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4/29/24, 3:11 PM Language Gym - Vocab Trainer

Language: French
Level: Beginner
Lesson: Talking about things I have to do: the verb DEVOIR+ house chores

Vocab List

Beginner - Talking about things I have to do: the verb DEVOIR+ house chores

Je dois ranger ma chambre I must tidy up my bedroom

Je dois promener le chien I must walk the dog

Je dois laver la voiture I must wash the car

Je dois donner à manger au chien I must feed the dog

Je dois tondre la pelouse I must mow the lawn

Je dois sortir la poubelle I must take out the bin

Je dois débarrasser la table I must clear the table

Je dois mettre la table I must set the table

Je dois passer l'aspirateur I must vacuum

Je dois laver la lessive I must do the laundry

Je dois faire le ménage I must clean up

Je dois faire mon lit I must make my bed

Je dois faire la vaisselle I must do the washing-up

Je dois nettoyer le salon I must clean up the living room

Familiarise yourself with this vocab list then click BACK to return to the assignment.


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