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By: Isabel Paz Fernandez

This history started fourteen years ago or one hundred sixty-six months, five thousand
sixty-five days, even we could say one hundred twenty-one thousand five hundred and
sixty-nine hours in which we share laughs, plays, lunches, happiness, sadness, loves,
heartbreaks, illusions, disappointments, we see us growing up, change and get better
every year, supporting among us and being proud of our achievements.
We met misters and misses who dedicated their effort and time giving us knowledge;
some of them were strict, others so kind, or serious, even enthusiastic, but all of us
agree in that every teacher leave us a mark that we are going to remember.
We did many friendships, some of them were temporal and others will stay with us and
we will share the rest of our lives together, we have passed the most beautiful era,
where we found more than only classmates, otherwise brothers and sisters.
Ending this phase, I only wish that each one is taking the best memories of all these
years, that everyone complies your dreams, hit your goals and hoping that we are going
to see us soon again, celebrating like every year, the anniversary of our dear alma

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