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Market survey refers to the systematic collection and analysis of data related to a specific
market, including information about consumers, competitors, and the overall industry.
The primary objectives of a market survey are to:
1. Understand Customer Needs
2. Assess Market Trends
3. Evaluate Competition
4. Improve Product/Service
5. Optimize Marketing Strategies

SeniorCell: Empowering Seniors Through Technology

SeniorCell is not just a phone; it is a lifeline to connectivity and independence for seniors.
Designed with simplicity, accessibility, and senior-friendly features at its core, SeniorCell
redefines what a mobile phone can be for older adults.

Our mission at SeniorCell is to bridge the digital generation gap, ensuring that seniors can
effortlessly stay in touch with loved ones, access essential services, and enjoy the benefits of
modern technology, all without the complexities that often come with smartphones.

With SeniorCell, we have crafted a user-friendly device that prioritizes ease of use, large
buttons, clear displays, and innovative features tailored to seniors' needs. Join us on a journey
to empower seniors in the digital age and discover the simplicity and reliability of SeniorCell.
Stay connected, stay independent – choose SeniorCell.

Conducting the survey to:

 Understand the demand and supply chain of the target market.

 Developing well thought marketing plans.
 Figure out customer expectations and needs.
 Obtain information about customer demographics.

Profile of the Organization

a. Entrepreneur’s bio data:

 Name: Rukkaiya Mustufa Morawala

 Age: 26
 Address: Dubai

 Qualifications: Bachelor of commerce (B. Com)

BA in Business Administration- Entrepreneurship

 Experience:

Chartered Accountant for 3 months

Investment banker for 2 years

Marketing Manager for 1 year

b. Industry’s profile:

 Name of business: SeniorCell

 Name of product: SeniorCell

 Telephone number: +91 07922743198

 Email:

 Website:

 Nature of business: Small Scale Operation

c. Constitution and organization: Sole proprietorship.

• Registration details:

i. Shareholders: Sole Proprietorship

ii. Directors: Ms. Rukkaiya Morawala
iii. Company name: SeniorCell
iv. Share capital: AED 1,000,000.
v. Registered office address: Dubai
vi. Date of incorporation: 01-June-2023
vii. Listing status: Unlisted


Purpose of the Survey:

To collect primary data for the preparation for class XII Entrepreneurship market survey
report, the product being researched is "Cell phone". The idea of adding senior-friendly
features to the phone is also being researched here
General Instructions:
1. All questions are mandatory.
2. Choose only one response.
3. Respond by ticking the most appropriate option
All responses will be treated as confidential and used for academic purpose only.
Thank you for your time and valuable input.
1. Do you currently own a cell phone?
o Yes
o No

2. How frequently do you use a cell phone?

o Rarely
o Occasionally
o Frequently
o Very frequently

3. What tasks do you most commonly use your cell phone for?
o Calling
o Texting
o Taking Photos
o Using social media
o Other

4. Which of the following features do you consider most important in a senior-

friendly cell phone?
o Large, easy-to-read text and icons
o Emergency call button
o Durability and grip
o Hearing aid compatibility

5. How important is a user-friendly interface in your cell phone usage experience?

o Extremely important
o Slightly important
o Neutral
o Not important at all

6. Which design aspect would you prioritize in a senior-friendly cell phone?

o Slim and sleek
o Large buttons with tactile feedback
o Enhanced grip and non-slip materials
o Classic flip-phone design

7. Would you prefer a cell phone with physical buttons or a touchscreen interface?
o Physical Buttons
o Touchscreen Interface
o No preference

8. Would you be interested in optional services such as:

o 24/7 tech support for assistance
o Personalized tutorials and guides for usage
o Customizable font sizes and display settings
o None of the above

9. What price range would you consider reasonable for a senior-friendly cell phone
with the features you desire?
o AED 6,000-7,000
o AED7,000-8,000
o AED8,000-9,000
o AED9,000-10,000

10. Where do you prefer to purchase cell phones?

o Physical retail stores
o Online marketplaces (Amazon, etc.)
o Mobile carrier stores
o Other

11. Where did you hear about us from?

o Social Media
o YouTube and Video Reviews
o Friends and Family
o Product Website

Data analysis and interpretation

Question 1: Do you currently own a cell phone?

20 respondents surveyed the questionnaire to know if they own a cell phone. 90% people
responded yes that they do currently own a cell phone and 10% responded with no.

No. of Responses Response

18 Yes

2 No

Question 2: How frequently do you use a cell phone?

This question refers to asking how frequently one uses their cell phone. 10% of the people
said they rarely use their cell phone, 20% of the people said that they occasionally use their
cell phone, 35% frequently use their cell phone and 35% very frequently use their cell phone.
So, we can conclude that more than 50% of the people use their phones frequently.


No. of Responses Response

2 Rarely

4 Occasionally

7 Frequently

7 Very Frequently

Question 3: What tasks do you most commonly use your cell phone for?

When asked what task people use their phones most for the responses were that 21% people
use their phones for calling, 26% use their phone for texting, 29% use their phone for taking
photos and 24% use their phone for using social media. With this we can conclude that
people use their phones for almost all the tasks.


No. of Responses Response

12 Calling
15 Texting

17 Taking Photos

14 Using social media

0 Other

Question 4: Which of the following features do you consider most important in a senior-
friendly cell phone?

In this question we ask our what features they consider the most important in a senior-
friendly cell phone. 35% of the people responded that they consider large, easy-to-read text
and icons the most important feature, 35% consider Emergency call button as an important
feature, 20% consider Durability and grip the most important feature and 10% find hearing
and compatibility an important feature. This concludes that customers find large, easy-to-read
text and icons and emergency call button an important feature in a senior-friendly cell phone.


No. of Responses Response

7 Large, easy-to-read text and icons

7 Emergency call button

4 Durability and grip

2 Hearing aid Compatibality

Question 5: How important is a user-friendly interface in your cell phone usage experience?

From the option given, 55 % find it extremely important, 25% find it slightly important, 20%
find it neutral, and 0% find it not important at all. To conclude most of the respondents find
user-friendly interface in their cell phone usage experience extremely important.


No. of Responses Response

11 Extremely Important

5 Slightly Important

4 Neutral

0 Not important at all

Question 6: Which design aspect would you prioritize in a senior-friendly cell phone?
According to the pie chart, 5% of the respondents prioritize a slim and sleek design, 45% of
the respondents would consider large buttons with tactile feedback, 25% of the respondents
consider enhanced grip and non-slip material and 25% prioritize a classic flip-phone design.
To conclude, maximum number of people would consider large buttons and tactile feedback.


No. of Responses Response

1 Slim and sleek

9 Large buttons with tactile feedback

5 Enhanced grip and non-slip materials

5 Classic flip-phone design

Question 7: Would you prefer a cell phone with physical buttons or a touchscreen interface?

When asked whether the respondents prefer physical buttons or touchscreen interface,15 %
responded that they prefer Physical buttons, 70% responded they prefer touchscreen interface
and the rest 15% gave no preference. In conclusion, most of the respondents prefer a cell
phone with touchscreen interface rather than physical buttons.


No. of Responses Response

3 Physical Buttons

14 Touchscreen Interface

3 No preference
Question 8: Would you be interested in optional services such as:

In this question we ask if our customers were interested in optional services. 65% of the
people want 24/7 teach support assistance, 10% of people want personalized tutorials and
guides for usage, 20% of the people want customizable font sizes and display setting whereas
5% of people prefer none of them. To conclude, most of the people prefer 24/7 tech support
for assistance.


No. of Responses Response

13 24/7 tech support for assistance

2 Personalized tutorials and guides for usage

4 Customizable font sizes and display settings

1 None of the above

Question 9: What price range would you consider reasonable for a senior-friendly cell phone
with the features you desire?
From the options given to the customers to choose the pricing of the product, 20% of the
people would buy it if it was priced around AED 6,000-7,000, 10% of the people are willing
to pay AED 7,000-8,000, 40% are willing to pay AED 8,000-9,000, whereas the remains 30%
percent are willing to buy the product at AED 9,000-10,000.


No. of Responses Response

4 AED 6,000-7,000

2 AED7,000-8,000

8 AED8,000-9,000

6 AED9,000-10,000

Question 10: Where do you prefer to purchase cell phones?

When asked where people prefer to purchase cell phones, the responses were that 40% prefer
purchasing it from physical retail stores, 55% prefer to purchase from online marketplaces
whereas 5% prefer to purchase from mobile carrier stores. Therefore, most of the respondents
prefer to purchase cell phones from online platforms/marketplaces such as amazon, eBay etc.


No. of Responses Response

8 Physical retail stores

11 Online marketplaces (Amazon, etc.)

1 Mobile carrier stores

0 Other

Question 11: Where did you hear about us from?

From the data collected, we can see that 30% of the people are aware of our brands through
their social media, 20% of the people get to know from YouTube and Video reviews, 40% of
the people heard it from their Friends and family whereas the remaining 10% of the people
got to know about us from our product website. To conclude, information is spread far wider
and quickly when it is heard from their friends and family or word of mouth in general.


No. of Responses Response

6 Social Media

4 YouTube and Video Reviews

8 Friends and Family

2 Product Website


From the survey conducted, one can analyse that:
 Majority of the people own a cell phone.
 Most of the people very frequently use their cell phones.
 People use their phones for calling, texting, taking photos and to use social media.
 Majority of the customers find large, easy-to-read texts and icons and emergency call
button the most important feature in a senior-friendly cell phone.
 User-friendly interface in cell phone usage experience is extremely important.
 Customers prioritize large buttons with tactile feedback design in a senior-friendly cell
 Touchscreen interface is more preferred than physical buttons.
 Customers are interested in 24/7 tech support for assistance as an optional service.
 Majority of the respondents find AED 8,000-9,000 a reasonable price range.
 People prefer Online Platforms/marketplaces rather than physical stores.
 People mostly hear about our brand through their friends or family more than the Socials.


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