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Tugas 3 Sesi 7

Tugas 3

A. Perhatikan denah berikut ini. Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut

berdasarkan denah.

1. Is there any public hospital near here? Where is it?

2. Where is the National Bank of Indonesia?
3. Where is Ramayana department store?
4. Excuse me. Is there any restaurant around here? Where is it?
5. Can you tell me where the drug store, please?
6. Can you tell me the way to the railway station, please?

National Bank of Chinese Ramayana

Indonesia Restaurant
Jalan Yos Sudarso

-------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------
Railway Drug Store Mar Public Hospital
Station ta

B. Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut berdasarkan identitas Anda.

1. What is your hobby?

2. When do you usually do your hobby?
3. What do you usually do on your spare time?
4. Do you do the activity very often?
5. How often do you do the activity on your spare time?
6. Where do you usually go for recreation?

Jawaban :


1. Yes. The public hospital located at Martadinata street across from Drug Store.

2. The Natioal Bank of Indonesia located at Yos Sudarso Street near the Chinese

Restaurant and across the Railway Station.

3. The Ramayana Department Store located at Yos Sudarso street on the corner of

Chinese Restaurant in Front of Public Hospital

4. There is Chinese Restaurant, it is On Yos Sudarso Street, and next to Ramayana

Department Store.

5. You just go straight in Yos Sudarso Street, The Drug Store is in the corner of

Martadinata Street beside The Railway Station.

6. Yes, You just go straight on Yos Sudarso Street, it is across National Bank of

Indonesia Yos Sudarso Street.


1. My Hobby is Playing Video Game, Playing Badminton, Reading and Sport

2. Sometime I Do it in My Spare Time.

3. Doing My Hobby.

4. Three Times a Week

5. Only every Night at My Leisure Time

6. Go to The Mountains and Travel

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