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The need for constant connectivity has increased at a time of rapid technological change. But
it can be confusing, in particular for elderly people who may have little knowledge of the
intricate digital interfaces on their phones. I proudly present "Senior Cell", a groundbreaking
solution that meets the unique needs of older people whilst ensuring an easy and enjoyable
mobile experience, recognizing this need for simplicity and availability.
As I unveil Senior Cell, I embark on a journey to redefine the way seniors interact with cell
phones. The purpose of our mission is to bridge the gap between cutting edge technology and
user-friendly design so that senior citizens can connect easily with loved ones, engage in
digital life on their own terms. I have carefully designed every part of Senior Cell in such a
way that our solution is functional and user friendly, taking into consideration the challenges
faced by elderly people.

The introductory cover page in a business plan is the first page of the document and
typically includes the name of the business, the date, and the contact information for the
business owners. It’s important to make this page look professional and visually
appealing, as it sets the tone for the rest.


NAME: Rukkaiya Mustufa Morawala

ADDRESS: Opposite to Gangadhar Estate, Rakhial, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India

QUALIFICATION: Bachelor of commerce (B. Com)

BA in Business Administration- Entrepreneurship


1. Chartered Accountant for 3 months

2. Investment banker for 2 years
3. Marketing Manager for 1 year




ADDRESS: Opposite to Gangadhar Estate, Rakhial, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India

T EL NO: +91 07922743198



TAGLINE: ‘Connecting Generations’

THE NATURE OF BUSINESS: Small Scale Industry


Sole Proprietorship is the structure of the organisation.

Reason: -

I have started a sole proprietorship business because it allows the owner to have complete
control over the business.



Senior Cell sells senior-friendly cell phones for the elderly who may have difficulty using the
normal phones. It allows them to stay connected to their loved ones and provide peace of

mind for both the senior and their family members. A senior-friendly cell phone also helps
seniors maintain their independence by allowing them to easily communicate with others,
access valuable information, and stay updated on current events and news. Additionally, it
could provide a sense of security for seniors who may be living alone or have medical
conditions that require monitoring.


It comes with variety of colours.


Reason for my Product Design:

When designing a product, it’s important to consider factors such as colour, typography and
shape as these elements can have big impacts on how people.
perceive your brand.


TAGLINE: Connecting Generations


The cell phone on the top describes what we sell which is cell phones. The colour Black and
white symbolizes maturity, reliability, and intelligence.


A unique speciality of our senior-friendly cell phone is larger buttons and a simplified
interface to make it easier for seniors to use. Additionally, it has a long battery life and a
durable design drops and other accidents. Another unique specialty is a built-in emergency
button that connects seniors with emergency services in case of an accident or other
emergency. It also includes hearing aid compatibility feature that allows seniors with hearing
aids to use the phone more easily. It also has a built-in magnifier to help with vision
problems. Additionally, the phone is connected with their families’ devices and contains GPS
tracking feature to help seniors with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease stay safe and prevent

Another unique specialty is that it has a simplified camera. It also has a built-in medication
reminder feature to help remember to take their medications on time. Lastly it also contains
voice-activated features to use the phone without having to press any buttons.


A business venture refers to a new and often risky commercial endeavour or project
undertaken by individuals, entrepreneurs, or companies with the aim of generating profits. It
involves identifying opportunities in the market, developing a strategic plan, allocating
resources, and taking calculated risks to create, operate, and grow a business.


Senior-friendly cell phones are devices that are designed specifically to meet the needs of
seniors. These phones have features such as larger buttons, simplified interfaces, and long
battery life that make it easier for them to use. They have built-in features such as emergency
buttons, fall detection, and medication reminders to help seniors stay safe and healthy.
Additionally, the have features such as hearing aid compatibility and language translation and
help seniors communicate more easily with others. Overall, senior-friendly cell phones are
designed to help seniors stay connected with their loved ones and maintain their
independence as they age.

 SITE: The location of the enterprise is located in my residential basement.


 Metals
 Silicon Wafer
 Transistors


The labour required for this business is as follows:

 Four semi-skilled workers

 Two skilled workers
 Four Technical workers

Manufacturing industries require a mix of skilled and unskilled labour (they will be
given proper training before their recruitment)



Transport of the phones will be done through FEDEX courier and communication
with the customer will be done through the company website and email.


Manufacturing an AI chip for a mobile phone is a complex process that involves
specialized equipment and facilities.
1. Ion Implantation Equipment:
 Used to implant ions into the wafer to create specific electrical properties.
2. Annealing Equipment:

 Used to heat and cool the wafer to activate dopants and repair crystal lattice
3. Lithography Equipment:
 Advanced optical or EUV (Extreme Ultraviolet) lithography machines are
used for high-resolution patterning.
4. Metrology and Inspection Equipment:
 These machines are used to measure and inspect the quality of the
semiconductor components.
5. Packaging and Testing Equipment:
 Once the chips are fabricated, they need to be packaged and tested for quality
and functionality. This includes automated testing equipment.
6. Automation and Robotics:
 Automated material handling systems and robotics are used extensively in
semiconductor manufacturing for wafer handling, equipment
loading/unloading, and quality control.
7. Environmental and Safety Systems:
 Environmental control systems ensure a controlled atmosphere in the clean
room, while safety systems protect personnel and the facility.
8. Process Control and Monitoring Systems:
 These systems help maintain consistent and precise manufacturing conditions.

Manufacturing AI chips involves advanced semiconductor fabrication techniques,

and the machinery required can vary depending on the specific design and process
technology used.
Cost= 9000 Dep= 2%

The production process for making an AI (Artificial Intelligence) chip, also known
as an AI accelerator or AI hardware, involves several stages. Here are the steps in
the production process:

Design and Architecture:

The process begins with the design of the AI chip's architecture. This involves
defining the chip's functions, features, and specifications.

Logic Design:
Engineers create a detailed logical design of the chip.

Mask Creation:
A set of masks is created based on the logical design.

Wafer Manufacturing:
Silicon wafers are produced using a process called photolithography.

Wafer Testing:

The wafers are tested to identify any defects or faults. Defective wafers are
discarded, while the good ones proceed to the next steps.

The good wafers are cut into individual chips. These chips are then packaged into
protective casings, which can vary in size and shape depending on the intended

Assembly and Testing:

The packaged chips are assembled onto printed circuit boards (PCBs) or modules.
The assembled units are rigorously tested to ensure they meet the required
performance and quality standards.

Programming and Firmware:

The AI chips are programmed with the necessary firmware and software drivers.

Quality Control:
The final AI chips undergo extensive quality control checks to ensure they meet
the specified standards for reliability, power efficiency, and performance.

Packaging and Distribution:

Once the AI chips pass all quality checks, they are packaged for distribution to
manufacturers of AI devices or integrated into custom hardware solutions.


An organisational plan is a plan that outlines the structure of a business and the roles and
responsibilities of its employees. It includes details about the hierarchy of the
organization, the functions of different departments and the reporting structure for
different positions. The organizational plan is used to ensure that the business is well-
organize and that everyone knows their role in achieving the company’s goal.

It’s a sole proprietorship form of ownership company.

Full control: - I have full control over the business.

Quick Decision Making: - I am a single owner so I can take quick decisions and all things can
run faster in the business.

As a sole proprietor, I own and operate the business and am personally liable for all the
commercial transactions. In addition, the owner is personally liable for all liabilities incurred
by the business. As a sole owner, one can own the business for as long as you want and sell it
whenever you choose to.

It is a sole proprietorship business so all the authority is in the hands of a single owner, and
there are different forms of payment – a sole proprietor can use either a check or card and
cash payments.

Terms and Conditions of Sole Proprietorship

Basis Terms and conditions of sole proprietorship

Liability Has unlimited liability
Ease and closure of formation There are few documents required to start a
sole proprietorship.
Contracts and agreements Common to have contracts with suppliers
and customers
License One must need a permit to start a sole

Forms of payment for the workers of the organisation

All the employees will be paid monthly in cheques in the end of the month.

(Includes partial manufacturing)
A production plan is a plan that outlines the steps that a business will take to manufacture
a product. It includes details about the materials needed, the manufacturing process and

the timeline for production. It is used to ensure that a business can meet demand for its
products while maintaining quality and efficiency.

My enterprise includes PARTIAL MANUFACTURING

Partial manufacturing refers to a manufacturing process where some of the materials used
in the final product are produced by other manufacturers or suppliers. This approach can
be more cost effective than producing all the components by us, as it allows the
manufacturers to take advantage of economies of scale and specialized expertise.

Supplier’s names, addresses, terms, and conditions:

The cell phones are purchased from supplier Tae Yung from Yung electronics manufacturers,
suppliers and exporters located in China.

Cost= AED 500 per phone

Tae Yung has a lot of manufacturing and exporting experience. He provides high-quality
work, have the capacity to handle the volume of work and provide low cost for shipping. He
is great with communication and shows interest in our company.

Terms and conditions between our business and the supplier:

 Payment terms: The payment terms should be clearly defined.

 Delivery terms: The delivery terms should be clearly defined, including the delivery
method, delivery schedule, and delivery location.
 Quality Standards: must include the specifications for the materials and any testing
 Intellectual Property: The ownership and use of any intellectual property related to the
 Confidentiality: Sign a confidentiality agreement to protect any confidential
information related to the materials or the manufacturing process.
 Liability: The liability for any damages or losses related to the materials or the
manufacturing process should be clearly defined.
 Termination: The conditions for terminating the agreement should be clearly defined.

The Cost and time involved with a subcontractor will depend on a variety of factors,
including the complexity of the work, volume of the work required, subcontractors’ expertise,
experience, and location. However, the cost of the work will depend on the specific terms of
the subcontractor agreement including the payment structure, any minimum other
requirement and additional fees or expenses.

An operational plan is a detailed plan that outlines how a company or organization will
achieve its goal and objectives. It typically includes specific details about the day-to-day
operations of the company such as the processes, procedures and resources that will be
used to achieve the company’s goal. It is important in a business plan because it gives an
outline for how the company will execute its strategy and achieve its objective.

 Routing:
It is a service designed with our customer in mind and providing them with cell
phones that provide elders with many benefits and stay connected with their loved
 Scheduling:
The delivery of the product will be usually every Saturday to Monday. The production
will take place all the other days. If any customer requires fast delivery, the product
will be delivered on the respective day the customer wants.
 Dispatching:

There are certain vehicles allotted for a particular area and on time. For example, a
vehicle no. TN9AQ2536 has been allotted for Gandhi Bazar, Ahmedabad on the 4th of
July at 11 am.
 Follow up:
The customer can call us on our number +91 07922743198 or on our mail to learn more about the product and its pricing details.
 Inspection:
There is an assigned inspection manager to check if the product is produced on time
and delivered on the date mentioned and to check customer satisfaction.


Only a few people are required for working and since it’s a sole proprietorship, the owner
must manage everything.

The workers are being selected based on their education record, their previous experiences in
other companies and their attitude towards the company and the other workers.

Q. What kind of people are required?

 Skilled workers to do the manual and financial works.

 Semi-Skilled workers to help in the movement of materials and helping in fixing the
parts together.
 Technical workers to help in operating technology related work.

Q. How many people are hired?

 How much work can an average person do in a specified period of time.

10 hours with 1 hour break

 Level of absenteeism expected.
2 months paid leave
 Rate of labour turnover

1 in a year
 Present number of workers
10 workers
 The future plans for expansion and diversification
1. Selling our products worldwide.
2. Come up with more innovative ideas.
3. Double our production.
4. Make modifications according to customer preference.
Q- How are they hired and trained?
Research and 4 6 months Through interview and 3,000
development probation period
Marketing and 2 8 months Basis of knowledge and 2,500
Product Planning skills
Worker 4 8 months Based on past job 1,000

Total Salary= 21,000 per month


A marketing plan is an outline of the strategies and tactics to be applied by a company in

order to promote its products or services. It is to ensure that companies are able to reach their
target audiences in an effective and efficient manner, generating the sales and revenue they
need to achieve their objectives.


My product is a senior-friendly cell phone called Seniorcell


I will be using cost-plus pricing method for my product.

Reason for adopting this pricing method:

Cost- plus pricing refers to the pricing strategies where the price of the product is determined
by adding a markup cost to the total product’s cost. It is also easy to calculate and understand,
which makes it a popular choice for my start up business. Additionally, it can help my
SeniorCell company maintain consistent pricing across different products and markets. It
involves determining the cost of producing a Senior Cell phone and then adding a markup to
that cost to arrive at a final price.



The product will be sold online on amazon and my website. It can also be found in
department stores nearby.


‘SeniorCell’ will be marketed in social media pages and my official website. It will also be
advertised in Podcasts, Newspapers, and television ads.

There are 3 levels of packaging of a product. They include:
Primary Packaging:
Primary packaging, also known as consumer or retail packaging, is the packaging in direct
contact with the product. It is designed to protect, contain, and present the product to

Secondary Packaging:
Secondary packaging is the packaging that holds together multiple units of primary
packaging. It is used for the purpose of grouping or displaying products, as well as providing
additional protection during distribution.

Tertiary Packaging:
Tertiary packaging, also known as transit or shipping packaging, is designed for the safe
transportation and handling of products in bulk or large quantities.


1. Business situation analysis: - To analyse the business situation before starting the
enterprise. If we have enough money to cover the development cost or if it is the best
market to enter to earn profit.

a. Personal profile of the entrepreneur

Name: Rukkaiya Mustufa Morawala
Age: 26
b. What need it satisfies?
Senior Cell helps elders to connect with their family and use the current technology with
c. Any other enterprise/experience of the entrepreneur: Nil

2. Identify the target market: -

a. Divide the market into smaller groups based on:
I. Consumer characteristics viz.
• Geographic: The product will be available all over UAE
• Demographic: The product is mostly focused on senior citizens, age group targeted- 70+
• Psychographics: Lifestyle: The product is focused on the middle and
upper classes.
II. Buying situations viz
• Buying conditions: The product will be available online so the
customers will be able to place an order 24/7.

• Desired benefits: The product will act as a personal assistant helping
the buyer to take. some of the most amazing fashion advice.
b. Target segment: SeniorCell would cater to one main target segment such as
Elders as the cell phone provides easy access to the current technology and is a simplified
version of a normal cell phone.
3. Conduct SWOT analysis: -

1. User-Friendly Design: Senior-friendly cell phones typically have larger buttons, simplified
menus, and intuitive interfaces, making them easy for older adults to use.

2. Emergency Features: Many senior cell phones come with dedicated emergency buttons,
allowing seniors to call for help quickly in case of an emergency.

3.Long Battery Life: Senior-friendly phones may prioritize longer battery life, reducing the
need for frequent charging.

4. Simplified Features: These phones typically focus on essential features like calling, texting,
and emergency contacts, minimizing distractions.

5. Large Display: A larger screen size with clear and legible text can benefit seniors with
vision issues.


1. Limited Features: The simplicity of senior cell phones can be a drawback for tech-savvy
seniors who want more advanced features like smartphone capabilities or internet access.

2. Limited Market: The market for senior-friendly phones is limited to older adults, which
can limit overall sales potential.

3. Cost: These phones may be more expensive due to specialized features, potentially limiting

4. Competitive Pressure: Mainstream smartphones are becoming more user-friendly, which

can pose a threat to the market for senior cell phones.

5. Obsolete Technology: Since senior-friendly phones often lag behind in terms of

technology, they may become outdated quicker than smartphones.


1. Simplified User Interface: Create a simple and intuitive user interface that minimizes
complexity and eliminates unnecessary features.

2. Large, High-Contrast Displays: Seniors often have reduced vision, so providing a large,
high-contrast display with adjustable font sizes is crucial. Bright, clear screens with
adjustable brightness levels are also essential for outdoor use.

3. SOS Alerts: Integrate a built-in SOS system that sends alerts and GPS location
information to designate contacts or emergency services in case of a fall or emergency.

4. Medication Reminders: Incorporate a medication reminder system with customizable

alerts and the ability to input medication schedules.

5. Simple Camera: Include an easy-to-use camera with basic features for taking photos and
sharing them with loved ones.

6. Remote Assistance: Build in a remote assistance feature that allows family members or
caregivers to provide remote support and troubleshooting.

7. Affordability: Ensure that the phone is reasonably priced to make it accessible to a

broader range of seniors.

8. User Training and Support: Provide clear and accessible user manuals and customer
support to assist seniors with setup and troubleshooting.

9. Internet Safety: If the phone has internet connectivity, include a web browser with built-in
safety features to protect against scams and phishing attempts.

10. Collaboration with Senior Organizations: Collaborate with senior organizations and
healthcare providers to better understand the needs of seniors and tailor the phone's
features accordingly.


1. Advancements in Smartphone Accessibility: As smartphones become more accessible and

user-friendly, older adults may opt for mainstream devices instead of specialized senior cell

2. Economic Factors: Economic downturns can lead to reduced consumer spending, affecting
the market for specialized devices like senior cell phones.

3. Health and Safety Concerns: Health crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, may lead to
reduced demand for senior cell phones if older adults become more isolated or face financial

4. Competition: New entrants or established tech companies may introduce innovative senior-
friendly features, increasing competition in the market.

5. Changing Demographics: As the demographics of older adults change over time, with
younger generations having more tech familiarity, the demand for senior cell phones may

6.Establish goals: -
 Creating a strong brand image
 Expanding the product line
 Increasing sales by targeting new markets
 Develop a loyal customer base.
 Increase revenue and profits.

7. Implementation and monitoring of the plan: -

 Setting regular meeting to check the progress of the enterprise.
 Improving the product with market research and consumer’s feedback
 Regularly review your marketing and advertising campaigns

1. Jitterbug (by Great Call): Jitterbug offers a range of senior-friendly cell phones with
simplified interfaces, big buttons, and health and safety features, including emergency
2. Doro: Doro is a Swedish company specializing in senior-friendly phones with user-
friendly interfaces, hearing aid compatibility, and emergency buttons.

3. Snapfon: Snapfon offers senior cell phones with loud and clear audio, large buttons, and
features like SOS emergency calling and a speaking keypad.

4. Nokia (HMD Global): Nokia has introduced various mobile phones with senior-friendly
features, such as the Nokia 3310, known for its simplicity and durability.

 Components of a financial plan

A. Proforma investment decisions

B. Proforma financing decisions

C. Proforma income statements

D. Proforma cash flow

E. Proforma balance sheet

F. Break-even analysis

G. Economic and social variables

 Proforma Investment decisions


1. Salary 21,000

2. Insurance 7,000

3. Depreciation on Machinery (2%) 120

4. Expenses on research and development 25,000

5. Utilities 8,000

6. Preliminary Expenses 500

Total Start-up Cost= 21,000+7,000+120+25,000+8,000+500

= AED 61,620


1. Cell phones (imported) (per phone)


2. AI Chip (Raw Materials, AI Programming

Cost) (Per Chip) 8000

3. Packaging Materials

Total Variable Cost Per Unit: 1000+10,000+500= AED 8,600

 Proforma Financing Decision

 Owners Funds= AED 2,831,260
 Borrowed Funds= Nil
 Proforma Income Statement


Revenue AED 1,440,000

Cost of Goods Sold -AED 1,376,000

Gross Profit AED 64,000


- Fixed Costs -AED61,620

Net Income AED 2,380

```NET INCOME= AED 2,380 Per Month

 Break even analysis.

Gross profit per unit = selling price per -unit variable cost per unit

= 9,000-8,600= AED 400 (Profit per Cell phone)

Fixed cost= AED61,620

Break even= fixed cost/ gross margin = 61620/400

= 154 Units

• Economic and social variables

1. Employment generation- Publish job applications in newspapers, magazines and on social


2. Local resource utilisation in order to create the AI Chip and the scrap pieces can be utilised
for another chip. It will also help to reduce waste and decrease cost price.

3. Supply of high-quality products at reasonable prices may help in producing more products.


An assessment of risk on a business plan is an evaluation of the potential risks and

challenges that a business may face in achieving its goal and objectives. The purpose of
this assessment is to identify potential risks and develop strategies to prevent or manage

Identify potential hazards: -

• SeniorCell is specially designed for the use of senior so other customers may not
prefer the design and features
• If the product is not manufactured or used properly, it could lead to safety hazards.

• Exporting raw materials from other countries needs to comply with different safety
and regulatory standards, which could pose additional challenges and risks.

Develop alternative strategies to either prevent minimize or respond to risk.

 Ensuring that your product is safe and effective by carrying out safety tests and quality
control checks.
 Using high quality materials that are safe for use.
 To help ensure that the product is used safely and efficiently, include clear instructions on
how to use it and security precautions.
 To draw the attention of a worldwide audience and to promote our product and will use
internet platforms and social media.


An appendix, in a written document or report, is a section or supplementary material

containing additional information, data, or details that support or expand upon the main


By offering a dependable, reachable, and user-friendly cell phone, SeniorCell represents a

significant opportunity to serve the aging population that is rapidly expanding. SeniorCell is
more than just a product—thanks to our dedication to using technology to improve seniors'
quality of life—it serves as a means of bridging generational divides and promoting

independence and connectivity among the elderly. SeniorCell enables seniors to take
advantage of modern communication while adhering to their particular needs and





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