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CONTACT: 8754754444, 9995554353
CONTACT: 8754754444, 9995554353
 TNPSC மற் �ம் TNUSRB ேதர்�களில் த�ழ் நா�
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உ�வாக்�ய நம� ம�ைர KANIYAN IAS ACADEMY-
�ன் வர��க்�ம் 2023-ஆம் ஆண்�ற் கான
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CONTACT: 8754754444, 9995554353
CONTACT: 8754754444, 9995554353
CONTACT: 8754754444, 9995554353
CONTACT: 8754754444, 9995554353
TamilNadu Uniformed Services Recruitment Baord
jkpo;ehL rPUilg; gzpahsu; Nju;T thupak;
Recruitment of Sub-Inspectors of Police (Taluk & AR)
rhu;G Ma;thsu;fs; Nju;T (jhY}fh kw;Wk; MAjg;gil)
Name of the Candidate : __________________________________________________________________
Mobile Number : __________________________________________________________________

Written Examination for Open Candidates / nghJ tpz;zg;gjhu;fSf;fhd vOj;J Nju;T

Questions Booklet Series / Enrolment No. / Nru;f;if vz;

tpdhj;jhspd; tif

Question Booklet
Serial Number /
tupir vz;
A OMR Answer Sheet Number /
OMR tpilj;jhspd; vz;

Duration : 2 hours 30 minutes fhyk; : 2 kzp 30 epkplq;fs;

Total Marks : 70 nkhj;j kjpg;ngz;fs; : 70

1. This question paper should be opened only after receiving the instruction from the examination hall invigilator.
2. This question paper contains 80 questions in Part A (General Knowledge) and 60 questions in Part B (Tamil, English,
3. Answer all the questions.
4. Each correct answer has half mark.
5. Write the Enrolment No. and SL No. of the OMR answer sheet at the appropriate place in the front page of the question
6. The type of question booklet series and the correct answers to the questions (A, B, C or D) should be shaded in the
relevant circles using blue or black ball point pen. The answer sheet without shading the type of question booklet series
will not be evaluated.
7. For each question only one answer is to be chosen and shaded.
8. For wrong, multiple and improper shading in answer sheets, no marks will be given for that answer.
9. If there is any printing error, or error in Page No. in the question paper, the same should be brought to the notice of the
invigilator immediately and obtained a new question paper before the commencement of written examination.
10. All the questions are bilingual except language questions (English & Tamil).


CONTACT: 8754754444, 9995554353
fzpad; IAS mfhlkp
NrJgjp gs;sp NgUe;J epWj;jk;> ehaf;fh; GJj;njU>
Mf;]p]; tq;fp mUfpy;> kJiu - 1
njhlu;Gf;F : 999 555 4353> 875 475 4444

ahJk; CNu ahtUk; Nfsph;

Njjp : 28.05.2023 Neuk; : 2.30 kzp
khepyk; KOtJk;
rhu;G Ma;thsu; Nju;T - 1

gFjp - m
1. Statement 1 - Sunscreen reduces skin's vitamin C production by 95%
Statement 2 - Gooseberries contain 20 times more vitamin D than oranges.
Statement 3 - Drumstick leaves act as an Anti-oxidant.
a) 1,2 correct 3 wrong b) 1, 2 wrong 3 correct c) 2, 3 correct 1 wrong d) 2, 3 wrong
$w;W 1 - #hpaj; jpiu G+r;R Njhypd; itl;lkpd; C cw;gj;jpia 95% Fiwf;fpwJ.
$w;W 2 - ney;ypf;fdpfspy; MuQ;R goq;fis tpl 20 klq;F mjpf itl;lkpd; D fhzg;gLfpwJ.
$w;W 3 - KUq;ff; fPiuahdJ Mf;rp[Ndw;w jLg;ghdhf nray;gLfpwJ.
a) 1> 2 rhp 3 jtW b) 1> 2 jtW 3 rhp c) 2> 3 rhp 1 jtW d) 2> 3 jtW
2. Match the following
i) ii) iii) iv)
i) Vitamin A 1) Beri Beri (A) 3 2 4 1
ii) Vitamin B 2) Scurvy (B) 3 1 4 2
iii) Vitamin C 3) Night blindness (C) 1 3 2 4
iv) Vitamin D 4) Rickets (D) 3 1 2 4
i) ii) iii) iv)
i) itl;lkpd; A 1) nghp nghp (A) 3 2 4 1
ii) itl;lkpd; B 2) ];fh;tp (B) 3 1 4 2
iii) itl;lkpd; C 3) khiyf;fz; Neha; (C) 1 3 2 4
iv) itl;lkpd; D 4) hpf;fl;]; (D) 3 1 2 4
3. Which statement is false?
a) Vitamin B and C are water soluble vitamins
b) Vitamin A,D,E,K are fat soluble vitamins
c) Protein deficiency causes osteo malaria and Anemia
d) The habit of going to bed early and rising early keeps a man healthy and wise - Benjamin Faranklin
jtwhd $w;W vJ?
a) itl;lkpd;fs; B kw;Wk; C Mfpait ePHpy; fiuAk; itl;lkpd; MFk;.
b) itl;lkpd;fs; A, D, E, K Mfpait nfhOg;gpy; fiuAk; itl;lkpd; tif MFk;.
c) Gujf; Fiwghl;bdhy; M];bNahkNyhpah kw;Wk; ,uj;jr;Nrhif Neha; Vw;gLfpwJ.
d) rPf;fpuk; gLf;f nrd;W mjpfhiy vOk; gof;fk; xU kdpjid eyKlDk;> mwpTlDk; itf;fpwJ -
ngQ;rkpd; gpuhq;spd;


CONTACT: 8754754444, 9995554353
4. Statement 1 : India has a maximum land border distance of 4156km with Afghanistan and that least of
106km with Bangladesh.
Statement 2 : In earth's Total Area India's Total land Area is 32, 87, 263 sq.k.m
Statement 3 : The Bering strait is a narrow and non deep of sea that seperates India and Srilanka.
a) 1, 3 wrong 2 correct b) 1, 2 correct 2 wrong c) All correct d) 2, 3 correct 1 wrong
$w;W 1 - ,e;jpah mjpfgl;rkhf Mg;fhdp];jhDld; 4156 fp.kP. ePsKs;s epy vy;iyiaAk;>
Fiwe;jgl;rkhf tq;fNjrj;Jld; 106 fp.kP. epy vy;iyiaAk; nfhz;Ls;sJ.
$w;W 2 - Gtpapd; nkhj;j gug;gstpy; ,e;jpahtpd; nkhj;j epyg;gug;G 32> 87> 263 r.fp.kP.
$w;W 3 - ,e;jpahitAk;> ,yq;ifiaAk; gphpf;Fk; FWfpa Mokw;w fly;gFjp Nghpq; ePH;r;re;jp MFk;.
a) 1>3 jtW 2 rhp b) 1> 2 rhp 3 jtW c) midj;Jk; rhp d) 2> 3 rhp 1 jtW
5. Statement 1 - India extends from 80 41 north latitude to 370 61 north latitude.
Statement 2 - India extends from 680 41 east longitude to 970 251 east longitude.
Statement 3 - India has a land border of 15600 km.
a) All correct b) 2, 3 correct 1 wrong c) 1, 3 correct 2 wrong d) 1, 2 correct 3 wrong
$w;W 1 - ,e;jpah 80 4′ tl ml;rk; Kjy; 370 6′ tl ml;rk; tiu gutpAs;sJ.
$w;W 2 - ,e;jpah 680 7′ fpof;F jPH;f;fk; Kjy; 970 25′ fpof;F jPh;f;fk; tiu gutpAs;sJ.
$w;W 3 - ,e;jpah 15600 fp.kP epy vy;iyfisf; nfhz;Ls;sJ.
a) midj;Jk; rhp b) 2> 3 rhp 1 jtW c) 1> 3 rhp 2 jtW d) 1> 2 rhp 3 jtW
6. <-Statement 1 : Glassware used in kitchens and laboratories is made of borosilicate.
Statement 2 : Metals expand when temperature is high. Metals shrink in winters.
Statement 3 : One calorie is the amount of heat used to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one
degree centigrade
a) All Correct b) 1, 2 correct 3 wrong c) 1, 3 correct 2 wrong d) 2, 3 correct 1 wrong
$w;W 1 - rikayiw kw;Wk; Ma;tfq;fspy; gad;gLj;Jk; fz;zhbg; nghUs;fs; NghNuhrpypNfl;
fz;zhbahy; cUthf;fg;gLfpd;wd.
$w;W 2 - ntg;gk; mjpfkhf cs;sNghJ cNyhfq;fs; tphptilAk;. Fsph;fhyq;fspy; cNyhfq;fs;
$w;W 3 - xU fpuhk; ePhpd; ntg;gepiyia xU bfphp nrd;bfpNul; cah;j;jg; gad;gLk; ntg;g msT xU
fNyhhp MFk;.
a) midj;Jk; rhp b) 1> 2 rhp 3 jtW c) 1> 3 rhp 2 jtW d) 2> 3 rhp 1 jtW
7. Match the following:
i) ii) iii) iv)
i) Kara Koram Pass 1) Sikkim (A) 3 2 4 1
ii) Joshila Pass 2) Arunachal Prades (B) 3 4 2 1
iii) Pomitila Pass 3) Jammu and Kashmir (C) 3 1 2 4
iv) Jellipla Pass 4) Himachal Pradesh (D) 4 3 2 1
i) ii) iii) iv)
i) fhuNfhuk; fztha; 1) rpf;fpk; (A) 3 2 4 1
ii) n[h\pyh fztha; 2) mUzhr;ry gpuNjrk; (B) 3 4 2 1
iii) nghkpbyh fztha; 3) [k;K fh\;kPH; (C) 3 1 2 4
iv) n[ypg;yh fztha; 4) ,khr;ry gpuNjrk; (D) 4 3 2 1



CONTACT: 8754754444, 9995554353
8. Statement 1: Mangoshower thunderstorms help early maturing of mangoes grown in Punjab, Haryana,
Himachal Pradesh.
Statement 2: The headwind blowing from, north - east during April and may is called Norwester or kal
Statement 3: Norwester winds with thunderstorms over Bihar, westbengal and Assam give short duration
a) All correct b) 2, 3 wrong 1 correct c) 1, 2 wrong 3 correct d) 1, 2 correct 3 wrong
$w;W 1 - khQ;rhuy; vd;w ,bAld; $ba kioahdJ gQ;rhg;> `hpahdh> ,khr;ry gpuNjrj;jpy;
tpisAk; khq;fha;fs; tpiutpy; Kjph;tjw;F cjTfpwJ.
$w;W 2 - Vg;uy; kw;Wk; Nk khjq;fspy; tlfpof;F jpirapy; ,Ue;J tPRk; jyf;fhw;W ehh;nt];lh; my;yJ
fhy;igrhfp vd;W miof;fg;gLfpwJ.
$w;W 3 - ehh;nt];lh; fhw;whdJ gPfhh;> Nkw;F tq;fk; kw;Wk; mrhk; khepyq;fSf;F ,bAld; $ba
FWfpa fhy kioiaj; jUfpwJ.
a) midj;Jk; rhp b) 2> 3 jtW 1 rhp c) 1> 2 jtW 3 rhp d) 1> 2 rhp 3 jtW
9. Statement 1 : Voltmeter is an instrument that measures the amount of current flowing in an electric circuit.
Statement 2 : Ammeter should be connected in series in the circuit.
Statement 3 : Current will flow in a circuit only if the switch is open.
a) 1, 2 wrong 3 correct b) 2, 3 wrong 1 correct c) All correct d) 1, 3 wrong 2 correct
$w;W 1 - Nthy;l; kPl;lh; vd;gJ xU kpd;Rw;wpy; ghAk; kpd;Ndhl;lj;jpd; msit mstpLk; fUtpahFk;.
$w;W 2 - mk;kPl;luhdJ kpd; Rw;wpy; njhlhpizg;gpy; ,izf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;.
$w;W 3 - xU kpd;Rw;wpy; rhtpahdJ jpwe;j epiyapy; ,Ue;jhy; kl;LNk kpd; Rw;wpy; kpd;Ndhl;lk; ghAk;.
a) 1> 2 jtW 3 rhp b) 2> 3 jtW 1 rhp c) midj;Jk; rhp d) 1> 3 jtW 2 rhp
10. Which is wrong pair?
a) Electric blub - Thomas Alva Edison b) People's scientist - Abdul Kalam
c) Invention of dynamo - Michael Barade d) Non conduct Material - Ebonite
jtwhd ,iz vJ?
a) kpd; tpsf;F - jhk]; My;th vbrd; b) kf;fspd; tpQ;Qhdp - mg;Jy; fyhk;
c) ildNkh fz;Lgpbg;G - ikf;fy; ghuNl d) kpd; flj;jhg; nghUs; - vNghidl;
11. Statement 1 - Eels are capable of generating Electricity by that they catch their food.
Statement 2 - A device that converts electrical energy into chemical energy is a battery.
Statement 3 - Silver is a good conductor.
a) 1, 2 correct 3 wrong b) 2, 3 correct 1 wrong c) 1, 3 correct 2 wrong d) All correct
$w;W 1 - <y; tif kPd;fs; kpd;rhuj;ij cUthf;fp mjd;%yk; jq;fsJ czitg; gpbf;Fk; jpwd;
$w;W 2 - kpd;dhw;wiy Ntjp Mw;wyhf khw;Wk; rhjdk; kpd;fyd; MFk;.
$w;W 3 - nts;sp xU ew;flj;jp MFk;.
a) 1> 2 rhp 3 jtW b) 2> 3 rhp 1 jtW c) 1> 3 rhp 2 jtW d) midj;Jk; rhp
12. Match the following
i) ii) iii) iv) v)
i) Assam 1) Andhra Pradesh (A) 5 3 1 2 4
ii) Ponnam 2) Odisha (B) 5 3 2 1 4
iii) Podu 3) Kerala (C) 5 2 3 4 1
iv) Beewar 4) Madya Pradesh (D) 4 5 2 3 1
v) Penta 5) Jhum


CONTACT: 8754754444, 9995554353
i) ii) iii) iv) v)
i) mrhk; 1) Me;jpugpuNjrk; (A) 5 3 1 2 4
ii) nghd;dk; 2) xbrh (B) 5 3 2 1 4
iii) nghL 3) Nfush (C) 5 2 3 4 1
iv) gPthh; 4) kj;jpa gpuNjrk; (D) 4 5 2 3 1
v) ngd;lh 5) [Pk;
13. Which is wrong pair?
a) Kharif Season - From June to September
b) Rabi Season - From October to March
c) Zaid Season - From April to June
d) Slash and burn Agriculture is called as intensive Agriculture
jtwhd ,iz vJ?
a) fhhPg; gUtk; - [Pd; Kjy; nrg;lk;gh; tiu
b) uhgp gUtk; - mf;Nlhgh; Kjy; khh;r; tiu
c) iraj; gUtk; - Vg;uy; Kjy; [Pd; tiu
d) ntl;Ljy; kw;Wk; vhpj;jy; Ntshz;ik vd;W miof;fg;gLtJ jPtpu Ntshz;ik KiwahFk;.
14. Statement 1 - The first livestock census of India was calculated in 1909.
Statement 2 - The 19𝑡𝑡ℎ livestock census was taken in the year 2012.
Statement 3 - According to the 19𝑡𝑡ℎ livestock census china has the largest number of Cattle in the world.
a) All correct b) 1, 3 wrong 2 correct c) 1, 2 wrong 3 correct d) 2, 3 wrong 1 correct
$w;W 1 - ,e;jpahtpd; Kjy; fhy;eil fzf;nfLg;G 1909k; Mz;L fzf;fplg;gl;lJ.
$w;W 2 - 19tJ fhy;eil fzf;nfLg;G 2012k; Mz;L Nkw;nfhs;sg;gl;lJ.
$w;W 3 - 19tJ fhy;eil fzf;nfLg;gpd; gb rPdh cyfpNyNa mjpf fhy;eilfisf; nfhz;l ehlhf
a) midj;Jk; rhp b) 1> 3 jtW 2 rhp c) 1> 2 jtW 3 rhp d) 2> 3 jtW 1 rhp
15. Which is not correct pair?
a) Yellow Revolution - oil seeds b) Grey Revolution - Fish Production
c) White Revolution - Milk production d) Silver Revolution - Eggs and Poultry
rhpahd ,iz my;yhjJ vJ?
a) kQ;rs; Gul;rp - vz;nza; tpj;Jf;fs; b) rhk;gy; Gul;rp - kPd;fs; cw;gj;jp
c) ntz;ikg; Gul;rp - ghy; cw;gj;jp d) nts;spg; Gul;rp - Kl;il kw;Wk; Nfhopfs;
16. Statement : Alluvial soil is eroded and deposited by rivers that is made of decomposed material.
Reason : Paddy and wheat grow well in Alluvial soils.
a) Reason correctly explains the statement. b) Reason does not explain the statement correctly
c) Statement correct. Reason Wrong d) Statement Wrong Reason correct
$w;W : tz;ly; kz; MWfspd; %yk; mhpf;fg;gl;L gbaitf;fg;gl;l kf;fpa nghUs;fshy; Md xd;W.
fhuzk; : ney; kw;Wk; NfhJik tz;ly; kz;zpy; ed;F tsUk;.
a) fhuzk; $w;wpid rhpahf tpsf;FfpwJ. b) fhuzk; $w;wpw;fhd rhpahd tpsf;fkd;W.
c) $w;W rhp. fhuzk; jtW d) $w;W jtW fhuzk; rhp


CONTACT: 8754754444, 9995554353
17. Which forest is found above 2400m altitude in Himalayas?
a) Deciduous Forests b) Othak Forests c) Mangrove Forests d) Alphine Forests
,kakiyapy; 2400 kP cauj;jpw;F Nky; fhzg;gLk; fhLfs; vJ?
a) ,iyAjph;f; fhLfs; b) Xjf; fhLfs;
c) khq;FNuht; fhLfs; d) My;igd; fhLfs;
18. Statement 1 - Spotted deer is the state animal of Andhra, Punjab and Haryana.
Statement 2 - The State Animal of Tamilnadu is the Nilgiri Tahr.
a) Statement 1 only correct b) Statement 1,2 both are correct
c) Statement 2 only correct d) Statement 1,2 both are wrong
$w;W 1 - Gs;spkhd; Me;jpuh khepyj;jpw;Fk;> gQ;rhg;> `hpahdhtpw;Fk; khepy tpyq;fhf jpfo;fpwJ.
$w;W 2 - jkpo;ehl;bd; khepy tpyq;fhf ePyfphp tiuahL jpfo;fpwJ.
a) 1 kl;Lk; rhp b) ,uz;Lk; rhp c) 2 kl;Lk; rhp d) ,uz;Lk; jtW
19. Arrange in Chronological Order.
1. Russian Revolution
2. Versailles Agreement
3. Starting of first world war
4. Formation of league of Nations
5. First world war end
a) 1 3 2 5 4 b) 3 5 1 4 2 c) 3 2 5 1 4 d) 3 1 5 2 4
1. u\;ag; Gul;rp
2. nth;nra;y; cld;gbf;if
3. Kjy; cyfg;Nghh; njhlf;fk;
4. gd;dhl;Lr; rq;fk; mikf;fg;gLjy;
5. Kjy; cyfg;Nghh; KbT
a) 1 3 2 5 4 b) 3 5 1 4 2 c) 3 2 5 1 4 d) 3 1 5 2 4
20. Statement 1 - The direct conversion of a solid into a gaseous instead of becoming a liquid on heating is called
Statement 2 - Water is a 'Universal Solvent' because it dissolves most substances.
a) Statement 1 only correct b) Statement 1,2 both are correct
c) Statement 2 only correct d) Statement 1,2 both are wrong
$w;W 1 - xU jplg;nghUis ntg;gg;gLj;Jk; NghJ jputkhf khwhky; Neubahf thA epiyf;F khWtJ
Mtpahjy; vdg;gLk;.
$w;W 2 - ePh; xU nghJf; fiug;ghd;. Vnddpy; mJ ngUk;ghyhd nghUs;fis fiuf;fpwJ.
a) 1 kl;Lk; rhp b) ,uz;Lk; rhp c) 2 kl;Lk; rhp d) ,uz;Lk; jtW
21. 1. Changing of ice to water - freezing
2. Cooling of water vapour to water - Evaporation
3. Cooling of water to solid - melting
Which of the above is not correct pair?
a) 1, 2 b) 2, 3 c) All d) 1, 3
1. gdpf;fl;b ePuhf khWtJ - ciwjy;
2. ePuhtpia Fsph;tpj;J ePuhf khw;Wjy; - Mtpahjy;
3. ePiu Fsph;tpj;J gdpf;fl;bahf khw;Wjy; - cUFjy;
Nkw;Fwpg;gpl;litfspy; rhpahd ,iz my;yhjJ vJ?


CONTACT: 8754754444, 9995554353
a) 1> 2 b) 2> 3 c) midj;Jk; d) 1> 3
22. Statement 1 - Sullyroot system is found in dicotyledonous.
Statement 2 - Nail root system is found in monocot Plants.
a) Statement 1, 2 both are correct b) Statement 1,2 both are wrong
c) Statement 1 only correct d) Statement 2 only correct
$w;W 1 - ,U tpj;jpiyj; jhtuq;fspy; ry;ypNth;j; njhFg;G fhzg;gLfpwJ.
$w;W 2 - xU tpijapiyj; jhtuq;fspy; MzpNth;j; njhFg;G fhzg;gLfpwJ.
a) ,uz;Lk; rhp b) ,uz;Lk; jtW c) 1 kl;Lk; rhp d) 2 kl;Lk; rhp
23. In which year Japan airforce launched a massive attacks on US naval based pearl harbor whithout any prior
a) 1941, December b) 1942 July, 17 to 1943 February, 2
c) 1942 d) 1941 - 45
mnkhpf;ff; flw;gilj; jskhd Kj;Jj;JiwKfj;jpd; kPJ [g;ghdpa tpkhdg;gilfs; Kd;dwptpg;gpd;wp
ngUk; jhf;Fjiy njhLj;j Mz;L vJ?
a) 1941 brk;gh; b) 1942 [Piy 17 - 1943 gpg;uthp 2 tiu
c) 1942 d) 1941 - 45
24. Statement 1 - The UN Adopted the Charter of human rights on October, 1948.
Statement 2 - The universal declaration of human rights has to 30 parts.
Statement 3 - 24𝑡𝑡ℎ April is celebrated as Human rights day all over the world.
a) 1,2 correct 3 wrong b) 2,3 correct 1 wrong c) All wrong d) 1, 3 wrong 2 correct
$w;W 1 - 1948 mf;Nlhgh; 10 md;W kdpj chpikfs; rhrdj;ij rig Vw;Wf;nfhz;lJ.
$w;W 2 - cyfshtpa kdpj chpikfs; gpufldk; kdpj chpikfs; Fwpj;J 30 gphpTfisf;
$w;W 3 - cyf KOtJk; kdpj chpikfs; jpdkhf Vg;uy; 24 nfhz;lhlg;gLfpwJ.
a) 1>2 rhp 3 jtW b) 2> 3 rhp 1 jtW c) midj;Jk; jtW d) 1> 3 jtW 2 rhp
25. Where is the headquarters of International Court of Justice?
a) The Hack b) Newyork c) Washington d) Geneva
gd;dhl;L ePjpkd;wj;jpd; jiyikafk; vq;Nf mike;Js;sJ?
a) jp N`f; b) epA+ahh;f; c) th\pq;ld; d) n[dPth
26. Which type of soil is rich in iron and magnesium?
a) Alluvial soil b) Black soil c) Red soil d) Gravel soil
,Uk;G kw;Wk; kf;dPrpak; mjpfkhf fhzg;gLk; kz; tif vJ?
a) tz;ly; kz; b) fhpry; kz; c) nrk;kz; d) ruis kz;

27. I. Formed due to leaching when heat and cold occur in succession.
II. Formed due to hydrated oxidies of iron and aluminium.
III. Soil suitable for cultivation of coffee and rubber, cashew etc..,
Which soil type is associated with the above statements?
a) Alluvial soil b) Black soil
c) Forest and mountain soils d) Gravel soil
I. ntg;gk; kw;Wk; Fsph; mLj;jLj;J epfOk; NghJ kz;Rtuy; fhuzkhf cUthFk;.
II. ,Uk;G kw;Wk; mYkpdpaj;jpd; ePNuw;w Mf;irLfshy; cUthdJ.
III. fhgp kw;Wk; ug;gh;> Ke;jphp Kjypait tpistjw;F Vw;w kz;.


CONTACT: 8754754444, 9995554353
Nkw;fhZk; $w;WfSld; njhlh;Gila kz;tif vJ?
a) tz;ly; kz; b) fhpry; kz;
c) fhL kw;Wk; kiy kz; d) ruis kz;

28. Statement 1 - Well irrigation is the oldest system of irrigation in India.

Statement 2 - Well irrigation is the cheapest and most reliable source of irrigation in the country.
Statement 3 - Lake irrigation is the 2𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛 and most important source of irrigation in the country.
a) 2, 3 wrong 1 correct b) 1, 2 wrong 3 correct c) 1, 3 wrong 2 correct d) All correct
$w;W 1 - ,e;jpahtpd; kpfg;goikahd ghrd Kiw vd;W fpzw;Wg;ghrdk; Fwpg;gplg;gLfpwJ.
$w;W 2 - ehl;bd; kypthd kw;Wk; ek;gfkhd ePh;g;ghrd Mjhukhf fpzw;Wg;ghrdk; cs;sJ.
$w;W 3 - ehl;bd; 2tJ kw;Wk; Kf;fpakhd ePh;g;ghrd Mjhukhf Vhpg;ghrdk; cs;sJ.
a) 2>3 jtW 1 rhp b) 1> 2 jtW 3 rhp c) 1> 3 jtW 2 rhp d) midj;Jk; rhp

29. Statement 1 - Neurons are the basic structure and functional unit of living organisms.
Statement 2 - By using the term ' Cell' the structure of tissues was described by Anton Leuven Haung in 1665
in his book 'Micrographia'
Statement 3 - The three main parts of a cell are considered as cell membrance, cytoplasm, and nucleus.
a) 1, 2 wrong 3 correct b) 2, 3 wrong 1 correct c) All correct d) 1, 3 wrong 2 correct
$w;W 1 - caphpdq;fspd; mbg;gil mikg;G kw;Wk; nray; myF epA+uhd;fs; MFk;.
$w;W 2 - nry; vd;w nrhy;ypid gad;gLj;jp jpRf;fspd; mikg;gpid 'ikf;Nuhfpuhgpah" vd;w jdJ
E}ypy; 1665k; Mz;L Mz;ld;td; ypA+td; `hf; tpsf;fpdhh;.
$w;W 3 - xU nry;ypd; %d;W Kf;fpa gFjpfshf nry;rt;T> irl;Nlhgpshrk;> cl;fU Mfpait
a) 1>2 jtW 3 rhp b) 2> 3 jtW 1 rhp c) midj;Jk; rhp d) 1> 3 jtW 2 rhp

30. Statement 1 - The total number of cells in the human body is 3.7 × 1013
Statement 2 - Cells that have a clear nucleus are prokaryotic. Example: Fungi, algae.
Statement 3 - Cells without a clear nucleus are eukaryotic. Eg: Bacteria.
a) All correct b) 2 correct 1, 3 wrong c) 3 correct 1, 2 wrong d) 1 correct 2, 3 wrong
$w;W 1 - kdpj clypy; cs;s nry;fspd; nkhj;j vz;zpf;if 3.7 × 1013 MFk;.
$w;W 2 - njspthd cl;fUit nfhz;Ls;s nry;fs; GNuhNfhpNahl;bf; tif MFk;.
cjhuzk;: G+Q;irfs;> My;fhf;fs;.
$w;W 3 : njspthd cl;fUit nfhz;buhj nry;fs; A+NfhpNahl;bf; tif MFk;.
v.fh : ghf;Bhpah
a) midj;Jk; rhp b) 2 rhp 1> 3 jtW c) 3 rhp 1> 2 jtW d) 1 rhp 2> 3 jtW

31. Statement : The Himalayas act as a climatic bastion.

Reason : The himalayas keep the Indian subcontinent moderately warm by blocking the cold winds from
central Asia.
a) Reason correctly explains the statement. b) Reason does not explain the statement correctly
c) Statement Wrong. Reason correct d) Statement correct, Reason wrong
$w;W : ,kakiyahdJ xU fhyepiy muzhf nray;gLfpwJ.
fhuzk; : ,kakiyahdJ kj;jpa MrpahtpypUe;J tPRk; fLk; Fsph;fhw;wpid jLj;J ,e;jpa
Jizf;fz;lj;ij kpj ntg;gkhf itj;jpUf;fpwJ.
a) fhuzk; $w;wpw;fhd rhpahd tpsf;fk; b) fhuzk; $w;wpw;fhd rhpahd tpsf;fkd;W.
c) $w;W jtW> fhuzk; rhp d) $w;W rhp> fhuzk; jtW

32. Which is wrong pair?

a) Punjab, Haryana is the region that receives rainfall from western disturbances


CONTACT: 8754754444, 9995554353
b) The climate prevailing in India is an Isotropic monsoon climate.
c) The global climate Phenounonon 'Elnino' has a major impact on the northeast monsoon season.
d) Winds moving fast in narrow areas in the upper layers of the Atmosphere are called 'Jet winds'
jtwhd ,iz vJ?
a) Nkw;fj;jpa ,ilA+Wfshy; kiog;nghopitg; ngWk; gFjp gQ;rhg;> `hpahdh
b) ,e;jpahtpy; epyTk; fhyepiy xU madkz;ly gUtf;fhw;W fhyepiy MFk;.
c) cyfshtpa fhyepiy epfo;thd 'vy;epNdh"tlfpof;F gUtf;fhw;Wf; fhyj;jpy; kpfg;nghpa
ghjpg;ig Vw;gLj;JfpwJ.
d) tspkz;lj;jpd; cah; mLf;Ffspy; FWfpa gFjpfspy; Ntfkhf efUk; fhw;Wfs; 'n[l;fhw;Wfs;"

33. Statement 1: Shakespeare's play merchant of venice is a drama which portrays the hatred and mistrust of
Jews among the people.
Statement 2 : The film fiddler on the roof is about anti-semitic Activities in the 19𝑡𝑡ℎ Century.
a) Statement 1,2 both are correct b) Statement 1 only correct
c) Statement 2 only correct d) Statement 1,2 both are wrong
$w;W 1 : N\f;];gpahpd; ntdp]; efu tzpfh; (Merchant of Venice) vDk; ehlfk; kf;fspilNa A+jh;fspd;
kPjpUe;j ntWg;igAk;> mtek;gpf;ifiaAk; glk; gpbj;Jf;fhl;baJ.
$w;W 2 : gpl;yh; Md; &‡g; (Fiddler on Roof) vDk; jpiug;glk; 19-k; E}w;whz;by; u\;ahtpy;
Nkw;nfhs;sg;gl;l A+j vjph;g;G eltbf;iffisg; gw;wpajhFk;.
a) ,uz;Lk; rhp b) 1 kl;Lk; rhp c) 2 kl;Lk; rhp d) ,uz;Lk; jtW

34. I. Act as the brain of the cell.

II. Coordinates and controls all the Actions of the cell.
III. Acts as controller centre of the cell.
Which is related to the above concepts?
a) Cholorofil b) Nucleus c) Vacouls d) Mitochondria
I. nry;ypd; %isahf nray;gLfpwJ.
II. nry;ypd; midj;J nray;fisAk; xUq;fpizj;J fl;Lg;gLj;JfpwJ.
III. nry;ypd; fl;Lg;ghl;L ikakhf nray;gLfpwJ.
Nkw;fhZk; fUj;JfSld; njhlh;GilaJ vJ?
a) gRq;fzpfk; b) cl;fU (epA+f;spa];)
c) Ez;Fopfs; d) ikl;Nlhfhz;l;hpah

35. Match the following

i) ii) iii) iv)
i) Hiragut Project 1) Sutlej (A) 4 3 2 1
ii) Nagarjuna Sagar Project 2) Narmada (B) 4 1 2 3
iii) Sardar Sarovar Project 3) Krishna (C) 2 1 4 3
iv) Indira Gandhi Canal Project 4) Mahanadi (D) 3 4 1 2
i) ii) iii) iv)
i) `puhFl; jpl;lk; 1) rl;y[; (A) 4 3 2 1
ii) ehfh;[Pdh rhfh; jpl;lk; 2) eh;kij (B) 4 1 2 3
iii) rh;jhh; rNuhth; jpl;lk; 3) fpU\;zh (C) 2 1 4 3
iv) ,e;jpuhfhe;jp fhy;tha; jpl;lk; 4) kfhejp (D) 3 4 1 2


CONTACT: 8754754444, 9995554353
36. Carbon dioxide when colling to _________ they do not reach the liquid state directly. The transition to a solid
state is dry ice.
a) −270 𝐶𝐶 b) −𝟓𝟓𝟓𝟓𝟎𝟎 𝑪𝑪 c) −720 𝐶𝐶 d) −750 C
fhh;gd;-il-Mf;iril _________ f;F Fsph;tpf;Fk; NghJ mit jputepiyia milahky; Neubahf
jplepiyf;F khWtJ cyh;gdpf;fl;b vdg;gLk;.
a) −270 𝐶𝐶
b) −570 𝐶𝐶 c) −720 𝐶𝐶 d) −750 C
37. I. Longest river in Peninsular India.
II. It is so called vriddha Ganga.
III. A fresh water lake in its delta region kolleru Lake is situated.
Which river is associate with above?
a) Mahanadi b) Ganga c) Godavari d) Krishna
I. jPgfw;g ,e;jpahtpy; ghAk; kpf ePskhd MW.
II. tpUj;j fq;fh vd;W miof;fg;gLtJ.
III. ,jd; nly;lh gFjpapy; ed;dPH; Vhpahd nfhy;NyU Vhp mike;Js;sJ.
Nkw;fhZk; nra;jpfSld; njhlh;Gila MW vJ?
a) kfhejp b) fq;if c) Nfhjhthp d) fpU\;zh

38. Which is not correct pair?

a) Largest tributary of Indus - Sinai b) River Ganges is known as Sangyo in Tibet.
c) Ganga is known as padma in Bangladesh. d) Brahmaputra is known as Jamuna in Bangladesh.
rhpahd ,iz my;yhjJ vJ?
a) rpe;J ejpapd; kpfg;nghpa JizahW - rpdha;
b) jpngj; gFjpapy; rhq;Nah (J}a;ik) vd;w ngahpy; miof;fg;gLtJ - fq;if ejp
c) tq;fNjrj;jpy; fq;if gj;kh vd;w ngahpy; miof;fg;gLfpwJ.
d) tq;fNjrj;jpy; gpuk;kGj;jpuh> [Kdh vd;w ngahpy; miof;fg;gLfpwJ.

39. Match the following

i) Narmada 1) Betul district i) ii) iii) iv) v)
ii) Godavari 2) Chemmayudang (A) 5 3 2 1 4
iii) Tapti 3) Amargandak plateau (B) 3 5 2 1 4
iv) Brahmaputra 4) Monsarevor lake (C) 5 3 4 2 1
v) Indus 5) Nashik District (D) 3 5 1 2 4

i) eh;kij 1) ngl;^y; khtl;lk; i) ii) iii) iv) v)

ii) Nfhjhthp 2) nrk;khAlq; (A) 5 3 2 1 4
iii) jgjp 3) mkh;fz;lf; gPlG+kp (B) 3 5 2 1 4
iv) gpuk;kGj;jpuh 4) khdrNuhth; Vhp (C) 5 3 4 2 1
v) rpe;J 5) ehrpf; khtl;lk; (D) 3 5 1 2 4

40. Which is the wrong pair?

a) Covered around the brain - Meninges b) Covered around the heart - Pericardium
c) Covered around the lungus - Pleura d) None
jtwhd ,iz vJ?
a) %isiar; Rw;wp fhzg;gLk; ciw - nkdpd;[];
b) ,jaj;ijr; Rw;wp fhzg;gLk; ciw - nghpfhh;bak;
c) EiuaPuiyr; Rw;wp fhzg;gLk; ciw - g;Suh


CONTACT: 8754754444, 9995554353
d) vJTkpy;iy
41. Statement 1 : Silica lake, located northeast of the mahanathi Delta is India's largest lagoon lake.
Statement 2 : Kolleru lake is located between Godavari river and Krishna river.
Statement 3 : An important lake in the east coastal plain region is the vembanadu lake.
Statement 4 : Middle part of Mahanadhi and Krishan river is called Vada sarkar.
a) 1, 3 correct 2, 4 wrong b) All correct c) 2, 4 correct 1, 3 wrong d) 1, 4 right 2, 3 wrong
$w;W 1 : kfhejp nly;lhtpw;W tlfpof;Nf mike;Js;s rpypfh Vhp ,e;jpahtpd; kpfg;nghpa fhay;
$w;W 2 : Nfhjhthp Mw;Wf;Fk;> fpU\;zh Mw;Wf;Fk; ,ilNa nfhy;NyU Vhp mike;Js;sJ.
$w;W 3 : fpof;F flw;fiur; rkntspg; gFjpapy; cs;s xU Kf;fpakhf Vhp Ntk;gehL Vhp MFk;.
$w;W 4 : kfhejpf;Fk;> fpU\;zhejpf;Fk; ,ilg;gl;l gFjp tlrh;f;fhh; vdg;gLk;.
a) 1> 3 rhp 2> 4 jtW b) midj;Jk; rhp c) 2> 4 rhp 1> 3 jtW d) 1> 4 rhp 2> 3 jtW
42. Which is correct?
a) River narmada divides the peninsular plateau into two major parts.
b) The highest peak of Aravalli range is kurusikar (1722 m)
c) Western ghats and Eastern ghats converge at Nilgris.
d) All are correct.
rhpahdJ vJ?
a) eh;kij MW jPgfw;g gPlG+kpia ,U ngUk; gFjpfshf gphpf;fpd;wJ.
b) Muty;yp kiyj;njhlhpd; kpf caukhd rpfuk; FUrpfhh; (1722 kP) MFk;.
c) Nkw;F njhlh;r;rp kiyfSk;> fpof;Fj; njhlh;r;rp kiyfSk; ePyfphpapy; xd;wpizfpd;wd.
d) midj;Jk; rhp
43. Statement 1 - Rivers Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna, Cauvery flow westwards and merge into the Arabian Sea.
Statement 2 - Narmada, Tapti, Mahi and Sabarmati rivers flow eastwards and merge into the Bay of Bengal.
a) Statement 1,2 both are correct b) Statement 1,2 both are wrong
c) Statement 1 only correct d) Statement 2 only correct
$w;W 1 - kfhejp> Nfhjhthp> fpU\;zh> fhNthp MWfs; Nkw;F Nehf;fp gha;e;J mugpf; flypy;
$w;W 2 - eh;kij> jgjp> kh`p> rgh;kjp MWfs; fpof;F Nehf;fp gha;e;J tq;fhs tphpFlhtpy; fyf;fpd;wd.
a) ,uz;Lk; rhp b) ,uz;Lk; jtW c) 1 kl;Lk; rhp d) 2 kl;Lk; rhp
44. Match the following: (Location)
i) ii) iii) iv) v)
i) Pituitary gland 1) Neck (A) 4 1 5 2 3
ii) Thyroid gland 2) Lower Abdoman (B) 4 1 2 5 3
iii) Pancreas 3) Above the Kidney (C) 5 3 2 4 1
iv) Thymus gland 4) The base of the brain (D) 4 1 5 3 2
v) Adrenal gland 5) Thorax
nghUj;Jf: (,Ug;gplk;)
i) ii) iii) iv) v)
i) gpl;A+l;lhp Rug;gp 1) fOj;J (A) 4 1 5 2 3
ii) ijuha;L Rug;gp 2) tapw;wpd; mbg;gFjp (B) 4 1 2 5 3
iii) fizak; 3) rpWePufj;jpd; Nky; (C) 5 3 2 4 1
iv) ijk]; Rug;gp 4) %idapd; mbg;gFjp (D) 4 1 5 3 2


CONTACT: 8754754444, 9995554353
v) ml;hpdy; Rug;gp 5) khh;Gf;$L
45. Statement 1 - The region with the highest rainfall (1141 mm) in the world is located in melisinram in
Statement 2 - Average Annual rainfall in India is 118 cm.
Statement 3 - Ottagama desert is the driest region on earth.
a) All correct b) 1, 2 correct 3 wrong c) 2, 3 correct 1 wrong d) 1, 3 correct 2 wrong
$w;W 1 - cyfpy; kpf mjpf msT kiongWk; (1141 kp.kP) gFjpahd nksrpd;uhk; Nkfhyahtpy;
$w;W 2 - ,e;jpahtpy; Mz;L ruhrhp kioasT 118 nr.kP MFk;.
$w;W 3 - G+kpapNyNa twz;l gFjp mlfhkh ghiytdk; MFk;.
a) midj;Jk; rhp b) 1> 2 rhp 3 jtW c) 2> 3 rhp 1 jtW d) 1> 3 rhp 2 jtW
46. Which is wrong pair?
a) World's largest gravity dam - Pakranangal Project b) World's longest dam - Hiragud Project
c) Staricase farming system - Himachal Pradesh d) Golden fiber crop - cotton
jtwhd ,iz vJ?
a) cyfpd; nghpa Gtp<h;g;G miz - gf;uheq;fy; jpl;lk;
b) cyfpd; kpf ePskhd miz - `puhFl; jpl;lk;
c) gbf;fl;L Ntshz;ik Kiw - ,khr;ry; gpuNjrk;
d) jq;f ,iog;gaph; - gUj;jp
47. Statement 1 - An odometer is an instrument used to measure teh distance travelled by Automatic Vechicles.
Statement 2 - Modern scale for measuring length is found by william Bedwell.
Statement 3 - 1 Kilogram is equal tothe mass of an Ingot of Platinum - Iridium alloy.
a) Statement 1 only wrong b) Statement 3 only wrong
c) All correct d) Statement 2 only correct
$w;W 1 - XNlhkPl;lh; vd;gJ jhdpaq;fp thfdq;fs; flf;Fk; njhiyitf; fzf;fpLtjw;F
gad;gLj;jg;gLk; fUtpahFk;.
$w;W 2 - tpy;ypak; ngl;nty; vd;gth; ePsj;ij msf;f jw;fhyj;jpy; gad;gLj;jg;gLk; msTNfhiy
$w;W 3 - 1 fpNyhfpuhk; vd;gJ gpshl;bdk; - ,hpbak; fye;j cNyhf fyitahy; Md cNyhfj;jz;bd;
epiwf;Fr; rkk;.
a) 1 kl;Lk; jtW b) 3 kl;Lk; jtW c) midj;Jk; rhp d) 2 kl;Lk; jtW
48. Statement 1 - Weight is inversely proportional to mass on earth's surface.
Statement 2 - Gravity on the moon is one - fifth that on earth.
a) Statement 1,2 both are wrong b) Statement 1 only wrong
c) Statement 2 only wrong d) Statement 1,2 both are correct
$w;W 1 - G+kpapd; gug;gpy; vil vd;gJ epiwf;F vjph;j;jftpy; ,Uf;Fk;.
$w;W 2 - epytpy; <h;g;G tpirahdJ G+kpiag;Nghy Ie;jpy; xU gq;F MFk;.
a) ,uz;Lk; jtW b) 1 kl;Lk; jtW c) 2 kl;Lk; jtW d) ,uz;Lk; rhp
49. Statement 1 - Among the Coastel States Kerala is the leading Producer of Marine fish.
Statement 2 - Andhra Pradesh is the leading state in inland fisheries in India.
a) Statement 1,2 both are wrong b) Statement 1,2 both are correct
c) Statement 1 only wrong d) Statement 2 only wrong
$w;W 1 - flw;fiu khepyq;fspy; Nfush fly;kPd; cw;gj;jpapy; Kjd;ikahdjhf cs;sJ.


CONTACT: 8754754444, 9995554353
$w;W 2 - ,e;jpahtpy; Me;jpugpuNjrk; cs;ehl;L kPd;gpbj;jypy; Kjd;ikahd khepykhf jpfo;fpwJ.
a) ,uz;Lk; jtW b) ,uz;Lk; rhp c) 1 kl;Lk; jtW d) 2 kl;Lk; jtW
50. Match the following
i) ii) iii) iv)
i) Summer 1) From October to December (A) 3 1 2 4
ii) North east monsoon season 2) From June to September (B) 3 1 4 2
iii) Winter 3) From March to May (C) 4 3 2 1
iv) South west monsoon period 4) From January to February (D) 1 3 2 4
i) ii) iii) iv)
i) Nfhilfhyk; 1) mf;Nlhgh; Kjy; brk;gh; tiu (A) 3 1 2 4
ii) tlfpof;F gUtf;fhw;W fhyk; 2) [Pd; Kjy; nrg;lk;gh; tiu (B) 3 1 4 2
iii) Fsph;fhyk; 3) khh;r; Kjy; Nk tiu (C) 4 3 2 1
iv) njd;Nkw;F gUtf;fhw;W fhyk; 4) [dthp Kjy; gpg;uthp tiu (D) 1 3 2 4

51. Statement 1 - Equality, Secularism and integeration were Added to the Preamble by the 44𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛 constitutional
Amendment in 1978.
Statement 2 - Article 25 states right to not participate in worship and instruction in religious education
a) Statement 1only correct b) Statement 1,2 both are correct
c) Statement 2 only correct d) Statement 1, 2 both are wrong
$w;W 1 - rkjh;kk;> rkarhh;gpd;ik> xUikg;ghL vd;w %d;W Gjpanrhw;fs; KfTiuapy; 44tJ jpUj;jk;
1978-d; gb Nrh;f;fg;gl;lJ.
$w;W 2 - kjk;rhh;e;j fy;tp epWtdq;fspy; eilngWk; topghL kw;Wk; mwpTiu epfo;r;rpfspy; fye;J
nfhs;shky; ,Uf;Fk; chpik gw;wp tpuj;J 25 $WfpwJ.
a) 1 kl;Lk; rhp b) ,uz;Lk; rhp c) 2 kl;Lk; rhp d) ,uz;Lk; jtW
52. Assertion : Supreme Court is called as ' The guardian of the constitution'
Reason : It empowers to issue six types of writ and issues such writs and protects the right to the people.
a) Reason correctly explains the Assertion b) Reason does not explain the Assertion correctly.
c) Reason correct. Assertion Wrong d) Assertion Correct. Reason wrong.
$w;W : cr;rePjpkd;wk; 'murpayikg;gpd; ghJfhtyd;" vd miof;fg;gLfpwJ.
fhuzk; : MW tifahd ePjpg;Nguhizfis ntspapLk; mjpfhuk; ngw;Ws;sJ. ,J Nghd;w
Mizfis ntspapl;L kf;fspd; chpikia fhf;fpwJ.
a) fhuzk; $w;wpid rhpahf tpsf;FfpwJ. b) fhuzk; $w;Wf;fhd rhpahd tpsf;fky;y.
c) fhuzk; rhp. $w;W jtW d) $w;W rhp.fhuzk; jtW
53. 1. Chemical formula of Gypsum - 𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝑜𝑜4 . 2𝐻𝐻2 𝑂𝑂
2. Chemical formula of Plaster of Paris - 𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝑜𝑜4 . 7𝐻𝐻2 𝑂𝑂.
3. Gypsum used for casting Idols.
4. Plaster of paris used to make gypsum.
a) 1, 2 correct 3, 4 wrong b) 1, 4 correct 2, 3 wrong
c) 1 correct 2,3,4 wrong d) All correct
1. [pg;rj;jpd; %yf;$W tha;g;ghL - 𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝑜𝑜4 . 2𝐻𝐻2 𝑂𝑂
2. ghhp];rhe;jpd; %yf;$W tha;g;ghL - 𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝑜𝑜4 . 7𝐻𝐻2 𝑂𝑂.
3. [pg;rk; rpiyfs; thh;f;f gad;gLfpwJ.


CONTACT: 8754754444, 9995554353
4. ghhp];rhe;J [pg;rk; jahhpf;f gad;gLfpwJ.
a) 1>2 rhp 3>4 jtW b) 1> 4 rhp 2> 3 jtW c) 1 rhp 2>3>4 jtW d) midj;Jk; rhp
54. Find the correct one:
1. 1 Gallon = 3785ml
2. 1 Ounce = 30ml
3. 1 quart = 1 l
a) 1 only b) 2, 3 only c) 1, 3 only d) 1, 2, 3
rhpahdijf; Fwpg;gpLf.
1. 1 Nfyd; = 3785 ml
2. 1 mTd;]; =30 ml
3. 1 Fthh;l; = 1 l
a) 1 kl;Lk; b) 2>3 kl;Lk; c) 1> 3 kl;Lk; d) 1>2>3
55. Statement 1 - The person who told about per capita income firstly is James Wilson.
Statement 2 - The word Gross National Happiness is made by Jigme Singye Wangchuck.
Statement 3 - Human Development index was made by Mohammed Nabi in 1990.
a) 1, 2 correct 3 wrong b) 1, 3 wrong 2 correct c) All correct d) All wrong
$w;W 1 - jdpegh; tUkhdj;ij gw;wp Kjd;Kjypy; $wpath; N[k;]; tpy;rd; Mthh;.
$w;W 2 - nkhj;j Njrpa kfpo;r;rp vd;w thh;j;ijia cUthf;fpath; [pf;Nk rpq;fpNa thq;Rq; Mthh;.
$w;W 3 - kdpj Nkk;ghl;L FwpaPL 1990-y; Kfk;kJ egp mth;fshy; cUthf;fg;gl;lJ.
a) 1> 2 rhp 3 jtW b) 1> 3 jtW 2 rhp c) midj;Jk; rhp d) midj;Jk; jtW
56. Statement 1 - Control of Foreign exchange Act was brought in 1984.
Statement 2 - Dangal Draft is signed in 1994.
Statement 3 - The person who first coined, the term globalization was Theodore Dewitt.
Statement 4 - New Economic Policy was introduced by govt of India in 1991.
a) All correct b) 1, 2 correct 3, 4 wrong
c) 1, 2 wrong 3, 4 correct d) 1 wrong 2,3,4 correct
$w;W 1 - me;jpa nrythzp fl;Lg;ghl;L rl;lk; 1984-k; Mz;L nfhz;Ltug;gl;lJ.
$w;W 2 - lq;fy; tiuT 1994 -k; Mz;L ifnaOj;jhdJ.
$w;W 3 - cyfkakhjy; vd;w nrhy;iy Kjd;Kjypy; mwpKfk; nra;jth; jpNahNlhh; nytpl; Mthh;.
$w;W 4 - ,e;jpa murhq;fk; 1991-k; Mz;L Gjpa nghUshjhu nfhs;if mwpKfk; nra;ag;gl;lJ.
a) midj;Jk; rhp
b) 1>2 rhp 3> 4 jtW c) 1>2 jtW 3>4 rhp d) 1 jtW 2>3>4 rhp
57. Statement 1 - World water day is celebrated in March, 21
Statement 2 - Magnets loses its magnetism in such incidents like when it is dropped, tapped with a hammer.
Statement 3 - 'Substances cannot be created or destroyed we can change the chemistry of substances
through chemical reactions' founded by Lavoisier.
a) 1, 2 correct 3 wrong b) 2, 3 correct 1 wrong c) 1, 3 correct 2 wrong d) All correct
$w;W 1 - cyf ePh; jpdk; khh;r; 21 md;W nfhz;lhlg;gLfpwJ.
$w;W 2 - fhe;jq;fs; mtw;wpd; fhe;jj;jd;ikia Rj;jpahy; jl;Ljy;> fPNo NghLjy;> Nghd;w epfo;tpd;
NghJ ,of;fpwJ.
$w;W 3 - nghUs;fis Mf;fTk; KbahJ mopf;fTk; KbahJ. Ntjptpid nfhz;L nghUs;fspd;
Ntjpaikg;ig khw;w KbAk; vd fz;lwpe;jth; ytha;rpah; Mthh;.
a) 1>2 rhp 3 jtW
b) 2>3 rhp 1 jtW c) 1> 3 rhp 2 jtW d) midj;Jk; rhp
58. Statement 1 - When we chop onions a easily volatice chemical released is Butail Dhayol S-oxide
Statement 2 - Benol is Benzoic Acid


CONTACT: 8754754444, 9995554353
Statement 3 - Closest star to our solar system is Alpha Centauri
a) All statements are wrong b) All statements are correct
c) Statement 1 only wrong d) Statement 3 only wrong.
$w;W 1 - ntq;fhaj;ij ntl;Lk; NghJ ntspg;gLk; vspjpy; Mtpahff;$ba Ntjpg;nghUs; gpA+l;ily;
jahy; S-Mf;irL MFk;.
$w;W 2 - gPdhy; vd;gJ ngd;Nrhapf; mkpykhFk;.
$w;W 3 - ekJ #hpa FLk;gj;jpw;F kpf mUfpy; mike;Js;s tpz;kPd; My;gh nrd;lhp MFk;.
a) midj;Jk; jtW
b) midj;Jk; rhp c) 1 kl;Lk; jtW d) 3 kl;Lk; jtW
59. 1. The Average distance between the earth and sun in one light year.
2. 1 Astronomical unit = 1.496 × 1011 𝑚𝑚
3. 1 Light year = 9.46 × 1015 𝑚𝑚
a) All correct b) 2, 3 correct c) 1, 2 correct d) All wrong
1. G+kpf;Fk;> #hpaDf;Fk; ,ilNaAs;s ruhrhp njhiyT xU xsp Mz;L MFk;.
2. 1 thdpay; myF = 1.496 × 1011 kP
3. 1 xsp Mz;L = 9.46 × 1015 kP
a) midj;Jk; rhp
b) 2>3 rhp c) 1> 2 rhp d) midj;Jk; jtW
60. Which is wrong pair?
1. Article 14 - Abolition of untouchability
2. Article 19 - Right to form Associations
3. Article 21A - Right to get elementary Education
4. Article 17 - Equality before the law
a) 1 and 2 b) 2 and 3 c) 1 and 4 d) 3 and 4
jtwhd ,iz vJ?
1. gphpT 14 - jPz;lhik xopg;G
2. gphpT 19 - mikg;Gfs; njhlq;f chpik
3. gphpT 21A - njhlf;f fy;tp ngWk; chpik
4. tpjp 17 - rl;lj;jpd; Kd; midtUk; rkk;
a) 1 kw;Wk; 2 b) 2 kw;Wk; 3 c) 1 kw;Wk; 4 d) 3 kw;Wk; 4
61. Statement 1 : According to the Anti-defection Law, The president have the deciding authority whether a
member is eligible for loksabha memebr or not.
Statement 2 : Article 368 said about the constitutional Amendment.
Statement 3 : Article 5 - 11 of part 2 said about the citizenship.
a) 1, 2 correct 3 wrong b) 2, 3 correct 1 wrong c) Alll correct d) 1, 3 correct 2 wrong
$w;W 1 - fl;rpj;jhty; jilr;rl;lj;jpd;gb xU cWg;gpdh; kf;fsit cWg;gpduhf jFjp ngw;wtuhf
,y;iyah vd;gij jPh;khdpf;Fk; mjpfhuk; FbauR jiythplk; cs;sJ.
$w;W 2 - murpayikg;gpd; rl;ljpUj;j Kiw gw;wp ruj;J 368 $WfpwJ.
$w;W 3 - FbAhpik gw;wp gFjp II tpjp 5 Kjy; 11 tiu $WfpwJ.
a) 1>2 rhp 3 jtW b) 2>3 rhp 1 jtW c) midj;Jk; rhp d) 1>3 rhp 2 jtW
62. Match the following
i) ii) iii) iv)
i) Key of constitution 1) Fundamental rights (A) 2 1 4 3
ii) Magna Carta 2) Preamble (B) 2 3 4 1
iii) Novel features 3) Article 32 (C) 1 3 2 4
iv) Heart of constitution 4) Directive principles of state policy (D) 4 3 2 1
nghUj;Jf. i) ii) iii) iv)


CONTACT: 8754754444, 9995554353
i) murpayikg;gpd; jpwTNfhy; 1) mbg;gil chpikfs; (A) 2 1 4 3
ii) ,e;jpahtpd; kfhrhrdk; 2) KfTiu (B) 2 3 4 1
iii) GJikapd; rpwg;gk;rk; 3) rl;lg;gphpT 32 (C) 1 3 2 4
iv) murpayikg;gpd; ,jak; 4) muR newpAWj;Jk; Nfhl;ghLfs; (D) 4 3 2 1
63. Which is wrong pari? (Density value)
1. Iron - 7800
2. Air - 1.2
3. Mercury - 13600
4. Aluminium - 8900
a) 2 only b) 1, 2 only c) 1, 2, 3 only d) 4 only
jtwhd ,iz vJ? (mlh;j;jpapd; kjpg;G)
1. ,Uk;G - 7800
2. fhw;W - 1.2
3. ghjurk; - 13600
4. mYkpdpak; - 8900
a) 2 kl;Lk; b) 1>2 kl;Lk; c) 1> 2> 3 kl;Lk; d) 4 kl;Lk;
64. Statement 1 - The Unit used to measure the speeds of ships and planes is Knot.
Statement 2 - One nautical mile is 1.852 km
Statement 3 - Distance traveled by light per second is 3 × 1011 𝑚𝑚
Statement 4 - Change of velocity is desplacement.
a) 1, 2, 3 correct 4 wrong b) 1, 2 wrong 3, 4 correct
c) 1, 2 correct 3, 4 wrong d) All correct
$w;W 1 - fg;gy; kw;Wk; tpkhdq;fspd; Ntfq;fis msf;f gad;gLk; myF ehl; vdg;gLk;.
$w;W 2 - xU ehl;bf;fy; iky; vd;gJ 1.852 fp.kP MFk;.
$w;W 3 - xspahdJ xU tpdhbapy; flf;Fk; njhiyt 3 × 1011 kP MFk;.
$w;W 4 - jpirNtfk; khWk; tPjk; ,lg;ngah;r;rp vdg;gLk;.
a) 1> 2> 3 rhp 4 jtW b) 1> 2 jtW 3> 4 rhp c) 1> 2 rhp 3> 4 jtW d) midj;Jk; rhp
65. Statement 1 - The medicine used for Diarrhea is Bismuth.
Statement 2 - The metals that are gaseous at room temperature are oxygen, hydrogen, and chlorine
Statement 3 - Mercury is the only metal which is liquid at room temperature.
a) 1,2 correct 3 wrong b) 1,3 correct 2 wrong c) 2, 3 correct 1 wrong d) All correct
$w;W 1 - tapw;Wg;Nghf;F rpfpr;ir kUe;jhf gad;gLtJ gp];kj; MFk;.
$w;W 2 - miw ntg;gepiyiapy; thAthf cs;s mNyhfq;fs; Mf;rp[d;> i`l;u[d;> FNshhpd; MFk;.
$w;W 3 - jputepiyapy; fhzg;gLk; xNu mNyhfk; ghjurk; MFk;.
a) 1>2 rhp 3 jtW b) 1> 3 rhp 2 jtW c) 2> 3 rhp 1 jtW d) midj;Jk; rhp
66. Statement 1 : Jahangir issued 'Golden Fireman' to the British in 1632.
Statement 2 : In GDP the Industry sector creates most employment.
a) Statement 1only correct b) Statement 1,2 both are correct
c) Statement 2 only correct d) Statement 1, 2 both are wrong
$w;W 1 - 1632 y; Mq;fpNyah;fSf;F 'Nfhy;ld; gah;Nkd;" vd;w gl;lj;ij toq;fpath; [`hq;fPh; Mthh;.
$w;W 2 - GDP apy; njhopy;Jiwfs; %yk; mjpfkhd Ntiytha;g;G Vw;gLfpwJ.
a) 1 kl;Lk; rhp b) ,uz;Lk; rhp c) 2 kl;Lk; rhp d) ,uz;Lk; jtW


CONTACT: 8754754444, 9995554353
67. Statement 1 - State legislature can dismiss the speaker after a resolution by 14 days announcement.
Statement 2 - The Executive head of state government is chief minister.
Statement 3 - When the legislature dissolve the speaker's Tenure comes to an end Automatically.
a) All correct b) 2 correct 1, 3 wrong c) 3 correct 1,2 wrong d) 1 correct 2,3 wrong
$w;W 1 - rl;lkd;wk; xU jPh;khdj;jpd; %yk; 14 ehl;fs; mwptpg;G nfhLj;j gpwF rghehafiu gjtp
ePf;fk; nra;ayhk;.
$w;W 2 - khepy eph;thfj;jpd; murpayikg;gpd; jiyth; Kjyikr;rh; Mthh;.
$w;W 3 - rl;lkd;wk; fiyf;fg;gLk; NghJ rghehafhpd; gjtpf;fhyk; jhdhfNt KbTf;F tUk;.
a) midj;Jk; rhp b) 2 rhp 1> 3 jtW c) 3 rhp 1> 2 jtW d) 1 rhp 2> 3 jtW
68. Match the following
i) ii) iii) iv)
i) Article 156 1) State executive power (A) 1 2 3 4
ii) Article 154 2) Tenure of governor (B) 3 2 4 1
iii) Article 153 3) Appointment of governor (C) 2 1 4 3
iv) Article 155 4) Governor post (D) 3 4 1 2
i) ii) iii) iv)
i) tpjp 156 1) khepyj;jpd; eph;thf mjpfhuk; (A) 1 2 3 4
ii) tpjp 154 2) MSehpd; gjtpf;fhyk; (B) 3 2 4 1
iii) tpjp 153 3) MSehpd; epakdk; (C) 2 1 4 3
iv) tpjp 155 4) MSeh; gjtp (D) 3 4 1 2
69. Statement 1 - Indian constitution Article 163 (1) states the governor appoints the chief minister of state.
Statement 2 - The Allowable number of legislative Assembly members is 300.
Statement 3 - Tamilnadu state legislature remove Act come in the year 1986 October, 1
a) All correct b) All wrong
c) Statement 1 only correct d) Statement 1, 3 correct 2 wrong
$w;W 1 - MSeuhy; Kjyikr;rh; epakpf;fg;gLtjhf $Wk; ,e;jpa murpayikg;gpd; rl;lg;gphpT 163 (1)
$w;W 2 - rl;lkd;wj;jpd; mDkjpf;fg;gl;l mjpfgl;r cWg;gpdh;fspd; vz;zpf;if 300 MFk;.
$w;W 3 - jkpo;ehL rl;lNkyit ePf;f rl;lk; eilKiwf;F te;j Mz;L 1986 mf;Nlhgh; 1 MFk;.
a) midj;Jk; rhp b) midj;Jk; jtW c) 1 kl;Lk; rhp d) 1>3 rhp 2 jtW
70. Which is correctly placed in Alternatives of ground stem?
a) Runner - Strawberry b) Stolon - Centella Asiatica
c) offset - onion d) Sucker - chry santhemum
jiunahl;ba jz;bd; khw;WUf;fspy; rhpahf ,lk;ngw;Ws;sJ vJ?
a) XL jz;L - ];l;uh ngh;hp b) ];Nlhyd; - ty;yhiu
c) Fl;ilahd XL jz;L - ntq;fhak; d) rf;fh; - fpiu rhe;jpkk;
71. Statement 1 - Protons are positively charged.
Statement 2 - Neutrons do not carry any electric charge.
Statement 3 - Protons and electorns are called nucleons.
Statement 4 - Mass of 1 proton - 1.6726 × 10−27
a) 3 only wrong b) 4 only wrong c) 1,2 wrong d) All options are Correct
$w;W 1 - GNuhl;lhd;fs; Neh;kpd;D}l;lk; nfhz;lit.
$w;W 2 - epA+l;uhd;fs; vt;tpj kpd;RikiAk; ngwtpy;iy.


CONTACT: 8754754444, 9995554353
$w;W 3 - GNuhl;lhd;fs; kw;Wk; vyf;l;uhd;fs; Mfpait epA+f;spahd;fs; vdg;gLk;.
$w;W 4 - 1 GNuhl;lhd;fspd; epiw - 1.6726 × 10−27
a) 3 kl;Lk; jtW b) 4 kl;Lk; jtW c) 1>2 kl;Lk; jtW d) midj;Jk; rhp

72. Statement 1 - Same mass number, different atomic number Atoms are called Isobars.
Statement 2 - Atomic number refers to the number of protons and neutrons.
Statement 3 - Surya Gandhi is an example of manchurian flower.
Statement 4 - Cross pollination takes place in lablab.
a) 1, 3 wrong 2,4 correct b) All options are correct
c) 1, 3 correct 2,4 wrong d) All options are wrong
$w;W 1 - xNu epiw vz;Zk;> ntt;NtW mZ vz;Zk; nfhz;l mZf;fs; INrhghh;fs; vdg;gLk;.
$w;W 2 - mZ vz; vd;gJ GNuhl;lhd;fs; kw;Wk; epA+l;uhd;fspd; vz;zpf;ifia Fwpf;Fk;.
$w;W 3 - kQ;Rhp kyH;f;F vLj;Jf;fhl;L #hpa fhe;jp MFk;.
$w;W 4 - may; kfue;j Nrh;f;ifahdJ mtiuapy; eilngWk;.
a) 1>3 jtW 2>4 rhp b) midj;Jk; rhp c) 1> 3 rhp 2>4 jtW d) midj;Jk; jtW

73. Statement 1 - The Governor resigns from his office by tendering his resignation letter to the Chief Minister.
Statement 2 - Delhi Supreme Court is the 2𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛 largest judicial complex in the world after London.
Statement 3 - Articles 152 to 237 state about State administration.
a) 1, 2 wrong 3 correcet b) 1,2 correct 3 wrong
c) 3,2 correct 1 wrong d) All options are correct
$w;W 1 - Kjyikr;rhplk; jdJ uh[pdhkh fbjj;ij mspg;gjd; %yk; MSeh; jdJ gjtpapypUe;J
tpyfp nfhs;syhk;.
$w;W 2 - cyfpNyNa ,yz;lDf;F mLj;J 2tJ nghpa ePjpj;Jiw tshfk; nly;yp cr;rePjpkd;wk; MFk;.
$w;W 3 - khepy eph;thfk; gw;wp gphpT 152 Kjy; 237 tiu $WfpwJ.
a) 1>2 jtW 3 rhp b) 1> 2 rhp 3 jtW c) 3> 2 rhp 1 jtW d) midj;Jk; rhp

74. Statement 1 - The 42𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛 Amendment is called the Mini Constitution.

Statement 2 - The age for becoming a member of the Lok Sabha is 35 years.
Statement 3 - Ex officio Chairman of Rajya Sabha is Vice President
a) All options are correct b) 1,2 correct 3 wrong c) 2,3 correct 1 wrong d) 1, 3 correct 2 wrong
$w;W 1 - rpwpa murpayikg;G vd;W 42 tJ rl;ljpUj;jk; miof;fg;gLfpwJ.
$w;W 2 - kf;fsit cWg;gpduhtjw;fhd taJ 35 tajhFk;.
$w;W 3 - khepyq;fsitapd; gjtp top jiyth; Jizf; FbauR jiyth; Mthh;.
a) midj;Jk; rhp b) 1>2 rhp 3 jtW c) 2>3 rhp 1 jtW d) 1>3 rhp 2 jtW

75. Match the following

i) ii) iii) iv)
i) B.V. Rajamannar Committee 1) 1983 (A) 4 1 2 3
ii) Sarkaria Committee 2) 1978 (B) 4 1 3 2
iii) Official Language Act 3) 1963 (C) 4 3 2 1
iv) Removed Right to Property 4) 1969 (D) 3 4 1 2
i) ii) iii) iv)
i) uh[kd;dhh; FO 1) 1983 (A) 4 1 2 3
ii) rh;f;fhhpah FO 2) 1978 (B) 4 1 3 2
iii) mYtyf nkhop rl;lk; 3) 1963 (C) 4 3 2 1
iv) nrhj;Jhpik ePf;fk; 4) 1969 (D) 3 4 1 2


CONTACT: 8754754444, 9995554353
76. Examine the claims.
1. Radish - Ray shape
2. Turnip - Bampara shape
3. Carrot - Conical shape
a) 1,2 correct b) 1, 3 correct c) All options are correct d) 3, 2 correct
$w;Wfis Muha;f.
1. Ks;sq;fp - fjph; tbtk;
2. lh;dpg; - gk;gu tbtk;
3. Nful; - $k;G tbtk;
a) 1> 2 rhp b) 1> 3 rhp c) midj;Jk; rhp d) 3> 2 rhp
77. Statement 1 - Color blindness in the eye is caused by a genetic condition.
Statement 2 - Avicennia is an adaptive plant with roots that can grow above ground for gas exchange
a) Statement 1, 2 correct b) Statement 1 only correct
c) Statement 2 only correct d) Statement 1, 2 wrong
$w;W 1 - fz;zpy; tz;z FUl;Ljd;ikf;F fhuzk; kugZ epiy MFk;.
$w;W 2 - thA ghpkhw;wj;jpw;F jiuf;FNky; tsuf;$ba Nth;fs; nfhz;l jftikg;G jhtuk; mtprPdpah
a) ,uz;Lk; rhp b) 1 kl;Lk; rhp c) 2 kl;Lk; rhp d) ,uz;Lk; jtW
78. Match (Water Quantity)
i) ii) iii) iv)
i) Heart 1) 80% (A) 1 3 2 4
ii) Brain 2) 83 % (B) 3 4 2 1
iii) Lungs 3) 79 % (C) 3 4 1 2
iv) Kidneys 4) 75 % (D) 3 1 2 4
nghUj;Jf. (ePhpd; msT)
i) ii) iii) iv)
i) ,jak; 1) 80% (A) 1 3 2 4
ii) %is 2) 83 % (B) 3 4 2 1
iii) EiuaPuy; 3) 79 % (C) 3 4 1 2
iv) rpWePufq;fs; 4) 75 % (D) 3 1 2 4
79. Which Part of the constitution official languages?
a) XVII b) XVI c) VIII d) XII
mYtyf nkhopfs; ,lk;ngw;Ws;s murpayikg;gpd; rl;lgFjp vJ?
a) XVII b) XVI c) VIII d) XII
80. Match the following
i) ii) iii) iv)
i) Tamil 1) 2005 (A) 4 1 2 3
ii) Sanskrit 2) 2008 (B) 4 2 3 1
iii) Telugu 3) 2013 (C) 4 3 2 1
iv) Malayalam 4) 2004 (D) 3 4 1 2
i) ii) iii) iv)
i) jkpo; 1) 2005 (A) 4 1 2 3


CONTACT: 8754754444, 9995554353
ii) rk];fpUjk; 2) 2008 (B) 4 2 3 1
iii) njYq;F 3) 2013 (C) 4 3 2 1
iv) kiyahsk; 4) 2004 (D) 3 4 1 2

gFjp - M
81. I. jdpj;jkpioAk;> jkpOzh;itak; gug;gpa ghtyh;
II. njd;nkhop> jkpo;epyk;> jkpo;r;rpl;L Mfpa ,jo;fis elj;jpath;
III. fdpr;rhW> E}whrphpak;> ghtpaf;nfhj;J Kjypa E}y;fis vOjpath;.
Nkw;fhZk; $w;WfSld; njhlh;Gilath; ahh;?
a) ghujpahh; b) ghtyNuW ngUQ;rpj;jpudhh;
c) ghujpjhrd; d) nt. uhkypq;fdhh;
82. jtwhd ,iz vJ?
a) fly;ePH; Kfe;j flQ;#o; vopyp - ghpghly;
b) neLnts;Srp neL trp gue;j tL - gjpw;Wg;gj;J
c) epyk; jP ePH; tsp tpRk;NghL Ie;Jk; fye;j kaf;fk; cyfk; Mjypd; - njhy;fhg;gpak;
d) Nfhl;Rwh vwpe;njdr; RUq;fpa euk;gpd; KbKjph; gujth; - ew;wpiz
83. jpq;fs;> QhapW> kio vd ,aw;ifia tho;j;Jtjhf mike;Js;s E}iy ,aw;wpath; ve;j
E}w;whz;bidr; Nrh;e;jtuhthh;?
a) 12k; E}w;whz;L b) fp.K. 2k; E}w;whz;L
c) 10k; E}w;whz;L d) 2k; E}w;whz;L
84. nghUj;Jf.
i) ii) iii) iv)
i) nraw;if Ez;zwpT 1) Satellite (A) 2 3 4 1
ii) kPj;jpwd; fzpdp 2) Artificial Intelligence (B) 2 4 3 1
iii) nraw;iff;Nfhs; 3) Intelligence (C) 2 4 1 3
iv) Ez;zwpT 4) Super Computer (D) 4 3 2 1
85. jtwhd ,iz vJ?
a) fpotDk;> flYk; vd;w Mq;fpy GjpdkhdJ 1954k; Mz;L Nehgy; ghpR ngw;wJ.
b) jd; tho;f;if tuyhw;W E}Yf;F rpl;Lf;FUtpapd; tPo;r;rp vd;W ngahpl;lth;. ,e;jpahtpd; gwit
kdpjh; ryPk; myp Mthh;.
c) kz; chpikf;fhfTk;> ngz; chpikf;fhfTk; ghbath; ghujpjhrd; Mthh;.
d) thAiw tho;j;J vd;W miof;fg;gLk; E}y; jpUf;Fws;.
86. nghUe;jhr; nrhy;iyj; Njh;e;njLf;f?
a) kh b) I c) ck; d) kw;W
87. nghUe;jhr; nrhy;iyj; Njh;e;njLf;f?
a) ehw;fhyp b) kuq;nfhj;jp c) fUk;gyif d) kuk;
88. nfhq;F + myh; vd;gjid Nrh;j;J vOJ fpilg;gJ?
a) nfhq;F myh; b) nfhq; myh; c) nfhq;fyh; d) nfhq;Fyh;
89. Ma;j vOj;ij xypf;F MFk; fhy msT?
a) 1 b) 2 c) 1/2 d) 3


CONTACT: 8754754444, 9995554353
90. jkpo;nkhop ,yf;fzk; vj;jid tifg;gLk;?
a) 5 b) 6 c) 3 d) 2
91. We arrived at 8.05, but the train _________already left.
a) has b) have c) had d) is
92. When did they _________back to their country?
a) flew b) flies c) fly d) has fly
93. I haven't worked _________last December.
a) since b) for c) by d) on
94. My daughter _________studying English at Istanbul University.
a) is b) does c) do d) not
95. She _________ for her pen.
a) is looking b) is looks c) are looking d) am look
96. It _________ almost every day in Manchester.
a) rains b) raines c) rain d) is rain
97. You _________so happy today!
a) looks b) seem c) be d) is
98. My parents _________in a two-bedroom apartment.
a) live b) lives c) are live d) living
99. We _________European.
a) do be b) are c) do are d) been
100. _________they coming over for dinner?
a) is b) are c) am d) does
101. Clock : Time :: Thermometer : ?
a) Cooling b) Radiation c) Energy d) Temperature
fbfhuk; : Neuk; :: njh;khkPl;lh; : ?
a) Fsph;r;rp b) fjph;tPr;R c) Mw;wy; d) ntg;gepiy
102. Rupee : India ::Yen: ?
a) Turkey b) Bangladesh c) Bhutan d) Japan
&gha; : ,e;jpah :: nad; : ?
a) JUf;fp b) gq;fshNj\; c) G+lhd; d) [g;ghd;
103. Darwin : Evolution :: Archimedes :?
a) Tensile b) Thermal c) Floating d) Magnet
lhh;tpd; : ghpzhk tsh;r;rp :: Mh;f;fpkpb]; : ?
a) ,Otpir b) ntg;gk; c) kpjj;jy; d) fhe;jk;
104. Fire : Ash ::Blast : ?
a) Fire b) Death c) Scattering d) Ice
neUg;G : rhk;gy; :: ntb : ?
a) jP b) ,wg;G c) rpjWjy; d) I];


CONTACT: 8754754444, 9995554353
105. Heart : Pericardium :: Brain : ?
a) Bone b) Head c) Skull d) Nerve
,jak; : nghpfhh;bak; :: %is : ?
a) vYk;G b) jiy c) kz;il XL d) euk;G
106. + stands for × > − stands for ÷ > × stands for + > ÷ stands for −, Also what is the value of 42 × 21 −3 +
a) 100 b) 80 c) 90 d) 95
+ vd;gJ × vdTk;> − vd;gJ ÷ vdTk;> × vd;gJ + vdTk;> ÷ vd;gJ − vdTk; nfhz;lhy; 42 × 21 −3 +
6 ÷ 4 ,d; kjpg;G ahJ?
a) 100 b) 80 c) 90 d) 95
107. If + is − > − is + > × is ÷ > ÷ is ×, then what is the value of 60 + 3 ÷ 25 × 5 − 6 ?
a) 51 b) 36 c) 30 d) 33
+ vd;gJ − vdTk;> − vd;gJ + vdTk;> × vd;gJ ÷ vdTk;> ÷ vd;gJ × vdTk; nfhz;lhy; 60 + 3 ÷ 25 ×
5 − 6 ,d; kjpg;G ahJ?
a) 51 b) 36 c) 30 d) 33
108. What is the value of 8P4Q2R6S3 if P is ×, Q is −, R is + and S is ÷ ?
a) 23 b) 32 c) 20 d) 30
P vd;gJ × vdTk;> Q vd;gJ − vdTk;> R vd;gJ + vdTk;> S vd;gJ ÷ vdTk; nfhz;lhy; 8P4Q2R6S3
,d; kjpg;G ahJ?
a) 23 b) 32 c) 20 d) 30
109. What is the Value of 30B15A4D48C12 if A is ×, B is +, C is ÷ and D is − ?
a) 86 b) 80 c) 96 d) 100
A vd;gJ × vdTk;> B vd;gJ + vdTk;> C vd;gJ ÷ vdTk;> D vd;gJ − vdTk; nfhz;lhy;
30B15A4D48C12 ,d; kjpg;G ahJ?
a) 86 b) 80 c) 96 d) 100
110. + is × > − is ÷ > × is + > ÷ is − Which of the following is correct?
a) 52 ÷ 4 + 5 × 8 − 2 = 36 b) 43 × 7 ÷ 5 + 4 − 8 = 25
c) 36 × 4 − 12 + 5 ÷ 3 = 420 d) 36 − 12 × 6 ÷ 3 + 4 = 60
+ vd;gJ × vdTk;> − vd;gJ ÷ vdTk;> × vd;gJ + vdTk;> ÷ vd;gJ − vdTk; nfhz;lhy;
fPo;fhz;gitfspy; vJ rhpahdJ?
a) 𝟓𝟓𝟓𝟓 ÷ 𝟒𝟒 + 𝟓𝟓 × 𝟖𝟖 − 𝟐𝟐 = 𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑 b) 43 × 7 ÷ 5 + 4 − 8 = 25
c) 36 × 4 − 12 + 5 ÷ 3 = 420 d) 36 − 12 × 6 ÷ 3 + 4 = 60
111. AB, BA, ABC, CBA, ABCD,?
112. I, X, J, W, K, V, L, _________
a) V b) S c) T d) U
113. If SMILING is written as GNILIMAS how can FAVOURITE be written ?
SMILING vd;gij GNILIMS vd;W vOjpdhy; FAVOURITE vd;gij vt;thW vOjyhk;?


CONTACT: 8754754444, 9995554353
114. In a coded language the word RECTANGLE Stands for TGEVCPING then what does the word RHOMBUS
stands for?
xU rq;Nfj nkhopapy; RECTANGLE nrhy; TGEVCPING I Fwpj;jhy; RHOMBUS nrhy; vij Fwpf;Fk;.
115. How is CAT marked if AT = 20 and BAT = 40?
a) 30 b) 50 c) 60 d) 70
AT=20 vd;Wk; BAT=40 vd;Wk; Fwpf;fg;gl;lhy; CAT vt;thW Fwpf;fg;gLk;?
a) 30 b) 50 c) 60 d) 70
116. If HARDWORK is denoted as 9 and TRIUMPH is denoted as 8 How will EXCELLENCY (and)
a) 11> 15 b) 10> 14 c) 11> 14 d) 11> 13
HARDWORK vd;gij 9 vd;Wk; TRIUMPH vd;gij 8 vd;Wk; Fwpf;fg;gl;lhy; EXCELLENCY (kw;Wk;)
COMMUNICATION vt;thW Fwpf;fg;gLk;?
a) 11> 15 b) 10> 14 c) 11> 14 d) 11> 13
117. If AXE is denoted as 30 and BLADE as 24 how is SUM denoted?
a) 53 b) 55 c) 50 d) 52
AXE vd;gij 30 vd;Wk; BLADE vd;gij 24 vd;Wk; Fwpf;fg;gl;lhy; SUM vt;thW Fwpf;fg;gLk;?
a) 53 b) 55 c) 50 d) 52
118. a_bab_a_bab_
a) baba b) bbaa c) bbbb d) aabb
119. ccb_c_bbc_b_cc_ _ccbb
a) bccbbb b) bcccbb c) ababab d) aaaaba
120. Ma_M_ _ Ma_
a) nann b) anan c) aann d) nnaa

121. Find the L.C.M and H.C.F - 22 × 32 , 32 × 5, 24 × 3

a) 820> 6 b) 720> 3 c) 420> 8 d) 620> 9
2 2 2 4
2 × 3 , 3 × 5, 2 × 3 - d; kP.rp..k> kP.ngh.t fhz;f.
a) 820> 6 b) 720> 3 c) 420> 8 d) 620> 9
1 5 2 4
122. Find L.C.M : , , ,
3 6 9 27
1 10 20 2
a) b) c) d)
54 27 3 27
1 5 2 4
kP.rp.k. fhz;f: , , ,
3 6 9 27
1 10 𝟐𝟐𝟐𝟐 2
a) b) c) d)
54 27 𝟑𝟑 27
123. Two numbers are in the ratio 5: 6. Their L.C.M is 480. If H.C.F
a) 20 b) 16 c) 6 d) 15
,uz;L vz;fs; 5 : 6 vd;w tpfpjj;jpy; cs;sd. mtw;wpd; kP.rp.k 480. vdpy; kP.ngh.t.
a) 20 b) 16 c) 6 d) 15
124. The L.C.M of two numbrs is 520 and the HCF is 4. If one of these numbers is 52, then the other number is


CONTACT: 8754754444, 9995554353
a) 40 b) 42 c) 50 d) 52
,U vz;fspd; kP.ngh.t. 4 mtw;wpd; kP.rp.k 520. NkYk; mtw;wpy; xU vz; 52. vdpy; kw;nwhU
vz;izf; fhz;f.
a) 40 b) 42 c) 50 d) 52
125. Find the smallest number which is divisible by 6,8,15,18,24?
a) 120 b) 240 c) 720 d) 360
6>8>15>18>24 ,tw;why; tFgLk; kpfr;rpwpa vz;?
a) 120 b) 240 c) 720 d) 360

126. What is the largest four - digit number divisible by 15,25,40,75?

a) 9200 b) 9400 c) 9600 d) 9800
15> 25> 40> 75 ,tw;why; tFgLk; ehd;F ,yf;f kpfg;nghpa vz; vJ?
a) 9200 b) 9400 c) 9600 d) 9800
127. The smallest number which when diminished by 7, is divisible by 12,16,18,21 and 28 is
a) 1015 b) 1020 c) 1025 d) 1030
ve;j rpwpa vz;zpypUe;J 7-If; fopj;jhy; mt;ntz; 12>16>18>21>28 Mfpa vz;fshy; tFgLk;?
a) 1015 b) 1020 c) 1025 d) 1030
128. Find the number if the remainders obtained when dividing a number by 48,60,72,108,140 are
38,50,62,98,130 respectively.
a) 15510 b) 15110 c) 15120 d) 15210
xU vz;iz 48> 60> 72> 108> 140 ,tw;why; tFf;Fk; NghJ fpilf;Fk; kPjpfs; KiwNa 38> 50> 62> 98>
130 vdpy; me;j vz;izf; fhz;f.
a) 15510 b) 15110 c) 15120 d) 15210
129. Three bells ring at intervals of 36, 45 and 48 seconds. If all three of them start ringing together at a certain
time, after how much time will they ring again?
a) 18 minutes b) 12 minutes c) 10 minutes d) 8 minutes
%d;W kzpfs; 36> 45 (k) 48 tpdhbfs; ,ilntspapy; xyp vOg;Gfpd;wd. mit %d;Wk; xU
Fwpg;gpl;l Neuj;jpy; xd;whf xyp vOg;gj; Jtq;fpdhy; vt;tsT Neuk; fopj;J kPz;Lk; xyp vOg;Gk;?
a) 18 epkplq;fs; b) 12 epkplq;fs; c) 10 epkplq;fs; d) 8 epkplq;fs;

130. Find H.C.F : 15𝑥𝑥 4 𝑦𝑦 3 𝑧𝑧 5 , 12𝑥𝑥 2 𝑦𝑦 7 𝑧𝑧 2

a) 60𝑥𝑥 4 𝑦𝑦 7 𝑧𝑧 5 b) 3𝑥𝑥𝑥𝑥𝑥𝑥 c) 3𝑥𝑥 2 𝑦𝑦 3 𝑧𝑧 2 d) 60𝑥𝑥𝑥𝑥𝑥𝑥
4 3 5 2 7 2
kP.ngh.t. fhz;f: 15𝑥𝑥 𝑦𝑦 𝑧𝑧 , 12𝑥𝑥 𝑦𝑦 𝑧𝑧
a) 60𝑥𝑥 4 𝑦𝑦 7 𝑧𝑧 5 b) 3𝑥𝑥𝑥𝑥𝑥𝑥 c) 𝟑𝟑𝒙𝒙𝟐𝟐 𝒚𝒚𝟑𝟑 𝒛𝒛𝟐𝟐 d) 60𝑥𝑥𝑥𝑥𝑥𝑥
131. A completes a piece of work in 20 days. B completes the same work in 30 days. So what is the time taken
by both A and B to complete the work together?
a) 12 days b) 15 days c) 10 days d) 6 days
A vd;w egh; xU Ntiyia 20 ehl;fspy; nra;J Kbf;fpwhh;. mNj Ntiyia B 30 ehl;fspy; Kbf;fpwhh;.
vdpy; A, B ,UtUk; Nrh;e;J mt;Ntiyia Kbf;f MFk; fhyk; vd;d?
a) 12 ehl;fs; b) 15 ehl;fs; c) 10 ehl;fs; d) 6 ehl;fs;
132. A completes a piece of work in 6 days. A and B together completes the work in 4 days, how many days will
it take B alone to complete the work?
a) 12 b) 6 c) 8 d) 16


CONTACT: 8754754444, 9995554353
A vd;gth; xU Ntiyia 6 ehl;fspy; Kbg;ghh;. A kw;Wk; B ,UtUk; Nrh;e;J me;j Ntiyia 4
ehl;fspy; Kbg;gh;> vdpy; B kl;Lk; jdpNa me;j Ntiyia Kbf;f vt;tsT ehshFk;?
a) 12 b) 6 c) 8 d) 16
133. Three persons A,B,C ploughed a piece of land respectively. A is ploughed the land in 4 days. B ploughed the
same land in 6 days and C ploughed the land in 12 days, in how many days if all three ploughed together?
a) 12 b) 10 c) 8 d) 2
A,B,C vd;w %d;W egh;fs; KiwNa xU epyj;ij cOjdh;. A vd;gth; 4 ehl;fspy; me;j epyj;ij cOJ
Kbj;jhh;. B vd;gth; mNj epyj;ij 6 ehl;fspYk;> C vd;gth; me;j epyj;ij 12 ehl;fspYk; cOJ
Kbj;jhh;fs;> vdpy; %tUk; xd;whf Nrh;e;J cOjhy; vj;jid ehl;fspy; cOJ Kbg;ghh;fs;?
a) 12 b) 10 c) 8 d) 2
134. A and B together complete a piece of work in 12 days and C complete the work in 18 days and C and A in
36 days. What is the time taken by A,B,C to complete the work together?
a) 6 days b) 8 days c) 12 days d) 9 days
A kw;Wk; B ,UtUk; Nrh;e;J xU Ntiyia 12 ehl;fspy; Kbf;fpd;wdh;. B kw;Wk; C 18 ehl;fspYk;> C
kw;Wk; A 36 ehl;fspYk; me;j Ntiyia Kbf;fpd;wdh;. vdpy; A,B,C %tUk; Nrh;e;J Ntiyia Kbf;f
MFk; fhyk; vd;d?
a) 6 ehl;fs; b) 8 ehl;fs; c) 12 ehl;fs; d) 9 ehl;fs;
135. If A and B complete a piece of work in 12 days, B and C in 16 days and C and A together in 24 days, how
many days will C alone take to completer the same piece of work?
a) 96 days b) 90 days c) 92 days d) 98 days
A kw;Wk; B ,UtUk; xU Ntiyia 12 ehl;fspYk; B kw;Wk; C mNj Ntiyia 16 ehl;fspYk;> C kw;Wk;
A ,UtUk; Nrh;e;J 24 ehl;fspYk; nra;J Kbj;jhy; C kl;Lk; mNj Ntiyia nra;J Kbf;f vLj;Jf;
nfhs;Sk; ehl;fs;?
a) 96 ehl;fs; b) 90 ehl;fs; c) 92 ehl;fs; d) 98 ehl;fs;
136. A and B together complete a piece of work in 12 days. A is twice as efficient as B, how many days will it
take B alone to complete the same work?
a) 18 b) 9 c) 36 d) 12
A,B ,UtUk; ,ize;J xU Ntiyia 12 ehl;fspy; Kbg;ghh;fs;. A vd;gth; B I tpl 2 klq;F
jpwikahdth;> vdpy; B kl;Lk; jdpNa mt;Ntiyia Kbf;f MFk; ehl;fs;?
a) 18 b) 9 c) 36 d) 12
137. Raja can complete a work in 15 days. Babu is 50% more efficient than Raja and both of them can complete
the work together in how many days?
a) 5 b) 6 c) 7 d) 8
uh[h xU Ntiyia 15 ehl;fspy; Kbf;ff; $bath;. ghG> uh[hit tpl 50% jpwikahdth;> vdpy;
,UtUk; Nrh;e;J Ntiyia Kbf;f MFk; ehl;fs;?
a) 5 b) 6 c) 7 d) 8
138. A completes a piece of work in 18 days. B completes the same work in 15 days. If B starts the work and
leaves after 10 days, in how many days will A completer the remaining work?
a) 5 1 c) 6 d) 8
b) 5


CONTACT: 8754754444, 9995554353
A vd;gth; xU Ntiyia 18 ehl;fspy; Kbg;ghh;. B mNj Ntiyia 15 ehl;fspy; Kbg;ghh;. B me;j
Ntiyia njhlq;fp 10 ehl;fs; nra;jgpd; nrd;W tpLfpwhh; vdpy; kPjKs;s Ntiyia A vj;jid
ehl;fspy; Kbg;ghh;?
a) 5 1 c) 6 d) 8
b) 5
139. A completes a piece of work in 10 days and B in 15 days. If both of them work together and earn Rs. 1500,
how ill they divide the amount?
a) 1000> 500 b) 900> 600 c) 800> 700 d) 1200> 300
A xU Ntiyia 10 ehl;fspYk;> B mij 15 ehl;fspYk; nra;J Kbg;gh;. ,UtUk; Nrh;e;J
mt;Ntiyiar; nra;J &.1500 I <l;bdhy;> mj;njhifia vt;thW gphpj;Jf; nfhs;th;?
a) 1000> 500 b) 900> 600 c) 800> 700 d) 1200> 300
140. A alone completes a piece of work in 6 days and B alone completes the same piece of work in 8 days. Both
A and B jointly do the work at Rs. 3200. If the work is completed in 3 days with the help of C, what is the
amount to C?
a) 400 b) 500 c) 600 d) 700
A kl;Lk; xU Ntiyia 6 ehl;fspYk; B kl;Lk; mNj Ntiyia 8 ehl;fspYk; Kbg;ghh;fs;. A,B Mfpa
,UtUk; ,ize;J me;j Ntiyia &. 3200 f;F nra;fpwhh;fs;. C-d; cjtpNahL me;j Ntiyia 3
ehl;fspy; Kbj;jhy; C-f;F nfhLf;f Ntz;ba njhif vt;tsT?
a) 400 b) 500 c) 600 d) 700

Test - 2

mwptpay; jkpo; / English fzpjk; kw;Wk; cstpay;

 7 Mk; tFg;G - gUtk; 2> 3  6-k; tFg;G jkpo; - gUtk; -  tpfpjk; tpfpjhr;rhuk;>
 10-tFg;G mwptpay; - Book Back 3 jdptl;b.
Questions.  7-k; tFg;G jkpo; - gUtk; 1  cstpay; - fhy
 8-k; tFg;G mwptpay; - ,aw;gpay;  vjph;nrhy;iy msitfs; kw;Wk;
KOtJk; vLj;njOJjy; thh;j;ijfSk;
 gphpj;njOJf kWFwpaPLk;>
r%f mwptpay;  English - Tenses Full Test,  ,uj;j cwTfs;>
 10-k; tFg;G Gtpapay; - ghlk; 4> 5> 6> Conditional Sentences (Exam fUj;jpay;
7 based questions) njhlh;ghd
 10-k; tFg;G tuyhW - ghlk; 5>6 thh;j;ijfs;>
 10-k; tFg;G Fbikapay; - ghlk; 4>5
 10-k; tFg;G nghUspay; - ghlk; 3>4>5
 Ke;ija Mz;L tpdhj;jhs; - 2020
 elg;G epfo;Tfs;: khh;r; 15 - 31


CONTACT: 8754754444, 9995554353

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