man according as his
work shall be" (vs. 12).

Revelation The grace of our The grace of the How audacious for the
22:21 Lord Jesus Lord Jesus be NIV "translators" to
Christ be with with God's remove "Christ" from this
Read online you all. Amen. people. Amen. verse, only two verses
at after the warning is given
BibleGateway to those who should "take
away from the words of
the book of this

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