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1. Do you like who you are right now ?

2. When was the last time I laughed so hard ?

3. What would I truly regret not doing if I died tonight ?
4. What advice has someone in my family given, and that I have taken
just in time ?
5. What were the top three lessons I learned the hard way ?
6. What would I do if my biggest fear came true ?
7. What would I do with my remaining days if I only had a year left ?
8. Am I a servant of money, or does money serve me ? (studies)
9. Why am I afraid of being true to myself when others are around ?
10. What are the top three things that I am most grateful for ?
11. Have I done something recently that I could be proud of ?
12. When was the last time I extended kindness to somebody ?
13. What question do I want to know the answer to if it will help
humanity ?
14. What do I really want in life ?
15. What aspect of my personality still needs improvement ?
16. Must I take other people’s advice ?
17. What annoys me the most ?
18. Do others find me likeable ?
19. When was the last time I fell head over heels with life ?
20.Am I enriching other people’s lives with what I do ?
21. How meaningful is my life ?
22. What makes my life meaningful ?
23. Would I lay down my life for somebody ?
24.How much money would I be willing to give to those in need if I won
the lottery ?
25. Am I worthy of being loved ?
26. What talents do I have that I can do better than anyone else ?
27. What are the things that pull me off ?
28.What is a peaceful life ?
29. What am I most afraid of in life ?
30.If I had not been born, what would be different about the world ?
31. Would I enjoy watching a movie made of life ?
32. Is my definition of success the same as everyone else ?
33. Do I have a personal mission ?
34.How would I describe the perfect day ?
35. What am I willing to go the extra mile for ?
36. What are the top five negative habits that I must change to achieve
something greater ?
Additional questions
1. Why do you always crave for opportunities to show off ?
2. What things did you miss during your childhood ? How would you
obtain them back ?
3. What is the best part of going on vacation ?
4. Do you prefer hanging out with your family or your friends ? Why ?
5. If you didn’t learn the double bass or piano, what would your life be ?
6. Why do you study ?
7. What are the advantages of having a special talent ?
8. Why is IQ considered so important ?

Challenging questions
1. What does the word family mean to you ?
2. What can music bring to our lives ?
3. What can you obtain from studying continuously ?
4. Think about your failures in the past. Why do they still emerge ?
5. How can you redefine yourself ?

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