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11 A Research Paper Presented to the
12 Faculty of the Institute of Criminal Justice Education
13 Tangub City Global College
14 Maloro, Tangub City
23 In Partial Fulfillment
24 Of the Requirements for the Degree
25 Bachelor of Science in Industrial Security Management
33 Jocelva Fe B. Pilongo
34 Gin Arman T. Matildo
35 RedemtoPunay
45 May 2024

47 Chapter 1


49 Background of the Study

50 BPAT, also known as barangay peacekeeping action team,is a community-based

51 group in the Philippines. BPAT members are typically community volunteers trained and

52 mobilized for various tasks related to peacekeeping and public safety.Peacekeeping is one

53 of the functions of BPAT. They support peace and security in their respective barangays

54 by being visible in the community, which can help deter potential crimes. BPAT

55 members enforce local ordinances, such as curfew hours, to ensure public safety. They

56 also assist in political processes, supporting local elections ,promoting human rights and

57 also when it comes in disaster .They protect civilians, promote human rights, and assist in

58 disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration of former combatants. Their role is

59 crucial in ensuring the safety and well-being of their community.

60 Barangay Peacemaking Action Team (BPAT) has been created to provide better

61 police services to the community and catch-all anti-crime strategy that seeks to empower

62 all stakeholders to share the responsibility of peacekeeping and order maintenance

63 towards self-policing (Aydinan, 2021). This way, it will create an impact on the lives of

64 our citizens on a real time basis to be enjoyed by the smallest but the most important

65 group of our community, the Filipino Family (Demeter,2022). In the Philippine setting,

66 Barangays serve as the smallest administrative region, governed by one leader, the

67 Barangay Chairperson (according to the law)/Barangay Chairperson (GAD

68 Advocates)/Barangay Captain (street term) (Viray, 2021). The Punong Barangay

69 (Barangay Chairperson) plays a vital role in preparing and executing government

70 policies, initiatives, and services for the citizens (Flores, 2019). The Barangay Captain

71 serves as the administrator of one barangay, with the help of barangay councilors, his

72 primary duty is to control the peace, order, and security of his or her area of authority

73 (Antonio, 2020).

74 Furthermore, knowing that there barangay encountered flood and its affects

75 human and economic impact like displacement, health issue , casualties ,damage

76 property, and loss of livelihood, this are the situation faced by their community. BPAT

77 teams play a vital role in flood response and rescue operations by conducting water

78 rescues, providing emergency assistance, distributing supplies, facilitating evacuations,

79 and ensuring safety. However ,this leads the researcher to study the lived experiences of

80 BPAT’s in handling disaster response at barangay lingconan, Municipality of

81 bonifacio.To determine and apprehend what are their startegies our how they handle that

82 kind of situation in serving and safeguarding the community.

83 The purpose of this study aims to understand the lived experiences of BPAT

84 members in handling disaster response and the unique challenges faced by barangay

85 tanod in different context and roles that can provide valuable insights into improving

86 their training, well-being, and overall effects in ensuring the safety of the community.

87 The researcher is also interested in how Barangay Peacekeeping Action Team (BPAT)

88 members bridge the gap between the community and law enforcement, fostering a safer

89 and more harmonious barangay. This includes understanding their daily interactions,

90 responsibilities, and collaborative emergency response protocols.

91 Theoretical Framework
92 This study anchored on the theory of Normative Sponsorship theory by Sower,

93 Holland, Tiedke& Freeman (2000).

94 ThisCritical social science helps police and citizens understand the "quasi-causes"

95 of their problematic situation, which aid citizens to solve them. The normative

96 sponsorship theory sees the workability of partnerships in community policing as a

97 strategy. In other terms, according to this theory, the police cannot achieve any policing

98 goals in the community without the support of the public (Mangai, Maseya&Masimola,

99 2023). This theory is one of community policing which emphasizes proactive problem

100 solving and routine fashion. Rather than responding to crime only after it occurs, this

101 community policing encourages agencies to proactively develop solutions to the

102 immediate underlying conditions contributing to public safety problems. Problem solving

103 must be infused into all police operations and guide decision making efforts. Agencies

104 are encouraged to think innovatively about their responses and view making arrests as

105 only one of a wide array of potential responses (Pavia, 2021). In the context of

106 community-oriented policing, the normative sponsorship theory posits that people and

107 communities actively shape the norms and values that direct their conduct (Greene,

108 2000). This idea holds that people in the community can serve as normative sponsors,

109 influencing and supporting proper police behavior that is consistent with community

110 norms (Gill et al, 2014). According to the Normative Sponsorship Theory, when

111 community people and police officers work together to define and promote positive

112 norms and behaviors, it increases public trust, police legitimacy, and legal compliance

113 (Sunshine, 2003). Police officers, as well as community members, need to work together

114 to co-create norms and guidelines for policing activities that are acceptable and beneficial
115 for the community. This collaboration helps in developing a shared understanding of the

116 desired policing behaviors and practices within the community (Braga, A. A., &

117 Weisburd, D., 2010).

118 Also, according to Neely et al (2019), performance measurement may be defined

119 as quantifying the efficiency or effectiveness of an action. Performance is one of the most

120 important components of law enforcement management affecting the quality of the

121 services a department delivers as well as the satisfaction of its community (Gul, S. K., &

122 O'Connell, P., 2019). According to the study of Etcuban, (2018), Peacekeeping is the

123 essential function of the police and police visibility is one of the main thrusts of this

124 peacekeeping activity. Without this peacekeeping activity, it would be desperate for the

125 police visibility may not work in addressing criminality in all situations. Curfews are

126 observed in cities and municipalities as a simple method to reduce crime opportunities

127 and to lessen the instances where people may become crime victims (Andres, ,2018).

128 Curfews were a common element of control used in martial law, though curfews can also

129 be implemented for public safety in the event of a disaster, pandemic, or crisis (Thomson

130 Reuters, 2021). The Barangay Peacekeeping Operations (BPO) and its implementors, the

131 Barangay Peacekeeping Action Teams (BPAT), are examples of the PNP's commitment

132 to providing the best possible policing system for our people (Saligan et al., 2018).

133 Bayanihan addresses the need for the entire community to participate in police and law

134 enforcement (Cruz, 2021). The police rely on community support, just as communities

135 expect police to protect them (Aguirre, 2021). The Barangay Tanod, an arm of the

136 Barangay Peace and Order Committee (BPOC), plays a vital role in maintaining order

137 and fostering progress within the barangay (Municipality of Palompon, 2019).
138 Statement of the Problem

139 This study aims to evaluate and understand the lived experiences of BPAT

140 members in handling disaster response in the Barangay lingconan ,Municipality of

141 Bonifacio. The researcher wants to know how they interact on their daily duties and their

142 responsibilities to the community in such of handling an disaster response in their

143 designated line of duty.

144 Specially, it sought to answer the following questions:

145 1. What are the lived experiences of BPAT members in handling disaster response in

146 Barangay lingconan?.

147 2. What are the strategies that BPAT teams used in terms of handling disaster

148 response?

149 3. What are the coping mechanisms to address the negative experiences of BPAT

150 members in handling disaster responses?

151 4. After the study's conduct, what intervention program will be offered?

152 Significance of the Study

153 This result of the study will be benefited to the following individuals who are seen

154 to be direct recipients of the result of this study:

155 Community. This study will help you to have knowledge and understanding

156 about awareness. The study allowsus to reduce the risk of crime. This

157 study gives you an insight into their responsibilities and duties in the

158 community.
159 BPAT members. This study will help the barangay peacekeeping action team to

160 improve and enhance their skills in terms of securing and handling

161 emergency responses.

162 The Researcher. This study will help future researchers to have knowledge and

163 insight about securing and handling emergency responses to have a

164 reliable source in conducting a related study.

165 Scope and Limitation

166 The scope of this study is to know and understand the lived experiences of the BPAT

167 members in handling disaster response at barangay lingconan, municipality of bonifacio.

168 This will rely on the aspects of securing and handling emergencies to the community.

169 During the data gathering, it will involve the BPAT members in the said barangay

170 through interviews and observations to get insights for the study. The findings of this

171 study may be specific only for Barangay lingconan and may not be directly applicable to

172 other communities or regions.

173 Research Methodology

174 In this phase the researchers will be discussing the method of this study. This part

175 has the research design of the study, research setting, research respondents, research

176 instruments, validation of instruments, data gathering procedure, data analysis, ethical

177 consideration, trustworthiness of the study a definition of terms. All methods in gathering

178 data and information by the researchers will be discussed in this study.

179 Research Design. This study used a descriptive-qualitative method of research.

180 Researchers conduct or produce an interview guide questionnaire to gather

181 or interpret the data needed for this study.It can be used to gather in-depth
182 insights into a problem or generate innovative ideas for researcher

183 (Bhandari, 2020).

184 Research Setting. This study will be conducted at barangay lingconan in the

185 municipality of bonifacio, in the province of Misamis Occidental. Through

186 2020 Census, Its population as determined by the 2020 Census was 1,518.

187 This represented 4.39% of the total population of Bonifacio.

188 Research Participants. The participants of this study will be the BPAT members

189 of the said barangay. There is no specific number of participants because

190 they depend on the saturation point during the interview. This aims to

191 gather firsthand perspectives about the experiences of the BPATs in

192 handling disaster responses in barangay lingconan.

193 Research Instrument. The proponents will perform interviews and observations

194 using an interview guide to understand the research topic better.

195 Validation of Instrument. The interview guide questionnaire will be given to the

196 panel members and experts for review and comments to ensure the

197 validity of the instruments. If the questionnaire is approved, it will be

198 ready for distribution/ data gathering. For final validation, the interview

199 guide questionnaire will be referred to the chairperson of the panel and the

200 research adviser.

201 Data Gathering Procedure. In conducting the interview, participants will be

202 asked for permission first. Participants will be provided with a thorough

203 explanation about the research purpose, their right as a participant and

204 ensure confidentiality while doing the data gathering. Participants will be
205 asked based on the interview guide questionnaire and with the participants'

206 consent, the interview will be recorded and detailed – notes will be taken.

207 Data Analysis. This study used thematic analysis to interpret or analyze the

208 information gathered from the interview guide questionnaire the

209 researchers conducted. After the researcher wrote the transcription, the

210 thematic analysis was used and applied to short and group statement the

211 answers are written each transcription of the respondents. The thematic

212 analysis was applied and interpreted to gain deeper understanding of

213 experiences and challenges that the members of BPAT had encountered.

214 Ethical Consideration

215 The researcher was given consent or approval from the respondents signed to ensure

216 ethical conduct. Considered that the researcher’s data was maintained under strict

217 confidence. The researcher emphasized that the information that they have acquired is

218 only for educational purposes.

219 Trustworthiness of the Study

220 The researcher was given consent or approval from the respondents signed to

221 ensure ethical conduct. To ensure that the interpretation and analysis was authentic, the

222 researcher consulted the highly knowledgeable experts to conduct a study of the data

223 collected and gathered into the respondents.

224 Definition of Terms

225 BPAT- Barangay Peacekeeping Action Team (BPAT) shall function solely for

226 community-based activities, info campaign in support to Philippine

227 National Police (PNP) anti-criminality effort, crime prevention on- the-
228 spot conflict resolution.Barangay Peacekeeping Action Teams (BPATs)

229 are community-based organizations in the Philippines that aim to maintain

230 peace and order in the barangay or village level. These teams are

231 composed of volunteers who are trained to respond to various situations

232 that may threaten the safety and security of the community.

233 Disarmament – the act of taking away or giving up weapons.

234 Demobilization- the act of disbanding troops or an army or other fighting force

235 and the action or processing of releasing troops active service, typically at

236 the end of war.

237 Etiquette- the customary code of police behavior in society or among members of

238 a particular profession or group.

239 Inadequate funding– too low in quality or too small in amount; not enough.

240 Inadequate funding poses a significant challenge across various sectors,

241 including education, healthcare, infrastructure, and social services.

242 Anti– Crime- opposing or intended to discourage or prevent crime and especially

243 violent crime. Opposed to or aimed at preventing or punishing

244 crime.Fighting crime and maintaining public safety are crucial priorities

245 for communities and law enforcement agencies worldwide. Anti-crime

246 efforts encompass a range of strategies and initiatives aimed at preventing,

247 detecting, and addressing criminal activities.

248 Innovative - is a key driver of progress and growth in various fields, from

249 technology to healthcare and beyond. It involves the creation of new ideas,

250 products, services, or processes that bring about positive change and
251 improvement. Innovations can range from small incremental changes to

252 groundbreaking discoveries that revolutionize entire industries.

253 References

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313 Tangub City Global College

314 Maloro ,Tangub City
318 Interview Guide Questionnaire





324 I. Greetings

325 II. The proponents

326 III. Discuss the purpose of the Study.

327 IV. Provide structure of the interview (audio recording)

328 V. Key Questions


330 VI. Lived Experiences


332 1. Tell me about your journey as a BPAT members, what has

333 your experiences been like so far?

334 Sultihi ko bahin sa imong panaw isip miyembro sa BPAT, unsa

335 na ang imong mga kasinatian hangtod karon?

336 2. Describe a typical workday for you as a BPAT members, what

337 are your responsibilities and challenges within the

338 community?.

339 Ihulagway ang usa ka tipikal nga adlaw sa trabaho alang

340 kanimo isip usa ka miyembro sa BPAT, unsa ang imong mga

341 responsibilidad ug mga hagit sulod sa komunidad?.

342 3. What are your relationships like with your co members, how

343 do these relationships influence your experiences as a member

344 of BPAT ?.
345 Unsa man ang imong mga relasyon sa imong mga kauban, sa

346 unsang paagi kini nga mga relasyon nakaimpluwensya sa

347 imong mga kasinatian isip miyembro sa BPAT?.

348 4. As a members of BPAT what are the positive and negative

349 experiences you face in securing and handling emergency

350 response?.

351 Isip mga miyembro sa BPAT unsa ang positibo ug negatibo

352 nga mga kasinatian nga imong giatubang sa pagsiguro ug

353 pagdumala sa pagtubag sa emerhensya?.

354 5. What are most aspect of being a BPAT members?. What

355 moments of accomplished or satisfaction stand out to you?.

356 Unsa ang pinakaapekto sa pagka miyembro sa BPAT?.

357 Unsang mga gutlo sa nahimo o katagbawan ang makita nimo?.



360 VII. Trials and Challenges:


362 1. Please describe the most challenges you face as a BPAT

363 members. Can you elaborate on specific aspect that support

364 your system?.

365 Palihug ihulagway ang kadaghanan nga mga hagit nga imong

366 giatubang isip mga miyembro sa BPAT. Mahimo ba nimo

367 ipasabut ang piho nga aspeto nga nagsuporta sa imong

368 sistema?

369 2. How do you cope with these challenges? What strategies or

370 mechanisms do you employ with this kind of challenges?

371 Giunsa nimo pagsagubang kini nga mga hagit? Unsa nga mga

372 estratehiya o mekanismo ang imong gigamit sa kini nga

373 matang sa mga hagit?

374 3. What are the common types of conflicts that are brought to the

375 attention of a BPAT members?.

376 Unsa ang kasagarang mga matang sa mga panagbangi nga

377 gidala ngadto sa pagtagad sa mga miyembro sa BPAT?.

378 4. Have you experienced any instances of discrimination or

379 inequity related to your work status?. If so, how did you

380 address or overcome these situation, and what impact did they

381 have on you?.

382 Nakasinati ka ba sa bisan unsang mga higayon sa

383 diskriminasyon o dili makiangayon nga may kalabutan sa

384 imong kahimtang sa trabaho?. Kung mao, giunsa nimo

385 pagtubag o pagbuntog kini nga sitwasyon, ug unsa ang epekto

386 niini kanimo?

387 5. Do you feel recognized and value for your contributions as a

388 member of BPAT?

389 Gibati ba nimo nga giila ug bililhon ang imong mga

390 kontribusyon isip miyembro sa BPAT?

391 VIII. Suggestion and Recommendations


393 1. What suggestions or recommendation do you have as a BPAT

394 members to better support and address the concerns?.

395 Unsang mga sugyot o rekomendasyon ang naa nimo isip mga

396 miyembro sa BPAT aron mas masuportahan ug matubag ang

397 mga kabalaka?.

398 2. Do you think any specific practices that could be implemented

399 to improve working situations and overall well being for BPAT

400 members?.

401 Sa imong hunahuna aduna bay espesipikong mga gawi nga

402 mahimong ipatuman aron mapauswag ang mga kahimtang sa

403 pagtrabaho ug kinatibuk-ang kaayohan sa mga miyembro sa

404 BPAT?.

405 3. Is there anything else you would like to add on or share to

406 everyone about your experiences as a BPAT members the we

407 haven’t discussed?.

408 Naa pa bay gusto nimong idugang o ipaambit sa tanan bahin

409 sa imong mga kasinatian isip miyembro sa BPAT nga wala pa

410 namo nahisgutan?.

412 IX. Ending Remarks


414 1. Thank a participants

415 2. Ask if they want a copy of the results.





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