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Research Proposal PDF Available

Reading skill
February 2021
February 2021

Peiman Abbasi
English International Language School

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The effects of metacognitive and cognitive Strategies upon EFL reading skill
emphasizing to student’s linguality
Peyman Abbasi
Professor Emeritus; new methods of English language teaching and learning

Abstract:: Reading comprehension ability is the potency of students that they can grasp the meaning of
the written texts, text details and main ideas. Furthermore, the ability of reading comprehension

activated learners to communicate with writers. To understand

o student’s the main ideas of written texts help

The effects of metacognitive and cognitive Strategies upon EFL reading skill
emphasizing t
activated learners to communicate with writers. To understand the main ideas of written texts help
learners to be aware and to get particular messages from the texts. The metacognitive and cognitive
knowledges can help readers to analyze, to summarize, to judge, and to distinguish the main idea of
reading texts and also the more details about writer viewpoints to predicate and decision making to
monitor text contents too. The monolingual students are those groups which must be aware about the
impacts of metacognitive strategy upon reading development and comprehension through to prepare and
emanate the bio feedbacks with the teachers. Monolingual groups have to be taught more than bilingual
ones due to their low –proficiency levels and also their weak knowledge capacities about reading
development strategies.
Keywords:: Metacognitive strategies, cognitive strategies, reading strategy, mental activity, linguality,
self-awareness, linguistics differences, processing differences, relevant models
1: Introduction
Reading is a cognitive activity which is essential for adequate functioning and to gain information in the
today’s communities. Nowadays, to outburst of researches in SL reading have been focused on readers’
rategies. Research in second language reading suggests that learners use a variety of strategies to assist
activated learners to communicate with writers. To understand the main ideas of written texts help
them with
learners to the acquisition,
be aware and tostorage, and retrieval
get particular messages of information
from the texts. (Rigney, 1978).Comprehension
The metacognitive or
and cognitive
reading tactics exhibit–how readers to conceive of a task, how they make sense of what they read, of
knowledges can help readers to analyze, to summarize, to judge, and to distinguish the main idea and
what texts
they do and
theythedomore details aboutItwriter
not understand. is mostviewpoints
emphasized to predicate and EFL/ESL
in traditional decision making
even textiscontents
today the focaltoo. Theofmonolingual
center English as astudents
foreign are those groups
language which must in
(EFL) instructions besome
about the
(Susser& Robb, 1990). Reading skill is an instrument to facilitate the communicative fluencyprepare
impacts of metacognitive strategy upon reading development and comprehension through to in eachand
other the bioskills.
language feedbacks with the teachers. Monolingual groups have to be taught more than bilingual
ones due to their low proficiency levels and also their weak knowledge capacities about reading
Reiss strategies.that “the more our students read, the more they become familiar with the
(1983) contends
figurative and imaginative dimensions aand nd also creativeness native speakers of the language.” The other
researchers : Metacognitive
emphasized strategies, cognitive
upon the importantly strategies, reading strategy, mental activity, linguality,
today’s communities. Nowadays, to outburst about reading and addressed it separately. Rivers
focused on (1981)
believes linguistics
that reading is the differences,
most important processing
in any languagerelevant
(p. 259). According to Flavell;
the metacognitive involves about the active monitoring and subsequent adjusting and controlling of the
1: Introduction
information processing. For example it includes these elaboration strategies such as the building of
Reading is to
connected a cognitive activity which
the prior knowledges, orismemory
essential for adequate
strategies such functioning and to gain information in the
as note taking.
of researches in SL reading have been
stAccording with Pintrich
rategies. Research (2000)
in second that combined
language readingthe function
suggests thatoflearners
a discrepancies of self-discipline
use a variety of strategies theorists
to assist
through a common framework that included the following factors:
them with the acquisition, storage, and retrieval of information (Rigney, 1978).Comprehension or
1. tactics exhibit
Forethought, planning howandreaders to conceive of a task, how they make sense of what they read, and
what they
Reiss (1983)do contends
when theythat do “the
not understand. It is most
more our students emphasized
read, the more theyin traditional EFL/ESL
become familiar courses
with the and
2. To monitor
even today is the focal center of English as a foreign language (EFL) instructions in some countries
nd also creativeness native speakers of the language.” The other
(Susser& Robb, 1990). Reading skill is an instrument to facilitate the communicative fluency in each of
3. Controlling and self-awareness
other language skills.
4. Apropos reacting and reflecting
The cognitive
figurative and process is a mental
imaginative procedure
dimensions a that includes the thinking strategies to solve the problems,
decision making,
researchers to learnupon
emphasized newthe
knowledge andabout
importantly to understand the previous
reading and addressedexperiments.
it separately. Rivers (1981)
believes that reading is the most important activity in any language class (p. 259). According to Flavell;
English language teaching as a second or foreign llanguage
anguage (ESL/EFL) has four basic skills: reading
reading,, listening,
the metacognitive involves about the active monitoring and subsequent adjusting and controlling of the
speaking and writing which have been identified aass the four policies in language learning. Reading is
information processing. For example it includes these elaboration strategies such as the building of
considered especially valuable under the foreign language context because it is one main source for
connected to the prior knowledges, or memory strategies such as note taking.
students to achieve language content (Ediger, 2001), therefore it is important that students becom becomee
According with Pintrich (2000) that combined the function of a discrepancies of self-discipline theorists
through a common framework that included the following factors:
1. Forethought, planning and activating
2. To monitor
3. Controlling and self-awareness
4. Apropos reacting and reflecting
The cognitive process is a mental procedure that includes the thinking strategies to solve the problems,
decision making,teaching
English language to learnasnew knowledge
a second andlanguage
or foreign to understand the previous
(ESL/EFL) experiments.
has four basic skills: reading, listening,
speaking and writing which have been identified as the four policies in language
learning. Reading is
considered especially valuable under the foreign language context because it is one main source for
students to achieve language content (Ediger, 2001), therefore it is important that students become
advanced in the reading process. Alfassi stated that students should “understand the meaning of text,
critically to assess the message remember the content, and apply the new-found knowledge flexibly.
2: Review of literature
Reading strategy
Reading subterfuges which are too much important for what they showed about the way that the readers
manage to interact with the text materials and how those strategies are related to reading comprehension
developments. The researchers offer a variety of theoretical definitions of reading strategies in the
literature, during the past decades. Duffy (1993), and Richards and Renandya (2002, p. 278) stated that
reading strategies means, plans for solving problems encountered in constructing meaning. According to
the reading process.
reading Alfassi
strategies are stated that students should
“the comprehension “understand
processes rs use in order to make
that reade
sense of what they read.” According with Garner; reading strategies are essentially deliberate, planned
activities used by active learners, over and over to remedy apparent cognitive failure. In the same way,
reading strategies are defined by Afferbach, Pearson, and Paris (2008) as: deliberate, goal directed
attempts to control and modify the reader’s efforts to decode text, understand word, and construct
advanced out of text.
meanings meaning of text,
critically to assess the message remember the content, and apply the new-found knowledge flexibly.
Reading comprehension
2: Review
Reading of literature is perpetual developmental strategy that is to receive and to interpret the
strategy of the written texts. In fact it occurs while the readers are extracting and to
Reading the differentwhich
subterfuges types are
of text
too contents
much and thenfor
important to what
they them
that the readers
Brantmeier (2002) reading strategies are “the comprehension processes that reade
which have been stored in their memories. It is an active and also a complex procedure
manage to interact with ”the text materials and how those strategies are related to reading comprehension in which it
developments. The researchers offer a variety of theoretical definitions of reading strategies in the
involves to understand the reading texts and to interact with them and to interact with the writer’s
intensions and their
literature, during thepurposes to write
past decades. the (1993),
Duffy text. and Richards and Renandya (2002, p. 278) stated that
reading strategies
Reading means,
to understand plans the
modify for reader’s
solving problems
efforts to encountered
decode text, in constructing
understand word,meaning. According to
and construct
rs use in order to make
Reading Understanding:
sense of what Accordingwith
they read. According withGarner;
The R&D Program
reading in Reading
strategies Comprehension
are essentially (RAND
deliberate, planned
used by Group,
active2002, p. 11),
learners, overoften
over to to as theapparent
remedy RAND Report,
cognitivedefined reading
failure. In the same way,
reading strategies
comprehension as are
processbyofAfferbach, Pearson,
simultaneously and Paris
extracting and(2008)
constructing meaninggoal
as: deliberate, through
attempts to and
and with written language. It consists of three elements: the reader, the text and
the purpose
meanings outofofreading
text. .”
Student’s linguistics knowledge for reading comprehension
Reading to
involves comprehension
understand the reading texts and to interact with them and to interact with the writer’s
several differences which affected
is perpetual upon thestrategy
developmental readingthat
comprehension development
is to receive and between
to interpret the the
L1 and the
encoded L2 readersofthat
information theinclude; the linguistic
written texts. In fact itlevel, educational
occurs while the proficiencies, the sociocultural
readers are extracting and to and
also the institutional
integrate the differentdifferences.
types of textThere is two
contents types
and thenoftodifferent
them withamong the L1
their prior and the L2
which have been stored in their memories. It is an active and also a complex procedure in which it
1: linguistic differences
intensions and their purposes to write the text.
comprehension as “the process of simultaneously extracting
2: processing differences
Reading todifferences
Linguistic understand
differences:.”: The research results revealed that the L2 readers commenced their reading
According with The R&D Program in Reading Comprehension (RAND
Reading with a different linguistic knowledge resources of the first language readers. Ordinary, the L1
Reading Study Group, 2002, p. 11),
Student’s linguistics knowledge foroften referred
reading to as the RAND Report, defined reading
students approximately know around 5000-8000 new words and expressions orally while they have six
and constructing meaning through
years old and when their reading abilities are being progressed. During that age, they can store very
interaction and involvement with written language. It consists of three elements: the reader, the text and
enrich knowledges of morphology and the syntactic structures of language.
the purpose of reading
According to Koda (2007):
In contrast with the L1 reading, L2 reading involves two languages. The dual language involvement
There are several differences which affected upon the reading comprehension development between the
implies continual interaction between the two languages as well as incessant adjustments in
L1 and the L2 readers that include; the linguistic level, educational proficiencies, the sociocultural and
accommodating the disparate demands each language imposes For this reason, L2 reading is cross-
also the institutional differences. There is two types of different characters among the L1 and the L2
linguistic, and thus, inherently more complex than first language reading.

1: linguistic differences
2: processing differences
: The research results revealed that the L2 readers commenced their reading
Linguistic differences
processes with a different linguistic knowledge resources of the first language readers. Ordinary, the L1
The false cognates or the near cognates had influenced upon the word cognition in the reader mind. Also
the linguistic differences; at the discourse, syntactic or the orthographic levels can mislead and
misconceptions for the L2 readers particularly at the beginning stages of learning procedures. The L2
readers due to their dominancy upon two language knowledges they have a professional level about to

develop a standard level of metalinguistic information which to support their reading comprehension
The false cognates or the near cognates had influenced upon the word cognition in the reader mind. Also
the linguistic differences; at the discourse, syntactic or the orthographic levels can mislead and
misconceptions for the L2 readers particularly at the beginning stages of learning procedures. The L2
To process
readers due differences
to : According
their dominancy upontotwo
view theknowledges
professionals or have
they the L2a professional
ones have a very
about to
word recognition ability and also a more less accurately ranges about word processing which they leaded
to slowing while they began to read. In summary, while L2 readers are limited in linguistic resources
and their experiences with their native language may interfere with L2 reading processing, they enjoy
the advantage over L1 readers in terms of experience with their native language and the world, as most
L2 readers are older in age than L1 readers. Reading researchers are therefore suggested to conduct
studies examining the differences and similarities between L1 and L2 reading processes which will
inform classroom instructions in reading comprehension. In addition, given linguistic processing,
educational, developmental, and sociocultural differences between L1 reading and L2 reading, it is
recommended that findings and implications from L1 reading research be examined carefully before it’s
application to L2 reading research and instruction.
Reading comprehension’s relevant models
The a standard
models providelevel of metalinguistic
a description informationabout
and representation whichthetodifferent
support reading
their reading comprehension
theories to interpret how
the reading comprehension process works and to which factors it has been involved. There is two
important models: the information
: Accordingprocessing model
to that view and the multiple
the professionals component
or the model.
L2 ones have a very slowly
wordprocess differences
recognition ability and also a more less accurately ranges about word processing which they leaded
3: Methodology
to slowing while they began to read. In summary, while L2 readers are limited in linguistic resources
and their experiences with their native language may interfere with L2 reading processing, they enjoy
the advantage over L1 readers in terms of experience with their native language and carefully
the world,before
as most
The population distribution of research has been selected among the high be school students in Kermanshah
examined it’s
L2 readers are older in age than L1 readers. Reading researchers are therefore suggested to conduct
city, Iran public and the private educational locations and institutes that their gender ratios is mostly
studies examining the differences and similarities between L1 and L2 reading processes which will
male and at least female by which their age ranges is from 15-18 years old. The total number of research
eading classroom instructions
comprehension’s in reading
relevant comprehension. In addition, given linguistic processing,
samples is 65 mono and bilingual English language learners. That selection is partly randomly drafted
educational, developmental, and sociocultural differences between L1 reading and L2 reading, it is
and according to the snow-ball sampling elicitation in the other hand.
recommended that findings and implications from L1 reading research
applicationto tothe
L2 designed and distributed
reading research questionnaires among the experimental groups, all of research
and instruction.
populations divided to two groups with attention to their linguality abilities (group A and group B).
Group a :( 49 bilingual male 7 bilingual female)
The models provide a description and representation about the different reading theories to interpret how
Group b :( 7comprehension
the reading monolingual male and works
process 2 monolingual female)
and to which factors it has been involved. There is two
important models: the information processing model and the multiple component model.
The monolingual groups are those language learners that just know one language (their mother
languages) or in fact they are L1s but the bilingual populations are those language learners that can speak
3: Methodology
English language fluently and accurately more over than their vernacular or native language. Language
Subject phenomena in that research paper is the ability of experimental groups in their houses and also
outside communications speech particularly
distribution of research the L2 among
has been selected or bilingually
the highis school
more emphasized.
students in Kermanshah
city, Iran public and the private educational locations and institutes that their gender ratios is mostly
male and at least female by which their age ranges is from 15-18 years old. The total number of research
samples is 65 mono and bilingual English language learners. That selection is partly randomly drafted
and according to the snow-ball sampling elicitation in the other hand.
According to the designed and distributed questionnaires among the experimental groups, all of research
populations divided to two groups with attention to their linguality abilities (group A and group B).
To complete that research article a lot of instruments was being applied.
A: The penguin English reading test which contains of several sections: message, people, places, things,
fictions and facts. During that test the experimental groups answered to the reading questions as fill in
the blank options, multiple choice items, yes/no questions and short or long answer ones and cloze texts
or the c-tests(total time=60m).
B: The reading between lines test, which the questions are designed as documents based or the
DBQs.This test is for the middle or the high school students to improve their reading comprehension
development capacities to learn new vocabularies, learning real grammatical structures, etc. Students
have to answer a question according to a particular theme or topic which had a lot of primary related
source documents (total time 75m).
C: Questionnaires predetermined and administered to assess and measurement the background
knowledges of the experimental groups about reading comprehension development abilities regarding to
metacognitive and cognitive reading strategies with emphasized to linguality. That article, has been
used of five- items Likert scale questionnaires sample by which the group members must selected one
To complete
option amongthat
the research article
other items for atheir
lot of instruments
reading was beingstrategies.
comprehension applied. The semantic differential scale
A: The penguin English reading test which contains of several sections: message, people, places, things,
fictions and facts. During that test the experimental groups answered to the reading questions as fill in
the blank options, multiple choice items, yes/no questions and short or long answer ones and cloze texts
or the c-tests(total time=60m).
B: The reading between lines test, which the questions are designed as documents based or the
DBQs.This test is for the middle or the high school students to improve their reading comprehension
development capacities to learn new vocabularies, learning real grammatical structures, etc. Students
have to answer a question according to a particular theme or topic which had a lot of primary related
source documents (total time 75m).
C: Questionnaires predetermined and administered to assess and measurement the background
which of the experimental
has bi-polar attitudes aboutgroups about
reading readingorcomprehension
strategies development
pairs of adjectives. All of theabilities regarding
questionnaires to
metacognitive and cognitive reading strategies with emphasized to linguality.
piloted in order to their validity and reliability to use cognitive test procedure. That article, has been
used of five- items Likert scale questionnaires sample by which the group members must selected one
option among the other items for their reading comprehension strategies. The semantic differential scale
The researcher considered two experimental groups to complete that article, understanding the effects of
metacognitive and cognitive strategies with regard to the learner’s linguality to achieve his intended
purposes. At first researcher acted to select the research population then to prepare the useful
instruments to perform the research processes regularly. Writing the questionnaire’s topic and related
contend to article subject are the other job of research article investigator. To complete that article has
been took times at least a month by which included two phases:
First: the reading test was administered among the high school students mono and bilingual groups total
65 EFL learner.
Second: the questionnaires have been accomplished by the two experimental groups; mono and bilingual
which1 has bi-polar attitudes about reading strategies or pairs of adjectives. All of the questionnaires were
metacognitive and cognitive strategies with regard to the learner’s linguality to achieve his intended
piloted in order to their validity and reliability to use cognitive test procedure.
instruments to perform the research processes regularly. Writing the questionnaire’s topic and related
researcher considered two experimental groups to complete that article, understanding the effects of
purposes. At first researcher acted to select the research population then to prepare the useful

10 to article subject are the other job of research article investigator. To complete that article has
5 took times at least a month by which included two phases:

First: the reading test was administered

BI LIamong theOUhigh
NG UA L GR P school students mono and bilingual groups total
30EFL learner.
Chart: 1
Second: the questionnaires have been accomplished by the two experimental groups; mono and bilingual
alwa ys usua lly occ asio nally se ldom neve r

cognitive strategy metacognitive strategy

Chart: 2

0 Monolingual group
alwa ys usua lly occ asio nally se ldom neve r
cognitive strategy metacognitive strategy
always Monolingual groupsometimes
very often rarely
Chart: 2 cognitive strategy metacognitive strategy total strategies

1 is a mental and cognitive process which combined of two abilities: The ability to decode and
for comprehension. It is a cognitive ability which helps to learn the new knowledges about the word
meanings and structures. The meta-cognitive
always very often
helps learner to monitor, self-awareness, to analyze

and to control the cognitive ability during

cognitive strategy reading comprehension.
metacognitive strategy According
total strategies with the data analysis of
that research it indicated that the linguality has a significant impacts upon the both groups of the
research; mono lingual and the bilinguals, especially the bilingual groups. Two groups meaningfully are
very different regard to applying the three strategies to develop their reading comprehension

Reading is a mental and cognitive process which combined of two abilities: The ability to decode and
for comprehension. It is a cognitive ability which helps to learn the new knowledges about the word
meanings and structures. The meta-cognitive process helps learner to monitor, self-awareness, to analyze
and to control the cognitive ability during reading comprehension. According with the data analysis of
that research it indicated that the linguality has a significant impacts upon the both groups of the
research; mono lingual and the bilinguals, especially the bilingual groups. Two groups meaningfully are
very different regard to applying the three strategies to develop their reading comprehension
: David Thomas (2003). Improving your memory.
2: Pressley M, Afflerbach P 1995. Verbal Protocols of Reading: The Nature of Constructively
Responsive Reading. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc.
3: Cognitive psychology: Michael W.Eysenks, Mark T. Kean., A student handbook; 6th ed.
4: Cognition, Metacognition and Reading, Donna-Lynn Forrest-Pressley T. Gary Waller
5: Limei Zhang, Metacognitive and Cognitive Strategy Use in Reading Comprehension, 2018.Springer

Citations (0) References (2)

Verbal Protocols of Reading: The Nature of Constructively Responsive Reading

May 1996
Michael Pressley · Peter Afflerbach


Improving your memory

Jan 2003
David Thomas
David Thomas (2003). Improving your memory.
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October 2021
Peiman Abbasi

Reading comprehension ability is potency of students that they can grasp meaning of written texts, text details and main ideas.
Furthermore, ability of reading comprehension activated learners to communicate with writers. To understand the main ideas of written
texts help learners to be aware and to get particular messages from the texts. Metacognitive and cognitive knowledges can help
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