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By: Jaskiran Cheema
Ms. Kaur
May 22, 2023
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Table of contents

01 02 03 04
Linear Hydro Gravitational VLBI
Actuators electricity Fields

05 06 07
Special Quantum Photoelectric
relativity mechanics Effect
Application and Functions

● Linear actuators are utilized in various ● As the lead screw rotates, the nut moves
applications where linear motion is required, along its threads, causing the actuator rod to
such as in robotics, manufacturing, extend or retract depending on the direction
automotive systems, and home automation. of rotation.
● The range of linear motion achieved by a ● Linear actuators can be powered by various
linear actuator can be adjusted by controlling energy sources, including electric motors,
the number of rotations or the pitch of the hydraulic systems, or pneumatic systems,
lead screw, enabling customization for depending on the specific application
different applications. requirements.
● A typical linear actuator consists of a motor, a ● These devices convert rotational motion into
lead screw, and a nut. The motor rotates the linear motion, providing controlled and
lead screw, which is threaded through the nut. precise movement along a straight path.
Application and Functions
● Radio Interferometry: CHIME uses radio interferometry, which involves combining signals from multiple antennas
to create a larger effective telescope. This technique allows for precise measurements of radio waves from celestial
● Fast Radio Burst (FRB) Detection: CHIME is specifically designed to detect and study fast radio bursts (FRBs),
which are brief but intense radio signals from distant galaxies. By capturing and analyzing these FRBs, CHIME
helps scientists investigate the origins and nature of these mysterious astrophysical events.
● Multiple Antenna Arrays: CHIME consists of four cylindrical arrays, each comprising 256 radio antennas, for a
total of 1,024 antennas. The signals from these antennas are processed to form interference patterns, which are then
used to create high-resolution images and study the properties of celestial objects.
● Large Field of View: CHIME has a large field of view, covering a significant portion of the sky. This wide coverage
enables the observatory to detect FRBs and study other transient phenomena across a vast area, providing a
comprehensive view of the radio universe.
● Cosmological Studies: In addition to FRB research, CHIME is also used to study other cosmological phenomena,
such as mapping large-scale structures of the universe, studying the cosmic microwave background, and
investigating the nature of dark energy.
Advantages and Disadvantages
● Energy Efficiency: Linear ● Automation and Convenience: ● Waste Generation: Linear
actuators can be designed to be Linear actuators enable automation actuators have a limited lifespan,
highly energy-efficient, reducing in numerous applications, leading and their disposal at the end of
overall power consumption and to increased efficiency, reduced their life cycle can pose challenges
contributing to environmental labour requirements, and improved in terms of electronic waste
sustainability. convenience for individuals and management and recycling.
● Precision and Control: Linear society. ● Potential for Noise and Vibrations:
actuators offer precise and ● Environmental Impact of In some cases, linear actuators can
controlled linear motion, which Production: The manufacturing generate noise and vibrations
is crucial in various industries, process of linear actuators may during operation, which may have
resulting in improved involve the use of materials and negative impacts on both the
productivity, accuracy, and energy-intensive processes that environment and individuals in
safety. contribute to environmental close proximity.
pollution and resource depletion.
Linear Actuators with Other Methods
● Speed and Precision: Linear actuators offer precise and fast motion control compared
to other methods. They can be programmed for specific speeds and positions, allowing
for accurate and repeatable movements.
● Automation and Remote Control: Linear actuators can be easily integrated into
automated systems and controlled remotely. This enables efficient operation and
eliminates the need for manual intervention.
● Compact Design: Linear actuators have a compact form factor, making them suitable for
applications with limited space. They can provide linear motion in a relatively small
package, unlike alternative methods that may require more complex mechanical
● Versatility: Linear actuators are versatile and can be utilized in a wide range of
applications, such as robotics, manufacturing, healthcare, and home automation. They
can perform tasks like lifting, pushing, pulling, and tilting with ease.
● Safety Features: Many linear actuators come equipped with built-in safety features
such as overload protection and emergency stop capabilities. These features help
prevent damage to the actuator and ensure safe operation in various environments.
● Energy Efficiency: Linear actuators can be energy-efficient, consuming power only
when actively in use. They can operate on low-voltage systems and have low standby
power requirements, contributing to energy savings compared to alternative methods
that may require continuous power consumption.
One new technology related to modern
hydroelectric power generation is marine
hydrokinetic (MHK) energy conversion.
MHK energy conversion involves
harnessing the kinetic energy from ocean
tides, waves, and currents to generate
electricity. Let's examine the costs and
benefits associated with MHK, as well as its
potential environmental and social impacts,
and compare it with other new technologies.
Costs of Marine Hydrokinetic (MHK) Energy Conversion
● High Initial Investment: MHK technologies require
significant upfront investment for research,
development, and infrastructure setup. The costs
involved in deploying and maintaining devices in
harsh marine environments can be substantial.
● Operational and Maintenance Costs: Regular
inspections, maintenance, and repairs can add to the
overall costs of MHK projects. These costs may vary
depending on the specific technology being utilized.
● Grid Interconnection: Connecting MHK devices to
the power grid can be costly, particularly if the
project is located far from existing transmission
Benefits of Marine Hydrokinetic (MHK) Energy Conversion
1. Renewable and Predictable Energy Source: Tides, waves,
and currents are reliable and predictable sources of
energy, offering a consistent power generation potential.
2. Environmental Benefits: MHK technologies produce
electricity without generating greenhouse gas emissions,
contributing to climate change mitigation. They also have
a relatively small land footprint compared to other
renewable energy sources.
3. Job Creation and Economic Development: The
development and deployment of MHK technologies can
create employment opportunities and contribute to local
economies, particularly in coastal regions.
4. Energy Independence and Security: MHK technologies
provide a domestic and locally available energy source,
reducing dependence on imported fuels and enhancing
energy security.
Environmental and Social Impacts of MHK Energy Conversion
1. Marine Ecosystem Impacts: The deployment of
MHK devices may pose potential environmental
risks, such as habitat disruption, alteration of
water flow patterns, and potential impacts on
marine species. Proper environmental
assessments and mitigation measures are essential
to minimize these impacts.
2. Stakeholder Engagement: Engaging with local
communities, stakeholders, and indigenous
groups is crucial to address concerns, ensure
proper consultation, and mitigate potential social
impacts associated with MHK projects.
Advantages of MHK Energy Conversion
● Solar and Wind Power: MHK provides a more consistent
and predictable energy generation compared to solar and
wind power, which are dependent on weather conditions.
However, solar and wind technologies are typically more
mature, widely deployed, and have lower upfront costs.
● Geothermal Energy: While geothermal energy is also a
reliable renewable energy source, it is limited to specific
geographically favorable areas, whereas MHK has
broader geographical potential, particularly in coastal
● Biomass and Bioenergy: MHK does not require biomass
feedstock, reducing the associated logistics and supply
chain challenges. However, biomass can be more readily
available and economically viable in certain regions.
Application of
Explore the purpose of the satellite
● Communication: Satellites are used for communication purposes, enabling long-distance transmission of voice, data, and video
signals across the globe. They facilitate activities such as international phone calls, television broadcasting, internet
connectivity, and GPS navigation.
● Weather Monitoring: Weather satellites orbiting the Earth collect valuable data about atmospheric conditions, clouds,
temperature, and precipitation patterns. This information is crucial for weather forecasting, storm tracking, climate studies, and
disaster management.
● Earth Observation: Satellites equipped with remote sensing instruments capture high-resolution images and data of the Earth's
surface, oceans, and atmosphere. These observations aid in various applications, including environmental monitoring, urban
planning, agriculture, forestry, and natural resource management.
● Navigation and Global Positioning: Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) like GPS, GLONASS, and Galileo utilize
satellites to provide accurate positioning, navigation, and timing information for a wide range of applications, including
aviation, maritime navigation, transportation, and personal navigation devices.
● Scientific Research: Satellites are utilized for scientific research purposes, such as studying the Earth's climate, monitoring
changes in polar ice caps, mapping the ocean currents, investigating space phenomena, and exploring celestial bodies like
planets, asteroids, and comets.
● Defense and Security: Satellites play a vital role in defense and security applications, including surveillance, intelligence
gathering, reconnaissance, and monitoring of borders and sensitive areas. They facilitate real-time information sharing and
enhance situational awareness for military and security purposes.
What is the purpose of the satellite
● Orbital Mechanics: The satellite utilizes the Earth's gravitational field to establish and
maintain its orbit. It follows specific orbital mechanics principles to achieve the desired
placement and frequency of orbit.
● Kepler's Laws: The satellite's orbit is determined by Kepler's laws of planetary motion.
These laws describe the relationship between the satellite's distance from the Earth, its
orbital period, and the gravitational force acting upon it.
● Specific Orbit Parameters: The satellite's mission requirements dictate the desired orbital
parameters, such as altitude, inclination, eccentricity, and orientation. By calculating and
adjusting these parameters, the satellite can achieve the required placement and frequency of
● Gravity-Assist Maneuvers: Gravity-assist maneuvers can be employed to modify the
satellite's trajectory and adjust its orbit. By utilizing the gravitational forces of celestial
bodies, such as the Moon or other planets, the satellite can achieve desired changes in its
orbit without expending significant amounts of fuel.
● Ground-based Control: Ground-based control systems continuously monitor the satellite's
position and make adjustments as needed. By analyzing data from the satellite's sensors and
utilizing mathematical models, engineers can calculate and execute orbital corrections to
maintain the desired placement and frequency of orbit over time.
How does satellites collect information
● Data Collection: Satellites are equipped with various sensors and instruments to collect
data and images from their respective orbits. These sensors can include cameras,
spectrometers, radiometers, and other specialized instruments depending on the satellite's
mission. They capture information about the Earth's surface, atmosphere, and other
targeted phenomena.
● Data Processing and Analysis: Once the satellite collects the data and images, onboard
processors or ground-based systems process and analyze the raw data. This involves
applying algorithms, image processing techniques, and scientific methodologies to extract
meaningful information and derive insights from the collected data.
● Data Transmission: Satellites use different communication systems, such as radio
frequency or microwave signals, to transmit the collected data and images back to Earth.
The data is typically sent to ground stations or satellite networks, where it can be received
and processed by dedicated receiving equipment.
● Data Sharing and Utilization: The processed data and images are shared with various
entities and stakeholders. This can include scientific communities, government agencies,
research institutions, meteorological organizations, commercial entities, and the general
public. Data sharing can occur through online databases, research publications,
government portals, or specialized platforms, enabling access and utilization for a wide
range of applications, including scientific research, environmental monitoring, disaster
response, and policy-making.
Satellites effects on environment and society
● Environmental Monitoring and Conservation: Satellites play a crucial role in
environmental monitoring by providing valuable data on climate change, deforestation,
land use, and pollution levels. This information helps researchers, policymakers, and
conservationists make informed decisions to protect ecosystems, mitigate environmental
impact, and promote sustainable development.
● Disaster Management and Response: Satellites aid in disaster management by providing
real-time imagery and data during natural disasters such as hurricanes, wildfires, and
earthquakes. This information assists emergency response teams in assessing damage,
planning relief efforts, and identifying areas in need of immediate assistance, ultimately
saving lives and minimizing the impact of disasters.
● Agricultural Productivity and Food Security: Satellites enable precision agriculture by
providing data on soil moisture, crop health, and weather patterns. Farmers can utilize
this information to optimize irrigation, fertilizer application, and crop management,
leading to increased productivity, reduced resource use, and improved food security.
● Connectivity and Communication: Satellites facilitate global connectivity by enabling
reliable and widespread communication services, including internet access, mobile
networks, and broadcasting. They bridge the digital divide, connecting remote and
underserved areas, empowering communities, and fostering socio-economic development
by providing access to information, education, healthcare services, and economic
Satellites effects on environment and society
● Environmental Monitoring and Conservation: Satellites play a crucial role in
environmental monitoring by providing valuable data on climate change, deforestation,
land use, and pollution levels. This information helps researchers, policymakers, and
conservationists make informed decisions to protect ecosystems, mitigate environmental
impact, and promote sustainable development.
● Disaster Management and Response: Satellites aid in disaster management by providing
real-time imagery and data during natural disasters such as hurricanes, wildfires, and
earthquakes. This information assists emergency response teams in assessing damage,
planning relief efforts, and identifying areas in need of immediate assistance, ultimately
saving lives and minimizing the impact of disasters.
● Agricultural Productivity and Food Security: Satellites enable precision agriculture by
providing data on soil moisture, crop health, and weather patterns. Farmers can utilize
this information to optimize irrigation, fertilizer application, and crop management,
leading to increased productivity, reduced resource use, and improved food security.
● Connectivity and Communication: Satellites facilitate global connectivity by enabling
reliable and widespread communication services, including internet access, mobile
networks, and broadcasting. They bridge the digital divide, connecting remote and
underserved areas, empowering communities, and fostering socio-economic development
by providing access to information, education, healthcare services, and economic
Very long Baseline
What Canadian observatory uses VLBI
● Radio Interferometry: CHIME uses radio interferometry, which involves combining
signals from multiple antennas to create a larger effective telescope. This technique
allows for precise measurements of radio waves from celestial sources.
● Fast Radio Burst (FRB) Detection: CHIME is specifically designed to detect and
study fast radio bursts (FRBs), which are brief but intense radio signals from distant
galaxies. By capturing and analyzing these FRBs, CHIME helps scientists investigate
the origins and nature of these mysterious astrophysical events.
● Multiple Antenna Arrays: CHIME consists of four cylindrical arrays, each comprising
256 radio antennas, for a total of 1,024 antennas. The signals from these antennas are
processed to form interference patterns, which are then used to create high-resolution
images and study the properties of celestial objects.
● Large Field of View: CHIME has a large field of view, covering a significant portion
of the sky. This wide coverage enables the observatory to detect FRBs and study other
transient phenomena across a vast area, providing a comprehensive view of the radio
● Cosmological Studies: In addition to FRB research, CHIME is also used to study
other cosmological phenomena, such as mapping large-scale structures of the
universe, studying the cosmic microwave background, and investigating the nature of
dark energy.
How is data recorded
● Photodetectors and CCDs: Telescopes record data using photodetectors, such as charge-coupled devices
(CCDs). Photons from celestial objects strike the detector, creating an electric current proportional to
the intensity of light. The current is converted into a digital signal, allowing for precise measurement
and recording.
● Quantum Efficiency: Quantum efficiency (QE) determines the efficiency of a photodetector in
converting incident photons into measurable electrical signals. It is defined as the ratio of the number of
electrons released to the number of incident photons. QE can be calculated using the equation QE =
(N_out / N_in) x 100%, where N_out is the number of electrons released and N_in is the number of
incident photons.
● Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR): SNR represents the ratio of the desired signal (data from the celestial
object) to the background noise. It is calculated using the equation SNR = S / √(S + B), where S is the
signal and B is the background noise. A higher SNR indicates a stronger, more reliable signal.
● Integration Time: Telescopes use an integration time to capture data. It refers to the duration over which
photons are accumulated on the detector to improve the SNR. Longer integration times allow for more
photons to be collected, enhancing the precision and quality of the recorded data.
● Data Storage and Sampling Rate: The recorded data is stored digitally and often sampled at a specific
rate. The sampling rate determines the number of data points obtained per unit of time. According to the
Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem, the sampling rate must be at least twice the highest frequency
component of the signal to accurately reconstruct the data.
How is data sent in VLBI
● Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI): VLBI is a technique used in astronomy to combine data
from multiple radio telescopes separated by large distances to create a virtual telescope with a
resolution equivalent to the separation between the telescopes.
● Electromagnetic Waves: VLBI relies on the transmission of electromagnetic waves, specifically radio
waves, from distant celestial sources. These waves carry information encoded in their frequency,
amplitude, and phase.
● Time-Delay Interferometry: In VLBI, the signals received by different telescopes are time-stamped
with atomic clocks to ensure precise synchronization. The time-stamped data from each telescope are
then combined to account for the time delay caused by the varying distances between the telescopes
and the source.
● Correlation and Fourier Transform: The time-stamped data are correlated to compare the arrival times
and phases of the signals received by different telescopes. This correlation involves multiplying and
integrating the data to extract information about the spatial structure of the source. The Fourier
transform is used to convert the time domain data into frequency domain data.
● Data Transfer and Processing: Once the correlation is performed, the resulting data are typically
stored and transferred in the form of digital signals. These digital signals contain the interferometric
measurements, including phase differences, that are used to reconstruct images and study the
properties of the observed celestial sources.
Synchronization of telescopes
● Atomic Clocks: Each telescope in Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) is
equipped with an atomic clock, which provides highly accurate and synchronized time
● Time-Stamping: The data from each telescope are time-stamped using the precise
readings from the atomic clocks. This time-stamping ensures that the signals captured
by different telescopes are synchronized to a common reference time.
● Time Delay Compensation: Since the telescopes are located at different distances from
the observed source, there are inherent time delays in the arrival of the signals. These
time delays are calculated based on the known positions of the telescopes and the speed
of light.
● Correlation Process: During playback, the time-stamped data from each telescope are
correlated by aligning the signals based on the calculated time delays. This correlation
process allows for the precise matching of the signals received at different telescopes.
● Interferometric Measurements: The correlated data contain the interferometric
measurements, such as phase differences, which are used to reconstruct the
interferometric fringes and analyze the spatial structure of the observed source.
Wave like properties of radio
● Interference: The wave-like properties of radio waves allow for interference to occur when waves interact
with each other. In the context of radio imaging, interference plays a crucial role in combining signals from
different antennas or telescopes.
● Superposition Principle: The superposition principle states that when two or more waves overlap, the
resulting wave is the algebraic sum of the individual waves. This principle enables the combination of radio
waves received by multiple antennas to create a composite wave.
● Wavefronts: Radio waves are characterized by wavefronts, which represent the surfaces of constant phase. By
analyzing the variations in wavefronts received at different antennas, it is possible to determine the relative
positions and intensities of sources.
● Spatial Frequency and Fourier Transform: Spatial frequency refers to the rate of change of the phase of a
wavefront with respect to its position in space. Fourier transform is a mathematical tool used to convert a
wave or signal from the time or spatial domain to the frequency domain. It allows the decomposition of
complex wave patterns into their constituent spatial frequencies.
● Interferometry and Imaging: Through interferometry, the combination of signals from multiple antennas
results in the formation of interference patterns. These patterns contain information about the spatial
frequencies present in the observed scene. By performing Fourier transform on these patterns, the original
image can be reconstructed, revealing the spatial distribution and intensity of the sources.
Synchronization of telescopes
● Atomic Clocks: Each telescope in Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) is
equipped with an atomic clock, which provides highly accurate and synchronized time
● Time-Stamping: The data from each telescope are time-stamped using the precise
readings from the atomic clocks. This time-stamping ensures that the signals captured
by different telescopes are synchronized to a common reference time.
● Time Delay Compensation: Since the telescopes are located at different distances from
the observed source, there are inherent time delays in the arrival of the signals. These
time delays are calculated based on the known positions of the telescopes and the speed
of light.
● Correlation Process: During playback, the time-stamped data from each telescope are
correlated by aligning the signals based on the calculated time delays. This correlation
process allows for the precise matching of the signals received at different telescopes.
● Interferometric Measurements: The correlated data contain the interferometric
measurements, such as phase differences, which are used to reconstruct the
interferometric fringes and analyze the spatial structure of the observed source.
Experimental Evidence for Special Relativity
1. Time Dilation: Experimental evidence, such as the famous Hafele-Keating
experiment, demonstrates time dilation. High-precision atomic clocks were
flown in opposite directions around the Earth, and upon their reunion, they
showed a measurable time difference, confirming the time dilation predicted
by special relativity.
2. Length Contraction: Particle accelerators, such as the Large Hadron Collider
(LHC), provide evidence for length contraction. Relativistic particles are
observed to have a shorter length in the direction of their motion compared to
their rest length, supporting the predictions of special relativity.
3. Relativistic Mass Increase: Experiments with particle accelerators also show
an increase in the mass of particles as they approach the speed of light. The
increase in mass is in accordance with the relativistic mass-energy
equivalence (E=mc²), supporting the predictions of special relativity.
Applications and Technologies stemming from Relativity Theory
1. Global Navigation Systems: Technologies like the Global Positioning System (GPS) heavily rely
on relativity theory. Precise calculations that account for the time dilation effects of GPS
satellites moving at high speeds in Earth's gravitational field are necessary to ensure accurate
positioning and navigation on Earth's surface.
2. Particle Accelerators and Fundamental Research: Particle accelerators, built upon principles of
relativity, enable the study of subatomic particles and high-energy physics. These experiments
deepen our understanding of the fundamental laws of nature and have led to advancements in
medical imaging, material sciences, and particle therapies.
3. Nuclear Power: The theory of relativity contributes to our understanding of nuclear reactions and
the conversion of mass into energy. This knowledge underpins the development and operation of
nuclear power plants, which provide a significant source of electricity without emitting
greenhouse gases, thereby positively impacting the environment.
4. Space Exploration: Relativity theory is crucial for space missions. Precise calculations
accounting for the effects of time dilation and gravitational fields are essential for accurate
navigation, satellite communications, and planning missions to distant celestial bodies.
5. Energy Efficiency and Transportation: Advances in relativity theory can inform developments in
transportation, such as high-speed trains and aircraft. Understanding the effects of time dilation
and relativistic mass increase can lead to improved energy efficiency and technological
advancements in transportation systems.

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