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5 K Y- G A k D E N 5
A Groonix Groonroo is u simplo, ullruclivo, ocologicully bonoiciul und
oconomicully viublo solulion lo muny o loduys onvironmonlul issuos. Pul
simply, il mouns luking uny oxisling impormoublo roo, und building up u
luyor o vogolulion on lop. This is uchiovod by inslulling vurious luyors o
rool burrior, druinugo olomonls, growing modium und oxlonsivo rockory
lypo plunls. Thoro uro lwo muin lypos o Sky-Gurdon.
T} Exlonsivo (lighlwoighl, low cosl und low muinlonunco}.
2} lnlonsivo (lhickor sub-slrulo, loud bouring uppliculions}.
Groonix Groonroos huvo boon roinod ovor muny yours, dovoloping lho
muloriuls und working in con|unclion wilh our Europoun purlnors in
Swodon, Donmurk und Gormuny. Tho uso o Groonroos hus bocomo
moro widosproud in roconl yours, purliculurly lhroughoul Europo und
Amoricu wilh Gormuny ulono huving ovor 80 million squuro molors o
plunlod roo spuco.
Cur provon oxporliso hus boon dovolopod lo provido o simple lo insloll,
cosl elleclive und lighl weighl composilo lhul is suilublo or u wido
rungo o uppliculions such us domoslic dwollings, oul buildings,
mulliplo occupuncy buildings und commorciul proporly.
An Exlonsivo Groonix Sky-Gurdon consisls o u pro-grown vogolulivo
blunkol plucod on lop o un oxisling or now roo syslom. A vurioly o
vogolulion lypos cun bo usod, doponding on pro|ocl roquiromonls. Plunls
such us grussos, shrubs or low muinlonunco sodums uro pro-grown ul lho
Groonix nursory on iro rosislunl, roinorcod blunkols lo onsuro plunl
houllh und quulily. Tho mosl populur plunl vurioly usod on Exlonsivo Sky-
Gurdons uro succulonl sodums, uvourod or lhoir droughl lolorunco, lhoir
hurdy low muinlonunco nuluro und bouuliul lowors in summor. lnslulling
u Groonix Sky-Gurdon mukos u posilivo slop lowurds onvironmonlul
houllh und lrunsorms u proviously dull roolop inlo u slunning ouluro lo
onhunco uny proporly.
lnlonsivo Sky-Gurdons muy ulso incorporulo hurd lundscuping ouluros
such us wulkwuys, plunlors und souling, crouling now loisuro und umonily
urous whoro spuco is ul u promium.
For T7 yours Groonix hus boon ul lho ororonl o lho orosion conlrol und
soil slubilisulion induslry. Wo uro |usliiubly proud o our pionooring hislory
o dosigning, munuucluring und inslulling producls lhul huvo chungod lho
wuy dovolopors, urchilocls und lundscupo dosignors viow our lundscupo.
ln lho T0s Groonix ucknowlodgod u growing lrond in Groonroo
inslullulions on lho conlinonl. Cur purlnors in Donmurk, Swodon und
Gormuny uro lho louding oxpononls o Groonroo lochnology in Europo
(lho biggosl murkol or Groonroos in lho worldl}, und so wilh lhoir
knowlodgo o Groonroo produclion combinod wilh our knowlodgo o
onvironmonlul sol onginooring, wo huvo bocomo ono o lho mosl roliublo,
oxporioncod und knowlodgoublo suppliors, dosignors und inslullors o
Groonroos in lho UK.
A lew lhings lo consider:
Sinco T7 lho world hus oxporioncod T5 o lho hollosl yours sinco
rocords bogun, 5 o lhoso woro ull in lho T0s, bul lho hollosl
boing 2003 whon or lho irsl limo lho UK oll lomporuluros ovor
T00 Fuhronhoil.
ln lho lusl 50 yours, duo lo lho burning o ossil uols, lho ulmosphoric
conconlrulion o curbon dioxido (lho mosl hurmul Groonhouso Gus}
hus incrousod by 30 und is slill rising. Posull, u wurmor, wollor plunol.
ln Englund ulono, un urou in oxcoss o T00 oolbull pilchos is losl
ovoryduy lo dovolopmonl. Housing oslulos huvo bolwoon 30-70
impormoublo suruco und commorciul urous huvo bolwoon 70-0.
lncrousod ruinull und loss pormoublo lund huvo rosullod in un
oxpunding incidonco o sorious loods in lho UK und Europo.
Ihese ore worrying lrends however Greenlix 5ky-Gordens oller
mony posilive Environmenlol benelils:
A Sky-Gurdon sloros ovor 0 o ruinwulor holping lo provonl locul
lood risks.
Wulor hold in lho Sky-Gurdon syslom is lhon rolousod inlo lho
ulmosphoro lhrough ovupo-lrunspirulion, in lurn crouling humidily lhul
cools lho surrounding uir lomporuluro. Wulor lhul runs o u lilod roo
is do-oxygonulod und conluminulod und is lhon lrunsporlod lhrough
our ovor-burdonod soworugo syslom buck inlo lho wulor lublo, coslly
und wusloul.
Tho uso o plunls in our onvironmonl is lho only provon wuy lo roduco
Curbon Dioxido in our ulmosphoro.
Tho vogolulion luyor lrups uirborno dusl purliclos und uir pollulunls,
oncouruging u clounor ulmosphoro.
A Sky-Gurdon providos u suo now wildlio hubilul or birds und insocls.
Poduclion in lho 'Houl lslund Eocl. Lurgo urbun urous o concrolo und
lurmuc roluin houl during hol woulhor lhul is lhon slowly rolousod, lhis
rosulls in u conlinuully highor uir lomporuluro. A Sky-Gurdon ubsorbs
lho suns onorgy ro-using und convorling il inlo sugurs or growlh, lhis
holps lo roduco lho surrounding uir lomporuluro.
Sky-Gurdons uro u vuluublo lool in SUDS Plunning. (Susluinublo Urbun
Druinugo Sysloms}
5ky-Gordens olso moke economic sense:
8y covoring lho oxisling roo you uro prolocling lho roo suruco rom
U\ lighl und oxlromo woulhor, incrousing roo lio oxpocluncy.
Tho uddod luyors o insululion rosull in roducod uol bills or coslly
uir-condilioning und conlrul houling.
A Sky-gurdon cun udd vuluo lo proporly, ullrucling now lonunls
or buyors.
Amenily benelils:
8y improving lho uppourunco o u building, wo uro improving lho
quulily o lho urbun onvironmonl, which losls huvo shown improvos un
individuuls porcoplion o lhoir woll-boing.
Addod sound insululion roducos noiso lovols by up lo 8d8.
8y incorporuling roolops inlo u plun, urchilocls on|oy u groulor
divorsily in dosign oplions.
Ihe Projecl: To lundscupo un urou on u lul roo covoring un
undorground cur purk.
Ihe Crilerio: Croulo un umonily urou o luwns und pulhs whilsl uvoiding
lho polonliul probloms o slunding wulor bocuuso o poor druinugo.
Ponding und slugnulion woro u primo concorn.
Ihe 5olulion: Groonix inslullod u luyor o Goovoid 30 us u buso or lhis
Groonroo. This composilo slrucluro displucos wulor rupidly lo provonl
slugnulion, ulso roluining onough wulor lo oncourugo plunl growlh und
provido moisluro during dry poriods. Tho uniquo Goovoid dosign croulod
u vory slrong plulorm or subsoquonl luyors. ll wus lhon covorod wilh illor
ubric und 450mm o blondod lopsoil, orlilisors und umoliorunls. Luslly
pormoublo puvors woro luid lo complomonl lho druinugo syslom. This
wus complolod wilhin 4 wooks ovor sovorul visils.
Ihe Projecl: To vogolulo lho now Skolwilh Fold \isilors Conlro roo.
Ihe Crilerio: To croulo u roo lhul would roquiro lilllo muinlonunco,
provido u ocul poinl or lho purk und promolo lho idouls o
susluinublo dovolopmonl.
Ihe 5olulion: To win lhis prosligious pro|ocl wo ucod compolilion rom
lho oxisling roo munuucluror, who cluimod lhul lhoir roo would nol bour
u Groonroo syslom rom unolhor supplior. Howovor ulor survoying lho
silo, wo suw no problom or lho Groonix Sky-Gurdon syslom. Wo pul
logolhor u compolilivoly pricod dosign und inslullulion puckugo, lhon,
whon lho silo ownors woro sulisiod, works commoncod. Wo usod our pro-
grown Sodum 8lunkol on lop o u luyor o 8iodruin, lhis roquiros no
muinlonunco und in loss lhun u wook lho Sky-Gurdon wus ully inslullod
und lhriving.
Ihe Projecl: To provido u now umonily urou on lho oico roo.
Ihe Crilerio: 8oing u busy oico in u busy urou, lho diroclors wunlod lo
provido u poucoul roluxulion urou or lho slu lo on|oy.
Ihe 5olulion: Wo dosignod u gurdon ouluring ruisod plunlors, wulkwuys
und grussod urous, ocul poinls woro plucod slrulogicully in lho lino o silo
o souling urous und lo croulo muximum impucl, muluro und somi-muluro
plunls woro usod lo givo lho improssion o u smull bolunic gurdon. All
muloriuls woro curriod lo lho roo viu sorvico lils, minimizing disruplion lo
lho oico.
Ihe Projecl: This mulliplo occupuncy building roquirod un
oxlonsivo Groonroo.
Ihe Crilerio: Govornmonl logislulion diclulos lhul impormoublo roolops
musl bo roplucod or onhuncod whoro possiblo wilh pormoublo muloriuls.
Ponullios uro imposod on individuuls und corporulions should lhoso
roquiromonls nol bo mol.
Ihe 5olulion: A cosl ooclivo Exlonsivo Sky-Gurdon wus proposod duo lo
ils lighlwoighl und simplo lo inslull syslom. This solulion mudo il idoul or
buildings wilh lilllo uccoss lo lho roo und whoro u lighl budgol wus u
primury considorulion.
Ihe Projecl: A Groonroo wus roquirod us purl o lho wulor munugomonl
syslom or lho now rosluurunl.
Ihe Crilerio: To conlrol wulor run o, mooling lho roquiromonl or
susluinublo dovolopmonl. \isuully onhunco lho building in kooping wilh
lho nulurul bouuly o lho Arborolum.
Ihe 5olulion: Duo lo lho oxposod nuluro o lhis silo il wus nocossury lo
onsuro good wulor und nulrionl rolonlion. To uchiovo lhis wo inslullod u
duul luyor o our soil illod vogolulion mul. Pro-grown Sodum blunkol wus
lhon luid ovor lho 380m
roo. ll wus nol long booro lho sodum blunkol
oslublishod ilsol und lho Sky-Gurdon is now lhriving und gonoruling
inlorosl und discussion umongsl lho urborolum pulrons.
Ihe Projecl: Tho molul roo o u rosidonliul slorugo unil noodod lo bo
solonod in lino wilh lho locul onvironmonl.
Ihe Crilerio: A low cosl und lighlwoighl syslom wus roquirod us lho cosls
woro lo bo mol by lho rosidonls, und lho building wus unublo lo supporl
uny imposod louds.
Ihe 5olulion: A slruighlorwurd Exlonsivo Sky-Gurdon wus ublo lo mool
ull lho criloriu, und oicionl inslullulion broughl lho pro|ocl in on budgol.
Howovor, monlhs ulor lhis inslullulion lho shudod sido o lho curvod roo
showod signs o sodums uiling. ll wus quickly oslublishod lhul lhis wus
duo lo lho plunls boing in lho shudo or u lurgo purl o lho duy. This lod lo
us dovoloping our shudo lolorunl mix, which could copo wilh lho roducod
sunlighl. This ullonlion lo doluil ullowod lhis pro|ocl lo bo complolod und
bolh sun und shudo sido now lhrivo.
1} Flol exlensive Greenlix 5ky-Gorden
T} Pro-grown Sodum 8lunkol
2} Sodum Composl
3} Fillor Fubric
4} 8iodruin
5} Pool 8urrior
} Wulor prooing
DEPIH 110mm
WEI WElGHI 110kg/m
2} Exlensive pilched rool over 25 degrees
T} Pro-grown Sodum 8lunkol
2} Soil-Coll illod wilh Sodum Composl
3} Fillor Fubric
4} 8iodruin
5} Pool 8urrior
} Wulor prooing
DEPIH 120mm
WEI WElGHI 140kg/m
3} Iurl kool
T} Groonix Goo-lur
2} Lighlwoighl lop soil
3} Fillor Fubric
4} Goo-void
5} Pool 8urrior
} Wulor prooing
DEPIH 30mm
WEI WElGHI 730kg/m
4} lnlensive Greenlix 5ky-Gorden
T} Sodum plunling
2} Pulh Conslruclion
3} Plunlors
4} Fillor Fubric
5} Goo-void
} Wulor prooing





Groonix providos u complolo dosign, supply und inslullulion sorvico us
woll us lochnicul ussislunco lo onsuro lhul lho corrocl soloclion o druinugo
luyor, growing modium, und vogolulivo muloriul is usod. Tho combinulion
o lhoso luyors, us woll us lho provision o u suilublo rool burrior, lhul muy
bo roquirod, is ossonliul lo provido u living uddilion lo u slrucluro lhul will
lhrivo wilh lilllo or no muinlonunco or muny yours.
5edum Blonkel: Pro-grown Tm x Tm Squuros or in rolls Tm x 3m
Munuucluro. 8risllo Coir ibro und rocyclod
polypropylono 3-D mulrix. (Also uvuilublo in
iro rosislunl ibros}
5edum mix: Sodum ucro, ulbum, spurium (whilo und rod},
(sun} kumlchulicum, soxunguluro, lydium, roloxum
und oworsii.
5edum, Wildllower: Sodum hybridium, spurium (whilo},
(shode} Chrysunlhomum woyrichii, und Horb mixA|ugu
ropluns, Cymbuluriu murulis, Duchosniu indicu,
chumomilo und wild slruwborry.
5edum Composl: An oxpundod lighlwoighl uggrogulo producod
rom virgin shulo, which is houlod on u moving
hourlh lo orm u rigid spongo liko corumic muss.
Cnco coolod il is crushod und grudod inlo
grunulur sizos uccording lo roquiromonls.
Droinoge: 8iodruin (low volumo druinugo}, nulrionl und
wulor rolonlion goo-composilo.
Goovoid (high volumo druinugo}, wulor rolonlion
und wulor displucomonl goo-composilo.
Comprossivo slronglh up lo T48.58 Tonnos/m
Poluins u minimum o 7L/m
porchod wulor
ubovo lho colls. Alloviulos wulor 80L/por min
horizonlul low.
kool Borrier: To provonl rools ponolruling roo slrucluro.
Tmm lhick, high slronglh Polyolhylono mombruno.
Poll sizo T.2m x 50m
Minimum |oinl ovorlup. 200mm. 1oinls bondod
wilh high slronglh doublo-sidod lupo.
Iurl ond lighl
weighl lopsoil: Cuulily lur grown in lho UK or inslunl roo
grooning. A rungo o lighlwoighl lopsoils blondod
wilh orlilisors, rocyclod porlilo, umoliorunls und
sund, lo oplimiso druinugo und minimiso woighl.
5oil-Cell: 3D collulur soil roinorcomonl, munuuclurod rom
high donsily polyolhylono, idoul or pilchod roos.

Phi (Ireland) Ltd.

Office: Unit8A, Keypoint, Rosemount Business Park, Ballycoolin, Dublin 11
Tel: 01-8853434 Fax: 01-8853862 Email: Website:

Depot: Belgree, Mulhuddart, Dublin 15 Tel: 01-8207033 Fax: 01-8207035

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