The Topic Is

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The topic is “homelessness”

Include reference list of sources and intext citations in APA7 format

1. Briefly describe a contemporary social problem relevant to the course.

2. Identify and overview a specific related social policy (on the federal level) that address the social
problem and briefly identify any significant social programs created due to the policy mandate.
3. Description of the policy:
 Allocation: How is eligibility determined?
o Which of the four bases of social allocations are utilized?
o Is the program selective or universal in nature? How?
 Provision: What benefits, services, opportunities etc are provided?
 Delivery: how is the delivery of the benefits, services, etc structured?
 Finance: how are they financed?
 What are the different preferences surrounding this social policy in terms of amending
or reauthorizing the policy?
 Who are the various stakeholders and what are their positions?
 In what ways are all players provided (or not provided) a “a voice” in policy
4. Critique: Utilizing research evidence to inform this policy analysis:
 What challenges/opportunities have there been in terms of policy implementation?
 Have there been any unintended consequences?
 What have been the costs and benefits of policy implementation?
 What measures demonstrate the effectiveness of the policy? How?
 What measures demonstrate ineffectiveness? How?
 Discuss any strengths of the policy and/or the gaps/limitations within the policy (as noted in
the literature)
 Evaluate the policy to determine its impact on vulnerable population specifically in terms of
how it addresses the needs of the oppressed, marginalized and alienated, as well as creates
opportunity or enhances power.
5. Recommendations:
 Provide relevant recommendations for a possible revised implementation strategy of
service delivery or new social policy formulation.
 Conceptualize policy negotiation and advocacy strategies that promote social well-being
and access to social work services and advance human rights and social and economic


Minimum of 8 scholarly references in APA 7 Format, (e.g. peer reviewed journal articles, government
reports). All references Must be in-texted in the entire essay.

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