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Elaina 18.06.


Words commonly used with Present Perfect:

- already - yet - just

- for - since - ever

- never

FOR - we use this word to say for how long something has happened. In Portuguese we use the word

Eu estudei inglês por 10 anos. I've studied English for 10 years.

SINCE - we use this word to say that something happens from a certain moment in the past up to now. In
Portuguese we say "desde".

Eu estive em Lisboa várias vezes desde que me mudei para Portugal.

I've been to Lisbon several times since I moved to Portugal.

AGO - we use this word to say that something has happened anytime before now. In Portuguese we say
"atrás". We need to be aware that this word is almost always used with the Past Simple.

Eu estudei inglês há dez anos. Eu estudei inglês dez anos atrás.

I studied English 10 years ago.

Faz dez anos que eu estudei inglês.

It's been 10 years since I last* studied English. *pela última vez

Faz 20 anos que eu não vejo minha amiga.

I's been 20 years since I last saw my friend.

IT'S BEEN A WHILE > já faz um tempo

Hey, how are you? It's been a while!

Helen has been in Ireland_______ Monday. Since

Helen has been in Ireland _______ three days. For

My aunt's lived in Australia ______ 15 years. For

Tina is in her office. She's been there ______ 7 o'clock. Since

India's been an independent country ______ 1947. Since

The bus is late. We've been waiting ______ 20 minutes. For

Nobody lives in those houses. They've been empty ______ many years. For

Michael's been ill ______ a long time. He's been in hospital ______ October. for/since



Before a noun, we usually use SICK

I have a sick kid to look after.


EVER > in questions with the Present Perfect to ask about life experiences. It carries the ideia of "alguma
vez na vida"

Have you ever gone skiing?

No, I've never gone skiing.

Yes, I've already gone skiing.

Você já conheceu alguém famoso? Have you ever met anybody famous?

Você já terminou o livro?

- Have you finished the book yet? (yet é neutro)

- Have you already finished the book? (already demonstra que já era pra ter termindado)

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