Prepa-Bac 2023 Sujet Unit 3 Development Issues

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Do all the activities of this examination paper on your answer sheet.


Read the text below and do the tasks that follow.

The study of gender and education involves males and females differences in educational outcomes such as
achievement, attainment, and experiences within the education system. Over time, research began to show
that biological differences between genders tend to be smaller than those within gender.
Evidence shows that educators need to have gender awareness to be open to girls' and boys' choices in
5 learning and development. Gender help children explore who they are, and make connections to people
around them, as well as gain self-confidence, well-being, peer acceptance, and social support.

In fact, both girls and boys are getting much more education today than they were 60 years ago. Gender is an
important consideration in development. And globally, more women than men live in poverty.
Gender equality is intrinsically connected to sustainable development and is vital to the realization of human
10 rights for all. The main objective of gender equality is a society in which women and men enjoy the same
opportunities, rights and obligations in all spheres of life.

Girls have the same right to education as boys. Educating girls saves lives and builds stronger families,
communities and economies. Girls are four times more likely to be out of school than boys from the same
background. They get better grades than boys do at all ages, including in math and science, reported by
15 researchers. A big analysis of grades covering 1.6 million elementary, high school and university students
shows that girls outperform boys at all ages.
Girls read more, are more attentive in class, take better notes, spend more time on homework, and show
greater persistence on boring or frustrating tasks. They are also less likely to behave poorly in school. All of
these characteristics are needed to do well in school.

20 The data indicates that females outperform males academically, and that the males’ behaviors impact their
academic success. The connection to males at a young age being placed in low ability reading groups based
upon behaviors, and their motivation and academic achievement is affected negatively.
Gender based inequalities in education around the world, according to UNESCO, are mainly determined by
"poverty, geographical isolation, minority status, disability, early marriage and pregnancy and gender-based
25 violence". That’s why some of the reasons usually offered to explain the persistence of gender
inequality include large abstractions: patriarchy, capitalism, male self-interest, misogyny and religion.

But gender equality prevents violence against women and girls. It's essential for economic prosperity.
Societies that value women and men as equal are safer and healthier. Gender equality is a human right.
Gender awareness raising plays an important role in informing women and men about gender equality, the
30 benefits of a more gender-equal society and the consequences of gender inequality. It really intends to change
attitudes, behaviours and beliefs that reinforce inequalities between women and men.

Adapted from The Oxford Bibliographies website, Tuesday 24 July 2018

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A. Vocabulary Check : Match the words in Column A with their synonyms or meanings in Column B. One option in
Column B is not concerned. Write your answers like in the example. Example: 1 - g
1. outcomes (line 1) a. companion, a person of the same age
2. within (line 3) b. hatred, dislike for women
3. awareness (line 4) c. comportments
4. peer (line 6) d. origin
5. sustainable (line 9) e. information or notes
6. background (line 14) f. feminine or masculine characteristics
7. outperform (line 16)
g. final results
8. data (line 20)
h. exceed, surpass
9. misogyny (line 26)
i. females
10. gender (line 27)
j. inside
11. behaviours (line 31)
k. attention, consciousness
l. viable, continuous

B. Give short answers to the following questions

1. Why is gender important in education?
2. Is there gender inequality in education? And justify it.
3. What is the importance of gender in society?
4. Why is it better to educate a girl than a boy?
5. Who does better in school, males or females? Justify your answer.
6. How does gender affect educational opportunities?
7. What causes gender inequality in education?
8. How important is gender equality?
9. Why is gender awareness important in our society today?
10. What is the principal objective of gender awareness?

Choose the right answers to fill in each gap. Write your answer like this: 1 – some
1. In …… some ………… countries, more girls attend university (any – some - none)
2. Some bad girls ……………..…… our grammar school a few weeks ago (left – had left - leave)
3. They’ve never ………………. in a plane (flew – flown - fly)
4. The weather was ………….….. wet that the wedding ceremony was cancelled (such – so – such a)
5. She was unhappy because she ………………… her MP3 player (was losing – had lost – has lost)
6. Those girls have been attending this school ……………........ many years (since – for - ago)
7. Look! The boss ……………….. over there (is coming – comes - came)


Read the following task carefully and do it. (25 lines maximum)
Task: In spite of some advancements in girl’s education, there are still some difficulties in the world,
especially in poor countries.As the chairman of a non-governmental organization named "All Girls at
School", you decide to write a letter to the Chief Executive of UNICEF, New York, to complain about this
situation, and then suggest some solutions in order to improve girl’s schooling.
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