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Fifth Edition

Volume 3
Published by the National Roofing Contractors Association
10255 W. Higgins Road, Suite 600, Rosemont, Ill. 60018-5607

©2001 by the National Roofing Contractors Association

All rights reserved, Published 2001
Printed in the United States of America

No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed

in any form or by any means, or stored in a data base or
retrieval system, without prior written permission of the publisher.
Volume 3
Reroofing 669

Waterproofing and Dampproofing 759

Moisture Control 805

Appendix 859

Glossary 971

Contents 667
Fifth Edition
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

1. Introduction ..............................................................................................................677
2. Replacement Triggers ................................................................................................679 O
2.1 Building Code Requirements ........................................................................................679 O
2.2 Roof Surface Condition ...............................................................................................680 F
2.3 Wet Insulation ...........................................................................................................680
2.4 Perimeter Conditions..................................................................................................680
2.5 Roof Deck Condition ...................................................................................................680

2.6 Vapor Retarder .........................................................................................................680 P

2.7 Phenolic Foam Insulation Over Steel Deck ......................................................................681
2.8 Composite Roof Decks................................................................................................682
2.9 Direct-to-deck Polystyrene Insulation .............................................................................682

2.10 Non-reinforced PVC Membranes ................................................................................682 1

2.11 Summary of Replacement Triggers .............................................................................682
3. The Decision to Replace or Re-cover ...........................................................................683
3.1 Considerations to Determine Replacement or Re-cover....................................................683
3.1.1 Observations of the Roof Deck’s Underside .................................................................683 - Roof Deck Type....................................................................................................683 S
L Roof Deck Slope ..................................................................................................684
O Roof Deck Deterioration........................................................................................684
3.1.2 Attachment of Existing Roof System to Roof Deck ........................................................684 E
3.1.3 Load Considerations ................................................................................................684

3.1.4 Insulation ...............................................................................................................685 T

3.1.5 Site-specific Considerations ......................................................................................685
3.1.6 Hidden Conditions ...................................................................................................685
3.1.7 Summary...............................................................................................................686

3.2 Evaluation of Existing Built-up Roof Assemblies................................................................686

3.2.1 Roof Surface Condition ............................................................................................686

3.2.2 Base Flashing Conditions..........................................................................................687

3.2.3 Flashing Components ..............................................................................................687

Contents 671
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

3.2.4 Drainage and Slope .................................................................................................688

3.2.5 Other Leak Sources.................................................................................................689

3.2.6 Historical File .........................................................................................................689

3.2.7 Roof System Composition.........................................................................................689

3.3 Evaluation of Existing Metal Roof Assemblies ..................................................................690

3.3.1 Roof Surface Condition ............................................................................................690

3.3.2 Base Flashing Conditions..........................................................................................690

3.3.3 Flashing Components ..............................................................................................691

3.3.4 Drainage and Slope .................................................................................................691

3.3.5 Other Leak Sources.................................................................................................692

3.3.6 Historical File .........................................................................................................692

3.3.7 Roof System Composition.........................................................................................692

3.4 Evaluation of Existing Modified Bitumen Roof Assemblies ..................................................693

3.4.1 Roof Surface Condition ............................................................................................693

3.4.2 Base Flashing Conditions..........................................................................................693

3.4.3 Flashing Components ..............................................................................................694

3.4.4 Drainage and Slope .................................................................................................695

3.4.5 Other Leak Sources.................................................................................................695

3.4.6 Historical File .........................................................................................................695

3.4.7 Roof System Composition.........................................................................................696

3.5 Evaluation of Existing Spray Polyurethane Foam-based Roof Assemblies ..............................696

3.5.1 Roof Surface Condition ............................................................................................696

3.5.2 Base Flashing Conditions..........................................................................................697

3.5.3 Flashing Components ..............................................................................................697

3.5.4 Drainage and Slope .................................................................................................698

3.5.5 Other Leak Sources.................................................................................................698

3.5.6 Historical File .........................................................................................................699

3.5.7 Roof System Composition.........................................................................................699

672 Contents
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

3.6 Evaluation of Existing Thermoplastic Roof Assemblies ......................................................699

3.6.1 Roof Surface Condition ............................................................................................699

3.6.2 Base Flashing Conditions..........................................................................................700

3.6.3 Flashing Components ..............................................................................................700

3.6.4 Drainage and Slope .................................................................................................702

3.6.5 Other Leak Sources.................................................................................................702

3.6.6 Historical File .........................................................................................................702

3.6.7 Roof System Composition.........................................................................................702

3.7 Evaluation of Existing Thermoset Roof Assemblies ...........................................................703

3.7.1 Roof Surface Condition ............................................................................................703

3.7.2 Base Flashing Conditions..........................................................................................703

3.7.3 Flashing Components ..............................................................................................704

3.7.4 Drainage and Slope .................................................................................................705

3.7.5 Other Leak Sources.................................................................................................705

3.7.6 Historical File .........................................................................................................706

3.7.7 Roof System Composition.........................................................................................706

4. Design Guidelines for Reroofing..................................................................................706

4.1 Design Guidelines for Replacement or Re-cover ..............................................................706

4.1.1 Regulatory Requirements .........................................................................................706 Building Code Requirements ..................................................................................706 Wind-uplift-resistance Requirements ....................................................................706 Fire-resistance Requirements .............................................................................707 Roof Drainage Requirements ..............................................................................707 Energy Code Requirements ................................................................................707 Insurance Requirements Specific to a Building ..........................................................707

4.1.2 Load Capacity.........................................................................................................707

4.1.3 Roof System Performance........................................................................................708 Drainage and Slope ..............................................................................................708 Terminations .......................................................................................................708 Parapet Heights ...............................................................................................708 Through-wall Flashings .......................................................................................708

Contents 673
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition Raggles ...........................................................................................................708 Fixed Openings .................................................................................................709 Roof Curbs ......................................................................................................709 Pipe Penetrations .............................................................................................709 Re-use of Existing Metal Counterflashings and Copings ..............................................709 Ventilation...........................................................................................................710

4.1.4 Construction Loads .................................................................................................710

4.1.5 Site-specific Conditions ............................................................................................711

4.1.6 Freezer or Cold Storage Facilities ..............................................................................711

4.1.7 Summary...............................................................................................................711

4.2 Design Guidelines Specific to Replacement.....................................................................711

4.2.1 Roof Deck Preparation.............................................................................................711 Metal Roof Decks ................................................................................................711 Wood Roof Decks ................................................................................................713 Lightweight Insulating Concrete Roof Decks .............................................................713 Cementitious Wood-fiber Roof Decks ......................................................................714 Concrete Roof Decks............................................................................................714 Poured-in-place or Gypsum Panel Roof Decks ...........................................................714 Fasteners for Cured Gypsum ..............................................................................715 Direct Application of Insulation ............................................................................715

4.2.2 Perimeter Conditions...............................................................................................716 Wood Blocking ....................................................................................................716 Flashing Heights ..................................................................................................716

4.2.3 Roof Penetrations ...................................................................................................716

4.3 Design Guidelines Specific to Re-cover...........................................................................717

4.3.1 Material Compatibility ..............................................................................................717

4.3.2 Removal of Wet Insulation ........................................................................................717

4.3.3 Wood Blocking .......................................................................................................717

4.3.4 Installation Methods ................................................................................................717

4.3.5 Separation Layer ...................................................................................................718

674 Contents
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

4.3.6 Existing System Preparation .....................................................................................718 Existing Built-up and Modified Bitumen Membranes ...................................................718 Existing Metal Panel Roof Systems .........................................................................718 Existing Spray Polyurethane Foam-based Systems .....................................................719 Existing Thermoplastic and Thermoset Membranes...................................................719

4.3.7 Specific Re-cover Roof System Recommendations........................................................719 Re-covering with a BUR or Modified Bitumen Roof System .........................................719 Re-covering with a Metal Panel Roof System ............................................................720 Re-covering with a SPF-based Roof System ..............................................................722 Re-covering with a Thermoplastic or Thermoset Roof System .....................................723

5. Guidelines for the New Roofing System ......................................................................723

Contents 675
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

The decision that needs to be made when reroofing a building is whether to replace or re-cover an existing roof
system. This manual is written presuming an existing roof system is no longer capable of providing useful service
life. This manual describes a process that can be followed when deciding to replace or re-cover. The following flow
chart is intended to be used as a guide when referencing this manual for reroofing projects.


4.1 4.2


Figure 1: Flow chart showing
EVALUATE METAL 3.3 the use of this manual’s low-
ROOF slope reroofing portion





4.1 4.3


Reroofing Part 1 - Low-slope Text 677

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

There are a number of factors or conditions that can preclude the possibility of installing a re-cover roof system.
These are called replacement triggers in this manual. This information is contained in the low-slope portion of this
manual in Part I, Section Two, “Replacement Triggers.” If a replacement trigger exists, a roof system should be re-
placed and, therefore, there is no need to continue to Part I, Section Three, “The Decision to Replace or Re-cover.”
If a replacement trigger does not exist, evaluation of an existing roof assembly is necessary before the decision to
replace or re-cover can be made. This information is contained in the low-slope portion of this manual in Part I,
Section Three, “The Decision to Replace or Re-cover.”

Determining if a replacement trigger exists requires evaluation of the existing roof membrane, system, or assembly.
Part I, Section Three, “The Decision to Replace or Re-cover,” discusses conditions that are unique to the evaluation
of each of the potentially re-coverable types of low-slope roof assemblies and also discusses the conditions that
are common to the evaluation of the potentially re-coverable low-slope roof assemblies. Only after careful observa-
tion and evaluation can the decision to replace or re-cover be made.

Part I, Section Four, “Design Guidelines for Reroofing,” discusses the design considerations that are unique to
reroofing each of the low-slope roof systems, discusses the design considerations unique to replacement roof sys-
tems and discusses the design considerations unique to re-cover roof systems. Design considerations for reroofing
that are similar to design considerations for new roofing can be found in other sections of The NRCA Roofing and
Waterproofing Manual, Fifth Edition.

Each roof assembly is unique because every building and its use are unique in some way. Therefore, it is impossible
to address every condition that may be encountered during a reroofing project. This manual provides information
applicable to many conditions commonly encountered during a reroofing project.

Low-slope roof assemblies are typically composed of the following, interrelated components: roof membrane, roof
insulation, vapor retarder when necessary, and roof deck. Together, the roof membrane, including surfacing, insula-
tion, and vapor retarder, are referred to as a roof system. When the roof system is combined with the roof deck, it is
referred to as a roof assembly. The roof membrane serves as the weatherproofing component of a low-slope roof
assembly. The insulation provides thermal resistance, a proper substrate for the roof membrane and, in some in-
stances, slope. The roof deck serves as the structural foundation onto which a roof system is applied and may pro-
vide slope.

Low-slope roofing is defined as a category of roofing that includes weatherproof types of roof systems installed
with slopes less than or equal to 3:12 (14 degrees). There are six generic types of low-slope roof systems:
• Built-up: a continuous, semi-flexible roof membrane, consisting of multiple plies of saturated felts, coated felts,
fabrics or mats assembled in place with alternate layers of bitumen, and surfaced with mineral aggregate, bitumi-
nous materials, a liquid-applied coating or a granule-surfaced cap sheet.
• Metal: a rigid, component-based system of formed parts, sections or panels with joined seams. A metal roof
panel is an interlocking metal sheet having a minimum installed weather exposure of 3 square feet (279,000 mm2
or 0.28 m2) per sheet.
• Modified Bitumen: a composite sheet consisting of a polymer-modified bitumen often reinforced with various
types of mats or films and sometimes surfaced with films, foils or mineral granules.
• Spray Polyurethane Foam-based: the combination of a closed cell, rigid plastic foam, formed by spraying two
components, an isocyanate and a resin; and a protective surfacing. The foam forms a fully adhered insulation.
The foam requires a protective surfacing to be considered a weatherproof roof system.
• Thermoplastic: a material that softens when heated and hardens when cooled. This process can be repeated
provided that the material is not heated above the point at which decomposition occurs. Typical thermoplastic
membranes include:
• Chlorinated Polyethylene (CPE)
• Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
• PVC alloys (e.g., Copolymer Alloy [CPA], Ethylene Interpolymer [EIP], Nitrile Alloy [NBP], Tripolymer Alloy [TPA])
• Thermoplastic Olefin (TPO)

678 Reroofing Part 1 - Low-slope Text

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

• Thermoset: a material that consists of a class of polymers that, when cured using heat, chemical, or other
means, changes into a substantially unfusible and insoluble material. This property is usually associated with
cross-linking of the molecules. Typical thermoset membranes include:
• Chlorosulfonated Polyethylene (CSPE)
• Epichlorohydrin (ECH)
• Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (or Terpolymer) (EPDM)
• Neoprene (CR)
• Polyisobutylene (PIB)

In this manual, the following terms, as defined below, will be used extensively.
• Re-covering: the addition of a new low-slope roof membrane or system or steep-slope roof covering over the
top of a major portion of an existing roof assembly. This process leaves in place most or all of the existing roof
• Replacement: the removal of an existing roof system and installation of a new roof system. It is also known as
“tear-off and replacement.”
• Reroofing: the process of re-covering or tearing-off and replacing an existing roof system.

When maintenance and repair can no longer prevent recurrent leakage or extend useful service life, consideration
must be given to roof system replacement or re-cover when the following occur:
• repair expenditures become excessive
• leakage becomes intolerable
• damage is occurring to structural components
• damage is occurring to building contents

Once it is determined a roof system has no remaining service life, the decision to re-cover or replace it must be
made. There are a number of factors or conditions, called replacement triggers, that preclude the use of a re-cover
roof system and dictate the tear-off and replacement of an existing roof system.

2.1 Building Code Requirements

A new roof system should comply with the requirements of the applicable building code. Building code require-
ments change over time. Previous roof system design may not comply with current code requirements. If an exist-
ing roof system does not meet the requirements of the building code, installation of a re-cover roof system also
may not meet building code requirements. For example, re-covering an existing roof system that ponds water with
a single thickness separation layer, such as an insulation board, and a membrane may not meet applicable codes
because positive drainage or minimum slope requirements mandated by the applicable building code may not have
been met.

Wind-uplift-resistance and fire-resistance ratings are as applicable to reroofing projects as to new construction
projects. The installation of a roof system over an existing roof system that cannot be adequately resecured may
not provide required wind-uplift-resistance and fire-resistance ratings. Re-cover roof systems attached directly to
existing roof systems are relying on the wind-uplift properties of the existing roof systems. The combination of a re-
cover and an existing roof system may not meet required building code wind-uplift classifications.

Building codes may have specific requirements regarding the number of layers of roof systems that can be installed
on commercial and residential buildings. Check local codes for specific requirements and limitations. Limitations
may also apply to percentages of roof system replacement. For roofs with multiple layers of roof systems, NRCA
recommends removal of all layers of roof systems prior to installation of a replacement roof system. Meeting or ex-
ceeding the requirements of the applicable building code may mandate the use of a replacement roof system in lieu
of a re-cover roof system.

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The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

2.2 Roof Surface Condition

The existing roof system may not be suitable for a re-cover roof system because of the condition of the membrane
surface. NRCA recommends that an existing roof membrane have a relatively smooth surface to be suitable for a
re-cover roof system. Extensive blisters, buckles, ridges, surface contamination or corrosion are examples of po-
tential roof surface problems that may render the roof system unsuitable for accepting a re-cover roof system.
Causes for the existing deficiencies should be investigated prior to reroofing.

2.3 Wet Insulation

NRCA does not recommend installation of a re-cover roof system over existing wet insulation or other wet materi-
als. The model building codes do not allow the installation of a roof system over an existing roof assembly that con-
tains wet insulation. NRCA does not recommend attempting to dry out wet insulation.

For re-cover projects where the existing roof membrane is left in place, determination of the location of any existing
wet insulation should be made prior to installation of a re-cover membrane. Nondestructive or destructive evalua-
tion methods may be used to locate wet insulation but are not effective with metal roof systems. The determination
of how to locate and remove unacceptable insulation should be made prior to the commencement of work.

2.4 Perimeter Conditions

A building may be designed and built in such a way that the addition of a re-cover system and/or tapered insulation
cannot be accomplished satisfactorily without implementing major modifications to the existing structure and/or
curbs and penetrations. The addition of a re-cover system will reduce the vertical height of the membrane flashing
by the thickness of the re-cover insulation or separation layer and membrane. Where flashing heights cannot be in-
creased, for example, because of a through-wall flashing, removal and replacement of the existing roof system may
be required to ensure proper flashing heights.

In situations where existing doors or wall openings do not have adequate vertical flashing height, it is recommend-
ed that the base of doors or wall openings be raised to provide a minimum 8 inch (200 mm) flashing height.

There can be circumstances where the existing roof system provides inadequate flashing height and those flash-
ings cannot be raised. For example, a door from a rooftop penthouse might not be alterable due to threshold height
requirements. When this type of situation occurs, installation of a re-cover roof system may not be possible.

2.5 Roof Deck Condition

NRCA does not recommend installation of a re-cover roof system over a deteriorated roof deck. If a roof deck is
deteriorated, the deck should be repaired or replaced during roof system replacement. Corrosion or degradation
visible from the roof deck’s underside may not adequately predict the extent of roof deck corrosion or degradation
that may exist on the top surface of the roof deck.

Fastener holding capacity can be significantly reduced as well as the overall load capacity of the deck. NRCA is
concerned with potential fastener-holding problems and dimensional stability where oriented strand board and
other nonveneer products, including fire resistant treated (FRT) plywood, are used as roof decks. Please refer to
roofing manufacturer’s specifications for acceptable wood panel roof deck materials.

If the deterioration is a result of trapped moisture, it is good roofing practice to remove the existing roof system to
determine the extent of deterioration.

2.6 Vapor Retarder

It may be necessary to remove an existing roof system to install a vapor retarder if:
• a necessary vapor retarder was omitted
• there are indications of condensation problems
• the building’s interior processes or environment produces considerable moisture vapor

The necessity to install a vapor retarder during roof system replacement usually is associated with a change in
building use that results in an increased generation of moisture in the interior.

680 Reroofing Part 1 - Low-slope Text

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

The correct location for a vapor retarder is on the warm side of the insulation. See Figure 2. In climates with cold
winters, this means the vapor retarder should be installed above the deck and below the insulation if it is installed
within the roof assembly. In continually warm climates, the vapor retarder should be installed on the exterior side of
the insulation. In this case, the roof membrane becomes the vapor retarder. However, this may not be true for pro-
tected roof membrane systems.





Figure 2: The correct location for a vapor retarder in climates that are not continually warm

Freezer and cold storage facilities are unique in regard to moisture drive. Because the interior of these facilities is
usually cooler and drier than the exterior, the moisture drive is from the outside to the inside. Therefore, the roof
membrane acts as a vapor retarder. Because the exterior walls of the building also act as vapor retarders, the junc-
ture of roof membrane and the vapor retarder portion of the exterior walls must be detailed properly so there are no
gaps which may allow passage of moisture vapor. Mechanically attached roof systems are not recommended for
use on freezer or cold-storage buildings due to thermal bridging at fasteners and potential vapor drive at fastener
holes. NRCA suggests the freezer or cold-storage buildings not be re-covered.

Inspection of the underside of a roof deck can provide information regarding the need for ventilation. Staining and
mold growth on a wood structure, rust on the underside of a metal deck and general deterioration from moisture on
concrete and gypsum decks can be signs of inadequate ventilation.

Ventilation, vapor retarders and dew point conditions are interrelated. The presence of a vapor retarder, the amount
of insulation and the amount of ventilation affect the potential for condensation. It is recommended that calcula-
tions be made to determine the need for and location of a vapor retarder. There are four methods for determining
the need for a vapor retarder; they are briefly explained in the Moisture Control section of The NRCA Roofing and
Waterproofing Manual, Fifth Edition.

2.7 Phenolic Foam Insulation Over Steel Deck

Phenolic foam insulation became available for use in roof applications in 1982 and domestic production ceased in
1992. The product is no longer commonly used, although relatively large quantities remain in the existing roof sys-
tem inventory.

Phenolic foam insulation is a rigid, closed-cell foam product with an orange or light red foam core. The rigid foam
core is sandwiched between various types of facers, such as those made for corrugated cellulose, aluminum foil
and glass fiber mat facers. Some glass-fiber facers contained a corrosion-inhibiting substance.

Phenolic foam insulation in the presence of moisture will likely cause corrosion on galvanized or painted steel roof
decks and other components, such as fasteners. The rate of corrosion is dependent on the amount of moisture in
the roof system, the type of protective coating on the steel deck and whether there is a separating layer between
the insulation and deck.

Because of the possible corrosive environment at the steel roof deck, NRCA recommends that phenolic foam roof
insulation be removed during replacement of roof systems installed over steel roof decks. This allows for the in-
spection and repair or replacement of the roof deck. If phenolic foam insulation is discovered, the designer is en-
couraged to contact the phenolic foam manufacturer for repair and replacement guidelines. Once the deck is ex-
posed, any necessary repair or replacement plan can be implemented.

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The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

2.8 Composite Roof Decks

A composite roof deck incorporates materials with different structural properties, such as light-gauge metal roof
decks and gypsum boards fastened together so that the materials in combination are reportedly stronger than any
one of the composite roof deck component materials individually. Composite roof decks should not be confused
with roof deck systems incorporating a top layer of a nonstructural material, such as a poured gypsum or a light-
weight insulating concrete installed over a metal roof deck. Caution should be taken during the removal of: gypsum
board used over steel deck not solely intended for fire resistance, lightweight insulating concrete used over steel
deck, and lightweight insulating concrete used over insulation board or gypsum board. See Figure 3.



Figure 3: A common METAL DECK

composite deck

2.9 Direct-to-deck Polystyrene Insulation

Polystyrene insulation, both expanded polystyrene (EPS) and extruded polystyrene (XPS), has been UL listed for
application directly over metal roof decks without a thermal barrier. Building codes place significant restrictions on
the use of polystyrene installed directly to a metal deck, such as the building may need to be sprinklered, only sin-
gle-ply membranes can be used and the direct-to-deck system cannot be re-covered with a new roof system.

NRCA does not recommend installation of any re-cover roof system over an existing roof system that incorporates
polystyrene insulation installed directly to a metal roof deck. These systems should be removed and a replacement
roof system should be installed.

2.10 Non-reinforced PVC Membranes

Aged, non-reinforced PVC membranes may shatter when there is a significant drop in temperature. Shattering is
characterized by a generalized nonlinear fragmentation of the membrane. Typically, when a shatter occurs, it ex-
tends throughout the entire roof area and the roof is considered unrepairable.

NRCA suggests that roof systems with aged, non-reinforced PVC membranes be replaced to prevent a catastroph-
ic failure. Early signs of potential shattering are embrittlement of the membrane and displacement of perimeter
edge components, such as wood nailers, base flashings or metal flashings due to shrinkage. PVC membranes cur-
rently being manufactured and installed are reinforced.

2.11 Summary of Replacement Triggers

There are two types of replacement triggers—those that are absolute and those that are subjective.

The absolute replacement trigger topics are:

• building code requirements
• phenolic insulation over steel deck
• composite roof decks
• direct-to-deck polystyrene

682 Reroofing Part 1 - Low-slope Text

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

The replacement trigger topics that are subjective are:

• roof surface condition
• existing perimeter conditions
• wet insulation
• roof deck deterioration
• the necessity to install a vapor retarder
• non-reinforced PVC membranes

If no replacement triggers exist, the decision to replace or re-cover an existing roof system still needs to be deter-
mined and a more extensive investigation should be made. Based on these additional observations and possibly on
destructive or nondestructive evaluation, the decision to replace or re-cover can be made. The discussions in Part
I, Section 3, “The Decision to Replace or Re-cover” provide information to assist in continuing the evaluation of an
existing roof assembly to determine whether to replace or re-cover. This information will also be beneficial when
evaluating the replacement triggers that are subjective in nature.


This section discusses the composition of an existing roof assembly—its physical attributes, drainage characteris-
tics and insulation properties—and other conditions used to evaluate an existing roof assembly and help determine
whether the roof system must be replaced or if it can be re-covered.

This section is separated into seven subsections: the first subsection discusses the conditions that are typical to all
the common, re-coverable types of low-slope roof systems; the last six subsections discuss the conditions that are
typical to each common, re-coverable low-slope roof system - built-up, metal, modified bitumen, spray
polyurethane foam-based, thermoplastic, and thermoset.

3.1 Considerations to Determine Replacement or Re-cover

The following considerations apply to the evaluation of low-slope roof assemblies when deciding to replace or re-
cover. The evaluation of an existing roof assembly can help determine causes for its condition. Determining the causes
for the condition of an existing roof assembly also allows for the correction of the deficiencies before reroofing.

3.1.1 Observations of the Roof Deck’s Underside

Whenever possible, observations of a roof deck’s underside should be made. Certain types of construction or
building use may limit or eliminate the possibility to make underside observations.

Note: If asbestos-containing fireproofing material is present on the underside of a roof deck, the building owner is
responsible for having the asbestos-containing material removed or abated in accordance with local and federal
regulations. This material should be abated before a reroofing project begins. Roof Deck Type

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual, Fifth Edition, lists the following low-slope roof deck types:
• Cementitious wood-fiber deck panels
• Lightweight insulating concrete roof decks
• Poured gypsum concrete roof decks
• Precast gypsum concrete roof decks
• Metal roof decks

Reroofing Part 1 - Low-slope Text 683

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

• Structural concrete roof decks

-cast-in-place concrete decks
-post-tensioned concrete decks
-precast/prestressed concrete decks
• Thermosetting insulating fills
• Wood roof decks
-wood plank decks
-wood panel veneer decks
-wood panel non-veneer decks Roof Deck Slope

Deck slope is often difficult to determine through visual observations. Specific types of “open structures” incorpo-
rating metal deck, joists or light frame construction are often built with enough slope to be visually detectable. This
information can be found in construction documents.

With deck and joist systems, especially those with brick or concrete masonry unit (CMU) perimeter walls, it may be
possible to determine whether the deck is sloped. Observations of where the joists intersect the wall can give an in-
dication of sloped structure. For buildings without ceilings, interior observations or measurements can be made.
Observations of drain locations relative to column spacing can also help determine whether the roof deck is sloped. Roof Deck Deterioration

Stains, rust and degradation on a roof deck’s underside are good indications that there is or has been some type of
problem or leak. These areas should be noted and closely inspected. Roof decks deteriorate from the top side with
few exceptions, such as battery storage areas, corrosive interiors or high humidity environments. Because roof
decks deteriorate from the top down, the presence of a deck problem on a deck’s underside may not indicate the
potential severity of the deterioration. Areas of deterioration may need repair or replacement before or during new
roof system installation.

3.1.2 Attachment of Existing Roof System to Roof Deck

When making observations of the underside of the deck, make note of fasteners penetrating the deck. For metal
decks, if fasteners are visible, the insulation is mechanically attached. Do not confuse insulation fasteners with
metal deck sidelap screws or fasteners attaching the metal deck to the structure. Fastener density may be used to
assess the degree of attachment and wind-uplift resistance of the existing roof system. If mechanical fasteners are
not visible, the roof system may be loose-laid and ballasted or the insulation may be adhered with asphalt or adhe-
sive. Lightweight insulating concrete or structural concrete may also be on top of the metal deck. Test cuts may be
necessary to determine the attachment method.

Over concrete decks, it is likely that either fully adhered systems or loose-laid systems were installed. The attach-
ment method of the roof system is unlikely to be determined from the underside of a concrete roof deck.

Over nailable decks, such as wood decks, gypsum decks and cementitious wood-fiber decks, it is likely that a me-
chanically attached base sheet and/or separation layer were installed. Some roof systems may be fully adhered,
spot mopped, or fastened with toggle bolts or auger-type fasteners to nailable decks.

With current building codes and current insurance recommendations, the attachment of the existing roof assembly
may not meet these codes or recommendations. Re-cover systems may not be allowed under certain conditions,
or modifications to the existing attachment method may be necessary to fulfill these requirements.

3.1.3 Load Considerations

The capacity of the roof deck and/or structure can be a factor when deciding to re-cover or replace. The capacity
of the roof structure should be considered when determining whether a heavier replacement system can be used.
For example, a roof structure designed for a fully adhered or mechanically attached single-ply roof system may not
have adequate capacity to support a gravel-surfaced build-up or ballasted single-ply roof system. In addition, re-

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cover materials add dead load, which effectively reduces the design live load capacity. Consult the roof covering
manufacturer for specific weights for materials.

3.1.4 Insulation
The type and thickness of insulation cannot be determined through visual observations from the rooftop or below
the deck. Examination of construction documents or shop drawings of the existing system may provide some infor-
mation. Core cuts are the only certain method of determining the type and thickness of the roof insulation.

The following list of insulation types are found in low-slope roof systems:
• Cellular glass
• Composite board
• Fibrous glass
• Mineral fiber
• Perlite
• Phenolic
• Polyisocyanurate foam
• Polystyrene foam
-Expanded (EPS)
-Extruded (XPS)
• Polyurethane
• Wood fiberboard

The location of wet insulation should be determined. Wet insulation is most likely to exist at leak locations, low
points in the deck, penetrations or perimeters. Nondestructive moisture surveys can be beneficial when attempting
to locate wet insulation but should always be followed by test cuts or destructive testing to confirm findings.

3.1.5. Site-specific Considerations

It is important to note any contaminants that are present in the area or discharged from mechanical equipment or
vents onto a roof surface. Many such substances will degrade roof membranes and roof surfaces. For example,
grease, animal fats, petroleum discharge, chemicals or oils can damage a roof membrane and roof surface. Also,
exhaust from adjacent buildings can be damaging. Areas of contaminated roof membrane should be removed prior
to reroofing, or systems that are resistant to the contaminant(s) should be chosen as replacement systems. Re-
placement of the existing roof system may be necessary if a significant portion of the existing roof system surface
is contaminated.

3.1.6. Hidden Conditions

Conduit for electrical service, alarms, computer wiring, cable television wiring or water lines are sometimes con-
cealed within or just below roof assemblies. These items may be buried in insulation, concrete roof decks, or light-
weight insulating concrete roof decks. Conduit or plumbing pipes may also be located above or below a metal or
wood roof deck. Care must be taken not to penetrate, disrupt or otherwise damage those components. These
items are susceptible to damage during roof replacement or re-cover. See Figure 4.

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Figure 4: An example of buried

and hidden conduit



In addition, there may be asbestos-containing roofing material (ACRM) within a roof system. NRCA recommends
that the applicable local and federal regulations are followed when handling ACRM.

3.1.7 Summary
After making observations of the deck type, deck slope, deck deterioration, attachment of the existing roof system,
load considerations, insulation type, amount of wet insulation, site-specific considerations and hidden conditions,
an evaluation of a specific roof system can be made. Refer to the appropriate subsection within Part I, Section 3 for
discussion of the six common types of re-coverable low-slope systems. After reviewing the following text and eval-
uating a specific roof system, the decision to replace or re-cover can be made. Because each reroofing project is
unique, there are no set guidelines when making the decision to replace or re-cover except for the aforementioned
replacement triggers. The decision can be made based on the experience of a roofing professional, building owner
requirements and/or the desired service life of a new roof system.

3.2 Evaluation of Existing Built-up Roof Assemblies

The following considerations apply to the evaluation of built-up roof assemblies when deciding to replace or re-
cover. The evaluation of the existing roof assembly can help determine causes for its condition. Determining the
causes for the condition of an existing low-slope roof assembly also allows for the correction of the deficiencies
before reroofing.

3.2.1 Roof Surface Condition

The surface condition of a built-up membrane can provide information, such as indications regarding previous
maintenance and repair and potential remaining service life. Evaluations based on surface condition alone can be
misleading; for example, a recently coated or surfaced roof membrane can appear to be in good condition but may
only have a minimal remaining service life.

Following are potential problems that may be encountered within the field of the roof membrane on built-up systems:
• blisters and/or large areas of nonadhered membrane
• open laps, excessive wrinkles, fishmouths
• splits, ridges
• fastener backout or pop-up against or through the membrane
• worn spots, deteriorated areas or holes in the membrane

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• differences in the firmness of the insulation or substrate

• displacement of aggregate, exposing the membrane
• lack of or deteriorated surface coating
• degradation caused by lack of drainage or biological growth
• damage caused by equipment supports that have settled into the membrane
• areas around rooftop equipment that have been damaged
• punctures
• hail damage
• wind damage
• membrane slippage

3.2.2 Base Flashing Conditions

Base flashings are some of the most vulnerable locations on a roof system. Base flashings must accommodate
movement and changes in membrane direction and are often common leak locations and trouble spots. Therefore,
the condition of the base flashings must be closely inspected when evaluating the existing roof system. NRCA rec-
ommends the minimum height of the membrane base flashing be 8 inches (200 mm).

Following are potential problems that may be encountered at base flashings on built-up systems:
• terminations not secure and sealed (exception: roof systems incorporating vented base sheets should have the
top edge of the membrane flashing protected by counterflashing but not sealed to allow for venting)
• base flashings not adhered
• base flashings with fishmouths, open laps, voids, loose edges, dry edges or not sealed to the field of the
• blisters or interlayer separations
• cracked, weathered, aging or missing sealants
• base flashing material and surfacing showing signs of deterioration or building movement
• damage from vibration or movement at HVAC units and/or penetrations
• differential movement between walls and roof decks resulting in loose, sheared or wrinkled base flashings
• roof membrane contraction
• corrosion of metal fasteners
• excessive buildup of repair materials

3.2.3 Flashing Components

Flashing components for roof membrane flashings are generally made of metal. These include metal cap flashings,
counterflashings, edge metal, penetrations and drains. Because they are associated with roof system terminations,
locations where accessory metal is used are some of the most vulnerable areas for water penetration. These condi-
tions and areas should be closely inspected when evaluating the condition of the existing roof system.

Following are potential problems that may be encountered at cap flashings, counterflashings, edge metal, penetra-
tions and drains and on built-up systems. However, these items may not be significantly relevant when determining
whether the roof system should be replaced or re-covered.

Cap flashings and counterflashings

• loose or missing fasteners
• loose, displaced or missing sections of metal, masonry or other covering
• damaged metal
• corrosion of metal fasteners or components

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• missing or displaced joint covers

• loose cleats or clips
• open end joints, lap joints and covers
• blocked weep holes
• cracked, weathered, aging or missing sealant

Edge Metal
• loose or missing fasteners
• loose or missing flashing
• loose or missing stripping plies
• splits in the bituminous stripping over metal flashing joints
• corroded metal
• missing or displaced metal sections or joint covers
• open end joints, lap joints and covers
• cracked, weathered, aging or missing sealant

• lack of sufficient quantity, adhesion or deterioration of the material inside pitch pockets
• improper adhesion or splitting of membrane at penetration flanges
• base or tops of pipe flashing are not properly sealed
• penetrations are not secure
• corroded metal
• cracked, weathered, aging or missing sealant

• cracks or separations at the junction of the membrane and metal drain bowls and through-wall scuppers
• drain bolts, clamping ring and/or sheet lead flashing are missing or not properly secured to ensure a watertight
seal at the membrane-to-drain interface
• lack of sufficient number of drains or overflow devices
• obstructions in drainage paths
• elevated drains

3.2.4 Drainage and Slope

Potential interruptions of the drainage pattern should be identified and repairs or changes should be considered
when reroofing. Following are potential problems associated with ponding water because of the lack of drainage
and/or slope:
• deterioration of the roof surface and membrane
• debris accumulation, vegetation, fungal growth and resulting membrane damage
• deck deflections, sometimes resulting in structural problems and other complications
• ice formation and resulting membrane degradation or damage
• water entry into the building if the roof membrane is punctured or fails in a ponding area

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3.2.5 Other Leak Sources

The source of leakage into a building is not exclusive to the roof membrane and its associated flashings. There are
many building components that may be sources of leakage, including:
• parapets or adjacent walls above flashings
• door or wall openings
• rooftop equipment
• equipment within a plenum space or attic space
• roof system accessories
• condensation due to a lack of ventilation or excessive moisture in the interior
• plumbing or sprinkler piping
• clogged condensate discharge lines

It is important to recognize the potential for water infiltration at the building components listed previously when
reroofing. If these components are the source of a leak, a new roof system will not solve the problem. Also, if not
repaired, these types of leaks may cause considerable damage to an existing or new roof system.

3.2.6 Historical File

Information relevant to a roof system may be found in a historical file. These items include but are not limited to:
• roof system configuration
• flashing details
• type of deck
• manufacturers of the system components
• warranty information
• samples
• maintenance and repair history

3.2.7 Roof System Composition

Core cuts should be made to determine the roof assembly composition. In most instances, the deck type can be
determined by visual observation after the sample is removed. However, vapor retarders may inhibit this determina-
tion. Insulation thickness and condition, number of layers, type and attachment method can be determined.

Multiple core cuts, at select locations, should assist in determining whether tapered insulation was used in the ex-
isting roof system, and if so, the thickness. If ceiling construction in the building prohibits determination of deck
type, core cuts will allow determination of the deck type. Core cuts should be made at all roof areas that may be of
differing compositions.

For additional information, refer to Section 3.1, “General Considerations to Determine Replacement or Re-cover.”

If the decision is made to use a replacement roof system, refer to Section 4.1, “Design Guidelines for Replacement
or Re-cover” and Section 4.2, “Design Guidelines Specific to Replacement” for information regarding design con-
siderations typical to replacing a roof system.

If the decision is made to use a re-cover roof system, refer to Section 4.1, “Design Guidelines for Replacement or
Re-cover” and Section 4.3, “Design Guidelines Specific to Re-cover” for information regarding design considera-
tions typical to re-covering a roof system.

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3.3 Evaluation of Existing Metal Panel Roof Assemblies

The following considerations apply to the evaluation of metal panel roof assemblies when deciding to replace or
re-cover. The evaluation of the existing roof assembly can help determine causes for its condition. Determining the
causes for the condition of an existing low-slope roof system also allows for the correction of the deficiencies
before reroofing.

3.3.1 Roof Surface Condition

The surface condition of a metal roof can provide information, such as indications regarding previous maintenance
and repair and potential remaining service life. Evaluations based on surface condition alone can be misleading; for
example, a recently painted or coated metal roof can appear to be in good condition but may only have a minimal
remaining service life.

Following are potential problems that may be encountered within the field of the roof panels on metal panel
• open seams and joints
• loose or buckled panels
• fastener backout
• missing fasteners, missing pieces
• deteriorated or missing gaskets at fasteners
• elongation of holes at fasteners
• worn spots, deteriorated areas or holes
• deteriorated surface coating, paint or sealant
• damage from equipment supports
• areas around rooftop equipment that have been damaged
• hail damage
• wind damage
• punctures

3.3.2 Base Flashing Conditions

Base flashings are some of the most vulnerable locations on a roof system. Base flashings must accommodate
movement and changes in panel direction and are often common leak locations and trouble spots. Therefore, the
condition of the base flashings must be closely inspected when evaluating the existing roof system. Also, wind baf-
fles, foam closures and Z-closures should be evaluated.

Following are potential problems that may be encountered at base flashings on metal panel systems:
• terminations not secured and sealed
• base flashings not secured to the field panel
• gaps or openings in laps or seams
• loose or missing closure pieces
• cracked, weathered, aging or missing sealants
• damage because of building movement or differential movement
• damage due to vibration or movement at HVAC units and/or penetrations
• corrosion of metal components and fasteners
• loose or missing fasteners
• damaged or deteriorated gaskets
• excessive buildup of repair materials

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3.3.3 Flashing Components

Flashing components for metal panel roof system flashings are generally made of the same type of metal. These in-
clude metal cap flashings, counterflashings, edge metal, penetrations and closures. Because they are associated
with roof system terminations, locations where accessory metal is used are some of the most vulnerable areas for
water penetration. These conditions and areas should be closely inspected when evaluating the condition of the ex-
isting roof system.

Following are potential problems that may be encountered at cap flashings, counterflashings, edge metal, penetra-
tions and closures on metal roof systems. However, these items may not be significantly relevant when determining
whether the roof system should be replaced or re-covered.

Cap flashing and counterflashing

• loose or missing fasteners
• loose, displaced or missing sections of metal, masonry, or other coverings
• damaged metal
• corroded metal fasteners or components
• deteriorated or missing gaskets
• missing or displaced joint covers
• loose cleats or clips
• open end joints, lap joints and covers
• blocked weep holes
• cracked, weathered, aging or missing sealants

Edge Metal
• loose or missing fasteners
• loose or missing flashing
• corroded metal
• missing or displaced metal sections or joint covers
• open end joints, lap joints and covers
• cracked, weathered, aging or missing sealants

• improper adhesion/fastening of metal panels at penetration flanges
• base or tops of pipe flashings are not properly sealed
• penetrations are not secure
• corroded metal
• lack of crickets or open areas behind curbs
• cracked, weathered, aging or missing sealants

3.3.4 Drainage and Slope

Potential interruptions of the drainage pattern should be identified and repairs or changes should be considered
when reroofing. Following are potential problems associated with ponding water because of the lack of drainage
and/or slope:
• deterioration of the metal roof finish and base metal
• debris accumulation, vegetation, fungal growth and resulting panel damage
• deck deflections, sometimes resulting in structural problems and other complications

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• ice formation and resulting surface degradation or damage

• water entry into the building at panel seams or flashing connections

3.3.5 Other Leak Sources

The source of leakage into a building is not exclusive to the roof panel and its associated flashings. There are many
building components that may be sources of leakage, including:
• parapets or adjacent walls above flashings
• wall openings
• rooftop equipment
• roof system accessories
• condensation because of lack of ventilation or excessive moisture in the interior
• plumbing or sprinkler piping
• clogged condensate discharge lines
• interior gutters

It is important to recognize the potential for water infiltration at the building components listed previously when
reroofing. If these components are the source of a leak, a new roof system will not solve the problem. Also, if not
repaired, these types of leaks may cause considerable damage to an existing or new roof system.

3.3.6 Historical File

Information relevant to the roof system may be found in a historical file. These items include but are not limited to:
• roof system configuration
• flashing details
• type of substrate/framing
• manufacturers of the system components
• warranty information
• samples
• maintenance and repair history

3.3.7 Roof System Composition

Core cuts are not typically applicable or necessary for metal panel roof systems. However, disassembly of portions
of a metal roof system may be used to determine the assembly composition. In most instances, the framing type
can be determined by visual observation after disassembly. When used in a roof system, insulation thickness and
condition, number of layers, type and attachment method can be determined.

If ceiling construction in the building prohibits determination of framing type, disassembly will allow determination
of the framing type. Disassembly of a ridge, vent or eave should be made at all roof areas that may be of differing

For additional information, refer to Section 3.1, “General considerations to Determine Replacement or Re-cover.”

If the decision is made to use a replacement roof system, refer to Section 4.1, “Design Guidelines for Replacement
or Re-cover” and Section 4.2, “Design Guidelines Specific to Replacement” for information regarding design con-
siderations typical to replacing a roof system.

If the decision is made to use a re-cover roof system, refer to Section 4.1, “Design Guidelines for Replacement or
Re-cover” and Section 4.3, “Design Guidelines Specific to Re-cover” for information regarding design considera-
tions typical to re-covering a roof system.

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3.4 Evaluation of Existing Modified Bitumen Roof Assemblies

The following considerations apply to the evaluation of modified bitumen roof assemblies when deciding to replace
or re-cover. The evaluation of the existing roof assembly can help determine causes for its condition. Determining
the causes for the condition of an existing low-slope roof system also allows for the correction of the deficiencies
before reroofing.

3.4.1 Roof Surface Condition

The surface condition of a modified bitumen membrane can provide information, such as indications regarding pre-
vious maintenance and repair and potential remaining service life. Evaluations based on surface condition alone
can be misleading; for example, a recently coated or surfaced roof membrane can appear to be in good condition
but may only have a minimal remaining service life.

Following are potential problems that may be encountered within the field of the roof membrane on modified bitu-
men systems:
• blisters and/or large areas of nonadhered membrane
• open laps, excessive wrinkles, fishmouths
• splits, ridges
• fastener backout or pop-up against or through the membrane
• worn spots, deteriorated areas or holes in the membrane
• differences in the firmness of the insulation or substrate
• displacement of granules exposing the membrane
• lack of or deteriorated surface coating
• delamination of foil surfacing
• degradation caused by lack of drainage or biological growth
• damage caused by equipment supports that have settled into the membrane
• areas around rooftop equipment that have been damaged
• punctures
• hail damage
• wind damage
• membrane slippage

3.4.2 Base Flashing Conditions

Base flashings are some of the most vulnerable locations on a roof system. Base flashings must accommodate
movement and changes in membrane direction and are often common leak locations and trouble spots. Therefore,
the condition of the base flashings must be closely inspected when evaluating the existing roof system. NRCA rec-
ommends the minimum height of the membrane base flashing be 8 inches (200 mm).

Following are potential problems that may be encountered at base flashings on modified bitumen systems:
• terminations not secure and sealed (exception: roof systems incorporating vented base sheets should have the
top edge of the membrane flashing protected by counterflashing but not sealed to allow for venting)
• base flashings not adhered
• base flashings with fishmouths, open laps, voids, loose edges, dry edges or not sealed to the field of the
• blisters or interlayer separations
• cracked, weathered, aging or missing sealants
• base flashing material and surfacing showing signs of deterioration or building movement

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• damage from vibration or movement at HVAC units and/or penetrations

• differential movement between walls and roof decks resulting in loose, sheared or wrinkled base flashing
• roof membrane contraction
• corrosion of metal fasteners
• excessive buildup of repair materials

3.4.3 Flashing Components

Flashing components for roof membrane flashings are generally made of metal. These include metal cap flashings,
counterflashings, edge metal, penetrations and drains. Because they are associated with roof system terminations,
locations where accessory metal is used are some of the most vulnerable areas for water penetration. These condi-
tions and areas should be closely inspected when evaluating the condition of the existing roof system.

Following are potential problems that may be encountered at cap flashings, counterflashings, edge metal, penetra-
tions and drains on modified bitumen systems. However, these items may not be significantly relevant when deter-
mining whether the roof system should be replaced or re-covered.

Cap flashings and counterflashings

• loose or missing fasteners
• loose, displaced or missing sections of metal, masonry or other covering
• damaged metal
• corrosion of metal fasteners, or components
• missing or displaced joint covers
• loose cleats or clips
• open end joints, lap joints and covers
• blocked weep holes
• cracked, weathered, aging, or missing sealant

Edge Metal
• loose or missing fasteners
• loose or missing flashing
• loose or missing stripping plies
• splits in the bituminous stripping over metal flashing joints
• corroded metal
• missing or displaced metal sections or joint covers
• open end joints, lap joints and covers
• cracked, weathered, aging or missing sealant

• lack of sufficient quantity, adhesion or deterioration of the material inside pitch pockets
• improper adhesion or splitting of membrane at penetration flanges
• base or tops of pipe flashing are not properly sealed
• penetrations are not secure
• corroded metal
• cracked, weathered, aging or missing sealant

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• cracks or separations at the junction of the membrane and metal drain bowls and through-wall scuppers
• drain bolts, clamping ring and/or sheet lead flashing are missing or not properly secured to ensure a watertight
seal at the membrane-to-drain interface
• lack of sufficient number of drains or overflow devices
• obstructions in drainage paths
• elevated drains

3.4.4 Drainage and Slope

Potential interruptions of the drainage pattern should be identified and repairs or changes should be considered
when reroofing. Following are potential problems associated with ponding water because of the lack of drainage
and/or slope:
• deterioration of the roof surface and membrane
• debris accumulation, vegetation, fungal growth and resulting membrane damage
• deck deflections, sometimes resulting in structural problems and other complications
• ice formation and resulting membrane degradation or damage
• water entry into the building if the roof membrane is punctured or fails in a ponding area

3.4.5 Other Leak Sources

The source of leakage into a building is not exclusive to the roof membrane and its associated flashings. There are
many building components that may be sources of leakage, including:
• parapets or adjacent walls above flashings
• door or wall openings
• rooftop equipment
• equipment within a plenum or attic space
• roof system accessories
• condensation due to a lack of ventilation or excessive moisture in the interior
• plumbing or sprinkler piping
• clogged condensate discharge lines

It is important to recognize the potential for water infiltration at the building components listed previously when
reroofing. If these components are the source of a leak, a new roof system will not solve the problem. Also, if not
repaired, these types of leaks may cause considerable damage to an existing or new roof system.

3.4.6 Historical File

Information relevant to the roof system may be found in a historical file. These items include but are not limited to:
• roof system configuration
• flashing details
• type of deck
• manufacturers of the system components
• warranty information
• samples
• maintenance and repair history

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3.4.7 Roof System Composition

Core cuts should be made to determine the roof assembly composition. In most instances, the deck type can be
determined by visual observation after the sample is removed. However, vapor retarders may inhibit this determina-
tion. Insulation thickness and condition, number of layers, type and attachment method can be determined.

Multiple core cuts, at select locations, should assist in determining whether tapered insulation was used in the ex-
isting roof system, and if so, the thickness. If ceiling construction in the building prohibits determination of deck
type, core cuts will allow determination of the deck type. Core cuts should be made at all roof areas that may be of
differing compositions.

For additional information, refer to Section 3.1, “General Considerations to Determine Replacement or Re-cover.”

If the decision is made to use a replacement roof system, refer to Section 4.1, “Design Guidelines for Replacement
or Re-cover” and Section 4.2, “Design Guidelines Specific to Replacement” for information regarding design con-
siderations typical to replacing a roof system.

If the decision is made to use a re-cover roof system, refer to Section 4.1, “Design Guidelines for Replacement or
Re-cover” and Section 4.3, “Design Guidelines Specific to Re-cover” for information regarding design considera-
tions typical to re-covering a roof system.

3.5 Evaluation of Existing Spray Polyurethane Foam-based Roof Assemblies

The following considerations apply to the evaluation of spray polyurethane foam-based roof assemblies when de-
ciding to replace or re-cover. The evaluation of the existing roof assembly can help determine causes for its condi-
tion. Determining the causes for the condition of an existing low-slope roof system also allows for the correction of
the deficiencies before reroofing.

3.5.1 Roof Surface Condition

The surface condition of an SPF-based roof system can provide information, such as indications regarding previous
maintenance and repair and potential remaining service life. Evaluations based on surface condition can be mis-
leading; for example, a recently coated or surfaced SPF-based roof system can appear to be in good condition but
may only have a minimal remaining service life.

Following are potential problems that may be encountered within the field of the roof on SPF-based systems:
• cuts, scrapes, or indentations in the foam or coating because of mechanical damage
• cracked, worn, deteriorated or missing foam or coating
• displaced aggregate, exposing the foam
• exposed foam
• blisters or interlayer separations
• pin holes and coating holidays
• differences in the firmness of the insulation or substrate
• degradation because of lack of drainage or biological growth
• damage caused by equipment supports that have settled into the system
• areas around rooftop equipment that have been damaged
• vegetation or biological growth
• hail damage
• wind damage

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3.5.2 Base Flashing Conditions

Base flashings are some of the most vulnerable locations on a roof system. Base flashings must accommodate
movement and changes in system direction and are often common leak locations and trouble spots. Therefore, the
condition of the base flashings must be closely inspected when evaluating the condition of the existing roof system.

NRCA recommends that the minimum height of SPF terminations for SPF-based roof systems with elastomeric
coatings be 6 inches (150 mm) above the finished roof surface and the elastomeric coating extend an additional
2 inches (50 mm). NRCA recommends the minimum height of the base flashings for SPF-based roof systems with
membrane surfacings be 8 inches (200 mm).

Following are potential problems that may be encountered at base flashings on SPF-based systems:
• terminations not secure and sealed
• cracks or worn spots in the foam or coating
• damaged foam or coating
• exposed foam
• blisters or interlayer separations
• pin holes or coating holidays
• gaps between the foam and the vertical surface
• cracked, weathered, aging or missing sealants
• base flashing material and surfacing showing signs of deterioration or building movement
• damage from vibration or movement at HVAC units and/or penetrations
• differential movement between walls and roof decks resulting in loose or sheared base flashing
• excessive buildup of repair materials
• shrinkage

3.5.3 Flashing Components

Flashing components for SPF-based system flashings are generally made of metal. These include metal cap flash-
ings, counterflashings, edge metal, penetrations and drains. Because they are associated with roof system termina-
tions, locations where accessory metal is used are some of the most vulnerable areas for water penetration. These
conditions and areas should be closely inspected when evaluating the condition of the existing roof system.

Following are potential problems that may be encountered at cap flashings, counterflashings, edge metal, penetra-
tions and drains on SPF-based systems. However, these items may not be significantly relevant when determining
whether the roof system should be replaced or re-covered.

Cap flashing and counterflashings

• loose or missing fasteners
• loose, displaced or missing sections of metal, masonry or other covering
• damaged metal
• corrosion of metal fasteners, or components
• missing or displaced joint covers
• loose cleats or clips
• open end joints, lap joints and covers
• blocked weep holes
• cracked, weathered, aging or missing sealant

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Edge Metal
• loose or missing fasteners
• loose or missing flashing
• loose or missing stripping plies
• cracks or splits in the foam over metal flashing joints
• cracks, splits or gaps between the edge metal and the foam
• corroded metal
• missing or displaced metal sections or joint covers
• open end joints, lap joints and covers
• cracked, weathered, aging or missing sealant

• improper adhesion of foam and coating at penetration flanges
• base and tops of pipe flashings are not properly sealed
• gaps between the foam and the vertical surface because of delamination
• exposed or damaged foam because of mechanical damage
• penetrations are not secure
• cracks in the foam or coating

• cracks or separations at the junction of the foam and metal drain bowls and through-wall scuppers
• drain bolts and clamping ring are missing or are not properly secured at the drain interface
• lack of sufficient number of drains or overflow devices
• obstructions in drainage paths
• elevated drains

3.5.4 Drainage and Slope

Potential interruptions of the drainage pattern should be identified and repairs or changes should be considered
when reroofing. Following are potential problems associated with ponding water because of the lack of drainage
and/or slope:
• deterioration of the roof surfacing and foam
• debris accumulation, vegetation, fungal growth and resulting damage
• deck deflections, sometimes resulting in structural problems and other complications
• ice formation and resulting surfacing degradation or damage
• water absorption into the foam
• water entry into the building if the roof system is punctured or fails in a ponding area

3.5.5 Other Leak Sources

The source of leakage into a building is not exclusive to the roof system and its associated flashings. There are
many building components that may be sources of leakage, including:
• parapets or adjacent walls above flashings
• door or wall openings
• rooftop equipment

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• equipment within a plenum or attic space

• roof system accessories
• condensation due to a lack of ventilation or excessive moisture in the interior
• plumbing or sprinkler piping
• clogged condensate discharge lines

It is important to recognize the potential for water infiltration at the building components listed previously when
reroofing. If these component are the source of a leak, a new roof system will not solve the problem. Also, if not re-
paired, these types of leaks may cause considerable damage to an existing or new roof system.

3.5.6 Historical File

Information relevant to the roof system may can be found in a historical file. These items include but are not limited
• roof system configuration
• flashing details
• type of deck
• manufacturers of the system components
• warranty information
• samples
• maintenance and repair history

3.5.7 Roof System Composition

Core samples should be taken to determine the roof assembly composition. In most instances, the deck type can
be determined by visual observation after the sample is removed. However, vapor retarders may inhibit this deter-
mination. SPF thickness and condition, and the number of layers, type and attachment method of any rigid insula-
tion fill can be determined.

Multiple core samples or thickness probes, at select locations, should assist in determining whether insulation was
tapered in the existing roof system, and if so, the thickness. Also, slit samples can assist in determining the coating
thickness. If ceiling construction in the building prohibits determination of deck type, core samples will allow deter-
mination of the deck type. Core samples should be made at all roof areas that may be of differing compositions.

For additional information, refer to Section 3.1, “General Considerations to Determine Replacement or Re-cover.”

If the decision is made to use a replacement roof system, refer to Section 4.1, “Design Guidelines for Replacement
or Re-cover” and Section 4.2, “Design Guidelines Specific to Replacement” for information regarding design con-
siderations typical to replacing a roof system.

If the decision is made to use a re-cover roof system, refer to Section 4.1, “Design Guidelines for Replacement or
Re-cover” and Section 4.3, “Design Guidelines Specific to Re-cover” for information regarding design considera-
tions typical to re-covering a roof system.

3.6 Evaluation of Existing Thermoplastic Roof Assemblies

The following considerations apply to the evaluation of thermoplastic roof assemblies when deciding to replace or
re-cover. The evaluation of the existing roof assembly can help determine causes for its condition. Determining the
causes for the condition of an existing low-slope roof system also allows for the correction of the deficiencies be-
fore reroofing.

3.6.1 Roof Surface Condition

The surface condition of a thermoplastic roof membrane can provide information, such as indications regarding
previous maintenance and repair and potential remaining service life. Evaluations based on surface condition alone
can be misleading; for example, a recently coated or surfaced roof membrane can appear to be in good condition
but may only have a minimal remaining service life.

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Following are potential problems that may be encountered within the field of the roof membrane on thermoplastic
• laps, fishmouths and seams not sealed
• excessive wrinkles, (some roof membranes are loose laid and wrinkles are an expected consequence of expan-
sion and contraction)
• large areas of nonadhered/unbonded membrane when the roof system is adhered
• embrittlement
• shrinkage and subsequent bridging of flashings
• cracking, splits
• chalking
• fastener backout or pop-up against or through the membrane
• worn spots, deteriorated areas or holes in the membrane
• differences in the firmness of the insulation or substrate
• displacement of ballast or pavers
• degradation because of lack of drainage or biological growth
• damage caused by equipment supports that have settled into the membrane
• areas around rooftop equipment that have been damaged
• punctures
• hail damage
• wind damage

3.6.2 Base Flashing Conditions

Base flashings are some of the most vulnerable locations on a roof system. Base flashings must accommodate
movement and changes in membrane direction and are often common leak locations and trouble spots. Therefore,
the condition of the base flashings must be closely inspected when evaluating the existing roof system. NRCA rec-
ommends the minimum height of the membrane base flashing be 8 inches (200 mm).

Following are potential problems that may be encountered at base flashings on thermoplastic systems:
• terminations not secure and sealed
• base flashings not adhered (some base flashings are intentionally loose, except where they are secured at the
bottom and top)
• base flashings with fishmouths, open laps, voids, loose edges, dry edges or not adhered to the field of the mem-
• cracked, weathered, aging or missing sealants
• base flashing material and surfacing is showing signs of deterioration or building movement
• damage from vibration or movement at HVAC units and/or penetrations
• differential movement between walls and roof decks resulting in loose, sheared or wrinkled base flashing
• corrosion of metal fasteners
• bridging of flashings related to membrane shrinkage
• excessive buildup or repair materials

3.6.3 Flashing Components

Flashing components for roof membrane flashings are generally made of metal. These include metal cap flashings,
counterflashings, edge metal, penetrations and drains. Because they are associated with roof system terminations,

700 Reroofing Part 1 - Low-slope Text

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locations where accessory metal is used are some of the most vulnerable areas for water penetration. These condi-
tions and areas should be closely inspected when evaluating the condition of the existing roof system.

Following are potential problems that may be encountered at cap flashings, counterflashings, edge metal, penetra-
tions and drains on thermoplastic systems. However, these items may not be significantly relevant when determin-
ing whether the roof system should be replace or re-covered.

Cap flashings and counterflashings

• loose or missing fasteners
• loose, displaced or missing sections of metal, masonry or other covering
• damaged metal
• corrosion of metal fasteners, or components
• missing or displaced joint covers
• loose cleats or clips
• open end joints, lap joints and covers
• blocked weep holes
• cracked, weathered, aging or missing sealant

Edge Metal
• loose or missing fasteners
• loose or missing flashing
• loose or missing stripping plies
• splits in the thermoplastic stripping over metal flashing joints
• corroded metal
• missing or displaced metal sections or joint covers
• open end joints, lap joints and covers
• cracked, weathered, aging or missing sealant
• delamination of coated metal

• lack of sufficient quantity, adhesion or deterioration of the material inside pitch pockets
• improper adhesion or splitting of membrane at penetration flanges
• base or tops of pipe flashing are not properly sealed
• penetrations are not secure
• corroded metal
• cracked, weathered, aging or missing sealant
• delamination of coated metal

• cracks or separations at the junction of the membrane and metal drain bowls and through-wall scuppers
• drain bolts or clamping ring is missing or not properly secured to ensure a watertight seal at the membrane-to-
drain interface
• lack of sufficient number of drains or overflow devices
• obstructions in drainage paths
• elevated drains
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3.6.4 Drainage and Slope

Potential interruptions of the drainage pattern should be identified and repairs or changes should be considered
when reroofing. Following are potential problems associated with ponding water because of the lack of drainage
and/or slope:
• deterioration of the roof surface and membrane
• debris accumulation, vegetation, fungal growth and resulting membrane damage
• deck deflections, sometimes resulting in structural problems and other complications
• ice formation and resulting membrane degradation or damage
• water entry into the building if the roof membrane is punctured or fails in a ponding area

3.6.5 Other Leak Sources

The source of leakage into a building is not exclusive to the roof membrane and its associated flashings. There are
many building components that may be sources of leakage, including:
• parapets or adjacent walls above flashings
• door and wall openings
• rooftop equipment
• equipment within a plenum or attic space
• roof system accessories
• condensation due to a lack of ventilation or excessive moisture in the interior
• plumbing or sprinkler piping
• clogged condensate discharge lines

It is important to recognize the potential for water infiltration at the building components listed previously when
reroofing. If these components are the source of a leak, a new roof system will not solve the problem. Also, if not
repaired, these types of leaks may cause considerable damage to an existing or new roof system.

3.6.6 Historical File

Information relevant to the roof system may be found in a historical file. These items include but are not limited to:
• roof system configuration
• flashing details
• type of deck
• manufacturers of the system components
• warranty information
• samples
• maintenance and repair history

3.6.7 Roof System Composition

Core cuts should be made to determine the roof assembly composition. In most instances, the deck type can be
determined by visual observation after the sample is removed. However, vapor retarders may inhibit this determina-
tion. Insulation thickness and condition, number of layers, type and attachment method can be determined.

Multiple core cuts, at select locations, should assist in determining whether tapered insulation was used in the ex-
isting roof system, and if so, the amounts. If ceiling construction in the building prohibits determination of deck
type, core cuts will allow determination of the deck type. Core cuts should be made at all roof areas that may be of
differing compositions.

For additional information, refer to Section 3.1, “General Considerations to Determine Replacement or Re-cover.”

702 Reroofing Part 1 - Low-slope Text

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If the decision is made to use a replacement roof system, refer to Section 4.1, “Design Guidelines for Replacement
or Re-cover” and Section 4.2, “Design Guidelines Specific to Replacement” for information regarding design con-
siderations typical to replacing a roof system.

If the decision is made to use a re-cover roof system, refer to Section 4.1, “Design Guidelines for Replacement or
Re-cover” and Section 4.3, “Design Guidelines Specific to Re-cover” for information regarding design considera-
tions typical to re-covering a roof system.

3.7 Evaluation of Existing Thermoset Roof Assemblies

The following considerations apply to the evaluation of thermoset roof assemblies when deciding to replace or re-
cover. The evaluation of the existing roof assembly can help determine causes for its condition. Determining the
causes for the condition of an existing low-slope roof system also allows for the correction of the deficiencies be-
fore reroofing.

3.7.1 Roof Surface Condition

The surface condition of a thermoset membrane can provide information, such as indications regarding previous
maintenance and repair and potential remaining service life. Evaluations based on surface condition alone can be
misleading; for example, a recently coated or surfaced roof membrane can appear to be in good condition but may
only have a minimal remaining service life.

Following are potential problems that may be encountered within the field of the roof membrane on thermoset
• laps, fishmouths and seams not sealed
• excessive wrinkles (some roof membranes are loose laid and wrinkles are an expected consequence of expan-
sion and contraction)
• large areas of nonadhered/unbonded membrane when the roof system is adhered
• embrittlement
• shrinkage and subsequent bridging of flashings
• cracking, splits, craze cracking
• chalking
• fastener backout or pop-up against or through the membrane
• worn spots, deteriorated areas or holes in the membrane
• differences in the firmness of the insulation or substrate
• displacement of ballast or pavers
• degradation because of lack of drainage or biological growth
• damage caused by equipment supports that have settled into the membrane
• areas around rooftop equipment that have been damaged
• punctures
• hail damage
• wind damage
• inability for seams and holes to be repaired for those membranes that cure on the roof
• exposed reinforcements

3.7.2 Base Flashing Conditions

Base flashings are some of the most vulnerable locations on a roof system. Base flashings must accommodate
movement and changes in membrane direction and are often common leak locations and trouble spots. Therefore,
the condition of the base flashings must be closely inspected when evaluating the existing roof system. NRCA rec-
ommends the minimum height of the membrane base flashing be 8 inches (200 mm).

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Following are potential problems that may be encountered at base flashings on thermoset systems:
• terminations not secure and sealed
• base flashings not adhered (some base flashings are intentionally loose, except where they are adhered or se-
cured at the bottom and top)
• base flashings with fishmouths, open laps, voids, loose edges, dry edges or not adhered to the field of the
• cracked, weathered, aging or missing sealants
• base flashing material and surfacing is showing signs of deterioration or building movement
• damage from vibration or movement at HVAC units and/or penetrations
• differential movement between walls and roof decks resulting in loose, sheared or wrinkled base flashing
• corrosion of metal fasteners
• tenting of flashings related to membrane shrinkage
• excessive buildup of repair materials

3.7.3 Flashing Components

Flashing components for roof membrane flashings are generally made of metal. These include metal cap flashings,
counterflashings, edge metal, penetrations and drains. Because they are associated with roof system terminations,
locations where accessory metal is used are some of the most vulnerable areas for water penetration. These condi-
tions and areas should be closely inspected when evaluating the condition of the existing roof system.

Following are potential problems that may be encountered at cap flashings, counterflashings, edge metal, penetra-
tions and drains on thermoset systems. However, these items may not be significantly relevant when determining
whether the roof system should be replaced or re-covered.

Cap flashings and counterflashings

• loose or missing fasteners
• loose, displaced or missing sections of metal, masonry or other covering
• damaged metal
• corrosion of metal fasteners, or components
• missing or displaced joint covers
• loose cleats or clips
• open end joints, lap joints and covers
• blocked weep holes
• cracked, weathered, aging or missing sealant

Edge Metal
• loose or missing fasteners
• loose or missing flashing
• loose or missing stripping plies
• splits in the thermoset stripping over metal flashing joints
• corroded metal
• missing or displaced metal sections or joint covers
• open end joints, lap joints and covers
• cracked, weathered, aging or missing sealant
• delamination of coated metal

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• lack of sufficient quantity, adhesion or deterioration of the material inside pitch pockets
• improper adhesion or splitting of membrane at penetration flanges
• base or tops of pipe flashing are not properly sealed
• penetrations are not secure
• corroded metal
• cracked, weathered, aging or missing sealant
• delamination of coated metal

• cracks or separations at the junction of the membrane and metal drain bowls and through-wall scuppers
• drain bolts or clamping ring is missing or is not properly secured to ensure a watertight seal at the membrane-to-
drain interface
• lack of sufficient number of drains or overflow devices
• obstructions in drainage paths
• elevated drains

3.7.4 Drainage and Slope

Potential interruptions of the drainage pattern should be identified and repairs or changes should be considered
when reroofing. The following is a list of potential problems associated with ponding water because of the lack of
drainage and/or slope:
• deterioration of the roof surface and membrane
• debris accumulation, vegetation, fungal growth and resulting membrane damage
• deck deflections, sometimes resulting in structural problems and other complications
• ice formation and resulting membrane degradation or damage
• water entry into the building if the roof membrane is punctured or fails in a ponding area

3.7.5 Other Leak Sources

The source of leakage into a building is not exclusive to the roof membrane and its associated flashings. There are
many building components that may be sources of leakage, including:
• parapets or adjacent walls above flashings
• door or wall openings
• rooftop equipment
• equipment within a plenum or attic space
• roof system accessories
• condensation due to a lack of ventilation or excessive moisture in the interior
• plumbing or sprinkler piping
• clogged condensate discharge lines

It is important to recognize the potential for water infiltration at the building components listed previously when
reroofing. If these components are the source of a leak, a new roof system will not solve the problem. Also, if not
repaired, these types of leaks may cause considerable damage to an existing or new roof system.

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3.7.6 Historical File

Information relevant to the roof system may be found in a historical file. These items include but are not limited to:
• roof system configuration
• flashing details
• type of deck
• manufacturers of the system components
• warranty information
• samples
• maintenance and repair history

3.7.7 Roof System Composition

Core cuts should be made to determine the roof assembly composition. In most instances, the deck type can be
determined by visual observation after the sample is removed. However, vapor retarders may inhibit this determina-
tion. Insulation thickness and condition, number of layers, type and attachment method can be determined.

Multiple core cuts, at select locations, should assist in determining whether tapered insulation was used in the ex-
isting roof system, and if so, the amounts. If ceiling construction in the building prohibits determination of deck
type, core cuts will allow determination of the deck type. Core cuts should be made at all roof areas that may be of
differing compositions.

For additional information, refer to Section 3.1, “General Considerations to Determine Replacement or Re-cover.”

If the decision is made to use a replacement roof system, refer to Section 4.1, “Design Guidelines for Replacement
or Re-cover” and Section 4.2, “Design Guidelines Specific to Replacement” for information regarding design con-
siderations typical to replacing a roof system.

If the decision is made to use a re-cover roof system, refer to Section 4.1, “Design Guidelines for Replacement or
Re-cover” and Section 4.3, “Design Guidelines Specific to Re-cover” for information regarding design considera-
tions typical to re-covering a roof system.


4.1 Design Guidelines for Replacement or Re-cover
The following design guidelines apply to all low-slope replacement and re-cover roof system design.

4.1.1 Regulatory Requirements Building Code Requirements
Different localities have different building codes. Reroofing projects should comply with the local building code.
Most of the model building codes now have a section within the roofing chapter that applies to reroofing. The sec-
tion of the building code that governs reroofing may include requirements for repair limits, minimum design slope,
load considerations, parameters for re-cover vs. replacement, combustible sealed spaces, reinstallation of materi-
als, and flashings. It is recommended to consult the local building code prior to beginning a reroofing project. Wind-uplift-resistance Requirements

Typically, a roof assembly is rated for a specific uplift pressure or wind speed by its manufacturer. Building codes re-
quire that roofs resist wind-uplift pressures and that the roof assembly has been tested to verify its resistance. An in-
stalled system must have a rating equal to or greater than minimum code requirements. Manufacturer’s wind speed
or uplift ratings are for new construction or replacement projects, and re-cover roof systems may not be rated.

One critical element for wind uplift resistance in mechanically attached roof assemblies is the pull-out resistance of
the fasteners used to anchor insulation boards and/or roof membranes or panels. Fastener pull-out tests can be
performed to verify pull-out capacity for the fastener and existing deck. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL) and

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Factory Mutual Research (FM) have directories or listing of roof assemblies that have been tested according to a
specific test protocol.

A building owner’s insurance company also may have minimum wind-uplift-resistance requirements for roof assem-
blies. It is important to check with the building owner or representative concerning insurance requirements for a
roof assembly. Fire-resistance Requirements

Building codes require that roofs have some level of resistance to fire exposure from the outside of the building and
that they have been tested to verify resistance. Roof systems that have been tested according to an approved test
will receive an A, B or C fire-resistance rating. UL and FM have directories or listings of roof assemblies that have
been tested according to specific test protocols.

A building owner’s insurance company may have minimum fire-resistance requirements for roof assemblies. It is im-
portant to check with the building owner or representative concerning insurance requirements for the roof assembly. Roof Drainage Requirements

When reroofing, the proper number, size and placement of drains should be reviewed. It is recommended to check
local building codes. When reroofing, building codes may mandate the installation of overflow drainage. Either
through-wall or open scuppers or a secondary drainage system will provide for overflow in case of blockage of the
main drainage system. Overflow drainage requirements are generally found in the plumbing section of the codes,
not in the roofing or reroofing sections of the code. Energy Code Requirements

Individual states have implemented a number of different minimum insulation design requirements, which, therefore,
means the method of calculating the minimum insulation requirements for roof systems may vary from state to state,
and in some instances may vary from one municipal building code jurisdiction to an adjacent jurisdiction within a par-
ticular state. Also, interpretation of the minimum insulation requirements for reroofing applications varies.

The American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. (ASHRAE) Standard 90.1-1999
Energy Efficient Design of New Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings is one method for calculating the
minimum required insulation for building-envelope components that is recognized by a large number of states. This
standard is also referenced as an acceptable calculation method in the Council of American Building Officials
(CABO) Model Energy Code (MEC), which is the energy conservation requirement applicable to each of the three
model building codes (i.e., BOCA [Building Officials and Code Administrators International, Inc.] National Building
Code, Standard Building Code, and Uniform Building Code). NRCA recommends that roof designers be aware of
the specific minimum insulation requirements for the jurisdiction in which a building is located. Insurance Requirements Specific to a Building

There are insurance companies that have their own recommendations for construction, including roof construction.
One example is FM Global which has a multitude of requirements for construction, both for new and existing build-
ings. Check with the building owner about specific recommendations the insurance company may have regarding a
reroofing project. Installing a new roof system that does not comply with insurance recommendations may result in
increased insurance premiums for the building owner.

4.1.2. Load Capacity

The weight of a replacement or re-cover roof system should be considered. Installing a replacement roof system
that is similar to an existing roof system should not adversely affect the load capacity of the roof structure. Howev-
er, installing a re-cover roof system or heavier replacement roof system may reduce the live load capacity of the
roof structure. If a heavier replacement roof system or re-cover roof system is installed, roof structure capacity may
need to be verified.

When considering the selection of a reroofing system, because different roof systems have different weights, refer
to the manufacturer for the specific weight of the selected roof system. Refer to Appendix 6.2 for ranges of low-
slope roof system weights.

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4.1.3. Roof System Performance

The following are of particular importance for optimizing the service life of a replacement roof system.
• Drainage and slope
• Terminations
• Re-use of existing metal counterflashings and copings
• Load considerations
• Ventilation

Refer to the Foreword section of The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual, Fifth Edition for additional informa-
tion. Drainage and Slope

Most roof systems need positive drainage to function properly over long periods of time. Slope can be built into the
building’s structure and roof deck, or insulation or another material can be added on top of a flat roof deck to create
slope. If adequate slope is built into the building’s structure, flat stock insulation in conjunction with localized crick-
ets should provide positive drainage.

Adding materials to create slope may create additional design issues. The increased insulation height can affect the
perimeter edge design and may reduce the allowable flashing height where through-wall flashing exists. Where
edge metal exists, the increased insulation height will require the installation of additional wood blocking, which will
increase the vertical face height of the perimeter edge metal.

Because tapered insulation becomes thicker farther away from the drains, the total thickness at perimeters may not
allow for adequate perimeter edge design. By adding additional drains, the distance from the drains to the perime-
ter can be reduced, as well as the total thickness of the insulation at the perimeters. Terminations Parapet Heights

When reroofing changes the termination heights at parapets, there are several potential ways to terminate the roof
system, including:
• Allow the new and existing construction conditions to dictate flashing height
• Increase the height of the parapet to accommodate higher base flashing height
• Alter the detail — change from a traditional base flashing detail with vertical flashing to a perimeter edge detail
with horizontal flashing. Through-wall Flashings

A low-slope counterflashing detail may incorporate a through-wall flashing. Through-wall flashings with removable
counterflashings allow removal and reinstallation of the existing counterflashings or installation of new counterflash-
ings. New flashings should tie into the existing through-wall flashing and the existing through-wall flashing or weep
holes should not be covered. Special care should be taken when raising roof system heights, especially with struc-
tural metal retrofit systems that do not encapsulate or cover the existing wall. Through-wall flashings, if not deterio-
rated, may be re-used. If through-wall flashings are deteriorated, damaged or not functional, they should be re-

Through-wall flashings typically located in walls are difficult to alter or relocate. Relocating through-wall flashings in
walls requires the removal of the wall cladding, relocation of buried flashings, and re-installation of the wall cladding
with new weep holes or other drainage devices. Raggles
Where raggles exist, new raggles can be cut into an existing concrete or brick wall to accommodate reinstallation
of counterflashing at a different height. Generally, when raggles are used, no through-wall flashing is used. There-
fore, raising a raggle should not block weep holes or wall drainage.

708 Reroofing Part 1 - Low-slope Text

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition Fixed Openings

Doors, windows and other fixed openings can create design issues. If a re-cover system is used, the height of the
flashing will be reduced, but it is suggested to maintain at least 8 inches (200 mm) whenever possible. Special
flashing considerations may also be incorporated.

When reroofing changes the termination height at a fixed opening or if the termination height is not adequate, there
are a few potential ways to terminate the roof system, including:
• Allow the existing construction conditions to dictate the flashing height
• Modify the size of the opening
• Remove the fixed opening

If fixed openings cannot be relocated or modified adequately such that the roof system flashings cannot be proper-
ly installed, a re-cover system may not be an acceptable solution. Roof Curbs

It is suggested to provide a roof curb high enough to maintain an 8 inch minimum base flashing height for roof-
mounted curbs. For some reroofing projects, roof-mounted equipment may need to be raised or temporarily re-
moved to allow for the removal and installation of flashings. If removed, the equipment is reinstalled after comple-
tion of the roofing work at the curbs or support stands. See Figure 5 for NRCA’s guidelines for clearance for equip-
ment support stands.

Width of Equipment Height of Support

Figure 5: NRCA guidelines for clearance for
Up to 24 in. (610 mm) 24 in. (610 mm)
equipment support stands
24 to 48 in. (610 mm to 1.2 m) 36 in. (910 mm)
48 in. (1.2 m) and wider 48 in. (1.2 m)

For further information, see NRCA’s Low-slope Construction Details.

For most reroofing projects, installation of new base flashing at skylights, smoke hatches and scuttles does not
require the temporary removal of the top of the unit. However, for re-cover projects, flashing heights will be reduced
if insulation is part of the re-cover roof system, which may necessitate raising the skylight, smoke hatch or scuttle.
For existing self-flashed skylights, smoke hatches or scuttles, separate counterflashings can be added. However,
most self-flashed units do not have flashings that meet the recommended minimum height of 8 inches (200 mm).

Rooftop unit curbs constructed from concrete, in a continuous pour with the concrete deck, can have wood frame
extensions added to the top of the concrete curbs if necessary. Premanufactured curbs may need to be raised.
When structural metal panel retrofit systems are used, all penetrations need to be extended or raised through the
new roof system; additional framing may be required. Pipe Penetrations

Different types of pipe penetrations require different methods of flashing during reroofing projects.
• Plumbing vent stacks have a limited height but can be extended to accommodate new flashing height.
• Continuous vertical pipes generally have adequate height relative to the height necessary for new flashing. There-
fore, the storm collar cover can be raised as necessary.
• Pipes that extend vertically through the roof assembly and turn horizontally may require a sheet-metal enclosure
installed on a curb or may be flashed with pitch pockets.

Pipe penetrations can move in a different direction from the roof assembly. If there are any signs of tearing or shear-
ing of the pipe flashing, a sleeve-and-collar expansion-type flashing and counterflashing detail may be considered. Re-use of Existing Metal Counterflashings and Copings

Reroofing projects typically incorporate new metal flashings, metal counterflashings and copings.

Surface mounted counterflashings should be removed. Anchor holes or deterioration in the substrate can be re-

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paired, if necessary, and the substrate can be properly prepared prior to reinstallation of the existing or installation
of new metal counterflashings. Only existing metal with an expected remaining service life equal to the expected
service life of the new roof system should be re-used.

The lower portion of multi-piece counterflashings should also be removed. Depending on the fastening type, care
should be taken during removal so damage does not occur to the counterflashing receiver. Only existing metal with
an expected remaining service life equal to the expected service life of the new reroof system should be re-used.
Otherwise, new metal compatible with the receiver should be installed.

Counterflashings that are embedded into a raggle can be removed, the raggle can be cleaned out and may be re-
paired, if necessary, and a new embedded counterflashing can be installed into the prepared raggle. Some counter-
flashings are embedded into a wall, such as a masonry wall. This type of flashing often acts as through-wall flash-
ing, as well as counterflashing. This metal, if not deteriorated, may be reused. The existing metal can be cut, leav-
ing approximately a minimum of 11⁄2 inches (38 mm) of metal exposed, and new counterflashing metal can be
fastened to the backside of the existing metal.

Because of unknown attachment methods, it is not recommended to use existing edge metal flashings, such as
gravel stops, as cleats or forms of anchorage for new metal flashings. Use of existing edge metal flashings as a
form of anchorage may be acceptable if new attachment is incorporated at proper spacing recommendations; if the
existing metal is in good condition and is compatible with the new metal; and the minimum recommended thick-
nesses are met. This typically occurs where gravel stops/perimeter edge metal exists and new edge metal is in-
stalled. For additional information regarding minimum recommended metal thicknesses, refer to the Architectural
Sheet Metal and Metal Roofing section of The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual, Fifth Edition.

The removal and reinstallation of existing metal copings is not recommended. The removal and reinstallation of ex-
isting masonry copings can be done successfully. It is suggested to incorporate a metal liner under the masonry
coping if reinstalled to provide a secondary water barrier. The joints between individual masonry coping units are
not considered to be weatherproof over time. Ventilation
Ventilation, vapor retarders and dew point conditions are interrelated. The presence of a vapor retarder, the amount
of insulation and the amount of ventilation affect the potential for condensation. It is recommended that calcula-
tions be made to determine the need for and location of a vapor retarder. There are four methods for determining
the need for a vapor retarder; they are briefly explained in the Moisture Control section of The NRCA Roofing and
Waterproofing Manual, Fifth Edition.

The ventilation requirements of the building may need to be increased if the interior function of the building has
changed, adding moisture to the space. Changes to the occupancy or interior processes can produce large quanti-
ties of moisture. For example:
• Changing the function of a building to a saw mill, fabric manufacturing plant, dry cleaning facility, or large com-
mercial kitchen can produce large quantities of moisture.
• Buildings with indoor pools and large amounts of interior landscaping also produce large quantities of moisture.

In addition, if an attic space is created during the reroofing process, venting the new attic space should be consid-
ered and may be required by local code. These types of spaces require ventilation to prevent potential damage that
may be caused by excess moisture.

Inspection of the underside of the roof deck can provide information regarding the need for ventilation. Staining and
mold growth on a wood structure, rust on the underside of a metal deck, and general deterioration from moisture
on concrete and gypsum decks can be signs of inadequate ventilation.

4.1.4 Construction Loads

During the reroofing process, construction loads may approach or exceed the combined dead and live load capaci-
ty of the roof structure. Care should be taken to properly spread loads so significant concentrated loading does not

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4.1.5 Site-specific Considerations

It is important to note any contaminants that are present in the area or discharged from mechanical equipment or
vents onto a roof surface. Many such substances will degrade roof membranes and roof surfaces. For example,
grease, animal fats, petroleum discharge, chemicals or oils can damage a roof membrane and roof surface. Also,
exhaust from adjacent buildings can be damaging. Installing a re-cover roof system that is in direct contact with an
existing contaminated roof system or membrane is not good roofing practice. Areas of contaminated roof mem-
brane should be removed prior to reroofing, or systems that are resistant to the contaminant(s) should be chosen as
the replacement system. The contaminants, if left in place, may continue to deteriorate the existing membrane and
may also damage the new insulation or re-cover membrane. Replacement of the existing roof system may be nec-
essary if a significant portion of the existing roof system surface is contaminated.

4.1.6. Freezer or Cold Storage Facilities

Freezer and cold storage facilities are unique in regard to moisture drive. Because the interior of these facilities is
usually cooler and drier than the exterior, the moisture drive is from the outside to the inside. Therefore, the roof
membrane acts as the vapor retarder. Metal panel roof systems should not be installed over cold storage facilities.
Additional information regarding vapor retarders is located in the Moisture Control section of The NRCA Roofing
and Waterproofing Manual, Fifth Edition.

4.1.7 Summary
In summary, the design guidelines that apply to replacement or re-cover roofing projects are as follows:
• regulatory requirements, which include wind-uplift-resistance requirements, fire- resistance requirements, roof
drainage, energy code requirements and insurance requirements specific to the building
• load capacity
• roof system performance, which includes drainage and slope, terminations, re-use of existing metal counterflash-
ings and copings, and ventilation
• construction loads
• site-specific considerations, which include contamination issues
• cold storage facility

4.2 Design Guidelines Specific to Replacement

The following design considerations are applicable to all low-slope roof system replacement designs.

4.2.1 Roof Deck Preparation

In general, roof decks should be sufficiently dry, clean and smooth, and suitably prepared prior to installation of a
replacement roof system. Metal Roof Decks

For metal roof decks, holes in the top flange have less effect on the structural capacity of the metal deck than holes
in the bottom or sides of the flutes. If the attachment bearing surface is damaged to the extent that proper installa-
tion of new fasteners does not provide adequate pull-out resistance, overlaying or replacement with new metal roof
deck should be considered. NRCA is concerned with the structural capacity and potential fastener-holding power
of metal roof decks lighter than 22 gauge (0.031 inches [0.79 mm] thick).

Once the existing roof system is removed, the flutes in the deck should be swept clean and any necessary repairs
made prior to installation of the new roof system. The deck should be inspected for corrosion and any type of dete-
rioration. Areas of metal deck that have surface corrosion but are not pitted should be properly prepared and field
coated with a rust-inhibiting paint.

Installation of new metal deck without removal of the existing metal deck is called nesting. Nesting can be accom-
plished by using the same type and grade of metal or a metal roof deck with narrower flutes so the new deck fits
into the existing deck.

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Guidelines for nesting of new metal deck.

• New metal deck should be selected based on appropriate span capabilities. The existing metal deck should not
be required to support the new “nested” metal deck.
• When galvanized steel roof decks are used, coatings should be G-90.
• Loose rust from the top side of the existing deck should be removed and those areas should be coated with a
rust-inhibiting paint.
• At a minimum, nested metal roof deck panels should span from joist to joist. Length of span (joist to joist) and the
number of spans (1, 2 or more) will determine the required gauge of the metal roof deck. Metal roof deck panels
are designed based on the length of span, number of spans a single length of metal deck will span and deck
• Replacement metal roof deck panels are to be fastened to the existing joists, not the existing deck, by welding or
mechanically fastening according to the requirements of the Steel Deck Institute (SDI) or FM. Replacement metal
panels should span a minimum of two spans (i.e., three supports), depending on the span length and gauge of
the metal roof deck panel.

Consideration should be given to the possibility of continued deterioration of the existing deck after a replacement
metal deck has been nested over the existing deck. Continued deterioration of the existing deck may result in failure,
even though failure of the existing deck may not affect the performance of the replacement deck and roof system.




Figure 6: Metal deck repair recommendations


UP TO 8" (200 mm) 0.045" (1.1 mm)

8" TO 13" (200 TO 330 mm) 0.057" (1.4 mm)


When replacing a roof system over a metal roof deck where the original assembly had been adhered with
asphalt, complete removal of all asphalt is not typically required. When FM insures the building, FM allows up to
15 lbs/square (0.73 kg/m2)** of asphalt to remain on the metal roof deck when certain insulations are part of the re-
placement roof system.
**Footnote: FM Property Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-29, “Above-deck Roof Components.”

712 Reroofing Part 1 - Low-slope Text

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition Wood Roof Decks

Most roof systems installed over a wood deck include a base sheet mechanically fastened to the deck. Generally,
removal of the roof system and the associated fasteners typically does not damage or reduce structural capacity of
wood roof decks. During removal, many base sheet fasteners may remain embedded in the deck; fasteners remain-
ing in the deck can be pulled out or hammered flush with the deck. It is acceptable that many of the existing fasten-
ers can remain in the deck when the new roof system is installed. With mechanically fastened insulations and mem-
branes, screw type fasteners are typically backed out of the deck prior to the installation of the new roof system.

Deteriorated areas should be cut out and replaced with material to closely match the existing thickness. The deck
should be sound and smooth, with fasteners flush to the deck, prior to the installation of the new roof system. New
wood decking, whether boards or planks, should be the same thickness and have similar strength characteristics
and span ratings, and should span the minimum spans recommended for the material. Deck fasteners that have
backed out should have a new fastener installed adjacent to it and the existing fastener should be removed. Loose,
or lifted boards, planks and corners should have additional fasteners installed to secure the existing deck in place.

Holes in wood roof decks that are approximately 10 inches (250 mm) wide can be covered with 24 gauge (0.025
inches [0.64 mm] thick) steel when insulation is installed as part of the roof assembly. When no insulation is used as
part of the roof assembly, holes in wood roof decks that are approximately 10 inches (250 mm) wide can be cov-
ered with 20 gauge (0.038 inches [0.97 mm] thick) steel. In both cases, the steel plate must overlap the wood roof
deck 4 inches (100 mm) minimum and be secured with fasteners at 4 inches (100 mm) on center.

NRCA does not recommend installation of roof systems over wood-plank roof decks that are less than 3⁄4 inch
(19 mm) minimum thickness and structural wood-panel roof decks, such as plywood and OSB, that are less than
⁄32 inch (12 mm) thick.

In recent years, the use of fire retardant treated (FRT) plywood has created potential hazards on roof systems.
Some types of FRT plywood can lose structural capacity when moisture or heat contacts the chemically treated
plywood. Special consideration should be given to investigating FRT decks before design and application of a
reroofing system. Replacement of these types of panels should be strongly considered. FRT plywood can be used
anywhere within a roof system but is typically used in conjunction with fire walls. FRT plywood is typically used to
provide a necessary fire-resistance rating for the building construction type. Removal and replacement of FRT ply-
wood should take into consideration the need for minimum fire resistance rating. Lightweight Insulating Concrete Roof Decks

NRCA recognizes two types of lightweight insulating concrete roof decks:
• those made with lightweight insulating aggregates composed of perlite or vermiculite
• those using pre-generated foam or another air entraining agent to form lightweight cellular concretes

Lightweight cellular concrete with air entraining agents contains less moisture as compared to lightweight insulating
concrete with insulating aggregate.

When replacing a roof system, the re-use of existing lightweight insulating concrete or lightweight cellular concrete
over a structural concrete roof deck is acceptable, as long as the lightweight insulating concrete or lightweight cel-
lular concrete is not deteriorated. NRCA does not recommend installation of a replacement roof system that in-
cludes new lightweight insulating concrete with insulating aggregates if it applied over a structural concrete deck.
The combination of the structural concrete deck and the replacement roof system does not allow the released
moisture to evaporate. This can result in noncured lightweight insulating concrete and/or roof membrane blisters.
However, installation of a replacement roof system and lightweight cellular concrete with an air entraining agent
over a structural concrete deck can be done successfully because of the minimal moisture release from the light-
weight cellular concrete.

Removal of the existing fasteners can cause damage to lightweight insulating concrete and lightweight cellular con-
crete. Some damage may not require repair. Some damage can be repaired by filling holes, or irregularities can be
covered by adding a layer of insulation over a mechanically attached base sheet; a minimum 1⁄2 inch (13 mm) thick
layer of insulation can be adhered over the base sheet over the deck to begin the process of reroofing. NRCA does
not recommend the use of fasteners that extend through the form deck or mechanical fasteners with a replacement
roof system over a lightweight insulating concrete or lightweight cellular concrete decks.

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Currently, securing a replacement roof system over an “aged” lightweight insulating concrete (LWIC) deck can be
done with new LWIC fasteners. For example, split shank fasteners can be used if a minimum 40 pounds (180 N) per
fastener pull-out resistance can be met. If less than 40 pounds (180 N) per fastener, the LWIC should be removed
and replaced with new LWIC or a new metal roof deck and insulation.

If the structure can support the additional weight, installation of a ballasted membrane replacement roof system
may be a solution in this situation. Therefore, removal of the existing lightweight insulating concrete may not be

If the lightweight insulating concrete is over a concrete deck, the load bearing capacity of the concrete deck is not
compromised by removal of the lightweight insulating concrete. If the lightweight insulating concrete is over steel
form-deck panels, corrugated metal deck or bulb-tees with form board, the load bearing capacity of the remaining
roof deck components is effectively nonexistent after removal of the lightweight insulating concrete.

For lightweight insulating concrete over bulb-tees or form-deck, the removal of fasteners and the subsequent
spalling of the top surface of the concrete can reduce the load capacity of the overall roof deck, as well.

If the lightweight insulating concrete was used to provide slope to drain, slope can be provided by adding tapered
insulation or sloping lightweight insulating concrete. Cementitious Wood-fiber Roof Decks

Cementitious wood-fiber deck panels provide structure, thermal and acoustical insulation, and are intended to be
left exposed on the interior to be the finished ceiling. Fasteners in cementitious wood-fiber decks can be removed.
Locking tube-type fasteners used for base sheets can be removed and new fasteners installed as part of the re-
placement roof system. Because cementitious wood-fiber deck panels are made with water-soluble binders, roof
leaks may weaken the panels, causing them to deflect or fail. If deflection of the panels is significant, proper instal-
lation of new base sheet fasteners may be difficult or impossible to achieve.

When existing toggle bolts and auger type fasteners are removed, NRCA recommends installation of a new struc-
tural roof deck because the structural capacity of the cementitious wood-fiber roof deck can be reduced. When the
existing roof system is removed, any necessary replacement and repair of panels should be performed prior to in-
stallation of the new roof system. It is important to check the attachment of the panel to the substructure. Checking
the panel attachment is the responsibility of the designer and most likely, should be inspected by a structural engi-
neer. Additional fasteners may be required for attachment of the panel to the sub-structure because of updated
wind-uplift-resistance requirements. New attachment must meet building code and/or insurance requirements.
NRCA recommends joints between panels greater than 1⁄4 inch (6 mm) be filled with grout or another compatible
material or be suitably spanned with an appropriate overlay. If the re-use of a cementitious wood-fiber roof deck is
considered, NRCA suggests consulting a structural engineer. Concrete Roof Decks

Once the existing roof system is removed, concrete spalls and deterioration should be repaired and the deck swept
and primed, if required, prior to installation of the new roof system. If the existing roof material cannot readily be re-
moved from the deck, the material must be well adhered and compatible with the new roof system. The existing
material must not prohibit the new roof system from being properly attached and installed smoothly and flat. To re-
pair small areas of concrete deterioration where there are no visible reinforcing bars, use a concrete repair method
that does not affect the new roof system, when installed according to instructions and allowed appropriate cure

Where concrete deck surfaces are irregular and not adequately level to accept rigid insulation board, it may be nec-
essary to install thinner layers or multiple layers of insulation to acquire a smooth surface for the rest of the roof

For prestressed or post-tensioned concrete decks, drilling into the deck can be detrimental to the load-bearing ca-
pacity of the deck because of the possibility of severing a tension cable. NRCA does not recommend attachment of
the roof insulation or membrane to concrete decks with mechanical fasteners. Poured-in-place or Gypsum Panel Roof Decks

The biggest concern when reroofing over poured-in-place gypsum roof decks is the fasteners intended for use with
new gypsum decks generally cannot be installed with cured gypsum decks. Because poured-in-place gypsum

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decks were mixed on site, variation in the mix design may allow the use of one or more of the mechanical fasteners
intended for new gypsum decks. Mechanical fasteners should not be used with gypsum planks as part of a reroof

Removal of fasteners, such as metal cone shank or split/separating shank with integral caps, used to attach an ini-
tial base layer can cause damage to the substrate, which may require repair. Minor damage may not require repair;
instead, a layer of insulation can be adhered over a mechanically attached base sheet. If the existing roof system
was attached with roofing nails or cut nails, damage to the gypsum deck should be relatively minor. Any form mate-
rial that will not support the newly installed, uncured gypsum deck will need to be replaced prior to re-pouring a
gypsum roof deck.

If the existing roof system was sprinkle- or strip-mopped to the deck, the removal process may only cause minor
damage to the deck. If the existing roof was solid mopped, the removal process may cause major damage to the
deck. If major damage occurs, consideration should be given to using a re-cover system. Fasteners for Cured Gypsum

When selecting an appropriate mechanical fastener, pull-out resistance and fastener density must be determined.
Easy installation of mechanical fasteners may indicate inadequate strength of the cured gypsum. Because the fas-
tener can be installed into the gypsum deck does not imply the pull-out resistance of the fastener will be achieved.
Twenty-five to 40 pounds (110 to 180 N) of pull-out resistance per fastener, depending on the fastener density,
should be an acceptable range. Direct Application of Insulation

Predrilling anchor holes or hammering a fastener into nonpredrilled gypsum can spall the bottom of the panel or
poured deck. Cured gypsum decks may be hard enough to prohibit the installation of anchors normally considered
acceptable for new gypsum decks. In some instances, poured gypsum decks may allow the installation of the fol-
lowing fasteners that are typically used with new construction to fasten the separation layer. See Figure 7.
• base sheet fasteners
• plastic threaded fasteners without barbs
• two-piece tube nails


Figure 7: Examples of fasteners for gypsum decks



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Preformed deck units are typically very hard and will require the use of hardened fasteners or adhesives to apply a
base sheet layer. For gypsum planks, only hardened nails may work; typically all other types of fasteners will spall
the gypsum panel. NRCA does not recommend the installation of fasteners that create large diameter holes, such
as augers or toggle bolts, in gypsum decks.

On cured gypsum roof decks or gypsum planks that do not accept fastener installation and the gypsum remains in
good condition, it may be acceptable to treat the cured gypsum as a concrete deck. Direct application of insulation
boards to primed gypsum decks, with hot asphalt or cold adhesives may be an acceptable method for attachment.
A test area may be necessary to determine the best method for preparing the cured poured-in-place gypsum deck
and installing the membrane.

4.2.2 Perimeter Conditions Wood Blocking
After removal of the existing roof system, the wood blocking at the perimeter will need to be inspected for deteriora-
tion, straightness, attachment to the substrate and fastener holding capacity. If equal heights of insulation are removed
and replaced, the wood blocking should not require any changes. Deteriorated, damaged or inadequately fastened
wood will need to be replaced with wood of similar dimensions. When pressure-treated wood is used, it is suggested
the wood be treated to a minimum of 0.4 pounds per square foot (6.4 kg/m3) with a wood preservative treatment.

Well-secured, preservative- and pressure-treated wood blocking should be designed and provided at all roof
perimeters and penetrations for fastening membrane flashing and sheet metal components. Wood nailers should be
provided at the tops of all prefabricated curbs for attachment of membrane base flashings. Flashing Heights

Existing perimeter flashing heights need to be assessed when installing a replacement roof system. With the poten-
tial increases in the amount of insulation thickness and with changes to the drainage layout of flat stock and ta-
pered insulation, the existing location of flashing terminations are likely located such that the new flashings may not
have an 8 inch (200 mm) height. It may be necessary to adjust flashing termination heights to accommodate exist-
ing conditions. It is good roofing practice to use 8 inch (200 mm) flashing heights. However, some reroofing consid-
erations may not allow this.

When reroofing changes the termination heights at parapets, there are several potential ways to terminate the roof
system, including:
• allow the new and existing construction conditions to dictate height of flashing
• increase the height of the parapet to accommodate higher base flashing height
• alter the detail — change from a traditional base flashing detail with vertical flashing to a perimeter edge detail
with horizontal flashing

Reglets in masonry walls can be relocated, if necessary, by using the appropriate cutting tool to create a new rag-
gle. If the existing raggle exceeds 1⁄2 inch (13 mm) wide, it should be filled to provide a smooth, solid surface for the
new membrane flashing.

Fixed flashings, such as through-wall flashings or large unaccessible curbs, typically govern the height of flashings
and terminations. Procedures for proper terminations may need to be adjusted if flashing heights are less than
8 inches (200 mm).

When tapered insulation is used, drains that are far apart may require a large buildup of tapered insulation prevent-
ing adequate flashing heights; drains that are close together require less build-up of tapered insulation to provide
positive drainage between drains. Adding new drains in conjunction with new tapered insulation and a new roof
system reduces the distance between drains and subsequently reduces the average thickness and total amount of
the tapered insulation.

4.2.3 Roof Penetrations

After removal of the existing roof system, the area around rooftop penetrations should be closely inspected. Be-
cause penetrations are common locations for moisture infiltration, deterioration of the roof deck and/or penetration
material, either prefabricated or site-built curbs is a greater possibility at these locations.

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Complete replacement of the roof system should include replacement of any materials that do not have remaining
service lives equivalent to the expected service life of the new roof system. Repairs to the penetration framing
structure also should be implemented as part of the installation of the new roof system.

4.3 Design Guidelines Specific to Re-cover

The following design considerations apply to all low-slope re-cover roof system design, except Section 4.3.6,
“Existing Membrane Preparation,” which includes discussion of re-cover issues based on the membrane type
to be re-covered.

4.3.1 Material Compatibility

When a re-cover system is installed with a separation layer or insulation, there is potential contact between new
and existing membranes at drains, perimeters and most penetrations. Because the insulation acts as a separating
layer, the new insulation needs to be compatible with both the new and existing membrane. A separation layer or
felt-backed or specially formulated membranes are required when incompatible products are present. Refer to the
manufacturer of the insulation and/or membrane for compatibility issues.

4.3.2 Removal of Wet Insulation

Although the application of a new roof covering over the existing membrane is sometimes practical and advanta-
geous, there is danger of entrapping moisture within the existing roofing materials and insulation. If moisture is en-
trapped, blisters and other problems may occur, which could result in shortened service life of the new membrane
or system. The existing roof membrane and insulation must not be wet if an additional roof membrane or system is
to be installed.

Before installation of a re-cover roof system, wet insulation should be removed. Roof cuts, nondestructive evalua-
tion (NDE), observations of the underside of the deck, review of historical records and observations of the roof
membrane should allow the specifier or contractor to reasonably determine the location of wet insulation or trapped

If moisture is entrapped, blisters and other problems are likely and may result in early failure of the new roof system.
Mechanically fastening through existing wet insulation can corrode the existing fasteners or new fasteners that are
anchoring the new roof system. Areas of deteriorated deck should be repaired prior to installation of a new roof
system. Any existing deck deterioration that cannot be corrected could, if allowed to continue, result in insufficient
fastener holding power and/or structural roof deck failure.

4.3.3 Wood Blocking

After removal of the existing roof system, the wood blocking at the perimeter will need to be inspected for deterio-
ration, straightness, attachment to the substrate and fastener holding capacity. If equal heights of insulation are re-
moved and replaced, the wood blocking should not require any changes. Replacement of deteriorated, damaged or
inadequately fastened wood will need to be replaced with wood of similar dimensions. When pressure-treated
wood is used, it is suggested to be treated to a minimum of 0.4 pounds per square foot (6.4 kg/m3) with a wood
preservative treatment.

Well-secured, preservative- and pressure-treated wood blocking should be designed and provided at all roof
perimeters and penetrations for fastening membrane flashing and sheet metal components. Wood nailers should be
provided at the tops of all prefabricated curbs for attachment of membrane base flashings.

4.3.4 Installation Methods

Re-cover roof systems can be installed in three ways: 1) mechanically fastened, 2) adhered, and 3) loose-laid and
ballasted. All re-cover roof systems add weight to the roof, especially ballasted systems, and weight should be
considered when installing a re-cover roof system. Mechanically fastened systems rely on the pull-out resistance of
the fasteners to provide attachment and wind uplift resistance. Adhered systems rely on the existing system’s at-
tachment for wind uplift resistance, and compatibility of the existing system and the adhesive, such as hot or cold
bitumen or contact adhesives, should be evaluated. Loose-laid and ballasted systems rely on the weight of the bal-
last to provide wind-uplift resistance.

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4.3.5 Separation Layer

NRCA suggests the use of a separation layer prior to installation of the re-cover roof system. For example, installa-
tion of a hot-applied re-cover BUR or modified bitumen roof system over an aggregate-surfaced BUR requires the
use of an appropriate separation layer. However, there are systems that do not require a separation layer.

The most common types of separation layers used in conjunction with a re-cover roof systems are as follows:
• roof insulations
• non-woven matts
• mineral boards
• base sheets

A separation layer can be used to:

• provide a clean, dry, smooth and level surface
• separate incompatible materials
• allow for differential movement between roof systems
• separate the new roof system from the problems of the existing roof system

4.3.6 Existing System Preparation

The following text discusses the preparation of the existing system and those types of separation layers appropri-
ate to the specific system type being re-covered. Existing Built-up and Modified Bitumen Membranes

The following recommendations are specific to the preparation of existing built-up and modified bitumen mem-
branes prior to the installation of a re-cover roof system.
• Remove loose aggregate surfacing, large buildups of bituminous coatings, large buckles or blisters; repair any
deficiency that prevents a proper installation of the re-cover roof system.
• Remove and replace areas of wet and deteriorated insulation to match the height of the existing system.
• Remove the existing base flashings.

If the existing uninsulated roof membrane is to be used as a vapor retarder, the flashings should remain in place
and the existing membrane and flashings should be repaired sufficiently to perform as a vapor retarder.

Only insulation boards should be used as separation layers over aggregate-surfaced BUR systems. Insulation
boards, non-woven matts, mineral boards or base sheets are used as separation layers for granule-surfaced or
smooth-surfaced BUR or modified bitumen membranes.

NRCA does not recommend mechanically fastening a re-cover system through an existing coal-tar built-up roof
system due to the possibility of bitumen drippage. Existing Metal Panel Roof Systems

The following general recommendations are specific to the preparation of existing metal panel roof systems before
the installation of a re-cover roof system.
• Remove loose material and debris. Clean the metal of oil, film and contaminants.
• Apply rust-inhibiting primer to the areas that are deteriorated prior to installation of a re-cover roof system.
• Remove and replace areas of wet or deteriorated insulation.

When re-covering a structural metal roof system, the existing structural metal roof panels may become the structur-
al support, unless the re-cover system is a structural metal panel roof system and is attached directly to the struc-
ture. This type of installation can have significant issues to address, including:

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• Metal roof panels and structural metal decks are not the same; fastener pull-out resistance values can be vastly
• A re-cover system may not meet building code requirements for fire resistance and wind uplift resistance.
• An existing metal roof system must be able to support the additional loads.

It is recommended to attach a re-cover roof system into the existing structure, such as the structural framing

Insulation boards generally are used as separation layers for metal roof systems when a membrane re-cover roof
system is used. When installing a metal roof system over an existing metal roof system, C, Z or hat channels are
typically used and insulation may be installed between the channels. Existing Spray Polyurethane Foam-based Systems

The following general recommendations are specific to the preparation of existing SPF-based roof systems prior to
the installation of a re-cover roof system.
• Remove loose materials and debris.
• Remove and replace areas of wet or deteriorated insulation to match the height of the existing system.

Re-covering an SPF-based roof system can be done in a number of ways, including:

• A new roof system can be installed over an existing level SPF-based roof system when an insulation board is
• A new SPF-based roof system over an existing SPF-based system typically does not require the use of a separa-
tion layer of insulation board.

- A new SPF-based roof system can be installed directly to an existing elastomeric-coated SPF-based roof sys-
tem after proper surfacing preparation, cleaning and removal of blistered areas in the foam or coating. It is not
recommended to re-cover a silicone elastomeric coating.

- A new SPF-based roof system can be installed directly to an existing SPF roof system after scarifying and
priming the top surface. Existing Thermoplastic and Thermoset Membranes

The following general recommendations are specific to the preparation of existing thermoplastic and thermoset
membranes before the installation of a re-cover roof system:
• Remove all ballast, loose material and debris.
• Remove and replace areas of wet or deteriorated insulation to match the height of the existing system.
• Remove the existing base flashings.

Insulation boards, non-woven matts, cementitious boards or base sheets are used as separation layers over fully-
adhered, mechanically fastened, or loose-laid and ballasted single ply roof systems.

Existing membranes should be cut to relieve existing stress within the membrane. It is suggested to refer to the
manufacturer of the re-cover membrane or system to determine whether the existing membrane is required to be
cut or sliced.

4.3.7 Specific Re-cover Roof System Recommendations Re-covering with a BUR or Modified Bitumen Roof System
The following is a list of general recommendations for re-covering with a BUR or modified bitumen roof system over
an existing roof system.
• The existing roof system and the BUR or modified bitumen roof system must be compatible or appropriately

Reroofing Part 1 - Low-slope Text 719

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

• The roof deck should be secured to the structure of the building, support the design live load and dead load re-
quired for the building, and provide the necessary pull-out resistance for fasteners used with mechanically at-
tached re-cover BUR or modified bitumen roof systems.
• If the re-cover BUR or modified bitumen roof system is fully adhered to the existing roof system, the existing roof
membrane and insulation, if any, should be secured to the roof deck according to appropriate wind uplift resist-
ance requirements. The surface of the existing roof system may require washing and/or may need to be primed
with a compatible primer to enhance adhesion before application of the adhered BUR or modified bitumen roof
• The existing roof system should be inspected and, if necessary, tested to determine whether excess moisture is
present within the roof assembly. Wet insulation must be removed and replaced with compatible materials. Non-
destructive evaluation techniques should be considered to detect moisture within the existing roof assembly. De-
tected locations of moisture should be confirmed with core cuts. Confirmed areas of moisture must be removed
prior to new roof application and replaced using compatible materials.
• Visually inspect the existing roof system for shrinkage, ridging, splitting, cracking, and repair appropriately. Se-
cure or remove portions that may present problems.

Refer to Low-slope text portion of The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual, Fifth Edition, for additional infor-
mation about BUR and modified bitumen roof systems. Re-covering with a Metal Panel Roof System

The following is a list of general recommendations for re-covering with a metal panel roof system over an existing
roof system.
• The existing roof system and metal panel roof system must be compatible or appropriately separated.
• The roof deck should be secured to the structure of the building, should support the design live load and dead
load required for the building, and should provide the necessary pull-out resistance for fasteners used with me-
chanically attached re-cover metal panel roof systems.
• The existing roof system should be inspected and, if necessary, tested to determine whether excess moisture is
present within the roof assembly. Wet insulation must be removed and replaced with compatible materials. Non-
destructive evaluation techniques should be considered to detect moisture within the existing roof assembly. De-
tected locations of moisture should be confirmed with core cuts. Confirmed areas of moisture must be removed
prior to new roof application and replaced using compatible materials.
• Visually inspect the existing roof system for dimensional stability, such as movement, shrinkage, ridging, splitting
and cracking, and make repairs appropriately. Secure or remove portions that may present problems.

A method for using structural metal roof systems for reroofing is the installation of a new metal roof system over an
existing low-slope roof assembly. See Figure 8. It is essential that positive slope be achieved when reroofing with
metal. Slope can be provided using a post and purlin system. Metal posts and purlins are properly attached to the
structure in a graduated manner, in which a positive slope to drain is achieved. NRCA suggests that design of metal
framing systems provide for a minimum of 1⁄2:12 (2.4 degrees) slope for structural metal panel roof systems. The
metal posts and purlins are attached to the existing structural framing, usually at a 4 foot to 5 foot (1.2 m to 1.5 m)
spacing, with “Z” purlins running perpendicular to the new panels. This method of erecting a new structure over the
existing low-slope roof system with positive slope allows for the application of the new metal panels. Structural
loads and framing spacing must be evaluated by the designer to assure the application is sound and that the exist-
ing building can support the new system.

720 Reroofing Part 1 - Low-slope Text

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition




Figure 8: A structural metal roof system for reroofing over an existing low-slope roof assembly

Structural framing systems are made of metal girts, purlins or metal tubing. Designs can vary greatly, depending on
the engineering and the system manufacturer. The framing must be adjustable so that it will create the necessary
slope for the metal panel system being installed. The framing system must also be able to accommodate irregulari-
ties in the surface of the existing substrate. This can be accomplished by use of framing members that are pre-
punched or pre-drilled in multiple locations or have pivot attachments to allow such adjustments and by “shim-
ming” or cutting the framing as necessary in the field.

Framing systems are made of steel, and range from 24 to 18 gauge (0.025 inches to 0.050 inches [0.64 mm to
1.27 mm] thick). The steel should be galvanized to protect against corrosion from potential condensation that may
occur in the attic cavity between the old and new roof systems. The metal roof assembly should include sufficient
insulation, as well as positive ventilation where cavities or attic spaces are created.

Framing systems must be engineered to transfer roof loading to the existing structural members supporting the ex-
isting roof deck. The transfer of loads to a point between structural members can lead to deck failure. Reinforce-
ment of the existing structure usually is not required because the metal framing system and panels are relatively
lightweight. However, the existing roof deck and structure must be examined to determine whether they are
adequate to support loads and whether structural upgrading is required prior to application of new metal roof

In some cases, new metal roof framing is attached by an individual base plate that is located directly over an exist-
ing structural member. It is important to ensure that the new framing rests on a surface that is rigid enough to sup-
port it. The existing roof system is removed where the vertical framing members occur so that the new framing
bears directly on the existing structural members.

During erection of the framing system, it is important to maintain the watertight integrity of the existing roof system.
NRCA recommends sealing the framing attachment points to prevent water damage that could occur prior to com-
pletion of the new roof assembly. Sealing the framing members also allows the existing roof membrane to act as a
vapor retarder. In addition, re-installation of removed insulation may be necessary to prevent heat loss at framing
attachment points.

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The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

The following are additional considerations:

• The existing roof penetrations need to be extended through the new roof system and flashed in a watertight
• Proper ventilation is needed in the “attic” space to prevent condensation under the metal roof system.
• The existing deck needs to be able to provide adequate pull-out resistance and the structure needs to be able to
support the new framing. If the underside of the roof deck is exposed, fasteners penetrating through the deck
may not be desired.
• Perimeter edges need to be designed to allow for proper drainage.
• Water run off from the roof panels should be controlled.
• The metal re-cover roof system can change the aesthetic appearance of a building.
• Where internal gutters are created, consideration should be given to possible freeze/thaw damage and potential
• Additional insulation may be added by installing rigid or batt insulation over the existing roof system. Verification
of dew point location should be considered.
• Sliding or falling snow and ice must be considered, especially when higher sloped roof systems are used. Snow-
guards should be considered where snow and ice may fall in traffic areas.
• Through-wall flashings may need to be moved to ensure that weep holes are not located below the metal panel
roof system.

Refer to the Architectural Sheet Metal and Metal Roofing section of The NRCA Metal Roofing Manual, Fifth Edition,
for additional information on metal panel roof systems. Re-covering with a SPF-based Roof System

The following is a list of general recommendations for re-covering with a SPF-based roof system over an existing
roof system:
• The existing roof system and SPF-based roof system must be compatible, allowing for adhesion between the
• The roof deck should be secured to the structure of the building and should support the design live load and
dead load required for the building. The existing roof membrane and insulation, if any, should be secured to the
roof deck according to appropriate wind uplift resistance requirements.
• The existing roof system should be inspected and, if necessary, tested to determine whether excess moisture is
present within the roof assembly. Wet insulation must be removed and replaced with compatible materials. When
a SPF-based roof system is used in recover situations, non-destructive evaluation techniques should be consid-
ered to detect moisture within the existing roof assembly. Detected locations of moisture should be confirmed
with core cuts. Confirmed areas of moisture must be removed prior to new roof system application and replaced
using materials compatible with spray polyurethane foam.
• Visually inspect the existing roof system for shrinkage, ridging, splitting and cracking, and make appropriate re-
pairs. Secure or remove portions that may present problems.
• Loose-laid or mechanically fastened membrane systems and loose-laid insulation must be removed or properly
• Most fully-adhered membrane systems may receive direct application of a SPF-based roof system. The surface
may require washing or need to be primed with a compatible primer to enhance foam adhesion before applica-
tion of the spray polyurethane foam. Consult the polyurethane foam manufacturer for specific information about
primers required for specific membrane types and foam compounds.

The following are brief guidelines for applying SPF-based roof systems over each of the common types of roof

SPF-based application over a BUR or a modified bitumen system:

• An SPF-based roof system may be applied directly to an existing BUR or polymer-modified bitumen roof mem-
brane when the surface has been cleaned. Loose gravel, granules, dust and residue should be removed using

722 Reroofing Part 1 - Low-slope Text

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

power wet vacuum equipment, a power sweeper, air blowing or other suitable means. Coated smooth-surface
roof systems should be prepared by power washing or a suitable means to ensure foam adhesion. Priming of
previously coated areas may be necessary.
• The existing roof system should be inspected for adhesion between plies, insulation and deck. Areas of ques-
tionable adhesion may need to be mechanically fastened. Blisters, buckles, wrinkles and fishmouths shall be cut
out or mechanically fastened.
• Spray polyurethane foam should not be applied over soft mastic, cold process adhesives or other materials that
impede polyurethane adhesion.

Refer to the Spray Polyurethane Foam-based Roofing section of The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual,
Fifth Edition for additional information. Re-covering with a Thermoplastic or Thermoset Roof System

The following is a list of general recommendations for re-covering with a thermoplastic or thermoset roof system
over an existing roof system.
• The existing roof system and the thermoplastic or thermoset roof system must be compatible or appropriately
• The roof deck should be secured to the structure of the building, support the design live load and dead load re-
quired for the building and provide the necessary pull-out resistance for fasteners used with mechanically at-
tached re-cover thermoplastic or thermoset roof systems.
• If the re-cover thermoplastic or thermoset roof system is fully adhered to the existing roof system, the existing
roof membrane and insulation, if any, should be secured to the roof deck according to appropriate wind uplift
resistance requirements. The surface of the existing roof system may require washing or need to be primed with
a compatible primer to enhance adhesion before application of the adhered thermoplastic or thermoset roof
• The existing roof system should be inspected and, if necessary, tested to determine whether excess moisture is
present within the roof assembly. Wet insulation must be removed and replaced with compatible materials. Non-
destructive evaluation techniques should be considered to detect moisture within the existing roof assembly. De-
tected locations of moisture should be confirmed with core cuts. Confirmed areas of moisture must be removed
before new roof application and replaced using compatible materials.
• Visually inspect the existing roof system for shrinkage, ridging, splitting and cracking and make repairs appropri-
ately. Secure or remove portions that may present problems.

Refer to the Low-slope text portion of The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual, Fifth Edition, for additional in-
formation on thermoplastic and thermoset roof systems.


Once the above considerations have been addressed and the necessary preparations and/or modifications have
been made, a new roof system can be installed. Information regarding the installation of the new roof system can
be found in the appropriate section of The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual, Fifth Edition.

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The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

1. Introduction ..............................................................................................................729
2. Replacement Triggers ................................................................................................733 O
2.1 Building Code Requirements ........................................................................................733 O
2.2 Roof Deck Condition ...................................................................................................733 F
2.3 Ice-dam Protection, Vapor Retarders and Ventilation .......................................................734
2.3.1 Ice-dam Protection ..................................................................................................734
2.3.2 Vapor Retarders and Ventilation ................................................................................734

2.4 Steep-slope Re-cover Matrix ........................................................................................735 P

2.5 Summary of Replacement Triggers ...............................................................................737
3. The Decision to Replace or Re-cover ...........................................................................737
3.1 Considerations to Determine Replacement or Re-cover....................................................737

3.1.1 Observations of a Roof Deck’s Underside ....................................................................737 2 Roof Deck Type....................................................................................................737
S Roof Deck Deterioration........................................................................................737
3.1.2 Load Considerations ................................................................................................738
3.1.3 Site-specific Considerations ......................................................................................738 E
3.1.4 Hidden Conditions ...................................................................................................738 P
3.1.5 Summary...............................................................................................................739
3.2 Evaluation of Existing Asphalt Shingle Roof Assemblies .....................................................739
3.2.1 Roof Covering Condition ...........................................................................................739 O
3.2.2 Flashing Condition ...................................................................................................739 P
3.2.3 Drainage and Slope .................................................................................................740 E

3.2.4 Roof System Composition.........................................................................................740

3.2.5 Historical File .........................................................................................................740

3.2.6 Other Leak Sources.................................................................................................740

3.2.7 Ventilation..............................................................................................................741

3.3 Evaluation of Existing Metal Roof Assemblies ..................................................................741

3.3.1 Roof Covering Condition ...........................................................................................741

3.3.2 Flashing Condition ...................................................................................................742

Contents 725
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

3.3.3 Drainage and Slope .................................................................................................742

3.3.4 Roof System Composition.........................................................................................742

3.3.5 Historical File .........................................................................................................743

3.3.6 Other Leak Sources.................................................................................................743

3.3.7 Ventilation..............................................................................................................743

3.4 Evaluation of Existing Wood Shingle Roof Assemblies .......................................................744

3.4.1 Roof Covering Condition ...........................................................................................744

3.4.2 Flashing Condition ...................................................................................................744

3.4.3 Drainage and Slope .................................................................................................745

3.4.4 Roof System Composition.........................................................................................745

3.4.5 Historical File .........................................................................................................745

3.4.6 Other Leak Sources.................................................................................................745

3.4.7 Ventilation..............................................................................................................746

4. Design Guidelines for Reroofing..................................................................................746

4.1. Design Guidelines for Replacement or Re-cover .............................................................746

4.1.1 Regulatory Requirements .........................................................................................746 Building Code Requirements ..................................................................................746 Wind-uplift-resistance Requirements ....................................................................746 Fire-resistance Requirements .............................................................................747 Insurance Requirements Specific to a Building ..........................................................747

4.1.2 Load Capacity.........................................................................................................747

4.1.3 Roof System Performance........................................................................................747 Drainage and Slope ..............................................................................................747 Ventilation...........................................................................................................747 Flashings ............................................................................................................748 Curb Height .....................................................................................................749 Roof-to-wall Terminations....................................................................................749 Through-wall Flashings .......................................................................................749

4.1.4 Construction Loads .................................................................................................749

726 Contents
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

4.1.5 Summary...............................................................................................................749

4.2 Design Guidelines Specific to Replacement.....................................................................749

4.2.1 Roof Deck Preparation.............................................................................................749 Wood Roof Decks ................................................................................................750 Metal Roof Decks ................................................................................................751

4.2.2 Perimeter Conditions...............................................................................................752

4.2.3 Penetrations ..........................................................................................................752

4.3 Design Guidelines Specific to Re-cover...........................................................................752

4.3.1 Steep-slope Re-cover Matrix .....................................................................................752

4.3.2 Direct Application Over an Existing Roof System...........................................................754

4.3.3 Preparation of Existing Roof Covering Material.............................................................754 Existing Asphalt Shingles .......................................................................................754 Existing Wood Shingles .........................................................................................755 Existing Metal Roof Systems ..................................................................................755

5. Guidelines for the New Roof System...........................................................................756

6. Appendix ...................................................................................................................756

6.1 List of References......................................................................................................756

6.2 Low-slope Roof System Weights...................................................................................757

6.3 Steep-slope Roof Covering Weights...............................................................................757

Contents 727
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

The decision that needs to be made when reroofing a building is whether to replace or re-cover an existing roof
system. This manual is written presuming an existing roof system is no longer capable of providing useful service
life. The following describes a process that can be followed when deciding to replace or re-cover. The following
flow chart is intended to be used as a guide when referencing this manual for reroofing projects.


4.1 4.2

EVALUATE 5 Figure 1: Flow chart
GENERAL showing the use of
CONSIDERATIONS this manual’s steep-
slope reroofing



4.1 4.3


Reroofing Part 2 - Steep-slope Text 729

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

There are a number of factors or conditions that can preclude the possibility of installing a re-cover roof system.
These are called replacement triggers in this manual. This information is contained in the steep-slope portion of this
manual in Part II, Section Two, “Replacement Triggers.” If a replacement trigger exists, a roof system must be re-
placed and, therefore, there is no need to continue to Part II, Section Three, “The Decision to Replace or Re-cover.”
If a replacement trigger does not exist, evaluation of an existing roof assembly is necessary before the decision to
replace or re-cover can be made. This information is contained in the steep-slope portion of this manual in Part II,
Section Three, “The Decision to Replace or Re-cover.”

Determining if replacement triggers exist requires some type of evaluation of an existing roof covering, system or
assembly. Part II, Section Three, “The Decision to Replace or Re-cover,” discusses the conditions that are unique to
the evaluation of each of the potentially re-coverable types of steep-slope roof assemblies and also discusses the
conditions that are common to the evaluation of the potentially re-coverable steep-slope roof assemblies. Only after
careful observation and evaluation can the decision to replace or re-cover be made.

Part II, Section Four, “Design Guidelines for Reroofing,” discusses the design considerations that are unique to
reroofing each of the steep-slope roof systems, discusses the design considerations unique to replacement roof
systems and discusses the design considerations unique to re-cover roof systems. Design considerations for
reroofing that are similar to design considerations for new roofing can be found in other sections of The NRCA
Roofing and Waterproofing Manual, Fifth Edition.

Each roof assembly is unique because every building and its use are unique in some way. Therefore, it is impossible
to address every condition that may be encountered during a reroofing project. This manual provides information
applicable to many conditions commonly encountered during a reroofing project.

Steep-slope roof assemblies are typically composed of the following interrelated components: roof covering and
underlayment; insulation, if in contact with the roof deck; and roof deck. Unlike low-slope roof assemblies that in-
corporate a weatherproof membrane, steep-slope roof assemblies incorporate a water-shedding roof covering con-
sisting of individual overlapped pieces.

Even though many low-slope roof systems can be used for steep-slope applications, this document will not discuss
low-slope systems used in steep-slope applications. Specifically, it will discuss only steep-slope roof systems that
are water-shedding.

Steep-slope roof coverings can be described as individual units designed for installation with similar units in over-
lapping rows or courses on slopes greater than 3:12 (14 degrees). There are many types of steep-slope roof materi-
als, including asphalt shingles, clay and concrete tile, fiber cement, metal shingles and panels, slate, wood fiber,
and wood shingles and shakes.
• Asphalt shingles are manufactured by coating an organic or glass-fiber reinforcing material with a filled asphalt
and having the weather side coated with granules or foil.
• Clay and concrete tile is composed of either a clay or concrete mix.
• Fiber-cement products are composed of an inorganic binder and calcareous material reinforced by organic
and/or inorganic fibers.
• Metal shingles are interlocking metal sheets having an installed weather exposure less then 3 square feet
(279,000 mm2 or 0.28 m2) per sheet, and are formed (e.g., press or roll formed) from aluminum, copper, steel
(galvanized or stainless) or zinc, some of which are precoated or granule surfaced.
• Metal panels are interlocking metal sheets having a minimum installed weather exposure of 3 square feet
(279,000 mm2 or 0.28 m2) per sheet, and are formed (e.g., press or roll formed) from aluminum, copper, steel
(galvanized or stainless) or zinc, some of which are precoated or granule surfaced.
• Slate is composed of a natural, hard, metamorphic rock.
• Wood shingles and shakes are cut or split from cedar or pine.

Steep-slope roof assemblies can be compact or ventilated. Compact roof assemblies, also known as warm roof as-
semblies, incorporate insulation directly above or below a roof deck. See Figure 2. Typical steep-slope roof assem-
blies are designed to be ventilated roof systems, or cold roof assemblies, that incorporate ventilation cavities be-
neath roof decks. See Figure 3. The ventilation cavity may be the attic or a space just below the surface to which a
roof covering is applied.

730 Reroofing Part 2 - Steep-slope Text

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Figure 2: Typical warm roof assemblies

Reroofing Part 2 - Steep-slope Text 731

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition
















Figure 3: Typical cold roof assemblies

732 Reroofing Part 2 - Steep-slope Text

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

In this manual, the following terms, as defined below, will be used extensively:
• Re-covering: the addition of a new low-slope roof membrane or system or steep-slope roof covering over the top of
a major portion of an existing roof assembly. This process leaves in place most or all of the existing roof materials.
• Replacement: the removal of an existing roof system and installation of a new roof system. It is also known as
“tear-off and replacement.”
• Reroofing: the process of re-covering or tearing-off and replacing an existing roof system.

When maintenance and repair can no longer prevent recurrent leakage or extend useful service life, consideration
must be given to roof system replacement or re-cover when the following occur:
• repair expenditures become excessive
• leakage becomes intolerable
• damage is occurring to structural components
• damage is occurring to building contents

Once it is determined that a roof system has no remaining service life, the decision to re-cover or replace it must be
made. There are a number of factors or conditions, called replacement triggers, that preclude the use of a re-cover
roof system and dictate the tear-off and replacement of an existing roof system.

2.1 Building Code Requirements

A new roof system should comply with the requirements of the applicable building code. Building code require-
ments change over time. Previous roof system design may not comply with current code requirements. If an exist-
ing roof system does not meet the requirements of the building code, installation of a re-cover roof system also
may not meet building code requirements. For example, the model building codes have specific requirements re-
garding the number of layers of roof systems that can be installed on commercial and residential buildings. This
information must be verified with the applicable local building code before reroofing.

Wind-uplift-resistance and fire-resistance ratings are as applicable to reroofing projects as to new construction
projects. The installation of a roof system over an existing roof system that cannot be adequately resecured may
not provide required wind-uplift-resistance and fire-resistance ratings. Re-cover roof systems without mechanical
attachment to existing roof decks are relying on the wind-uplift properties of the existing roof systems. The combi-
nation of a re-cover and an existing roof system may not meet required building code wind-uplift classifications.

Building codes may have specific requirements regarding the number of layers of roof systems that can be installed
on commercial and residential buildings. Check local codes for specific requirements and limitations. Limitations
also may apply to percentages of roof system replacement. For roofs with multiple roof coverings, NRCA recom-
mends removal of all layers of roof coverings before installation of a replacement roof system.

Meeting or exceeding the requirements of the applicable building code may mandate the use of a replacement roof
system in lieu of a re-cover roof system.

2.2 Roof Deck Condition

NRCA does not recommend installation of a re-cover roof system over a deteriorated roof deck. If a roof deck is
deteriorated, the deck should be repaired or replaced during roof system replacement. Corrosion or degradation
visible from the roof deck’s underside may not adequately predict the extent of roof deck corrosion or degradation
that may exist on the top surface of the roof deck.

Fastener holding capacity can be significantly reduced as well as the overall load capacity of a deck. NRCA is con-
cerned with potential fastener-holding problems and dimensional stability due to the effects of moisture where ori-
ented strand board (OSB) and other nonveneer products, including fire resistance treated (FRT) plywood, are used
as roof decks. Refer to roofing manufacturers’ specifications for acceptable wood panel roof deck materials.

Reroofing Part 2 - Steep-slope Text 733

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

NRCA does not recommend the reuse of existing, nonvented nail board roof decks composed of rigid insulation
and plywood or OSB. Installation of a new nailable deck may be required for adequate fastener-holding capacity.
The addition of a new nailing layer is an opportunity to provide a ventilation space.

2.3 Ice-dam Protection, Vapor Retarders and Ventilation

2.3.1 Ice-dam Protection
If there is a history of perimeter edge leakage, NRCA recommends installation of an ice-dam protection membrane.
Ice-dam protection is used to assist in minimizing water backup from migrating under a roof system. Ice-dam pro-
tection, consisting of a self-adhering polymer-modified bitumen membrane or two layers of asphalt-saturated felts
cemented together, is used in steep-slope roof systems located where the January mean temperature is 30° F
(-1° C) or less. For roofs with slopes equal to or greater than 4:12 (18 degrees), ice-dam protection should be ap-
plied starting from the downslope perimeter extending upslope a minimum of 24 inches (610 mm) horizontally from
the inside of the exterior wall line of the building.




(910 mm)

Figure 4: Typical ice-dam

protection configuration

(50 mm)
(610 mm) OR 36" (910 mm), AS REQUIRED,


2.3.2 Vapor Retarders and Ventilation

It may be necessary to remove an existing roof system to install a vapor retarder if:
• a vapor retarder was needed though never installed
• there are signs of condensation problems
• the building’s interior processes or environment produces considerable moisture vapor

734 Reroofing Part 2 - Steep-slope Text

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

The necessity to install a vapor retarder during roof system replacement usually is associated with a change in
building use that results in an increased generation of moisture in the interior.

The correct location for a vapor retarder is the warm side of the insulation. For steep-slope roof assemblies con-
structed as cold roof assemblies, vapor retarders are located on the warm side of insulation. For steep-slope roof
assemblies constructed as warm roof assemblies, vapor retarders are located on the warm side of the insulation
and may need to be installed when reroofing. When a vapor retarder is located in the ceiling level and not part of a
roof system, this is not an issue during steep-slope reroofing projects.

Inspection of the underside of a roof deck can provide information regarding the need for ventilation. Staining and
mold growth on a wood structure, rust on the underside of a metal deck and deterioration from moisture on con-
crete and gypsum decks can be indications of inadequate ventilation.

2.4 Steep-slope Re-cover Matrix

The following table provides guidance regarding which steep-slope systems may be re-covered and which systems
can be used to re-cover an existing steep-slope roof system.

Reroofing Part 2 - Steep-slope Text 735

Steep-Slope Re-cover Matrix

Existing Re-cover Material
Asphalt strip/ Asphalt Asphalt Clay tile Concrete Metal Metal panel — Metal panel — Slate Wood Wood
three-tab t-lock laminate tile shingles architectural structural shingle shake
Asphalt strip/
three- tab Yes Yes Yes Yes-1 Yes-1 Yes-3 Yes Yes Yes-1 NR Yes
Asphalt t-lock Yes-2 Yes-2 Yes-2 Yes-1 Yes-1 Yes-3 Yes-2 Yes-2 Yes-1 NR Yes
laminate Yes-2 Yes-2 Yes-2 Yes-1 Yes-1 Yes-3 Yes-2 Yes-2 Yes-1 NR Yes
Concrete tile NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR
Metal shingles Yes-2, 3 Yes-2, 3 Yes-2, 3 Yes-1, 3 Yes-1, 3 Yes-3 Yes-2, 3 Yes-2, 3 Yes-3 Yes-3 Yes-3
Metal panel—
architectural NR NR NR NR NR NR NR Yes-4 NR NR NR
Metal panel—
structural NR NR NR NR NR NR NR Yes-4 NR NR NR

Reroofing Part 2 - Steep-slope Text

Wood shingles Yes-2 Yes-2 Yes-2 Yes-1 Yes-1 Yes-3 Yes-2 Yes-2 Yes-1 Yes Yes
Table 1: Steep-slope re-cover matrix

Note: Wind-uplift and fire-resistance ratings are as applicable to reroofing projects as to new construction projects. The installation of a roof system
over an existing roof system may not provide required wind-uplift and fire-resistance ratings. For roofs with multiple roof coverings, NRCA recom-
mends removal of all layers of roof coverings before installation of a replacement roof system.

NR, Not Recommended

Yes-1, before re-covering with this material, NRCA recommends the additional weight be considered.

Yes-2, because of the uneven surface of the existing materials, the aesthetic appeal of the roof system may be compromised.
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Yes-3, because of the numerous profiles of metal shingles, re-cover options cannot be clearly defined.

Yes-4, proper securement issues are a concern.

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

2.5 Summary of Replacement Triggers

The replacement trigger topics are:
• building code requirements
• roof deck condition
• ice-dam protection, vapor retarders and ventilation
• re-coverable and nonre-coverable systems (steep-slope re-cover matrix)

If no replacement triggers exist, the decision to replace or re-cover an existing roof system still needs to be deter-
mined and a more extensive investigation should be made. Based on these additional observations and possibly on
destructive or nondestructive evaluations, the decision to replace or re-cover can be made. The discussions in Part
II, Section 3, “The Decision to Replace or Re-cover” provide information to assist in continuing the evaluation of an
existing roof assembly to determine whether to replace or re-cover.


This section discusses the composition of an existing roof covering—its physical attributes and drainage character-
istics—and other conditions used to evaluate an existing roof assembly and help determine whether the roof sys-
tem must be replaced or if it can be re-covered.

This section is separated into four subsections: the first subsection discusses the conditions that are typical to all
the common, re-coverable types of steep-slope roof systems; the last three subsections discuss the conditions that
are typical to each common, re-coverable steep-slope roof system - asphalt shingles, wood shingles, and metal
shingles and metal panels.

3.1 Considerations to Determine Replacement or Re-cover

The following considerations apply to the evaluation of steep-slope roof assemblies when deciding to replace or re-
cover. The evaluation of an existing roof assembly can help determine causes for its condition. Determining the causes
for the condition of an existing roof assembly also allows for the correction of the deficiencies before reroofing.

3.1.1 Observations of a Roof Deck’s Underside

Where possible, observations of a roof deck’s underside should be made. Certain types of construction or building
use may limit or eliminate the possibility to make underside observations.

If asbestos-containing fireproofing material is present on the underside of a roof deck, the building owner is respon-
sible for having the asbestos-containing material removed or abated in accordance with local and federal regula-
tions. This material should be abated before a reroofing project begins. Roof Deck Type

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual, Fifth Edition, lists the following steep-slope deck types:
• wood planks (solid deck)
• wood boards (solid deck or skip/spaced sheathing)
• structural wood panels
• metal (some steep-slope roof coverings require a nailable surface placed over metal decks)

NRCA is concerned about potential fastener-holding problems and dimensional stability due to the effects of mois-
ture where OSB and other nonveneer products are used as roof decks. Refer to roofing manufacturers’ specifica-
tions for acceptable wood panel roof deck materials. Roof Deck Deterioration

Stains, rust and degradation on a roof deck’s underside are indications that there is or has been some type of prob-
lem or leak. These areas should be noted from below and closely inspected or observed from above. Roof decks
typically deteriorate from the top with few exceptions, such as mold and condensation problems. Because roof
decks generally deteriorate from the top down, the presence of a deck problem on a deck’s underside may not

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The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

indicate the potential severity of the deterioration. Areas of deterioration may need repair or replacement before or
during new roof system installation.

3.1.2 Load Considerations

The capacity of a roof deck and/or structure can be a factor when deciding to re-cover or replace. The capacity of a
roof structure should be considered when determining whether a heavier replacement system can be used. For ex-
ample, a roof structure designed for asphalt shingles may not have adequate capacity to support slate, clay or con-
crete roof tiles. In addition, re-cover materials add dead load which effectively reduces the design live load capaci-
ty. Consult roof covering manufacturer’s for specific material weights.

3.1.3 Site-specific Considerations

It is important to note any contaminants that are present in the area or discharged by mechanical equipment or
vents onto a roof surface. Many such substances will degrade roof coverings and roof surfaces. For example,
grease, animal fats, petroleum discharge, chemicals or oils can damage a roof covering and roof surface. Also,
exhaust from adjacent buildings can be damaging. Areas of contamination should be removed before reroofing, or
systems that are resistant to contaminants should be chosen as replacement systems. Replacing an existing roof
system may be necessary if a significant portion of an existing roof covering is contaminated.

3.1.4 Hidden Conditions

Conduit for electrical service, alarms, computer wiring, cable television wiring or water lines sometimes are con-
cealed within or just below roof assemblies. For example, where cathedral ceilings exist and there is no visible
means of determining the location of electrical service for interior surface-mounted lights, care must be taken not to
penetrate, disrupt or otherwise damage those components. These items are susceptible to damage during roof re-
placement or re-cover. See Figure 5.



Figure 5:
buried conduit SHOWN FOR CLARITY


738 Reroofing Part 2 - Steep-slope Text

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

In addition, there may be asbestos-containing roofing material (ACRM) within a roof system. NRCA recommends
that local and federal regulations are followed when handling ACRM.

3.1.5 Summary
After making observations of the deck type, deck deterioration, load considerations, site-specific considerations
and hidden conditions, an evaluation of a specific roof system can be made. Refer to the appropriate subsection
within Part II, Section 3 for discussion of the three common types of re-coverable steep-slope systems. After re-
viewing the following text and evaluating a specific roof system, the decision to replace or re-cover can be made.
Because each reroofing project is unique, there are no set guidelines when making the decision to replace or re-
cover except for the aforementioned replacement triggers. A decision can be made based on the experience of a
roofing professional, building owner requirements and/or the desired service life of a new roof system.

3.2 Evaluation of Existing Asphalt Shingle Roof Assemblies

The following considerations apply to the evaluation of steep-slope asphalt shingle roof assemblies when deciding
to replace or re-cover. The evaluation of the existing roof assembly can help determine causes for its condition. De-
termining the causes for the condition of an existing steep-slope roof assembly also allows for the correction of the
deficiencies before reroofing.

3.2.1 Roof Covering Condition

Following are potential problems that may be encountered on asphalt shingle roof coverings:
• blisters
• cracks/splitting
• buckling/ridging
• missing fasteners, missing pieces
• fastener backout
• fastener deterioration
• curling/clawing
• worn spots, deteriorated areas, or holes
• areas around rooftop equipment that have been damaged
• flashing failure
• hail damage
• wind damage
• punctures

3.2.2 Flashing Condition

Flashings are the most common locations for water leakage. The condition of flashings at the perimeter and at pen-
etrations must be closely inspected before deciding whether to replace or re-cover.

When assessing the condition of existing flashings, the amount of deterioration should be noted. The height of the
flashings and the amount of coverage of the counterflashing over the flashings should be considered. The potential
for reuse, reinstallation or installation of new flashings should also be evaluated.

Roof-to-wall flashings are unique conditions for reroofing projects. Once metal flashings have corroded or cannot
last the anticipated service life of a re-cover or replacement roof system, reuse of the existing metal flashings is not

Wall cladding, such as stucco, metal siding, cedar shingles or EIFS wall systems, frequently cannot be easily re-
moved and reinstalled; cladding also conceals the condition of step flashings underneath it. NRCA suggests re-
placement of step flashings when a new roof system is being installed. However, NRCA recognizes that in some
geographic regions, area practices include the reuse of existing flashings when existing flashings are in good condi-
tion and have remaining service lives equal to the service life of the new roof system.

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If the substrate at a flashing location is deteriorated, removal of the existing flashing, repair of the substrate and in-
stallation of new flashings is recommended. This will allow for proper fastening of flashing and counterflashing ma-
terials and provide adequate support for flashing materials. Through-wall flashings with removable counterflashings
allow removal and reinstallation of the existing counterflashing or installation of new counterflashings. Single- piece
through-wall flashings and counterflashings are not easily removed and, therefore, may be reused but should be
evaluated on a job-by-job basis.

3.2.3 Drainage and Slope

Asphalt shingle roof systems are water-shedding systems, and drainage is essential. Potential interruptions of a
drainage pattern by penetrations, such as chimneys and dormers, should be identified, and repairs or changes
should be considered when reroofing. For example, where valleys drain into walls and chimneys are located in val-
leys, installation of diverters, such as crickets or saddles, may be necessary.

3.2.4 Roof System Composition

Roof system composition and the number of layers of roof systems often can be determined by making observa-
tions at edges and penetrations, lifting individual roof covering units and making observations from below.

For compact roof systems, where insulation is used above the decks, verify insulation thickness and type. This type
of insulated roof system often is used in conjunction with cathedral ceilings. Composite roof systems may not allow
for easy identification if test cuts stop at the nail board presuming it is the structural deck. Further investigation at
the perimeter by removing the drip edge or fascia or within the field of the roof by cutting into the assembly may be
required to verify the type of roof construction.

If a roof system is designed as a “cold roof,” insulation will not be part of the roof system and will be located at the
ceiling level of the building. This typically can be determined by underdeck observations made from the attic space.

For a steep-slope roof system with access to the underside of the deck, determining deck type is a simple task.
Observations at penetrations and openings can provide information regarding thickness of the substrate and/or
deck type.

Because of their tendency to hold moisture, composite roof decks composed of laminated insulation and OSB may
warp, delaminate and lose fastener-holding capacity. These types of roof decks should be considered for reuse
only on a job-by-job basis.

3.2.5 Historical File

Information relevant to a roof system may be found in a historical file. These items include but are not limited to:
• roof system configuration
• flashing details
• deck type
• manufacturers of system components
• warranty information
• samples
• maintenance and repair history

3.2.6 Other Leak Sources

The source of leakage into a building is not exclusive to a roof covering and its associated flashings. There are
many building components that may be sources of leakage, such as:
• parapets or adjacent walls above flashings
• door or wall openings
• rooftop equipment
• equipment within a plenum or attic space
• roof system accessories

740 Reroofing Part 2 - Steep-slope Text

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

• condensation because of a lack of ventilation or excessive moisture in the interior

• plumbing or sprinkler piping
• blocked gutters and drains
• clogged condensate discharge lines

It is important to recognize the potential for water infiltration at the building components listed previously when
reroofing. If these components are sources of a leak, a new roof system will not solve the problem. Also, if not re-
paired, these types of leaks may cause considerable damage to an existing or new roof system.

3.2.7 Ventilation
NRCA recommends steep-slope roof assemblies be properly vented. Refer to the Moisture Control section of The
NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual, Fifth Edition for additional information. Code-required ventilation should
be considered. There are conditions that may make upgrading ventilation amounts difficult; structures without
eaves or overhangs are often in this category.

Where a steep-slope roof system is designed as a compact roof system, it is recommended to provide a ventilation
cavity between the insulation and the underside of the roof system. This can be accommodated by installing sleep-
ers or battens to create a cavity. A cavity should be of sufficient depth to allow air to pass from the eave to the
ridge. As the length of the span is increased, the depth of the cavity also should be increased.

For additional information, refer to Section 3.1, “General Considerations to Determine Replacement or Re-cover.”

If the decision is made to use a replacement roof system, refer to Section 4.1, “Design Guidelines for Replacement
or Re-cover” and Section 4.2, “Design Guidelines Specific to Replacement” for information regarding design con-
siderations typical to replacing a roof system.

If the decision is made to use a re-cover roof system, refer to Section 4.1, “Design Guidelines for Replacement or
Re-cover” and Section 4.3, “Design Guidelines Specific to Re-cover” for information regarding design considera-
tions typical to re-covering a roof system.

3.3 Evaluation of Existing Metal Roof Assemblies

The following considerations apply to the evaluation of steep-slope metal roof assemblies when deciding to replace
or re-cover. The evaluation of an existing roof assembly can help determine causes for its condition. Determining
the causes for the condition of an existing steep-slope roof assembly also allows for the correction of the deficien-
cies before reroofing.

3.3.1 Roof Covering Condition

Following is a list of potential problems that may be encountered on metal shingle and metal panel roof coverings.
• open seams and joints
• loose or buckled panels
• fastener backout
• missing fasteners, missing pieces
• elongation of holes at fasteners
• worn spots, deteriorated areas or holes
• deteriorated surface coating or paint
• damage from equipment supports
• areas around rooftop equipment that have been damaged
• sealant failure
• flashing failure
• hail damage

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• wind damage
• punctures

3.3.2 Flashing Condition

Flashings are the most common locations for water leakage. The condition of flashings at the perimeter and at pen-
etrations must be closely inspected before deciding whether to replace or re-cover.

When assessing the condition of existing flashings, the amount of deterioration should be noted. The height of the
flashings and the amount of coverage of the counterflashing over the flashings should be considered. The potential
for reuse, reinstallation or installation of new flashings should also be evaluated.

Roof-to-wall flashings are unique conditions for reroofing projects. Once metal flashings have corroded or cannot
last the anticipated service life of the re-cover or replacement roof system, reuse of the existing metal flashings is
not recommended.

Wall cladding, such as stucco, metal siding, cedar shingles or EIFS wall systems, frequently cannot be easily re-
moved and reinstalled; cladding also conceals the condition of step flashings underneath it. NRCA suggests re-
placement of step flashings when a new roof system is being installed. However, NRCA recognizes that in some
geographic regions, area practices include the reuse of existing flashings when existing flashings are in good condi-
tion and have remaining service lives equal to the service life of the new roof system.

If the substrate at a flashing location is found to be deteriorated, removal of the existing flashing, repair of the sub-
strate and installation of new flashings is recommended. This will allow for proper fastening of flashing and counter-
flashing materials and provide adequate support for flashing materials. Through-wall flashings with removable
counterflashings allow removal and reinstallation of the existing counterflashing or installation of new counterflash-
ings. Single-piece through-wall flashings and counterflashings are not easily removed and, therefore, may be
reused but should be evaluated on a job-by-job basis.

3.3.3 Drainage and Slope

Metal shingles and metal panel roof systems are water-shedding systems, and drainage is essential. Potential inter-
ruptions of a drainage pattern by penetrations, such as chimneys and dormers, should be identified, and repairs or
changes should be considered when reroofing. For example, where valleys drain into walls and chimneys are locat-
ed in valleys, installation of diverters, such as crickets or saddles, may be necessary.

3.3.4 Roof System Composition

Roof system composition and the number of layers of roof systems can often be determined by making observa-
tions at edges and penetrations, lifting individual roof covering units and making observations from below.

For compact roof systems, where insulation is used above the deck verify insulation thickness and type. This type
of insulated roof system often is used in conjunction with cathedral ceilings. Composite roof systems may not allow
for easy identification if test cuts stop at the nail board presuming it is the structural deck. Further investigation at
the perimeter by removing the drip edge or fascia or within the field of the roof by cutting into the assembly may be
required to verify the type of roof construction.

If a roof system is designed as a “cold roof,” insulation will not be part of the roof system and will be located at the
ceiling level of the building. This typically can be determined by underdeck observations made from the attic space.

For a steep-slope roof system with access to the underside of the deck, determining deck type is a simple task.
Observations at penetrations and openings can provide information regarding thickness of the substrate and/or
deck type.

Because of their tendency to hold moisture, roof decks composed of laminated insulation and OSB may warp, de-
laminate and lose fastener-holding capacity. These types of roof decks should be considered for reuse only on a
job-by-job basis.

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The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

3.3.5 Historical File

Information relevant to a roof system may be found in a historical file. These items include but are not limited to:
• roof system configuration
• flashing details
• deck type
• manufacturers of system components
• warranty information
• samples
• maintenance and repair history

3.3.6 Other Leak Sources

The source of leakage into a building is not exclusive to a roof covering and its associated flashings. There are
many building components that may be sources of leakage, such as:
• parapets or adjacent walls above flashings
• door or wall openings
• rooftop equipment
• equipment within a plenum or attic space
• roof system accessories
• condensation because of a lack of ventilation or excessive moisture in the interior
• plumbing or sprinkler piping
• blocked gutters and drains
• clogged condensate discharge lines

It is important to recognize the potential for water infiltration at the building components listed previously when
reroofing. If these components are sources of a leak, a new roof system will not solve the problem. Also, if not re-
paired, these types of leaks may cause considerable damage to an existing or new roof system.

3.3.7 Ventilation
NRCA recommends steep-slope roof assemblies be properly vented. Refer to the Moisture Control section of The
NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual, Fifth Edition for additional information. Code-required ventilation should
be considered. There are conditions that may make upgrading ventilation amounts difficult; structures without
eaves or overhangs are often in this category.

Where a steep-slope roof system is designed as a compact roof system, it is recommended to provide a ventilation
cavity between the insulation and the underside of the roof system. This can be accommodated by installing sleep-
ers or battens to create a cavity. A cavity should be of sufficient depth to allow air to pass from the eave to the
ridge. As the length of the span is increased, the depth of the cavity should also be increased.

For additional information, refer to Section 3.1, “General Considerations to Determine Replacement or Re-cover.”

If the decision is made to use a replacement roof system, refer to Section 4.1, “Design Guidelines for Replacement
or Re-cover” and Section 4.2, “Design Guidelines Specific to Replacement” for information regarding design con-
siderations typical to replacing a roof system.

If the decision is made to use a re-cover roof system, refer to Section 4.1, “Design Guidelines for Replacement or
Re-cover” and Section 4.3, “Design Guidelines Specific to Re-cover” for information regarding design considera-
tions typical to re-covering a roof system.

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The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

3.4 Evaluation of Existing Wood Shingle Roof Assemblies

The following considerations apply to the evaluation of steep-slope wood shingle roof assemblies when deciding to
replace or re-cover. The evaluation of an existing roof assembly can help determine causes for its condition. Deter-
mining the causes for the condition of an existing steep-slope roof assembly also allows for the correction of the
deficiencies before reroofing.

3.4.1 Roof Covering Condition

Following is a list of potential problems that may be encountered on wood shingle roof coverings:
• fractures/splitting
• curling
• hail damage
• wind damage
• worn spots, deteriorated areas or holes
• missing fasteners missing pieces
• fastener backout
• fastener deterioration
• areas around rooftop equipment that have been damaged
• flashing failure
• rotting/decay
• moss buildup
• insect infestation
• exposed or deteriorated underlayment

3.4.2 Flashing Condition

Flashings are the most common locations for water leakage. The condition of flashings at the perimeter and at pen-
etrations must be closely inspected before deciding whether to replace or re-cover.

When assessing the condition of existing flashings, the amount of deterioration should be noted. The height of the
flashings and the amount of coverage of the counterflashing over the flashings should be considered. The potential
for reuse, reinstallation or installation of new flashings should also be evaluated.

Roof-to-wall flashings are unique conditions for reroofing projects. Once metal flashings have corroded or cannot
last the anticipated service life of the re-cover or replacement roof system, reuse of the existing metal flashings is
not recommended.

Wall cladding, such as stucco, metal siding, cedar shingles or EIFS wall systems, frequently cannot be easily re-
moved and reinstalled; cladding also conceals the condition of step flashings underneath it. NRCA suggests re-
placement of step flashings when a new roof system is being installed. However, NRCA recognizes that in some
geographic regions, area practices include the reuse of existing flashings when existing flashings are in good condi-
tion and have remaining service lives equal to the service life of the new roof system.

If the substrate at a flashing location is found to be deteriorated, removal of the existing flashing, repair of the sub-
strate and installation of new flashings is recommended. This will allow for proper fastening of flashing and counter-
flashing materials and provide adequate support for flashing materials. Through-wall flashings with removable
counterflashings allow removal and reinstallation of the existing counterflashing or installation of new counterflash-
ings. Single-piece through-wall flashings and counterflashings are not easily removed and, therefore, may be
reused, but should be evaluated on a job-by-job basis.

744 Reroofing Part 2 - Steep-slope Text

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

3.4.3 Drainage and Slope

Wood shingle roof systems are water-shedding systems, and drainage is essential. Potential interruptions of a
drainage pattern by penetrations, such as chimneys and dormers, should be identified, and repairs or changes
should be considered when reroofing. For example, where valleys drain into walls and chimneys are located in val-
leys, installation of diverters, such as crickets or saddles, may be necessary.

3.4.4 Roof System Composition

Roof system composition and the number of layers of roof systems can often be determined by making observa-
tions at edges and penetrations, lifting individual roof covering units and making observations from below.

For compact roof systems where insulation is used above the deck, verify insulation thickness and type. This type
of insulated roof system often is used in conjunction with cathedral ceilings. Composite roof systems may not allow
for easy identification if test cuts stop at the nail board presuming it is the structural deck. Further investigation at
the perimeter by removing the drip edge or fascia or within the field of the roof by cutting into the assembly may be
required to verify the type of roof construction.

If a roof system is designed as a “cold roof,” insulation will not be part of the roof system and will be located at the
ceiling level of the building. This typically can be determined by underdeck observations made from the attic space.

For a steep-slope roof system with access to the underside of the deck, determining deck type is a simple task.
Observations at penetrations and openings can provide information regarding thickness of the substrate and/or
deck type.

Because of their tendency to hold moisture, roof decks composed of laminated insulation and OSB may warp, de-
laminate and lose fastener-holding capacity. These types of roof decks should be considered for reuse only on a
job-by-job basis.

3.4.5 Historical File

Information relevant to a roof system may be found in a historical file. These items include but are not limited to:
• roof system configuration
• flashing details
• deck type
• manufacturers of system components
• warranty information
• samples
• maintenance and repair history

3.4.6 Other Leak Sources

The source of leakage into a building is not exclusive to a roof covering and its associated flashings. There are
many building components that may be sources of leakage, such as:
• parapets or adjacent walls above flashings
• door or wall openings
• rooftop equipment
• equipment within a plenum or attic space
• roof system accessories
• condensation because of a lack of ventilation or excessive moisture in the interior
• plumbing or sprinkler piping
• blocked gutters and drains
• clogged condensate discharge lines

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It is important to recognize the potential for water infiltration at the building components listed previously when
reroofing. If these components are sources of a leak, a new roof system will not solve the problem. Also, if not re-
paired, these types of leaks may cause considerable damage to an existing or new roof system.

3.4.7 Ventilation
NRCA recommends steep-slope roof assemblies be properly vented. Refer to the Moisture Control section of The
NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual, Fifth Edition for additional information. Code-required ventilation should
be considered. There are conditions that may make upgrading ventilation amounts difficult; structures without
eaves or overhangs are often in this category.

Where a steep-slope roof system is designed as a compact roof system, it is recommended to provide a ventilation
cavity between the insulation and the underside of the roof system. This can be accommodated by installing sleep-
ers or battens to create a cavity. A cavity should be of sufficient depth to allow air to pass from the eave to the
ridge. As the length of the span is increased, the depth of the cavity should also be increased.

For additional information, refer to Section 3.1, “General Considerations to Determine Replacement or Re-cover.”

If the decision is made to use a replacement roof system, refer to Section 4.1, “Design Guidelines for Replacement
or Re-cover” and Section 4.2, “Design Guidelines Specific to Replacement” for information regarding design con-
siderations typical to replacing a roof system.

If the decision is made to use a re-cover roof system, refer to Section 4.1, “Design Guidelines for Replacement or
Re-cover” and Section 4.3, “Design Guidelines Specific to Re-cover” for information regarding design considera-
tions typical to re-covering a roof system.


4.1 Design Guidelines for Replacement or Re-cover
The following design guidelines apply to all steep-slope replacement and re-cover roof system design.

4.1.1 Regulatory Requirements Building Code Requirements
Different localities may have different building codes. Reroofing projects should comply with the local building
code. Most of the model building codes now have sections within their roofing chapters that apply to reroofing. The
section of the code that governs reroofing may include requirements for repair limits, minimum design slope, load
considerations, parameters for re-cover vs. replacement, combustible sealed spaces, reinstallation of materials and
flashings. Energy code or model building code requirements also may necessitate increased ventilation. It is recom-
mended that roofing professionals consult the local building code before beginning a reroofing project. Wind-uplift-resistance Requirements

Typically, a roof assembly is rated for a specific uplift pressure or wind speed by its manufacturer. Building codes re-
quire that roofs resist wind-uplift pressures and that the roof assembly has been tested to verify its resistance. An in-
stalled system must have a rating equal to or greater than minimum code requirements. Manufacturers’ wind speed or
uplift ratings are for new construction or replacement projects, and re-cover roof systems may not be rated.

For steep-slope roof materials, fastener type, length and spacing will be recommended by the roofing material
manufacturer or prescribed by the local building code based on slope, wind speed and topography. Unusual re-
gional wind conditions or roof slope may necessitate the use of additional fasteners or a different type of fastener.
Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) and Factor Mutual Research (FM) have directories or listings of roof assemblies
that have been tested according to specific test protocols.

A building owner’s insurance company also may have minimum wind-uplift-resistance requirements for roof assem-
blies. It is important to check with a building owner or representative concerning insurance requirements for a roof

746 Reroofing Part 2 - Steep-slope Text

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition Fire-resistance Requirements

Building codes require that roofs have some level of resistance to fire exposure from the outside of the building and
that they have been tested to verify resistance. Roof systems that have been tested according to an approved test
will receive an A, B or C fire-resistance rating. Individual roof coverings can be rated noncombustible, such as slate
and clay tile. UL and FM have directories or listings of roof assemblies that have been tested according to specific
test protocols.

A building owner’s insurance company also may have minimum fire-resistance requirements for roof assemblies. It is
important to check with a building owner or representative concerning insurance requirements for a roof assembly. Insurance Requirements Specific to a Building

There are insurance companies that have their own recommendations for construction, including roof construction.
One example is FM Global which has a multitude of requirements for construction, both for new and existing build-
ings. Check with the building owner about specific recommendations the insurance company may have regarding
a reroofing project. Installing a new roof system that does not comply with insurance recommendations may result
in increased insurance premiums for the building owner.

4.1.2 Load Capacity

The weight of a replacement or re-cover roof system should be considered. Installing a replacement roof system
that is similar to an existing roof system should not adversely affect the load capacity of the roof structure. Howev-
er, installing a re-cover roof system or a heavier replacement roof system may reduce the design live load capacity
of the roof structure. If a heavier replacement roof system or a re-cover roof system is installed, roof structure ca-
pacity may need to be verified.

When considering the selection of a reroofing system, because different roof systems have different weights, refer
to the manufacturer for the specific weight of the selected roof system. Refer to Appendix 6.3 for ranges of steep-
slope roof covering weights.

4.1.3 Roof System Performance

The following are of particular importance for optimizing the service life of a replacement roof system:
• drainage and slope
• ventilation
• flashings

Refer to the Foreword section of The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual, Fifth Edition for additional information. Drainage and Slope

Steep-slope roof systems are water-shedding, and drainage is essential. Localized drainage problems may exist at
chimneys, valleys or mechanical units. These locations can have crickets or saddles installed to divert the flow of
water around objects that will prevent proper drainage. For roof penetrations that are 24 inches (610 mm) wide or
wider, NRCA recommends installation of a cricket on the upslope side of penetrations.

Ice damming, also a localized drainage problem, can occur in cold-weather regions. Ice-dam protection underlay-
ment is used to assist in preventing water backup from ice dams from migrating under a roof system to the build-
ing’s interior. It is suggested to evaluate the insulation and ventilation conditions and upgrade those as necessary.

An existing roof system may have a slope that is currently not acceptable for installation of the same material.
Roofing material manufacturers, in some instances, have increased minimum slope requirements for their materials.
When this occurs, installation of a different roof system will be required. This may preclude a re-cover installation. Ventilation
NRCA recommends ventilation in the amount of 1 square foot of ventilation for every 150 square feet (1:150) of attic
space measured at the attic floor level (i.e., ceiling level) with or without a vapor retarder. However, many existing
buildings have been built with ventilation in the amount of 1:300, which is allowed by most codes if vapor retarders
are installed.

Reroofing Part 2 - Steep-slope Text 747

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

For buildings with overhangs or soffits, increasing ventilation amounts can be facilitated by the addition of soffit or
eave vents and vents at or near the ridge. If ventilation methods are changed, consideration should be given to pre-
vent the possibility of creating a “short circuit” of the intended ventilation/airflow. For example, adding a ridge vent
where existing vents are located at or near the ridge may render eave vents useless. See Figure 6.



Figure 6: Common
example of a “short POTENTIAL



For buildings without overhangs, products that will vent eaves are available for installation. Special care needs to
be taken to ensure deck openings at ridge and vented eave metal are properly installed.

Ventilation amounts should meet local building code requirements and manufacturers’ recommendations. However,
NRCA recognizes that some area practices that do not upgrade or replace the ventilation components have result-
ed in successful reroof projects. Flashings
When reroofing, the proper installation of flashings and edge flashing details is important to the success of a roof
system. Wall cladding, such as stucco, metal siding, cedar shingles or EIFS wall systems, frequently cannot be eas-
ily removed and reinstalled; cladding also conceals the condition of step flashings underneath it. NRCA suggests
replacement of step flashings when a new roof system is being installed. However, NRCA recognizes that in some

748 Reroofing Part 2 - Steep-slope Text

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

geographic regions, area practices include the reuse of existing flashings when the existing flashings are in good
condition and have remaining service lives equal to the service life of the new roof system.

If the substrate at a flashing location is found to be deteriorated, removal of the existing flashing, repair of the sub-
strate and installation of new flashings is recommended. This will allow for proper fastening of flashing and counter-
flashing materials and provide adequate support for flashing materials. Refer to the Architectural Sheet Metal and
Metal Roofing section in The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual, Fifth Edition for additional information. Curb Height

One of the biggest concerns with skylight or roof penetration installation is the lack of curb height. If a skylight or
roof penetration does not allow for adequate flashing height, extending the height of the curb is recommended.

Refer to the Steep-slope Roofing section and the Architectural Sheet Metal and Metal Roofing section in The NRCA
Roofing and Waterproofing Manual, Fifth Edition for additional information. Roof-to-wall Terminations

Where a steep-slope roof system is terminated at a wall, the use of appropriate base flashings and counterflash-
ings, such as metal, cladding or siding, is recommended. If the height of the wall does not allow for proper installa-
tion of termination details, alternate flashing details are required. For example, installation of a coping cap that acts
as counterflashing may be an appropriate alternate detail. Siding or trim boards at an elevation change can act as
counterflashing. Through-wall Flashings

A steep-slope counterflashing detail may incorporate a through-wall flashing. Through-wall flashings with remov-
able counterflashings allow removal and reinstallation of the existing or installation of new counterflashings. New
flashings should tie into an existing through-wall flashing, and the existing through-wall flashing or weep holes
should not be covered. Special care should be taken when raising roof deck heights to add ventilation when
through-wall flashings exist. Through-wall flashings, if not deteriorated, may be reused.

Through-wall flashings located in walls are difficult to alter or relocate. Relocating through-wall flashings in walls
requires the removal of wall cladding, installation or relocation of flashings, and the re-installation of wall cladding
with new weep holes or other drainage devices.

4.1.4 Construction Loads

During the reroofing process, construction loads may approach or exceed the combined dead and live load capaci-
ties of a roof structure. Care should be taken to properly spread loads so significant concentrated loading does not

4.1.5 Summary
In summary, the design guidelines that apply to replacement or re-cover roofing projects are as follows:
• regulatory requirements that include wind-uplift-resistance and fire-resistance requirements, and insurance
• load capacity
• roof system performance that includes drainage and slope, ventilation and flashings
• construction loads

4.2 Design Guidelines Specific to Replacement

The following design guidelines are applicable to all steep-slope replacement roof system designs.

4.2.1 Roof Deck Preparation

In general, roof decks should be sufficiently dry, clean and smooth, and suitably prepared prior to installation of a
replacement roof system.

Reroofing Part 2 - Steep-slope Text 749

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition Wood Roof Decks

Most roof systems over wood decks, such as plywood, planks and nonveneer decking, include an underlayment
layer which is fastened to the deck. Removal of a roof covering and the associated fasteners typically does not
damage or reduce the structural capacity of wood roof decks. During removal, many base-sheet fasteners may re-
main embedded in a deck; fasteners remaining in a deck can be pulled out or hammered flush with the deck. It is
acceptable that many of the existing fasteners can remain in a deck when a new roof system is installed. With me-
chanically fastened insulations, screw-type fasteners typically are backed out of the deck before installation of a
new roof system.

Deteriorated areas should be cut-out and replaced with material to closely match the existing thickness. A deck
should be sound and smooth with fasteners flush to the deck before installation of a new roof system. New wood
decking, whether boards or planks, should be the same thickness; have similar strength characteristics and span
ratings; and span the minimum spans recommended for the material. Deck fasteners that have backed out should
have new fasteners installed adjacent to them and the existing fasteners should be removed. Loose or lifted
boards, planks and corners should have additional fasteners installed to secure an existing deck.

Holes in wood roof decks that are approximately 8 inches (200 mm) wide can be covered with 24 gauge (0.025 inch
[0.64 mm] thick) steel. The steel plate must overlap the wood roof deck a minimum of 4 inches (100 mm) and be se-
cured with fasteners at 4 inches (100 mm) on center.

NRCA does not recommend installation of roof systems over wood-plank roof decks that are less than 3⁄4 inch
(19 mm) minimum thickness and structural wood-panel roof decks, such as plywood and OSB, that are less than
⁄32 inch (12 mm) thick.

In recent years, the use of fire retardant treated (FRT) plywood has created potential hazards on roof systems.
Some types of FRT plywood can lose structural capacity when moisture or heat contacts chemically treated ply-
wood. Special consideration should be given to investigating FRT decks before design and application of a reroof-
ing system. Replacement of these types of panels should be strongly considered. FRT plywood can be used any-
where within a roof system but is typically used in conjunction with fire walls. FRT plywood is typically used to pro-
vide a necessary fire-resistance rating for the building. Removal and replacement of FRT plywood should take into
consideration the need for a minimum fire-resistance rating.

Where skip or spaced sheathing exists, only the use of roof covering materials suited for skip or spaced sheathing
are recommended. Otherwise, a layer of nonstructural plywood or other nonveneer decking can be applied to skip
or spaced sheathing to provide a smooth surface for attachment of a new roof covering. The nonstructural plywood
or other nonveneer decking can be fastened to existing spaced sheathing without regard to panel orientation or lo-
cation of roof framing members. This will provide a solid surface for a roof covering. However, the dead load on a
roof structure will be increased. If existing skip or spaced sheathing is removed, a new deck should be fastened to
the roof framing members. Proper attachment of a solid deck should follow building codes or deck manufacturers’
recommendations. See Figure 7.

750 Reroofing Part 2 - Steep-slope Text

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition




Figure 7: Installation
of a new deck over
skip sheathing Metal Roof Decks

Where a nailable roof covering is to be installed, a nailable roof deck of proper type and adequate thickness should
be fastened over battens or nailers to the top surface of an existing metal roof deck before installation of a new roof
system. This allows for proper fastener penetration and enhanced ventilation beneath a nailable deck. Where a
metal panel roof system is to be installed, it may be installed on top of an existing metal roof deck when manufac-
turers’ recommendations are followed. See Figure 8.


Figure 8: New nailable
deck over existing metal



Reroofing Part 2 - Steep-slope Text 751

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

For additional information, refer to Section, “Metal Roof Decks”, in Part I - Low-Slope Roofing of this manual.

4.2.2 Perimeter Conditions

Perimeter flashings need to be assessed when installing a replacement roof system. For most steep-slope projects,
removal of the existing roof covering and installation of a new roof covering will not require changes to the flashing
design—only the replacement of flashing materials, unless significant changes are made to the design of the roof
assembly, such as adding a ventilation cavity.

Wall cladding, such as stucco, metal siding, cedar shingles or EIFS wall systems, frequently cannot be easily re-
moved and reinstalled; cladding also conceals the condition of step flashings underneath it. NRCA suggests re-
placement of step flashings when a new roof is being installed. However, NRCA recognizes that in some geograph-
ic regions, area practices include the reuse of existing flashings when existing flashings are in good condition and
have remaining service lives equal to the service life of the new roof system.

If the substrate at a flashing location is found to be deteriorated, removal of the existing flashing, repair of the sub-
strate and installation of new flashings is recommended. This will allow for proper fastening of flashing and counter-
flashing materials and provide adequate support for flashing materials.

4.2.3. Penetrations
The supporting structure for penetrations should be verified. For large openings, with or without curbs, unsupport-
ed edges of a roof deck may need added support. Flashing heights need to be assessed and raised, if necessary,
when reroofing.

4.3 Design Guidelines Specific to Re-cover

The following design considerations apply to all steep-slope re-cover roof system designs.

4.3.1 Steep-slope Re-cover Matrix

The following chart provides guidance regarding which steep-slope systems may be re-covered and which systems
can be used to re-cover an existing steep-slope roof system.

752 Reroofing Part 2 - Steep-slope Text

Steep-Slope Re-cover Matrix
Existing Re-cover Material
Asphalt strip/ Asphalt Asphalt Clay tile Concrete Metal Metal panel — Metal panel — Slate Wood Wood
three-tab t-lock laminate tile shingles architectural structural shingle shake
Asphalt strip/
three- tab Yes Yes Yes Yes-1 Yes-1 Yes-3 Yes Yes Yes-1 NR Yes
Asphalt t-lock Yes-2 Yes-2 Yes-2 Yes-1 Yes-1 Yes-3 Yes-2 Yes-2 Yes-1 NR Yes
laminate Yes-2 Yes-2 Yes-2 Yes-1 Yes-1 Yes-3 Yes-2 Yes-2 Yes-1 NR Yes
Concrete tile NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR
Metal shingles Yes-2, 3 Yes-2, 3 Yes-2, 3 Yes-1, 3 Yes-1, 3 Yes-3 Yes-2, 3 Yes-2, 3 Yes-3 Yes-3 Yes-3
Metal panel—
architectural NR NR NR NR NR NR NR Yes-4 NR NR NR
Metal panel—
structural NR NR NR NR NR NR NR Yes-4 NR NR NR
Wood shingles Yes-2 Yes-2 Yes-2 Yes-1 Yes-1 Yes-3 Yes-2 Yes-2 Yes-1 Yes Yes
Table 2: Steep-slope re-cover matrix

Note: Wind-uplift and fire-resistance ratings are as applicable to reroofing projects as to new construction projects. The installation of a roof system
over an existing roof system may not provide required wind-uplift and fire-resistance ratings. For roofs with multiple roof coverings, NRCA recom-
mends removal of all layers of roof coverings before installation of a replacement roof system.

NR, Not Recommended

Yes-1, before re-covering with this material, NRCA recommends the additional weight be considered.

Yes-2, because of the uneven surface of the existing materials, the aesthetic appeal of the roof system may be compromised.

Yes-3, because of the numerous profiles of metal shingles, re-cover options cannot be clearly defined.

Yes-4, proper securement issues are a concern.

Reroofing Part 2 - Steep-slope Text

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

4.3.2 Direct Application Over an Existing Roof System

A re-cover system is installed directly over an existing roof system and is attached to the existing structural deck.
Additional layer(s) of materials under the re-cover materials requires the use of longer fasteners to achieve proper
penetration and embedment into a roof deck. The fasteners for a re-cover roof system should penetrate through an
existing roof system and be installed in the substrate per manufacturers’ recommendations. An example of a prop-
erly driven fastener is shown in Figure 9.


Figure 9: An example of a properly driven fastener

NOTE: Fasteners should be long enough to penetrate through

all layers of roofing materials and achieve secure
anchorage into the roof deck. Fasteners should extend
through the underside of plywood or other acceptable
wood panel decks, and penetrate at least 3/4 inch (19 mm)
into wood plank or board decks.

4.3.3 Preparation of Existing Roof Covering Material Existing Asphalt Shingles
For steep-slope re-cover installations over asphalt shingles, the following should precede installation of new materials:
• removal of badly curled or lifted shingles
• replacement or re-cover of badly worn metal edge strips with new metal
• removal of hip and ridge shingles
• removal of loose debris from the old surface

Nesting for asphalt shingles is defined as the application of an additional layer of shingles over an existing layer of
shingles where the top edge of the new shingles butts against the lower edge of the existing shingles. See Figure 10.


Figure 10: Nesting of asphalt shingles




754 Reroofing Part 2 - Steep-slope Text

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Lightweight asphalt shingles tend to reveal the unevenness of a substrate below. This is known as “telegraphing”
and can be minimized by proper preparation of an existing roof system. Minor imperfections in existing shingles
may telegraph any existing problems through to new asphalt shingles. This is predominately an aesthetic issue and
should not affect the performance of a re-cover roof system.

Two items that should be verified when nesting new shingles over existing shingles are as follows:
• exposure is consistent
• shingle types are not mixed (i.e., metric shingles should not be installed over standard shingles or vice versa)

An underlayment may be used to separate layers of asphalt shingles, but the new shingles will not be able to be
nested into the existing shingles. If existing asphalt shingles are curled or clawed strip-type shingles, the size,
shape and unevenness of the shingles will produce an uneven roof surface, and the new shingles will tend to con-
form to the uneven surface. Telegraphing may be minimized by adding a layer of underlayment before installation of
the re-cover material. If a smooth surface is needed, existing shingles should be removed and the deck prepared
for installation of new materials. It is recommended to attach a re-cover roof system to the existing structure, such
as the roof deck or framing members. Existing Wood Shingles

For steep-slope re-cover installations over wood shingles, the following should precede installation of new
• badly curled or warped shingles should be removed or properly fastened.
• hip and ridge shingles should be removed.
• rotted or missing shingles should be replaced with new ones.
• when the shingles and metal trim at eaves and rakes are badly weathered and the work is conducted in a loca-
tion subject to unusually high winds, the shingles at eaves and rakes should be cut back far enough to allow for
the application of 4 to 6 inch (100 to 150 mm) wide (nominal) 1 inch (25 mm) thick wood strips. The strips should
be nailed firmly in place with their outer edges projecting beyond the edges of the deck the same distance as the
wood shingles. In place of wood strips, new edge metal may be used.

An underlayment may be used to separate layers of shingles, but the new shingles will not be able to be nested into
the existing shingles. If existing wood shingles are curled or clawed strip-type shingles, the size, shape and un-
evenness of the shingles will produce an uneven roof surface, and the new shingles will tend to conform to the un-
even surface. Telegraphing may be minimized by adding a layer of underlayment before installation of the re-cover
material. If a smooth surface is needed, existing shingles should be removed and the deck prepared for installation
of new materials. It is recommended to attach a re-cover roof system to the existing structure, such as the roof
deck or framing members. Existing Metal Roof Systems

For steep-slope re-cover installations over metal panels, the following should precede installation of new materials:
• removal of loose material and debris
• application of rust-inhibiting primer to the areas that are deteriorated before installation of a re-cover roof system

Insulation boards generally are used as separation layers for metal roof systems when a re-cover roof system is
used. When installing a metal roof system over an existing metal roof system, C, Z or hat channels are typically
used and insulation may be installed between the channels. It is recommended to attach a re-cover roof system to
the existing structure, such as the roof deck or framing members.

When re-covering a steep-slope structural metal roof system, the existing structural metal roof panels may become
the structural support unless the re-cover system is a structural metal panel roof system and is attached directly to
the structure. There are significant issues to address with this type of installation, as follows:
• Metal roof panels and structural metal decks are not the same; fastener pull-out resistance values can be vastly
• A re-cover system may not meet building code requirements for fire resistance and wind-uplift resistance.
• An existing metal roof system or assembly must be able to support the additional loads.

Reroofing Part 2 - Steep-slope Text 755

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

When reroofing over architectural metal panel roof systems or metal buildings, an evaluation of the substrate must
be made to determine if the existing roof system is suitable for a new metal roof system. In some cases, a new
panel can be installed over the existing roof system. This would require installation of a hat channel, Z girt or rigid
insulation to provide an adequate substrate for the new system. Insulation or venting must be considered to avoid a
condensation problem. Condensation can occur between the new system and the old system, causing leaks and/or
premature system failure. When choosing a panel profile on a low-slope pre-engineered building, structural capaci-
ty and slope should be considered.


Once the above considerations have been addressed and the necessary preparations and/or modifications have
been made, a new roof covering or system can be installed. Information regarding the installation of the new roof
covering or system can be found in the appropriate section of The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual, Fifth

6.1 List of References
APA — The Engineered Wood Association
7011 S. 19th St. West
P. O. Box 11700
Tacoma, WA 98411
Phone No. (253) 565-6600

100 Barr Harbor Drive
West Conshohoken, PA 19428-2959
Phone No. (215) 299-5400

FM Global
1151 Boston-Providence Turnpike
Norwood, MA 02062
Phone No. (617) 762-4300

Steel Deck Institute

P. O. Box 25
Fox River Grove, IL 60021-0025
Phone No. (847) 462-1930

Underwriters Laboratory
333 Pfingsten Road
Northbrook, IL 60062
Phone No. (847) 272-8800

756 Reroofing Part 2 - Steep-slope Text

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

6.2 Low-slope roof system weights

• Fully adhered or mechanically attached single-ply, SPF-based, or metal panel roof systems weigh approximately
100 to 200 pounds per square (4.9 to 9.8 kg/m2).
• Modified bitumen roof systems weigh approximately 200 to 300 pounds per square (9.8 to 14.6 kg/m2).
• Gravel-surfaced built-up roof systems weigh approximately 600 to 800 pounds per square (29.3 to 39.0 kg/m2).
• Ballasted single-ply roof systems weigh approximately 1,200 to 1,800 pounds per square (58.6 to 87.8 kg/m2).

6.3 Steep-slope roof covering weights

• Metal panel roof systems weigh approximately 100 to 200 pounds per square (4.9 to 9.8 kg/m2).
• Wood and wood fiber shingle roof systems weigh approximately 100 to 250 pounds per square (4.9 to
12.3 kg/m2).
• Asphalt shingles weigh approximately 200 to 450 pounds per square (9.8 to 22.0 kg/m2).
• Slate, concrete tiles and clay tiles weigh approximately 500 to 1900 pounds per square (24.4 to 92.8 kg/m2).

Reroofing Part 2 - Steep-slope Text 757

Fifth Edition
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

1. Introduction .............................................................................................................769
2. Waterproofing..........................................................................................................769
2.1. General Information..................................................................................................769
2.1.1 Waterproofing .......................................................................................................769 P
2.1.2 Dampproofing .......................................................................................................770 R
2.1.3 Hydrostatic Pressure Relief Systems.........................................................................770 O
2.1.4 Substrate Preparation ............................................................................................771 O Masonry Substrates............................................................................................771 F Concrete Substrates ...........................................................................................771 I Plywood Substrates.............................................................................................772 N
2.2 Design Guidance .......................................................................................................772 G
2.2.1 Waterproofing Performance Requirements for Various Building Surfaces .......................772 Hydrostatic Pressure Slab-On-Grade (Mat Slab) ...................................................... 772 A Waterproofing from the Exterior (Earth Side)........................................................773
N Waterproofing from the Interior Side ..................................................................773
D Walls Below Grade..............................................................................................773 Walls Accessible from the Exterior (Earth Side) ....................................................773
D Cast-in-place Concrete Walls Inaccessible from the Exterior (Earth Side)...................774
A Suspended Structural Decks Over Habitable Spaces .................................................774
M Membranes Employing a Separate Traffic-Bearing Finish Course .............................774 Membranes Incorporating Traffic-bearing Waterproofing Characteristics ..................775
P Pools, Ponds, Lagoons and Reservoirs...................................................................775 P
2.2.2 Suggested List of Waterproofing Materials for Various Building Surfaces........................776 R Slab-on-grade .....................................................................................................776 O Waterproofing from the Exterior (Earth Side) Over a Work Slab...............................776 O Waterproofing from the Interior Side ..................................................................776 F Walls Below Grade..............................................................................................776 I Walls Accessible from the Exterior (Earth Side) ....................................................776 N Cast-in-place Concrete Walls (from the Interior Side) .............................................776 G Suspended Structural Decks Over Habitable Spaces .................................................777 Assemblies Employing a Separate Traffic-bearing Finish Course ...............................777 Assemblies Employing an Elastomeric Waterproofing Material ................................777 Pools, Ponds, Lagoons and Reservoirs...................................................................777 For Containment of Potable Water .....................................................................777 For Containment of Other Liquids .......................................................................777
2.3 Waterproofing Products ............................................................................................777
2.3.1 Bituminous Membrane Waterproofing Products .........................................................777

Contents 761
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition Asphalt Built-up Membrane .................................................................................777 Product Description .........................................................................................777 Composition and Materials .............................................................................777 Basic Uses ..................................................................................................777 Limitations ...................................................................................................778 Standards....................................................................................................778 Installation ......................................................................................................778 Surface Preparation ......................................................................................778 Application Procedures ..................................................................................778 Flashing.......................................................................................................778 Protection Course .........................................................................................778 Coal-tar Built-up Membrane ..................................................................................779 Product Description .........................................................................................779 Composition and Materials .............................................................................779 Basic Uses ..................................................................................................779 Limitations ...................................................................................................779 Standards....................................................................................................779 Installation ......................................................................................................780 Surface Preparation ......................................................................................780 Application Procedures ..................................................................................780 Flashing.......................................................................................................780 Protection Course .........................................................................................780 Hot-liquid-applied, Polymer-modified Asphalt Membrane ............................................780 Product Description .........................................................................................780 Composition and Materials .............................................................................780 Basic Uses ..................................................................................................780 Limitations ...................................................................................................780 Standards....................................................................................................781 Installation ......................................................................................................781 Surface Preparation ......................................................................................781 Application Procedures ..................................................................................781 Flashing.......................................................................................................781 Protection Course .........................................................................................781 Polymer-modified Bitumen Sheet Membrane ...........................................................781 Product Description .........................................................................................781 Composition and Materials .............................................................................781 Basic Uses .................................................................................................781 Limitations ..................................................................................................782 Standards ...................................................................................................782 Installation ......................................................................................................782

762 Contents
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition Surface Preparation ......................................................................................782 Application Procedures ..................................................................................782 Flashing.......................................................................................................783 Protection Course .........................................................................................783
2.3.2 Thermoset Membrane Waterproofing Products..........................................................783 Butyl Rubber Membrane ......................................................................................783 Product Description .........................................................................................783 Composition and Materials .............................................................................783 Basic Uses ..................................................................................................783 Limitations ...................................................................................................783 Standards....................................................................................................783 Installation ......................................................................................................784 Surface Preparation ......................................................................................784 Application Procedures ..................................................................................784 Flashing.......................................................................................................784 Protection Course .........................................................................................784 EPDM/Polychloroprene Membrane .......................................................................784 Product Description .........................................................................................784 Composition and Materials .............................................................................784 Basic Uses ..................................................................................................784 Limitations ...................................................................................................784 Standards....................................................................................................785 Installation ......................................................................................................785 Surface Preparation ......................................................................................785 Application Procedures ..................................................................................785 Flashing.......................................................................................................785 Protection Course .........................................................................................785
2.3.3 Thermoplastic Membrane Waterproofing Products .....................................................785 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Membrane ........................................................................785 Product Description .........................................................................................785 Composition and Materials .............................................................................785 Basic Uses ..................................................................................................785 Limitations ...................................................................................................786 Standards....................................................................................................786 Installation ......................................................................................................786 Surface Preparation ......................................................................................786 Application Procedures ..................................................................................786 Flashing.......................................................................................................786 Protection Course .........................................................................................786
2.3.4 Other Waterproofing Products .................................................................................786

Contents 763
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition One- and Two-component, Fluid-applied Elastomeric Materials ....................................786 Product Description .........................................................................................786 Composition and Materials .............................................................................786 Basic Uses ..................................................................................................787 Limitations ...................................................................................................787 Standards....................................................................................................787 Installation ......................................................................................................787 Surface Preparation ......................................................................................787 Application Procedures ..................................................................................787 Flashing.......................................................................................................787 Protection Course .........................................................................................787 Metallic Waterproofing ........................................................................................788 Product Description .........................................................................................788 Composition and Materials .............................................................................788 Basic Uses ..................................................................................................788 Limitations ...................................................................................................788 Standards....................................................................................................788 Installation ......................................................................................................788 Surface Requirements ...................................................................................788 Application Procedures ..................................................................................788 Flashing.......................................................................................................788 Protection Course .........................................................................................789 Bentonite Waterproofing......................................................................................789 Product Description .........................................................................................789 Composition and Materials .............................................................................789 Basic Uses ..................................................................................................789 Limitations ...................................................................................................789 Standards....................................................................................................789 Installation ......................................................................................................789 Surface Preparation ......................................................................................789 Application Procedures ..................................................................................789 Flashing.......................................................................................................790 Protection Course .........................................................................................790 Crystalline Waterproofing .....................................................................................790 Product Description .........................................................................................790 Composition and Materials .............................................................................790 Basic Uses ..................................................................................................790 Limitations ...................................................................................................790 Standards....................................................................................................790

764 Contents
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition Installation ......................................................................................................790 Surface Preparation ......................................................................................790 Application Procedures ..................................................................................790 Flashing.......................................................................................................791 Protection Course .........................................................................................791 Cementitious Waterproofing .................................................................................791 Product Description .........................................................................................791 Composition and Materials .............................................................................791 Basic Uses ..................................................................................................791 Limitations ...................................................................................................791 Standards....................................................................................................791 Installation ......................................................................................................792 Surface Preparation ......................................................................................792 Application Procedures ..................................................................................792 Flashing.......................................................................................................792 Protection Course .........................................................................................792 Elastomeric Vehicular Traffic Coating......................................................................792 Product Description .........................................................................................792 Composition and Materials .............................................................................792 Basic Uses ..................................................................................................792 Limitations ...................................................................................................793 Standards....................................................................................................793 Installation ......................................................................................................793 Surface Preparation ......................................................................................793 Application Procedures ..................................................................................793 Flashing.......................................................................................................793 Protection Course .........................................................................................793 Elastomeric Pedestrian Traffic Coating ...................................................................794 Product Description .........................................................................................794 Composition and Materials .............................................................................794 Basic Uses ..................................................................................................794 Limitations ...................................................................................................794 Standards....................................................................................................794 Installation ......................................................................................................794 Surface Preparation ......................................................................................794 Application Procedures ..................................................................................794 Flashing.......................................................................................................794 Protection Course .........................................................................................795
2.4 Waterproofing Repair Systems (Negative Side) ............................................................. 795

Contents 765
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

2.4.1 Metallic Waterproofing Repairs ................................................................................795 Product Description ............................................................................................795 Composition and Materials ................................................................................795 Basic Uses .....................................................................................................795 Limitations ......................................................................................................795 Standards.......................................................................................................795 Portland Cement ..........................................................................................795 Nonmetallic Fine Aggregate ............................................................................795 Water .........................................................................................................795 Metallic Waterproofing Compound...................................................................795 Accelerating Chemical ...................................................................................796 Installation .........................................................................................................796 Surface Preparation .........................................................................................796 Application Procedures .....................................................................................796
2.4.2 Polyurethane Chemical Grout Injection.......................................................................796
2.4.3 Acrylamide Gel Chemical Grout Injection ....................................................................796
2.5 Miscellaneous Materials ............................................................................................797
2.5.1 Protection Courses ................................................................................................797 Polystyrene Protection Board................................................................................797 Bitumen-bound Expanded Polystyrene Drainage Board ..............................................797 Premolded Membrane Protection Boards ...............................................................797 Extruded Polystyrene Sandwich Panels ...................................................................798 Impregnated Fiberboard.......................................................................................798
2.5.2 Prefabricated Drainage Systems (Geocomposites) ..................................................... 798 Bitumen-bound Expanded Polystyrene Drainage Board ..............................................798 Three-dimensional, Compression-resistant Nylon Matting with Laminated Filter Fabric ...798 Waffle-like Plastic Drainage Core with Laminated Filter Fabric ....................................798 Insulating Foundation Drainage Panels....................................................................798
2.5.3 Geoinclusions ........................................................................................................799
3. Dampproofing ..........................................................................................................799
3.1 Design Guidance .......................................................................................................799
3.1.1 Dampproofing Performance Requirements for Various Building Surfaces ........................799
3.1.2 Suggested Dampproofing Materials for Various Building Surfaces..................................799
3.2 Dampproofing Products .............................................................................................800
3.2.1 Solvent-based Dampproofing Mastics ........................................................................800 Product Description ............................................................................................800 Composition and Materials ................................................................................800 Basic Uses .....................................................................................................800 Limitations ......................................................................................................800 Standards.......................................................................................................800

766 Contents
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition Installation .........................................................................................................800 Surface Preparation .........................................................................................800 Application Procedures .....................................................................................800 Protection Course ............................................................................................800
3.2.2 Bituminous Emulsion Dampproofing ..........................................................................800 Product Description ............................................................................................800 Composition and Materials ................................................................................800 Basic Uses .....................................................................................................801 Limitations ......................................................................................................801 Standards.......................................................................................................801 Installation .........................................................................................................801 Surface Preparation .........................................................................................801 Application Procedures .....................................................................................801 Protection Course ............................................................................................801
3.2.3 Transparent Dampproofing Materials ........................................................................801 Product Description ............................................................................................801 Composition and Materials ................................................................................801 Basic Uses .....................................................................................................801 Limitations ......................................................................................................802 Standards.......................................................................................................802 Installation .........................................................................................................802 Surface Preparation .........................................................................................802 Application Procedures .....................................................................................802
4. Appendix—Water Flood Test Verification Form ...........................................................803

Contents 767
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

The Waterproofing and Dampproofing Section of The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual, Fifth Edition
contains technical and procedural information based upon the field experiences of NRCA-contractor members.

Waterproofing and dampproofing practices vary considerably in different parts of the country due to the variety of
conditions that exist and the various materials that are available for use. Many times, waterproofing and damp-
proofing systems are essentially customized, designed for specific structures and applied on the job site. Adher-
ence to the practices outlined in this manual is an option of each contracting firm. Area practices and the time-
proven methods employed by individual firms are frequently given priority over these recommended general

This manual was written by waterproofing and dampproofing contractors in the hope that the roofing, waterproof-
ing and construction industries will benefit from the knowledge and experience of waterproofing and dampproofing

2.1 General Information
2.1.1 Waterproofing
Waterproofing is defined as the treatment of a surface or structure to prevent the passage of water under hydro-
static pressure. Water exerts a pressure of 62.4 pounds per square foot per foot (1000 kg per meter) of depth.
Therefore, water lying against a barrier exerts a steadily increasing pressure as the depth of the water increases.
The waterproofing treatment must keep the water from penetrating into the building interior.

Waterproofing is used:
• To protect floors and walls below grade of buildings, tunnels and similar structures from ground water.
• To protect spaces beneath roof systems and plaza decks.
• To isolate wet spaces, such as kitchens, showers and mechanical equipment rooms from other areas of
• On bridge decks to protect against deterioration from deicing salts and to help minimize the negative effects of
thermal expansion of the structural elements and topping materials.
• To keep water from leaking from pools, planters, fountains, lagoons, irrigation trenches and dams or into base-
ments and other underground structures.

An understanding of the different loads and stresses placed upon the waterproofing material is important to the
proper design of structures and facilities. Some of these forces are similar to those to which roofing membranes
are exposed, but others are quite different. The following are some of the performance attributes required of water-
proofing materials:
• Perform for an extended period of time, preferably for the life of the structure. It is usually quite costly, if not im-
possible, to excavate around the foundation walls or to remove a reinforced concrete floor slab to repair or re-
place the waterproofing material. Consequently, unlike a roof membrane, a waterproofing membrane must per-
form completely trouble- and maintenance-free for an indefinite period of time.

• Perform successfully in a constantly wet environment. Although there may be relatively dry periods depending on
where the material is employed and the level of ground water, waterproofing is usually in continuous contact with
ground water or is retaining water, such as in a planter or pool.
• Resist environmental contaminants, such as acids or alkalies, and other contaminants. Soil chemistry varies from
location to location and sometimes from foot to foot of excavated depth. The material must be compatible with
both the soil and the substrate to which it is applied. Some waterproofing materials are intolerant of certain soil
salts, and others are affected by oils that could be spilled onto floors in mechanical equipment rooms. These
contaminants are much different from those to which roof membranes are exposed.

• Withstand construction activity. The material must remain in place and intact until excavations can be backfilled

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or the protective wearing course can be applied. During backfill placement, rocks, construction debris and other
sharp objects may be dumped against the waterproofing material. However, the greatest threat to waterproofing
often comes from other construction trades. Even though horizontal surfaces are usually covered with a protec-
tion course, other trades often use the waterproofed surface as a staging area or for access to adjacent work
areas. Although this can also be a problem for roof membranes, it is more critical for waterproofing because once
in use the waterproofing membrane is not readily accessible for repair.
• Accommodate anticipated structural movement in the substrate to which it has been applied. Below-grade con-
crete and masonry structures may experience settlement and/or shrinkage as the substrate materials cure. Hori-
zontal plaza decks experience thermal movement and load deflection. These characteristics make it necessary
for the waterproofing material to be able to bridge small cracks and expand and contract to some degree without
rupture or failure.

Waterproofing materials are generally concealed and often placed into more shielded environments than roof mem-
branes. Therefore, materials used for waterproofing may not perform successfully if used for roofing applications.
The following are some conditions favorable to waterproofing membranes:
• Subjected to limited thermal stress. Below-grade waterproofing materials are usually kept at near constant tem-
peratures because of their contact with earth backfill on the exterior and proximity to relatively constant interior
temperatures. Further, the materials are usually directly adhered to thermally and dimensionally stable structural
decks or wall surfaces.
• Not usually exposed to direct ultraviolet radiation because they are most often buried in the ground, covered with
a plaza deck surface or used inside the building. Sunlight and other environmental exposures cannot affect them
once the building is completed.
• Most have the advantage of being adhered directly to structural substrates. Structural decks and walls are typi-
cally dimensionally stable. When the materials are fully adhered to the substrates, water penetrating the water-
proofing cannot freely move laterally. Therefore, leaks tend to appear very close to the point of moisture penetra-
• Protected from physical abuse. After installation, waterproofing materials are usually covered with a protection
course and backfill or with a permanent protection slab. People should not walk directly on the waterproofing

2.1.2 Dampproofing
Dampproofing is defined as the treatment of a surface or structure to resist the passage of water in the absence of
hydrostatic pressure. Dampproofing methods will not work when hydrostatic pressures are present and are general-
ly employed above grade or below grade in the absence of ground water. For this reason, many of the design fac-
tors that are critical to the performance of a waterproofing system are not as critical to the successful performance
of dampproofing.

Dampproofing is employed to prevent moisture from wicking through the structure and damaging interior finishes.
Some dampproofing materials are transparent and can be exposed above grade.

2.1.3 Hydrostatic Pressure Relief Systems

A hydrostatic pressure relief system is a system of perimeter and/or under-slab drains used to regulate the hydro-
static pressure in the earth surrounding a below-grade structure.

Clearly, the most effective way to waterproof walls and floors placed against earth is to remove the water from the
earth prior to it reaching the wall or floor. Each of the waterproofing materials described in this manual will resist
hydrostatic pressure to varying degrees. However, the waterproof integrity of any building can be greatly improved
if the hydrostatic pressure against the waterproofing material can be reduced or eliminated entirely.

In below-grade structures, the determination of whether a hydrostatic pressure relief system can be used depends
upon the quantity of water that must be handled and how it is to be handled or resisted. When gravity can be used
to direct water from around the building foundation into a storm sewer, greater amounts of water can be handled
than when pumping must be used to lower the water table. Operating the pumps can be costly if there is a great
amount of water to handle, and there is always the threat of problems should the pumps fail.

If it is determined that a hydrostatic relief system cannot be economically employed, then the foundation floor slab

770 Waterproofing and Dampproofing

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

must be designed with sufficient concrete mass and reinforcement to resist the uplift pressures of the anticipated
water table, and the construction has to be carefully waterproofed, which can be an expensive construction process.
If a hydrostatic pressure relief system can be employed, then the slab-on-grade can be designed with only surface
load considerations, thereby greatly reducing construction costs. Furthermore, waterproofing of the floor slab may
not be necessary.

The decision to use a hydrostatic pressure relief system depends on a careful analysis of soil borings and water
table level readings and should be made with the input of an experienced soils or geotechnical engineer. A site with
coarse, permeable soil that freely permits water percolation, combined with a water table level that is above the top
of the foundation floor slab, is probably an unlikely candidate for a hydrostatic pressure relief system, particularly if
the water table must be lowered by pumping. Conversely, a site with a dense clay soil resistant to water percolation
could be an excellent candidate for a hydrostatic pressure relief system, even if the water table level is considerably
higher than the foundation floor slab.

Hydrostatic pressure can be relieved from perimeter walls below grade by using a coarse aggregate backfill or a
prefabricated drainage product known as a “geocomposite.” These systems channel ground water traveling toward
the building down to a perimeter drainage system located below the bottom of the foundation floor slab. The drain
system may be installed either at the exterior or interior perimeter of the foundation walls or both, depending on the
specific type of hydrostatic pressure relief system being used. When aggregate is used to relieve hydrostatic pres-
sure against wall surfaces, a separate protection course must be placed against the waterproofing membrane to
protect the membrane from damage during aggregate placement. Loose aggregate should not be placed directly
against the waterproofing membrane. Alternatively, geocomposites relieve hydrostatic pressure and some also
serve as protection for the waterproofing membrane during backfill operations.

Consideration should also be given to relieving water pressure from the surface of horizontal suspended structural
slabs, such as a plaza deck slab. When water that permeates its way through upper layers down to the membrane
surface can drain freely to deck drains, the horizontal waterproofing membrane will perform better. This drainage
can be achieved by placing a suitable insulation board specially designed with drainage channels or grooves on its
underside, a protection course and a layer of aggregate or a geocomposite directly above the waterproofing mem-
brane surface.

2.1.4 Substrate Preparation

Most waterproofing materials are bonded or applied to surfaces that are installed by other trades. It is essential to
the performance of the waterproofing material that these substrates be structurally sound and free from excessive
cracks, holes or projections. Certain curing compounds and finishes may affect or interfere with the performance of
the waterproofing material. The use of oils, waxes and other surface contaminants should be avoided or the con-
taminants must be removed prior to waterproofing. The waterproofing contractor should visually inspect the sub-
strate surfaces before the application of waterproofing materials and report any deficiencies so that they may be
corrected by the responsible trade.

The following are recommended surface preparation procedures acceptable for most waterproofing materials.
Other procedures may be recommended or required by the waterproofing material manufacturer. Masonry Substrates

Holes, joints and voids in masonry substrates should be pointed flush with the surface. The masonry surface
should be smooth and free from projections. Penetrations through the masonry surface should be grouted tightly.
Irregular existing masonry surfaces that will be waterproofed with a membrane should receive an approximate
⁄2-inch- (13-mm-) thick parging, consisting of one part cement to three parts sand, finished to a smooth steel
trowel surface. Block filler may be used in lieu of parging where conditions warrant. Concrete Substrates

NRCA recommends that horizontal concrete decks cure a minimum of 28 days, or as specified by the material
manufacturer, to allow moisture to dissipate from the top surface (forming systems typically prevent dissipation
of moisture from the underside of horizontal decks) prior to applying waterproofing materials.

Form release agents and concrete curing compounds must be compatible with the waterproofing materials being
used or must be removed from the concrete surface by the responsible trade. Honeycombs, tie-wire holes and
other voids in the concrete substrate must be cut out and repointed with a nonshrinking concrete patching

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compound. Concrete fins or other projections should be removed to provide a smooth surface. Horizontal concrete
slabs should be free from gouges, voids, depressions, ridges and concrete droppings and should preferably be
sloped to drains.

ASTM D 5295, “Standard Guide for Preparation of Concrete Surfaces for Adhered (Bonded) Membrane Waterproof-
ing System” provides additional recommendations regarding the preparation of concrete deck surfaces prior to the
installation of waterproofing. Plywood Substrates

The grade of plywood utilized is critical to the performance of the waterproofing. NRCA suggests the use of marine-
grade plywood as a substrate for waterproofing applications.

The surface of plywood substrates must be smooth, and holes, open joints or gaps between panels should be
plugged or covered. Knotholes are not acceptable for waterproofing purposes. Plywood panel edges should bear
on joists or blocking to reduce deflection from traffic. The thickness and deflection characteristics of plywood sub-
strates are important design considerations. Plywood decks should be sloped for drainage.

Fasteners used for attaching plywood must be corrosion-resistant-type, either resin coated; ribbed; screw; or ring-
shanked nails; or screws countersunk to prevent their backing out and puncturing the waterproofing membrane.

2.2 Design Guidance

2.2.1 Waterproofing Performance Requirements for Various Building Surfaces
Various building surfaces requiring waterproofing place different loads and stresses on waterproofing materials de-
pending on their location in the structure. As an example, the physical properties of a waterproofing material for an
exposed parking deck, subject to thermal stresses and dynamic loads, would be considerably different from those
for a concrete pressure slab-on-grade, where the temperature and other loads are constant. It is therefore neces-
sary to anticipate loads and stresses that can occur on the building surface, and then select a material that is best
suited for the job. Some waterproofing materials may function well in certain building areas and perform poorly in

As a general rule, waterproofing materials adhered or bonded to the substrate they protect are preferred to those
that are loose-laid over the substrate. Adhered materials are more desirable because they reduce the possibility of
lateral water migration between the waterproofing material and the substrate. If a problem occurs in the waterproof-
ing material, it is essential that the problem be confined to a localized area to expedite repairs and reduce repair
costs. Water infiltrating through a defect in a loose-laid waterproofing material could easily migrate away from the
point of penetration and leak into the structure a considerable distance from the defect. This makes locating the
defect extremely difficult, time-consuming and costly. Because waterproofing materials are usually covered by sub-
sequent construction or are buried underground, easy problem location and identification are important. Loose-laid
waterproofing materials are often too risky for the typical construction project. However, loose-laid materials may
be an appropriate choice when the waterproofing is installed against the earth as would be the case in the con-
struction of work slabs, pools, ponds, lagoons and reservoirs.

This section identifies some loads and stresses that can be expected on various building surfaces and locations,
and should be considered when reviewing the physical properties of various waterproofing materials. When appro-
priate, this section identifies those materials that could be considered for use at each location. However, this infor-
mation is only provided as a guide. The final decision rests with the waterproofing system designer, taking into ac-
count the various performance requirements for the particular surface and location and the materials that might
meet those requirements. Hydrostatic Pressure Slab-On-Grade (Mat Slab)

A hydrostatic pressure slab-on-grade must be designed with concrete of appropriate mass and sufficient structural
reinforcement to resist the uplift forces of hydrostatic pressure and to do so without deflecting or cracking. Conse-
quently, waterproofing materials used in this location usually need not possess the same crack-bridging or elonga-
tion capabilities as would materials used to waterproof suspended slabs that are subject to thermal and load

772 Waterproofing and Dampproofing

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition Waterproofing from the Exterior (Earth Side)

The following is a list of properties that waterproofing materials should possess when applied to the exterior (under-
side) of slabs-on-grade designed to resist hydrostatic pressure. The material should:
• Function in a constantly wet environment.
• Resist the chemicals and minerals found in the soil surrounding the site.
• Be compatible with the surface to which it is installed. This may include rough concrete work slabs and, in some
cases, compacted earth.
• Resist abuse from other trades working over the material after it is installed. Even when a separate protection
layer is installed, a material possessing high physical strength properties may survive construction abuse better
than a fragile material.
• Be capable of being installed in areas that are already damp or wet, such as the environment in the bottom of
most excavations. Waterproofing from the Interior Side

The following is a list of properties that waterproofing materials should possess when applied to the interior (top-
side) of slabs-on-grade designed to resist hydrostatic pressure. The material should:
• Withstand hydrostatic pressure forces from the negative side. This precludes the use of most sheet waterproof-
ing materials because the pressure from the negative (under-slab) side would disbond and lift the membrane off
the surface.
• Withstand traffic loads resulting from the use of the structure. Protection courses may be required to isolate the
waterproofing membrane from this traffic.
• Perform in a damp or wet environment and must stop the flow of water under pressure. Concrete pressure slabs-
on-grade may leak prior to waterproofing treatment. It may be necessary to temporarily stop the leak so the ma-
terial can take its final set when waterproofing from the negative-pressure side. Walls Below Grade

Walls below grade can be constructed of reinforced, cast-in-place concrete, prestressed concrete panels, masonry or
preservative-treated wood. Wood foundations are only used to a minor extent, employing specialized waterproofing
practices, and will not be addressed in great detail in this manual. Nevertheless, some of the materials included within
this manual may function very well on wood foundation systems and use of them is mentioned when appropriate.

Foundation walls, whether of concrete, masonry or wood, must be structurally designed to resist the lateral loads
imposed upon them by earthen backfill and hydrostatic pressure. A geoinclusion may be employed to reduce later-
al earth and hydrostatic pressures. NRCA recommends that all building foundation walls below grade receive some
form of waterproofing treatment. However, foundations that employ a hydrostatic pressure relief system, such as
aggregate or a prefabricated drainage system (geocomposite), may not require as rigorous a waterproofing treat-
ment for the full height of the wall. When such systems are employed, dampproofing treatments may be substituted
for waterproofing treatments. A thorough analysis of ground-water levels and soil percolation rates surrounding the
site should be made before deciding on the use of dampproofing in lieu of waterproofing.

Waterproofing should only be applied to the exterior (earth side) of precast concrete, masonry and wood founda-
tions. Waterproofing can be applied to either the exterior or interior side of below-grade, cast-in-place concrete
foundation walls. At times, however, these foundations may not be accessible from the earth side due to the place-
ment of the wall against sheeting or shoring. Walls Accessible from the Exterior (Earth Side)

For proper waterproofing installation, a space of at least 2 feet (0.6 m) is needed between the exterior face of
the foundation wall and the surrounding earth. Sheeting and shoring must retain earth loads, and the excavation
must be kept free of water. For best results, the waterproofing should be installed in lifts, typically 6 to 8 feet (1.8 to
2.4 m) high, as backfill is placed and compacted. The following is a list of properties that waterproofing materials
should possess when applied to the exterior side of foundation walls. The material should:
• Achieve complete adhesion to the wall. This attribute is essential to achieve a watertight structure. Complete

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adhesion prevents lateral migration of water between the waterproofing material and the face of the foundation
wall should the material be damaged. If the membrane is not fully adhered, water from a leak can migrate to
other areas of the foundation, increasing damage and making location and repair of the leak more difficult.
• Function in an environment that can range from intermittently damp to constantly wet.
• Resist the chemicals and minerals found in the surrounding soil.
• Accommodate the shrinkage, settlement or other movement anticipated in the foundation wall.
• Hold its position on the wall surface, and resist exposure to environmental elements until the protection course
and backfill has been placed. Even though backfill should be placed as soon as possible following application of
the waterproofing, delays may occur. The waterproofing materials must therefore resist short-term exposure to
high and low temperatures, sun and precipitation.
• Withstand backfill and compaction operations. Most waterproofing materials require some form of protection,
isolating them from the backfill. Protection must remain in place, at least until backfill operations are completed,
and should not require that the waterproofing membrane be penetrated to be held in place. Cast-in-place Concrete Walls Inaccessible from the Exterior (Earth Side)

Where there is less than 2 feet (610 mm) of space between a foundation wall and the surrounding earth, there are
two possible methods of installing waterproofing:
• Waterproofing is installed against the sheeting or shoring prior to the placement of the concrete foundation walls.
This waterproofing material needs the same properties as if it had been applied from the exterior side, and it
must remain in place during installation of steel reinforcement, concrete forms and the concrete itself.
• Waterproofing is applied to the interior side of the foundation wall after it is placed.

The following is a list of properties that waterproofing materials should possess when applied to the interior side of
cast-in-place concrete foundation walls. The material should:
• Function in a constantly wet or damp environment.
• Withstand hydrostatic pressure forces from the negative side.
• Provide an aesthetic finish if it is exposed to view.
• Be able to stop leakage through the foundation wall while the material is curing. Suspended Structural Decks Over Habitable Spaces

Suspended structural decks may be constructed of reinforced, cast-in-place concrete, prestressed concrete panels
or wood. These deck types are generally designed to accommodate pedestrian or vehicle traffic and often contain
planters, fountains and other types of construction. The sandwich-style construction created usually consists of the
structural deck, waterproofing membrane layer, insulation or protection course, and traffic-bearing finish course.
The insulation may be installed below the structural deck instead of on top of the waterproofing membrane, and the
traffic-bearing finish course may be omitted if the waterproofing membrane itself is traffic-bearing.

Ideally, the suspended structural deck should be sloped to drain. The advantages of draining the membrane sur-
face are well-established. Recognizing the problems that arise when attempting to slope a suspended structural
deck, consideration should be given to placing an adequate number of dual-level drains to reduce the accumula-
tion of water on the waterproofing membrane surface. The number, sizing, and placement of the drains should be
in accordance with the governing plumbing or building code. Membranes Employing a Separate Traffic-bearing Finish Course

In these assemblies, a separate traffic-bearing finish of some type is installed over the completed waterproofing
membrane. This same type of assembly would be employed in planters and under landscaped areas. Because the
waterproofing membrane will be inaccessible, NRCA strongly recommends that the waterproofing membrane be
water-tested to prove its integrity prior to installing the protection course or permitting subsequent construction. It
is beneficial to have the results of the test witnessed and confirmed in writing by a third party in case a problem
arises after job completion. A suggested form for documenting a water test is included in the appendix.

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The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

A water test is conducted by temporarily plugging or otherwise closing any deck drains and erecting temporary
dams where required to retain water on the surface of the waterproofing material, then flooding the surface to a
minimum depth of 1 inch (25 mm). Due care must be taken so that the weight of water retained does not exceed
the load-carrying capacity of the structural deck, and the height of the water does not exceed the height of the low-
est flashing. The water should be allowed to remain on the deck for approximately 24 hours, during and after which
the areas beneath the membrane should be inspected for leaks. If leaks are detected, the test should be stopped,
repairs made and the area retested. When the test is successful, the drains should be opened and temporary dams
removed. The protection course should be installed over the tested area, and the area, roped off to prevent con-
struction traffic other than that relating to the waterproofing work from crossing the surface. This water test docu-
ments the performance of the waterproofing membrane prior to concealment by subsequent construction.

The following is a list of properties that waterproofing materials should possess when used with a separate traffic-
bearing course. The material should:
• Achieve complete adhesion to the deck; this is an attribute essential for achieving a watertight structure. Com-
plete adhesion prevents lateral migration of water between the underside of the waterproofing membrane and
top of the deck, should the membrane be damaged. If the membrane is not fully adhered, water from a leak can
migrate to other areas of the deck, increasing damage and making location and repair of the leak more difficult.
• Function in a constantly wet environment. Even with slope provided for drainage, water flow will be restricted by
protection board or insulation, and some localized ponding will occur at deck irregularities.
• Accommodate movement and cracking that generally occurs from expansion/contraction, shrinkage and/or load
deflection of the deck.
• Resist abuse from other trades working over the material after it is installed. Even when a separate protection
layer is installed, the material must resist damage prior to and during application of the final traffic-bearing
course. Membranes Incorporating Traffic-bearing Waterproofing Characteristics

In these assemblies, traffic-bearing waterproofing materials are usually applied in liquid form directly to reinforced,
cast-in-place concrete, prestressed concrete panels or wood structural decks after preparation has been made at
terminations, joints and cracks. Because the materials provide an aesthetic, traffic-resistant finish, there is no need
for a separate traffic-bearing course. This reduces the dead load on the structural deck. Being exposed to traffic,
these materials do require frequent maintenance to restore worn and weathered areas. The following is a list of
properties that traffic-bearing waterproofing materials should possess. The material should:
• Achieve complete adhesion to the deck. Loose, peeling or blistering areas compromise the skid-resistance and
appearance of the coating, as well as its waterproofing performance. Complete adhesion prevents lateral migra-
tion of water between the underside of the waterproofing and the deck should the membrane be damaged. If the
membrane is not fully adhered, water from a leak can migrate to other areas of the deck, increasing damage and
making location and repair of the leak more difficult.
• Resist abrasion from traffic over the surface.
• Resist the chemicals and materials it will be exposed to in service. For example, in a parking garage,
traffic-bearing waterproofing must resist grease, oil, gasoline, road salt and automotive chemicals.
• Be skid-resistant, even when it is wet. These materials are usually installed in pedestrian or vehicle traffic areas.
• Accommodate reasonable amounts of shrinkage, cracking, expansion and contraction, deflection and other
movement anticipated in the substrate.
• Be easily repaired and maintained to preserve its waterproofing and skid-resisting functions. Pools, Ponds, Lagoons and Reservoirs

There are many kinds of structures built to contain liquids. These include structures for storing potable water and
structures for holding sewage or chemicals. Some of these structures are earthen, and others are made from con-
crete and other materials. Waterproofing for these structures is usually applied between the earthwork or surface
of the structure and the liquid being contained. The following characteristics should be considered when selecting
waterproofing materials for these structures. The materials must be:
• Safe for use in direct contact with liquids intended for human or animal consumption.

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• Resistant to and unaffected by the liquid that it is containing, and must function under constant submersion and
high levels of hydrostatic pressure.
• Able to resist the combined effects of exposure to sunlight, weather and intermittent wetting when exposed
above the liquid surface.
• Compatible with and able to conform to the surfaces to which it is installed, including rough concrete walls, work
slabs and compacted earth.

2.2.2 Suggested List of Waterproofing Materials for Various Building Surfaces Slab-on-grade Waterproofing from the Exterior (Earth Side) Over a Work Slab
• Asphalt or coal-tar built-up membranes
• Hot-liquid-applied, polymer-modified asphalt membrane
• Polymer-modified bitumen sheet membrane
• Butyl or EPDM (thermoset) membranes
• PVC (thermoplastic) membrane
• Fluid-applied elastomeric materials
• Bentonite Waterproofing from the Interior Side

• Metallic waterproofing
• Cementitious waterproofing
• Crystalline waterproofing Walls Below Grade Walls Accessible from the Exterior (Earth Side)

• Asphalt or coal-tar built-up membranes
• Hot-liquid-applied, polymer-modified asphalt membrane
• Polymer-modified bitumen sheet membrane
• Butyl or EPDM (thermoset) membranes
• PVC (thermoplastic) membrane
• Fluid-applied elastomeric materials
• Metallic waterproofing
• Cementitious waterproofing
• Crystalline waterproofing
• Bentonite Cast-in-place Concrete Walls (from the Interior Side)

• Metallic waterproofing
• Cementitious waterproofing
• Crystalline waterproofing

776 Waterproofing and Dampproofing

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition Suspended Structural Decks Over Habitable Spaces Assemblies Employing a Separate Traffic-bearing Finish Course

• Asphalt or coal-tar built-up membranes
• Hot-liquid-applied, polymer-modified asphalt membrane
• Polymer-modified bitumen sheet membrane
• Butyl or EPDM (thermoset) membranes
• PVC (thermoplastic) membrane Assemblies Employing an Elastomeric Waterproofing Material

• Elastomeric vehicular traffic coating
• Elastomeric pedestrian traffic coating Pools, Ponds, Lagoons and Reservoirs For Containment of Potable Water

• Hot-liquid-applied, polymer-modified asphalt membrane
• Polymer-modified bitumen sheet membrane
• Butyl or EPDM (thermoset) membranes
• PVC (thermoplastic) membrane
• Certain fluid-applied elastomeric materials
• Bentonite For Containment of Other Liquids

• Verify chemical compatibility with the waterproofing material

2.3 Waterproofing Products

2.3.1 Bituminous Membrane Waterproofing Products Asphalt Built-up Membrane Product Description Composition and Materials

Asphalt built-up waterproofing membranes are composed of alternating layers of asphalt and reinforcing ply
sheets. Ply sheets may be either glass fiber or organic felts installed in phased applications.

The number of plies of membrane depends on the hydrostatic pressure head that needs to be resisted. The rela-
tionship between hydrostatic pressure and the minimum number of plies recommended is as follows:

Hydrostatic Pressure Head, 1 - 10 feet 11 - 25 feet 26 - 50 feet

Feet of Water (305 mm - 3 m) (3.4 - 7.6 m) (7.9 - 15.2 m)
Number of Plies 3 4 5 Basic Uses

Asphalt built-up waterproofing membranes are used to resist water penetration on those areas of structures that
are exposed to hydrostatic pressure. These include walls below grade, promenades, shower pans, bridges and
roadbeds, and other subgrade construction.

Waterproofing and Dampproofing 777

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition Limitations

Asphalt built-up waterproofing membranes generally should not be installed when ambient temperatures are below
32˚ F (0˚ C). If application at lower ambient temperatures is necessary due to project conditions, consult the manu-
facturer for specific cold temperature application recommendations. Installation should not proceed when moisture
is present.

The completed membrane should not be exposed to prolonged periods of sunlight before covering or backfilling to
prevent slipping and softening of the bitumen. Standards

Asphalt built-up membrane waterproofing components should conform to the following recognized standards:

Asphalt ASTM D 449, Type I, II or III

Asphalt Primer ASTM D 41
Asphalt-Saturated Organic Felt ASTM D 226
Asphalt-Impregnated Glass Mat ASTM D 2178, Type IV
Bitumen-Saturated Cotton Fabric ASTM D 173
Treated Glass Fabric ASTM D 1668
Bitumen-Saturated Burlap Fabric ASTM D 1327

The asphalt used in waterproofing applications (ASTM D 449) differs from asphalt used in roofing (ASTM D 312) in
that waterproofing asphalt has lower softening-point and flash-point temperatures and, therefore, somewhat differ-
ent physical properties. Installation Surface Preparation

The substrate must be structurally sound. Surfaces to receive asphalt built-up membrane waterproofing must be
broom clean; adequately dry; reasonably smooth; and free of dust, dirt, voids and sharp projections. Cracks 1⁄16 inch
(1.6 mm) or wider should be addressed separately with an additional ply of reinforcing felt, mat or fabric applied
with hot asphalt prior to the application of the primary membrane system. Application Procedures

Prime the surface with asphalt primer as recommended by the manufacturer of the waterproofing materials. Rein-
force all inside and outside corners with two 12 inch (300 mm) wide plies of reinforcing material centered on the
corner. Apply the required number of plies of reinforcing felt or mat using the phased method of application. Under
no circumstances should all plies be installed in shingle fashion in one complete operation. Apply asphalt in a con-
tinuous, firmly bonding film and with sufficient pressure to assure good adhesion. For horizontal applications, con-
sideration should be given to installing one-half of the total number of plies shingle fashion in one direction, then in-
stalling the remaining plies shingle fashion in a direction across the underlying plies. For vertical applications, orient
the reinforcing felt or mat vertically in conveniently workable height lifts, fastening the reinforcing felt or mat at the
top of each course. Generally, vertical applications require double moppings of asphalt to achieve complete cover-
age and a continuous film. Flashing

Flash all penetrations with two plies of reinforcing material. Use the base flashing material as recommended by the
membrane manufacturer at the intersection of vertical and horizontal surfaces.

Refer to Chapter 4, Waterproofing Details, for recommended flashing detail configurations. Protection Course

Cover the membrane with a protection course as recommended by the membrane manufacturer. Install the wearing

778 Waterproofing and Dampproofing

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

surface or backfill within 24 to 72 hours after completion of the waterproofing membrane. If surfaces are exposed
to the sun or if the waterproofing is being performed during extremely hot weather, installation of the protection
course and backfilling should occur within 24 hours. Coal-tar Built-up Membrane Product Description Composition and Materials

Coal-tar built-up waterproofing membranes are composed of alternating layers of coal tar and reinforcing ply
sheets. Ply sheets may be either glass fiber or organic felts installed in phased applications.

The number of plies of membrane depends on the hydrostatic pressure head that needs to be resisted. The rela-
tionship between hydrostatic pressure and the minimum number of plies recommended is as follows:

Hydrostatic Pressure Head, 1 - 10 feet 11 - 25 feet 26 - 50 feet

Feet of Water (305 mm - 3 m) (3.4 - 7.6 m) (7.9 - 15.2 m)
Number of plies 3 4 5 Basic Uses

Coal-tar built-up waterproofing membranes are used to resist water penetration on those areas of structures that
are exposed to hydrostatic pressure. These include walls below grade, promenades, shower pans, bridges and
roadbeds, and other subgrade construction. Limitations

Coal-tar built-up waterproofing membranes should generally not be installed when ambient temperatures are below
32° F (0° C). If application at lower ambient temperatures is necessary due to project conditions, consult the manu-
facturer for specific cold-temperature application recommendations. Installation should not proceed when moisture
is present.

The completed membrane should not be exposed to prolonged periods of sunlight before covering or backfilling to
prevent slipping and softening of the bitumen. Standards

Coal-tar built-up membrane waterproofing components should conform to the following recognized standards:

Coal Tar ASTM D 450, Type II

Coal Tar Primer ASTM D 43
Coal-Tar Saturated Organic Felt ASTM D 227
Asphalt-Impregnated Glass Mat ASTM D 2178, Type IV
Coal-Tar-Impregnated Glass Mat ASTM D 4990
Bitumen-Saturated Cotton Fabric ASTM D 173
Treated Glass Fabric ASTM D 1668
Bitumen-Saturated Burlap Fabric ASTM D 1327

Coal tar used in waterproofing applications (ASTM D 450, Type II) differs from coal tar used in roofing (ASTM D 450,
Types I and III) in that waterproofing coal tar has lower softening-point and flash-point temperatures and, therefore,
somewhat different physical properties.

Waterproofing and Dampproofing 779

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition Installation Surface Preparation

The substrate must be structurally sound. Surfaces to receive coal-tar built-up membrane waterproofing must be
broom clean; adequately dry; reasonably smooth; and free of dust, dirt, voids and sharp projections. Cracks 1⁄16 inch
(1.6mm) or wider should be addressed separately, with an additional ply of reinforcing felt, mat or fabric applied in
hot coal tar prior to the application of the primary membrane system. Application Procedures

Prime the surface with coal-tar primer as recommended by the manufacturer of the waterproofing materials. Rein-
force all inside and outside corners with two 12-inch- (305-mm-) wide plies of reinforcing material centered on the
corner. Apply the required number of plies of reinforcing felt or mat using the phased method of application. Under no
circumstances should all plies be installed in shingle fashion at one complete operation. Apply the coal tar in a contin-
uous, firmly bonding film and with sufficient pressure to assure good adhesion. For horizontal applications, considera-
tion should be given to installing one-half of the total number of plies shingle fashion in one direction, then installing
the remaining plies shingle fashion in a direction across the underlying plies. For vertical applications, orient the rein-
forcing material vertically in conveniently workable height lifts, fastening the reinforcing at the top of each course.
Generally, vertical applications require double moppings to achieve complete coverage and a continuous film. Flashing

Flash all penetrations with two plies of reinforcing material. Use the base flashing material as recommended by the
membrane manufacturer at the intersection of vertical and horizontal surfaces.

Refer to Chapter 4, Waterproofing Details, for recommended flashing detail configurations. Protection Course

Cover the membrane with a protection course as recommended by the membrane manufacturer. Install the wearing
surface or backfill within 24 to 72 hours after the completion of the waterproofing membrane. If surfaces are ex-
posed to direct sun or if the waterproofing is being performed during extremely hot weather, installation of the pro-
tection course and backfilling should occur within 24 hours. Hot-liquid-applied, Polymer-modified Asphalt Membrane Product Description Composition and Materials

Hot-liquid-applied, polymer-modified asphalt consists of refined asphalt, synthetic rubbers and extenders. The ma-
terial is typically supplied in 50-pound (23-kg) cakes wrapped in polyethylene film, shipped in containers that weigh
400 to 600 pounds (181 to 272 kg). The cakes are melted in a double jacketed oil bath kettle and applied as a liquid
that quickly cools to form a solid membrane material. Basic Uses

Hot-liquid-applied, polymer-modified asphalt membrane waterproofing is used to resist water penetration on base-
ment slabs, plaza decks, parking decks and ramps, pools, reservoirs, mechanical equipment rooms, walls below
grade, planters and other subgrade construction. Limitations

Hot-liquid-applied, polymer-modified asphalt membrane waterproofing should generally not be installed when am-
bient temperatures are below 0° F (-18° C). If application at lower temperatures is necessary due to project condi-
tions, consult the manufacturer for specific cold-temperature application recommendations. Installation should not
proceed when moisture is present.

Hot-liquid-applied, polymer-modified asphalt membrane waterproofing cannot be left exposed to prolonged peri-
ods of sunlight and must be covered to protect it from ultraviolet light.

780 Waterproofing and Dampproofing

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition Standards

There are few standards for hot-liquid-applied, polymer-modified asphalt waterproofing materials. Manufacturers
generally provide specific physical property data according to standard ASTM test methods. Installation Surface Preparation

The substrate must be structurally sound. Surfaces to receive hot-liquid-applied, polymer-modified asphalt mem-
brane waterproofing must be broom clean; adequately dry; reasonably smooth; and free of dust, dirt, voids, cracks,
sharp projections, oil and grease. Cracks 1⁄16 inch (1.6 mm) or wider should be addressed separately with an addi-
tional ply of reinforced membrane prior to the application of the primary membrane system. Application Procedures

Prime the surface with asphalt primer as recommended by the manufacturer of the waterproofing materials. Rein-
force inside and outside corners, cracks and construction joints with a 6 inch (150 mm) wide piece of reinforcing
sheet embedded in hot-liquid-applied, polymer-modified asphalt. Flash larger cracks, expansion joints and similar
details according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Apply the hot polymer-modified asphalt as a continuous
coating to the required thickness. Flashing

Use the base flashing material as recommended by the membrane manufacturer at the intersection of vertical and
horizontal surfaces. With the manufacturer’s approval, exposed vertical surfaces can utilize a mineral-surfaced, poly-
mer-modified bitumen sheet membrane to provide additional protection when other finish materials are not utilized.

Refer to Chapter 4, Waterproofing Details, for recommended flashing detail configurations. Protection Course

Cover the membrane with a protection course as recommended by the membrane manufacturer. Install the wearing
surface or backfill within 24 to 72 hours after completion of the waterproofing membrane. If surfaces are exposed
to the sun or if waterproofing is being performed during extremely hot weather, installation of the protection course
and backfilling should be done within 24 hours. Polymer-modified Bitumen Sheet Membrane Product Description Composition and Materials

Polymer-modified bitumen sheet membranes are composed of polymer-modified asphalt and one or several layers
of reinforcing material. The polymer modifier extends the low-temperature flexibility and improves the high-temper-
ature properties of the membrane sheet.

Polymer-modified bitumen sheet membranes may be installed by one of three techniques, depending on the com-
position of the modifier used. APP-modified sheets are installed by heating the underside of the sheet with a
propane torch or other heating device; melting the polymer-modified bitumen on the bottom side; and adhering the
sheet in the molten material. SBS-modified sheets are typically installed in hot asphalt adhesive, similar to the man-
ner in which built-up membranes are applied. Other polymer-modified bitumen sheets are self-adhering, and do
not require the use of either heat or a separate adhesive. In northern climates, consideration may be given to in-
stalling a glass-fiber mat or organic-felt base sheet in hot bitumen prior to the installation of the reinforced polymer-
modified bitumen sheet. Basic Uses

Polymer-modified bitumen sheet waterproofing membranes are used to resist water penetration on those areas of
structures that are exposed to hydrostatic pressure. These include walls below grade, promenades, shower pans,
bridges and roadbeds, and other subgrade construction.

Waterproofing and Dampproofing 781

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition Limitations

Only certain APP- and certain SBS-modified bitumen waterproofing membranes are recommended for pond liners
or as exposed tank liners. Self-adhered-polymer modified sheet membranes are not intended for applications in
which they will be permanently exposed to sunlight. Most polymer-modified bitumen sheet waterproofing mem-
branes should not be installed when the ambient temperature is below 40° F (4° C). If application at lower ambient
temperatures is necessary due to project conditions, consult the membrane manufacturer for minimum temperature
limitations and specific cold-temperature application recommendations. Generally, most torch-applied membranes
may be applied at lower temperatures. Installation should not proceed when moisture is present. Standards

Polymer-modified bitumen sheet membrane waterproofing components should conform to the following recognized

Asphalt Primer ASTM D 41

Asphalt ASTM D 312, Type I, II or III
Asphalt-Saturated Organic Felt ASTM D 226
Asphalt-Saturated and Coated Organic ASTM D 2626
Base Sheet
Asphalt-Impregnated Glass-Fiber Mat ASTM D 2178, Type IV
Asphalt-Impregnated and Coated ASTM D 4601, Type II
Glass-Fiber Base Sheet
Bitumen-Saturated Cotton Fabric ASTM D 173
Treated Glass Fabric ASTM D 1668
Atactic Polypropylene (APP) Modified ASTM D 6223
Bituminous Sheet Materials Using a
Combination of Polyester and Glass
Fiber Reinforcements
Atactic Polypropylene (APP) Modified ASTM D 6222
Bituminous Sheet Materials Using
Polyester Reinforcements
Styrene Butadiene Styrene (SBS) ASTM D 6162
Modified Bituminous Sheet Materials
Using a Combination of Polyester
and Glass Fiber Reinforcements
Styrene Butadiene Styrene (SBS) ASTM D 6163
Modified Bituminous Sheet Materials
Using Glass Fiber Reinforcements
Styrene Butadiene Styrene (SBS) ASTM D 6164
Modified Bituminous Sheet Materials
Using Polyester Reinforcements
Reinforced Bituminous Flashing Sheets ASTM D 6221
for Roofing and Waterproofing Installation Surface Preparation

The substrate must be structurally sound. Surfaces to receive polymer-modified bitumen waterproofing must be
broom clean; adequately dry; reasonably smooth; and free of dust, dirt, voids, cracks and sharp projections. Cracks
⁄16 inch (1.6-mm) or wider should be addressed separately with an additional layer of reinforcement prior to the ap-
plication of the primary membrane system. Installation of fillets or cant strips are required by some manufacturers
at the base of some vertical flashing conditions. Consult the sheet membrane manufacturer for possible additional
surface preparation recommendations specific to their particular membrane. Application Procedures

Prime the surface with asphalt primer as recommended by the manufacturer of the waterproofing materials.

782 Waterproofing and Dampproofing

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

For torch-applied sheets, such as APP-modified bitumen sheet membranes, heat the underside of the sheet to soft-
en the polymer-modified bitumen on the bottom side of the sheet, exercising care not to overheat through to the top
surface of the sheet. Roll the membrane into the softened bitumen in a manner that minimizes voids and wrinkles,
exercising care to ensure proper lap alignment. Seal membrane laps together as the sheet is being applied.

For hot-mopped applications, such as most SBS-modified bitumen sheet membranes, apply a mopping of hot as-
phalt to the substrate and immediately roll the sheet into the hot asphalt in a manner that minimizes voids and wrin-
kles, exercising care to ensure proper lap alignment. Seal membrane laps together as the sheet is being applied.

For self-adhered applications, remove the release paper from the underside of the sheet, and roll the sheet directly
onto the primed substrate in a manner that minimizes voids and wrinkles. Exercise care to ensure proper lap align-
ment. Seal membrane laps together as the sheet is being applied, and apply pressure to both the sheet and lap
area to assure an adequate bond. Flashing

Use the base flashing material as recommend by the membrane manufacturer at the intersection of vertical and
horizontal surfaces; in many instances, the same membrane material used in the field of the roof is also used as
the base flashing material.

Refer to Chapter 4, Waterproofing Details, for recommended flashing detail configurations. Protection Course

Cover the membrane with a protection course as recommended by the membrane manufacturer. Install the wearing
surface or backfill within 24 to 72 hours after completion of the waterproofing membrane. If surfaces are exposed
to the sun or if waterproofing is being performed during extremely hot weather, installation of the protection course
and backfilling should be done within 24 hours.

2.3.2 Thermoset Membrane Waterproofing Products Butyl Rubber Membrane Product Description Composition and Materials

Butyl rubber waterproofing membranes consist of factory-fabricated sheets of reinforced butyl rubber. Sheets are
normally 60, 90 or 120 mils (1.5, 2.3 or 3.0 mm) thick and are normally available in sizes up to 50 feet (15 m) wide
and 150 feet (46 m) long. Large sheets may contain factory-vulcanized splices. Basic Uses

Butyl rubber waterproofing membranes are used to resist water penetration on those areas of structures that are
exposed to hydrostatic pressure. These include walls below grade, promenades, shower pans, bridges, roadbeds,
reservoirs, pools and other subgrade construction. Limitations

Butyl rubber waterproofing membranes should generally not be installed when ambient temperatures are below
40° F (4° C). If installation is necessary at lower ambient temperatures due to project conditions, consult the manu-
facturer for specific cold-weather application recommendations. Butyl rubber membranes should only be used in
conjunction with adhesives recommended by the membrane manufacturer. Butyl rubber sheets cannot be used in
contact with certain acids, oils and solvents. Contact the membrane manufacturer for specific details concerning
these contaminants. Installation should not proceed when moisture is present. Standards

There are no standards for butyl rubber waterproofing membrane materials. Manufacturers generally provide
specific physical property data according to standard ASTM test methods.

Waterproofing and Dampproofing 783

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition Installation Surface Preparation

The substrate must be structurally sound. Surfaces to receive butyl rubber waterproofing must be broom clean;
adequately dry; reasonably smooth; and free of dust, dirt, voids, cracks, sharp projections, oil and grease. Cracks
⁄16 inch (1.6 mm) or wider should be addressed separately with an additional layer of membrane prior to the applica-
tion of the primary membrane system. Application Procedures

Lay the membrane on the substrate or a flat surface and allow it to relax for a minimum of one-half hour before use.
Clean membrane surfaces to be bonded of any loose dust, dirt and release agents as recommended by the manu-
facturer. Apply adhesive to both the sheet and the substrate as recommended by the manufacturer, and allow it to
dry until it does not stick to a dry finger. Position the membrane on the substrate without stretching in a manner
that minimizes voids, wrinkles and entrapped air. Clean overlapping areas between sheets, and join the sheets with
recommended adhesives. Flashing

Flash the intersection of vertical and horizontal surfaces and all penetrations with the base flashing material recom-
mended by the membrane manufacturer.

Refer to Chapter 4, Waterproofing Details, for recommended detail configurations. Protection Course

Avoid all unnecessary traffic on the completed membrane. Cover the membrane with a protection course as recom-
mended by the membrane manufacturer. Install the wearing surface or backfill within 24 to 72 hours after comple-
tion of the waterproofing membrane. EPDM/Polychloroprene Membrane Product Description Composition and Materials

EPDM and polychloroprene waterproofing membranes consist of factory-fabricated sheets of ethylene propylene
diene terpolymer. Sheets are normally 45 to 60 mils (1.1 to 1.5 mm) thick, with special thicknesses of 90 to 120 mils
(2.3 to 3 mm) available. Sheets are normally available in sizes up to 50 feet (15 m) wide and 150 feet (46 m) long.
Large sheets may contain factory-vulcanized splices. Sheet size should generally be limited to sizes that can be
easily installed for specific job-site conditions. Basic Uses

Vulcanized-rubber sheet membranes, otherwise known as EPDM or polychloroprene membranes, are used to resist
water penetration on those areas of structures that are exposed to hydrostatic pressure. These include walls below
grade, promenades, shower pans, bridges and roadbeds, reservoirs and pools, and other subgrade construction. Limitations

EPDM and polychloroprene waterproofing membranes should not be used in contact with bituminous cements and
mastics. EPDM and polychloroprene membrane sheets cannot be used in contact with certain acids, oils and sol-
vents. Contact the membrane manufacturer for specific details concerning these contaminants.

784 Waterproofing and Dampproofing

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition Standards

Vulcanized-rubber (EPDM or polychloroprene) sheet material should conform to one of the following recognized

Vulcanized-Rubber Sheets ASTM D 4637

Nonreinforced EPDM Rubber Sheets ASTM D 4637, Type I, Class U
Reinforced EPDM Rubber Sheets ASTM D 4637, Type I, Class SR
Reinforced Polychloroprene Rubber Sheets ASTM D 4637, Type II, Class SR Installation Surface Preparation

The substrate must be structurally sound. Surfaces to receive EPDM or polychloroprene membrane waterproofing
must be broom clean; adequately dry; reasonably smooth; and free of dust, dirt, voids, cracks and sharp projec-
tions. Cracks 1⁄16 inch (1.6 mm) or wider should be addressed separately with an additional layer of membrane prior
to the application of the primary membrane system. Application Procedures

Lay the membrane on the substrate or a flat surface and allow it to relax for a minimum of one-half hour before use.
Clean membrane surfaces to be bonded of any dust, dirt and release agents as recommended by the manufacturer.
Apply adhesive to both the sheet and the substrate at a rate recommended by the manufacturer, and allow it to dry
until it does not stick to a dry finger. Position the membrane on the substrate without stretching in a manner that
minimizes voids, wrinkles and entrapped air. Clean overlapping areas between sheets, and join the sheets with rec-
ommended adhesives. Flashing

Flash the intersection of vertical and horizontal surfaces, and all penetrations with the base flashing material recom-
mended by the membrane manufacturer.

Refer to Chapter 4, Waterproofing Details, for recommended detail configurations. Protection Course

Avoid all unnecessary traffic on the completed membrane. Cover the membrane with a protection course as recom-
mended by the membrane manufacturer. Install the wearing surface or backfill within 24 to 72 hours after comple-
tion of the waterproofing membrane.

2.3.3 Thermoplastic Membrane Waterproofing Products Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Membrane Product Description Composition and Materials

PVC waterproofing membranes consist of factory-fabricated sheets of reinforced polyvinyl chloride. Sheets are nor-
mally 20 to 62 mils (0.5 to 1.6 mm) thick, 6 feet (1.8 m) wide and up to 100 feet (30 m) long. Large sheets may con-
tain factory splices. The sheets are normally black or gray in color. Basic Uses

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) waterproofing membranes are used to resist water penetration on those areas of structures
that are exposed to hydrostatic pressure. These include walls below grade, promenades, shower pans, and other
subgrade construction.

Waterproofing and Dampproofing 785

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition Limitations

PVC waterproofing membranes should generally not be installed when ambient temperatures are below 40° F
(4° C). If installation at lower temperatures is necessary due to project conditions, consult the manufacturer for
specific cold-weather application recommendations. Installation should not proceed when moisture is present.

The completed membrane should not be exposed to prolonged periods of sunlight before covering or backfilling to
prevent slipping. PVC materials are not compatible with polystyrene insulation products and certain bitumen-based
products, such as coal tar. Consult the manufacturer of the PVC membrane to verify compatibility with other
substrates. Standards

PVC sheet material should conform to the following recognized standard:

Polyvinyl Chloride Sheet ASTM D 4434 Installation Surface Preparation

The substrate must be structurally sound. Surfaces to receive PVC membrane waterproofing must be broom clean;
adequately dry; reasonably smooth; and free of dust, dirt, voids, cracks and sharp projections. Cracks 1⁄16 inch
(1.6 mm) or wider should be addressed separately with an additional layer of membrane prior to the application of
the primary membrane system. Application Procedures

Lay the membrane on the substrate or a flat surface, and allow it to relax before use. Install sheets thinner than
40 mils (1 mm) in an adhesive recommended by the membrane manufacturer. For heavier-gauge sheets, after
priming the substrate with asphalt primer, place the sheets in hot steep asphalt (ASTM D 312, Type III). Keep the
adhesive or asphalt away from seam areas. Position the membrane on the substrate in a manner that minimizes
voids, wrinkles and entrapped air. Form seams by heat or solvent welding as recommended by the membrane
manufacturer. Flashing

Flash the intersection of vertical and horizontal surfaces and all penetrations with the base flashing material recom-
mended by the membrane manufacturer.

Refer to Chapter 4, Waterproofing Details, for recommended detail configurations. Protection Course

Avoid all unnecessary traffic on the completed membrane system. Cover the membrane with a protection course as
recommended by the membrane manufacturer. Install the wearing surface or backfill as soon as possible, within 24
to 72 hours after completion of the waterproofing membrane.

2.3.4 Other Waterproofing Products One- and Two-component, Fluid-applied Elastomeric Materials Product Description Composition and Materials

Fluid-applied elastomeric waterproofing materials consist of high solids content polyurethane elastomers in liquid
form. Some products are made solely of polyurethane, while others are modified with coal tar or asphalt. There are
different grades of product for horizontal, vertical and special applications.

786 Waterproofing and Dampproofing

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition Basic Uses

One- and two-component, fluid-applied elastomeric waterproofing materials are used to resist water penetration on
walls below grade; between slabs on horizontal surfaces, plaza decks, and roof terraces; and in planter boxes, tun-
nels and reflecting pools. The material cures to form a waterproof membrane. Single-component elastomers elimi-
nate the need for mixing products at the job site. Two-component materials require job-site mixing but cure faster
in cooler weather and under higher humidity conditions than one-component materials. Limitations

Fluid-applied elastomeric waterproofing materials should not be used on exposed surfaces. They cannot be
applied to damp or contaminated surfaces. Two-component materials require careful and thorough mixing at the
job site and have limited pot life after mixing. The use of a hydrostatic pressure relief system is recommended with
fluid-applied elastomeric waterproofing materials. Standards

Fluid-applied elastomeric waterproofing materials should conform to the following recognized standard:

Fluid-Applied Elastomer ASTM C 836 Installation Surface Preparation

The substrate must be structurally sound. Surfaces to receive fluid-applied elastomeric waterproofing must be
broom clean; adequately dry; reasonably smooth; and free of holes, voids, cracks and sharp projections. Cracks
⁄16 inch (1.6 mm) or wider should be addressed separately as recommended by the material manufacturer prior to
the application of the primary membrane system. Concrete surfaces should be finished with a light-steel trowel fol-
lowed by a fine-hair broom. Concrete surfaces should be water-cured a minimum of 14 days. Resin curing should
not be used because it interferes with adhesion. Masonry block surfaces should be parged as directed by the man-
ufacturer. Suspended slabs to be waterproofed must be vented from underneath so that moisture can be dissipat-
ed. Horizontal surfaces should be sloped for drainage. Application Procedures

When required by the manufacturer, prime the substrate with a primer approved by the manufacturer, and allow to
dry. Apply the product by spray, roller, trowel or squeegee, using a grade of product consistent with the method of
application. Cover shrinkage cracks with an approximately 6 inch (150 mm) wide by 60 mil (1.5 mm) dry thickness
of the product coat. It is strongly suggested that a reinforcement mat be embedded into a separate coat of liquid
membrane over shrinkage or stress cracks. Repair larger cracks as recommended by the manufacturer. Allow all
detailing to cure at least 12 hours. Apply the final coating over the entire surface at approximately a 60 mil (1.5 mm)
thickness. Flashing

Create an approximately 3⁄4 inch (19 mm) cant of fluid-applied material at the junction of vertical and horizontal sur-
faces and at protrusions or penetrations. Apply a separate fluid-applied flashing strip extending approximately
6 inches (152 mm) onto the surface and 6 inches (150 mm) up the surface or onto the protrusion being flashed.
Construct this flashing strip by embedding the manufacturer’s recommended reinforcing fabric into a 30 mil
(0.8 mm) thick product coating, followed by a second 30 mil (0.8 mm) coating.

Refer to Chapter 4, Waterproofing Details, for recommended flashing detail configurations. Protection Course

Cover the membrane with a protection course as recommended by the membrane manufacturer. Install backfill as
soon as possible but not more than 24 hours after completion of the waterproofing membrane.

Waterproofing and Dampproofing 787

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition Metallic Waterproofing Product Description Composition and Materials

Metallic waterproofing compounds consist of finely graded iron particles combined with an oxidizing catalyst. When
mixed with water (or water, cement and sand), the finely distributed particles expand, creating a waterproof layer
that becomes a part of the surface to which it is applied. Basic Uses

Metallic waterproofing (e.g., Ironite) is used to resist water penetration through concrete or masonry surfaces. It is
usually applied to the interior (negative) side of foundation walls and floors but may be applied to the exterior side,
as well. It forms a continuous layer that can be easily repaired. Metallic waterproofing may be applied to wet sur-
faces. Because it is applied to the interior side of exterior foundation walls, metallic waterproofing can be installed
after backfilling has been completed and can be used as a repair material for remedial applications. Limitations

Metallic waterproofing should generally not be installed when ambient temperatures are below 35° F (2° C) or are
anticipated during the 24-hour period immediately following the installation.

Metallic waterproofing is not elastic and will not withstand movement in the substrate. Metallic waterproofing
should not be applied to glazed tile surfaces. Metallic waterproofing is not used over suspended floor slabs. Standards

There are no standards for metallic waterproofing compounds. However, the General Service Administration
Specification 65-17043 provides a description for the metallic compound. Installation Surface Requirements

Walls should be constructed of sound masonry or concrete that is free from voids and excessive honeycombs.
Concrete surfaces must be cleaned by high-pressure water blasting, light sandblasting, 10 percent muriatic acid
etching or bush hammering to remove surface laitence as required to provide a bond for the metallic waterproofing.
Floors should be of rough, broom finish and should be thoroughly washed prior to product application. Tie-wire
holes, construction joints and cracks should be cut out and grouted flush with metallic mortar. Application Procedures

The amount of metallic waterproofing material that needs to be applied will vary based on the type of surface being
treated and the hydrostatic pressure head that needs to be restricted.

Apply at least two brush coats of metallic waterproofing to all surfaces to be waterproofed. Mix the metallic water-
proofing compound with water (and optionally with cement or with cement and sand). Proportions for the first coat
can vary from a slush coat of water and iron, to a mixture of 1 part cement, 2 parts sand and 15 pounds (6.8 kg) of
iron per bag of cement. Proportions for the second coat are normally 1 part cement, 2 parts sand and approximate-
ly 10 pounds (4.5 kg) of iron per bag of cement. For severe applications where there is high hydrostatic pressure,
apply a third coat proportioned at 1 part cement, 2 parts sand and 8 pounds (3.6 kg) of iron per bag of cement.
Consult the manufacturer for recommended application rates. Flashing

Form or cut a recess approximately 11⁄2 inches (38 mm) deep at the junction of the floor slab and walls and columns.
Completely fill the recess with metallic waterproofing mortar.

788 Waterproofing and Dampproofing

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition Protection Course

For floor applications, apply a minimum 11⁄2 inches- (38 mm) thick topping over the final metallic waterproofing coat.
The type and finish of the topping are to be determined by the architect or owner. The final coat of metallic water-
proofing must be applied immediately prior to placement of the topping so that the two materials will bond

The iron-oxidizing process creates a brown color. If a finished wall surface is desired, use a 5⁄8 inch (16 mm) thick
finish plaster coat of cement and sand or other cementitious mixture. If the plaster coat on vertical surfaces is
more than 1⁄4 inch (6 mm) thick, an additional bonding coat or bonding agent that is acceptable to the manufacturer
should be used. If the floor is to accept heavy loads, such as forklift traffic, the topping should be a minimum of
2 inches (51 mm) thick and have wire mesh embedded. Bentonite Waterproofing Product Description Composition and Materials

Bentonite is a high-swelling montmorillonite clay that is mined, processed and packaged in several forms for use
as a waterproofing medium. One common product uses granular bentonite sealed inside corrugated kraft boards.
Other forms include granular bentonite within flexible mats, sprayable bentonite slurries mixed with various solvents
and loose granular bentonite for use under slabs-on-grade. Basic Uses

Bentonite waterproofing is used for below-grade applications. It is used on the exterior side of the structure being
waterproofed and must be confined in place by backfill, lagging or concrete fill. It is one of the few products capa-
ble of being applied to lagging prior to structural concrete placement. Limitations

Bentonite waterproofing should not be used for above-grade applications or in horizontal applications where it can
flex or be subject to thermal stress. Bentonite requires initial exposure to moisture to properly hydrate and function
properly but cannot be exposed to standing or moving water or precipitation. Bentonite requires a solid, void-free
surface and confinement with backfill, lagging or concrete. When not properly confined on both sides, moving
water may remove, displace and penetrate the bentonite. Soils containing acids, alkalies or brines should be
checked for compatibility prior to bentonite use. Standards

Bentonite clay is a natural material. There are no material standards for this product. Installation Surface Preparation

The substrate must be structurally sound. Foundation walls must be broom clean, adequately dry, and free of
voids and sharp projections. All voids, cracks and joints must be parged or sealed according to manufacturers’
recommendations. Under-slab surfaces should be level, compacted and free from standing water. Lagging
should be continuous and even. Voids or irregular mounting surfaces in the lagging should be covered with an
additional 1⁄8 to 1⁄4 inch (3 to 6 mm) thick covering prior to applying the bentonite. Application Procedures

Schedule bentonite installation so that it occurs immediately prior to placing concrete, backfill or other confinement
to minimize premature hydration and damage.

Mechanically fasten bentonite boards or panels to foundation walls or to lagging. For under-slab locations, loosely
lay bentonite boards or panels directly on the compacted ground, either butted or slightly overlapped. Boards or
panels may be fastened to each other to limit their movement before and during concrete placement. If loose

Waterproofing and Dampproofing 789

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

bentonite fill is to be used, pour the fill directly over the compacted ground, and smooth to an even surface prior to
concrete placement. Flashing

Bentonite products are self-flashing. At construction joints, a double layer of bentonite or other specific product
recommended by the manufacturer should be within the joint. Flash or seal working expansion joints with materials
specifically designed for the purpose, in a manner similar to other waterproofing systems. Protection Course

Immediately cover the bentonite with a polyethylene sheet as a temporary protection from precipitation. Remove
this film from the interior side of the bentonite prior to concrete placement. Cover the bentonite with a protection
course as recommended by the manufacturer for backfill protection. Install backfill within 24 to 72 hours after com-
pletion of the waterproofing membrane. If surfaces are exposed to heavy wind and precipitation, backfilling should
be done within 24 hours. Crystalline Waterproofing Product Description Composition and Materials

Crystalline waterproofing is a compound of cement, quartz or silica sand and other active chemicals that are mixed
and packaged for use in a dry powder form. The compound is mixed with water and applied to the concrete sur-
face where it penetrates into the concrete pores. The crystalline compound chemically reacts with the concrete
and fills the concrete pores, rendering them more resistant to water penetration. Basic Uses

Crystalline waterproofing is used on concrete surfaces both above and below grade. It may be applied to either the
exterior or interior side of the structure being waterproofed. Because moisture is required for activation of the mate-
rial, it may be applied to damp or uncured concrete. Limitations

Crystalline waterproofing should generally not be installed when ambient temperatures are below 35° F (2° C). If
installation is necessary at lower ambient temperatures due to project conditions, consult the manufacturer for
specific cold-weather application recommendations.

Crystalline waterproofing must be applied to a sound concrete substrate. Honeycombs and large cracks must be
routed and patched with mortar prior to application of the crystalline materials. Crystalline waterproofing should not
be applied to suspended structural decks because it is not elastic and will not withstand movement in the substrate. Standards

There are no standards for this product. Installation Surface Preparation

The substrate must be structurally sound. Concrete surfaces must be clean and free of dirt, laitance, oils, curing
agents and foreign materials. Structural defects, honeycombs, form ties, cracks, etc., must be routed to sound
concrete and grouted according to manufacturers’ requirements. The surface should be roughened by etching,
sandblasting or by mechanical means, therefore exposing open concrete pores to the crystalline application.
Ideally, the concrete should have taken initial set, still be uncured and damp but not wet. Application Procedures

Crystalline waterproofing compound should be mixed with water and applied using a stiff masonry brush or broom.

790 Waterproofing and Dampproofing

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The slurry coating should be worked well into the pores and irregularities of the concrete. For large areas, spray
equipment may be used. The spray-applied material must strike the concrete surface under force so that it pene-
trates into the surface pores and irregularities of the concrete.

Depending on the product and hydrostatic pressure head being resisted, apply one or two coats at a coverage rate
varying from 11⁄4 to 2 pounds of crystalline waterproofing per square yard (0.68 to 1.09 kg/m2) per coat. If a second
coat is desired, apply it while the first coat is still wet but after it has achieved an initial set.

Cure the crystalline waterproofing application by fogging or spraying with a fine water mist. Fast or forced drying of
the crystalline material inhibits proper curing. Proper curing should take about three days.

Protect crystalline waterproofing from damage, freezing temperatures, rain, and premature drying from wind and
sun during the curing period. Flashing

Crystalline waterproofing is self-flashing.

Refer to Chapter 4, Waterproofing Details, for recommended detail configurations. Protection Course

Crystalline waterproofing does not typically require a protection course. However, temporary protection is recom-
mended to protect crystalline waterproofing from damage, freezing temperatures, rain, and premature drying from
wind and sun during the curing period.

When a concrete topping (e.g., floor slab) is to be applied over the crystalline waterproofing, apply the topping
while the crystalline waterproofing is still wet but after it has achieved an initial set. Cementitious Waterproofing Product Description Composition and Materials

Cementitious waterproofing consists of heavy cement-based compounds and various additives that are mixed and
packaged for use in a dry powder form. The compound is mixed with water and liquid bonding agents to a work-
able concretelike consistency. Basic Uses

Cementitious waterproofing is used on concrete and masonry surfaces both above and below grade. It may be ap-
plied to either the exterior or interior side of the structure being waterproofed. Some cementitious waterproofing
products are suitable for pools and reservoirs. Cementitious waterproofing is available in a variety of textures and
colors, making it useful as an aesthetic concrete finish. Limitations

Cementitious waterproofing should generally not be installed when ambient temperatures are below 35° F (2° C).
If installation is necessary at lower ambient temperatures due to project conditions, consult the manufacturer for
specific cold-weather application recommendations.

Cementitious waterproofing must be applied to a sound concrete or masonry substrate. Cementitious waterproof-
ing should not be applied to suspended structural decks because it is not elastic and will not withstand movement
in the substrate. Standards

There are no standards for this product.

Waterproofing and Dampproofing 791

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition Installation Surface Preparation

The substrate must be structurally sound. Concrete or masonry surfaces must be clean and free of dirt, laitance,
oils, curing agents and foreign materials. Structural defects, unsound concrete, honeycombs, form ties, cracks,
etc., must be routed to sound concrete and grouted. The surface should be roughened by etching, sandblasting or
by mechanical means to a medium sandpaper finish for proper adhesion. Active leaks should be plugged with a
waterproof plug material recommended by the manufacturer. Application Procedures

Mix the cementitious waterproofing compound with a water or liquid bonding agent to the consistency desired.
Apply the cementitious waterproofing compound only to damp and cool concrete or masonry surfaces. (The sur-
face may need to be dampened with cool water just prior to application of the waterproofing compound.)

Normally, apply cementitious waterproofing material by trowelling or brushing the material onto the concrete sur-
face to the desired thickness. Large areas may be covered by using plaster spraying or shotcrete equipment.
Pores, fissures and irregularities should be filled with material.

Depending on the product and hydrostatic pressure head being resisted, apply one or two coats of material in
thickness ranging from 1⁄16 to 1⁄8 inch (1.6 to 3 mm) per coat. If a second coat is desired, apply it while the first coat
is still wet but after it has achieved an initial set.

Protect the cementitious waterproofing from damage, freezing temperatures, rain, and premature drying from wind
and sun during the curing period. Flashing

Seal expansion joints, moving cracks and penetrations prior to applying the cementitious waterproofing with
sealants or elastomeric materials. Create a cove or fillet of cementitious waterproofing compound at inside
corners and vertical to horizontal intersections prior to coating the rest of the surface.

Refer to Chapter 4, Waterproofing Details, for recommended detail configurations. Protection Course

Cementitious waterproofing does not typically require a protection course. However, temporary protection is rec-
ommended to protect cementitious waterproofing from damage, freezing temperatures, rain, and premature drying
from wind and sun during the curing period.

Under normal, nontraffic exposures, cementitious waterproofing does not require a protection course. In vehicle
traffic areas, cementitious waterproofing should be protected by a concrete wearing course. However, the material
should not be exposed to hydrostatic pressure or traffic until fully cured. Elastomeric Vehicular Traffic Coating Product Description Composition and Materials

Elastomeric vehicle traffic coatings are usually applied in multiple coats. In most instances, a primer is applied to
the substrate. Then, the first coat, or waterproofing coat, is primarily a one- or two-part, self-leveling polyurethane
rubber mixture. The wear coat is usually a one- or two-part modified elastomer that provides additional chemical
and ultraviolet resistance to the coating system. Mineral granules are broadcast into this coat to provide a skid-
resistant texture. Finish coatings are available in a variety of colors. Basic Uses

Elastomeric vehicular traffic coatings provide a waterproof, skid-resistant surface for parking decks, traffic decks,

792 Waterproofing and Dampproofing

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mechanical equipment rooms and other concrete surfaces. Because they do not require special termination flash-
ings, these products may easily be used in one area and omitted in an adjacent area.

Elastomeric vehicle traffic coatings can be resurfaced without removal of bonded areas when maintenance is
required. Limitations

Elastomeric vehicle traffic coatings should not be installed over spalled or contaminated concrete surfaces. They
should not be used in existing split slab or slab-on-grade constructions because of the possibility of moisture en-
trapment causing blistering of the coating. Because it is a traffic-bearing surface and is subject to wear, it must be
periodically recoated, especially at ramps and other high-traffic areas. Standards

Elastomeric vehicle traffic coatings should conform to the following recognized standard:

Elastomeric Coating ASTM C 957 Installation Surface Preparation

The substrate must be structurally sound. Surfaces to be waterproofed must be broom clean; adequately dry;
reasonably smooth; and free of holes, voids, cracks and sharp projections. Cracks 1⁄16 inch (1.6 mm) or wider should
be addressed separately with an additional application of the coating material prior to the application of the primary
membrane system. Concrete surfaces should be finished with a light-steel trowel followed by a fine-hair broom.
Concrete surfaces should be water-cured a minimum of 14 days. Resin curing should not be used because it inter-
feres with adhesion. Masonry block surfaces should be parged as directed by the manufacturer. Suspended slabs
to be waterproofed must be vented from underneath so that moisture can be dissipated. Horizontal surfaces should
be sloped for drainage. Application Procedures

Acid etch or shot blast and prime the substrate if required by the waterproofing material manufacturer.

Apply the base waterproofing coat to the concrete surface. The amount of material required will vary depending on
the product and the texture of the surface. Allow the coating to cure at least 24 hours but retain a tacky surface. If
the coating over-cures, reactivate the surface with xylol or another solvent to create a tacky, fresh surface.

Apply the wear-coat material to traffic lanes, ramps and turn areas, and broadcast mineral granules into the wet
coating. If recommended by the manufacturer, backroll the granules to ensure even distribution. Allow the coating
to cure overnight and repeat the process over the entire area to be waterproofed.

Apply the finish and color coat to the entire waterproofed surface. Flashing

Seal penetrations and expansion joints with backer rod and sealant. Create a cant at the junction of vertical and
horizontal surfaces with sealant. Cover these areas with a separate application of base coat. Apply the base and
wear coats over the joint or cant and up the vertical surface to a clean, straight line. At locations such as the edge
of a ramp where the coating will have an exposed terminating edge, bury the coating edge into a keyway or reglet
cut into the concrete. Protection Course

Elastomeric vehicle traffic coatings do not require a protection course. The wearing surface should cure a minimum
of 72 hours or as recommended by the material manufacturer. Examine the surface before any traffic is allowed
onto the deck, as drying times vary with humidity and temperature.

Waterproofing and Dampproofing 793

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition Elastomeric Pedestrian Traffic Coating Product Description Composition and Materials

Elastomeric pedestrian traffic deck coatings are usually applied in two or more coats. The first, or waterproofing,
coat is usually a one-part material that reacts with atmospheric moisture to cure overnight. The wear coat is usually
a one- or two-part polyurethane mixture, supplied in premeasured containers. Mineral granules are broadcast into
this coat to provide a skid-resistant texture. The wear coat is available in a variety of colors. Basic Uses

Elastomeric pedestrian traffic coatings are decorative, skid-resistant coatings for plazas, decks, balconies, terraces
and mechanical equipment rooms. They can be applied over concrete, wood or metal substrates. Limitations

Elastomeric pedestrian traffic coatings should not be used where subject to vehicle traffic. Elastomeric pedestrian
traffic coatings should not be installed over spalled or contaminated concrete surfaces. They should not be used in
existing split slab or slab-on-grade constructions because of the possibility of moisture entrapment, causing blis-
tering of the coating. Because it is a traffic-bearing surface and is subject to wear, it must be periodically recoated. Standards

Elastomeric pedestrian traffic coating should conform to the following recognized standard:

Elastomeric Coating ASTM C 957 Installation Surface Preparation

The substrate must be structurally sound. Surfaces to be waterproofed must be broom clean; adequately dry; rea-
sonably smooth; and free of holes, voids, cracks and sharp projections. Shrinkage and stress cracks should be ad-
dressed with very special attention and additional joint treatment with an additional ply of membrane prior to the
application of the primary membrane system is recommended. Concrete surfaces should be finished with a light-
steel trowel followed by a fine-hair broom. Concrete surfaces should be water-cured a minimum of 14 days. Resin
curing should not be used because it interferes with adhesion. Masonry block surfaces should be parged as direct-
ed by the manufacturer. Suspended slabs to be waterproofed must be vented from underneath so that moisture
can be dissipated. Horizontal surfaces should be sloped for drainage. Application Procedures

Acid etch and prime the substrate if required by the waterproofing material manufacturer. Apply the base water-
proofing coat to the concrete surface. The amount of material required will vary depending on the product and the
texture of the surface. Allow the coating to cure at least 24 hours, but retain a tacky surface. If the coating over-
cures, reactivate the surface with xylol or another solvent to create a tacky, fresh surface.

Apply the skid-resistant surface by broadcasting granules onto the tacky surface of the base coat. Apply the wear
coat over the granules. Flashing

Seal penetrations and expansion joints with sealant. Make a cant with sealant at the junction of vertical and hori-
zontal surfaces. Apply the base and wear coats over the joint or cant and up the vertical surface to a clean, straight
line. Fabric reinforcement is often used to reinforce critical flashing areas.

794 Waterproofing and Dampproofing

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition Protection Course

Elastomeric pedestrian traffic coatings do not require a protection course. Cure the wearing surface for at least
24 hours, or as recommended by the material manufacturer, before traffic is allowed over it.

2.4 Waterproofing Repair Systems (Negative Side)

Floor slabs and walls against earth below grade are most often inaccessible from the exterior side to affect water-
proofing repairs should they become necessary. In most cases, it is far too costly and disruptive to remove side-
walks and/or streets necessary to excavate along the exterior of a structure to expose a leaking waterproofing
material for repair. The same can hold true for leaking plaza decks where sidewalks or planters may have to be
removed to expose a leaking membrane for repair. It is, therefore, necessary for procedures to be developed for
the correction of leaking exterior walls and floors from the negative-pressure side, or inside, of the structure.

2.4.1 Metallic Waterproofing Repairs Product Description Composition and Materials

Metallic waterproofing repair compounds consist of finely graded iron particles combined with an oxidizing catalyst.
When mixed with water (or water, cement and sand), the finely distributed particles expand, creating a waterproof
layer that becomes a part of the surface to which it is applied. Basic Uses

Metallic waterproofing repair compounds are used to repair leakage through concrete or masonry surfaces placed
directly against earth. The compound may be applied to wet or actively leaking surfaces. Limitations
Metallic waterproofing should generally not be installed when ambient temperatures are below 35° F (2° C) or are
anticipated during the 24-hour period immediately following the installation.

Metallic waterproofing is not elastic and will not withstand movement in the substrate. Metallic waterproofing is
not used over suspended floor slabs or beneath plaza decks where load deflection or thermal variances occur.

Metallic waterproofing should not be applied to glazed tile surfaces. Standards
The components of metallic waterproofing repair compounds should conform to the following recognized standards: Portland Cement

ASTM C 150, Type I. Nonmetallic Fine Aggregate

ASTM C 144 for the brush coat and C 33 for the plaster coat. Water
Free from detrimental amounts of oils, alkalis, acids, organic matter and other deleterious substances. Metallic Waterproofing Compound

Metallic waterproofing compound should consist of 90 percent to 95 percent pulverized chemically pure iron by
weight and should contain no more than 7 percent of a chemical oxidizing agent.

Iron should not contain more than 0.5 percent by weight of free nonferrous metal or more than 0.05 percent of oil.
Iron oxide content should not exceed 5 percent by weight. Presence of dirt, paraffin, bitumen or other foreign
substances in excess of 0.1 percent of the waterproofing compound should be cause for rejection.

Waterproofing and Dampproofing 795

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Iron particles should be graded as follows:

Sieve Size Percent Passing (by weight)

No. 20 screen 100

No. 35 screen 95 to 100
No. 40 screen 90 to 100
No. 60 screen 65 to 100
No. 100 screen 50 to 75
No. 200 screen 10 to 20 Accelerating Chemical

Accelerating chemical should comply with ASTM C 494 and ACI Title No. 67-23a. Installation Surface Preparation

The substrate must be structurally sound. Surfaces to be treated must be clean and free from loose materials; de-
bris; and deleterious substances, such as oil, grease or coatings. Application Procedures

Surfaces where leakage is minimal and no running water is present should be cut out approximately 1 inch
(25 mm), or to sound concrete. The surface should then be cleaned, moistened with water, brushed with a slurry
bond coat of fine aggregate and cement (ratio 1:1 by weight), and filled flush with Portland cement fine aggregate
mortar (ratio 1:2 by weight) containing metallic waterproofing compound added at the rate of 20 pounds (9 kg) for
each sack of cement. Filling and patching should be applied in layers not exceeding 3⁄4 inch (19 mm) in thickness,
worked into voids, compacted and finished flush with adjacent surfaces.

Surfaces where leakage is severe and running water is present should be routed or cut out to sound concrete at
least 3 inches (75 mm) deep and 2 inches (51 mm) wide at the surface in a V-shaped groove. All honeycombing
should be cut out to sound concrete. Water flow should be stopped by using a hot patch consisting of Portland
cement fine aggregate mortar (ratio 1:2 by weight) containing metallic waterproofing compound added at the rate of
30 pounds (14 kg) for each sack of cement. Accelerating chemicals should be mixed with hot patch material in con-
centrations diluted with water up to full strength, depending on the set time required to stop water flow. Once the
hot patch is mixed and close to taking set, it should be forced into the bottom of the V-shaped cut and held until
set and water has stopped. The V-shaped cut should then be filled flush with the wall surface with succeeding lay-
ers of the metallic waterproofing patch material in a manner similar to the one specified above.

2.4.2 Polyurethane Chemical Grout Injection

This process employs specialized equipment and materials required to seal leaking cracks and voids in concrete
structures with a flexible material capable of accommodating some additional movement. The process involves
intersecting cracks or voids in concrete structures halfway through the mass by drilling holes into the defect(s) at
an angle. A liquid polyurethane grout is injected under high pressure to force the material into the structure’s void.
Water leaking through the void serves as a catalyst for the flexible grout, causing it to expand in volume, sealing
the void.

This is one of the few processes that can be used to seal leaks through plaza decks from the underside. There are
several manufacturers of the material and equipment to accomplish this process. Some manufacturers have differ-
ent operating instructions and procedures, making it difficult to establish a standard specification for the injection of
polyurethane chemical grouts. NRCA recommends that the installation specifications of the manufacturer selected
be carefully followed and a contractor experienced in the use of the materials, methods and equipment perform
necessary repairs.

2.4.3 Acrylamide Gel Chemical Grout Injection

This process also employs specialized equipment and materials. Unlike the polyurethane chemical grout injection

796 Waterproofing and Dampproofing

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

process, which is designed to seal cracks and voids in the concrete structure, the acrylamide grout gel is designed
to create a dense, water-impermeable mass in the earth opposite the leaking crack or void.

This installation generally involves drilling a hole completely through the wall or floor in the proximity of a leak, fol-
lowed by the pumping of large quantities of the gel into the earth until the leak into the building is stopped. In the
absence of moisture, the gel can shrink, allowing water to again penetrate the structure. For this reason, this
process works best for walls or floors against earth. It is not as satisfactory in plaza decks where drying is possible
or pumping the gel under pressure could lift sidewalks or roadbeds over plaza areas. Several manufacturers pro-
duce the material and equipment for the gel injection process and each has subtle differences that defy a standard
specification. NRCA recommends that the manufacturer’s installation specifications be carefully followed and a
contractor experienced in the use of these materials and equipment perform the necessary repairs.

2.5 Miscellaneous Materials

The following materials may be required to complement the installation of the waterproofing material.

2.5.1 Protection Courses

Protection courses are used to protect waterproofing membranes from damage during backfill operations and from
installation of finished surfaces by other trades. Protection courses are generally installed on vertical surfaces im-
mediately following the installation of the waterproofing material and are held in place with adhesive or stick clips.
Protection courses on horizontal surfaces over suspended structural decks are placed immediately following suc-
cessful water testing. The protection course may be set loose on horizontal surfaces or spot-adhered to prevent
displacement. Protection courses should never be mechanically fastened in a manner that penetrates the water-
proofing membrane. Adhesives must be compatible with both the protection course and waterproofing materials.
In some instances, the waterproofing material itself may be an appropriate adhesive. Backfill should be placed as
soon as possible but no more than 24 hours following placement of the protection course to minimize the chance
of it falling away from the substrate.

The following are the more common types of materials used as protection courses. Polystyrene Protection Board

Polystyrene serves as an excellent protection material. It insulates the waterproofed space and provides protection
against physical and environmental damage to the waterproofing membrane. Polystyrene insulation is available in
various densities and thicknesses, depending on the amount of protection and insulation performance characteris-
tics desired. There are two types of polystyrene insulation available for use as a protection course:

• Molded expanded polystyrene insulation is available in densities from 1 to 3 pounds per cubic foot (16 to
48 kg/m2) and in thicknesses from 3⁄4 inch (19 mm) to 24 inches (600 mm).

• Extruded expanded polystyrene insulation is available in densities from 1 to 2 pounds per cubic foot (16 to
32 kg/m2) and in thicknesses from 1 to 3 inches (25 to 75 mm). Bitumen-bound Expanded Polystyrene Drainage Board

Bitumen-bound expanded polystyrene drainage boards offer all the properties of polystyrene insulation boards with
the added capacity to relieve hydrostatic pressure. The polystyrene beads used to make the board are lightly ad-
hered together with a bituminous binder, forming channels that allow water to freely pass through the board. When
used on a foundation wall, ground water can easily drain down to the base of the foundation and into the perimeter
drainage system. When used over a horizontal suspended slab, water can flow freely across the membrane surface
to the deck drains. Filter fabrics are placed over the earth-side surface of the board to prevent clogging the board
with earth fines.

Bitumen-bound expanded polystyrene drainage boards are available in thicknesses from 1 to 24 inches (25 to
600 mm). The drainage board can also be adhered to molded or extruded polystyrene insulation boards for added
insulation. Premolded Membrane Protection Boards

Premolded membrane protection boards are composed of various reinforcements held together with bituminous

Waterproofing and Dampproofing 797

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

products. The boards are available in thicknesses of 1⁄8 to 1⁄4 inch (3 to 6mm), and are usually 4 feet (1.2 m) x 8 feet
(2.4 m) in size. Some manufacturers produce this product in rolls for use on large flat areas. Extruded Polystyrene Sandwich Panels

Extruded polystyrene sandwich panels are constructed of 1⁄4 inch (6 mm) thick polystyrene insulation with plastic
cap sheets on both sides. Boards are available 4 feet (1.2 m) wide x 50 feet (15 m) long, fanfolded into bundles.
Because of its low compressive resistance, this product should not be used on horizontal deck surfaces in heavy
traffic areas. Impregnated Fiberboard

Impregnated fiberboard panels are composed of wood or vegetable cane fibers treated with bituminous water-
proofing binders and are generally for use below grade. The product is available in thicknesses of 1⁄2 to 1 inch
(13 to 25 mm) and in various sheet sizes.

2.5.2 Prefabricated Drainage Systems (Geocomposites)

The use of geocomposite materials in conjunction with waterproofing materials has significantly increased over the
past decade in the United States. These products enhance the performance of the waterproofing material by reliev-
ing hydrostatic pressure from the material surface. Some geocomposites also protect the waterproofing material
from damage during backfill operations or may offer additional insulation to the structure being waterproofed.

Geocomposites are used on vertical foundation walls to drain groundwater into an exterior or interior perimeter hy-
drostatic pressure relief system. They are used in horizontal applications to permit water to flow into deck drains or
off the edge of the horizontal surface below grade. Geotextile filter fabrics are used with these products to prevent
soil fines from clogging the geocomposite restricting drainage.

The following are the four most common types of geocomposites used in the United States. Bitumen-bound Expanded Polystyrene Drainage Board

Bitumen-bound expanded polystyrene drainage boards are fabricated with large (1⁄8 to 1⁄2 inch [3.2 to 13 mm] diame-
ter) polystyrene beads bound together with a bituminous adhesive, forming channels that allow water to freely pass
through the board. The waterproofing adhesive helps protect the polystyrene beads from moisture and, therefore,
helps preserve the product’s insulating value. The product is available with a variety of factory-laminated filter fab-
rics, designed by a geotechnical engineer to handle the soil conditions at the specific site. Bitumen-bound expand-
ed polystyrene drainage boards are available in thicknesses from 1 to 24 inches (25 to 600 mm). The board is usu-
ally adhered to the waterproofing membrane with adhesive or stick clips. Three-dimensional, Compression-resistant Nylon Matting with Laminated Filter Fabric

Nylon matting geocomposites consist of three-dimensional, compression-resistant nylon matting, factory-laminated

with a specific filter fabric. The product is available in thicknesses of 1⁄3 and 2⁄3 inch (8 and 17 mm) and is usually fur-
nished in rolls that are attached to the substrate using stick clips. Some manufacturers recommend that a separate
protection board be used between the waterproofing membrane and this geocomposite material. Waffle-like Plastic Drainage Core with Laminated Filter Fabric

This geocomposite consists of waffle-like plastic core material factory-laminated with a specific filter fabric. The
material is approximately 3⁄8 inch (9 mm) thick and is usually furnished in rolls that are attached to the substrate with
stick clips. Some manufacturers recommend that a separate protection board be used between the waterproofing
membrane and this geocomposite material. Insulating Foundation Drainage Panels

Panels consist of high-density, moisture-resistant insulation boards with grooved drainage channels on one face
that are covered with a geotextile. Panels provide protection for waterproofing, thermal insulation and drainage
for groundwater. Panels are held in place with adhesives or stick clips.

798 Waterproofing and Dampproofing

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

2.5.3 Geoinclusions
A geoinclusion is a combination of geocomposites, expanded polystyrene and geotextiles engineered to reduce lat-
eral earth and hydrostatic pressure from building foundation walls and retaining walls. The design of the geoinclu-
sion will depend on the depth and type of soil found at the job site. Geoinclusions also provide insulation between
the earth and building foundation walls, resulting in warmer and drier below-grade spaces. The insulating charac-
teristic is important for retaining walls, as it prevents soil from freezing behind walls, which could place added
stress on the structure. The geoinclusion further provides sound and seismic attenuation for structures where such
characteristics would be beneficial. The majority of these attributes are important in maintaining the water integrity
of below-grade spaces.

Geoinclusions are available in 4 foot x 8 foot (1.2 m x 2.4 m) panels averaging 4 inches (100 mm) to 8 inches
(200 mm) thick and can be attached to below-grade walls using stick clips if required. Thicker panels can be

3.1 Design Guidance
3.1.1 Dampproofing Performance Requirements for Various Building Surfaces
Dampproofing is defined as the treatment of a surface or structure to resist the passage of water in the absence of
hydrostatic pressure. Dampproofing materials need only resist the capillary action of moisture as it attempts to pass
into or through the structure. Dampproofing methods are generally employed above grade or below grade in the
absence of groundwater to reduce dampness within the structure.

Dampproofing methods should not be used for horizontal slabs-on-grade or foundation walls when these struc-
tures will be subject to hydrostatic pressure unless they are protected by a hydrostatic pressure relief system.
Dampproofing methods also should not be used on suspended structural decks over habitable space or on
planters, pools or other water-containment structures. Instead, waterproofing materials should be used in
these locations.

3.1.2 Suggested Dampproofing Materials for Various Building Surfaces

Vapor retarder materials are often used for dampproofing floor slabs-on-grade that are not subject to hydrostatic
pressure. In this type of application, aggregate fill is first placed on the earth. Polyethylene or premolded membrane
sheets are laid over the aggregate fill, and the concrete slab is poured over the vapor retarder sheets. The vapor
retarder restricts moisture from the ground from penetrating into the floor slab, and it prevents the concrete from
contaminating the aggregate fill during placement.

Solvent-based bituminous mastic and bituminous emulsion are often used on concrete foundation walls along with
geocomposite and foundation hydrostatic pressure relief systems. The dampproofing material is generally sprayed,
brushed, or applied by trowel directly to the concrete wall surfaces. Masonry walls are prepared with a minimum
⁄2-inch- (13-mm-) thick parging. The geocomposite or other hydrostatic pressure relief material is applied over the
dampproofing before backfilling.

Masonry load-bearing and curtain walls above grade are common locations where dampproofing materials are
used. Above-grade masonry construction of this type may need to be protected from rain and prolonged water
exposure. Such moisture penetration can threaten interior finishes. Bituminous dampproofing materials can be
applied to the interior side of walls above grade but usually require that they be covered with furring and drywall
or other finish. For aesthetic reasons, dampproofing applied to the exterior of walls above grade is usually transpar-
ent or is a material that can provide an attractive finish. Transparent dampproofing materials usually consist of sili-
cones, acrylics or polymeric resins that penetrate the surface of the masonry and seal its pores to reduce water
absorption, leaving the color and texture of the wall unchanged. Opaque acrylic or cementitious dampproofing
coatings are used on masonry walls and are available in a variety of colors.

Waterproofing and Dampproofing 799

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

3.2 Dampproofing Products

3.2.1 Solvent-based Dampproofing Mastics Product Description Composition and Materials

Solvent-based dampproofing mastic is composed of asphalt compounds containing various amounts of fiber
reinforcement, depending on whether the material is to be installed by spray, brush or trowel. Basic Uses

Solvent-based dampproofing mastic is used to reduce water or moisture infiltration on foundation walls below
grade where no hydrostatic pressure exists or on the interior side of masonry walls above grade. Limitations

Solvent-based dampproofing mastic should not be installed when ambient conditions are below 40° F (4° C).
Because they remain somewhat sticky and are black in color, these mastics, when used in interior applications,
should be protected by furring and drywall or other finish. Standards

Solvent-based dampproofing mastic should conform to one of the following recognized standards:

Solvent-Based Trowel Mastics ASTM D 2822*, Type I

Solvent-Based Semimastics ASTM D 2823*
* The materials defined by this specification may contain asbestos fibers. Al-
though nonfriable, asbestos-containing dampproofing materials generally do
not emit asbestos fibers into the air, specifiers, designers, owners and con-
tractors should be aware of the presence of asbestos in these materials and
follow appropriate procedures and applicable regulations when handling as-
bestos-containing materials. Installation Surface Preparation

Surfaces to receive solvent-based dampproofing mastic must be fully cured; broom clean; adequately dry; and free
of oil, form release agents, curing compounds, grease and loose materials. Application Procedures

Apply solvent-based mastic by spray, brush, or trowel using a grade of product consistent with the method of ap-
plication. Trowel applications should consist of one coat approximately 1⁄4 inch (6 mm) thick. Spray or brush applica-
tions should consist of two coats approximately 1⁄16 inch (1.6 mm) thick each, allowing material to dry between
coats. Protection Course

For below-grade applications, cover the dampproofing coating with a protection board as recommended by the
membrane manufacturer. Allow dampproofing to cure at least 24 hours to prevent displacement before applying
protection board.

3.2.2 Bituminous Emulsion Dampproofing Product Description Composition and Materials

Bituminous emulsion dampproofing materials are composed of water-soluble asphalt compounds containing vari-
ous amounts of fiber reinforcement, depending on whether the material is to be installed by spray, brush or trowel.
Unreinforced emulsions are also available.

800 Waterproofing and Dampproofing

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition Basic Uses

Bituminous emulsion dampproofing materials are used to reduce water or moisture infiltration on foundation walls
below grade where hydrostatic pressure relief systems have been employed and on the interior side of masonry
walls above grade. Limitations
Bituminous emulsion dampproofing materials should not be installed when ambient conditions are below 40° F
(4° C). The completed application must be protected from water until it is fully cured. Standards
Bituminous emulsion dampproofing materials should conform to one of the following recognized standards:

Fibered, Bituminous Emulsion ASTM D 1227, Type I* or IV

ASTM D 1187, Type I or II
Nonfibrated Bituminous Emulsion ASTM D 1127, Type III
ASTM D 1187, Type I or II
* The materials defined by this specification may contain asbestos fibers. Al-
though nonfriable, asbestos-containing dampproofing materials generally do
not emit asbestos fibers into the air, specifiers, designers, owners and con-
tractors should be aware of the presence of asbestos in these materials and
follow appropriate procedures and applicable regulations when handling
asbestos-containing materials. Installation Surface Preparation

Surfaces to receive bituminous emulsion dampproofing must be free of oil, form release agents, curing compounds,
grease and loose materials. Dry surfaces must be dampened before applying the emulsion. Application Procedures

Apply fibered, bituminous emulsion by spray, brush or trowel using a grade of product consistent with the method
of application. Trowel applications should consist of one coat approximately 1⁄8 inch (3 mm) thick. Spray or brush
applications should consist of two coats approximately 1⁄16 inch (1.6 mm) thick each, allowing material to dry be-
tween coats. Apply nonfibered emulsion by spray, consisting of two coats at approximately 1 to 1.3 gallons per
100 square feet (0.4 to 0.4 liters2) per coat. Protection Course

For below-grade applications, cover the dampproofing coating with a protection board as recommended by the
membrane manufacturer. Allow dampproofing to cure at least 24 hours to prevent displacement before applying
protection board. Protect application from rain and water until fully cured.

3.2.3 Transparent Dampproofing Materials Product Description Composition and Materials

Transparent dampproofing materials are composed of various polymeric blends of acrylic, methyl methacrylate,
silicone or stearate products. Basic Uses

Transparent dampproofing materials are used to reduce water or moisture infiltration through masonry walls and
concrete surfaces above grade.

Waterproofing and Dampproofing 801

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition Limitations

Transparent dampproofing materials are not recommended for use below grade or on interior surfaces. They should
not be installed on dead-level or traffic-bearing surfaces and should not be applied when the ambient temperature
is below 40° F (4° C). Standards

There are no standards for transparent dampproofing materials. Installation Surface Preparation

Surfaces to receive transparent dampproofing treatment must be structurally sound; clean; and free of dust, dirt,
bituminous material, efflorescence, oil, form release agents, curing compounds, grease and loose materials. New
concrete and masonry must be fully cured. Surfaces must be dry prior to application. Application Procedures

Apply the transparent dampproofing by spray, brush, or roller. Apply material in a uniform manner so as to fully
wet the surface being coated without drips or runs. Apply at least two coats, allowing for overnight drying between
coats. Coverage rates vary depending on the nature of the substrate but generally range from 1⁄3 to 1 gallon per
100 square feet (0.13 to 0.4 liters/m2) per coat, consistent with the method of application.

802 Waterproofing and Dampproofing

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition


Name of Project:

Project Address:____________________________________________________________

City, State, Zip: ____________________________________________________________

Test Location: _________________________________________________________________________________

Test Began: ____________(Date) ____________(Time)
Test Ended: ____________(Date) ____________(Time)

Test Duration: ________________________

Test Conditions:
Minimum Height of Water: ______ Inches
Maximum Height of Water: ______ Inches
Remarks: _______________________________________________________________________

Test Results:
No Leakage ❏
Leakage Detected ❏ Describe Location: _________________________________________________
Retest Necessary ❏


The following individuals representing the indicated companies witnessed either a portion of or all of the above de-
scribed water flood test and attest that the representations made here are true and accurate:

Name: Representing: Signature:

_______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________

Waterproofing and Dampproofing 803

Fifth Edition
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manuial—Fifth Edition

The Moisture Control section of The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual, Fifth Edition is written to provide in-
depth technical information concerning the design and installation of quality low- and steep-slope roof systems.

Roofs can generally be divided into two categories: low-slope and steep-slope. The incline or slope of a roof is the
primary factor in determining into which of these categories a particular roof falls. The NRCA Roofing and Water-
proofing Manual, Fifth Edition, defines these categories as follows:

Low-slope roofs: a category of roofs that generally include weatherproof membrane types of roof systems
installed on slopes at or less than 3:12 (14 degrees).

Steep-slope roofs: a category of roofs that generally include water-shedding types of roof coverings in-
stalled on slopes greater than 3:12 (14 degrees).

In some instances, roof systems designed for low-slope applications are used when roof slopes are greater than
3:12 (14 degrees). Some steep-slope roof materials are used when roof slopes are less than 3:12 (14 degrees). For
either application, it is important to realize that certain design modifications may be necessary.

Low-slope roof systems usually employ a weatherproof covering or membrane to keep water from entering the
structure. Some examples include, but are not limited to, built-up roof membranes, polymer-modified bitumen
sheet membranes, thermoplastic single-ply, thermoset single-ply membranes, spray polyurethane foam (SPF)-
based roof systems and some metal panel roof systems.

Steep-slope roof systems are generally water-shedding rather than weatherproof. They are typically composed of
individual pieces or components installed in a shingled fashion. Water-shedding roof systems function with gravity
to shed water from one course to the next, thereby draining roof surfaces. Asphalt shingle, clay and concrete tile,
slate, wood shake and shingle, fiber cement products, metal shingles, synthetic products, and some metal panel
roof systems fit this category.

A roof is composed of several primary parts, and collectively these parts are referred to as either a “roof assembly”
or a “roof system.” The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual, Fifth Edition, defines these terms as follows:

Roof assembly: an assembly of interacting roof components including the roof deck, vapor retarder (if
present), roof insulation and roof covering.

Roof system: a system of interacting roof components, generally consisting of a membrane or primary roof
covering and roof insulation (not including the roof deck) designed to weatherproof and, sometimes, to im-
prove the building’s thermal resistance.

In general, a roof assembly consists of the structural roof deck and the roof system. A roof system includes every
component above the structural roof deck.

Roof assemblies are designed in one of two basic configurations: compact “warm” roofs or ventilated “cold” roofs.
• Compact “warm” roof designs are configured with each component of the roof assembly placed in contact with
the preceding component. For example, the roof insulation is placed directly on top of the deck (or vapor re-
tarder), and the roof covering is applied directly on top of rigid insulation. The term “compact” is given to these
systems because each component is in immediate contact with the adjacent component—the assembly is thus
compact—with no space provided for ventilating the roof assembly.
• Ventilated “cold” roof designs are configured with insulation located below the deck, allowing for a ventilation
space. In steep-slope roof assemblies, this space or cavity for ventilation generally occurs in the space above an
insulated ceiling assembly and below the deck. In ventilated roof designs, the temperature of the roof covering
and the deck is intended to remain close to the outside air temperature. In some climates the outside air tempera-
ture may be colder than the temperature inside the building for most months of the year-thus the term “cold” roof.

Low-slope roof assemblies typically consist of four primary parts: a roof deck (the structural substrate), insulation,
roof covering (the weatherproofing material) and, in some instances, surfacing. Steep-slope roof assemblies typi-
cally consist of three primary parts: a roof deck (the structural substrate), underlayment, and roof covering (the ex-
ternal water-shedding material).

Moisture Control 807

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manuial—Fifth Edition

Because of the wide variety of roofing products, this manual cannot address all of the different methods and prac-
tices for designing and installing all of the products available to designers, contractors and building owners.

In this manual, the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) attempts to present a consensus of opinions
from professional roofing contractors throughout North America as to the principles of good roofing practice.
Where this manual provides specific suggestions or recommendations, it should be noted that the these may be a
more conservative approach than may be commonly provided by individual product manufacturers, roof designers
or roofing contractors. The roof design and application procedures included in this manual generally are recognized
to be sound and time-proven, and apply throughout North America.

The recommendations contained in the Moisture Control section of The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual,
Fifth Edition, should not be construed as the only methods for designing and installing low- and steep-slope roof
systems. Some design criteria and application techniques vary according to climatic conditions and some geo-
graphical areas employ “area practices” that are sound and time-proven. NRCA does not mean to imply by any
statement or exclusion that time-tested and proven area practices are unsatisfactory. Users of this manual are en-
couraged to contact NRCA members in their geographical area for specific advice concerning area practices and
current technical information.

The Moisture Control section of The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual, Fifth Edition, is comprised of four
• “Introduction.” This is the introductory section to the Moisture Control section of The NRCA Roofing and Water-
proofing Manual, Fifth Edition, and contains general information applicable to low- and steep-slope roof systems.
• “Moisture Control for Low-Slope Roof Assemblies.” This section contains information regarding moisture vapor
movement in low-slope roof assemblies and the use of vapor retarders as components of low-slope roof assem-
• “Moisture Control and Ventilation of Steep-slope Roof Assemblies” This section contains information regarding
moisture movement and ventilation of attic spaces and ventilation cavities in steep-slope roof assemblies.
• “Appendices to the Moisture Control Section.” This section contains charts and tables that are used in determin-
ing the need for vapor retarders, verifying proper vapor retarder placement and ventilation requirements.

NRCA suggests the Moisture Control section of The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual, Fifth Edition, be
used in the design of low- and steep-slope roof assemblies only after a number of criteria have been carefully con-
sidered, including:
• Climate
• Exterior and interior temperature and humidity conditions
• Building and roof life expectancy
• Type of roof deck and load-bearing capacity
• Building code requirements
• Slope and drainage
• Thermal requirements
• Fire, wind, and impact resistance

These criteria play important roles in the ultimate success or failure of every roof assembly, and must be considered
by the designer in order to determine the appropriate components of the roof assembly, the applicable specifica-
tion, and the construction details to be used.

In addition, the designer should be certain that roofing product manufacturers’ requirements are taken into account,
as well as requirements of any applicable insurance, building code enforcement or other regulatory agencies.

808 Moisture Control

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manuial—Fifth Edition

Moisture Control
Moisture Control for Low-slope Roof Assemblies

Moisture Control and Ventilation for Steep-slope Roof Assemblies

Appendices to the Moisture Control Section

Moisture Control 809

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

1. Introduction ..............................................................................................................813 S
1.1 Damage to Low-slope Roof Assemblies Caused by Moisture .............................................813
1.2 Moisture Sources ......................................................................................................813 R
1.2.1 Construction Moisture .............................................................................................813

1.2.2 Building Occupancy Moisture ....................................................................................813 C

2. Principles of Moisture Vapor Movement .....................................................................814
2.1 Phases.....................................................................................................................814 T
2.2 Relative Humidity .......................................................................................................814 O
2.3 Condensation ............................................................................................................814 L

2.4 Vapor Pressure .........................................................................................................814 F

2.5 Water Vapor Movement in Low-slope Roof Assemblies ....................................................815 O
2.5.1 Air Leakage ...........................................................................................................815

2.5.2 Diffusion ................................................................................................................815 L

3. Preventing Moisture Migration and Accumulation in Low-slope Roof Assemblies...........817 W
3.1 Climate Considerations ..............................................................................................817 -
3.2 Design Considerations ................................................................................................817 L
3.2.1 Ventilation .............................................................................................................817 O
3.2.2 Vapor Retarders .....................................................................................................817 E Purpose of Vapor Retarders ..................................................................................817
R Need for Vapor Retarders .....................................................................................818 O NRCA Guidelines...............................................................................................818
F Example Calculations ......................................................................................819
A CRREL Guidelines..............................................................................................819
S Example Calculations .....................................................................................821 S
E ASHRAE Method...............................................................................................822
M ORNL Method ..................................................................................................822 B
3.2.3 Self-drying Roof Assemblies ......................................................................................822
I Low-slope Roof Assemblies Without Vapor Retarders ................................................822 E
S Roof Assemblies Purposefully Designed With Wicking or Absorbent Layers ..................823

Contents 811
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

4. Vapor Retarder Design ..............................................................................................823

4.1 Calculating the Design Temperature at a Vapor Retarder Level .........................................823

4.1.1 Fundamental Equation .............................................................................................823

4.1.2 Example Calculation.................................................................................................824

4.2 Determining the Design Dew-point Temperature .............................................................824

4.2.1 Fundamental Concepts ............................................................................................824

4.2.2 Example Calculation.................................................................................................825

4.3 Determining Vapor Retarder Placement and the Amount of Insulation Necessary Above a
Vapor Retarder .........................................................................................................825

4.3.1 Fundamental Equation .............................................................................................825

4.3.2 Example Calculation.................................................................................................825

5. Vapor Retarder Guidelines .........................................................................................826

5.1 Design Guidelines.......................................................................................................826

5.2 Material and Installation Guidelines ...............................................................................826

812 Contents
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

1.1 Damage to Low-slope Roof Assemblies Caused by Moisture
Water, in its solid (i.e., ice), liquid (i.e., water) and gas (i.e., moisture vapor) phases, can cause significant damage to
virtually all types of building materials, including roofing materials. The primary purpose of any roof assembly is to
keep water from entering a building through the roof. Most low-slope roof assemblies, when properly designed and
constructed, perform this function well. However, moisture vapor within buildings can when cooled condense into
water and cause damage to buildings’ roof systems and structures.

Moisture in the form of water vapor may enter into and subsequently condense within low-slope roof assemblies.
Condensed water can cause certain deck types, such as steel and lightweight insulating concrete on metal forms,
and fasteners used to secure the roof system to corrode. Also, condensed moisture can promote the growth of mi-
croorganisms that can weaken or even destroy building components, such as plywood and wood joists, and cause
health and aesthetic concerns for building occupants. Moisture that becomes trapped in the insulation of low-slope
roof systems also reduces the thermal resistance of the insulation.

It is important for designers to understand the sources of moisture and how it can enter into low-slope roof assem-
blies. Designers must provide measures to prevent moisture from entering and damaging the roof assemblies or re-
move moisture from vulnerable areas before it can cause damage.

1.2 Moisture Sources

To prevent moisture accumulation in low-slope roof assemblies, the source and relative quantity of potentially dam-
aging moisture must be known and its short- and long-term effects understood. Water may become entrapped in
low-slope roof systems as a result of roof system leaks, in which case the roof system is not performing its primary
function. Other sources of moisture within buildings can generally be placed into one of two categories: construc-
tion sources and building occupancy sources.

1.2.1 Construction Moisture

Significant amounts of water vapor may be generated by construction processes. During their drying process, wall
and ceiling plaster, or 4 inch (100 mm) thick concrete slabs release approximately one quart of water (0.9 liter) for
each square foot (0.09 m2) of surface area. The combustion process of propane- or kerosene-fired heaters used for
temporary heat during construction produces approximately the same volume of water as a byproduct of burning
as the volume of the fuel consumed. Painting interior surfaces can also release significant amounts of moisture.

Water vapor generated by construction processes is temporary, although major concentrations in confined areas
may cause permanent damage to some building components. Once the construction processes have been com-
pleted, the source of this moisture is eliminated. Often the most effective way to prevent damage to a roof assem-
blies from moisture generated during construction processes is to employ temporary measures, such as additional
ventilation, during the processes.

1.2.2 Building Occupancy Moisture

Water vapor is generated in significant amounts from interior sources, such as swimming pools, laundry facilities
and manufacturing processes that require the use of substantial amounts of water. Also, some buildings, such as
tobacco and food processing plants and textile mills, are commonly designed to have their interiors conditioned
with additional water vapor (i.e., humidified) to reduce the development of static electricity that would otherwise ad-
versely affect manufacturing processes.

If a building is expected to have relatively high levels of occupancy-generated moisture, the entire building, includ-
ing the roof assembly must be designed to adequately address the moisture that is anticipated. Designers must
take into account climatic conditions and the building design should address ways to control moisture entry, mois-
ture accumulation and removing excess amounts of moisture. Proper ventilation of the building and the use of
properly designed and placed vapor retarders should be incorporated into the building design. Also, the building’s
designer must adequately address the moisture that is anticipated within the roof assembly. Where high levels of in-
terior moisture are anticipated, designers should calculate expected dew point locations within the roof assembly
based upon a conservatively chosen set of exterior and interior temperature and relative humidity conditions. In a
low-slope roofing assembly, a vapor retarder should be designed to be placed below the calculated dew point level
for a set of design conditions that reflect a conservative anticipation of exterior and interior conditions.

Moisture Control for Low-slope Roof Assemblies 813

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

A thorough discussion of dew point calculations is included in Section 4.0, Vapor Retarder Design.


2.1 Phases
Water can exist in three phases: solid (i.e., ice) liquid (i.e., water) and gas (i.e., moisture vapor). The phase in which
water exists is generally dependent upon its temperature. Water is generally:
• in its solid (crystalline) phase at temperatures below 32° F (0° C)
• in its liquid phase between 32° F (0° C) and 212° F (100° C)
• in its gas phase at temperatures above its boiling point, which is 212° F (100° C)

Water commonly moves from its liquid phase to its gas phase by evaporation even when the surrounding ambient
temperature is less than the material’s boiling point. At temperatures lower than the boiling point, heat energy can
be transferred to water molecules and cause them to pass from the liquid phase into the gas phase. When water in
its gas phase is cooled, it will lose energy and return to its liquid phase (i.e., condense).

When water passes from its liquid phase to its gas phase in the atmosphere, the water vapor is contained in air and
it exerts a pressure that is measurable (i.e., vapor pressure).

2.2 Relative Humidity

The amount of water in its gas phase (i.e., moisture vapor) that can be contained within a given volume of air is a
function of the air’s temperature. This phenomenon is described by the term “relative humidity,” which is sometimes
abbreviated “RH”. Relative humidity is the ratio of the pressure of water vapor present in air to the pressure of fully
saturated air at the same temperature. Relative humidity is expressed as a percentage. When air at a given temper-
ature has a relative humidity of 100%, it is said to be saturated. That is, it cannot hold any more water vapor unless
its temperature is raised. Warm air can hold more water vapor than cold air. For example, a given volume of air will
have a relative humidity of 100% at 47° F (8° C). That same volume of air will have a relative humidity of 90% at
50° F (10° C) and a relative humidity of 35% at 75° F (24° C).

2.3 Condensation
When moisture-saturated air is cooled, some of the moisture vapor contained in the air condenses—that is, the
moisture vapor returns to its liquid phase. The temperature at which air becomes saturated with moisture vapor and
condensation begins to form is referred to as the air’s “dew-point temperature.” Using the example from above, if
the same volume of air that has a relative humidity of 35% at 75° F (24° C) is cooled to 47° F (8° C) (i.e., its dew-
point temperature), that volume of air will again have a relative humidity of 100%. If the air is cooled to a tempera-
ture below 47° F (8° C), the moisture vapor contained in the air will begin to condense. The more the air tempera-
ture is cooled, the less capable it will be to hold moisture vapor, and the more moisture vapor will condense.

When moisture vapor comes in contact with an object or surface that is below the dew-point temperature, conden-
sation will occur on that object or surface. If the surface temperature is below freezing (32° F [0° C]), the conden-
sate may freeze and appear as frost.

2.4 Vapor Pressure

Gases, including water vapor, exert pressures. The amount of pressure that water vapor exerts is a function of tem-
perature and relative humidity. The greater the temperature and the higher the relative humidity, the greater the
water-vapor pressure. Of these two variables, the most important is temperature. At 100° F (38° C), air with a rela-
tive humidity of only 20% will exert a vapor pressure 10 times that of air at a temperature of 0° F (-18° C) and 100%
relative humidity.

When there are different temperature and relative humidity conditions on either side of a barrier, such as a roof or
ceiling system, there is a corresponding vapor-pressure differential. The air on the side of the barrier that has the
higher vapor pressure will move to reach equilibrium with the air on the side of the barrier with the lower vapor pres-
sure. This drive from conditions of high pressure to low pressure is referred to as “vapor drive.” The greater the differ-
ence in vapor-pressure differential between either side of a barrier, the greater the vapor drive. The greater the differ-
ence in temperature and relative humidity on either side of a barrier, the greater the vapor drive across the barrier.

814 Moisture Control for Low-slope Roof Assemblies

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

2.5 Water Vapor Movement in Low-slope Roof Assemblies

In climates where temperatures outside of buildings are colder than those inside, the cold outside air will typically
have a relatively low water-vapor pressure. The warmer interior air will exert a higher vapor pressure than the out-
side air. Under these circumstances, the vapor drive will be from the interior of buildings to the exterior.

Building assemblies (e.g., roof assemblies, ceilings and walls) create a barrier between the areas of differing vapor
pressure. Because warm air also rises, vapor migration in most buildings will primarily be in an upward direction,
making roof assemblies and uppermost ceiling assemblies important barriers in controlling water vapor movement.
If these barriers are not properly insulated, as the warm, moist air from the interior passes through or across a barri-
er, the air may become cooled to its dew-point temperature, causing condensation to occur.

In climates where the outside air is predominantly warmer and more humid than the interior air, the vapor drive will
be predominantly from the exterior to the interior. Should this warm, moist exterior air come into contact with a sur-
face within a building that has a temperature lower than the dew point, water will condense on that surface.

Water vapor moves across or through barriers by means of two mechanisms: air leakage and diffusion. Air leakage,
generally, allows much greater amounts of water vapor movement than diffusion.

2.5.1 Air Leakage

In buildings, penetrations through ceilings and roof assemblies can be significant sources of air leakage. The holes
cut through ceilings and roof assemblies for penetrations (e.g., pipes, vent stacks or recessed light fixtures) are
commonly oversized, leaving gaps through which air and moisture vapor can readily pass. Unless these gaps are
completely sealed, they will allow interior air to pass unimpeded into the roof assembly until the moist air encoun-
ters a surface with a temperature lower than the dew point, such as at the underside of a roof deck. In this in-
stance, condensation can occur on this surface.

2.5.2 Diffusion
Diffusion is the transmission of vapor through a material. Some materials allow diffusion to occur more rapidly than
others. A material’s ability to allow diffusion of water vapor is measured by its “permeability” and “permeance.” The
terms are defined as follows.
Permeability: the time rate of vapor transmission through a flat material of a unit thickness induced by vapor
pressure difference between two specific surfaces, under specified temperature and humidity conditions. The
common English (inch-pound) unit of measurement for permeability is “perm-inch” units.
Permeance: the time rate of vapor transmission through a flat material or construction assembly induced by
vapor pressure difference between two specific surfaces, under specified temperature and humidity condi-
tions. The common English (inch-pound) unit of measurement for permeance is “perm” units.

Permeability and permeance of building materials and assemblies are measured in accordance with test methods
established in American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standard E 96, “Standard Test Methods for Water
Vapor Transmission of Materials.”

Materials with lower perm values are more resistant to the diffusion of water vapor than materials with higher perm
values. A material with a perm rating of 0.0 allows virtually no moisture vapor to diffuse through it under conditions
of normal temperature and vapor-pressure differentials. Materials or constructions with perm ratings less than
0.5 perms are typically considered to be vapor retarders.

Moisture Control for Low-slope Roof Assemblies 815

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Typical water vapor permeance and permeability values for common building materials are provided in Table 1.

Typical Water Vapor Permeance and Permeability Values1, 2

Material Permeance Permeability
(perm) (perm•in)
Common roof membrane materials:
Asphalt (hot applied, 2 lbs/100 ft2) 0.5
Asphalt (hot applied, 3.5 lbs/100 ft ) 2
Built-up membrane (hot applied) 0.0
No. 15 asphalt felt 1.0
No. 15 tarred felt 1.0
Roll roofing (saturated and coated) 0.05
Common insulation materials:
Expanded polystyrene insulation 2.0 - 5.8
Extruded polystyrene insulation 1.2
Plastic and metal films and foils:
Aluminum foil (1 mil) 0.0
Kraft paper and asphalt laminated, reinforced 0.3
Polyethylene sheet (4 mil) 0.08
Polyethylene sheet (6 mil) 0.06
Other common construction materials:
Brick masonry (4 in. thick) 0.8
Concrete (1:2:4 mix) 3.2
Concrete block (with cores, 8 in. thick) 2.4
Gypsum wall board (plain, 3/ in. thick)
8 50
Hardboard (standard, 1⁄ in. thick)
8 11
Metal roof deck (not considering laps and joints) 0.0
Plaster on metal lath 15
Plaster on wood lath 11
Plywood (Douglas fir, exterior glue, ⁄ in. thick)
4 0.7
Plywood (Douglas fir, interior glue, 1⁄ in. thick)
4 1.9
Wood, sugar pine 0.4 - 5.4
1. Table adapted from Table 9, 1993 ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook, pages 22.14-22.15.
2. This table permits comparisons of materials; however, in the selection of vapor retarder materials, exact values for permeance or
permeability should be obtained from manufacturers or laboratory tests. The values shown indicate variations among mean values
for materials that are similar but of different density, orientation, lot or source. The values should not be used as design or specifi-
cation data.

Table 1: Typical water vapor permeance or permeability values for common building materials

Some common building materials that are found to have relatively low permeance or permeability values when eval-
uated in a laboratory may be largely ineffective in controlling vapor migration when evaluated after field installation.
For example, a metal roof deck panel has a permeance of 0.0 perm when evaluated under laboratory conditions
without considering laps, joints and attachment. However, when considering an installed metal roof deck system,
taking into consideration laps and joints in the metal panels and fastener penetrations in the completed installation,
the effective overall permeance is likely to be 1.0 perm or more.

816 Moisture Control for Low-slope Roof Assemblies

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition


3.1 Climate Considerations
The climate in which a building is located will have a significant effect on the type, direction and degree of moisture
migration that will occur into and out of the building.

A vapor drive from a building’s interior to the exterior is likely to be strongest when the exterior temperatures and
relative humidity are relatively low and the interior temperature and relative humidity are relatively high. These con-
ditions will occur most often in cold climatic regions. When cold, dry air is heated in the interior of a building, unless
more moisture is added to the interior air from another moisture source, the relative humidity of the interior air will
be less than the relative humidity of the exterior air.

In warm, humid climates, where building interiors are often cooled below ambient outside temperatures, the interior
air generally is drier than the exterior air. The process of cooling a building’s interior air can cause the interior air to
fall below the dew point, in which case some of moisture vapor contained within the interior air will condense.
Under these circumstances, the vapor drive will be from the exterior to the interior of the building and a roof mem-
brane becomes, in effect, a vapor retarder.

3.2 Design Considerations

When necessary, there are three primary methods for preventing moisture accumulation in low-slope roof assemblies.
• Ventilation of the interior space
• Use of a vapor retarder to prevent moisture migration into the roof system from the building’s interior
• Use of a self-drying roof assembly design

3.2.1 Ventilation
Ventilation is the movement of air for the purpose of reducing heat and/or moisture accumulation between the inte-
rior and exterior of buildings. If the anticipated vapor drive is from the building’s interior to the exterior and is of a
magnitude significant enough to warrant concern about moisture accumulation in the roof assembly, the designer
may choose to address the situation by improving the ventilation of the conditioned interior space. This can effec-
tively reduce the relative humidity of the interior and reduce the vapor drive into the roof assembly. However, in-
creasing ventilation of the interior air space also can have the negative effect of removing air that has purposely
been conditioned (e.g., heated) to maintain comfortable interior temperatures. In this case, increasing ventilation
may also increase heating costs.

3.2.2 Vapor Retarders Purpose of Vapor Retarders
A vapor retarder is sometimes used in low-slope roof assemblies to prevent large quantities of moisture from within
a building from moving into the roof assembly where condensation may occur. In low-slope roof assemblies, vapor
retarders are typically membranes with relatively low permeance values. NRCA considers materials with perm rat-
ings less than 0.5 to be effective vapor retarders.

In order for a vapor retarder to perform its intended function, the temperature at a vapor retarder level must be
warmer than the dew-point temperature. See Section 4.0, Vapor Retarder Design, for information regarding deter-
mining the design temperature at a vapor retarder.

Vapor retarders are intended to prevent or reduce moisture migration into roof assemblies by means of minimizing
both air leakage and diffusion, and therefore reducing the amount of moisture that can condense within the roof as-

Moisture Control for Low-slope Roof Assemblies 817

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition Need for Vapor Retarders

There are four commonly accepted methods of determining the need for a vapor retarder membrane in low-slope
roof assemblies.
• NRCA guidelines
• CRREL guidelines
• ASHRAE method
• ORNL method

Regardless of the method used to determine the need for a vapor retarder, it is important to realize that actual rela-
tive humidity and dew-point temperature values are constantly changing in normal building environments as the
ambient temperature and/or water vapor pressure in the air change. Values for design relative humidity and design
dew-point temperature are theoretical constant values based upon design assumptions used for calculation pur-
poses. These design values should be based upon conservative assumptions of probable conditions.

The use of vapor retarders in low-slope roof assemblies has been debated in the roofing industry for years. NRCA
considers the determination of whether a vapor retarder is necessary to be included in low-slope roof assemblies to
be the responsibility of the designer of the roof system. NRCA Guidelines

NRCA has maintained for many years that the use of a vapor retarder be considered by designers in low-slope roof
assemblies when both of the following conditions occur.
• The outside average January temperature is below 40° F (4° C), and
• The expected interior winter relative humidity is 45% or greater.

The outside average temperature for a specific locality can typically be determined from historical climatic data by
the National Weather Service. Local historical climatic data are also sometimes available from private weather serv-
ices, local television or radio meteorologists, or local weather observers. In situations where local historical climatic
data are not readily available, the map in Figure 1 can be used to determine the general region of outside average
January temperature below 40° F (4° C).

Figure 1: January mean temperature map

The expected interior relative humidity of a particular building can be determined from the “design” relative humidity
value. This value is typically determined by the designer of the building’s heating, ventilating and air conditioning
(HVAC) system. In existing buildings, the “design” interior relative humidity can sometimes be obtained from a knowl-
edgeable building maintenance engineer or whoever maintains the building’s HVAC and mechanical control systems.

818 Moisture Control for Low-slope Roof Assemblies

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

While these guidelines for determining the need for a vapor retarder have the benefit of simplicity, they are not sup-
ported by a great deal of scientifically developed data. To further confirm the result of the simple guidelines method,
reconsideration using the CRREL method or the conservative ASHRAE method can be attempted. Example Calculations

Example 1
Situation: A manufacturing facility located in Chicago, Illinois, is being designed with a low-slope roof assembly.
The building’s mechanical engineer has determined that the design interior humidity will be 50%. In accordance
with NRCA’s simple guidelines, determine whether using of a vapor retarder membrane within the roof assembly
should be considered.

Solution: Because the design interior relative humidity has already been determined as 50% by the mechanical en-
gineer, the first parameter has already been met.

Referring to Figure 1, the outside average January temperature in Chicago, Illinois, is less than 40° F (4° C), so the
second parameter has been met also.

Therefore, in accordance with the simple guidelines method, the use of a vapor retarder membrane within the roof
assembly should be considered for this project.

Commentary: In Example 1, because the simple guideline parameters have been met, further consideration for
using a vapor retarder is warranted for this particular project.

Example 2
Situation: A low-rise office building located in Minneapolis, Minnesota, will have its existing low-slope roof system
removed and a new roof system installed. The existing roof assembly does not have a vapor retarder and there is
no apparent evidence of condensation-related damage to the roof assembly. The building’s original design docu-
ments are not available, so it is not readily possible to determine the design indoor relative humidity. However, the
building engineer reports that typical indoor humidity levels in the building during winter months are approximately
25%-30%. In accordance with NRCA’s simple guidelines, determine whether using of a vapor retarder membrane
within the new roof assembly should be considered.

Solution: Because the design indoor relative humidity is not readily available, the building engineer’s reported win-
ter humidity level of 25%-30% can be used as an assumption. At this humidity level, the first parameter of the sim-
ple guidelines fails.

Referring to Figure 1, the outside average January temperature for Minneapolis, Minnesota, is less than 40° F (4° C),
so the second parameter has been met.

Because the first parameter failed and the second was met, the simple guidelines have not been met to justify con-
sideration for using a vapor retarder membrane in the new roof assembly.

Commentary: In Example 2, because one of the parameters was not satisfied, in accordance with the simple
guidelines method, it is not necessary to include a vapor retarder in the roof assembly for this project. A similar
conclusion could be drawn if both parameters were not satisfied. CRREL Guidelines

In 1986, Wayne Tobiasson and Marcus Harrington of the United States Army Corps of Engineers’ Cold Regions Re-
search and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL) attempted to improve on the NRCA simple guidelines for determining
the need for vapor retarders in low-slope roof assemblies. Tobiasson and Harrington analyzed weather records and
developed maps that relate the relative humidity within a building to the vapor pressure gradients across the build-
ing envelope, taking into account the entire winter season, not just the coldest portion. As a result of this work, a
map was developed to assist designers in the decision whether to include a vapor retarder in the design of low-
slope roof assemblies. This map indicates relative humidity values as a function of location when it is expected that
the interior of a building will be maintained at 68° F (20° C). If the anticipated interior relative humidity of the building
is expected to be greater than the relative humidity shown on the map for that location, CRREL recommends that a
vapor retarder be used. The CRREL method also provides a graph for correcting the relative humidity level at which
a building should have a vapor retarder if the expected interior temperature is different than 68° F (20° C).

Moisture Control for Low-slope Roof Assemblies 819

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

CRREL can be contacted Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 72
Lyme Road, Hanover, NH 03755-1290; Web site:

The typical indoor relative humidities that may be expected when the design indoor winter temperature is 68° F
(20° C) are shown on the map in Figure 2. If the indoor relative humidity is expected to be greater than the value
indicated for the project’s location, using a vapor retarder is suggested.

30 30
Figure 2: Indoor relative humidity at 68° F (20° C) 70
80 70 70
20 80


If the design indoor temperature is not 68° F (20° C), Figure 3 may be used to approximate the anticipated indoor
relative humidity at the given temperature.

The following procedure should be used to obtain the corrected relative humidity from the graph in Figure 3.

1. Along the horizontal axis (i.e., bottom row), locate the applicable design indoor temperature.

2. From the selected design indoor temperature, project upward to the curve applicable to the relative humidity on
the map (Figure 2).

3. From the relative humidity curve, project to the left to the vertical axis (i.e., left edge) to determine the corrected
relative humidity for an indoor air temperature other than the 68° F (20° C) shown on the map.

10 15 20 25 30°C

ON MAP (%)

Figure 3: Correction for differing indoor temperature
40 60
20 30
50 60 70 80 90

820 Moisture Control for Low-slope Roof Assemblies

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition Example Calculations

Example 1
Situation: A light manufacturing building located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, is being designed with a low-slope roof
assembly. The designer of the heating and air conditioning equipment has determined the design interior winter
temperature will be 68° F (20° C) and the indoor relative humidity will reach approximately 40%. In accordance with
the CRREL method, determine whether the use of a vapor retarder membrane within the roof assembly should be

Solution: Referring to the indoor relative humidity map (Figure 2), Milwaukee, Wisconsin lies in a region between
the 30° and 40° contours — approximately 38%.

Since anticipated indoor relative humidity (i.e., design relative humidity) determined by the designer is greater than
the value derived from the humidity map, a vapor retarder membrane should be included in the roof assembly for
this particular project.

Example 2
Situation: A manufacturing facility located in New York City will have its existing roof replaced. The existing roof as-
sembly does not currently include a vapor retarder membrane and there is no apparent evidence of condensation-
related damage to the roof assembly. Although the original design documents are not available to determine design
values, the building engineer reports the mechanical systems’ controls are set for an interior temperature of 75° F
(24° C) and indoor relative humidity of up to 45%. In accorance with the CRREL method, determine whether the
use of a vapor retarder membrane within the roof assembly should be considered.

Solution: Because the actual design conditions are not readily known, the building engineer’s reported interior tem-
perature setting of 75° F (24° C) and interior relative humidity of 45% can assumed as the design interior tempera-
ture and humidity, respectively.

From the map in Figure 2, the allowable indoor relative humidity at 68° F (20° C) for New York City is 50%. Howev-
er, since the design interior temperature is assumed to be 75° F (24° C), instead of 68° F (20° C) on which the map
is based, the allowable indoor relative humidty value cannot be taken directly from the map—this value needs to be
determined by correcting for a differing interior temperature.

On the graph for correction for differing temperature conditions (Figure 3), locate the design interior temperature,
75° F, along the bottom axis. This graph is reproduced in Figure 4 below for use in this example.

10 15 20 25 30°C

ON MAP (%)

60 Figure 4: Graph of correction for differing indoor

80 temperature for use in example calculation.
40 60
20 30
50 60 70 80 90

Moisture Control for Low-slope Roof Assemblies 821

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

From the location for 75° F along the bottom of the graph, draw a vertical line upward to the 50% relative humidity
(i.e., indoor relative humidity for New York City from Figure 2) curve. From that point, draw a horizontal line to the
left until it intersects the left axis of the graph—this is the corrected allowable relative humidity of 40%.

Since the design relative humidity of 45% is greater than the calculated corrected allowable relative humidity of
40%, a vapor retarder membrane should be included in the roof assembly for this particular project. ASHRAE Method

The American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) has developed some ex-
tremely conservative criteria for using vapor retarders in low-slope roof assemblies. A detailed explanation of
ASHRAE’s guidelines is beyond the scope of this document. ASHRAE’s methodology for using vapor retarders is
provided in its publication titled ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals. ASHRAE publications may be obtained by
contacting ASHRAE, 1791 Tullie Circle, N.E., Atlanta, Georgia 30329; Web site:

This conservative method is based on the concept of determining where the dew point will occur in a roof assembly
under a given set of design conditions. If it is determined that the dew point will occur within the insulation layer
under the design conditions, ASHRAE recommends using a vapor retarder. The ASHRAE procedure is so conserva-
tive that it indicates the need for a vapor retarder for most regions of North America. According to the ASHRAE
method, a roof design should provide sufficient insulation above the vapor retarder to maintain a temperature at the
vapor retarder level that will always be above the dew point temperature when the design conditions are present. ORNL Method

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has also done studies to establish criteria for the need for vapor retarders in
low-slope roof assemblies. ORNL’s criteria for the need for a vapor retarder is based upon mathematical modeling
that takes into account a greater number of variables than any of the other methods.

A detailed explanation of ORNL’s method is beyond the scope of this document. For a more detailed discussion,
see “Review of Existing Criteria and Proposed Calculations for Determining the Need for Vapor Retarders”, by A. O.
Desjarlais and A. N. Karagiozis, published in NRCA’s Proceedings of the North American Conference on Roofing
Technology (available through NRCA).

ORNL has taken a complex mathematical model, performed thousands of computer simulations and then devel-
oped algorithms from the data collected. These algorithms have been used to develop a simple procedure that can
be accessed on ORNL’s Web site:

There are limitations in the ORNL guidelines for determining of the need for a vapor retarder. The number of choices
that can be input is limited to the roof assembly types and interior conditions that were used in the computer simu-
lations from which the algorithms were developed. Also, when variables are input and then calculated, the report
that is produced is delivered in a format that addresses only the four “requirements” and tells the user if the roof as-
sembly selected “passed” or “failed” each of the requirements. ORNL does not clearly state when the selected roof
assembly design “fails” any of the four ORNL requirements, that the roof assembly should either employ a vapor re-
tarder or the design should be altered in terms of the amount or type of insulation that is used until the design
“passes” all of the requirements.

3.2.3 Self-drying Roof Assemblies

Self-drying roof assemblies may be described in a context that explains the concept from two general approaches:
low-slope roof assemblies without vapor retarders and low-slope roof assemblies designed with wicking or ab-
sorbent layers. Low-slope Roof Assemblies Without Vapor Retarders

The most basic type of self-drying roof assembly consists of any roof assembly that is designed without an imper-
meable vapor retarder. The roofing industry has been designing and installing these roof assemblies for years in
warm, moderate and even some cold regions of North America. With a self-drying roof assembly there is no vapor
retarder included within the roof assembly.

This type of self-drying roof assembly has no primary form of protection from interior moisture and no form of inten-
tional condensation control for the roof assembly, other than natural, downward drying, which is typically seasonal
(e.g., during the summer months).

822 Moisture Control for Low-slope Roof Assemblies

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Years of experience have proven that this type of compact or warm, low-slope self-drying roof assembly can per-
form successfully on buildings that don’t have high interior humidities or moisture-generating processes. This track
record shows that many low-slope membrane roof systems in many parts of North America do not require vapor re-
tarders. In all practicality, if a small amount of moisture vapor condenses in a typical, compact, low-slope roof as-
sembly, it may cause little or no noticeable harm to the roof assembly’s components. If air leakage allowed some
minimal moisture vapor into the roof assembly, the same avenue will probably allow the moisture to escape or dry
downward during times of downward vapor pressure. Roof Assemblies Purposefully Designed With Wicking Or Absorbent Layers

The other approach to self-drying roof assemblies is a relatively recent development, and with some roof assembly
components, is still experimental. In this approach, a self-drying roof assembly incorporates a wicking or absorp-
tive layer of material designed into it. The absorptive material or layer is intended to provide for some accumulation
of winter-gained moisture, when the interior vapor drive is generally upward into the roof assembly. The self-drying
roof assembly should allow for the absorptive material to gradually dissipate gained moisture during times when the
vapor pressure drive is downward (e.g., winter months) into the building. The absorptive layer is intended dry out
annually during the seasonal downward drying cycle (e.g., summer months).

With the materials typically used in roof assemblies in North America today, self-drying roof assemblies are not
practical for facilities where there is significant interior moisture generated. Designers should realize that the majori-
ty of roof assembly components currently used in North America may not be capable of tolerating repeated wet
and dry cycling. Most currently available low-slope roof assembly materials, such as common types of roof decking
and rigid insulations, are intended to remain relatively dry. If these materials are exposed to repetitive wet/dry cy-
cling or repeated wetting and drying in combination with freeze/thaw cycling, the materials can break down and de-
grade to the extent that they no longer are capable of functioning as intended.

Because of the lack of full-scale performance data from different roof assemblies in various climatic regions of
North America, and the lack of experience with in-situ self-drying roof assemblies containing wicking and/or ab-
sorptive layers, NRCA cannot recommend using this specific type of self-drying roof assembly design at this time.


To prevent the formation of condensation on the bottom side of a vapor retarder, the temperature at the bottom
side of the vapor retarder must be warmer that the dew-point temperature. Therefore, once it has been determined
that a vapor retarder is to be used within a low-slope roof assembly, the design temperature at the bottom side of
the vapor retarder needs to be calculated and the design dew-point temperature determined.

The procedures for calculating the design temperature at the bottom side of a vapor retarder and determining the
design dew-point temperature are provided in Section 4.1, “Calculating the Design Temperature at Vapor Retarder
Level,” and Section 4.2, “Determining the Design Dew-point Temperature.”

To ensure the temperature at the vapor retarder remains higher than the dew-point temperature, sufficient insulation
must be designed and installed above the vapor retarder to maintain the vapor retarder at a temperature warm
enough to prevent condensation on the bottom side of the vapor retarder. The procedure for determining vapor re-
tarder placement with a roof assembly and the amount of insulation that is necessary above the vapor retarder level
to prevent condensation is provided in Section 4.3, “Determining Vapor Retarder Placement and the Amount of In-
sulation Necessary Above a Vapor Retarder.”

4.1 Calculating the Design Temperature at a Vapor Retarder Level

4.1.1 Fundamental Equation
R i
Tvr = Ti - [ (————) (Ti - To )]

Tvr = Temperature at the vapor retarder. English (inch·pound) units: °F.
Ti = Design inside (interior side) temperature. English (inch·pound) units: °F.
To = Design outside (exterior side) temperature. English (inch·pound) units: °F.

Moisture Control for Low-slope Roof Assemblies 823

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

R i = Thermal resistance (R-value) of construction below (interior side) the vapor retarder. English (inch·pound)
units: °F·ft2·h/Btu.
R = Thermal resistance (R-value) of the overall roof construction. English (inch·pound) units: °F·ft2·h/Btu.

4.1.2 Example Calculation

Situation: Determine the design temperature at the vapor retarder for a roof assembly that consists of a gravel-
surfaced built-up membrane over two layers of insulation with a total thermal resistance (R-value) of 10.0 over a
5-inch (125 mm) thick structural concrete deck (R = 0.25° F·ft2·h/Btu). The design interior temperature (Ti ) is 75° F
and the design outside temperature is 0° F.

Solution: Determining the thermal resistance of the overall roof construction (R) and thermal resistance of the
construction below the vapor retarder level (R ): i

Component R Ri
Outside air film (f )
o 0.17° F·ft2·h/Btu from Appendix 2
Built-up membrane 0.33° F·ft2·h/Btu from Appendix 1
Insulation 10.00° F·ft2·h/Btu
Vapor retarder negligible from Appendix 1
5-in. structural concrete deck 0.25° F·ft2·h/Btu 0.25° F·ft2·h/Btu
Inside air film (f i ) 0.61° F·ft2·h/Btu 0.61° F·ft2·h/Btu from Appendix 2
R = 11.36° F·ft2·h/Btu R = 0.86° F ft2·h/Btu

Then, determine design temperature at the vapor retarder level as follows:

R i
Tvr = Ti - [ (———— ) (Ti - To )]

0.86° F·ft2·h/Btu
= 75° F - [(—————————) (75° F - 0° F)]
11.36° F·ft2·h/Btu

= 69° F

4.2 Determining the Design Dew-point Temperature

4.2.1 Fundamental Concepts
Dew-point temperature is determined by knowing dry bulb (interior) temperature and relative humidity using the
following simplified table from the psychrometric chart.
Dew-Point Temperature (˚F)
Relative Humidity Design Dry Bulb (Interior) Temperature (˚F)
32˚F 35˚F 40˚F 45˚F 50˚F 55˚F 60˚F 65˚F 70˚F 75˚F 80˚F 85˚F 90˚F 95˚F 100˚F
100% 32 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
90% 30 33 37 42 47 52 57 62 67 72 77 82 87 92 97
80% 27 30 34 39 44 49 54 58 64 68 73 78 83 88 93
70% 24 27 31 36 40 45 50 55 60 64 69 74 79 84 88
60% 20 24 28 32 36 41 46 51 55 60 65 69 74 79 83
50% 16 20 24 28 33 36 41 46 50 55 60 64 69 73 78
40% 12 15 18 23 27 31 35 40 45 49 53 58 62 67 71
30% 8 10 14 16 21 25 29 33 37 42 46 50 54 59 62
20% 6 7 8 9 13 16 20 24 28 31 35 40 43 48 52
10% 4 4 5 5 6 8 9 10 13 17 20 24 27 30 34
Adapted from ASHRAE Psychrometric Chart, 1993 ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook.
Table version of Psychrometric Chart

824 Moisture Control for Low-slope Roof Assemblies

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

The following procedure is used to obtain the dew-point temperature from the table:

1. Along the top horizontal row of the table, locate the dry bulb temperature.

2. Along the vertical row at the left side of the table, locate the relative humidity.

3. The dew-point temperature is determined at the intersection of the appropriate dry bulb temperature column
and relative humidity row. The unit value for dew point temperature determined from this table is expressed in
degrees Fahrenheit (°F).

4.2.2 Example Calculation

Situation: Determine the dew-point temperature if the anticipated dry bulb temperature is 75° F and the relative
humidity is 50%.

Solution: Using the psychrometric table, the dew point temperature is determined as 55° F.

4.3 Determining Vapor Retarder Placement and the Amount of Insulation

Necessary Above a Vapor Retarder
4.3.1 Fundamental Equation
Ri x (Tdp - To)
Ro =
(Ti - To) - (Tdp - To)

Ro = Thermal resistance (R-value) of construction on the exterior side (outside) of the vapor retarder. English
(inch·pound) units: °F·ft2·h/Btu.
Ri = Thermal resistance (R-value) of construction below (interior side) the vapor retarder. English (inch·pound)
units: °F·ft2·h/Btu.
Tdp = Design dew point temperature. English (inch·pound) units: °F.
To = Design outside (exterior side) temperature. English (inch·pound) units: °F.
Ti = Design inside (interior side) temperature. English (inch·pound) units: °F.

4.3.2 Example Calculation

Situation: A manufacturing facility in Asheville, North Carolina, is being designed to have an aggregate surfaced
built-up roof system over insulation, over a kraft paper vapor retarder membrane on a 21⁄2-inch (64 mm) tongue-and-
groove wood plank deck. The bottom of the wood plank deck is exposed to the interior. The interior design condi-
tions are determined as 75° F (24° C) and 70 percent relative humidity. Determine the dew point temperature at the
vapor retarder level and the minimum thermal resistance (R-value) of insulation above the vapor retarder to ensure
condensation doesn’t form beneath the vapor retarder.

Solution: From Appendix 3, the design outside temperature (To ) is determined as the winter design dry bulb tem-
perature, 10° F.

Determining the design dew-point temperature:

Dry bulb temperature (design inside temperature) = 75° F

Relative humidity (design relative humidity) = 70%

From the Psychrometric Table, Appendix 4, the design dew point temperature is determined as 64° F.

Moisture Control for Low-slope Roof Assemblies 825

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Determining the thermal resistance (R ) of the roof construction on the exterior side (outside) of the vapor retarder

and the thermal resistance of the roof construction at and below the vapor retarder level (R ): i

Component Ro Ri

Outside air film (fo ) 0.17° F·ft2·h/Btu from Appendix 2
Built-up membrane 0.33° F·ft2·h/Btu from Appendix 1
Insulation Unknown (RInsul ) see Note below
Kraft paper vapor retarder 0.12° F·ft2·h/Btu from Appendix 1
21⁄ -inch wood deck
2 2.32° F·ft2·h/Btu from Appendix 1
Inside air film (f i ) 0.61° F·ft2·h/Btu from Appendix 2
R = 0.62° F·ft2·h/Btu + RInsul
o R = 2.93° F·ft2·h/Btu

Note: For the purposes of calculation, the mathematical variable RInsul has been temporarily assigned to the un-
known R-value for the thermal insulation above the vapor retarder membrane.

Now, determining the required thermal resistance on the exterior side of the vapor retarder ( Ro):

Ri x (Tdp - To )
Ro =
(Ti - To) - (Tdp - To )
(2.93° F·ft 2·h/Btu) x (64° F - 10° F)
0.62 F·ft 2·h/Btu + RInsul =
(75° F - 10° F) - (64° F - 10° F)
0.62 F·ft 2·h/Btu + RInsul = 14.38° F·ft 2·h/Btu

RInsul = 14.38° F·ft 2·h/Btu - 0.62° F·ft 2·h/Btu

= 13.76° F·ft 2·h/Btu

Therefore, the thermal resistance (R-value) of the insulation on the exterior side (outside) of the vapor retarder level
must be a minimum of 13.76° F·ft 2·h/Btu to ensure a 99% probability against condensation occurring on the bottom
side of the vapor retarder membrane. The required type and thickness of thermal insulation can be determined from
manufacturer’s literature or Appendix 1.

Additional thermal insulation may be necessary to satisfy the minimum required energy efficiency requirements.


5.1 Design Guidelines
When selecting vapor retarder materials for use in low-slope roof assemblies, the following guidelines should be
• Perm ratings for vapor retarders should approach 0.0 perms, but should not be 0.5 perms or greater to be con-
sidered effective means of controlling water vapor transmission.
• Vapor retarder materials must be able to resist damage from hot asphalt or adhesives specified for the specific
roofing project and should be compatible with common roof system application practices.
• Vapor retarders should be chemically compatible, for the long-term, with conventional roofing materials and the
interfacing roof system components specified.
• Vapor retarders may need to have good adhesion and shear properties if the roof system’s structural integrity
(e.g., wind-uplift resistance, resistance to buckling and splitting) depends on the secure adhesion or attachment
of the vapor retarder and roof insulation

5.2 Material and Installation Guidelines

Additional information regarding materials used for vapor retarder membranes and installation techniques for vapor
retarder membranes is contained in the Design Guidelines for Low-Slope Membrane Roof Assemblies section of
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual, Fifth Edition.

826 Moisture Control for Low-slope Roof Assemblies

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

1. Introduction ..............................................................................................................829
1.1 Damage to Steep-slope Roof Assemblies Caused by Moisture ...........................................829
1.1.1 Types of Damage ....................................................................................................829
1.2 Moisture Sources ......................................................................................................829
1.2.1 Construction Moisture .............................................................................................829
1.2.2 Building Occupancy Moisture ....................................................................................829
2. Principles of Water Vapor Movement .........................................................................830
2.1 Phases.....................................................................................................................830
2.2 Relative Humidity .......................................................................................................830
2.3 Condensation ............................................................................................................830
2.4 Vapor Pressure .........................................................................................................830
2.5 Water Vapor Movement in Steep-slope Roof Assemblies ..................................................831
2.5.1 Air Leakage ...........................................................................................................831
2.5.2 Diffusion ................................................................................................................831
3. Preventing Moisture Migration and Accumulation in Steep-slope Roof Assemblies ........832
3.1 Climate Considerations ...............................................................................................832
3.1.1 Heating Climate Zone ..............................................................................................832
3.1.2 Mixed Climate Zone.................................................................................................832
3.1.3 Cooling Climate Zone ..............................................................................................832
3.2 Preventing Moisture Migration and Accumulation ...........................................................833
3.2.1 Preventing Moisture Migration and Accumulation in Heating Climate Zones .....................833
3.2.2 Preventing Moisture Migration and Accumulation in Mixed Climate Zones........................833
3.2.3 Preventing Moisture Migration and Accumulation in Cooling Climate Zones......................834
3.3 Ventilation ................................................................................................................834
3.3.1 Ventilation of Attic Spaces ........................................................................................834
3.3.2 Ventilation of Cathedral Ceilings.................................................................................835
E Example Calculation..............................................................................................840
3.4 Vents .......................................................................................................................841
Moisture Control and Ventilation for Steep-slope Roof Assemblies 827 E
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

3.4.1 Intake Vents ...........................................................................................................841

3.4.2 Exhaust Vents ........................................................................................................841 Ridge Vents ........................................................................................................842 Static Vents ........................................................................................................842 Gable End Vents ..................................................................................................843 Turbine Vents ......................................................................................................843 Mechanical Vents.................................................................................................843

3.5 Vapor Retarders ........................................................................................................844

3.5.1 Purpose of Vapor Retarders .....................................................................................844

3.5.2 Use of Vapor Retarders in Steep-slope Roof Assemblies ...............................................844

828 Moisture Control and Ventilation for Steep-slope Roof Assemblies

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

1.1 Damage to Steep-slope Roof Assemblies Caused by Moisture
Water, in its solid (i.e., ice), liquid (i.e, water) and gas (i.e, moisture vapor) phases, can cause significant damage to
virtually all types of building materials, including roofing materials. The primary purpose of any roof assembly is to
keep water from entering a building through the roof. Most steep-slope roof assemblies, when properly designed
and constructed, perform this function well. However, moisture vapor within buildings can when cooled condense
into water and cause damage to buildings’ roof systems and structures.

It is important for designers to understand the sources of moisture and how it can enter in the steep-slope roof as-
semblies. Designers must provide measures to prevent moisture from entering and damaging roof assemblies or re-
move moisture from vulnerable areas before it can cause damage.

It also should be noted that some of the methods used to control and/or remove moisture accumulation in steep-
slope roof assemblies are not generally thought to be a roofing contractor’s responsibility. For example, roofing
contractors are generally not asked to be responsible for the installation of a vapor retarder in the ceiling assembly
below a ventilated attic space. Also, roofing contractors are not generally asked to seal any potential gaps in the
ceiling assembly that may allow air to readily move from the building’s interior into the attic space or the vented
portion of a cathedral ceiling assembly.

1.1.1 Types of Damage

Moisture in the form of water vapor may enter into and subsequently condense within attic spaces or on interior
surfaces of steep-slope roof assemblies. Condensed water can cause fasteners used to secure roof system com-
ponents to corrode and promote the growth of microorganisms that can weaken or even destroy building compo-
nents, such as plywood and wood joists. Mold and mildew can also cause health problem concerns for building oc-
cupants. Moisture may also become trapped in a building’s insulation, reducing the thermal resistance of the insu-
lation, resulting in less thermally efficient buildings. Water that condenses on interior wall and ceiling surfaces can
damage paint and drywall. Condensation on ceilings is sometimes mistaken as evidence of a roof leak.

1.2 Moisture Sources

To prevent moisture accumulation in steep-slope roof assemblies, the source and relative quantity of potentially
damaging moisture must be known and its short- and long-term effects understood. Water may enter a building as
a result of roof system leaks, in which case the roof system is not performing its primary function. Moisture sources
within buildings, other than roof leaks, can generally be placed into one of two categories: construction sources
and building occupancy sources.

1.2.1 Construction Moisture

Significant amounts of water vapor may be generated by construction processes. During the drying process, wall
and ceiling plaster, or 4 inch (100 mm) thick concrete slabs release approximately one quart (0.9 liter) of water for
each square foot (0.09 m2) of surface area. The combustion process of propane- or kerosene-fired heaters, used for
temporary heat during construction, produces approximately the same volume of water as a byproduct of burning
as the volume of the fuel consumed. Painting interior surfaces can also release significant amounts of moisture.

Water vapor generated by construction processes is temporary, although major concentrations in confined areas
may cause permanent damage to some building components. Once the construction processes have been com-
pleted, the source of this moisture is eliminated. Often the most effective way to prevent damage to roof assem-
blies from moisture generated during construction processes is to employ temporary measures, such as additional
ventilation, during the processes.

1.2.2 Building Occupancy Moisture

Water vapor is generated in significant amounts from interior sources, such as swimming pools, dishwashers and
laundry facilities. Ordinary household functions, such as bathing and cooking, can be sources of moisture. Storing
firewood inside can release 50-100 gallons (190-380 liters) of water over a six month period. Improperly vented gas
furnaces that allow back drafting or spillage of exhaust gases can generate more than 750 gallons (2840 liters) of
water per year. Moisture can also enter the building from ground water below basements and crawl spaces. Also,
some building owners intentionally condition living spaces with additional water vapor by using humidifiers to re-
duce the development of static electricity, reduce skin drying and chapping, and prevent damage to wood furniture
that could result if the living environment becomes too dry.

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If a building is expected to have relatively high levels of occupancy-generated moisture, the entire building, includ-
ing the roof assembly, must be designed to adequately address the moisture that is anticipated. Designers must
take into account climatic conditions and the building’s design should address ways to control moisture entry,
moisture accumulation and removing excess amounts of moisture. Also, the building’s designer must adequately
address the moisture that is anticipated within the roof assembly.


2.1 Phases
Water can exist in one of three phases: solid (i.e., ice), liquid (i.e, water) and gas (i.e, moisture vapor). The phase in
which water exists is generally dependent upon its temperature. Water is generally:
• in its solid (crystalline) phase at temperatures below 32° F (0° C)
• in its liquid phase between 32° F (0° C) and 212° F (100° C)
• in its gas phase at temperatures above its boiling point, which is 212° F (100° C)

Water commonly moves from its liquid phase to its gas phase by evaporation even when the surrounding ambient
temperature is less than the material’s boiling point. At temperatures lower than the boiling point, heat energy can
be transferred to water molecules and cause them to pass from the liquid phase into the gas phase. When water in
its gas phase is cooled, it will lose energy and return to its liquid phase (i.e., condense).

When water passes from its liquid phase to its gas phase in the atmosphere, the water vapor is contained in air and
it exerts a pressure that is measurable (i.e., vapor pressure).

2.2 Relative Humidity

The amount of water in its gas phase (i.e., moisture vapor) that can be contained within a given volume of air is a
function of the air’s temperature. This phenomenon is described by the term “relative humidity,” which is sometimes
abbreviated “RH”. Relative humidity is the ratio of the pressure of water vapor present in air to the pressure of fully
saturated air at the same temperature. Relative humidity is expressed as a percentage. When air at a given temper-
ature has a relative humidity of 100%, it is said to be saturated. That is, it cannot hold any more water vapor unless
its temperature is raised. Warm air can hold more water vapor than cold air. For example, a given volume of air will
have a relative humidity of 100% at 47° F (8° C). That same volume of air will have a relative humidity of 90% at
50° F (10° C) and a relative humidity of 35% at 75° F (24° C).

2.3 Condensation
When moisture-saturated air is cooled, some of the moisture vapor contained in the air condenses— that is, the
moisture vapor returns to its liquid phase. The temperature at which air becomes saturated with moisture vapor and
condensation begins to form is referred to as the air’s “dew-point temperature.” Using the example from above, if
the same volume of air that has a relative humidity of 35 % at 75° F (24° C) is cooled to 47° F (8° C) (i.e., its dew-
point temperature), that volume of air will again have a relative humidity of 100%. If the air is cooled to a tempera-
ture below 47° F (8° C), the moisture vapor contained in the air will begin to condense. The more the air tempera-
ture is cooled, the less capable it will be to hold moisture vapor, and the more moisture vapor will condense.

When moisture vapor comes in contact with an object or surface that is below the dew-point temperature, conden-
sation will occur on that object or surface. If the surface temperature is below freezing (32° F [0° C]), the conden-
sate may freeze and appear as frost.

2.4 Vapor Pressure

Gases, including water vapor, exert pressures. The amount of pressure that water vapor exerts is a function of tem-
perature and relative humidity. The greater the temperature and the higher the relative humidity, the greater the
water-vapor pressure. Of these two variables, the most important is temperature. At 100° F (38° C), air with a rela-
tive humidity of only 20% will exert a vapor pressure 10 times that of air at a temperature of 0° F (-18° C) and 100%
relative humidity.

When there are different temperature and relative humidity conditions on either side of a barrier, such as a roof or
ceiling system, there is a corresponding vapor-pressure differential. The air on the side of the barrier that has the
higher vapor pressure will move to reach equilibrium with the air on the side of the barrier with the lower vapor

830 Moisture Control and Ventilation for Steep-slope Roof Assemblies

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

pressure. This drive from conditions of high pressure to low pressure is referred to as “vapor drive.” The greater the
difference in vapor-pressure differential between either side of a barrier, the greater the vapor drive. The greater the
difference in temperature and relative humidity on either side of a barrier, the greater the vapor drive across the bar-

2.5 Water Vapor Movement in Steep-slope Roof Assemblies

In climates where temperatures outside of buildings are colder than those inside, the cold outside air will typically
have a relatively low water-vapor pressure. The warmer interior air will exert a higher vapor pressure than the out-
side air. Under these circumstances, the vapor drive will be from the interior of buildings to the exterior.

Building assemblies (e.g., roof assemblies, ceilings and walls) create a barrier between the areas of differing vapor
pressure. Because warm air also rises, vapor migration in most buildings will primarily be in an upward direction,
making roof assemblies and uppermost ceiling assemblies important barriers in controlling water vapor movement.
If these barriers are not properly insulated, as the warm, moist air from the interior passes through or across a barri-
er, the air may become cooled to its dew-point temperature, causing condensation to occur.

In climates where the outside air is predominantly warmer and more humid than the interior air, the vapor drive will
be predominantly from the exterior to the interior. Should this warm, moist exterior air come into contact with a sur-
face within a building that has a temperature lower than the dew point, water will condense on that surface.

Water vapor moves across or through barriers by means of two mechanisms: air leakage and diffusion. Air leakage,
generally, allows much greater amounts of water vapor movement than diffusion.

2.5.1 Air Leakage

In buildings, penetrations through ceilings and roof assemblies can be significant sources of air leakage. The holes
cut through ceilings and roof assemblies for penetrations (e.g., pipes, vent stacks or recessed light fixtures) are
commonly oversized, leaving gaps through which air and moisture vapor can readily pass. Unless these gaps are
completely sealed, they will allow interior air to pass unimpeded into the attic or ventilation space of the building
until the moist air encounters a surface with a temperature lower than the dew point, such as at the underside of a
roof deck. In this instance, condensation can occur on this surface.

2.5.2 Diffusion
Diffusion is the transmission of vapor through a material. Some materials allow diffusion to occur more rapidly than
others. A material’s ability to allow diffusion of water vapor is measured by its “permeability” and “permeance.” The
terms are defined as follows.
Permeability: the time rate of vapor transmission through a flat material of a unit thickness induced by vapor
pressure difference between two specific surfaces, under specified temperature and humidity conditions. The
common English (inch-pound) unit of measurement for permeability is “perm-inch” units.
Permeance: the time rate of vapor transmission through a flat material or construction assembly induced by
vapor pressure difference between two specific surfaces, under specified temperature and humidity condi-
tions. The common English (inch-pound) unit of measurement for permeance is “perm” units.

Permeability and permeance of building materials and assemblies are measured in accordance with test methods
established in American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standard E 96, “Standard Test Methods for Water
Vapor Transmission of Materials.”

Materials with lower perm values are more resistant to the diffusion of water vapor than materials with higher perm
values. A material with a perm rating of 0.0 allows virtually no moisture vapor to diffuse through it under conditions
of normal temperature and vapor-pressure differentials. Materials or constructions with perm ratings less than 0.5
perms are typically considered to be vapor retarders.

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The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition


3.1 Climate Considerations
The climate in which a building is located will have a significant effect on the type, direction and degree of moisture
migration that will occur into and out of the building. For the purpose of making recommendations regarding mois-
ture control, the U.S. can be divided into three climatic zones based on the type of environmental control that they
require for most of the year. These three zones are the heating climate zone, cooling climate zone and mixed cli-
mate zone. See Figure 1.

Figure 1: United States

climatic zones
used for moisture

3.1.1 Heating Climate Zone

In the heating climate zone, a building’s interior is generally heated for a longer portion of the year than it is cooled
or not conditioned. A heating climate zone is generally considered to be one having 4000 heating-degree days
(HDD) or greater. An HDD is a unit used for estimating the fuel consumption for heating a building and is equal to
the number of degrees that the mean temperature for a 24-hour day is below the “base temperature”. The base
temperature is taken as 65° F (18° C) in the United States.

In the heating zone, a strong vapor drive from the interior to exterior is likely to occur throughout the majority of the
year because the exterior temperatures and relative humidities are both low and the interior temperatures and rela-
tive humidities may be high. These conditions will occur more often in cold climatic regions. It should be noted that
when cold, dry air is heated in the interior of a building, unless more moisture is added to the interior air from a
moisture source, the relative humidity of the interior air will be less than the relative humidity of the exterior air.

3.1.2 Mixed Climate Zone

A mixed climate zone is one having up to 4000 HDD. In a mixed climate, provisions must be made for preventing
the accumulation of moisture that moves from the interior to the exterior during heating periods. Provisions should
also be made for moisture that may move from the exterior to the interior during periods when warm, humid condi-
tions occur in the exterior and the interior of the building is cooled.

3.1.3 Cooling Climate Zone

In warm, humid climates, where building interiors are often cooled below ambient outside temperatures, the interior
air generally is drier than the exterior air. The process of cooling a building’s interior air can cause the interior air to
fall below the dew point, in which case some of moisture vapor contained within the interior air will condense.
Under these circumstances, the vapor drive will be from the exterior to the interior of the building.
832 Moisture Control and Ventilation for Steep-slope Roof Assemblies
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

3.2 Preventing Moisture Migration and Accumulation

Preventing moisture migration and accumulation in steep slope-roof assemblies, regardless of climate zone, re-
quires three basic strategies to be implemented.
• Controlling moisture entry
• Controlling moisture accumulation
• Removing excess amounts of moisture

The first approach to preventing condensation problems should be to control moisture entry by sealing all potential
locations of air leakage (e.g., openings in ceilings around pipes, recessed lights, etc.). Regardless of which climate
zone a building is located, sealing all potential locations of air leakage is a critical step in preventing moisture mi-
gration and accumulation. This task is generally undertaken by an insulation contractor and is typically considered
beyond the scope of roofing contractors’ work.

The methods for implementing controlling moisture accumulation and removing excess amounts of moisture vary,
depending on the climate zone in which a building is located.

3.2.1 Preventing Moisture Migration and Accumulation in Heating Climate Zones

To prevent moisture accumulation and remove excess moisture in heating climate zones, NRCA recommends that
attic spaces be ventilated using static, balanced ventilation systems with a minimum of 1 square foot (0.09 m2) of
net free venting space per 150 square feet (14 m2) of attic space (1:150 ventilation ratio) measured at the attic floor
level (e.g., ceiling). In a balanced ventilation system, approximately one-half of the ventilation area is positioned at
the roof assembly’s low point (i.e., eave or soffit) and approximately one-half is portioned at or near the ridge. Bal-
ancing ventilation in this manner allows for intake to occur at the low points and exhaust to be accomplished at the
high points. The movement of the air from low to high points is aided by natural convection.

In lieu of a balanced static ventilation system, forced or mechanical ventilation may be appropriate. Ventilation in
the amount of 1 cubic foot per minute per square foot (0.30 cubic meters per minute per square meter) of attic
space measured at the attic floor is effectively equivalent to a 1:150 ventilation ratio for static ventilation.

In extremely cold climates, or where a building’s interior relative humidity is anticipated to be unusually high during
peak heating conditions, it may be desirable to increase the amount of ventilation or use a vapor retarder in the ceil-
ing assembly. A residential building’s interior relative humidity is considered to be unusually high when its interior
relative humidity exceeds 45%. NRCA suggests using a vapor retarder on the warm side of attic space insulation
where mean January temperature is 30° F (-1° C) or less.

For large volume attic spaces (e.g., attics with roof slopes greater than 8:12 [34 degrees]), consideration should be
given to increasing the amount of attic ventilation.

3.2.2 Preventing Moisture Migration and Accumulation in Mixed Climate Zones

In mixed climate zones, the direction of the vapor drive shifts with weather changes. For the portion of the year
when a building’s interior is being heated, the vapor drive will be predominantly from the interior to the exterior. Dur-
ing the portion of the year when the building’s interior is being cooled, the vapor drive will be from the exterior to
the interior.

To prevent moisture accumulation and remove excess moisture in mixed climate zones during those periods of in-
terior-to-exterior vapor drive, NRCA recommends that attic spaces be ventilated using static, balanced ventilation
systems with a minimum of 1 square foot (0.09 m2) of net free ventilation per 150 square feet (14 m2) of attic space
(1:150 ventilation ratio) measured at the attic floor (e.g., ceiling). In a balanced ventilation system, approximately
one-half of the ventilation area is positioned at the roof assembly’s low point (i.e., eave or soffit) and approximately
one-half is portioned at or near the ridge. Balancing ventilation in this manner allows for intake to occur at the low
points and exhaust to be accomplished at the high points. The movement of the air from low to high points is aided
by natural convection.

In lieu of a balanced static ventilation system, forced or mechanical ventilation may be appropriate. Ventilation in
the amount of 1.0 cubic foot per minute per square foot (0.30 cubic meters per minute per square meter) of attic
space measured at the attic floor is effectively equivalent to a 1:150 ventilation ratio for static ventilation.

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The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

For large-volume attic spaces (e.g., attics with roof slopes greater than 8:12 [34 degrees]), consideration should be
given to increasing the amount of ventilation.

3.2.3 Preventing Moisture Migration and Accumulation in Cooling Climate Zones

In cooling climate zones, the vapor drive will be predominantly from the exterior to the interior. Under these circum-
stances, warm, moist air from the exterior may come in contact with cool air in a building’s interior by diffusing
through the ceiling assembly.

To reduce heat buildup in attic spaces in cooling climate zones, attic spaces can be effectively ventilated using
static, balanced ventilation systems with a minimum of 1 square foot (0.09 m2) of net free ventilation area for every
300 square feet (28 m2) of attic space (1:300 ventilation ratio) measured at the attic floor level (e.g., ceiling). This
guideline (i.e., 1:300 ventilation) may be in conflict with the minimum requirements of the applicable building code.

In lieu of a balanced ventilation system, forced or mechanical ventilation may be appropriate. Ventilation in the
amount of 0.5 cubic feet per minute per square foot (0.15 cubic meters per minute per square meter) of attic space
measured at the attic floor is effectively equivalent to a 1:300 ventilation ratio for static ventilation. This guideline
(i.e., 1:300 ventilation ratio) also may be in conflict with the minimum requirements of the applicable building code.

For large volume attic spaces (e.g., attics with roof slopes greater than 8:12 [34 degrees]), consideration should be
given to increasing the amount of ventilation.

The applicable building code may have its own requirements for attic ventilation that may be in conflict with the
above guidelines. Typically, model building codes contain language that require use of not less than a 1:150 ratio
when calculating attic ventilation. Some building codes may allow for a the total net free venting area to be reduced
to a 1:300 ventilation ratio if a vapor retarder is used within the ceiling assembly and/or intake and outlet vent loca-
tions are situated to provide a balance between the attic space’s high and low portions.

In cooling climate zones, NRCA recommends designers consult the applicable building code for any specific re-
quirements applicable to attic ventilation. These code requirements should be considered and, if possible, coordi-
nated with the above guidelines when designing attic ventilation for steep-slope roof assemblies in cooling climate

3.3 Ventilation
Ventilation is the movement of air for the purpose of reducing heat and/or moisture accumulation between the inte-
rior and exterior of buildings. If the anticipated vapor drive is from the building’s interior to the exterior and is of a
magnitude significant enough to warrant concern about moisture accumulation in the roof assembly, the designer
may choose to address the situation by improving the ventilation of the conditioned interior space. This can effec-
tively reduce the relative humidity of the interior and reduce the vapor drive into the attic space. However, increas-
ing ventilation of the interior air space also can have the negative effect of removing air that has purposely been
conditioned (e.g., heated) to maintain comfortable interior temperatures. In this case, increasing ventilation may
also increase heating costs.

The entire issue of attic ventilation and the amount of ventilation necessary to prevent moisture condensation and
accumulation and adequately reduce attic temperature is controversial. Several research projects have been con-
ducted to determine the effectiveness of ventilating attic spaces and optimum ventilation levels. Although much of
this research is contradictory, building codes have generally adopted a 1:150 ratio for attic ventilation.

3.3.1 Ventilation of Attic Spaces

Most building codes have their own requirements for ventilating attic spaces in steep-slope roof assemblies. The
model building codes contain language that require use of not less than a 1:150 ratio when calculating attic ventila-
tion. Some building codes may allow for a the total net free venting area to be reduced to a 1:300 ventilation ratio if
a vapor retarder is used within the ceiling assembly and/or intake and outlet vent locations are situated to provide a
balance between the attic space’s high and low portions.

NRCA recommends designers provide for attic ventilation in the minimum amount of 1 square foot (0.09 m2) of net
free ventilation area for every 150 square feet (28 m2) of attic space (1:150 ventilation ratio) measured at the attic
floor level (e.g., ceiling).

834 Moisture Control and Ventilation for Steep-slope Roof Assemblies

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Furthermore, where mean January temperatures are 30° F (-1° C) or less, NRCA suggests using a vapor retarder on
the warm side of attic space insulation.

NRCA suggests the amount of ventilation in static ventilation systems be balanced between the eave and ridge.
The intent of a balanced ventilation system is to provide nearly equivalent amounts of ventilation area at the
eave/soffit and at or near the ridge. For a balanced ventilation system to function properly, approximately one-half
of the ventilation area must be at or near the ridge (e.g., ridge vents, static vents) as shown in Figure 2. A balanced
ventilation system relies on natural convection to promote ventilation.

Approximately 50% of
the ventilation area.

Figure 2: A balanced ventilation system for

attic space. Soffit and ridge vents shown.

50% of the
ventilation area.

In lieu of a balanced ventilation system, forced or mechanical ventilation may be appropriate. Ventilation in the
amount of 1.0 cubic foot per minute per square foot (0.30 cubic meters per minute per square meter) of attic space
measured at the attic floor is effectively equivalent to a 1:150 ventilation ratio.

For large volume attic spaces (e.g., attics with roof slopes greater than 8:12 [34 degrees]), consideration should be
given to increasing the amount of ventilation.

3.3.2 Ventilation of Cathedral Ceilings

Cathedral ceilings occur in steep-slope roof assemblies in which there is no attic space between a ceiling and roof
deck. These assemblies pose particular ventilation problems.

NRCA does not recommend installing steep-slope roof systems utilizing bitumen-based components (e.g., asphalt
shingles, underlayment) directly over insulation or insulated roof decks. The presence of the insulation in close
proximity to the bitumen-based components subjects these roof systems to increased amounts of heat. Since heat
can be a significant contributing factor in the aging of bitumen; subjecting bitumen-based components to exces-
sive heat loads accelerates the rate at which these roof systems age and deteriorate.

For buildings located in the heating climate zone, a problem often associated with unventilated, improperly insulat-
ed cathedral ceiling roof assemblies is the formation of ice dams and icicles at the eaves of these roof assemblies.
Ice dams are created when heat from the building’s interior melts snow that has accumulated on the roof assem-
bly’s exterior. The melt water runs down slope to a point past the exterior wall where the interior heat is no longer
present. At this point, the melted water can freeze, forming ice dams. Continuing cycles of this process will in-
crease the size of ice dams and icicles. The ice dams on a roof system’s surface may cause water to flow laterally
underneath shingle-type roof coverings and eventually enter the building’s interior in the form of roof leaks.

For these reasons, NRCA recommends provisions for ventilation be designed in steep-slope roof assemblies with
cathedral ceilings.

Moisture Control and Ventilation for Steep-slope Roof Assemblies 835

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Much of the research performed on the role ventilation

Slope 3:12 (15 degrees)
of cathedral ceilings plays in reducing ice dam and ici-
cle formation has been performed by the U. S. Army
Corps of Engineers at its Cold Regions Research Engi-
neering Laboratory (CRREL). In 1999, Wayne Tobias-
son for the first time, presented easy-to-use guidelines
for designing properly sized ventilation spaces in
cathedral ceilings.

In earlier research at CRREL, Tobiasson demonstrated

that attic ventilation systems should be sized to keep
the roof’s underside below freezing when it is 22° F
(-6° C) outside. When it is colder than that, it is easier
to ventilate with outside air. When it is warmer than
22° F (-6° C) melted water seldom refreezes at eaves.

To prevent ice buildup at eaves, ventilation spaces in

cathedral ceilings should be designed according to the
following guidelines, as developed by Tobiasson, et al.
Use of these guidelines by designers in new construc-
tion projects may prove both helpful and practical. Slope 3:12 (15 degrees)

These guidelines may indicate a need for using ventila-

tion cavities that are too large to be practically
achieved in reroofing projects.

Figures 3 through 6 present the mathematics in a user-

friendly format for buildings with a design interior tem-
perature of 70° F (21°C). Each figure contains informa-
tion for airways at a particular roof slope (3:12 [15 de-
grees] in Figure 3, 7:12 [30 degrees] in Figure 4, 12:12
[45 degrees] in Figure 5 and 21:12 [60 degrees] in
Figure 6). Each figure consists of three graphs:
one for roof systems with a thermal resistance of
15 ft2·h·°F/Btu [i.e., R-value=15] (2.6 m2·K/W); one
for roof systems with a thermal resistance of
25 ft2·h·°F/Btu (4.4 m2·K/W) [i.e., R-value=25]; and one
for roof systems with a thermal resistance of
40 ft2·h·°F/Btu (7.0 m2·K/W) [i.e., R-value=40]. The four
curves on each graph represent airway lengths (L) of
15 feet, 30 feet, 45 feet and 60 feet (4.6 m, 9.1 m, 13.7 Slope 3:12 (15 degrees)
m and 18.3 m).

Figure 3: Airway heights and inlet areas for

cathedral ceilings with a slope of 3:12 (15 degrees)

836 Moisture Control and Ventilation for Steep-slope Roof Assemblies

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Slope 712 (30 degrees)

Slope 7:12 (30 degrees)

Figure 4: Example of airway heights and inlet areas for cathedral

ceilings with a slope of 7:12 (30 degrees)

Slope 7:12 (30 degrees)

Moisture Control and Ventilation for Steep-slope Roof Assemblies 837

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Slope 12:12 (45 degrees)

Slope 12:12 (45 degrees)

Figure 5: Airway heights and inlet areas for cathedral ceilings with
a slope of 12:12 (45 degrees)

Slope 12:12 (45 degrees)

838 Moisture Control and Ventilation for Steep-slope Roof Assemblies

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Slope 21:12 (60 degrees)

Slope 21:12 (60 degrees)

Figure 6: Airway heights and inlet areas for cathedral ceilings with
a slope of 21:12 (60 degrees)

Slope 21:12 (60 degrees)

Moisture Control and Ventilation for Steep-slope Roof Assemblies 839

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

The curves in Figures 3 through 6 were developed for airways located between 11⁄2 inch (38 mm) wide rafters
spaced 16 inches (400 mm) on center. When rafters are spaced farther apart, the airways occupy a slightly larger
portion of the roof area and will perform slightly better. However, because the improvement is minimal, NRCA
suggests that the curves be used unmodified for other rafter spacings.

For buildings with design interior temperatures other than 70° F (21° C), the curves in Figures 3 through 6 can be
adjusted by modifying the R-values shown on them, as follows:

In IP units, with temperatures in %F, multiply the

R-value in ft2·h·°F/Btu by 43/(ti-26).

In SI units with temperatures in °C, multiply the

R-value in m2·K/W by 23.9 (ti+2.8).

As examples, if the indoor temperature (ti) is 60° F, the R-values on the curves (i.e., 15, 25 and 40) increase to 20, 33
and 52 ft2·h·°F/Btu. If the indoor temperature is 80° F, the R-values on the curves decrease to 12, 20 and 32
ft2·h·°F/Btu. (In SI units, with ti=15.6° C, the thermal resistance values on the curves [i.e., 2.6, 4.4 and 7.0 m2·K/W]
increase to 3.4, 5.7 and 9.1 m2·K/W respectively. If ti = 26.7° C, they decrease to 2.1, 3.6 and 5.7 m2·K/W.) Example Calculation

A residential building is designed with a cathedral ceiling having a roof slope of 7:12 (30 degrees). The roof-ceiling
assembly is to be insulated so that it will have an R-value of 15. The length of the roof from eave to ridge is 30 feet
(9.1 m) . If the designer plans to have an airway space of 1.75 inches (44 mm), what size should the inlet/outlet
vents be to assure adequate ventilation to prevent the creation of ice dams?

Select the graph from Figure 4 that pertains to roof assemblies with an R-value of 15. This graph is recreated in Fig-
ure 7 for the purposes of this example.

2 2
Slope 7:12 (30 degrees) Roof Thermal Resistance R=15 h·ft ·°F/Btu (4.4 m ·K/W)
Room Temperature 70° F (21° C)

Airway Height (mm)

20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100


Inlet Area (mm per running mm)

Inlet Area (in per running ft)

Figure 7: Example calculation for airways
1.75 inches (44 mm) in height with a rafter length L = 30 ft (9.1 mm)
of 30 feet (9.1 m) and an R-value of 15, slope of

7:12 (30 degrees) 60

20 40

10 20
18 in2 /running ft
(35 mm /running mm) 0
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0

1.75 in
(44 mm)

In Figure 7, locate the airway height of 1.75 inches along the bottom of the graph. Draw a vertical line from that air-
way height until it intersects the curve for the L=30 ft. From that point, draw a horizontal line to the left until it inter-
sects the left axis of the graph. The net free inlet area required is approximately 18 square inches per running foot,
or 1.5 inches wide plus the additional area needed to account for the screening in the continuous soffit vent.

For metric units, locate the airway height of 44 mm along the top of the graph. Draw a vertical line downward until it
intersects the sloped line for L= 9.1 m. Draw a horizontal line to the right until it intersects the line indication the
inlet area. The net free inlet area required is approximately 35 square millimeters per running millimeter

840 Moisture Control and Ventilation for Steep-slope Roof Assemblies

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

3.4 Vents
Air intake and exhaust vents are used in ventilating steep-slope roof assemblies to provide a means allowing out-
side air to enter into and exit attic spaces and ventilation cavities.

3.4.1 Intake Vents

Air intake vents are used to allow outside air to enter into attic spaces and ventilation cavities. Intake vents should
be located along a roof assembly’s lowest eave, at or near soffits or eaves.

Intake vents are best used in conjunction with exhaust vents that are located at or near a roof assembly’s peak.
This configuration of balancing air intake along low points and air exhaust at high points takes advantage of natural
convection to aid in ventilation.

Some of the more commonly used products are:

• continuous soffit vents
• individual soffit vents
• drip edge vents

A variety of pre-manufactured products are available for use as eave and soffit vents. See Figure 8.

Figure 8: Examples of intake vents



A variety of intake vents can be designed, fabricated and installed to suit the specific aesthetic or other needs.

Whatever type of intake vents used, intake vents should always be installed to allow free movement of air into the
ventilation cavity and should not be blocked on the interior side by insulation or other material. Intake vents must
also be designed and installed to prevent precipitation, animals or insects from entering the interior space.

3.4.2 Exhaust Vents

Air exhaust vents are used to allow air in attic spaces and ventilation cavities to exit to the exterior.

Exhaust vents should be placed at or near a roof assembly’s ridge or high point.

Exhaust vents are best used in conjunction with intake vents that are located along a roof assembly’s lowest eave,
at or near soffits or eaves. This configuration of balancing air intake along low points and air exhaust at high points
takes advantage of natural convection to aid in ventilation.

Some common types of exhaust vents are:

• ridge vents
• individual static vents
• gable end vents
• turbine vents
• mechanical vents
Moisture Control and Ventilation for Steep-slope Roof Assemblies 841
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition Ridge Vents

Ridge vents are installed along the entire length of a ridge. Ridge vents are either “shingle-over” or “nonshingle-
over” types. See Figures 9 and 10.

3 2

Figure 9: Example of shingle-over ridge vent 1. Opening in roof sheathing

2. Shingle over ridge vent

under cap shingles

3. 3/4" (19 mm) minimum

space between cap shingle
and roof shingle

4. Roof shingle on sheathing

Figure 10: Example of nonshingle-over ridge vent

Shingle-over ridge vents are covered with roofing materials to prevent precipitation from entering a building. Be-
cause the same shingles are used over the vent than are used on the roof, shingle-over ridge vents are typically
less noticeable than other types of exhaust vents.

Because the exposed exterior material of non-shingle over ridge vents is different from the adjacent roofing materi-
als, nonshingle-over ridge vents may be more noticeable. Static Vents

Individual static exhaust vents are small vents that are installed near the ridge of a roof. See Figure 11.

Figure 11: Examples of individual static exhaust vents

842 Moisture Control and Ventilation for Steep-slope Roof Assemblies

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition Gable End Vents

Gable-end vents are installed in the walls of a building at the gable end’s peak. See Figure 12.

Figure 12: Example of gable-end vent

When gable-end vents are used without additional intake vents located at the roof assembly’s low points , gable-
end vents function as both intake and exhaust vents, depending on the wind direction. Additionally, their effective-
ness dependents on both wind speed and direction; they are more effective when wind is of a sufficient speed and
coming from a direction perpendicular to the roof assemblies or system’s gable ends. Gable-end vents are of limit-
ed effectiveness when winds are light and/or coming from a direction parallel to the building’s roof assembly’s
gable ends. Turbine Vents

Turbine vents rely on the wind to rotate the vent’s fan blades which draw air from the ventilated area. This vent
draws air from the ventilated area at a greater rate than a passive vent when wind is present. The amount of air
movement developed is a function of wind speed, as well as turbine size and efficiency. See Figure 13.

Figure 13: Example of a turbine vent Mechanical Vents

Mechanical vents are essentially roof-mounted exhaust fans that are used to exhaust air from the ventilated space.
Mechanical vents can improve air movement and should be mounted near the steep-slope roof system’s ridge. Me-
chanical vents are best used in conjunction with intake vents located at the low points (i.e., eaves or soffits). Me-
chanical vents may be operated by thermostats and/or humidistats that cause the vents to run only at or above a
predetermined temperature or relative humidity. When this is the case, the fan may not operate during winter condi-
tions and therefore may not effectively remove moisture-laden air from the ventilation space. Mechanical vents
should also have a manual override.

Moisture Control and Ventilation for Steep-slope Roof Assemblies 843

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

3.5 Vapor retarders

3.5.1 Purpose of vapor retarders
Vapor retarders are sometimes used in low-slope roof assemblies to prevent large quantities of moisture from within
buildings from moving into the roof assemblies where condensation may occur. In low-slope roof assemblies, vapor
retarders are typically membranes with relatively low permeance ratings that are installed on the “warm” side of roof
assemblies. NRCA considers materials with perm ratings less than 0.5 perms to be effective vapor retarders.

Vapor retarders are intended to prevent moisture migration into roof assemblies by means of both retarding or
blocking both air leakage and diffusion. By reducing the amount of moisture vapor from within a building that can
enter attics or ventilation spaces, the amount of moisture that can reach a point in the roof assembly where temper-
atures drop below the dew point is also reduced.

3.5.2 Use of Vapor Retarders in Steep Slope Roof Assemblies

To install a vapor retarder properly on the warm side of a roof assembly, in heating climate zones, the vapor retarder
should be installed at the assembly’s ceiling level (i.e., between the bottom of the attic joists and the top of the inte-
rior ceiling finish material).

In cooling climate zones, when installed, a vapor retarder should be installed at the top of the insulation, which can
also be difficult to do without leaving gaps or openings in the membrane.

844 Moisture Control and Ventilation for Steep-slope Roof Assemblies

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Appendices to the Moisture Control
Section P
Appendix 1: Typical Thermal Properties of Building Materials ..................................................847 E
Appendix 2: Thermal Resistance Values for Air Films.............................................................851 N
Appendix 3: Climatic/Design Data......................................................................................852
Appendix 4: Psychrometric Table........................................................................................858 C






Contents 845
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition


Material Description Conductivity Conductance Resistance
(k-value)1 (C-value)1 (R-value)1
Per inch Listed
thickness thickness
Roof Covering Materials:
Roof Membranes
Built-up membrane (aggregate surfacing) 3.00 0.33
Built-up membrane (smooth surfaced) 4.17 0.24
Built-up membrane (granule surface) 6.50 0.15
Modified bitumen membrane (aggregate surfaced) 3.00 0.33
Modified bitumen membrane (foil surfaced) 4.17 0.24
Modified bitumen membrane (mineral surfaced) 6.67 0.15
Modified bitumen membrane (smooth surfaced) 4.17 0.24
Single ply membrane(agregate ballasted) 3.00 0.33
Single ply membrane (unsurfaced) 4.17 0.24
Steep Slope Roofing
Asphalt shingles 2.27 0.44
Fiber-cement shingles 4.76 0.21
Slate 20.00 0.05
Wood shingles/shakes 1.06 0.94
Metal Roofing
Metal panels Negligible
Roof Insulation Materials:
Board-type roof insulation products
Cellular glass (faced) 0.33 3.03
11⁄2 inch 0.22 4.55
2 inch 0.17 6.06
3 inch 0.11 9.09
4 inch 0.08 12.12
Expanded polystyrene (EPS), unfaced
1.0 lb/ft3 density 0.26 3.85
1.25 lb/ft3 density 0.25 4.00
1.5 lbs/ft density
0.24 4.17
1.75 lbs/ft3 density 0.24 4.17
2.0 lbs/ft density
0.23 4.35
Extruded polystyrene, unfaced 0.20 5.00
Glass fiber, top-side faced 0.25 4.00
⁄4 inch 0.36 2.78
⁄16 inch 0.27 3.70
11⁄16 inches 0.24 4.17
15⁄16 inches 0.19 5.26
17⁄16 inches 0.17 5.88
Unless otherwise noted data derived from manufacturers’ literature and Table 4, 1993 ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook, pages
NRCA/Midwest Roofing Contractors Association, Joint Technical Bulletin “In-Service R-Values (ISR) for Polyisocyanurate and
Polyurethane Roof Insulation Boards,” November 1987.

Appendices to the Moisture Control Section 847

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Material Description Conductivity Conductance Resistance

(k-value)1 (C-value)1 (R-value)1
Per inch Listed
thickness thickness
19⁄16 inches 0.16 6.25
1 ⁄8 inches
0.15 6.67
13⁄4 inches 0.14 7.14
1 ⁄8 inches
0.13 7.69
21⁄16 inches 0.12 8.33
21⁄4 inches 0.11 9.09
27⁄16 inches 0.10 10.00
23⁄4 inches 0.09 11.11
3 inches 0.08 12.50
Gypsum, faced 0.89 1.12
⁄4 inch 3.57 0.28
⁄2 inch 1.79 0.56
⁄8 inch 1.45 0.69
Mineral wool fiber (density 9lbs/ft [14.4 kg/m ])
3 3
0.24 4.20
1.50 inch 0.17 6.00
2.00 inch 0.12 8.00
2.25 inch 0.11 9.00
2.50 inch 0.10 10.00
Perlite board 0.36 2.78
⁄2 inch 0.76 1.32
⁄4 inch 0.48 2.08
1 inch 0.36 2.78
11⁄2 inches 0.24 4.17
2 inches 0.18 5.56
Phenolic, faced 0.12 8.3
1.0 inch 0.12 8.3
1.2 inch 0.10 10.0
1.5 inch 0.08 12.5
1.75 inch 0.07 14.6
2.0 inch 0.06 16.7
2.4 inch 0.05 20.0
3.0 inch 0.04 25.0
3.6 inch 0.033 30.0
Polyisocyanurate, faced 0.18 2
5.60 2

1.0 inch 0.17 (0.18)2 6.0 (5.6)2

1.2 inches 0.14 (0.15) 2
7.1 (6.7)2
1.3 inches 0.12 (0.14)2 8.3 (7.3)2
1.5 inches 0.10 (0.12) 2
10.0 (8.4)2
1.8 inches 0.08 (0.10)2 12.5 (10.0)2
2.0 inches 0.07 (0.09) 2
14.3 (11.2)2
Unless otherwise noted data derived from manufacturers’ literature and Table 4, 1993 ASHRAE Handbook-Fundamentals, Pages
NRCA/Midwest Roofing Contractors Association, Joint Technical Bulletin “In-Service R-Values (ISR) for Polyisocyanurate and
Polyurethane Roof Insulation Boards,” November 1987.

848 Appendices to the Moisture Control Section

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Material Description Conductivity Conductance Resistance

(k-value)1 (C-value)1 (R-value)1
Per inch Listed
thickness thickness
2.3 inches 0.06 (0.08)2 16.7 (12.9)2
2.5 inches 0.05 (0.07)2 18.2 (14.0)2
3.0 inches 0.05 (0.06)2
21.6 (16.8)2
Polyisocyanurate, composite board Varies
Polyurethane, faced/unfaced 0.16-0.18 6.25-5.56
Wood fiberboard 0.36 2.78
⁄8 inch 0.96 1.04
⁄2 inch 0.72 1.39
1 inch 0.36 2.78
Fill-type roof insulation products
Asphaltic/perlite insulating fills (22 lbs/ft3 density) 0.40 2.50
Foam concrete
120 lbs/ft3 density 5.4 0.19
100 lbs/ft density
4.1 0.24
80 lbs/ft3 density 3.0 0.33
70 lbs/ft3 density 2.5 0.40
Cellular concrete
60 lbs/ft3 density 2.1 0.48
40 lbs/ft3 density 1.4 0.71
20 lbs/ft density
0.8 1.25
Vapor Retarder Materials:
Permeable felt 16.70 0.06
2-ply felt and asphalt membrane 8.35 0.12
Plastic sheet — negligible
Structural Deck Materials:
Cementitious wood fiber panels 0.57 1.75
11⁄2 inch 0.38 2.63
2 inch 0.29 3.50
21⁄2 inch 0.23 4.38
3 inch 0.19 5.25
Normal weight (150 lbs/ft3) structural concrete 20.0 0.05
Lightweight (120 lbs/ft3) structural concrete 9.1 0.11
Precast panels 12.5 0.08
2 inch poured gypsum with 1⁄ inch2

gypsum form board 0.61 1.65

2 inch precast panel 1.41 0.71
Metal deck — negligible
Unless otherwise noted data derived from manufacturers’ literature and Table 4, 1993 ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook, Pages
NRCA/Midwest Roofing Contractors Association, Joint Technical Bulletin “In-Service R-Values (ISR) for Polyisocyanurate and
Polyurethane Roof Insulation Boards,” November 1987.

Appendices to the Moisture Control Section 849

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Material Description Conductivity Conductance Resistance

(k-value)1 (C-value)1 (R-value)1
Per inch Listed
thickness thickness
Plank (Hardwood) 1.25 0.80
Plank (Softwood) 1.12 0.89
Plywood 0.80 1.25
⁄2 inch 1.60 0.63
⁄8 inch 1.28 0.78
⁄4 inch 1.07 0.94
Ceiling Insulating Materials:
Glass fiber batts 0.32 3.14
3 ⁄2 inch
0.09 11.0
51⁄2 inch 0.05 19.0
9 ⁄2 inch
0.033 30.0
12 inch 0.026 38.0
Loose fill, cellulose 0.32 3.13
Finish Ceiling Materials:
Gypsum or plaster board 1.11 0.90
⁄2 inch 2.22 0.45
⁄8 inch 1.78 0.56
Mineral fiber board (lay in panels) 0.35 2.86
Unless otherwise noted data derived from manufacturers’ literature and Table 4, 1993 ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook, Pages
NRCA/Midwest Roofing Contractors Association, Joint Technical Bulletin “In-Service R-Values (ISR) for Polyisocyanurate and
Polyurethane Roof Insulation Boards,” November 1987.

850 Appendices to the Moisture Control Section

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition



Surface Condition Resistance

Outside air film (fo ) 15 mph wind (winter) 0.17 ˚F·ft2·h/Btu
7.5 mph wind (summer) 0.25 ˚F·ft2·h/Btu
Inside air film (f i ) Still air—horizontal surface3
Heat flow upward (winter) 0.61 ˚F·ft2·h/Btu
Heat flow downward (summer) 0.92 ˚F·ft2·h/Btu
1. Values derived from Table 1, 1993 ASHRAE Handbook—Fundamentals, page 22.1.
2. Surface air films exist on every surface. They are invisible layers of air that cling to the surface on a material and have some resist-
ance to heat flow. Outside air films vary in thickness according to wind velocity; inside air films vary in effectiveness according to
the direction of heat flow.
3. Inside air film values listed are for horizontal inside surfaces only. If the inside surface being evaluated is sloping or vertical, other
thermal resistance values may apply; refer to Table 1, 1993 ASHRAE Handbook—Fundamentals, page 22.1.

Appendices to the Moisture Control Section 851

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition


Location Climatic Conditions1

Winter Summer
(˚F) (˚F)
Design Design Design
Dry Dry Wet
Bulb Bulb Bulb
Birmingham 17 96 78
Mobile 25 95 80
Montgomery 22 96 79
Anchorage -23 71 60
Fairbanks -51 82 64
Juneau -4 74 61
Kodiak 10 69 60
Nome -31 66 58
Phoenix 31 109 76
Prescott 4 96 66
Tucson 28 104 72
Winslow 5 97 66
Yuma 36 111 79
Fort Smith 12 101 80
Little Rock 15 99 80
Bakersfield 30 104 73
Fresno 28 102 72
Long Beach 41 83 70
Los Angeles 41 83 70
Oakland 34 85 66
Sacramento 30 101 72
San Diego 42 83 71
San Francisco 35 82 65
Santa Maria 31 81 65
Colorado Springs -3 91 63
Denver -5 93 64
Grand Junction 2 96 64
Pueblo -7 97 67
Hartford 3 91 77
Wilmington 10 92 77
District of Columbia
Washington 14 93 78

852 Appendices to the Moisture Control Section

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Location Climatic Conditions1

Winter Summer
(˚F) (˚F)
Design Design Design
Dry Dry Wet
Bulb Bulb Bulb
Daytona Beach 32 92 80
Jacksonville 29 96 79
Miami 44 91 79
Orlando 35 94 79
Tallahassee 27 94 79
Tampa 36 92 79
West Palm Beach 41 92 80
Atlanta 17 94 77
Augusta 20 97 80
Macon 21 96 79
Savannah 24 96 80
Hilo 61 84 75
Honolulu 62 87 76
Boise 3 96 68
Lewiston -1 96 67
Pocatello -8 94 64
Chicago -8 91 77
Moline -9 93 78
Springfield -3 94 79
Evansville 4 95 79
Fort Wayne -4 92 77
Indianapolis -2 92 78
South Bend -3 91 77
Daytona Beach 32 92 80
Jacksonville 29 96 79
Miami 44 91 79
Orlando 35 94 79
Tallahassee 27 94 79

Appendices to the Moisture Control Section 853

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Location Climatic Conditions1

Winter Summer
(˚F) (˚F)
Design Design Design
Dry Dry Wet
Bulb Bulb Bulb
Tampa 36 92 79
West Palm Beach 41 92 80
Atlanta 17 94 77
Augusta 20 97 80
Macon 21 96 79
Savannah 24 96 80
Hilo 61 84 75
Honolulu 62 87 76
Boise 3 96 68
Lewiston -1 96 67
Pocatello -8 94 64
Chicago -8 91 77
Moline -9 93 78
Springfield -3 94 79
Evansville 4 95 79
Fort Wayne -4 92 77
Indianapolis -2 92 78
South Bend -3 91 77
Rochester -17 90 77
Jackson 21 97 79
Meridian 19 97 80
Columbia -1 97 78
Kansas City 2 99 78
Saint Louis 2 97 78
Springfield 3 96 78
Billings -15 94 67
Helena -21 91 64
Miles City -20 98 70

854 Appendices to the Moisture Control Section

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Location Climatic Conditions1

Winter Summer
(˚F) (˚F)
Design Design Design
Dry Dry Wet
Bulb Bulb Bulb
Grand Island -8 97 75
North Platte -8 97 74
Omaha -8 94 78
Scottsbluff -8 95 70
Elko -8 94 63
Ely -10 89 60
Las Vegas 25 108 71
Lovelock 8 98 66
Reno 5 95 64
Tonopah 5 94 64
Winnemucca -1 96 64
New Hampshire
Concord -8 90 74
New Jersey
Newark 10 94 77
New Mexico
Albuquerque 12 96 66
Roswell 13 100 71
Tucumcari 8 99 70
New York
Albany -6 91 75
Binghamton -2 86 73
Buffalo 2 88 74
Massena -13 86 73
New York 11 92 76
Rochester 1 91 75
Syracuse -3 90 75
North Carolina
Asheville 10 89 75
Charlotte 18 95 77
Greensboro 14 93 77
Raleigh 16 94 78
North Dakota
Bismarck -23 95 73
Fargo -22 92 76
Minot -24 92 72
Akron 1 89 75
Cincinnati 1 92 77
Columbus 0 92 77

Appendices to the Moisture Control Section 855

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Location Climatic Conditions1

Winter Summer
(˚F) (˚F)
Design Design Design
Dry Dry Wet
Bulb Bulb Bulb
Dayton -1 91 76
Toledo -3 90 76
Youngstown -1 88 74
Oklahoma City 9 100 78
Tulsa 8 101 79
Astoria 25 75 65
Medford 19 98 70
Portland 17 89 69
Salem 18 92 69
Allentown 4 92 76
Erie 4 88 75
Harrisburg 7 94 77
Philadelphia 10 93 77
Pittsburgh 1 89 74
Rhode Island:
Providence 5 89 75
South Carolina
Charleston 24 93 81
Columbia 20 97 79
Greenville 18 93 77
South Dakota
Huron -18 96 77
Pierre -15 99 75
Rapid City -11 95 71
Sioux Falls -15 94 76
Chattanooga 13 96 78
Knoxville 13 94 77
Memphis 13 98 80
Nashville 9 97 78
Abilene 15 101 75
Amarillo 6 98 71
Austin 24 100 78
Brownsville 35 94 80
Corpus Christi 31 95 80
Dallas 18 102 78
Del Rio 26 100 79
El Paso 20 100 69

856 Appendices to the Moisture Control Section

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Location Climatic Conditions1

Winter Summer
(˚F) (˚F)
Design Design Design
Dry Dry Wet
Bulb Bulb Bulb
Fort Worth 17 101 78
Houston 27 96 80
Laredo 32 102 78
Lubbock 10 98 73
Lufkin 25 99 80
Midland 16 100 73
Port Arthur 27 95 81
San Angelo 18 101 75
San Antonio 25 99 77
Waco 21 101 78
Wichita Falls 14 103 77
Cedar City -2 93 65
Salt Lake City 3 97 66
Burlington -12 88 74
Norfolk 20 93 79
Richmond 14 95 79
Roanoke 12 93 75
Olympia 16 87 67
Seattle/Tacoma 21 84 66
Spokane -6 93 65
Yakima -2 96 68
West Virginia
Charleston 7 92 76
Eau Claire -15 92 77
Green Bay -13 88 76
LaCrosse -13 91 77
Madison -11 91 77
Milwaukee -8 90 76
Casper -11 92 63
Cheyenne -9 89 63
Rock Springs -9 86 59
Sheridan -14 94 66
Climatic conditions data derived from Table 1, 1993 ASHRAE
Handbook–Fundamentals, pages 24.4-24.15

Appendices to the Moisture Control Section 857

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition


Dew-Point Temperature (˚F)
Relative Humidity Design Dry Bulb (Interior) Temperature (˚F)
32˚F 35˚F 40˚F 45˚F 50˚F 55˚F 60˚F 65˚F 70˚F 75˚F 80˚F 85˚F 90˚F 95˚F 100˚F
100% 32 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
90% 30 33 37 42 47 52 57 62 67 72 77 82 87 92 97
80% 27 30 34 39 44 49 54 58 64 68 73 78 83 88 93
70% 24 27 31 36 40 45 50 55 60 64 69 74 79 84 88
60% 20 24 28 32 36 41 46 51 55 60 65 69 74 79 83
50% 16 20 24 28 33 36 41 46 50 55 60 64 69 73 78
40% 12 15 18 23 27 31 35 40 45 49 53 58 62 67 71
30% 8 10 14 16 21 25 29 33 37 42 46 50 54 59 62
20% 6 7 8 9 13 16 20 24 28 31 35 40 43 48 52
10% 4 4 5 5 6 8 9 10 13 17 20 24 27 30 34
Adapted from ASHRAE Psychrometric Chart, 1993 ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook.

858 Appendices to the Moisture Control Section

Fifth Edition
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Appendix 1: NRCA Bulletins .........................................................................................................863
Appendix 2: Proposed Revision Form.............................................................................................865
Appendix 3: Unit Conversion ........................................................................................................871
Appendix 4: Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Built-up Roofing........................................877
Appendix 5: Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Polymer Modified Bitumen Roofing..............893
Appendix 6: Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Thermoset Single-Ply Roof Membranes........915
Appendix 7: Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Sprayed Polyurethane Foam Roofing ...........931
Appendix 8: Mechanical Fasteners................................................................................................947
Appendix 9: Roofing Contractor Qualification Statement ...................................................................959
Appendix 10: Industry Contacts....................................................................................................965

Contents 861
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

The National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) began issuing technical bulletins in 1977 to keep the roofing
industry informed of developing or late-breaking technical issues. NRCA’s technical bulletins are intended as ad-
denda to the then-current edition of The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual. Information from past bulletins
typically is incorporated into subsequent manual editions or withdrawn if the information is no longer relevant.

To date, 20 technical bulletins have been released. Information from these bulletins has been included where ap-
propriate within the text of The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual, Fifth Edition, or withdrawn because the
materials or systems referred to in the bulletins are no longer prevalent in the industry.

The following technical bulletins were issued and applicable to the first three editions of The NRCA Roofing and
Waterproofing Manual.
• Bulletin No. 1, “The NRCA Technical Bulletin Program,” September 1, 1977.
• Bulletin No. #2, “Equiviscous Temperature (EVT),” December 15, 1977. (This bulletin was superseded by Bulletin
No. 2A)
• Bulletin No. 2A, “Equiviscous Temperature (EVT).” This bulletin was not dated. (This bulletin superseded Bulletin
No. 2)
• Bulletin No. 2, “Equiviscous Temperature (EVT),” September 1988. (This bulletin superseded Bulletin No. 2A)
• Bulletin 2-91, “Equiviscous Temperature (EVT),” December 1991. (This bulletin superseded Bulletin No. 2, dated
September 1988)
• Bulletin No. 3, ì1977 Final Returns for Project Pinpoint,” May 1, 1978.
• Bulletin No. 4, “Interim Alert Bulletin,” August 10, 1978. (This bulletin was superseded by Bulletin No. 7)
• Bulletin No. 5, “Preparation and Release of Technical Bulletins,” December 26, 1978.
• Bulletin No. 6, “Installation and Attachment of Layers of Insulation,” March 24, 1980.
• Bulletin No. 7, “Supersedes Bulletin No. 4,” March 1, 1979. (This bulletin was superseded by Bulletin No. 9)
• Bulletin No. 8, “Thermal Performance Criteria for Roof Assemblies,” February 1, 1980.
• Bulletin No. 9, “NRCA-RIC/TIMA Join Statement on Blistering,” July 1981. (This bulletin was superseded by Bul-
letin No. 9, dated September 1988)
• Bulletin No. 9, “NRCA Statement on Polyisocyanurate, Polyurethane and Phenolic Foam Roof Insulations,” Sep-
tember 1988. (This bulletin supersedes Bulletin No. 9, dated July 1981)
• Bulletin No. 10, “NRCA-RIC/TIMA Position on Aged Thermal Value of Urethane Roof Insulation,” July 1981.
• Bulletin No. 11, “NRCA Recommendation on Selecting Urethane Roof Insulation,” November 1981.
• Bulletin No. 12, “NRCA Statement on Expanded Polystyrene Roof Insulation (EPS),” August 1982.
• Bulletin No. 13, “Retention of Elasto/Plastic Roofing Products,” August 1982.
• Bulletin No. 14, “ARMA-NRCA-RIC/TIMA-SPRI Position on Rusting and Corrosion of Fasteners in Roofing
Assemblies,” February 1986.
• Bulletin 15-91, “Corrosion Protection for New Steel Roof Decks,” May 1991.

The following technical bulletins were issued and applicable to The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual,
Fourth Edition (1996-2000):
• Bulletin 98-1, “Metric-sized Ply Sheet,” May, 1998.
• Bulletin 98-2, “Ventilation for Steep-Slope Roof Assemblies,” May, 1998.
• Bulletin 2000-1, “ASTM Standards for Polymer-modified Sheet Products,” March, 2000.
• Bulletin 2000-2, “Fire Safety Considerations in the Design of Roof Systems Utilizing Torch-applied
Polymer-modified Bitumen Sheet Products,” March, 2000.
• Bulletin 2000-3, “Use of Cover Boards Over Polyisocyanurate Insulation,” March, 2000

These technical bulletins are available at NRCA’s Web site (

NRCA Technical Bulletins 863

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition


Proposed Revision Form 865

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition



1. General Directions
For NRCA Use Only:
• Use one form only for each proposed revision.

• Please print clearly or type each proposed revision.

• All proposed revisions must be submitted in a format

similar to the section of the Manual being examined.

• Attach any additional pages needed to this form and

return the complete submittal to NRCA, 10255 W.
Higgins Road, Suite 600, Rosemont, IL 60018, Attn.
Technical Services.

• The proposed revision will be reviewed by NRCA and, if approved, will be processed through NRCA’s Techni-
cal Operations Committee.

2. Identification

Name and Title _____________________________________________________________________________________

Firm _______________________________________________________________________________________________

Mailing Address ____________________________________________________________________________________

City ____________________________________ State ____________________Zip _____________________________

Phone No. ______________________________________Fax No. ____________________________________________

E-mail address___________________________

3. Type of Revision

Editorial Change _______ Diagram _______

Technical Language Revision _______ Table _______

Detail _______

866 Proposed Revision Form

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

4. Location of the Proposed Revision

(Include a photocopy of the manual’s original page, and circle or highlight the portion in question.)

Section Page Paragraph Lines

General Roofing Project Considerations for
New Construction and Reroofing
Low-slope Membrane Roofing
Steep-slope Roofing
Design Guidelines for Low-slope Roof Assemblies
Architectural Sheet Metal and Metal Roofing
Sprayed Polyurethane Foam-based Roofing
Waterproofing and Dampproofing
Construction Details

5. Reason(s) for Requesting the Proposed Revision












Proposed Revision Form 867

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

6. Proposed Revision
Include your proposed revision below. Be sure your submittal is prepared in a format similar to that of the
Manual section in question. If more space is needed, attach any additional pages to this form.



















868 Proposed Revision Form

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

7. Validation for the Proposed Revision

All proposed revisions must be validated.

1. If the proposed revision is based on previously published data, the title of the published document, author
and publisher, date of publication and appropriate page numbers must be supplied.

2. If the proposed revision is based on actual field experience, the specific job(s), names of the parties related
to the job(s), dates and locations should be supplied, as well as verification that the revision can be approved
by laboratory testing.

Provide the appropriate information (related to the validation of your proposed changes) on the lines below. If more
space is required, attach any additional pages to this form.














Thank you for your interest in improving the roofing industry and updating The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing
Manual, Fifth Edition.

Proposed Revision Form 869

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition


Abbreviations ..................................................................................................................872
Conversion Factors, U.S. ..................................................................................................873
Conversion Factors, S.I.....................................................................................................874
Conversion Factors ..........................................................................................................875
Conversion Factors ..........................................................................................................876

Unit Conversion 871

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

3.1 Abbreviations
Btu british thermal unit
cm centimeter
dkm decameter
dm decimeter
ft foot
g gram
gal gallon
gr grain
ha hectare
hp horse power
hr hour
in inch
J joule
kg kilogram
km kilometer
kN kilonewton
kPa kilopascal
kW kilowatt
l liter
lb pound
m meter
mg milligram
mi mile
min minute
MJ Megajoule
mm millimeter
mph mile per hour
ng nanogram
N newton
oz ounce
Pa pascal
pt pint
qt quart
s second
sq square
T ton
µm micrometer
w watt
yd yard

872 Unit Conversion

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

3.2 Conversion Factors, U.S. Customary Units to S.I. Units

Property To convert U. S. customary Symbol Multiply by To obtain S.I. units Symbol

Application rate U. S. gallon per square gal/100 ft2 0.4075 liters per square meter l/m2
gallon U.K. per square gal (U.K.)/100 ft2 0.4893
pound per square foot lb/ft2 4.882 kiolgram per square meter kg/m2
pound per square lb/100 ft2 0.0488 kilogram per square meter kg/m2
Area square inch in2 645.2 square millimeter mm2
square foot ft2 0.0929 square meter m2
roof square 100 ft2 9.29 square meter m2
Break strength pound force per lbf/in 0.175 kilonewton per kN/m
inch width meter width
Coverage square foot per US gallon ft2/gal 0.02454 square meter per liter m2/l
square foot per UK gallon ft2/gal (U.K.) 0.2044 square meter per liter m2/l
Density pound per cubic foot lb/ft2 16.02 kilogram per cubic meter kg/m3
Energy (electrical) kilowatt-hour kWh 3.60 megajoule MJ
Energy (heat) British thermal unit Btu 1.055 kilojoule kJ
therm therm 195.5 Megajoule MJ
Energy (heat•time) British thermal unit hour Btu·hr 0.2931 watt W
Flow, or volume U.S. gallon per minute gpm 63.09 Cubic centimeter per second cm3/s
per unit time
U.K. gallon per minute gpm (U.K.) 75.77 cubic centimeter per second cm3/s
Force pound force lbf 4.448 newton N
kilogram force kgf 9.807 newton N
Heat flow thermal conductance, C Btu/h·ft2·ºF 5.678 watt per square meter kelvin W/(m2°K)
Thermal conductivity, k Btu·in/h·ft2·ºF 0.1442 watt per meter kelvin W/(m°K)
Thermal Resistance, R ºF·ft2·h/Btu 0.176 square meter kelvin per watt m2°K/W
Thermal Transmittance, U Btu/h·ft2·ºF 5.678 watt per square meter kelvin W/m2°K
Length, width, mil 0.001 in 25.4 micrometer µm
inch (up to 48 in.) in 25.4 millimeter mm
foot (4 ft or greater) ft 0.3048 meter m
Mass (weight) ounce oz 28.35 gram g
pound lb 0.4536 kilogram kg
ton (short; T 0.9072 megagram (Note: 1
2000 pounds) Mg = 1000 kg) Mg
Permeability perm inch grain·in/ 1.459 nanogram/pascal ng/
(at 23ºC) ft2·h·in Hg second meter (Pa·s·m)
Permeance grain/ft2·h·in Hg 57.45 nanogram/pascal ng/
(at 23ºC) perm second square meter (Pa·s·m)
Pressure pounds per square inch psi 6.895 kilopascal kPa
pounds per square foot psf 0.04788 kilopascal kPa
inch mercury in Hg 3.377 kilopascal kPa
Power horsepower hp 746 Watt W
Refrigeration Ton (i.e., 12,000 Btu) T 3.52 Kilowatt kW
Relative percent % no conversion percent %
humidity necessary
Temperature degrees Fahrenheit ºF (ºF-32)/1.8 degrees Celsius ºC
Velocity foot per minute ft/min or fpm 0.00508 meter per second m/s
mile per hour mph 0.44704 meter per second m/s
mile per hour mph 1.609 kilometer per hour km/h
Volume U.S. gallon gal 3.785 liter l
U.K. gallon gal (U.K.) 4.546 liter l
cubic foot ft3 0.02832 cubic meter m3
cubic yard yd3 0.7646 cubic meter m3

Unit Conversion 873

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

3.3 Conversion Factors, S.I. Units to U.S. Customary Units

Property To convert S.I. units Symbol Multiply by To obtain U.S. customary Symbol
Application rate liters per square meter L/m2 2.454 U.S. gallon per square foot gal/100 ft2
2.044 U.K. gallon per square
kilgram per square meter kg/m2 0.205 pound per square foot lb/ft2
kilgram per square meter kg/m2 20.49 pounds per square lb/100 ft2
Area square millimeter mm2 0.0015 square inch in2
square meter m2 10.76 square foot ft2
square meter m2 0.108 roof square 100 ft2
Break strength kilonewton per kN/m 5.71 pound force lbf/in
meter width per inch width
Coverage square meter per liter m2/l 40.75 square foot per U.S. gallon ft2/gal
square meter per liter m2/l 4.89 square foot per U.K. gallon ft2/gal (U.K.)
Density kilogram per cubic meter kg/m3 0.062 pound per cubic foot lb/ft3
Energy (electrical) megajoule MJ 0.0028 kilowatt-hour kWh
Energy (heat) kilojoule kJ 0.948 british thermal unit Btu
megajoule MJ 0.0051 therm therm
Energy (heat•time) watt W 3.412 british thermal unit hour Btu·hr
Flow, or volume cubic centimeter per second cm3/s 0.0158 U.S. gallon per minute gpm
per unit time
cubic centimeter per second cm3/s 0.0132 U.K. gallon per minute gpm (U.K.)
Force newton N 0.225 pound force lbf
newton N 0.1019 kilogram force kgf
Heat flow watt per square meter kelvin W/(m2·K) 0.1761 thermal conductance, C Btu/h·ft2·ºF
watt per meter kelvin W/(m·K) 6.935 thermal conductivity, k Btu·in/
square meter kelvin per watt m2·K/W 5.682 thermal resistance, R ºF·ft2·h/Btu
watt per square meter kelvin W/m2·K 0.1761 thermal transmittance, U Btu/h·ft2·ºF
Length, width, micrometer µm 0.0394 mil 0.001 in
millimeter mm 0.0394 inch (up to 48 in.) in
meter m 3.281 foot (4 ft or greater) ft
Mass (weight) gram g 0.0353 ounce oz
kilogram kg 2.205 pound lb
megagram (Note: 1 Mg 1.102 ton T
Mg = 1000 kg) (short; 2000 lb.)
Permeability nanogram/pascal ng/(Pa·s·m) 0.685 perm inch grain·in/
(at 23ºC) second meter ft2·h·in Hg
Permeance nanogram/pascal second ng/Pa·s·m2 0.0174 perm grain/ft2
(at 23ºC) square meter ·h·in Hg
Pressure kilopascal kPa 0.145 pounds per square inch` psi
kilopascal kPa 20.886 pounds per square foot psf
kilopascal kPa 0.2961 inch mercury in Hg
Power watt W 0.00134 horsepower hp
Refrigeration kilowatt kW 0.2841 ton (i.e., 12,000 Btu) T
Relative percent % no conversion percent %
humidity necessary
Temperature degrees Celsius ºC [1.8(ºC)] + 32 degrees Fahrenheit ºF
Velocity meter per second m/s 196.9 foot per minute ft/min or fpm
meter per second m/s 2.237 mile per hour mph
kilometer per hour km/h 0.6215 mile per hour mile/hour or
Volume liter l 0.264 U.S. gallon gal
liter l 0.22 U.K. gallon gal
cubic meter m3 35.31 cubic foot ft3
cubic meter m3 13.079 cubic yard yd3

874 Unit Conversion

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

3.4 Conversion Factors, Metal Gauge, Thickness and Weight

Metal Gauge Nominal Approximate Nominal Approximate

Thickness Pound per Thickness Kilogram per
(in) Square Foot (mm) Square Meter
(lb/ft2) (kg/m2)
Aluminum 0.024 0.35 0.64 1.72
0.032 0.45 0.81 2.20
0.040 0.57 1.02 2.75
0.050 0.70 1.27 3.50
0.063 0.89 1.63 4.40
16 oz 0.022 1.00 0.56 4.87
20 oz 0.027 1.25 0.69 6.10
24 oz 0.032 1.50 0.81 7.31
32 oz 0.043 2.00 1.09 9.77
Lead Sheets
4 lb 0.062 4.00 1.57 19.53
3 lb 0.047 3.00 1.20 14.65
21⁄2 lb 0.039 2.50 0.99 12.21
2 lb 0.031 2.00 0.79 9.77
Copper Sheets
16 oz 0.026 1.07 0.66 5.21
20 oz 0.031 1.31 0.79 6.39
24 oz 0.036 1.54 0.91 7.51
32 oz 0.047 2.03 1.19 9.95
Stainless Steel 28 0.015 0.66 0.38 3.19
26 0.018 0.79 0.46 3.84
24 0.024 1.05 0.61 5.12
Steel*: 28 0.015 0.63 0.38 3.06
Galvanized Steel 26 0.019 0.91 0.48 4.42
Galvalume® 24 0.025 1.16 0.64 5.64
Aluminized Steel 22 0.031 1.41 0.79 6.85
20 0.038 1.66 0.97 8.08
18 0.050 2.16 1.27 10.51
16 0.063 2.64 1.60 12.83
Terne 26 0.018 0.80** 0.46 3.91***
28 0.015 0.67** 0.38 3.27***
30 0.012 0.54** 0.30 2.63***
Terne-coated 28 0.015 0.66 0.38 3.19
Stainless Steel 26 0.018 0.79 0.46 3.84
(TCS) 24 0.024 1.05 0.61 5.12
Zinc 24 0.020 0.75 0.51 3.66
21 0.027 1.00 0.69 4.87
* U.S. Standard Gauge
** 40-lb coating weight
*** 88.2-kg coating weight

Unit Conversion 875

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

3.5 Conversion Factors, Roof Slope, U.S. Customary Units to S.I. Units

Rise:Run Angle
1/8:12 0.6º
3/16:12 0.9º
1/4:12 1.2º
3/8:12 1.8º
1/2:12 2.4º
3/4:12 3.6º
1:12 5º
2:12 9º
3:12 14º
4:12 18º
5:12 23º
6:12 27º
7:12 30º
8:12 34º
9:12 37º
10:12 40º
11:12 43º
12:12 45º
13:12 47º
14:12 49º
15:12 51º
16:12 53º
17:12 55º
18:12 56º
19:12 58º
20:12 59º
21:12 60º
22:12 61º
23:12 62º
24:12 63º

876 Unit Conversion

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Quality Control Guidelines for
the Application of Built-up Roofing
Statement of Purpose ..............................................................................................................................................878


Quality ......................................................................................................................................................................878

Visual Examination...................................................................................................................................................878

Decks .......................................................................................................................................................................879

Vapor Retarders .......................................................................................................................................................880


Evaluation of Other Criteria......................................................................................................................................881

Fasteners .................................................................................................................................................................882


Bitumen Application.................................................................................................................................................883

Membrane Construction ..........................................................................................................................................884

Composition Base Flashings ...................................................................................................................................886


Appendix 1—Hot-Applied Built-up Roofing Quality Control Application Checklist ................................................888

Appendix 2—Test Cuts ............................................................................................................................................890

Appendix 3—Interply Analysis .................................................................................................................................891


This is a joint Asphalt Roofing Manufacturer’s Association and NRCA document. It was originally published in 1993.
The only change between the 1993 version and this document is the inclusion of
SI units.

This document is not a specification. It does not supersede job specifications which are the prerogative of the de-
signer (specifier) and/or materials manufacturer. It merely provides general guidelines for following accepted built-up
roofing construction practices.

Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Built-up Roofing 877

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Statement of Purpose
To provide guidelines for on-site evaluation of hot-applied built-up roofing (BUR) during the application process.

This document addresses on-site evaluation guidelines during the application of bituminous built-up roofing. It
stresses thorough, continuous inspections during construction to recognize and correct variances as they are de-
tected. It provides guidelines to appraise quality aspects of application. This document gives information about the
installation of specific components above the structural deck. Where appropriate, the guidelines describe expected
variances in application parameters related to vapor retarders, insulations, membranes, and surfacings.

The application of bituminous built-up roofing is a construction process involving the skillful arrangement of several
components as specified for the process. Roof performance is determined by factors that include building design,
job specifications, materials quality and suitability, application procedures, and maintenance. The level of workman-
ship quality during the application process, also a critical element, is often measured by application criteria and in-
spection procedures.

Built-up roof application is not an exact science. It is a craft involving people, dealing with a broad range of materi-
als, designs, customs, techniques, weather, and climates. Both the Asphalt Roofing Manufacturers Association
(ARMA) and the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) recognize the importance of these critical factors
as they impact quality built-up roofing. These factors are controlled by applicable inspection and review procedures
carried out during the development, manufacturing, and production stages.

These guidelines are based on the experiences of practicing and knowledgeable professionals, including contrac-
tors, manufacturers, and technologists. Their collective experiences resulted in a consensus as expressed in this

A “Hot-Applied Built-Up Roofing Quality Control Application Checklist” has been developed to assist quality control
inspectors during built-up roof inspections while the roofing application is in progress. The “Checklist” is located in
Appendix 1 of this document.

Protected membrane roofing (PMR) systems are not covered by this document.

Quality control is an essential element of built-up roofing construction. This document discusses quality control
guidelines. However, the recommendations and procedures are also applicable to quality assurance.

Quality control is performed by the roofing contractor. The person designated by the roofing contractor to perform
quality control is on site during the entire application process, and may be a working member of the crew. This per-
son is knowledgeable of the system being installed, and has the authority to bring work back into compliance if
noncomplying work is observed.

When quality assurance is performed, it is usually the responsibility of the building owner’s representative (e.g., ar-
chitect, engineer, roof consultant) or a representative of the membrane manufacturer. The person performing quality
assurance must, likewise, be qualified and knowledgeable of the system being installed and methods of applica-
tion. The quality assurance person must notify the roofing contractor immediately if noncomplying work is observed
so necessary corrective action can be taken.

Visual Examination
The most effective means to evaluate the quality of a roofing installation is by thorough, continuous visual examina-
tion and evaluation at the time of application by a person who is knowledgeable of roofing technology and good
workmanship practices.

The list below is offered to assist quality control inspectors and quality control assurers during roof inspections of
an in-progress roofing application. Many of the items, referred to on this list, are discussed in further detail in the
following sections of this document. A detailed checklist is found in Appendix 1. If deficiencies are found during the
inspection of the roofing application, corrective action must be taken.

878 Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Built-up Roofing

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

During the application of built-up roofing, there should be a visual determination to ensure the following:
• Specified materials are on the job and are examined for obvious defects.
• Materials are stored properly in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations—i.e., covered if required, off
ground, and on pallets.
• Weather and job conditions are suitable for roofing application.
• Substrate is sufficiently dry, clean, frost free, and suitably prepared to receive insulation and/or the roofing mem-
• Edge nailers, roof drains, curbs, and penetrations are in place prior to roofing so that the roof system can be in-
stalled as continuously as possible.
• Insulation boards are butted together with joints staggered and offset if more than one layer is being used.
• Insulation is firmly attached with specified type and number of fasteners, or embedded in bitumen/adhesive to
substrate or underlying insulation as specified.
• Temporary water cutoffs are installed at the end of each day’s work, and are removed before resuming the instal-
lation of insulation and/or roofing.
• Bitumen is at the recommended equiviscous temperature (EVT) range at the point of application and temperature
is monitored throughout the day.
• Thermometers are visible and working properly.
• If a mechanical spreader is being used, periodically check that all jets or holes are open and the bitumen is flow-
ing sufficiently for felt embedment.
• For mopping applications, there is a continuous flow of bitumen in front of the roll being applied.
• Felts are being broomed or squeegeed into the hot bitumen, so that a continuous film of bitumen exists between
reinforcing plies.
• Felt laps are embedded in hot bitumen.
• The specified number of plies is being applied in shingle fashion or as specified.
• Roofing plies are installed so sidelaps and endlaps are not bucking water.
• When envelopes are being used, they are installed at curbs, edges, and deck penetrations.
• Membrane base flashings are being installed along with each day’s completed roof area.
• Surfacing is being applied as specified.
• In high construction traffic areas, protection board is used over the newly-completed membrane.
• When aggregate is used, it is distributed and embedded as specified.
• Material and applied roofing is not being abused by other trades.

The roof deck provides structural support for the built-up roof. Decks, however, are not considered to be a part of
the built-up roof.

It is the responsibility of the building owner, designer, and the deck manufacturer/contractor to provide for support,
attachment, fastener pullout testing (when specified), proper deck alignment, structural integrity and details, con-
struction details, expansion, and contraction regarding the roof deck in a manner that will provide a stable base for
roofing. When fastener pullout testing is required, it should be so specified by the building owner or designer.

Roofing contractors review and inspect deck surfaces for determining the scheduling of roofing applications. Atten-
tion to deck surface dryness and cleanliness is essential.

Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Built-up Roofing 879

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Vapor Retarders
Vapor retarders are used to control movement of water vapor into the roof assembly where it may condense and
become detrimental to the roofing system. Determining when to use a vapor retarder, its compatibility with other
materials, and the details of its construction is the responsibility of the designer.

Evaluation of Criteria

Visual examination at the time of application is the most effective means of evaluation. Visual examination may
include routine measurements where applicable. Common sense must be used in the evaluation of the application, and
reasonable variances from specified amounts are to be expected. Significant deviation from any particular
criteria should be addressed using the appropriate corrective action as soon as possible.
Criteria Corrective Action
The substrate surface is sufficiently dry, reasonably Delay installation of vapor retarder until substrate
smooth, and clear of potentially damaging objects. conditions are corrected.
Materials are protected from inclement weather Cover materials and remove damaged materials from
and abuse from other trades. job site.
The location of the vapor retarder is as specified. Remove vapor retarder from incorrect area and install in
specified location.
Number of plies are as specified. Should examination reveal missing plies, install additional
plies to comply with the specification.
Hot bitumen/adhesives are applied as specified. Should examination reveal improper application, install
additional plies in the affected area.
The vapor retarder extends continuously throughout Install specified vapor retarder to incomplete or
the deck plane. non-continuous areas.
End laps, side laps, openings, and penetrations Add additional plies or sealant to ensure
are sealed as specified. adequate seals.
The vapor retarder is sealed at the perimeter Modify the work to ensure that the perimeter detail
as specified. and sealing complies with the specification.
The vapor retarder is tied into any other air/vapor Add additional plies or sealant to ensure adequate
retarders as specified. tie-in and correct the work to comply with the specification.

880 Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Built-up Roofing

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Evaluation of Criteria

Visual examination at the time of application is the most effective means of evaluation. Visual examination may include routine
measurements where applicable. Common sense must be used in the evaluation of the application, and reasonable variances
from specified amounts are to be expected. Significant deviation from any particular criteria should be addressed using the
appropriate corrective action as soon as possible.
Criteria Corrective Action

Insulation is protected from inclement weather before, Protect the material. Do not use damaged or wet
during, and after installation. material.

Finished surface of adjacent insulation boards is not Vertical offset of insulation boards is to be corrected by
vertically offset more than 1⁄4'' (6 mm). corrected by shaving the insulation board, filling or
leveling the gap with compatible material, or adding
tapered insulation as applicable.

No more insulation is applied than can be covered with the Cover all installed insulation the same day with the
finished membrane in the same day. finished membrane. Remove all damaged material.

When insulation is applied in hot bitumen, the bitumen is Remove unadhered insulation and replace with properly
applied at a rate sufficient to visually cover the surface area embedded insulation.
being bonded. The insulation is embedded in the bitumen
while the bitumen is still hot and fluid.

When insulation is mechanically attached, the number, Install additional fasteners as needed and space
spacing, and placement of fasteners is as specified. appropriately.

At the end of each day’s work, water cutoffs are applied to Install water cutoffs at the end of each day’s work.
seal the insulation at the edge of the roof membrane from Replace damaged materials.
water entry. These water cutoffs are removed prior to
the resumption of work.

Stagger insulation end joints unless otherwise specified. Remove non-staggered insulation boards. Adjust
boards to appropriate stagger.

Insulation boards are butted together. Due to manufacturing Insulation gaps in excess of 1⁄4'' (6 mm) shall be filled with
tolerances, dimensional stability, variances during installation, the appropriate insulation board or compatible material.
and the nature of insulation boards, some variance in joint
spacing can be expected. Occasional gaps between boards
not exceeding 1⁄4'' (6 mm) are acceptable as long as the gaps
are not continuous for more than the length of one insulation

Evaluation of Other Criteria

Evaluation of Criteria
If the insulation boards appear to be out of square, a diagonal measurement and evaluation should be made.
Criteria Corrective Action

Insulation boards are reasonably square. Do not use out of square boards without filling gaps in
excess of 1⁄4'' (6 mm). If the space between the boards
appears to be wider than the anticipated variance, due
to out of square boards, the manufacturer should be

Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Built-up Roofing 881

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Various types of plates and fasteners are used in the application of insulation, base sheets, and flashings. They are
specified by type, length, number, and spacing distance.

Evaluation of Criteria

Visual examination at the time of application is the most effective means of evaluation. Visual examination may include
routine measurements where applicable. Common sense must be used in the evaluation of the application, and reasonable
variances from specified amounts are to be expected. Significant deviation from any particular criteria should be addressed
using the appropriate corrective action as soon as possible.
Criteria Corrective Action

The type, size, and length of fasteners and plates is Immediately adjust to the proper fastener. Remove
as specified. improper fasteners, if necessary, and add specified
fasteners to meet attachment objectives.

At least the minimum number of fasteners specified Fastener deficiencies are corrected by installing
are installed. additional fasteners as needed; and by spacing all
fasteners appropriately.

Spacing of fasteners is as specified; reasonable Fastener deficiencies are corrected by installing

variances from spacing distances are to be expected. additional fasteners as needed; and by spacing all
fasteners appropriately.

Fasteners are properly driven. Immediately adjust operations. Remove improperly

driven fasteners, if necessary, and add fasteners to
maintain the minimum number of fasteners with
appropriate spacing.

The appropriate selection, by the specifier, of the bitumen type required for the slope of the roof and the quantities
of interply moppings are critical factors. Interply bitumen should be applied in a continuous, firmly bonded film
within the equiviscous temperature (EVT) range. The EVT is the temperature at which a bitumen attains the proper
viscosity for application. The EVT range for the application of roof bitumens is the recommended temperature
(±25˚ F) (±15˚ C) at the mop cart or mechanical spreader just prior to application. The EVT ranges for bitumen are
as follows:

• Mechanical Spreader Application: Temperature @ 75 centipoise (0.075 Pa·s) ±25˚ F (±15˚ C).
• Mop Application: Temperature @ 125 centipoise (0.125 Pa·s) ±25˚ F (±15˚ C).

Coal Tar:
• Mop and Mechanical Spreader Application: Temperature @ 25 centipoise (0.025 Pa·s) ±25˚ F (±15˚ C).

It is reasonable to anticipate that bitumen applied within the above EVT guidelines will produce adequate interply
weight within a range of 20-40 pounds/ply per 100 square feet (1 - 2 kg/m2).

Note: It should be realized that evaluations within this range do not assure adequate performance, nor do evalua-
tions outside this range assure inadequate performance.

882 Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Built-up Roofing

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

EVT range information is typically found on the bitumen carton or bill of lading. If the EVT range for a particular bitu-
men is not known, check with the bitumen manufacturer for the correct application temperature range. If you are
not able to determine the EVT range, the following general recommended ranges can be used as a last resort:

Asphalt Type I, II, III, and IV:

• Mechanical Spreader Application
I 375˚±25˚ F (190˚ C ±15˚ C) II 400˚ ±25˚ F (205˚ C ±15˚ C)
III 450˚ ±25˚ F (230˚ C ±15˚ C) IV 475˚ ±25˚ F (245˚ C ±15˚ C)
• Mop Application
I 350˚ ±25˚ F (175˚ C ±15˚ C) II 400˚ ±25˚ F (205˚ C ±15˚ C)
III 425˚ ±25˚ F (220˚ C ±15˚ C) IV 450˚ ±25˚ F (230˚ C ±15˚ C)

Coal Tar Type I and III:

• Mechanical Spreader and Mop Application
I 360˚ ±25˚ F (180˚ C ±15˚ C)
III 375˚ ±25˚ F (190˚ C ±15˚ C)

Bitumen Application

Criteria Evaluation Corrective Action

Bitumen type is as specified. Visual; verify labeling on carton or Remove non-complying bitumen
bill of lading. from job site.

Quantities of interply bitumen are Visual and EVT range measurement. Assure bitumen is at the recommended
as specified. application temperature. Monitor the EVT

range throughout the day.

Interply bitumen is applied in a Visual examination that confirms a Adjust work practices to provide a
continuous, firmly bonded film. continuous film of bitumen exists. continuous film of bitumen.

Bitumen is being applied within the Temperature measurement. Check Adjust bitumen heating and/or handling
EVT range for the application method. the carton or bill of lading for the to comply with EVT range.
application temperature range.

Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Built-up Roofing 883

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Membrane Construction
The strength characteristics of the membrane are dependent on the type of felt, number of plies, overall ply con-
struction, and the lapping of the overlaying felts. Membrane ply construction is typically defined by headlap, endlap,
and sidelap. Headlap is the distance of the overlap that exists between the lowermost and the uppermost plies of the
shingled portion of a roof membrane when measured perpendicular to the long dimension of the membrane. Endlap
is the overlap distance that is measured from where one roll of felt ends to where another begins. sidelap is the over-
lap distance along the length of the felt where one roll of felt overlaps the adjacent underlying felt. (See Figure 1.)





Figure 1 Headlap, endlap, sidelap, and exposure.

When overlapping, some variance from specified values is to be expected. A variance on the plus side is not con-
sidered to be detrimental. On the minus side, minimum lap values should be maintained to preserve the membrane

Criteria Evaluation Corrective Action

The installation of all plies of felt Visual examination. If sudden and unexpected weather or other
is completed on the same day. unforeseen conditions prohibit installation
of all plies over small sections of the roof on
the same day, consult with the membrane
manufacturer, roofing contractor, and roof
designer for appropriate action.

Roofing plies are installed so Visual examination. Determine drainage patterns prior to
side laps and end laps are not application. Adjust application to ensure
bucking water. laps do not buck water drainage.

Number of plies of felt is as Visual examination to observe Should examination reveal missing
specified. and measure the lapping distance plies, install a minimum of two additional
during felt application will verify plies of specified felt in the appropriate
the proper number of plies. bitumen, shingle fashion, over the area
Measurement of the exposed determined to be deficient.
width (see Figure 1 “Exposure”)
of each ply establishes the exact
number of plies without the need
for a roof cut when all plies have
been installed shingle fashion.

884 Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Built-up Roofing

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Criteria Evaluation Corrective Action

Felt is firmly and continuously Visual examination to observe a Adjust work practices to ensure
embedded in hot bitumen. continuous film of bitumen, and felt embedment–i.e.,
to verify that felt is applied in a • Keep bitumen in the recommended
fashion ensuring proper application temperature range.
embedment. If interply voids are • Use brooms or squeegees when necessary.
suspected, refer to Appendix 3. • Embed the felt quickly while the bitumen is
still hot.
Should examination reveal “fishmouths,”
cut and install a minimum of two additional
plies of the specified felt in the appropriate
bitumen, shingle fashion, over the area
determined to be deficient.

Prior to mopping felts to concrete Visual examination. Prime surfaces prior to application.
or masonry surfaces, prime the
surface to ensure adequate

Felt Laps:
• Headlap: as specified, less 1'' Visual examination to observe Should examination reveal less
(25 mm), but with a 1'' (25 mm) and measure the lapping than the minimum width headlaps,
minimum. (No maximum limit.) distance during felt application end laps, or side laps, install a
• End lap: as specified, less 2'' will verify the proper headlap, minimum of two additional
(50 mm), but with a 2'' (50 mm) end lap, and side lap distances. plies of the roofing felt specified
minimum. (No maximum limit.) in the appropriate bitumen,
• Side lap: as specified, less 2'' shingle fashion, over the area
(50 mm), but with a 2'' (50 mm) determined to be deficient.
minimum. (No maximum limit.)

Organic felt is surfaced with the Visual examination. Apply specified surfacing on the same day
specified surfacing on the same or obtain an alternate surfacing option
day that the membrane is applied. from the roof designer. If weather or other
conditions prohibit installation of specified
surfacing on the same day, apply a glaze
coat of bitumen. When work resumes and
surface conditions permit, examine the
installation, remove all damaged material,
and proceed with the application of the
specified surfacing.

Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Built-up Roofing 885

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Composition Base Flashings

There are a variety of base flashing, counterflashing, metal edge flashing, coping, and special flashing conditions.
There are designs and materials that can be used to meet these conditions. Counterflashing is required to water-
proof and/or protect the top of the base flashing.

This section addresses base flashings, which are usually specially-reinforced products or roofing felts. Composition
base flashings extend from the surface of the roof up the vertical surface of a parapet, wall, or curb. A cant strip
should be installed at the base of the vertical wall or penetration to provide a transition for the roofing material.

Evaluation of Criteria

Visual examination at the time of application is the most effective means of evaluation. Visual examination may include routine
measurements where applicable. Common sense must be used in the evaluation of the application, and reasonable variances
from specified amounts are to be expected. Significant deviation from any particular criteria should be addressed using the
appropriate corrective action as soon as possible.
Criteria Corrective Action

Metal and masonry surfaces are primed before Prime surfaces as required.
bituminous material is applied.

Base flashings are completed daily. Adjust work practices to complete flashings daily.

Base flashings are securely fastened and/or attached Install additional fasteners to comply with specification.
as specified.

The base flashing height is as specified. • Adjust work practices to bring work into specification.
• Remove and replace nonconforming flashings.

Base flashing plies should be firmly and continuously • Adjust work practices to bring work into specification.
adhered with the specified bitumen or flashing cement. • Remove and replace non-conforming flashings.

Cant strips are installed as specified. • Adjust work to meet specification.

• Install cant strip as specified.

Number of base flashing plies is as specified. Install additional plies to meet the specification.

Surface coating protection is applied as specified. Apply coating to comply with specification.

Laps in base flashings are continuously sealed. • Adjust work practices to bring work into specification.
• Remove and replace defective areas.

Top edge of base flashing is waterproofed daily. Adjust work practices to comply with criteria.

Built-up roofing requires a final protective surfacing designed to shield the membrane from a variety of climatic
conditions while also providing various degrees of resistance to fire, impact, and physical wear. These surfacings
include, but are not limited to, a bitumen pour coat followed by embedment of aggregate, a hot asphalt glaze coat,
a cold-applied coating, and a mineral-surfaced cap sheet. The surfacing should be applied according to the specifi-
cation. Surface preparations and aging (weathering) periods may be required prior to application of protective coat-
ings. Consult with the appropriate manufacturers for their recommended guidelines.

886 Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Built-up Roofing

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Criteria Evaluation Corrective Action

At time of application, aggregate Aggregate should be dry and clean Replace material on the job or wait
should be reasonably dry and free of enough to adhere to hot bitumen. A until material is adequately dry.
excessive fines, dirt, or other foreign handful of aggregate should not
matter. drip water.

Coal tar flood coat application rate is Visual examination.* Immediately adjust to ensure a continuous
as specified—normally approximately film, and reapply pour coat on deficient
75 pounds per 100 square feet areas.
(3.5 kg/m2).

Asphalt flood coat application rate is Visual examination.* Immediately adjust to ensure a continuous
as specified—normally approximately film, and reapply pour coat on deficient
60 pounds per 100 square feet areas.
(3 kg/m2).

Surfacing aggregate weight is Visual examination to observe that Immediately adjust operations to ensure
normally not less than 400 pounds the aggregate is being embedded into proper embedment of the specified amount.
per 100 square feet (20 kg/m2), bitumen while bitumen is hot, and to Whenever visual observation indicates an
with an adhered aggregate weight of ensure that the aggregate coverage inadequate amount of adhered aggregate,
approximately 200 pounds per square is complete. loose aggregate is to be removed, then
feet (10 kg/m2). pour coat and aggregate are to be reapplied.

Surfacing slag weight is normally not Visual examination to observe that Immediately adjust to ensure proper
less than 300 pounds per 100 square the slag is being embedded into embedment of the specified amount.
feet (15 kg/m2), with an adhered slag bitumen while bitumen is hot, and Whenever visual observation indicates an
weight of approximately 150 pounds to ensure that the slag coverage is inadequate amount of adhered slag, loose
per 100 square feet (7.5 kg/m2). complete. slag is to be removed, then pour coat and
slag are to be reapplied.

Asphalt glaze coat application rate is Visual examination to observe that Immediately adjust to ensure a continuous
as specified, with a maximum of the hot asphalt is being applied in a thin film. Should visual observations reveal
approximately 20 pounds per 100 thin, smooth, continuous, firmly skips and voids (holidays), reapply glaze
square feet (1 kg/m2). bonding film. coat over the holidays to ensure the
membrane surface is covered by a thin,
smooth, continuous film.

Cold-applied coating application rate Visual examination to observe that Adjust application to comply with the
is as specified. Reasonable variances the coating is being applied in a specified quantity. On deficient areas,
from specified quantities are to be continuous film. reapply the coating.

Cap Sheets: minimum 2” (50 mm) Visual examination to observe that Should visual observation reveal
side laps and minimum 4” (100 mm) the cap sheet is being firmly set in deficiencies, immediately make
end laps with visible bitumen bleedout. continuous moppings of hot asphalt adjustments to ensure continuous laps
with sealed laps. moppings of hot asphalt and that all are sealed.

Cap sheets are installed so side laps Determine drainage patterns prior Adjust application to ensure laps do
and end laps are not bucking water. to application. not buck water drainage.

*See “Evaluation of Criteria” on page 242.

Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Built-up Roofing 887

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Appendix 1—Hot-Applied Built-up Roofing Quality Control Application Checklist

The checklist below is offered to assist quality control inspectors during roof inspection while the roofing applica-
tion is in progress. It is not a specification, and it does not cover every detail of roofing application inspection

The intent of this checklist is to guide the quality control inspector through a typical built-up roofing application
inspection by highlighting the key application areas affecting successful built-up roof performance.

Prior to Application:
Specifications and drawings have been read, understood, and are available for review.

All certifications or approvals have been received for decking and roofing materials where applicable.

Material supplier’s literature and application specifications are available for information and review.

Safety precautions and MSDSs have been reviewed and are on site during application.

Amount and type of materials required by specifications (and verified by on-site inspection of product labels) are
at the job site, and are visually suitable for application.

Materials are stored appropriately (i.e., covered if required, off ground, and on pallets).

Equipment is in good working order and functioning properly (i.e., kettles, spreaders, etc.).

When different kettles, mop carts, luggers, etc. are being used for different bitumens, keep them separate.

Edge nailers, curbs, drains, and penetrations have been installed before starting roofing.

Determine drainage patterns for proper roof membrane installation.

If fastener pull-out tests are specified, verify they have been conducted and the results have been approved by the

During Application:
Weather and job conditions are suitable for application.

Substrate is sufficiently dry, clean, frost free, and suitably prepared to receive insulation and/or roofing membrane.

Insulation boards are butted together with joints staggered and offset when more than one layer is being applied.

Insulation is firmly attached with specified type and number of fasteners, or properly embedded in bitumen/adhe-
sive to substrate or underlying insulation.

Bitumen is at the recommended EVT range at the point of application; temperature is monitored throughout the

Thermometers are visible and working properly.

If a mechanical spreader is being used, periodically check that all jets or holes are open, and the bitumen is flowing
sufficiently for felt embedment.

For mopping applications, there is a continuous flow of bitumen in front of the roll being applied.

Felts are being broomed or squeegeed into the hot bitumen.

Felt laps are embedded in hot bitumen.

888 Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Built-up Roofing

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Specified number of plies are being applied in shingle fashion and are started at low point of the roof or drain, or as

Roofing plies are installed so sidelaps and endlaps are not bucking water.

When envelopes are being used, they are installed at curbs, edges, and deck penetrations.

Flashings are being installed along with each day’s completed roof area.

Surfacing is being applied as specified.

In high construction traffic areas, protection board is being used over newly-completed membrane.

When aggregate is used, it is continuously distributed and sufficiently embedded.

Materials and applied roofing are not being abused by other trades.

Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Built-up Roofing 889

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Appendix 2—Test Cuts

Test cuts are not considered to be a part of a routine quality control or quality assurance program. Test cuts should
not be substituted for in-process quality control/assurance provided by continuous visual examination.

Test cuts may assist in the evaluation of the extent and magnitude of problems observed during routine quality con-
trol or quality assurance.

When test cuts are taken, a minimum of three random samples for the roof applied that day should be taken prior
to the installation of surfacing material. Sampling should be done in accordance with ASTM D 3617, “Sampling and
Analysis of New Built-Up Membranes.” When a test cut is made, the cut should immediately be measured and
weighed. The results must then be calculated and an evaluation should be made on the continuity of the interply bi-
tumen. The test cut sample should then be put back in place and re-adhered. Additional plies equal to the original
number of plies specified should then be applied over the sample location before proceeding to install surfacing

Normally, small test cuts are taken from large areas of a built-up roofing membrane. Test cuts may not represent the
overall membrane construction. The greater the quantity of test cuts, the more accurate the evaluation may be. Fo-
cusing solely on roof test cuts may, however, give undue emphasis to the weight of interply bitumen while ignoring
other critical aspects of the roof.

Care must be taken to protect the sample from damage. A small loss of even part of the test cut can have a dra-
matic effect on the test results.

890 Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Built-up Roofing

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Appendix 3—Interply Analysis*

The interply void examination is to be based on visual analysis of a rectangular roof cut specimen obtained prior to
surfacing, in accordance with ASTM D 3617, using a 4'' x 40'' (100 mm x 1 m) sample size. The lengths of all voids
visible at the edge of the specimen are to be measured and compared against the following criteria:
• Overlapping voids between two or more plies are not acceptable.
• The maximum acceptable length of any individual void that is encapsulated in bitumen is 2'' (50 mm).
• The total length of all voids that are encapsulated in bitumen shall not be greater than 4'' (100 mm) between any
two plies.
• Dry voids (the absence of bitumen between plies) are not acceptable.
• Voids continuous through the specimen are not acceptable.
• Visual interply moisture in voids is not acceptable.

Should observation and measurement indicate a lack of proper quantities of bitumen, take additional ASTM
D 3617 test cuts at four locations diagonally—ten feet (3 m) in each direction—from the original test cut. Repeat
until the deficiency is no longer apparent.

*See “Membrane Construction” in this appendix for Criteria, Evaluation, and Corrective Action.

Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Built-up Roofing 891

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Quality Control Guidelines for the
Application of Polymer Modified
Bitumen Roofing
Statement of Purpose ..............................................................................................................................................894
System Description ................................................................................................................................................894
Quality Control/Assurance .......................................................................................................................................895
Visual Examination...................................................................................................................................................895
During Application ...................................................................................................................................................895
Decks—New Construction/Tear-Off Projects ........................................................................................................896
Decks—Existing Roof Substrates............................................................................................................................897
Vapor Retarders .......................................................................................................................................................898
Fasteners .................................................................................................................................................................900
Mopping Asphalt......................................................................................................................................................900
Asphalt .....................................................................................................................................................................900
Membrane Construction ..........................................................................................................................................901
1. General Criteria .................................................................................................................................................901
2. Criteria for Mop-applied Modified Bitumen Sheets Only..................................................................................903
3. Criteria for Heat-welded APP & SBS Sheets Only............................................................................................904
4. Criteria for Cold-applied Modified Bitumen Sheets Only .................................................................................905
Base Flashings.........................................................................................................................................................906
Metal Flashings ........................................................................................................................................................907
Field-Applied Surfacing ...........................................................................................................................................908
Appendix 1—Modified Bitumen Roofing Quality Control Application Checklist .....................................................910
Appendix 2—Test Cuts ............................................................................................................................................912
Appendix 3—Interply Analysis .................................................................................................................................913
Appendix 4—Terminology........................................................................................................................................914


This document is not a specification. It does not supersede job specifications, which are the prerogative of the
designer (specifier) and/or materials manufacturer. It merely provides general guidelines for following accepted
polymer modified bitumen roofing construction practices.

Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Polymer Modified Bitumen Roofing 893
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Statement of Purpose
To provide guidelines for on-site evaluation of modified bitumen roofing systems during the application process.

This document addresses on-site evaluation guidelines during the application of modified bitumen roofing. It stress-
es thorough, continuous inspections during construction to recognize and correct variances as they are detected. It
provides guidelines to appraise quality aspects of application. This document gives information about the installa-
tion of specific components above the structural deck. Where appropriate, the guidelines describe expected vari-
ances in application parameters related to vapor retarders, insulations, membranes, flashings and surfacings.

The application of modified bituminous roofing is a construction process involving the skillful arrangement of sever-
al components as specified for the process. Roof performance is determined by factors that include building de-
sign, job specifications, materials quality and suitability, application procedures, and maintenance. The level of
workmanship quality during the application process, also a critical element, is often measured by application
criteria and inspection procedures.

Modified bitumen roof application is not an exact science. It is a craft involving people who deal with a broad range
of materials, designs, customs, techniques, weather, and climates. Both the Asphalt Roofing Manufacturers Associ-
ation (ARMA) and the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) recognize the importance of these critical
factors as they impact quality modified bitumen roofing. These factors are controlled by applicable inspection and
review procedures carried out during the development, manufacturing, and production stages.

These guidelines are based on the experiences of practicing and knowledgeable professionals, including contrac-
tors, manufacturers, and technologists. Their collective experiences resulted in a consensus as expressed in this

A “Modified Bitumen Roofing Quality Control Application Checklist” has been developed to assist quality control
inspectors during modified bitumen roof inspections while the roofing application is in progress. The “Checklist”
is located in Appendix 1 of this document.

Terminology used in this document can be found in Appendix 4.

System Description
A modified bitumen sheet is composed primarily of polymer modified bitumen reinforced with one or more plies of
fabric such as polyester, glass fiber or a combination of both. Assembled in the factory using high quality control
standards, modified bitumen sheets are made to have uniform thickness and are manufactured to have consistent
physical properties throughout the sheet. The finished roofing membrane may consist of one or more modified
bitumen sheets, or it may be comprised of combinations of built-up roofing (BUR) felts and one or more modified
bitumen sheets. The type of substrate and the performance objectives influence the specification of the modified
bitumen membrane system.

Because of the variety of modifiers and types of reinforcements and surfacings available, there are modified bitu-
men membranes tailored to almost every type of construction design and climate: for the new roofing or reroofing
of commercial buildings, residential high rises, domes, spires, and most categories of low-slope or steep-slope

Asphalt used in manufacturing modified bitumen sheets is generally modified with one of two modifiers, Atactic
Polypropylene (APP) or Styrene Butadiene Styrene (SBS). These modifiers create a uniform matrix within the
asphalt that enhances the physical properties of the asphalt.

The combination of asphalt, modifiers and reinforcements determines the characteristics of a specific modified
bitumen membrane. To obtain the optimum roofing system, the designer, building owner and/or contractor should
understand the dynamics of the roof as well as the roofing system when specifying either APP or SBS modified
bitumen roofs.

894 Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Polymer Modified Bitumen Roofing
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Styrene Ethylene Butylene Styrene (SEBS) modified mopping asphalt can also be field-applied between multiple re-
inforcing plies to construct a modified bitumen membrane. Systems with this configuration are not covered in this
document. Additionally, protected membrane roofing (PMR) and self-adhering modified bitumen roofing systems
are not covered by this document.

Quality Control/Assurance
Quality control is an essential element of modified bitumen roofing construction. This document discusses quality
control guidelines. However, the recommendations and procedures are also applicable to quality assurance.

Quality control is performed by the roofing contractor. The person designated by the roofing contractor to perform
quality control is on site during the entire application process and may be a working member of the crew. This per-
son is knowledgeable of the system being installed and has the authority to bring the work back into compliance if
noncompliant work is observed.

When quality assurance is performed, it is usually the responsibility of the building owner's representative (e.g., ar-
chitect, engineer, roof consultant) or a representative of the membrane manufacturer. The person performing quality
assurance must, likewise, be qualified and knowledgeable of the system being installed and methods of applica-
tion. The quality assurance person must notify the roofing contractor immediately if noncompliant work is observed
so necessary corrective action can be taken.

Visual Examination
The most effective means to evaluate the quality of a roofing installation is by thorough, continuous visual examina-
tion and evaluation at the time of application by a person who is knowledgeable of roofing technology and good
workmanship practices.

The list below is offered to assist quality control inspectors and quality control assurers during roof inspections of
an in-progress roofing application. Many of the items referred to on this list are discussed in further detail in the fol-
lowing sections of this document. A detailed checklist is found in Appendix 1. If deficiencies are found during the
inspection of the roofing application, corrective action must be taken.

During the application of modified bitumen roofing, there should be a visual determination to ensure the following:

Prior To Application
• Specifications and drawings have been read, understood, and are available for review.
• All certifications or approvals have been received for decking and roofing materials where applicable.
• Material supplier's literature and application specifications are available for information and review.
• Safety precautions and MSDSs have been reviewed and are on site during application.
• Amount and type of materials required by specifications (and verified by on-site inspection of product labels) are
at the job site and are visually suitable for application. (Verify shelf-life has not expired.)
• Materials are stored appropriately (e.g., covered if required, off ground, and on pallets).
• Equipment is in good working order and functioning properly (e.g., kettles, torches, sprayers, fire extinguishers, etc.).
• Edge nailers, curbs, drains, and penetrations have been installed before starting roofing.
• Determine drainage patterns for proper roof membrane installation.
• When fastener pull-out tests are specified, verify that pre-application tests have been conducted and the results
have been approved by the specifier.

During Application
• Weather and job conditions are suitable for application.
• Substrate is sufficiently dry, clean, frost-free, and suitably prepared to receive insulation and/or the roofing

Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Polymer Modified Bitumen Roofing 895
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

• Insulation boards are butted together with joints staggered and offset when more than one layer is being applied.
• Insulation is firmly attached with specified type and number of fasteners or is embedded in the specified
bitumen/adhesive to substrate or underlying insulation.
• Asphalt is at the recommended EVT or other applicable temperature range at the point of application; tempera-
ture is monitored throughout the day.
• Thermometers are visible and working properly.
• When different kettles, mop carts, luggers, etc., are being used for different bitumens, keep them separate.
• If a mechanical spreader is being used, periodically check that all jets or holes are open and the bitumen is flow-
ing sufficiently for ply/sheet embedment.
• For mopping applications, there is a continuous flow of asphalt in front of the roll being applied.
• Plies/sheets are being broomed into the hot bitumen when necessary.
• Ply/sheet laps are embedded in hot bitumen/adhesive.
• Specified number of plies/sheets are being applied in shingle fashion and are started at the low point of the roof
or drain, or as specified.
• Roofing plies/sheets are installed so sidelaps and endlaps are not bucking water.
• When envelopes are being used, they are installed at curbs, edges, and deck penetrations.
• Temporary water cutoffs are installed at the end of each day's work and are removed before resuming the instal-
lation of insulation and/or membrane.
• Flashings are being installed along with each day's completed roof area.
• Surfacing is being applied as specified.
• In high construction traffic areas, protective boards are being used over newly completed membrane.
• Materials and applied roofing are not being abused by other trades.

Decks—New Construction/Tear-off
The roof deck provides structural support for the modified bitumen roof system. Decks are not, however, consid-
ered to be a part of the modified bitumen roof covering. Slope for drainage, flashing details and expansion joints
have a substantial impact on roof performance.

It is the responsibility of the building owner, designer, and the deck manufacturer/contractor to provide for support,
attachment, fastener pull-out testing (when specified), proper deck alignment, structural integrity, construction de-
tails, expansion, and contraction regarding the roof deck in a manner that will provide a stable base for roofing.
When fastener pull-out testing is required, it should be so specified by the building owner or designer.

Roofing contractors review and inspect deck surfaces for determining the scheduling of roofing applications.

896 Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Polymer Modified Bitumen Roofing
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Decks—Existing Roof Substrates

When re-covering over an existing roof system, the following criteria are applicable after the designer completes the
diagnostic and design work (described under the section “Decks—New Construction/Tear-Off”). Other assessment
considerations include deck integrity, assessment of system compatibility, weight, drainage, moisture conditions,
wind requirements and applicable building codes. The following matrix addresses only a re-cover application over
an existing roof system:

Visual examination at the time of application is the most effective means of evaluation. Visual examination may include routine
measurements where applicable. Common sense must be used in the evaluation of the application, and reasonable variances
from specified amounts are to be expected. Significant deviation from any particular criteria should be addressed by using the
appropriate corrective action as soon as possible.

Criterion Corrective Action

The surface of the existing roof system substrate is Delay installation until substrate conditions have been
sufficiently dry, clean, frost-free and prepared to receive corrected.
insulation and/or the roofing membrane.

The substrate is suitably prepared for a re-cover As appropriate, cut, remove or repair blisters, ridges, splits
application. The surface should be suitably even and and other defects that appear likely to affect the support,
smooth. attachment, and/or placement of the new roof system.

Areas of the existing roof system that have been Delay installation of new roofing until the designated
determined by the designer to contain unacceptable areas have been removed and replaced.
levels of moisture have been removed.

When bitumen or heat welding is used for installation, Bring work into compliance.
all metal, masonry and existing substrate surfaces have
been primed.

Existing base flashings have been removed. (Note: In Bring work into compliance.
some situations, it may be impractical to remove fully
adhered existing base flashings. The designer must
address these situations.)

In re-cover situations, when adhering with bitumen, Bring work into compliance.
heat welding or cold adhesives, existing substrate
surface has been properly primed.

Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Polymer Modified Bitumen Roofing 897
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Vapor Retarders
Vapor retarders are used to inhibit movement of water vapor into the roof assembly where it may condense and
become detrimental to the roofing system. Determining when to use a vapor retarder, its compatibility with other
materials, and the details of its construction are the responsibilities of the designer.


Visual examination at the time of application is the most effective means of evaluation. Visual examination may include
routine measurements where applicable. Common sense must be used in the evaluation of the application, and reasonable
variances from specified amounts are to be expected. Significant deviation from any particular criteria should be addressed
by using the appropriate corrective action as soon as possible.

Criterion Corrective Action

The substrate surface is sufficiently dry, suitably smooth, Delay installation of vapor retarder until substrate
and clear of potentially damaging objects. conditions are corrected.

Materials are protected from inclement weather and Cover materials and remove damaged materials
abuse from other trades. from job site.

The location of the vapor retarder is as specified. Remove vapor retarder from incorrect area and install in specified

Number of plies are as specified. Should examination reveal missing plies, install additional plies to
comply with the specification.

Hot bitumen/adhesives are applied as specified. Should examination reveal improper application, install additional
plies in the affected area.

The vapor retarder extends continuously throughout the Install specified vapor retarder to incomplete or
deck plane. non-continuous areas.

Endlaps, sidelaps, openings and penetrations are sealed Add additional plies or sealant to ensure adequate sealing.
as specified.

The vapor retarder is sealed at the perimeter as specified. Modify the work to ensure that the perimeter detail and sealing
complies with the specification.

The vapor retarder is tied into any other air/vapor Add additional plies or sealant to ensure adequate tie-in and
retarders as specified. correct the work to comply with the specification.

898 Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Polymer Modified Bitumen Roofing
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition



Visual examination at the time of application is the most effective means of evaluation. Visual examination may include routine
measurements where applicable. Common sense must be used in the evaluation of the application, and reasonable variances
from specified amounts are to be expected. Significant deviation from any particular criteria should be addressed by using the
appropriate corrective action as soon as possible.

Criterion Corrective Action

Insulation is protected from inclement weather before, Protect the material. Do not use damaged or wet material.
during, and after installation.

Finished surface of adjacent insulation boards is not Vertical offset of insulation boards is to be corrected by
vertically offset more than 1⁄4" (6 mm). shaving the insulation board, filling or leveling the gap
with compatible material, or adding tapered insulation
as applicable.

Unless otherwise specified and approved, no more If sudden and unexpected weather or other unforeseen
insulation is applied than can be covered with the conditions prohibit installation of all specified plies/sheets
membrane on the same day. over small sections of the roof on the same day, consult with the
membrane manufacturer, roofing contractor, and roof designer for
appropriate action.

When insulation is applied in hot asphalt, the asphalt is Replace unadhered insulation with properly attached
applied at a rate sufficient to visually cover the surface insulation.
area being bonded. The insulation is embedded in the
asphalt while the asphalt is still hot and fluid. (Max. size
boards recommended: 4' x 4' [1220 mm x 1220 mm].)

When insulation is mechanically attached, the number, Install additional fasteners as needed and space appropriately.
spacing, and placement of fasteners is as specified.

Stagger insulation end joints unless otherwise specified. Remove non-staggered insulation boards. Adjust boards to appro-
priate stagger.

Insulation boards are butted together. Due to Insulation gaps in excess of 1⁄4" (6 mm) shall be filled
manufacturing tolerances, dimensional stability, with appropriate insulation board or compatible material.
variances during installation, and the nature of
insulation boards, some variance in joint spacing can be
expected. Occasional gaps between boards not
exceeding 1⁄4" (6 mm) are acceptable as long as the
gaps are not continuous for more than the length of
one insulation board.

When insulation is adhered with cold adhesives, apply Replace unadhered insulation with properly attached
at the specified coverage rate and pattern. Follow insulation.
recommended open times to ensure adequate adhesion.

At the end of each day's work, water cut-offs are applied Install water cut-offs at the end of each day's work.
to seal the insulation at the edge of the roof membrane Replace damaged materials.
from water entry. These water cut-offs are removed prior
to the resumption of work.

Insulation boards are reasonably square. Do not use out-of-square boards without filling gaps in excess
of 1⁄4" (6 mm). If the space between the boards appears to be
wider than the anticipated variance, due to out-of-square boards,
consult the manufacturer.
• If insulation boards appear to be out of square, a diagonal meas-
urement and evaluation should be made.

Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Polymer Modified Bitumen Roofing 899
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Various types of plates and fasteners are used in the application of insulation, base sheets and flashings. They are
specified by type, length, number and spacing distance.


Visual examination at the time of application is the most effective means of evaluation. Visual examination may include
routine measurements where applicable. Common sense must be used in the evaluation of the application, and reasonable
variances from specified amounts are to be expected. Significant deviation from any particular criteria should be addressed
by using the appropriate corrective action as soon as possible.

Criterion Corrective Action

The type, size, and length of fasteners and plates is as Immediately adjust to the proper fastener. Remove improper
specified. fasteners, if necessary, and add specified fasteners to meet
attachment objectives.

The minimum number of fasteners are applied and Fastener deficiencies are corrected by installing
spaced as specified; reasonable variances from spacing additional fasteners as needed; space additional
distances are to be expected. fasteners appropriately.

Fasteners are properly driven. Immediately adjust operations. Remove improperly driven
fasteners, if necessary, and add fasteners to maintain the
minimum number of fasteners with appropriate spacing.

Mopping Asphalt
The appropriate selection, by the specifier, of the asphalt type required for the slope of the roof and the quantities
of interply moppings is critical. Interply bitumen should be applied in a continuous, firmly bonded film within the
equiviscous temperature (EVT) range. The EVT is the temperature at which a bitumen attains the proper viscosity
for application. The EVT range for the application of roof bitumens is the recommended temperature (± 25˚ F [15˚ C])
at the mop cart or mechanical spreader just prior to application. The EVT ranges for asphalt are as follows:

• Mechanical Spreader Application: Temperature @ 75 centipoise (0.075 Pa·s) ± 25° F (15˚ C).
• Mop Application: Temperature @ 125 centipoise (0.125 Pa·s) ± 25° F (15˚ C).

It is reasonable to anticipate that asphalt applied within the above EVT guidelines will produce adequate interply
weight within a range of 20-40 lbs./ply/100ft.2 (1-2 kg/ply/m2). (Note: It should be realized that evaluations within
this range do not ensure adequate performance, nor do evaluations outside this range ensure inadequate

EVT range information is typically found on the bitumen carton or bill of lading. If the EVT range for a particular as-
phalt is not known, check with the asphalt manufacturer for the correct application temperature range. If you are
not able to determine the EVT range, the following general recommended ranges can be used as a last resort:

Asphalt Type

• Mechanical Spreader Application

III 450˚ F (230˚ C) ± 25˚ F (15˚ C)
IV 475˚ F (245˚ C) ± 25˚ F (15˚ C)

• Mop Application
III 425˚ F (220˚ C) ± 25˚ F (15˚ C)
IV 450˚ F (230˚ C) ± 25˚ F (15˚ C)

900 Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Polymer Modified Bitumen Roofing
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

The EVT concept is applicable to asphalt that is used to adhere base sheets or ply sheets, but may not be applica-
ble to the application of modified bitumen sheets. For modified bitumen sheets, some manufacturers recommend
that the asphalt temperature be a minimum of 425˚ F in the mop cart/mechanical spreader just prior to its applica-
tion to the substrate or, if measurable, a minimum of 400˚ F at the point of contact with the modified bitumen sheet.
For specific requirements for asphalt temperature, consult the modified bitumen sheet manufacturer.

Criterion Evaluation Corrective Action

Type is as specified. Visual; verify labeling on carton or bill Remove noncompliant bitumen from
of lading. job site.

Quantities of interply bitumen are Visual and EVT range, or other Ensure bitumen is at the recommended
as specified. specified temperature range, application temperature. Monitor the
measurement. EVT range, or other specified
temperature range, throughout the day.

Interply bitumen is applied in a Visual examination that confirms a Adjust work practices to provide a
continuous, firmly bonded film. continuous film of bitumen exists. continuous film of bitumen.

Bitumen is being applied within the Temperature measurement. Check Adjust bitumen heating and/or
EVT range, or other specified the carton/bill of lading or contact handling to comply with EVT range or
temperature range, required for the the product manufacturer for the other specified temperature range.
product and application method. application temperature range.

Membrane Construction
The physical characteristics of the membrane are dependent on the type and number of plies/sheets and the over-
all membrane construction. (See "System Description" section, page 2.) Membrane ply/sheet construction is typi-
cally defined by headlap, endlap, and sidelap. Headlap is the distance of the overlap that exists between the lower-
most and the uppermost sheets/plies of the shingled portion of a roof membrane when measured perpendicular to
the long dimension of the membrane. Endlap is the overlap distance that is measured from where one sheet/ply
ends to where another begins. Sidelap is the overlap distance along the length of the sheet/ply where one sheet/ply
overlaps the adjacent underlying sheet/ply. A T-lap is the point at which an endlap is under or over an adjacent
sheet/ply sidelap. (See Figures 1-4, page 14, for construction details.)

When overlapping, some variance from specified values is to be expected. A variance on the plus side is not con-
sidered to be detrimental. On the minus side, minimum lap values should be maintained to preserve the membrane

Criterion Evaluation Corrective Action

1. Membrane Construction: General Criteria

Unless otherwise specified and Visual examination.* If sudden and unexpected weather or
approved, the installation of all plies, other unforeseen conditions prohibit
including the modified bitumen installation of all specified plies/sheets
sheet(s), is completed on the same over small sections of the roof on the
day. same day, consult with the membrane manu-
facturer, roofing contractor, and roof designer
for appropriate action.

Roofing plies/sheets are installed so Visual examination.* Determine drainage patterns prior to
sidelaps and endlaps are not application. Adjust application to
bucking water. ensure laps do not buck water.

Number of plies is as specified. Visual examination to observe and Should examination reveal missing
measure the lapping distance during interplies, install two additional
ply application will verify the proper specified plies, shingle fashion in the
number of plies. specified bitumen/adhesive over the
area determined to be deficient.

Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Polymer Modified Bitumen Roofing 901
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Criterion Evaluation Corrective Action

Ply/sheet laps are flat and without Visual examination.* Should examination reveal “fishmouths,”
“fishmouths” prior to the installation cut and install a minimum of one
of an additional ply/sheet. additional ply/sheet of the specified
material in the appropriate bitumen or adhe-
sives, shingle fashion, beyond the area deter-
mined to be deficient. Adjust work practices
to ensure plies/sheets are being unrolled
straight and substrate is suitably smooth.

Plies/sheets are firmly and Visual examination to observe a Adjust work practices to ensure
continuously embedded in hot continuous film of bitumen/adhesive ply/sheet embedment, e.g.,
bitumen or adhesive. and to verify that ply/sheet is applied • Keep bitumen in the recommended
in a fashion ensuring proper embed- application temperature range.
ment. If interply voids are suspected, • Use brooms or squeegees when
refer to Appendix 3. necessary.
• Embed the ply/sheet quickly while the
bitumen is still hot.
If unacceptable voids are found, remove
and replace with the specified material
in the appropriate bitumen or adhesive,
shingle fashion, beyond the area
determined to be deficient.
• If an alternative corrective action is desired,
contact the membrane
manufacturer for repair requirements.

Prior to mopping and/or heat Visual examination.* Prime surfaces prior to application.
welding plies/sheets to metal or
masonry surfaces, prime the surface
to ensure adequate adhesion. Allow
primer to dry thoroughly.

Interply Laps: Visual examination to observe and Should examination reveal less than
• Headlap: as specified, less 1" measure the lapping distance during the minimum width headlaps, endlaps,
(25 mm), but with a 1" (25 mm) ply/sheet application will verify the or sidelaps, install a minimum of two
minimum. (No maximum limit.) proper headlap, endlap, and sidelap additional plies of the roofing ply/sheet
• Endlap: as specified, less 2" distances. specified, shingle fashion in the specified
(50 mm) but with a 2" (50 mm) bitumen/adhesive, over the area
minimum. (No maximum limit.) determined to be deficient.
• Sidelap: as specified, less 2"
(50 mm), but with a 2" (50 mm)
minimum. (No maximum limit.)

Cap Sheet Laps: Visual examination to observe and Adjust work practices to ensure
• Endlap: measure the lapping and staggering adequate lapping.
(1) Lap distance as specified, less distances during cap sheet application. • Add a stripping ply of the specified
1" (25 mm), with a 3" (75 mm) sheet (8" [200 mm] wide minimum)
minimum. (No maximum limit.) or shingle in an additional ply of the
(2) Stagger as specified. (3' sheet as job progresses.
[900 mm] minimum or use • If an alternative corrective action is
header ply if approved by the desired, contact the membrane
designer, membrane manufacturer for repair
manufacturer and contractor.) requirements.
• Sidelap:
(1) Lap distance as specified or 3"
(75 mm) minimum; whichever is
greater. (No maximum limit.)
(2) Offset from underlying base
sheet sidelaps as specified.

902 Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Polymer Modified Bitumen Roofing
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Criteria Evaluation Corrective Action

Selvage should not be exposed. Visual examination.* Adjust work practices to ensure adequate lap-
• For granule surfaced sheets, apply
matching mineral granules with a
compatible cold-applied adhesive. For
foil surfaced sheets, apply a 6"
(150 mm) wide minimum stripping
ply of foil surfaced sheet.
• If an alternative corrective action is desired,
contact the membrane manufacturer for re-
pair requirements.

Plies/sheets are free of factory Visual examination.* Cut out factory splices before installing
splices. ply/sheet.

There are no open cap sheet T-laps. Visual examination.* Should examination reveal “open” cap
sheet T-laps, adjust work practices to
ensure embedment and consider
installation practice as illustrated in
Figure 4.
• Install an additional 12" x 12" (300 mm
x 300 mm) minimum piece of the cap
sheet over the area determined to
be deficient.
• For alternative corrective action,
contact the manufacturer.

*Visual examination at the time of application is the most effective means of evaluation. Visual examination may include routine
measurements where
applicable. Common sense must be used in the evaluation of the application, and reasonable variances from specified
amounts are to be expected.
Significant deviation from any particular criteria should be addressed by using the appropriate corrective action as soon as

2. Membrane Construction: Criteria for Mop-Applied Modified Bitumen Sheets Only

Sheets are firmly and continuously Visual examination* to observe a Adjust work practices to ensure sheet
embedded in bitumen. continuous film of bitumen, and to embedment, e.g.,
verify that the sheet is applied in a • Keep bitumen in the recommended
fashion ensuring proper embedment. application temperature range.
If interply voids are suspected, refer • Embed the sheet quickly while the
to Appendix 3. bitumen is still hot.
If unacceptable voids are found, remove
and replace with the specified material
in the appropriate bitumen, shingle
fashion, beyond the area determined to
be deficient.
• If an alternative corrective action is desired,
contact the membrane manufacturer for
repair requirements.

Sheet laps are flat and without Visual examination.* Should examination reveal “fishmouths,”
“fishmouths.” cut and install an additional ply,
(12" x 12" [300 mm x 300 mm] minimum)
of the specified sheet in the appropriate
bitumen or adhesive beyond the area
determined to be deficient. Adjust work
practices to ensure sheets are being
unrolled straight and substrate is
suitably smooth.

Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Polymer Modified Bitumen Roofing 903
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Criteria Evaluation Corrective Action

Laps are continuously embedded in Visual examination.* (Bitumen should Adjust work practices to ensure bitumen
bitumen. Intermittent dry lap edges be visible at all laps.) Where lap adhesion at all laps, making sure the
shall not exceed 3⁄8" (10 mm) in adhesion is suspect, lightly run a bitumen is being applied within the
depth. round-ended trowel along laps to EVT range, or other specified
determine if the lap is open. temperature range. (See pages 8-9.)
• If intermittent dry lap edges exceed
⁄8" (10 mm) in depth or are frequent,
adjust work practices and adhere with
the recommended adhesive.

3. Membrane Construction: Criteria for Heat Welded APP and SBS Sheets Only**

Sheets are firmly bonded to Visual examination to observe a Adjust work practices to ensure sheet
substrate. continuous film of molten compound, embedment:
and to verify that the sheet is applied • Keep heating device (e.g., torch) at
in a fashion ensuring proper an appropriate distance from the roll.
embedment.** • Keep heating device properly adjusted.
• Keep heating device at appropriate
angle to facilitate adequate heating of
the roll and substrate.
• Use proper technique for hand-held
• Avoid work during very windy
• Embed the sheet quickly while the
bitumen is hot.
If unacceptable voids are found, remove
and replace with the specified material–
heat welded, shingle fashion–beyond the
area determined to be deficient.
• If an alternative corrective action is
desired, contact the membrane
manufacturer for repair requirements.

Sheet laps are flat and without Visual examination.* Should examination reveal “fishmouths,”
“fishmouths.” cut and heat weld an additional ply
(12" x 12" [300 mm x 300 mm] mini-
mum) of the specified sheet beyond the
area determined to be deficient. Adjust
work practices to ensure sheets are
being unrolled straight and the substrate
is suitably smooth.

904 Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Polymer Modified Bitumen Roofing
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Criteria Evaluation Corrective Action

Laps are continuously embedded in Visual examination to observe a Should examination reveal insufficient
molten compound. continuous flow-out of compound and flow-out, lift lap edge with trowel and
to verify that the sheet is applied in a gently heat the underside of the lap
fashion ensuring proper embedment. edge with heating device and reset.
Where lap adhesion is suspect, lightly Press lap into place with trowel.
run a round-ended trowel along the Alternatively, a heated trowel may be
laps. wedged in the deficient area and slowly
(For recommendations for flow-out removed applying hand pressure to
using SBS materials, consult the ensure the bond. Adjust work practices
individual manufacturer. Some to ensure adhesion at all laps, e.g.,
manufacturers do not require flow-out • Use weighted roller to help set the lap.
at laps.) • Keep heating device at an appropriate
distance from the roll.
• Keep heating device properly adjusted.
• Use proper heating device technique
to ensure lap integrity.
• Keep heating device at appropriate
angle to facilitate adequate heating of
the roll and substrate.

Heat welding temperature is suitable. Visual examination to ensure that Adjust work practices to ensure that
material is not being damaged by heating device is properly adjusted.

**APP and heat weldable SBS materials typically react differently to heat during application. Also, different products within a
generic type (i.e., APP) may also react differently.

4. Membrane Construction: Criteria for Cold-Applied Modified Bitumen Sheets Only

Adhesives are stored in a heated Visual examination.* Stop work if viscosity is too high to attain
facility to maintain “workable” specified usage or if quality of work is
viscosity in cold weather. (Warming jeopardized.
units [“hot boxes”] may be used to
improve workability.)

Maintain the specified quantity of Visual examination.* Modify work practices to ensure
interply adhesive. (Quantity can be calculated by using a specified usage.
wet film gauge or by material usage.)

Comply with adhesive manufacturer’s Visual examination.* Immediately modify installation

“open” time recommendations. practices to accommodate for actual
field conditions.

Modified bitumen sheets are Visual examination* should reveal a Adjust work practices to ensure sheet
continuously embedded in cold continuous film of adhesive. embedment:
adhesive. If interply voids are suspected, refer • If unacceptable voids are found,
to Appendix 3. remove and replace with the specified
material in the appropriate adhesive–
shingle fashion–beyond the area
determined to be deficient.
• If an alternative corrective action is
desired, contact the membrane
manufacturer for repair requirements.

Laps are properly adhered. Visual examination.* Adjust work practices to ensure lap
Where lap adhesion is suspect, lightly adhesion. Consult manufacturer if
run a round-ended trowel along laps adhesion problems persist.
after the adhesive has initially set
(typically around 24 hours after

* Visual examination at the time of application is the most effective means of evaluation. Visual examination may include rou-
tine measurements where applicable. Common sense must be used in the evaluation of the application, and reasonable vari-
ances from specified amounts are to be expected. Significant deviation from any particular criteria should be addressed by
using the appropriate corrective action as soon as possible.

Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Polymer Modified Bitumen Roofing 905
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

CAP SHEET Stagger Endlaps

Stagger Endlaps
PLY SHEET (36" [900 mm] min.)
" in. (36" [900 mm] min.)
BASE SHEET . 36 ) m
mm) 0
00 PLY SHEET (90
" (9 Endlap
36 Endlap


(Install ply sheets shingle fashion)

Offset Sidelaps
Figure 1 Base, Ply and Cap Sheet Installation Figure 2 Two-Ply with Cap Sheet
(Note: If approved by the designer, membrane manufacturer (Note: If approved by the designer, membrane manufacturer
and contractor, a header ply may be used in lieu of staggered and contractor, a header ply may be used in lieu of staggered
endlaps.) endlaps.)

Stagger Endlaps
CAP SHEET (36" [900 mm] min.)
4 3 Trim sheet #3 at an
BASE SHEET in. Sidelap angle a distance
m)m equal to the sidelap
00 (prior to installation)
6" (9 Endlap 1 2
Endlap distance 3

4 3
Offset Sidelaps
1 2
Figure 3 Base Sheet and Cap Sheet
(Note: If approved by the designer, membrane manufacturer
and contractor, a header ply may be used in lieu of staggered
endlaps.) Figure 4 Cap Sheet T-Lap Detail
(Note: This is an optional detail that may be used to avoid
open cap sheet T-laps.)
Base Flashings
There are a variety of base flashing, counterflashing, metal edge flashing, coping, and special flashing conditions.
There are designs and materials that can be used to meet these conditions. Counterflashing is required to water-
proof and/or protect the top of the base flashing.

This section addresses base flashings, which extend from the surface of the roof up the vertical surface of a para-
pet, wall, or curb. A cant strip should be specified at the base of the vertical wall or penetration to provide a transi-
tion for the roofing material.

Consideration must be given to the maximum height of base flashing and its termination at the parapet, wall or
curb. Most manufacturers of modified bitumen sheets restrict the base flashing height. Wall waterproofing or cover-
ing is generally not covered by the roofing warrantied work.

906 Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Polymer Modified Bitumen Roofing
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition


Visual examination at the time of application is the most effective means of evaluation. Visual examination may in-
clude routine measurements where applicable. Common sense must be used in the evaluation of the application,
and reasonable variances from specified amounts are to be expected. Address any significant deviations from the
criteria below by using the appropriate corrective action before the final surfacing is applied.

Criterion Corrective Action

Metal and masonry surfaces are primed before Prime surfaces as required.
bituminous material is applied.

Base flashings are completed or made watertight, as Adjust work practices to complete flashings daily or as
specified, daily. specified.

Base flashings are securely fastened and/or attached Install additional fasteners to comply with specification.
as specified.

The base flashing height is as specified. • Adjust work practices to bring work into specification.
• Remove and replace non-conforming flashings.

Base flashing plies/sheets should be firmly and • Adjust work practices to bring work into specification.
continuously adhered with the specified bitumen or • Remove and replace non-conforming flashings.
adhesive, or by heat welding.

Cant strips are installed as specified. • Adjust work to meet specification.

• Install cant strip as specified.

Number of base flashing plies/sheets is as specified. Install additional plies/sheets to meet the specification.

The specified types of flashing plies/sheets are installed. Remove flashing materials that do not meet the specification
and replace with the correct flashing ply/sheet.

Surface coating protection is applied as specified. Apply coating to comply with specification.

Laps in base flashing are continuously sealed. • Adjust work practices to bring work into specification.
• Seal lap with adhesive or heat weld defective area.

Top edge of base flashing is waterproofed daily. Adjust work practices to comply with criteria.

Metal Flashings
In low-slope roofing systems, metal flashings can be divided into three general categories: water conveyance flash-
ings, water shedding independent flashings, and integral component and edge flashings.

Water conveyance flashings include exterior water collector boxes/heads, downspouts, and gutters.

Water shedding independent flashings are attached, sealed, and mounted above the top edge of the membrane
base and penetration flashings. These flashings prevent moisture penetration into wall cavities, behind base flash-
ings, through curb-mounted equipment, or into/behind penetration flashings. Metal coping/cap flashing, surface-
mounted counterflashing, curb caps, rain collars, and through-wall flashings are all examples of water shedding
independent flashings.

Integral component and edge flashings include metal roof jacks, pipe flashings, through-wall scuppers, electrical
utility line penetration flashings, and low profile–light gauge (i.e., 22, 24, 26 gauge [0.76 mm, 0.61 mm, 0.45
mm])–metal edge flashings (“gravel stops”/“drip edges”). These types of flashings differ from the other categories
in one primary characteristic—they require integration/sealing of the membrane directly to their metal flanges. The
other two categories of flashings (water conveyance metal flashings and water shedding independent flashings) are
independent from the membrane. Metal flashing flanges typically provide a minimum 31⁄2" (90 mm) sealing surface.

Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Polymer Modified Bitumen Roofing 907
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

The following criteria deals with only the last category of metal flashings–integral component and edge
flashings–as they relate to modified bitumen roofing systems.


Visual examination at the time of application is the most effective means of evaluation. Visual examination may
include routine measurements where applicable. Common sense must be used in the evaluation of the applica-
tion, and reasonable variances from specified amounts are to be expected. Address any significant deviations
from the criteria below by using the appropriate corrective action before the final surfacing is applied.

Criterion Corrective Action

Metal sealing flanges are primed. Prime and allow to dry prior to sealing in.

Metal flanges are set in a bed of roofing cement or Remove flashing and reinstall as specified or add fasteners
molten modified compound and secured as specified. as required to meet specified spacing.

Metal edging laps are sealed as detailed prior to Remove flashings sufficiently to install inter-lap sealant.
stripping-in with the specified sealant.

Metal flanges are set into the completed membrane as Remove defective or noncompliant work and replace
specified. as specified.

Edge metals are supported by continuous wood Install wood blocking prior to membrane and metal
blocking/decking and flanges are not extended over edge flashing to support metal flanges adequately.
insulated surfaces without wood blocking support.

Field-Applied Surfacing
Modified bitumen membrane systems may have a final field-applied protective surfacing applied to shield the mem-
brane from a variety of climatic conditions while also providing various degrees of resistance to fire, impact, and
physical wear. These surfacings include, but are not limited to, cold-applied coatings, coating and granules, asphalt
pour coat followed by embedment of aggregate and non-polymer surfaced cap sheets. The surfacing should be
applied according to the specification. Surface preparation and aging (weathering) may be required prior to appli-
cation of protective coatings (consult with the appropriate manufacturers for their recommended guidelines**).

Visual examination at the time of application is the most effective means of evaluation. Visual examination may
include routine measurements where applicable. Common sense must be used in the evaluation of the applica-
tion, and reasonable variances from specified amounts are to be expected. Significant deviation from any
particular criteria should be addressed by using the appropriate corrective action as soon as possible.

Criterion Corrective Action

The surface of the existing membrane is sufficiently dry, Delay installation until surface conditions are corrected.
clean, frost-free and prepared for application of a
protective surface coating.

Cold-applied coating is applied continuously and at the Adjust application to comply with the specified coverage
specified rate (some coatings may require two rates. On deficient areas, reapply the coating to achieve
applications). the minimum coverage rate.

Granules are applied in a continuous uncured coating at Immediately adjust operations to ensure embedment of
the specified coverage rate to achieve a continuous the specified amount. Whenever visual observation indicates
embedded surfacing. (Granule weight is normally an inadequate amount of adhered granules, loose granules
approximately 60 lb./100 ft.2 [3 kg/m2].) are to be removed, then coating and granules are to be

At the time of application, aggregate should be Replace material on the job or wait until material is adequately
reasonably dry and free of excessive fines, dirt or other dry (aggregate should be dry and clean enough to adhere to
foreign matter. hot bitumen. A handful of aggregate should not drip water).

908 Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Polymer Modified Bitumen Roofing
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Criteria Corrective Action

Asphalt flood coat application rate is as specified– Adjust application to comply with the specified quantity.
normally approximately 60 lb./100 ft.2 [3 kg/m2]. Reapply pour coat on deficient areas.

Aggregate weight is normally not less than 400 lb./100 ft.2 Immediately adjust operations to ensure embedment of
(20 kg/m2), with an adhered aggregate weight of the specified amount. Whenever visual observation
approximately 200 lb./100 ft.2 (10 kg/m2). indicates an inadequate amount of adhered aggregate,
loose aggregate is to be removed, then pour coat and
aggregate are to be reapplied.

Non-modified cap sheets: minimum 2" (50 mm) sidelaps Should visual observation reveal deficiencies,
and minimum 4" (100 mm) endlaps with visible asphalt immediately make adjustments to ensure continuous
bleedout. moppings of hot asphalt and that all laps are sealed.

**Refer to the ARMA/RCMA document titled Evaluating and Preparating Modified Bitumen Membrane Roofing for Surface Coatings

Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Polymer Modified Bitumen Roofing 909
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Appendix 1—Modified Bitumen Roofing Quality Control Application Checklist

The checklist below is offered to assist quality control inspectors during roof inspection while the roofing applica-
tion is in progress. It is not a specification, and it does not cover every detail of roofing application inspection

The intent of this checklist is to guide the quality control inspector through a typical modified bitumen roofing appli-
cation inspection by highlighting the key application areas affecting successful modified bitumen roof performance.

Prior to Application
❏ Specifications and drawings have been read, understood, and are available for review.
❏ All certifications or approvals have been received for decking and roofing materials where applicable.
❏ Material supplier's literature and application specifications are available for information and review.
❏ Safety precautions and MSDSs have been reviewed and are on site during application.
❏ Amount and type of materials required by specifications (and verified by on-site inspection of product labels) are
at the job site and are visually suitable for application. (Verify shelf-life has not expired.)
❏ Materials are stored appropriately (e.g., covered if required, off ground, and on pallets).
❏ Equipment is in good working order and functioning properly (e.g., kettles, torches, sprayers, fire extinguishers,
❏ Edge nailers, curbs, drains, and penetrations have been installed before starting roofing.
❏ Determine drainage patterns for proper roof membrane installation.
❏ When fastener pull-out tests are specified, verify preapplication tests have been conducted and the results have
been approved by the specifier.

During Application
❏ Weather and job conditions are suitable for application.
❏ Substrate is sufficiently dry, clean, frost-free, and suitably prepared to receive insulation and/or the roofing
❏ Insulation boards are butted together with joints staggered and offset when more than one layer is being
❏ Insulation is firmly attached with specified type and number of fasteners, or embedded in the specified
bitumen/adhesive to substrate or underlying insulation.
❏ Asphalt is at the recommended EVT or other applicable temperature range at the point of application;
temperature is monitored throughout the day.
❏ Thermometers are visible and working properly.
❏ When different kettles, mop carts, luggers, etc., are being used for different bitumens, keep them separate.
❏ If a mechanical spreader is being used, periodically check that all jets or holes are open and the bitumen is flow-
ing sufficiently for ply/sheet embedment.
❏ For mopping applications, there is a continuous flow of bitumen in front of the roll being applied.
❏ Plies/sheets are being broomed into the hot bitumen when necessary.
❏ Ply/sheet laps are embedded in hot bitumen/adhesive.

910 Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Polymer Modified Bitumen Roofing
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

❏ Specified number of plies/sheets are being applied in shingle fashion and are started at the low point of the roof
or drain, or as specified.
❏ Roofing plies/sheets are installed so sidelaps and endlaps are not bucking water.
❏ When envelopes are being used, they are installed at curbs, edges, and deck penetrations.
❏ Temporary water cutoffs are installed at the end of each day's work and are removed before resuming the instal-
lation of insulation and/or membrane.
❏ Flashings are being installed along with each day's completed roof area as specified.
❏ Surfacing is being applied as specified.
❏ In high construction traffic areas, protective boards are being used over newly completed membrane.
❏ Materials and applied roofing are not being abused by other trades.

Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Polymer Modified Bitumen Roofing 911
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Appendix 2—Test Cuts

Test cuts are not considered to be part of a routine quality control or quality assurance program. Test cuts should
not be substituted for in-process quality control/assurance provided by continuous visual examination.

Test cuts may assist in the evaluation of the extent and magnitude of problems observed during routine quality
control or quality assurance.

When test cuts are taken, a minimum of three random samples should be taken (from the roofing applied that day)
prior to the installation of surfacing material. The test cut should be taken prior to the installation of the top sheet
(unless problems are suspected with the installation of the top ply). Sampling should be done in accordance with
ASTM D 3617, “Sampling and Analysis of New Built-Up Membranes.”* When a test cut is made, the cut should
immediately be measured and weighed. The results must then be calculated and an evaluation made on the conti-
nuity of the interply bitumen/adhesive and interply adhesion. Calculations of the interply bitumen/adhesive weights
must be adjusted for any sheets that were heat welded in place. The test cut samples should then be put back in
place and re-adhered. Additional plies/sheets, equal to the original number of plies/sheets specified, should then
be applied over the sample location before proceeding to install the top modified bitumen sheet (if not already
applied) and surfacing materials.

Normally, small test cuts are taken from large areas of a modified bitumen roofing membrane. Test cuts may not
represent the overall membrane construction. The greater the quantity of test cuts, the more accurate the evalua-
tion may be. Each test cut is, however, a hole in the continuity of the new membrane system that must be patched.
Focusing solely on roof test cuts may, on the other hand, give undue emphasis to the weight of interply bitumen
while ignoring other critical aspects of the roof.

Care must be taken to protect the sample from damage. A small loss of even part of the test cut can have a dra-
matic effect on the test results.

*Development of a standard method of sampling and analyzing new modified bitumen membranes is underway at
ASTM. Until that standard is available, D 3617 is recommended using a 4"x 44" (100 mm x 1120 mm) sample.

912 Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Polymer Modified Bitumen Roofing
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Appendix 3—Interply Analysis*

Mop or Cold Adhesive Applied Systems
The interply void examination is to be based on visual analysis of a rectangular roof cut specimen obtained prior to
surfacing, in accordance with ASTM D 3617, using a 4" x 44" (100 mm x 1120 mm) sample size.† The lengths of all
voids visible at the edge of the specimen are to be measured and compared against the following criteria:
• Overlapping voids between two or more plies are not acceptable.
• The maximum acceptable length of any individual void that is encapsulated in bitumen/adhesive is 2" (50 mm).
• The total length of all voids that are encapsulated in bitumen/adhesive shall not be greater than 4" (100 mm) be-
tween any two plies.
• Dry voids (the absence of bitumen/adhesive between plies) are not acceptable.
• Voids continuous through the specimen are not acceptable.
• Visual interply moisture in voids is not acceptable.

Should observation and measurement indicate a lack of proper quantities of bitumen/adhesive, take additional
ASTM D 3617 test cuts at four locations diagonally–10 ft. (3 m) in each direction–from the original test cut. Repeat
until the deficiency is no longer apparent (refer to Appendix 2, pg. 33).

Heat Welded Systems

The interply void examination is to be based on visual analysis of a rectangular roof cut specimen obtained prior to
surfacing, in accordance with ASTM D 3617, using a 4" x 44" (100 mm x 1120 mm) sample size.† The lengths of all
voids visible at the edge of the specimen are to be measured and compared against the following criteria:
• The maximum acceptable length of any individual void is 2" (50 mm).
• The total length of all voids shall not be greater than 4" (100 mm) between any two plies.
• Voids continuous through the specimen are not acceptable.
• Visual interply moisture in voids is not acceptable.

Should observation and measurement indicate a lack of adhesion, take additional ASTM D 3617 test cuts at four
locations diagonally–10 ft. (3 m) in each direction–from the original test cut. Repeat until the deficiency is no longer
apparent. (Refer to Appendix 2, pg. 33.)

* See "Membrane Construction" on pages 9-14 for Criteria, Evaluation, and Corrective Action.

† Development of a standard method of sampling and analyzing new modified bitumen membranes is underway
at ASTM. Until that standard is available, D 3617, using a 4"x 44" (100 mm x 1120 mm) sample size is

Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Polymer Modified Bitumen Roofing 913
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Appendix 4—Terminology
For the purposes of this document:

Atactic Polypropylene (APP): a thermoplastic polymer that forms a uniform matrix within the asphalt. APP modi-
fied bitumen sheets are generally applied using a propane-fueled torch. Applicators use the heat to soften the mod-
ified bitumen on the underside of the sheet. The sheet's bottom surface becomes a molten adhesive that flows
upon the substrate and then cools to form a waterproof adhesive bond. Some APP sheets can also be applied
with cold-process adhesives.

Membrane: the completed waterproofing element, consisting of the modified bitumen sheet and base and/or inter-
ply sheets.

Modified Bitumen: a term commonly used to describe composite sheets consisting of a polymer modified bitu-
men, typically reinforced. These sheets are sometimes surfaced with various types of mats, films, foils or mineral
granules. The term can also be used to describe mopping asphalt containing a polymer modifier.

Ply: an interply sheet that was not manufactured with polymer modified bitumen.

Sheet: a factory-fabricated polymer modified bitumen composite sheet, or a base sheet (which may or may not
be manufactured with polymer modified bitumen).

Styrene Butadiene Styrene (SBS): a polymer that modifies the asphalt by forming a polymer network within the
bitumen. Most SBS modified bitumen sheets are either set in hot mopping asphalt, torch-applied or adhered with
cold-process adhesives. SBS modified bitumen sheets that do not have factory applied granule or foil surfacing
need some form of field-applied ultraviolet protective coating.

914 Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Polymer Modified Bitumen Roofing
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Quality Control Guidelines
for the Application of Thermoset
Single-ply Roof Membranes
Statement of Purpose ..............................................................................................................................................916



System Description ................................................................................................................................................916

Quality Control/Assurance .......................................................................................................................................917

Visual Examination...................................................................................................................................................917

Decks—New Construction/Tear-Off .......................................................................................................................918

Decks—Existing Roof Substrates............................................................................................................................918

Vapor Retarders .......................................................................................................................................................919


Fasteners .................................................................................................................................................................921

Adhesives/Primers/Conditioners .............................................................................................................................922

System Construction: General Criteria ....................................................................................................................923

System Construction: Criteria for Seams ................................................................................................................924

System Construction: Criteria for Mechanically Fastened Membranes ..................................................................925

System Construction: Criteria for Adhered Membranes..........................................................................................926

System Construction: Criteria for Ballasted Membranes ........................................................................................927


Appendix 1—Quality Control Checklist for the Application of Thermoset Single-Ply Roofs...................................928

Appendix 2—Test Cuts/Seam Samples...................................................................................................................929

Appendix 3—Terminology........................................................................................................................................930


This document is not a specification. It does not supersede job specifications, which are the prerogative of the
designer (specifier) and/or materials manufacturer. It merely provides general guidelines for following accepted
thermoset single-ply roof membrane construction practices.

Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Thermoset Single-Ply Roof Membranes 915
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Statement of Purpose
This document provides guidelines for on-site evaluation of thermoset single-ply membrane (e.g., EPDM, CSPE)
roofing during the application process.

This document addresses on-site evaluation guidelines during the application of thermoset membrane (e.g., EPDM,
CSPE) roof systems. It stresses thorough, continuous inspections during construction to recognize and correct vari-
ances as they are detected. It provides guidelines to appraise the quality of application. This document gives infor-
mation about the installation of specific components above the structural deck. Where appropriate, the guidelines
describe expected variances in the application of the vapor retarder, insulation, fasteners, primers and adhesives,
membrane, and surfacing.

The application of a thermoset single-ply membrane roof system involves the skillful arrangement of multiple com-
ponents in a specified process. The quality of the workmanship during the application process is measured by ap-
plication criteria and inspection procedures and is a critical element to roof performance. Roof performance is also
determined by other factors that include building design, project specifications and details, material quality and
suitability for the specific application, and roof maintenance.

The application of thermoset single-ply membrane roof systems, like other types of roofs, is not an exact science.
It is a craft involving people who deal with a broad range of materials, designs, practices and techniques, climates
and changing weather conditions. Both the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) and SPRI recognize
the importance of these critical factors as they impact the quality of thermoset single-ply roofing.

The guidelines presented in this document are based on the technical knowledge and experience of practicing and
knowledgeable roofing professionals, including contractors, manufacturers, and technologists. Their collective ex-
periences resulted in a consensus as expressed in this document.

The “Quality Control Checklist for the Application of Thermoset Single-Ply Roofs” has been developed to assist
quality control and quality assurance personnel who are performing inspections while the roof application is in
progress. This checklist is located in Appendix 1 of this document.

Terminology used in this document can be found in Appendix 3.

System Description
Thermoset roof membranes are materials whose principal polymers are chemically cross-linked. This chemical
cross-linkage process is more commonly referred to as curing.

There are four common thermoset roof membranes:

• Neoprene (CR)
• Chlorosulfonated polyethylene (CSPE)
• Epichlorohydrin (ECH)
• Ethylene propylene diene monomer (or terpolymer) (EPDM)

Thermoset roof membranes include those that are cured or vulcanized during manufacture (e.g., CR, EPDM, ECH)
and those that cure on the roof during weathering (e.g., CSPE). Thermoset membranes may be either reinforced or

Thermoset roof membranes may be installed in any of the following configurations:

• Ballasted (loose laid)
• Adhered

916 Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Thermoset Single-Ply Roof Membranes
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

• Mechanically attached
• Protected membrane roofing (PMR)

Note: PMR systems are not covered by this document.

Quality Control/Assurance
Quality control and quality assurance are essential elements of thermoset single-ply membrane roofing

Quality control is performed by the roofing contractor. The roofing contractor designates an individual to be on-site
during the entire application process; that person may be a working member of the crew. This person understands
the system being installed and has the authority to correct noncompliant work.

Quality assurance, when performed, is the responsibility of the building owner’s representative (e.g., architect, engi-
neer, roof consultant) or a representative of the membrane manufacturer. The person performing quality assurance
must, likewise, understand the system being installed and its methods of application. The quality assurance person
must notify the roofing contractor immediately if noncompliant work is observed so necessary corrective action can
be taken.

Visual Examination
The most effective means to evaluate the quality of a thermoset single-ply membrane roof installation is by thor-
ough, continuous visual inspection and evaluation at the time of the application by a person who is knowledgeable
of thermoset single-ply roof technology and good workmanship practices.

The following list will assist quality inspectors during roof inspections of in-progress roofing applications. Many of
the items referred to on this list are discussed in further detail in the following sections of this document. A detailed
checklist is found in Appendix 1. If deficiencies are found during the inspection of the roof application, corrective
action must be taken.

Inspectors should visually ensure the following prior to and during application.

Prior to Application
• Specifications and drawings are available for review.
• All certifications or approvals have been received for the deck and roof materials where applicable.
• Material manufacturers’/suppliers’ literature and application specifications and recommendations are available
for information and review.
• Safety precautions and material safety data sheets (MSDSs) have been reviewed and are on-site during applica-
• Specified materials and specified quantities, as verified by on-site inspection of product labels, are at the project
site and are visually suitable for application (e.g., packaging not damaged, labels intact).
• Materials are stored according to the manufacturers’/ suppliers’ recommendations (e.g., proper temperature,
covered, off ground, on pallets).
• Equipment is in good working order and functioning properly.
• Edge nailers, curbs, drains, and penetrations have been installed in the areas to receive roofing.
• Drainage patterns for proper roof membrane installation have been identified.
• When fastener pull-out tests are specified, tests have been conducted and the results have been approved by
the specifier.

During Application
• Weather and project conditions are suitable for the application.
• Substrate is sufficiently dry and suitably prepared to receive the insulation and the roof membrane.

Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Thermoset Single-Ply Roof Membranes 917
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

• Insulation boards are butted together with joints staggered and offset if more than one layer is being used.
• Insulation is firmly attached to the substrate or underlying insulation with specified type and number of fasteners,
if required, or is embedded in bitumen/adhesive, as specified.
• Temporary water cut-offs are installed at the end of each day’s work as required.
• Membrane sheets are installed so that side laps and end laps that buck water are minimized.
• Perimeter membrane fastening complies with specifications and manufacturers’ requirements.
• Membrane flashings are installed along with each day’s completed roof area.
• In high-traffic areas, protection board is used over the newly completed membrane. (Note: Each trade is to be
responsible for its work area).
• When ballast is used, it is distributed at the specified rate.
• Material and applied roofing are not being abused by other trades.

Decks—New Construction/Tear-off
The quality assurance and control of roof decks is beyond the scope of this document, and therefore, this docu-
ment does not consider the roof deck as part of the thermoset single-ply membrane roof system. However, there
are important roof deck factors that affect final roof performance. These factors include structural load capabilities,
slope and drainage, expansion joints, and flashing details.

The building owner, designer, and the deck manufacturer/installer are responsible for providing for the support, attach-
ment, fastener pull-out testing (when specified), proper deck alignment, structural integrity, construction details, and
expansion and contraction of the structural roof deck in a manner that will provide a stable base for the roof system.

Roofing contractors inspect and accept roof deck surfaces in order to schedule the roofing application. Attention to
deck surface dryness and cleanliness is also essential.

Decks—Existing Roof Substrates

When re-covering an existing roof system, the designer is responsible for performing an analysis of the structural
roof deck (described under the section “Decks—New Construction/Tear-Off”), including deck integrity, system com-
patibility, load capacity, damage, moisture condition, wind uplift and building code requirements.
Visual examination at the time of application is the most effective means of evaluating the substrate to which a roof
system is being applied. Visual examination may include routine measurements where applicable. Common sense must
be used in the evaluation of the application, and reasonable variances from specified amounts are to be expected. Significant
deviation from any particular criterion should be corrected as soon as possible.

Criterion Corrective Action

The substrate surface is sufficiently dry, clean, frost-free, Delay installation until substrate conditions have been
and prepared to receive insulation and/or the roof membrane. corrected.

The substrate is suitably prepared for a re-cover application. As appropriate, cut, remove or repair blisters, ridges, splits,
The surface should be suitably even and smooth. and other defects that appear likely to affect the support,
attachment, and/or placement of the new roof system.

Areas of the existing roof system that are too wet, as Delay installation of new roofing until the designated
determined by the designer, have been removed. areas have been removed and replaced.

When bitumen or adhesive is used for installation, all Clean, prepare, and prime metal, masonry, and substrate
metal, masonry, and existing substrate surfaces have surfaces designated by the designer or manufacturer/
been properly prepared and primed (if necessary). supplier prior to installing membrane or flashing.

In re-cover situations, when adhering with bitumen or Prepare and prime substrate surfaces prior to installing
adhesives, existing substrate surface has been properly membrane or flashings as designated by the designer or
prepared and primed, if necessary. material manufacturer/supplier.

918 Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Thermoset Single-Ply Roof Membranes
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Vapor Retarders
The entry of water vapor and its subsequent condensation can be detrimental to a roof’s performance. Vapor
retarders can be used to control migration of water vapor into the roof system. Determining the need for a vapor
retarder, its compatibility with other materials, and the details of its construction is the responsibility of the


Visual examination at the time of application is the most effective means of evaluating vapor retarder application.
Visual examination may include routine measurements where applicable. Common sense must be used in the
evaluation of the application, and reasonable variances from specified amounts are to be expected. Significant
deviation from any particular criterion should be corrected as soon as possible.

Criterion Corrective Action

The substrate surface is sufficiently dry, reasonably Delay installation of vapor retarder until substrate
smooth, and clear of potentially damaging objects. conditions are corrected.

Materials are protected from inclement weather and Cover materials and remove damaged materials from job
abuse from other trades. site.

The location of the vapor retarder is as specified. Install in specified location.

The vapor retarder extends continuously throughout Install specified vapor retarder to incomplete or
the deck plane. All end laps and side laps are properly noncontinuous areas. Reseal open end laps and side laps.

End laps, side laps, openings, and penetrations are as Perform flashing operation and apply sealant to ensure
specified. adequate seals.

The vapor retarder is sealed at the perimeter as Adjust the work to ensure that the perimeter detail and
specified. sealing complies with the specification.

The vapor retarder is tied into any other air/vapor Add additional plies or sealant to ensure adequate tie-in
retarders as specified. and correct the work to comply with the specification.

Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Thermoset Single-Ply Roof Membranes 919
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Rigid board insulation is often used with thermoset single-ply membrane roofs to increase the overall thermal
resistance of the roof assembly and to provide a smooth substrate to which the roof membrane is applied.

Visual examination at the time of application is the most effective means of evaluating insulation application. Visual examina-
tion may include routine measurements where applicable. Common sense must be used in the evaluation of the application,
and reasonable variances from specified amounts are to be expected. Significant deviation from any particular criterion
should be corrected as soon as possible.

Criterion Corrective Action

Insulation materials are as specified. Remove noncompliant materials from the project site.

Insulation is protected from inclement weather before, Protect the material. Do not use damaged or wet material.
during and after installation.

Finished surface of adjacent insulation boards is not Vertical offset of insulation boards is to be corrected by shaving
vertically offset more than 1⁄4 inch (6 mm). the insulation board, filling or leveling the gap with compatible
material, or adding tapered insulation as applicable.

No more insulation is applied than can be covered with If sudden and unexpected weather or other unforeseen
the membrane on the same day. conditions prohibit installation of all specified sheets over
small sections of the roof on the same day, consult with the
membrane supplier, roofing contractor, and roof designer for
appropriate action.

When insulation is applied in hot asphalt, the asphalt is Remove unadhered insulation and replace with properly
applied at a rate sufficient to visually cover the surface embedded insulation.
area being bonded. The insulation is embedded in the
bitumen while the bitumen is still hot and fluid. (Maximum
size boards recommended: 4 feet by 4 feet [1.2 m by 1.2 m]).

When insulation is mechanically attached, the number, Install additional fasteners as needed and space
spacing, and placement of fasteners is as specified. appropriately.

At the end of each day’s work, water cut-offs are applied Install water cut-offs at the end of each day’s work.
to seal the insulation at the edge of the roof membrane Replace damaged materials.
from water entry. These water cut-offs are removed prior
to the resumption of work.

Stagger insulation end joints unless otherwise specified. Remove and adjust nonstaggered insulation boards to
appropriate stagger.

Insulation boards are butted together. Due to manufacturing Insulation gaps in excess of 1⁄4 inch shall be filled with
tolerances, dimensional stability, variances during installation, appropriate insulation board or compatible material.
and the nature of insulation boards, some variance in joint
spacing can be expected. Occasional gaps between boards
not exceeding 1⁄4 inch (6 mm) are acceptable as long as the
gaps are not continuous for more than the length of one
insulation board.

Insulation boards are reasonably square. Note: To check Do not use out-of-square boards without filling gaps in
for squareness, a diagonal measurement and evaluation excess of 1⁄4 inch (6 mm). If the space between the boards
can be made. appears to be wider than the anticipated variance, due to
out-of-square boards, consult the supplier.

When insulation is adhered with cold adhesives, apply Replace unadhered insulation with properly attached insulation.
at the specified coverage rate and pattern. Follow
recommended open times to ensure adequate adhesion.

920 Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Thermoset Single-Ply Roof Membranes
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Fasteners and plates of various types are used in the application of insulation, membrane roofing systems, and
flashings. They are specified by type, length, number, spacing distance, and substrate type, with minimum penetra-
tion and pull-out requirements.


Visual examination at the time of application is the most effective means of evaluating fastener application. Visual examina-
tion may include routine measurements where applicable. Common sense must be used in the evaluation of the application,
and reasonable variances from specified amounts are to be expected. Significant deviation from any particular criterion
should be corrected as soon as possible.

Criterion Corrective Action

The type, size, and length of fasteners and plates are as Immediately adjust to the proper fastener. Remove improper
specified. fasteners, if necessary, and add specified fasteners to meet
attachment objectives.

The minimum number of fasteners is applied and Fastener deficiencies are corrected by installing additional
spaced as specified; reasonable variances from spacing fasteners as needed and by spacing all fasteners appropriately.
distances are to be expected.

Fasteners are properly driven. Immediately adjust operations. Remove improperly driven
fasteners, if necessary, and add fasteners to maintain the
minimum number of fasteners with appropriate spacing.

Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Thermoset Single-Ply Roof Membranes 921
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Adhesives of different types (e.g., contact adhesive, tape), primers and conditioners are used in the construction of
thermoset single-ply membranes. On the same project, more than one adhesive may be used. For example, in the
installation of an adhered membrane, one type of adhesive may be used to adhere the membrane to its substrate,
another type may be used to adhere the seams, and a third may be used to adhere the flashings to masonry or to
metal edge components. Different primers may be needed to work in conjunction with these adhesives.

It is important that the proper adhesive be used only for its intended purpose. Substituting one adhesive for another
may affect both the long- and short-term performance of the roof system. Designers/specifiers should clearly spec-
ify which adhesives, primers and/or conditioners are to be used for membrane attachment, seaming, and flashing
attachment to various substrates.


Visual examination at the time of application is the most effective means of evaluating the application of adhesives, primers,
and conditioners. Visual examination may include routine measurements where applicable. Common sense must be used in
the evaluation of the application, and reasonable variances from specified amounts are to be expected. Significant deviation
from any particular criterion should be corrected as soon as possible.

Criterion Corrective Action

Adhesives, primers, and conditioners are stored Alter storage methods to comply. Remove any damaged,
properly, with all labels clearly visible and the intended leaking, or unlabeled containers.
purpose of the material clearly defined. Containers are
undamaged, intact, and free from leaks.

Adhesives, primers, and conditioners are stored at the Provide proper storage facilities. Move materials to properly
proper application temperature prior to use. Materials heated/cooled areas in sufficient time to allow the materials
must be within suppliers’ stated application temperature to reach proper application temperatures.
range at time of use.

Adhesives, primers, and conditioners are used prior to Remove/discard all materials that have passed their
suppliers’ stated expiration date. printed expiration date.

Adhesives, primers, and conditioners are used only for Request written permission from the manufacturer prior
the purpose specifically intended by the supplier. to substituting materials.
Substituting primers for conditioners (or vice versa) or
one type of adhesive for another may only be done with
the specific permission of the supplier.

Adhesives, primers, and conditioners are not thinned Remove altered or contaminated materials. Alternately,
or altered in any way without the specific written request written permission from the manufacturer to
permission of the manufacturer. thin or alter material.

922 Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Thermoset Single-Ply Roof Membranes
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

System Construction: General Criteria

Roof system performance is a function of several factors, including proper splice and end lap construction, mem-
brane sheet layout, fastener spacing and installation, and surfacing application. Material manufacturers/ suppliers
may have proprietary requirements for these factors. Designers should verify that their requirements do not conflict
with or contradict the proprietary requirements of the material manufacturer/supplier.


Visual examination at the time of application is the most effective means of evaluating membrane installation. Visual exam-
ination may include routine measurements where applicable. Common sense must be used in the evaluation of the applica-
tion, and reasonable variances from specified amounts are to be expected. Significant deviation from any particular criterion
should be corrected as soon as possible.

Criterion Corrective Action

The installation of the scheduled day’s production is If sudden and unexpected weather or other unforeseen
completed on the same day. conditions prohibit installation of all sheets over small
sections of the roof on the same day, consult with the
membrane supplier, roofing contractor, and roof designer
for appropriate action.

Where possible, all sheets are installed so side laps and Determine drainage patterns prior to application. Adjust
end laps are not bucking water. sheet layout to ensure laps do not buck water.

Seam surfaces are dry and clean. Clean and dry as needed.

T-joint applications be thoroughly watertight. Use the Adjust work practices to ensure a watertight T-joint.
procedure and/or materials as specified by the supplier
to comply with specifications.

Membrane base flashing and/or penetration flashing is Allow enough time each day to completely flash all
installed along with each day’s completed roof area. penetrations.

Perimeter wall flashing and flashing around vents, roof Adjust work practices as required.
drains, skylights, and miscellaneous roof projections are
properly sealed as per construction documents and

End lap and side lap seam dimensions are as specified. Make certain seam dimensions are as specified by the

Nailers and roof drains are in place prior to roofing. Install nailers and drains prior to initiating roof installation.

Perimeter membrane attachment must be securely Adjust and correct attachments as required.
anchored to the wood blocking or roof deck to comply
with construction documents or specifications.

Protect membrane and applied roofing from being Owner should require appropriate trades to cover exposed
abused by other trades. membrane with plywood or insulation board as necessary.
If damage is caused by other trades, mark damaged area
and report it to appropriate parties.

When roofing over existing roof systems, the surface Pump water, install drains, or remove snow.
should be dry and free of ponded water, ice or snow
prior to and during the roofing installation.

Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Thermoset Single-Ply Roof Membranes 923
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

System Construction: Criteria for Seams

Seams between adjacent sheets of thermoset single-ply roof membranes are critical to roof system performance.
Seams can be made using adhesives, tapes, or by heat welding uncured thermoset materials. The method of form-
ing the seams may be a proprietary requirement of the material manufacturer/supplier. Designers should verify
that their requirements do not conflict with or contradict the proprietary seaming requirements of the material

Criterion Corrective Action

End lap and side lap seams are flat and free of wrinkles. Adjust work practices to achieve tight, wrinkle-free seams.

Membrane materials are protected from inclement Protect materials. Remove or repair damaged materials (i.e., where
weather and physical abuse. membrane edges are cut or torn or where reinforcing scrim is exposed).

The seam surfaces are dry, reasonably smooth, clear of Remove all potentially damaging objects. Wipe and wash
potentially damaging objects and free of dust, dirt, and the seam area of all dust and dirt. Dry any moisture.

Membrane is allowed to relax before seaming. Allow membrane to relax for the supplier’s specified period of time.

Seams are continuous, without voids, blisters, Inspect to make certain seams are properly welded and continuous.
or wrinkles. Reseam or patch according to supplier’s recommendations.

Criterion for Adhesive Seams Corrective Action

Splice adhesive is thoroughly mixed. Adhesive should Stir for longer period of time.
be uniform in color and viscosity.

Adhesive coverage rate is in compliance with Adjust coverage rates as required. Select the proper
construction documents or specifications. application technique for the type of adhesive used.

Applied adhesive is relatively uniform with no puddles Smooth out heavy areas; apply additional adhesive in
or voids; 100% coverage is required. thin spots.

Condensation does not appear on solvent-based Stop installation if moisture is observed. Allow to dry.
adhesive when ambient temperature is near the dew Consult with manufacturer for recommended procedures.

Adhesive is tacky but does not string or stick to a clean, Adjust open time as required. If adhesive has become
dry finger touch prior to membrane bonding. too dry (not tacky), recoat with a thin layer of adhesive.

Lap sealant is installed without skips or voids and in Adjust amounts to comply with specifications.
accordance with construction documents and

Criterion for Taped Seams Corrective Action

Lap sealant is installed without skips or voids and Adjust amounts to comply with specifications.
in accordance with construction documents and

Condensation does not appear on solvent-based Stop installation if moisture is observed. Allow to dry.
cleaner/primer when ambient temperature is near Consult with supplier for recommended procedures.
the dew point.

Criterion for Heat-Welded Seams Corrective Action

Heat welding equipment is functioning at proper Adjust speed/temperature of equipment to produce
speed/temperature. proper seams.

Heat welding has sufficient weight to apply proper Adjust weight as necessary.
seaming pressure.

Nozzles of heat welding equipment are kept clean to Clean nozzles frequently.
prevent contamination of seam surfaces.

924 Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Thermoset Single-Ply Roof Membranes
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

System Construction: Criteria for Mechanically Fastened Membranes


Visual examination at the time of application is the most effective means of evaluating the installation of mechanically fastened
membrane components. Visual examination may include routine measurements where applicable. Common sense must be
used in the evaluation of the application, and reasonable variances from specified amounts are to be expected. Significant
deviations from any particular criterion should be corrected as soon as possible.

Criterion Corrective Action

The type, size, length, and placement of fasteners and Immediately change to the proper fastener. Remove
plates is as specified. improper fasteners, if necessary, and add specified
fasteners to meet attachment objectives.

The minimum number of fasteners is applied and Fastener spacing deficiencies are corrected by installing
spaced as specified; reasonable variances from spacing additional fasteners as needed and by spacing all fasteners
distances are to be expected. appropriately.

Fasteners are properly driven. Immediately adjust operations. Remove and/or correct
improperly driven fasteners.

End laps and side laps meet minimum required Adjust sheet layout to bring end lap and side lap dimensions
dimensions. into compliance. Sheets that are already installed with end
laps and side laps that do not meet requirements should be
stripped in with an additional membrane stripping ply, properly
seamed. Additional fasteners may be required prior to installa-
tion of the additional stripping ply per the supplier’s

Membrane layout, sheet size, and sheet placement are Adjust membrane layout as required.
in accordance with construction documents and/or

Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Thermoset Single-Ply Roof Membranes 925
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

System Construction: Criteria for Adhered Membranes


Visual examination at the time of application is the most effective means of evaluating the installation of adhered mem-
brane components. Visual examination may include routine measurements where applicable. Common sense must be
used in the evaluation of the application, and reasonable variances from specified amounts are to be expected. Signifi-
cant deviations from any particular criterion should be corrected as soon as possible.

Criterion Corrective Action

Membrane layout and splice overlaps are in accordance Adjust membrane layout as required.
with construction documents or specifications.

Allow membrane to relax before adhering. Allow sufficient relaxation time, per manufacturer’s

Stir bonding adhesive thoroughly to mix in all settled Stir for a longer time period.
material. Adhesive should be uniform color.

Apply bonding adhesive using a paint roller, application Select the proper application technique for the type of
equipment, spray equipment, or other technique. bonding adhesive being used.

Applied bonding adhesive should be relatively smooth Smooth out heavy areas; apply additional materials to
with no globs or puddles. thin areas.

Measure coverage rate of bonding adhesive to ensure Adjust coverage rate as required. Apply a thin freshener
compliance with construction documents or coat if adhesive is no longer tacky.

For “contact” bonding adhesive: adhesive should be Adjust open time as required.
tacky when dry but not string or stick to a dry finger
touch prior to membrane installation. Do not allow
adhesive to dry to a point where it is not tacky.

Inspect for condensation on solvent-based bonding Stop installation if moisture is observed. Allow to dry.
adhesive when the ambient temperature is near the Apply a thin freshener coat (half the normal coverage
dew point. rate) when conditions allow.

For “one-sided” bonding adhesive: adhesive should be Adjust open time as required.
wet or partially wet prior to membrane installation.

Install membrane over the bonding adhesive, taking Alter installation techniques to avoid wrinkles. Cut and
care to avoid wrinkles where possible. Some wrinkles patch all wrinkles in splice area.
in the sheet are allowable, but none in the splice area.

Achieve maximum contact between membrane and Alter technique to achieve maximum contact. Broom or
bonding adhesive by brooming or rolling over the roll additional times to increase contact.
finished surface immediately.

Completed section should appear tight with insulation Alter installation techniques to achieve this appearance.
plates telegraphing through the membrane. Correct deficiencies as required by manufacturer.

926 Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Thermoset Single-Ply Roof Membranes
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

System Construction: Criteria for Ballasted Membranes


Visual examination at the time of application is the most effective means of evaluating the installation of ballasted membrane
components. Visual examination may include routine measurements where applicable. Common sense must be used in the
evaluation of the application, and reasonable variances from specified amounts are to be expected. Significant deviation from
any particular criterion should be corrected as soon as possible.

Criterion Corrective Action

Amount and type of ballast is as specified or required. Obtain proper ballast material.

Membrane is allowed to relax before seaming. Allow sufficient relaxation time as per the manufacturer’s

Membrane is installed over insulation or substrate, Alter installation techniques to avoid wrinkles. Cut and
taking care to avoid wrinkles. Wrinkles in the sheet patch all wrinkles in splice area.
are allowable, but not in the splice area.

Ballast is uniformly distributed as specified or required.* Adjust work practices to ensure uniform and proper ballast

*Note: Weighing ballast samples to determine coverage rates may not provide an accurate assessment of overall ballast application. If done,
the taking and weighing of ballast samples to determine compliance with specified coverage rates should be undertaken with the knowledge
that individual samples may vary significantly. If samples are to be taken and weighed for this purpose, a minimum of one sample should be
taken for every 25 squares (232.25 m2) of roof area. All sample weights should be averaged to obtain average ballast weight for the entire job.

Flashing, counterflashing, metal edge flashing, coping and special flashing conditions can vary significantly. There
are designs and materials that can be used to meet this wide variety of conditions. Counterflashing is required to
weatherproof and/or protect the top of the base flashing.

Material manufacturers/suppliers may have proprietary flashing requirements for specific conditions. Designers
should verify that their requirements do not conflict with or contradict material manufacturers’/suppliers’
proprietary flashing requirements.


Visual examination at the time of application is the most effective means of evaluation. Visual examination may include
routine measurements where applicable. Common sense must be used in the evaluation of the application, and reasonable
variances from specified amounts are to be expected. Address any significant deviation from the criteria below by using
the appropriate corrective action.

Criterion Corrective Action

All substrate surfaces are clean, relatively smooth, and Prepare surfaces as required. Remove sharp projections
sound before bonding adhesive is applied. and fill voids as necessary. Bring unsound conditions to
the attention of the building owner and designer.

Metal flashings are securely fastened and/or attached Install fasteners to comply with specification.
as specified.

Membrane flashings are firmly and continuously Adjust work practices to bring work into compliance.
adhered with the specified bonding or substrate Repair or replace nonconforming flashings.

Seams in membrane flashings are continuously sealed. Repair or replace defective areas. Refer to seam criteria.

Top edges of membrane flashing are sealed daily. Adjust work practices to comply.

Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Thermoset Single-Ply Roof Membranes 927
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Appendix 1—Quality Control Checklist for the Application of Thermoset Single-ply

The checklist below is offered to assist quality control inspectors during roof inspection while the roofing applica-
tion is in progress. It is not a specification, and it does not cover every detail of roofing application

The intent of this checklist is to guide the quality control inspector by highlighting the key application areas affect-
ing successful thermoset single-ply membrane roof performance.

Prior to Application
❏ Specifications and drawings are available for review.
❏ All certifications or approvals have been received for the deck and roof materials where applicable.
❏ Material manufacturers’/suppliers’ literature and application specifications and recommendations are available
for information and review.
❏ Safety precautions and material safety data sheets (MSDSs) have been reviewed and are on-site during
❏ Specified materials and specified quantities, as verified by on-site inspection of product labels, are at the
project site and are visually suitable for application (e.g., packaging not damaged, labels intact).
❏ Materials are stored according to the manufacturers’/suppliers’ recommendations (e.g., proper temperature,
covered, off ground, on pallets).
❏ Equipment is in good working order and functioning properly.
❏ Edge nailers, curbs, drains, and penetrations have been installed in the areas to receive roofing.
❏ Drainage patterns for proper roof membrane installation have been identified.
❏ When fastener pull-out tests are specified, tests have been conducted, and the results have been approved by
the specifier.

During Application
❏ Weather and job conditions are suitable for the application.
❏ Substrate is sufficiently dry and suitably prepared to receive the insulation and the roof membrane.
❏ Insulation boards are butted together with joints staggered and offset if more than one layer is being used.
❏ Insulation is firmly attached, if required, with specified type and number of fasteners, or embedded in
bitumen/adhesive to substrate or underlying insulation as specified.
❏ Temporary water cut-offs are installed at the end of each day’s work as required.
❏ Membrane sheets are installed so that side laps and end laps that buck water are minimized.
❏ Perimeter membrane fastening complies with specifications and manufacturers’ requirements.
❏ Membrane flashings are installed along with each day’s completed roof area.
❏ In high-traffic areas, protection board is being used over newly completed membrane. (Note: Each trade is to be
responsible for its work area.)
❏ When ballast is used, it is distributed at the specified rate.
❏ Materials and applied roofing is not being abused by other trades.

928 Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Thermoset Single-Ply Roof Membranes
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Appendix 2—Test Cuts/Seam Samples

Test cuts or seam samples are not considered to be a part of a routine quality control or quality assurance program.
Test cuts should not be substituted for in-progress quality control/assurance provided by continuous visual exami-

Seam samples may assist in the evaluation of the extent and magnitude of problems observed during routine quali-
ty control or quality assurance. Seam samples should only be taken to verify suspected seam problems.

When test cuts or seam samples are taken, typically three random samples for the roof applied that day should
be taken prior to the installation of surfacing material. Sampling should be done in accordance with
manufacturers’/suppliers’ protocols, when available.

Test cuts or seam samples may not represent the overall membrane seam construction. If test cuts or seam sam-
ples indicate defects, further sampling must be performed to establish the scope of corrective action.

Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Thermoset Single-Ply Roof Membranes 929
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Appendix 3—Terminology
Ballast: an anchoring material, such as aggregate or precast concrete pavers, that employs the force of gravity to
hold (or assist in holding) single-ply roof membranes in place.

End Lap: the distance of overlap where one ply, panel, or piece extends beyond the end of the immediately adja-
cent underlying ply, panel, or piece.

Open Time: the period of time after an adhesive has been applied and allowed to dry, during which an effective
bond can be achieved by joining the two surfaces.

Seam: a joint formed by mating two separate sections of material. Seams may be made or sealed in a variety of
ways, including adhesive bonding, hot-air welding, solvent welding, using adhesive tape, sealant, etc.

Shelf Life: the period of time within which a material such as coating or SPF components remain suitable for use.

Side Lap: the continuous longitudinal overlap of neighboring like materials.

Thermoset: a material that solidifies or “sets” irreversibly when heated. This property is usually associated with
cross-linking of the molecules induced by heat or radiation.

930 Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Thermoset Single-Ply Roof Membranes
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Quality Control Guidelines for the
Application of Sprayed Polyurethane
Foam Roofing
Statement of Purpose............................................................................................................................................932


Terminology ...........................................................................................................................................................932

System Description ..............................................................................................................................................932

Quality Control/Assurance.....................................................................................................................................932

Visual Examination.................................................................................................................................................933

Decks—New Construction/Tear-Off Projects ........................................................................................................933

Existing Roof Substrates .......................................................................................................................................934


Vapor Retarders .....................................................................................................................................................935

Separation Layer: General Criteria ........................................................................................................................936

Separation Layer: Insulation Boards......................................................................................................................937

Separation Layer: Base Sheet ...............................................................................................................................938

Application of SPF .................................................................................................................................................938

Application of Coating ...........................................................................................................................................940

Application of Aggregate Surfacing Cover ............................................................................................................941

Metal Flashings ....................................................................................................................................................942

Appendix 1—Sprayed Polyurethane Foam Roofing Quality Control Application Checklist ..................................943

Appendix 2—Slit Samples/Core Samples .............................................................................................................944

Appendix 3—SPF Surface Texture Photographs ..................................................................................................945

Appendix 4—Terminology......................................................................................................................................946


This document is not a specification. It does not supersede job specifications, which are the prerogative of the
designer (specifier) and/or materials manufacturer. It merely provides general guidelines for following accepted
sprayed polyurethane foam roofing construction practices.

Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Sprayed Polyurethane Foam Roofing 931
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Statement of Purpose
This document provides guidelines for on-site evaluation of sprayed polyurethane foam (SPF) roofing during the ap-
plication process.

This document addresses on-site evaluation guidelines during the application of SPF roofing. It stresses thorough,
continuous inspections during construction to recognize and correct variances as they are detected. It provides
guidelines to appraise the quality of application. This document gives information about the installation of specific
components above the structural deck. Where appropriate, the guidelines describe variations in the application of
primers, vapor retarders, cover board insulation and base sheets, fasteners, sprayed polyurethane foams, surfac-
ings, and metal flashings.

The application of an SPF roof system involves the skillful arrangement of multiple components in a specified
process. The quality of the workmanship during the application process is measured by application criteria and in-
spection procedures and is a critical element to roof performance. Roof performance is also determined by other
factors, including building design, project specifications and details, material quality and suitability for the specific
application, and roof maintenance.

The application of SPF roofs, like other types of roofs, is not an exact science. It is a craft involving people who
deal with a broad range of materials, designs, practices and techniques, climates, and changing weather con-
ditions. Both the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) and the Society of the Plastics Industry,
Inc./Sprayed Polyurethane Foam Division (SPI/SPFD) recognize the importance of these critical factors as they
impact quality SPF roofing.

The guidelines presented in this document are based on the technical knowledge and experience of practicing and
knowledgeable roofing professionals, including contractors, manufacturers, and roofing technologists. Their collec-
tive experience resulted in a consensus as expressed in this document.

The “Sprayed Polyurethane Foam Roofing Quality Control Application Checklist” has been developed to assist
quality control and quality assurance personnel who are performing inspections while SPF roofing application is
in progress. This checklist is located in Appendix 1 of this document.

Terminology used in this document can be found in Appendix 4.

System Description
SPF roofs consist of a fully adhered base layer of closed-cell polyurethane foam covered with a protective surfacing.

The polyurethane foam is spray-applied by mixing two chemically reactive liquid components through a high-
pressure mixing gun. As the liquid mixture is applied to the roof substrate, the chemical components react immedi-
ately, expanding 20 to 30 times their original volume, and set to a rigid foam layer. The foam formed is closed-cell,
providing thermal insulation and water resistance.

The surfacing of an elastomeric coating and/or aggregate protects the foam from ultraviolet light and mechanical

Quality Control/Assurance
Quality control and quality assurance are essential elements of SPF roof construction.

Quality control is performed by the SPF roofing contractor. The roofing contractor designates an individual to be
on-site during the entire roof application process; that individual may be a working member of the crew. This per-
son understands the system being installed and has authority to correct noncompliant work.

Quality assurance, when performed, is the responsibility of the building owner’s representative (e.g., architect,
engineer, roof consultant) or a representative of the material manufacturer/supplier. The person performing quality
assurance must, likewise, understand the system being installed and its methods of application. The quality

932 Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Sprayed Polyurethane Foam Roofing
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

assurance person must notify the roofing contractor immediately if noncompliant work is observed so necessary
corrective action can be taken.

Visual Examination
The most effective means to evaluate the quality of an SPF roof installation is by thorough, continuous visual in-
spection and evaluation at the time of application by a person who is knowledgeable of SPF roofing technology
and good workmanship practices.

The list below will assist quality assurance inspectors during roof inspections of an in-progress roofing application.
Many of the items referred to on this list are discussed in further detail in the following sections of this document. A
detailed checklist is found in Appendix 1. If deficiencies are found during the inspection of the roofing application,
corrective action must be taken.

Inspectors should visually ensure the following prior to and during application.

Prior to Application
• Specifications and drawings are available for review.
• All certifications or approvals have been received for decking and roofing materials where applicable.
• Material manufacturers’/suppliers’ literature and application specifications and recommendations are available
for information and review.
• Safety precautions and material safety data sheets (MSDSs) have been reviewed and are present during the
• Specified materials and specified quantities, as verified by on-site inspection of product labels, are at the project
site and are suitable for application (e.g., packaging not damaged, labels intact).
• Materials are stored according to the manufacturers’/suppliers’ recommendations (e.g., proper temperature, cov-
ered, off ground, on pallets).
• Equipment is in good working order and functioning properly.
• Edge nailers, curbs, drains and penetrations have been installed in the areas to receive SPF.
• Drainage patterns for proper SPF roof system installation have been identified.
• When fastener pull-out tests are specified, tests have been conducted and the results have been approved by
the specifier.

During Application
• Weather and project conditions are suitable for application.
• Substrate is sufficiently dry and suitably prepared to receive the SPF roof system.
• Insulation cover boards are butted together with joints staggered and offset.
• Separation layer (e.g., cover board, base sheet) is firmly attached to the substrate with the specified type and
number of fasteners or is embedded in the specified adhesive.
• Temporary water cut-offs are installed at the end of each day’s work as required.
• Surfacing is applied as specified.
• Materials and applied roofing are not abused by other trades.

Decks—New Construction/Tear-off Projects

The quality assurance and control of roof decks is beyond the scope of this document, and therefore, this docu-
ment does not consider the roof deck as part of the SPF roof system. However, there are important roof deck fac-
tors that affect final SPF roof performance. These factors include structural load capabilities, slope and drainage,
expansion joints, and flashing details.

Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Sprayed Polyurethane Foam Roofing 933
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

The building owner, designer, and deck manufacturer/ installer are responsible for providing for the support, attach-
ment, fastener pull-out testing (when specified), proper deck alignment, structural integrity, construction details,
and expansion and contraction of the structural roof deck in a manner that will provide a stable base for the SPF
roof system.

Roofing contractors inspect and accept roof deck surfaces in order to schedule the roofing application. Attention to
deck surface dryness and cleanliness is also essential.

Existing Roof Substrates

When re-covering an existing roof system, the designer is responsible for performing an analysis of the structural
roof deck (described under the section “Decks—New Construction/Tear-Off Projects”), including deck integrity, sys-
tem compatibility, load capacity, damage, moisture condition, wind uplift and building code requirements.

Evaluation of Criteria
Visual examination at the time of application is the most effective means of evaluating the substrate to which an SPF roof
system is being applied. Visual examination may include routine measurements where applicable. Common sense must be
used in the evaluation of the application, and reasonable variances from specified amounts are to be expected. Significant
deviation from any particular criteria should be corrected as soon as possible.

Criterion Corrective Action

The substrate surface is sufficiently dry, clean and prepared Delay the installation until the substrate conditions have
to receive the new SPF roof system. been corrected.

The substrate surface is suitably prepared for a re-cover As appropriate, cut, remove, or repair blisters, ridges, splits
application. The surface should be secure and clear of loose and other defects that appear likely to affect the security
material. Aggregate embedded in bitumen is considered and adhesion of the new SPF roof system.

Areas of the existing roof system that are too wet, as Delay installation of new roofing until the designated
determined by the designer, have been removed. areas have been removed and replaced.

SPF adheres well to most construction materials. Primers are often used to enhance the adhesion and/or increase
the surface temperature of the substrate. Primers are not intended as a substitute for a properly prepared, clean,
dry, oil-/grease-free surface.

Evaluation of Criteria
Visual examination at the time of application is the most effective means of evaluating primer application. Visual examination
may include routine measurements where applicable. Common sense must be used in the evaluation of the application, and
reasonable variances from specified amounts are to be expected. Significant deviation from any particular criteria should be
corrected as soon as possible.

Criterion Corrective Action

The substrate surface is sufficiently dry, clean and Delay the installation until the substrate conditions
prepared to receive the primer. have been corrected.

Primer is applied at the specified rate. Adjust application to comply with the specified rate.

934 Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Sprayed Polyurethane Foam Roofing
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Vapor Retarders
The entry of water vapor and its subsequent condensation can be detrimental to a roof’s performance. Vapor re-
tarders can be used to control migration of water vapor into the roof system. Determining the need for a vapor re-
tarder, its compatibility with other materials, and the details of its construction is the responsibility of the designer.

Evaluation of Criteria
Visual examination at the time of application is the most effective means of evaluating vapor retarder application. Visual
examination may include routine measurements where applicable. Common sense must be used in the evaluation of
the application, and reasonable variances from specified amounts are to be expected. Significant deviation from any
particular criteria should be corrected as soon as possible.

Criterion Corrective Action

The substrate surface is sufficiently dry, reasonably smooth, Delay installation of the vapor retarder until substrate
and clear of potentially damaging objects. conditions are corrected.

Materials are protected from inclement weather and Cover materials and remove damaged materials
abuse from other trades. from project site.

The location of the vapor retarder is as specified. Remove vapor retarder from incorrect area and
install in specified location.

Number of plies of a membrane vapor retarder are Should examination reveal missing plies, install
as specified. additional plies to comply with the specification.

Adhesive for a membrane vapor retarder is applied Remove the membrane vapor retarder from the deficient
as specified. area and install new membrane vapor retarder to meet the

Liquid-applied vapor retarder is applied continuously Adjust application to comply with the specified rate.
and at the specified rate.

The vapor retarder extends continuously across the plane Install specified vapor retarder to incomplete or
of the deck. noncontinuous areas.

End laps, side laps, openings, and penetrations are sealed Add additional plies or sealant to ensure adequate seals.
as specified.

The vapor retarder is sealed at the perimeter as specified. Modify the work to ensure that the perimeter detail and
sealing complies with the specification.

The vapor retarder is tied into any other air or vapor Add additional plies or sealant to ensure adequate
retarders as specified. tie-in and correct the work to comply with the

Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Sprayed Polyurethane Foam Roofing 935
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Separation Layer
A separation layer, typically either an insulation cover board or asphalt base sheet, is often installed over certain
structural roof decks or other substrates to provide a physical separation between the SPF roof system and the
substrate. An example is an insulation cover board installed over irregular or uneven substrates, such as a metal
roof deck, to provide a smooth surface to which the SPF roof system can be applied.

Separation Layer: General Criteria

Evaluation of Criteria

Visual examination at the time of application is the most effective means of evaluating the application of a sepa-
ration layer. Visual examination may include routine measurements where applicable. Common sense must be
used in the evaluation of the application, and reasonable variances from specified amounts are to be expected.
Significant deviation from any particular criteria should be corrected as soon as possible.

Criterion Corrective Action

Separation layer materials are as specified. Remove noncompliant materials from the job site.

Separation layer materials are protected from inclement Protect the material. Do not use damaged or wet material.
weather before, during, and after installation.

At the end of each day’s work, water cut-offs are applied Install water cut-offs at the end of each day’s work.
to seal the separation layer at the edge of the SPF. Replace damaged materials.

936 Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Sprayed Polyurethane Foam Roofing
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Separation Layer: Insulation Boards

Evaluation of Criteria
Visual examination at the time of application is the most effective means of evaluating the application of insulation boards
as a separation layer. Visual examination may include routine measurements where applicable. Common sense must be
used in the evaluation of the application, and reasonable variances from specified amounts are to be expected. Significant
deviation from any particular criteria should be corrected as soon as possible.

Criterion Corrective Action

Insulation boards are butted together. Due to Insulation gaps in excess of 1⁄4 inch (6 mm) should be
manufacturing tolerances, dimensional stability, filled with appropriate insulation board, SPF, or
variances during installation, and the nature of compatible material.
insulation boards, some variance in joint spacing can
be expected. Occasional gaps between boards not
exceeding 1⁄4 inch (6 mm) are acceptable as long as
the gaps are not continuous for more than the length
of one insulation board.

Stagger insulation end joints unless otherwise specified. Remove nonstaggered insulation boards. Adjust boards to
appropriate stagger.

Finished surface of adjacent insulation boards is not Correct vertical offset of insulation boards by shaving the
vertically offset more than 1⁄4 inch (6 mm). insulation board, filling or leveling the gap with compatible
material, or adding tapered insulation as applicable.

When the insulation board is mechanically attached, Immediately adjust to the proper fastener. Remove improper
the type, size, and length of fasteners and plates or fasteners, if necessary, and add specified fasteners to
washers are as specified. meet attachment objectives.

When the insulation board is mechanically attached, at Fastener deficiencies are corrected by installing additional
least the minimum number of fasteners specified are fasteners as needed and by spacing all fasteners appropriately.

When insulation board is mechanically attached, Immediately adjust operations. Remove improperly driven
fasteners are properly driven. fasteners, if necessary, and add fasteners to maintain the
minimum number of fasteners with appropriate spacing.

When insulation board is applied in hot asphalt, the Replace unadhered insulation boards with properly
asphalt is applied at a rate sufficient to visually cover the embedded insulation boards.
surface area being bonded. The insulation board is
embedded in the asphalt while the asphalt is still hot
and fluid.

When insulation board is applied in adhesive, the Adjust work practices. Replace unadhered insulation
adhesive is applied at the specified rate. boards with properly adhered insulation boards.

Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Sprayed Polyurethane Foam Roofing 937
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Separation Layer: Base Sheet

Evaluation of Criteria
Visual examination at the time of application is the most effective means of evaluating the application of a base sheet as a
separation layer. Visual examination may include routine measurements where applicable. Common sense must be used
in the evaluation of the application, and reasonable variances from specified amounts are to be expected. Significant
deviation from any particular criteria should be corrected as soon as possible.

Criterion Corrective Action

Base sheet laps: Should examination reveal less than the minimum width
• Head lap: as specified, less 1 inch (25 mm), but with head laps, side laps or end laps, install an additional layer
a 1-inch (25-mm) minimum. No maximum limit. of the base sheet over the deficient area.
• End lap: as specified, less 2 inches (50 mm), but with
a 2-inch (50-mm) minimum. No maximum limit.
• Side lap: as specified, less 2 inches (50 mm), but with
a 2-inch (50-mm) minimum. No maximum limit.

When base sheet is applied in adhesive, the adhesive is Replace unadhered base sheet with properly adhered
applied at a rate sufficient to visually cover the surface base sheet.
area being bonded.

Application of SPF
SPF can be applied in various densities, each exhibiting different physical properties. The thickness of the SPF ap-
plied, number of passes, temperature of the substrate, and the ambient temperature and humidity all have an effect
on the in-place physical properties of the SPF.

Most SPF manufacturers offer various seasonal grades of the chemicals used for SPF roofs. Grades are formulated
according to the anticipated weather conditions for the project, and the ambient and surface temperatures that are
anticipated during the time of application.

938 Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Sprayed Polyurethane Foam Roofing
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Evaluation of Criteria
Visual examination at the time of application is the most effective means of evaluating SPF application. Visual examination
may include routine measurements where applicable. Common sense must be used in the evaluation of the application, and
reasonable variances from specified amounts are to be expected. Significant deviation from any particular criteria should be
corrected as soon as possible.

Criterion Evaluation Corrective Action

Materials are as specified. Visual: verify labeling on packaging Remove noncompliant materials from
or bills of lading. the job site.

Temperature, humidity and ambient Measurement: temperature and Discontinue SPF application until
conditions are as specified. humidity. conditions are within specification.

Wind conditions are acceptable for Visual: observe the surface texture Discontinue SPF application until
proper application and protection of the installed SPF and monitor for wind conditions subside or utilize
against overspray. any overspray onto adjacent surfaces. wind screens as necessary.

Equipment is operating at the proper Visual: monitor equipment gauges Adjust or repair equipment as
pressure and temperature. for pressure and temperature. necessary to provide proper pressure
and temperature.

SPF is rising properly. Visual: monitor SPF rise during Remove defective SPF. Adjust work
application. Check foam thickness practices.
regularly with a probe. Fill probe

Minimum pass thickness is 1⁄2 inch Visual: check foam pass thickness Adjust work practices.
(12 mm), or as specified, except where regularly with a probe and/or a slit
a feathered edge is necessary to sample. Fill probe and/or slit sample
complete a pass. openings.

Minimum overall SPF thickness should Visual: check foam pass thickness Adjust work practices. Apply additional
be 1 inch (25 mm), or as specified, for regularly with a probe. Fill probe SPF over the thin area.
coated systems and 11⁄2 inch (38 mm), openings.
or as specified, for aggregate covered

SPF is applied uniformly over the Visual: check foam thickness Adjust work practices. Remove any
entire surface with a tolerance of plus regularly with a probe. Fill probe excess SPF that will impede proper
⁄4 inch per inch (25%) of specified openings. drainage. Apply additional SPF over
thickness, minus zero except where any thin areas.
variations are required to provide for
proper drainage or to complete a
feathered edge.

Surface texture is as specified. Visual: monitor application. Refer to Adjust work practices. Consult with
Appendix 3, “SPF Surface Texture SPF and coating manufacturers
Photographs.” regarding affected area.

SPF should be terminated neatly Visual: monitor application. Adjust work practices. Remove excess
above the roof line at all penetrations SPF and overspray.
and building junctions as specified.

Sprayed-in-place cants and crickets Visual: monitor application. Adjust work practices. Remove any
should be relatively smooth and excess SPF that will impede proper
uniform to allow for proper drainage. drainage. Apply additional SPF if

SPF is applied in the full thickness in Visual: monitor application sequence. If SPF is exposed for more than
the same day. 24 hours, consult the manufacturer for specific
surface preparation instructions.

Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Sprayed Polyurethane Foam Roofing 939
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Application of Coating
An elastomeric coating is applied to an SPF roof system to protect the SPF from ultraviolet rays and mechanical
damage. An elastomeric coating can also be specified to provide for other performance criteria (e.g., chemical re-
sistance, vapor permeability).

Evaluation of Criteria
Visual examination at the time of application is the most effective means of evaluating coating application. Visual examination
may include routine measurements where applicable. Common sense must be used in the evaluation of the application, and
reasonable variances from specified amounts are to be expected. Significant deviation from any particular criteria should be
corrected as soon as possible.

Criterion Evaluation Corrective Action

Coating materials are as specified. Visual: verify labeling on packaging Remove noncompliant materials from
or bills of lading. the job site.

Coating materials are mixed as Visual: verify mixing is in compliance Consult coating manufacturer for
specified. with the coating manufacturer’s appropriate remedial action.

Temperature, humidity and ambient Measurement: temperature and Discontinue coating application until
conditions are as specified. humidity. conditions are within specification.

Wind conditions are acceptable for Visual: monitor for any coating Discontinue coating application until
proper application and protection overspray onto adjacent surfaces. wind conditions subside or utilize wind
against overspray. screens as necessary.

Equipment is operating at the proper Visual: monitor equipment gauges Adjust or repair equipment as necessary
pressure and temperature. for pressure and temperature. to provide proper pressure and

Unless otherwise specified, base coat Visual: monitor application. Consult coating manufacturer.
is applied the same day as SPF.

Coating is applied at the specified rate. Visual: monitor application rate. Adjust application to comply with the
specified rate. In the deficient area, apply
additional coating material to achieve the
minimum coverage rate.

Overall coating dry film thickness is Measurement: measure overall dry Adjust application to comply with the
as specified. film coating thickness. specified film thickness. In the deficient area,
apply additional coating material to achieve
the specified dry film coating thickness.

Layers of coating are applied within Visual: monitor application. Consult coating manufacturer for
the manufacturer’s specified time appropriate remedial action.

For granule-surfaced or aggregate- Visual: monitor application. Immediately adjust operations to

surfaced coatings, surfacing is ensure embedment of the specified
applied in a continuous uncured amount. Whenever visual observation
coating at the specified coverage indicates an inadequate amount of
rate to achieve a continuous adhered granules, loose granules are to
embedded surfacing. be removed, then coating and granules
are to be reapplied.

940 Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Sprayed Polyurethane Foam Roofing
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Application of Aggregate Surfacing Cover

Aggregate can be applied to low-slope SPF roof surfaces to protect the SPF from ultraviolet rays and mechanical

Quality control and assurance guidelines are provided here for aggregate-surfaced SPF roof systems even though
NRCA in The NRCA Sprayed Polyurethane Foam-Based Roofing Manual does not recognize the use of an aggre-
gate surfacing without the use of a water-resistant elastomeric coating over the SPF. Guidelines for design and
application of aggregate-surfaced SPF are included in SPI/SPFD Document AY-110, Sprayed Polyurethane Foam
Aggregate Systems for New and Remedial Roofing.

Evaluation of Criteria
Visual examination at the time of application is the most effective means of evaluating aggregate coating application.
Visual examination may include routine measurements where applicable. Common sense must be used in the evaluation
of the application, and reasonable variances from specified amounts are to be expected. Significant deviation from any
particular criteria should be corrected as soon as possible.

Criterion Corrective Action

Aggregate type and size are as specified. Remove noncompliant materials from the job site.

Aggregate application rate is as specified. Adjust work practices. Add additional aggregate in the deficient

Aggregate is distributed evenly over the roof surface Redistribute aggregate over the deficient area.
without bare spots.

Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Sprayed Polyurethane Foam Roofing 941
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Metal Flashings
For SPF roof systems, the use of metal flashings can be divided into three general categories:
• Water conveyance flashings include exterior water collector boxes (e.g., conductor heads), gutters, and
• Independent water shedding flashings are attached, sealed and mounted above the top edge of the roof cover-
ing and penetration flashings. These flashings prevent moisture penetration into wall cavities, behind base flash-
ings, through curb-mounted equipment, or into or behind penetration flashings. Metal coping or cap flashings,
surface-mounted counterflashing, curb caps, rain collars, and through-wall flashings are all examples of inde-
pendent water shedding flashings. Independent water shedding flashings are independent from the roof system.
Metal flashing flanges typically provide a minimum of 31⁄2 inches (90 mm) of sealing surface.
• Integral component and edge flashings include metal roof jacks, pipe flashings, through-wall scuppers, electrical
utility line penetration flashings, and light-gauge (i.e., 22-, 24- or 26-gauge [0.76-, 0.61-, or 0.45-mm]) low-profile
metal edge flashings (e.g., gravel stops). These types of flashings differ from the other categories in one primary
characteristic—they require integration or sealing of their metal flanges directly into the roof system.

Evaluation of Criteria
Visual examination at the time of application is the most effective means of evaluating metal flashing application. Visual
examination may include routine measurements where applicable. Common sense must be used in the evaluation of the
application, and reasonable variances from specified amounts are to be expected. Significant deviation from any particular
criteria should be corrected as soon as possible.

Criterion Corrective Action

Metal sealing flanges are primed. Prime metal flanges and allow to dry prior to sealing in.

Metal flanges are set in a bed of sealant and secured as Remove flashing and reinstall as specified or add fasteners
specified. as required to meet specified spacing.

Metal edging laps are sealed as detailed with specified Remove flashings sufficiently to install inter-lap sealant.

Metal flanges are set to be covered with an SPF roof Remove defective or noncompliant work and replace
system as specified. as specified.

Edge metal is supported by continuous wood blocking Install wood blocking prior to membrane and metal
or decking, and flanges are not extended over insulation edge flashing to support metal flanges adequately.
cover board surfaces without wood blocking support.

942 Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Sprayed Polyurethane Foam Roofing
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Appendix 1—Sprayed Polyurethane Foam Roofing Quality Control Application

The following checklist is offered to assist quality control inspectors during roof inspection while the roofing appli-
cation is in progress. It is not a specification, and it does not cover every detail of roofing application inspection

The intent of this checklist is to guide the quality inspector by highlighting the key application areas affecting suc-
cessful SPF roof performance.

Prior to Application
❏ Specifications and drawings are available for review.
❏ All certifications or approvals have been received for decking and roofing materials where applicable.
❏ Material manufacturers’/suppliers’ literature and application specifications and recommendations are available
for information and review.
❏ Safety precautions and material safety data sheets (MSDSs) have been reviewed and are present during the
❏ Specified materials and specified quantities, as verified by on-site inspection of product labels, are at the
project site and are suitable for application (e.g., packaging not damaged, labels intact).
❏ Materials are stored according to the manufacturers’/suppliers’ recommendations (e.g., proper temperature,
covered, off ground, on pallets).
❏ Equipment is in good working order and functioning properly.
❏ Edge nailers, curbs, drains and penetrations have been installed in the area to receive SPF.
❏ Drainage patterns for proper SPF roof system installation have been identified.
❏ When fastener pull-out tests are specified, tests have been conducted and the results have been approved
by the specifier.
❏ Weather and project conditions are suitable for application.
❏ Substrate is sufficiently dry and suitably prepared to receive SPF roof system.
❏ Insulation cover boards are butted together with joints staggered and offset.
❏ Separation layer (e.g., cover board, base sheet) is firmly attached to the substrate with the specified type
and number of fasteners or is embedded in the specified adhesive.
❏ Temporary water cut-offs are installed at the end of each day’s work as required.
❏ Surfacing is applied as specified.
❏ Materials and applied roofing are not abused by other trades.

Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Sprayed Polyurethane Foam Roofing 943
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Appendix 2—Slit Samples/Core Samples

Taking slit samples and core samples during the application of SPF and coatings is important for routine quality
control and assurance for SPF roof systems. The taking of slit samples and core samples at the completion of
an SPF roofing project should not be substituted for quality control and assurance provided by continuous visual
inspection during application.

Final slit samples and core samples of a completed SPF roof are taken at the discretion of the manufacturer/
supplier warranting the roof system.

944 Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Sprayed Polyurethane Foam Roofing
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Appendix 3—SPF Surface Texture Photographs

The following photographs show various SPF surface textures that have been established as industry reference

Photo 1: Smooth surface texture Photo 2: Orange peel surface texture

Description: The surface shows spray undulation and is Description: The surface shows a fine texture and is compared
acceptable for receiving a protective coating. Even though to the exterior skin of an orange. This surface is considered
the surface texture is classified as smooth, the theoretical acceptable for receiving a protective coating. The theoretical
coverage rate cannot be used without adding additional coverage rate cannot be used without adding additional material
material to adequately cover the smooth surface texture to adequately cover the orange peel texture to achieve the
to achieve the specified dry film thickness. specified dry film thickness.
Photographs courtesy of the U.S. Navy, Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NFEC) and The
Society of the Plastics Industry, Inc./Sprayed Polyurethane Foam Division (SPI/SPFD).

Photo 3: Coarse orange peel surface texture Photo 4: Verge of popcorn texture
Description: The surface shows a texture where nodules and Description: The verge of popcorn texture is the roughest
valleys are approximately the same size and shape. This surface texture suitable for receiving the protective coating. The
is generally considered acceptable for receiving a protective surface shows a texture where nodules are larger than valleys,
coating, because of the roundness of the nodules and valleys. with the valleys relatively curved. This surface is generally
The theoretical coverage rate cannot be used without adding considered acceptable for receiving a protective coating only
additional material to adequately cover the coarse orange peel because of the relatively curved (rounded) surface texture of
texture to achieve the specified dry film thickness. the irregularities. However, the verge of popcorn surface
texture is considered undesirable because of the additional
amount of coating material required to protect the surface
properly. The theoretical coverage rate cannot be used without
adding additional material to adequately cover the verge of
popcorn texture.

Photo 5: Popcorn surface texture Photo 6: Treebark surface texture

Description: The surface shows a coarse texture where valleys Description: The surface shows a coarse texture where valleys
form sharp angles. This surface is generally considered form sharp angles. This surface is generally considered
unacceptable for coating. unacceptable for coating.

Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Sprayed Polyurethane Foam Roofing 945
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Appendix 4—Terminology
For the purpose of this document:

Dry film thickness: the thickness, expressed in “mils,” of an applied and cured coating material.

Mil: a unit of measure (1 mil is equal to 0.001 inches or 25.400 microns) often used to indicate the thickness of a

Slit sample: a small cut about 1 inch by 1⁄2 inch by 1⁄2 inch (25 mm by 13 mm by 13 mm), in a half-moon shape, used
to measure foam pass thickness and/or coating film thickness.

Sprayed polyurethane foam (SPF): a material, formed by spraying two components, polymeric methylene
diphenyl diisocyanate [(A) component] and resin [(B) component] to form a rigid, fully adhered and water-resistant
foamed plastic.

946 Quality Control Guidelines for the Application of Sprayed Polyurethane Foam Roofing
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Mechanical Fasteners ......................................................................................................948
Material Types.................................................................................................................948
Nails ..............................................................................................................................948
Nail Shank Types..............................................................................................................948
Nail Point Types ...............................................................................................................948
Nail Head Shapes ............................................................................................................949
Nail Sizes........................................................................................................................950
Nail Surface Finishes ........................................................................................................950
Screw Shank Types ..........................................................................................................950
Screw Point Types............................................................................................................952
Screw Head Shapes .........................................................................................................953
Screw Sizes: Lengths and Gauges ......................................................................................953
Fastener Evaluation ..........................................................................................................954
Recommended References................................................................................................954

Mechanical Fasteners 947

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

There is a variety of mechanical fastening devices used for attaching base sheets, rigid insulation, and bituminous
and single-ply roofing membranes to various substrates. Generally, they are categorized according to their intended
use. The NRCA publication titled Current Roofing Fastener Technology, contains additional information regarding
fasteners and fastening concepts. The NRCA Low-Slope Roofing Materials Guide provides information on mechani-
cal fasteners available from various manufacturers.

Most fasteners can be classified by material composition, surfacing coating, type of shank, type of point, and head

The majority of fasteners are fabricated from hardened carbon steel or stainless steel. Often such designations as
1022 for carbon steel and 304 for stainless steel are included and refer to properties such as alloys, strength and
corrosion resistance. Fasteners are often surfaced with various corrosion-resistant coatings such as zinc, fluorocar-
bons or other proprietary materials. In some cases, fasteners are fabricated from lead, plastics, such as nylon, and
other materials.

Nails are typically classified by material composition, surfacing/coating, type of shank, type of point, and head

2.1 Nail Shank Types

There is an assortment of terms used to describe the shanks of nails, including smooth, barbed, fluted, spiral-
threaded and annular threaded. (See Figure 1.)



Figure 1 Examples of nail shank types.

2.2 Nail Point Types

Generally, there are eight different categories of nail points. (See Nail Points, Figure 2.)

948 Mechanical Fasteners

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition



Figure 2 Examples of nail points.

2.3 Nail Head Shapes

Nail heads are also categorized by shape. (See Figure 3.)





Figure 3 Examples of nail head shapes.

Mechanical Fasteners 949

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

2.4 Nail Sizes

Nail sizes start at 2d, which is 1 inch (25 mm) long. Sizes range up to 60d, which is 6 inches (152 mm) in length.
The 2d through 10d are in 1⁄4 inch (6 mm) increments, that is a 2d is 1 inch (25 mm) long; a 3d is 11⁄4 inches (32 mm),
etc. Nails above 16d increase by 1⁄2 inch (13 mm) increments.
(25 mm)

(51 mm)

(89 mm)
(38 mm)

(64 mm)

(76 mm)
1 1/2"

3 1/2"
2 1/2"





Figure 4 Examples of nails.

2.5 Nail Surface Finishes

Four common nail surface finishes are
• Blued: Nails are sterilized by heating until an oxidation layer is formed.
• Cement-coated: An adhesive is applied by a tumbler to provide increased holding power.
• Galvanized: A zinc coating is applied, by either hot-tumbler method or electrolysis to protect against corrosion.
• Vinyl-coated: A coating of vinyl is applied for minimal protection from corrosion to help lessen friction between
the wood and nail shank and to make easier driving of the nail.

Screws are typically classified by material composition, surfacing/coating, type of shank, type of point, and head

3.1 Screw Shank Types

The shanks of screws are commonly described as standard thread, buttress thread or modified buttress thread.
(See Figure 5.) Threads are described as single-lead or twin-lead. The standard screw thread projects vertically
at a 30 degree angle. The buttress thread projects at a 4 degree angle at the top and 30 degree angle at the bot-
tom. Twin-lead threads have two separate threads that wind around the shank; single-lead threaded screws have
just one. Annular-threaded screws consist of a series of ringed grooves rather than a spiral. Fluted shanks have
wider spirals and flutes or vertical parallel grooves.

950 Mechanical Fasteners

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition




Figure 5 Example of buttress and standard thread screw shanks.

The type, size and pitch of the screw’s thread, as well as the engagement of the thread(s) with the substrate and
type of substrate, are all physical factors that affect to a screw’s withdrawal resistance. (See Figures 6 and 7.)



Figure 6 Example of screw withdrawal resistance.

Mechanical Fasteners 951

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition




Figure 7 Additional screw information.

3.2 Screw Point Types

Common types of screw points are self-piercing, self-drilling and self-tapping. These screw points are sometimes
used in combination with such names as gimlet and pinch. For example, pinch types are self-drilling (i.e., the point
drills a pilot hole for the screw). (See Figure 8.) Gimlet type refers to a self-piercing point that punches a hole for the
threaded fastener. Nail and diamond point are varieties of nondrilling fasteners. (See Figure 9.)


Figure 8 Examples of screw points.




Figure 9 Examples of self-drilling and self-tapping screw function phases.

952 Mechanical Fasteners

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

3.3 Screw Head Shapes

Common terms for describing the head shape of screws are hex head, flat head, oval head and pan head. Addition-
al terms can be used in conjunction with head shape to describe the groove, slot, or driver recessment shape.
Common grooves and driver recessment shapes are Phillips, slot and square. (See Figure 10.)



Figure 10 Examples of screw head shapes.

3.4 Screw Sizes: Lengths and Gauges

Screw size is designated by both length and diameter. Length is designated in inches. Diameter is designated by a
gauge number. Typical lengths available are from 1⁄4 inch (6 mm) to 6 inches (150 mm). Gauges available are 0 (1⁄16
inch [1 mm]) to 24 (3⁄8 inch [9 mm]). If the label on a box of screws reads 1 x 6, the box contains 1 inch (25 mm) of
No. 6 gauge. Most common gauges are Nos. 2 through 16. The heavier the work required of the screw, the larger
the gauge should be.

Mechanical Fasteners 953

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Gauges Available
Length in Inches (mm)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 18 20 24
⁄4 (6) x x x x
⁄8 (15) x x x x x x x
⁄2 (13) x x x x x x x
⁄8 (15) x x x x x x x x
⁄4 (19) x x x x x x x x
⁄8 (22) x x x x x x x
1 (25) x x x x x x x x
11⁄4 (32) x x x x x x x x x
1 ⁄2 (38)
x x x x x x x x x x
13⁄4 (44) x x x x x x x x x
2 (51) x x x x x x x x x
21⁄4 (57) x x x x x x x x
21⁄2 (64) x x x x x x x
23⁄4 (70) x x x x x x
3 (76) x x x x x x
31⁄2 (89) x x x x x x
4 (102) x x x x x
41⁄2 (114) x x x x x
5 (127) x x x x
51⁄2 (140) x x x x
6 (152) x x x x

Fasteners are frequently evaluated by individual manufacturers or organizations such as Factory Mutual Research

Many fasteners designed for use with roofing systems have been evaluated and approved by FMRC. However, it
should be stressed that FMR issues approvals on the evaluation of total roof systems, not for individual compo-
nents such as fasteners.

The Factory Mutual Standard 4470 includes a test method for corrosion resistance. This test method, German stan-
dard test DIN 50018, “The Standard Kesternick Test”. It is designed to assess the potential deterioration of metal
fasteners used to attach roof covers or fasten insulation to steel decks.

The NRCA Low-Slope Roofing Materials Guide, published annually by the National Roofing Contractors Associa-
tion, includes comprehensive information on fasteners. Its objective is to provide data on listed fastener products
that will be helpful to users in determining which specific products will serve their particular needs.

Factory Mutual Loss Prevention Data Sheets and the Factory Mutual Approval Guide provide information on testing
and approval of fasteners.

It is the position of NRCA that no mechanical fastener should be installed into or through wet roof insulation. Expo-
sure of steel (carbon or stainless) fasteners to wet conditions within the roofing assembly will result in accelerated
deterioration of the fastener and roof deck and ultimate release of the fastener from the roofing assembly.

It is the responsibility of the specifier to determine the acceptability of the fastener type for both the roof system
and roof deck. The following description of generic fasteners and their generally recommended use in various roof
decks is provided for information only, based on recommendations made by suppliers of roofing systems and fas-
teners; NRCA assumes no responsibility for performance of the individual fasteners.

954 Mechanical Fasteners











































1" (25 mm) MINIMUM


1 3/4"
1 1/4"

(45 mm)
(32 mm)



Mechanical Fasteners

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition












































Mechanical Fasteners





The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition





























. IN






















Mechanical Fasteners
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition
Mechanical Fasteners 958








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The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Roofing Contractor Qualification

Roofing Contractor Qualification Statement 959

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition


(Note: This document is presented in the format of AIA Document A-305)

The undersigned certifies under oath the truth and correctness of all statements and of all answers to questions made hereinafter.

Submitted To:___________________________________________________________________________________________

Company: ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________________

Submitted By: __________________________________________________________________________________________

Company: ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________________
( )
Phone: ______________________________________________ ( )
Fax: _____________________________________________

Principal Office: ________________________________________________________________________________________


1.0 What is your form of business organization?

____ C-Corporation ____ S-Corporation ____ Partnership ____ Sole Proprietorship

1.1 Please answer the following depending on your company’s business organization:

Corporation Partnership/proprietorship
Date of incorporation: ________________________________ Date of organization:_______________________________
State of incorporation: ________________________________ State(s) of operation:_______________________________
President’s name and years of roofing industry experience: Names and addresses of all partners (state whether general or
______________________________________________________ limited partnership) and years of roofing industry experience:
Vice President’s name(s) and years of roofing industry experience: ________________________________________________
__________________________________________________ ________________________________________________
Secretary’s name and years of roofing industry experience:
____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________
Treasurer’s name and years of roofing industry experience:
____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________

1.2 If other than a corporation, sole proprietorship or partnership, describe the type of company and name principals.

1.3 How many years has your company been in business primarily as a roofing contractor? __________________________
1.4 How many years has your company been in business under its present name? __________________________________
1.5 Under what other or former names has your company operated? ____________________________________________

960 Roofing Contractor Qualification Statement

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

1.6 Please list trade association memberships that your company holds, along with the number of years the membership has
been held ________________________________________________________________________________________
1.7 List states and categories in which your company is legally qualified to do business. Indicate registration or license numbers,
if applicable. List states in which partnership or trade name is filed.

State Category Registration/license # State of partnership/trade name



2.1 What kind of roofing work does your company perform? Check all that apply.
❏ Built-up ❏ Shakes ❏ Slate
❏ Cold Process ❏ Sheet Metal ❏ Spray Polyurethane Foam
❏ Metal ❏ Shingles ❏ Tile
❏ Modified Bitumen ❏ Single-ply ❏ Waterproofing
❏ Roof Deck

2.2 Do your company’s work crews perform the roofing work? ______yes _______no
If no, please explain. _______________________________________________________________________________

2.3 What is your company policy concerning on-site supervision of work and internal quality control procedures?
2.4 Has your company ever failed to complete work awarded to it? _______yes _______no
If yes, please explain. ______________________________________________________________________________
2.4.1 Within the last five years, has any officer or partner of your company ever been an officer or partner of any other
company when it failed to complete a roofing contract? _______yes _______no

If yes, explain when, where and why. _________________________________________________________________

2.5 Have you or your company ever filed for bankruptcy? _______yes _______no
If yes, please explain_______________________________________________________________________________
2.6 What is your company’s experience modification rate (EMR) for workers’ compensation insurance over the last three years?
EMR - last year:_____________________________________ State: _________________________________
EMR - previous year:_________________________________ State: _________________________________
EMR - previous year:_________________________________ State: _________________________________
2.7 Does your company handle projects involving the removal of asbestos-containing roofing materials?
_______yes _______no Installation? _______yes _______no

Roofing Contractor Qualification Statement 961

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

2.8 Is your company currently involved in litigation? _______yes _______no If yes, please explain.

3.0 Please list trade references. _________________________________________________________________________

3.1 Please list bank references. __________________________________________________________________________
3.2 Please provide the name of your bonding company, along with the name and address of your agent.
3.3 Please list manufacturers with which your firm has licensed applicator agreements.


4.0 Please attach a copy of your company’s current balance sheet and other evidence of financial ability.
4.1 Please provide the name of the firm preparing your financial statement and date prepared. ________________________
4.1.1 Is the financial statement for the identical company named on page one? _______yes _______no If not, please
explain the relationship and financial responsibility of the organization (e.g., parent-subsidiary).
4.1.2 Will this organization act as a guarantor of the contract for roofing work? _______yes _______no

5.0 Dated in ________________________ this _____________________ day of _________________________ 19 ______

(name of organization)

____________________________________________ _____________________________________________
(by) (title)

6.0 _____________________________ being duly sworn deposes and says that he/she is the _____________________ of

_________________ and that answers to the foregoing questions and all statements therein contained are true and correct.

Subscribed and sworn before me this ____________________ day of _____________________ 19 ______________

NOTARY PUBLIC: _____________________________________ My Commission Expires: ___________________

962 Roofing Contractor Qualification Statement

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition


(Please duplicate this form as necessary.)

Please provide information about roofing projects that your company has in progress, as follows:

Name of project: _________________________________________________________________________________________

Owner: _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Architect (if applicable):___________________________________________________________________________________
Contract amount: _________________________________________________________________________________________
Percent completed: _______________________________________________________________________________________
Scheduled completion date: ________________________________________________________________________________
Please provide copies of your certificates of insurance.

Please provide any other information that you would like to include about the roofing experience of key company individuals,
including field superintendents.

Please provide any other information that you would like to include about your company and your work.

Roofing Contractor Qualification Statement 963

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition


Industry Contacts 965

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

ACIL American Society of Heating, Asphalt Institute (AI)

1629 K St., NW Refrigerating & Air-Conditioning 2696 Research Park Drive
Washington, DC 20006 Engineers (ASHRAE) P.O. Box 14052
202/887-5872 1791 Tullie Circle, NE Lexington, KY 40512-4052
Fax: 202/887-0021 Atlanta, GA 30329 606/288-4960
E-mail: 404/636-8400 Fax: 606/288-4999
Web site: Fax: 404/321-5478 E-mail:
E-mail: Web site:
American Architectural Web site:
Manufacturers Association (AAMA) Asphalt Roofing Manufacturers
1827 Walden Office Square, Suite104 American Society of Association (ARMA)
Schaumburg, IL 60173-4268 Home Inspectors (ASHI) Center Park
847/303-5664 932 Lee St., #101 4041 Power Mill Road, Suite 404
Fax: 847/303-5774 Des Plaines, IL 60016 Calverton, MD 20705
E-mail: 800/743-2744 301/348-2002
Web site: Fax: 847/759-1620 Fax: 301/348-2020
E-mail: Web site:
American Fiberboard Association Web site:
(AFA) Associated Builders & Contractors
1210 W. Northwest Highway American Society for Testing (ABC)
Palatine, IL 60067-3609 and Materials (ASTM) 1300 N. 17th St.
847/934-8394 100 Barr Harbor Drive Rosslyn, VA 22209
Fax: 847/934-8803 W. Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 703/812-2000
E-mail: 610/832-9500 Fax: 703/812-8200
Web site: Fax: 610/832-9555 E-mail:
E-mail: Web site:
American Institute of Architects Web site:
(AIA) Associated General Contractors
1735 New York Ave., NW American Subcontractors of America (AGC)
Washington, DC 20006 Association (ASA) 1957 E St., NW
202/626-7300 1004 Duke St. Washington, DC 20006
Fax: 202/626-7420 Alexandria, VA 22314 202/393-2040
Web site: 703/684-3450 Fax: 202/347-4004
Fax: 703/836-3482
American Iron and Steel Institute E-mail: Associated Specialty Contractors
(AISI) Web site: (ASC)
1101 17th St., NW, Suite 1300 3 Bethesda Metro Center, #1100
Washington, DC 20036-4700 APA-The Engineered Wood Bethesda, MD 20814
202/452-7100 Association 301/657-3110
Fax: 202/463-6573 7011 S. 19th St. Fax: 301/215-4500
E-mail: P.O. Box 11700 Web site:
Web site: Tacoma, WA 98411
253/565-6600 Association for Facilities
American National Standards Fax: 253/565-7265 Engineering
Institute (ANSI) Web site: 8180 Corporate Park Drive, Suite 305
1819 L St., NW Cincinnati, OH 45208
Washington, DC 20036 Asbestos Information Association/ 513/489-2473
202/293-8020 North America (AIANA) Fax: 513/247-7422
Fax: 202/293-9287 1235 Jefferson Davis Highway E-mail:
E-mail: PMB 114 Web site:
Web site: Arlington, VA 22202
703/560-2980 Building Officials & Code
American Society of Civil Engineers Fax: 703/560-2981 Administrator International
World Headquarters E-mail: (BOCA)
1801 Alexander Bell Drive 4051 W. Flossmoor Road
Reston, VA 20191-4400 Country Club Hills, IL 60478-5795
703/295-6000 708/799-2300
202/789-2200 (D.C. Office) Fax: 708/799-4981
Fax: 703/295-6222 Web site:
Web site:

966 Industry Contacts

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Building Owners & Managers Environmental Protection Agency Infraspection Institute (II)
Association International (BOMA) (EPA) 3240 Shelburne Road, Suite 3
1201 New York Ave., NW, Suite 300 Emission Standards Division Shelburne, VT 05482
Washington, DC 20005 Maildrop 13 802/985-2500
202/408-2662 Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 Fax: 802/985-2726
Fax: 202/371-0181 919/541-5571 E-mail:
Web site: Fax: 919/541-0072 Web site:

The Cedar Guild Engineer Research and Insulation Contractors Association

P.O. Box 249 Development Center (ERDC) 12156 Gold Bluff Lane
Lyons, OR 97358 Cold Regions Research and Gold River, CA 95670
503/897-2541 Engineering Laboratory (CRREL) 916/608-1614
800/270-2541 72 Lyme Road Fax: 916/608-1636
Fax: 503/897-2442 Hanover, NH 03755-1290 E-mail:
E-mail: cedarinfo@cedar.guild 603/646-4588
Web site: Fax: 603/646-4640 Insulation Contractors Association
E-mail: of America
Cedar Shake & Shingle Bureau Web site: 1321 Duke St., Suite 303
(CSSB) Alexandria, VA 22314
P.O. Box 1178 Expanded Shale Clay & Slate 703/739-0356
Sumas, WA 98295-1178 Institute Fax: 703/739-0412
604/462-8961 2225 E. Murray-Holladay Road E-mail:
Fax: 604/462-9386 Suite 102 Web site:
E-mail: Salt Lake City, UT 84117
Web site: 801/272-7070 International Conference of
Fax: 801/272-3377 Building Officials (ICBO)
The Construction Specifications E-mail: 5360 Workman Mill Road
Institute (CSI) Web site: Whittier, CA 90601-2298
99 Canal Center Plaza, Suite 300 562/699-0541
Alexandria, VA 22314-1588 Factory Mutual Research (FMR) Fax: 562/699-8031
703/684-0300 1151 Boston-Providence Turnpike Web site:
Fax: 703/684-0465 Norwood, MA 02062
E-mail: 781/762-4300 International Federation
Web site: Fax: 781/762-9375 for the Roofing Trade (IFD)
Postfach 51 10 67
Copper Development Association Forest Products Laboratory (FPL) D-50946 Köln
(CDA) One Gifford Pinchot Drive Germany
260 Madison Ave. Madison, WI 53705-2398 49 221 372058
New York, NY 10016 608/231-9200 Fax: 49 221 384336
212/251-7200 Fax: 608/231-9592
Fax: 212/251-7234 E-mail: mailroom/ Web site:
Web site: Web site:
International Waterproofing
Council of American Building General Services Administration Association (IWA)
Officials (CABO) (GSA) Association House
5203 Leesburg Pike, Suite 708 Specifications Unit 186 Beardall St., Hucknall
Falls Church, VA 22041 470 E. L’enfant Plaza, Suite 8100 Nottingham NG15 7JU
703/931-4533 Washington, DC 20407 United Kingdom
Fax: 703/379-1546 202/619-8925 44 115 956 5007
Fax: 202/619-8978 Fax: 44 115963 3444
EPS Molders Association E-mail:
2128 Espey Court, Suite 4 Gypsum Association Web site:
Crofton, MD 21114 810 First St., NE, #510
410/451-8341 Washington, DC 20002 International Staple, Nail
Fax: 410/451-8343 202/289-5440 and Tool Association (ISANTA)
E-mail: Fax: 202/289-3707 512 W. Burlington Ave., Suite 203
Web site: Web site: La Grange, IL 60525
Fax: 708/482-8186

Industry Contacts 967

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Metal Building Manufacturers National Insulation Association Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Association (MBMA) (NIA) (ORNL)
1300 Sumner Ave. 99 Canal Center Plaza, Suite 222 P.O. Box 2008
Cleveland, OH 44115-2851 Alexandria, VA 22314 Oak Ridge, TN 37831
216/241-7333 703/683-6422 423/574-5207
Fax: 216/241-0105 Fax: 703/549-4838 Fax: 423/574-9338
E-mail: E-mail: Web site:
Web site: Web site:
Occupational Safety and Health
Metal Construction Association National Roof Deck Contractors Administration (OSHA)
(MCA) Association (NRDCA) U.S. Department of Labor
104 S. Michigan Ave., Suite 1500 P.O. Box 1582 200 Constitution Ave., NW
Chicago, IL 60603 Westford, MA 01886-4996 Washington, DC 20210
312/201-0193 800/217-7944 202/693-1999
Fax: 312/201-0214 Fax 978/250-9788 Fax: 202/693-1634
E-mail: jimstanley@ E-mail: Web site: Web site:
Web site: Polyisocyanurate Insulation
National Roofing Contractors Manufacturers Association (PIMA)
National Association of Home Association (NRCA) 1331 F St., NW, Suite 975
Builders (NAHB) 10255 W. Higgins Road, Suite 600 Washington, DC 20004
1201 15th St., NW Rosemont, IL 60018 202/628-6558
Washington, DC 20005 847/299-9070 Fax: 202/628-3856
202/822-0200 Fax: 847/299-1183 E-mail:
Fax: 202/822-0559 E-mail: Web site:
Web site:
National Association of Portland Cement Association
Manufacturers NRCA Washington, D.C., Office (PCA)
1331 Pennsylvania Ave., NW 324 Fourth St., NE 5420 Old Orchard Road
Suite 1500N Washington, DC 20002 Skokie, IL 60077
Washington, DC 20004-1790 202/546-7584 847/966-6200
202/637-3000 Fax: 202/546-9289 Fax: 847/966-9781
Fax: 202/637-3182 Web site:
Web site: National Tile Roofing
Manufacturers Association Roof Coatings Manufacturers
National Association (NTRMA) Association (RCMA)
of the Remodeling Industry P.O. Box 40337 4041 Powder Mill Road, Suite 404
4900 Seminary Road, Suite 320 Eugene, OR 97404-0049 Calverton, MD 20705
Alexandria, VA 22311 541/689-0366 301/348-2003
703/575-1100 Fax: 541/689-5530 Fax: 301/348-2020
Fax: 703/575-1121 E-mail: Web site:
E-mail: Web site:
Web site: Roof Consultants Institute (RCI)
North American Building Material 7424 Chapel Hill Road
National Institute of Standards Distribution Association Raleigh, NC 27607-5041
and Technology (NIST) 401 N. Michigan Ave. 919/859-0742
Building Materials Division Chicago, IL 60611 Fax: 919/859-1328
100 Bureau Drive Stop 8621 312/321-6845 E-mail:
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8621 888/747-7862 (toll free) Web site:
301/975-6719 Fax: 312/644-0310
Fax: 301/990-6891 E-mail: Roofing Distribution Alliance (RDA)
E-mail: Web site: c/o North American Building Material
Web site: Distribution Association (NBMDA)
North American Insulation 401 N. Michigan Ave.
Manufacturers Association Chicago, IL 60611
(NAIMA) 312/321-6845
44 Canal Center Plaza, Suite 310 888/747-7862 (toll free)
Alexandria, VA 22314 Fax: 312/644-0310
703/684-0084 Web site:
Fax: 703/684-0427
Web site:

968 Industry Contacts

The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Roofing Industry Educational Southern Building Code Congress United Union of Roofers
Institute (RIEI) International (SBCCI) Waterproofers and Allied Workers
2305 East Arapahoe Road, Suite 135 900 Montclair Road (UURWAW)
Littleton, CO 80122 Birmingham, AL 35213 1660 L St., NW, Suite 800
303/703-9870 205/591-1853 Washington, DC 20036-5603
Fax: 303/703-9712 Fax: 205/599-9893 202/463-7663
E-mail: E-mail: Fax: 202/463-6906
Web site: E-mail:
Spray Polyurethane Foam Division
Roofing Metal & Heating (SPFD) Western Red Cedar Lumber
Association Inc. The Society of the Plastics Association
P.O. Box 21187 Industry 555 Burrard St., Suite 1200
Philadelphia, PA 19114-0387 1801 K St. NW, Suite 600K Vancouver, B.C. V7X 1S7
215/927-5262 Washington, DC 20006-1301 Canada
Fax: 215/224-2690 800/523-6154 604/684-0266
Web site: Fax: 202/296-6998 Fax: 604/687-4930
E-mail: E-mail:
Rubber Manufacturers Association Web site:
1400 K St., NW, #900 200 Reservoir St., Suite 309A
Washington, DC 20005 Needham, MA 02494
202/682-4800 781/444-0242
Fax: 202/682-4854 Fax: 781/444-6111
Web site: E-mail:
Web site:
Sealant Waterproofing &
Restoration Institute Steel Deck Institute (SDI)
2841 Main P.O. Box 25
Kansas City, MO 64108 Fox River Grove, IL 60021-0025
816/472-SWRI 847/462-1930
Fax: 816/472-7765 Fax: 847/462-1940
E-mail: E-mail:
Web site: Web site:

Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Underwriters Laboratories Inc.

Contractors’ National Association (UL)
(SMACNA) 333 Pfingsten Road
4201 Lafayette Center Drive Northbrook, IL 60062
Chantilly, VA 20151-1209 847/272-8800
703/803-2980 Fax: 847/272-8129
Fax: 703/803-3732 Web site:
Web site: U.S. Department of Energy (USDE)
Office of Emergency Operations
Sheet Metal Workers Forrestal Building
International Association 1000 Independence Ave., SW
1750 New York Ave., NW, 6th Flr. Washington, DC 20585
Washington, DC 20006-5386 202/586-9892
202/783-5880 Fax: 202/586-3904
Fax: 202/662-0893
E-mail: U.S. Department of Transportation
Web site: (DOT)
400 7th St., SW
Society of the Plastics Washington, DC 20590
Industry Inc. 202/366-2981
1801 K St., NW, Suite 600K Fax: 202/366-8842
Washington, DC 20006-1301
Fax: 202/296-7005
Web site:

Industry Contacts 969

Fifth Edition
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Abrasion resistance: the ability to resist being worn away by contact with another moving, abrasive surface, such
as foot traffic, mechanical equipment, wind-blown particles, etc.

Absorption: the ability of a material to accept within its body, quantities of gases or liquid, such as moisture.

Accelerated weathering: the exposure of a specimen to a specified test environment for a specified time with the
intent of producing in a shorter time period, effects similar to actual weathering.

Acid etch: in waterproofing, the use of a strong acid to remove the surface of concrete to expose the aggregate.

Acrylic coating: a liquid coating system based on an acrylic resin. Generally, a latex-based coating system that
cures by air drying.

Acrylic resin: polymers of acrylic or methacrylic monomers. Often used as a latex base for coating systems.

Active metal (anodic): a metal or material that readily gives up electrons to a cathodic (noble) material. (See anod-
ic). An active metal will corrode in the presence of moisture when in contact with a cathodic metal.

Adhesion: steady or firm attachment.

Adhesive bond break: a material to facilitate independent movement between two units that would otherwise
bond together.

Aggregate: (1) crushed stone, crushed slag or water-worn gravel used for surfacing a built-up roof system; (2) any
granular material.

Aged R-value: thermal resistance value established by utilizing artificial conditioning procedures for a prescribed
time period.

Air leakage: the unintended movement of air from a location where it is intended to be contained to another

Alligatoring: the cracking of the surfacing bitumen on a bituminous roof or coating on a SPF roof, producing a pat-
tern of cracks similar to an alligator’s hide; the cracks may not extend completely through the surfacing bitumen
or coating.

Aluminized steel: sheet steel with a thin aluminum coating bonded to the surface to enhance weathering

Aluminum: a nonrusting, malleable metal sometimes used for metal roofing and flashing.

Anodic: a metal or material that readily gives up electrons to a cathodic material in the presence of an electrolyte
(see Galvanic series).

ANSI: American National Standards Institute.

Anticapillary hem: a hem used in a metal panel seam to reduce the potential for water migration.

APA: American Plywood Association.

APC: American Plastics Council.

APP: see Atactic polypropylene.

Application rate: the average quantity (mass, volume or thickness) of material applied per unit area.

Apron flashing: a term used for a flashing located at the juncture of the top of a sloped roof and a vertical wall,
chimney or steeper-sloped roof.

APC/SPFA: American Plastics Council/Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance.

Glossary 973
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Architectural panel: a metal roof panel, typically a double standing seam or batten seam; usually requires solid
decking underneath and relies on slope to shed water.

Architectural shingle: an asphalt shingle that provides a dimensional appearance.

Area divider: a raised, flashed assembly, typically a single- or double-wood member attached to a wood base
plate, that is anchored to the roof deck. It is used to accommodate thermal stresses in a roof system where an ex-
pansion joint is not required, or to separate large roof areas or separate roof systems comprised of different/incom-
patible materials, and may be used to facilitate installation of tapered insulation.

ARMA: Asphalt Roofing Manufacturers Association.

Area practices: design or application techniques peculiar to a specific geographical region.

Asbestos: a group of natural, fibrous, impure silicate materials.

ASHRAE: American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers.

Asphalt: a dark brown or black substance found in a natural state or, more commonly, left as a residue after evapo-
rating or otherwise processing crude oil or petroleum. Asphalt may be further refined to conform to various roofing
grade specifications:

Dead-level asphalt: a roofing asphalt conforming to the requirements of ASTM Specification D 312, Type I.

Flat asphalt: a roofing asphalt conforming to the requirements of ASTM Specification D 312, Type II.

Steep asphalt: a roofing asphalt conforming to the requirements of ASTM Specification D 312, Type III.

Special steep asphalt: a roofing asphalt conforming to the requirements of ASTM Specification D 312, Type IV.

Asphalt, Air blown: asphalt produced by blowing air through molten asphalt to raise its softening point and modify
other properties.

Asphalt emulsion: a mixture of asphalt particles and emulsifying agent, such as bentonite clay and water.

Asphalt felt: an asphalt-saturated and/or asphalt-coated felt (see Felt).

Asphalt primer: see Primer.

Asphalt roof cement: a trowelable mixture of solvent-based bitumen, mineral stabilizers, other fibers and/or fillers.
Classified by ASTM Standard D 2822-1 Asphalt Roof Cement, and D 4586-2 Asphalt Roof Cement, Asbestos-Free,
Types I and II.

Type I is sometimes referred to as “plastic cement,” and is made from asphalt characterized as self-sealing, ad-
hesive and ductile, and conforming to ASTM Specification D 312, Type I; Specification D 449, Types I or II; or
Specification D 946 (see Plastic cement and Flashing cement.)

Type II is generally referred to as “vertical-grade flashing cement,” and is made from asphalt characterized by a
high softening point and relatively low ductility, and conforming to the requirement of ASTM Specification D 312,
Types II or III; or Specification D 449, Type III. (see Plastic cement and Flashing cement.)

Asphalt shingle: a shingle manufactured by coating a reinforcing material (felt or fibrous glass mat) with asphalt
and having mineral granules on the side exposed to the weather. (see Shingle)

Asphaltene: a high molecular weight hydrocarbon fraction precipitated from asphalt by a designated solvent
(paraffinic naphtha) at a specified temperature and solvent-asphalt ratio.

ASTM: American Society for Testing and Materials.

Atactic polypropylene: a group of high molecular weight polymers formed by the polymerization of propylene.

974 Glossary
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Attic: the cavity or open space above the ceiling and immediately under the roof deck of a steep-sloped roof.

Back-nailing (also referred to as “Blind-nailing”): the practice of blind nailing the back portion of a roofing ply,
steep roofing unit, or other components in a manner so that the fasteners are covered by the next sequential ply, or
course, and are not exposed to the weather in the finished roof system

Ballast: a material, such as aggregate or precast concrete pavers, which employs its mass and the force of gravity
to hold (or assist in holding) single-ply roof membranes in place.

Bar joist: (see Steel joist).

Barrel vault: a building profile featuring a rounded profile to the roof on the short axis, but with no angle change on
a cut along the long axis.

Barrier board: noncombustible board stock material of low thermal conductivity placed between two elements of a
roof assembly.

Base flashing (membrane base flashing): plies or strips of roof membrane material used to close-off and/or seal a
roof at the horizontal-to-vertical intersections, such as at a roof-to-wall juncture. Membrane base flashing covers
the edge of the field membrane. (see Flashing.)

Base ply: the bottom or first ply in a built-up roof membrane when additional plies are to be subsequently installed.

Base sheet: an impregnated, saturated, or coated felt placed as the first ply in some low-slope roof systems.

Batten: (1) cap or cover; (2) in a metal roof, a metal closure set over, or covering the joint between, adjacent metal
panels; (3) in a wood roof, a strip of wood usually set in or over the structural deck, used to elevate and/or attach a
primary roof covering such as tile; (4) in a single ply membrane roof system, a narrow plastic, wood or metal bar
that is used to fasten or hold the roof membrane and/or base flashing in place.

Batten seam: a metal panel profile attached to and formed around a beveled wood or metal batten.

Bentonite: a porous clay formed by the decomposition of volcanic ash that swells 5 to 6 times its original volume in
the presence of water.

Bermuda seam: a metal panel profile featuring a step-down profile that runs perpendicular to the slope of the roof.

Bird bath: random, inconsequential amounts of residual water on a roof membrane.

Bitumen: (1) a class of amorphous, black or dark colored, (solid, semi-solid or viscous) cementitious substances,
natural or manufactured, composed principally of high molecular weight hydrocarbons, soluble in carbon disulfide,
and found in asphalts, tars, pitches and asphaltenes; (2) a generic term used to denote any material composed
principally of bitumen, typically asphalt or coal tar.

Bitumen-stop: see Envelope or Bleed-sheet.

Bituminous emulsion: a suspension of minute particles of bituminous material in water.

Blackberry (also referred to as “Blueberry” or “Tar-boil”): a small bubble or blister in the flood coat of an aggre-
gate-surfaced built-up roof membrane.

Blanket (batt) insulation: glass fiber or other compressible fibrous insulation, generally available in roll form.

Bleed-sheet: a sheet material used to prevent the migration of bitumen.

Bleeder strip: (see Rake-starter).

Blind-nailing: the use of nails that are not exposed to the weather in the finished roofing system.

Blister: an enclosed pocket of air, which may be mixed with water or solvent vapor, trapped between impermeable
layers of felt or membrane, or between the membrane and substrate.

Glossary 975
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Blocking: sections of wood (which may be preservative treated) built into a roof assembly, usually attached above
the deck and below the membrane or flashing, used to stiffen the deck around an opening, act as a stop for insula-
tion, support a curb, or serve as a nailer for attachment of the membrane and/or flashing.

Blowing agent: an expanding agent used to produce a gas by chemical or thermal action, or both, in manufacture
of hollow or cellular materials.

BOCA: Building Officials and Code Administrators, International, Inc.

Bond: the adhesive and/or cohesive forces holding two components in positive contact.

Boot: (1) a covering made of flexible material, which may be preformed to a particular shape, used to exclude dust,
dirt, moisture, etc., from around a penetration; (2) a flexible material used to form a closure, sometimes installed at
inside and outside corners.

Brake: hand- or power-activated machinery used to bend metal.

Bridging: (1) when membrane or base flashing is unsupported at a juncture; (2) bridging in steep-slope roofing oc-
curs when reroofing over standard-sized asphalt shingles with metric-sized asphalt shingles.

British thermal unit (BTU): the heat energy required to raise the temperature of 1 pound of water degree Fahren-
heit (joule). For the metric equivalent, see Joule.

Broadcast: uniformly cast or distribute granular or aggregate surfacing material.

Brooming: to improve the embedding of a ply or membrane by using a broom or squeegee to smooth it out and
ensure contact with the adhesive under the ply or membrane.

Buckle: an upward, elongated displacement of a roof membrane frequently occurring over insulation or deck joints.
A buckle may be an indication of movement within the roof assembly.

Building code: The minimum construction requirements established generally by national organizations of experts
and adopted completely or in altered form by local governing authorities.

Built-up roof (BUR): a continuous, semi-flexible roof membrane, consisting of multiple plies of saturated felts,
coated felts, fabrics or mats assembled in place with alternate layers of bitumen, and surfaced with mineral aggre-
gate, bituminous materials, a liquid-applied coating or a granule-surfaced cap sheet.

Bundle: an individual package of shakes or shingles.

Bun stock: large solid box-like structure formed during the production of polystyrene insulation; individual board
stock pieces are then cut from the bun.

Butt joint: a joint formed by adjacent, separate sections of material, such as where two neighboring pieces of insu-
lation abut.

Button punch: a process of indenting two or more thicknesses of metal that are pressed against each other to pre-
vent slippage between the metal.

Butyl: rubber-like material produced by polymerizing isobutylene.

Butyl coating: an elastomeric coating system derived from polymerized isobutylene. Butyl coatings are character-
ized by low water vapor permeability.

Butyl rubber: a synthetic elastomer based on isobutylene and a minor amount of isoprene. It can be vulcanized
and features low permeability to gases and water vapor.

Butyl tape: a sealant tape sometimes used between metal roof panel seams and/or end laps; also used to seal
other types of sheet metal joints, and in various sealant applications.

976 Glossary
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Calender: (1) to press between rollers or plates in order to smooth and glaze or to thin into sheets; (2) a machine
for calendering.

Camber: a slight convexity, arching or curvature (as of a beam, roof deck or road).

Canopy: any overhanging or projecting roof structure, typically over entrances or doors.

Cant: in SPF-based roofing, a beveling of foam at horizontal/vertical joints to increase strength and promote water
run off.

Cant strip: a beveled strip used under flashings to modify the angle at the point where the roofing or waterproofing
membrane meets any vertical element.

Cap flashing: (1) usually composed of metal, used to cover or shield the upper edges of the membrane base flash-
ing wall flashing; (2) a flashing used to cover the top of various buildings components, such as parapets or
columns. (see Flashing and Coping.)

Cap sheet: a sheet, often granule-surfaced, used as the top ply of some built-up or modified bitumen roof mem-
branes and/or flashings.

Capacitance meter: a device used to locate moisture or wet materials within a roof system by measuring the ratio
of the change to the potential difference between two conducting elements separated by a non-conductor.

Capillary action: (1) the action by which the surface of a liquid where it is in contact with a solid is elevated or de-
pressed depending on the relative attraction of the molecules of the liquid for each other and for those of the solid;
(2) the siphoning of liquid into a joint or void between two adjacent surfaces.

Catalyst: an ingredient that initiates a chemical reaction or increases the rate of a chemical reaction when com-
bined with another chemical.

Cathodic: A metal or material that readily attracts electrons from an anodic material in the presence of an elec-
trolyte (see Galvanic Series).

Caulk: a composition of vehicle and pigment used at ambient temperatures for filling/sealing joints or junctures,
that remains elastic for an extended period of time after application.

Caulking: (1) the physical process of sealing a joint or juncture; (2) sealing and making weather-tight the joints,
seams or voids between adjacent surfaces by filling with a sealant.

Cavitation: the formation of a partial vacuum or cavity in a liquid.

Cavity wall: an exterior wall usually of masonry, consisting of an outer and inner withe separated by a continuous
air space, but connected together by wire or sheet-metal tiles.

C-channel: a structural framing member.

Cellular glass insulation: A rigid closed-cell insulation board made from crushed glass and hydrogen sulfide gas.

Cementitious waterproofing: heavy cement-based compounds and various additives that are mixed and pack-
aged for use in a dry form; the packaged mixture is then mixed with water and liquid bonding agents to a workable
concrete-like consistency.

Centipoise: a unit of measure of absolute viscosity. (The viscosity of water is one centipoise. The lower the number,
the less viscous the material.)

Centistoke: a unit of viscosity; the ratio of a liquid’s absolute viscosity to the density of that liquid.

CERL: Construction Engineering Research Laboratory.

Chalk: a powdery residue on the surface of a material.

Glossary 977
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Chalk line: a line made on the roof or other flat surface by snapping a taut string or cord dusted with colored chalk.

Chalking: the formation of a powdery surface condition from the disintegration of a binder or elastomer.

Channel flashing: in steep-slope roof construction, a type of flashing used at roof-to-wall junctures and other roof-
to-vertical plane intersections where an internal gutter is needed to handle runoff. Commonly used with profile tile.

Chemical resistance: the ability to withstand contact with specified chemicals without a significant change in

Chimney: stone, masonry, prefabricated metal or wood-framed structure, containing one or more flues, projecting
through and above the roof.

Chlorinated polyethylene (CPE): a thermoplastic material, used for single-ply roof membranes, composed of high
molecular weight polyethylene that has been chlorinated with a process that yields a flexible rubber-like material.

Chlorosulfonated polyethylene (CSPE or CSM): probably best known by the DuPont trade name Hypalon™, a
synthetic, rubber-like thermoset material, based on high molecular weight polyethylene with sulphonyl chloride,
usually formulated to produce a self-vulcanizing membrane. Classified by ASTM Standard D 5019.

Cladding: a material used as the exterior wall enclosure of a building.

Cleat: a continuous metal strip, or angled piece, used to secure metal components (also see Clip).

Clerestory: an upward extension of enclosed space created by carrying a setback vertical, wall (typically glazed)
up and through the roof slope. Two intersecting shed roofs on different planes.

Clip: A non-continuous metal component or angle piece used to secure two or more metal components together.
(see Cleat.)

Clipped gable: a gable cutback near the peak in a hip-roof form.

Closed-cut valley: a method of valley application in which shingles from one side of the valley extend across
the valley while shingles from the other side are trimmed back approximately 2 inches (51 mm) from the valley

Closure strip: a metal or resilient strip, such as neoprene foam, used to close openings created by joining metal
panels or sheets and flashings.

Coal tar: a dark brown to black colored, semi-solid hydrocarbon produced by the distillation of coal. Coal tar pitch
is further refined to conform to the following roofing grade specifications:

Coal tar pitch: a coal tar used as the waterproofing agent in dead-level or low-slope built-up roof membranes
and membrane waterproofing systems, conforming to ASTM Specification D 450, Type I.

Coal tar waterproofing pitch: a coal tar used as the dampproofing or waterproofing agent in below-grade
structures, conforming to ASTM Specification D 450, Type II.

Coal tar bitumen: a proprietary trade name for Type III coal tar used as the dampproofing or waterproofing
agent in dead-level or low-slope built-up roof membranes and membrane waterproofing systems, conforming
to ASTM D 450, Type III.

Coal tar felt: a felt that has been saturated or impregnated with refined coal tar.

Coal tar roof cement: a trowelable mixture of processed coal tar base, solvents, mineral fillers and/or fibers. Clas-
sified by ASTM Standard D 4022, “Coal Tar Roof Cement, Asbestos Container.”

Coarse orange peel surface texture: a surface showing a texture where nodules and valleys are approximately
the same size and shape. This surface is acceptable for receiving a protective coating because of the roundness
of the nodules and valleys.

978 Glossary
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Coated base sheet: a coated felt intended to be used as a base ply in a built-up or modified bitumen roof

Coated fabric: fabrics that have been impregnated and/or coated with a plastic like material in the form of a solu-
tion, dispersion hot-melt or powder. The term also applies to materials resulting from the application of a preformed
film to a fabric by means of calendering.

Coated felt (Sheet): (1) an asphalt felt that has been coated on both sides with harder, more viscous asphalt; (2) a
glass fiber felt that has been simultaneously impregnated and coated with asphalt on both sides.

Coating: a layer of liquid material applied to a surface for protection or appearance.

Cobwebbing: a phenomenon observed during spray application characterized by the formation of web-like threads
along with the usual droplets leaving the spray gun nozzle.

Code: a collection of laws (regulations, ordinances or statutory requirements) adopted by governmental authority.
(see Building code and Model code.)

Coefficient of thermal expansion: the coefficient of change in dimension of a material per unit of dimension per
degree change in temperature.

Cohesion: the molecular forces of attraction by which the body of a material is held together.

Coil coating: the application of a finish to a coil of metal using a continuous mechanical coating process.

Cold forming: the process of shaping metal into desired profiles without the application of heat.

Cold rolled: the process of forming steel into sheets, panels, or shapes on a series of rollers at room temperature.

Cold roof assembly: a roof assembly configured with the insulation below the deck, not typically in contact with
the deck, allowing for a ventilation space. The temperature of the roof assembly remains close to the outside air

Color stability: the ability of a material to retain its original color after exposure to weather.

Column: in structures, a relatively long, slender structural compression member such as a post, pillar or strut; usu-
ally vertical which acts in (or near) the direction of its longitudinal axis.

Combing ridge: a term used to describe an installation of finishing slate or wood at the ridge of a roof whereby the
slates on one side project beyond to the apex of the ridge.

Combustible: capable of burning.

Combustion: a chemical process of oxidation that occurs at a rate fast enough to produce heat and usually light
either as glow or flames; the process of burning.

Compatible materials: two or more substances that can be mixed, blended, or attached without separating, react-
ing, or affecting the materials adversely.

Composition shingle: a unit of asphalt shingle roofing.

Composite board roof insulation: rigid board insulation generally comprised of perlite or wood fiberboard factory
bonded to polyisocyanurate or polystyrene.

Compounded thermoplastics: a category of roofing membranes made by blending thermoplastic resins with plas-
ticizers, various modifiers, stabilizers, flame retardants, UV absorbers, fungicides and other proprietary substances
alloyed with proprietary organic polymers.

Compressive strength: the property of a material that relates to its ability to resist compression loads.

Glossary 979
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Concealed-nail method: a method roofing application in which all nails are driven into the underlying course of
roofing and covered by a subsequent, overlapping course.

Concealed plate: see Cover plate.

Condense: to make denser or more compact, as when a material (e.g., water vapor) changes from its gas phase to
its liquid phase.

Condensate: the liquid resulting from the condensation of a gas.

Condensation: the conversion of water vapor or other gas to liquid phase as the temperature drops; the act or
process of condensing.

Conditioning: the storage of a material specimen under specified temperature, humidity, etc. for a specified time
prior to testing.

Conductance, Thermal: the thermal transmission in unit time through unit area of a particular body or assembly
having defined surfaces, when unit average temperature difference is established between the surfaces.
C=Btu/h·ft2·°F (C=W/m2·K).

Conductor head: an enlargement or catch basin at the top of a downspout or leader to receive rainwater from a
gutter or scupper.

Construction joint: (1) a joint where two successive placements of concrete meet; (2) a separation provided in a
building which allows its component parts to move with respect to each other.

Contact cements: adhesives used to adhere or bond various roofing components. These adhesives adhere mated
components immediately on contact of surfaces to which the adhesive has been applied.

Contamination: the process of making a material or surface unclean or unsuited for its intended purpose, usually
by the addition or attachment of undesirable foreign substances.

Control joint: a groove which is formed, sawed, or tooled in a concrete or masonry structure to regulate the loca-
tion and amount of cracking and separation resulting from the dimensional change of different parts of the struc-
ture, thereby avoiding the development of high stresses.

Coping: the covering piece on top of a wall exposed to the weather, usually made of metal, masonry, or stone and
sloped to carry off water.

Copolymer: the product of polymerization of two or more substances (as two different isomers) together.

Copolymerization: a chemical reaction that results in the bonding of two or more dissimilar monomers to produce
large, long-chain molecules that are copolymers.

Copper: a natural weathering metal used in metal roofing or flashing; typically used in 16 ounce per square foot
(0.56 mm) and 20 ounce per square foot (0.69 mm) thicknesses.

Core cut or core sample: (1) a sample from a low-slope roof system taken for the purpose of obtaining primarily
qualitative information about its construction. Typically, core cut analysis can verify or reveal the type of membrane
surfacing; the type of membrane; the approximate number of plies; the type, thickness and condition of the insula-
tion (if any); and the type of deck used as a substrate for the roof system. (2) for in SPF-based roof systems, core
cuts are used to obtain both quantitative and qualitative information, such as the thickness of the foam, the thick-
ness and adhesion of the coating, thickness of individual passes and adhesion between passes and the adhesion
of the foam to its substrate.

Cornice: the decorative horizontal molding or projected roof overhang.

Counter batten: vertical wood strips installed on sloped roofs over which horizontal battens are secured. The pri-
mary roof covering is attached or secured to these horizontal battens.

980 Glossary
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Counterflashing: formed metal or elastomeric sheeting secured on or into a wall, curb, pipe, rooftop unit or other
surface, to cover and protect the upper edge of a base flashing and its associated fasteners.

Course: (1) the term used for a row of roofing material that forms the roofing, waterproofing or flashing system; (2)
one layer of a series of materials applied to a surface (e.g., a five-course wall flashing is composed of three applica-
tions of roof cement with one ply of felt or fabric sandwiched between two layers of roof cement).

Cover board: an insulation board used over closed cell plastic foam insulation (e.g., polyisocyanurate) to prevent
blistering when used in conjunction with hot bituminous membranes. Suitable cover board insulation are glass-
faced siliconized gypsum board, glass-fiber board, perlite board, wood-fiber board or mineral-fiber board. Cover
boards are also recommended between polyisocyanurate insulation and single ply membranes to protect the

Cover plate: a metal strip sometimes installed over or under the joint between formed metal pieces.

Coverage: the surface area uniformly covered by a specific quantity of a particular material at a specific thickness.

CPA: copolymer alloy.

Crack: a nonlinear separation or fracture occurring in a material.

Cream time: time in seconds (at a given temperature) when the A and B components of polyurethane foam will
begin to expand after being mixed. Recognizable as a change in color of the materials.

Cricket: a relatively small area of a roof constructed to divert water from a horizontal intersection of the roof with a
chimney, wall, expansion joint or other projection. (see Saddle.)

Cross-linking: the formation of chemical bonds between polymeric chains. Cross-linking of rubber is referred to as
vulcanization or “curing.”

CRREL: Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory.

Crystalline waterproofing: a compound of cement, quartz or silica sand, and other active chemicals that are
mixed and packaged for use in a dry powder form; the packaged mixture is then mixed with water and applied to a
concrete surface where it penetrates into the pores of concrete.

CSPE: chlorosulfonated polyethylene.

Cupola: a relatively small roofed structure, generally set on the ridge or peak of a main roof area for ventilation or
aesthetic purposes.

Curb: (1) a raised member used to support roof penetrations, such as skylights, mechanical equipment, hatches,
etc. above the level of the roof surface; (2) a raised roof perimeter relatively low in height.

Cure: a process whereby a material is caused to form permanent molecular linkages by exposure to chemicals,
heat, pressure and/or weathering.

Cure time: the time required for a material to reach its desirable long-term physical characteristics.

Cured concrete: concrete that has attained its intended design performance properties.

Curing agent: an additive in a coating or adhesive that results in increased chemical activity between the compo-
nents with an increase or decrease in rate of cure.

Curing compound: a liquid that is sprayed or otherwise applied to newly placed concrete which retards the loss of
water during curing.

Cutback: solvent-thinned bitumen used in cold-process roofing adhesives, roof cements and roof coatings.

Glossary 981
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Cutoff: a permanent detail designed to prevent lateral water movement in an insulation system and used to isolate
sections of a roofing system. (Note: A cutoff is different from a tie-in, which may be a temporary or permanent seal.)
(see Tie-In.)

Cutout: the open portions of a strip shingle between the tabs. Sometimes referred to as a keyway.

Dampproofing: treatment of a surface or structure to resist the passage of water in the absence of hydrostatic

Dead level: absolutely horizontal or zero slope. (see Slope.)

Dead-level asphalt: see Asphalt.

Dead loads: the weight of a structure itself, including the weight of fixtures or equipment permanently attached to it.

Deck: a structural component of the roof of a building. The deck must be capable of safely supporting the design
dead and live loads, including the weight of the roof systems, and the additional live loads required by the govern-
ing building codes and provide the substrate to which the roofing or waterproofing system is applied the structural
surface of a building to which a roof assembly is installed. Decks are either non-combustible (e.g., corrugated
metal, concrete, or gypsum) or combustible (e.g., wood plank or plywood).

Deflection (bowing, sagging): (1) the deformation of a structural member as a result of loads acting on it; (2) any
displacement in a body from its static position, or from an established direction or plane, as a result of forces acting
on the body.

Degradation: a deleterious change in the chemical structure, physical properties or appearance of a material from
natural or artificial exposure (e.g., exposure to radiation, moisture, heat, freezing, wind, ozone, oxygen, etc.).

Degree days: a unit used in estimating the fuel consumption for a building; equal to the number of degrees that the
mean temperature, for a 24-hour day, is below the “base temperature”; the base temperature is taken as 65° F
(18.3° C) in the U.S.A.

Delamination: separation of the laminated layers of a component or system.

Design loads: the total load on a structural system for the most severe combination of loads and forces which it is
designed to sustain.

Dew-point temperature: the temperature at which air becomes saturated with water vapor. The temperature at
which air has a relative humidity of 100%.

Diaphragm: a floor slab, metal wall panel, roof panel, or the like, having a sufficiently large in-plane shear stiffness
and sufficient strength to transmit horizontal forces to resisting systems.

Diffusion: the movement of water vapor from regions of high concentration (high water vapor pressure) toward re-
gions of lower concentration.

Dimensional shingle: a shingle that is textured, overlayed, or laminated and designed to produce a three-dimen-
sional effect. (also see Laminated shingle and Architectural shingle.)

Dimensional stability: the degree to which a material maintains its original dimensions when subjected to changes
in temperature and humidity.

DOE: U.S. Department of Energy.

Dormer: a structure projecting from a sloping roof usually housing a window or ventilating louver.

Double coverage: application of asphalt, slate, or wood roofing such that the lapped portion is at least 2 inches
(50 mm) wider than the exposed portion, resulting in two layers of roofing material over the deck.

Double lock standing seam: in a metal roof panel or metal cap, a standing seam that uses a double overlapping
interlock between two metal panels. (see Standing seam.)

982 Glossary
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Double pour: to apply two layers or flood coats of bitumen and aggregate to a built-up roof.

Downspout: a vertical pipe or conduit used to carry runoff water from a scupper, conductor head or gutter of a
building to a lower roof level or to the ground or storm water runoff system.

Drag load: the external force (e.g., from the weight of ice and snow) applied to a steep-slope roof system compo-
nent forcing the component downslope.

Drain: an outlet or other device used to collect and direct the flow of runoff water from a roof area.

Drip edge: a metal flashing or other overhanging component with an outward projecting lower edge, intended to
control the direction of dripping water and help protect underlying building components.

Dry: free or relatively free from a liquid, especially water; (2) to remove water or moisture.

Dry bulb temperature: the temperature of air as measured by an ordinary thermometer.

Dry film thickness: the thickness, expressed in mils, of an applied and cured coating or mastic. For comparison,
see Wet film thickness.

Drying time: the time required for the loss of volatile components so that the material will no longer be adversely
affected by weather conditions such as dew, rain, or freezing.

Dual level drain: in waterproofing, an outlet or other device with provisions for drainage at both the wearing sur-
face and waterproofing membrane levels used to collect and direct the flow of runoff water from a horizontal slab.

Dynamic load: any load which is nonstatic, such as a wind load or moving live load.

Eave: the lower edge of a sloping roof that part of a roof which projects beyond the wall.

Eave height: the vertical dimension from finished grade to the eave.

Eave-trough: see Gutter.

ECH: polyepichlorohydrin, commonly referred to as epichlorohydrin. (see Epichlorohydrin.)

Edge stripping: membrane flashing strips cut to specific widths used to seal/flash perimeter edge metal and the
roof membrane application of felt strips cut to narrower widths than the normal felt-roll width to cover a joint be-
tween metal perimeter flashing and built-up roofing.

Edge venting: the practice of providing regularly spaced or continuously protected (e.g., louvered) openings along
a roof edge or perimeter, used as part of a ventilation system to dissipate heat and moisture vapor.

Efflorescence: an encrustation of soluble salts, commonly white, deposited on the surface of stone, brick, plaster,
or mortar; usually caused by free alkalies leached from mortar or adjacent concrete as moisture moves through it.

EIP: ethylene interpolymer.

Elasticity: the property of a body that causes it to tend to return to its original shape after deformation (as stretch-
ing, compression or torsion).

Elastomer: a macromolecular material that returns rapidly to its approximate initial dimensions and shape after
substantial deformation by a weak stress and subsequent release of that stress.

Elastomeric coating: a coating that is capable of being stretched at least twice its original length (100 percent
elongation) and recovering to its original dimensions.

Elongation: the ratio of the extension of a material to the length of the material prior to stretching.

Glossary 983
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Embedment: (1) the process of pressing/positioning a felt, aggregate, fabric, mat, or panel into hot bitumen or ad-
hesive to ensure intimate contact at all points; (2) the process of pressing/positioning granules into coating in the
manufacture of factory-prepared roofing, such as shingles.

Embrittlement: the loss of flexibility or elasticity of a material.

Emulsion: A mixture of bitumen and water, with uniform dispersion of the bitumen or water globules, usually stabi-
lized by an emulsifying agent or system.

End lap: the distance of overlap where one ply, pane, or piece extends beyond the end of the immediately adjacent
underlying ply, panel, or piece.

Envelope (Bitumen-stop): a continuous membrane edge seal formed at the perimeter and at penetrations by fold-
ing the base sheet or ply over the plies above and securing it to the top of the membrane. The envelope prevents
bitumen seepage from the edge of the membrane.

EPDM: Ethylene propylene diene monomer (see also Ethylene propylene diene terpolymer.)

Epichlorohydrin (ECH): a synthetic rubber including two epichlorohydrin based elastomers. It is similar to and
compatible with EPDM.

Epoxy: a class of synthetic, thermosetting resins that produce tough, hard, chemical-resistant coatings and

Equilibrium moisture content (EMC): (1) the moisture content of a material stabilized at a given temperature and
relative humidity, expressed as percent moisture by weight.

Equiviscous temperature (EVT): the temperature at which a bitumen attains the proper viscosity for built-up mem-
brane application.

Equiviscous temperature (EVT) application range: the recommended bitumen application temperature range.
The range is approximately 25° F (14° C) above or below the EVT, thus giving a range of approximately 50° F
(28° C). The EVT range temperature is measured in the mop cart or mechanical spreader just prior to application of
the bitumen to the substrate.

Equiviscous temperature (EVT) for asphalt: the recommended EVT for roofing asphalt (ASTM D 312, Type I, II, III
or IV) is as follows:

Mop application: the temperature at which the asphalt’s apparent viscosity is 125 centipoise (0.125 Pa·s).

Mechanical spreader application: the temperature at which the asphalt’s apparent viscosity is 75 centipoise
(0.075 Pa·s).

Note: In order to avoid the use of two kettles if there are simultaneous mop and mechanical spreader applica-
tions, the EVT for mechanical spreader application can be used for both application techniques.

Equiviscous temperature (EVT) for coal tar: the recommended EVT for roofing coal tar (ASTM D 450, Type I or III)
is the temperature at which the coal tar’s apparent viscosity is 25 centipoise (0.025 Pa·s).

Ethylene interpolymers (EIP): a group of thermoplastic compounds generally based on PVC polymers from which
certain single-ply roofing membranes can be formulated.

Ethylene propylene diene terpolymer (EPDM): designated nomenclature of ASTM for a terpolymer of ethylene,
propylene and diene. EPDM material is a thermosetting synthetic elastomer.

EVT: Equiviscous temperature.

Exhaust ventilation: air that is vented or exhausted from the roof cavity, typically through vents installed on the up
slope portion of the roof. For example, with most steep-slope roof assemblies, exhaust vents are typically located
at or near the ridge.

984 Glossary
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Exotherm: heat generated by a chemical reaction.

Expansion cleat: a cleat designed to accommodate thermal movement of metal roof panels.

Expansion joint: a structural separation between two building elements that allows free movement between the el-
ements without damage to the roofing or waterproofing system.

Exposed-nail method: a method of asphalt roll roofing application in which all nails are driven into the adhered,
overlapping course of roofing. Nails are exposed to the weather.

Exposure: (1) the traverse dimension of a roofing element or component not overlapped by an adjacent element or
component in a roof covering. For example, the exposure of any ply in a built-up roof membrane may be computed
by dividing the felt width, minus 2 inches (51 mm), by the number of shingled plies; thus, the exposure of 36 inch
(914 mm) wide felt in a shingled, four-ply membrane should be approximately 81⁄2 inches (216 mm) (See Figure 8); (2)
the dimension of sidewall or roofing covering that is not covered or overlapped by the up slope course of compo-
nent. The typical exposure for a standard-sized, three-tab shingle is 5 inches (127 mm), depending on manufacturer

Extrusion: a process in which heated or unheated material is forced through a shaping orifice (a die) in one contin-
uously formed shape, as in film, sheet, rod or tubing.

Eyebrow: a dormer, usually of small size, whose roof line over the upright face is typically an arched curve, turning
into a reverse curve to meet the horizontal at either end. Also, a small shed roof projecting from the gable end of
the larger, main roof area.

Fabric: a woven cloth or material of organic or inorganic filaments, threads, or yarns used for reinforcement in cer-
tain membranes and flashings.

Factory Mutual Research (FMR): commonly referred to as “FM,” a research and testing organization that classi-
fies roofing components and assemblies for their fire, traffic, impact (hail), weathering, and wind-uplift resistance for
four major insurance companies in the United States.

Factory seam: a splice/seam made by the manufacturer during the assembly of sections of materials into larger

Fading: any lightening of initial color.

Fallback: a reduction in bitumen softening point, sometimes caused by refluxing or overheating in a relatively
closed container. (see Softening Point Drift.)

Fascia: (1) in steep-slope roofing, a board that is nailed to the ends of a roof rafter; sometimes supports a gutter;
(2) in low-slope roofing, the vertical or steeply sloped roof or trim located at the perimeter of a building. Typically, it
is a border for the low-slope roof system.

Fastener: any of a wide variety of mechanical securement devices and assemblies, including nails, staples, screws,
cleats, clips and bolts, which may be used to secure various components of a roof assembly.

Feathering strips: tapered wood filler strips placed along the butt ends of old wood shingles to create a relatively
smooth surface when reroofing over existing wood shingle roofs. Referred to in some regions of the country as
“horse feathers,” or leveling strips.

Felt: a flexible sheet manufactured by the interlocking of fibers with a binder or through a combination of mechani-
cal work, moisture and heat. Felts are manufactured principally from wood pulp and vegetable fibers (organic felts),
asbestos fibers (asbestos felts), glass fibers (glass fiber felts or ply sheets), or polyester fibers.

Felt machine (Felt Layer): a mechanical device used for applying bitumen and roofing felt or ply sheet

Ferrule: a metal sleeve placed inside a gutter at the top. A spike or screw is nailed/screwed through the gutter face
and ferrule into the fascia board to hold the gutter in place. The ferrule acts as a spacer in the gutter to maintain its
original shape.

Glossary 985
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Field seam: a splice or seam made in the field (not factory) where overlapping sheets are joined together using an
adhesive, splicing tape, or heat- or solvent-welding.

Filler: a relatively inert ingredient added to modify physical characteristics.

Fillet: a heavy bead of waterproofing compound or sealant material generally installed at the point where vertical
and horizontal surfaces meet; to reduce the desired effect to take out the 90° angle at the base of a vertical

Film: sheeting having a nominal thickness not greater than 10 mils (0.25 mm).

Film thickness: the thickness of a membrane or coating. Wet film thickness is the thickness of a coating as ap-
plied; dry film thickness is the thickness after curing. Film thickness is usually expressed in mils (thousandths of
an inch).

Fin: a term used to describe a deck surface condition. A sharp raised edge (generally in concrete) capable of dam-
aging a roof membrane or vapor retarder.

Fine mineral-surfacing: water-insoluble, inorganic material, more than 50 percent of which passes through a No.
35 sieve. Used on the surface of various roofing materials and membranes to prevent sticking.

Fire resistance: the property of a material or assembly to withstand fire or give protection from it.

Fire retardant treated (FRT) plywood: plywood which has been impregnated, under pressure, with mineral salts;
in the event of fire, the burning wood and salts emit noncombustible gases and water vapor instead of the usual
flammable vapors.

Fishmouth: (also referred to as an edge wrinkle) (1) a half-cylindrical or half-conical shaped opening or void in a
lapped edge or seam, usually caused by wrinkling or shifting of ply sheets during installation; (2) in shingles, a half-
conical opening formed at a cut edge.

Flaking: in protective coatings, the detachment of small pieces of the coating film.

Flammable: subject to easy ignition and rapid flaming combustion.

Flame retardant: a chemical used to impart flame resistance.

Flame spread: the propagation of a flame away from its source of ignition.

Flammability: those characteristics of a material that pertain to its relative ease of ignition and ability to sustain

Flange: the projecting edge of a rigid or semi-rigid component, such as a metal edge flashing flange.

Flash point: the lowest temperature at which vapors above a volatile combustible substance ignite in air when
exposed to a flame.

Flashing: components used to weatherproof or seal roof system edges at perimeters, penetrations, walls, expan-
sion joints, valley, drains and other places where the roof covering is interrupted or terminated. For example, mem-
brane base flashing covers the edge of the field membrane, and cap flashings or counterflashings shield the upper
edges of the base flashing.

Flashing cement: a trowelable mixture of solvent-based bitumen and mineral stabilizers that may include asbestos
or other inorganic or organic fibers. Generally, flashing cement is characterized as vertical-grade, which indicates it
is intended for use on vertical surfaces. (see Asphalt Roof Cement and Plastic Cement.)

Flashing collar: (sometimes referred to as a roof jack or flashing boot) an accessory flashing used to cover and/or
seal soil pipe vents and other penetrations through the roof.

Flat lock: a method of interlocking metal panels in which one panel edge is folded back on top of itself and the
other panel is folded under, after which the two panels are hooked together.

986 Glossary
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Fleece: mats or felts composed of fibers, sometimes used as a membrane backer.

Flood (pour) coat: the surfacing layer of bitumen into which surfacing aggregate is embedded on an aggregate-
surfaced built-up roof.

Flood test: the procedure in which a controlled amount of water is temporarily retained over a horizontal surface to
determine the effectiveness of the waterproofing system.

Fluid-applied elastomer: a liquid elastomeric material that cures after application to form a continuous waterproof-
ing membrane.

Fly-in: method of application for roll materials by which the dry sheet is set into the bitumen or adhesive applied to
the roof surface.

FM: see Factory Mutual Research (FMR).

Foam stop: the roof edge treatment upon which SPF is terminated.

Force: a strength or energy exerted or brought to bear; cause of motion or change.

FPL: Forest Products Laboratory.

Froth pack: a term used to describe small, disposable aerosol cans that contain SPF components. Two component
froth packs are available to do small repairs for sprayed polyurethane foam-based roofs.

G-90: a designation for galvanized metal sheet, indicating 0.90 ounces (26 g) of zinc per square foot, measured on
both sides.

Gable: the vertical triangular portion of the end of a building having a double-sloping roof, from the level of the
eaves to the ridge of the roof.

Gable roof: a single-ridge roof that terminates at gable end(s).

Galvalume: trade name for a metal alloy coating that is composed of aluminum, zinc and silicone.

Galvanic action: an electrochemical action that generates electrical current between two metals of dissimilar elec-
trode potential.

Galvanic series: a list of metals and alloys arranged according to their relative electrolytic potentials in a given

Galvanize: to coat steel or iron with zinc.

Galvanized steel: steel coated with zinc for corrosion resistance.

Gambrel: a roof that has two pitches on each side, where the upper roof area has less slope than the lower roof

Gauge: a metal thickness measurement.

Geocomposite: a prefabricated water drainage material used to relieve hydrostatic pressure against waterproofing
and promote drainage.

Geotextile: a tightly woven fabric used to restrict the flow of fine soil particles and other contaminants while allow-
ing water to pass freely through; used to protect drainage systems from clogging.

Girt: a horizontal beam that supports wall cladding between columns.

Glass fiber insulation: blanket or rigid board insulation, composed of glass fibers bound together with a binder,
faced or unfaced, used to insulate roofs and walls.

Glossary 987
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Glass felt: glass fibers bonded into a sheet with resin and suitable for impregnation with asphalt in the manufacture
of bituminous waterproofing, roofing membranes and shingles.

Glass mat: a thin mat of glass fibers with or without a binder.

Glaze coat: (1) the top layer of asphalt on a smooth-surfaced built-up roof membrane; (2) a thin protective coating
of bitumen applied to the lower plies or top ply of a built-up roof membrane when application of additional felts or
the flood coat and aggregate surfacing are delayed. (also see Flood coat.)

Gloss: the shine, sheen or luster of a dried film.

Grain: a unit of measure in the English System of units; 7,000 grains equals 1 lb.; used as a measure of the weight
of moisture in air.

Granule: (also referred to as mineral or ceramic granule) opaque, natural or synthetically colored aggregate com-
monly used to surface cap sheets, shingles, and other granule-surfaced roof coverings.

Gravel: coarse granular aggregate resulting from the natural erosion of rock.

Gravel stop: a flanged device, frequently metallic, designed to prevent loose aggregate from washing off the roof
and to provide a continuous finished edge for the roofing.

Groundwater level: at a particular site, the level, below which the subsoil and rock masses of the earth are fully
saturated with water.

Grout: a mixture of cement, sand, and water used to fill cracks and cavities in masonry.

Gusset: used at the bottom of a steep-slope roof system valley, a large flat metal piece(s) wider than the valley to
help prevent build-up at the base of the valley, either from debris or ice dam formations.

Gutter: a channeled component installed along the downslope perimeter of a roof to convey runoff water from the
roof to the drain leaders or downspouts.

Gypsum board panels: cementitious board stock with noncombustible core primarily comprised of gypsum that is
commonly used as a barrier board thermal barrier or cover board in a roof assembly.

Hand-tabbing: method of spot applying asphalt-based adhesive to shingles for securement and wind resistance.

Headlap: the distance of overlap measured from the uppermost ply or course to the point where it laps over the
undermost ply or course.

Heat flow: the quantity of heat transferred to or from a system in a unit of time.

Heat seaming: the process of joining thermoplastic films, membranes, or sheets by heating and then applying
pressure to bring both materials in contact with each other. (see Heat welding.)

Heat transfer: the transmission of thermal energy from a location of higher temperature to a location of lower tem-
perature. This can occur by conduction, convection or radiation.

Heat welding: method of melting and fusing together the overlapping edges of separate sheets or sections of poly-
mer modified bitumen, thermoplastics or some uncured thermoset roofing membranes by the application of heat (in
the form of hot air or open flame) and pressure. (see Heat seaming.)

Hem: the edge created by folding metal back on itself.

Hip: the inclined external angle formed by the intersection of two sloping roof planes.

Hip roof: a roof that rises by inclined planes to form one or more hips.

Hoist: a mechanical lifting device.

988 Glossary
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Holiday: an area where a liquid-applied material is missing or absent.

Honeycomb: voids left in concrete resulting from failure of the mortar to effectively fill the spaces among coarse
aggregate particles.

Hot or Hot stuff: a roofing worker’s term for hot bitumen.

Hue: the subjective perception of color such as red, yellow, green, blue, purple or some combination; white, black
or gray possess no hue.

Humidity: the condition of the atmosphere with respect to water vapor. See relative humidity.

HVAC: heating, ventilating, and air conditioning equipment.

Hybrid roof covering: combination of two or more separate and distinct roof membranes; e.g., three ply smooth
BUR and a modified bitumen cap.

Hydration: the chemical reaction by which a substance (such as Portland cement) combines with water, giving off
heat to form a crystalline structure in its setting and hardening.

Hydrocarbon: an organic chemical compound primarily containing the elements carbon and hydrogen.

Hydrostatic pressure: the pressure equivalent to that exerted on a surface by a column of water of a given height.

Hydrostatic pressure relief system: a system of perimeter and/or under slab drains used to regulate the hydro-
static pressure in the earth surrounding a below-grade structure.

Hygroscopic: attracting, absorbing and retaining atmospheric moisture.

Hypalon™: a registered trademark of E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., for ”chlorosulfonated polyethylene” (CSPE).
(see Chlorosulfonated polyethylene.)

ICBO: International Conference of Building Officials.

Ice dam: a mass of ice formed at the transition from a warm to a cold roof surface, frequently formed by refreezing
meltwater at the overhang of a steep roof, causing ice and water to back up under roofing materials.

Ice dam protection membrane: a continuous membrane installed under steep slope roofing materials in areas
subject to ice damming that prohibits water which gets through the roof covering from getting into the structure.
Must also seal the fasteners that penetrates it.

Ignition temperature: the lowest temperature at which combustion will occur spontaneously under specific

Impact resistance: resistance to fracture under the sudden application of an exerted force.

Impregnate: In roofing materials manufacture, to completely surround the fibers in a felt or mat with bitumen, with
the spaces between the fibers partially or completely filled without a continuous coating of bitumen on the surface.

Infrared thermography: The process of displaying variations of apparent temperatures (variation of temperature or
emissivity or both) over the surface of an object by measuring variations in infrared radiance.

Inorganic: being or composed of materials other than hydrocarbons and their derivatives, or matter that is not of
plant or animal origin.

Insect screen: wire mesh used to prevent insects from entering the building through ventilators, louvers, or other

In-service R-value: thermal resistance value established under installed conditions and measured over the expect-
ed service life of the material.

Glossary 989
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Insulation: any of a variety of materials designed to reduce the flow of heat, either from or into a building. (see also
Thermal insulation.)

Intake ventilation: the fresh air that is drawn into a passive ventilation system through vents typically installed in
the soffit or eave of a roof.

Interlayment: a felt, metal, or membrane sheet material used between courses of steep-slope roofing to improve
the weather- and water-shedding characteristics of the primary roof covering during times of wind-driven precipita-
tion. Typically used with wood shakes.

Interlocking shingles: individual shingles that mechanically attach to each other to provide enhanced wind resist-
ance without reliance on sealing strips.

Inverted roof membrane assembly (IRMA™): a patented, proprietary variation of the “protected membrane roof
assembly” in which Styrofoam® brand insulation and ballast are placed over the roof membrane. IRMA™ and Styro-
foam® are registered trademarks of the Dow Chemical Company.

ISANTA: International Staple, Nail & Tool Association

Isocyanate: a highly reactive organic chemical containing one or more isocyanate (-N=C=0) groups. A basic com-
ponent in SPF based systems and some polyurethane coating systems.

Isolation sheet: refer to slip sheet.

Joist: any of the small timbers, metal or wood beams arranged parallel to each other and spanning from wall to
wall to support a floor, ceiling, or roof of a building.

Joule: a unit of energy or work; equals the work done by a force of 1 newton which acts over a distance of 1 meter
in the direction of the force.

k or k-Value: thermal conductivity; the time rate of heat flow through a unit area of a homogeneous material in a di-
rection perpendicular to isothermal planes induced by a unit temperature gradient. In English (inch-pound) units of
measurement, it is the number of BTUS that pass through a 1 inch (25 mm) thickness of a 1 square foot (0.09 m2)
sample of material in 1 hour with a temperature difference between the two surfaces of 1° F. It is expressed as

Kerf: (1) a slit or notch made by a saw or cutting torch; (2) the width of cut made by a saw or cutting torch.

Kesternich test: simulates acid rain conditions by subjecting test specimens to a sulfur dioxide atmosphere as well
as condensing moisture for the purpose of evaluating rust/corrosion characteristics.

Knee cap: a metal cover trim that fits over a panel rib after it has been cut and bent.

Knee joints: see Knuckle.

Knuckle: a metal closure, either shop-or pre-fabricated, installed over the cut seam of a continuous metal roof
panel at the transition from a steep-slope roof to a vertical roof or wall.

Laitance: a weak layer of cement and aggregate fines on a concrete surface that is usually caused by an overwet
mixture, overworking the mixture, improper or excessive finishing or combination thereof.

Laminate: to join layers of materials together using fusion; the process of joining layers of materials together using

Laminated shingles: see Dimensional shingles or Architectural shingles.

Lap: that part of a roofing, waterproofing, or flashing component that overlaps or covers any portion of the same or
another type of adjacent component.

Lap cement: an asphalt-based roof cement formulated to adhere overlapping plies or asphalt roll roofing.

990 Glossary
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Lap seam: occurs where overlapping materials are seamed, sealed or otherwise bonded.

Latex: a stable dispersion of polymeric substance in an essentially aqueous medium.

Lead: a soft malleable, heavy metal; has low melting point and a high coefficient of thermal expansion.

Leader head: see Conductor head.

Lift: the sprayed polyurethane foam that results from a pass. It usually is associated with a certain pass thickness
and has a bottom layer, center mass and top skin in its makeup.

Liquid-applied: application of bituminous cements, adhesives or coatings installed at ambient or slightly elevated

Liquid-applied built-up roof: a continuous, semi-flexible roof membrane, consisting of multiple plies of felts, mats
or fabrics laminated together with alternate layers of roof cements and surfaced with a liquid -applied coating with
or without aggregate surfacing.

Live loads: temporary loads that the roof structure must be designed to support, as required by governing building
codes. Live loads are generally moving and/or dynamic or environmental, (e.g., people, installation equipment,
snow, ice or rain, etc.).

Loose-laid membrane: a ballasted roofing membrane that is attached to the substrate only at the edges and pen-
etrations through the roof.

Low-slope roofs: a category of roofs that generally include weatherproof membrane types of roof systems in-
stalled on slopes at or less than 3:12 (14 degrees).

Low temperature flexibility: the ability of a membrane or other material to resist cracking when flexed after it has
been cooled to a low temperature.

Mansard: a decorative steep-sloped roof on the perimeter of a building.

Mansard roof: a steeper roof that terminates into a flat roof at its high point.

Masonry: construction, usually set in mortar, of natural building stone or manufactured units, such as brick, con-
crete block, adobe, glass block, tile, manufactured stone or gypsum block.

Mastic: a thick adhesive material used as a cementing agent for holding waterproofing membrane in place. (see
Asphalt roof cement).

Mat: a thin layer of woven, non-woven, or knitted fiber that serves as reinforcement to a material or membrane.

Mat slab: a concrete slab designed with reinforcement to resist the uplift forces created by hydrostatic pressure.

Material safety data sheets (MSDS): a written description of the chemicals in a product and other pertinent data,
including such things as safe handling and emergency procedures. In accordance with OSHA regulations, it is the
manufacturer’s responsibility to produce an MSDS and the employers responsibility to communicate its contents to

Mechanical damage: in SPF-based roofing, physical damage to a completed SPF-based roof system not caused
by normal wear and tear.

Mechanically fastened membranes: generally used to describe membranes that have been attached at defined
intervals to the substrate.

Membrane: a flexible or semi-flexible roof covering or waterproofing whose primary function is to exclude water.

Metal: any of various opaque, fusible, ductile and typically lustrous substances that are good conductors of elec-
tricity and heat.

Glossary 991
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Metallic waterproofing: consist of finely graded iron particles combined with an oxidizing catalyst. When mixed
with water (or water, cement, and sand), the finely distributed particles expand, creating a waterproof layer that be-
comes a part of the surface to which it is applied.

Metal rain collar: a metal counterflashing used to wrap a penetration and prevent water infiltration though the top
of the penetration base flashing.

Meter: unit of length measurement in the metric system; 1 meter is equal to 39.37 inches.

Metal roof panel: an interlocking metal sheet having a minimum installed weather exposure of 3 square feet
(279000 mm2 or 0.28 m2) per sheet.

Metal roof shingle: an interlocking metal sheet having an installed weather exposure less than 3 square feet
(279000 mm2 or 0.28 m2) per sheet.

Mil: a unit of measure, one mil is equal to 0.001 inches, or 25.4 micrometers (µm), often used to indicate the
thickness of a roofing membrane.

Mildew: a superficial growth produced on organic matter or living plants by fungi.

Millimeter: a unit of measure equal to one thousandth (0.001) of a meter, or 0.03937 inches.

Mineral fiber: insulation composed principally of fibers manufactured from rock, slag or glass, with or without

Mineral granules: see Granules.

Mineral stabilizer: a fine, water-insoluble inorganic material, used in a mixture with solid or semi-solid bituminous

Mineral-surfaced roofing: roofing materials whose surface or top layer consists of a granule-surfaced sheet.

Mineral-surfaced sheet: a roofing sheet that is coated on one or both sides with asphalt and surfaced with mineral

Miter joint: a joint between two members at an angle to each other; each member is cut at an angle equal to half
the angle of the junction; usually the members are at right angles to each other.

Model (building) codes: a compilation of standards or codes established to provide uniformity in regulations per-
taining to building construction.

Modified bitumen: (1) a bitumen modified by including one or more polymers (e.g., atactic polypropylene, styrene
butadiene styrene, etc.); (2) composite sheets consisting of a polymer modified bitumen often reinforced with vari-
ous types of mats or films and sometimes surfaced with films, foils or mineral granules.

Moisture contour map: a map used to graphically define the location of moisture within a roof assembly after a
moisture scan has been performed.

Moisture relief vent: a venting device installed through the roofing membrane to relieve moisture vapor pressure
from within the roofing system.

Moisture scan: the use of a mechanical device (capacitance, infrared, or nuclear) to detect the presence of mois-
ture within a roof assembly. (see Non-destructive testing.)

Mole run: a meandering ridge in a roof membrane not associated with insulation or deck joints.

Monolithic: formed from or composed of a single material; seamless.

Monomer: a low-molecular-weight substance consisting of molecules capable of reacting with like or unlike mole-
cules to form a polymer.

992 Glossary
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Mop-and-flop: an application procedure in which roofing elements (insulation boards, felt plies, cap sheets, etc.)
are initially placed upside down adjacent to their ultimate locations; coated with adhesive or bitumen; and turned
over and adhered to the substrate.

Mopping: the application of hot bitumen with a mop or mechanical applicator to the substrate or plies of a bitumi-
nous membrane. There are four types of mopping.

• Solid mopping: a continuous coating.

• Spot mopping: bitumen is applied roughly in circular areas, leaving a grid of unmopped perpendicular

• Sprinkle mopping: bitumen is shaken onto the substrate from a broom or mop in a random pattern.

• Strip mopping: bitumen is applied in parallel bands.

Mud cracking: surface cracking resembling a dried mud flat.

Mud slab: a layer of concrete, typically 2 inches (50 mm) to 6 inches (150 mm) thick, used as the substrate for
membrane waterproofing.

Nailer: (sometimes referred to as blocking) a piece or pieces of dimensional lumber and/or plywood secured to the
structural deck or walls, which provide a receiving medium for the fasteners used to attach membrane or flashing.

NBP: acrylonitrile butadiene polymer blend. One proprietary NBP membrane is commonly referred to as nitrile bu-
tadiene copolymer.

Negative side waterproofing: an application wherein the waterproofing system and source of hydrostatic pressure
are on opposite sides of the structural element.

Neoprene: a synthetic rubber (polychloroprene) used in liquid and sheet-applied elastomeric roof membranes or

Nesting: (1) the installation of new metal roof deck directly on top of existing metal roof deck; (2) a method of
reroofing with new asphalt shingles over existing shingles in which the top edge of the new shingle is butted
against the bottom edge of the existing shingle.

Net free vent area: the area (measured in square inches) open to unrestricted air flow and commonly used as a
yardstick to measure relative vent performance; the area of the opening of a vent minus the area displaced by the
screening material.

Newton (N): SI unit of measure for force.

Night seal (or night tie-in): a material and/or method used to temporarily seal a membrane edge during construc-
tion to protect the roofing assembly in place from water penetration. Usually removed when roofing application is

NIST: National Institute of Standards and Technology

Nitrile alloy: an elastomeric material of synthetic nonvulcanizing polymers.

Nitrile rubber: a membrane whose predominant resinous ingredient is a synthetic rubber made by the polymeriza-
tion of acrylonitrile with butadiene.

Noble metal: a metal that readily receives electrons from an anodic metal (see Galvanic series).

No-cutout shingles: shingles consisting of a single solid strip with no cutouts.

Nondestructive testing (NDT): a method to evaluate the disposition, strength or composition of materials or sys-
tems without damaging the object under test. Typically used to evaluate moisture content in roofing assemblies, the
three common test methods are electrical capacitance, infrared thermography and nuclear back-scatter.

Glossary 993
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Nonflammable: not easily ignited and not burning rapidly if ignited.

Nonfriable: a material that, when dry, cannot be crumbled, pulverized or reduced to powder by hand pressure.

Nonoxidizing: a material which resists oxidation in exterior exposures or accelerated weathering.

Non-traffic bearing: for waterproofing purposes, a membrane system requiring some form of protection barrier
and wearing surface.

Nonvolatile content: the portion of a coating that does not evaporate during drying or curing under specified con-
ditions, comprising the binder and, if present, the pigment. (The percent volatile content is obtained by subtracting
the nonvolatile content from 100.).

Nonwoven fabric: a textile structure produced by bonding or interlocking of fibers, or both, accomplished by me-
chanical, chemical, thermal, or solvent means and combinations thereof.

NRCA: National Roofing Contractors Association.

Nuclear hydrogen detection (NHD) meter: a device that contains a radioactive source to emit high velocity neu-
trons into a roof system. Reflecting neutrons are measured by a gauge that is used to detect hydrogen; the quantity
of hydrogen detected may be linked to the pressure of water.

Nylon: generic name for a family of polyamide polymers, used as a scrim in some fabric-reinforced sheeting.

Off-ratio foam: SPF that has excess isocyanate or resin. Off-ratio will not exhibit the full physical properties of nor-
mal SPF.

Open time: the period of time after an adhesive has been applied and allowed to dry, during which an effective
bond can be achieved by joining the two surfaces.

Open valley: a method of valley construction in which the steep-slope roofing on both sides are trimmed along
each side of the valley, exposing the metal valley flashing.

Orange peel surface texture: in SPF roofing, a condition of the foam in which the surface shows a fine texture
and is compared to the exterior skin of an orange. This surface is considered acceptable for receiving a protective

Organic: being or composed of hydrocarbons or their derivatives, or matter of plant or animal origin.

Organic felt: an asphalt roofing base material manufactured from cellulose fibers.

Organic shingle: an asphalt shingle reinforced with material manufactured from cellulose fibers.

ORNL: Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

Osmosis: movement of a solvent through a semipermeable membrane into a solution of higher solute concentra-
tion that tends to equalize the concentration of solute on the two sides of the membranes.

Overflow drainage: component in a roof drainage system used to protect the roof against damage from a water
load imposed by blocked or partially blocked primary drainage system; e.g., overflow scupper, overflow interior

Overspray: undesirable depositions of airborne spray.

Overspray surface texture: in SPF roofing, a condition of the foam in which the surface shows a linear coarse tex-
tured pattern and/or a pebbled surface. This surface is generally downwind of the sprayed polyurethane path and, if
severe, unacceptable for proper coating coverage and protection.

Ozone: a triatomic form of oxygen that is a bluish gas of pungent odor; is formed naturally in the upper atmosphere
by a photochemical reaction with solar ultraviolet radiation.

994 Glossary
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Ozone resistance: the ability of a material to resist the deteriorating effects of ozone exposure.

Pallet: a platform (typically wooden) used for storing and shipping materials.

Pan: the bottom flat part of a roofing panel that is between the ribs of the panel.

Pan former: power roll-forming equipment that produces a metal roofing panel from a flat sheet.

Parapet wall: the part of a perimeter wall that extends above the roof.

Parge: in masonry construction, a coat of cement mortar on the face of rough masonry, the earth side of founda-
tion and basement walls, or the like.

Partially attached: a roofing assembly in which the membrane has been “spot affixed” to a substrate, usually with
an adhesive or a mechanical device.

Parting agent: a material applied to one or both surfaces of a sheet to prevent blocking.

Pascal: SI unit of measure for force per unit area; 1 Pa=1 N/m2.

Pass: (1) a layer of material, usually applied by the spray method, that is allowed to reach cure before another layer
(“pass”) is applied; (2) a term used to explain a spray motion of the foam gun in the application of the spray
polyurethane foam (SPF) material. The speed of the pass controls the thickness of the SPF.

Pass line: the junction of two passes of SPF. A distinct line is formed by the top skin of the bottom pass and the
next pass adhering to this skin.

Pedestal: a support or base for roof top components such as pavers, pipes and small roof top units.

Peel strength: the average load per unit width required to separate progressively a flexible member from a rigid
member or another flexible member.

Penetration: (1) any construction (e.g., pipes, conduits, HVAC supports) passing through the roof; (2) the consis-
tency of a bituminous material expressed as the distance, in tenths of a millimeter (0.1 mm), that a standard needle
penetrates vertically into a sample of material under specified conditions of loading, time, and temperature.

Perlite: an aggregate used in lightweight insulating concrete and preformed perlitic insulation boards, formed by
heating and expanding siliceous volcanic glass.

Perm: see Permeance.

Permeability: (1) the capacity of a porous material to conduct or transmit fluids; (2) the time rate of vapor transmis-
sion through unit area of flat material of unit thickness induced by unit vapor pressure difference between two spe-
cific surfaces, under specified temperature and humidity conditions. The English (inch·pound) unit of measurement
for permeability is gr/hr·ft2·(in. Hg/in.), which is commonly referred to as “perm·inch” units.

Permeance: (1) the rate of water vapor transmission per unit area at a steady state through a material, membrane,
or assembly; (2) the time rate of water vapor transmission through unit area of flat material or construction induced
by unit vapor pressure difference between two specific surfaces, under specified temperature and humidity condi-
tions. The English (inch·pound) unit of measurement for permeance is gr/h·ft2·in. Hg, which is commonly referred to
as “perm” units.

pH: a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution, with neutrality represented by a value of 7, with increasing
acidity represented by increasingly smaller values, and with increasing alkalinity represented by increasingly larger

Phased application: the installation of a roofing or waterproofing system during two or more separate time inter-
vals or different days. Application of surfacings at different time intervals are typically not considered phased appli-
cation. (see Surfacing.) A roofing system not installed in a continuous operation.

Glossary 995
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Picture framing: a square or rectangular pattern of ridges in a roof membrane or covering over insulation or deck

Pigment: an insoluble compounding material used to impart color.

Pinhole: a tiny hole in a coating, film, foil, membrane or laminate comparable in size to one made by a pin.

Pipe boot: prefabricated flashing piece used to flash around circular pipe penetrations.

Pitch: see Coal tar.

Pitch-pocket (Pitch-pan): a flanged, open bottomed enclosure made of sheet metal or other material, placed
around a penetration through the roof, filled with grout and bituminous or polymeric sealants to seal the area
around the penetration.

Pittsburgh lock seam: a method of interlocking metal, usually at a slope change.

Plastic cement: a roofing industry generic term used to describe asphalt roof cement that is a trowelable mixture
of solvent-based bitumen, mineral stabilizers, and other fibers and/or fillers. Generally, intended for use on relatively
low slopes, not vertical surfaces. (also see Asphalt roof cement and Flashing cement.)

Plasticizer: a material incorporated in a material to increase its ease of workability, flexibility or distensibility.

Plasticizer migration: in some thermoplastic roofing membranes, the loss of plasticizer chemicals from the mem-
brane, resulting in shrinkage and embrittlement of the membrane, typically PVC.

Pliability: the material property of being flexible or moldable.

Ply: a layer of felt or ply sheet in a built-up roof membrane or roof system.

PMR: protected membrane roof.

Polychloroprene: see Neoprene.

Polyester: a polymer in which the repeated structural unit in the chain is of the ester type.

Polyisobutylene (PIB): a product formed by the polymerization of isobutylene. May be compounded for use as a
roof membrane material.

Polymer: a macromolecular material formed by the chemical combination of monomers having either the same or
different chemical composition.

Polymer modified bitumen: see Modified bitumen.

Polymeric methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (PMDI): component A in SPF. An organic chemical compound hav-
ing two reactive isocyanate groups. It is mixed with the B component to form polyurethane.

Polymerization: a chemical reaction in which monomers are linked together to form polymers.

Polypropylene: a polymer prepared by the polymerization of propylene as the sole monomers.

Polyol: a polyhydric alcohol, i.e., one containing three or more hydroxyl groups, one component of polyisocyanu-
rate and polyurethane compounds.

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC): a synthetic thermoplastic polymer prepared from vinylchloride. PVC can be compounded
into flexible and rigid forms through the use of plasticizers, stabilizers, fillers and other modifiers. Rigid forms are
used in pipes; flexible forms are used in the manufacture of sheeting and roof membrane materials.

Polystyrene: a polymer prepared by the polymerization of styrene as the sole monomer.

Pond: a surface which is incompletely drained.

996 Glossary
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Ponding: the excessive accumulation of water at low-lying areas on a roof that remains after the 48 hours after the
end rainfall under conditions conducive to drying.

Pop rivet: a relatively small-headed pin with an expandable head for joining light gauge sheet metal.

Popcorn surface texture: in SPF roofing, the condition in which the foam surface shows a coarse texture where
valleys form sharp angles. This surface is unacceptable for proper coating and protection.

Positive drainage: the drainage condition in which consideration has been made during design for all loading de-
flections of the deck and additional roof slope has been provided to ensure drainage of the roof area within 48
hours following rainfall during conditions conducive to drying.

Positive side waterproofing: an application where the waterproofing systems and the source of the hydrostatic
pressure are on the same side of the structural element.

Pot life (Working life): the period of time during which a reacting composition remains suitable for its intended pro-
cessing after mixing with reaction initiating agents .

Pourable sealer: a type of sealant often supplied in two parts and used at difficult-to-flash penetrations, typically in
conjunction with pitch-pockets to form a seal.

Press brake: a machine used in cold-forming sheet metal or strips of metal into desired profiles.

Prestressed concrete: concrete in which the reinforcing cables, wires or rods in the concrete are tensioned before
there is load on the structural member, holding the concrete in compression for greater strength.

Pre-tinning: coating a metal with solder or tin alloy prior to soldering or brazing it.

Primer: (1) a thin, liquid-applied solvent-based bitumen that may be applied to a surface to improve the adhesion
of subsequent applications of bitumen; (2) a material that is sometimes used in the process of seaming single-ply
membranes to prepare the surfaces and increase the strength (in shear and peel) of the field splice; (3) a thin liquid-
applied material that may be applied to the surface of SPVF to improve the adhesion of subsequent application of
SPVF protective coatings.

Proportioner: the basic pumping unit for SPF or two-component coating systems. Consists of two positive dis-
placement pumps designed to dispense two components at a precisely controlled ratio.

Protection course: a sacrificial material used to shield a waterproofing material from damaging external forces.

Protection mat: a sacrificial material used to shield one roof system component from another.

Protected membrane roof (PMR): an insulated and ballasted roofing assembly in which the insulation and ballast
are applied on top of the membrane (sometimes referred to as an “inverted roof assembly”).

Psychrometer: an instrument used to measure humidity in the atmosphere from two thermometers which are simi-
lar except that the bulb of one is kept wet, the bulb of the other being dry.

Psychrometric chart: chart showing the relationship between dew point temperature, dry bulb temperature, wet
bulb temperature and relative humidity.

Puncture resistance: the ability of a material to withstand the action of a penetrating or puncturing object.

Purlin: horizontal secondary structural member that transfers loads from the primary structural framing.

PVC: polyvinyl chloride.

R-value: see Thermal resistance.

Racking: a method of asphalt shingle application, also referred to as the straight-up method, whereby shingle
courses are applied vertically, up the roof rather than laterally or across and up.

Glossary 997
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Rafter: one of a series of sloped structural members, that extend from the ridge or hip to the downslope perimeter
or eave, designed to support the roof deck and its associated loads.

Raggle: a groove or slot, often cut in a masonry wall or other vertical surface adjoining a roof, for inserting an inset
flashing component such as a reglet.

Rake: the sloped edge of a roof at or adjacent to the first or last rafter.

Rake-starter (Bleeder strip): starter-strip used along rake edges in conjunction with asphalt shingle roofing.

Re-cover: the addition of a new roof membrane or steep-slope roof covering over a major portion of an existing
roof assembly. This process does not involve removal of the existing roofing.

Reflectivity: see Light reflectance.

Reglet: a sheet metal receiver for the attachment of counterflashing. A reglet may be surface-mounted, inset into a
raggle or embedded behind cladding.

Reinforced membrane: a roofing or waterproofing membrane that has been strengthened by the addition or incor-
poration of one or more reinforcing materials, including woven or nonwoven glass fibers, polyester mats or scrims,
nylon, or polyethylene sheeting.

Relative humidity (RH): the ratio of the pressure of water vapor present in a given volume of air to the pressure of
fully saturated water vapor at the same temperature, expressed as a percentage.

Release tape (or Strip): a plastic film or paper strip that is applied to the back of self-sealing shingles and other
materials. The strip prevents the material from sticking together in the roll or bundle. With asphalt shingles, the strip
need not be removed for application of the shingles.

Replacement: the practice of removing an existing roof system down to the roof deck and replacing it with a new
roofing system.

Reroofing: the process of re-covering, or tearing-off and replacing an existing roof system.

Resin: component B in SPF. This component contains a catalyst, blowing agent, fire retardants, surfactants and
polyol. It is mixed with the A component to form polyurethane.

Ridge: highest point on the roof, represented by a horizontal line where two roof areas intersect, running the length
of the area.

Ridge cap: a material or covering applied over the ridge of a roof.

Ridge course: the last or top course of roofing materials, such as tile, roll roofing, shingles, etc., that covers the
ridge and overlaps the intersecting field roofing.

Ridge vent: a ventilator located at the ridge that allows the escape of warm and/or moist air from the attic area or
rafter cavity.

Ridging: see Buckle.

Roll materials: a general term applied to rolls of roofing felt, ply sheet, etc., which are typically furnished in rolls.

Roll roofing: coated felts, either smooth or mineral-surfaced.

Roof: (1) the cover of a building; (2) to cover with a roof.

Roof area divider: refer to area divider.

Roof area expansion Joint: see expansion joint.

998 Glossary
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Roof assembly: an assembly of interacting roof components including the roof deck, vapor retarder (if present), in-
sulation and roof covering.

Roof cement: see Asphalt roof cement or Coal tar roof cement.

Roof covering: the exterior roof cover or skin of the roof assembly, consisting of membrane, panels, sheets, shin-
gles, tiles, etc.

Roof curb: raised frame used to mount mechanical units (such as air conditioning or exhaust fans), skylights, etc.
on a roof.

Roof jack: a metal or wood bracket used to support toe-boards on steep-slope roofs. (also see Flashing Collar.)

Roof overhang: a roof extension beyond the exterior wall of a building.

Roof seamer: (1) machine that crimps neighboring metal roof panels together; (2) machine that welds laps of mem-
brane sheets together using heat, solvent, or dielectric energy.

Roof slope: the angle a roof surface makes with the horizontal, expressed as a ratio of the units of vertical rise to
the units of horizontal length (sometimes referred to as run). For English units of measurement, when dimensions
are given in inches, slope may be expressed as a ratio of rise to run, such as 4:12 or as an angle.

Roof system: a system of interacting roof components, generally consisting of a membrane or primary roof cover-
ing and roof insulation (not including the roof deck) designed to weatherproof and, sometimes, to improve the
building’s thermal resistance.

Rosin paper (specifically Rosin-sized sheathing paper): a nonasphaltic paper used as a sheathing paper or slip
sheet in some roof systems.

Rubber: a material that is capable of recovering from large deformations quickly and forcibly.

Run: horizontal dimension of a slope.

Saddle: a small tapered/sloped roof area structure that helps to channel surface water to drains. Frequently located
in a valley. A saddle is often constructed like a small hip roof or pyramid with a diamond-shaped base. (see

Sag: undesirable excessive flow in material after application to a surface.

Saturated felt: a felt that has been immersed in hot bitumen; the felt adsorbs as much bitumen as it can retain
under the processing conditions, but remains porous and contains voids.

SBCCI: Southern Building Code Congress International, Inc.

SBS: see Styrene butadiene styrene.

Scarfed: shaped by grinding.

Screeding: the process of striking off excess concrete to bring the top surface of the concrete to the proper finish
and elevation.

Screen wall: a nonstructural wall erected around units or curbs on a roof. Typically the framing consists of girts
with a wood or metal covering attached to the frame.

Scrim: a woven, nonwoven or knitted fabric composed of continuous strands of material used for reinforcing or
strengthening membranes.

Scupper: drainage device in the form of an outlet through a wall, parapet wall or raised roof edge lined with a sol-
dered sheet metal sleeve.

Scuttle: a hatch that provides access to the roof from the interior of the building.

Glossary 999
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

SDI: Steel Deck Institute.

Sealant: (1) a material that has the adhesive and cohesive properties to form a seal; (2) a mixture of polymers,
fillers, and pigments used to fill and seal joints where moderate movements is expected; unlike caulking, it cures to
a resilient solid.

Sealant backing: a compressible material placed in a joint before applying a sealant.

Sealer: a coating designed to prevent excessive absorption of finish coats into porous surfaces; a coating de-
signed to prevent bleeding.

Sealing washer: a rubber or neoprene washer, sometimes metal-backed, typically placed on a fastener to prevent
water from migrating into and through the fastener hole.

Seam: a joint formed by mating two separate sections of material. Seams can be made or sealed in a variety of
ways, including adhesive bonding, hot-air welding, solvent welding, using adhesive tape, sealant, etc.

Seam sample: in single-ply and sometimes modified bitumen membrane roofing, a sample from the membrane
that extends through the side lap of adjacent rolls of membrane, taken for the purpose of assessing the quality of
the seam.

Self-adhering membrane: a membrane that can adhere to a substrate and to itself at overlaps without the use of
an additional adhesive. The undersurface of a self-adhering membrane is protected by a release paper or film,
which prevents the membrane from bonding to itself during shipping and handling.

Self-drilling screw: a fastener that taps and drills its own hole during application.

Self-sealing shingle: an asphalt shingle containing a factory-applied strip or spots of heat sensitive adhesive in-
tended to adhere the overlying shingle once installed on the roof and warmed by the sun.

Self-tapping screw: a fastener that forms receiving threads when turned in a previously drilled hole.

Selvage: (1) an edge or edging that differs from the main part of a fabric, granule-surfaced roll roofing or cap sheet,
or other material; (2) a specially defined edge of the material (lined for demarcation), which is designed for some
special purpose, such as overlapping or seaming.

Separator layer: refer to Slip sheet.

Service temperature limits: the minimum or maximum temperature at which a coating, SPF or other material will
perform satisfactorily.

Set: to convert into a fixed or hardened state by chemical or physical action.

Shading: slight differences in surfacing color, such as shingle granule coloring, that may occur as a result of manu-
facturing operations.

Shark fin: an upward-curled felt side lap or end lap.

Shear strength: the resistance to forces that cause or tend to cause two contiguous parts of a body to slide rela-
tive to each other in a direction parallel to their contrast.

Shed roof: a roof having only one sloping plane and no hips, ridges or valleys.

Shelf life: the maximum time a packaged material can be stored under specified conditions and still meet the per-
formance requirements specified.

Shingle: (1) a small unit of prepared roofing designed for installation with similar units in overlapping rows or cours-
es on inclines normally exceeding 3:12 slope (14°); (2) to cover with shingles; (3) to apply any sheet material in suc-
ceeding overlapping rows like shingles.

1000 Glossary
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Shingling: (1) the application of shingles; (2) the procedure laying parallel felts so that one longitudinal edge of each
felt overlaps and the other longitudinal edge underlaps an adjacent felt. Normally felts are shingled on a slope so
that water flows over rather than against each lap.

Shrinkage: a decrease in one or more dimensions of an object or material.

Shrinkage crack: in waterproofing, a separation in a material, such as a concrete substrate, caused by the inability
of the material to resist a reduction in size which occurs during its hardening or curing process or both.

SI: an abbreviation for the International System of Units (Le Systeme International d’Unites).

Side lap: the continuous longitudinal overlap of neighboring like materials.

Side lap fastener: a fastener used to connect adjacent panels together at the side lap.

Siding: the finish covering of an exterior wall of a frame building; the siding may be a cladding material such as
wood, aluminum or vinyl (but not masonry).

Sieve: an apparatus with square apertures for separating sizes of material.

Sill: the bottom horizontal framing member of an opening, such as below a window or door.

Sill flashing: a flashing of the bottom horizontal framing member of an opening, such as below a window or door.

Single-lock standing seam: a standing seam that uses one overlapping interlock between two seam panels, in
contrast with the double interlocking used in a double standing seam.

Single-ply membranes: roofing membranes that are field applied using just one layer of membrane material (either
homogeneous or composite) rather than multiple layers.

Single-ply roofing: a roofing system in which the principal roof covering is a single layer flexible membrane often
thermoset or thermoplastic membrane.

Skinning: the formation of a dense film on the surface of a liquid coating or mastic.

Skirt flashing: a formed metal counterflashing secured under a mechanical unit or skylight to cover and protect the
upper edge of a base flashing and its associated fasteners.

Skylight: an opening in a roof that is glazed with a transparent or translucent material; used to admit diffused light
to the space below.

Slab on grade: a horizontal placement of concrete placed directly over a prepared earth substrate.

Slag: a hard aggregate that is left as a residue from blast furnaces, which may be used as a surfacing material on
certain (typically bituminous) roof membrane systems.

Slate: a hard, brittle metamorphic rock consisting mainly of clay minerals, used extensively as dimensional stone
for steep roofing and in granular form as surfacing on some other roofing materials.

Slating hook: a steep-slope roofing attachment device, shaped like a hook, that can be used for fastening roofing

Slip sheet: sheet material, such as reinforced kraft paper, rosin-sized paper, polyester scrim or polyethylene sheet-
ing, placed between two components of a roof assembly (such as between membrane and insulation or deck) to
ensure that no adhesion occurs between them and to prevent possible damage from chemical incompatibility,
wearing or abrasion of the membrane.

Slit sample: in SPF roofing, a small cut about 1 inch x 1⁄2 inch x 1⁄2 inch (25 mm x 13 mm x 13 mm), in a half-moon
shape, used to measure coating film thickness.

Slope: the angle of incline, usually expressed as a ratio of rise to run, or as an angle. (See Roof Slope.)

Glossary 1001
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

SMACNA: Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association.

Smooth surface texture: in SPF roofing, the condition of the foam in which the surface shows spray undulation
and is ideal for receiving a protective coating.

Smooth-surfaced roof: a roof membrane without mineral granule or aggregate surfacing.

Snap-on cap: a separate cap that snaps on over the vertical legs of some single standing or batten seam metal
roof systems.

Snow guard: a series of devices attached to the roof in a pattern that attempts to hold snow in place, thus prevent-
ing sudden snow or ice slides from the roof; any device intended to prevent snow from sliding off a roof.

Snow load: the live load due to the weight of snow on a roof; included in design calculations.

Soffit: the exposed undersurface of any exterior overhanging section of a roof eave.

Soffit vent: a premanufactured or custom built air inlet source located at the downslope eave or in the soffit of a
roof assembly.

Softening point: the temperature at which bitumen becomes soft enough to flow, as determined by an arbitrary,
closely defined method (ASTM Standard test method D 36 or D 3461).

Softening point drift: a change in the softening point of bitumen during storage or application. (see Fallback.)

Soil stack: a sanitation pipe that penetrates the roof; used to vent plumbing fixtures.

Solder: a lead/tin mixture that is melted and used to bond two pieces of some types of metals together.

Solid mopping: see Mopping.

Solids content: the percentage by weight of the nonvolatile matter in an adhesive.

Solvent: any liquid used to dissolve another material.

Solvent cleaners: used to clean some single-ply roofing membranes prior to splicing, typically including heptane,
hexane, white gasoline, and unleaded gasoline.

Solvent welding: a process where a liquid solvent is used to chemically weld or join together two or more layers of
certain membrane materials (usually thermoplastic).

Spalling: breaking off of plate-like pieces from a concrete, rock or masonry surface.

Special steep asphalt: asphalt complying with ASTM D 312, Type IV. (see Asphalt.)

Specification: a precise statement of a set of requirements to be satisfied by a material, product, system, or


SPF: spray polyurethane foam.

SPFA: Sprayed Polyurethane Foam Alliance (a business unit of the American Plastics Council).

SPF compound: a term used to describe the raw materials (isocyanate and resin) used to make polyurethane

Splash block: a small masonry or polymeric block laid on the ground or lower roof below the opening of a down-
spout used to help prevent soil erosion and aggregate scour in front of the downspout.

Splice: bonding or joining of overlapping materials. (see Seam.)

Splice plate: a metal plate placed underneath the joint between two pieces of metal.

1002 Glossary
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Splice-tape: cured or uncured synthetic rubber tape used for splicing membrane materials.

Split: a membrane tear resulting from tensile stresses.

Split slab: a term used to describe two separate concrete slabs. The first is placed as a slab on grade or suspend-
ed slab, and covered with waterproofing and a drainage system. The second slab, also referred to as a topping
slab, is then placed over the underlying slab and waterproofing.

Spot mopping: see Mopping.

Sprayed polyurethane foam (SPF): a foamed plastic material, formed by spraying two components, PMDI (A com-
ponent) and a resin (B component) to form a rigid, fully adhered, water-resistant, and insulating membrane.

Spread coating: a manufacturing process in which membranes are formed using a liquid compound that is spread
onto a supporting reinforcement base layer and then dried to its finished condition.

Sprinkle mopping: see Mopping.

Spunlaced: a nonwoven fabric made by mechanically bonding a dry-laid staple fabric by water jet, which entangles
the individual fibers.

Spud: to remove the roofing aggregate and most of the bituminous top coating by scraping and chipping.

Square: a unit used in measuring roof area equivalent to 100 square feet (9.29 m2) of roof area.

Square-tab shingles: shingles with tabs that are all the same size and exposure.

Squeegee: (1) a blade of leather or rubber set on a handle and used for spreading, pushing or wiping liquid material
on, across or off a surface; (2) to smooth, wipe or treat with a squegee.

Stainless steel: an alloy of steel that contains chromium and also may contain nickel or copper. Generally, has very
good resistance to corrosion.

Standing seam: in metal roofing, a type of seam between adjacent sheets of material made by turning up the
edges of two adjacent metal panels and then folding or interlocking them in a variety of ways.

Starter course: the first layer of roofing, applied along a line adjacent to the downslope perimeter of the roof area.
With steep-slope watershedding roof coverings, the starter course is covered by the first course.

Starter sheets: (1) felt, ply sheet or membrane strips that are made or cut to widths narrower than the standard
width of the roll and used to start the shingling pattern at an edge of the roof; (2) particular width sheets designed
for perimeters in some mechanically attached and fully adhered single-ply systems.

Starter strip: roll roofing or shingle strips applied along the downslope eave line before the first course of roofing
and intended to fill spaces between cutouts and joints of the first course.

Static load: any load, as on a structure, that does not change in magnitude or position with time.

Steel: a malleable alloy of iron and carbon produced by melting and refining pig iron and/or scrap steel; graded ac-
cording to the carbon content (in a range from 0.02 to 1.7%); other elements, such as manganese and silicon, may
be included to provide special properties.

Steel joist (open web steel joist): normally used as a horizontal supporting member between beams or other
structural members, suitable for the support of some roof decks.

Steep asphalt: asphalt complying with ASTM D 312, Type III. (see Asphalt.)

Steep-slope roofs: a category of roofing that generally include water-shedding types of roof coverings installed on
slopes exceeding 3:12 (14 degrees).

Glossary 1003
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Step flashing: individual pieces of sheet metal material used to flash walls, around chimneys, dormers and such
projections along the slope of a roof. Individual pieces are overlapped and stepped up the vertical surface.

Stick clip: in waterproofing, a non-penetrating fastener that is adhered to the waterproofing surface; typically used
to retain insulation, drainage panels, prefabricated protection materials, etc., against the waterproofing to prevent
sliding and displacement.

Stiffener rib: small intermediate bends in a metal pan used to strengthen the panel.

Storm anchor: see Wind clip.

Strapping (felts): a method of installing roofing rolls or sheet good materials parallel with the slope of the roof.

Straw nail: a long-shanked nail. Sometimes used for fastening over tile at hips and ridges.

Stress: the internal resistance of a material to a force, measured as a force per unit area.

Striations: a parallel series of small grooves, channels, or impressions typically within a metal roof panel used to
help reduce the potential for oil-canning.

Strip mopping: see Mopping.

Strip shingles: asphalt shingles that are manufactured in strips, approximately three times as long as they are

Strippable films: (for metal) added protection of plastic films sometimes applied to coated or finished metals after
the coil coating process. Applied after prime and top coats to resist damage to the finish prior to and during ship-
ping, fabrication and installation.

Stripping or strip-flashing: membrane flashing strips used for sealing or flashing metal flashing flanges into the
roof membrane.

Stripping in: application of membrane stripping ply or plies.

Structural panel: a metal roof panel designed to be applied over open framing rather than a continuous or closely
spaced roof deck.

Styrene butadiene rubber: high molecular weight polymers having rubber-like properties, formed by the random
copolymerization of styrene and butadiene monomers.

Styrene butadiene styrene copolymer (SBS): high molecular weight polymers that have both thermoset and ther-
moplastic properties, formed by the block copolymerization of styrene and butadiene monomers. These polymers
are used as the modifying compound in SBS polymer modified asphalt roofing membranes to impart rubber-like
qualities to the asphalt.

Substrate: the surface upon which the roofing or waterproofing membrane is applied (e.g., in roofing, the structural
deck or insulation).

Sump: an intentional depression around a roof drain or scupper that promotes drainage.

Sump pan: a metal pan used to create a depression around a drain or scupper to enhance drainage.

Superimposed loads: loads that are added to existing loads. For example, a large stack of insulation boards
placed on top of a structural steel deck.

Surface erosion: the wearing away of a surface due to abrasion, dissolution or weathering.

Surface texture: the resulting surface from the final pass of SPF. The following terms are used to describe the dif-
ferent SPF surface textures: smooth orange peel, coarse orange peel, verge of popcorn, popcorn, treebark, and

1004 Glossary
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Surfacing: the top layer or layers of a roof covering, specified or designed to protect the underlying roofing from di-
rect exposure to the weather.

Surfactant: contraction for “surface active agent;” a material that improves the emulsifying, dispersing, spreading,
wetting or other surface-modifying properties of liquids.

Tab: the exposed portion of strip shingles defined by cutouts.

Tack-free time: in SPF-based roofing, a curing phase of polyurethane foam to when the material is no longer
sticky. When the polyurethane foam is tack free, it can be sprayed over with another pass, referred to as a “lift”.
With some care the polyurethane foam can be walked on soon after it is tack free.

Talc: whitish powder applied at the factory to the surface of some roofing materials (e.g., vulcanized EPDM mem-
branes), used as a release agent to prevent adhesion of the membrane to itself.

Tapered edge strip: a tapered insulation strip used to (1) elevate and slope the roof at the perimeter and at curbs,
and (2) provide a gradual transition from one layer of insulation to another.

Taping: (1) the technique of connecting joints between insulation boards or deck panels with tape; (2) the technique
of using self-adhering tape-like materials to seam or splice single-ply membranes.

Tar: a brown or black bituminous material, liquid or semi-solid in consistency, in which the predominating con-
stituents are bitumens obtained as condensates in the processing of coal, petroleum, oil-shale, wood, or other or-
ganic materials.

Tar boils: bubbles of moisture vapor encased in a thin film of bitumen, also known as “blackberries.”

Tarred felt: see Coal tar felt.

Tear-off and reroof: the removal of all roof system components down to the structural deck, followed by installa-
tion of a completely new roof system.

Tear resistance: the load required to tear a material, when the stress is concentrated on a small area of the materi-
al by the introduction of a prescribed flaw or notch. Expressed in psi (pounds force) per inch width or kN/m (kilo-
newton per meter width).

Tear strength: the maximum force required to tear a specimen.

Tensile strength: the strength of a material under tension as distinct from torsion, compression or shear.

Tension leveling: the process of pulling metal coil stock between two spools under a certain pressure to help re-
duce side camber and potential oil canning in the coil stock caused by manufacturing and cutting processes.

Termination: the treatment or method of anchoring and/or sealing the free edges of the membrane in a roofing or
waterproofing system.

Terne: an alloy of lead and tin, used to coat sheets of carbon steel or stainless steel for use as metal roofing sheet.

Terra cotta: low-fired clay, either glazed or unglazed.

Test cut: a sample of the roof system or assembly which exposes the roof deck and is used to diagnose the condi-
tion of the membrane, evaluate the type and number of plies or number of membranes, or rates of application (e.g.,
the weight of the average interply bitumen moppings).

Thermal block: a compression-resistant insulation block installed between structural steel roof panels and their
supporting members to help maintain insulation R-values and reduce condensation.

Thermal bridge: the penetration of a material of high thermal conductivity (e.g., a metal insulation or roof mem-
brane fastener) through a material of low thermal conductivity (e.g., thermal insulation); the result is a lowered ther-
mal resistance for the assembly.

Glossary 1005
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Thermal cycling: sequence of values caused by a repetitive temperature differential due to changes in radiant

Thermal conductance (C): the time rate of heat flow through a unit area of a body induced by a unit temperature
difference between bodies. In English (inch-pound) units of measurement, the number of BTUs that pass through
a specified thickness of a one square foot (0.09 m2) sample of material in one hour with a temperature difference
between the two surfaces of 1° F. In English (inch-pound) units it is expressed as Btu/h·ft2·F.

Note 1: A thermal conductance (C) value applies to a specific thickness of a specific material.

Note 2: It is mathematically incorrect to multiply or divide the thermal conductance (C) value for a specific thick-
ness of a material to determine the thermal conductance value of a different thickness of the same material.

Note 3: It is mathematically incorrect to add thermal conductance (C) values to determine overall thermal per-
formance. If it is necessary to determine the overall thermal performance of a construction, it is appropriate to
convert the individual thermal conductance (C) values to thermal resistance (R) values (i.e., R= 1/c), and then add
the thermal resistance values (i.e., RT=R1, + R2 + ...).

Thermal conductivity (k): the time rate of heat flow through a unit area of a homogeneous material in a direction
perpendicular to isothermal planes induced by a unit temperature gradient is called thermal conductivity (k or k-
value). In English (inch-pound) units of measurement, it is the number of BTUs that pass through a 1 inch (25 mm)
thickness of a 1 square foot (0.09 m2) sample of material in one hour with a temperature difference between the two
surfaces of 1°F. In English (inch-pound) units it is expressed as Btu·inch/h·ft2·°F.

Note 1: A thermal conductivity (k) value applies to 1 inch (25 mm) thickness of a specific material.

Note 2: It is mathematically incorrect to add, multiply, or divide the thermal conductivity (k) value of a material to
determine the thermal performance value of a different thickness of the same material. If it is necessary to deter-
mine the thermal performance of a specific thickness of a material, it is appropriate to convert the thermal con-
ductivity (k) of the material to a thermal resistance (R) value (i.e., R = 1/k), and then perform the mathematical

Thermal expansion: the increase in the dimension or volume of a body due to temperature variations.

Thermal insulation: a material applied to reduce the flow of heat.

Thermal movement: changes in dimension of a material as a result of temperature changes.

Thermal resistance (R): under steady conditions, thermal resistance is the mean temperature difference between
two defined surfaces of material or construction that induces unit heat flow through a unit area. In English
(inch·pound) units it is expressed as °F·ft2·h/Btu.

Note 1: A thermal resistance (R) value applies to a specific thickness of a material or construction.

Note 2: The thermal resistance (R) of a material is the reciprocal of the thermal conductance (C) of the same ma-
terial (i.e., R = 1/C).

Note 3: Thermal resistance (R) values can be added, subtracted, multiplied, and divided by mathematically ap-
propriate methods.

Thermal shock: the stress-producing phenomenon resulting from sudden temperature changes in a roof mem-
brane when, for example, a cold rain shower follows brilliant sunshine.

Thermal stress: stress introduced by uniform or non-uniform temperature change in a structure or material that is
contained against expansion or contraction.

1006 Glossary
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Thermal transmittance (U or U-factor): thermal transmittance (U or U-factor) is the time rate of heat flow per unit
area under steady conditions from the fluid (e.g., air) on the warm side of a barrier to the fluid (e.g., air) on the cold
side, per unit temperature difference between the fluids. In English (inch·pound) units expressed as Btu/h·ft2·°F.

Note 1: A thermal transmittance (U) value applies to the overall thermal performance of a system (e.g., roof

Note 2: Thermal transmittance (U) is sometimes called the overall coefficient of heat transfer.

Note 3: Thermal transmittance (U) is reciprocal of the overall thermal resistance (RT) of a system (i.e., U = 1/RT).

Thermography, Infrared: see Infrared thermography.

Thermoplastic: a material that softens when heated and hardens when cooled. This process can be repeated pro-
vided that the material is not heated above the point at which decomposition occurs.

Thermoplastic olefin membrane (TPO): a blend of polypropylene and ethylene-propylene polymers. Colorant,
flame retardants, UV absorbers, and other proprietary substances which may be blended with the TPO to achieve
the desired physical properties. The membrane may or may not be reinforced.

Thermoset: a class of polymers that, when cured using heat, chemical, or other means, changes into a substantial-
ly infusible and insoluble material.

Thinner: (1) a volatile liquid added to an adhesive or coating material to modify the consistency or other properties;
(2) a liquid used to clean equipment or other surfaces.

Thixotropic: the property of a material that enables it to stiffen in a relatively short time on standing, but upon agi-
tation or manipulation to change to a very soft consistency or to a fluid of high viscosity, the process being com-
pletely reversible.

Through-wall flashing: a water-resistant membrane or material assembly extending totally through a wall and its
cavities, positioned to direct water within the wall to the exterior, usually through weep holes.

Tie-in: in roofing and waterproofing, the transitional seal used to terminate a roofing or waterproofing application at
the top or bottom of flashings or by forming a watertight seal with the substrate, membrane, or adjacent roofing or
waterproofing system.

T-joint: the condition created by the overlapping intersection of three or four sheets in the membrane.

Toggle bolt: a bolt having a nut with pivoted, flanged wings that close against a spring when it is pushed through a
hole, and open after emerging from the hole; used to fasten objects to a hollow wall or to a wall which is accessible
only from one side.

Tongue and groove planks: one of the oldest types of dimensional structural wood used as roof decking. The
sides are cut with convex and concave grooves so adjacent planks may join in alignment with each other to form a
uniform roof deck.

Torch-applied: method used in the installation of polymer modified bitumen membranes characterized by using
open flame propane torch equipment.

TPO: thermoplastic olefin.

Traffic bearing: in waterproofing, a membrane formulated to withstand a predetermined amount of pedestrian or

vehicular traffic with separate protection and a wear course.

Transverse seam: the joint between the top of one metal roof panel and the bottom of the next panel, which runs
perpendicular to the roof slope.

Treebark surface texture: in SPF roofing, the surface condition of the foam which shows a coarse texture where
valleys form sharp angles. This surface is unacceptable for proper coating and protection.

Glossary 1007
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Tuckpointing: the process of removing deteriorated mortar from an existing masonry joint and troweling new mor-
tar or other filler into the joint.

U-Value: see Thermal transmittance.

UBC: Uniform Building Code.

UL: Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.

UL label: an identification label or seal affixed to a roofing product or package with the authorization of Underwrit-
ers Laboratories, Inc. The presence of the label indicates that the product has met certain performance criteria.

Ultraviolet (UV): invisible light radiation, adjacent to the violet end of the visible spectrum, with wavelengths from
about 200 to 400 nm (nanometres).

Underlayment: an asphalt-saturated felt or other sheet material (may be self-adhering) installed between the roof
deck and roof covering, usually used in a steep-slope roof construction. Underlayment is primarily used to separate
the roof covering from the roof deck, shed water and provide secondary weather protection for the roof area of the

Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL): an organization that tests, rates and classifies roof assemblies for their re-
sistance to fire, impact, leakage, corrosion of metal components and wind uplift.

Uplift: see Wind uplift.

Valley: the internal angle formed by the intersection of two sloping roof planes.

Vapor migration: the movement of water vapor from a region of high vapor pressure to a region of lower vapor

Vapor pressure: the pressure exerted by a vapor of a solid or liquid when in equilibrium with the liquid or solid.

Vapor retarder: a layer(s) of material or a laminate used to appreciably reduce the flow of water vapor into a roof

Veneer: (1) a single wythe of masonry for facing purposes that may not be structurally connected; (2) any of the thin
layers of wood glued together to form plywood.

Vent: an opening designed to convey air, heat, water vapor or gas from inside a building or a building component to
the atmosphere.

Ventilator: an accessory that is designed to allow for the passage of air.

Verge of popcorn texture: in SPF roofing, the verge of popcorn surface texture is the roughest texture suitable for
receiving the protective coating on a sprayed polyurethane foam roof. The surface shows a texture where nodules
are larger than valleys, with the valleys relatively cured. This surface is acceptable for receiving a protective coating
only because of the relatively cured valleys. However, the surface is considered undesirable because of the addi-
tional amount of coating material required to protect the surface properly.

Vermiculite: an aggregate used in lightweight insulating concrete, formed by heating and expanding of a mica-
ceous material.

Viscosity: the resistance of a material to flow under stress. For bitumen, measured in centipoise. (see Viscous.)

Viscous: resistant to flow under stress.

Void: an open space or break in consistency.

Volatile: a relative term expressing the tendency to form vapor.

1008 Glossary
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Volatile organic compounds (VOC): means any compound of carbon, excluding carbon monoxide, carbon diox-
ide, carbonic acid, metallic carbides or carbonates, and ammonium carbonate, which participate in atmospheric
photochemical reactions.

Vulcanization: an irreversible process during which a rubber compound, through a change in its chemical structure
(for example, cross-linking), becomes less plastic and more resistant to swelling by organic liquids and elastic prop-
erties are conferred, improved, or extended over a greater range of temperature.

Warm roof assembly: a roof assembly configured with each component placed immediately on top of the preced-
ing component; each component is in contact with the adjacent component. No space is provided for ventilation of
the roof assembly. Also known as a “compact” roof assembly.

Wash coat: a primer, typically provided on the back side of painted metal products to help protect the underlying
metal from wear and corrosion.

Water cure: a method of curing a material, such as concrete, by applying a fine mist of water over the surface to
control the rate of moisture evaporation from the material.

Water cutoff: see Cutoff.

Water-shedding: the ability of individual, overlapping components to resist the passage of water without hydro-
static pressure.

Water stop: a diaphragm used across a joint as a sealant, usually to prevent the passage of water.

Water table: the level within the ground, below which the soil is saturated with water.

Water vapor transmission: a measure of the rate of transmission of water vapor through a material under con-
trolled laboratory conditions of temperature and humidity. Customary units are grains/h·ft2.

Waterproof: the quality of a membrane, membrane material, or other component to prevent water entry.

Waterproofing: treatment of a surface or structure to prevent the passage of water under hydrostatic pressure.

Wear course: the top layer of surfacing that carries pedestrian or vehicular traffic. Sometimes referred to as wear-
ing surface.

Wearing surface: see Wear course.

Weatherproof: the ability of a membrane or roof covering to prevent the passage of water with a limited amount of
hydrostatic pressure.

Weep holes: small openings whose purpose is to permit drainage of water that accumulates inside a building com-
ponent (e.g., a brick wall, skylight frame, etc.).

Weld: to join pieces of metal together by heat fusion.

Wet: a condition where free water is present in a substance.

Wet bulb temperature: the temperature of air as registered by a thermometer whose bulb is covered by a water
wetted wick.

Wet film thickness: the thickness, expressed in mils, of a coating or mastic as applied but not cured. For compari-
son, see Dry film thickness.

Wicking: the process of moisture movement by capillary action.

Wind clip: a steep-slope roofing attachment device that fits over the butt end of tile, slate and stone to help secure
individual roofing units from wind uplift.

Wind load: force exerted by the wind on a structure or part of a structure.

Glossary 1009
The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual—Fifth Edition

Wind uplift: the force caused by the deflection of wind at roof edges, roof peaks or obstructions, causing a drop in
air pressure immediately above the roof surface.

Wire tie system: a system of attachment for steep-slope roofing units (e.g., tile, slate and stone) using fasteners
(nails and/or screws) in conjunction with wire to provide a concealed fastening system.

Work slab: see Mud slab.

Woven valley: a method of valley construction in which shingles or roofing from both sides of the valley extend
across the valley and are woven together by overlapping alternate courses as they are applied.

Wythe: a masonry wall, one masonry unit, a minimum of two inches thick.

Yield: in SPF-based roofing, the volume of foam per unit weight, normally expressed as board feet per pound or
board feet per 1000 pounds.

Z section: a member formed in the shape of a “Z” from coiled steel stock.

Zinc: a hard bluish white metal, brittle at normal temperatures, very malleable and ductile when heated; not subject
to corrosion; used for galvanizing sheet steel and iron, in various metal alloys, and as an oxide for white paint

1010 Glossary

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