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Should English be mandatory for all

Name: Jimmy Vargas Arteaga

English`s language has changed the way we

express with another people around the
world. In my opnion English is the main
language in several countries and help us in
lots of different ways but I’m worried that a
lot of professionals don’t give importance
about that.
First reason is that English`s language help
us to find job of american companies in our
country. When professionals are looking for
new job they can’t apply it, becouse they
don’t speak English very well.
Second is English`s language gives them
oportunity to travel abroad. We can see in
our country many professionals try to travel
to another country for better life’s quality and
they can’t because they don’t know English
and it is very disappointing for them.
The last reason is that English give us to
learning another languages. If you learning
english as a child you speak english faster
and you get to study another language like
french, italian, etc.
In conclusión, I think English should be
mandatory for all profesionals becouse there
are lots of advantages about that.
Personally, I think this would be most
interesting for several companies, and
competent professionals.

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