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Marrying the Mafia Boss

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All rights reserved.

Respective authors own all copyrights not held by the publisher.

1. Tony
2. Sophia
3. Tony
4. Sophia
5. Tony
6. Sophia
7. Tony
8. Sophia
9. Tony
10. Sophia
11. Tony
12. Sophia
13. Tony
14. Sophia
15. Tony
16. Sophia
17. Tony
18. Sophia
19. Tony
20. Sophia
21. Tony
22. Sophia
23. Tony
24. Sophia
25. Tony
26. Sophia
27. Tony
28. Sophia

Marrying the Merciless Don


M y earliest memory is of drowning.

When I was six years old, I strayed into the deep end of a pool without any supervision. I had been taking
swimming lessons and was starting to feel overconfident and unsure of myself. Even as a little boy I was reckless. And
due to my recklessness I almost died.
It only took two seconds for me to panic. I forgot every single thing I was taught. I started to struggle, thrashing in the water.
For some reason both the lifeguards, the instructors, everyone that was supposed to have being able to help me, were
distracted. But my mom wasn’t.
She jumped into the water without hesitation and she saved me. I was only in there for a couple of seconds, but it felt like
years before her strong arms clamped around me. And as soon as I felt her there with me, immense relief filled me. We were
barely out of the water before I started to relax. Because she was there for me. She was always there for me. Until she wasn’t.
After that incident, most kids would be afraid of water. That innate fear would always cling to them, obstructing their
willingness to do something they used to find so much joy in. But not me. Even if I wanted to run away and hide. My mom
wouldn’t let me. She took me back to the swimming pool the next day and even though any progress I had with swimming was
lost, she made me start all over again.
We got in together and started from scratch. Floating, holding our breaths, feeling the world fall away inside that large body
of water. Eventually, I learnt again. The innate fear turned back to innate joy. Pools became my happy place. As I grew older,
being inside water was my favorite place to be. I won swimming competitions, I took any chance to be inside water. My mom
supported me through everything. Swimming was our thing and nothing could come between us. Almost every single memory I
have of her. The ones I can’t seem to forget were spent in water.
Even after she left, I never stopped. The only difference is the innate joy turned to innate pain. And the pain helped me
remember. It helped me push forward. Now when I swim, I’m not afraid of drowning. I’m scared I’ll forget how it made me
feel. To be abandoned by the person who was supposed to love me most in the world.
Because if she could throw me away so easily, what’s to stop anyone else from doing so?

MY SISTER GETS this look in her eyes when she’s trying to convince someone to do something. That stubborn look that spells
that she’ll inevitably get what she wants. I think it’s a Legan thing because my dad does it too. And I’ve got it as well. Which
means I never back down when I want something. And she knows this better than anyone.
“Tony,” she starts in a deceptively calm voice. “This is a bad idea.”
I scoff, “Really? That’s what you’re starting with?”
“Yes! Because I don’t get it. I don’t understand why you’re doing this. It’s a bad idea,” she says, her face pinched.
I smile then say calmly, “Yeah, you already said that.”
Elena lets out a soft growl and I sigh.
“I have to do this, lil sis.”
“But why?” she says softly. “You didn’t care. You haven’t cared for years. What brought this on?”
I lean back in my chair, my eyes straying to the painting on the wall of some dude in the ancient days taking a piss. Rosa
insists that’s not what it actually is and my interpretation is complete nonsense. She says I’m being too literal. I think she’s full
of shit. Artists like to say their work is so mind-blowing and out of this world. They make things more complicated than they
actually are. She didn’t paint this one though, which is why I’m allowed to rail on it all I want. Rosa’s practically my little
sister, and I would never say anything bad against any artwork she created. I’m nice like that.
It takes a few seconds before I reply to Elena. She waits patiently. I’m trying to figure out a way to smoothly navigate out of
this conversation. But I doubt I can so I finally decide to answer.
“I heard you,” I start. “A few days before Rosa’s wedding. Rome and I got back late and I was going to check up on Cassie
in her nursery. You were there with her, telling her a story.”
Elena’s eyes widen as she remembers. She was telling her about a Greek myth. Just like our mother used to. Cassie was
probably already fast asleep but she continued talking.
“You were sad,” I continue. “Because she wouldn’t get to meet her grandmother. You want Cassie to meet her.”
Elena looks at me, dumbfounded.
“Tony I-”
“It’s okay. I get it. I understand actually. If she’s still alive, then Cassie has a chance to know her. Who knows, she might
want to meet her granddaughter. I’m not saying I forgive her though. I never will.”
My sister looks to be slightly over her surprise. The look on her face is discerning as they roam over mine.
“You’re lying,” Elena says.
I arch an eyebrow in question.
“Cut the shit, Tony. I know you and I love you for wanting that for Cassie but that’s not really why. It’s only an excuse. You
want to find her too. Deep down, you want to know where she is. If she’s even alive.”
I don’t deny it. But my jaw clenches and I look away. That’s answer enough.
Elena sighs. “This is a bad idea, Tony. Does dad know?”
I glance at her sharply. “No, he doesn’t. And you’re not going to tell him. At least not until I have answers.”
Once again, my sister proves how annoying it is when someone knows you too well.
She inclines her head to the side. “There’s something else going on.”
“No there isn’t,” I mutter.
“Tell me. Is it about dad?”
I briefly wonder if Roman told her anything although I asked him not to. But I doubt he would. This is too delicate, too
important. He wouldn’t.
“Let it go, Lena,” I say, irritated. “You know better than anyone that I’m not going to tell you anything until I want to.”
She frowns. “I’m just worried. This is so out of character. If something’s wrong, you should tell someone. If you won’t tell
me, at least tell Rome or Mikey.”
I smirk, “That’s not really my style. But don’t worry, sis,” I say, getting to my feet. I bend down and kiss her cheek. “I
promise once I have answers I’ll let you know.”
As long as those answers won’t hurt her. Protecting her has been my responsibility since the day I was born. And she’s
right, I do have suspicious. And while I hope more than anything my suspicions are wrong, there’s this feeling in my gut that I’m
on the right path. But the right path isn’t necessary a good one.
It doesn’t really matter though. Nothing will come out of this if Christian D’Angelo doesn’t have any answers for me.
But I also know deep down that if he doesn’t have the answers I need, I’ll do anything to get them. Because I saw
something. Something that makes no sense.
There has to be a reason why my dad was having secret conversations with a Mincetti. And I’ll stop at nothing to find out
what’s going on.

CHRISTIAN D’ANGELO IS AN INTRIGUING MAN . I first met him a few years ago when Roman had to ask him for a favor to deal
with some fuckers. And while I dislike most people on principle, Christian’s a guy you can’t help but respect. He has this air
around him that immediately makes you want to follow him into a fight. Kind of like my brother, Rome but Christian’s more
showy about it.
Two weeks after asking him to look into my mother’s disappearance, he texts me asking to meet up. I’m surprised when he
requests that I meet him at a coffee shop not too far from one of the clubs his family runs. Still I head over there. He’s already
seated when I arrive, punctual, immaculately dressed in a black suit, sans tie. I offer him a short nod in greeting before taking
my seat over him.
“What’s up? Why did you ask to meet up here?” I question.
He shifts forward and clasps his hand over the table. His inquisitive light brown eyes studying me.
“I figured you were less likely to lose it in a public place like this.”
That makes me smile. “Don’t underestimate me, Chris. Can I call you Chris?”
“No,” he replies coldly and I shrug. “I think you should have someone with you for this. Why don’t we call Roman over?”
I roll my eyes. “If you have information for me, Don, just say it. Roman doesn’t need to know anything.”
“He called me a few days ago asking me to tell him first if I found something out.”
My gaze cuts sharply to his and my jaw tenses. “And did you?”
“We wouldn’t be here if I did,” Christian says easily. “Tell me first. And be honest, what brought this on? Something must
have kickstarted your sudden desire to find your mother.”
I sigh, leaning back in my seat. I know without a doubt he won’t tell me what he’s found out unless I reply him first. So I do.
“A few months ago, at my sister’s wedding, I caught sight of a Mincetti lurking around,” I pause. “Actually, I had no idea
who she was, but Enzo confirmed it was probably a Mincetti. We pulled some clips and while she avoided most of the cameras
we managed to find one where she was leading my father outside. He looked worried. I have no idea what they talked about.”
Christian’s silent for a beat, “Why not just ask him?”
I shrug, “Because, he’s obviously keeping secrets. And if he is that means he can’t be trusted.”
“He’s your father,” Christian states and I can hear the slight disbelief in his voice.
Most people in our world have this sense of family above all else. And while I completely agree with that and I would
absolutely die for them, I also don’t blindly believe in mine.
“Sure, but not everything in life is sunshine and roses. If he has something to hide I want to know what it is and I’m sure as
hell he won’t tell me just cause I ask.”
“Hmm,” Christian says making a soft noise in the back of his throat. “You’re not a very trusting person, are you?”
“I’ve only survived this long because I’m not,” I return. “Now, your information. Tell me.”
He leans back and clears his throat. “I wasn’t able to find out much. This happened over a decade ago. But what I was able
to find out is that your dad does have a connection to the Mincetti’s. I looked into our archives and when your dad joined the
De Luca’s, my father made sure to look into him. He was the consigliere so I’m guessing he wanted to know about him.”
I listen intently, patiently waiting for him to get to the point.
“My father found out the Mincetti family was looking to recruit him,” Christian continues. “I’m guessing your dad turned
him down and things turned ugly. Your mom disappeared in the middle of it. Which is all I’ve been able to find out.”
I arch an eyebrow. “You’re kidding.”
“No,” Christian shakes his head. “It was a long time ago. You’re lucky I was even able to find that out. All I can tell you is
that whatever happened to your mom, the Mincetti’s were probably involved.”
I grit my teeth. “I’m getting sick of hearing about that fucking family.”
“You’re right though. Your father’s keeping something from you. He knows much more than he’s letting on.”
I don’t say anything. My mind whirs as I try to think of my next steps. After deciding on something, I get to my feet.
“Thanks for the information,” I tell him. “You’re a real one, Chris.”
His eyes narrow. “I still think you should talk to your father. Or Roman.”
“I’m not going to. And you won’t tell Roman anything.”
Christian’s eyes grow colder. “Careful, Tony. That almost sounded like an order. I’d watch your tone.”
“My apologies, Don. But I need your word that my family won’t find out what you’ve just told me.”
He doesn’t say anything, his expression thoughtful. Seconds tick by and I start to grow impatient. I get the irrational urge to
grab my gun from my waistband and press the barrel against his head. But I don’t. I’m not that stupid.
“Fine. You have my word.”
I nod and start to walk away.
“Tony,” Christian says, stopping me. “This seems like a path you don’t want to take. You should be careful.”
“Thanks for the advice. But this is a path I absolutely want to take. Right now I’m Alice in a fantasy world and I’ve got to
crawl out of the fucking hole.”
Christian offers me a bemused smile.
“Anyway, thanks again. I’ll see you around, Chris.”
He frowns, “Stop calling me that.”
I chuckle as I walk away. As soon as I get into my car however, an uneasy expression settles in my gut. I start the car
heading for the meeting Roman called for this morning. I’m already twenty minutes late. I arrive to find it underway. A few of
the capos who are higher up are gathered in the room. Michael’s behind Roman as he addresses them on the series of slip ups
that have been occurring over the past few weeks.
We’ve been having to bail out too many of our men for drug possession, illegal firearm possession, it’s a hassle. And
Roman’s pissed. I notice my dad in the corner, watching silently. That’s all he has done practically all my life, be involved in
the business but not out there. A silent prowler I guess. Which is why he’s fucking great at what he does. He takes everything in
and makes sure to fix our problems.
The meeting ends with everyone dispersing to do their various duties. Roman’s gestures for me to step forward once the
room clears out. It’s only us, Mikey and my dad who has taken a seat on a chair.
“Where were you?”
“Oh you know. Here and there, everywhere,” I reply with a smirk.
His eyes flash. “Now’s not the time for jokes, Tony.”
“There is always time for jokes,” I say soberly.
His jaw twitches. Honestly, it’s a wonder he hasn’t killed me by now. He sure does love me. It’s sweet.
“Anthony,” my dad cautions from his seat behind me.
I sigh softly. “I’m sorry, I was late. I had something to do.”
“What?” Mikey asks curiously.
He doesn’t even look up from the laptop in front of his face as he does.
“You sure you want the details?” I ask. “There was this girl, big tits, brown hair. She did this trick with her tongue-”
“That’s enough,” Roman says with a frown.
My dad lets out a long-suffering sigh and Michael simply rolls his eyes.
“You asked,” I shrug.
“Whatever, I need you to supervise a delivery tonight. Go with the boys and keep them out of trouble.”
I raise my hand in salute, “You got it boss. Oh and don’t wait up for me. I’ll be home late,” I tell them all as I leave.
They don’t question that. I’m sure they think I’m going on a booty call or something like that. Which on another night, I
would have. But not tonight.
After doing as ordered and ensuring the delivery goes by without a hitch, I head over to the one place I always manage to
feel calm. I can’t help thinking up conspiracy theories. My head won’t shut down and I need everything to go quiet.
As I pull into the parking lot, I catch sight of a woman. Her car’s the first thing that gives me pause. It’s a 1995 Aston
Martin which is a really sweet ride. She’s wearing sunglasses and her blonde hair’s in a ponytail. She seems a little familiar.
But that’s all I’m able to see of her before she gets into her car and zooms off.
I don’t think much of her, heading into the hotel and straight for the elevator. I have a keycard on hand that grants me access
to the rooftop swimming pool. It’s late at night and usually locked but I pulled some strings which allows me some privacy
whenever I need it. And I fucking need it right now.
The pool’s turquoise waters beckon to me as soon as I step onto the rooftop. There are elegant lounge chairs to the side,
each of them empty. The environment serene. I quickly get change, allowing the quiet air to soothe me for a few seconds before
I plunge into the icy cold water.
It’s the middle of January. Too cold for swimming but I don’t have anything else to turn to. Everything goes quiet as soon as
I sink into the depths. I stay deep under for several seconds, until I can’t take it anymore. I swim to the surface for a much-
needed breath of air.
After, I swim several laps, the feeling in my gut settles slightly. Most people think of me as brash and impulsive and sure I
am those things. But when it comes to the really important things. I never do them half assed.
And especially not with this. Slowly a plan forms in my mind. First things first, I need to recruit Mikey. I wouldn’t. But I
can’t very well break into dad’s laptop without him. It’s the only place I can get answers.
Secrets have a way of coming out. And my father has had almost fifteen years to keep his.

M y father’s house stands proudly amidst sprawling grounds. Towering columns and elegant balconies. The entrance to
the house is framed by a wrought iron gate. It’s all a little ostentatious but it’s also incredible. All he was able to
build. Three decades ago he was an Italian man living in decrepit buildings with nothing to his name. And today, he
has a formidable empire, And a name that invokes fear into the hearts of those who hear it.
He’s the person I respect the most in the world. Most little girls grow up looking up to their fathers. They see him with
hearts in their eyes, innocent, loving. And maybe I did too. But one difference is that while I did grow up looking at him with
hearts in my eyes, I also saw him for who he truly is. And my father is not a good man, not by any stretch of the imagination. I
knew it when I was an eight-year-old girl. And I know it now as a grown woman.
Both versions of me recognized that in the world there are situations that call for a necessary evil. There’s a Latin phrase I
really like ‘flectere si nequeo superis Acheronta morebo’ it loosely translates to, ‘if I cannot make Heaven, I will raise
Those words have been a guiding force for me throughout my entire adult life. Sometimes good people have to do bad
things. And sometimes bad people do good things. But I’m a daddy’s girl. Which means I’m just like him. And I’m definitely
not good people.
My car skids to a stop on the pavement and as I cut the ignition, I hear my elder sister.
“Real smooth, Soph,” she calls from the front of the double doors leading into the mansion.
I roll my eyes. My driving skills leave much to be desired. I don’t usually drive myself unless I can help it and especially
not at night. But recently, I’ve been seeking a place to escape, somewhere to be alone and the rooftop of a hotel has provided
that solace. I was there earlier, until I got a text from my sister asking me to come home. My dad summoned us.
“You didn’t have to personally roll out my welcome mat,” I state, stepping out of the car.
A man appears immediately to park the car somewhere more appropriate. I climb up the stairs leading up to my home. My
sisters offers me a small smile.
“I was just making sure you didn’t crash into the side of the house or something.”
“That was one time,” I return with an eyeroll.
She links our arms, leading me into our home. Our heels clack in tandem as we walk across the marble floors. My sister
and I are a lot alike. She has brown eyes and I have blue ones and I guess I have softer features. We both have blonde hair.
Although hers is much lighter than mine, more of a golden brown that shines in the sunlight. She’s also an inch taller than me.
Personality wise, I’d say we each have our own strengths. But Kat’s much more serious than I am, she’s more focused as
well. She’s a go getter, meaning she’ll stop at nothing to get what she wants, regardless of what means she has to go through.
It’s admirable, but also necessary. Especially if she plans to inherit my father’s empire and become the next Don.
We stop in front of the door leading into our father’s office. Kat knocks once before opening it.
“We’re here, Papa,” she announces.
The first thing anyone notices when they see my father is how short he is. People look at him, a man that’s only about 5 foot
10 inches and they have a hard time believing he’s Eduardo Mincetti, Don of the Mincetti family. Their disbelief usually
doesn’t last long though. One look at him, a few seconds in his presence and you feel it. I think it’s his eyes. Piercing brown
eyes that immediately intimidate you.
“Le mie principesse,” he says adoringly. That’s all the greeting we get before he swiftly moves on to business. “Sophia, I
trust you fulfilled your duties well.”
We both take our seats in front of the table opposite him.
“Of course, Papa.”
I went on a short trip to Milan to take care of some loose ends. I only just returned today.
“Any trouble?” my dad questions.
“No, The investor won’t be causing any problems for us anymore. It was a clean job.”
“That’s my girl. I need you to take care of tax returns on some of our casinos. The men I put in charge have been slacking
off. And you know how I feel about being a law abiding, tax paying citizen.”
I smile, “Sure, I do. I’ll handle it.”
“Why did you call us here, Papa? Is anything wrong?” Kat question, unable to keep her curiosity at bay any longer.
“Everything’s fine, mi amore. But I do need progress report on the De Luca’s and the Russo’s.”
I lean back in my chair, tempted to tune out what my sister says. For some reason, my father has always been on edge
anytime the De Luca name comes up. I’m not sure why. He hasn’t told me and I haven’t asked. But he has had Kat surveilling
the family for a while now. I couldn’t care less about either family, they’re under my radar, insignificant.
“As you know, Enzo Russo got married to Rosa De Luca a couple of weeks ago. The couple went on vacation and only just
returned to the city. There doesn’t seem to be anything else happening with them. No suspicious behaviors.”
“Hmm.. and the consigliere?”
“Nothing from him either,” Kat replies.
My dad taps his finger against the oak wood of his desk. “So he’s still keeping his family in the dark. Not sure if that’s
smart or stupid.”
“It could go either way.”
I’m clearly not in loop when it comes to this conversation. I would ask, but I tend not to stick my nose in anything my father
clearly doesn’t want me to. If they need to me to something, they’ll ask.
“Something’s coming, le mie figlie. And I’m not sure I like it.”
He seems a little uneasy, which is weird. I look at my sister who shakes her head slightly. I’m sure she would tell me if
there was something to be worried about.
My dad briefs us on other aspects on the business and then we’re heading to the dining room to have dinner. It’s quiet,
clinical. After dinner he returns to his office while I follow Kat to her room. I don’t live here anymore. I moved out about a
year ago, in need of my own space. My father didn’t want me to, but I eventually wore him down. He knows I can take care of
myself. And despite having my own house, I still spend a lot of my time here.
Kat heads straight for her laptop as soon as we’re through the doors of her room. She sits cross legged on her bed while I
take a seat on the purple bean bag on the floor.
“Alright, tell me about Milan. We both know it didn’t take you five days to find a guy and kill him. What else were you up
I recount my trip without leaving anything out. Not the hook up with a random lifeguard on the beach and not three days I
spent tanning and enjoying a break at said beach. I took care of the man I was sent to kill the first day I got to Milan. The four
other days became a self-awarded vacation.
“You were supposed to go there and work,” Kat says shaking her head.
“I did. But I also had fun. You take everything too seriously, sorella.”
She doesn’t even reply, her eyes fixated on her laptop. One thing about mafia families, it’s always a good idea to have at
least one member of the family who’s good with tech, hacking into security cameras and finding private information always
comes in handy with the business we run. Katerina’s that person for my family. And she’s the best at it.
“Not all of us are comfortable coasting through life like you do.”
“You should try it sometime. I’m a little upset I didn’t sleep with the lifeguard though. We were interrupted before it could
get that far and I didn’t see him again after that,” I tell her with a small pout. Then I’m lifting my head to the ceiling of the room.
“When’s the last time you had casual sex, Kat?”
She pauses to think about it. “Last year, with Enzo Russo.”
I frown, looking at her. “Wasn’t that because you wanted information on him? How’s that casual?”
“It’s business casual,” Kat says winking at me.
I throw a pillow at her and she laughs. We start talking about other things, mundane stuff. Like fashion shows and clothes.
Normal things girls in their twenties talk about. I don’t know where my sister got the idea.
Since we were younger Katerina’s made a conscious effort to ensure we don’t lose ourself. Growing up she always made
sure a shooting lesson was closely followed by a movie night or after a sparring session she’d take me skating. She tried to
make sure we had a balance. It’s very easy to become a shadow of yourself in the business we’re in. Our dad raised us to be
weapons but at the end of the day we’re still human. We’re woman with feelings and wants and needs. He tends to forget that.
But Katerina never has. She did right by us. She did exactly what our mother would have done. If she was still alive.
“Can I sleep in here tonight?” I ask my sister, yawning softly.
It’s been a long day and I’m starting to feel jet lagged.
“Of course, Soph.”
I get changed into comfortable clothes and climb into her four-poster bed. I stare at her for the longest moment as she
“Kat,” I ask quietly. “What are you and Papa worried about?”
She doesn’t look up at me as she sighs softly. “That the anonymity is coming to an end. We’re not sure if it’ll be a good
thing or a bad thing.”
My family’s built its legacy on being invincible. Working from behind the scenes. We run our businesses under fake names.
No one knows anything about the Mincetti’s. My dad did it to protect us. But maybe it’s not really protection. Sometimes I feel
like it reads as cowardice.
“It would be a good thing,” I say, yawning again.
“They would come for us, Soph.”
“We can take them,” I say cockily.
“Overconfidence is only a step away from doom,” my sister murmurs. “Mom used to say that.”
My sister was 8 years old when our mother died. I was five. She has a lot more memories of her than I do. I don’t think I
have any memories of her that weren’t passed down from Katerina. Every mention of my mother makes my heart ache.
“If doom comes, then let it come swiftly,” I state.
I feel rather than see her roll her eyes.
“You’re ridiculous,” Katerina says.
My smile falls away as I say, “We’ll be fine, Kat. As long as we have each other.”
“I know,” she says in a soft undertone.
My eyes slowly fall shut. My last thought before I fall asleep is how much I miss my mother. And how much I wish she
were here.
Morning comes way too soon. I head into my bedroom and get dressed for the day. Knee high black socks, black ankle
boots, a short skirt, paired with a white top and a jacket. By the time I’m done dressing up, I feel powerful, energetic, ready to
take on the day.
I head outside the house and my car has already been pulled up. I smile as I take in the man standing beside the driver’s
“Hey, Albert. I missed you.”
He nods once, his face expressionless. He’s a large man standing at 6’5, bald with an unchanging stoic expression and
brown eyes. He has been driving me around since I was a teenager.
“Welcome back, miss Mincetti.”
He enters the car and I open the backseat door sliding in.
“Where are we going today?” Albert asks, his eyes catching mine through the rearview mirror.
“One of Papa’s warehouses. Let’s hope I don’t have to kill anyone today,” I say, grinning.
“I wouldn’t hold my breath on that,” Albert replies before starting the car.

“S owhy?”
let me get this straight,” Michael starts. “You need my help breaking into your father’s laptop. But you can’t tell me

I nod. He scowls.
“And why the hell would I do that?”
“Mikey,” I say on a sigh. “This is literally the first time I’m asking you for a favor. Ever.”
His scowl deepens. “Bullshit. You asked me favors all the damn time. Hell, you asked me to pick up doughnuts for you last
I stare at him slightly appalled. “You consider that a favor? I’m your brother. Buying me doughnuts and picking up shit for
me is a foregone conclusion, not something you hold over my head.”
His expression doesn’t let up. “You’re an idiot, T. And I’m not helping you out unless I’ve got all the facts.”
And with that he wheels his chair right back to the front of the massive computer in the room. This room is part game room,
part surveillance room. There’s so much tech here it gives me a slight headache just staring at all the screens. But this is
Mikey’s happiest place. And he’s usually very happy when he’s left alone. Unfortunately I can’t do that right now.
“What if I picked up doughnuts for you in return?” I question.
He turns around to glare and I groan.
“I can’t tell you, Mikey. I just can’t. Not until I know what’s going on. I wouldn’t even be coming to you,” I burst out. “But I
know all our laptops and devices have been encoded specially by you to prevent anyone from breaking in. So I figured it
would be lightwork for you to decode it yourself. But if you’re not going to help me, then I guess I’m going somewhere else.”
An eyebrow flicks up. “Now that you’ve told me, you think I’m not going to be looking out for someone that’s specifically
breaking into Salvador’s laptop? And that I won’t stop them? Maybe I’ll break into it and go through the files without you?
How’s that for loss of control?”
“This isn’t about losing control,” I say through gritted teeth.
“Oh no?”
“No. This is about my fucking mom. And if my suspicions are true then my dad did something irrevocably wrong and I
don’t know how the rest of you are going to handle it.”
Michael’s expression softens. “We’ll handle it the same way you will, T.”
“I really doubt that,” I say, a cold smirk settling on my face.
“Alright,” Michael says, getting to his feet. “I trust Salvador and you should too, considering he’s your dad. But if you’re
really intent on going through with this, then I’ll help you. We might not even find anything. He’s a smart man.”
I perk up slightly, rubbing my fingers together. “Okay. So how do we do this? Do I have to steal the laptop and get it here to
you? Or-”
“Nope,” Michael replies. “I have access to any e-mails and any files on the devices of any member of our family.”
My jaw falls open. “Isn’t that an invasion of privacy?”
“Michael grins, “A little ironic, don’t you think?”
“You’ve been going through my shit? For how long?”
“Relax. I haven’t ever used it to check through anything private. Some of us have morals. It’s only a precaution. In case any
of you is ever kidnapped or goes missing. Going through your phone would give me a clue about where you could be.”
I can’t help but begrudgingly accept that it’s nice to be able to fall back on that if there’s ever any trouble. And I believe
him about not going through anything private.
“So now what?” I ask.
He grabs his laptop and opens it. “I’m currently surfing through Salvador’s files. It would be nice if I had keywords to look
out for. The program would immediately flag them down. What are we looking for?”
I stand beside him, “Umm.. Mincetti, wife,” I swallow softly before saying my mom’s name. “Annalise.”
Tony doesn’t say a word as he runs it into the program. Unfortunately, nothing pops up. Something hot and fierce slides
across my chest.
“Fuck!” I yell, raising my fist,
“If you punch any of the super important devices in this room, I’ll murder you,” Michael says without looking up. I
immediately clench my hands together, although they still itch to punch something. “It’s almost like you want him to have done
something wrong.”
“I just want answers,” I state.
“So ask him.” I can hear the plea in his voice but I shake my head.
“My dad’s a lawyer. Meaning he’s literally licensed to lie and deflect the truth. He won’t tell me anything not unless I have
proof. Or some form of evidence.”
It’s like he always used to tell me. A lie isn’t a lie until the truth is uncovered.
“Okay,” Michael nods. “I guess I can continue searching. I’ll let you know if something comes up.”
“Oh hell no, Mikey,” I state shaking my head. “I’m going to stay right here with you. I’m not going anywhere.”
He frowns at me. “One of these days you’re going to have to ease up on those trust issues, man.”
“Sure,” I nod in agreement. “One of these days.”
I pull out my phone to go through some texts and take care of a few other things. Michael and I fall silent for about thirty
minutes. Until he suddenly sits up straight. I get to my feet immediately, walking to his side.
“What? What happened?”
“We got a hit,” he says and I can hear the disbelief in his voice. “Or should I say three.”
I look down at the laptop in his hand and sure enough the words all three keywords I asked Mikey to search for are staring
right back at me.
“He literally just got this e-mail,” Michael says before cursing softly under his breath. “I was hoping we wouldn’t find
“Open it,” I prompt, my voice icy. I feel a little sick but I can’t think about that right now. Michael hesitates. “Open it,
“You can’t kill your dad,” he says, his finger hovering over the keypad.
I let out a laugh, it’s cold, detached. “Of course not. Going to jail for patricide wouldn’t be a good look.”
Michael’s jaw clenches but he opens it regardless. There’s no name attached, it’s from an unknown person. But the contents
of the e-mail make it pretty fucking clear who it’s from.
“This doesn’t make any sense,” Michael voices out. “He’s being blackmailed.”
“Apparently, dear old dad is hiding something from our family in relation to his wife. And the Mincetti’s want him to
provide information for them otherwise they’ll expose the truth and his entire world will crumble,” I swallow, “Think this is
enough to confront him?”
Michael looks up at me. “Tony-”
Before he can say his next words, I’m walking out of the room. Michael follows, his pace hurried.
“Listen to me. You need to calm down.”
“I’m calm,” I murmur. “What makes you think I’m not?”
“First off, you’re never fucking calm. Also, there’s a vein bulging in the side of your head and you’ve got this murderous
expression in your eyes.”
“I’m not going to kill my dad,” I repeat in a clear voice. “In fact, I’m actually going to handle this quite maturely.”
Michael gives me a look that says he doesn’t believe me. We find my dad in the Don’s office and I walk in without
knocking. Roman immediately looks up at me with a frown. Dad’s seated in the couch going through his phone, I’m guessing to
delete the traitorous e-mail. But my steps falter when I catch my sister’s eyes.
“Elena,” I say, trying to keep my voice even. “Get out.”
My sister snorts. “Like hell I will. What’s up?”
She doesn’t move an inch from her spot on the desk beside Roman.
“What’s going on, Anthony?” my dad questions.
I whirl around and point at him, “Not one word. Not yet!” I growl.
The air in the room chills several degrees. When I look back at my sister, the expression on her face is worried, nervous.
Roman’s staring at me in confusion. “Rome, I swear to God, if you don’t convince your wife to leave this room I’ll literally
carry her and throw her out.”
Elena opens her mouth to probably tell her to fuck off but Roman places a hand on her waist. He whispers something to her
and a few seconds later, she relaxes, getting to her feet.
“You’re an asshole, Tony,” she says as she passes me. but I notice her eyes flick nervously from dad to me. Once she’s
gone, Michael locks the door and I turn to my dad.
“Now, it’s time to come clean, old man,” I state. “What business do you have with the Mincetti’s? And don’t even try to
deny it. Michael and I read the e-mail you just got. What the hell happened to my mother? Where the fuck is she?!”
My dad’s face grows pale in a matter of seconds. He chokes on air and looks away from me. I respect Roman and Michael
for not saying a word. I can’t take my eyes off my father as I wait for me to give me some form of explanation. Because right
now, the conspiracy theories are running wild. And all I need more than anything is the truth.
“Tony, I-”
“The truth,” I reiterate. “Where’s my mother?”
“Sh-she’s, s-she’s de-ad,” my dad stammers.
I suck in a sharp breath. Out of the corner of my eyes, I see Roman stand up and move to my side.
“Excuse me?” I ask.
“Your mother’s dead, Tony,” my dad replies. He eyes me warily before getting to his feet and taking a few steps backward.
I’d like to think I wouldn’t hit my own father but it’s a smart move.
I swallow softly. Okay, she’s dead. I can live with that. She disappeared, she left us and then she died. He probably should
have told us but it’s no problem.
“How did she die?” I ask. “When did it happen?”
My dad looks stricken. He pulls at the tie on his neck ripping it away before shoving his hand into his thinning dark hair.
My dad has always been a strong man. But right now, he looks scared, like a rat caught in a trap.
“Anthony, I need you to understand that I had no choice. This wasn’t something I planned on doing. But over the years, the
lies,” he pauses and takes a deep breath. “They have a way of piling up and I found myself in a position where I would lose my
family if the truth ever came out.”
I stare numbly, not understanding what he’s saying.
“Well then I guess today’s the lucky day,” I murmur. “Continue. Tell me what happened to her.”
“Tony,” he says my name in a hushed whisper. His eyes well up with tears. He looks like he’s struggling to say the words,
but he finally manages to, “Your mother died fifteen years ago. She never abandoned you. She was murdered and I covered it
“What the fuck!” Roman yells.
When you’re underwater, there’s this feeling of weightlessness that accompanies it. Water envelops you, muffling all the
sounds around you. You can’t hear anything except the liquid sloshing in your ear. That’s what I feel like right now. Like I’m
Roman advances on my dad. I can’t hear what he’s saying or shouting. Meanwhile, Michael comes to stand in front of me. I
think he’s saying my name. I’m starting to breathe heavily.
Is it possible to drown without being in water?
Michael’s grabbing my shoulder now, shaking me. That helps. I slowly start to focus, I blink once, twice.
“Tony!” he shouts.
I exhale softly, “I’m okay. I’m okay. I just- I need to get out of here.”
I can’t even look at my father right now.
Michael nods. “I’ll go with you.”
“I promise I’m not going to kill anyone.”
“That’s not what I’m worried about,” Michael says softly.
My jaw tightens, “I need to leave. I’ll come back. I promise. But I can’t be in here.”
I shrug his arm off before turning around and stumbling out of the door. My sister’s standing a few feet away, leaning
against the wall.
Fucking stubborn ass Legan, I think.
She immediately walks towards me and her eyes widen at whatever expression’s on my face.
“Tony,” she breathes. “What’s wrong?”
She tries to touch my arm but I shift out of her grasp. I don’t want that.
“Just, no,” is all I can say before I’m walking away.
I hurry out of there and head for my car. I’m trying to take advantage of the fact that I’m still numb. The rage’s not there yet.
Which means I just need to get to my pool. Once I’m underwater, these emotions inside of me will subside. I can finally think
straight. The drive takes twenty minutes. It’s already dark outside which suits me perfectly.
Once I arrive at the hotel, I head straight for the elevator and use the keycard that grants me special access to the roof. The
pool beneath me glints in the moonlight, beckoning me. I pull my shirt off and I’m about to do the same to my pants when I hear
a crunch.
Very slowly I turn towards the lounge chairs and find a woman eating chips. The sight is so ludicrous I almost laugh. The
first thing I think is that if this were any other moment in my life, if my world wasn’t practically crumbling right now, I would
have been blown away by her beauty.
Even now I can’t ignore the fact that she’s fucking hot. Long toned legs encased in a short skirt that’s ridden up as she lies
on the chair. Long blonde hair and the bluest eyes I’ve ever seen. They look dangerous, like they could reel a man in and trap
I shake my head to clear it, remembering the existential crisis I’m going through. And despite me standing there and
gawking, she continues eating her fucking chips. The rage I’m trying to stave off starts to billow through me.
But one clear thought shines through. She’s not supposed to fucking be here. I advance on her, shirtless, since my shirt has
already been discarded on the floor.
“Who the hell are you?” I ask, my jaw clenched.
She looks up at me, those blue eyes clear like the ocean. And she doesn’t say a word. I watch as she brings another chip up
to her mouth and crunches on it. My right eye twitches.
“You’re not supposed to be here,” I try again. No reply.
“Are you fucking deaf?” My voice rises an octave with the question.
She finally makes a sound, a scoff followed by a clear and resounding, “No.”
“So she speaks,” I say, “Then she can walk too. Get out.”
“That’s not happening.”
My fists clench. “Listen blondie,” I start, trying my absolute hardest not to lose it. I grab my keycard from the back of my
pants and wave it around. “You see this? It grants me access to the roof, private access. I don’t know how you got here. But
kindly fuck off.”
“No,” she says calmly.
My eyes flutter shut. “You really don’t want to keep saying that word to me.”
“Or what?” she challenges.
That’s it, I tried to be nice. Lightning quick, I pull my gun from the waistband of my jeans and point it at her head.
“Get the fuck out of here if you don’t want to die.”
She stares me down. Her expression doesn’t so much as waver and it throws me off.
Who the hell is she?
Very slowly, she gets to her feet. She drops her packet of chips and then she offers me a smile. I can’t help but notice how
tall she is. I’m 6’1 and she nearly comes up to my chin.
I’m still taking in her perfect face when she smoothly knocks my gun out of my hands. It clatters off to the side and then falls
into the pool. I stare at her, dumbfounded.
“It’s rude to point a gun at a lady.”

I had a long hectic day at work. Since I got back to New York, it’s been one thing or the other. I briefly considered asking
my dad to fire all his capos because they’re all idiots who can’t handle shit without me literally pointing it out to them. But
if I said that, he would just say I’m being mean. It’s not mean to want to work with people who don’t need me to explain
every little thing.
To make things worse, I’ve barely seen him or my sister. They’re still working hard on their issues with the other mafia
families. I think they’re trying to dig up dirt on them so they can have some leverage, just in case they try to come for us. I get it,
sort of. The three families, the D’Angelos, De Lucas and Russo’s, all have an alliance. Singularly, we’re stronger than them.
Together, we might have a problem. Especially if a war breaks out. They’re stressed out and their stress is starting to stress me
So I decided to come to my hideout to let loose and relax. The rooftop of the hotel has a nice pool but it’s too cold to do
much swimming so I had been lying on one of the lounge chairs, soaking in the cool night air, when someone barged in. I was
slightly surprised, especially since I made a deal with the manager that granted me sole access to the pool at night.
Then the man started stripping and I decided to enjoy the view. Because I have eyes and objectively, he might be one of the
most good-looking men I’ve ever seen. My eyes dipped to his sculpted muscles and defined abs. His skin practically glistens in
the moonlight, highlighting every curve and contour. My heart skipped a beat when I met his eyes. Captivating brown eyes with
a hint of mystery and a spark that draws you in.
He’s hot and he knows it. It’s clear in the way he sauntered over, cool confidence and charm oozing from him. I was trying
hard to appear unaffected. Until he asked me to fuck off and pointed a gun at my face. Which is definitely not okay, hot man or
“What the fuck?!” he sputters after I knock the gun out of his hand.
“I don’t appreciate firearms pointed at my face,” I say pointedly.
“Did you just knock a gun away like it’s some toy?”
“Yes,” I answer, my tone bored.
If he actually wanted to shoot me, his finger would have been on the trigger poised to shoot. If he actually planned to shoot,
knocking the gun out of his hands would have led to a shot being fired. But his aim was off and his grip was slack. I took a
He blinks and closes his eyes like he’s trying to calm himself. When they open, it doesn’t look like he quite succeeded. I
take in the wild look in his eyes, the tension in his shoulders and the tightness in his face. I didn’t put that there.
“Are you okay?” I question.
His eyebrows lift. “You’re asking if I’m okay? After I pointed a gun at you and you sent it flying into the pool?”
“It’s fine. I’m not holding it against you. It wouldn’t be the first time someone’s pointed a gun at me,” I state, waving a hand
in the air.
His head cocks to the side as he watches me, gaze suddenly assessing.
“You’re an interesting woman, blondie.”
“Thanks,” I smile.
“But you’re not supposed to be here.”
“Why do you keep saying that?” I sigh. “Do you own the hotel?”
“No, I made a deal. No one is supposed to have access to the rooftop but me. At least at night.”
“That’s funny. I made the same deal. Guess we got duped,” I shrug.
His jaw tightens. “I’m going to kill that fucking son of a bitch.”
Not if I get to him first, I don’t say the words out loud because I don’t have a habit of admitting homicidal thoughts to
“Now that that’s settled. I’ll just go back to my earlier activities,” I tell him, lying back on the lounge chair and grabbing my
He continues staring at me like he’s trying to figure me out. Finally he groans softly. I lift an eyebrow.
“It’s freezing, go put on a shirt,” I say, watching goosebumps spread across his skin.
What I don’t say is that it’s really distracting staring at his chest.
“I’m not cold,” he mutters.
“Liar. Why exactly did you take off your shirt?”
“I was going for a swim.”
My eyebrows furrow. “You were going for a swim in the middle of January? It’s freezing, especially at night.”
He blows out a breath, running his hand across his face. “It helps me think and relax. I needed something to ground myself
and ease some tension.”
“You know what else helps to ease tension?” I question.
I smile, “Sex.”
He doesn’t miss a beat. “Are you offering?”
My smile widens. I like a man that’s not afraid to seize opportunities.
“No,” I reply. “But I do have this.”
I pull out a flask from my bag on the floor and hand it to him. He hesitates.
“You could still jump into the pool if you want,” I state.
He shakes his head. “There’s a reason I wanted to swim in a place I only had access to. I hate swimming around people.
They start to get nervous when I don’t come up for air.”
“I wouldn’t care if you didn’t,” I assure him.
He laughs. “Yeah, I believe that.”
Then he shrugs before accepting the flask. He opens it, takes a swig of the booze before sitting down on the lounge chair
beside me.
“So, what are you doing here? Since swimming in January is such an abominable thing.”
“It’s quiet,” I state, accepting the flask and taking a drink when he offers it.
I return it to him and he drinks again, his expression pensive. I watch the tension slowly leave his shoulders. He still has
that far off, haunted expression though.
“Do you want to play a game?” I ask, trying to distract him.
I briefly wonder why I even care.
He looks amused. “Yeah, sure. What did you have in mind?”
“Two truths and a dare.”
“Seems a little immature.”
“Sure,” I say. “But if you don’t want to answer a question, you have to take off an article of clothing.”
His brown eyes gleam and his mouth curls into a smirk. “I thought you didn’t want to have sex.”
“Who said anything about sex? It’s just a game. Come on, it’ll be fun.”
“Never thought I’d be playing a game with a stranger at night,” he muses. “But I’m game. Let’s do this.”
“Alright, first question. What’s your name?”
He smiles, “Tony.”
I nod in acceptance.
“What’s yours?” he returns.
I smile before standing up and shuffling out of my skirt, revealing my white lacy panties. Leaving me in only a black tank
top and my jacket. I could have taken off my jacket. But what’s the fun in that? I fight off the chill that immediately envelops me,
trying not to shiver.
Tony’s expression heats and I suddenly wonder if it’s a good idea to be teasing him like this.
“My turn,” I say, trying to think up a suitable dare. “I dare you to tell me what car you drive.”
It’s weak but there aren’t a lot of options for dares up here so I figured I’d just keep asking questions.
He arches an eyebrow. “That depends. I have two,” he says smoothly, confidently. “A Maybach and a Pagani but I don’t
drive the Pagani often. That’s my baby.”
So he’s rich. I’m already profiling him in my head. He’s probably the son of some rich businessman. He’s emitting playboy
vibes, someone that doesn’t take life too seriously. Although I could be wrong. A Pagani is extremely expensive though and not
well known. If I had to guess, Tony looks a little Italian so it makes sense he would be driving an exclusive car by an Italian
“What is going on in that pretty head of yours?” he asks, peering at me curiously.
“Nothing,” I shake my head. “Your turn for a question.”
“What you do you do for work?” he asks after a moment of thinking.
I smile before shrugging off my jacket. Tony sits up straighter, his eyes dipping to my arms and then my legs.
“Mysterious, aren’t you?”
“My turn for a question,” I shrug. “Why were you in such a bad mood when you walked in?”
His expression tightens.
“Do you want me to change the question?” I ask gently and he nods. “Okay. What would you do if I asked you to kiss me
right now?”
He grins and his expression clears, “I’d kiss you. Without hesitation.”
His eyes meet mine and something heats in my lower half. This feels like a dangerous game. And I don’t like how he’s
looking at me. Like he’s the predator and I’m the prey. I’m not used to being prey. And Tony looks like he could eat me and
he’d enjoy it thoroughly,
“Your turn for a dare,” I say, hating how out of breath I sound.
He doesn’t even have to think about it. “I dare you to kiss me.”
My stomach nose dives, although I’m not sure why. I started this game. I’m pretty sure I wanted this. But sitting here, staring
into those mischievous brown eyes, I’m starting to feel a little nervous. Which is crazy because I never really get nervous.
“I could change the dare if you want,” Tony says, acutely reading the uncertainty on my face.
“No,” I say on an eyeroll. I get to my feet. “It’s just a kiss.”
He sits patiently, waiting as I take a step forward. I place my hands on his shoulders, still stuck in his gaze. Tony doesn’t
move. And it becomes clear that to kiss him, I’d have to sit in his lap. He knows this. He’s taunting me. to see how far I’ll go.
I swallow softly. It’s okay, I tell myself. I’ve done far crazier things. As soon as I lean down and he pulls me forward so
I’m straddling him, it becomes pretty clear it won’t just be a kiss. I’m breathing heavily. When he shifts backwards and
arranges our position so I’m more comfortable, a slight chill runs through me. Our breathes intertwine and it’s so quiet, I’m
starting to second guess myself. The air around us is completely still.
“You can still back out,” Tony murmurs, his eyes are dark and so full of lust, it makes it hard to breathe.
“Shut up,” I say, before wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him.
Our mouths slam together. He tangles a hand in my hair, pulling me closer and deepening the kiss in the process. My mind
goes blank. I don’t think that’s ever happened before. I can’t think, all I can do is feel his mouth moving over mine. I kissed
him, but he’s completely in control. Heat spreads through me like liquid fire, tightening in my chest, over my breasts before
descending to every part of me.
I draw my tongue against this top lip before nipping at his bottom one eliciting a groan. Tony grabs the back of my neck and
parts my lips with his before slipping his tongue inside my mouth. Pure unadulterated lust consumes me.
My pulse thrums between my legs as he sucks on my tongue, tangling his with mine in a dance only we’re familiar with. My
hips roll, seeking something more, more friction. I can feel him under me, hard and huge. Hot pressure builds inside me as I
grind against his erection.
This really isn’t how I thought this night would go. But I don’t mind. I just want more. Tony’s hand snakes to my bare ass
and he palms it and squeezes once before letting go. To my disappointment, he breaks the kiss.
“As hot as that was. I’m going to need you stop now, blondie,” he says, breathing heavily.
I blink up at him. “Why?”
“Because if we don’t stop. I’m going to fuck you. And I’m not sure you want that.”
“Aw, that’s sweet,” I say playing with the hair at the back of his head, twirling it in my fingers. Then I make sure to look
him straight in the eye. “I want you to fuck me.”
He groans lowly in the back of his throat. “You sure?”
I nod.
“Stop talking, Tony,” I whisper before kissing him again.
This time it’s not slow and sweet. That dissipates into the dust as he kisses me with more passion. My heart pounds as he
kisses me hard enough to bruise. He reaches for the edge of my tank top at the same moment I reach for the buckle of his jeans.
Our movements are hurried, intense.
As soon as my top comes off, his mouth closes over my nipple.
“Fucking pretty tits,” he murmurs as he licks it and it’s so fucking sexy my eyes fall shut.
I have no words, I’m too far gone to speak. I suck in a sharp breath as he closes his teeth over my nipple before sucking
away the sting. I rock against his erection, fumbling to take off his pants so I can feel him. I want so badly to feel him inside of
Like he can hear my thoughts, Tony shoves my panties aside before shoving two fingers inside of me. There’s nothing
graceful about it but it’s so unbearably hot, I inhale sharply, clenching around his fingers.
“How does that feel?”
“It’s okay,” I mutter, desperate for more friction.
“Just okay?” Tony asks, withdrawing his fingers.
I glare at him and he chuckles before using his wet fingers to lightly circle my clit.
“It’s great. Fucking great,” I say, moaning. Needing more.
He adds another finger before thrusting into me again and I’m immediately overcome by a wave of euphoria. I feel it all the
way down to my toes and my mouth falls open as I come. His fingers continue to rub inside me, hitting a spot that has me seeing
stars. I grip his shoulders, holding on tight as I ride the wave. My head falls back and my eyes fall shut. I’m a shuddering mess
on top of him.
When I finally regain some semblance of consciousness, my head is on his chest and I’m still shaking. When I look at Tony,
there’s a smug smile on his face.
“Shut up,” I mutter, hating that I came so hard and no doubt added to his ego.
“I didn’t say anything.”
“I hate your face,” I say, childishly.
He chuckles. “No one could hate this face.”
“You’re annoyingly cocky.”
He cocks his head to the side, “You do still want me to fuck you, right?”
I nod and then my gaze is drawn downward to where his cock is free of his pants. He’s stroking it gently. It’s thick and long,
a thin vein pulsing at the side. My throat grows tight and I swallow softly.
“Condom,” I manage to say.
He reaches for the back of his pants without any effort considering I’m still in his lap. I take the moment to take off my
panties, lifting each leg off to peel the material away. I’m practically giddy with anticipation. When Tony looks at me, his eyes
twinkle in amusement.
“You’re pretty special, aren’t you, blondie?”
I don’t reply. He rolls on the condom and I don’t waste a moment before leaning up and slowly lowering myself onto him.
A low moan escapes his mouth.
“Fuck,” Tony breathes.
I can’t help a whimper as my muscles stretch to accommodate his length. I must be moving too slowly because he shoves
upward in one quick movement pulling me down until he’s seated to the hilt. I let out a sharp breath.
“Fuck,” Tony repeats, before groaning. “How does that feel?”
Him asking me that is oddly sweet. Most men never really care about their partner’s feelings when they get to this point.
I nod, “I’m okay.”
His hands are clamped over my ass, keeping me in place. I wiggle slightly, needing to move.
“Just wait,” he says on a sharp exhale. “I need a minute.”
After a minute is up, he starts shallowly pumping upward. It’s a rhythm that drives me insane.
“Oh my,” I pant. I can feel him everywhere.
My hands are pressed against his chest and his muscles flex. He really is devilishly handsome. Emphasis on the devilish
because I have a feeling he could ruin a woman with barely any effort.
When I slam down on him, a feral look crosses his face.
“Faster,” I plead, feeling my eyes roll into the back of my head when he slaps my ass before lifting me up and slamming me
My hands slide up to his shoulders, gripping him tight. His brown eyes find mine and my heart stops. Staring into a person’s
eyes while having sex can be incredibly intimidating and intimate. I take in the beads of sweat on his forehead, the careful
control in his expression, the crazed look in his eyes and it’s too much. So I look away, looking down to where his cock slowly
enters me before retreating.
A groan rumbles in his chest and his control slips enough for me to start a pace of my own, bouncing on top of him and
taking as much as I want. He places a hand under my jaw and draws my mouth to his, kissing me long and deep.
When he pulls away, he grips my ass once more and starts grinding his cock against my clit. Another hand snakes down and
all the sensations nearly drive me wild.
“Do you want to come, blondie?” he asks.
I moan, too out of it to speak. He slaps my ass, wrenching a strangled yes from me. he leans forward and bites down on my
bottom lip before powering upward and fucking me in a pace that destroys me.
“Oh fuck,” I nearly scream as I shatter, coming hard.
He lets out a guttural groan as well, his eyes falling shut as he comes. I feel him shudder beneath me. His hands are still
around me and we ride out our orgasms together. When I can finally breathe I lift my head from his chest. His eyes are still
closed and he looks so handsome, it makes my heart ache for a second. Then his eyes fly open and he looks alarmed.
I know why. That was insane. I can’t believe it happened either. Very slowly, I climb off him. I hate how shaky my legs are
but I don’t let that stop me as I pull on my panties before hunting down the rest of my clothes. Tony watches quietly as I wear
them and once I’m dressed, I finally find the courage to look at him again.
“I’m just going to go,” I say pointing at the exit.
He nods, in the time I was getting dressed, he has pulled his pants up. But he’s still shirtless. His dark hair is a mess and his
chest is slick with sweat. I swallow at the sight.
“At least tell me your name,” he murmurs, voice husky.
“Sophia,” I tell him.
And after one last look I’m walking away. I briefly wonder if I’ll ever see him again. If I even want to.

I ’m lying flat on my back staring up at my ceiling and trying to ignore the world. Or more specifically my phone which
won’t stop ringing. It’s been two days and my family won’t stop texting and calling. Michael showed up yesterday after
tracking me down and asked me to open the hotel room door. I told him to fuck off. He did because Mikey’s great at
knowing when to give someone space. Roman on the other hand, is an annoying fucker who doesn’t give up.
When my phone dings with another text, I groan before getting my feet to grab it. There’s like twenty missed calls and two
dozen texts. Most of them from Rome, some from Maria and a few from Rosa. It seems they’ve told the entire family. Maria’s
not my mother but she’s pretty damn close to one and I adore her. And I’m sure she must be completely distraught at whatever
going on. I wonder just how much she knows.
Then I realize I don’t even know much. A fact that is made abundantly clear from Roman’s texts.

You don’t even know everything, asshole. At least hear the full story before going on self-imposed exile. He wants
to tell you the whole thing. And you need to hear him out.

I don’t want to see my father, or hear anything he has to say. But the next text has my jaw clenching.

It’s not just about you. Elena’s in a lot of pain as well. Stop being selfish and come home. He won’t tell us
anything unless you’re here. And I want to know the whole story. So get your ass over here, Tony or I’ll make
Mikey tell me where you are and come over to drag your ass back here myself.

Roman’s great at tough love. I sigh before grabbing my keys. I might as well hear the truth. And it’s not like hiding around
here is doing me much good. The past two days all I’ve done is swim while also trying to think about anything else but what my
father said. Frankly a part of me has a hard time believing it. The other part of me is scared to believe I’ve lived half my life
thinking my mother abandoned me when in truth she didn’t.

I’m on my way.

When I arrive at the mansion, I’m not surprised to find them all gathered in the living room. Rosa’s not here. Elena’s seated
beside her husband and she looks rough. My father’s seated apart from everyone else, in a chair in the corner. He doesn’t meet
my eyes as I walk in. Michael’s leaning against the wall. He squeezes my shoulder as I pass in quiet support.
Maria’s here as well. I offer her a small smile as I take a seat on the couch at her side.
“Was I holding up the party?” I ask, because I tend to default to humor in uncomfortable, awkward situations.
My sister glares, her eyes, red rimmed from crying. Maria slaps my shoulder.
“Be serious, Anthony. And let’s hear what your father has to say,” she cautions.
My chest tightens as I look at him. He’s more composed than he was two days ago. There’s a shadow in his eyes and a
quiet grief hanging around him. He knows. I think he knows that no matter what he says today he has lost his son.
“Salvador,” Maria begins like the mediator she is. “I’ve known you for many years. And you’re my closest friend. I’m
having a hard time believing that you would tell such a huge lie and keep it from all of us for so long. I think we all are.”
“I’m not,” I say which is a pretty big lie.
Roman glares at me. “Shut the fuck up,” he mouths.
Michael looks at me worriedly. He knows me best out of everyone in this room. And he’s had a first-class seat to my more
destructive tendencies. I could be joking around now but it’s only because I’m mostly numb. And exhausted. I swam for so long
last night, my entire body aches. The exhaustion did me good though. It was a great distraction. Because I really don’t want to
lose it. If I start to feel, I’m scared of how much it’ll hurt.
It would be nice to have another form of distraction. My mind flashes to ocean blue eyes. She pops into my thoughts at the
most random moments. I let out a breath to dispel her. I can’t think about her right now.
My dad sits up straighter. He exhales softly. “Anthony, Elena, I want you to know that I love you more than life itself. And
everything I did, I did to protect you.”
Sure he did. I’d bet anyone a thousand bucks, he did it save his own ass. I don’t voice my thoughts though, I stay silent as he
launches into his story.
“The both of you probably don’t remember why we had to move from Detroit. Anthony you were 14, Elena was 12. I had
been working as a defense attorney but something went wrong on a case and I lost my job. So we moved to New York. Your
mother didn’t want to. But I managed to convince her. I started looking for a job as soon as we got here, which is when your
father found me,” he says looking at Roman.
“Ricardo reached out to me and offered me a job as consigliere. I knew him when I was younger. And it seemed like a
great option, but when Annalise found out, she was so furious.”
Elena speaks up, her voice low, “Mom didn’t want you to join the mafia.”
“No, she didn’t,” my father says sadly. “And who knows maybe I should have listened to her and refused Ricardo’s offer.
But then another boss got wind of my presence in town. My reputation from Detroit preceded me. I was one of the best defense
attorneys, great at getting criminals out of jail and it seemed he wanted me on his side. That Don was Eduardo Mincetti. He
was new to the game but had been slowly amassing power since he married his wife. He had most of the Russian Bratva on his
side thanks to the alliance. I wanted nothing to do with him and I told him as much.”
“Let me guess, he didn’t take it well?” I drawl.
“Eduardo managed to dig up some dirt on me. He found out the real reason I left Detroit. I got involved in a case involving
some powerful men and I pissed off the wrong people. we left because we were in danger and Eduardo threatened to bring
them to my doorstep again. I was pretty much resigned to work for him after that but then he changed his mind and asked me to
work for the De Luca’s instead and give him information. He wanted me to spy on Ricardo for him.”
I smirk, “And the plot thickens.”
Maria places a hand on my thigh and squeezes. I clamp my mouth shut. This story seems so freaking long, I just want to
know what happened to my mother.
“Did you do it?” Roman asks, his jaw clenched.
My dad nods slowly. “I didn’t have much of a choice, Rome. It was either that or put my family in danger. Ricardo
welcomed me with open arms and pretty soon I was a man on the inside, he trusted me and I betrayed that trust. When Eduardo
asked for information, I told him about an important weapons shipment. He was only supposed to steal the cargo. But
something went wrong that night, the fight escalated and Ricardo’s brother died.”
I suck in a sharp breath and my eyes immediately lift to Michael’s at the sound of Ricardo’s brother. He shakes his head
once to remind me that his parents died when he was much younger in a fire.
Oh right.
I guess by Ricardo’s brother, my father meant Ivan’s father in which case it’s whatever. I don’t care too much about him.
When I look at Roman his expression is steady. By my side, Maria stiffens. I take her hand in mine and squeeze reassuringly. It
can’t be easy for her. We were too young when all of this happened but she must be in pain at the memories.
“Keep going,” Roman states.
My dad’s expression is pained but he continues. “When he died, the gravity of the situation became clear. I couldn’t let
things continue so I told Eduardo I had had enough. He’s a bastard though, a controlling one who refused to let me out of his
thumb. He went back on his word and told the men back in Detroit where I was. Which is when your mother got wind of the
situation and realized how serious it was. She wanted us to leave.”
“You should have left,” I growl, feeling an ache start to bloom in my chest.
“I should have,” my dad agrees and I see so much regret in his eyes. I look away. It makes me feel sick. “But I went to
Ricardo instead and I told him the truth, everything. I thought he was going to kill me. I would have deserved it. But he had a
soft spot for you kids by then. He was a good man and he couldn’t just hang me out to dry. So he helped me out with the men
from Detroit. We got rid of every last one of them. And we were going after Eduardo as well. Until he abducted your mother.”
My heart stops at that. For some reason, I was really hoping we would get to the part of the story where mom ran away
because she was scared. I want so badly to hang on to what I’ve always known.
“You said she left,” Elena says, her voice breaking. “You told us she ran away.”
He shakes his head, tear filling his eyes. “Your mother would have never left you. Eduardo took her and I tried to save her.
You have to believe me, I did. But by the time I got to where he was holding her, it was too late. She was dead. He killed her.”
I try to swallow the lump in my throat. Very slowly, I get to my feet. I only have one thing to ask.
“Eduardo Mincetti,” I start. “Is he dead?”
My father looks defeated as he says, “He’s still alive, Tony. He’s still Don. We tried. But by the time it was all over,
Eduardo was much more powerful. He had the Russians on his side. An all-out war would have been a complete disaster. We
would have lost too many people. I was so heartbroken, so angry. Ricardo would have taken revenge on my behalf but I asked
him not to.”
My eyebrows rise. “You asked him not to,” I repeat slowly.
“I could have died,” my dad says his voice cracking. “And if I had, the both of you would have lost both your father and
your mother.”
“You should have died,” I reply coldly. “It would have been better than you facing me today as a coward.”
Maria gasps softly. Hurt flashes in my dad’s eyes. No, Salvador’s eyes. He’s not my father. Not anymore.
“No words will ever make what I did okay, Anthony. After your mother’s death, Eduardo went underground. The Mincetti’s
became what they are today. They stayed out of our business and we ignored them. I had to come home and I told you kids that
your mother left because it was easier,” he swallows. “It was better than admitting I let her die. I failed her. And I failed you
too. I don’t deserve your forgiveness.”
The people you love betray you in ways you can’t possibly imagine. Ways that are sure to cause you unending pain and
“It’s good that you know. And I’m done listening to you,” I say, my voice cracking on the last word.
I turn around and look at my sister. She’s crying softly into Roman’s shoulder. He’ll take care of her. At least she has
someone. At least she has him.
“Rome,” I say to my best friend. “If I asked you too, would you help me kill that fucking son of a bitch?” my tone is low and
And in that moment, Roman’s my favorite person in the fucking universe because he doesn’t even hesitate.
“He’ll pay for what he did,” he assures me, eyes fierce.
I nod once. “I have to go. I’ll come back. And I won’t do anything crazy. Don’t come looking for me,” I say to Michael. His
jaw tightens but he nods in understanding. “And when I come back, he’d better not be anywhere near this house or I’ll do
something I’ll really regret.”
I don’t need to specify who I’m talking about. After looking at my sister one last time, I leave. There’s a saying in the De
Luca family. We grieve after revenge. Those are our words. But in this case, grief has been put off for too long. Revenge has to
I’m in so much fucking pain I can’t breathe. I stumble into the hotel room and for the first time since my mother abandoned
me, I burst into tears. It’s not just the pain, it’s the soul crushing guilt.
I spent fifteen years hating her. When the truth is, there was never anyone to hate. She was already ashes and yet my heart
blazed with anger at the thought of her. Every day. I don’t think I’ll ever forgive myself for it. For how long I hated her. She
was the best person with the purest heart. And my dad killed her.
But at the end of the day it all comes down to who pulled the trigger. And Eduardo Mincetti is going to fucking pay.

I groan softly when my alarm goes off, reaching for the bed side drawer to turn it off. I manage it but five minutes later, it
goes off again, because I know myself and one alarm was never going to cut it.
My eyes open to complete and utter darkness in my room. I’ve always liked the dark, drawn comfort in it. The dark is
the only place you can ever truly hide. It’s the only time I actually feel safe. Which is weird because most dangers are in the
dark. But when I live and breathe death, destruction and crime every day of my life, it’s nice to have something to fall back on,
even darkness provides a place to hide.
After mentally counting down from thirty, I climb off the bed. It’s 5:11 am. I wouldn’t be up so early if I didn’t promise
myself to start going to the gym more regularly. There was a time I loved going to the gym but recently my routine’s been
messed up. I’m hoping to find my drift again.
I brush my teeth and put my hair up in a ponytail after getting dressed. The gym is only a ten-minute walk from my house.
It’s quiet when I arrive, nearly empty which is exactly why I come so early. My work out takes an hour. Once I’m done, I head
back home, take a shower, prepare breakfast before waiting for Albert to pick me up at 7am. He’s perfectly punctual.
A rigid schedule helps me feel focused. It keeps me in the right head space for the rest of the day. It’s when I miss my
routine that I tend to do crazy things. Like sleeping with a stranger on the rooftop of a hotel.
I’ve thought about Tony more often in the past week than I’ll admit. But when you have sex that good, it makes sense that
you can’t get the person out of your head. But it was just sex. Just a one-time thing. I’ll probably never see him again. I
definitely don’t want to. One-night stands are one-night stands for a reason.
“Albert,” I find myself saying, “How many of your one-night stands did you ever see again?”
Albert’s in his early forties but he’s single and I’m sure he gets around. He chuckles softly, already used to my slightly
invasive questions after knowing me for so long.
“Not many, miss. The term connotes it was a one-time thing after all.”
“Exactly,” I say with a smile, leaning back in my seat.
I’m not sure why I needed validation over something I already know. But I get this uneasy feeling in my chest anytime I
think about Tony. Like I want to see him again. Which would be ridiculous. I’ve even been staying away from the hotel. I’m
pretty sure it’s a regular spot for him which means I could find him so easily.
But I never do anything without a good reason. And the truth there’s no reason to see Tony again.

I’ M SEATED , legs crossed as a man is waterboarded in front of me. When I raise a hand to stop them, they immediately do so.
Cain gasps painfully as his head is finally pulled out of the water. He falls to the floor, trying desperately to fill his lungs with
“Cain, darling,” I begin, my voice deceptively soft, “It doesn’t have to be this way. Just tell me what I need to know.”
“Screw you, Sophia,” he spits.
I smile. Oh how I love it when they make this fun.
“Really? That’s how you want to play this?” I ask. I look towards the man closest him. “Punch him in the face. Make it hurt
really bad.”
He does so without hesitation and Cain crumples to the floor. I blow out a soft breath, my eyes trailing to my nails. I’m in
serious need of a manicure. When Cain spits blood onto the ground, I consider painting my nails red to match. He heaves out a
breath, his eyes meeting mine. He opens his mouth to say something obscene I’m sure.
“If the next words out of your mouth isn’t information about who you’ve been supplying to, I promise you’ll lose an ear.
You know me, Cain. I don’t bluff.”
He swallows looking nervously around the room. He knows there’s not a single man who wouldn’t do as I ordered without
hesitation. He might work with them, maybe he’s close to one or two but they wouldn’t blink an eye if I asked them to put a
bullet in their skull.
That’s power. It’s addictive and used to fill me with a rush. But recently, all this feels like a chore. I’m terribly bored. My
sister should be the one here. She deals with stuff like this. I’m not usually so hands on. But she hasn’t been available the past
few days.
“His name’s Teddy,” Cain finally admits nervously. “He works for the Russo’s. He needed my help and I thought he’d give
it back. I swear I didn’t mean it.”
“Aw, you were helping a friend. That’s cute.”
What’s not cute? The fact that his friend is a Russo. I briefly consider what his punishment should be. Cain has worked for
my family for a long time. I want to believe he’s loyal but actions have consequences. I tap my fingers against my knee.
“What am I going to do to you, Cain? Perhaps, chop all your hair off?” I wonder aloud.
A chuckle from beside me, “A little harsh, cousin,” Rico murmurs.
We all know how much Cain loves his hair. It’s pretty too. Long, brown hair. He’s vain about his hair. I sigh softly.
“A few more punches to the face and then lock him up for a few days,” I finally decide on. “You’re lucky it’s me and not
Kat, Cain. If it was Kat, you’d have lost a finger or an ear for sure.”
“Thanks, Sophia,” he murmurs and I see gratitude plain as day in his brown eyes.
He’s pulled up and hauled out of the room. When he’s gone, I look up at my cousin who’s shaking his head. “Your dad will
be upset.”
“Yeah. But he’ll trust my judgement. Cain didn’t have malicious intentions,” I state.
I try not to shed blood unless it’s absolutely necessary. It’s what makes me different from my sister and my father. I get to
my feet and Rico ruffles my hair. His dad and mine are brothers, which makes him family. Apart from Kat, Rico’s the person
I’m closest to.
We walk out of the room and head towards my office in the building. This is our headquarters, the only building we meet at
safely because it’s pretty well hidden and contains most of our cash and secret documents.
“Is Kat back?” he asks.
“She said they were coming back today. I’m just waiting on her to text me so I can head home.”
“Their trip took a long time, huh?”
My dad and sister went to Moscow a few days ago to secure their alliances. My dad’s getting more antsy about the whole
De Luca thing. I finally found out what went down and frankly I can’t blame him. I love my dad, truly I do but what he did to
that family was a little harsh. But it’s the way of our world and it doesn’t matter what he did, I’ll protect him no matter what.
I’m poring over some files later when my sister finally texts that they’re back. I head home immediately going straight to
her bedroom. As expected she’s still working. Katerina never rests. She looks up at me with a smile.
“Hey, you look tired,” I comment walking inside and dropping onto her bed.
She frowns. “Thanks, Soph. Real nice.”
“I’m just telling you like I see it. You’ve got bags under your eyes.”
“Yeah, I barely slept in Moscow. It was so fucking cold.”
I shrug. I’ve only been to Moscow once. For my mom’s funeral. I tend to stay away anything Russian related. I don’t even
speak the language. I never tried to learn.
“So what’s up with you?” Katerina asks. “What were you up to while I was gone?”
“Nothing much. Except I had mind blowing sex with this guy I met on a rooftop.”
Katerina looks at me, her mouth falling open. “You get up to the craziest things. Who is he?”
“I’m not sure. He said his name was Tony but that’s all I got.”
She frowns. “You had sex with him and you don’t even know his last name?”
“It was an in the moment thing. Plus, I only told him my first name as well.”
“Duh. Because if you say Mincetti, he’ll immediately know who you are.”
“Maybe not. Not everyone has information on the ongoings of the crime syndicates in New York. Anyway, that doesn’t
matter. The point is, he was so fine, Kat. Like really good looking and that man can fuck.”
Katerina wrinkles her nose. I feel a little bad sometimes, teasing her with stuff like this. But she has to live vicariously
through me if she won’t live on her own.
She sighs, “I worry about you sometimes.”
“It’s fine. It was just sex. I’ll probably never even see me again.”
My sister raises an eyebrow. “And why do you sound sad about that?”
“No, I don’t.”
She smirks before turning back to her laptop, “Enough about hook ups and hot men. Tell me about work. What’s new?”
“Cain gave some of our drugs to a guy in the Russo family.”
“A Russo? Really? That’s exactly what we don’t need right now,” she groans.
“I handled it,” I assure her.
“Seriously, I wish we could rid ourselves of both that family and the De Lucas. I’ve been monitoring their movements and
something strange is going on. The consigliere hasn’t been seen at any of their hideouts in days and neither has his son. I think
they know.”
“I’m sure it’ll be fine,” I tell her, getting to my feet. “So what if they find out something that happened fifteen years ago.
They might not take it that seriously.”
I grab a cup of water.
“Soph, don’t be naïve. Now that they’re strong enough, I’m sure they’ll come after us on principle.”
I know she’s right, I only said that to comfort her. Her fingers glide across the keyboard.
“Anthony Legan worries me,” she mutters. “He’s dangerous.”
I’m taking a sip of water when my eyes land on the screen of her laptop and I swear my heart stops and I almost scream.
“What the actual fuck?” I sputter, moving closer to the screen.
Katerina looks up at me, eyebrows raised. “What’s wrong?”
“Who is that?” I ask pointing at the screen.
I know who it is but I need my sister to tell me who he is because who he is seems so much more important than it was
thirty seconds ago.
“Him? That’s Anthony Legan. He’s pretty good looking, although the appeal is lost on me cause I know how unhinged he
My sister rambles on, completely oblivious to the sinking feeling in my gut.
“Why do you look like you saw a ghost?” she asks when she notices my expression.
“Kat, that’s Tony,” I say slowly.
“I know,” she replies slowly as well. “Anthony Legan.”
I want to shake her. “Katerina. That’s Tony,” I repeat, forcefully this time. “The Tony I just told you I slept with.”
For the second time tonight her mouth falls open. “Oh.”
“Yeah, oh,” I say weakly. I take a seat on the bed. “Of all the men I could have slept with.”
It’s not like I’m misremembering. I would recognize those brown eyes anywhere. And that face. Oh man, he was inside me
like a week ago.
“So this is what it feels like to sleep with the enemy,” I say, suddenly amused.
My sister’s gaze cuts to mine sharply. “Don’t make jokes right now. This is serious.”
“I know,” I say groaning. Humor’s my default when I don’t know what to feel.
“You slept with the second in command of the De Luca family. The son of the innocent woman dad murdered?!”
“When you put it like that, it sounds pretty bad,” I admit.
“Sophia!” she shouts and I wince.
I fall back on the bed. “It’s not like I did it intentionally. I had no idea who he was.”
Katerina gets to her feet and starts pacing the length of her room. As she tends to do.
“You only have yourself to blame for that. I told you to pay attention when I was telling you about them. You should have
looked them up. I can’t believe you couldn’t recognize Anthony Legan.”
“I thought you had it covered,” I mutter and I didn’t particularly care about the other mafia families.
“Oh my God!” she yells.
“You’re taking this worse than me. I’m the one that slept with him.”
And liked it, my traitorous mind adds.
Katerina keeps pacing. And then suddenly she stops. “You know what? This isn’t such a bad idea.”
I sit up immediately and look at her. As expected, she has that crazed look in her eyes that appears when she gets a terrible
“Kat,” I say carefully.
“Oh shush, this is perfect,” she laughs. It’s the laugh that worries me.
She jumps onto the bed beside me.
“He didn’t recognize you right and he has no idea who you are.”
“Of course not. If he did, he wouldn’t have slept with me.”
Never in a million years.
“That’s good. And you know where to find him again?” my sister questions.
“I don’t like where this is going,” I state.
“Just answer.”
“Yeah, I do.”
“Then you’re going to find him. And you’re going to befriend him. Keep your identity a secret. If he starts to trust you, then
maybe we’ll find an edge in the upcoming clash between our families.”
My stomach sinks. “Kat,” I start uneasily. “That’s a bad idea.”
“For one, Tony doesn’t seem like the kind of guy who trusts easily.”
“And you know this how? You’ve only met him once,” she retorts.
“You said he’s dangerous and crazy.”
“He is a little,” my sister admits. “But he liked you enough to sleep with you so I’m not too worried. Plus, you’re a big girl.
You can handle yourself, he’s only a man.”
“Papa doesn’t like it when we sleep with guys to get information,” I try.
“Papa doesn’t have to know. Come on, Soph. You can do this. It’s perfect.”
I sigh softly and look into her eyes. They’re big and pleading. It’s not like I can say no. I could but I have to admit it’s not a
bad plan. Using Tony would provide us with a perfect edge. It’s the using part I’m not a fan of.
“Alright,” I finally say. “I’ll do it.”
“Great,” Katerina says getting to her feet. “Just smile at him, look pretty and I’m sure he’ll open up to you. We just need to
know what their plans are. He won’t be able to find out who you are.”
Practically every image of me is wiped from any database. It’s a precaution to keep us safe. No social media, I barely take
any pictures. We’re ghosts online. Which makes it easy to do the things we do underground.
There’s nothing I wouldn’t do to keep my family safe. Like Kat said, I only met Tony once. It’s not like I suddenly care
about him after one meeting.
I just need to gain his trust. Befriend him. And then break his trust which will inevitably make him hate me. He hates me
already anyways. I’m Sophia Mincetti. The daughter of the man who murdered his mother. There’s no world where he wouldn’t
want me dead.

I can’t help but think about a world where pain can be measured. I wonder who’s hurting more right now. Elena and I are
probably on the same level. Probably only a marginal difference. I can’t say I’m hurting more than her. But I’m so guilt
ridden I can barely breathe.
Then there’s Maria. Her pain definitely can’t compare to ours but it’s clear she had no idea what happened. Meaning her
husband lied to her for several years. Ricardo may be dead but I’m sure it doesn’t make it hurt any less. Then again she might
not be as hurt. From what I remember they weren’t that close. I do hate Ricardo a little for hiding the truth but he was only
doing what he thought was right. At the end of the day, it’s all on Salvador.
He's probably in pain as well. I hope he’s in more than any of us. He fucking deserves it and more.
But I should have looked for her. I trusted Salvador lies but she deserved so much more than that. At the end of the day it’s
all my fault. I was the stubborn one. I refused to even talk about her, Elena would have never mentioned finding her. Even if she
wanted to. And now here we are, with a secret that’s irrevocably fractured our families.

I CAN ’ T BRING myself to enter the pool but I have been going to the hotel’s rooftop. I haven’t said it out loud but the truth is I’m
looking for her. I kept my promise. I didn’t do anything destructive, to myself or other people. I think it has to do with the fact
that I’m more heartbroken than angry.
After spending the past fifteen years angry at a lie, all I feel now is empty. I got smashed, completely drunk the first night.
Since then I’ve just been existing, spending each day alone, doing nothing. It’s somehow worse than hitting someone or killing
someone. I just can’t find it in me to do anything else.
Eventually, the rage will find me. But for now there’s an empty hole in my chest desperate to be filled.
She’s not here. Every time I walk through the elevator doors, I hold my breath. Hoping I’ll find her beautiful, perfect body
on a lounge chair. But she’s never here.
It takes me a minute to place the quiet footsteps behind me. Before I can turn around, soft hands clamp over my eyes.
“Guess who?”
It’s a good thing she’s behind me. Because she doesn’t get to see the wide smile that stretches across my face. I clear my
“Someone that’s not meant to be here.”
She laughs before letting go and I turn around. Blonde hair, blue eyes. Sophia. She’s as devastating as I remember.
Beautiful in a kind of otherworldly way.
“Hey, blondie,” I greet.
She rolls her eyes. “You look rough,” she says her eyes roaming my face, assessing.
I make a face. “That’s what every man wants to hear from a beautiful woman. That they look rough.”
“People really don’t appreciate it when I tell them the truth,” she muses, stepping away and heading for a chair.
I can’t help but notice the way her ass jiggles in yet another short tight skirt. It seems like a permanent fixture in her
wardrobe. Not that I mind. I really, really don’t mind. She takes a seat and I follow.
“So, you haven’t been here in a while,” I mention casually.
Her eyes sparkle. “Don’t tell me you’ve been pining for me every day since we had sex.”
“It might surprise you to find out. But the world doesn’t revolve around you, Sophia.”
It’s the first time I’ve said her name out loud. She doesn’t seem to notice. Instead she’s picking at a thread in her shirt.
“I’ve been busy,” she informs me. “Not all of us are rich Pagani owners.”
“The Pagani was a gift from my boss,” I say on a smile.
I saw it and considered buying it for myself but when I got to the dealership, it was gone. Rome snuck behind my back and
got it for me on my twenty sixth birthday as a reward for good behavior. Good behavior being that I didn’t stab anyone without
reason for a couple of months.
“Your boss? Where exactly do you work?” she asks curiously.
“I work for a shipping company,” I reply which is like the default answer when someone asks about my profession. And I
don’t want to tell them about the guns and knives and crime.
It’s not technically a lie. Sixty percent of my job does involve delivering and shipping goods across state borders and
international borders as well. Or at least supervising those shipments. It’s just the more domestic parts of it that have to be kept
“Must be a pretty big company if your boss can afford Pagani’s for his employees,” Sophia notes.
I smile. “That’s because he’s not just my boss. He’s my best friend. I’ve known him since we were kids.”
“Oh that makes sense.”
“Your turn, blondie,” I state. “What do you do for work?”
And just like that we’ve settled back into our game. I expect her not to answer. She seems to like being mysterious.
“I work as a fashion consultant,” she informs me.
“That makes sense,” I say, which makes her smile.
“So any other questions? Or is this the part we get to the dare? Just a heads up, I’m not sleeping with you again.”
I take in the slight uneasiness in her eyes and chuckle.
“Don’t worry, sweetheart. I didn’t say anything about having sex. Do I want to? Yeah. But I’m a gentleman and I want to get
to know you. So let’s just stick to questions for a while.”
I also didn’t spend the last few days thinking about her solely because I wanted to fuck. There’s something about her. I’m
not sure what it is but in her presence the voices in my head go quiet.
She nods in agreement. “Yeah, I can work with that. First off, there’s no universe where you’re a gentleman,” she says,
making me chuckle. “But I like getting to know each other. What’s your last name? Who is Tony?”
She waves her hand in the air as she asks the question, making it seem grander.
“Anthony Legan, at your service, ma’am,” I say, offering an exaggerated bow. “Charming, handsome and all-around nice
She smirks. “I can stomach the fact that you believe yourself to be charming and handsome but there’s no way in hell I’m
going to believe you’re nice. There’s nothing nice about your personality, Tony.”
I lean back in my lounge chair, trying hard not to look at the pool across from me.
“That’s the thing, blondie. You don’t know me yet. I could be a genuinely nice guy.”
“But are you?” she retorts.
I grin, shaking my head. “Nope. If you’re searching for any redeemable qualities, you’ll be looking a while. I don’t have
“That’s funny, neither do I.”
I can believe that. She’s intriguing. And I still can’t help but think about the way she slapped the gun out of my hands. It was
bold, daring and proves she’s so much more than she’s letting on.
Out of nowhere, she suddenly asks, “Are you okay? Like have you been since the last time we spoke. Because it seemed
like you were going through a lot. I just wanted to know if you’re good now.”
I look sideways, into her stunningly blue eyes.
It’s the second time she’s asked me that and I don’t think she even realizes how much it makes my heart clench. Apart from
my family, I’ve never really had anyone asking me if I’m okay. No one has ever really cared.
“I’m fine,” I reply because there’s nothing else to say.
I couldn’t even begin to start talking about all the ways I’m not.
“You spent the past few days pining over your one-night stand and hanging around the rooftop pool of a hotel,” Sophia
points out.
“I don’t spend all my time here,” I protest. “I just happened to be staying at this hotel.”
She frowns. “Don’t you live in New York?”
“I do. But I ran away from home,” I murmur. “Although left would be more specific.”
She stares at me like she’s trying to figure me out. Good luck with that.
“Are you going to tell me why?”
I shake my head in reply.
“You’re not the only one that can be mysterious,” I tell her. “How about you start being more open?”
“I’ll pass.”
“Come on, blondie. The first step to being friends is knowing every sickening detail there is to know about each other,” I
tell her.
“I have no interest in wanting to know every detail about another person,” Sophia says and she has a point.
“How do you feel about background checks?” I ask, rubbing my hands together.
Realistically, I probably should have had one done on her. Having a tech wiz in the mafia family connotes that we’re extra
careful about who we invite into our lives.
Sophia arches an eyebrow.
“I feel like I should perform one. You know? Just to be sure you’re not going to grab a gun out of those fancy bags you carry
and shoot me. I’m a very important man, Soph. I can’t die because a beautiful woman threw me off my game.”
“I’m not going to shoot you, Tony,” she says and for some reason I believe her.
“Sure. But I do want to know you,” I state. She stares at me blankly. I continue, “I could find out, you know? It would be so
I’m not sure why I’m telling her that. Sophia’s expression doesn’t so much as flicker.
“Go ahead.”
We stare each other down for a few seconds before I shrug and lean back in my chair.
“Nah, it’s fine,” I say easily. “I’ll work for whatever information you want to give me. If there’s one thing I’ve learnt
growing up it’s that the easiest path isn’t always the best path. The best things are hard won.”
Sophia leans back against her chair with a smile. “That sounds insightful.”
“Yeah, I was thinking about my sister’s relationship with her husband. It was a hot mess at the start.”
“You have a sister?”
“Her name’s Elena. She’s a fucking pain in my ass but I love her more than anything else in the world. Besides my niece of
“And your parents?”
“They’re-” I hesitate, my breath hitching slightly. “They’re dead. Both my parents are dead.”
Something flashes in Sophia’s eyes at that, too quick for me to notice.
“At the risk of giving the most mundane, cliché reply ever, I’m so sorry, Tony.”
“It’s fine. How about you? Siblings? Parents?”
“I have one sister as well. She’s two years older than me and she’s amazing. My mom passed away when I was little,” she
says quietly.
“She would have been proud of the woman you’ve become,” I tell her.
Sophia smiles. “You don’t even know who that is yet.”
“I know she’s pretty special. And that’s enough.”
She changes the subject after that and I’m glad. We leave the deep stuff, instead talking about the little things like favorite
foods and movies. She has never seen any of the spider man movies. Which is blasphemous.
“I’m just more of a romcom girl,” she tells me. Which is surprising and yet somehow on brand for the persona I’ve
managed to cultivate of her in my mind so far. “Have you seen Sleepless in Seattle? How to lose a guy in 10 days?” she retorts.
“Not really interested in seeing two idiots fall in love when it’s pretty clear from the first scene that they will. Rom coms
are boring. Action movies, thrillers, those have you on the edge of your seat,” I argue.
She makes a low noise of disagreement. “I can’t even look at you right now.”
“Honestly, same.”
And then she’s laughing and I’m laughing too which is pretty crazy because I haven’t laughed in days. When we finally stop,
I look her straight in the eyes.
“How about each of us watch a movie of the other’s choosing and the next time we meet up you can tell me how amazing
my recommendation is and how wrong you were?”
She rolls her eyes. “Or you’ll be eating your words about romcoms because they’re so much more than you think they are.”
“We’ll see. Deal?” I ask, stretching my hand towards her.
She seats up and we’re on opposite sides, each of us on a lounge chair. When her palm slides into mine, a thrill shoots
through me and I feel a zap of electricity in my spine.
Blue eyes stare straight into mine, filled with challenge. “You’re going down, Tony.”
After deciding on which movies to watch, Sophia’s gaze goes to her phone.
“It’s getting pretty late,” she murmurs and she’s right. It’s 10pm. I’m not sure where the time went. “I should probably head
My heart sinks.
“Come on, don’t go,” I say imploringly suddenly worried that she’ll leave and I won’t get to see her again. “We can talk
about other stuff. Like for instance, what’s your favorite word?”
She blinks. “People have those?”
I nod, my expression serious. “Of course, blondie. My favorite word is discombobulated. It’s fun to say. Come on, try it,” I
Her eyes practically glimmer in amusement. Dutifully, she repeats, “Discombobulated,” before laughing. “I am fully
convinced you didn’t graduate kindergarten.”
“I nearly didn’t,” I admit soberly. “It was a close call.”
“You’re an idiot,” she says laughing as she grabs her purse. “And I’m leaving.”
“Same time tomorrow?” I ask staring up at her.
“Good night, Tony,” she tells me, leaning down to kiss my cheek before leaving.
I lie in bed for a long time that night, thinking about her and wondering how the hell I got so lucky to find her at exactly the
right moment.

W hen my doorbell is rang at 8am on a Sunday evening, I know it can only be one person. I stand from the couch and
open the door to Katerina’s frowning face. She pushes me aside, blowing on her fingers as she barges in.
“Please enter, sorella. I’m so pleased by your unexpected arrival,” I say sarcastically as I follow her inside.
“You know you love me,” she says, grabbing a blanket before wrapping herself like a cocoon and lying on my couch. “It’s
so freaking cold. I hate the cold,” she moans.
“It’s not that cold,” I mutter, taking a seat as well.
“That’s cause you’re already a cold emotionless vampire,” Kat says making me roll my eyes.
Her gaze shifts to the TV and she arches an eyebrow at what I was watching.
“Since when do you watch action movies?”
Since I befriended Anthony Legan and we started trading our favorite film selections.
“It’s just a movie,” I lie. “I was bored and it popped up. So what’s up? Why are you here?” I ask.
She doesn’t come to my house often. We usually meet at work or at the mansion.
“Nothing,” she says in a voice that means there’s definitely something. “Did you notice that Seraphina released a new
winter collection? You should check it out. There’s some dresses you’ll love.”
I grab my phone to do so immediately because if you’re looking to distract me, just tell me about fashion and clothes and
I’m immediately a puppet. Then I realize that and drop my phone, looking to my sister. And giving her a look that spells I’m not
falling for her evasion techniques.
“What happened, Katerina?”
“Dad wants me to ‘handle’ the De Lucas,” she finally answers. “Whatever that means.”
I pause, “He wants you take care of his mess? You weren’t the one that started this.”
“Sure. But according to him, the Dons now are young. And the people he started the war with in the first place aren’t
exactly involved. Salvador Legan is out of commission. Ricardo De Luca’s dead. We’ll be dealing with their kids.”
“That’s ridiculous,” I mutter.
“Yeah, I know. I think he just wants to test me. He’ll still be involved of course. He just wants to see if I have any ideas.”
“And do you?”
“Yeah actually. I was thinking negotiation.”
She blows out a breath, staring at the strand of her hair hanging in the middle of her face. I watch amused as she blows
again, trying to get rid of it. Finally, she groans, pushing it away forcefully with her hand.
“Negotiation in what sense?” I ask when she’s done.
“In the sense that there must be something they want from us. I’m trying to avoid a flat-out war. Maybe we offer them
something. Trade routes, territory, money? Roman De Luca seems like a sensible man. Plus, he’s a father. I’m sure he cares
about keeping his family safe first and foremost.”
“You’re probably right,” I say unsurely.
Katerina stares at me for a few seconds.
“How’s it going with Legan?”
It’s been a few days since she asked me to engage in espionage. I’ve met up with Tony nearly every single day since then.
“Good,” I reply.
“I was thinking. Could you try to feel him out on what their plans are? I know you said he’s not telling you the truth about
being in the mafia but there has to be something you can do.”
She looks so worried, I can’t say anything other than I’ll try. Which is all I can do.
“Thanks sis. Now let’s continue the movie. It’s one of my favorites.”
All I can think is, awn, she has something in common with a guy that wants her dead.
Albert’s driving me to work the next day when he speaks up on my nightly visits to the hotel.
“Are you perhaps seeing someone, miss?” he questions, which would be invasive if it was any other employee of ours but I
know he’s only asking because he’s worried.
I’ve asked him to drop me off there on two occasions simply because I didn’t want to drive.
“No, I’m not,” I reply. “There’s just this person.”
“A person? Fascinating.”
I laugh. “It’s really nothing. I’ve just been spending some time with this guy. He’s like the biggest idiot. But he’s funny and I
don’t hate being in his presence.”
Albert lifts a brow in surprise. “Sounds like you like him.”
I sigh softly. “Maybe a little.”
“Then this person has no idea how lucky he is because he’s already better than 97 percent of the world’s population.”
“That’s true,” I admit with a smile.
We continue the drive in silence. I trust Albert not to mention anything to my dad. Technically, he’s Albert’s employer but as
long as I’m not doing anything dangerous, he’s not required to divulge my every move to him. Plus, Papa has never been
particularly over protective. We’ve never given him any reason to worry.
Unfortunately my day gets progressively worse. So many things go wrong because for some reason people struggle with
understanding simple instructions. By the time I arrive at the rooftop to see Tony, I’m in a crappy mood but it all melts away as
soon as I get a look at his face.
He’s lying horizontally on a lounge chair. His eyes are shut and there’s not even a ripple on his face. He looks handsome. I
take in his chiseled jaw, the way his nose is slightly crooked which knowing him I’m sure is as a result of it being broken
before. Maybe once or twice. He gets this tiny dimple on his left cheek when he smiles. And his eyes crinkle too.
It’s amazing the amount of information on him I’ve been able to retain in just a matter of days. I continue staring. For a
moment I think he’s asleep, until he speaks.
“That you, blondie?”
His lips stretch into a small smile.
“Hey,” I greet, setting my bag and the small box in my hand on the floor before taking a seat.
Tony sits up and looks at me. And as soon as those brown eyes slide to mine, my heart skips a beat. I ignore the traitorous
“Were you really sleeping up here? Out in the open?”
He shrugs. “It’s nice.”
“It’s an open space. What if a bomb dropped on you or something?”
Tony shakes his head. “You know for someone who loves to watch rom coms and wears so much color all the time, you can
actually be pretty morbid. Your aesthetic is sunshine and glitter. Your personality is evil fairy queen.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment,” I say grinning.
That might be the sweetest thing anyone’s ever said to me. And it’s so cute that he’s taken time to qualify me in his head.
“Speaking of movies. I actually had some time so I watched Die Hard before I went to bed last night,” I inform him.
“And?” he questions eagerly.
I offer him a small smile. “I hated it.”
He groans low in the back of his throat, “I don’t have enough middle fingers to let you know how I feel right now.”
“Aw, come on, it was a nice movie. I just wasn’t a big fan of all the guns and everything. And why on earth is ‘Yippee Kay
yay, motherfucker’ such a big deal? It annoyed me.”
Tony’s jaw falls open, “That’s one of the best parts.”
He looks so distraught. It’s a little endearing.
“Did you really have to say you hated it? I didn’t say anything as negative when I watched your movies.”
“You said the Proposal was mildly unnauseating and that your disgust wasn’t as quantifiable as you thought it would be,” I
remind him.
“That was nice,” he argues.
I shake my head. “No, it wasn’t and I think we can both agree our taste in movies are nowhere near compatible.”
“You’re the one that has terrible taste,” he mumbles.
“Keep saying things like that and I won’t give you the doughnuts I got you,” I threaten.
He immediately perks up. One thing I’ve learnt about Tony in the few days I’ve known him? He loves to eat.
“I take back what I said,” he quickly says.
I smile before handing him the pastries in the box. He groans softly as he scarfs them down. Which is around the time I
remember what my sister asked me to do yesterday. I hesitate, watching him eat the doughnuts for a few minutes.
“I’ve been meaning to ask, why don’t you swim anymore?” I ask softly.
Tony pauses before looking up at me. As much as we’ve talked over the past few days we haven’t really spoken about
anything real. He mentions his family in passing but he hasn’t mentioned anything about what he’s going through. I’m
simultaneously glad and sad. Because him not telling me anything means I can’t use any of the information against him. But also
I hate that I’m not being of any help to my family.
“I can’t,” he mutters. “It hurts.”
My heart clenches. The urge to erase all his pain hits me like an all-consuming need.
“Are you going to keep staying here? At the hotel?”
Weirdly enough, we’ve never met up in his room. He’s never suggested it and I don’t want to. Maybe I’m scared of what
will happen if we’re in a room together. Or maybe I just don’t want anything to ruin our little ritual. The both of us, sitting on
top of a roof, with nothing and no one to disturb us. The world and its problems feels so far away when we’re here.
“No. I’m going back home tomorrow. There’s something important I’ve got to do. I was going to tell you actually,” he says,
dusting sugar crumbs from the doughnut off his shirt and he looks so cute doing it my heart aches.
“Tell me what?”
“I won’t be able to come here for some time. I’m about to get really busy.”
In the back of my mind, I realize he’s telling me something important about the upcoming fight with my family. But what’s at
the forefront is disappointment that this is all about to end.
“We can still talk,” Tony quickly says when he takes in my expression. “Maybe on the phone though. I just need to be a
hundred percent focused and you’re a pretty big distraction.”
I frown, not sure if I like what he’s saying. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means I’m grateful. For the past few weeks. I needed you and you have no idea how much you’ve helped me.”
Numbly I ask, “Is this about your job?”
“Yeah,” he says in confirmation. “We’ve got these huge rivals that have been stealing all our clients for a while. They
recently sunk one of our ships so our fight’s about to get really ugly.”
My chest tightens. “How do you plan to fight back?”
“Probably the same thing they did to us,” Tony shrugs. “Hit them back right where it fucking hurts.”
There’s a fierce look in his eyes as he speaks.
“Oh,” I mutter. “Sounds intense.”
“Yeah. So are you going to give me your number or am I going to have to work for it?”
My fists clench. He won’t be able to use my number even if I give it to him. There’s a real chance the truth will be out by
tomorrow and he’ll never want to speak to me again.
“I’ll give it to you,” I say softly.
Tony looks surprised. “Really? Since when are things ever that easy with you, blondie?”
“Not everything has to be complicated.”
“Most things usually are though.”
“Yeah,” I agree. He has no idea how complicated things are about to become.
He hands me his phone and I input my number even going so far as to add a contact name.
“My favorite blonde?” Tony reads aloud with a smirk. He looks up into my eyes. “Nah, you’re my only blondie.”
And that more than anything nearly causes my eyes to well up with tears. That would be ridiculous though. I haven’t cried
in years. And I’m not going to start because of Anthony Legan. When it’s time to leave, he pulls me in for a hug and I breathe in
him. He smells like lemons and aftershave. It’s nice.
“You look like I’m breaking up with you,” Tony muses taking in my expression.
My breath hitches when he twirls a lock of my hair in his hands distractedly.
“That would be ridiculous considering we’re not dating,” I say.
“True. But we’re friends. Right?” he asks, pulling away.
My hands twitch, itching to reach for him and have him hold me longer. But I don’t. Instead I plaster on a smile and nod.
“Of course we are.”
I have a feeling by this time tomorrow, that word will be like ash in his mouth. Friends. As if there was ever a possibility.
I’m proven right when I get a call from my dad the next morning. He’s planning on waving a white flag. Going with
Katerina’s idea. We’re meeting with the De Luca’s later tonight. Thanks to Tony I know without a doubt that they have no plans
to negotiate or agree to our terms. The meeting could be very well a trap and I don’t hesitate to tell him so. I already told
Katerina so as well. Even if it’s not a trap, it’ll only be an advantage to them because they’ll get to know exactly who we are.
Before now, the Mincetti’s have been ghosts in New York. Unknown. Now we’re about to reveal ourselves to people who
want to take us down. It’s a bad idea.
But dad’s pretty insistent that we have at least one face to face with them. And I have no choice but to go. He doesn’t have
all the facts. He doesn’t know I’ve been meeting up with Tony to get some information.
It’ll be a disaster.
The thought makes me feel fucking ill.

“Y ou’veRoman
got to be fucking kidding me?!”
looks up at me, his expression completely unamused.
“Now’s not the time for a tantrum, T. It’s happening. We’re doing this.”
My blood grows hot.
“Rome, I respect you. I really do. You’re my brother, my Don, I’d follow you anywhere. But if you think I’m going to walk
into a room where the man who murdered my mother will be at and not kill him, you really don’t know me at all.”
“We’re not going to kill him. Especially not when he’s walking into our territory willingly. Where’s the honor in that? We
should at least hear what they have to say.”
“Fuck honor. I say we kill them all and be done with it.”
Roman’s eyes flash and he gets to his feet.
“Listen, I know you’re going through shit. And I get it. I understand. But think, Tony. What do we really know about the
Mincetti’s? We might know how Eduardo looks and we know he has at least a daughter. But apart from that, what do we really
know about that family? Is Eduardo still even the Don? Who’s his heir?” Roman questions, moving to place a hand on my
shoulder, his eyes are dark and intense.
“We have a chance to get answers to those questions. We’ll fight another day and I promised you your revenge. You’ll have
it. But if you can’t control yourself at this meeting, then it’ll be better if you’re not there.”
I push his hand off and glare. “I’ll be there. I’ll look that son of a bitch in the eye and I won’t do anything. Have your
meeting. And pray no one pisses me the fuck off.”
Roman sighs and I take a seat on his couch beside Michael.
“What’s the plan?” Michael questions.
“They’re meeting us at Dunwich building in Manhattan. It’ll be a table discussion. We’ll go with a few of the capos. I
already sent the Mincetti’s the details. The Don’s bringing some of his men as well. I don’t know how many and it doesn’t
really matter. No weapons allowed.”
“You’ve got to be-”
Roman cuts me off.
“What were you expecting? We’re not going to fight so why do we need weapons?”
My jaw clenches but I don’t reply. He moves on to other stuff. Security at the building and then he talks to Michael about
cameras and their plans to do background checks on every man that shows up tonight.
“So they’re just going to walk into a location of our choosing, which we would have undoubtedly secured before they
arrive?” Michael asks at a point.
“Yeah,” Roman replies.
“They’re bold, I’ll give them that.”
I tune them out after a while not really interested in every detail of the plan. I’m working on building enough self-control.
Soon enough it’s time to move out. We arrive at the building and after a hard look from Roman, I drop my weapons on a
desk at the entrance. The room we’ve chosen to use is a wide circular one with a large conference table. Roman takes a seat on
a chair on one side. Enzo who asked to join the meeting sits at his side. The rest of us stand behind the Dons. Michael and I.
Jason’s beside me. He’s Enzo’s best friend, his second in command. We have about five other men in the room. There are
others scattered across the building. And there’s a man at each entrance leading into this room. We took ample precautions.
As soon as the clock strikes 7, the Mincetti’s arrive, perfectly punctual. They walk into the room. A man who looks to be in
his fifties leading the group. I immediately know without a doubt that this is Eduardo Mincetti.
I can’t help but feel a little disappointed. This is the man my father was so scared of?
I guess I could see it. Despite his short stature, he has this unflinching presence and a dangerous aura. His brown eyes are
cold, empty and I believe without a doubt that he’s a man capable of killing an innocent woman.
Neither Roman nor Enzo stand at their arrival and I can tell he’s displeased by that. My eyes track his every move. I watch
as he takes a seat opposite the Dons on the other side of the table. No one else from his party takes a seat. Which means he’s
still Don. Good.
There’s a quiet tension in the room. I’m glaring daggers at Eduardo and he has yet to look at me once. I wait to see if either
Roman or Enzo will speak first. But Eduardo does. And to my fucking surprise, the bastard smiles.
“Hello, boys.”
It’s the boys that does it. The temperature in the room chills several degrees. He’s talking to some of the most powerful men
in New York and he had better act like this.
“This meeting will get very ugly very fast if you don’t show a modicum of respect, Eduardo,” Roman says, his voice hard.
“Of course. My mistake,” Eduardo smiles. It’s unsettling. “The both of you are just so young. I don’t think I’ve ever met
Don’s as young as you before. You’ve done a good job leading your empires. Well done.”
Enzo’s hands curl into fists. I don’t know why Rome was so worried about keeping me in line. Enzo can blow up this
meeting faster than I can. I kind of wish he will.
“And you’ve done a phenomenal job leading yours, Eduardo. How does it feel to finally crawl of out hiding?” Enzo
questions. “I imagine it felt fulfilling hiding all this time?”
I almost laugh.
Eduardo’s gaze hardens. “That’s enough, Russo. We’re here to parley. I guess introductions should be gotten out of the way
“You probably already have enough information on any person of consequence in this room,” Roman states, shutting him
down immediately.
“True. And you know nothing about us,” Eduardo says, his lips curled into a smirk. “Come forward, mia cara.”
My eyes flick up to the rest of his party. And then to the blonde who steps forward. For a moment, just a moment my heart
stops. Because she looks so familiar. She looks a lot like Sophia. But that makes absolutely no fucking sense. There’s no reason
she would be here. There’s a small resemblance, that’s all. It doesn’t mean anything.
“This is Katerina, my daughter and heir,” he introduces.
His heir? That answers a big fucking question. He doesn’t have a son. Or at least one capable enough to succeed him. Still,
pronouncing a woman as his successor is a bold move. It’s very rare in our world. I take in Katerina Mincetti. She’s a beautiful
woman. Long legs, brown eyes. She doesn’t bear a lot of similarities to her father. I’m guessing she favors her mother. She
stands tall and confident.
Enzo speaks up then, his tone dry, “We’ve met.”
Eduardo’s brow crinkles at that and he looks up at his daughter who shakes her head once. That seems like explanation
enough for him and the turns back to us.
“I see,” Eduardo says but I can hear the slight irritation in his tone at being thrown off. I guess his daughter doesn’t tell him
everything. “I do feel like I should ask what you’re doing here, Russo. Considering I asked for a meeting with the De Lucas.”
“Haven’t you heard? I’m family too. This concerns me just as much as it does the De Luca’s,” Enzo states.
His words contain a subtle threat and I’ve never liked the guy more than in this moment. He’s making it clear, he’s on our
side. He’ll fight with us.
Eduardo frowns. “Of course.”
He introduces his brother as well a beefy man who stands tall with intelligent brown eyes.
“So,” Roman starts, ready to get this all over. “Why exactly did you ask for this meeting?”
“Sorry, son. Just a minute. My other daughter’s running late but she’ll be here any moment.”
My eyebrow flicks up. His other daughter? At that moment we hear the sound of heels clacking on the floors growing
closer. When a woman shows up at the doorway leading into the room, I freeze. Every muscles in my body locks down. And a
quiet strangled gasp escapes me.
Michael who’s standing beside me is the only one that hears it. He looks at me in question. But I can’t meet his eyes. I’m
too busy staring as Sophia walks into the room, flanked by two other men. She doesn’t look at me, immediately moving to stand
behind her father’s chair beside her sister.
“This is my second daughter, Sophia.”
She still hasn’t looked up. What the actual fuck is going on? This has to be a prank.
My muscles loosen and I want to take a step towards her. But then I catch the slightest rippling of an expression. Not
Sophia’s. But her sister, whose eyes flick nervously from me back to Sophia. It’s only for a second but that that looks speaks
It really is Sophia. The woman I befriended. The woman that provided me comfort in the worst moments of my life. She’s
really here. And she lied to me.
It’s completely clear that she used me. For one second, I feel like I’m sinking into a hole. I stare straight at her and she’s
still not meeting my eyes and I feel fucking sick. My chest clenches and my fingers itch to hit something.
A ludicrous thought sneaks into my mind. And I notice she’s wearing pants. I’ve never seen her in anything other than those
short skirts or dresses that drove me out of my fucking mind. I’m staring so intently and she’s looking nowhere near me. Then
Eduardo starts to speak and an eerie calm settles over me. I finally look away.
I’ve never experienced an out of body experience before but this feels like it. Or at least it feels like I force myself to
decompress. I forget she’s here. I pretend she’s not. Right now, her presence is inconsequential. It doesn’t matter. Not now.
She’s intent on pretending she has no idea who I am. And I decide to do the same.
My gaze goes back to the one person I should have been focusing on from the start. He still hasn’t looked at me, that more
than anything fills me with rage.
“You don’t want to fight with my family. You think we’ve hidden for so long because we’re weak? We’re so much stronger
than you can imagine,” Eduardo is saying.
My jaw tightens.
“And yet, you requested this meeting,” Roman states.
“To negotiate. I’m willing to offer you incentives. As a gesture of my goodwill. You’ll stand down and maybe our families
can come to an agreement. I’m getting old, and I have no interest in engaging in a fight with your family, De Luca.”
Can he hear himself right now?”
“I can assure you, there’s nothing you could possibly offer me that I require.”
“Oh really?” Eduardo looks at Enzo. “I hear you’ve been having struggles with the Russian government. Doesn’t the
Russo’s main source of wealth come from the drug farms in Moscow?”
“I was wondering when you’d play that card,” Roman says and I can hear the smile in his voice. He leans forward. “So
what because you’ve got the Bratva on your side, you think you’ve invincible?”
“That’s a rhetorical question by the way,” Enzo adds. “You’re not fucking invincible.”
Eduardo smiles without teeth. “Two little boys aren’t going to tell me what I am or am not.”
That fucking- That’s it. I can’t take this anymore.
“I’ve had enough,” I say, stepping forward.
Roman looks at me and I can see the warning in his eyes. The room grows quiet and everybody looks at me. But I only have
eyes for him. His brown eyes finally meet mine. But they don’t so much as flicker.
“You know who I am,” It’s not a question, “I’ve been listening to you talk and you wanna know how I know you’re a
coward, Eduardo? Because you haven’t mentioned the reason you’re actually here. The reason we’re all here.”
His jaw clenches but he doesn’t speak. I lean forward on the table, placing both my hands on it, my gaze still fixed on him.
“We’re here because you murdered an innocent, defenseless woman. Does that make you feel proud? You feel good about
yourself?” I snarl. “And then you walk in here. Acting all high and mighty when you should be fucking begging. What the fuck
did you say? You want to negotiate, you want us to come to an agreement? I’ve only got one thing to say to you, bastard. Go
fuck yourself.”
I hear a sharp intake of breath from somewhere but I don’t look up. And then Eduardo begins to laugh. It’s a grating sound
and my shoulders tense. When he finally stops, he sighs softly.
“You’re nothing like your father, Anthony. You’ve got a spark in you, boy. Reminds me of your mother,” he says with mirth.
My breath hitches and my eyes narrow.
I’ve never wanted to kill anyone more than in this moment.
But Eduardo’s not done speaking. “And you need to stop calling her defenseless, son. She was anything but. She fought
hard. And for what it’s worth, I apologize that she had to die by my hands. She had so much fire.”
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” Roman yells getting to his feet.
I feel like there’s a dam inside me holding back all my emotions. There are currently several cracks and I’m this close to
exploding. But I don’t. Instead I laugh. Everyone looks at me in surprise. I step back still chuckling. Before anyone can react
I’m pulling out the blade I hid in my jacket.
Eduardo gets to his feet immediately and finally, I get some hint of fear in his eyes.
“Tony…” Roman says carefully.
Enzo’s on his feet now too. I don’t look at anyone. The knife in my hand provides a solid weight that soothes me. A harsh
breath, a second passes. Then there’s movement in the corner of my eye. One of Eduardo’s men steps closer to him. Which is
when I make a decision and the blade in my hand flies.
“Fuck,” Enzo breathes as it hits its target.
The man falls to the ground, my knife embedded in his arm.
“Rico,” Sophia gasps, dropping to the ground beside him.
Everyone else stares at me in stunned silence. And I almost roll my eyes. It was probably a good idea not to allow
weapons because if we had guns, each one would have been pointed at me by now. Right now the Mincetti’s faces are flushed
with rage.
“He’s not going to die,” I say calmly. “Blame your Don for pissing me off.” I look at Eduardo. “The next time we meet I
guarantee there’ll be much more bloodshed.”
“This meeting is over,” Roman announces. “Leave, Mincetti.
The old man’s face tightens. But he nods at his people and they start to walk out. The injured man gets to his feet too. He’s
pale and rapidly losing blood. But when it comes to knives I almost never miss my mark and he should have never stepped
forward to protect that son of a bitch. Eduardo walks out last and then it’s just our people in the room.
As soon as they’re gone, I drop into one of the chair and bury my face in my hands. I try and fail to keep them from shaking.
It’s due to rage. It took everything in me not to lunge for that man. I feel someone touch my shoulder. When I look up its
“You did good, T. You exercised control,” he says offering a sympathetic smile.
“Really?” Roman drawls. He’s seated and staring at me in annoyance. “I said no weapons.”
“I wasn’t going to use it,” I mutter.
“Glad you did, man. That was fucking awesome. You’ve got to teach me how to throw knives like that.” Enzo says grinning.
My lips twitch.
Dumbass. He’s my person though. We get each other.
“That man’s a fucking psychopath,” Michael murmurs.
He’s not wrong. There’s something unsettling about Eduardo Mincetti.
“He’s not someone to be trifled with,” Roman sighs. “There’s a reason my father backed down fifteen years ago.”
“But we’re not fucking doing that, right?” I ask my best friend.
“No. We have all the information we need. Now we fight back,” he assures me.
“Two daughters,” Enzo muses. “I definitely want to know more about them.”
His words are like a jolt straight through my chest. I get to my feet.
“I’ve got somewhere to be,” I say, trying to keep my voice even.
Michael arches an eyebrow. “Where?”
“I’ll tell you later.”
They don’t stop me as I leave. I head for my car and drive to the hotel. I don’t know how I know but I know she’ll be there.
And she doesn’t disappoint. She’s actually fucking waiting for me.
As soon as I see her, I don’t hesitate to pull out my gun.
“Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t shoot you right now, Sophia Mincetti?” I growl.

W hy did I come here? I pride myself on making smart decisions or at least decisions that will benefit me. And there’s
absolutely nothing smart about walking right in front of a man with a murderous glint in his eyes and so much rage
directed at me.
I exhale softly, staring into the barrel of the gun pointed at my head.
“If you try to slap this out of my hand, I promise it’ll go off,” Tony threatens.
I wasn’t going to. I take in the tension in his jaw, his rigid posture. I have no idea where to start. What to say.
My mouth opens but nothing comes out.
“What? No more lies?” Tony asks, head cocked to the side.
My heart is pounding fast. He could actually kill me. After what I saw back at the meeting, I know without a doubt if he has
his heart set on it, he would shoot without hesitation.
So I decide to start at the beginning and to be honest.
“I didn’t know who you were. That first night. The night we slept together.”
He scoffs. “Bullshit. Seems like you planned this out from the start. You and your sister seem like experts in whoring your
bodies out to men.”
I know he’s mad but he has no fucking right to talk to me like that.
My fists clench and my eyes narrow. “I carry a gun as well, Tony. And trust me, I know how to use it.”
“Keep going. I want to hear your heartwarming explanation,” he says scowling.
“Believe me or not, I really didn’t know you were when we slept together. I found out after and it seemed like a good
opportunity. I got close to you to get information on what your family’s plans were.”
“That’s it? You approached me and used me for information. That’s all it was,” his voice rises an octave. “I’m not going to
say I trusted you, because I fucking didn’t. And it’s a good thing too. You fucking betrayed me. I considered you a friend,
Sophia. Do you have any idea what I was going through the past few weeks when you were weaseling your way into my life
under false pretenses?!”
“I do have an idea. My dad caused it all after all.”
His hand tightens on the trigger. “You really don’t want to be mentioning your father right now, blondie.”
“What do you want from me? An apology. I’m sorry I hurt you. But I’m not sorry I did it. And if I’m being honest, I didn’t
really get anything from you. Like you said, you didn’t trust me.”
He laughs. “You’re a fucking bitch. You know that right.”
“And you’re an asshole, what else is new?” I ask.
His eyes flutter shut for a moment, when they open, they’re icy, closed off.
“You know I thought about it on the way here. The best way to hurt Eduardo would be to kill one of his daughters. It would
cause him a lot of pain. Probably as much pain as I’m feeling right now.”
My heart speeds up. For some reason all I can think to say is, “Pain isn’t quantifiable and it can’t be measured.”
Tony rolls his eyes. And then he drops his gun, tucking it into the back of his shirt.
“I’m not going to kill you. Just stay the hell away from me. I fucking despise you,” he spits.
I pretend like my heart doesn’t shatter a tiny bit at those words. He leaves and I’m left alone. I sit there for a long time
mourning the loss of something that was never really anything to begin with.
Katerina calls me, worried and I know I have to go home. When I arrive, I immediately go to check up on my cousin. He’s
in a lot of pain but like Tony said he’ll live. Tony’s proficiency with knives was surprising. I’ve always hated knives.
“That bastard has crazy aim,” Rico murmurs, slightly delirious from the drugs.
“Yeah he does,” I whisper, running my hand through his soft brown hair.
He falls asleep soon after and I head over to my sister’s room.
“Papa’s really angry. It didn’t go the way he wanted at all,” Katerina informs me.
“Papa shouldn’t have taunted someone that was grieving the death of his mother,” I retort, pulling on one of her sleepwear.
Katerina gives me a funny look.
“What?” I ask.
She shakes her head. “Nothing.”
I get on the bed. “I guess we’re at war, huh?” I ask my sister.
“Yeah. But we’ll be okay.”
I fall asleep to the thought of Tony. And I find myself today never happened at all and we can be two strangers who found
each other and tried to open their hearts out to one another. But we’re not. We’re the farthest thing from that.

“HOW COULD you keep something so important from me?!” our father yells, pacing the length of his office.
Kat definitely gets it from him. We stay quiet, when he gets mad like this, it’s better not to speak unless spoken to. We just
told him about approaching both Enzo Russo last year and Anthony Legan recently. We didn’t specifically tell him that we slept
with each men but I’m sure he got the gist. He has every right to be mad. But we thought we were doing the right thing.
“The both of you, I can see I’ve given you too much freedom. Why would you go behind my back like this? I never asked
you to do these things.” He looks at Kat. “You should have shown better judgement, Katerina. Why did you approach Enzo
“I wanted to see if he would be interested in an alliance with us, Papa. I was trying to help.”
“That’s not helping. It’s a show of weakness. You made us look desperate. We’re not fucking desperate. Not then and
especially not now!” he yells.
Katerina shrinks backward. More than anything she hates disappointing our dad.
“And you,” he says facing me. “Anthony Legan has a vendetta against this family. You’re lucky he didn’t kill you.”
He almost did.
“He had no idea who I was, Papa,” I say soothingly.
My father runs a hand over his face before he finally stops pacing and takes a seat.
“I supposed the damage is done. Next time, tell me before you make any moves behind my back. I despise not having all the
information. You both know this.”
“It won’t happen again, Papa,” Kat tells him.
“Alright,” he says. “We need to consider our options now. They know who we are. What do you think they’ll do next?”
I already have an inkling after considering it all morning, “The D’Angelos have a direct link to the FBI. The De Luca’s will
probably try to exploit that. My best guess would be exposing our identities to the authorities. We should tighten security on our
My dad nods. “I have enough law enforcement agents on my payroll to prevent anything too serious.”
“We should probably start making use of the spies we planted,” Katerina points out.
We have men in all three families. But none of them are high up enough to have any information of consequence. Still, they
could be useful.
“They have to be careful not to get caught.” Just as I’m saying the words, our uncle Fredrico walks in. He and his son have
the same name but Rico absolutely refused to be called Junior when he was younger, so we call our uncle Fredrico. Or Fred if
we want to be cheeky.
The expression on his face is grim as he walks towards us.
“What’s wrong?” Papa asks.
“We have a problem,” Fredrico states. “Last night, the bodies of five of our men were deposited in front of one of our
My eyebrows rise and Katerina gets to her feet.
“What? Which men?” she asks in surprise.
“The men we placed to spy for us in each of the mafia families. Somehow they were able to find each of them. And they
killed them.”
Federico takes a seat on the couch and loosens the tie at his neck. He sighs deeply.
“Those kids aren’t playing.”
My dad is flushed from the rage I’m sure. I lean back in my seat and run a hand through my hair.
My uncle continues, “I just don’t understand why they made such a bold move. After the meeting yesterday where Rico was
assaulted, we should have been the ones to retaliate first.”
“Blame your nieces for that, fratello,” Papa says gruffly. “If I had to guess, their actions provoked them.”
“What? Papa, you can’t blame us for that!” I burst out.
Steely brown eyes turn to me. “Really, mia cara, I can’t?”
I think back to the expression Tony’s face last night. He was so angry and deep down I know there’s no way he got through
all that rage yesterday without shedding some blood. And a part of me also realizes I had a part in it as well.
I turn away from my dad guiltily.
“We just,” Kat starts. “We can make up for it. We just have to hit them back now. I have tons of information on their
families. I can fix it, Papa.”
He thinks on it for a moment before finally nodding. “See that you do, Katerina.”
He pulls out his phone and we’re effectively dismissed. I follow my sister out of the office.
“It wasn’t your fault,” I say comfortingly. “You did- No, you’re doing the best you can.”
“It’s not enough,” Katerina murmurs. “You weren’t there. You didn’t see the way they all looked at me last night when Papa
introduced me as his heir. They were probably thinking that I’m not worthy. Because I’m a woman. Like it or not, they’re
probably underestimating us because of it.”
Katerina has always been perfect. But she has also always placed an insane amount of pressure on her shoulders. And I get
where she’s coming from. But I also wish she would also stop thinking of herself as less.
“You are more than enough, Kat,” I say aloud. “And like you said, if they’re really foolish enough to underestimate us
because you’re Papa’s heir, then they’ll be doing exactly as you said. Underestimating us. We’re strong, always will be, so
keep your chin up.”
Kat smiles, “Since when do you offer pep talks?”
“I know, right? These days I’ve found myself doing so many things I never would have in a million years. It’s annoying.”
Her smiles fades for a second, “I just worry. That I’ll fail. That I’ll never be good enough.”
“Are you kidding me? You’re the best. Do you have any idea how much I admire you, Kat? You’re like my hero, my role
model. And I never want you to think you’re anything other than amazing. You do everything so well and sometimes I’m the one
that gets scared that I’ll never measure up. that I’ll never be good enough.”
She offers me a disbelieving look, “Are you kidding? You make everything seem so easy. You’re never thrown off, Soph.
Nothing fazes you. You always manage to come out on top. That’s talent.”
“Can we just agree we’re both awesome?” I ask and Katerina laughs.
“Yeah, we can.” Her expression softens. “Hey, about Anthony Legan.”
I look away and clear my throat. “Nope, I don’t want to talk about him.”
“But Soph-”
“It’s fine. I’m fine. I’m glad that chapter is closed and now I can focus on crushing him and his family beneath the heel of
my favorite boots.”
The problem with having someone who knows you better than you know yourself is that they have this annoying ability to
tell when you’re lying.
But thankfully, my sister doesn’t push.

“T here’s“Zio,”
my favorite human,” I say, picking my niece up and holding her to my chest.
she says in her tiny little voice, her big blue eyes looking up at me adoringly.
She reaches for my jaw and I lean closer so she can touch it. She gets distracted pulling on the beard that’s sprouted in the
past couple of days because I was too busy to shave.
She giggles and the sound warms my chest. I look at my sister who had been watching quietly. She’s smiling at her but I can
see the shadow in her eyes.
“Hey, sorella,” I greet. “What’s up?”
Cassie quickly gets bored with the beard so I set her down to play with the toys on the floor. Elena gets to her feet then and
hugs me shortly.
“Nothing. I’m good, how are you? And also have you been avoiding me?” she asks, glaring.
I laugh. “I’m fine. And also, why the hell would I avoid you?” I ask, even though I’m realizing that I might have been
unconsciously avoiding her.
She frowns and gives me her best don’t bullshit me face. And I sigh.
“I wasn’t trying to avoid you,” I say, taking a seat on the couch. “It just kind of happened. I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine. I actually get it. I know why you did it. I just want to hear you say it.”
“Do I have to?” I groan.
She waits patiently for me to speak, green eyes calm.
“I guess I felt guilty for disappearing on you like that,” I mumble.
Elena shakes her head. “No, that’s not why you did it. I’m used to you disappearing like that. You do it all the time.”
“You know it’s true. And you’ve been back for days. You’ve been spending all your time with Roman and Michael and I
know you guys are hard at work with revenge. But Tony, I’ve been waiting for you,” she says softly. “We have to talk about it.
Sooner or later, you have to talk to someone.”
Exhaustion settles deep in my bones. Because I’m so sick and tired of this whole talking about emotions rodeo. It doesn’t
help. It never does.
“I love you, sis. I really do. And I know that what happened, happened to both of us and you do deserve to have someone to
talk to about it. But I’m not in the right place to talk about my feelings right now.”
Elena sighs, “Don’t be mad but Mikey told me about the woman.”
I look up at her sharply. “What woman?”
“The Mincetti girl. He said something went down between the two of you. And that you wouldn’t tell him what. He was
just worried and he thought maybe I could get it out of you.”
“Fucking prick,” I whisper, because Cassie’s only a few feet away. “There’s nothing to tell. And I’m going to kill Mikey for
saying anything.”
“But there is. She hurt you. I don’t know how but if I had to guess. She probably lied to you and she betrayed you.”
“It’s fine. Wouldn’t be the first time,” I mutter.
Elena winces and I immediately feel bad. I open my mouth to assure her but she shakes her head.
“No, it’s okay. I deserved that. I feel awful truly because I feel like you always have to go through this. I played a part in
the reason you’re like this. You never really let anyone in. And it’s because you’ve been betrayed one too many times. You
were betrayed when you thought mom abandoned us. And then I hurt you and now dad,” she says, her voice cracking. “And I
just wish I could tell you that it’s okay to let someone in.”
Her eyes well up with tears.
“Hey, hey,” I say pulling her to me. “It’s okay. You know I hate seeing you cry. None of this is your fault.”
I blame our father solely for how messed up our lives are. Elena sniffs, pulling herself together. She leans away and offers
me a short nod to show she’s okay.
“What I want more than anything for you, big brother, is to find a way to let someone into your heart. I want you to trust and
to love and to see that there’s more to life than revenge.”
“Of course I know there’s more to life than that. But right now, that’s all I can allow my life to be. Maybe that’ll change in
the future.”
Although I seriously doubt that.
“Okay,” she nods. “Just promise me you’ll try.”
“I will,” I say getting to my feet and getting ready to leave.
“There’s something else, Tony. Dad keeps calling me.”
I stiffen and look down at her with a raised brow. “You haven’t blocked his number yet?”
“I haven’t and I’m not going to,” Elena states. “It’ll be a very, very long time before I can ever forgive him. But I’d like to
believe that that day will come. And Tony, I really think you could too.”
I scoff. “That’s never happening.”
“It could. You forgave me,” she points out.
“Elena, you kept your pregnancy and relationship hidden from me for what, a year? Salvador hid the truth about our mother
from us for 15 years. He made that decision on his own and that decision singularly shaped who I am today. He watched me
carry so much hate in my heart, so much anger towards her and he never said a thing,” I take in a deep breath. “It’s okay if you
ever find it in your heart to forgive him. But there’s nothing that will ever make me even consider going down that route, I can
assure you.”
“Okay,” she says. “I understand.”
After saying my goodbyes to Cassie, I leave the house and head over to the condo I’ve been staying at the past few days to
get cleaned up. Once I’m done I receive a text from Roman asking me to come over to our base of operations.
“Hey traitor,” I greet Michael as soon as I walk through the door of Roman’s office.
He doesn’t even have to ask what I’m talking about. He simply rolls his eyes, “Don’t be dramatic, T.”
“What’s going on here?” Roman asks, his arms crossed.
“I would also like to know,” Enzo adds.
It’s a testament to how close they’ve gotten that Enzo’s currently seated in Roman’s chair. He always gets testy whenever I
sit there. But ever since Enzo planned Rosa’s dream wedding, the bromance between both Dons has blossomed beautifully. I’m
actually kind of jealous.
“You don’t need to know,” I inform them.
“He’s pissed cause I ratted him out to Elena about something. Sorry,” Michael says offering an entirely insincere shrug. “I
do feel like they need to know.”
“Know what? What do we not know?” Enzo questions eagerly.
“Oh calm down, Loki. You don’t have to know everything,” I mutter, taking a seat.
I nicknamed him after the god of mischief because they bear a lot of similar characteristics.
Roman frowns. “If he’s Loki, then who am I?”
“Captain America, you’re both uptight. And I guess Mikey could be Iron man. I’d be Thor,” I say cheerfully.
Roman’s frown turns into a scowl. “Why do I have to be Captain America? I don’t even act like the guy. He doesn’t even
curse, right? I fucking curse all the fucking time.”
“Yeah, Rome, we can see that,” Enzo says amused.
“Guys!” Michael shouts. “We’re going off topic.”
“We were never on topic,” I say annoyed.
“Oh right. What are you two keeping from us?” Roman questions. “What did you tell Elena?”
“I told her I was worried about him,” Michael says pointing at me. “Because he seems to have had something going on with
Eduardo Mincetti’s daughter.”
I exhale a deep breath. One of these days, I’m going to kick Michael’s ass.
“You had what with who?!” Roman asks.
“Chill out,” I mutter. “There wasn’t anything going on with anyone.”
“You slept with her, didn’t you?” Enzo questions, grinning.
I roll my eyes. How he immediately jumped to that conclusion I have no idea. But it’s annoying that he did and that he’s
“Not that it’s any of your business. I may have slept with her once. And the her is not the one you’re thinking,” I say when I
notice the knowing glint in his eyes. “It wasn’t Katerina. It was Sophia.”
“The younger one?”
“Okay, wait, wait,” Roman says, holding his hands up. He looks at me with a stern expression. “Tell us everything. Now.”
“It’s not a big deal. I’m guessing, she was sent to find some information out from me. A couple weeks ago I met her on the
rooftop of the hotel I go to for a swim. I didn’t know who the hell she was. One thing led to another and we had sex. I didn’t
see her again for a few days. Then she showed up and we were friendly for a while. Nothing happened. We just had a few
A part of me realizes I’m seriously downplaying our relationship and that it was a bit more than that but I refuse to even
think about that.
“She was just on the rooftop? How did she even know you go there?” Roman asks.
“Apparently, she had no idea who I was that night either. It was a coincidence and when she found out I was a Legan, she
started her evil plans,” I mutter.
Enzo raises an eyebrow in question, “She told you all that when?”
“I met up with her the day of the meeting which was also when I found out she was a Mincetti. Honestly, you guys should
really be commending me more on not losing it at that meeting.”
“You met up with her after?” Enzo asks and he’s annoyingly focusing on the wrong thing.
“I was going to kill her,” I say on a shrug. “But I didn’t.”
“What the hell happened between you two?” Roman asks.
“I just told you,” I frown.
“Tony,” he says on a sigh.
“Look, you guys don’t need to over react. I never told her anything, so their plan was complete shit anyway. Now I just
want to forget anything ever happened with her and move on.”
They’re all quiet, their expressions both curious and worried.
“Seriously, let’s drop it. I’m not talking about this anymore,” I say, my tone hard. “Can we move on to the important stuff?
What’s up? It’s pretty late, why did you ask me to come over?”
“They struck back,” Roman says, his expression immediately hardening.
“How?” I question through gritted teeth.
“Well, they burned down two of my Hemp farms,” Enzo replies, his jaw clenched.
“And they tipped off NYPD about that weapons delivery that’s meant to happen in a few days,” Michael states. “We’re
going to have to stall it which will lose us some money.”
I curse under my breath.
“It’s nothing more than we expected,” Roman says. “Now we just have to consider our next moves as well.”
I lean back in my chair. If I’m being honest, all the manipulative backstabbing and warfare that’s been going on so far isn’t
really my cup of tea. All I want is to kill Eduardo Mincetti but I won’t be able to get to him unless I’ve destroyed his family.
Which is why I have to be patient.
It doesn’t matter how long it takes. I will get revenge for my mother.

W hen there’s a family of criminals intent on destroying your family of criminals, it becomes imperative that you find a
way to destress and find some semblance of calm. Which is why I decide to partake in one of my favorite past time
activities. Clubbing.
Unfortunately, my favorite club buddy is still indisposed and is under strict orders from the doctor not do anything that
could worsen his injury.
“I should still be there though,” Rico says over the phone.
“No,” I tell him. “Your hand is currently in a sling. How about you stay home and recover?”
I drop the phone on my dresser and place it on speaker, before starting to curl my hair.
“Still, I don’t like it when you go clubbing alone.”
“We both know I can take care of myself, Rico.”
“I’m not worried about you. I’m worried you’ll start a bar fight or break some dude’s arm.”
“That was one time,” I say defensively.
“Hmm. Who’s driving you there?”
“Albert,” I reply. “I would have driven myself but Papa’s been more strict these days and Albert has been shadowing my
every move like a hawk.”
“You kind of deserve it,” Rico states.
“Shut up.”
“No, really. I can’t believe you slept with Anthony Legan. I mean he’s hot and all but you really took sleeping with the
enemy to the next level.”
“I don’t want to talk about it,” I mutter, ignoring the slight pang in my chest at the mention of Tony.
“Sure, I get it. Just be careful tonight, all right? Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do unless I was coerced into it. And please
use protection if you’re going to get with a guy.”
I laugh. “I got it, cugino.”
He hangs up and I finish getting ready. Albert arrives to pick me up, punctual as ever. I try and fail to convince him to leave
after dropping me off but he insists he’ll be waiting outside for me until I’m done. Which would cause complications if I do
find a guy to hook up with.
I’m not here to hook up though. I’m here to have fun, I think, staring at the building that’s practically vibrating from the
booming noise.
After a few drinks and a lot of dancing, I’m starting to get a little tired. Plus, clubbing’s not as fun when you’re alone. I
already turned down two men mostly because they weren’t my type. One of them got a little too pushy but it was nothing I
couldn’t handle.
Albert is still waiting for me anyway, so I decide it’s time to call it a night. I’m heading to the bar to get one last drink when
a hand closes around my wrist stopping me in place. I look up and my eyes widen in surprise.
“Liam Rhodes?!” I yell so he can hear me over the loud music.
He chuckles, leaning down to whisper in my ear, “Hey, gorgeous. How’ve you been?”
“I’ve been good,” I say nodding.
“It’s a good thing I ran into you. This night was getting a little boring. Why don’t you come along with me to the private
room I booked?” he asks.
I consider his words. Liam is a very hot brunette with green eyes and an adorably cute dimpled smile. His smile may be
cute but Liam’s also a successful man with a flair for business and a body that really gets a woman going. We’ve hooked up a
few times but it’s been nothing serious.
“Alright, let’s go,” I decide.
He leads me towards the room which is completely empty except for a bottle of champagne and some glasses on the table. I
arch an eyebrow as I look back at him.
“Are you here alone?” I ask, my voice quieter since we’re away from all the noise.
“Uh, yeah. I just came looking for a quick drink and a de-stressor,” he informs me.
“Well what do you know, so did I,” I say with a smile.
“I guess we were both meant to be here. Together,” he adds.
He undoes the button of his jacket before taking a seat. Then he pats down beside him, gesturing for me to take a seat as
well. I roll my eyes before obliging him. Liam starts telling me about a new business deal and we talk for a few minutes. It’s
one of the things I like about him, how easy he is. Free. We’ve only met up a few times but he’s never really pressured me to
talk about myself. He doesn’t have any affiliations with the mafia so I’m sure he wouldn’t know who I was either way. But I
like it, being with a person who doesn’t know who I am, where I come from, what I am.
I think it’s why my rooftop meetings with Tony made me so happy. Being with him was easy. We were just two people
pretending to be someone we weren’t. And at the same time it also felt real. I felt like I actually knew him. Tony showed me
parts of himself he probably didn’t let anyone else see. And I took it for granted.
“Hey,” Liam says waving a hand in my face. “Did I lose you?”
“I’m sorry, what were you saying?” I ask.
“It’s alright,” he chuckles. “I came here looking for a break from work and here I am boring you with talk about it. I really
should watch my manners with beautiful women.”
“Well,” I start. “I do know something we could do that wouldn’t be boring.”
“Oh yeah?” he asks, eyes flicking to my lips. “So do I.”
Liam doesn’t hesitate to kiss me. His lips meet mine and it’s exactly like it used to be. And it’s nice. That’s all I can think at
the moment, that it’s nice. But it doesn’t make me feel. There’s no incredible rush, no tingles spreading over me, no erratic
beating of my heart.
When Liam tries to deepen the kiss I have to pull away. My eyes move down to my hands.
“What’s wrong, are you okay?” he asks worriedly.
“I’m fine,” I say before sighing softly. “I’m sorry. I can’t.”
“No, it’s okay,” he assures me. “We can just chill. We don’t have to do anything.”
I smile softly, looking up into his eyes. “You’re a really good man, Liam Rhodes.”
“Thanks,” he says easily.
I kiss his cheek before getting to my feet. “I have to go but I’ll see you around.”
He eyes me uneasily but manages a short nod. “We’re good though, right?”
“Of course,” I say.
It’s not like I can tell him the truth. That I ended the kiss because I started wishing it was someone else. That despite
everything it felt nothing like kissing Tony. Kissing Tony made me feel alive. And I’m terrified I’ll keep chasing after that high
for the rest of my life. What if I never find anything like it again?
The drive back home is quiet. I’m more miserable than I was before I went clubbing and Albert notices.
“Did something happen, ma’am?” he questions from the driver’s seat.
“I’m fine, Albert. Just feeling a little sad.”
“Do you want me to drive you to that hotel you used to visit regularly a couple of weeks ago?”
“No, I won’t be going there again,” I tell him, trying to mask the hurt in my voice.
Albert is surprisingly pushy today though because he keeps asking questions.
“Why not? What about the friend? The one who beat the odds and managed to become someone you liked.”
I hesitate. It seems my father hasn’t filled him in on what went down between me and Tony. And I know he means well. It
can’t hurt to talk to him about it.
“He and I had a falling out,” I say simply. “We can’t be friends anymore.”
I don’t think I even want to be friends with Tony. That’s the annoying part. Being his friend was great but what we had
seemed like so much more than just a friendship.
“I’ve known you for nearly all your life, Sophia and I’ve never seen you give up on something you want. Not once.”
I stiffen, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means if you still want to keep your friendship or whatever you had with this man, then I say you go for it. Life is too
short not to chase after your wants and aspirations.”
That makes me smile. “I’m the one that says that.”
“Well you’re a very smart woman. If you like this man, then what’s stopping you?”
I have a feeling he wouldn’t be saying that if he knew the man in question was Anthony Legan. But I’m not going to be the
one to tell him that. Nor am I going to tell him that a lot of things are stopping me. Starting from the fact that he hates me and
ending with the fact that he despises me.
I don’t think he could ever forgive me. And I don’t know if I even want to try to earn it. Our drive relapses into silence
again. And it continues all the way home. Albert drops me off before leaving and I settle into bed for a good night’s sleep.
But my sleep is once again derailed by tossing and turning and thinking about Tony’s annoyingly handsome face and his
horrible taste in movies. I grab my pillow, throw it over my face, before screaming in frustration.
I really need to get this under control.

THE NEXT MORNING my sister shows up at my doorstep stressing because the De Luca’s reported one of our subsidiaries for
fraud. I’m going to be honest, I’ve tuned out this war or battle or whatever it is they’ve got going on. The De Luca’s strike, we
strike back. It’s a dumb game of back and forth. And while a part of me understands if it goes on it could lead to irrevocable
losses especially on our side, I just don’t have the energy to think about that.
Unfortunately, Katerina has boundless energy in that regard. I grab a cup of coffee and watch her pace the length of my
living room until she wears herself out. When she’s done ranting, she graciously accepts the cup of coffee I offer her.
“Anyway, how’s it going with the proposal for the rich Asian dude? He has to invest in the mining. It’s important.”
While my family mostly dabbles in criminal activities, like drug trafficking, bribery, extortion, murder, we also have some
slightly legit businesses. My dad has a lot of shares in overseas companies. And recently he’s had an interest in rare gems. So
he bought some land rumored to have diamonds on it. It was a hassle getting all the permits to start the mining. But we
eventually did get them. And now we need funding.
Technically we have the money to fund it ourselves. But for the process to appear above board and legitimate we need
outsider involvement. Plus, Papa’s trying to have a contingency plan in case the mine doesn’t turn out diamonds so that we
won’t be the ones accruing all the loss. So while it’s slightly manipulative, we’re trying to get a Singaporean billionaire to
cover the costs instead. That way we get to have our cake and eat it too.
“It’s going okay. I sent the proposal in to his secretary last night. He should have it on his desk by now,” I assure her.
“You think he’ll agree?”
“He’s an ostentatious man with too much money and nothing to spend it on. Those kinds of people are always greedy and in
need of more. I’m sure he will.”
Katerina nods, reaching for a grape from the plate on the table. “You know, if he doesn’t bite, we could always find some
dirt on him and blackmail him to sign the agreement,” she says thoughtfully.
I sigh, “You and Papa have a one-track mind. We don’t have to get our hands dirty to do every single little thing. And I
refuse to let this mining business have even a whiff of deceit or corruption. The billionaire will accept. He just needs some
coercion, which I can provide. Just leave it to me.”
My sister smiles. “You’re good at this, you know. Convincing people to do what you want. Business.”
I clear my throat and rub my hands together, “Yes, well there’s not a lot I’m not good at.”
“Cocky,” she says, brushing our shoulders together.
We eat fruit in silence for a while before she suddenly looks at me with an apologetic expression.
“I almost forgot to tell you, Dimitri called.”
My eyes widen and I sit up so fast my head hurts. “Who did what?!”
“Dimitri,” she reminds me. “The guy Papa wants you to marry.”
I make a face. “I told him to call off the match.”
“And he did. But Dimitri’s persistent. I think he’s coming back to New York soon. Maybe you guys can make up,” Katerina
says hopefully.
Oh my sweet, sweet sister.
“First off, Dimitri’s a sexist asshole who doesn’t think women should be in charge. He’s always making those annoying
smart-ass comments about how he can’t believe Papa wants you to be his heir and how Rico would be more deserving of the
Katerina shrugs. “Yeah but those are harmless comments. Rico’s never been interested. And Dimitri’s our friend. We’ve
known him since we were kids.”
“He’s your friend,” I retort. “I don’t even like the guy.”
“You liked him enough to date him when you were 16,” she says and I immediately get war flashbacks. Dating him was one
of the biggest mistakes of my life. “It’s why Papa encouraged the match in the first place.”
“Whatever. No, I do not even want to think about Dimitri talk less talk about him. He’s a thing of the past.”
Katerina smiles. “I just told you he’s coming back.”
“He can come all he wants. I’ll just ignore him,” I say my head falling back onto the couch.
“I’m not sure it’ll be that easy to ignore the next boss of a reputable Bratva family,” my sister says gently.
My head pounds at the reminder. Great, as if I needed something else to worry about. I decide not to stress about Dimitri
though. He’s not here yet and he’s a problem I’ll handle when he does arrive.
The rest of my dad goes well until I’m heading home and I find myself in a moment of weakness.
I decide then that control’s overrated and even if I can’t see Tony, I might as well go to the one place I found comfort in the
past few weeks. The rooftop we met at will always hold a special place in my heart. And I still have the keycard that gives me
access to it.
I ask Albert to drop me off and then before I can second guess myself I head up. I’m not sure why I convinced myself that
Tony won’t be here. In my head, there’s no way in hell he would ever return to the place he was betrayed so badly. But when
the doors open and I step onto the roof, he’s there. Taking off his shirt. His pants are already off.
I only catch a second’s glimpse of him. Right before he dives into the pool. There’s a loud splash and then nothing, barely
even a ripple in the water. I walk towards the edge of the pool and I can see him at the bottom. He’s barely even moving.
So I wait. A few seconds pass and I’m wondering if I should just leave. Then a minute, two. By the time we hit the five-
minute mark I’m starting to get worried. Because he’s not coming up for air. And I’m terrified he’s not planning on breathing at

T he most exhilarating moment of my life had to be the moment I jumped off the edge of a cliff and dived down into the
water below. It was dangerous and reckless and I could have died. But nothing has ever quite topped that feeling.
Being in water has been a close second though. Because it’s the closest thing I’ve come to remembering how it felt
to dive that day. And I just had to also remind myself that just because swimming reminds me of my mother, that doesn’t have to
be a bad thing. It’s still the only thing that makes me feel close to her and now more than ever I need just that.
I understand that coming to that realization is the first step in the healing process. And so is finally making it back into a
pool, which is why I came to the hotel rooftop. Because even before the whole thing with Sophia, this place was the only spot I
felt comfortable in.
And when I dive inside the water and sink to the bottom of the pool. When that weightless hits and everything goes quiet, I
can’t help but wonder why I was stupid enough to stay away for so long.
When I finally come up for some much-needed air, I’m shocked to find Sophia Mincetti. And she’s taking her boots off with
a wide-eyed expressions. I inhale deeply, shut my eyes, open them and she’s still there. Sophia takes a deep breath before
placing a hand on her chest.
“You idiot!” she screams. “What were you doing in there for so long?”
I swim towards the edge and pull myself out of water. Then I take a minute to consider my options. I open my mouth in
search of something to say. Close it.
Stare at the blonde in front of me for a few seconds, before my mouth opens again and all I can think to say is, “I thought
you said you wouldn’t care if I didn’t come up for air.”
“Things change,” she mutters. “And you were in there for about eight minutes.”
“Hmm,” is all I say before brushing past her to get a towel. “What the hell are you doing here, Sophia? I said I never
wanted to see you again.”
“You don’t own this hotel,” she reminds me, her voice soft.
I roll my eyes, slightly irritated. I wasn’t kidding when I said I never wanted to see her again. The truth is, I’m not as angry
as I should be when it comes to her. Because yes, she did approach me with false intentions. But she also never explicitly said
she was someone she wasn’t. And honestly that’s on me, because I never pushed to find out more information about her. Hell,
all she did was lie about her job, which I did too. I was such an idiot I didn’t even ask what her last name was. I don’t think I
cared. All that mattered to me was that she made the pain go away and that was all I needed back then.
I’m not saying she wouldn’t have lied and made up another last name if I had asked. I’m just saying in the grand scheme of
things and after I’ve had a long time to think about it, I’m not as betrayed as I felt at first. If I’m being real, I would have done
the same thing if the roles were reversed. I’d do anything to help my family as well.
And lastly, I missed her. Which is both crazy and annoying in equal measure.
“What? Did your dad send you here again? To feel me up, find out what measures we plan to take to destroy you next?” I
ask with a raised eyebrow.
“I didn’t know you would be here,” she mutters.
“Yeah, I’ve heard that before. Can you leave now? I was kind of in the middle of something,” I tell her.
She hesitates, “When did you start swimming again?” she asks instead of going.
I would really love it if she left. Even now, her standing in front of me is doing so many things to my head, and my heart. I
can’t help but think about how good she looks. Beneath her coat, she’s wearing a black short skirt with a light green top which
has a neckline that’s showing an extremely distracting amount of her tits.
I swallow softly before looking back up at her face.
“Were you going jump into the pool after me?” I counter with a question of my own.
She looks a little caught off guard but she nods. “I was just going to take off my boots before doing so. They’re Prada,” she
I can’t help a small chuckle, “Of course, your worry is nothing in the face of those Prada boots.”
“I really was you know. Worried about you. Unlike you, I really don’t want you to die.”
My lips turn down into a frown. “I don’t want you dead, Sophia.”
“No, you just tried to kill me,” she retorts her tone bitter.
“You lied to me for weeks and then I find out you’re a Mincetti. What were you expecting?”
She takes in a deep breath. “You’re right. And you had every right to be upset. Thank you, for not killing me.”
“I wouldn’t have,” I mutter.
“Excuse me?”
“I wouldn’t have killed you,” I repeat. “I was pretty pissed back then but even in my rage, there’s no world where I would
have been able to kill you, blondie.”
Admitting that to her feel wrong. But it’s worth it to see the way her blue eyes brighten and her body relaxes. She looks at,
her eyes soft and my breath hitches. Fuck, I really hate how pretty her eyes are. And expressive. I don’t think she’d like
knowing that.
“So does that mean you forgive me?”
I smile, “It means I don’t feel like killing you anymore, blondie. Doesn’t mean I forgive you.”
“What do I have to do though, do earn your forgiveness?” she asks.
That stops me short. I look at her in confusion.
“I miss you,” she admits, her voice low and there’s a tinge of disbelief there. Like she can’t believe she’s saying the words
“Sophia,” I start. “I want your father dead.”
“I’m aware,” she says.
“I hate your family and everything it stands for.”
“I know.”
“You and I aren’t even supposed to be seeing each other. I’m pretty sure this conversation is forbidden.”
“I know. But we are,” she insists.
My hand goes to my eyebrow and I rub it gently. I huff out a breath of frustration.
“I just want us to be friends,” she says gently.
“We were never friends,” I say, my tone harsh. “Half the time I was with you all I could think about was how much I
wanted to fuck you again.”
Her breath hitches. She looks up at me, blue eyes intense, “Yeah, that sounds about in line with what I was thinking too.”
My heart pounds and I swallow softly.
“This is a really, really bad idea,” I tell her.
Sophia shifts closer to me and I actually want to take a step back because she feels dangerous right now. But I don’t.
Because if she’s a danger, then I want her to consume me.
“I know. But bad ideas are fun, right?”
I can’t help a smile. “You’re a terrible influence, blondie.”
She’s so close, I can feel her breath on my face. When she touches my arm, my heart actually stops. Then it kickstarts and
it’s racing. And I think to myself, damn I might actually have a crush on this woman.
But I’m a thirty-year-old man and crush sounds really juvenile. I have feelings for her though. That much is clear.
“Tony,” she whispers. “I know you want to so just kiss me already.”
So I do. In a flash my lips are on hers. I tighten my hands around her waist and run one hand up her back, pressing her
closer to my chest. She tastes like strawberries and tequila and it’s so fucking addictive my head starts to swim. Her mouth
opens, her lips part and it’s an opportunity I don’t hesitate to explore.
Every part of me wants to do this, aches for this. The feeling of her hands on mine. I didn’t realize how much I craved her
touch until now. How much I’ve been craving her. Her hands are in my hair and she tugs at the roots pull me even closer as our
tongues tangle. I lift her off her feet and she doesn’t hesitate to wrap her legs around me.
I’m about to carry her to one of the lounge chairs so we can explore each other even further when a phone starts to ring. At
first I plan to ignore it and Sophia seems to want to as well. But when the ringing becomes incessant, she groans softly, pulling
away from my mouth.
I glare at her before setting her down on her feet.
“I’m sorry,” she whispers, moving to grab her phone.
The phone stops ringing just as she reaches it but instead of calling the person back, she seems to text instead.
“It’s Albert,” she tells me, breathing heavily.
“Who’s Albert? And why the hell does he have the worst timing ever?” I mutter.
“Albert’s my driver slash bodyguard slash listening ear,” she informs me with a small smile. “I have to go.”
“What? No!” I groan.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” she says, moving forward and wrapping her hands around my neck. “But it’s not like I’m going
forever. Just for tonight. I can still see you again. Right?”
I catch the hint of nerves in her voice. But I don’t point it out though.
“Sure. What did you have in mind?” I ask, grinning.
“We can’t keep meeting up here. It’ll get suspicious,” she replies. “Which brings me to my next point. Our families can’t
find out about whatever this is. We need to be careful not to get caught.”
“You don’t have to tell me that, blondie. They would think I was crazy if they found out I was kissing Eduardo Mincetti’s
“Exactly,” she says with a small frown. “So where should we meet up?”
“I have a condo I’ve been staying at the past few days. It’s pretty low key,” I offer.
She shakes her head, “I can’t. Albert drives me everywhere. And he’ll get suspicious if I asked him to drop me off there.”
“But does he have to drive you everywhere though?” I ask with a raised eyebrow.
“Kind of. I’m sort of a terrible driver,” she mumbles.
“I’m sorry, what?” I ask amused.
“I’m a shit driver okay?” she repeats, louder this time.
I chuckle, “No way.”
“Just leave it be,” she says with a stern look. “With regards to our problem though, I guess you could come to my house.”
My eyebrows rise. “Your house? At the Mincetti mansion.”
Sophia scoffs. “Like I would ever invite you there. I meant my house, the place I stay at. Alone. I bought it a year ago.”
“Really? That’s surprising. That you were allowed to stay alone. And the house isn’t under any surveillance or..”
“No. None that I know of. But I wouldn’t be worried. My family trusts me. It’s why I have more independence than most
women in the outfit.”
I don’t say what I’m really thinking. That whatever this thing between us is, would be a pretty huge breach of trust. We
would both be breaking our family’s trust. I don’t even have to ask to know that Roman would lose his shit if he ever found out.
I’m aware nothing good will come out of this. But one look at her face and I know without a doubt that it doesn’t even
“Alright. I guess I’ll come see you at your house then. Tomorrow?”
“Yeah. I’ll send you the address. You still have my number, right?” she asks.
“I do.”
It’s funny. I never used it after the day she gave it to me. I never got the chance to due to obvious reasons.
“Okay, I have to go now. Bye, Tony.”
She kisses my cheek before walking away and I’m left staring as she leaves. The past thirty minutes barely even feel real.
What was real though? That kiss. It was more real than anything else in my life right now.
And that’s fucking terrifying.

W hen it comes to living, I have a pretty easy-going attitude. I take things as they come. And I never take things too
seriously. If something goes right, it goes right. And if something goes wrong, then it was meant to go wrong. I suck it
up and I move on.
I guess you could say that makes me a free spirit. My mom was a free spirit. She loved to dance and travel and she loved
life. My dad rarely ever talks about her. But when he does, he always mentions her boundless energy. Her strength, her
wisdom. According to him, we took the best parts of her. So much of her lives inside of us. She was taken from us earlier than
she was supposed to. And that isn’t fair.
Sometimes, I can’t help but blame myself for her death. Even though it’s not my fault. Unfortunately in my family, her death
is a topic to tiptoe around. No one quite knows how to talk about it. Katerina talks about her, but never how she died. And dad
barely even talks about her at all. I guess it hurts too much.
When life rips away the person that was meant to love you the most in the world, you learn an important lesson. That it’s
too short. And you might as well live it to the fullest while you’re still here.
But despite all my talk about enjoying life and doing reckless things in the moment, there’s one thing I’ve never done. I have
never in my entire life had a man in my home before. And I am most definitely freaking out about it.
“This is so fucking ridiculous,” I say to myself, blowing out a soft breath as I take in my living room.
I just finished cleaning up my bedroom, which I rarely ever do and now I’m trying to decide if there’s anything else to clean
in here. It’s tidy enough and if Tony doesn’t like it, he can get over himself.
I still can’t believe he agreed to come here. Hell, I still can’t believe yesterday even happened at all. I keep expecting
someone to pinch me and tell me it’s an illusion. Or for someone to say ‘sike’ or some shit. I would have never in a thousand
years thought Anthony Legan would forgive me, not to mention… kiss me. I guess I really do have insane powers of persuasion
after all.
Or he’s using you.
The thought creeps in into my head and I frown. He wouldn’t do that to me. But then I have to consider the fact that he
would and he could. Because in our world, we take the phrase, ‘all fair’s in love and war’, to the next level. Using people,
betraying people, it’s all fun and games. And Tony definitely seems like the kind of guy who would consider taking revenge on
me fun.
But this isn’t about trusting him. It’s about seeing where this thing between us goes. It’s about enjoying life. When my
doorbell rings, I fight off a grin, getting to my feet to open the door.
My eyes widen at the large bouquet that’s in front of my face. Well his face.
“Hey, blondie,” Tony greets, his head popping out from behind the flowers. “I got you these.”
He hands them to me and I’m still staring in surprise.
“Aren’t you going to invite me in?”
I shift from the doorway and gesture for him to enter. Once he does, I close the door behind us and follow him as he heads
inside the house. It’s not much, just a small two-bedroom home with simple minimalist décor. I try not to think about what he
must be thinking as he looks around the house.
I’m still focused on the large bouquet of roses in my hand. They smell great.
But my suspicions are piqued. “No offense, Tony, but you really don’t strike me as the kind of guy to bring a girl flowers.”
He turns to look at me and grins.
“Why would you think that?”
“Because it’s a sweet gesture. And I’m not naïve enough to think you’re sweet.”
“True. I just figured you were the kind of woman that would appreciate flowers. It fits into your aesthetic,” he says waving
a hand into the air. “This house though, arguably does not.”
I frown, “What’s wrong with my house?”
“Blondie, it has no color,” he tells me. “Just beige and gray and white. Don’t get me wrong, it’s nice. But really, why no
“It’s called minimalism,” I state. “Look it up.”
I walk away, leaving him in the living room.
“But why though?” he calls out.
I don’t reply, heading into the kitchen to find a vase for the flowers. When I return, he’s already made himself comfortable
on the sofa.
“Come have a seat, blondie,” he tells me, patting the space next to him.
I roll my eyes, “It’s my house, you know,” I say, but I sit anyway. “Thanks for the flowers.”
“You’re welcome,” he says smiling. “So what were you doing before I arrived?”
“Cleaning up. I don’t get a lot of visitors. Hardly anyone comes here but my sister.”
“Oh yeah? Tell me about your sister. Her name’s Katerina, right?”
For some reason, I freeze. I’m not sure why him asking me that rubs me the wrong way. Very slowly, I look up into his
inquisitive brown eyes.
“If it’s okay, I think it’s better we don’t talk about our families,” I say.
“Really? And why do you think that?” he asks with a smirk,
I don’t reply and he laughs.
“You’re cute, blondie. So because you got close to me to dig into my family’s secrets you think I’m going to do the same
“I wouldn’t put it past you,” I mumble.
“Don’t worry, gorgeous. I’m more slick than that.”
“What does that even mean?” I say shaking my head.
“It means I’m much more creative than doing the same thing a person did to me to get back at the person.”
It takes me a second to decipher the statement. When I do, I glare.
“So does that mean you’re going to get back at me or not?” I ask in confusion.
His eyes gleam and I really don’t like it. “Don’t overthink it, blondie. Just let it go.”
I want to do any other thing but let it go. But finally I sigh before leaning back onto the sofa. Tony wraps his arm around my
shoulders, bringing us closer and my heart immediately does backflips.
Seriously I haven’t felt this way for anyone in forever. not since I was a teenager.
“I have one question though,” Tony starts.
“After you found out who I was and you returned to the rooftop. Why didn’t you want to have sex again? Because I clearly
remember you saying you didn’t want to anymore.”
I don’t answer his question immediately. I’m momentarily distracted by the way his hand rubs against my bare shoulders.
I like the way he says my name. I don’t even think he says it specially. I just like the sound of it from his lips. I like it when
he calls me blondie too.
“I only said that because I didn’t want to sleep with you when I was deceiving you,” I finally reply. I shift away slightly so
I can look at him. Our gazes meet and it steals my breath away, just how electric one look can feel. “I wanted it to be real. If
we would ever be together again, I wanted it to feel just as real as the first time.”
Tony doesn’t speak for a moment.
“I can definitely help with that,” he says, his voice husky before he presses his lips to mine.
And I am lit on fire. Nothing else matters in this moment. Nothing but the feeling of his strong body against me and the
feeling of his arms bringing me closer. I’m about to slide my fingers into his soft, curly dark hair. But then Tony pulls away.
I swallow softly, my heart racing a mile a minute. His eyes are still closed and my heart damn near explodes when he
presses our foreheads together.
“You have no fucking idea, blondie. All the things I want to do to you,” he says reverently.
“Tell me,” I say my voice soft.
His eyes open and they’re shockingly open and so dark, filled with lust and endless emotion.
“Well first I want to suck on these nipples,” he starts, his hand going to palm one of my breasts.
I shudder when he rubs a thumb over my hardened nipple through my shirt. I didn’t wear a bra, it seemed redundant. Pure
lust billows through me when Tony pinches it gently. I fist a piece of his shirt.
“They’re fucking perfect,” he says.
He’s not even looking at me, his eyes on my tits as he plays with my nipples through my shirt. It’s so fucking erotic and I’m
already incredibly wet.
“What else?” I breathe, “What else would you like to do?”
He thinks on it for a moment. “I want to kiss you and I don’t want to ever stop.”
“Tony, we’d need to breathe.”
“Shush,” he says, still continuing his assault on my nipples with his fingers. “It’s my fantasy. Don’t ruin it.”
I can’t help but smile. “What else?”
“I want to feel you clench around my fingers as you come so hard you can barely see straight. And then I want to make you
come again. But with my mouth.”
I hold his gaze and it’s hardest thing I’ve ever had to do because in this moment all I want to do is hide. It’s taking all my
concentration not to blush.
“Is that all?” I ask on a harsh breath.
“Fuck no. I want to feel your lips around my cock of course.”
At that he raises a hand and traces my bottom lip. “I wouldn’t be gentle though. I’d fuck your pretty mouth. And then I’d
fuck you. So hard,” he whispers.
I swallow softly.
Tony continues, “I really want to fuck you from behind. Your ass,” he makes a low groan in the back of his throat. “Fuck,
Sophia. Your ass drives me crazy.”
I’m breathing heavily. And yet it feels like I’m barely even breathing at all.
“You can do all that,” I finally manage to say. “I’ll let you.”
When Tony looks at me, his lips stretch into a wolfish grin that has me rethinking my life’s decisions for a second.
“Let me, blondie?” he taunts. “I bet if I lifted that skirt you’re wearing I’d find you dripping for me. You’re not letting me
do anything. You want me.”
“A little cocky. Almost like you’re overcompensating,” I say teasingly.
In a single movement, Tony has me flat on my back on the sofa. He leans above me, a dangerous glint in his eyes. When he
lifts my skirt up and pushes my panties to the side, I can’t help a tiny gasp. He reaches for my clit first before his finger teases
at my entrance. But he doesn’t thrust it in, instead he gathers my arousal before bringing his finger to my lips.
“We both know there’s no such thing as overcompensating when it comes to me, Sophia,” he says, his voice husky. “Now
be a good girl and suck all this off. It’s your mess after all.”
Oh my.
Shamelessly, I lean forward and I let him slide his finger through my lips. He grins, “Good girl.”
My pussy clenches. I didn’t know that I had a thing for being called a good girl until today. Tony rewards me for my
He leans down and kisses me deeply, while sliding his fingers back down to my clit. I make short gasping sounds into his
mouth as he thrusts a finger into me.
“Fuck,” Tony breathes against my lips.
I feel every glide of his finger inside me. He thrusts it in slowly, drawing it out and it’s tortuous. I arch my hips desperate
for me. But he stops my movements with a hand on my waist.
“Patience, Sophia,” he whispers.
I can only moan. When his finger finally slides all the way in, he pulls out, and adds another one. He repeats the same
achingly pleasurable, mind-altering motions, three times until I’m a writhing mess beneath him.
“You want to come?” Tony asks against my ear.
“Yes,” I grit out.
“Say please, gorgeous.” I can hear the smile in his voice.
“Fuck you, Tony,” I retort.
He chuckles. “No, I’m the one fucking you. You’re the good girl that’s going to take it all,” he says. “Or are you going to be
a bad girl I spank and don’t let come?”
My pussy clenches around his fingers.
“I do very much like to come,” I murmur.
“Exactly,” he says, biting on edge of my ear. “So beg me.”
I swear I’m going to get him back for this. When he increases the pace, the words are practically wrenched from my lips.
“Please,” I gasp. “Please let me come.”
He grins before claiming my lips in a passionate kiss. “That’s a good girl.”
He starts fucking me with his fingers, making sure to hit a spot within me every time that has me seeing stars. And when he
uses his thumb to massage my clit, I detonate, coming with a loud cry.
When I finally regain consciousness, I’m on Tony’s lap, lying on his chest. I lift my head to look at him and there’s a self-
satisfied smirk on his face.
“You look really beautiful when you come, blondie.”
And because I can’t help myself I start to kiss him. All I know is that I want him. More than anything else in the world. He
kisses me back, our mouths practically clashing together. It’s a kiss filled with desperation and passion.
I work on the buttons of his shirt, needing to touch him. He offers me no help because he’s too busy placing kisses on my
neck. Once his shirt is undone, I return the gesture, kissing his bare chest and even sucking on one of his nipples. The action has
his hand tightening over my ass.
“Take off your shirt,” he commands.
I lean back and pull off the top giving him direct access to my breasts which he immediately takes advantage off. Sometime
in between sucking my nipples though, Tony grows even more impatient. He stands, carrying me with him and I immediately
wrap my legs around him.
“Bed?” he asks.
“First door on the left,” I say distractingly.
I start kissing him as we walk towards my bedroom and it’s a miracle we make it there okay. Once we arrive, he drops me
onto the bed before shuffling out of his pants.
“I really can’t wait anymore, Sophia.”
I take off my skirt and my panties come off as well.
“Just please get inside me,” I beg, spreading my legs.
He shakes his head. “I’m taking you from behind, baby. Turn around.”
It’s a testament to how aroused I am that I don’t argue. I do as he says, rolling over, my head resting on a pillow and my ass
up in the air. Tony groans lowly before kneading each of my ass cheeks in his palm.
“You’re a fucking marvel, Sophia,” he says softly.
His cock teases at my entrance for a second. My heart pounds and then he starts to slide into me and it’s better than I
remember. He’s so big, I cry out from the feeling of him stretching my muscles. It takes a few seconds for me to acclimate to his
size. He waits patiently for me to do so.
“You okay, baby?” he asks.
I manage a strangled moan and a thumbs up. When he pushes into me fully, I feel him shudder. I gasp, my hands fisting
around the comforter on my bed. I arch my back to take him in deeper. Tony’s slow pace quickly explodes into dust. The room
is soon filled with a cacophony of noises. Our heavy breaths, flesh slapping together. And constant string of curse words and
words of praise from Tony.
“There’s a good girl. Looking at you, taking me in so perfectly,” he rasps as he continues sliding in and out of me, fucking
me hard enough that I could black out.
Tony suddenly slides out of me and I moan the loss of his cock before he flips me onto my back and slides into me again.
It’s so much more intense this way. The press of his lips against mine, the softness of his hands.
“Oh Tony,” I mutter, unable to take it anymore.
Tony’s hitting a spot so deep and intense, I can feel tears springing up into my eyes. My mouth falls open and I feel myself
start to come. As I tumble towards the edge of release, I lose all sense of self and when Tony kisses me hard, I do fall off the
He continues to thrust inside of me, seeking his own release. And it isn’t until he pulls out, coming on my stomach with a
soft groan that I realize he hadn’t been wearing a condom. And I don’t particularly care.

I wake up to the feeling of hands wrapped around my cock. I smile before humming softly and pulling the warm body by my
side even closer without opening my eyes. Sophia lets out a small laugh. Her hand continues its movement, stroking up and
down and setting a slow pace. My cock hardens even more and I swallow a lump in my throat.
“Isn’t it too early for this brand of fun, blondie?” I murmur, “Considering how long I kept you awake last night.”
“You don’t even know what time it is,” she whispers back.
I open my eyes to gorgeous blue ones. “I have an inbuilt alarm clock,” I tell her. “I know it’s early.”
“Yeah, it’s 5:30,” she informs me. “I thought we’d get an early start to the day.”
I arch an eyebrow. “Sleep is important, blondie. I like sleep.”
“Oh really?” she asks a challenging glint in her eyes. “You like it more than the feeling of my mouth around your cock?”
My mouth is immediately pulled into a grin, especially when she pushes me onto my back. When she kneels between my
leg, staring at my pulsating cock.
“I take it back. Who needs sleep?” I say, swallowing softly when she leans downward and places a soft kiss against the tip
of my cock.
She laughs, “That’s what I thought.”
Her delicate pink tongue slides out of her mouth, licking up and down my length. When she stares up at me with those big
beautiful blue eyes, I decide then and there that this wouldn’t be a bad way to go. With her full pouty lips around my cock.
Arousal thrums low in my gut. My chest heaves with a raggedy breath. Anticipation wells inside of me as Sophia continues
licking the sides of my cock.
Feeling impatient, I reach for her hair, fisting it in my hands before directing her mouth over my cock. She smiles up at me,
a devious smirk, before closing her mouth around me.
“Fuck,” I groan, my blood roaring.
Sophia swallows as much of me as she can before gagging.
“Come on, blondie,” I say coaxingly, my voice soft. “You can take it.”
She takes me in her mouth again and I can’t resist thrusting up. She alternates between stroking me from base to head and
taking me deep in her throat.
“That’s it, baby,” I rasp. “You’re doing so good.”
The little humming noises she’s making around my cock are driving me wild. The heat building at the base of my spine
grows hotter. It won’t be long until I detonate.
“Fuck, Sophia. Your sweet little mouth is going to make me come.”
My heart pounds as I hold her hair back. When I softly trace her cheek, she makes a breathy noise before licking up my
shaft then taking my cock all the way in her mouth again. When she gags again on my cock, I tap her cheek, unable to speak. It’s
warning enough but she doesn’t let go. She continues stroking as I erupt into her mouth. Sophia looks up at me and I feel my
heart stop as she swallows, sucking every last drop.
I fall back onto the bed, breathing heavily.
“That might be the best wakeup call I’ve ever had,” I say looking up at the ceiling.
She lets out a short laugh. I watch as she wipes her mouth with the back of her hand, her blonde hair is a complete mess and
the sight of it makes me smile. I grab her hand, pulling her onto my chest before kissing her deeply, sliding my tongue into her
Her fingers reach up into my hair which sends a shudder through me. When we finally pull away, her eyes hold mine for a
long moment.
“Now it’s your turn. Sit on my face, blondie, I want breakfast.”
Her expression turns intrigued. And when she doesn’t hesitate to do as I asked, I know without a doubt that she and I were
meant to be together.
Thirty minutes later and she’s climbing off the bed, her eyes a little glazed from the orgasms.
“Where are you going?” I groan, hugging a pillow.
“Heading to the gym. Wanna come along?”
“Not a fan.” I rather workout along. Plus all the swimming I do keeps me fit enough.
“Makes sense,” she mutters. She leans down to kiss my cheek. “I’ll be back in an hour or less. Then we can have breakfast
together. In the meantime, you can get some more sleep.”
She leaves and I’m left alone in her house. I can’t help but think that might be a slight oversight on her part. I could decide
to snoop through her shit. Gather some information. But the thought of doing that leaves in a sour taste in my mouth.
Plus, Sophia’s a smart woman. I doubt she’d leave anything incriminating lying around. On some level I realize we’re in a
pretty fucked up position where we can never fully be open or trust the other person but before I can think too deeply on it, I’m
lulled back to sleep, surrounded by her scent.
It feels like no time at all before she’s waking me up to have some breakfast. I even take a shower in her bathroom. It all
feels extremely domesticated. I have a feeling she’s thinking the same thing because Sophia’s strangely quiet as we have our
“You can say it,” I state.
She looks up at me, arching an eyebrow. “Say what?”
“What you’re thinking. And it’s completely right, I feel like a male wife,” I murmur.
“A what?” she asks on a laugh.
The sound is music to my ears. Soothing. I almost wish I could bottle up the sound and keep it with me all the time.
“A boyfriend,” I clarify. “All this. It almost feels like we’re dating.”
“Yeah,” she says on a soft sigh. “I don’t really know how to navigate all this.”
I hesitate, unsure what to say as well. “Let’s not complicate things,” I start.
Sophia looks up at me, waiting for me to explain.
“I mean, things are already complicated enough with our families. Dating-” I clear my throat. “It’s just, now doesn’t seem
like the time.”
Talking to Sophia is easy nearly all the time. Right now though, I want to shove a sledgehammer through my skull. This is
annoyingly awkward.
And it doesn’t help when she plasters on a smile that feels faker than the boobs on mannequins and barbie dolls.
“I totally agree. Defining our relationship would be a bad idea. Plus, we’re only having fun. Just sex, right?” she asks, her
blue eyes searing.
“Right,” I mutter.
After breakfast, I leave before her driver can get here. I don’t miss the fact that she barely looks me in the eye or the small
kiss she places on me cheek instead of an actual kiss on my lips as a goodbye. By the time I drive over to work, I’m an
overthinking mess because I have no idea what I said wrong.
I’m like seventy percent sure she definitely doesn’t want a relationship. Plus, she has to know that dating would be a bad
idea. Hell, I haven’t dated anyone in a while. It’s just easier. And she seems like my kind of person. But I also can’t help but
feel like she doesn’t a hundred percent agree with me on that.

A GRIN SPLITS across my face at the sight of Rosa seated on the couch in the De Luca living room. As soon as she catches sight
of me, she’s getting up and moving to throw her arms around me.
“Hey, Tony,” she says softly.
I hold her to me, because she’s practically my little sister. And I haven’t seen her in a couple of weeks. Not since the whole
drama started.
“Hey, what hole did you crawl out from?” I ask cheerfully.
She slaps my chest, leaning away. I don’t miss the studious look in her eyes or the slight worry as her eyes roam across my
face. I want to tell her she has nothing to worry about but I don’t say a word.
“My trip went wonderfully, thank you for asking,” she states.
“I want to hear all about it,” I tell her.
Maria’s seated as well and I place a small kiss on her cheek in greeting. I also offer a short nod to Rosa’s husband who’s
watching us with an easy expression. He looks comfortable seated next to his mother-in-law. Rosa and I take a seat as well and
I spend the next few minutes listening to her talk about the exhibitions she attended in Europe and people she met.
We’re soon joined by Roman and Elena and it quickly becomes family bonding time. It ends a few hours later with Michael
showing up at the doorway to the living room with a serious expression on his face that immediately lets us know he’s found
Roman, Enzo and I immediately leave, heading up to Roman’s office in the house. Michael had been tasked with finding out
as much information as he could on the Mincetti’s. Now that we know their true identities, we need to know their capabilities
as well. What we’re up against. Know thy enemy and all that.
You’re already getting pretty familiar with one enemy, a traitorous voice in my mind whispers.
Shut up.
I’m trying hard not to think about Sophia. Because I’m currently with people who know me better than anyone else in the
planet. They’re like dogs with a bone. If they get even a whiff of anything going on with her, they’ll butt in and meddle. There is
no way in hell I’m letting them find out.
“Alright, Mikey,” Roman says, taking a seat in his chair and getting comfortable. “What have you got for us?”
We all seat as Michael starts to read off his computer.
“This is all what I’ve been able to dig up on the family. Especially the two daughters,” he begins. “First up, Katerina
Mincetti. Or should I say Petrov. She’s a graduate of Harvard Law.”
Almost immediately, questions start to fly from both Dons.
“Hold up, did you say Harvard law?” Enzo questions. “She went to law school?”
Roman frowns, “What do you mean by Petrov?”
“Yes, she went to law school,” Michael replies boredly. “She’s pretty damn smart. Maintained a 4.0 gpa throughout high
school. Then she went on to college which was also Harvard by the way. In high school she was very involved in
extracurricular activities. She was even valedictorian. The woman’s a high achiever. A little sheltered though. She doesn’t
seem like a very social person. Which makes sense considering her family’s secrets. She passed the bar exams and is a lawyer
but she doesn’t practice. I guess she doesn’t need to considering she’s the heir to a mafia empire.”
I don’t miss the impressed looks on both their faces. It’s actually kind of funny. But I’m also a little surprised.
“What did you mean by Petrov?” Roman asks again after a few seconds.
“Oh yeah. Both girls are legally registered under their mother’s maiden name, which is pretty damn smart. It’s also why I
couldn’t find them. They’re still ghosts online but it was easier to hack into their files and figure out information on them when
I realized they go by the name Petrov instead of Mincetti.”
We all digest that little tidbit of information. I guess it makes sense. The name Mincetti in New York would have been a
raging red flag for anyone interested enough to look.
I clear my throat, “What about the younger sister? Sophia?”
I do my best pretending to look unassuming and uninterested but Roman still shoots me a look regardless.
“Sophia Mincetti. Now she’s even more interesting,” Michael says his face fixed on the screen. “If most families have a
black sheep, then I guess she’d be the one. Unlike her sister, she’s had a more wild life. Nothing too serious. Just excessive
partying in high school. She was arrested once for underage drinking. The really interesting part though is how smart she is.
Perfect grades throughout high school and college. She went to NYU, majored in Economics. She even graduated summa cum
I lean my back in my chair, my mind reeling from all the information.
“So, both girls are like geniuses?” Enzo asks, awe in his voice.
“Yeah. Katerina Mincetti also minored in computer science. I’m pretty sure she’s proficient at hacking. And I think Sophia
is more responsible for the business aspect of their family’s dealings. Eduardo Mincetti couldn’t have asked for more perfect
“Fucking bastard,” I mutter.
“Well, this is unsettling,” Roman says leaning back and tipping his head to the ceiling. “It’s one thing to hand over an
empire to a woman. But to hand one over to a woman as capable as Katerina. That’s..” he trails off.
I can tell they’re unsettled. Until now they didn’t realize just how strong their opponents were. I’ve always known Sophia
was something special. A confirmation of that isn’t knocking me off my feet.
“He’s not handing it over to her yet,” Michael points out.
I’m quick to concur, “He will be once we kill him.”
Roman nods. Enzo has a thoughtful expression on his face.
“It wouldn’t be a bad idea. To have allies like to Mincetti girls,” he states. When my eyes narrow, he amends, “Once we’ve
killed their father of course.”
“That’s the thing though,” I say. “Once we kill their father, they’ll want nothing to do with us. It’ll be enmity. So yeah
they’re smart and capable and they would make good allies. But they’re on the other side of this war. And they’re looking to
take us down. We can’t think of them as anything other than that.”
I’m a fucking hypocrite. Because I’m sleeping with one of them. And I have no idea how to navigate through this mess I’ve
found myself in.
One thing’s for sure though. I don’t think I can stop seeing Sophia. Because even now, the thought of seeing her again sends
a thrill through me. And I want nothing but to look into those gorgeous blue eyes.
I’m quite literally fucked.

A s soon as I walk through the doors of my home, I get a text from Tony asking if he can come over. My first thought is that
it’s pretty audacious considering we just saw each other this morning and we’re also not dating. Then I consider the fact
that I actually do want to talk to him.
And there’s also a tiny part of me that wants to see his stupid face, so I tell him he can come over. He arrives thirty minutes
later, looking absolutely handsome in black pants and a white shirt. They’re completely normal clothes. But Tony has the top
three buttons of his shirt unbuttoned and the sleeves are rolled up. He looks hot.
I enjoy ogling him for a couple more seconds because he’s apparently also ogling me. When I can’t bear the weight of his
eyes roaming over me anymore, I step toward him, leaning upward for a kiss. It’s meant to be quick but Tony’s arm clamps
around my waist and he pulls me in closer, deepening it and leaving me gasping for air.
“That’s better,” he murmurs when he finally pulls away. He twirls a lock of my hair with his finger. “How was your day,
I let him lead me into the living room. He takes a seat on the couch, pulling me onto his lap so I’m straddling him. My
heartrate immediately skyrockets but I pretend to be unaffected.
“It was fine, uneventful,” I reply, staring into his brown eyes.
Actually, it was eventful. I finally got Li Jun, the Singaporean billionaire to sign in on our deal which is pretty great. But
I’m not about to tell him that.
Honestly this is a little tiresome. The things I have to keep hidden, having to tip toe around every topic of conversation.
Tony must see my thoughts plainly written on my face because he lets out a soft sigh.
“Come on, blondie, let it out,” he states.
I tilt my head to the side, “Let what out?”
“Whatever it is you’ve got going on in that big brain of yours. I know you have something to say. Is this about what I said
this morning. It didn’t seem like we were on the same page,” he says worriedly.
“We are,” I start slowly.
“I sense a but coming along,” Tony interjects.
I offer him a small smile before climbing off his lap and sitting down beside him.
“Look, Tony, I understand where you’re coming from and I agree with what you said this morning. We’re definitely not in a
position for a relationship of any kind. And if I’m being honest I’m not looking for a boyfriend. There’s definitely something
going on between us though. And it’s great. The sex is nice-”
“Just nice?” he arches a dark eyebrow.
I roll my eyes. “The sex is mind blowingly amazing,” I say to which he offers a smug grin, “But you can’t propose a
relationship without setting boundaries and stating clear rules. We’re not dating, so what are we? Fuck buddies? After sex, is it
really ideal for you to be sleeping over? Our families are currently engaged in a war. If we’re going to continue this, I think we
should have topics of conversation that are acceptable and those we absolutely can’t talk about. Also are we exclusive or not?
These are important things we need to talk about, Tony.”
I pause in my rambling when I notice the dark expression on his face.
“I don’t like to share, blondie.”
Something warm slides through my gut at that, “Me either,” I say softly. “So we’re exclusive?”
I haven’t felt this unsure about anything in a long while. I spent the entire day today thinking about this. And him. It’s driving
me crazy.
Tony smiles before pulling me closer.
“Would you relax? You don’t have to plan out every single thing, Sophia.”
“Actually, it makes me feel more at ease when I have a clear idea of what to expect. I like to live life on the edge but I’m
not reckless.”
“Okay, fine,” Tony chuckles. “Yes, we’re exclusive. Fuck buddies is a little disparaging and I’m definitely not using in
relation to you. We don’t need to use any terms to define us. We’re just two people hanging out with lots of kissing and lots of
sex attached.”
I laugh at that.
Tony continues, “I’m also not letting you kick me out at night, blondie. We’ll be having sleepovers, deal with it. Unless
you’re not comfortable with it,” he hurriedly adds.
“No, I like it,” I say.
I more than liked it. Waking up next to him felt like the perfect start to the day. Which is crazy because I often don’t stay the
night with men I sleep with. But Tony’s different.
“Good. As for acceptable topics of conversation. Honestly, Sophia, it’s pretty clear anything regarding our families are
completely out of bounds. I don’t ask you about work and you don’t ask me. Everything else will fall in line. We’ll figure it out,
“Yeah,” I murmur, calmer now that he’s tried to answer the doubts in my head. He’s strangely good at this.
“Okay good. I just have one question, blondie,” he says surprising me.
I look up at him, into his clear brown eyes. “What?”
“When were you going to tell me you’re a literal genius?”
That makes me laugh, “What?”
“You graduated summa cum laude, Sophia. Apparently, you’re like freakishly smart. What’s your IQ?”
“Way higher than yours,” I shoot back and he scoffs.
I’m too amused to zero in on the fact that they were able to find out private information about us. Which means they know
we go by our mother’s last name.
“Hey, you have no idea how smart I am. Don’t underestimate me, blondie?” he says pointing a finger at my face.
“Okay, so what college did you go to?”
“I went to NYU as well. Graduated a few years earlier than you,” he says giving me a strange look.
Again, more information he shouldn’t be privy to without me telling him. But then again, I also already knew that and I’m
guessing that’s why he gave me that look. I also know his student records and grades in school. Katerina’s efficient when it
comes to finding out information. And as it turns out, Michael De Luca is too.
“I only went to NYU because my dad didn’t want me to be too far from home,” I find myself saying. “I got into Stanford.
But he strongly advised against me going.”
“Your sister got to go to Harvard though?”
“Yeah but Kat’s a goody two shoes. I like to get my shoes occasionally dirty,” I say waggling my eyebrows. “He wanted me
closer to home, which is why I chose NYU. I liked it though. It was fun and I still had some freedom.”
It doesn’t go unnoticed that we just agreed not to talk about our families and are currently engaging in a topic related to that.
But this is something real, us getting to know each other. It has nothing to do with the current war. And we should be able to
have at least this.
“College was amazing,” Tony says, brown eyes glittering.
He starts to regale me with his best stories and I listen with a soft smile, taking it all in and wondering exactly how I got

A FEW DAYS LATER, I’m poring through some documents at my desk when my father walks into my office. I get to my feet and
offer him a smile.
“Hi, Papa.”
“Mia cara,” he says affectionately. “How are you?”
He takes a seat and gestures for me to take mine as well.
“I’m okay.”
“Good, good. I just came to check up on you. Since you moved out, I don’t seen you as often, Sophia.”
“You saw me a few days ago,” I remind him. “I came to inform you about the progress on the mining operation.”
“And how’s the progress now? Have all the documents being finalized. I asked your sister to look into Li Jun and he seems
to have a habit of backing out on deals.”
I fight an eyeroll, “I told you I’ve got this, Papa. All the documents have been signed. I’m just waiting on him to release
funds and then we can start mining. I was at the site yesterday and everything will go smoothly. Just trust me.”
“I do trust you,” my dad states. “You and your sister are my pride and joy. The both of you are the glue that keeps our family
together. I don’t know where I would be without you girls.”
“Probably still being the strong, powerful Don that you are,” I say with a smile.
“True,” he says nodding. “But the two of you are my heart.”
My father may have his faults but there has never been any doubt that he loves us. I’m suddenly hit with a stab of guilt
because I’m literally sleeping with a man that wants more than anything to kill him. I would never let Tony kill my father. And
I’m smart enough to know that whatever this thing is between us, it won’t end well. But my heart won’t let me end things with
Tony. I just have to find a balance. A way to protect my dad while holding on to whatever this thing going on between us is.
If I had to choose though, I’d choose my dad anytime.
“By the way, mia cara, Albert informed me that he noticed a strange car parked in front of your home yesterday. Are you
receiving any visitors in your home that I’m not privy to?”
His piercing gaze is fixed on my face and I fight the urge to shift nervously. I should have known he walked in here with
ulterior motives. This is an interrogation.
I force a confident smile. “Of course not, Papa. The car probably had something to do with one of my neighbors. I haven’t
been receiving anyone.”
I’m just going to have to tell Tony to be more careful. We can’t afford to slip up. If my dad finds out, he’ll be furious. So
far, he doesn’t seem all that interested in murdering any of the De Luca’s. We’ve taken a few hits at their business and they’ve
done the same to us. But there hasn’t been any murder on both sides. A little maiming, but no deaths.
If he finds out about Tony, I have no doubt that will change.
“Good, because if you have a boyfriend. I’d like to know.”
I look at him with raised eyebrows.
“What, Sophia? You’re a grown woman. I wouldn’t be opposed to you being in a relationship. As long as he’s well suited
for you. And a man I could approve.”
He would never approve of Tony. Not in a million years. Which is good because we’re not actually in a relationship.
“I’m not dating anyone, Papa. I don’t even have the time nor the interest to do so,” I inform him.
“Alright, mia cara. It’s good then, because Dimitri Antonov will be arriving in New York in a few days. And it seems he’s
still interested in a match with you.”
Fuck, I completely forgot about Dimitri’s return.
“That’s too bad, Papa. Like I said, I don’t have the time or any interest in dating anyone,” I say, my jaw clenched.
“No one said anything about dating, Sophia,” my father chuckles. “If it works out between you two, it would mean a
marriage. One befitting of our families.”
I almost laugh.
My father’s brown eyes narrow.
“If it will benefit our family in this war with those boys running around pretending to be Dons, then you will have to
consider,” he proclaims, his tone bordering no argument.
I swallow softly. I don’t like the sound of that. In our world, arranged marriages aren’t uncommon. And it’s suddenly hitting
me that Dimitri’s arrival might not be a coincidence at all. He and my father have been in communication. And I have a feeling
I’m not going to like what they decide.
“I understand, father,” I say, picking my battles.
Just for today, I’ll be seemingly agreeable.
“Good,” my dad states. “I expect you to receive Dimitri and make him comfortable during his time here. Who knows, you
could be returning to Moscow with him.”
Over my dead body.
“Sure Papa.’
It’s not like arguing with him is going to do me any favors. Right now, I need a plan. And I really hope this doesn’t blow up
in my face.
Dimitri will have expectations. Expectations I can’t meet. I think back to Tony saying he doesn’t like to share. He’s not
going to like this.
What a fucking mess.

T he light flickering in the distance is the only source of light in the dark alleyway. I can barely see anything, but the one
thing I can see clearly is the man hobbling on his feet, trying as fast as he can to run away from me.
I smile to myself when he gets to the end of the alleyway, hitting a dead end.
“Nowhere left to run, Manuel,” I call out.
He turns around, green eyes speckled with terror. He’s on his knees by the time I arrive in front of him.
“Please,” he begs, “It won’t happen again.”
I crouch down in front of him, “She begged too, you know? The girl you assaulted. I’m sure she was crying too. But did you
stop?” I say, my voice soft.
His hands are trembling as he reaches for my shirt, “Please forgive me, Legan.”
“Don’t get blood on my shirt,” I say, shrugging his arm off. “How’s the bullet wound feel? Not good, huh?”
He replies with a loud swallow.
“You shouldn’t have run. If you hadn’t, I wouldn’t have had to shoot you. You might not believe this, but I actually hate
guns. They’re so loud, so… inconvenient,” I say quietly.
There are tears rolling down his cheeks now. “Wh- wha- what are you going to do to me?”
“Hmm, let’s see…”
I reach into my pocket and pull out a packet of jellybeans. Grinning, I grab two of them, a red one and a green one.
“Choose,” I say to Manuel.
Fear flashes in his eyes and he shifts backwards.
“Oh come on, Manuel. It’ll be fun, don’t you like fun? Choose one. It’ll decide your fate. Who knows, depending on your
choice, your death could be quick. Go on,” I prompt.
He hesitates and my eyes narrow. “Fucking choose!”
Manuel shuffles forward and grabs one of the beans. The green one. My smile widens.
“I would have chosen red. That was the safer option. People see the color red and associate it with danger. My view’s a
little more inverted.”
He starts to make little choked noises. It’s a little amusing. His eyes widen when I pull out the knife in my jacket pocket. It’s
a beauty. Five inches, silver handle. My favorite knife.
“Now, before we get to the fun part..”
I punch him in the face and he flies backward to the floor. I walk over, grab a fistful of his shirt before hitting him again. I
rever the burn in my knuckles. Blood pours from his nose and the sight is soothing.
“It make you feel like a man? Doing that to her?” I growl.
“I’m sorry!” he cries.
“Too fucking late!”
“So many mistakes. But your biggest mistake was choosing a girl in our family, Manuel. No, scratch that, your mistake was
choosing any girl at all, asshole. What’s your body count huh? Three? Four”
He screams when I take another step towards him. And through it all, the begging for mercy, the blood pooling on the
ground, I don’t stop. Not until he’s dead.
Once I finish, I stand up. Michael’s standing behind me when I turn around, his face shrouded in darkness.
“Roman said to make it a clean, fast job,” is the first thing he says.
“Roman should have sent anyone else if he really expected that,” I mutter. “Call someone to clean this up.”
He doesn’t say anything else as we head towards the car.
“You know you get this darkness in your eyes when you kill someone? It’s scary.”
I chuckle, it feels hollow. “You’re not going soft on me, are you, Mikey?”
“I’m just tried of worrying about you if I’m being honest.”
“Then stop worrying.”
He rolls his eyes but doesn’t say a word. I follow him into his car and he starts it, driving us home. It’s mostly silent until
he breaks it.
“Kiara and I are together,” Michael announces.
“Seriously?” I ask surprised.
I’m also glad for the distraction. Keeps me from thinking about the screams. I can revel in them in the moment, but after it
feels like the sound is clanging against my skull, ringing endlessly.
I shake my head and decide to concentrate on Michael’s news. He and Kiara have a sort of weird relationship. She’s kind
of his anchor, grounding him. Kiara’s the one that makes sure he doesn’t completely shut out the rest of the world. Michael’s
quiet, content to being alone but Kie never lets him do that. I think they dated briefly when we were teenagers. Then they broke
up and remained friends. They were together like a year or two again as well. Honestly, I’m not completely sure about their
relationship timeline, what I do know is that they’ve been on and off for a while. And we’ve all being waiting for them to
finally get together. The two of them together just work. And Michael’s most tolerable when he’s with her anyway.
“Yeah, we started dating again recently.”
I nod slowly. “That’s great, Mikey. Just don’t fuck it up again.”
He smiles, “I won’t. She’s-” he hesitates. “Kiara’s it for me, T. I can’t imagine myself with anyone else but her. I’ve loved
her for so long, being with her is as easy as breathing.”
I feel a pang in my chest as he speaks. Because while a part of me is terrified about caring for someone as deeply as that.
Another part wonders how it would feel to care that deeply for another person.
“I’m glad. You deserve to be happy, Michael. More than anyone.”
Michael lost his family in an accident when he was little. He was the only one that survived. That kind of trauma sticks
with a person. But I’m glad he has someone who helps him find some inner peace.
We arrive at home and Michael heads for the steps leading up to the door. I hesitate, staring at the mansion that holds most
of my teenage memories. It might not be the home I grew up in, and it’s technically not my family home but it’s mine. And right
now staring at it, I want more than anything not to take a step inside.
A tremor goes through my arm. Michael was right, about the darkness. It eats at me. And sometimes it consumes me.
Usually I chase it away with some alcohol, or in worse cases, I go for a swim.
Michael turns around when he notices I’m not following.
“I need to head out,” I say.
He nods once, tossing me the keys to the car. “The swimming pool?” he asks, because Michael probably knows me better
than anyone else.
I shrug once, before rounding the car and heading for the driver’s seat. I start it and drive away from home. Under normal
circumstances I would be heading to the hotel swimming pool. But right now, I find myself craving something stronger.
Thirty minutes later, I’m pulling up at Sophia’s street. It’s one a.m. and I know there’s a chance she might not be awake but
for some reason, I really want to see her.
I park the car in front of her house before grabbing my phone and texting her.

You up?

She replies five seconds later.

Most normal people are asleep at this time, Legan.

I took a chance you were one of the abnormal ones, blondie.

Sure I am, but what are you?

Waiting outside your house hoping you’ll let me in.


I need to see you.

You’re here?

Yeah. Can I come in? I’m sorry for intruding but I didn’t have a choice but to come here. If you don’t want me to, I
can leave.

No. It’s fine. I’ll come open the door.

I exit the car and head out. When she opens the door, a smile involuntarily lifts to my lips. She’s in tiny pajama shorts and
bralette. Her blonde hair’s in a messy bun.
“You really are here,” she says, blue eyes wide. “What happened?”
“I missed you,” I say softly, stepping inside and wrapping my arms around her waist.
She shuts the door before hugging me back. We stand there for several seconds before I finally let go. Sophia stares up at
me, eyes roaming over my face.
“What happened?” she asks again.
Her eyes leave my face and zero in on my shirt. She lets out a soft breath.
“Is that blood?”
I look downward, my eyes trailing to the tiny smudge against my shirt.
“That fucker got blood on me,” I mutter.
“You just killed someone?” Sophia asks.
I nod.
“A guy who deserved it.”
She’s silent for several seconds.
“Okay,” she breathes. “Come on, let’s go in. I was just about to fix a late-night snack. Are you hungry?”
She glances at me and smirks, “Sorry, that was a stupid question, of course you’re hungry. You’re always hungry.”
I chuckle. We’ve been sneaking around and meeting up for almost three weeks now. I haven’t seen her in a couple of days
though. I’ve been busy with work. I’m glad I came here today though and I’m glad she doesn’t ask any further questions. I really
don’t want to talk about it.
“I’m a big man, blondie,” I state.
“That doesn’t mean you should be eating like The Hulk,” she says as we walk into the kitchen.
“I take offense to that,” I mutter and she laughs.
After handing me a sandwich, she stares at me for a couple of seconds across the kitchen island.
“So what do you want to do?” Sophia asks.
I shrug. If I’m being honest, I came here for sex. But now that I am here, now that she’s in front of me, the last thing I want to
do is climb into bed with her. It would feel like I’m using her and I don’t want to do that. And even seeing her has chased away
the ringing in my head. I feel lighter than I did minutes ago.
“We could watch a movie,” I suggest. “You promised to watch fight club.”
She groans, “Tony, it’s the middle of the night. We have work tomorrow.”
“But you’ll still watch it right?” I ask hopefully.
She wrinkles her nose and it’s so adorable I can’t help a smile. Followed by my heart lurching in my chest.
“Fine. One hour and then we go to sleep,” she replies.
“Just sleep?” I ask because I am still a man and she looks fucking hot in her tiny shorts and the article of clothing that barely
covers her tits.
Sophia flutters her eyelashes, “If you want to give me an orgasm or two before bed I’m not complaining.”
I chuckle as I follow her out of the kitchen, my eyes fixed on her jiggling ass and my mind trying it’s best not to start to
analyzing the reason I came here. Because if I’m seeking her out over something like that, then this whole thing might be more
dangerous than I originally thought.

“WE HAVE A PROBLEM,” is the first thing that greets me as soon as I walk into our building the next day.
I arch an eyebrow at Michael while Roman sits up in his chair.
“What is it?” he questions.
“Remember when you told me to look out for anyone flying into New York, anyone with ties to the Mincetti’s?”
“Well you won’t believe who just arrived in town today.”
Michael places a picture on the desk and I step forward to get a better look. It’s some guy in a shirt and pants, short dark
hair, tattoos. He doesn’t look familiar at all.
“That’s Dimitri Antonov.”
From the way Roman’s eyebrows go up, I guess he recognizes the name.
“And he is?” I prompt.
“He’s in the Russian Bratva,” Michael says.
“Actually, he’s heir to one of the biggest families over in Moscow. I’ve heard about him, he’s made quite the name for
himself over there,” Roman inputs.
“So what is he doing here?” I question.
Roman’s expression is thoughtful, “The Antonov’s have had a long-standing alliance with the Mincetti’s for a long time. If I
had to guess, Dimitri’s here to serve as reinforcement.”
“It could be something else,” Michael states. “Why would one of the most eligible bachelors in Moscow come to New
York at a time when the Mincetti’s need to strengthen their alliances? He could be here because Eduardo’s planning on securing
a match with one of his daughters.”
Something icy cold slides through my veins.
He only has two fucking daughters. Which means it’s either Katerina or Sophia.
“Which one?” I voice, trying and failing to keep the chill from my tone.
Roman shrugs, oblivious to the thoughts racing through my head.
“That’s what we’re going to have to find out,” he says.

I ’ve watched someone I love wither away, become a shell of their former self. And it’s one of the worst things I’ve ever
had to experience. I may not have a lot of memories of my mom, but what I do remember is how ill she was. I was so little
back then, but it broke my heart to see her pain. It hurt to see her so sick and fragile.
But somehow my dad’s pain was even worse. Because he realized and I realized as well, that it doesn’t matter how much
money you have, how much power you hold, sometimes things are just out of your control. The cancer that eroded our mother’s
body and eventually killed her was something we had no power over. Control’s like a tight rope that can slide out of your grasp
at a moment’s notice.
And none of us had any control as we watched the person we loved the most die.
My sister and I are in her office, going over some work. She hasn’t stopped planning a takedown of the De Luca’s. It’s been
weeks and this whole war thing feels like we’re at an impasse which suits me perfectly. I like this in between state, but at the
same time it feels like we’re all holding our breaths. Because whatever’s coming next might be so much worse.
“I asked Papa to keep his outside appearances to a minimum,” Katerina says breaking through my thoughts. “If he has to go
anywhere at all, he should take a car with bullet proof windows.”
“You think they’ll try to ambush him?” I ask.
“I don’t know. But it’s better to be safe. Enzo Russo’s an ace shooter.”
“Feels kind of like you want Papa to hide, Kat,” I point out.
“It’s not kinda anything, I do want him to hide,” she mutters. When she looks up at me, her blue eyes are fierce. “He’s the
target, Soph. At the end of the day, they want him. And they don’t just want him, they want to kill him. We can’t lose him, okay.
He’s the only one we’ve got left.”
My eyes flutter shut as I try to fight away a wave of emotions. I get to my feet and throw my arms around her.
“We won’t. Nothing’s going to happen to Papa.”
Sophia nods and goes back to poring over documents and formulating a plan. She wants to form a new security team for our
father, background checks on each and every single man that works in close contact with the family. It’s a lot.
Before we know it three hours have gone by and I’m trying to convince her to let us go out for dinner. Kat’s about to close
her laptop when there’s a knock at the door.
“Come in,” she calls out.
As soon as the door opens, my eyes widen and I get to my feet.
“Hey, sweethearts.”
Dimitri Antonov is an imposing man, standing at 6 foot 2 with dark eyes and short dark hair. He’s wearing a black three-
piece suit. He has always had this dangerous vibe to him. When I was younger that held some appeal, but right now, staring at
him all I want to do is stay far far away from him.
But that’s ridiculous. Because despite everything, he’s a childhood friend. And he’d never hurt us. Katerina recovers first,
rushing forward and throwing herself into his arms.
“Oh my God, you’re here,” she says grinning.
“Kat,” he greets offering her a nod.
His eyes fall on me and I recover as well taking a few steps forward and giving him a short hug.
“Hey, Soph,” he says in that sultry tone that used to have me swooning at his feet. “You look beautiful as always.”
“Of course I do,” I say. My eyes trail over his face and I smirk, “Wish I could say the same.”
He scoffs. “Lying to my face, Mincetti?”
“At least I’m not stabbing you in the back,” I retort. “Yet.”
He chuckles before running a hand across my cheek. “Yeah, I definitely missed you.”
We all take a seat.
“How was your trip?” Katerina asks.
He makes a disgruntled noise. “You won’t believe this, those assholes at the airport wouldn’t let me through. Held me up
for twenty minute at the check in point.”
“Why?” I ask, inclining my head.
“They said I couldn’t board an international flight with weapons.”
“And what did you do?”
“Pulled out my 686 Wesson revolver and threatened to blow his brains out if he didn’t let me through,” he says on a
Katerina’s eyes narrow while I look on unimpressed.
“I’m kidding,” Dimitri states. “I made a few calls and it was all sorted out. Why are you two looking at me like that?”
“Because threatening an innocent man in public sounds exactly like something you could do,” I say.
“Ehh, but I didn’t. He lost his job though,” he says on a shrug.
And therein lies my problem with Dimitri. He’s good looking, and all those tattoos he has are nice to look at. Plus, he’s
also really good in bed. I realize that it’s hard to be in our line of work and keep our humanity but Dimitri really doesn’t give a
fuck about most people. I’ve seen him kill someone for no reason and smile a minute later, going on with his day like nothing
happened. He’s kind of a psychopath, willing to cut down anything and anyone in his way.
And he’s also a controlling narcissist.
“So Soph,” he starts. “I hear you were slumming it out with some guy called Legan recently.”
I stiffen, “What?”
My sister throws me a cautious look.
“I heard you slept with a guy in the De Luca family,” Dimitri repeats.
Only five minutes back and he’s already trying to worm his way back into my life and control my choice.
“Yes, and?”
He leans back, the picture of ease, “And I can’t believe you did something like that. You’re a queen, Sophia, you shouldn’t
be sleeping around with rats.”
My jaw clenches and my hands ball into fists.
Katerina quickly rises to my defense, “She only slept with him once and Anthony Legan barely qualifies as a rat, Dimitri.”
“Still, I didn’t like hearing that he touched you,” Dimitri says, ice in his voice.
“I am a grown woman, capable of making decisions on who can and can’t touch me,” I say my voice low.
“Well, I’m here now. I’ll make sure anyone who even thinks about touching you, loses a few fingers.”
I grit my teeth, “Thanks but no thanks. I already have bodyguards, Dimitri.”
He flashes me a smile, “It won’t hurt to have one more.”
When he winks at me, I have to fight hard to control my revulsion. He and Katerina start talking about something else while
I sit in silence trying to work out this volatile situation. Now more than ever, I have to be careful when it comes to me and
A few seconds later, Dimitri’s getting to his feet.
“Come on, ladies. Let’s go say hi to your Papa. I’m sure he’s happy to have me here. Things have been tense but I’m sure
we can resolve our problems quicker now,” he says, fixing his tie.
I can’t help but glare, “We’ve been handling things just fine without you.”
“And now that I’m here, I can handle things better,” Dimitri retorts, his tone bordering no argument.
He starts walking towards the exit. Katerina stands and pulls me to my feet as well.
“Exercise patience, sorella. We need him,” she whispers.
“He’s still a pompous dick,” I say. “If Papa thinks I’m going to marry him, he’s got another thing coming.”
“You don’t have to marry him,” my sister says in a soothing tone. “He just has to think that you will until we can take care
of the De Luca’s. Okay?”
I nod and we continue following Dimitri to our father’s office.
“Hello son,” Papa says with a small smile.
“Eduardo, you look well,” Dimitri greets, his tone polite.
“How many years has it been since you were in New York?” my father asks, gesturing for us to take seats.
“Almost 7 years sir. It feels like I never left.”
“Well I’m glad to see you here. How is your father?”
“He’s good. He sends his regards.”
I tune out the boring small talk until my name comes up.
“I’m sure Sophia would love to show you around the city. She was very happy to learn you were coming back,”
“I was?” I mutter.
Katerina jabs her elbow into my side. I roll my eyes.
“Yes, of course. I was positively vibrating with excitement when I heard of your return, Dimitri,” I say sweetly.
He gives me a smile that tells me he’s not buying the act but he’s happy for me to continue.
“See, son. I’m glad the both of you will be able to reconnect at least. It’s been too long. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind
showing you around.”
I have no plans at all to reconnect with Dimitri in any way.
“Papa, I’m busy,” I say, trying to slither out of having to spend any time with him. “And I’m sure Dimitri can find his way
around the city on his own.”
“Nonsense, you’ll make time for him. Tomorrow will work, right son?”
“Of course, Eduardo. But I have no need for a tour guide. I would very much like to take Sophia on a date however.”
I inwardly groan. Kill me now.
“Then it’s settled,” my father states.
Dimitri shoots me a wink and I have the sudden urge to jab my fingernails into his eyes. Tomorrow’s going to be a long day.
Later that night, I get a text from Tony asking if he can come over. I have to turn him down. With Dimitri’s arrival, there are
a lot more watchful eyes about. I can’t afford for anyone to find out about us.
The next day, Dimitri picks me up at my house after telling me to dress pretty. He didn’t tell me where we’re headed and
I’m already irritated by the time I step into his car. He turns to look at me, eyes trailing over my body.
“You look hot,” he notes.
“Does my attire please you, your highness?” I say through gritted teeth.
He grins, “Cut back on the sass, Soph. We’re going to have some fun today.”
He starts the car and we’re off. I spend the first five minutes sitting in silence until I can’t take it anymore.
“Exactly where are we going?” I ask. “Enough with all the mystery.”
“We’re going somewhere interesting. I can’t tell you yet though, because you like to ruin my fun.”
My eyes narrow. “Where are we going, Dimitri?” I repeat, my patience wearing thin.
“Shush,” he says softly, “You’ll know when we get there. And you don’t have to do anything, just stand by my side and look
pretty. Shouldn’t be too hard.”
I grit my teeth before crossing my arms and staring straight ahead. Whatever he has planned, it’s pretty clear I’m not going
to like it.
And when we pull up into the garage of a building that’s all too familiar, I’m turning my head, accusation clear in my eyes.
“What the fuck are we doing here?” I hiss.
Dimitri smirks, turning off the ignition of the car before looking at me.
“You know I’ve been doing some research on these people. The De Luca’s, the Russo’s, The D’Angelos, they’re all very
interesting. Nice families, doing good for themselves. Honestly, the fact that they’ve managed to form an alliance is incredibly
amusing to me. Alliances are ever so fragile among families like these.”
“Not everyone’s a backstabbing asshole that can’t be trusted,” I grit out.
“True. But like I said, I’m interested in them. And when I arrived, I heard the Rosario De Luca, or is it Russo now, is
having an exhibition at this very building. Which happens to belong to Daniella D’Angelo. I thought to myself, wouldn’t it be
nice to pay them a visit? I’ve always liked art.”
I’m staring at him, my mouth slightly open unable to believe my ears.
“You want to walk into a room filled with people that despise us. Are you crazy?”
“What are they going to do? Kill me? They’re not dumb enough to do that,” he scoffs. “And don’t worry meelaya, I’m not
going to let anyone hurt you.”
“How would we even get in? Do you even have an invitation?”
He pulls a silver card from his jacket pocket.
“Of course I do, now let’s go.”
“I’m not going in there,” I say my heart pounding.
What if Tony’s in there?
Dimitri raises a dark eyebrow. “Since when were you a coward, Sophia? I seem to remember you being much more fun
than this.”
“This is a bad idea.”
“Sure but who gives a fuck? Get out of the car, Sophia,” Dimitri orders.
I glare at him, “How about no?”
“Get out or I’ll drag you out.”
“Try it and I’ll gouge your eyes out,” I retort.
He smiles at that and the sight of it grates on my nerves.
“Do you think I’m here just to have some fun, play? Or hell, do you think I’m actually here to help your father in his pathetic
I tilt my head to the side, wondering at his words.
“My father sent me here because he’s trying to reassess the allies he’s keeping. How do you think your family will fare if
they lose their biggest ally in Moscow? Not well I’m sure,” he says, voice hard. “In case you don’t understand what I’m saying,
meelaya, this is a threat. I’m all that stands between your family and their precious alliance with mine. If you don’t want your
family in trouble, you’ll get the fuck out of this car, walk into that room with me, smile and look pretty. Understand?”
I swallow softly, staring into his unsettling dark eyes.
“Fuck you, Dimitri.”
“I’ll take that as a yes,” he states. “Now let’s go.”
I follow him out of the car and accept his inclined arm as he leads me into the decorated hall that has various pieces of art
on display. I barely even notice them because I’m too busy cataloguing the amount of people in here. The first person of
importance I see is Enzo Russo beside his wife. She’s on his arm as they glide through the room, talking to people. They don’t
notice us, which I’m glad for.
But then Dimitri leads us to the center of the room so we’re right in the line of sight. I always knew he was reckless but I
didn’t think he had a death wish.
It doesn’t take long before I feel his eyes on me. Searing. I lift my eyes and they clash with Tony’s. The sight of him has my
heart stopping. He’s in a dark blue suit and the sight would be devastating if it were any other time.
Beside him, Michael De Luca also takes notice. I watch his lips start to move as he talks to Tony whose narrowed eyes
haven’t left us at all. Michael walks away a second later, to find the Don I’m sure. Meanwhile Tony walks towards us. I find
myself holding my breath.
“What the hell is this?”
The question is directed at me, but Dimitri answers.
“Anthony Legan, I presume,” he says in a cool, unaffected tone. “Where’s that famous De Luca hospitality I’ve heard of?”
Tony doesn’t immediately reply, his gaze on Dimitri’s face, assessing.
“The only hospitality I’m partial to, is hospitality with knives. Want a demonstration?”
Dimitri chuckles, “Five seconds and you’re already threatening me. How tactless and barbaric.”
“Tactless? You want to talk about tactless? What the fuck do you call walking into a place you were certainly not invited
“Easy, Legan. Don’t cause a scene.”
Tony seems to give up on speaking to him because he turns to me.
“What the hell, Sophia? Surely you’re not this stupid. My entire family’s here.”
I open my mouth to speak, to say something, anything but Dimitri beats me to it, again. His arm tightens around mine.
“You have absolutely no right to speak to her. You think because you fucked her once, you can address her in front of me?”
My jaw falls open. I want to rip my arm out of his right now.
Tony’s eyes narrow and I watch his fists clench, “And who the fuck are you to choose who can and can’t address her?”
“Her fiancé,” Dimitri replies without hesitation.
I suck in a breath at the admission. Tony’s eyes cut to mine and I want to tell him it’s a lie but suddenly he’s being pulled
back and Roman De Luca’s taking his place in front of us.
“Get out,” the Don says in a strained voice.
“I was hoping to meet you,” Dimitri says, pulling his arm away from me to stretch it for a handshake. “Dimitri Antonov.”
“I know who you are and you’re not welcome here. Now get the fuck out before I call security.”
Dimitri lets out a small sigh, “And here I was hoping you would be more hospitable than this. I just came here to look at art
for fucks sake.”
“Do you want to die?” Roman asks in a matter-of-fact tone.
“Not particularly, no,” Dimitri replies.
“Then get out.”
He turns to me then, barely contained rage in his eyes.
“I thought you and your sister were supposed to be smart,” the Don says.
I want to tell him that this isn’t my idea but the incorrigible idiot next to me but thanks to Dimitri’s threat, I can’t.
“Again, you need to stop addressing my fiancée when I’m right by her side. If you have something to say, say it to me, isn’t
that right, meelaya?” Dimitri asks, his hand moving to encircle my waist. I grit my teeth when it slides lower, down to my ass.
I want nothing more than to rip his arm off but movement at the corner of my eyes has me looking up. Tony’s reaching inside
his jacket pocket, a murderous expression on his face. I catch his gaze and offer a small, almost imperceptible shake of my
head, my gaze pleading. He looks at me for a second, before seemingly calming down. I let out a relieved breath.
“Do you want to be dragged out of here by security?’ Roman asks again.
“Fine, we’ll go. You people are no fun,” Dimitri mutters. “Let’s go, baby.”
He leads me out of the room and I’m fuming by the time we reach the car. I wrench my body away from him, shoving a
finger into his chest.
“What the fuck did you achieve with that?”
“I got to introduce myself,” he says on a shrug, looking for too happy after that complete fuckfest. “Plus, I made them aware
that the alliance between our two families is much stronger now that we’re to be married.”
I make sure to fix him with a glare hot enough to melt stone. “Listen to me and listen well, Dimitri, there is no way, on
God’s green earth that I will ever marry you, got it?”
He simply cocks his head to his side, an arrogant expression on his face.
“I wouldn’t be so sure.”
“Fuck you,” I spit. “I’m going to take a cab home.”
“Get in the car, Sophia,” Dimitri orders. “I’ll take you home, now get in.”
Because I want nothing more to be rid of him, I oblige. He takes me home and I find myself wanting to scrub his touch from
every part of my body. Instead I text Tony, hoping he agrees to come here so I can explain everything.

S ophia and I are staring at each other from across her living room. I arrived two minutes ago and neither of us have said a
word since. My arms are crossed as I lean against the wall, she’s standing with a hand at her hip, her eyes narrowed.
“You’re mad,” she says, finally speaking.
“Of course I’m mad, some fucker was touching your ass. Right in front of me.”
Sophia lets out a soft sigh. “His name is Dimitri.”
“I know who the fuck he is, blondie. Some Russian Mobster. And apparently, your fiancé,” I say through gritted teeth.
When I heard that, I swear all the blood rushed up to my head. I was trying so hard not to lose my fucking cool and then he
started touching her. I almost blew our cover and ripped him away from her. But one look at Sophia and I knew I couldn’t risk
“He’s not my fiancé. He’s not my anything,” Sophia says and I exhale softly in relief.
“So what the hell was he doing with you? And why the hell did you let him touch you?”
She runs a hand through her blonde hair, “It’s complicated.”
“Trust me, I have enough brain cells to understand,” I drawl.
She gives me a look, “We’re not supposed to talk about our family’s business.”
“So this is about business? What? Your Papa wants you to marry him?” I growl.
“I’m not marrying anyone, so calm the hell down and stop acting like a caveman.”
“Easy for you to say, you’re not the one that had to watch while another man touched what’s mine!”
“Since when am I yours?” Sophia questions rolling her eyes.
I arch an eyebrow. “Really, blondie? You really want to be saying that to me right now.”
She steps forward, moving to stand in front of me.
“There’s nothing going on between me and Dimitri, okay?” she says, placing her hand on my chest.
“There better not be,” I mutter.
A second later, she’s lifting her hands to my neck and rising to her toes, capturing my lips in a hard kiss. I return it with
fervor, wrapping my hands around her waist, letting all the rage I felt at the sight of her with that fucker infuse every movement
against her lips.
Breathless, Sophia pulls back. I stare down at her with hooded eyes running my eyes up and down her body.
“No one touches you but me. Say it, blondie,” I command.
Of course, things are never that easy with her and she glares. “A little possessive, don’t you think?”
“No, I don’t think. You and I both know you belong to me. No one can fuck you better than I can.” My voice lowers a
cadence, nearly a whisper. “No one kisses you like I can.”
I lean down, my lips brushing against her. Her eyes grow darker, lust filling them.
“Say it, blondie. Say you’re mine and maybe I’ll reward you,” I whisper, my hand cupping her ass.
She swallows softly but stays resilient, offering me a slight shake of her head in refusal. I smile.
“Think about all the things I’m going to do to you, Sophia. When you’re ready to admit it to, I’m going to kiss up your neck
and bite that spot that drives you crazy,” I say pulling the lobe of her ear between my teeth. She shivers and I smirk, “Then I’m
going to fuck you with my fingers until you come all over my hand. And then I’m going to lay you down and lick every single
drop from your delicious pussy until you’re screaming my name. After all that, you know what I’m going to do?”
“I’m sure you’re going to tell me,” she says weakly.
“I’m going to slide my cock inside you, baby. And then I’ll fuck you as hard as you want.”
She clenches her thighs together and I let out a chuckle.
“Now, say you’re mine.”
Her eyes narrow. “You’re not playing fair. What if? What if I got some incentive first?”
“Incentive, huh?” I ask, turning us around so she’s leaning against the wall.
I press my body into hers, feeling my cock harden.
“And what do you suggest, blondie?” I ask, even as I move my hand to the button of her shorts.
“Touch me,” she replies breathing heavily.
“You want me to make you come?” I whisper.
My hands working the zipper, before pulling them down completely. I slide her panties to the side, feeling for her arousal.
“Always so wet for me,” I say softly.
She lets out a moan, her hand gripping my arm when my finger teases at her clit. I begin lightly rubbing my fingers up and
down her clit. Sophia bucks against me, her head pressed to my chest.
“Fuck, Sophia,” I mutter before slipping my fingers inside her hot, wet heart.
We groan in unison when I press two gingers directly against her swollen clit. Her hand tightens around my arm, her nails
digging in.
My movements are slow, my fingers circling her clit before moving down to her pussy lips and then plunging a finger inside
her. Her breaths start to come out in jagged pants which is how I know she’s close. I add another finger into her, thrusting in
and out and crooking them to hit a spot that I know will have her seeing stars.
Her breathing is shallow and I feel her core starting to pulse, which is when I decide to rip my fingers away. She groans
softly, lifting her head to look at me.
“What..” she gasps.
“Tell me you’re mine,” I whisper. “Or you don’t get to come.”
“Asshole,” she glares.
“I’m the asshole that makes you come harder than anyone else, Sophia,” I say, my hand reaching for her clit again. “Now
say it.”
She shuts her eyes at the sensation of me rubbing against her clit.
“Please, please, please,” she digs her nails into my biceps, her tone desperate.
“Not the words I want to hear, beautiful.”
My teeth graze the top of her ear before biting down softly. That’s all she needs before she’s saying the words.
“You know I don’t have to say it. I’ve been yours since that first night. I’m yours, I’m yours,” she whispers. “Please, Tony.”
I don’t waste a second before sinking two fingers inside of her. Sophia lets out a whimper as she grinds herself against my
hand. I stroke my clit with my thumb while curling my fingers inside of her.
“Come for me, Sophia,” I say softly.
She comes with her desperate cry, screaming my name and grabbing onto me.
“That’s it, you have no idea how beautiful you look right now,” I say holding her to me.
I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of seeing her come undone. Her eyes are closed and her mouth open as her entire body
shudders. I lightly run my fingers over her hips and to her arms as she starts to calm down.
She’s gripping my shoulders tightly to the point of pain, but I don’t let go. When she’s finally calm enough, she looks up at
me, blue eyes shining with emotion.
I lean forward to kiss her forehead. It’s a tender action, one that feels all too easy. Especially when it comes to her. Sopha
responds by tilting her head up and letting me kiss her once again. It’s addicting and devastating, and I don’t ever want to stop.
I drag my tongue up along hers, it’s carnal, wet, filthy.
“I want you inside me,” she whispers when we break apart from the kiss.
The next few seconds are a blur. She helps me out of my pants and boxers, she takes off her panties, and then I’m sweeping
her in my arms and carrying her to the bedroom. Nothing else registers apart from her.
“Ready baby?” I ask.
“Mhm,” she replies incoherently.
I don’t waste any time before I’m surging into her with one thrust. My mouth drops open as soon as I’m inside her. She lets
out a soft cry, her body tensing and tightening. I bury my face in her hair for a moment, unmoving, feeling fire surge up my
Sex with her feels like nothing else.
I lean forward to brush my lips over hers which changes the angle slightly, pushing me deeper inside of her. A wave of
pleasure crashes over me, overtaking me.
“Fuck,” I groan, my hands grip her hip.
“Tony,” she gasps.
“You have no idea how good you feel, baby. Taking every inch of my cock like you’re fucking made for it.”
I slap her ass to enunciate my point. She’s trembling. I lean forward to kiss her on the lips before tweaking a puckered
nipple between my fingers.
“Oh, Oh God,” she moans desperately.
Her eyes are wide as I set the pace. Sliding inside her, then out, giving her slow, shallow strokes, designed to drive us both
wild. Sophia’s hands roam everywhere. My chest, my arms, she snakes her hand into my hair, gripping it, holding it tight.
“You’re taking me so good, baby,” I say softly as I shove myself back inside her. “You want to come again?” I ask.
She makes a weak noise, her hands gripping me hard.
“I’m going to need you to be more vocal with that reply, sweetheart,” I say, my voice smooth like silk as I slide in and out
of her.
“Y-ees,” she whimpers. “Yes please.”
I don’t miss a beat. My slow pace explodes into dust and she takes it all, absorbing the force of my furious thrusts. Pleasure
starts to burn bright inside of me. I grunt softly as I fuck her, feeling myself about to be taken over the edge. I reach for her clit,
massaging lightly.
“Come for me, baby,” I whisper against her ear.
My words are a detonator. She explodes around me, her pussy gripping my cock like a vice as she comes with my name on
her lips. I have to slow down a little, holding her up as I continue to ram into her, chasing my own release. I come with a soft
groan. Every bone in my body liquefies. I fall onto her side with a soft groan so I don’t crush her.
When my eyes open, I find big blue eyes fixed on my face. Sophia stares at me for a second, before reaching up and
brushing my hair away.
“Do you feel better now?” she asks softly.
I chuckle, “Sure blondie. I still wish I could burn the memory of him touching you from my mind though.”
“Don’t let him get to you,” she tells me. “He’s nothing to me.”
“Really? Because it seemed like you two had history.”
It’s more of a question more than anything. I’m grasping at straws, looking for an answer. When Sophia curses softly under
her breath I know I’m right.
“We uhm, dated briefly when I was younger. It doesn’t mean anything though,” she hurriedly says. “I promise.”
It’s not an easy pill to swallow but I manage to choke it down. I don’t like thinking about any other men touching her, even
in her past. But that would be ridiculous. Of course she’s been with other people before.
“It’s alright. Like you said, he’s nothing to you.”
She smiles. “Good. Now, did you get a haircut?” she questions, her hand still running through my hair. “The sides are
I’m surprised she noticed. “Yeah. I had it trimmed for Rosa’s exhibition. Like it?”
She nods, “Next time I want to be the one to do it?”
I smile, pulling her closer by the waist. “What? Cut my hair?”
“Yeah, I’ve always wanted to try it.”
I ponder it for a moment, “I’m not sure it would be a good idea to let you anywhere near my head with anything sharp,
Her eyes narrow and I chuckle. “Okay. I’ll let you cut my hair. Anytime you want.”
“Good,” she says, surging upward to press a kiss to my lips.
“I can sleep over, right?” I ask her and she nods.
I’m still holding her when my phone starts to ring. Almost immediately hers rings as well. We stare at each other for a
moment before standing to pick them up. It’s Michael. Sophia pulls on a nightgown before heading out of the room to answer
her call.
“What’s happened?” I question, upon answering mine.
“Dimitri Antonov. He walked into one of our casinos. Made a scene, shot someone in the leg,” he informs me.
“What?!” I ask, icy rage sliding through me. “Where the hell is he now?”
“He took one of the women in the casino hostage, threatened to kill her if we didn’t let him leave.”
“Yeah, Roman wants you here, right now. Where the hell are you anyway?”
“I’ll be there soon,” I say without replying his question.
When I turn around, Sophia’s standing there, her expression apprehensive.
“This wasn’t us,” she says immediately. “Dimitri acted on his own.”
I start pulling on my clothes. “I hate your fucking boyfriend.”
Her eyes narrow. “Ex-boyfriend.”
“Whatever,” I mutter, pulling on my shirt. “I have to go.”
“Wait, Tony, the woman he took,” she hesitates. “I’ll make sure he returns her, safely.”
I’m not sure what to say to that, so I don’t say anything. After offering her a short nod, I walk out away. heading out of the
house and towards my car. I start it and I’m driving off when I notice a black car approaching. It passes by my side and I get a
good look at the driver.
I’m guessing it’s Albert. Which means he’s here to pick up Sophia. Once I’m out of her street, I decide to park my car in a
discreet place hidden from view. A few minutes later, the car’s driving past me and turning a sharp corner. My mind starts
working a mile a minute and a plan starts to form.
Before I can second guess myself, I’m turning on my ignition and following the car as it weaves through New York traffic.
My phone starts to ring but I don’t pick up, intent on figuring out exactly where it is they’re headed. Thirty minutes later and the
car’s stopping in front of a wrought iron gate. A tall imposing building looms inside. I park a few metres away, watching as
they clear Sophia’s car for entry. There are two armed men standing guard at the gates which also appear to be automatic.
I look around the neighborhood. It’s pretty deserted, empty which means they’ve got free rein to perform all of their illegal
activity. My fists clench around my steering wheel as I realize I just might have found out the Mincetti’s secret headquarters.
Now all that’s left to do is to decide what I’m going to do with that information.
By the time I arrive at the casino, Roman’s furious. The place is a mess, people milling about, apprehension on their faces.
Apparently Antonov not only shot and kidnapped someone but he also destroyed some of the tables and other shit.
The guy really has a death wish.
“Where the fuck have you been and why haven’t you been answering your calls?”
My hands curl into fists as I stare at my Don, “Who was it? Who did he take?”
He exhales roughly. “Claudia. He took Claudia.”
I inhale sharply. Claudia’s worked here for more than five years. She’s dependable, hardworking and loyal. No way in hell
we’re abandoning her.
“And has there been any signs of her return?”
“Nothing,” Michael answers. “I tried to contact the Mincetti’s but there hasn’t been any reply on their end. They’ve been
radio silent.”
I nod, clenching and unclenching my fists as my chest starts to pound.
“Let’s give them an hour,” I state.
Both their eyes cut to mine sharply.
“What happens after an hour?” Roman asks cautiously.
“If she’s not returned after an hour, then we go and get her ourselves. I know where they are,” I announce.
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“I figured out where the Mincetti headquarters are,” I inform them. “If Claudia’s not returned in an hour, then we break in
and rescue her ourselves.”
They stare at me for several long moments. I see several emotions passing through their faces. In the end I look away,
letting out a sharp breath and running a hand through my hair.
“I’m sure you have questions. You’re wondering how I figured it out. And I’ll answer them. But later,” I say. “Right now,
we need to figure out how to break into the place. It’s heavily guarded.”
Roman ponders my words for a minute. Finally he nods.
“Alright. Put together a team. We’ll do as you said.”
We all get to work and I’m doing my best not to think about the gravity of my actions. She’ll know. I have no doubt she’ll
figure it out. And when she finds out I followed her and used the information against her, she’s probably not going to forgive

I wake up the next morning with a throbbing feeling in my head. Last night was a mess. I arrived at headquarters and found
Dimitri gloating about his useless, ill thought out actions. Instead of yelling in his face like he deserved, I asked him very
politely to return the innocent woman he took.
He refused so I went to my father and he seemed to want to leave the ball in Dimitri’s court. It was frustrating. I spent an
hour arguing with them but they refused to listen. Then my dad kicked me out and sent me back home.
To make matters worse, Tony refused to reply to all my texts last night. I was trying to explain that I would need more time.
It’s five am right now and I’m worried. I stand up, heading for the kitchen. I grab some water from the fridge and I’m about
to drink it when I get a queasy feeling in my gut. I clutch my mouth, when I feel the urge to puke.
Groaning softly, I move to take a seat on the couch.
“I cannot be getting sick right now,” I mutter.
I should probably take some aspirin or something. I’m standing to grab it from the kitchen when my phone starts to ring
from my room. I have no idea who could be calling me at 5am. I’m tempted to ignore it but when it starts to ring again, I head
into my room to get it.
It’s my sister. Which is odd. Katerina is not a morning person. I can’t remember the last time she was up before 7am. She
loves her beauty sleep.
“We have a problem,” is what she says as soon as I answer.
“Yeah, I know,” I say, clutching my stomach that’s still queasy. “Dimitri’s an idiot who kidnapped an innocent woman and
is refusing to give her back.”
“They took her,” Kat breathes.
That gives me pause. “What do you mean?”
“I mean they took the woman back. Two hours ago, some men in the De Luca family stormed into headquarters. They found
My heart stops. “How did they find us?”
“I don’t know. But they didn’t stop with taking the woman back. They broke into the safe in Papa’s office, stole a couple of
files. And they killed five men who were standing guard. It was a clean job. They were able to override our security system.
We had no idea something was wrong until they were gone.”
“Oh God,” I breathe.
“Yeah, we’re screwed. I’m heading over there now to determine what documents they took. This is not good, Sophia.”
“I know, I know. I just can’t believe they found the building. It’s very well hidden.”
“We should have been prepared for this,” Katerina says in frustration. “I should have thought about it. Since our identities
were exposed, it wouldn’t have been that hard to follow any of us there. Honestly, we slipped up and now we’re in trouble..”
I stop listening to her as my mind zeros in what she said.
Any of us could have been followed.
I think back to yesterday and how upset Tony was. But he wouldn’t. Would he?
“Sophia!” my sister shouts, bringing me back.
“Yeah,” I say, my throat dry.
“I need you here. Papa’s furious. Thankfully, he’s directing all his rage to Dimitri right now. This is his fucking fault. I can’t
believe he’s only been back two days and has managed to screw things up so monumentally. I thought he was here to help us.”
“He’s an idiot,” I mutter.
“Yeah and now we’ve got to clean up his mess.”
“Okay, I’ll just get dressed. I’m on my way.”
As soon as she hangs up, I feel another wave of nausea that has me running to the bathroom and throwing up. Once I’m
done, I head back to my bedroom and lie face down on my bed, groaning.
I allow myself a pity party of five minutes before I’m getting to my feet. I drink some coffee, take some aspirin and
immediately feel stronger. After a shower, I call Albert to come pick me up.
Right before I leave my house, I cave and send Tony a text.

It was you, wasn’t it?

He replies within seconds. Just one measly word.


Fuck you, Tony.

He doesn’t reply and I don’t send any other texts. I’m too upset and I have no idea what to say. I’ll deal with him later.
Right now, I need to help my family figure this mess out.

THERE’ S bloodstains on the walls. Dead bodies on the floor. And for the first time the gravity of this situation hits me. It could
have been anyone. They could have killed someone I really cared about. Right now, there are five men on the floor. I don’t
know their names, I promise myself I’ll learn them. I’ll find out about their families as well. Because they didn’t deserve to
die. They’re paying for the sins of someone else. Of two people actually.
As I watch my father yell at Dimitri, I can’t help but think that he’s also to blame. If only he hadn’t killed Tony’s mother.
Why did he have to do that her? To him.
The thoughts feel traitorous. Especially since I might be the biggest traitor of all. And at the end of the day, I was the one
that led them right to our doorstep. I’m not dumb enough to admit that though.
“I was going to return her in the morning!” Dimitri yells back. “How the fuck was I supposed to know those bastards cared
enough to break in here?”
He might really have a death wish.
My father’s eyes darken and the air in the room chills several degrees. He levels a stare at the dark haired man in his friend
of him.
“Listen and listen well, boy, if anything further goes wrong due to your recklessness, I’ll make you pay. I don’t care who
your father is, do you understand?”
Dimitri crosses his arm over his chest and scoffs, “You can’t speak to me that way, not unless you want to break your
precious alliance.”
Papa steps forward and wraps an arm around his throat.
“Do you really think I care? You think something as measly as an alliance with your family would be enough to break the
Mincetti’s?” his voice booms. He squeezes even tighter. Dimitri’s bigger and much stronger than my father and yet he’s
struggling in his grip.
Its times like this I remember how scary Papa can be. None of us in the room make a move to help Dimitri.
Papa continues, “And I’ll have you know that sending you here was for nothing. He can’t break his alliance with me. Not
unless he wants me exposing all his little secrets and misdeeds. I’ve spent years collecting blackmail material. And you better
pray it hasn’t ended up in the De Luca’s hands thanks to your stupidity. Do you understand?”
Dimitri nods hurriedly. He’s starting to turn a little red when my father lets go. He lets out a ragged breath, clutching his
throat. Papa walks toward Sophia who is seated trying to look through our systems.
“Have you been able to find out what they took, mia cara?”
“One second, Papa. They took a flash drive in your safe. It’s encoded so it’ll take a while for them to break through it but if
they’re able to do so I’ll be able to slip inside and figure out what files they have access to. I can’t stop them from seeing it.
But I could slip through undetected and get access to their private files as well.”
“Which means?”
“I can find information on them as well. And maybe we can use it against them before they use theirs against us.”
“Alright, get to work,” Papa says.
He turns to the rest of us.
“Rico, tighten security and make sure this building has guards watching every hallway and door.”
My cousin nods and heads out. Papa asks his brother to make sure this doesn’t get out. We don’t want anyone else thinking
we’re easy targets.
“Sophia, I want you to contact the families of the deceased and take care of planning their funerals,” he tells me.
“Yeah, I will.”
“This is nothing but a minor hiccup,” he announces. “We’ll get through this. Alright.”
We all nod and Papa leaves. Everyone starts to disperse until it’s only me and Katerina in the room. I get to work making a
few calls, while she works on her hacking.
“Hey, are you okay?” my sister asks a few minutes later.
“You look a little pale. Are you sick?”
I shift in my seat, “Yeah, I think I caught a bug or something. But don’t worry, I’ll be fine.”
Her brown eyes narrow onto my face. “If you’re sick, then you should be resting.”
“I told you I’m fine, Katerina. Don’t worry. We’ve got more important things to do.”
“Alright. Just promise me you’ll take care of yourself if it gets worse. I can always take care of our empire, all I need is for
you to be safe,” she tells me.
I offer her a small smile. “Thanks, sorella.”
An hour and a dozen calls later and I have everything in order for the funerals. I’m feeling a little tired and wondering if I
can get a quick nap when Katerina lurches upward.
“I got it,” she announces enthusiastically.
“Got what?” I ask wearily.
“The perfect way to get retribution,” she smiles. “They won’t even see us coming.”
I lean back in my chair and let out a soft sigh. If I’m being honest I am so tired of this battle, this stupid war that’s slowly
ruining all our lives. I want it to end but when dealing with proud men that’ll never surrender or give up, I know that’s
something that’s highly unlikely to happen.
But will it only end when we’re all dead.
When Katerina calls us all into the room to tell us her plan, I realize there’s a chance someone might end up in danger
again. There’s a chance someone could get hurt.

I FEEL RATHER than see Katerina’s presence in the room as I pull on my clothes. She doesn’t say a word for the first couple of
“Exactly why are you hovering, Kat?” I question as I pull on a black leather jacket.
My boots come on next, thigh high, flat soles.
“You’re sick. I don’t think you should come on the mission,” my sister states.
I let out a soft laugh, “This morning, we lost five men, two of them were trusted capos. And now we’re going to get
retribution for that and you want me to sit it out. I have to go.”
“But why? Why do you have to go? You hate going on things like this. You’re more content in the background.”
“Because I’m worried,” I reply honestly. “I’m worried someone will get hurt.”
“Soph, it’ll be fine. We have order from Papa not to use any lethal force. I’ll be there as well and I’ll make sure they all
fall in line.”
“And I want to be there to help with that,” I mutter, reaching for a gun. It glints as I turn it around in my hand. “Plus, I feel
better now. It was worse earlier this morning but right now, I don’t feel sick.”
“What were your symptoms anyway?” she asks.
“Uh, nausea, a headache, I was also pretty tired,” I answer. “It’s probably just the flu.”
“Or you’re pregnant,” Sophia says with a smile.
My head snaps up and I give her a look.
“It was a joke,” she states. “You can’t be pregnant. Not like you’ve been sleeping with anyone recently. And you told me
you used protection with Anthony Legan. Right?”
My mind whirs as a horrible conclusion starts forming in my head. My sister steps forward, right in front of me. She snaps
two fingers in my face.
“You did use protection with him, Soph?”
I shake my head, “Yeah, of course,” I tell her. “Don’t worry.”
Something in my gut drops as I realize I may have used protection with Tony that first time. But after then, we’ve slept
together a lot more times. And right now I’m thinking about the one time we didn’t. The one time he forgot.
But there’s no way. I made sure we were safe after. I can’t be pregnant!
“Okay,” she nods. “Alright, let’s go into Papa’s office for our last minute orders.”
I follow her out the room, my mind still all over the place. By the time we arrive in front of my father’s office, I’ve
convinced myself it’s just a fluke. I’ll buy a pregnancy test later though, just to be sure. And by the time I do I can put this
whole thing behind me.
But first, I need to get through tonight. There are about ten men standing in the room when we arrive. I arch an eyebrow at
the sight of Dimitri in the corner.
“You’re letting him come too?” I ask, unable to keep the slight irritation from my voice.
He glares at me, “No one’s letting me do anything, Sophia. I’m coming because apparently this is my mess and I want to
help fix things.”
Yeah.. I don’t trust him. But I don’t say anything else. His ego has taken a severe beating in the past few days. Plus, now
that he’s fucked up so monumentally, I know there’s no way my Papa’s marrying me off to him. At least that’s one good thing to
come out of all this.
“Okay listen up,” my dad says snapping his fingers. He’s standing in the middle of the room to address us. “Katerina’s in
charge of this mission. We’ve learned that the De Luca’s are getting a shipment of weapons tonight. Arms dealing is what helps
to keep their family afloat. Steal their weapons and we can cripple them, at least temporarily. I have it on good authority that
this shipment is particularly important. So we get in, steal them and keep them at least until they’re ready to negotiate and talk
about the information they were able to steal from us. It should be an easy job, we go in, get out. Understand?”
Seems simple enough. But one thing I know for sure is that things like this never go according to plan.
Papa nods in Katerina’s direction and she steps forward, looking every bit the leader she is, in combat joggers and a black
jacket. Her blonde hair has been braided backward.
She starts to speak, “I feel the need to reiterate that we have no plans to kill anyone tonight-”
“Which is bullshit,” Dimitri says, interrupting her.
Katerina arches an eyebrow turning to him, “What?”
“They killed five men and you’re not going to get revenge?”
My sisters’ eyes are hard as she stares at him.
“We are getting revenge but if we start killing them off one by one this won’t end until we’re all dead. There is such a thing
as being smart. Think with your head and not with your fists, okay Dimitri?”
He rolls his eyes before looking away.
“Alright,” Kat says, clapping her hands. “Let’s move out to the docks. The delivery’s in an hour. We need to time our
ambush perfectly.”
We leave the building heading into the cars to transport us out. I’m in the front seat beside Rico who’s driving.
“You’re worried something will go wrong?” he asks after a few minutes.
“I’ve got a bad feeling,” I mutter.
“It’ll be okay.”
As it turns out, things end up not being okay. It’s going well, at first. The De Luca’s had five men stationed to receive the
shipment. Five men that we’re able to subdue pretty easily. We manage to get hold of it as soon as it arrives and we’re
transporting the weapons when a car arrives, flashing it’s light. I watch as Michael De Luca steps outside.
He only need to take one look at us surrounding the docks before he’s grabbing a gun from within his jacket. But he’s unable
to even aim before a shot goes rings out. It comes from Dimitri’s direction.
I let out a strangled gasp as it hits Michael in the chest and he goes down. Before I can even think twice, I’m running
towards him.
“Oh God, oh God,” I cry, leaning over him. “Are you okay? Michael!”
I press my hand to the bullet wound that has blood rapidly seeping out. My eyes well with tears. He’s Tony’s best friend.
They’re closer than brothers.
“Michael!” I scream. “Please, please, please.”
I can’t think about anything else right now. All I can see is Michael. His eyes are shut and he’s so pale.
“Help!” I yell
I feel a hand on my shoulders. Someone’s probably saying something but all I can hear is this ringing. When the hand grows
even more insistent, shaking me hard, I tune into the words being said.
“We need to go, Sophia,” Rico says urgently. “Leave him. We need to go.”
“No!” I gasp. “He’ll die. He’s going to die.”
“Sophia!” my cousin yells, dragging me upwards. I struggle against his grip, unwilling to let go but he’s much stronger than
me. “We need to go!” Rico yells.
He has to pull me away. I only get a second’s glimpse of my sisters’ wide terrified eyes before Rico deposits me into a car.
I can’t stop my hands from shaking. All I can think about is Michael. And how dead he looks.
But he can’t be dead. He has to not be dead. If he dies, I don’t even want to think about how devastating it would be for
It’ll break him.

T here’s this thing people say when they have a near death experience. They claim to have seen their lives flash before
their eyes. I’m inclined to believe them.
Because when I get the call about Michael. His life flashes before my eyes. His life with me. Everything we’ve been
through together, all the memories we’ve shared. I stand there in shock for several seconds. And all at once the world comes
rushing back. Followed by icy cold.
I never feel cold after a swim. But hearing your best friend is dying is enough to shock your system, filling it with
overriding fear. I hurriedly put on my clothes before racing for the elevator. My hands are trembling as I drive to the hospital. I
can’t think of anything else but Mikey.
I’m not sure how I got to the hospital in one piece. But I’m there, rushing through the hallways until I find my family.
Roman’s on the floor. For some reason that’s what get to me first. He’s seated on the floor, his back to the wall and his head in
his hands. Maria and Rosa are holding on to each other. Enzo’s pacing and Kiara….
A shaky breath leaves me at the sight of her. She looks distraught, completely heartbroken. Elena’s holding on to her as she
cries. Enzo’s the first one to notice me. He walks forward, placing a hand on my shoulder.
“He’s in surgery,” he informs me. “They’re going to save him.”
His eyes are shining with hope. Meanwhile there’s this bottomless pit of despair in my stomach. I find myself stumbling
over to Roman. I slide down to the floor beside him. He doesn’t even look up.
“How?” I have to swallow because my voice is raspy and cracked. “How did this happen?”
Roman looks up then, his eyes are icy and cold, emotionless. “The Mincetti’s.”
My stomach sinks even further. I was afraid of that. Neither of us says anything after that. Enzo continues his pacing.
Kiara’s still crying and Roman and I stay in the same spot. At some point, Maria has a rosary out. We’re there for two hours
before the doors slide open and a doctor in scrubs steps outside.
Roman and I lurch upright. The rest of the family crowding around us.
“How is he?” I ask. “Is he okay?”
The doctor raises two hands in front of him. “It was a hard battle. But we were able to save him. He’s lucky the bullet
didn’t hit any important organs. He’s currently still unconscious but we expect him to make a full recovery.”
I hear exhales of relief all around me. I stumble backwards into the wall and shut my eyes.
“Fuck,” I breathe.
The doctor’s still addressing everyone else while I’m trying to ease the chill inside me. I feel a hand slide into mine and
look up into Kiara’s teary brown eyes.
“He’ll be okay,” she cries.
I nod before pulling her into my chest. “He’ll be fine, Kie. He’ll be fine,” I tell her, running a hand through her dark hair.
The two of us just hold each other for a while. When I release Kiara she goes to stand beside Elena. Roman steps in front
of me. The look in his eyes are easy to discern. Fury. Like osmosis or some shit, it transfers over to me.
“It doesn’t make any sense,” is the first thing he says. “The only people that knew about the weapons shipment prior to this
morning was me, you and Michael. Just us. They shouldn’t have been able to find out. How the fuck did they find out? And why
did Mikey go there? We weren’t expecting any trouble. He didn’t need to be there,” Roman says in quick succession.
I’m trying to wrap my head around everything he’s saying. The docks. Michael was shot at the docks because the Mincetti’s
found about how weapons shipment. He’s right. It doesn’t make sense that they found out. Unless…
I run my hands over my face. I’ve known about the shipments for months. But I wouldn’t have. Would I?
“Talk to me, Tony!” Roman yells. “Do we have a mole? Were we bugged or something?”
My heart sinks at that. Could I have been bugged?
I can feel the rest of our family turning to look at us.
“This is-” I swallow softly. “It’s my fault. All of it. I’m the reason Michael almost died.”
Roman’s eyes narrow. “What the fuck are you talking about?”
I can’t look him in the eyes right now. My hands clench into fists as I stare at a spot over his head. If there was ever any
moment to come clean, that moment is now.
“I’ve been-” I falter for a second. “I’ve been seeing Sophia Mincetti.”
I hear a gasp from one of the women. Enzo steps forward immediately. So many emotions pass across Roman’s face at
“Since when?” he asks, his voice hard.
“A couple of weeks,” I answer. “More than a month.”
His eyes widen and he takes a step backward.
Enzo takes over. “What do you mean you’ve been seeing her? Like dating? Why the hell would you do that? You hate her
I grit my teeth as my head starts to ache. I have no idea how to explain.
“We weren’t dating. It’s hard to explain,” I mutter.
Enzo’s expression turns pensive. “That’s how you were able to figure out where their headquarters are.”
“Yeah,” I nod. “And I think she might have bugged me. Or fuck! I don’t know. Maybe I told her about the shipment by
accident. We got drunk together one night, maybe I mentioned it. I don’t know, okay?”
“You don’t know,” Enzo says frowning.
“I didn’t mean for this to happen,” I say groaning.
Roman’s eyes narrow onto mine. And I’ve never seen him so angry.
“Tony, I’m going to fucking murder you!” he yells moving towards me.
Almost immediately my sister appears in front of me.
“No!” she shouts. “Calm down. Everybody calm the hell down.”
A muscle ticks in Roman’s jaw but he does as his wife asked. Very slowly, Elena turns to me.
“Tony, what did you do?”
My head hits the wall behind me and my eyes flutter shut, “I don’t know, sorella. But I’m going to fix it.’
Despite how horrible I feel about betraying and disappointing my family, my heart hurts even more at the thought that
Sophia was responsible for all this. My best friend almost died and it’s all her fault.
Michael’s alive though, that’s all that matters right now.
When we get the full report of what happened at the docks and I hear that she was actually present for everything, the rage
building inside of me further intensifies. Before anyone can stop me, I’m slipping away. I hear Enzo call my name but it doesn’t
matter. I head into my car and I’m driving towards her house.
I have no idea what I plan to do when I get there.
Sophia’s outside her house when I arrive. She’s holding a suitcase and there’s another man grabbing hold of another bag
and placing it into the back of the car. Something twists in my gut at the sight of her. When she sees me step out of the car, her
eyes widen and I see fear fill them.
The fact that she’s leaving her home is an admission of guilt. The gun in the back of my shirt is already out as I walk
towards her. She doesn’t move an inch, her gaze fixed on me until I’m standing in front of her.
“We have got to stop meeting like this, blondie,” I say through gritted teeth.
The man’s head pops out of the car. His name’s Rico, I think. Her cousin. His eyes widen as he rushes forward but I shake
my head.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” I tell him. “Move and I put a bullet in your skull.”
He stays put after that while I turn back to look into ocean blue eyes. She looks tired, her eyes red rimmed with tears. I
briefly wonder what’s wrong with her. Then I’m wondering why I should even care.
“What did you do, Sophia?!”
She inhales softly. Just like the other times I’ve pointed a gun at her head, she’s far to calm. It’s fucking annoying.
“Is he okay? Is Michael okay?”
My finger tightens over the trigger, “Don’t say his fucking name!” I growl.
“Just tell me if he’s okay,” she retorts.
“He’s alive.”
I arch an eyebrow when she lets out a breath of relief. Then her eyes harden and she’s looking up at me.
“So what? You’re here to kill me?”
“This is all your fault, Sophia. You did this!”
“I- I did this? You broke into our building, killed five men and stole from us!”
“Just, just shut up,” I say, waving a hand in the air. “This was your plan from the start, wasn’t it? You’ve been using me all
this while. Biding your time until you could find out information. And then you stabbed me in the back.”
“You’re being a hypocrite, Tony.”
“Your family almost killed Michael!” I yell.
“We didn’t want to! It was an accident. We didn’t plan to kill anyone. I’m sick and tired of this stupid war. People keep
dying and all for what?”
For some reason that makes me smile. It’s cold and humorless.
“All for what?” I ask my voice low. I take a step closer until the barrel of the gun is pressing against her chest. “Sophia,
your father killed my mother. He kidnapped an innocent woman and murdered her. You’re sick and tired of this war? Easy for
you to say, blondie. You haven’t lost anybody!”
“I’m sorry your mother died. You have no idea how sorry I am. I hate what my father did. But if you think I’ll stand by and
watch you kill him then you have another thing coming. Your mother’s dead. But at least you still have a father. He’s all I have
“That’s too bad. Because I’m going to kill him, Sophia. I’ll look into those eyes. The last thing my mother saw and then I’ll
shoot him. Make sure his heart stops,” I say in a low voice. “Maybe I should kill you too. Send a message to your family.”
Out of the corner of my eye, I hear some rustling. Her cousin has his gun out. Sophia looks towards him.
“It’s okay, Rico. He’s not going to kill me.”
I let out a harsh breath. “Wanna bet?”
Her eyes meet mine, so many emotions running through them.
“You’re not going to kill me,” she says confidently.
I grit my teeth and clench my jaw. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck.
She’s right. I can’t kill her. Even now, that she’s stabbed me in the back, I can’t even fathom the thought of hurting her. My
chest tightens.
“You’re right. I can’t kill you, blonde,” I state, before raising my gun and aiming in the other direction. “But nothing’s
stopping me from killing him.”
“No,” she breathes. She quickly moves to stand in front of her cousin. “You can’t kill him.”
“Step out of the way, Sophia.”
“You’re not going to kill him!” she shouts.
“I’m going to. Killing him would be the best way to send a message.”
From the corner of my eye, I see a car pull up beside mine. Enzo steps out and rushes towards us. I ignore him, my gaze
fixed on Sophia and her cousin. He’s trying to get her to shift away but she doesn’t budge.
“Enough!” Sophia shouts, her eyes fierce. “I’ve had enough of this. Tony, drop your gun.”
“And why the hell would I do that?”
“Because I’m pregnant! Tony, I’m pregnant,” she breathes.
Air whooshes through my lungs at the proclamation. I stare at her, uncomprehending. Which is when Enzo reaches my side
and grabs the gun from my hand.
“What did you say?”
Her eyes well up with tears. “I’m pregnant, Tony. I took a test last night.”
Holy fuck.
Enzo seems to be in as much shock as I am. Behind her, her cousin isn’t so surprised. He holds her arm, turning her around.
“We have to go, Soph. We have to head home,” he tells her, pulling her towards the front seat of the car.
Sophia glances at me, her eyes shining with unsaid emotions. I continue to stare, my jaw slackened as she’s led away. I
have no idea what to do or say. She steps into the car. And it zooms off. I’m still in shock minutes later as Enzo gets me into a
car as well.
He drives us home. Later, I’ll wonder how I even made it inside. But I’m in the living room. Some of my family members
are there. Roman’s yelling in my face but I barely hear him. Elena’s seated beside me, her hand in mine, grasping it tight.
Two days later we get a message from the Mincetti’s. They’re calling for a truce. And they’ve requested a meeting between
our families.

A chair is upturned in front of me and I force myself not to flinch as my dad yells in outrage. It’s been two days since he
found out, honestly, these displays are getting old.
Then again if I found out my twenty five year old daughter was impregnated by a man she wasn’t even in a
relationship, I’d be mad too. To top it off, said man happens to be hellbent on killing him. It’s not a good look.
For my part, I’m past the denial stage. I’ve known for three days. I spent the first day, alternating between being scared out
of my mind and then being worried that Micheal was dead. There were also a few tears that day. The next day I called Rico,
because I knew out of everyone in my family, he was the least likely to freak out too bad. I packed all my bags because I was
worried my house had been compromised. If Michael died, I knew nothing would have stopped Tony from coming for me. I
was leaving when he arrived.
I wasn’t scared when I saw him though. My heart was steady even when he pointed a gun at me. Honestly, I was more
worried about how he would react when I told him about the pregnancy. When he told me about Michael, I was so relieved.
I hate that I had to leave after dropping that bomb on him though. But Rico got me out of there too fast for me to even glean
how he felt about it. Apart from the apparent shock of course. I’ve been in my family’s home since then. Rico helped me to
come clean. As expected they were furious. At least my dad was. Katerina hasn’t said a word to me since she found out. She’s
hiding out in her room.
I knew she’d be the most shaken by the news. I disappointed her. And by hiding everything, I hurt her as well.
“Calm down, Papa,” I say gently.
When he glares at me, I clamp my mouth shut.
“I cannot believe you would do something like this, Sophia. It’s one thing to have been sleeping with the enemy but for you
to have gotten pregnant.””
“I know. I made a mistake,” I say, my eyes fixed to the floor.
It feels like the universe is laughing at me. Like some cosmic joke. I can’t believe I’m pregnant. Scratch that, I can believe
it. But right now, I can’t summon any other feelings in relation to it other than the fact that, there’s currently a baby growing
inside of me and I need to find a resolution that doesn’t end with my family and the father’s family eviscerating one another.
We need a plan. Thankfully, no matter how angry my elder sister is, she’ll always have my best interests at heart. Katerina
finally appears from her room. her eyes are swollen with tears and the sight has my heart clenching.
“We’re going to send a message to the De Luca’s. it’s time for a truce,” she announces.
All at once, there’s shouts from around the room.
“Like hell there is,” my dad snarls. “What are you saying, Katerina? We didn’t start this war and there’s no way in hell I’m
taking the cowards way out and surrendering.”
“Papa, your daughter is pregnant! She’s carrying a man’s child. What do you intend to do? Continue fighting with her baby
daddy’s family? Kill him and render her child fatherless?”
It’s a testament to how well she knows me that she’s already concluded that I wouldn’t want to get rid of the baby. No one’s
asked me apart from Rico. And I immediately told him I wouldn’t. I can’t. I’ve always liked kids and I’m going to raise this
baby. No matter the circumstances.
“We can’t continue, which means we have to find a middle ground. We need a resolution and an end to all this fighting!”
Katerina shouts. This is the first time I’ve ever seen her stand her ground in front of father.
His eyes practically twitches as he stares at his eldest daughter.
“They want me dead, Katerina. That’s the only resolution they’ll accept.”
“No. I refuse to accept that. They’re not unreasonable. There has to be something we can do. We’ll talk to them and we’ll
figure out something that will put an end to all this death once and for all.”
My father breathes heavily as he stares at her. Finally he looks away.
“What is it you plan to do, Katerina?” he questions, his jaw clenched.
“I already asked for a meeting,” she informs him and his eyes practically bulge. “Sorry, Papa. I figured it was better to ask
for forgiveness than permission.”
“Did they agree to it?” Rico questions.
She nods. “Yes. We’re meeting them in the same place we did that first time. We’ll all show up and we’ll be on our best
Rico nods once. Once she’s satisfied that there aren’t any more objections, her eyes narrow onto me.
“Let’s go,” she orders.
I don’t hesitate to get to my feet. I follow her into her room and take a seat on her bed. She starts to pace the length of the
room and I watch her quietly for a couple of seconds.
“You lied to me,” is what she starts with.
“I wouldn’t say I lied,” I say, “I just obscured the truth a little, hid things from you.”
Her brown eyes are fierce and blazing with so much passion I’m forced to swallow. I’ve never seen her this angry before.
“Since the moment you were born, you became my responsibility. I did my best to be a good big sister. After mom died, I
was all you had left. I made sure to become a person you could turn to, someone you could tell anything. I wanted to become
your best friend, not just your sister, a confidante!”
“You are,” I say softly.
“Really, Sophia? Because you hid the most important truth from me. You hid away a relationship from me.”
“It wasn’t a relationship,” I quickly say. “We weren’t dating.”
Katerina observes me for a second, “Explain it to me. Tell me everything from the beginning. Now, Sophia.”
So I do. I tell her everything she doesn’t know. How real it felt between us, even in the beginning. How it felt to befriend
Tony those first few weeks on the rooftop of the hotel. And then how worried I was that he would never forgive me when he
found out I was a Mincetti.
“But he must have felt the pull I felt too because he did forgive me,” I say softly. “And then we started uhm- seeing each
other. It was supposed to be just sex. But he would stay the night and we spent so much time talking. He just gets me, Kat. I
don’t know why but he whenever I’m with him, it’s like everything else falls away. We knew how stupid it was. He hates Papa.
He’s said it to my face that he’s going to kill him and yet, we ignored all of that. I ignored it all. Because he makes me happy.”
Katerina inhales sharply. “Are you- are you in love with him?”
That question scares me. Because instinctively I want to say no. But then there’s a tiny part of me that doesn’t want to live
in denial anymore. That part of me that knows my feelings for Tony have grown much stronger than I realized.
“I don’t know,” is what I finally say in reply.
Katerina’s eyes briefly flutter shut, “Okay. So you like the guy a lot. But seriously, Soph, how could you fuck up and get
“I didn’t mean to,” I grumble.
“Who means to get pregnant in that kind of situation?” Katerina bursts out in frustration. “Why weren’t you safe? Why
didn’t you use protection?”
I sniff, “It was only once. It was an accident.”
My sister sighs before pinching the bridge of her nose. “I can’t even right now,” she says, taking a seat.
We sit in silence for a couple of minutes.
“I did the right thing though?” Katerina asks quietly. “By asking for a truce.”
“You did the best thing,” I tell her, nodding eagerly.
“I just know that all the fighting has to end. But what do you want though? I have no idea what we’re going to do or say at
that meeting.”
“We’ll figure it out,” I say carefully.
“What does he have to say?”
There’s no doubt in my mind that the he she’s referring to is Tony. I clear my throat and look away.
“He hasn’t been answering any of my texts or calls,” I mutter.
Katerina’s eyes narrow. “I’m going to kill him,” she states.
“It’s not his fault. It’s a lot to take in. The past few days have been crazy for him,” I say defensively. “His best friend almost
died and now this. I’m sure he’s having trouble figuring things out.”
Katerina calms down. Her eyes flick to me, her gaze assessing.
“You must really like him. I have never seen you defend anybody like that.”
I groan, placing my head in my hands. “I know, I’m so fucked.”
My sister gets to her feet and walks towards me. She crouches down in front of me and intertwines our fingers.
“We’ll figure this out, okay? I’m going to help you.”
I nod, feeling a sense of calm wash over me. At least despite everything, I still have her.
“I love you so much,” I say.
“I love you too.”
Almost simultaneously, our eyes well up with tears. I’m hugging my sister and we’re both crying. And just like that the fear
I’ve been trying to put off fills me. But only because I know I have someone beside me that can chase it away. I’m allowed to
be scared. Because I know my big sister’s going to save me.
An hour after our pity party, Katerina leads me back to my Papa’s office. He frowns when his eyes land on me and I know I
owe him an apology, regardless of everything.
“I’m sorry, Papa. What I did was wrong. I never should have hid the truth from you like that,” I say.
He blows out a breath before looking away. It’ll take a while before he forgives me but he will, eventually. I’m about to
open my mouth to speak to my uncle when the door is slammed open. Dimitri walks in, his dark eyes filled with rage. They
narrow onto me.
“There she is, the betraying bitch,” he spits.
I watch as he stumbles forward, visibly drunk and my face scrunches up in disgust.
“I hear you fucked Legan and got knocked up. How does it feel to be a whore carrying a man’s bastard?”
Rico steps forward at the same time Katerina does, but I get there first. I raise my hand and it goes flying across his face.
“Shut the fuck up, Dimitri. You have no right to speak to me like that.”
He lets out a growl before launching at me but Rico pushes him back before throwing a punch of his own.
“How about you get out and sober the fuck up?” my cousin asks.
Dimitri lets out a hiccup, stumbling on his feet. “I can’t believe I wanted to marry that bitch. I can’t believe I liked that
bitch,” he says pointing a finger in my direction.
“Get him out of here,” Rico orders one of the capos outside the door.
He’s dragged out and I let out a soft breath. When I look at my father, his lip is curled in distaste.
“What an embarrassment,” he mutters, massaging his forehead. Then he’s calling Katerina forward. “Come here, Katerina.
Since you’re so intent on leading our family on this quest of yours. You’ll be in charge of the negotiations at this meeting.”
“Of course, Papa. Thank you,” she says.
“Don’t thank me yet,” he says on a snarl. “I only want one thing. Anthony Legan. He’s going to take responsibility for her.”
My heartrate speeds up as I look at my father. “What does that mean?”
He looks up at me, his expression fixed.
“He will marry you,” my father proclaims, knocking the breath from my lungs. “As soon as possible.”
“What?” I whisper.

I ’m lying face down on my bed when I hear the door open.

“Go away, Elena,” I say without raising my head.
There’s a pause, then, “How did you know it was me?”
I turn around to look at my sister.
“Because Rome hasn’t said a word to me in two days and I just know you’ve been itching to come and talk to me.”
My sister smiles before moving to take a seat on the edge of the bed.
“I wasn’t sure what to say,” she says softly. “Not sure how to navigate this whole thing.”
“You and me both,” I grumble.
I sit up, leaning against the headboard and staring at the wall.
“How’s the bruise?” Elena asks, pointing at my cheek.
“A little tender but it’s alright. Your husband has a mean right hook.”
“He’s just angry.”
“He has every right to be angry,” I say.
“Well I think he’s being a hypocrite,” Elena says crossing her arms over her chest. “It’s not like he’s never slept with
someone he wasn’t supposed to before.”
That makes me laugh. “True. And the woman he slept with was my sister so I guess he’s got one over me. All I did was
sleep with the enemy’s daughter.”
“That’s all you did?” Elena questions. It feels like an accusation. Which I deserve.
I groan softly, “No, that’s not all. Pretty sure I fell for her in the process,” I mumble.
“What’s that? I didn’t hear you?” Elena prompts, her mouth widening into a grin.
I throw a pillow at her face and she laughs.
“I can’t believe this. So you actually have feelings for someone. You like her?”
“Yeah,” I say on a sigh. “It’s annoying but I like her.”
“It’s not annoying, it’s wonderful. Tell me everything. How did you meet?”
By the time I’m done recounting our entire relationship, Elena has a smug grin on her face.
“That is, the most romantic thing I’ve ever heard. The both of you are like Romeo and Juliet,” she beams.
I make a face, “Not a fan of the comparison, sorella. Especially since those two idiots got themselves killed.”
“Right, of course.”
We relapse into silence for a couple of seconds.
“She’s pregnant,” I say mostly to myself.
It’s the first time I’ve said it. The first time I’ve been willing to admit it to myself.
“Apparently, yes,” Elena says. “How does that make you feel?”
“I don’t know. How am I supposed feel?”
Elena’s eyes soften, “I can’t tell you how to feel, Tony.”
“It’s just fucked up. She’s carrying a baby, my baby. And I’m supposed to what?”
My sister’s eyes narrow, “Take her in if she wants to, help her raise the child.”
I wave a hand in the air, “Of course that’s a foregone conclusion. You think Sophia will let me go scot-free if I even think
about abandoning her. I’m pretty sure she can kick my ass. She scares me sometimes.”
Elena laughs. “Awnn, that’s cute. So what’s the problem?”
“Oh you know,” I shrug, “The fact that I still want to murder her father and destroy her family for what they did to ours. Just
that tiny issue, no biggie.”
“Oh, right,” Elena says on a sigh. “You guys and your dumb revenge.”
My eyes snap up and I glare at her. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
“I mean that I’ve made peace with our mother’s death and I’ve moved on. What’s killing Eduardo Mincetti going to do? It
can’t bring her back.”
“It doesn’t work that way. You want me to let him live after what he did to us?”
“I’m asking you to look at the bigger picture. This isn’t just about you anymore. You have a woman and the child she’s
carrying to think about. They’re still alive, that’s more important. And from what you’ve told me, Sophia makes you happy. I
want to believe you can choose your own happiness over pointless revenge.”
I stare at her uncomprehending. My sister reaches up to pat my arm.
“Just think about it, okay?” she asks.
“Yeah, sure I will.”
She leaves me and I spend the rest of the day pondering what she said. The meetings tomorrow morning and although I’m
still not sure I have a plan, I do know that I need to talk to her. She’s texted me a few times but I turned off my phone which I
admit was an asshole move. Especially after what she told me.
I’m sure she’s pissed. But we can figure this out. We have to.

I IMAGINE this is how a meeting of board of directors in a company would go. Two rivals on opposite sides. Unlike the last
time our families met, everyone’s seated today. Immediate family members. This is more than a gang fight. Elena’s seated at my
side, Maria beside her. Roman’s at my side too. Enzo, Rosa, they’re all here.
And so is Sophia’s family. All the air was knocked out of my lungs when she walked into the room. I wanted nothing more
than to walk up to her and hold her to me but I desisted. She wouldn’t meet my eyes though and that more than anything worries
Even now as she’s seated between her father and her sister, she still won’t look at me. I clench my fists before turning back
into what’s been said.
“We meet again,” Eduardo says.
This time my fists clench for another reason entirely. I really hate his fucking face. I’m suddenly glad Sophia looks nothing
like him.
“Unfortunately,” Roman replies. “If I’m being honest, I’m not sure how to navigate this.”
Eduardo rolls his eyes. “Your second in command, took advantage of my daughter and impregnated her.”
Before Roman can open his mouth to speak, Katerina does.
“Wrong choice of words, Papa. Sophia wasn’t taken advantage of in anyway. They’re both adults who were in a consenting
sexual relationship.”
I stare at her for a second. I’ve never really paid attention to Sophia’s elder sister. I remember she’s a lawyer which makes
sense. Roman nods in agreement at her words.
I’m still trying to get Sophia to look at me. After a look from his daughter, Eduardo Mincetti lets out a soft sigh.
“We’re here to ask for a truce. In light of recent developments, it wouldn’t be ideal for our families to continue this fight.
But first I’d like to hear what he has to say for himself.”
I realize I’m being addressed when the room quiets and I look up at Eduardo. I can’t help a slight scoff.
“I have absolutely nothing to say to you.”
His eyes narrow. “For someone who should have a bullet in his skull by now, you’re being far too calm.”
“I could say the same,” I drawl. “And fuck your truce by the way. There is no truce. You’re meant to be here to beg for
He arches an eyebrow, his expression unimpressed. I can tell he’s trying so hard to keep his emotions under control.
“You want me to beg?” he asks his lips curling distastefully. “And what do you plan to do for your actions?”
“Like Katerina said, we’re both consenting adults who were in a relationship. This is between Sophia and I. Frankly I’m
not sure why we called for this meeting.”
Elena places a hand on my arm. Roman lets out a sigh beside me before pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Because you can’t kill your baby’s grandfather,” he snaps, turning to face me. “So shut up while I talk to them.”
I roll my eyes before crossing my arms over my chest. “Fine. Let’s hear it.”
He turns back to face the Mincetti’s. While my eyes land on Sophia again. A prickling feeling of discomfort rolls through
Come on, baby. Look at me.
“Why should we choose to accept the truce you’ve suggested?” Roman asks.
“Apart from the fact that he impregnated my daughter?” Eduardo retorts.
Roman simply nods. Katerina Mincetti sits forward.
“We’ll return the weapons. And I’d also like to apologize for what happened that night. We never meant for Michael De
Luca to get hurt,” she states.
Thankfully, Michael’s healing nicely at the hospital. He’s still weak but he managed to offer me a smile and say a few
words when I went to see him.
“You’re lucky he didn’t die,” Roman says, his jaw clenched. “But this isn’t about that. We’d very much like the return of
our weapons though.”
“And we’d like you to return the documents you took from the safe in our building,” Katerina returns.
Roman doesn’t even hesitate, “Fine.”
We already copied everything anyway. It’s good stuff. Blackmail material on high ranking members of the Russian Bratva
and even the government in Moscow. We’ll use it well.
But all of that doesn’t matter. Not in the face of what’s really important.
“We started this war for a very good reason,” Roman begins. “Because Eduardo Mincetti murdered a woman in our family.
We deserve to get our revenge. It’s the way of the mafia world.”
“I understand that,” Katerina nods. “But I can’t let you kill my father so we’re currently at an impasse. Since my father’s
actions were the catalyst that began this whole thing, I’m willing to hear you out. What do you suggest we do in other for us all
to move on?”
Roman looks at Enzo then and I realize they must have discussed what to do.
“We want him to apologize. Not to our family. But to the Legans. My wife and my best friend lost their mother and frankly
I’m sick and tired of him acting like he didn’t do anything wrong. He’ll apologize to Tony and Elena and it’d better be fucking
A muscle twitches in Eduardo’s jaw. I look at Roman, my eyes wide.
“You want me to accept an apology and move on?” I question.
He gives me a look asking me to be patient. Beside me, Elena grips my arm. I raise a hand to my head, rubbing my temple.
Fucking hell.
Before any of the Mincetti’s can speak, Roman continues.
“That’s not all. He has to step down. If you want peace, Eduardo Mincetti will step down from his role as the Don of the
“Like hell I will,” the man snarls.
They all look surprised by Roman’s proclamation. Hell I’m surprised. I wasn’t expecting that.
“Those are our terms. You step down. It’s not like you don’t already have a capable heir. I’m sure your daughter can take
your place but if you want all of this to end, then your reign ends too.”
Eduardo’s eyes flash as he looks at Roman. “And what do you plan to do about him and my daughter?”
“Like Tony already said. That’s between him and Sophia. Whatever they choose to do doesn’t concern me.”
Eduardo gets to his feet and slams his hands down on the table.
“You’ve already set your terms right? Well I have one of my own,” his eyes narrow onto my face and he points a finger at
me. “He marries her. She’s carrying his baby which makes her, his responsibility. Either he marries her or I kill him for
touching her in the first place and raze your entire family to the ground.”
I stare at him in the face of the proclamation. And then slowly, my eyes trail over to Sophia. Her behavior suddenly makes
sense. Why she hasn’t been able to look me in the eye. Because her father’s trying to force her into a marriage.
“You can’t make that decision for them,” Roman starts to say.
I get to my feet then. Everyone turns to me warily.
“I need to talk to Sophia,” I announce.
“Like hell you do,” her father snarls.
I glare at him, “Let me rephrase. I’m going to talk to Sophia and anyone that tries to stop me loses a fucking arm. Try me,
Eduardo. Fucking try me!”
No one moves after that. I round the table and hold onto her hand. She lets me pull her up and lead her out of the room. I
pull her into the first open door I see. It’s a small room. Empty except for a desk and a chair.
Once we’re inside, she wrenches her hand out of mine. I stare at her for a second before huffing out a breath.
“Talk to me, blondie.”
She moves to lean against the table. “Do you have any idea how many times I’ve texted and called you these past few
“I’m sorry I ignored your calls. I was kind of going through something.”
“Yeah, I’m aware,” she says dryly.
I want nothing more than to hug her and apologize and take her away from all this shit but I stay put. A few steps away
watching her carefully and waiting for her to speak.
“I don’t agree with what he said in there,” she says finally.
“Good, then we don’t have to. Easy,” I tell her.
Honestly a marriage feels crazy. We’ve barely even dated and while the sight of her has me wanting to sink to my knees
most times. I want to spend every minute of my time and while she also makes me feel crazy emotions I never thought were
possible, I also don’t think we should have a shotgun marriage because her asshole father said so.
“I don’t think we have a choice, Tony,” she says softly, running a hand through her hair.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“He’ll do it, you know? All the terms your Don laid out. He’ll apologize and it might take some convincing but he’ll even
step down. But trust me when I say he won’t do any of it if we don’t get married.”
“Then fuck him, I don’t care.”
She shakes her head, “Then this stupid war continues. People continue dying. And,” her breath hitches. “He’ll keep me
away from you. Me and the baby.”
That gives me pause. “You really think I’ll let him do that?”
“Which means the fighting continues. It’ll be an endless cycle. Your family against mine and I don’t want that. The only way
to end it is if both families have an alliance. And the only way to get that alliance..”
“Is through marriage,” I finish. “Fuck.”
“Yeah. Which is why I said we don’t have much of a choice.”

I see the moment he finally gets what I’ve been trying to tell him. An emotion flashes in his eyes, too quick for me to
discern. And then his expression is filled with that stubborn confidence I’ve come to really grow fond of.
“Okay, so we get married,” Tony says after a minute.
I stare at him, eyebrows raised. “You really want to marry me?”
“I thought you said we didn’t have a choice.”
“We don’t. But it’s still a big decision. One you can’t make in one minute.”
“Sure. But right now, one thing I know for sure is that no one’s keeping me away from you and that baby in your womb. Our
baby,” he breathes, his eyes shining with awe for a moment. “And your father is right about one thing unfortunately. You are my
responsibility now. It’s my job to protect you.”
I want to tell him that it’s much more than that.
“Tony, a marriage is forever.”
“I know.”
“You and I haven’t- we weren’t even in an actual relationship.”
“Please, we were dating. We might have been in denial but it’s pretty clear we were in an actual relationship and lying to
ourselves about it.”
Something tugs at my chest at that.
“Okay, maybe we were. But it’s a relationship that lasted for what? A couple of weeks?”
“More than two months, Sophia. Two months from the moment I met you till now,” he says softly.
I shake my head even as my heart starts to pound, “That’s not enough.”
“It has to be,” he says, moving towards me.
“Tony it was two months that ended with us betraying each other. I don’t even know if I can trust you!” I yell. He takes a
step back at that, his expression clouding over. “And you can’t trust me either.”
“We’ll work on it.”
“I don’t want to be responsible for forcing you into a marriage you don’t want.”
“We’ll work on that too.”
I wipe a tear from the corner of my eyes. I hate that I’m crying right now. Unnecessarily emotional. I guess that comes with
the pregnancy. Tony stares at me warily for a beat. I don’t know what to say anymore. He doesn’t seem to either.
Both of us have avoided talking about the most important thing though.
How do you feel? What do you really feel for me?
For the first time in my life, I’m too much of a coward to ask. Because I’m terrified of the answer. And if I look clearly
between what’s already being said. He already gave me a technical answer. I’m his responsibility now. It’s his job to protect
me. This is about duty above anything else.
“Okay,” I finally say.
“We’ll get married. We’ll put an end to this nightmare. I’m honestly so tired.”
He nods, relief in his features.
“I don’t know why you look relieved,” I mutter. “You have no idea what you’re getting into by marrying me.”
He smiles then, “I do know though. Because I know you, blondie.”
No, he doesn’t. The entire time we’ve known each other I’ve had to hide parts of myself from him. He doesn’t really know
me. Not fully. And neither do I.
We walk back to the room hand in hand. I let go once we’re inside though, moving to take my seat between my sister and
my father. The tension in the room could be cut by a machete. I watch Tony’s family as they look at him, waiting for him to
speak. Katerina reaches for my hand.
“Are you okay?” she mouths and I nod.
We both turn to look at Tony as he announces our decision. But of course he can’t simply say ‘yes, we’ve agreed to marry
each other.’
Instead he leans down to glare at my father. “Your apology better be fucking amazing, Eduardo. I wouldn’t be opposed to
the idea of you getting down on your knees while you do it.”
I sigh softly, running a hand through my hair.
We have so much to work through.

MY DAD SLAMS the door of his room shut, the sound echoing through the house as soon as we arrive home. My uncle Fredrico
moves to stand in front of me, placing a hand on my shoulder.
“Try to understand where your father’s coming from, Sophia. He’s a proud man and none of this is easy for him.”
“I know,” I say. “I understand.”
“He really does have your best interests at heart.”
“I know.”
My uncle leaves, heading for his bedroom. Rico, Katerina and I take a seat in the living room. I look at my sister. She was
probably blindsided by the De Luca’s request. We expected them to be asking for an apology, we didn’t think they’d ask dad to
stand down.
“How do you feel?” Rico asks her, probably thinking the same thing as me.
She blows out a breath, “Honestly, I’m nervous. I don’t know if I’m ready.”
“Are you kidding me? You’ve been ready for this since you could walk. You’ll make an amazing Don,” I tell her.
“I feel bad for Papa though. I know he wants me to succeed him but I don’t think he expected to hand over the power so
“He’ll get over it,” Rico says on a laugh. “I for one can’t wait. Maybe some things will finally change around here once
you’re in charge.”
Her eyes narrow, “I’m not letting anyone slack off though.”
“I wouldn’t expect you to,” Rico says soberly. “Now that I think about it, things might just be worse with you in charge.”
“Keep saying that and I’ll actually deliver on those expectations.”
We all laugh at that.
“And what about you, Soph?” Rico questions. “Ready for marriage.”
I wrinkle my nose. “Kat’s taking over a super important position as Don and I’m getting married.”
“Again, like I’ve been saying for the past 48 hours, you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to,” Katerina states.
“No, it’s fine. People get married all the time. They get married and then they have babies. I can do it too. And it’s not like I
never wanted to get married. It’s the wrong timing, doesn’t mean it’s the wrong thing to do.”
“You’re nervous,” Kat guesses astutely.
“I’m not just nervous. I’m fucking terrified,” I say falling further into the couch.
“Why? Despite how unsettling he can be sometimes, Tony seems like an upstanding guy. He really stepped up today and you
seemed much calmer after your conversation with him.”
“Yeah, he basically said he didn’t care about us getting married as long as I was with him.”
“Really?” Katerina squeals. “That’s so romantic.”
“Ehh, I wouldn’t say he said it in a romantic way. It was more like it was his duty and he had to do it, instead of it being
because he actually wanted to be with me,” I say sadly.
My sister frowns. “He didn’t tell you he wanted to be with you? Why not? You both have feelings for each other.”
I sigh softly. “I have feelings for him. I don’t know how he feels though.”
“And you didn’t ask him?”
I make a face. “Kat, I realize you haven’t been in a relationship in forever, but you do know people don’t just walk up to
people and ask if they have feelings for them.”
“She has a point,” Rico says.
“You do if you’re going to have a baby and marry the person,” Katerina counters. “Are you kidding me? So you both agreed
to this marriage out of a sense of duty and not because you want to be with each other?”
I shrug. “Seems like it.”
“No. I don’t agree with that. It’s bullshit.”
“She’s right, Soph,” Rico states.
I glare at him, his side comments are not helping.
“What do you want me to do?” I ask.
“Call him and ask if he has feelings for you,” Katerina states. “No, scratch that, call him and ask if he loves you.”
I laugh, “Yeah I am not doing that.”
They both stare as I get to my feet.
“Seriously, I will handle my relationship on my own. We all need to convince Papa to give a real, sincere apology. And
Katerina, we need to get an amazing designer because if I’m going to walk down the aisle and get married, I will be doing so in
an amazing dress. Okay?”
“Yeah, you got it,” she says on a sigh.
“Thanks, sorella. I’m going to bed. Good night.”
After taking a shower, I head out to find a text on my phone from Tony.

I’m sorry I didn’t reply these past few days. I’ll answer all your texts from now on, I promise.


We’re going to get through this, blondie. Together.

When I fall asleep that night, it’s to the thought of him. And if I’m being honest, of all the men I could have ended up in this
fucked up situation with, at least it’s him. I might not know how he truly feels, but I know he cares about me.
That has to be enough.

TWO DAYS LATER, I’m invited to dinner at the De Luca mansion. Rico decides to escort me, but I think he was ordered to by my
Papa. Albert drives us. Tony’s standing outside when we arrive. He offers me a small smile.
“Is the bodyguard really necessary?” he questions gesturing at Rico.
My cousin arches an eyebrow. I watch as he steps forward stretching his hand.
“I’m Fredrico but everyone calls me Rico. I’m Sophia’s cousin. You threw a dagger at me once,” Rico introduces.
I choke down a surprised laugh but Tony, the idiot, actually laughs outright. He looks at me, mirth shining in his eyes.
“Okay I like him,” he says, shaking Rico’s hand. “I’m Tony, your cousin’s boyfriend. I promise I won’t be throwing or
stabbing you anymore in the foreseeable future.”
A warm feeling slides through me at him referring to himself as my boyfriend. A little presumptuous considering he never
asked me and we never had the conversation. But what am I expecting him to say? Baby mama? Future wife?
“Good because if you hurt her, I’ll be the one doing the stabbing.”
Tony’s smile widens, “Yeah, I definitely like him.”
I roll my eyes. “Can we go inside now?”
I’m slightly nervous about meeting his family. Officially. Considering the only times they’ve met me is on the other side of a
large conference table and I’ve never actually spoken to any of them, I want to make a good impression.
I have never met the families of any of my boyfriends. Except Dimitri, whose father I met once but Dimitri doesn’t count.
Tony moves to my side as we walk through the double doors of the house.
“Don’t be nervous,” he says quietly.
I look up at him, wondering how he can tell that I am. His hand moving up my arm. He rubs my skin in soothing motion that
has me immediately relaxing.
“I’m okay,” I tell him.
He leads us through the home that’s artfully decorated. I’m not surprised by the art pieces hanging all over the walls
considering Rosario De Luca lives here. it makes sense. And it’s nice and cozy. Despite how huge it is, it feels like a home.
My heels clack against the marble floors as we walk towards a large door. Tony opens it to reveal a large dining room.
there’s enough chairs for 16 people but there are only five currently occupied. Roman’s seated at the head of the table, his
mother is seated on one side and his wife on the other. There’s a booster seat holding a squirming little girl who can’t be more
than two years old.
“Everyone, this is Sophia Mincetti,” Tony announces with flourish. “But you already knew that. And that’s her cousin, Rico.
Blondie, this is my family.”
I roll my eyes at the blasé introduction but he’s not done.
Tony faces the elderly woman first, “Maria’s practically my mother. She helped raise me since I was a teenager ever since
my mother passed away,” he clears his throat before continuing. “Elena’s my little sister. Roman’s my brother. And that little
one there is Cassieopeia. We all call her Cassie,” he says softly.
The toddler looks at him at the mention of her name.
“Zio,” she calls for her uncle, holding out her hands to be held.
He immediately goes to her, leaving me to smile awkwardly at his family members.
“It’s nice to meet you all,” I say quietly. Oh God, kill me now. It doesn’t help that they’re all being so quiet, staring at me
like they’re not quite sure what to do or say.
Tony returns to my side, carrying Cassie in his arms.
“Cassie, meet Sophia. She’s going to be your new aunt. Your Zia,” he says warmly, holding her in front of me. I stare into
her big blue eyes and I can’t fight a smile. She’s so adorable.
“Hi, Cassie.”
“Can you say Sophia, Cass? Go on, say hi Sophia,” Tony prompts his niece.
“Hi, Sophia,” she repeats dutifully staring at me. “Sophia pretty.”
“Yeah, she’s really pretty isn’t she?” Tony asks, looking at me.
I forget how to breath for a moment. And then there’s a throat clearing and we all turn to stare at the De Luca matriarch.
“Sophia, please have a seat. You too, Rico,” Maria says gently.
We do so immediately. Tony drops Cassie back in her chair and I take a seat beside him. Maria calls for dinner to be
served and while the food is good, the silence is slightly unnerving.
“Yeah I can’t take this anymore,” Elena suddenly says midway through the meal. “We’re sorry for being so awkward,
Sophia. We’re not doing it on purpose.”
“Tony has never brought any women home before,” Maria states. “And he’s certainly never looked at any woman like she
hung the moon before as well.”
Beside me, Tony proceeds to choke. I grab a glass of water to hide my smile. I hear Roman chuckle.
“We don’t have anything against you,” Maria continues. “And I’m glad that you’ll be joining our family. Tony’s one of my
children and once the two of you are married, you’ll be one of my children as well.”
“Thank you,” I breathe.
“And we’ll be sisters,” Elena says excitedly. “I can’t wait for your wedding. I know there’s not a lot of time to plan but I
already have so many ideas for it.”
“Before their wedding though, I think we should have an engagement party. What do you think, Sophia? One to officially
commemorate your union. I’ve noticed you still don’t have a ring,” she says throwing Tony a sharp look.
“I’m going to get her one soon,” Tony mutters beside me.
“We’ll have the party once he finally gets around to it. Nothing too large, just your family and ours. Elena and I will take
care of the planning. Is that okay, cara?”
I blink, staring into their faces, a little overwhelmed. Beside me, Tony’s hand moves down my thigh before reaching for my
hand. He intertwines our fingers and squeezes once.
“Yes, that’s perfect,” I say softly.

O f course I would to be getting married to the one woman in the world that would insist on picking her engagement ring
herself. I had to tag along with her and her sister to go shopping for the ring she wanted. It was nice getting to know
Katerina and I’m glad she eventually found a ring she loved. I paid and we went for dinner later where I proposed. I
even got down on one knee to slide the ring onto her finger.
If I’m being honest, the entire thing felt a bit clinical. Unreal. Which I hate because one of the things I like best about Sophia
is how real she feels.
I’m currently standing at the bar at our engagement party and it’s all still feeling a bit surreal. The entire evening has been
an unending line of guests wanting to congratulate us. I thought Maria said the party was supposed to be small.
I ask for a shot of whiskey and throw it back before requesting another one. Which is when I feel a presence at my back. I
almost roll my eyes at the sight of Eduardo Mincetti stepping beside me.
“Can I help you?” I drawl, staring forward because the sight of his face still fills me with rage.
“You and I are going to have to get used to each other, son. You are getting married to my daughter.”
“I’m aware,” I mutter, suddenly needing much more than a few shots of whiskey to get through the night.
Eduardo’s sighs beside me before saying something truly surprising.
“Your mother- I truly am sorry for what happened to her. She was caught up in a terrible situation. She didn’t deserve what
I did to her. And I’m sorry for taking her away from you. Watching my girls grow up without their mother… I am sympathetic to
what you had to go through. And a part of me wishes I didn’t contribute to that kind of pain.”
I look sideways in surprise, unwilling to believe he’s actually saying those words. Technically he already apologized. A
few days ago. To me and Elena. He even managed to sound sincere then but this feels much more.
Eduardo places a hand on my shoulder. “I always used to say when my girls were growing up that Katerina’s my backbone
and Sophia’s my heart. She has so much light and compassion in her. She has the best parts of me and her mother. Don’t break
her heart,” he says softly.
I stare at him for a couple of moments. Until I can shake off my surprise and manage a nod.
“I’ll take care of her,” I promise.
“I don’t just want you to take care of her, Anthony. I want you to love her and treat her like the princess that she is. She
likes to act tough, but deep down, she’s just as fragile as anyone else.”
“I understand.”
“Alright, good,” he says, squeezing my shoulder. “I think you’ll make a fine husband.”
I raise my shot glass in cheers at that. He turns to leave then seems to remember something.
“By the way, I was wondering how I could get in touch with your father. He might not want to hear it, but I figured he
deserves an apology as well. He’s not at the party…” Eduardo trails off.
My jaw clenches as I stare straight forward. “That’s because he wasn’t invited.”
There’s a thoughtful pause before Eduardo speaks.
“Ironic isn’t it? I was the one that caused the problem, and yet I’m here at your engagement party.”
“It’s not the same thing,” I grit out.
Eduardo pats my arm. “I hope you learn to forgive him.”
He leaves and after another shot of whiskey, I get back to Sophia. She’s talking to her sister but her eyes move to meet mine
as I approach.
“Where did you go?” she questions.
I wrap my arms around her waist pulling her to my chest. She relaxes against me immediately.
“I was having a wonderful conversation with your father,” I inform her.
She lets out a soft sigh, “Please tell me the two of you didn’t get into another argument. Like it or not, you’re both going to
have to learn to play nice.”
I chuckle, “He actually apologized, a little more sincere than the last one. Then we had a man to man conversation.”
“Man to man?” she questions.
“Yeah. He asked me to take care of you,” I say softly. “He really loves you.”
Deep down I know we asked him to give up on a lot. It can’t have been easy for a man like Eduardo. But it’s a testament to
how much he loves his daughters that he did.
“Yeah, he does,” Sophia says.
I have a feeling she’s about to say something and I know I’m not going to like what that is. So far I’ve been avoiding any
talks about my father. Tonight’s not going to be any different. I turn her around to look at her.
“By the way, have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?” I ask, placing a kiss on her forehead.
“No,” she says, a smile in her voice.
“Well you do. You look positively ravishing, blondie,” I say, staring down at her.
“Thanks, you don’t look too bad yourself,” she states, patting my chest.
We’re called to the middle of the room to share a dance. I don’t really dance but Sophia looks excited by the prospect. It’s
a slow song so I take a step forward and grab her left hand before placing my other hand on her waist. She reaches up to grip
my shoulder lightly.
A shiver goes down my spine, almost like an electrical current. For a moment we stand frozen, her eyes locked onto mine.
Her scent surrounds me, intoxicating. Everything else falls away and it’s almost like we’re the only two people in the room.
And then we begin to move, flowing seamlessly and gliding across the floor.
“I didn’t think you’d be a good dancer,” Sophia says while we dance.
I spin her around once before replying, “Please, blondie. There’s nothing I can’t do.”
“Careful, Tony, your ego’s showing,” she cautions with a smile. “I used to love to dance. When I was really little back
when my mom was alive, she enrolled me in a dance academy. I had to stop though after she died, it was too hard.”
“Like me with swimming,” I murmur. “Except when she was gone, I went at it harder, swimming constantly as a way to
remember. I didn’t do it professionally anymore though.”
Sophia’s face softens and she offers me a small smile.
“So you used to dance as a kid? What else?” I ask.
“I had a lot of hobbies,” she tells me. “Kat tells me it was frustrating because I loved to do so many things. I picked up art
at some point, ballet, archery. I also loved to skate. It was my favorite thing to do with Kat when we were younger. Fashion
was also a big part of my life at some point. Most of my hobbies never really stuck as a I grew older though.”
“So you actually are good at everything you do?” I ask her.
She shrugs, “Yeah, but unlike some people. I don’t like to brag.”
I chuckle softly. She leans further into me, her head lying on my chest as we continue taking slow steps. When she lifts her
head and her eyes meet mine, there’s like a gravitational pull between us. My head lowers.
Her lips press gently into mine and they’re so soft. She tastes so right. Like mine. I wrap my arms around her waist, running
my hands up her back and kissing her back passionately. Her hands slide from my neck to my hair. When my tongue plunges into
her mouth, she makes soft breathy sounds that drive me wild. All the fucking time.
I completely forget we’re in the middle of a room filled with our family members until I hear clapping and some cat calls.
Sophia pulls away and I groan softly before looking up into the faces of the people laughing around us. I hadn’t even realized
the music stopped.
“One good thing about everyone knowing about us,” I whisper into Sophia’s ear. “I get to kiss you anytime I want.”

EDUARDO MIGHT HAVE APOLOGIZED and slightly redeemed himself with his actions. But he’s still an asshole for insisting we’re
married in less than four weeks. It’s been hell trying to get everything in place. I’ve also barely gotten to see Sophia. She
spends most days making preparations and most nights at her family’s home. We haven’t really been able to speak, which is
When Elena lets it slip that they’re going for dress fittings, I decide to stop by unannounced. Which does not go over well.
A scrap of fabric is thrown at my face by Katerina.
“What are you doing here?” she shouts. “What if you see her dress? It’s bad luck.”
Sophia has a slight smile on her face as she watches me getting chewed out by her sister. My own sister is absolutely no
help as well. I roll my eyes.
“I just came by to take Sophia on a coffee date.”
“She’s busy,” is the immediate reply.
My eyes narrow and Katerina stares right back not letting up. Sophia must decide to take pity on me because she get to her
feet, moving to stand by my side.
“It’ll just be ten minutes, Kat. There’s a coffee shop two blocks away,” she states, pulling on her jacket.
Katerina looks at us for a second before sighing. “Fine, go.”
“You two have fun,” Elena calls out as I lead Sophia out of the room.
“Your sister’s a porcupine,” I state as we walk down the street. “All prickly and uninviting.”
She slaps my shoulder, “Don’t be mean.”
“That’s not me being mean. I was being sincere. Plus, I like her prickly attitude. Just worried she’ll chop my dick off one
day,” I grumble.
Sophia laughs, “Don’t worry, I would never let her do that.”
“That’s not very reassuring, blondie.”
We arrive at the coffee shop and take our seats.
“I want an iced mocha,” Sophia tells me, “Extra syrup and milk.”
“You got it baby,” I say, sliding out of my chair. Then I consider something before sliding back in.
“Is caffeine good for the baby though?” I question.
Sophia places her hand on her palm, smiling at me. “You’re going to be one of those over protective dads that won’t let the
women breathe throughout their pregnancy, aren’t you?”
We found out a few days ago that she’s seven weeks along. The doctor confirmed that we had nothing to worry about and
then we got a lecture about how best to take care of our baby.
Most days the fact that we’re having a baby doesn’t feel real. And then reality hits me and I’m so fucking terrified I can
barely breath.
“Yep, anything wrong with that?” I ask in a serious tone.
She laughs, “No, and with regards to your question, yes I can have caffeine. So go get me a mocha. Please,” she adds,
fluttering her eyelashes.
I sigh. There’s probably nothing she can ask me for that I wouldn’t give her and I think she’s starting to figure that out.
I buy us the coffee and retake my seat. We’re only able to talk for a couple of minutes before she gets a text. She checks it
and offers me an apologetic smile.
“Let me guess, the porcupine’s calling you back.”
“Stop calling my sister a porcupine,” she states.
“I’ll stop when she stops intruding on my time with you.”
“We really are busy. Planning a wedding isn’t exactly a walk in the park.”
“Women have to make everything so fucking complicated. I only had to make two visits to the guy designing my suit. The
first one so he could get my measurements and then the next visit was for fittings. That’s it. I feel like you go for dress fittings
every single day,” I say frustrated.
Sophia offers me a soft smile that has my heart racing.
“Okay fine. I’ll stay longer if you can tell me the difference between these three colors,” she says, grabbing her phone and
turning it on.
She shows me three different pictures and I stare at them hard before looking up at her.
“Baby, aren’t those the exact same shades of pink?”
She laughs, “No. They are completely different and it’s what I’ve been having to deal with every day. Making sure
everything is perfect and looks good.”
“I just want to talk to you for a bit,” I mutter.
Sophia gets to her feet.
“After the wedding,” she says, leaning down to kiss my cheek. “We can talk all you want after the wedding.”
But why does a part of me feel like there’s a conversation we should have before the wedding otherwise it’ll be too late?
She leaves and I’m left staring at my cup of coffee with a frown. One good thing about all this is Michael’s return back
home after three weeks at the hospital. I arrive back at the house just in time to welcome him. I’m really glad to see him on his
Kiara goes to help with dinner preparations leaving both of us alone in the living room.
“Never scare us like that again,” I say pointing at his face. “Never again.”
“Sure, I’ll make sure never to get shot and mortally wounded again,” he says sarcastically.
I grin, yeah I definitely missed him. He’s an idiot but he’s also my best friend.
“How’s your fiancée?” he asks. His eyes briefly flutter shut as he chuckles. “I can’t believe I almost die and come back to
life and you’re suddenly getting married.”
“Yeah I can’t believe it either,” I mutter.
He stares at me for a moment, “What’s wrong?”
Before I can reply, Roman’s sauntering into the room. “Heard you were back, Mikey. How are you feeling?”
“I’m good. Good enough to perform my duties at the best man next week,” Michael states with a grin.
Roman rolls his eyes, “We’re both best men, Mikey. Get over yourself.”
I asked them both to be my best man because it’s not like I could choose one over the other. They’re both my brothers.
“What were you two talking about?”
Michael gestures at me with a nod in my direction.
“Seems like the groom has some reservations when ti comes to the marriage.”
“Yeah I noticed something was up too. What is it?” Roman questions.
I groan, I can ever get anything past them.
“First off, I do not have reservations. I do want to marry her. It’s just she said something to me and it’s been bothering me
since she said it.”
“She said it would be hard to build a relationship when we don’t even trust each other.”
“You don’t trust her?” Michael asks.
“I don’t know, man. I think I do but it’s been a crazy couple of weeks. So much went down. I followed her to her family’s
building. And then she found out about the weapons shipment, told her family which led to you getting shot.”
Roman nods like he understands while Michael just looks confused.
“Wait a minute. Do you think she was the one that told her family about the shipment?”
“Yeah, I’m not sure how she found out. But we were the only three that knew. It makes sense that she got the information
from me somehow. Although I don’t remember telling her,” I grumble.
Michael shakes his head. “That’s because you didn’t. I forgot to tell you. The reason they found out about the shipment.
Katerina hacked into my computer. She slipped into my system through a backdoor when I accessed the files on the flash drive
we took. I didn’t realize until later that she would have seen all our files, which is why I went to the docks in the first place.
Because I was worried they would try something.”
I stare at Michael, my mouth open. “Wait so you’re telling me she had nothing to do with her family finding about the
“No, it was all her sister. And my fault as well for not making sure my laptop was secure. Katerina’s skills are infuriatingly
I can barely hear him. I’m thinking over the past few weeks. The day I ambushed her at the house, blaming her for what
happened to Michael.
I rub my hands over my face, “Fuck.”
“I’m guessing you fucked something up,” Roman says with a smirk. “Don’t worry, it happens.”
All this while I had been thinking she betrayed my trust but she didn’t do anything. Damn it.
“She’s a good person,” Michael says causing me to look up at him. “That night, after I got shot, even as I was losing
consciousness, I could hear her calling my name. My memory’s fuzzy but I’m pretty sure she was trying to stop the blood, she
kept calling for help. She barely knew me, T. All she knew was that I was your best friend but that was enough. She sounded so
scared. But it was for you. She was scared because she didn’t want you to lose your best friend.”
My heart clenches at that. I’m completely and utterly speechless.
“If that woman doesn’t already love you, she’s well on her way,” Roman drawls.
“He’s right. Just try to do right by her, okay?” Michael says.
I let out a breath and run a hand through my hair.
“Sometimes I wonder if I even deserve her,” I state.
“You probably don’t,” Roman says. “But now that you’re marrying her, you have every day of your life to work towards
deserving her.”
My chest tightens and I know without a doubt I’ll do exactly as he just said.

A few seconds after I knock on Tony’s door, he opens it, shirtless. I stare unabashedly at the contours of his abs and his
He lets me ogle him for a couple of seconds before drawling, “I already know you like what you see, blondie. But
are you going to stand there all day?”
I roll my eyes before pushing past him and heading into the room, “Put on a shirt, will you?” I mutter.
Our wedding’s in two days and I was in the house talking over some last minute stuff with Maria when I decided to come
up here to see him.
He goes to grab a shirt while I take a seat on his bed. My eyes glide across the room. It’s nice, clean, filled with a lot of
dark colors. Black bedsheets, black paint. The only splash of color in the room is the yellow beanbag on the floor and the desk.
“I can’t believe you insulted my house when your room very much screams emo,” I say to him.
“First off, I never insulted your house,” he states. “And also this emo room will be yours for a couple of days. At least until
we find a house,” he says on a frown.
After the whole fiasco, I decided to put my house up on the market. It just wasn’t doing it for me anymore. Plus I figured we
should pick a house we both liked, one that would be just ours.
“We could always stay here,” I suggest. “I like this house. I think it would be nice to live with your family.”
He scoffs, moving to sit beside me, “You say that now, but I assure you, you’ll come to regret that statement. You moved out
of your family’s house because you hated being around too many people. We’re getting a house on our own,” he states
I smile. Sometimes it’s nice to have someone that’s completely attune to your moods and needs.
“Alright fine. I was just saying.”
His hand wraps around my waist and he pulls me closer, breathing me in.
“How are you feeling? How’s the morning sickness?”
“Still kicking my ass,” I reply “I wake up every morning feeling like death.”
He places a kiss on my cheek, “Sorry, baby. I’ll look up some methods to help you feel better later tonight.”
“I already did,” I sigh. “Nothing’s really helping. But that’s not why I came up here,” I tell him, shifting away to look at
He arches an eyebrow. “Why do I have a feeling I’m not going to like what you’re about to say?”
“Because you’re probably not? Just don’t get mad.”
“I make no such promises,” he says, as expected.
Well, here goes nothing.
“I couldn’t help but notice that your father hasn’t received an invitation to our wedding.”
His expression hardens instantly, “Because he’s not invited.”
“Tony… you can’t not invite your father to your wedding. It’s not right.”
“Blondie, one thing about me is that I excel at doing things most people consider ‘not right’. My father’s not coming and
that’s final.”
I exhale softly. I was really hoping this wouldn’t lead to an argument.
“Too bad, because it’s my wedding too and I’m going to invite him,” I say firmly.
He stares at me for a beat before getting to his feet.
“I said he’s not coming, blondie.”
“He’s coming,” I retort.
Tony lets out a growl, “Fucking hell, Sophia.”
Several emotions pass through his face at once. He glares at me before stepping out of the room, slamming the door behind
I sigh softly once he’s gone. That went exactly how I expected it to. I hate that I’m forcing him to do something he really
doesn’t want to but I know in my heart that he’s doing the right thing. If he doesn’t invite his father to something so monumental,
he’ll regret it for the rest of his life.
A minute later, I hear a small knock before the door opens to reveal Elena.
“Hey,” she says walking in. “I’m sorry, I just happened to overhear your argument.”
“I didn’t mean to overstep,” I quickly say because it’s her father too. “I just, I thought I was doing the right thing.”
“Oh no, you did the absolute perfect thing,” she tells me. Elena moves to take a seat beside me on the bed. “The truth is,
I’ve been in contact with my dad. He was so distraught when I told him Tony was getting married. He wants to come but I had
no idea how to bring it up to my brother. Thank you for doing it for us,” she says, holding my hand.
“You’re welcome. Frankly, I think he’s being a stubborn idiot.”
Elena laughs, “Sorry about that too. It’s a Legan trait. And Tony is unfortunately the worst of us. He has his good moments
“Yeah, I know. I’m counting on those nice moments during our very long, happy life together,” I say dryly.
“Seriously though, I’m so glad he’s found you. The two of you just fit. I don’t think I’ve ever seen two people that make as
much sense as you.”
“Aren’t you happily married?” I point out and she laughs.
“Okay fine. Roman and I make sense. And so do Kiara and Michael, Enzo and Rosa. And so do you and Tony. Wanna know
what all eight of us have in common?”
I nod slowly.
“We’ve all found our soulmates,” she says softly. My eyes widen at that and Elena smiles. “You might not believe it yet but
I know it. Anyone looking at the both of you can see it. Sophia, my brother has a lot of faults. He’s nowhere near perfect. But
all I’ve wished for, for a long time is someone who could love him despite all those faults. Someone who could peel back the
layers, see the real him and love him regardless.”
My throat dries and I look away because a part of me can’t fathom myself being that person. But another part of me wants
so badly to be that person. A part of me knows I’m already halfway there.
“I’ll try my best to be that person,” I tell Elena.
She beams before pulling me into a hug. “Thank you so much.”
We’re still hugging when Tony reappears at the doorway.
“Get out, Elena,” he says to his sister. I shoot him a look for his rude tone.
Elena simply shakes her head before wishing me good night and walking out. She also makes sure to make an obscene
gesture at her brother with her middle finger as she leaves. He simply rolls his eyes. Once she’s gone, I watch him carefully for
a second.
“Are you done being mad?”
“I wasn’t mad, just frustrated,” he mutters, climbing onto the bed.
“Can I invite your dad?” I ask gently.
He waves a hand in the air, “Do whatever you want, blondie.”
I grin then let out a surprised gasp when he pulls me until I’m lying sideways in front of him. I stare into those brown eyes
that hold more power over me than he realizes.
“Stay over tonight,” Tony says, his voice low.
“I can’t,” I say apologetically. “Albert’s picking me up in ten minutes, sorry. Papa’s being old-fashioned and has banned me
from spending the night with you until the wedding.”
He groans, pulling me into his chest. “Fine. The wedding’s only two days away. I can survive until them.”
I let him hold me for a few more minutes before I have to leave. He follows me outside so we can wait for Albert.
“You know the best thing about getting married?” he asks, presses a kiss to my forehead.
He’s started doing that recently. Saying one random thing he likes about us getting married. He has no idea how relieving it
is to hear it. Even if he tends to say the dumbest things sometimes. There’s other times when he says something so unbelievably
romantic, I can’t help but swoon.
“What?” I ask eagerly.
“Not having to say goodnight,” he whispers before kissing me softly.
My heart lurches, sinks and then starts up again as his mouth moves over mine. I hold on to him for dear life as I feel my
legs turn to jelly. By the time he pulls away I’m a breathless mess and Albert has pulled up in front of us.
“Goodnight, baby.”
He helps me into the car and after he makes sure to greet Albert, we drive off. I smile to myself the entire ride.
Albert speaks up the minute we arrive at home, “Happiness looks good on you, miss Sophia.”
“It feels good too.”
EVERY LITTLE GIRL dreams about their wedding day. Most women have expectations of the day. They have wants, they have
hopes. And I’m not any different. Somehow though, despite all the shortcomings and hiccups along the way, my wedding with
Tony manages to blow all those expectations, wants and hopes out of the water.
Because it’s beautiful and so much more than I expected it to be. When we’re finally proclaimed husband and wife in front
of our family members and loved ones, all the anxiety I’ve been feeling literally falls away.
We finally made it. I can see in his eyes that he’s thinking the same thing as well. And when he kisses me, I know in my
heart that this was always where I was meant to be.
The only thing that would have made the day perfect was if Tony had actually acknowledged his father’s presence at the
wedding. Salvador congratulated me earnestly and I was glad to have met him. He seemed like a kind man, a little weary and
beaten down. Which I can’t blame him for considering the last couple of months. I just wish I knew how to convince my
husband to let go of all his anger.
It’s still surreal to think about. The fact that he’s my husband now. I am someone’s wife. We finally made it to our bedroom
around 10pm. After the stress of the day I needed a shower. Tony’s on the other side of the door, on our bed, waiting for me.
And I realize I still have one more thing to be anxious about. I put on pink pajama shorts and a shirt, bypassing the lingerie
set, Katerina gifted to me and made me promise to wear tonight. If I step outside wearing next to nothing, Tony will be on me in
seconds and I won’t get to say what’s on my mind.
“Blondie, you’ve been in there for nearly thirty minutes,” Tony yells and I laugh at his impatience.
Finally I step outside and walk towards the bed. “I had to take a long shower to scrub of all the makeup and shit that I used
to get ready,” I tell him.
“Well, I think you look even more beautiful now,” he says, grinning at me wolfishly.
He’s staring at me like I’m the most precious thing on the planet. I’m the farthest thing from stupid, and I know I’m not
blind. I realize he does have feelings for me but I would really like to hear it.
“We can’t have sex,” I blurt out.
His eyes bulge as he stares at me, “What?” he asks in surprise. I practically see the gears turning in his head as he takes in
my expression. Then he’s speaking quickly, “Geez, Sophia, what do you take me for? If you’re too tired then we can just sleep.
I don’t mind. I just want to hold you.”
“I’m not saying we can’t have sex.”
He cocks his head to the side. I’m pretty sure he’s wondering if I drank too much at the wedding.
“Yeah, you’ve lost me, blondie. What are you talking about?”
I let out a harsh breath before climbing onto the bed. I sit in front of him and intertwine my fingers.
“Why did you marry me?” I ask.
Tony stares at me, an amused smile on his face.
“Are you really asking me why I married you? Right now? On our wedding night?”
“Yes. Because I asked why you wanted to marry me a couple of weeks ago and you gave me this spiel about duty and
honor. And I need to know if that’s really how you feel. If it’s nothing more than that then I need to have a plan. I need to know
how to navigate this relationship if you don’t actually have any feelings for me other than-”
“Hold up, I’m going to have to stop you there, blondie. What the hell are you saying? Are you seriously questioning my
feelings for you right now?”
“I can’t even question them since I don’t know what they are,” I say quietly.
He stares at me for a couple of seconds.
“Do you want to know what my favorite part of you is?” he asks softly. “Your eyes. Those beautiful blue eyes. You know
they sometimes change depending on your emotions. Sometimes they’re clear like the sky, like the sea. But sometimes when
you’re angry, or really emotional, when you’re crying, they look like comets. Beautiful blazing twin blue flames.”
I suck in a breath at the description. But Tony’s not done.
“You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, Sophia. Every moment I spend in your presence is filled with awe because
I can’t believe someone like you is standing in front of me. It’s not just how you look, it’s how you feel. From the moment we
met on that rooftop, everything about you has just felt right to me. And I know I should have said this before we got married but
I’m saying it now. You own every single part of my heart, Sophia. It’s been yours for a long time.”
Seconds tick by and I’m not sure I’m even breathing. When a tear slides down my face, Tony thumbs it away. I didn’t even
realize he had moved so close.
“Comets,” he breathes, staring at me with so much passion it makes my heart ache.
“Stupid pregnancy hormones,” I sniff, rubbing at my eyes.
The corners of Tony’s mouth lift up into a smile. I look up at him.
“So you like me?” I ask.
“Blondie, after all I just said it’s pretty clear I more than like you. Alright?”
I nod, “I like you too,” I tell him. “Just in case you didn’t know.”
He laughs outright, “I know now.”
“Good. It’s good that you know. And I feel all of that too. Everything you said. I feel it too.”
“I know, baby.”
“You can kiss me now,” I tell him.
Tony arches an eyebrow. “Just kiss?”
I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him downward towards me. “You can do whatever you want to me,” I whisper.
“Careful what you wish for, blondie,” he tells me, a challenge in his eyes.
Later when he’s sliding into me, it feels like a homecoming. And I realize for the first time what people mean when they say
a home could be a person. Tony’s my home. And I plan to keep him. for a very long time.
I’m pretty sure I plan to keep him forever.

I wake up to the scent of apples. Sophia’s hair tickles my chest as she leans over me, placing a kiss on my lips. I smile, my
eyes still shut because a part of me can’t believe she’s beside me right now. Or that I get to wake up next to her.
“Tony,” she says softly, “You need to get up. You have a meeting this morning.”
I make a small disgruntled noise before rolling over until she’s lying under me. She stares up at me wide eyed for a second
before surging upward and kissing me hard. It’s consuming and leaves me with a heady feeling. By the time she pulls away, my
heart is struggling to beat at a normal pace.
“Good morning, Mrs. Legan.”
She beams. “Hey. Did you sleep well?”
“Yeah,” I reply, rolling down to her side and reaching for her hair. I twirl a strand in my finger. “How about you? Do you
feel sick this morning?”
She shakes her head, “No I actually feel okay. I got a good night’s rest and the doctor said my morning sickness wouldn’t be
as constant anymore.”
We moved into our home a few days ago. It has officially been three weeks since we got married and I’ve spent every day
of those three weeks marveling in the fact that we’re actually here. After we had that conversation the night of our wedding,
things have been much easier. Communication, being with each other. I crave every single moment with her.
We’ve also worked out most of our issues. Especially trust. Once we became much more open with each other, it was
easier to be more honest. Our beginning might have adversely affected the progression of our relationship but we’ve worked
through that and we’re better now on the other side.
She’s the person I trust the most now.
“That’s good. It means our little girl isn’t bothering you this morning, huh?” I ask, staring down at her stomach. “I think she
deserves a kiss for that.”
Sophia rolls her eyes, “We don’t know if we’re having a girl or a boy yet.”
“It’s a girl,” I say assuredly, leaning down to press a kiss on her stomach. She hasn’t started to show yet but there’s a tiny
bundle of joy growing in there. One that’s equal parts me and her. “I can feel it. And I think she’ll have your eyes.”
“And your hair,” Sophia adds, smiling widely when I start kissing upwards. “She’ll definitely inherit your stubbornness.”
I take a bite out of her stomach for that before licking the sting away. She gasps softly, the gasp turning into a moan when I
begin kissing a path upwards towards her breasts. She’s only in a bralette and I don’t have any trouble, pushing the thin
material away so I can close my mouth over a nipple. When I suck it hard, she clamps down on my hair.
“Tony, you’re going to be late,” she moans.
“I don’t care,” I say, before moving to her left tit, sucking, biting and doing my best to drive her wild.”
My hand trails down to her clit and I thrust one finger into her already wet pussy. Sophia lets out a moan loud enough to
wake the dead. Heat spreads through my veins and my cock grows impossibly harder as I thrust into her tight, wet heat. Sophia
comes with a soft gasp, burying her head in her chest. I continue thrusting into her with my fingers, helping her to ride out the
When her breathing eases, she looks up at me, eyes bright and filled with lust. When she looks at me, I feel alive, powerful.
It’s a heady feeling.
“I want you.”
A laugh escapes me, “I want you too, Sophia. All the damn time.”
She bucks underneath me when my tongue traces a pulse point on her neck.
“Tony,” she moans, squirming under me.
I decide to put us both out of our misery, sliding my boxer briefs down until my cock bobs forward. She wraps her hand
around my length, directing it to her clit. I shift the panties she’s wearing to the side, entering her in one hard thrust that has us
Everything else falls away as I fuck her. My wife, the mother of my children, the woman who was made for me. She holds
onto me tight and it doesn’t take long before she’s screaming, her orgasm barreling through her.
Not too long after, spots darken my vision. My breathing turns ragged and I shoot into her with a hoarse cry. When I return
back to planet earth, I roll us around so Sophia’s lying on top of me.
“That was definitely worth Roman cursing me out when I arrive late for our meeting,” I say still breathing heavily.
Sophia smiles against my chest at that.
We finally manage to get entangled and climb out of bed. I head for the bathroom to take a shower, completely satisfied
with a wide smile on my face. Sophia goes to prepare us some breakfast. We have a schedule that works for us. Most days she
stays home to rest, she’s weaker, prone to tiredness. It can’t be easy carrying a baby so I’ve been doing my best to help her
through it.
“I think we should name her Lyra,” Sophia says when we take a seat to eat. “And if it’s a boy, we should name him Leo.”
I recently told her about how our mother named us after constellations and Greek myths. It’s a sweet tradition that Elena’s
continued and we have every plan to as well.
“I love that,” I tell her.
We eat in silence for a couple of minutes before Sophia shifts in her seat looking up at me eagerly.
“What is it, blondie?” I question.
“I’m retiring.”
My eyebrows go up, “Baby, you’re like 25 years old. Exactly why would you be retiring?”
“I mean I’m leaving the Cosa Nostra.”
That has me leaning backward with my eyes slightly wide.
“Yeah, I talked to Kat about it yesterday. I still have a few things to resolve within the family but I don’t think I want to
continue being a part of the business.”
I’m more than a little surprised. But I’ve also noticed she doesn’t really enjoy what she does. She has so many interests,
likes and wants, she was bound to find a new path eventually.
“What did your dad have to say?”
“I haven’t told him yet. I wanted to tell you first,” she says.
“I think it’s great, Sophia. I hated you doing something so dangerous anyway. At least now you’ll be out of harm’s way.”
She gives me a look, “I can take care of myself, thank you very much. But you’re right. I’m just going to chill for a couple of
months. At least until we have our baby. Then I was thinking… I should go into fashion. Like the business aspect. I could get a
job with a magazine or managing a company. It’ll be fun,” she says, her eyes glinting in a way that nearly takes my breath away.
“You’ll be amazing,” I tell her.
“I’ll tell my dad today. Albert’s coming to pick me up in an hour. And I still have commitments and a deal to conclude with
Li Jen.”
“This Singaporean billionaire who’s our partner in mining.”
“Okay, stay safe,” I tell her, getting to my feet and packing away our plates.
“Don’t forget to come pick me up. We have a lunch appointment.”
I turn around so she doesn’t see my jaw clench. After several days of trying to convince me, I finally agreed to see my
father. A part of me is still so angry. But another part understands that I can’t hate him forever. He may have done something
unequivocally wrong. But he doesn’t deserve that.
And honestly, I can understand why he made his choices. I still don’t like those choices, but now that I’m going to become a
parent myself, I get that he was just doing what he thought was best.
I hear Sophia rise to her feet and she throws her arms around her waist.
“It’ll be okay.”
“Sure, baby,” I say turning around to hug her and press a kiss to her hair. “And after we’re done with my father, I’ll take you
ice skating. You said you loved to do it with your sister, right?”
She nods smiling up at me.
“It’s a date.”
I leave the house, driving to work, although a part of me is already itching to go back to her. I think I might have serious
attachment issues.
After taking care of all the issues designated to me by the Don, I’m driving over to pick up Sophia. Lunch with my dad is a
tense affair with Sophia handling most of the conversation and serving as a middle man between the both of us.
When she leaves to grab something from the kitchen, it’s just me and my dad in the dining room.
I haven’t been to this house since the fight. It doesn’t feel at home anymore. I don’t think it’s ever really felt like a home.
Especially not since I had another one I spent majority of my time at growing up.
“You married a wonderful woman,” he speaks up.
My father’s aged a lot in the past few months. His dark hair has so much more gray and the wrinkles around his face are
much more pronounced. Looking back on our relationship, a lot of things make so much more sense.
Why there always seemed to be this hole, that neither Elena nor I could cross when it came to my father. He was grieving
his dead wife and we had no idea.
I clear my throat before replying, “She is. I’m lucky to have her.”
“You are. And I’m really thankful you decided to accept my invitation.”
“You have Sophia to thank for that. She might be even more stubborn than me.”
“I doubt that’s possible,” he smiles. “I know we have a long way to go before our relationship goes back to what it was
Anthony but I want you to know that I am so proud of what you’ve been able to achieve.”
I swallow a knot in my throat, “Thanks, dad.”
Sophia returns and the tension in the air is calmer as we continue our meal. By the time we leave dad I’m feeling much
lighter. We head over to the skating rink and it’s more fun than I’ve had in years.
Everything’s fun when I do it with Sophia.
“Thank you, for making me do that,” I say when we pull up in our driveway later that night. “Talking to my father. I needed
She offers me a small smile, “It’s what I’m here for. Making sure you do the things that are absolutely good for you even if
you don’t want to. If I have to kick your ass to achieve that, I will.”
She leans forward to place a quick kiss on my lips.
“Well feel free to kick my ass anytime,” I say smiling.
“Anyway, I have to get out of here, I’m really tired and all I want is to climb into bed.”
She doesn’t waste a second unhooking her seatbelt and stepping out of the car.
I chuckle softly already planning on making us a snack and playing a movie so she can sleep easier. When I step out of the
car as well though I hear a tiny whimper. My head snaps up and my eyes widen at the sight in front of me.
“Tony,” Sophia whispers, standing impossibly still.
Because Dimitri Antonov is behind her. And he’s holding a knife to her throat.

L ife has a way of hitting you fast. One second you’re in a car with your husband, feeling grateful that the both of you found
each other. Feeling grateful for him and the way he always manages to say the right things and plan the most perfect dates.
Skating was exactly what I needed today.
But it’s been a long day and I was exhausted so I rushed out of the car. That’s the only reason Dimitri’s able to sneak up on
me. Because he caught me off guard. I had been thinking about my bed and lying on top of it when he whirled me around and
pressed a knife to my throat.
Tony doesn’t move as he takes in the scene. I can see him trying to work out a plan.
“Dimitri, what are you doing?!” I ask, feeling fear course through me.
The smell of alcohol is wafting off him. And when he opens his mouth to speak, I nearly gag.
“Did you forget me, Sophia? I was so hurt when I didn’t get an invitation to your wedding I thought about coming anyway
and torching the place but I managed to control myself. But the more I thought about ti, the angrier I got. You should have been
mine, Sophia. Mine. Instead you got pregnant for this bastard and then got married to him,”
“Okay. I understand. But you need to calm down. You don’t want to do this.”
He presses the knife further into my neck, the pressure’s starting to sting a little.
“Put the fucking knife down!” Tony yells slapping his hands against the car, a wild look in his eyes.
I’ve never seen him look so scared. I try to communicate to him that I’ll be fine.
“It’s okay,” I mouth.
Dimitri’s drunk. It’ll be easy to handle him.
“I came back for you, Sophia,” Dimitri whispers. “You should have been mine.”
I take in a sharp breath and my eyes meet Tony’s for half a second. Then I’m opening my mouth and clamping down on his
arm with my teeth, hard enough that he screams and rips his arm away. The knife falls to the floor. After a jab to his stomach
with my elbow, he lets me go completely and I stumble forward.
Tony’s immediately there, wrapping me in his arms.
“Are you okay? Sophia, look at me. Are you okay?”
“I’m fine. I’m okay,” I answer.
His eyes trail over me for a few seconds before he lifts them to Dimitri who’s swearing under his breath. When Tony’s eyes
darken, I suck in a sharp breath.
“No. Tony..” I start but it’s like he doesn’t even hear me.
He advances on Dimitri, his fists clenched. He punches him so hard he goes flying backward, landing like a heap on the
floor. Tony grabs the knife he dropped before moving to crouch beside him.
“You know I knew you were an idiot, but I didn’t think you were suicidal. I’ve actually been wondering where you’ve been
hiding out. I still need to pay you back for what happened to Michael. And then you decide to show up in front of me. How dare
you do that to her? And right in front of me too.”
The person speaking sounds exactly like Tony and yet someone not like him again. There’s a carefully contained rage in his
voice and yet he manages to sound calm and in control. I feel a chill run through me.
“You just threatened the woman I’m in love with, Dimitri.”
My heart stops at the sound of the confession. I knew but he’s never actually said the words before. Neither of us have. But
anything I’m feeling in relation to hearing it is quickly overshadowed by the sight of Tony slicing Dimitri’s arm open. Blood
rushes out and I place my hand against my lips, my eyes wide.
Dimitri screams, clutching at his arm.
“Shush, it’s fine,” he says, his voice gentle. It’s a little scary. “I’m only trying to get the alcohol out of your system. I hear
bleeding out is an effective way to do that. I need you sober when I kill you.”
When he slices Dimitri’s thigh and another horrendous cry goes out, I decide to step forward. I can’t keep watching this. I
place a hand on his shoulder.
“Tony,” I call. “Tony look at me.”
For a second I’m worried he doesn’t hear me. But he does and when he looks up at me, his brown eyes are filled with a
darkness that worries me.
“That’s enough,” I say softly.
His eyes narrow, “He held a knife to your throat, Sophia.”
“And I’m fine. He didn’t hurt me. You need to let him go.”
“No,” Tony growls.
“Tony, you do realize that if you kill him you’ll be inviting the wrath of half the Russian Bratva on us.”
He doesn’t reply, his eyes moving back to Dimitri’s who’s struggling to get to his feet.
“Just let him go. Please. Do it for me,” I beg. “Do it for our baby.”
That finally gets through to him. His jaw clenches as he rises to his feet.
“Get the fuck out of my sight, Antonov. If I see you again, I’ll finish what I started.”
He throws the knife and it clatters to the ground in front to Dimitri who dumbly stares at us for a few more seconds. I grit
my teeth making a face for him to beat it. I can’t believe how pathetic he’s become. It’s honestly embarrassing that I dated a
man like him in the first place. He finally stumbles away, clutching his arm and leaving a trail of blood behind him.
Tony leads me inside our house and as soon as we’re inside, he let out a breath of relief. We take a seat on the couch and he
pulls me into his lap, holding me tight.
When I feel his hand tremble at my back, I pull away to look him in the eye.
“Hey,” I say, placing a hand under his jaw. “I’m fine. Completely safe.”
“I hate seeing you in danger. Watching you like that, I swear it felt like my heart was about to combust. I wouldn’t survive it
if anything happened to you, Sophia,” he says gruffly.
“I’m fine though. Completely fine. There’s not even a scratch on me.”
He glares before placing his hand on my throat, right on the area where Dimitri held the knife. I wince slightly.
“That’s more than a scratch,” he mutters. “I should have punched him harder.”
I sigh softly, knowing I can’t put off this conversation any long.
“My mom always used to say something when she was alive,” I start. Tony’s eyes soften, his gaze immediately attentive.
“She was the daughter of a very dangerous man in the Russian Bratva and then when she married Papa, she became the wife of
a Don in the mafia. Her entire life she was surrounded by the death and loss that comes with her position. The constant danger,
the inability to trust people. It’s very easy to lose yourself when that happens. People in our world tend to carry this darkness
that clings to them until it becomes them.”
Tony’s hand tightens around me but he doesn’t say a word, letting me continue.
“Kat would always tell me how our mother insisted on us finding a balance. She pushed Papa to find that balance too.
There’s a very thin line between good and evil and most of the time we’re either tethering that edge or we’re on the other side
entirely. The bad side. I’m not saying you’re a bad person, Tony. I know you have so much light inside of you. But today when
you were slicing Dimitri’s skin open, I saw this darkness in your eyes and I hate it. I hated seeing that. I just don’t want you to
lose yourself.”
I’m worried he’ll get angry or lash out. But Tony simply smiles before running a hand up my arm.
“You know you’re not the first person to tell me that. I know there’s a darkness in me, baby. But I would never lose myself.
Not when I have you and our baby. I’m sorry you had to see me like that today, it’s something that I have to work on.”
“And I’ll help you. Just like my mom did for my dad, I’ll help you find that balance. Because you’re amazing and the most
important thing in the world to me apart from our baby.” I inhale softly before saying my next words. “Because I love you.”
His eyes are fixed on mine as he says, “I love you too, Sophia. You have no idea how much. You are my light. The best
thing to have ever happened to me. I watched my sister, my friends, the people around me find love. I watched them find
soulmates and I thought to myself that it could never be me. I thought it would have been too hard to open up my heart to
someone like that. But loving you has been one of the easiest things I’ve ever done, Sophia.”
“It’s easy for me too,” I say. “Crazy that two people with the biggest attachment issues managed to find each other.”
He chuckles. “Us finding each other was always inevitable. Ever since I walked onto the rooftop, I’ve known deep down
that you were something special. I knew you were mine. And I know without a doubt that our mothers would have been proud.”
“They would have been so proud of both of us,” I whisper.
He smiles before wrapping his hand around my neck and kissing me.
“I love you, Sophia. Always.”
“Always and forever,” I add. “The road will be long and bumpy. I’ll feel like killing you a lot and you’ll probably feel like
ripping your hair out once in a while..”
“But it’s worth it. Forever with you is worth anything in the world. You and our little one,” he says, placing his hand on my
Forever. Now that’s definitely something to look forward to. We could have easily not ended up here. So many things could
have gone wrong but we did end up here. The will of the universe, fate, my father’s stubbornness, his family’s meddling,
everything led us to this point.
Staring into his brown eyes, there’s no doubt in my mind that every choice I made to get here, are choices I would make all
over again. Every time.

Did you like this book? Then you’ll love…

Marrying the Merciless Don

A Dark Mafia Romance
Chapter 1: Enzo

One of the first lessons I ever learned is that the world really is black and white. There are no gray areas. There’s a very clear
line, and the moment you cross that line, the moment your soul starts to feel a little bit black. Then, after a while, it is black,
corrupted and unsavable. I guess the gray area could be that line. The edge, the middle of black and white. But if you’re
already tethering that edge, you’re halfway gone. You can take a step back into white, or you can wallow in the darkness. There
are good people in the world and there are bad people. And here’s one thing about me you should know: Good people make me
feel sick

Read Marrying the Merciless Don NOW!

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