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Iberian lynx 76 languages

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The Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) is one of the four extant species within the medium-sized Iberian lynx Small
Phylogeny Temporal range:
wild cat genus Lynx. It is endemic to the Iberian Peninsula in southwestern Europe. It is listed Standard
Characteristics as vulnerable on the IUCN Red List.[3] In the 20th century, the Iberian lynx population had Early Pleistocene -Recent 1–0 Ma

Distribution and habitat declined because of overhunting, poaching, fragmentation of suitable habitats, and the PreꞒ Ꞓ OS D C P T J
Behaviour and ecology population decline of its main prey species, the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus), Width

Diet and hunting caused by myxomatosis and rabbit haemorrhagic disease.[4][5][6]

Fossils suggest this cat has been present in the region since the end of the Early Pleistocene, Wide
Threats around one million years ago.
By the turn of the 21st century, the Iberian lynx was on the verge of extinction, as only 94
Reintroduction programme
individuals survived in two isolated subpopulations in Andalusia in 2002. Conservation
Captive breeding
measures have been implemented since then, which included improving habitat, restocking of
Genetic research
rabbits, translocating, reintroducing and monitoring Iberian lynxes. By 2012, the population had
In popular culture increased to 326 individuals,[7] to 855 in 2020,[8] to 1,111 in 2021,[9] to 1,668 in 2023,[10] and to Conservation status
See also 2,021 in 2024, leading to its reclassification as Vulnerable.[11] It is a monotypic species, and is
References thought to have evolved from Lynx issiodorensis.
External links Vulnerable (IUCN 3.1)[2][3]
Taxonomy CITES Appendix I (CITES)[2]

Felis pardina was the scientific name proposed by Coenraad Jacob Temminck in 1827 who Scientific classification

described skins of Iberian lynxes that were killed in the area of the Tagus river in Portugal and Domain: Eukaryota
were traded in Paris and London.[12] It is a monotypic species.[13] Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Phylogeny Class: Mammalia
The Iberian lynx is suggested to have evolved from Lynx issiodorensis.[14][15] Its earliest known Order: Carnivora
fossil remains date to the end of the Early Pleistocene, around one million years ago.[1] Suborder: Feliformia
Family: Felidae
The Iberian lynx genetically diverged as a unique species 1.98 to 0.7 million years ago. Its
closest living relative is the Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) with which it coexisted to a certain degree Subfamily: Felinae
until the 20th century.[16][17] Genus: Lynx
Species: L. pardinus

Characteristics Binomial name

Lynx pardinus
The Iberian lynx has a short bright yellowish to tawny coloured spotted fur. The spots vary in
(Temminck, 1827)
shape and size from small round to elongate. They are arranged in lines and decrease in size
from the back toward the sides.[18] Its head is small with tufted ears and a ruff. Its body is short
with long legs and a short tail. Head and body length of males is 74.7–82 cm (29.4–32.3 in)
with a 12.5–16 cm (4.9–6.3 in) long tail and a weight of 7–15.9 kg (15–35 lb). Females are
smaller with a head-to-body-length of approximately 68.2–77.5 cm (26.9–30.5 in) and a weight
of 9.2–10 kg (20–22 lb).[19]

Distribution and habitat

The Iberian lynx was once present throughout the Iberian Peninsula. In the 1950s, the northern
Distribution of Iberian lynx,
population extended from the Mediterranean to Galicia and parts of northern Portugal, and the
2015[needs update]
southern population from central to southern Spain.[20] Populations declined from 15
subpopulations in the 1940s to only two subpopulations in the early 1990s, most noticeably in
Montes de Toledo and Sierra Morena. Before 1973, it was present in Sierra de Gata, Montes de
Toledo, eastern Sierra Morena, Sierra de Relumbrar and coastal plains in the Doñana area.
Between the early 1960s and 2000, it has lost about 80% of its former range.[21][22] In 2012, it was
restricted to very limited areas in southern Spain, with breeding only confirmed in Sierra Morena
and Doñana coastal plains.[4] As of 2014, its range included the Sierra Morena and Montes de
Toledo of Castilla-La Mancha and the Matachel Valley of Extremadura in Spain, and the Guadiana
Valley in Portugal.[23]

Fossil remains indicate that the Iberian lynx had a wider range during the Late Pleistocene and
early Holocene. Five lynx remains found in Arene Candide in Northern Italy date to about 24,820–
18,620 years before present. One specimen found in Cabias cave in southern France was
radiocarbon dated to 3780±90 years before present.[24] In 2021, a large concentration of Iberian
lynxes dating to 40,000 years ago were identified for the first time in Southern Italy, at the fossil
site of Ingarano in Apulia.[25]

The Iberian lynx prefers heterogeneous environments of open grassland mixed with dense shrubs such as strawberry tree, mastic,
and juniper, and trees such as holm oak and cork oak. It is now largely restricted to mountainous areas.[citation needed]

Behaviour and ecology

The Iberian lynx marks its territory with its urine, scratch marks on the barks of trees, and scat. The home ranges of adults are stable
over many years.[19] Camera trapping surveys in the eastern Sierra Morena Mountains between 1999 and 2008 revealed that six
females had home ranges of 5.2–6.6 km2 (2.0–2.5 sq mi). Four males in the area had home ranges of 11.8–12.2 km2 (4.6–4.7 sq mi).

Diet and hunting

The Iberian lynx preys foremost on the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) for the bulk of its
Iberian lynx hunting
diet, supplemented by red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa), rodents and to a smaller degree also on common quail (Coturnix
wild ungulates.[27][28][29] It sometimes preys on young fallow deer (Dama dama), European roe deer coturnix)
(Capreolus capreolus), European mouflon (Ovis aries musimon), and ducks.[30] A male requires one
rabbit per day, while a female raising kittens eats three per day.[31]

The Iberian lynx has low adaptability and continued to rely heavily on rabbits, with 75% of its food
intake, despite the latter's repeated population crashes due to myxomatosis and rabbit haemorrhagic
disease.[6] Fecal samples of Iberian lynx contained anaerobic bacteria of the genus Anaeroplasma
that suggest gut microbiome helps it digest its rabbit prey and may also aid in the degradation of
Swiping with right paw with
plant material from the rabbits’ guts.[32] Antibiotic resistant bacteria were also found within the claws extended
digestive tract of wild Iberian lynx.[33]

It competes for prey with the Iberian wolf (Canis lupus signatus), red fox (Vulpes vulpes), the
Egyptian mongoose (Herpestes ichneumon), and the European wildcat (Felis silvestris). Also, it often
kills other smaller carnivores such as the aforementioned red fox, Egyptian mongoose and common
genet (Genetta genetta).[34]

Caught prey in mouth
The kittens become independent at 7 to 10 months old, but remain with the mother until around 20
months old. Survival of the young depends heavily on the availability of prey species. In the wild,
both males and females reach sexual maturity at the age of one year, though in practice they
rarely breed until a territory becomes vacant; one female was known not to breed until five years
old when her mother died. The maximum longevity in the wild is 13 years.[35][36]

Difficulty in finding mates has led to more inbreeding, which results in fewer kittens and a greater
rate of non-traumatic death.[37] Inbreeding leads to lower semen quality and greater rates of
infertility in males, hindering efforts to increase the species' fitness.[38]
Iberian lynx cub

The Iberian lynx is threatened by habitat loss, road accidents, and illegal hunting.[2] Habitat loss is due mainly to infrastructure
improvement, urban and resort development and tree mono cultivation, which fragments the lynx's distribution. In the 20th century,
rabbit diseases such as myxomatosis and hemorrhagic disease resulted in a dramatic decline of its main prey.[39] Further, the lynx
was hunted as "vermin" under a law passed under Francisco Franco, from the 1950s to the late 1970s, when the hunting of lynx was
prohibited. Secret hunting of lynxes still occurs today and is becoming a serious problem.[40] Illegal traps set for rabbits and foxes
were the leading causes for lynx mortality in the 1990s.[41] In addition, every year, several Iberian lynxes die when trying to cross
highways with heavy traffic,[4] representing the majority of lynx deaths.[42] In 2013, 14 Iberian lynxes died on roads, and 21 in 2014.
[43] In 2023, 144 lynxes were killed on roads.[11]

In 2007, several individuals died of feline leukemia.[44][45]

Increasing interactions with humans and spread of antibiotic resistant genes between lynx populations could pose a significant threat
not only to lynx but also to humans.[46]

The Iberian lynx is fully protected. It is listed on CITES Appendix I, on Appendix II of the Berne
Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats and on Annexes II and IV of
the Habitats Directive of the European Union. It was listed as Endangered on the IUCN Red List from
2014 through 2024.[2] In 2024, it was reclassified to Vulnerable[3] after young and mature lynx numbers
increased to more than 2000.[47]

Conservation measures include restoring its native habitat, maintaining the wild rabbit population,
reducing unnatural causes of death, and releasing captive bred individuals.[48] The Spanish National
Commission for the Protection of Nature endorsed the Iberian Lynx Ex Situ Conservation Breeding
Program to serve as a "safety net" by managing the captive population and also to "help establish new
Iberian lynx free-ranging populations through reintroduction programmes." Before release of captive-bred
Iberian lynx
cats, their natural habit may be simulated to prepare them for life in the wild.[48] A 2006 study used a non-
intrusive monitoring system involving cameras to monitor the demographics of both lynxes and rabbits
residing in Sierra Morena. Supplemental food sources could be provided if wild rabbits suffered a decline.[49]

Management efforts are being developed to conserve and restore the animal's native range.[50] Officials intending to release captive-
bred lynx look for areas of appropriate habitat, rabbit abundance, and acceptance by the local human population.[51] About 90 million
euros was spent on various conservation measures between 1994 and 2013.[52] The European Union contributes up to 61% of

Reintroduction programme
Beginning in 2009, the Iberian lynx was reintroduced into Guadalmellato, resulting in a population
of 23 in 2013.[55] Since 2010, the species has also been released in Guarrizas.[51][56] Discussions
were held with the Ministry of Environment on plans for releases in the Campanarios de Azaba
area near Salamanca.[57] In April 2013, it was reported that Andalusia's total wild population—only
94 in 2002—had tripled to 309 individuals.[58][55] In July 2013, environmental groups confirmed the Graph showing Iberian lynx
presence of a wild-born litter in the Province of Cáceres (Extremadura).[59] A study published in population in Spain, 1960–2007
July 2013 in Nature Climate Change advised that reintroduction programs take place in northern
Iberia, suggesting that climate change would threaten rabbits in the south.[52][60]

On 26 November 2014, 3 Iberian lynxes were released in the Montes de Toledo; one of them later traveled near Aranjuez, in the
Madrid region, the first time in 40 years.[61][62]

The presence of Iberian lynxes in Portugal, particularly in the south, has been verified.[63] In 2014, the Institute for Nature
Conservation and Forests signed contracts securing 2,000 hectares of land for Portugal's reintroduction project.[64][65][66] In 2015, 10
captive-bred Iberian lynxes were released into Guadiana Valley Natural Park and surrounding areas in southeastern Portugal's
Guadiana Valley.[67] By the end of 2015, there were 400 lynx on the Iberian peninsula, the vast majority in Andalusia, in southern
Spain, but with smaller new populations in the hills near Toledo, in Extremadura (south-western Spain) and in southern Portugal.[68]

The reintroduction of Iberian lynx in Portugal has been a success; from 17 animals that were reintroduced, 12 have already
established territories.[69]

Since a 2007 outbreak of feline leukemia virus (FeLV), wild lynxes are tested periodically for possible disease. September–December
2013 samples were negative for FeLV but one male became the first of his species to test positive for feline immunodeficiency virus
and was placed into quarantine.[70]

Captive breeding
In 2002, the Jerez Zoo confirmed it had three females and was developing a plan for a captive
breeding program. One of those females was Saliega, captured as a kitten in April 2002.[71] She
became the first Iberian lynx to breed in captivity, giving birth to three healthy kittens on 29 March
2005 at the El Acebuche Breeding Center, in the Doñana National Park in Huelva, Spain.[72] Over
the following years, the number of births grew and additional breeding centers were opened. In
March 2009, it was reported that 27 kittens had been born since the beginning of the program.[73]
In 2009, the Spanish government planned to build a €5.5 million breeding center in Zarza de
Granadilla.[73] The Iberian Lynx CNRLI
reproduction centre near Silves,
In Portugal, the Centro Nacional de Reprodução do Lince-Ibérico established a breeding center Portugal
near Silves, Portugal,[74][75] and has since nurtured 122 individuals all born in the breeding center,
of which 89 survived. 73 of them were reintroduced in the wild. Reintroduction takes place in Mértola and Serpa in the Guadiana
Valley.[76] As of 2020, there are around 140 individuals in the wild in Portugal spread through an area of approximately 50,000
hectares, 50 of them are cubs.[77]

There were 14 surviving kittens in 2008 and 15 in 2009. In 2010, intense rain and health issues resulted in lower reproductive
success, i.e. 14 born, eight surviving.[78] But the next year, breeding centers recorded 45 births with 26 surviving kittens.[79] In 2012,
breeding centers in Portugal and Spain reported a total of 44 survivors from 59 births,[79] while 2013 saw a total of 44 survivors out of
53 born.[80] In 2017, the total population of Iberian lynx reached 475 specimens.[81] In February 2019, the total population was
estimated to grow to around 650 individuals.[82]

In March 2013, it was reported that Iberian lynx embryos and oocytes had been collected and
preserved for the first time. They were collected from Saliega and another female—both sterilized
and retired from the breeding program—by Berlin's Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research
and stored in liquid nitrogen at the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales in Madrid for possible
future breeding.[83] In July 2014, the MNCN-CSIC announced they had produced sperm cells from
the testicular tissue of sexually immature lynx.[84]

Iberian lynxes are kept at Jerez Zoo,[85] at Lisbon Zoo since December 2014,[86] and since July Queen Sofía of Spain and
2016 at the Madrid Zoo.[87] María Dolores de Cospedal
release an Iberian lynx at "El
Castañar", the finca of the Duke of

Genetic research Pastrana in Mazarambroz, Spain

The genetic diversity of the Iberian lynx is lower than in any other genetically impoverished felid,
which is a consequence of fragmentation, a population bottleneck, and isolation of population
units.[88] Iberian lynxes in Doñana and Andujar differ genetically at microsatellite markers.
Samples collected in Doñana exhibited a high degree of inbreeding as this unit was isolated for a
long time.[88]

In popular culture
Portuguese street artist Bordalo II creates installations made of garbage to highlight over-
consumption. His works consisting of animals are created to highlight the destruction of species
by waste caused by humans.[89] One of his public sculptures is a huge Iberian lynx in the Parque
das Nações, Lisbon, Portugal, made for the World Conference of Ministers Responsible for Youth
in 2019 and Youth Forum Lisboa+21.[90]

Iberian lynx, Parque das

See also Nações, Lisbon

Canada lynx Cats portal
Felicola isidoroi
Mammals portal

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External links
Large Carnivore Initiative for Europe – Iberian lynx Wikimedia Commons has
Programa de Conservación Ex-Situ Official Spanish government page (in Spanish) media related to Lynx
Species portrait Iberian lynx; IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group
Wikispecies has
ARKive – Images and movies of the Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus)
information related to
The natural history of the Iberian lynx Lynx pardinus.
Lynx in (in Spanish)
WWF species profile: Iberian lynx
Lynx pardinus in Naturdata (in Portuguese)

V·T·E Extant Carnivora species [show]

Taxon identifiers
Wikidata: Q129727 · Wikispecies: Lynx pardinus · ADW: Lynx_pardinus · BOLD: 279136 · EoL: 347432 · EPPO: LYNXPA
· EUNIS: 1442 · Fauna Europaea: 305369 · Fauna Europaea (new): ba09d645-f83c-4f08-b9cf-2017c981c470 ·
Lynx pardinus GBIF: 2435261 · iNaturalist: 41975 · IRMNG: 10229763 · ISC: 75964 · ITIS: 621869 · IUCN: 12520 ·
MDD: 1006008 · MSW: 14000162 · NBN: NHMSYS0000376858 · NCBI: 191816 · 84458 ·
Open Tree of Life: 442049 · Paleobiology Database: 224061 · Species+: 8879

Felis pardina Wikidata: Q109647290 · CoL: 6HQTT · ECOS: 7270 · EUNIS: 14326 · GBIF: 2435262 · ITIS: 622015

Authority control databases: National Germany · Israel · United States · Czech Republic

Categories: IUCN Red List vulnerable species Lynx Endemic mammals of the Iberian Peninsula Mammals described in 1827
Felids of Europe Habitats Directive species Vulnerable animals Vulnerable biota of Europe

This page was last edited on 21 June 2024, at 21:41 (UTC).

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